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Vintage Radio
Phenix Ultradyne L-2 superhet radio
By Dennis Jackson
Various aspects of a vintage radio
can impact its value and desirability
including its rarity, condition, brand,
nostalgia and appearance. I have witnessed the bidding on an AWA Empire
State (model 48R from 1938) rising as
high as $15,000 at our local auction
house, mainly because it was the very
rare green colour.
I prefer to collect sets that demonstrate the technical stages of development over time, especially those
with a fascinating history. It is not so
much what they look like to me, but
how they work.
An interesting early radio caught my
attention as I scrolled through vintage
radio ads on eBay around ten years
ago. It was described as a Lacault L-1
Ultradyne from November 1924. What
interested me is that superheterodyne
radios from the early 1920s are
rare. But there was a problem: this
pioneering radio was located in the
Eastern USA, and at that time, I knew
little about it.
Purchasing it would be expensive,
especially considering that the delivery cost could be high, but it was
probably my only chance to own such
an early superhet. The auction
ended the next day without
me putting in a bid, and
I had regrets, especially
after realising that the
going price was reasonable.
The Ultradyne L-2 designed by Robert Emile
Lacault is extremely impressive for its time. It’s
a superhet that features regeneration, and uses
eight UX201A triodes. It weighs approximately
15kg and comes in a timber cabinet stained to
resemble mahogany.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Surprisingly, an improved model
featuring regeneration, the Lacault L-2
Ultradyne from June 1925, was offered
by the same seller soon after. To cut a
long story short, I threw caution to the
wind, and it arrived at my door two
and a half weeks later.
I was not disappointed. Appearancewise, it was in near mint condition.
It cost me around $500, including
freight; very reasonable, I thought. I
still cannot understand why it cost
me so little; I presume that the vast
majority of people take technology
for granted these days.
The superhet radio receiver came
out of the turmoil of WW1, when
there was an urgent need to
improve communications. Also,
simple TRF receivers of the time
lacked sensitivity and selectivity, making them inferior for
A Graham Amplion horn
speaker, made in 1925, was
chosen to match the L-2’s
case. The two main knobs
are Accratune vernier dials.
Other versions of these
knobs may have the letters
REL (for Robert E. Lacault)
engraved in their centre.
direction-finding and triangulation;
that became increasingly important
during wartime as technology progressed rapidly.
The contribution of Major Edwin
Armstrong of the US signals Corps
while based in Paris is well-documented, and he filed a patent on the
superheterodyne principle in 1917.
He went on to develop the first commercial superhet, the RCA AR-812
released in March 1924 (August 2019;
Less is known of the contribution
of Lucien Levy of the French signal
corps. Levy is now recognized as filing the first superhet patent, also in
1917, around seven months before
Armstrong. He went on to make many
improvements as both a radio engineer
and manufacturer in France.
The Ultradyne L-1 & L-2
In November 1924, the Phenix Radio
Corporation in New York released
another superhet, the Ultradyne L-1,
designed by R. E. Lacault.
Robert Emile Lacault was born in
Paris around 1894. Formerly of the
Radio Research Laboratories of the
French Army Signal Corps, he migrated
to the USA after WW1, settling in New
York City. He became associate editor of
the then popular magazine Radio News,
where he published an article titled “A
Superheterodyne Receiver with a new
type of ‘Modulator’”.
The improved Ultradyne L-2 came
onto the market during the middle of
1925. The physical layout of my Ultradyne L-2 is well thought out, with a
view to show off the internal works as
well as displaying the ebony-stained
timber cabinet. All conductors are of
square-sectioned tinned brass busbar,
and all runs are symmetrical with
90° bends.
The internal layout is both practical and symmetrical. The components
are all screwed down onto a substantial timber breadboard-style chassis or
to the Bakelite front panel; typical of
radio construction of the period.
The Ultradyne was sold in complete
kit form, probably to work around the
legal minefield of patent litigation.
This is indicated by Lacault submitting
his patent for the Ultradyne to the US
Patent Office in February 1924, but it
was not approved until December 24
1929, almost six years later.
The high level of construction
expertise in my example suggests some
factory involvement.
The two large tuning controls are
spaced about equal thirds across the
front Bakelite panel. The inner section of each knob serves as a reduction
gear for fine-tuning, with a ratio of
about 15:1.
The knob on the left is marked
“Tuner” and on the right, “Oscillator”. Not being ganged, these controls
must be tuned together by hand. This
is not too difficult, as the set’s bandwidth is quite broad. I find it easiest
to watch the plates of the tuning condensers, keeping both about the same
distance apart while slowly rotating
the controls.
There is also an outer marked dial,
but it is simpler to mark station positions with a removable mark once
Either side of the tuning controls
are two smaller knobs. On the left is
the “sensitizer”, which controls feedback or regeneration between the plate
of the first RF valve and its grid. This
is via inductive coupling using a variometer style set of coils, one moving
inside the other.
The small knob to the right of the
oscillator tuning control is marked
“stabilizer”, and it controls the negative bias to the grids of the second,
third and fourth RF valves. Together,
these two controls have a limited effect
on the operation of the set.
On the far left is a jack for plugging
in a loop aerial. At far right are three
vertical jacks in a row, marked “Detector”, “1st stage” and “2nd stage”.
The circuit diagram for the Phenix Ultradyne L-2 (sometimes labelled L2) shows that nearly all the circuitry is managed
by the eight UX201A valves and matching IF transformers. The L-2 was originally manufactured around 1922 using
UV201A valves, which had a thorium filament, and there were also later variants that used UX112, 171 & 171A valves.
IFT1 (“UA”) is the only type-A Ultraformer RF transformer in the circuit, the rest being type-B, and they all have an aircore with a peak frequency of 115kHz. The difference between the two types is that the Type-A has less coupling (0.25in
[6.35mm] between the primary and secondary for Type-A; Type-B has no spacing). You can find an interesting write-up on
the set published in the October 26, 1924 issue of the Daily Mail:
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2022 101
with 5V thoriated directly heated filaments, each drawing 0.25A with a
theoretical gain of eight times.
My Ultradyne L-2 operates best with
around 70V on the RF and AF valve
anodes or plates and 40V on the detector anode.
The aerial coils, oscillator coils
and the sensitizer variometer coils
are all of a compact self-supporting
basketweave construction. This is
designed to reduce inter-coil capacitance, to achieve a high Q factor, maintaining good efficiency.
Circuit details
The interior of the L-2 is nicely designed, with most components mounted on the
timber “breadboard” and connected via point-to-point wiring. Considering this
radio was originally designed in 1922, the layout is impressive.
Plugging a speaker into any of the three
jacks operates a switch which cuts out
the last audio stage or stages, reducing
battery drain. High impedance headphones would generally be plugged
into the Detector jack.
The on/off switch is below these,
and it switches the A supply (filament
cathode rail).
design. Both sets of plates are set into
two separate parallel shafts, and they
move into each other, controlled by a
set of gears.
Lacault filed a patent on a then new
type of tuning condenser while working with the Phenix Co. So this might
be one of his designs.
Tuning capacitors
There wasn’t much choice when
deciding on a valve line up in 1924,
so all eight valves are UX201A types
The two brass tuning “condensers” or capacitors are of an unusual
Silicon Chip
Component selection
Australia's electronics magazine
The Ultradyne differs from other
superhets mainly within the circuit
around the mixer, or “modulator” stage
as it was then known, and in the electrical arrangement of the oscillator.
In describing this circuit, Mr Lacault
explained (and I quote in condensed
form): The B+ supply is connected to
the plate of the modulator valve. The
plate-cathode (filament) space acts as
a resistance in this circuit.
The plate of the modulator valve
is supplied with high-frequency current from the oscillator, which conducts only on the positive half of each
cycle. This produces a change in plate
cathode resistance which varies from
infinity to 20kW during each half-cycle of the oscillator current when no
signal is being received.
When the grid potential of the modulator valve is varied by incoming signals from the aerial, the lower resistance value is varied above and below
the amount mentioned with various
degrees of amplitude, according to
the phase relationship between the
incoming signal and the local oscillations.
This produces a beat note which is
amplified by the four intermediate frequency (IF) stages and then detected
by a grid leak detector.
The next three RF stages are coupled via B-type Ultraformers in the
usual way, but with only the secondaries being tuned to the intermediate
frequency by fixed mica capacitors.
With the radio working and measured with a high-impedance digital voltmeter, there is only 0.34V DC
on the plate of the modulator, and
the impedance is such that the meter
shunts away all noticeable signal.
However, this circuit is very sensitive
picking up local stations with just a
1m wire aerial.
Thordarson coupling
Oscillator condenser
Amperite current
Grid leakage
Oscillator coils
4th IFT
3rd IFT
Tuning condenser
Mica tuning
2nd IFT
1st IFT
Aerial coil
The radio chassis is tinted with ebony. Note the unusual design of the two tuning condensors and their placements. Below
these condensors are Amperites, which are cartridge-type automatic adjusting resistors (rheostats). At the bottom left is
the connection board for the A (6V), B (90V) and negative bias C (-6V) supplies.
The grid leak detector and following two audio stages are as could be
expected of a TRF receiver of the
period. The detector recovers the
audio information from the 115kHz IF
signal. The grid leak detector is simple
and very sensitive. It only requires two
extra components: a grid leak resistor
of about 2MW in parallel with a capacitor of around 255pF.
Manufacturers switched to plate
or anode-bend detectors when indirectly-heated cathode and screen grid
valves became available during the
late 1920s, and later to diode detectors.
Both audio-frequency stages are
coupled by two nicely presented
Thordarson “amplifying transformers”. They are called “amplifying”
because they have a step-up voltage
gain of 1:3 or even 1:5, which boosts
the signal voltage between the plate
of the preceding valve and the grid
of the next.
Amperite automatic current regulators are inserted in series with the filaments of the UX201A triode valves,
in place of the more common wirewound rheostat of about 8W used to
limit the current flow which could
otherwise damage the delicate thoriated valve filaments.
Amperites consist of a hermeticallysealed glass tube containing either
hydrogen or helium gas, through
which a resistance wire with a positive temperature coefficient passes.
The resistance of this element will
automatically change according to the
current flow, thus regulating it. Each
valve is usually provided with a separate Amperite unit.
Metal RF or AF shielding is absent
from the RL-2, as was the norm in these
pioneering radio sets. However, the
four Ultraformers and two Thordarson
audio coupling transformers are alternately mounted at right-angles to limit
radio-frequency coupling between
adjacent units.
Initial checks
In common with other sets of the
period, the breadboard and front panel
slide out of the case after removing a
few screws.
My first job was to check all eight
UX201A valve filaments for continuity, as these were prone to burning
out if more than the rated 5V was
Having 5V filaments allowed a 6V
‘accumulator’ to be used for the valve
heater A supply, the extra 1V usually being dropped across an adjustable wirewound rheostat. However,
as I mentioned above, my radio uses
Amperites instead.
Despite the current-limiting
Amperites, the first three valves
(including the modulator) did have
open filaments and had to be replaced,
but the remaining five were OK.
Next, I connected a period horn
speaker, a long aerial and connected its
Earth terminal to a copper water pipe.
Then I wired up a battery eliminator
and checked all the voltages before
switching it on. The set should have
been operational, but vintage radio is
seldom that simple.
Australia's electronics magazine
Power supply
The radio would typically have been
powered using one 6V lead-acid battery or four large 1.5V telephone-type
carbon-zinc dry cells in series for the
A supply. The B supply would have
come from a 90V carbon-zinc battery,
possibly two 45V batteries in series or
four of the less common 22.5V batteries.
Four small carbon-zinc cells in
tapped series would have been used
to provide the negative C bias voltage
to the valve grids.
But I prefer to use a homemade
mains-powered battery eliminator. It
does give improved performance with
a good Earth attached.
This problem proved to be a real
stinker. All voltages appeared close
to what was expected, so I brought
out my signal tracer. The station signal seemed to disappear at the grid of
the first RF valve. Was this a problem
with the dreaded modulator? Was the
oscillator operating?
I checked all of the UX201A valves
for emission by swapping them into
a known-good TRF set, with positive
results. Was there a loose terminal
connection or a socket making poor
contact with a valve pin somewhere
around the RF end?
After some more checking, I noticed
four thin brass bolts protruding from
the face of the first A Ultraformer (or
IF transformer in later terminology).
These bolts serve as busbar terminals
going to the two coils within. Although
both small nuts were firm, the grid
March 2022 103
busbar had slight movement; this
should have been under some tension.
It was possibly a broken bolt; apparently, I hadn’t been the first to check
that all was firm. The Ultraformer unit
would have to come out and be disassembled.
It was an interesting job, because I
like looking inside things. After drawing a sketch and making some notes, I
removed the unit and then opened it
by melting away the sealing wax covering a larger central brass bolt.
Both fixed inductors inside are aircored and neatly machine-wound on
a removable Bakelite sleeve. The first
(A-type) Ultraformer has a small gap
to give lighter coupling between coils
while the other three (B-type) Ultraformers are close-wound side-by-side.
The lead wires are soldered to the
heads of the four aforementioned thin
bolts protruding through the face of the
unit. Some heavy-handed force would
have been applied long ago, resulting
in not only a broken bolt, but also a
detached lead. That is likely why the
radio was retired from active service.
A dab of solder, a bit of Araldite to
stop the bolt turning again and a check
with the ohmmeter, and the Ultraformer was ready for reassembly. This
A close-up of the left side of the radio chassis, from left-to-right are the
Thordarson coupling transformers, grid leakage detector, 4th & 3rd IF
transformers, plus the oscillator coils at the back (green/white wire).
A close-up of the right side of the radio chassis, again the 3rd IF transformer
is in view, along with the 2nd and then 1st (A-type) followed by the aerial coil.
Behind that is the “sensitizer” regeneration control.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
resulted in sound and satisfaction once
more around my workbench.
Final comments
When listening through headphones
at the detector jack, the sound is clear.
But there is some deterioration after
each of the final audio stages, probably
due to the limitations of the Thordarson step-up transformers. Thordarson
is still around making transformers
under the name Thordarson Meissner (
It would not have been difficult for
a technically-minded person to assemble an Ultradyne set. The baseboard
might have come with pre-drilled
holes, or perhaps a paper template to
position the parts precisely. The busbar conductors were most likely preshaped and soldered where needed,
and just required fitting to screw terminals.
The Ultraformers were factory-tuned
using selected mica capacitors. The
oscillator and the tuning capacitors
were hand-adjusted to achieve station
alignment. Overall, this set’s assembly would have been straightforward
compared to a multi-band superhet
of a later decade. Dealers and learned
friends probably assembled some for
clients also.
The price of the radio kit at the
time of release appears to have been
$90 including the cabinet plus $30
for the tuning coils, Ultraformers and
four matched fixed condensers. That’s
a lot less than the $269 asked for the
RCA AR-812 fully assembled superhet
which came on the market in March
1924, just fifteen months before.
This kit was sold by Keystone Radio
Service, but there is some doubt on
how similar it is to the Phenix-branded
Ultradyne L-2. An advert describes it
as “carrying the last improvements of
R. E. Lacault”.
Upon reflection, I believe Robert
Emile Lacault’s modulator to be a
stroke of true genius. Using a primitive
triode valve as a mixer in conjunction
with the local oscillator and without a
high positive voltage supply to its plate
was really thinking outside the box.
Lacault went on to produce other
superhet sets, each an improvement
on the previous. His last effort was
the RE-29, released for sale in 1929,
using three tetrode screen-grid valves.
Lacault died on March 12, 1929, at
around 34 years of age, cutting short
a brilliant career.
Page 117 of Popular Radio, March 1925:
Australia's electronics magazine
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