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The History of
Transistors have reshaped the world since their invention 75 years ago.
Computers, mobile phones, tablets, the internet, high definition TVs...
none of this would be possible without transistors. While the history
of the transistor could fill a book (and properties of transistors several
more), this short series of articles covers the most interesting bits.
Part 1: by Ian Batty
Silicon Chip
Lead image: John Bardeen (left) and Walter Brattain (right)
explain their invention to William Shockley (centre)
Australia's electronics magazine
to most electronic
devices, you’ll
repair or understand
need to understand how various types
of transistors work.
Since their first commercialisation, transistors have gone through
ten distinct manufacturing methods
(and hence transistor technologies).
It has been difficult to find, in a single source, straightforward descriptions of transistor construction and
These articles are intended for
casual reading, as a guide to operation
and repairs and as a compact reference
work. We’ll start by describing the
invention of transistors and the major
developments that followed. After
that, we’ll have some details of more
modern manufacturing techniques,
semiconductor physics, doping, and
diode and transistor behaviour.
Thermionic valve (tube)
Valve technology underwent explosive development between Fleming’s
patent for the thermionic diode in
November 1904 and Bernard Tellegen’s patent application for the pentode in 1926. Receiving valve technology matured in the 1960s with miniature ceramic devices. But three problems inherent in thermionic valves
persisted over that time, none of which
was ever fully solved.
Heater/filament power
Leaving aside some special types,
amplifying, rectifying and oscillating
valves use thermionic emission from
a heated filament or cathode. The tiny
DL66 hearing-aid output valve delivers only 0.95mW of output, yet needs
12.5mW of filament power – almost
thirteen times its useful output. The
6SA7 converter delivers a voltage
signal of virtually zero power but
demands about 1.9W of heater power!
A fair comparison would be between
a 12CX6 ‘hybrid’ valve, using both 12V
heater and HT supplies, and a relatively early (1965) AF121 diffusion-
alloy germanium transistor, in both
cases having a 12V DC supply.
The 12CX6 will draw ~4.4mA of
anode/screen current from the 12V HT
supply, for a total HT power of about
53mW. The AF121 transistor will draw
~3mA from its 12V supply, giving a
comparable figure of 36mW. But we
need to add in the valve’s heater current of 150mA. This adds 1.8W, for a
total of 1.85W; over 50 times the power
for a transistor doing the same job.
Limits to miniaturisation
Thermionic valves rely on a vacuum
to separate their electrodes. Conventional valves use a concentric structure, with the grid or grids and anode
surrounding the filament or cathode.
This demands great manufacturing
precision and limits the minimum
A planar (layered) structure can be
made to much higher precision and
much smaller. This approach delivered the 7077 ceramic triode – just
11.3mm tall and 12.2mm in diameter.
Impressive as this is, the 7077 is hardly
smaller than most transistors of 1958,
which points to the limits of thermionic valve miniaturisation.
Fig.1 shows a 7077 beside an OC76,
one of the second generation of junction transistors, reproduced at an
enlarged magnification.
Transistors are now manufactured
with dimensions measured in nanometres, a degree of miniaturisation
impossible for thermionic valves.
Frequency limitations
Electrons in a thermionic valve pass
from the cathode to anode across an
evacuated space. At very high signal
frequencies, transit time effects (the
time taken for electrons to travel that
distance) set absolute limits to triode
valve operating frequency.
The problem is most easily understood by considering the electrons
just approaching the grid being out of
phase with those just leaving. More are
arriving than leaving, or more leaving
than arriving.
Now that these numbers no longer
balance, the grid no longer appears
as a small capacitance but instead as
a low impedance. This grid loading
demands power from the driving stage,
even in voltage amplifiers.
As a result, the 6BL8 converter has
an input impedance of only a few
kilohms at around 100MHz, limiting
the gain available in an FM radio.
Grid loading and other more complex effects set an upper limit of
around 2.5GHz for thermionic triode
amplifiers such as the 7077, with a
few types extending to some 7.5GHz.
Three main ‘non-triode’ types of
thermionic valve were developed: magnetrons, klystrons and travelling-wave
tubes (TWTs). Although these can
operate at frequencies approaching
100GHz, only the klystron and TWT
can amplify.
Klystrons and TWTs are pretty
noisy, with the better-performing
TWTs having noise figures of about
7dB, making them unsuitable for
weak-signal amplification.
These three thermionic types are
physically large, and the amplifying versions consume many watts of
power. One variant of the TWT, the
Backward-Wave Oscillator (Carcinotron), can work as an oscillator up to
1THz (1000GHz).
Current transistor developments
(as of 2022) are yielding low-noise
amplifiers with operating frequencies
exceeding 500GHz and gains of 20dB.
In summary, thermionic valves for
general-purpose amplification had
reached their limits of development by
the early 1960s. The 7077 ceramic triode is a fine example of how far valve
development had come and the limits to further practical development.
Fig.1: the 7077 ceramic triode (12.2mm diameter), along with an early
germanium alloyed-junction transistor (OC76, 5mm diameter), both shown
larger than life. While they are similar in size at this early stage of transistor
development, it didn’t take long for transistors to shrink further.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2022 13
Early transistor attempts
Brought into public consciousness
by Michael Faraday’s popularisation
in the early 1800s, electrical science
seemed to produce a new miracle in
every decade of the 19th century.
Willoughby Smith’s 1873 work with
selenium rods demonstrated an oddity: selenium’s resistance was affected
by incident light. Clearly, there was
more to electricity than Ohm’s Law of
conduction in metals. Smith’s results
foreshadowed the semiconductor revolution.
Semiconductor diode action was
demonstrated by Karl Braun just a year
later in 1874, followed by Bose and
Pickard’s 1904 practical application
of these detectors to radio reception.
Many military receivers used in
World War I were based on solid-state
‘crystal’ detectors. Once Lee de Forest
had demonstrated his triode Audion
valves, some must have wondered
whether that same principle could be
applied to triode amplifiers.
In 1925, Julius Lilienfeld formerly
of Leipzig University filed a Canadian
patent for a solid-state device that foreshadowed the modern field-effect transistor, similar in operation to thermionic triodes. The device passed current through a thin sheet, but subjected
that current to a controlling electric
field. His US patent was granted in
1930 (see
Lilienfeld did not publish research
papers, so his device was not taken up
by industry. A replica was finally built
and tested in the 1990s and proved
effective as an amplifier (see https://w.
It’s less well known that Lilienfeld also lodged the first known patent for the junction transistor design
in 1928 (
patent/US1877140A). This was around
20 years before William Shockley’s
1948 patent (which we now know as
the transistor). Shockley’s design was
fundamentally identical to Lilienfeld’s
The two devices are identical in
current flow (emitter-through-baseto-collector) and physical design
(two back-to-back diodes with one
Fig.2 from Lilienfeld’s 1928 US patent 1877140 shows the circuit for a
solid-state amplifier; the current path
and structure of the device clearly
Silicon Chip
Fig.2: Lilienfeld’s
junction transistor as
part of an amplifier
circuit, from US patent
anticipate the junction transistor.
The operation of Lilienfeld’s design is
described briefly in his patent application.
human skill to fabricate with the
fineness necessary to produce amplification.”
Bardeen and Brattain’s patent (1950)
lists the first known transistor specifiFast-forward to 1947
cations for their point-contact design,
On receiving his doctorate in 1936, including power gains of just 16-19dB
William Shockley was recruited to Bell
and a current gain of merely 1.3 times.
Laboratories and joined a team of physWalter Brattain, John Bardeen and
icists researching solid-state electron- Robert Gibney, working at Bell Labs’
ics.With the outbreak of World War Solid State Physics Group (led by WilII, Shockley began working on radar, liam Shockley), made several attempts
joining Columbia University’s Anti- at the “solid-state triode”, but many
Submarine Warfare Group in 1942.
were found to infringe Lilienfeld’s
Since thermionic diode mixers had existing patents.
proven inadequate at the ultra-high
Their first material of choice was silfrequencies used in radar systems, icon, but the high temperatures needed
Shockley developed high-performance (melting point 1414°C) proved diffiultra-high-frequency silicon diode cult, so they switched to germanium
(melting point 938°C).
His success led him to consider
Shockley started wanting to repwhether his diode design might be licate thermionic triode operation
transformed into a triode structure, – electron flow controlled by a non-
thus allowing amplification.
conducting electrode. This looked
Papers show that Shockley and his forward to the modern family of field-
colleague Gerald Pearson had actually effect transistors (including those used
built ‘Lilienfeld’ devices but didn’t in CMOS chips such as microprocesrefer to that in their published papers. sors). But Shockley was unable to
It is notable that the successful Bar- demonstrate any useful effect.
deen and Brattain point-contact tranHe eventually developed a transissistor patent ( tor explicitly using two types of curcom/patent/US2524035A) describes rent carriers: electrons and holes – the
Lilienfeld’s 1925 (Canadian patent) junction transistor. We’ll return to that
mechanism – which would become a little later.
today’s overwhelmingly-used field-
Bardeen and Brattain, working
effect technology – as “…beyond without Shockley due to his abrasive
Fig.3: the point-contact transistor, from Bardeen & Brattain’s US patent
2,524,035. These performed reasonably well, but they were tricky and expensive
to manufacture.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.4: Shockley’s junction transistor
(this drawing from US Patent
2,569,347) was a significant step from
the point-contact transistor. It was
much easier to manufacture in bulk
and less fragile too.
Fig.5: Shockley’s patent also included
this five-layer compound transistor
that was intended to operate similarly
to a pentagrid mixer valve like the
management style, eventually demonstrated the device we know as the
point-contact transistor in December
1947 and filed for the patent in 1948
A press conference in June 1948
showcased the new device. Demonstrations included an amplifier and a
radio receiver. Regrettably, no details
of that radio are available.
John Bardeen, Walter Brattain
and William Shockley were jointly
awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics
in 1956 “for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the
transistor effect”. Bardeen went on to
win a second Nobel Prize in 1972 for
his theory of superconductivity.
of Shockley (who was unconvinced
about the need for ultra-pure stock)
and on his own initiative.
Teal said, having previously been
involved in germanium processing
and diverted to other projects, only
to return: “If I ever had another idea I
considered a world-beater, I’d work on
it even if nobody gave me any help.”
The program also established processes such as the production of P-N
junctions and attachment of leads to
Morton made an important strategic
decision to share transistor technology
with other researchers so that Bell Labs
and parent AT&T could benefit from a
cooperative approach. Bell Labs held
three famous seminars where scientists and engineers visited Bell Labs
to learn the new semiconductor technology first-hand.
The first meeting, in September
1951, specifically addressed military
uses and applications. Proposals to
classify the transistor (and thus make
it unavailable to the civilian world)
were, thankfully, not pursued.
In April 1952, over 100 representatives from 40 companies that had paid
a US$25,000 patent-licensing fee came
for a nine-day Transistor Technology
Symposium, including a visit to Western Electric’s ultramodern transistor
manufacturing plant in Allentown,
PA. There were participants from such
Out of the lab and into the fab
Bell Telephone Laboratories realised
that the transistor was a revolutionary
device with the potential to transform
electronics. Bell Labs pursued a vigorous program of “fundamental development” in the late 1940s and early
1950s, promoting rapid improvements
in transistors and other solid-state
Electrical engineer Jack Morton led
this program, developing processes
such as zone refining – critical to the
high purity of materials needed – and
growing single crystals of germanium
and silicon. Gordon Teal perfected his
refining processes against the advice
Fig.6: while it’s reasonably certain that Lilienfeld transistors were built, there
isn’t much information left outside his patent on just how they worked. Their
structure is quite different from modern transistors and, as shown here, they
were made from metals and a semiconductor (silver sulfide).
Australia's electronics magazine
electronics titans as GE and RCA, as
well as from then-small firms including Texas Instruments.
The Bell Telephone Company was
established by Alexander Graham Bell,
who had started as a teacher of the deaf
and who spent much of his career in
service to the hearing-impaired. So,
commendably, Bell Labs waived all
patent royalties for the very first transistorised consumer product in 1953
– a hearing aid.
The one-month wonder
The personal story of the people
behind the junction transistor is as
interesting as the story of the technology itself. In brief, Bardeen and
Brattain were pivotal in developing
the working point-contact transistor,
and Shockley felt that he had been
excluded from the project; indeed,
the patent was issued only to Bardeen
and Brattain.
So, working by himself, Shockley
designed the junction transistor in
one month, claiming an entirely new
approach to solid-state electronics
US2569347A), and one which would
become the basis for all subsequent
Fig.4 (from the patent) is the basic
‘triode’ device. Aside from Shockley’s
design using homogeneous material
(all germanium), it is remarkably similar to Lilienfeld’s 1928 patent, shown
in Fig.2. The patent shows that Shockley also envisaged complex multilayer devices.
One five-layer proposal (Fig.8 in
the original Shockley patent, or Fig.5
here) would operate similarly to the
6L7, a pentagrid mixer valve. Shockley defined two active layers (92 and
94) for signal injection and local oscillator injection.
Early junction transistor
Shockley’s design differs from Lilienfeld’s earlier junction transistor
(Fig.6) in several important ways.
As with the vacuum tube triode,
both Lilienfeld and Shockley aimed
to produce a space charge within the
device that could then be controlled
by an electrode intermediate between
the ‘emitting electrode’ and ‘collecting
electrode’ (cathode and anode in valve
terminology). In this most fundamental way, junction transistors are similar to vacuum triodes.
March 2022 15
Regrettably, no detailed description
of Lilienfeld’s device exists. What follows is based on the Lilienfeld Patent.
Lilienfeld’s device used a thin,
deposited intermediate base layer
overlaid on a substrate. The base was
then deliberately micro-fractured to
present a fine mesh-like surface. The
collector deposition covered the base
surface, penetrating gaps in the base
‘mesh’ layer to give electrical contact
with the emitter layer.
In operation, the forward-biased
base-emitter junction created a space
charge in the interface between base
and emitter, presumably of electrons.
The space charge existed on the
underside of the base, just as with
any planar diode such as a copper-
oxide rectifier. But the space charge
also existed in the minute crevices
in the base layer, so it was subject to
the attracting field from the collector. Thus, the base-emitter forward
bias would establish a space charge
that could be drawn through the base
region to become collector current.
By contrast, Shockley’s design
created a voluminous space charge
entirely within the homogeneous and
continuous base layer, allowing the
space charge to diffuse in all directions throughout the base, most notably towards the base-collector junction. This is described in detail in his
patent, beginning on page 29.
To reinforce the distinction, Lilienfeld’s design created a useful space
charge at the interface between base
and emitter, where Shockley’s created
it entirely within the base. Lilienfeld’s
collector-base junction is – like Shockley’s – reverse-biased.
For both designs, zero bias means
zero collector current. They both operate in contrast to a vacuum triode,
where zero grid bias means maximum
anode current.
It’s not known how well Lilienfeld’s
device worked. Shockley’s design
intentionally created a large surplus
of charge carriers in the base region
due to its low doping concentration.
Lilienfeld does not address this matter,
and it is unclear how such a surplus
could have been established, and consequently, whether his device could
have worked as he claimed.
Lilienfeld states a base thickness of
200µm, comparable to first-generation
grown-junction transistors. He also
mentions the need for overall small
size to lessen capacitive effects.
Silicon Chip
Lilienfeld’s 1925/1930 field-effect
patents did specify “a film of copper
sulphur [sulfide] compound”, but only
to provide the extremely thin, high-
resistance film needed for his design.
Modern field-effect devices use a single semiconductor (silicon) for all of
the device’s elements.
Oskar Heil filed for a UK patent on
a field-effect device in 1935 (patents.
His device specifically described
the use of semiconductors and a thin
insulating layer between the control
electrode and the conduction part.
It’s essentially the insulated-gate construction of virtually all metal oxide
semiconductor (MOS) devices, from
memory chips to microprocessors.
Shockley Semiconductor Lab
Arnold Beckman had built a substantial instrument company by the
1950s, beginning with a successful pH meter. He and Shockley had
been friends for some years. Shockley left Bell Labs in 1955 and negotiated with Beckman to form his own
Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory
in mid-February 1956 (Fig.7). Gathering a stellar team of physicists and
engineers and intending to develop
and market junction-technology transistors, this ought to have been a very
successful industry startup.
Amusingly, Beckman had already
paid Bell Labs the $25,000 licence
fee for patent rights to transistors.
Shockley Semiconductors was even
forced to send two of its employees to
the final Bell Labs Seminars on diffusion so that Shockley’s new company
could be updated on the latest transistor theories.
After a year’s intensive effort, Shockley’s company had failed to sell a single device, and Shockley had proven
a poor leader. Rather than directing
efforts towards perfecting his own
patent of the junction transistor, he
proposed distracting projects, including the development of his Shockley
It was a four-layer PNPN device that
would develop into the SCR/thyristor, today widely used in power control and finally developed as the Triac
family of devices.
This focus seems puzzling at a time
when analog signal processing and
amplification dominated domestic,
communications, telephone and military electronics. But Bell’s gargantuan
Australia's electronics magazine
telephone network was switched by
noisy, power-hungry electromechanical relays and switches needing constant maintenance. Shockley’s device
would have revolutionised telephone
exchange technology.
But internal friction, fuelled by
Shockley’s domineering management
style, led to the exodus of Julius Blank,
Victor Grinich, Jean Hoerni, Eugene
Kleiner, Jay Last, Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce and Sheldon Roberts. This
group are known as the “Fairchild
Eight”. Shockley Semiconductor was
sold to Clevite in 1960, having produced no commercial product.
The “eight” were snapped up by
the Fairchild Camera and Instrument
Company, spinning off to become
Fairchild Semiconductors. Work
there ultimately led to the planar
design, the basis of all modern silicon devices, from single transistors
to microprocessors and memory chips
with billions of individual components per chip.
Fairchild Semiconductor remained
a commercial success until September
Fig.7: public artworks in Mountain
View, California commemorate
the site of Shockley Labs. Source:
Wikimedia user Baltakatei (CCAShare Alike 4.0 International)
2016, when the company was acquired
by ON Semiconductor (previously
Motorola’s semiconductor division).
Ironically, Robert Noyce’s management style led the inventors of the
circuit op amp to desert
Fairchild and join National Semiconductor (which merged with Texas
Instruments in September 2011),
taking their extensive analog design
expertise with them.
Technologies in more detail
Having gone over the basic history of
transistors, let us take a more detailed
look at the different processes used to
fabricate those early transistor types.
Point contact transistors
The path to Bell Labs’ most famous
patent was somewhat torturous. Bell
Laboratories was formed in 1925 as an
amalgamation of the research arms of
Western Electric and American Telephone & Telegraph. Aside from their
principal work on telephone systems, Bell Labs contracted to the US
Government and, focusing on basic
research, produced several Nobel
Prize winners.
The Bell System Technical Journals (
archives) detail Bell’s work from 1922
to 1983, which includes some of the
foundations of today’s electronic and
communications technologies.
Shockley had begun from a ‘thermionic triode’ perspective, intending to pass current through a single
piece of semiconductor. He would
add an insulated metal contact with
an applied potential on one side
and use that contact’s electric field
to control the current in the main
channel. Fig.8 shows his intended
device, which today we would call a
depletion-mode Mosfet.
Over some two years of frustration,
Shockley attempted to demonstrate his
expected effect and failed each time.
At this early stage of research, no one
had anticipated two requirements:
near-absolute purity of the semiconductor material and crystal regularity
approaching perfection, especially at
the surface.
Fig.8: this is the device that Shockley was trying to build – essentially a
semiconductor analog of the vacuum tube triode. Such devices were eventually
built and are known as depletion-mode Mosfets (they’re similar to JFETs but
have an insulating layer between the gate and channel) like the BSS139.
Fig.9: the operation of point-contact transistors is still not fully understood, and
it probably never will be as they are obsolete devices and there is no longer any
active research. This is our best guess as to how they work.
Australia's electronics magazine
Later research proved that the chaotic ‘tangled’ surface states which diffused and opposed any external field’s
influence were the principal cause
of Shockley’s failures. Gordon Teal’s
advice regarding feedstock purity
(noted earlier) and crystal regularity
may well have delivered Shockley the
device he had envisaged, had Shockley heeded it.
In desperation, Bardeen and Brattain flipped the device: current would
enter via a surface emitter contact,
flow through the base material, then
exit via a second collector contact.
The strangest (but most successful!)
results were obtained by adding a
small drop of liquid – some electrolyte
from a butchered electrolytic capacitor – to improve conductivity between
the applied electrodes and the germanium surface.
Finding an effect only at very low
frequencies, they reasoned that a point
contact (of the smallest possible diameter) would establish an intense electric field at the surface and perhaps
give a higher operating frequency.
They calculated they would need a
separation between the points of about
0.002in (close to 50μm).
Bardeen and Brattain then took
a shortcut. Rather than waste time
manipulating fine-pointed wires, Brattain had an assistant attach a strip of
gold foil to a plastic wedge. Brattain
then slit the foil with a fine knife and
used the plastic wedge to press the two
gold electrodes against the germanium
base substrate.
It was a revolutionary transposition.
The first crude transistor’s operation
came from abandoning expected theory and inventing a wholly new device
with no ancestor: Lilienfeld and Heil’s
prior devices (the bipolar junction and
field-effect forms) contributed nothing
to this radical invention.
This also demonstrated that a transistor need not be made from only
semiconductors: metal-semiconductor interfaces would also work, a fact
exploited by later developments of
micro-alloy and Schottky devices.
The exact physics of the point-
contact transistor (Fig.9) have never
been fully described. Coblenz and
Owens, writing in the 1955 book
“Transistors: Theory and Applications” state “theories which adequately explain all the known phenomena of point contact operation
have not been completed.”
March 2022 17
Fig.10: the first point-contact
transistor, created by Bardeen &
Brattain. Source: Wikimedia user
Unitronic (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Fig.11: commercial point-contact transistors. They were potted in a plastic
compound to protect the physically fragile device and prevent moisture/dust/etc
from affecting their operation. Despite being produced commercially, they were
still essentially hand-made devices and thus expensive. Image copyright 20012017 by Jack Ward,
It appears that much of the action
took place under the upper surface of
the germanium body. Still, it was the
neutralisation of surface states in the
collector region that contributed to
increased collector current and thus
current gain.
The simplest complete explanation
appears in the book “Fundamentals
of Transistors” by L. M. Krugman &
John F. Rider (1954) – see
As well as owing nothing to any
previous electronic device, the point-
contact transistor’s method of operation is unlike any that followed it
(including junction and field-effect
transistors); its operation was unique.
This allowed Bell’s patent attorneys to
file with confidence.
Most equipment using point-contact
transistors has not survived. The
majority is preserved in museums
and the hands of collectors, with rare
examples available online.
As shown in Fig.9, the electron flow
from the base to the emitter liberates
‘holes’ in the crystal. The liberated
holes form a space charge and are
attracted to the negative potential of
the collector. Arriving at the collector, the holes from the space charge
recombine with electrons entering
from the collector lead. This recombination provokes additional collector current.
Were the collector current only due
to the space-charge holes from the
emitter-base region, the collector current would be about the same as the
emitter current. The transistor would
show an emitter-collector current gain
of about unity.
But the extra collector electron flow
to the base means that the collector
current is greater than the emitter
The result is a collector current
about 2.5 times the emitter current.
The microscopic contacts produce
very strong local fields in the substrate,
essential for power gain. Even in production, this was a hand-made structure, with the refinement of a ‘flash’
of current to form a more effective
collector site.
Somewhat reminiscent of Lee de
Forest’s difficulties in understanding his Audion, Bardeen and Brattain
struggled to describe the device they
had invented.
There was little ‘transistor action’
deep in the bulk of the crystal – the
Silicon Chip
current amplifying action was mainly
at (and just below) the surface. Yet
today, bulk conduction is the sole
mechanism used in bipolar transistors.
Abandoning the idea of surface-only
activity, the principle of bulk conduction was proven by John Shive
in 1948 (see
abbe). This paved the way for Shockley’s groundbreaking junction transistor patent.
The point-contact transistor’s handmade structure was difficult to manufacture with widely-varying characteristics, and susceptibility to surface
moisture. This demanded meticulous
and complete protection of the surface, leading to the development of
Fig.13: the first European prototype transistor, made by Herbert Mataré in June
1948 by F & S Westinghouse in Paris, France. Source: Deutsches Museum,
Munich, Archive, R5432
Australia's electronics magazine
applications, saw transistors in limited commercial use in the United
States by 1953.
RCA released several types and
registered them with the then-new
industry body, the Joint Electron
Devices Engineering Council (JEDEC);
the 2N21~26 and 2N50~53 series,
2N32/33 and 2N110 among them. TI
also offered their Type 100 and Type
101 devices.
Simultaneous discovery
Fig.12: the physical structure of the
prototype transistor shown in Fig.10.
hermetic (airtight/watertight) sealing
techniques – see Figs.11 & 14.
One manufacturer said that the first
transistor off his production line had
cost a million dollars; 1954 dollars
at that!
The point-contact transistor had an
appalling noise figure of about 45dB
and was unreliable. It also exhibited negative resistance, causing it to
oscillate and making it unusable as
an amplifier in some configurations.
It was, however, the only proven
solid-state amplifying device in the
early 1950s. Its small size and low
power consumption made it a candidate for hearing aids. This, along
with telephone repeater (amplifier)
The improvement of radar technology was critical to aerial warfare in
World War II, with both sides making
full use of this technology.
Heinrich Welker worked on the
production of ultra-pure germanium
crystals at the University of Munich
during World War II. At around the
same time, Herbert Mataré worked on
microwave mixer diodes at the Telefunken plant in Silesia (at Bielawa,
now part of Poland).
Radar receivers must detect very
faint signals – any noise generated
within the receiver reduces sensitivity
and, therefore, the maximum detection
range. Local oscillator noise is the limiting factor in a set with a diode detector but no RF amplifier.
Mataré discovered that a balanced
push-pull detector, with two antiphase local oscillator signals, cancelled some of the local oscillator noise
Fig.14: production versions of the European transistor, known as “Transistrons”.
Inside each tube is a point-contact transistor. Source: Deutsches Museum,
Munich, Archive, R5432
Australia's electronics magazine
and gave much-improved sensitivity.
Mataré used point-contact diode mixers, the only device that would work
at radar frequencies.
Experiments in 1944 with two contact wires (for a push-pull circuit)
showed that if the wires were very
closely spaced, current in one wire
would influence that in the other
Mataré had discovered, prior to and
independent of the work at Bell Labs,
the principle of the point-contact
Wartime demands prevented Mataré
from pursuing his ‘transistor’ observations. Following the German surrender, Mataré taught physics at a US military academy near Kassel and Aachen
university. During one briefing session, he was invited to move to Paris
and set up a semiconductor plant for
F.V. Westinghouse.
Mataré and Welker’s research
led to the production of diodes in
1946. Taking up his ‘double diode’
design, Mataré was granted US patent
2,552,052, lodged April 21st, 1948.
More importantly, Mataré was able to
demonstrate amplification in that year,
1948 – see Figs.13 & 14.
His development program differed
from that of Bardeen, Brattain and
Shockley, as shown by Mataré’s different approach to surface preparation (see the PDFs at siliconchip. and siliconchip. Like the Bell Labs
team, Mataré and Welker struggled to
unravel and understand the complex
mixture of bulk and surface effects.
Their first confirmed device was
demonstrated in July 1948.
Bell Labs’ release of their design
prompted Mataré and Welker to rush
a patent application to the French
office. Their company, F.V. Westinghouse, applied for a French patent on
August 13th, 1948, granted on March
26th, 1952.
Stuck for a name, the French device
became the “Transistron” to differentiate it from Bell Labs’ transistors. Transitrons were successfully used as early
as May 1949 in telephone repeaters
and were widely used by 1950. Despite
the French devices being reported as
superior to those from Bell, in the
words of Michael Riordan, “Europe
missed the transistor”.
The French government, distracted
by the threat of nuclear warfare with
the Soviet Union, failed to support
March 2022 19
Fig.15: probably the first public demonstration
of a transistor radio at the 1953 Düsseldorf
Radio Fair in Germany.
Fig.16: a closer view of the radio shown in
semiconductor manufacturing. Mataré
left France for Germany and founded
Intermetall (“Semiconductor”) in Düsseldorf, Germany.
At the 1953 Düsseldorf Radio Fair,
“a young lady wearing a black sweater
and a multicoloured flowery skirt
demonstrated to the public a tiny
battery-operated transistor radio” –
shown in Figs.15 & 16.
The revolutionary work of Bardeen,
Brattain, Mataré and Welker resulted
in the creation of a solid-state amplifier that owed nothing to any ‘prior art’.
However, the point-contact transistor
was a dead end; poor performance,
reliability and economics of manufacture condemned it to the dustbin
of history. No complete functional and
mathematical description of the device
is ever likely to be written.
with point-contact technology. His
patent (
patent/US2763832) gives an excellent description of the grown-junction
Source material of exceptionally
high purity (highly regular germanium
with no crystalline faults) was critical to reliable transistor production.
Among other requirements, exceptional purity meant that electrical
conductivity would be due only to
carefully-measured doping chemicals,
resulting in devices with predictable
Ordinary chemical methods were
unable to produce highly-purified,
regular crystalline stock.
Zone refining passes ingots through
a coil that heats the stock to its melting point. As the ingot passes through,
it solidifies in cooler parts of the furnace. Impurities remain in solution
and are ‘swept’ backwards relative to
the ingot’s motion. In practice, furnaces used several heating coils, producing multiple refining zones in a
single pass (see Fig.17).
Germanium’s relatively low melting
temperature allowed it to be conveyed
in graphite ‘boats’.
While this method gave much
higher purity than simple chemical
methods, it could not produce the
ultra-high purity needed for transistor manufacturing.
What about Doctor Adams?
There are online claims that New
Zealander Robert George Adams made
transistor devices in the 1930s. For
example, see http://blog.makezine.
You will find many references to
candidates for ‘the inventor’ of the
transistor. Some of these appear credible, others simply argumentative. I
have focused on designs that were
patented, and – more importantly –
were either the direct antecedents of
commercial devices or commercial
devices themselves.
Junction technology
Taking up Shive’s work on bulk
conduction (which had led to Shockley’s Junction Transistor patent), Gordon Teal’s patent for grown-junction
devices revolutionised transistor manufacturing, making a complete break
Silicon Chip
Fig.17: zone refining was one early method of purifying germanium feedstock.
By passing an ingot through multiple induction heating coils, impurities could
be ‘swept along’ the rod and ultimately removed.
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Silicon’s much higher melting point
necessitated running the ingot vertically without any form of container
or support, relying on molten silicon’s
natural cohesion to restrain the molten zone and not let the ingot collapse.
This method needs no mechanical
support. It also gave very high purity,
so it was adopted for germanium.
For germanium, Teal’s method was
to melt well-purified germanium at
about 940°C, then dip a seed crystal
into the liquid, slowly rotating and
withdrawing the seed vertically (at
about 60 rpm and 0.8mm/second), as
shown in Fig.18. The ‘pulled’ melt
solidified into a highly-purified cylindrical crystal with a regular structure.
The pulling furnace used a dry
hydrogen atmosphere as air would
affect the nature of the pulled crystal.
This method worked equally well for
germanium or silicon. Critically, it
opened the door to the first truly successful transistor construction: grown
Semiconductor doping
Practical semiconductors use
highly-purified feedstock with tiny
amounts of purposefully-added elements other than germanium or silicon. These ‘doping’ elements greatly
improve conductivity (pure germanium and silicon are both very poor
conductors). Doping creates the
P- or N-type materials needed to make
diodes, transistors and integrated circuits.
Just one doping atom for about every
ten million germanium atoms will give
the conductivity needed for semiconductor action. A pentavalent element
such as phosphorus donates electrons,
so it is a donor impurity, making an
N-type semiconductor.
This is different from a common
metallic conductor, which has a population of free electrons; the excesses
in P- and N-type semiconductors are
permanent, not like the mobile ‘electron clouds’ in metals which are, overall, electrically neutral.
A trivalent acceptor impurity (such
as aluminium) ‘steals’ an electron,
leaving a positively-charged hole in
the germanium, making it P-type. This
means that the semiconductor has a
permanent positive charge. Holes can
be made to move in P-type material by
an electric field, just as electrons can
be made to move in N-type material.
An excess of electrons (N-type) or
holes (P-type) means that a doped
semiconductor is a good conductor.
It’s the ability to create different conductors with different current carriers that makes semiconductor devices
This is why the purity of the raw
stock is critical. Precise electrical characteristics can only be guaranteed by
starting from raw material of virtually
absolute purity and adding precisely-
controlled amounts of impurities.
We’ll have more details on the effect of
doping in a later article of this series.
Teal’s development on the basic
refining process was to add minute
concentrations of doping gases to the
furnace atmosphere. With an arsenic-
containing atmosphere, P-type germanium was pulled. For N-type, phosphorus could be used. Fig.19 shows
the process, with a doping ‘pill’ (rather
than a gaseous doping atmosphere)
controlling semiconductor polarity.
But if the atmosphere were changed
from, say, arsenic-rich to phosphorus-
rich during a pull, the drawn crystal
would begin as P-type, then transition
to N-type. On completion of the pull,
the crystal cylinder could be sliced,
discarding most of the ends and leaving a disc containing the P-N junction,
then cut across the disc to separate out
numbers of individual square junctions. Voila! Diodes.
Grown junctions
If the pull was conducted slowly,
and the melted pool sequenced from
arsenic-rich to phosphorus-rich then
back to a final arsenic-rich composition, the pull would contain three
regions: P-type, N-type and P-type in
a ‘sandwich’ (
Fig.18: one of the biggest
breakthroughs in semiconductor
manufacturing (which is in use to
this day) was the pulling furnace
process for generating ultra-pure
giant crystals of germanium or
silicon. These days, silicon crystals
up to 400mm in diameter are made,
although 300mm is a more typical
Fig.19: it is possible to dope the molten germanium during the crystal pull. This
results in graduated doping across the length of the crystal, or possibly even
different doping zones within the crystal.
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March 2022 21
This construction resulted in a
large, single ‘transistor’. Fig.20 shows
how careful slicing and dicing yields
numerous individual transistors. This
was William Shockley’s original Bell
Labs patent. The world’s first transistor radio (the 1954 Regency TR-1) used
grown-junction transistors (types X1
to X4) from the newly-formed Texas
Many types were given ‘in-house’
numbers, and grown-junction technology was being phased out as the
2Nxxx JEDEC nomenclature became
established. NPN types 2N27~29 are
among the registered grown-junction
The grown-junction process favours
NPN construction. Many early transistors are NPN, including those in
the Regency TR-1. NPN types also
appear in the Regency’s TR-4/TR-5
and the Zenith Royal 500, implying
that grown-junction technology was
used at least until the issue of the Royal
500’s IF devices, type 2N216.
TI released their germanium type
200 and type 201 in 1953 and returned
to the technology with their silicon 2N389, as one JEDEC-registered
Being a single, solid crystal, the
grown junction was much more reliable and stable than the point-contact
construction. Since the regions – and
their junctions – had been doped
during the pull, no ‘forming’ was
needed, as was necessary for the
point-contact types. The characteristics were essentially stable from the
moment of solidification until the
end of life.
Each sawn sliver needed to be
mounted in a case and connections
made to it, with the principal difficulty
being the base’s location between the
outer emitter and collector regions.
There were also practical limits to base
thinness – thinner bases give better
gain and higher operating frequency,
so this manufacturing technique limited the achievable performance.
Fig.21 shows the long sliver sitting
horizontally, soldered at each end
to the emitter and collector lead-out
millions or even hundreds of kilometres per hour. Instead, they diffuse, like
a swarm of bees buzzing about.
This means that the current carrier
(hole or electron) lifetime is critical –
they must exist long enough in the base
to complete their slow journey across
it. It’s this diffusion process that held
the key to transistor operation.
Lee de Forest, believing that current flow in his “Audion” was solely
dependent on gas ions, did not fully
understand valve operation and could
not capitalise on his invention. It was
Thinner bases
Irving Langmuir who discovered the
For VHF and UHF operation, triode vital need for near-perfect evacuation
valves become smaller and smaller, of valve envelopes.
with anode-cathode spacings meaLikewise, transistor development
sured in tenths of a millimetre or less. did not truly take off until the nature of
Audio transistors need base thick- base diffusion was understood. Once
nesses of micrometres, some one- it was, the principal effort was aimed
thousandth of their valve equivalents. at reducing the width of the base juncWhy is this?
tion. By the necessity of its microthin
Electron flow in valves is driven by base, every transistor is going to be
the anode-cathode voltage. As soon as a tiny device compared to its valve
an electron escapes the space-charge cousins.
cloud around the cathode, that electron is powerfully accelerated by the Conclusion
anode-cathode field.
All of the manufacturing methods
A speed of 300 million kilometres described above are now obsolete.
per hour (!) is common, and you may The second article in this series, to
see perfectly good receiving valves be published next month, describes
with a faint blue glow on the inside of improvements upon these techniques
the glass envelope. This is caused by which included alloyed-junction
electrons that miss the anode hitting transistors, diffused construction,
the envelope so powerfully that they graded doping, base-substrate etchcause the glass to fluoresce.
ing, micro-alloy diffusion and all-
Electrons and holes in the transistor diffusion techniques.
do not experience such an accelerating
Having explained those, we’ll then
field in the base. The base is essentially cover in detail the two transistor manat a constant potential across most of ufacturing methods still in use: mesa
its width – there is no powerful field and epitaxial planar, both of which rely
to accelerate electrons or holes to on photolithography.
Base region
Fig.20: many grown-junction transistors are made in a single ‘pull’. After the
billet is complete (with a thin P-doped layer in the middle), it is sliced into
hundreds or thousands of slivers to form individual transistors. After having
leads attached, they are encapsulated.
Fig.21: a photo of a grown-junction
transistor. The base connection wire is
very thin since it must connect to the
narrow base region in the middle of
the slice. Source: David Forbes [CC
BY-SA 3.0]
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Silicon Chip
A Timeline of the Transistor
Willoughby Smith
Mataré & Welker
Abramson & Danko
Photoelectric Effect
He discovered that the electrical resistance
of selenium varies with the amount of light
falling on it.
They independently developed a pointcontact transistor called the “transistron” that
was used in France’s telephone network.
This early technique was the start of
mass PCB fabrication, and involved board
lamination and etching.
Karl Braun
John Shive
J. R. A. Beale
Diode Detection
Bulk Conduction
Alloy-Diffused Transistor
Braun noted that, when probing a galena
crystal with a metal wire, current only flowed
freely in one direction.
Shive proved that conduction could occur
through the bulk of a crystal, paving the way
for Shockley’s junction transitor.
See video:
Beale reported experimental production with
operating frequencies up to 200MHz.
Bose & Pickard
Morgan Sparks
Fred B. Maynard
Practical Detectors
Micro-Alloy Diffusion
The cat whisker detector was one of the
most common early type of semiconductor
diode, frequently used in crystal radios.
Sparks helped develop the microwatt
bipolar junction transistor. A grown-junction
transistor can be seen at
A transistor which employs a base layer with
a graded impurity concentration, which is
then etched to produce a thin active section.
Julius Lilienfeld
Christensen & Teal
Arthur Varela
Field-Effect Principle
Epitaxial Fabrication
Surface Barrier
Lilienfeld filed a patent describing a thin-film
device that is now recognised as a precursor
to the FET (field-effect transistor).
Also called epitaxial deposition, this
technique increased both the transistor’s
breakdown voltage and switching speed.
Varela used chemical etching to create very
a thin base structure, with the emitter and
collector “plated” into the base wells.
Julius Lilienfeld
William Pfann
Jack Kilby
Junction Transistor
Zone Refining
Integrated Circuit (fabricated)
Lilienfeld filed a patent describing a 3-layer
device whose structure would be developed
by William Shockley as the junction
Also called zone melting, this is a technique
used to purify materials and was first used
for germanium transistors.
Kilby created the first prototype IC, which was
a hybrid, not monolithic. A photo of him can
be found at:
Oskar Heil
Pankove & Saby
J. F. Aschner
Mesa Transistors
Heil discovered the possibility of controlling
the resistance of a semiconducting material
with an electric field (as in a MOSFET).
Alloy-junction transistors were well-suited for
mass production, but suffered from poor RF
performance. One of these transistors can be
seen at
Produced by Fairchild Semiconductor, but
developed at Bell Labs in 1955. Both base
and emitter were diffused, but they still
suffered from leakage.
Paul Eisler
Herbert Kroemer
Atalla & Khang
Printed Circuitry
Drift-Field Transistors
Eisler designed a radio in 1942, the first to
use a PCB. He was granted a patent for it in
High-speed bipolar junction transistor using
graded doping.
At Bell Labs, Atalla’s work on oxidising silicon
surfaces led (with Khang) to the MOSFET, and
to planar transistors and the monolithic IC.
Herbert Mataré
Dacey & Ross
Jean Hoerni
Point-Contact Effect
Field-Effect Transistor
Epitaxial Planar
Mataré noticed this effect while developing
crystal rectifiers from silicon and germanium
during WW2.
A working JFET was built by George Dacey
and Ian Ross. A photo of them can be found
An oxide layer is left in place on the silicon
wafer, reducing leakage.
Bardeen & Brattain
Harwick Johnson
Sah & Wanlass
Point-Contact Transistor
Monolithic Integrated Circuit
At Bell Labs, these two, led by Shockley,
created the first point-contact transistor from
A patent for a phase-shift oscillator fabricated
in a single “slice” of semiconductor, which
needed no interconnecting wires.
CMOS (complementary MOSFET) technology
was developed at Fairchild Semiconductor,
paving the way for the computer revolution.
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March 2022 23