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Advances in VTOL
Drone Technology
By Bob Young
With small quad-rotor drones now well established, it is time to examine the
advantages and disadvantages of this configuration. What does the future
offer in regards to vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft?
Image Source:
ith years of extensive and valuable practical experience now
behind quad-rotor drones, the little
and not-so-little quad- and multi-rotor
drones are here to stay. Drones with
four, six, eight or even more rotors are
in everyday use (see Figs.1 & 2).
We reviewed the Parrot AR Drone 2
quadcopter in the August 2012 issue
( We
also had a look at six- and eight-rotor
drones in the same issue (siliconchip. and more unusual
designs in August 2016 (siliconchip.
Despite their many advantages and
versatility, these drones still fall short
in some areas. By far, the biggest shortcoming is the lack of endurance that
any vehicle powered by batteries is
faced with. The energy density of batteries is sadly lacking compared to
chemical fuel (liquid or gas), as shown
in Figs.3 & 4.
Combine this with the length of time
required for recharging, and the shortcomings of electric-powered aircraft
are serious indeed!
On a brighter note, electric power
wins hands down in terms of simplicity, reliability in starting and running
and, most importantly for drones,
starting and stopping in flight. Combine this with the huge reduction in
the number of parts that make up electric motors (and thus cost of manufacture), and we can see why there are
incentives to push on with the search
for a suitable electric power source.
To demonstrate how difficult this
problem is to solve, even liquid hydrogen (H2) ranks very poorly against fuels
like gasoline (petrol) and diesel. Note
that the LiPo batteries used by most
drones are marginally better than the
standard Li-ion cells shown in Fig.3,
but not by much.
While LiPo batteries have one of the
best energy densities of lithium based
Fig.1: a conventional small quad-rotor drone. Source:
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2022 79
Fig.2: this small human-carrying quadcopter basically follows the conventional
quad-rotor layout. Source:
batteries, they have also been responsible for starting many fires. Some
resulted from poor charging procedures, while others are just due to the
volatile nature of the chemical composition of the LiPo battery. Essentially,
once the LiPo battery decides to fail,
it often does so spectacularly.
I once was asked to service a radio
control transmitter fitted with a LiPo
battery which had been left switched
on in its aluminium carrying case. For
reasons unknown, the battery caught
fire; luckily for my customer, the fire
consumed all of the oxygen in the
case and it fizzled out, but not before
it had done irreparable damage to the
However, the story of the battle for
the best fuel for drones does not end
with energy density. We have the fuel
weight to take into account as well.
Fig.4 tells that story. So as you can
see, there is a definite requirement
for a better way to power multi-rotor
drones than batteries.
Quad-rotor drones
Fig 3: a chart comparing the energy density of a variety of fuels, including
batteries. Note that the density (shown in megajoules per litre) relates only to
the volumetric efficiency and ignores the weight; weight is considered in the
following figure. Original source: US Department of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
Fig.4: a comparison of the energy content per unit weight and volume for
common fuels against gasoline. Original source: US Energy Information
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
To understand how drones can be
improved, let’s briefly look at how a
typical small quad-rotor drone works.
They are built using components
like those shown in Fig.5. From left to
right, they are a battery, a power distribution module, a flight control module, a receiver, four identical electronic
speed controllers (ESC) and four identical motors with two clockwise-pitch
propellers and two anti-clockwise
pitch propellers.
A video camera and associated components may be added to provide what
is commonly known as first-person
view (FPV).
Fig.6 shows the main thrust vectors
involved in controlling a quadcopter.
Being basically stable, horizontal flight
is the main task of the flight controller.
Stationary flight (hover) is achieved
when Fz = Zworld (Gravity) and Fy =
0. To achieve this, all motors should
be delivering equal thrust with two
motors rotating clockwise and two
motors rotating anti-clockwise.
Strictly speaking, there is no front,
back, left or right side as the quadcopter can be flown in any direction. However, the flight controller needs to be
mounted so that the transmitter sticks
are coordinated with the flight controller to give the pilot a sense of control.
The quad can move in any direction simply by reducing the RPM on
Beoavia ( is a
non-profit student team within the
Association of Aviation Students.
The team was founded in April
2018 by students from the Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering at the
University of Belgrade, Serbia, and
deals with the calculation, design,
and production of aircraft to participate in various European and international competitions.
By their respective area of interest and education, team members
are divided into sub-teams: aerodynamics; structure; manufacturing;
propulsion; electronics and programming; and marketing.
By participating in aerospace
engineering competitions, the Beoavia team represents the University
of Belgrade, and enables its members to exchange knowledge and
experiences with students from
other European countries.
Fig.5: an example of how
a quadcopter is typically
built from separate
modules. Commercial
modules might integrate
some of these, but they
use essentially the same
the two motors in the direction of
travel and increasing the RPM on the
two motors on the opposite side. This
introduces the thrust vector (Fy) into
the equation, and thus the quad moves
in that direction. To increase altitude,
all four motors increase in RPM, and
likewise, a common decrease in RPM
will result in a loss of altitude.
To achieve rotation in the yaw axis
is a little more complicated; it requires
the use of yaw torque. There are two
sources of yaw torque in a quad-rotor
or multi-rotor, but both are pretty weak
relative to the other control factors. This
will become significant later when we
discuss quadplanes.
The first is the imbalance between
the torque generated by the clockwise
spinning rotors and the anti-clockwise
spinning rotors. This is entirely a function of friction in the motor bearings
and aerodynamic drag.
The second is torque arising from
the conservation of angular momentum when the rotor speeds are
changed, similar to how a reaction
wheel works. This effect is present in
a vacuum, so it does not rely on aerodynamic forces.
The first effect causes angular acceleration of the vehicle proportional to
the difference in rotor speeds between
the sets of rotors. The second effect
causes angular acceleration of the
vehicle proportional to the difference
in the derivative of the rotor speeds (ie,
their rotational accelerations) between
the sets of rotors.
It is when dealing with rotation that
we encounter the concept of props-in
and props-out (see Figs.7 & 8). This
refers to the relative direction of rotation on all four rotors.
Fig.7 shows the direction of rotation
for the ‘props-in’ configuration. This
is the default for all flight controllers
and most multi-copters with a boom
span over 7.5cm.
The props-out configuration is used
by most pros for 7.5cm quadcopters
Fig.7: the ‘props-in’ configuration.
Fig.8: the ‘props-out’ configuration.
Essentially, the clockwise/anticlockwise layout is reversed
compared to Fig.7.
Fig.6: the vectors involved in
quadcopter control and motion.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2022 81
Fig.9: a typical
combines a
standard aircraft
layout and
a quad-rotor
layout. Note
the motor on
the front of the
centre fuselage to
provide forward
thrust. For
horizontal flight
folding props are
fitted to the four
electric motors.
designed and
built by the
Fig.10: a very neat quadplane featuring a rear-mounted motor to provide
forward thrust.
Fig.11: the problems confronting a quadplane in the hover position
without a motor to provide forward thrust. Original source:
MicroPilot ( – used with permission.
and smaller, at least when they are
focusing on notable flight characteristics; a fact that becomes quite obvious
when making a sharp turn. A sharp
turn will cause a sudden dip and lift
when using props-in rotation, just like
in a dull 90° turn due to the turbulence
during the yaw rotation.
Some earlier whoop crafts had this
problem until a solution was found,
which turned out to be using the
reverse (props-out) rotation.
There are other factors involved
with the props-in/out argument, but
Silicon Chip
they fall outside the scope of this article. However, one aspect worth mentioning is that props-in helps keep dust
and dirt off the camera in the event of
a flip-over during landing.
So, to summarise the pros & cons
of quad-rotor and multi-rotor drones.
• Multi-rotor drones are easy to
control and manoeuvre
• They can take off and land vertically
• They can hover
• They are very stable
Australia's electronics magazine
• Multi-rotors have a limited flying time (usually 15-30 minutes)
• They only have small payload
• Most of the drone’s energy is spent
on fighting gravity and stabilising
It is the last point that has driven the
next stage in the quest for better outcomes. That is the addition of wings to
the ‘copter to improve the payload and
range capability. Such an aircraft is
called a quadplane, and typical examples are shown in Figs.9 & 10. Adding
two booms to a conventional aircraft
makes it possible to mount the quad
motors in the correct arrangement.
However, just adding the quad
motors without a motor to provide
thrust for forward flight is not good
enough. In this case, we need to tilt
the aircraft forward to achieve a thrust
vector to provide forward thrust for
level flight. This arrangement is far
from ideal, as shown in Fig.11.
Figs.11 & 12 are originally from the
Micropilot web page. Micropilot is a
long-established and well-respected
autopilot manufacturer in Canada.
In Fig.11, we show the quadplane
(without motor) in the hover position
with a headwind. To hold a position
relative to the ground, we must tilt the
aircraft forward to provide a thrust
vector from the four rotors for forward
motion, to cancel the drift.
This places the wing at a negative
angle-of-attack (AoA) relative to the
wind, which is now flowing over
the wing and thus producing negative lift, which in turn calls for more
power from the motors to hold the
required altitude. That means more
current from the battery; as is the way
of the world, you don’t get anything
for nothing!
So we must look beyond our simple
quadplane concept and go to the next
step. This is to provide forward thrust
with a propeller mounted either in the
nose (tractor) or at the rear (pusher).
This propeller can be powered either
by an electric motor or an internal combustion motor. Take your pick.
For a whisper-quiet surveillance
drone, the obvious choice is an electric
motor up front. For long-endurance
drones, though, the obvious choice is
an internal combustion engine (ICE).
Fine examples of such aircraft are
shown in Figs.9 and 10.
So we now have a long-endurance
quadplane that can take off and land
vertically, capable of holding position
in a hover in a strong wind. As we are
no longer required to tilt the aircraft to
hold the hover due to the thrust provided by the IC engine running at a
low throttle setting, this reduces the
lift required from the four rotors when
in hover, thus saving electrical power.
An additional benefit from this style
of quadplane is that we can now completely shut down the four electric
motors in forward flight, providing an
even greater saving in battery power.
Thus, rather than being of prime concern, the batteries are needed only to
provide power during take-off, hover
and landing.
However, have we reached the peak
of aerodynamic efficiency? We still
have two large booms to carry and
various protrusions, such as motors
and props out in the breeze, which all
provide drag.
There are many gifted people in this
world, and some of them have come
up with what I consider to be one of
the most ingenious and elegant quadplane layouts I have yet to come across.
That is the Beoavia Wasp, a Quadplane
designed by a group of European students (see panel).
The ability to take off and land vertically is of paramount importance in
many applications. It eliminates the
need for runways or large clearings
for landings or take-offs. But the price
to be paid is the expenditure of a considerable amount of energy lifting and
lowering the quadplane to and from
what is known as transition altitude.
This is the altitude at which it is
deemed safe to put the quadplane into
forward flight.
There is another rather complex
requirement for quadplanes: a control
system that can handle the transition
from vector stabilisation and control
to aerodynamic control surfaces as in
traditional aircraft when in forward
flight (controlling the throttle, ailerons, elevator and rudder).
Consider the Wasp quadplane
shown in Figs.13 & 14. Once it has
transitioned to forward flight, the
rotors are tucked away inside the fuselage and can no longer play any part
in the control of the aircraft.
During take-off, landing and hover,
the receiver feeds directly through a
flight controller into electronic speed
Fig.12: problems for a quadplane in
a crosswind hover. Original source:
MicroPilot ( –
used with permission.
Fig.13: a most elegant and ingenious VTOL quadplane, the Beoavia Wasp.
Source: screen grab from Beoavia YouTube video (
Fig.14: the Wasp with the undercarriage, motors and props retracted into the
fuselage. Now we are talking real aerodynamic efficiency. Source: screen grab
from same video as Fig.13.
controllers (ESC) and finally, to the
motors. However, in forward flight, we
must revert to a standard radio control
system where the receiver bypasses
the flight controller and feeds servos
We might need both systems to be
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fully functional during the transition,
depending upon a host of variables.
All of this has been taken care of in
the Wasp.
It should be evident by now that the
future for quadplanes is very bright,
and this is only the beginning!
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