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Part Two
The History and Technology of
By Dr David Maddison
Our introductory article last month mainly described the development
of video display technology from its early inception to around the year
2000, when plasma and cathode ray tube (CRT) displays dominated the
consumer space. This month, we describe the development of liquidcrystal display (LCD) screens and more recent advances.
CDs are currently the dominant
display tech for static images,
computers and video displays.
The reason is a combination of factors: low cost, thinness, lightness, tiny
bezels, colour accuracy, wide viewing angles, fast response times, high
contrast ratios, reasonably low power
consumption etc.
But LCDs weren’t always that way.
Early LCDs were small, very primitive, slow to update and only useful
for devices like calculators. It took
decades to develop and refine them
until they were suitable for TVs.
The advances haven’t stopped there;
backlighting has improved, quantum
dots are now on the market, and OLEDs
and MicroLEDs are coming onto the
Silicon Chip
scene, along with other more esoteric
technologies like laser TVs. Before we
get to those, we’ll start with the development of liquid-crystal display technology and its operating principles.
Liquid-crystal displays (LCDs)
Some have called liquid crystals
“the fourth state of matter” [I thought
that was plasma; perhaps they mean
fifth – Editor].
What we now know to be liquid
crystals were first observed by Rudolf
Virchow in 1854, who saw unusual
behaviour in myelin (the insulating
layer around nerve bundles).
Then in 1857, German Carl von
Mettenheimer, also studying myelin,
noticed it flowed like a liquid, but
Australia's electronics magazine
when viewed under crossed polarisers, the light showed highly coloured
birefringence like a crystal. However,
the material was not identified as a
liquid crystal at the time.
Austrian botanist Friedrich Reinitzer discovered liquid crystals in
1888 when he examined a material,
cholesteryl benzoate, extracted from
It exhibited specific properties when
between two temperatures (“two different melting points”, as he described
them) that were characteristic of both
the liquid (amorphous) state and the
solid (crystalline) state.
In this ‘mesophase’ state, the material could reflect polarised light and
rotate the polarisation of light. He
coined the term “fliessende Krystalle”
for liquid crystal. See the following
links for more details:
In 1922, Vsevolod Fréedericksz and
A. Repiewa discovered an effect now
called the Fréedericksz transition that
is the basis of LCD screen technology. When a liquid crystal is placed
between two transparent glass electrodes, the light transmittance can be
controlled electrically, like an optical
switch – see Fig.27.
Liquid crystals are essential to life.
Cell membranes, the myelin sheath
that insulates nerves, and the digestion of fats all involve liquid crystals.
There was very little interest in liquid crystals until 1962, when Richard Williams at RCA Laboratories
in the USA discovered the electro-
optic properties of these materials.
He found that liquid crystals formed
striped patterns when an electric field
was applied. In 1968, a liquid-crystal
display was demonstrated by George
Heilmeier, although it had to be run
at 80°C.
LCD materials were then developed
that could run at room temperature. In
1970, a calculator was demonstrated at
the international ACHEMA exhibition
using an LCD screen based on Merck
products. The first consumer calculator with an LCD was the Sharp EL-805,
released in 1973.
In 1976 and 1978, Merck developed LCD materials with fast switching times, reducing the transition time
from hundreds of milliseconds to
20ms or less, and improving the optical properties. In 1980, a “viewer independent panel” display was developed
by Merck that became the basis of all
active-matrix LCD screens.
In 1982, the first LCD TV was
released by Seiko Epson in the form
of a wristwatch. In 1984, Citizen
released a 2.7in (6.8cm) colour pocket
LCD screen, the first to use an active
matrix or TFT (thin film transistor)
LCDs were one of the first replacement technologies for CRT TVs and
plasma displays. Early plasma displays could produce a larger image
than LCDs but with poor brightness
and high power consumption.
Sharp produced a high-end 14in
(36cm) LCD monitor in 1988, while
Epson released a colour LCD projector, the VPJ-700, in January 1989.
Sizing and aspect ratio of TV and monitors
The industry-standard way of measuring TV and computer monitor size is with
a diagonal linear measurement. This is often given in inches, although European
and Asian brands usually mention centimetres as well (remember when many
Japanese CRT TVs were advertised in centimetres?). This has the advantage
that it gives a reasonable idea of screen size for a range of aspect ratios.
Using the diagonal to measure screen size has its historical origins in the days
when CRTs were round but had to display rectangular images, and much of the
tube was hidden by the bezel of the TV. The diagonal indicated the size of the
rectangle that would be displayed, bearing in mind that the original TV aspect
ratio was 4:3 (1.33:1).
With flat panel displays, the diagonal measurement refers to the actual
visible area. Videos come in many aspect ratios, but the most common TV,
computer monitor and smartphone aspect ratio is 16:9 (1.78:1). However, some
smartphones have exceeded this ratio by becoming taller.
The 16:9 ratio has been a standard of the International Telecommunication
Union since 1990. Standard HDTV resolutions like 1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080 and
UltraHD 3840 x 2160 are all 16:9 when the pixels are square.
To accommodate other aspect ratios of source material on a 16:9 screen, an
image is cropped or ‘letterboxed’ (black bars at top and bottom), ‘pillarboxed’
(black bars at the sides) or, in some cases, ‘windowboxed’ with black space all
around the image.
The Academy standard film aspect ratio is 11:8 (1.375:1), but movies have
been and continue to be produced in a wide range of aspect ratios, with 2.35:1
ultra-wide being quite popular for many years in feature films. For computer
monitors, 16:10 is also a pretty common ratio (it’s very close to the golden ratio,
1.618:1), and 5:4 was also used in the past (and occasionally still is).
For more information on TV and movie aspect ratios, see https://widescreen.
org/aspect_ratios.shtml and for computer monitor aspect ratios, see https://w.
16 : 9
16 : 10
2.4 : 1
11 : 8
Some common
aspect ratios
Fig.27: the Fréedericksz transition is the basis of LCD screen technology.
The shapes show the alignment of the liquid crystals in response to an
electric field: a) no electric field applied, light transmitted; b) intermediate
electric field applied, light partially transmitted; c) full electric field
applied, all light blocked.
Australia's electronics magazine
October 2022 17
Research on LCD screens continued,
and eventually, LCD screens could be
produced at sizes competitive with
plasma displays.
Thus, they could be used at both the
small size end of the market (where
plasma displays were not suitable) and
at the large size end, where plasma
displays dominated.
In 1994, a 21in (53cm) LCD screen
was demonstrated at a trade fair in
Japan. By the end of the 1990s, prototype displays of 40in/1m diagonal
were being demonstrated.
In 1995, Hitachi Ltd developed
‘in-plane switching’ (IPS), providing
a much wider viewing angle than the
existing TN (twisted nematic) technology without excessive colour or
brightness shifts.
Then, in 1997, Fujitsu Ltd produced
an LCD with ‘vertical alignment’ (VA)
technology that gave greatly improved
contrast and a black screen when no
voltage was applied.
Most LCD screens today still use TN,
IPS or VA technology. TN is mainly
used where very fast response times
are required as it has inferior colour
reproduction and viewing angles. IPS
provides the best viewing angles and
colour reproduction, but its contrast
Fig.28 & 29: the
two polarisers
in an LCD are at
90° to each other.
When no voltage
is applied via the
thin-film transistor
(TFT), the liquid
crystals change
the polarisation
of the light
passing through,
allowing light to be
transmitted. When
a voltage is applied
via the TFT, the
liquid crystals
align so the light
polarisation is not
altered and the
light is blocked.
cause partial
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
is not as high as VA, so blacks can
look grey.
In the 2000s, new liquid crystal
materials were developed with significantly reduced response times, down
to 8ms, and even wider viewing angles
for VA displays with better colours,
brightness and contrast. In 2006,
Sharp developed polymer-stabilised
VA technology that gave better light
transmission and thus lower energy
requirements for the backlighting.
In 2006, the price of LCD screens
started to decrease dramatically and
began to displace the market held by
plasma displays, and LCD screens
started outselling plasma TVs. By
2008, LCD TVs were also outselling
The principles of operation of an
LCD matrix display are pretty simple,
as shown in Figs.28 & 29. Linear polarising filters, as used on some cameras
and sunglasses, ensure the light polarisation is uniform in one direction.
Light is transmitted normally if two
linear polarising filters are aligned. But
if they are rotated 90° to each other,
the light is blocked.
Therefore, by controlling the polarisation of one of the two layers, the
amount of light that passes through
can be controlled smoothly, from near
100% to near 0%.
In an LCD, a layer of liquid crystals
is sandwiched between two crossed
polarisers. In between the polarisers
are also transparent electrodes made
of indium tin oxide, with an alignment layer and colour filters (for colour
LCDs) representing the colours of the
sub-pixels. The whole ensemble is
called ‘the sandwich’.
The alignment layers consist of two
polyimide plates, one on each side of
the liquid crystals, which have been
treated to cause liquid crystals to align
with them. Each plate is aligned at
right angles to the other. Surprisingly,
one method of creating the alignment
pattern is to rub the plate with a velvet
cloth in the desired direction.
When no current is applied to the
liquid crystal, the alignment through
the thickness of the crystal changes
from the direction of one plate to the
direction of the other. This causes the
light polarisation to be twisted from
one alignment to another, and thus,
light is transmitted.
If a voltage is applied through the
liquid crystals, via either ordinary
electrodes or thin-film transistors
(TFTs) in the base of each pixel element of the display, the liquid crystals
align and block the light. The amount
of blocking depends upon the voltage
Earlier LCD screens were ‘passive
matrix’ types with electrodes on either
side of the LCD layer. More recent displays are ‘active matrix’ types where
the electrodes for each sub-pixel element are replaced with thin-film
(translucent) transistors, resulting in
a faster response time and a sharper
and brighter image.
The light source for LCD panels was
cold cathode fluorescent light strips
(CCFLs) for a long time, but it is now
primarily LEDs. See the panel at the
end of the article for additional comments about this distinction.
Incidentally, you can tell if sunglasses are polarising or not by looking at an operating LCD screen with
them and rotating them. If it goes dark
or fades out at some angle, the glasses
have polarising lenses.
Quantum-dot displays
Quantum-dot displays are comprised of two types, photo-emissive
or electro-emissive. They are a form
of nanotechnology.
Photo-emissive quantum dots are
used in any display technology that
uses colour filters, primarily LCDs
with LED backlighting. In an LCD,
they are inserted as a film in ‘the sandwich’ made of other films, polarisers,
glass, TFTs and electrodes. When light
passes through a quantum dot film, it
is re-emitted as a pure red, green or
blue colour.
The purpose is to give truer-tolife colours than is possible with
LED illumination alone. LCD screens
using quantum dots are said to be
comparable to or superior to OLED
(organic light-emitting diode) displays. However, quantum-dot displays
are cheaper and can deliver superior
colour at full brightness than OLEDs.
Electro-emissive quantum dot displays emit light by themselves, but
are experimental at this stage. They
are thin, flexible displays that promise better life than OLEDs.
LED and microLED displays
LED displays are flat panel displays comprised of individual LEDs
for the sub-pixels that are the actual
light-emitting elements. They should
not be confused with LCD screens
Fig.30: a Sony Crystal LED (CLEDIS) display makes up the walls in this image.
The displays are modular, so they can be made essentially any size. Source:
that use LED backlighting (see panel).
LED displays are used for large outdoor screens such as at sporting or
entertainment events or variable road
MicroLEDs are produced at a
smaller size than standard LEDs and
are thus suitable for smaller display
devices (or higher resolution devices)
than regular LEDs. These displays are
inorganic and theoretically have a longer life than OLEDs, which are organic
in nature (as explained below).
Compared to LCDs, they potentially
have a faster response time, lower
power consumption, greater brightness, better contrast ratio and better
colour saturation.
They have not yet been mass-
produced for smaller-scale devices
such as consumer TVs, but Sony has
developed CLEDIS or Crystal LED Integrated Structure that uses MicroLEDs.
It is a modular system that can be
assembled to make a display of almost
any size for uses like public exhibitions or cinema screens (see Fig.30).
In January this year, Samsung
announced plans to sell microLED
TVs in the sizes of 89in (2.25m), 101in
(2.5m) and 110in (2.75m), but at the
time of writing, they are not yet on
the market.
OLED stands for organic light-
emitting diode. Unlike traditional
LEDs, which are made of inorganic
semiconductors like gallium nitride,
OLEDs are made of organic semiconductors. These are complex organic
materials either based on small molecules or molecules joined together as
polymers (plastics).
These materials all have the characteristic of loosely-bonded electrons
that enables them to conduct electricity to various degrees. They are
known as organic conductors. The
active layer (recombination region)
of an OLED is electroluminescent,
meaning it emits light in response to
an applied voltage.
Electroluminescence in organic
Non-working or defective pixels in displays
In matrix-based displays such as plasma, LCD and OLED screens, there is the
possibility of receiving a screen with non-working pixels (also called a “dead
pixel”). Possible defects include pixels or sub-pixels
that are stuck on or off.
An international standard has been developed to
categorise the types and quantity of pixel defects
that are considered acceptable, ISO 13406-2. The
number of acceptable defects varies according to the
manufacturer. It depends on the types of defects, the
location of the defective pixels on the screen and the
proximity of defective pixels to each other.
Image source:
Australia's electronics magazine
October 2022 19
Figs.31: how an OLED screen pixel works. It’s somewhat similar to a regular LED but uses organic polymer
semiconductors. Among other benefits, that means OLED screens can be flexible.
materials was observed in the 1950s,
and the fundamental research was
done in the 1960s, but Eastman Kodak
developed the first practical OLEDs
in 1987.
White OLEDs were first produced
and commercialised in Japan in 1995
for display backlighting and other
lighting purposes.
In 1999, Kodak and Sanyo entered
into a partnership and produced a
2.4in (61mm) OLED display, followed
by a 15in (38cm) HDTV screen in 2002.
Sony released the XLE-1 television
commercially in 2007, and in 2017,
JOLED started producing OLED panels
printed by an ink-jet process.
A simple OLED structure consists of
a protective layer, cathode (−), electron
transport layer, recombination region,
hole transport layer, transparent anode
(+) and glass substrate – see Fig.31.
More advanced OLEDs have extra layers with different regions to produce
different colours.
An OLED requires a simple potential difference (voltage) to start operating. The cathode has electrons (-) from
the power source and the anode loses
holes (the absence of an electron, +).
Fig.32: Samsung smartphones with foldable OLED displays. We’ve seen reports
of these screens cracking after many months or years of folding and unfolding,
so do your research before buying one, especially as they are expensive. Source:
Wikimedia user Ka Kit Pang, Apache 2.0 license
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Australia's electronics magazine
Opposite charges are attracted to each
other, and they meet at the recombination region, the boundary region
between the electron transport layer
and the hole transport layer.
These electrons and holes come into
contact forming an ‘exciton’ and emits
a photon of light. This happens a large
number of times, causing a continuous
emission of light.
A disadvantage of OLEDs is that
they have a shorter lifetime than other
display technologies. An advantage is
that they can be made foldable, as in
certain phones (see Fig.32).
Fig.33: examples of Lumineq in-glass
electroluminescent displays with
optional touchscreen capability. The
price of a taxi or Uber is displayed in
the top photo, while the bottom photo
shows an access code panel for a car.
Fig.34: the front of a Texas Instruments
DMD chip for cinematic use. Source:
Wikimedia user Binant, CC BY-SA 4.0
Fig.36: non-wobulated and wobulated images generated by the DMD.
Wobulation improves the visible resolution without needing more mirrors.
AMOLED is a particular OLED
technology that uses an active matrix
driven by thin-film transistors (TFTs).
electroluminescent displays, and
they are branded as Lumineq (www. – see Fig.33.
Electroluminescent displays
Digital Light Processing (DLP)
Electroluminescence (EL) is the phenomenon whereby a material such as
gallium arsenide emits light when an
electric field is applied to it.
The colour of the light varies with
the active material, but currently, the
only practical displays are single-
colour, such as yellow or orange. Displays can have fixed segments, or
there can be a matrix to display any
desired image.
The display structure is similar to
LCDs or OLEDs with striped opaque
(or transparent) electrodes at the back
running in one direction and transparent striped electrodes at the front at
right angles to the ones at the back. One
back electrode and one front electrode
are energised to activate the desired
segment or pixel – see Fig.35.
There are two main types of EL
display, either transparent or non-
transparent, which are similar, but
transparent displays have transparent
back electrodes.
With transparent displays, regions
which are not activated are 70% transparent for matrix displays and 80%
transparent for segment displays. They
can be laminated within glass, such as
automotive glass, and can also have
touch-sensing capability.
Electroluminescent displays are
rugged, can operate at high or low
temperatures, are resistant to high or
low pressures and sunlight, and last at
least 20 years. Thus, they are superior
to LCDs and OLEDs in certain applications, such as outdoors.
Beneq of Finland is the only manufacturer of segment and matrix
DLP is a light projection technology
developed by Texas Instruments (TI)
in 1987 and commercialised in a projector by Digital Projection Ltd. It uses
a chip with an array of micromirrors.
These can be flipped into either an
‘on’ position to reflect light towards
the image plane or an ‘off’ position to
reflect light elsewhere, such as onto
a heatsink.
Although the mirrors can only be
in one of two positions, intermediate
brightnesses can be produced by rapidly flipping the mirrors on or off to
alter the average amount of light sent
to the image plane.
The chip is known as a digital micromirror device or DMD (see Fig.34).
The mirrors are microscopically small,
with a pitch of 5.4µm (microns, millionths of a metre) or less. The number of mirrors corresponds to the
image’s resolution, except when a process known as wobulation is used to
increase the effective resolution.
With wobulation (see Fig.36), the
DMD is moved a small amount (in
both X and Y directions), such as half
a pixel, to project a new subframe. This
is generated by the projector firmware
and half-overlaps the previous frame
to give an increase in resolution without the extra expense of a higher resolution DMD.
Colours are generated either by a
colour wheel rotating in front of the
chip, creating a series of different
coloured images that the eye merges,
or by three separate chips, each projecting one primary colour.
The DMD is an optical MEMS
(micro-electromechanical system)
– see our detailed article on those
Fig.35: the structure of an electroluminescent matrix (pixel) display.
Original source: Electronics Weekly –
Australia's electronics magazine
October 2022 21
Fig.37: the details of a digital
micromirror device (DMD). Source:
Texas Instruments (
devices (November 2020; siliconchip.
In a DMD, thousands of microscopic
aluminium mirrors are each supported
on a yoke, itself supported on a torsion
hinge between two posts and rotated
about 10° between the on and off positions by electrostatic forces, as shown
in Fig.37.
The base layer of the DMD contains
SRAM (static random access memory)
cells that move one mirror by electrostatic charge according to its current
state. A bias voltage is used to drive
the SRAM so that when power is
removed, all the mirrors reset to the
same starting position, so all the mirrors move together for the next frame
– see Fig.38.
Due to an extensive patent portfolio, high production costs and the high
level of technical know-how required,
only Texas Instruments makes these
The DMD is manufactured according to the standard processes for
MEMS and lithography, the latter
described in our three-part series on IC
fabrication in the June to August 2022
issues (
However, we are sure the exact processes are a closely-guarded secret.
Still, we would love to know!
DLP is used in some domestic projectors and about 90% of commercial
movie projectors. TI offer DMD resolutions of up to 4K UHD (3840 × 2160)
and frame rates from 60Hz to 240Hz
with support for LED, incandescent or
laser light sources.
For a video teardown of an early DLP
projector, see the video titled “Extreme
teardown – NEC XT5000 Projector” at
Laser TV
Laser TV is a new technology, currently in the process of adoption. To
generate an image, laser beams are
scanned across the image plane, usually electromechanically, such as with
a DLP chip. Conceptually, the image
is created much like it is in a CRT, but
using a laser beam instead of an electron beam – see Fig.39.
The idea of laser TV was first proposed in 1966 and patented in 1977,
but the laser technology was too
expensive until the development
of solid-state lasers. A system was
demonstrated at the 2006 Las Vegas
Consumer Electronics Show (CES)
by Novalux Inc. In 2008, Mitsubishi
Electric released a commercial 65in
(165cm) 1080p HDTV model and
in 2013, LG released a 100in (2.5m)
1080p consumer model.
Electronic paper/ink
Electronic paper is a type of display
that mimics paper. Like paper, it does
not produce its own light but is read
by reflected ambient light. It is thus
said to cause less eye strain and stress.
Electronic paper can be updated reasonably rapidly, but not fast enough for
full-motion video with present technology. Still, it can show slow-motion
► Fig.38: details of the individual mirror assemblies in a DMD. Original source:
Texas Instruments
Fig.39: a commercially-available Hisense laser TV. The image is projected from
the box beneath the screen in the centre.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
LCD screens: IPS, VA or TN?
Fig.40: a real-time electronic paper
timetable display used for Sydney
buses. Source: Wikimedia user
video or frequently changing numbers,
such as a clock display.
Like paper, electronic paper maintains the last image written to it when
the power is turned off; no power is
required to maintain the display in its
current state.
Other names for electronic paper are
electronic ink and electrophoretic displays. The name “E Ink” is a trademark
of E Ink Corporation (
As mentioned in the text, these are the three dominant LCD technologies,
although others exist. When choosing an LCD screen, this is one of the most
critical decisions.
While modern VA (vertical alignment) panels are said to have decent viewing
angles, in our experience, IPS panels are still noticeably superior. This is especially
important for computer monitors, where you usually sit close to the screen. A
poor viewing angle not only means you can’t move your head much, but even
with your head in a static position, the corners of the screen might appear to be
fading or colour shifting compared to the centre.
For this reason, we almost exclusively use IPS (in-plane switching) panels.
They also tend to have the best colour reproduction, although VA screens have
come a long way in that respect too.
Some prefer VA panels for roles like video playback/TV or playing games
because of the higher contrast ratios, ‘blacker’ blacks and faster refresh rates.
However, 144Hz refresh IPS screens are now available, making the refresh rate
distinction less critical. VA panels have noticeably better contrast than IPS types,
but we don’t feel the trade-off is worthwhile unless they have stellar viewing
angles for their class.
This is a situation where it really helps to physically try out the product before
you buy it, to ensure that its colour reproduction, brightness, contrast and viewing
angles are to your liking.
The only reason to still buy a TN (twisted nematic) screen is if you want an
ultra-high refresh rate like 240Hz or higher. Again, we don’t feel the compromise
is worth it as the picture looks so much worse, but some people really like these
high refresh rates for gaming, in which case TN is basically your only choice.
The Kindle electronic book reader is
a popular application of electronic
paper technology.
Usage examples include electronic
book readers, updateable price displays in shops, electronic signage,
public transport timetables, conference badges, certain smartphones and
tablet devices – see Fig.40.
Electronic paper was invented at
the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Fig.41: Xerox Gyricon, the first electronic paper. Source: Xerox web page
archived from 2005
Australia's electronics magazine
(PARC) in the 1970s and was called
Gyricon (see Fig.41). As originally
envisaged, electronic paper did not
have electrodes; an image could be
created by applying an external electric field in the pattern of what was to
be written, like drawing with a pen. It
could then be erased and a new pattern written.
There are several implementation
methods, but the basic principle consists of ‘Janus particles’, coated in oil
or a similar fluid to enable easy rotation. These are embedded in a matrix
of some sort, such as silicone – see
Fig.42: E Ink technology. 1) Upper
layer 2) Transparent electrode layer
3) Transparent micro-capsules 4)
Positively charged white pigments 5)
Negatively charged black pigments
6) Transparent oil 7) Electrode pixel
layer 8) Bottom supporting layer 9)
Light 10) White pigment 11) Black
pigment. The display is about 0.51mm thick. Source: Wikimedia user
FREEscanRIP, CCA 3.0
October 2022 23
When is an LED TV not an LED TV?
Fig.43: a water wall projection by Australian company Laservision at an
Australian event. Source:
A Janus particle is a spherical nanoor micro-particle with different electrical or other properties on each side,
such as a positive or negative charge. In
the case of electronic paper, one side of
the sphere might be white and the other
black. The particles align with the
field when an electric field is applied
through or across the matrix (depending upon electrode orientation).
This causes them to rotate and
display either white, black, or other
colours the particles have been
coloured with. When the electric field
is reversed, the particles rotate and
present their other side. Janus particles
are typically 10µm to 50µm in size.
To produce colours, additive colour
filters can be used. Alternatively, an
electric field can control a coating
of coloured oil in the so-called electrowetting process. In this latter case,
a subtractive colour system is used,
like with a typical colour printer that
uses CMYK (cyan/magenta/yellow/
black) inks.
Nearly all TVs sold as “LED TVs” are, in fact,
LCD TVs with white LED backlighting. Older
LCDs used cold cathode fluorescent lights
(CCFL) as their backlights. TVs described
as QLED are quantum-dot LCDs with LED
OLED TVs generate their own light and do
not need backlighting. To avoid confusion,
we would like to see the industry adopt
the term “LED-backlit LCD TV” instead of
“LED TV” unless it is a genuine LED TV. But
manufacturers benefit from this confusion
by making it seem that LED backlighting is
a more significant technological advantage
than it is, so they are likely encouraging it.
These displays are available and
suitable for experimenters and can
be bought as Arduino and Raspberry
Pi kits and with SPI interfaces. For
example, read our article on using
e-Paper displays with a Micromite in
the June 2019 issue (
Article/11668). Also see the following videos below on electronic ink
• “Have You Ever Seen an E Ink Display Update This Quickly?” – https://
Figs.44 & 45: a water screen nozzle sold at The nozzle measures
930 × 528 × 802 mm and provides a semi-circular screen from a water supply of 4000L/min at 12 bar. The water film
thickness is 6mm. The manufacturer did not specify the screen size that it can produce, but an example is shown. We
think the semi-circle has a radius of about 10m.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
• “Badger 2040 – A Raspberry Pi
Pico with a Built-in e-Ink Display” –
• “Top 5 reasons to buy an e-ink
tablet” –
• “Bigme Max+ Color EINK 10.3”
Note Taking Review” – https://youtu.
Water screen displays
A water screen is a large scale outdoor nighttime display technology
where an image is projected onto a
screen made of water droplets by a
laser or a video projector. Water is
sprayed into the air to make a waterfall or is pumped at high pressure to
create a screen or a cloud of mist –
see Fig.43.
The Australian company Laservision ( is a
leader in this field. Unfortunately, they
did not return our phone call before
publication, so we can’t give any further details beyond what’s on their
website. We published an article on
Laservision a long time ago, in August
1990 (
They also have the following videos
• “Laservision Corporate Showreel” –
For related products from other
companies, see Figs.44 & 45. The following videos on the topic cover both
home-made and commercial water
projections screens:
• “Homemade Water Projection Screen” –
• “10’ Water Screen Projection Test”
• “Water curtains | Water Screen
Projection” by Water Screen – https://
• “Preview 1 | Water Screen Projection” –
High Dynamic Range (HDR) displays
High Dynamic Range (HDR) is not a type of display, but it is a set of standards
designed to reflect the capabilities of new display technologies. Until HDR, video
signals were designed for CRTs and could not convey video information that fully
utilises the capabilities of modern displays.
HDR-capable displays can show a greater range of colours, contrast, brightness,
whiteness and blackness, more vivid colours, a higher frame rate of up to 120
frames per second etc.
One of the critical aspects of HDR, though, is the contrast ratio of the content,
ie, the ratio of the lightest areas of the picture to the darkest. Standard content
has a maximum contrast ratio up to about 1000:1, while HDR content can exceed
5000:1. This better matches the human eye’s capabilities in resolving light and
dark areas in the same picture.
One of the key advances for HDR displays was replacing the older edge
backlighting technology with LED matrix backlighting. Instead of having LEDs
arrayed around the edges of the screen, there is a matrix of white LEDs behind
it, and their brightnesses can be individually adjusted.
This allows some parts of the screen to be very bright while others are dim,
without the ‘bleed through’ associated with high brightness backlighting. The
fact that the backlighting is not even is compensated for by the way the display
controller drives the LCD panel itself.
Typically, the more LEDs are used in the backlight matrix, the better the display’s
HDR capabilities. Displays with many LEDs in the backlight are sometimes known
as “mini LEDs”.
Displaying HDR content
HDTV and standard Blu-ray discs use 24-bit colour, which gives 16.7 million
colours, but HDR content uses 30 bits for over a billion colours.
This requires more data, which can be contained on an Ultra HD Blu-ray disc,
although such discs will not play on standard players. HDR content can also be
streamed, but you need a fast enough internet connection. If it can handle 4K
video, it should be fast enough for HDR.
HDR has several competing formats: Dolby Vision (Dolby), HDR10 (UHD
Alliance), HDR10+ (Samsung), Hybrid Log-Gamma/HLG (BBC and Japan’s NHK),
Technicolor Advanced HDR and IMAX Enhanced.
Your HDR TV will need to support the particular flavour of HDR to watch HDR
content. A media streaming device might be able to convert one HDR flavour into
another your HDR TV can utilise. HDR10 and Dolby Vision are the most popular
schemes. Note that not all 4K TVs are HDR-capable.
There are also different HDR standards, with HDR10 being the most basic, but
other standards may be more demanding.
Still photographers can also use their cameras and software to create HDR
photographs; see among many other articles.
While LCD screens are a significant
advance over plasma and CRT displays, improvements are still coming
over the next few years.
It seems likely that eventually,
OLEDs and MicroLEDs will replace
LCDs, but at the moment, they are all
competitive in their own ways.
That competition will drive the
advancement of all these technologies over the next couple of decades unless something entirely new comes
Samsung have a 14m-wide LED cinema screen in Sydney capable of HDR
content. Source:
Australia's electronics magazine
October 2022 25
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