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a powerful, bu t simple ‘boot
BASIC’ computer
With the low-cost Raspberry Pi Pico board, a handful of standard components
and our new firmware, you can build this amazingly capable ‘boot to BASIC’
computer. It has a 16-colour VGA output, a PS/2 keyboard input, runs programs
from an SD card and can be built in no time. And it uses our popular fullyfeatured MMBasic interpreter.
fter the fun of building it,
you can have even more fun
writing programs to track your
expenses, teach children about computing, play simple computer games
and calculate the positions of the planets (to name a few possible activities).
‘Boot to BASIC’ computers were
popular in the early 1980s – think of
the Tandy TRS-80, Vic 20, Commodore
64 and 128, Apple II, Amigas and many
others. After turning them on, within
a fraction of a second, you have access
to the built-in BASIC language, where
you can test commands, then enter or
load a program and run it. The operating system is built-in.
Developing a program is fast and
stress-free. You use the editor to enter
the program into memory and run
it with one keystroke. If there is an
error in your program, you get a plain
English message pointing to the problem. With another keystroke, you will
be taken back into the editor with the
cursor placed on the line that caused
the error, ready to be fixed.
If this sounds familiar, that’s because
this computer is the latest of a series
that we have published over the years,
starting with the monochrome Maximite (March-May 2011; siliconchip. and including the
Colour Maximite 2 (July & August
and August & September 2021;
What sets this one apart is that it is
so simple. The Raspberry Pi Pico module costs less than $10, and with just
a few other components, you have a
fully working computer.
While it is simple, it does not lack
performance. It runs a dual-core 32-bit
CPU with a clock speed of up to
252MHz, has 103KB of program memory, a 640 x 480 pixel VGA output and
stores programs and data on standard
Words and MMBasic by Geoff Graham
Silicon Chip
SD cards. To put that into perspective,
it is about 100 times faster and more
capable than the Apple II computer
that was so popular in its heyday, yet
costs about 1/100th as much!
This firmware is derived from the
PicoMite firmware for the Raspberry
Pi Pico that we described in the January 2022 issue (
Article/15177). In this version, we
have removed the ability to drive LCD
panels and replaced it with the ability to produce a colour VGA signal.
Other than this, the two versions are
VGA output
The VGA output is generated within
the Raspberry Pi Pico, a considerable
feat for a low-cost processor without any specialised hardware for the
task. It is derived from work by Miroslav Nemecek in the Czech Republic,
ported by Peter Mather in the UK.
VGA PicoMite firmware by Peter Mather
Australia's electronics magazine
The Raspberry Pi Pico (shown 50% larger
than real life) is a popular and cheap
microcontroller module with plenty of
memory, speed and I/O capability. With
our VGA PicoMite firmware, you can easily
program it in BASIC with a VGA monitor,
keyboard and SD card storage support and
access to all the Pico’s features.
The VGA signal is generated using
the second CPU in the RP2040 processor on the Raspberry Pi Pico plus
one PIO channel. Because of this, it
does not affect the performance of the
BASIC interpreter, which runs unimpeded at full speed on the first CPU.
The video signal is in the standard VGA format with a pixel rate of
25.175MHz and a frame rate of 60Hz,
so you get a stable video output that
is supported by all VGA monitors. In
monochrome mode, the resolution is
640 x 480 pixels, while in colour mode,
the pixels are doubled horizontally
and vertically to give an effective resolution of 320 x 240 pixels.
Regardless of the mode, the monitor
still receives a 640 x 480 pixel image,
and virtually all monitors support
this mode.
The colour mode uses four bits to
define the colour of each pixel, giving
a total of sixteen (24) colours (including black). One bit is assigned to red,
two bits for green and one bit for blue.
While this is not very good for displaying photographs, it is great for games,
graphs and brightening up the output
of your programs.
The graphics driver includes some
of the features of the Colour Maximite 2. So, in addition to drawing lines,
boxes, etc, you can also have multiple
fonts and create fast animations with
the BLIT command. You can load
images from the SD card for display on
the video screen, and you can save an
image of the current screen to the SD
card (ie, take a screenshot/screengrab).
The hardware to generate the VGA
signal only uses eight resistors and
two diodes to generate the correct
signal levels. These components can
be assembled on a piece of perforated
stripboard (eg, Veroboard), but we felt
that many people would like the convenience of building it on a PCB, so
we have designed a simple board that
includes the VGA output and the keyboard and SD card interfaces.
But, if you want to build it on an
extreme budget, the stripboard solution will work fine.
Keyboard and SD card
The VGA PicoMite firmware supports standard PS/2 keyboards. While
they are less popular today than USB
keyboards, there are still plenty to
be found, and many wired USB keyboards come with a PS/2 adaptor.
These work perfectly with the VGA
PicoMite. The keyboard is fully supported; auto-repeat and the arrow and
function keys work as expected.
The PS/2 standard uses 5V signal
levels, but the Raspberry Pi Pico is
strictly limited to a maximum of 3.6V,
so level shifting is required to interface the Pico with the keyboard. This
is done using four resistors and two
Mosfets. Like the VGA interface, this
could be built on a perforated stripboard if you do not want to use our PCB
(although it isn’t exactly expensive).
SD cards use 3.3V signal levels, so
they can connect directly to the Raspberry Pi Pico with no interface components required. The firmware supports
cards up to 32GB, formatted with a
FAT16 or FAT32 file system. MMBasic
supports long file names, hierarchical
folders etc. You can save, load and run
BASIC programs from the card as well
as read/write data files to it.
The file system is compatible with
Windows, Linux and macOS, so it
is easy to use an SD card to transfer
data back and forth between the VGA
PicoMite and a computer or laptop.
However, an SD card is not necessary as the firmware reserves eight
‘slots’ for BASIC programs in the Pico’s
flash memory. So you can save or
retrieve up to eight separate programs
there if you wish. If you are just casually playing with this computer, that
could be all you need.
Regardless, adding SD card support
is so easy that we have included it on
our PCB.
Australia's electronics magazine
The firmware supports many other
devices that can be connected, including infrared (IR) remote control receivers, stereo audio output, distance sensors, a real-time clock, temperature
sensors and so on. We did not clutter
up the PCB with these, but you can
easily connect external circuitry to the
40-pin header on the rear of the board.
These pins mimic the I/O pins on
the Raspberry Pi Pico (including the
VGA and keyboard connections), so
you can add almost whatever you want
via that connector.
None of this can work without the
firmware and MMBasic. We have
described MMBasic many times
before, so it is sufficient to say that it
is a full-featured version of the BASIC
computer language designed to be
easy to use.
As mentioned before, the firmware includes a built-in editor with
a colour-coded display plus support
for all the peripherals described above
(and more).
On the VGA PicoMite, programs can
be as large as 108KB. The amount of
RAM available for buffers, arrays, etc
is even larger at 140KB, so you can
have very large data arrays.
By default, the CPU runs with an
instruction clock of 126MHz, but
you can switch it to 252MHz. This is
‘overclocking’ the RP2040 processor
used in the Raspberry Pi Pico, which
has a specified top speed of 133MHz.
However, nearly all the Picos we have
tested run fine at this speed, so it is a
viable option if you want to go mad
with the performance.
One feature that will be appreciated
by people who played with the early
computers of the 1980s is that MMBasic saves the program to flash memory,
not RAM. When you edit a program,
it is saved to flash, and when you run
it, it runs from flash.
Because flash memory is non-volatile,
July 2022 53
you will not lose your program, even if
you accidentally restart the device or
interrupt the power – something that
happened distressingly often with the
early computers that stored programs
in volatile RAM.
Circuit details
Fig.1 is the straightforward circuit
of the VGA PicoMite. The VGA output from the Raspberry Pi Pico uses
six digital signals – one for red, two
for green, one for blue and one each
for horizontal and vertical synchronisation. For the red and blue signals,
the digital output levels are simply
clipped by the 1N4148 diodes to 0.7V,
the correct level for full brightness in
the VGA standard.
The green output also has a resistor
network providing four intensity levels from completely off to full brightness. The 200W multi-turn trimming
potentiometer lets you adjust for a
balanced white output without needing precision resistors with hard-tofind values.
The horizontal and vertical sync signals use standard TTL signal levels, so
they directly connect to the monitor.
The keyboard interface consists of
just two signals, the clock and the
data lines, which are bi-directional.
Each signal is level-shifted using two
resistors and a small 2N7000 Mosfet.
There are many ways to implement
level shifting, but this is cheap and
uses common components.
In the idle state, the outputs from
the Pico and the keyboard are pulled
high to 3.3V and 5V respectively, by
10kW pull-up resistors. When the Pico
wants to send a signal, it pulls its output low, causing the Mosfet to conduct
because its gate is held at +3.3V. This
means that the keyboard’s corresponding pin is also pulled low.
When the keyboard wants to signal,
it pulls its pin low, and that causes
the substrate diode in the Mosfet to
conduct and also pull the Pico’s corresponding pin low.
There is very little to the SD card
interface. All the SD card signal lines
connect directly to the Raspberry Pi
Pico as both the SD card and the Pico
use 3.3V logic signalling.
This SPI serial bus consists of four
• Chip select (CS), which is pulled
low by the Pico when it wants to
• The clock, generated by the Pico.
• Master out slave in (MOSI), which
carries data from the Pico (the
master) to the card.
• Master in slave out (MISO), which
carries data from the card to the
The card socket also has switches
to indicate when a card is inserted
and whether it is write-protected, but
these are not used to keep the maximum number of the Pico’s I/O pins
free. Instead, the card’s insertion and
removal are detected by ‘polling’ the
SD card (ie, periodically checking if
it is present).
The Raspberry Pi Pico itself is
powered via its micro USB connector, which provides 5V for the PS/2
Fig.1: the VGA PicoMite circuit mainly comprises the components necessary to convert the Raspberry Pi Pico’s
signal levels to that required by the PS/2 keyboard and VGA monitor. It could be assembled on a piece of perforated
stripboard, but the commercial PCB doesn’t cost that much, makes construction much easier and gives a more
professional-looking result.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
keyboard. The output of the Pico’s
onboard 3.3V regulator is used to
power the processor and flash memory, and is also fed to the SD card.
For maximum flexibility, all 40 pins
on the Raspberry Pi Pico are routed to
the 40-way connector on the rear of
the PCB in the same configuration as
that used by the Pico. This makes it
easy to connect external devices using
jumper wires, as you can consult the
Pico pinout diagram and then select
the corresponding pins on the 40-way
Taking into consideration the I/O
pins reserved for the VGA output,
keyboard and SD card, there are still
14 I/Os available for interacting with
external circuitry.
The simplest way to source the
components is to purchase a kit from
the Silicon Chip Online Shop, which
includes everything except a power
supply and a case. But if you decide
to source the parts yourself, you might
have some difficulties due to current
shortages, especially with the VGA
and SD card connectors.
It can help to use a parts search site
like to identify
suppliers that currently have stock of
a given part.
Populating the PCB is straightforward (see Fig.2). As usual, start with
the low-profile components and work
upward. Preferably, your soldering
iron should be temperature-controlled
and have a chisel or conical tip with
a diameter of 1.7mm or thereabouts.
You can get away with other sizes,
but some of the pads (for example, on
the VGA connector) are close together,
meaning a smaller tip will be easier
to use.
Note the choice of mounting a vertical or right-angle 2x20-pin header for
CON4 depending on whether you’re
using a case or not.
The SD card socket is surface-
mounted and, because you need space
to get your soldering iron close to it,
you should start with that. Begin by
applying a thin layer of flux paste on
all its pads. It has two small posts on
the underside that click into matching holes in the PCB to ensure perfect
With the socket in position, solder
the two tabs on the right side of the
socket (viewed from the front) and
the five on the left side. Now that the
Parts List – VGA PicoMite
1 double-sided PCB coded 07107221, 124mm x 69mm
1 Raspberry Pi Pico
1 right-angle PCB-mount DE15 (VGA) socket (CON1) [TE Connectivity
1-1734530-1 or Multicomp SPC15430; Mouser, element14, RS]
1 right-angle PCB-mount 6-pin mini-DIN socket (CON2)
[Altronics P1106 or element14 1200113]
1 Hirose DM1AA-SF-PEJ(72) or DM1AA-SF-PEJ(82) SD card connector
(CON3) [Mouser, Digi-Key, element14, RS]
1 2×20-pin header, 2.54mm pitch (CON4) OR
1 2×20-pin right-angle box header, 2.54mm pitch (CON4)
(for installation in a case)
1 4-pin vertical short actuator tactile switch (S1)
[Altronics S1120 or element14 4511189]
1 200W multi-turn top-adjust trimpot (VR1)
[Altronics R2372A or element14 9353569]
2 2N7000 60V 200mA N-channel Mosfets, TO-92 (Q1, Q2)
2 IN4148 diodes (D1, D2)
1 100nF 50V+ multi-layer ceramic or MKT capacitor
Resistors (all through-hole 1/4W 5%)
4 10kW metal or carbon film resistors
7 220W metal or carbon film resistors
Optional parts
1 71 × 130 × 30mm grey ABS instrument case [Altronics H0376]
4 No.2 × 4-5mm self-tapping screws (if mounting PCB in case)
4 stick-on rubber feet or short tapped spacers with M3 machine screws
(if using PCB without case)
2 20-pin SIL headers, 2.54mm pitch (to make Pico module pluggable)
2 20-pin SIL header sockets, 2.54mm pitch (to make Pico module pluggable)
Kit: a mostly complete kit for the VGA PicoMite is available from the Silicon
Chip Online Shop (Cat SC6417
SC6417) for $35. It includes the PCB and everything
that mounts on it. You just need to add a USB power supply, keyboard,
monitor and optionally an SD card. This can be mounted in a case although
you’ll also need a different header for CON4 and some self-tapping screws.
Fig.2: assembling the VGA PicoMite is easy; just fit the parts as shown here,
starting with the lower-profile components and working up to the taller
ones. The diodes, Mosfets & Pico must be orientated correctly. The main
options to consider are whether you’re using headers for the Pico and the
type of connector you’re using for CON4.
Australia's electronics magazine
July 2022 55
The Raspberry Pi Pico can be
directly soldered to the PCB, or you
can solder pin headers to the Pico and
then plug this assembly into matching SIL header sockets soldered to the
PCB, as shown in the adjacent photo.
Using the sockets is the safest option
as you can then easily replace the
Pico if you suspect that it has been
Housing the VGA PicoMite
If you want to house the VGA PicoMite in a box, the board is sized to fit in the
Altronics H0376 snap-together case. The Raspberry Pi Pico can be directly
soldered to the PCB, or you can solder pin headers to the Pico and then plug this
assembly into two matching 20-pin single-in-line (SIL) header sockets installed
on the PCB. Using headers means that you can easily replace the Pico if it fails.
socket is secured, you can solder the
nine pins on the rear. For each pin,
slide the tip of your iron over the solder pad towards the connector so that
the tip hits the connector’s pin. Within
half a second, the solder should magically flow around the pin, and you can
withdraw the iron.
If you get a solder bridge, don’t
worry and carry on with the other pins.
Finally, examine your soldering using
a powerful magnifier and check for any
bridges (especially to the connector’s
shield) and remove them using more
flux paste and solder wick.
Be careful here, as the solder wick
can suck up all the solder, so you
should recheck the joint after using it
(although it usually leaves a sufficient
amount behind).
We expect that most readers will
put rubber feet on the bottom of the
PCB and use it as is (‘naked’). Another
option for feet is tapped spacers via
the mounting holes.
Still, if you want to house it in a box,
the board is sized to fit in a small 71 x
130 x 30mm instrument case (Altronics H0376). Incidentally, this is the
same case that was used for the first
‘boot to BASIC’ computer we published, the original Maximite, back
in 2011.
If you are planning to house the
PCB in this, you can replace the vertical 40-way pin header on the rear of
the PCB with a right angle shrouded
IDC connector so that you can use a
ribbon cable to connect to any external circuits.
See Fig.3 for the front and rear panel‘s drilling diagram to suit the Altronics H0376 case.
Loading the firmware
Loading the firmware onto the Raspberry Pi Pico is quick and easy, thanks
to the bootloader built into the Pico.
All you need to do is hold down the
white button on the top of the Pico
while plugging its USB connector
into your computer. The Raspberry
Fig.3: use these front & rear
panel cutting diagrams/
templates to locate and size
the holes in the case. The
central cut-out in the front is
to plug a cable into the USB
socket on the Pico. Use the
upper, dashed cut-out if you’ve
mounted the Pico on headers.
Either way, it might need
enlarging depending on the
size of the plug on your USB
The distance between the
dashed cutout on the front
panel and the cutout below it
is 5mm.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Pi Pico will appear as a pseudo USB
flash drive onto which you copy (eg,
drag and drop) the “PicoMiteVGA.uf2”
firmware file.
This will upload the file to the Pico
and program it into its flash memory.
Following this, the Raspberry Pi
Pico will drop the USB connection
and reconnect as a virtual serial port
over USB. But you can ignore that for
the moment, as it will also come up
driving the VGA output and looking
for an attached keyboard.
If you have a VGA monitor attached,
you will see the MMBasic copyright
message (as shown in Screen 1) and, if
you have a keyboard attached, you can
try typing in a command. For example, try “PRINT 2 + 2” and, unless your
computer failed kindergarten, it will
display the number 4.
The only adjustment needed is the
200W trimpot for the white balance.
To correctly set this, you should display a large area of white. You can do
this by entering the following line at
the command prompt:
CLS RGB(white)
This will clear the screen to a white
background, and you can then adjust
the trimpot for a neutral white colour
without a tint.
Fault finding
If you do not see anything on your
monitor after loading the firmware,
start by checking the green LED on
the top of the Raspberry Pi Pico. It
should be slowly flashing off/on with
a period of about a second and a half.
This indicates that the Pico is correctly
programmed with the firmware and is
running MMBasic.
If you do not see the LED flashing,
reprogram the Raspberry Pi Pico and
make sure that it completes successfully. Also make sure that you used
the VGA PicoMite firmware and not
the standard PicoMite firmware without the VGA capability – that will also
flash the LED but not provide the VGA
If the Raspberry Pi Pico is OK, you
will then need to resort to standard
fault-finding procedures. Carefully
check all solder joints with a magnifier, look for solder bridges, check all
components and their values and make
sure that the orientations of the diodes
and Mosfets are correct.
It is also worth checking your monitor, keyboard and connecting cables.
PicoMiteVGA MMBasic Version
Copyright 2011-2021 Geoff Graham
Copyright 2016-2021 Peter Mather
Screen 1: after loading the firmware, the VGA PicoMite will restart, activate the
VGA output and look for an attached keyboard. With a VGA monitor connected,
you will see this copyright message, and if you have a keyboard attached, you
can try typing in a command or two.
Do they work with other devices? The
cables can be a problem; in the past,
some constructors have been baffled by
the lack of video only to discover that
their VGA cable was faulty.
SD card
The VGA output and keyboard interfaces automatically operate after the
firmware is installed, but the interface to the SD card needs to be configured before it can be used. This is
done with the following command,
entered on one line at the MMBasic
command prompt:
GP11, GP12
This tells the firmware that the SD
card socket is connected and what
I/O pins are used for chip select (CS),
clock, MOSI and MISO respectively.
Entering this option will cause the
VGA PicoMite to reboot, but from then
on, the setting will be remembered,
even after power off. So you only have
to enter it once.
After setting it up and inserting an
SD card, you can test it by entering the
command “FILES” at the prompt, and
it should list the files and directories
found on the card. If you had a BASIC
program on the SD card, you could
load it with the command:
LOAD "filename"
Then, if you edit it within MMBasic, you can save it back to the SD card
with the command:
SAVE "filename"
The double quotes around the filename are required – you will get an
error if they are not used.
As mentioned earlier, the SD card
is not strictly necessary. The firmware
reserves eight ‘slots’ in the Raspberry
Pi Pico’s flash memory for program
storage on the chip.
So, if you have entered a program,
you could save it into (for example)
slot 6 with the command “FLASH
Australia's electronics magazine
SAVE 6”. Later, you can load it
back into program memory with the
“FLASH LOAD 6” command.
What next?
To get a feel for the VGA PicoMite,
you can enter the following short
program. Start the process with the
“EDIT” command. This is described in
the user manual but, for the moment,
all that you need to know is that in the
editor, anything that you type will be
inserted at the cursor, the arrow keys
will move the cursor and backspace
will delete the character before the
At the command prompt, type EDIT
followed by the Enter key. The editor
should start up, and you can type the
following four lines:
INPUT "What is your name?
", N$
PRINT "Hello, " N$
Then press the F1 key on the keyboard. This tells the editor to save
your program and exit to the command prompt. At the command
prompt, type RUN and press the
Enter key.
Your new computer should ask for
your name, and when you type it in
(followed by the Enter key), it will
reply with a greeting. To break out of
the program and return to the prompt,
press Ctrl-C.
There you are; you have just written and run your first program on the
VGA PicoMite. If you type EDIT again,
you will be taken back into the editor,
where you can change or add to your
You will probably have many questions at this point, and we have written a detailed user’s manual to answer
them. You can download this for free
from the Silicon Chip website or the
author’s web page (
picomitevga.html). It should cover
everything that you need to know.
July 2022 57
If you are new to BASIC programming, open up this manual and check
out Appendix G (Programming in
BASIC – A Tutorial) near the end. This
comprehensive tutorial on the language will take you through the fundamentals of programming in BASIC
in an easy-to-read format with lots of
examples. When you have finished,
you will be a ‘gung-ho’ BASIC programmer!
To test out this new computer, we
decided to write a program to play the
game of Tetris. Tetris is well-known
and has been ported to over 65 platforms, a Guinness world record.
We were hoping to make it 66, but
it turns out that the name and the
game are copyrighted, so we developed something similar that we called
Blocks, which we believe is just as
much fun to play – see Screen 2. It is
not a huge program (about 475 lines),
and it uses just the basic graphics commands (line, box etc), so there is nothing special here.
Anyone could program this game
with a bit of familiarity with BASIC,
and you can easily dig into the code
to see how it works.
On the VGA PicoMite, Blocks runs
very fast, and it uses only 15% of the
available program memory. This illustrates the capability of this little computer and underlines the fact that you
can aim big with it, and it will not let
you down.
The Blocks program is included in
the VGA PicoMite firmware download so all you need to do is copy it
to an SD card, then transfer that card
to the VGA PicoMite and enter the
RUN "Blocks.bas"
Screen 2: Blocks is a BASIC game that runs on the VGA PicoMite. It is colourful
and fast, and it uses only 15% of the available program memory, so you can
have fun adding to it if you wish. It will also run on the Colour Maximite 2.
Screen 3: The output of the “Colours.bas” program, included with the VGA
PicoMite firmware download. It shows all the colours the VGA PicoMite can
generate. Run it on your computer to see the true colours as the printing press
cannot reproduce all the colours accurately.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Incidentally, Blocks will also run
on the Colour Maximite 2, so if you
have built that computer, you can try
playing it on that.
There are two additional programs
in the firmware download package.
The first is “Fonts.bas”, which will
display the various fonts that come
built into MMBasic on your monitor.
This is handy when you are writing
a program and need to select a suitable font.
The second program is called
“Colours.bas” and it displays all 16
colours that the VGA PicoMite can
generate on the monitor, including
the codes to use in your BASIC program. Screen 3 shows what its output
looks like, but the printing press will
not accurately reproduce the colours,
so run it on your VGA PicoMite to see
the true set of colours.
So there you have it, one of the simplest ‘boot to BASIC’ computers possible. To keep up with firmware updates,
including early ‘beta’ releases, check
out the author’s website at https://
It’s also a good idea to visit the Back
Shed forum (see www.thebackshed.
com/forum/Microcontrollers) where
there are many MMBasic fans swapping ideas and offering help to newcomers.
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