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Items relevant to "PIC & AVR Breakout Boards":
Items relevant to "Buck/Boost Battery Charging":
Items relevant to "Multi-Stage Buck/Boost Charger":
Items relevant to "Automatic Train Controller":
Items relevant to "WiFi Programmable DC Load, Part 2":
Purchase a printed copy of this issue for $11.50. |
DC Load
Part 2: by Richard Palmer
ѓ Handles up to 150V DC, 30A & 300W
ѓ Uses a computer CPU cooler to handle
high power dissipation with modest
ѓ Constant voltage (CV), constant current
(CC), constant power (CP) and constant
resistance (CR) modes
ѓ Step test modes (square, ramp and
triangle) with variable rise/fall times
ѓ Data logging
ѓ Touchscreen, USB or WiFi (web browser)
control, including via smartphone/tablet
ѓ SCPI programmable over WiFi and isolated
ѓ Retains settings with power off
ѓ Over-voltage, over-current and reverse
voltage protection
ѓ Useful for power supply, battery and solar
cell testing
This Programmable Load can handle supplies delivering up to 150V, 30A or
300W. That makes it ideal for testing power supplies, solar panels or other
DC sources. We explained how it works last month. This article includes the
PCB assembly details, overall construction, testing and some usage tips.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
is vital that a dummy load can
dissipate a lot of power, and this
one can handle up to 300W,
thanks to the use of two CPU tower
coolers and four large TO-247 package
Mosfets. It can be controlled using its
onboard touchscreen, via a web interface over WiFi or using SCPI. SCPI
support is ideal for integrating it into a
suite of test instruments, and it allows
for semi or fully automated testing.
There are three PCBs to build: one
control panel, which has the ESP32
with WiFi, the touchscreen and the
other user controls; the main Load
board with two Mosfets; plus a daughterboard with two more.
Once those boards have been built,
they can be wired up, tested and then
housed in a ventilated metal case that
is just the right size for fitting everything inside. Importantly, it also provides decent ventilation for safely dissipating up to 300W.
There are quite a few construction
steps, so let’s start by building the control board.
Control board assembly
The first steps are to build and test
the touchscreen control module, followed by the main load PCB. Once
both are working correctly, the load
daughterboard (which adds the two
extra load Mosfets) can be built and
To build the controller board with
a 3.5in touchscreen, you can follow
the instructions in the original articles
(May & June 2021;
au/Series/364). Note that the overlay
diagram presented in June 2021 was
incorrect (it’s now fixed in the online
version). So you’re better off using
Fig.9 in this article instead.
As some slight circuit changes
are required on the control board
(described last month), I have created
a new PCB coded 18104212 (167.5 x
56mm). This can still be used to build
the original Programmable Hybrid
Lab Power Supply with WiFi, or it
can easily be adapted to this project,
depending on which link options are
used (made by soldering across pairs
of closely-spaced pads).
Assembly of the control module is
Fig.9: this updated control PCB has extra link options on the back (JMP_ENCB, JMP_PIN13 & JMP_LED), so it can be
used for the Hybrid WiFi Lab Supply and the WiFi DC Electronic Load. Some extra component pads are needed in this
application to filter analog voltages that the Lab Supply did not require. This overlay diagram fixes significant errors in
the originally published version. There are two locations for the rotary encoder, to allow for different-sized knobs.
October 2022 87
The Control board can be cut into
three separate pieces and then joined
with ribbon cable. If you use a large
enough case the boards do not need to
be cut.
straightforward as there aren’t many
components on it – see Fig.9. If you
are using the recommended case, start
by cutting the board into three pieces
along the dashed lines and through
the rectangular cut-outs, to separate
the switches and encoders from the
display section. Clean up the edges
and make sure you haven’t created any
short circuits between the cut tracks.
Next, fit all the SMD passives where
indicated. We’ve ‘cut some holes’ in
the ESP32 module in Fig.9 so you can
see where the components go underneath it, including the two 100nF
we’ve added as per the Fig.8 circuit
diagram in the previous issue.
The 10μF and 47μF capacitors are
shown as polarised tantalum types,
but you can use (and we recommend)
ceramics, which are not polarised, so
their orientation doesn’t matter.
The next step is to bridge the appropriate pairs of solder pads. Leave all
four links, labelled LK1 to LK4, open
(do not solder them).
The other three sets of solder pads
labelled JMP_LED, JMP_ENCB and
JMP_PIN13 have three pads each, and
you need to bridge from the middle
pad to one of the outer pads, but not
both. These have little arrows which
show the pad to bridge the centre pad
for the original design. For this design,
Silicon Chip
bridge the pair of pads furthest from
the arrows at JMP_ENCB and JMP_
PIN13. The existing bridges closest to
the arrows will need to be cut.
JMP_LED is bridged to force the LED
backlighting for the LCD panel on at
full brightness. The other position is
for software control, but there aren’t
enough spare pins on the ESP32 for
that function in this project, so just
set it at full brightness by shorting the
arrowed pair of pads.
Now fit the through-hole parts,
including CON2 (but not CON1 and
REG1) and the headers for the ESP32
modules on one side. Before soldering the headers for the ESP32 module,
plug them into that module and then
slot them into the PCB to get them at
the proper spacing (there are two possible rows of solder pads on one side).
Next, install the switches, rotary
encoders and LED on the other side
of the board. Solder the LED so that
the top of its lens is about level with
the top of the tactile switch actuators
without caps.
Attach the 14-pin and 4-pin headers
on either side of the touchscreen module (if they didn’t come pre-soldered;
usually, the 14-pin header is, but the
4-pin header isn’t). Insert these headers into the holes on the control PCB
so that the pins just project through
to the rear, then solder them in place,
ensuring the face of the screen is parallel with the PCB.
The DC socket and micro SD card
socket are not needed for this project.
Power is supplied to the board through
the pads for CON1, labelled + and −.
With the three sections of the control board now essentially complete,
join them with two 10cm lengths of
ribbon cable as in Fig.9. The encoder’s
integral switch is not used in this project, and GPIO pin 26 is employed for
another purpose, so you should only
bridge the bottom six pins between the
main control board and the encoder
panel, as shown.
While you could modify the earlier
PCB (coded 18104211) for use in this
project, there isn’t much point as the
new one is the same price and makes it
much easier. But if you must, cut and
re-route the two tracks as per Fig.8 last
month and tack on two 100nF throughhole ceramic capacitors.
the Control board
The bare ESP32 module and a USB
Australia's electronics magazine
cable are all that are required for the
first stage. Mounting the module on the
Control board will come later.
We assume that you’re already
somewhat familiar with the Arduino development environment. If you
don’t already have the Arduino IDE
(integrated development environment)
installed, you can download it from
If you haven’t already, you will need
to add ESP32 board support. Go to
File → Preferences and add “https://
index.json” to the Additional Boards
Manager URLs. Next, open the Boards
Manager (Tools → Board → Board
Manager), search for ESP32 and click
This will set up the development
environment and add an extensive list
of example programs to the list. Set the
Board to “ESP32 Dev Module” via the
menu (see Screen 1). The rest of the
settings may be left as the defaults.
Plug in the ESP32 module and select
the new communication port that
appears in the menu.
To check that it is working correctly,
open the Communication → ASCII
Table example and upload it (CTRL+U
in Windows). Open the Serial Monitor, set the baud rate to 9600, and the
screen should fill with the ASCII output out of the test sketch.
Loading software over-the-air
To demonstrate other possible applications for the Control board, we’ve
created a version of the WiFi weather
app as a demonstrator program for the
D1 Mini LCD BackPack (October 2020;
This is also a good way to test the Control board independently.
The GitHub repository for this project is at
We have made a ZIP file available
for download from
au/Shop/6/6518, which includes two
display options: a 2.8in or 3.5in touchscreen. The 2.8in version ends with
-28.BIN while the other version ends
with -35.BIN. Load it using the OTA
update process described below. The
Weather app has a built-in OTA function to simplify loading the power-supply controller code.
Over-the-air programming of the
ESP32 is a two-stage process. First, we
load a simple sketch with the over-theair (OTA) updater via USB. Load up the
const char* host = “esp32”;
const char* ssid = “YourSSID”;
const char* password = “YourPassword”;
WebServer server(80);
Screen 2: to upload code to the ESP-32 via WiFi (OTA
update), you need to add your network credentials towards
the top of the program, as shown here. The hostname can
be left as-is or changed to suit your requirements.
Screen 1: once you have selected the correct Board in the
Arduino IDE Tools menu, the settings should be set to the
same values as shown.
ArduinoOTA example (File → Examples → ArduinoOTA → OTAWebUpdater). Fill in your WiFi credentials
(SSID and password) at the top of the
program (see Screen 2).
Open the Serial Monitor and change
the baud rate to 115,200. Save the
Arduino sketch, as we’ll be using it
again. Compile and upload the sketch,
and note the IP address displayed in
the Serial Monitor.
Move the Data folder and its contents from the download pack into the
same folder as your saved OTAWeb
Updater.ino file. Edit your WiFi credentials into the profile.json file. Close
the Serial Monitor. In the Tools menu
click ESP32 Sketch Data Upload to
copy the files in the Data folder to the
ESP32’s local file system (SPIFFS).
This file system remains intact when
new programs are uploaded.
Now you can disconnect the ESP32 module and plug it into the Control board, ensuring that its 5V pin
is closest to CON2 and its 3.3V pin
is towards CON1 & REG1 (see Fig.9).
Plugging it in the wrong way around
Screen 3: when presented with the ESP-32 login page, use
the default credentials of “admin” & “admin”. There’s no
need to change these as they are only used once.
could be catastrophic! Make sure that
the TFT touchscreen is mounted on
the Control board.
Power this combination up using
a USB cable or (if you fitted CON1) a
DC supply of about 9-12V. The USB
cable doesn’t have to be plugged into
your computer, although it could be.
Open a web browser on your computer and type in the ESP32’s IP
address. You should be presented with
a login screen (Screen 3). The username and password are both “admin”.
There’s no point changing these to
something more secure, as we’ll only
be using this sketch once.
After logging in, select the software file you’ve downloaded with the
“Choose file” button (Screen 4), then
“Update”. The web page will track the
upload progress; then, after a short
delay, the ESP32 will reboot, running
the weather app (see Screen 5).
Once you have verified that the Control board is working correctly, you can
load the DC Electronic Load program.
It is part of the same ZIP package that
contained the weather app, and like
that one, the suffix of -28.BIN or -35.
BIN indicates which screen size it is
for (this project is designed around the
3.5in option).
The controller should display an
error message at startup, as the I2C
ADC and DAC chips are not yet connected to the Control board.
Screen rotation & calibration
Some TFT screens come with the
origin of the touchscreen rotated 180°
from that of the display. If your touchscreen appears not to be working, that
Screen 5: if your
module has been
assembled and
correctly, once
it has connected
to your WiFi
network, it should
give local weather
data, as shown
Screen 4: once logged into the OTA
page, you can select a file and
then upload it into the ESP-32’s
flash memory remotely using the
“Choose file” and “Update” buttons,
Australia's electronics magazine
October 2022 89
Screen 6: from
the launch screen,
pressing the SET
button at upper
right brings you
to the calibration
screen. Pressing
the ROT button in
the centre of this
screen will adjust
the orientation of
the display if the
touch controls are
could be why. Try tapping the screen
near the SET legend at upper right.
If this lights the ST or NOR button,
simply tap the ROT button in the centre of the screen (see Screen 6). The
number below it should change from
3 to 1. Wait for the yellow [E] indicator to go out (after around 30 seconds),
and the new value will be stored permanently in the ESP32’s EEPROM.
Use this TCH button at the calibration screen’s bottom-left corner to align
the touchscreen accurately with the
display. Follow the prompts, touching
each of the two + symbols six times.
As above, it will permanently store the
values after 30 seconds.
Building the main Load PCB
The main Load PCB is coded
04108221 and measures 107 x 81.5mm
– see Fig.10. Install all components
on this PCB other than Mosfets Q1 &
Q2 and 5V regulator REG1. Start with
the five SMD ICs, taking particular
care to orientate them as shown in
Fig.10, then follow with all the SOT23 devices and surface-mounted resistors and capacitors.
With all the SMDs in place, give the
board a good clean to eliminate any
flux residue and then inspect all the
solder joints, especially those on the
fine-pitch ICs. If you find any dodgy
looking joints, add some flux paste
and briefly touch them with the tip of
your soldering iron to reflow them. If
you find bridges between pins on an
IC, use flux paste and solder wick to
remove the excess solder.
Now fit the two larger through-hole
resistors and the two smaller ones,
which are mounted vertically. Follow
with axial inductor L1, also vertical,
plus the sole through-hole capacitor,
a 1μF plastic film type.
Silicon Chip
Now is a good time to solder the
wire shown in blue in Fig.10. Use a
short length of medium or heavy-duty
hookup wire as this carries the current
for one of the two Mosfets. Similarly,
add the wire shown in red between
the middle pin of the two Mosfets. You
don’t have to loop it the way shown
in our diagram; make it as direct and
short as possible, without covering the
Mosfet mounting pads.
Next, fit the connectors. There are
a few options here. CON1 and CON2
are required, and their notches must
be orientated as shown.
If you will be using 4-pin PWM
fans as recommended, install CON9
and CON10 with the locking tabs facing as shown. Otherwise, fit CON11
and CON12, which suit 2-pin or
3-pin fans.
You can solder the lug-mount NTC
thermistor directly to the CON15 pads,
or use a polarised header as shown.
Either way, don’t attach the thermistor to anything yet.
We recommend using headers for
convenience for CON13, CON14 &
CON16, but soldering wires to the
PCB pads instead (eg, lengths of ribbon cable) is certainly possible.
Early testing
You will need to make the two ribbon cables for testing, as shown in
Fig.11. They aren’t just for testing;
they will be used in the final assembly.
Connect the main Load PCB to the
control board via the 20-wire ribbon
cable and the ESP32 to a computer or
5V 1A power supply via USB. Do not
connect the 12V supply at this stage.
You should have already loaded the
software, but this time, no hardware-
related warning messages should
appear on the control screen. The
voltage and current readings on the
screen should be close to zero initially and should reset to zero after a
few seconds.
The temperature reading on the
control screen should indicate the
approximate room temperature. Grip
the thermistor between your fingers,
and the temperature should change.
Fig.10: assemble the main Load board as shown here. Most of the components
are SMDs; start with the ICs and then fit the passives, transistors and other
parts. The main decisions to make during assembly are whether to leave some
of the headers off and solder wires directly to the board instead. That will
initially save you time, but it makes testing and disassembly more arduous.
Australia's electronics magazine
If you have a serial monitor (terminal) program, like the Arduino IDE
Serial Monitor, set the baud rate to
115,200 and connect the ESP32 controller to your computer (or restart it if
it was already connected). The serial
monitor output should indicate that
two I2C devices are registered, the
ADC at address 0x48 and the DAC at
address 0x60-67.
MCP4725 devices are programmed
at manufacture with one of four different I2C base addresses. Any variant
may be used as the controller searches
for I2C devices in the appropriate
address range.
If either I2C device has not registered, check for open or short circuits
on the SDA and SCL lines. Check
that the two I2C pull-up resistors are
mounted on the control board. If only
one device is showing, check for soldering problems on the other device
– particularly the SDA, SCL, ground
and supply pins.
Setting up the WiFi network
Now that the Control board has been
programmed, when you power it up,
the control menu should appear with
a green box overlaid (see Screen 7).
The program will try to connect to a
local WiFi LAN and time out after 10
seconds, if you have not yet provided
it with credentials by editing the profile.json file.
Fig.11: the two ribbon cables needed are simple to make as they just have one
IDC connector at each end. Make sure to crimp them hard enough for all the
blades to penetrate the ribbon cable’s insulating and make good contact with
the copper inside, but not so hard that you crack the plastic! Note that some IDC
connectors lack the top locking pieces.
If no network is found, another
10-second delay should occur while
it seeks an existing ESPINST network.
Finally, it should become the Access
Point for the ESPINST network. At this
point, the green box should disappear,
leaving the main menu displayed. A
small green “W” near the top right corner indicates that WiFi is operating.
cases, you can resolve this by powering the ESP32 module from an independent 5V supply. If the problem
persists, try adding a 47μF electrolytic
between the module’s 3.3V supply rail
and its ground pin, as shown in Fig.12.
I highly recommend using a USB
isolator for any USB connection to
your computer while testing or operating the Load. Otherwise, the appliESP32 module stability
cation of a reverse polarity voltage or
Some ESP32 modules have over- other fault conditions could destroy
sensitive brownout detectors causing both the ESP32 and your computer by
multiple restarts, particularly when creating a high-current ground loop if
connected via a USB hub. In most a USB isolator is not used.
Screen 7: once the Control board has
been programmed, when you first
power it up the screen shown above
should be displayed. This is the
program trying to connect to a local
WiFi LAN address.
This photo shows one of the mounting arrangement options for the Mosfets. The
mounting holes can be drilled between the heat pipes if there is room, or just
outside them; either way works. Note that this is a prototype PCB.
Australia's electronics magazine
The 9mm thick CPU cooler to PCB
mounting block made from MDF.
October 2022 91
Fig.12: a 47μF electrolytic between
the 3.3V and ground pins on an
ESP32 module can help if repeated
‘brownout detector triggered’ restarts
are encountered. The bare leads
should be insulated.
USB isolators are available offthe-shelf at a relatively low cost on
websites like Amazon, eBay and Ali
Express. For example,
Finishing board assembly
Now install the 5V regulator (REG1)
on the main Load board, being careful with its orientation, and plug the
cooler fan(s) into their headers. Apply
12V to CON16 with the indicated
polarity, and the fan(s) should briefly
operate at full speed, then reduce to
idle. The fan speed should start to rise
as the thermistor temperature exceeds
28°C. Gently use a hairdryer to raise
the thermistor temperature.
Above 35°C, the fans should be running at full speed. At a reading of 65°C,
an over-temperature warning message
should appear on the screen.
This is a convenient point to calibrate the thermistor, before it is
attached to the Mosfet’s case. Follow
the instructions in the user manual
PDF, part of the software download
package for this project at siliconchip.
The voltage on the Mosfet gate terminals (labelled “G” in Fig.10) should
be close to 0V when any of the following is true: the output is switched off,
the current setpoint is 0.0A and the
load is on (connected), or the thermistor temperature is over 65°C.
Set the voltage and current setpoints
to any value greater than 1.0, and
the load set ‘on’. Both gate terminals
should rise to 8-9V.
Now connect the relay control wiring to CON13, using the appropriate
pin (+5V or +12V) for your relay coil
voltage. The relay should operate
when the load is on and release when
the Off button is pressed.
Temporarily connect KELVIN+ on
CON14 to VIN and KELVIN− to GND.
Temporarily bridge the 12V supply to
VIN. The voltage reading on the control panel should be close to 12V when
the output is on.
Basic operations have been validated at this stage, and we can add
the power components.
Mosfets and power testing
Mark out the Mosfet mounting holes
on the CPU cooler, as shown in Fig.13.
Drill and tap the mounting holes to
3mm or 1/8in (3.175mm). Drill either
the holes between or outside the heat
pipes, depending on the cooler used.
Either is possible for the Hyper 103,
but using the outside positions gives
greater clearance.
Depending on the CPU cooler chosen, the holes may be between the heat
Fig.13: the drilling
pattern for the
heatsink cooler.
Drill the holes either
between or outside
the heat pipes,
depending on the
cooler used. For
the Hyper 103, the
outside position gives
greater clearance.
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Australia's electronics magazine
pipes or outside the heat pipe group.
With the dimensions of the PCBs, the
maximum spacing between holes is
30mm, leaving just enough lead length
to solder in the Mosfets in the outer
positions. Compare the photos on the
previous and next spreads, which
show the difference between the two
different mounting options.
The minimum difference in the
Y-axis position of the two holes on
either side is 9mm, when the Mosfet
leads are bent as close as possible to
the package.
Mount the Mosfets on the cooler
with thermal paste but no insulating
washers. Cut the 9mm-thick mounting blocks from MDF or similar and
insert them between the CPU cooler
and PCB, as shown on the previous
spread. Blocks, rather than standoffs,
are used for better lateral stability.
Bend the Mosfet leads up and solder
them to the PCB.
Mount the thermistor onto either of
the Mosfet cases. You can now complete the wiring as per the wiring diagram, Fig.14. Remember to use heavyduty wiring for the current-carrying
cables between the two Load PCBs, the
relay module and the output terminals.
More testing
Connect a low-voltage supply across
VIN and COM (you can patch the 12V
supply powering the PCB to VIN for
this test). Set the target voltage to a few
volts above the supply voltage, set the
target current to 50mA and press the
On button. The control panel current
should read 50mA.
Increase the current value to 500mA
and measure the voltage across each
of the two shunt resistors. Each reading should be close to 10mV, and they
should be within 10% of each other if
the load is balanced correctly.
If you are using a supply that can
deliver higher currents, increase the
set current to a few amps and check
that the voltages across the two shunt
resistors remain balanced.
Now build and connect the daughterboard using the PCB coded 04108222,
which measures 81.5 x 66.5mm
(Fig.15). It is basically a cut-down version of the main board, so use the same
procedure, and like before, leave out
the Mosfets initially. Similarly to that
main board, it also requires two heavyduty wire links, as shown.
Connect the daughterboard to the
relay and negative terminal using
C 2022
20mW 3W
20mW 3W
20mW 3W
20mW 3W
30A 250VAC 30VDC
Fig.14: running separate wires between each board and the front terminals helps distribute the current load. Run the
GND bridge between the boards with a short stout cable to minimise ground potential differences and double the cable
from the relay to the Load’s positive terminal to increase current capacity.
Australia's electronics magazine
October 2022 93
Fig.15: the daughterboard has two power modules and a current monitor IC, identical to those
on the main board. Control and sensing are transmitted to the main board via a ribbon cable.
Note that the daughterboard layout has changed substantially since the photo was taken.
separate wires to balance the currents
between the boards, as shown in the
wiring diagram (Fig.14). Note the short
but thick ground wire (green) connecting the main and daughter boards at
the GND points on each.
You can now install the daughterboard Mosfets and re-test the Load.
Mounting it in the case
The CPU coolers, which support
the load PCBs, are mounted on a plate
attached to the side rails of the enclosure, as seen in the photographs, using
a custom side panel with dimensions
shown in Fig.16.
Mount the coolers as far to the rear
of the case as practical. This ensures
there is enough space for the control
panel components and relay at the
front of the case.
Take care that the CPU cooler fins are
well clear of the metal case and wiring,
as they will be at the full input potential. It may be necessary to reverse the
fans on the coolers, so that they suck
air through the fins and blow it out the
side of the case.
All mounting screws on the support
panel should be countersunk to avoid
interference with the enclosure sleeve.
The prototype used 3mm Perspex,
with top and bottom folds to increase
rigidity. You can cut this yourself, or
we can supply it laser-cut from 3mm
clear acrylic (but without the bends).
Alternatively, you could use metal or
thin plywood.
The support plate mounts on the
inside of the case’s side rails, with the
fan mounting holes 30mm above the
base of the case. This provides airflow
below the cooler and headroom for the
components on the PCBs.
Additional ventilation is provided
by cutting a hole in the rear panel to
mount a 120mm fan guard, and making
a substantially larger opening in the
panel on the CPU cooler side, covered
by two 120mm plastic fan guards. A
100 x 100mm grid of 61 x 7mm holes
in the bottom panel toward the front
of the case boosts airflow to the front
CPU cooler (see Fig.17).
To ensure good airflow, it’s best to
remove any filtering material from the
fan guards.
Once the cooler support panel is
in place, mark the two fan guard cutouts and mounting holes on the side
panel. They should be placed side-byside, covering the existing slots in the
sleeve. Once the cut-outs and holes in
the sleeve have been made, slide the
sleeve in place and mark the screw
holes onto the CPU cooler panel.
Fig.16: this CPU cooler
mounting plate attaches to
the enclosure’s side rails. The
coolers are mounted towards
the rear (right) of the enclosure
to allow space for the control
panel at the front (left). All
holes should be countersunk
to prevent the screw heads
from binding on the case’s
metal sleeve. You can mark
additional clearance holes for
the fan guard screws with the
cover sleeve in place.
Fan mounting holes are 4.5mm
in diameter, while the case
mounting holes are 3mm.
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Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.17: the airflow hole pattern for the base of the case. Position it towards the front of the case.
Holes will be needed in the CPU
support panel so that the fan guard
mounting screws don’t bind on it. Drill
relief holes for the screws and nuts, or
self-tappers, a few millimetres larger
than their diameter. Mount the third
fan guard toward the top of the rear
panel and the coaxial power socket
toward the bottom corner furthest from
the CPU cooler panel.
The relay module mounts on the
case floor, at the front and on the opposite side to the CPU cooler support
plate. Ensure adequate clearance is
provided for the CPU cooler fins. On
my relay module, one of the mounting screws was uncomfortably close
to the tracks going to the contacts, so
I used a Nylon standoff and screw on
that corner.
Front panel
The front panel components mount
on the metal faceplate provided with
the case. A 2mm black acrylic cover
panel or decal finishes off the face. See
The photo shows how the PCBs mount on the CPU coolers, the coolers mount to
the custom side panel via the fans, and the side panel mounts to the case rails.
Australia's electronics magazine
October 2022 95
Screen 8: the web browser control interface’s main tab.
Screen 9: the Load’s TestController device popup.
the cutting diagram, Fig.18, and note
that you can also purchase a laser-cut
and etched acrylic panel to save a fair
bit of effort. You might still want to add
labels to that panel, though, or fill the
etched areas with white paint.
Drill and cut holes in the metal
panel shown with red or black outlines in Fig.18. The mounting holes
for the TFT panel and switch modules should line up with the parts on
the control board, and they should be
drilled to 2.5mm, then countersunk so
that the screw heads are clear of the
cover panel or decal. The countersink
will expand the holes; then, they can
be drilled out to 3.5mm.
The hole marked C is for the LED,
and those marked B are for component
mounting screws.
The touchscreen is mounted directly
to the back of the metal panel. Spacers
are needed for the switch and encoder
panels, to ensure the keycaps protrude
a few millimetres. The spacers are
6mm if a 2mm Perspex cover plate is
used, or 8mm for a decal.
The ‘wings’ on the touch panel cutout provide clearance for the TFT connector pins, which should be filed
down or snipped on the TFT module so that they don’t touch the cover
panel or decal.
If a Perspex cover panel is used,
a printed paper label sits behind
the clear piece of Perspex to protect
against screw-head damage.
Once you’ve finished mounting
everything to the front panel, your
Load should be ready for calibration.
A power supply capable of providing more than 12V at 1A is required for
calibration. Higher voltage and current
capacity will result in more accurate
Set the Load’s voltage setting at least
5V higher than your supply’s voltage to
avoid the Load going into voltage limiting. Connect an accurate ammeter in
series with the Load, set the current to
the desired test current and switch on
the Load. Follow the current calibration instructions in the Load user manual. Repeat with a voltmeter across the
load for voltage calibration.
Also calibrate the thermistor now,
if you didn’t do it earlier.
Using the Load
Screen 10: the main screen displayed on the Load.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The manual included in the project
download package describes the
Fig.18: the touchscreen mounts
directly behind the mounting
panel. 6-8mm spacers are
needed for the switch panels, so
that the keycaps protrude a few
millimetres from the finished
front panel.
The location of the encoder
cutout shown is for the encoder
mounted at the lower location on
the control board.
ation of the WiFi DC Load in detail.
Most functions can be accessed from
the instrument’s front panel, via the
browser interface or using TestController or another SCPI control application. Logged data is downloaded via
the browser interface in CSV format.
The web browser interface is comprehensive, as shown in Screen 8, mirroring all settings and readings of the
touch screen other than calibration
and communication. You can find the
Load’s IP address in the touch screen’s
Settings → Comms menu; communication is not encrypted.
A TestController instrument definition file for the load is included in
the project downloads. It has a device
popup (Screen 9) with the most common settings and controls available.
Australia's electronics magazine
TestController has its own logging and
analysis functions.
To limit the interaction between
the automatic update cycle of values
on the control panel and web interface, and the ability to set parameters
in TestController, the update cycle
is set to 20 seconds. Values changed
elsewhere and readings will update
on this cycle.
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