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Part 1: By Phil Prosser
Active Monitor Speakers
With Subwoofer
This hifi system takes a ‘no compromise’ approach to build a truly superlative
sound system that will be at home in a modern living room. We are utilising
high-end components that are readily available while avoiding falling into the
abyss of overly expensive, gold-plated parts. The parts used are not cheap
but this system will still be within reach for many people.
his new high-end hifi system will
be presented in three parts. This
first part details the design and construction of the relatively compact
main (left & right) speakers that provide excellent sound quality without
being overly obtrusive.
Because these are active speakers,
they need an amplification solution
that integrates an electronic crossover,
which will be the focus of the second
article. The electronics are housed
in an attractive two rack unit (2RU)
black rack-mount case, including all
the amplification, signal conditioning
and power supply circuitry.
The third article will present a
very high-quality Active Subwoofer
to round out the system. It is ideal to
combine with the speakers presented
here, giving a full-range sound system.
However, nothing locks the subwoofer
into use with these particular speakers;
it would be a fine addition to almost
any sound system.
While you could build these speakers without the sub, I reckon almost
anyone going to the trouble of building these will want to extend the bass
all the way down to 20Hz.
So basically, all three parts are
intended to be combined into one
excellent sound system. Still, I have
taken a modular approach, allowing
you to choose which parts to build.
I was a bit cheeky in the intro when
I said there were no compromises.
There are always compromises – in
this case, one of them is that the system is a little on the expensive side.
While most of our recent loudspeaker systems have aimed to be
‘good value’ systems with excellent
sound quality, this one erred more
on the side of ultimate fidelity without worrying too much about the bottom line.
Still, we aren’t talking sheep stations. The four drivers for the Active
Monitor speakers total just under
$1000, while the subwoofer driver is
another $339. Add in all the other bits
and pieces and you can probably build
the speakers for a little over $1500.
Factor in the electronics, and you’re
looking at perhaps a little over $2000;
that’s far from outrageous for a highend speaker and amplifier system.
Another compromise we often make
in our loudspeaker systems is to prefer larger enclosures. That helps us
achieve excellent sound quality at a
reasonable price. But for this system,
I decided that many people these days
do not want huge loudspeakers in their
living spaces.
So I have tried to keep with the modern principle of keeping the speakers
as small as possible without ruining
the sound quality. That is part of the
reason they are a bit more expensive.
It does have the significant advantage
that they are far less likely to be vetoed
by any people who might have the
power to say “no”!
Photos 1 & 2: the SB
Acoustics tweeter (left) and
mid-bass woofer (right) used
in the Active Monitor speakers.
They are quality units with a broad
range of frequencies at which they can
both operate, giving us many choices for
the crossover frequency and slope.
Note that these photos are not to scale.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Features & Specifications
∎ Modestly-sized bi-amplified monitor speakers plus a subwoofer
∎ Frequency response: 25Hz-20kHz, ±3dB (20Hz-20kHz, +3,-12dB; see Fig.8
and the following article on the Active Subwoofer)
∎ Distortion: <1%, 20Hz-10kHz (typically <0.3% for normal levels; see Fig.9)
∎ Over 400W total power (2×50W tweeters + 2×50W woofers + 1×200W
∎ Active crossover <at> 2.7kHz (woofer/tweeter) & 90Hz (subwoofer/woofer)
∎ High-end Satori drivers used throughout
∎ Good time alignment between woofers and tweeters
∎ Excellent off-axis response
Driver lineup
For this system, I have chosen
drivers from the SB Acoustics Satori
series, their premium product line.
The ‘Active Monitor’ speakers utilise:
Satori MW16P-8 bass mid-range: a
165mm (6.5in) driver utilising papyrus fibres in the cone with a rubber
surround and a copper sleeve on the
pole piece. That sleeve helps to reduce
inductance change with cone position
and reduces flux modulation and distortion. In this design, it operates down
to 90Hz in the active implementation
and ~40Hz without the subwoofer.
Satori TW29R-B tweeter: a 29mm
ring radiator with a frequency response
within ±2dB over 1-20kHz. It has a low
resonant frequency of 600Hz and a
very well-behaved impedance. Distortion over the frequency range of interest is very low indeed.
Does that sound good? Wait a
moment; a whole octave is missing
from this equation, but it is delivered
by the active subwoofer using the
SB34SWNRX-S75-6. It is a 12-inch
driver, although it is actually 346mm
in diameter, with a 3in (75mm) voice
coil, one of the real measures of
continuous power handling of a driver.
It has a resonant frequency of 19Hz
and a 22mm peak-to-peak linear cone
excursion. In an 80-litre enclosure
tuned to 25Hz, this driver will deliver
solid bass to 25Hz (-3dB) and operate
in its linear region right down to 20Hz
at up to 200W.
The parts combine to form a stereo
system of the highest quality. Both
my measurements and listening tests
reflect that.
The electronic configuration of this
system is shown in Fig.1. Once built,
you just need to plug it into your preamp and away you go.
Let’s now turn our attention to
the Active Monitor speakers that are
the subject of this article. They are a
‘pigeon pair’ with the Active Crossover Amplifier that will be presented
next month. Being active speakers, we
dispense with the cost and complexity
of passive crossover components. We
also benefit from an amplifier directly
driving each driver and the control
that provides.
If you use the Active Monitor speakers without the intended subwoofer,
you can achieve a low-frequency cutoff
The finished speakers shown with subwoofer and Philips CD player. The speakers can be mounted on top of 800mm tall
stands, as shown here, bringing them to about ear height when seated (see the parts list).
Australia's electronics magazine
November 2022 63
Projects used in a stereo Active Monitor Speaker system
4 x Hummingbird Amplifier – December 2021;
3-Way Active Crossover – October-November 2021;
Multi-Channel Speaker Protector (4-CH) – January 2022;
Power Supply – to be described next month
Projects used in the Optional Subwoofer
Ultra-LD Amplifier Mk3 Amplifier – March-May 2012;
OR Ultra-LD Amplifier Mk4 – August-October 2015;
Multi-Channel Speaker Protector (4-CH) – January 2022
Power Supply – to be described in two months
of about 45Hz, but note that you will
have to adjust the active crossover for
that. 45Hz is OK, but by adding the
active subwoofer, you will experience the entire audible spectrum from
about 20Hz to 20kHz. Few speakers
can deliver that, especially with low
The drivers are very high-quality
units and, as you will see, their performance is outstanding. While their
price is not stratospheric, the quality
of these components does mean the
cost of building this system is relatively high.
The drivers used have excellent
frequency responses and are well
regarded for their subjective performance. See the panel titled “Subjective vs objective performance” for
some insight into how I approached
this design.
Working on a speaker system that
costs thousands of dollars to build, I
feel that I am obliged to bring both a
scientific and analytic approach. But
I also need to use a somewhat subjective and emotional assessment to tune
the final result. Both approaches have
a place in this exercise.
Photos 1 & 2 show the two drivers
used in the Active Monitor speakers,
while Figs.2 & 3 are plots of their individual frequency responses in a sealed
box at 1m.
Those figures show that, in terms of
simple frequency response, there is a
very wide crossover region throughout which both the woofer and tweeter
have a flat response and do not exhibit
unwanted behaviour such as breaking up, unmanageable resonances,
glitches and the likes. From this measure, these drivers are a good match.
The 30° off-axis measurement provided by the factory shows that for a
2-3kHz crossover point, both drivers
remain well-matched and provide
good off-axis coverage.
Editor’s note: a good off-axis
response is an essential feature of a
hifi loudspeaker unless you only ever
listen from a single point in a room!
The ‘woofer’ actually performs
extremely well out to 10kHz looking
at amplitude alone, but does show
signs of breaking up in the 4.5-5kHz
Fig.1: this block diagram shows the configuration of the speaker system. A single rack-mount case houses the
power supply, four amplifiers for the Active Monitors, the speaker protector and the active crossover. The line-level
subwoofer output drives the active subwoofer, which has an internal power supply and amplifier.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
These drivers are a paper cone type
with Neodymium magnets and the
build quality is excellent. That is evident in the comparison of two drivers
shown opposite in Fig.4. Modelling
this driver indicates that a 21L enclosure tuned between 29Hz and 35Hz
covers Butterworth-Chebyshev alignments. (Butterworth is a response with
a ripple-free passband, while Chebyshev allows a little passband ripple for
a faster roll-off).
Reducing this volume a touch to 18L
and stuffing it well allows us to keep
the size of the enclosure under control
at the cost of the -3dB point moving
up a few hertz, to 44Hz. Given that
we are designing the system to have a
subwoofer, this is a moot point. This
slight reduction in volume means we
can keep the depth of the enclosure
within reasonable limits.
Driver alignment
The relative placement of the
tweeter and woofer is critical to the
operation of the speaker, especially
through the crossover region. Aside
from the obvious function of filtering signals for each driver, the crossover needs to do this in a manner that
results in a flat frequency response
through the crossover region.
There is a critical interplay between
driver placement and the operation
of the crossover, shown in Fig.5. The
result of this misalignment of the
acoustic centre of the tweeter and
woofer is a skewing of the beam pattern of the speaker downwards (about
5° in our case) and a null at the crossover frequency about 5° above horizontal.
These effects occur for signal frequencies in the crossover region and
result in a dip in the speaker’s frequency response. If you are not aware
Amplitude (dB)
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.2: the SB Acoustics tweeter’s frequency response, measured 1m away. The
top-end roll-off is almost entirely due to filtering on the front end of the ADC
used to make these measurements.
Amplitude (dB)
The MW16P-8 woofer
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.3: the SB Acoustics mid-bass woofer’s frequency response in a sealed box,
measured 1m away. The top end above about 5kHz looks good, but there is
breakup occurring in this region. The roll-off below about 200Hz is due to the
enclosure, while the ripple in the low end is due to room modes. No effort has
been made to make the plot pretty or smooth. The response over the 200Hz3kHz region is excellent.
Amplitude (dB)
The tweeter response extends well
beyond 20kHz. Cone breakup is not
evident until above 20kHz, and is
well-controlled. So crossing from the
woofer to the tweeter in the 2-3kHz
region will:
1 - Provide a fairly continuous horizontal coverage from the speaker
2 - Have the potential to have a
very flat frequency response
3 - Not excite breakup modes in
the woofer
4 - Operate the tweeter several
octaves above its resonance (600Hz)
8K 9K 10k
14K 16K 18K 20K
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.4: a frequency response plot comparing two woofers. I suspect that some of
that difference is me standing a little too close to the measurement system! It is
also very pleasing to note that the response is extremely smooth and flat. The
ripple visible below about 1kHz is entirely room modes.
of this, it can make designing a crossover very confusing!
There are a few ways designers
tackle this problem. The most direct
manner is to increase the output in
Australia's electronics magazine
this crossover region by playing with
crossover frequencies and shifting
the phase at crossover by pushing the
tweeter crossover frequency down.
That approach can work but has the
November 2022 65
effect of putting more energy into the
room at off-axis angles.
Editor’s note: I reiterate my earlier
point that little change in sound quality or frequency response off-axis is
very desirable.
Another approach is to offset the
drivers. There are several ways to
approach this; a famous example is
the Duntech speakers from the nineties, which used stepped baffles and
acoustic treatment to reduce diffraction from the edges.
My solution is a bit of a mix of the
two approaches. If this sounds like I
am hedging my bets, I kind of am. I
have opted for a gently-sloped baffle
that somewhat offsets the tweeter back
from the woofer (see Fig.6). I have also
recessed the tweeter, which is good for
avoiding diffraction around the transition of the tweeter face plate to the
front panel.
The woofer is not recessed; I simply
applied felt around it to help reduce
the visual and acoustic impact of this
It would have otherwise been
Fig.5: the drivers have different depths, so their ‘acoustic centres’ are not aligned
when installed on a flat panel. Around the crossover frequency, both drivers
are producing signals, and the phase shift due to this misalignment causes
undesirable reinforcement and cancellation at different locations in the room.
necessary to slope the front panel back
by 8° to get the offset between tweeter
and woofer perfect.
My tests show that the result is quite
good. By recessing the tweeter, we get
away with a modest 5° tilt on the front
panel while keeping the drivers in time
alignment. To my eye, the sloped front
makes a pleasing change from a rectangular cube for a speaker. Still, the
effect is subtle enough that you won’t
even spot the front panel tilt in many
of the photos.
The crossover
I have set the crossover frequency
to 2.7kHz, implemented by an active
crossover in the amplifier. I have also
implemented ‘baffle step correction’
in the amplifier. This accounts for
the effect of acoustic radiation from
the speaker transitioning from omni-
directional at low frequencies to directional at high frequencies.
The transition frequency is a function of the driver and its location on
the front panel. The step can be as
much as 6dB, but in our case, a boost
of 3dB at frequencies below 250Hz
works well.
As the speakers are bi-amplified,
each driver is powered directly from
its own amplifier. However, I have
included a large 100μF DC blocking
capacitor (Jaycar Cat RY6920) in series
with the tweeters as the last line of
defence against faults or crossed wiring.
This capacitor has no effect in regular operation but will save your bacon
should LF or DC signals somehow
make their way to the tweeters.
If substituting this part, make sure
you use a high-voltage, high-current
capacitor; many small 50V-rated bipolar capacitors do not have the ripple
current rating for use in loudspeakers.
Fig.6: by tilting the front panel and using some other tricks, we bring the
‘acoustic centres’ into horizontal alignment, so the signals around the
crossover frequency coincide, and we avoid constructive and destructive
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Measuring the system’s overall frequency response was an exercise to
minimise room reflections. The final
plot (Fig.7) is a composite showing two
measurements, one with the speaker
on a stand and measured at 1m, the
second plot with the speaker facing
upwards. Both plots are smoothed
one-third octave to eliminate the usual
‘fuzz’ you get on these plots.
It might look a bit lumpy, but loudspeaker systems are notoriously difficult to characterise in this way. As
speakers go, this is actually remarkably
flat when measured indoors, on average from around 25Hz up to 20kHz.
Fig.8 is a frequency plot measurement made outside over grass near the
shed. For a stand 80cm tall and 1m
from the microphone (with the speaker
cone at about 0.9m), the “bounce path”
is 2.06m (2 × √0.9m2 + 0.5m2). The
direct path is 1.0m, the difference
being 1.05m. Because it’s measured
outdoors the -3dB point is shown at
35Hz rather than 25Hz quoted above.
Subjective vs objective performance
The engineer in me always thinks, “if you can’t measure it, then you can’t
hear it”. Ultimately, this is true. But the question is: what exactly do we
need to measure to determine what makes one speaker sound better than
I have run tests to see what I can hear compared to what I can measure.
I have been surprised at the results, concluding that the ‘character’ of a
speaker comprises not only the gross frequency response but is also influenced by less overt parameters such as the stored energy in the driver, its
breakup modes and distortion profile.
The lessons my experience brings to the Active Monitor speakers are:
■ We should operate the drivers well within their linear regions
■ I took note of trusted reviewers’ opinions of the drivers
■ I considered the stored energy (waterfall plots) of the drivers
■ I sought to match the beam patterns of the drivers via the crossover
■ I prefer higher crossover rates where practical
■ I stuck to drivers with few breakup modes and definitely avoided exciting
■ After designing the system using proper engineering principles, I still
needed to listen to the result and then tune or tweak it until I was happy
with the sound
■ I shouldn’t be afraid to tune a speaker, but I should consider why I am
making any given change
Amplitude (dB)
The cabinet material you choose
comes down to the finish you want,
your skill at woodworking and cost.
I recommend you use MDF, plywood
or chipboard. All these materials
will work fine for the Active Monitor
I prefer MDF over ply. MDF is
denser and has a reputation as a
“deader” material than chipboard. But
be warned, it is also heavier and makes
an extraordinary amount of dust when
cut and routed. Wear a mask while
working with it; breathing this dust
can be harmful to your health.
My woodworking skill is modest,
and in building the prototypes, I have
intentionally stuck to tools that most
people would have. The tools I recommend using are:
1 – Circular saw
with the cut angle adjustable to 5°
I used a cordless circular saw and it
worked great. My old mains-powered
unit would also have been fine for the
job. A younger or skilled person could
possibly make these cuts with a hand
saw, but they would be nowhere near
as clean or accurate.
2 – Jigsaw
Used for a couple of cuts, especially
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.7: two frequency response plots of the overall system. Depending on where
and how the speaker is located, we can move the low-frequency dip around and
usually work out what is causing it. The only way to avoid it entirely would
be to stick the speaker up a tall ladder, but that’s a bit awkward! So it’s best to
ignore the very bottom of the frequency response as it was taken outdoors.
Amplitude (dB)
Building the
Active Monitor speakers
Phase (deg)
For sound travelling at 343m/s or
so, the half wavelength frequency is
163Hz, which is pretty close to the dip
in that figure. That shows this is a test
setup phenomenon, not the speakers.
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.8: a frequency response measurement of the speaker system in a relatively
open grassy area. That dip at 159Hz is because the measurements were taken
outside with the sub arbitrarily placed.
Australia's electronics magazine
November 2022 67
in the braces. You could use a small
handsaw instead, but it would be a
miserable task.
3 – Cordless drill/screwdriver
You will also need various drill
bits and a Philips No.2 driver bit for
the screws.
4 – Router and bits plus a circle jig
You will need a 10mm round over
bit (or similar size), a 6mm round
over bit (or similar size) and a 16mm
straight cut bit.
5 – Sash clamps
You’ll need at least two; many more
if you choose to glue the enclosures
only (not glue & screw).
6 – Sanding disc with 120 grit paper
This will be used to smooth the
edges before routing. It is possible
to do this by hand if your assembly
is clean.
7 – 120-400 grit sandpaper and block
Buy lots of 120, 240 and 400 grit
sandpaper (you can buy it as 5m rolls).
Change paper frequently to reduce the
amount of elbow grease required.
8 – Builders’ bog
To smooth over gaps.
9 – 100mm roller, short nap
For applying the acrylic primer.
Assembly tips
If possible, attach your vacuum
cleaner to your router. If you don’t
do this, don’t say I didn’t warn you!
It’s also important to work in a well-
ventilated area to help prevent inhalation of sawdust.
Work out what final finish you are
aiming for before you start. This will
affect your construction method and
Fig.9: a distortion
plot for the overall
system. These
levels are very low
for a loudspeaker
system, where
0.5% is considered
good. It is excellent
between 50Hz and
1kHz, with the
distortion generally
below 0.33%.
The distortion is
primarily second
harmonic; the third
harmonic is very
low, which is why
these speakers
sound so good.
planning. I chose to go for a smooth,
painted finish. This choice was driven
by cost, my existing décor, and to allow
me to demonstrate that you can produce a good speaker finish at home
with no special tools.
I have laid out the design with
rebated joints, allowing you to glue
and clamp or glue and screw the enclosure together. It requires some precision in routing, but once your jig has
been set up, that is reasonably easy to
achieve. If you do not have a router,
fear not. Rejig the panel sizes to use
butt joints and screw them on the end
grain (with pre-drilled holes!).
Fig.10 shows the cuts for a 2400mm
x 1200mm sheet of 16mm-thick MDF
(or two or three smaller sheets). I could
have brought the sheet home in a ute
and made all the cuts myself, but
instead, I asked the nice people at my
Photo 3: my simple jig allows quick
and repeatable 90° (and angled)
cuts and routed lines to be made.
This saved hours of fiddling with
clamps at the cost of a few timber
off-cuts. You can use this with a
saw or router but be prepared to
throw away your ‘alignment edge’
every time you change the angle.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
local hardware store to cut two vertical
strips 188mm wide, two 210mm wide
and two 358mm wide. I took the extra
as an off-cut.
That lot slid easily into a VW golf
hatchback, and everything, including
cutting, was $50 – the cuts came free.
There aren’t many free things in life,
so you might as well take what you
can get!
Figs.11, 12 & 13 show the details
of the various panels that make up
the enclosures for the Active Monitor
speakers. Cutting the panels from the
strips is relatively straightforward; just
note that accuracy here will pay dividends in final assembly. Some things
to keep in mind are:
• The front panel and the internal
brace are sloped back by 5°. I set my
circular saw to an angle of 5° and admit
to using some bog to smooth these joins
in my assembly.
• All rebates are routed to a depth
of 5mm. Do a test cut or two and get
this right; do not cut too deep, or your
panels will need trimming to fit.
• If you need to trim a panel, plane
or use a disc sander – you do not want
to lop off large chunks of timber.
• Keep track of your left and right
panels as they have the routing on
opposite sides!
I used an extremely simple jig to
allow simple right-angle and 5° cuts
and routed lines to be made, as shown
in Photo 3.
Once you have cut the panels to
size, mark and route the rebate for the
tweeter, which is 104mm in diameter
and 5mm deep. Check that the tweeter
fits your circle by routing an off-cut.
Next, cut the tweeter and woofer
holes, noting that there are two notches
Making circular rebates for the tweeters
You need a router circle jig to make neat rebates
for the tweeters, as they will be visible. You can
buy a circle jig for most brands of routers, but you
can also make one.
Get a flat sheet of aluminium about 100mm wide
and 250mm long and drill a hole near one end
that’s larger than your biggest router bit. Measure
and drill mounting holes for the router relative to
that and countersink them so the screws will not
scratch the timber.
Next, drill a series of 3mm holes to provide
various radii from the router bit and countersink
them from the top.
Attach the jig to a centre hole on your workpiece
using a countersunk M3 machine screw with an
extra nut between the jig and the workpiece to keep
it stable, and voila, you have a circle jig. Just make
sure to test it on offcuts to select the ideal hole in
the jig before doing the final rebate.
Fig.10: here’s how to cut the full set of Active Monitor panels from one or two MDF sheets. Smaller sheets could be used,
or as described in the text, take advantage of the free cutting service offered by many hardware stores. Cut these as
accurately as possible, then route and cut the indicated holes in the panels for the drivers, ports and holes in the brace.
Australia's electronics magazine
November 2022 69
in the tweeter cutout to accommodate
the connection terminals. Once the
front panel is finished, you can cut
the holes in the brace. I marked these
and then used a jigsaw. There is nothing terribly special about the dimensions on these cutouts, but you want to
leave sufficient material to strengthen
the enclosure.
Finally, cut out the speaker terminal
hole. Again, a jigsaw is handy but not
essential. Also make the cutouts for
the input terminals and speaker port
on the rear panel.
Now route all the rebates. I recommend setting up a jig as this will save
you a lot of time and give you consistent route line locations.
Cabinet assembly
Whether you plan to simply glue
and clamp or glue and screw the enclosures, do a dry assembly to check that
all the joints are neat and fit correctly.
Make any adjustments now, so that
everything sits flush.
If you are planning to screw the panels together, be prepared to drill 2.5mm
pilot holes for your screws and countersink the heads. If your timberwork
is neat and achieves a clean and tight
fit together on dry assembly, simply
gluing the enclosures together is something you could consider.
Apply a generous layer of glue to
both surfaces and use masking tape
to hold panels in place if you find
yourself looking for an extra hand.
Wipe away excess glue as you assemble them, keeping everything relatively clean.
With the rebates and internal brace,
which sit horizontally between the
front and rear panels, the boxes should
fit nicely together. Jiggle the panels
into their final places and add sash
clamps to hold the lot together while
the glue sets. To ‘clamp’ the top and
Fig.11: details of the Active Monitor front and rear panels. Note the notches for the tweeter terminals, the rebate to recess
the tweeter and the rectangular areas routed out of the inside for the internal brace.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
bottom panels down, I sat the assembled speaker on the floor and put some
bricks and a hefty box of transformers
on top of it, as shown in Photo 4.
Once clamped, take a damp cloth
and wipe all excess glue from the
joints. This is an essential step as sanding PVA glue is extremely difficult.
Applying the finish
No matter how you choose to finish your speakers, the most important
thing is preparation. Once the glue
had set, I used a sanding disc to sand
back all external joints to flush. I then
used ‘bog’ to fill any gaps between
joints, being extremely careful not to
overfill. The sand-and-fill process was
Fig.12: details of the top and bottom panels, and the internal brace. The brace fits horizontally between the drivers and
ensures good rigidity. The bottom panel is larger than the top due to the angled front.
Fig.13: details of the side panels, which are trapezoidal to fit the tilted front panel. The routed areas are where the front
and rear panels attach as well as the horizontal internal brace.
Australia's electronics magazine
November 2022 71
Photo 4:
one Active
speaker box,
glued and
waiting to
dry. This sat
for 24 hours
before further
work was
repeated, moving through 120 grit to
240 grit sandpaper until the boxes
were totally smooth.
You will see in the photos that I
rounded the speakers’ edges. The front
edges have a 10mm radius curve to
the edge, while the sides have a 6mm
radius. The front edges are rounded to
reduce diffraction, although if your finish demands a square edge, that will be
OK. My earlier prototypes had square
edges and did not show significant
refraction-related problems.
Next, I used a roller and acrylic
primer to seal the timber, paying particular attention to the end grain. We
need this sealed; otherwise, it will
absorb paint and be visible through
the top coat. The primer had an
orange-peel effect which required yet
more sanding with 240 grit paper to
make the finish smooth, as can be seen
in Photo 5.
After the acrylic primer had been
sanded totally smooth, I applied a
spray primer. This sealed any patches
of MDF showing through. I sanded
that again using 400 grit paper and
then applied two top coats with a
light sanding using 400 grit paper in
between. I used “satin black”, which
is more matte than gloss. Gloss is the
worst case for showing any flaws.
Luckily, the results were excellent. Photo 6 shows the least flattering aspect of the speaker, with a slight
imperfection along the top rebate joint
at the rear. I almost filled and re-coated
this to make them perfect, but the
reality is this is only visible from this
angle, so I considered the extra effort
Installing the drivers
Set the speaker port to 100-110mm
in length. This does not need to be
super exact; a 90 to 115mm range is
acceptable. The specified Altronics
port is 110mm long with the adjustable extension removed. Install and
screw the port in, as shown in Photo 7.
The connector is the ideal place to
mount the protection capacitor for
the tweeter. The 100μF capacitor will
protect against the application of DC
and provide a small measure of protection against modest levels of fullrange signal. However, it will not protect against prolonged high-level low-
frequency material.
To prepare the connector, you must
take the bridging straps off before soldering anything to the tabs.
I hot-melt glued the capacitor to the
input connector and wired it directly
in series with the tweeter wire. I used
1mm2 (17AWG) heavy-duty speaker
cable for the tweeter and woofer connection. Make sure you cut these long
enough that you can solder them to the
drivers when you install them.
I started with 600mm lengths, soldered them to the input terminals and
trimmed them to length when I connected the drivers – see Photo 8. Mark
the woofer and tweeter connections so
Photo 5: the primed Active Monitor speakers drying in front of the air
conditioner. These were later sanded smooth before applying spray
primer, then sanded again before the top coat.
Photo 6: the
ultimate finish,
shown at the least
flattering angle (see
the top rear). A final
smear of filler and a
couple of top coats would
resolve this, but I figured
it wouldn’t be visible in the
listening room.
Australia's electronics magazine
you do not get them confused. I also
suggest labelling the connectors on the
exterior of the box so that in the future,
when you have forgotten how you built
these, the connections are clear.
Poke the speaker wires into the
enclosure, put foam tape around the
terminal cutout, then screw it down
with four wood screws.
Next, cut two strips of thick wadding about 1m long, fold one and stuff
it above the brace, then the second one
below it. The aim is to loosely fill the
enclosure with wadding to damp rear
radiation into the enclosure.
The drivers have pre-installed foam
gaskets. Solder the tweeter wires
to the tweeter, being careful to get
the phasing correct. Now screw the
tweeter in and follow by installing
the woofer. Secure the drivers with
16mm screws.
Finally, I installed the felt. It is best
to cut the circles after it has been stuck
to the front panel but cut the straight
lines using a ruler and sharp knife
before installing. The pattern I used
is shown in Fig.14.
This is required as we are mounting the woofer flush to the front panel;
the felt neatens the appearance and
allows the woofer to be moved forward, improving time alignment and
reducing diffraction.
Depending on the felt you can
source, you might need two layers.
Ultimately, you want the felt flush
with the woofer frame.
Parts List – Active Monitor Speakers (per pair)
1 Amplifier/Crossover (to be described next month)
1 active subwoofer (optional; but recommended; described next month)
2 SB Acoustics Satori MW16P-8 165mm mid-woofers
[Wagner Electronics –]
2 SB Acoustics Satori TW29R-B 29mm ring tweeters ➊
[Wagner Electronics –]
2 100μF 100V bipolar crossover capacitors [Jaycar RY6920] ➋
2 35mm adjustable speaker ports [Altronics C3638]
2 bi-wire speaker terminals with two independent inputs [Altronics P2019]
1 2400 × 1200 × 16mm sheet of MDF or similar, cut as per Fig.10
30 16mm-long 8G wood screws
1 2m length of 1mm2 (17AWG) figure-8 speaker [Altronics W1936]
2 5mm-thick sheets of dark felt, 300 × 200mm
1 5m length of 5-10mm wide soft foam sealing tape (for sealing driver and
terminal holes)
1 2m × 1m acoustic wadding blanket [Lincraft “king size thick wadding”]
1 300mL tube of PVA glue
1 500mL tin of acrylic primer paint
2 350g cans of spray primer paint
2 350g cans of spray paint (for two or more top coats)
➊ If you’re ordering the drivers from Wagner and want to build the
subwoofer, you can get the SB34SWNRX-S75-6 subwoofer driver at the
same time (
➋ Increasing the value up to 220μF is beneficial but not required. Make sure
the capacitors can handle the currents involved.
Parts for optional stands (per pair, 800mm tall)
2 2m lengths of 120 × 19mm DAR pine
2 300 × 300 × 16mm sheets of MDF or similar
2 200 × 140 × 16mm sheets of MDF or similar
8 75mm-long 10G wood screws
8 50mm-long 10G wood screws
1 250mL tin of acrylic primer paint
1 350g can of spray primer paint
1 350g can of spray paint (for two or more top coats)
Fig.14: cut the felt to
this shape and glue
it to the front of the
speaker. It serves
two purposes: to
prevent sound from
refracting from the
edges of the drivers
and to hide the
difference in the
mounting styles of
the two drivers.
Photo 7: the rear of the speaker,
showing the texture you get if you
don’t sand the undercoat. This also
gives you a good view of the vent and
the terminals.
Australia's electronics magazine
November 2022 73
Speaker stands
Where and how you use your Active
Monitor speakers is a personal choice.
That said, positioning is important;
having them at ear level is a good idea.
My speakers are in a listening
room and I wanted some stands to
set them at the right height. I made
suitable speaker stands from off-cuts
of MDF and 120 × 19mm DAR pine
timber. I used angled braces to make
them both stronger and more visually
Fig.15 shows how you can make
some of these simply and cheaply. I cut
the timber as shown, primed, sanded
and applied a top coat in a similar
manner to the Active Monitor speakers. The overall height of the stands as
specified is 800mm; you can tweak the
height to suit your needs.
We’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves
Fig.15: the details of the low-cost but sturdy and attractive stands I designed for the Active Monitor speakers. You can
probably cut the base and top plates from off-cuts of the material used to make the speakers.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Frequency (Hz)
4.5k 5.0k 5.5k 6.0k
6.5k 7.0k 7.5k 8.0k 8.5k 9.0k 9.5k
Phase (deg)
Amplitude (dB)
here because you’ll need to build the
amplifier/crossover system described
in the article next month to test your
new speakers properly. Still, this is
an appropriate place to discuss how
to check that everything has gone
together properly, so let’s proceed on
the assumption that you have already
built the electronics.
A good test for a crossover and
speaker alignment is to invert the
tweeter phase and see if there is a dip
at the crossover frequency. Fig.16
shows a 10dB dip in the response at
the crossover frequency when I invert
the phase of the tweeter. This indicates
that the time alignment is correct and
that everything in the system is working as planned.
Fig.16: a major dip is seen in the frequency response when the tweeter phase
is inverted. This sound cancellation shows that everything is well aligned and
working as expected.
Calibration and use
Assuming you are setting the output level controls on the 3-Way Active
Crossover, I recommend you use an
oscillator and AC voltmeter. The oscillator could be your PC audio output.
Be a little cautious using DVMs as an
AC voltmeter as some do not respond
to signals above 400Hz, so check you
get sensible readings. The steps are:
1 - Unplug your Active Monitor
speakers from the Active Crossover
2 - Set the woofer level to maximum.
3 - Set your oscillator to generate
400Hz at 1V RMS.
4 - Measure the woofer output of
the active crossover or amplifier. These
should be 0.65V/12.6V RMS respectively; ±1dB precision on these is 0.580.73V & 11.2-14.1V.
5 - Now set your oscillator to 5kHz.
Check that your meter still reads 1V
RMS at the input to the Active Crossover Amplifier.
6 - Adjust the tweeter volume control to get 0.24V/4.7V RMS on the
active crossover or amplifier’s tweeter
output; ±1dB precision on these is
7 - Set your oscillator to 40Hz and
check that your meter still reads 1V
RMS at the input to the Active Crossover Amplifier.
8 - Adjust the subwoofer volume
control to get 0.59V RMS on the subwoofer output; ±1dB precision on this
is 0.48-0.61V.
It is probably best to set the subwoofer output by ear as there can be
huge differences between listening
rooms. Adjust the level up until it
Photo 8: I used hot melt glue to attach the DC block capacitor for the tweeter to
the back of the speaker terminal. I then soldered 600mm of heavy-duty speaker
wire to the terminals, ready for attachment to the drivers.
sounds ‘bassy’, then back it off until
the sound is dry. The right level is in
between those settings. If you have an
SPL meter, use it, just be aware that
your room will create all sorts of interesting peaks and dips.
Some say that two subs can help fill
these, but it is an expensive proposition. Still, there’s absolutely nothing
stopping you using both subwoofer
outputs from the Active Crossover
Amplifier to drive one sub each. In
that case, you’ll initially want to set the
subwoofer output closer to 0.4V RMS.
I adjusted the baffle step correction to achieve optimal subjective
sound quality in my listening room.
You might wish to tweak this to suit
your room.
This is because the baffle step corrects how much sound is heard at the
listening spot – but remember that diffraction merely redirects the sound off
Australia's electronics magazine
to the side, and the sound is still in
the listening room. So each room may
demand a different correction.
Increasing the 2.2kW resistor will
reduce the amount of baffle step correction (and reduce the frequency at
which the correction kicks in). The
recommended value should be correct
in many situations, but you may like
to experiment with it.
I trust that you will enjoy building
and tweaking, then listening to these
very high-quality speakers and possibly making your own version inspired
by some of these ideas.
Next month
The second article next month will
describe the Active Crossover Amplifier system for driving the Active Monitor speakers. After that, we’ll have an
article on building the matching High
Performance Subwoofer.
November 2022 75