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replacement bipolar transistor units
Can a very simple circuit replace a mechanical vibrator in a vintage radio? Could early
germanium power transistors from the 1960s be used in a design that would have been
economical then? The answers to both questions are yes; here is how it would work.
Part 3: by Dr Hugo Holden
his is the fourth & final full vibrator
replacement design I’m presenting;
the other three were described in the
June and July 2023 issues and were
based on Mosfets or Darlington transistors. This one is based on bipolar
transistors; while it has an extremely
elegant circuit, it’s the most difficult to
build as it involves a custom-wound
transformer and custom housing.
As with the other designs, two rectifiers formed from four diodes replace
the secondary switching contacts.
Power switching circuits that use
bipolar junction transistors (BJTs)
without driver transformers have
large energy losses in the base bias
Fig.1: the vibrator primary replacement
circuit comprises just two germanium
PNP transistors, two resistors and a
transformer. The transformer converts
the 24V peak-to-peak output to a much
lower voltage signal for driving the
transistor bases and limits the base
current, while the external transformer
controls the oscillation.
Silicon Chip
The required transistor base-emitter
current is in the order of 0.21A
(210mA) because the maximum collector current (the primary side switching current) in this application is in
the order of 2.1A (with my ZC1 Mk2
in transmit mode), and the transistors
must be operated in saturated switching mode. As a rule of thumb, a 1:10
ratio of base current to collector current is required to ensure saturation.
Here we can see one of the significant advantages of Mosfets in such
a role, with their high-impedance
(capacitive) gates.
If the 0.21A base current is sourced
from the fellow transistor’s collector,
which is transformed up to 24V in use,
the power dissipation is around 5W
total in the two bias resistors. More
efficient transfer of power to the transistor bases involves using a feedback
transformer, as shown in the circuit
diagram, Fig.1.
The ASZ17 germanium PNP transistors I’m using have a collector-emitter
saturation voltage drop of only 0.15V
at 2A, which is favourable compared to
its silicon transistor counterparts like
the 2N3055, with a C-E drop of around
0.3V. Modern silicon power transistors
can do a little better than this, but the
ASZ17s are pretty close and undoubtedly impressive for their time.
The transformer is a small ‘feedback
transformer’ that fits inside a similar
housing to the original vibrator.
The configuration is a version of
the Royer Oscillator. The feedback
transformer transfers the appropriate
amount of drive current to each transistor base on consecutive half-cycles
from a potential that is stepped down
from the 24V peak collector voltage
to about 3.6V. So the total transistor
base power for the two transistors is
about 800mW.
The power loss in the 680W bias
resistors is about another 850mW
(425mW each). The transistor losses
are about 0.3W due to their low
collector-emitter saturation voltages.
Fig.2: this shows how the vibrator replacement (including the four BY448 diodes
for the secondary) connects to the external transformer. This is important to
understand since the properties of that transformer are responsible for causing
oscillation and determining the operating frequency.
Australia's electronics magazine
The power losses in the four HT rectifiers (in transmit mode output current around 80mA) are about 200mW.
So the total power loss is only about
2W, which, coincidentally, is practically identical to the original mechanical vibrator.
Notice how pin 4 of the socket, the
12V power supply connection, is not
used. The circuit is powered by the
ZC1 unit’s main primary power transformer connections. No DC voltage
is applied across this small coupling
transformer’s primary, even if the
oscillations stop due to an extreme
overload. The transformer wire lead
colours are also shown in Fig.1 since
they match those on the physical
Fig.2 shows the electrical configuration when the unit is plugged into
the ZC1 Mk2 radio’s power supply.
Starting from the premise that one
transistor is conducting, the circuit
oscillates because, as time passes, the
main power transformer’s primary current begins to magnetically saturate the
transformer’s core, suddenly increasing the transistor’s collector current.
The induced voltage is proportional
to the current’s rate of change with
time or dI/dt, and this rate of change
falls away with core saturation. Therefore, the voltage via the feedback transformer directed to the conducting transistor’s base drops rapidly, along with
the base current, as magnetic saturation begins.
This process is accelerated via positive feedback, and the transistor rapidly comes out of conduction. The
drive voltages at the base-emitter junctions reverse polarity, and the other
transistor is driven hard into saturation. The process repeats for another
half cycle.
On switch-on, due to the inexact
matching of the transistors, the asymmetry in the current encourages initial
small sinusoidal oscillations, which
rapidly grow to establish stable saturated switching in less than half a
The switching frequency is determined by the magnetic saturation
properties of the main transformer core
and works out to about 60Hz. That is
a little slower than the original V6295
vibrator, which ran at about 100Hz.
This does not matter, provided the
10µF filter electrolytic capacitors in
the radio’s power supply circuit are
in good condition.
While Fig.1 might appear to show
the load being driven by the emitters,
from an electrical perspective, the load
is actually in the collector circuit with
the power supply circuit acting in
series. This is because the drive voltage
is applied by the feedback transformer
directly and independently to the transistor base/emitter connections.
Some people have become confused, thinking that the transistors are
being used as emitter-followers and
therefore could not act as saturated
switches. An actual emitter follower
circuit is unsuited to saturated switching or for use in a Royer-style DC/DC
converter application.
Regarding diodes D1-D4, it is necessary to have a very high PIV diode rating. That’s in case the unit is plugged
in and out while running (or has a bad
connection to one of its socket pins).
In that case, the undamped collapsing field of the main vibrator transformer can produce a peak voltage high
enough to break down and destroy a
single 1N4007 rated at 1kV.
Two series 1N4007s are required to
prevent this. BY448s are 1.5kV rectifiers for modern switch-mode power
supply applications and are even better.
This transformer-based version is
the most challenging vibrator replacement for the home constructor to
build. The easiest to make is the self-
oscillating Mosfet version described
The first step is manufacturing the
tools required to make a UX7 base.
This is done with two solid aluminium cylinders. I traced the original
UX7 base pattern from a scan to create a template to mark the position of
the pins. There are two fat pins and
five thin pins.
The tool makes both a carrier for a
disc of circuit board material and a
template to mark the holes. This can
be rotated in the lathe to set its outer
diameter to 36mm – see Photo 1.
I made another aluminium piece to
support the pins while I pressed them
into the PCB discs (Photo 2). I set the
hole for the fat pins at 3.95mm and
3.1mm for the thin pins.
The pins are pressed as an interference fit into the PCB using the drill
press and the carrier, with a small
socket to do the pressing – see Photos
3 & 4. It is not necessary to rivet the
Australia's electronics magazine
Photo 1: I cut and etched these PCBs
as a starting point for the 7-pin bases.
The tool above them masks the areas
where copper is to be preserved
during etching.
Carrier to support 7 pins
Photo 2: I made this tool to press the
pins onto the etched PCB disc using a
drill press.
Photo 3: the pins being pressed in.
Note the socket mounted in the drill
press chuck for that job.
Photo 4: the completed custom UX7
August 2023 95
◀ Photo 6: a small lathe with an RPM
indicator and revolution counter is a
handy aid in winding transformers.
Photo 5 (left): the BY448 diodes have been soldered in series across the
appropriate pairs of pins, and the three extra wires (tinned copper wire
surrounded by silicone insulation) have also been soldered in place.
pins in as the press fit and soldering
to the copper laminate on the PCB
material impart the required strength.
One reason I didn’t rivet the pins is
that it can split the thin brass material
they are made from. The above method
creates a very stable and reliable UX7
base into which the BY448 diodes can
be fitted (Photo 5). Only three wires
pass from the base up into the unit,
made from 0.71mm tinned copper
with silicone rubber insulation. One is
the Earth connection, while the other
two go to the transistor emitters.
You might be wondering why I
didn’t use a prefabricated base like the
Amphenol UX7 base I used in my previous vibrator replacement designs.
The Amphenol bases are pretty thick,
and there was a limit to how tall the
unit could be and still fit in my ZC1
Mk2 transceiver. The space needed
inside the canister to fit the transformer makes this more difficult.
The Amphenol base could probably
be made to work for a taller unit. The
housing would need to be adjusted to
be the right size to accept such a base.
transformer core must be well away
from magnetic saturation.
It must also have a precise DC secondary resistance to avoid the need
for additional resistors in the transistor’s base circuit. It must fit inside the
machined aluminium housing (34mm
internal diameter) that replaces the
original V6295 vibrator.
The transformer must also provide
a good base drive current to the transistors’ bases to ensure they are saturated with a 2A collector current. This
base current is around 150-250mA, a
typical value being 210mA. A suitably-
sized core is 1cm2 inside the bobbin
with grain-oriented steel laminations.
In this operating mode, the feedback
transformer’s secondaries are effectively shorted out on each half cycle
by the base-emitter voltage of about
0.45V. The DC load resistance is of the
transformer wire itself.
The electrical equivalent circuit for
this somewhat unusual arrangement
is shown in Fig.3. This indicates that
the transformer naturally limits the
base current to around 227mA. For
this calculation, the primary value DC
resistance is reflected onto the secondary winding by the impedance ratio,
which is the square of the turns ratio.
The drive voltage for the feedback
transformer during operation is a 24V
square wave at 60Hz. The diodes with
forward voltages of 0.45V represent the
base-emitter junctions of the ASZ17
The RMS current in each secondary
winding is about 160mA, which is over
the upper limit for the current carrying
capacity of 32AWG wire (using the 500
circular mils per amp specification of
126mA for 32AWG wire). However, in
this case, the total power dissipated in
each winding is only about 270mW.
Also, because of its physical size
and external location on the bobbin,
the winding barely gets warm, and
there is no threat to the grade-2 enamel
The generally accepted flux density
(Webers/m2 or Teslas) for iron-cored
low-frequency transformers is in the
vicinity of 1T. The higher this value,
the greater the chance of pushing the
iron core into magnetic saturation.
Transformer requirements
and design
The transformer must have specific
properties. It must have an iron core
due to the low operating frequency
and a primary winding designed for
a low core flux density.
This is because the core saturation properties of the main power
transformer determine the operating frequency, not the driver transformer. During each half of the squarewave cycle (about 8.3ms), the driver
Silicon Chip
Fig.3: Rp, Rp’ and Rs are resistances inherent to the driver transformer; Rp
is the primary winding resistance, Rp’ is that resistance reflected into the
secondary and Rs is the secondary winding resistance. These limit the current
into the transistor bases (shown as diodes) to about 227mA per the calculations.
Australia's electronics magazine
Estimating transformer winding resistances
Photo 7: the completed windings on
the bobbins with clear Kapton tape
over the top.
This also depends on the magnetic
properties of the iron core; some materials saturate before others.
As noted, the feedback transformer
mustn’t come anywhere near saturation. By selecting a modest value of
0.5T, we ensure that the core is well
below saturation.
I performed some calculations to
verify this would be the case, but they
are a bit long and complicated to present here. I also won’t go into other
aspects of transformer design here, like
leakage reactance, core losses, winding capacitances etc.
Making the transformer
Improved wire enamels and factors
of economy have meant that the configuration of the typical power transformer has changed over the last century. Until the mid-1960s, even those
transformers with very fine wire and
thousands of turns were wound in perfect layers, with very thin rice paper
like insulation between each layer.
This had disadvantages as residual
salts in the paper could, in conjunction
with water vapour, cause corrosion of
the copper wire. They also had higher
inter-winding capacitances. Still, one
can’t help but admire the winding
perfection seen in these vintage transformers. Such windings are still used
in oil-filled car ignition coils.
The primary winding is wound onto
the bobbin first with 2000 turns of
36AWG (0.125mm or 0.127mm diameter) enamelled copper wire. Then
the secondaries are wound on bifilar,
ensuring they have identical DC resistances of about 10.6W. This means that
enough DC bias can be developed, in
conjunction with the 680W resistors,
for self-starting and to limit the base
current to the correct value.
The wire sizes and numbers of turns
You can estimate transformer winding DC resistances from the number of
turns and the geometry of the bobbin. The number of turns per layer is closely
approximated by the diameter of the wire (including its enamel) divided into
the bobbin width.
Dividing this number into the total number of turns gives us the number
of layers, which is then multiplied again by the wire diameter to calculate
the winding height. Once that is known, it is simple to calculate the average
length of a turn bisecting the centre of the windings, assuming 90° turns (ie,
a square bobbin).
We can then multiply this value by the number of turns to calculate the length
of the wire, then multiply that by the resistance per length for the wire used to
get the actual resistance.
Let’s go through this exercise for the primary winding of the feedback transformer. The bobbin is 16.55mm wide (measured) and the 36AWG wire diameter is 0.135mm, including its enamel (measured with a micrometer), so there
are 122.6 turns per layer (16.55mm ÷ 0.135mm). A 2000 turn winding is 16.31
layers high, or close to 2.20mm (16.31 × 0.135mm).
The inner bobbin, where the winding starts, measures 11.35 × 11.35 mm.
Therefore, with a 2.2mm high winding, we have the geometry shown in Fig.4.
The average turn length is 54.2mm (13.55mm × 4) and with 2000 turns, the wire
length is 108.4m. 36AWG wire has a resistance of 1.361W/m, so the expected
primary resistance is 147.5W (108.4 × 1.361W).
The measured resistance of the actual wound transformer primary is very
close, at 144W. So this method of estimation was within 3% of the actual value.
Let’s apply the same principles to the two secondaries, which total 600 turns
(two bifilar-wound 300-turn windings). The 32AWG wire on the micrometer measures 0.23mm in diameter. There are 71.95 turns per layer (16.55mm ÷ 0.23mm)
and 8.34 layers (600 ÷ 71.95), for a thickness of 1.92mm (8.34 × 0.23mm).
Adding this on top of 0.1mm insulation tape on top of the primary gives the
geometry shown in Fig.5.
The average turn length is therefore 71.48mm (17.87mm × 4), and there
are 600 turns total, making the wire length 42.9m. 32AWG wire has a resistance of 0.5383W/m, so the total secondary resistance is expected to be 23W
(0.5383W/m x 42.9m). This makes the calculated DC resistance of one 300t
winding 11.5W, compared to a measured value of 10.6W, within 8.5%.
The calculations slightly overestimate the DC resistance, more so on the
secondary, because the windings are modelled as rectangular. In practice, the
corners become more rounded as the winding height increases, shortening
the wire length of each turn.
Figs.4 & 5 show the total height of the windings as 4.22mm (2.2mm + 0.1mm
+ 1.92mm). The plastic bobbin is about 5.75mm high, so there is enough room
for the outer coat of insulation seen in the photos.
Fig.4: we can estimate the winding
thickness and average turn length
by assuming the primary windings
are square.
are such that the full bobbin volume
is used with just enough room for the
required insulation.
I used a small lathe with an added
turns counter and RPM meter (Photo 6)
to wind the transformer. With practice,
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.5: we assume the secondary
windings are square and stacked on
top of the primary and insulation,
allowing us to estimate their
thickness and average turn length.
it is possible to make the windings
very even, as shown in Photo 7. The
2000-turn primaries have been wound
on, and two layers of polyimide (Kapton) tape have been applied. In general, when winding transformers, it
August 2023 97
Photo 8: fibreglass tape makes
connecting flying leads to the fine wire
of the windings much easier.
Photo 9: after adding more wires
and fibreglass tape, the bobbins are
complete and ready for the cores.
Photo 10: Another layer of fibreglass
tape covers the soldered wire
is important to keep the windings as
regular and orderly as possible.
The secondaries are then wound on
bifilar and again, two layers of Kapton
tape. Then add some special fibreglass
tape (Scotch number 27, made by 3M
and available from Hayman’s Electrical) to assist in terminating the wires
to their flying leads, as shown in Photos 8 & 9.
This fibreglass tape is also used
to finish the bobbin as it is far superior to the usual yellow plastic transformer tape. The 32AWG secondary
wire used here is insulated with nonself-fluxing tough grade 2 enamel that
must be carefully scraped before soldering. The 36AWG primary wire has
self-fluxing enamel.
Photo 10 shows some finished bobbins. The bobbins can then be stacked
with their laminations, the edges of
which are lightly painted with Fertan organic rust converter. This deactivates any surface rust crystals on the
cut lamination edges.
I prepared transformer brackets to
allow them to be mounted inside a
34mm diameter cylinder, made from
¼in-wide, 0.8mm-thick brass strip and
½in-wide, 0.6mm-thick brass strip
(stocked in model shops). I folded
the brass and soldered it to create the
brackets shown in Photo 12.
The transformer stack is a firm
press-fit into the bracket and is also
effectively glued to it by the varnishing process. Photo 13 shows the transformers ready for vacuum varnishing.
While the transformers could simply be dipped in varnish, it is better to
apply a vacuum. A full vacuum removing most of the ‘standard’ air pressure
(1013hPa) is good, but it requires a
pump. A vacuum of about two-thirds
that can be attained with a simple
syringe, a strong arm and a jam jar, as
shown in Photo 14. This shows one of
the transformers inside the jam jar full
of polyurethane varnish, subjected to
a partial vacuum.
This causes the air to exit the small
spaces in the transformer windings
and the varnish to pass in. Pulling
the syringe upwards expands a tiny
air bubble into a large volume. As it
is hard to hold it there for long, you
can use a brass rod to lock the syringe
plunger and allow 15 minutes for the
multitude of fine air bubbles to exit
the transformer.
Finally, I hung the transformers
up to air dry (Photo 15). This process
could be sped up with an oven; however, I simply left them for one week.
which is very close to 1mm in diameter and has a springy quality. If wound
around a 22mm diameter cylinder, it
springs back to about 42mm (Photo 17)
and fits into the 0.5mm-deep groove
in the housing. The top cover attaches
with four countersunk 1/2in-long 1/8in
BSW screws.
Photo 18 shows the holes I drilled
and tapped for the TO-3 (ASZ17) transistors and transformer brackets. The
transformer mounting holes are tapped
for 1/8in BSW and countersunk. The
transistor collectors connect to the
case and ground (negative), so there
is no need for any insulating washers.
Photo 11: the E-cores have now been
slipped into the bobbins after coating
them with rust converter.
Photo 12: I fabricated the transformer
brackets from brass strips of two
different sizes (12.7 × 0.8mm and 6.35
× 0.6mm).
Silicon Chip
Aluminium housings
UP-Machining in Shenzhen, China,
made the high-quality housings based
on my drawings (Photo 16 & Figs.6-10).
The UX7 base is retained by a wire
clip made from #17 piano string wire,
Australia's electronics magazine
The 7-pin base is retained in the
housing by the spring clip. As it is such
a close fit, after applying polyurethane
varnish on its edges and over the clip,
it is extremely strong and impossible
to rotate the base in the housing. The
varnish could still be dissolved one
day if disassembly was required.
The base must be rotated to the correct position before the varnish dries
to accommodate the rectangular top
of the housing when plugged into the
radio – see Photo 19. Photo 20 is a view
into the unit before the transformer is
inserted. Only three wires rise out of
the base.
The transformer is retained in the
housing by two 1/2in-long 1/8in BSW
Photo 13: some of the completed
transformers, ready to be varnishimpregnated.
Parts List – Bipolar Vibrator Replacement
1 UX7 base (see text)
1 machined housing with hardware (see text)
1 custom-wound transformer (see below)
2 ASZ17 60V 10A PNP germanium transistors, TO-3
2 680W 1W resistors
4 BY448 1.5kV 2A axial diodes
1 300mm length of 0.7mm diameter tinned copper wire
1 300mm length of 1-2mm diameter heatshrink or spaghetti tubing
1 200mm length of #17 piano string wire (~1mm diameter spring wire)
4 ⅛in BSW × 10mm or ⅜in panhead machine screws
4 ⅛in x ½in BSW or 12mm countersunk head machine screws
2 10mm lengths of 1-2mm diameter green heatshrink tubing
2 10mm lengths of 1-2mm diameter blue heatshrink tubing
2 solder lugs
various lengths of light-duty hookup wire
Photo 14:
a partial
vacuum on a
dipped in
varnish allows
the varnish
to fill in all
the gaps. Note
the brass rod
used to keep
the plunger
up against the
force of the
vacuum pulling
it down.
Transformer parts
1 EI-core transformer bobbin and lamination set, initial winding size
11.35 × 11.35 × 16.5mm
1 110m length of 0.125mm (36AWG) diameter enamelled copper wire
2 22m lengths of 0.2mm (32AWG) diameter enamelled copper wire
1 30cm length of ¼in (6.35mm) wide, 0.8mm-thick brass strip
1 30cm length of ½in (12.7mm) wide, 0.6mm-thick brass strip
2 ⅛in BSW × 10mm or ⅜in countersunk head machine screws and hex nuts
1 small roll of 0.1mm thick polyimide (Kapton) insulating tape
1 small roll of Scotch number 27 fibreglass tape
1 small tin of polyurethane varnish
Photo 18: I drilled holes for mounting
the TO-3 transistors, the transistor
leads and the transformer mounting
holes in the cases. The transformer
mounting holes are countersunk.
Photo 15: the transformers were hung for a week to let the varnish fully cure.
Photo 16: the aluminium housings and
lids, ready to accept the electronic
Photo 17: after bending 1mm
diameter piano wires around a 22mm
cylindrical former, they spring back to
around 42mm in diameter. They can
then be recompressed to fit into the
groove in the housing and will expand
to prevent the base from falling out.
Australia's electronics magazine
Photo 19: after placing the UX7 base
that I made and inserting the spring
clip, I applied varnish and let it cure
so the clip couldn’t be accidentally
knocked loose.
August 2023 99
Photo 20: an inside view of the
housing with the plug in place.
slot head countersunk screws with
nuts and spring washers. Solder lugs
are placed between the transformer
mounts and the inside of the aluminium housing as the solder tie points for
the two 680W 1W resistors and ground,
and the black ground wire from pin 7
on the base.
The transistors can then be screwed
to the case with 3/8in-long 1/8in BSW
panhead screws. The transistor base
and emitter leads have a protective silicone rubber insulating sleeve applied,
green for the base and blue for the emitters. The emitters connect to the blue
wires leading to pins 1 and 6 in the
base, as shown in Photo 21.
It is best to use a 1W resistor for
reliability, as the dissipation in each
resistor is 426mW, and then taking
into consideration the enclosed space
they operate in.
The top cover can then be fitted, as
shown in Photos 22 & 23. Photo 24
shows the unit working in a ZC1 Mk2
communications receiver. It looks the
part and suits the rugged character of
the radio.
Scope 1 is a dual-trace recording
of the emitter waveforms of the two
ASZ17s (ie, the ZC1’s primary transformer connections) with the unit
running in receive mode. It oscillates
at close to 60Hz, with a very clean
switching waveform.
The 12.4V across half of the transformer primary plus the 12.4V supply
voltage results in about 24.8V appearing on one transistor’s emitter while
the other is conducting. After a time,
due to the magnetic saturation of the
ZC1’s transformer core, the induced
voltage suddenly starts to fall. This
takes the conducting transistor out of
conduction, and the other goes into
conduction for the next half-cycle.
The base drive current for each
ASZ17 transistor is around 210mA
and the collector current in receive
mode is about 1A. To see how well the
Photo 21: the electronic components
are now in place; only a few junctions
need to be soldered. One end of
each resistor goes to ground via a
transformer mounting screw to the
case (along with the ground lead),
and the transistor collectors are in
intimate contact with the case. Six
solder joints are required, four on the
transistor base and emitter leads.
Photo 23: the completed bipolar transistor vibrator units look rugged, with the
two TO-3 package germanium PNP transistors mounted on the outside of a
machined aluminium case.
Photo 22: the completed vibrator
replacement ready for testing and use.
Photo 24: the industrial look of the vibrator replacement unit suits the
appearance of my ZC1 Mk2 communications receiver very well!
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.8: isometric view of
the machined housing.
Fig.6: a side view of the
machined aluminium housing
for the vibrator replacement. The
holes drilled into the sides for
mounting the TO-3 transistors and
transformer are not shown.
Fig.9: plan view of the lid for the
machined housing.
Fig.10: details of the
grooves in the base of
the housing. The square
inner grooves are for
the UX7 base, while the
rounded outer groove
engages clips in the
radio to retain the unit.
Fig.7: a top view of the machined
Australia's electronics magazine
August 2023 101
Emitter Voltage
ASZ17 (1)
ASZ17 C-E saturation voltage
Collector current 1A,
Receive mode
Saturation begins
Emitter Voltage
ASZ17 (2)
Transistor Collector –
Emitter – Saturation
Scope 1: the transistor emitter (external transformer
primary) voltages during operation. The switching
frequency is measured as 60.4Hz.
transistors were saturating, I wound
the scope gain up to 100mV/div on
DC, giving the result shown in Scope 2.
This shows the very low collector-
emitter saturation voltage of the
ASZ17 germanium power transistors.
In transmit mode, the collector current is about doubled to 2A, and the
saturation voltage increases slightly
to 150mV (Scope 3). If these were
Mosfets, that would correspond to
an RDS(on) of 75mW. The oscillation
frequency slows a little bit due to the
additional loading.
In transmit mode, the power loss
in each transistor is about 0.3W (2A
× 0.15V). The base-emitter power is
0.0945W (0.21A × 0.45V), so the dissipation in each transistor is only about
400-600mW (there are some additional
losses during the switching transitions). So the whole assembly runs
very cool on account of the size of the
metal housing.
The waveform in Scope 4 was
taken with an isolated scope across
Scope 2: by increasing the sensitivity of the oscilloscope
compared to Scope 1, we can see the transistor collectoremitter saturation voltages are just over 100mV at just over
1A. That’s good for an obsolete germanium transistor.
the coupling transformer primary,
between pins 1 and 6 of the device. It is
a 48V peak-to-peak rectangular wave.
The radio’s HT measures +243V DC
with only 70mV of ripple (see Scope 5).
My radio has been upgraded with 25µF
filter capacitors, so with the original
10µF capacitors, the ripple would be
a little higher. Still, this is a very low
figure for this type of power supply.
The electronic vibrator replacement gives an HT of about 10V or 4%
higher than the original V6295 vibrator in receive mode (with the sender
switch on). This is to be expected, as
the mechanical unit can’t quite reach
a full 50% duty cycle due to its contact gaps and the time that neither contact is closed.
In transmit mode, the output voltage from the electronic unit is about
14-15% higher than the original unit.
So this electronic unit is superior overall to the electromechanical V6295.
+244.6V DC
AC Ripple, 120Hz Approx. 3Vpp
NOTE: -68V rail is ZERO in transmit mode
and main output voltage at junction of
L9B and L20A is +288V
+243V DC
AC Ripple, Approx. 70mVpp
Scope 4: connecting an isolated ‘scope
across the two emitters, we see that
they are generating a relatively clean
48V peak-to-peak square wave.
Silicon Chip
-68.3V DC
AC Ripple, Approx. 100mVpp
Scope 5: three views of the ripple out of the transceiver’s power supply with
the vibrator replacement operating. The amplitude is low and will not interfere
with the set’s operation.
Australia's electronics magazine
ASZ17 C-E saturation
voltage drop, transmit mode,
Collector current 2A
Scope 3: the same scenario as Scope 2 but with the ZC1
Mk2 in transmit mode, where the transistor collector
current is a little over 2A. The saturation voltages have
increased to a little over 150mV.
Note that the 470nF tuning capacitor
used in the oscillator-driven Mosfet-
based vibrator replacement presented
last month is not required here. Scopes
6 & 7 show the switching transients
with this unit.
Likely, because the transistors in
the self-oscillating version do not
switch-on as abruptly, or switch-off
as quickly, as the oscillator-driven versions, there is more damping during
the change-over time, suppressing
the switching transients on the transformer primary.
Also, should the oscillation stop for
some reason (perhaps due to an overload), the base and collector currents
Another BJT-based vibrator
Fig.11 shows a circuit for a 2N3055
silicon bipolar transistor-based vibrator replacement, originally published
in Electronics Australia magazine,
October 1975 (pages 58-61). As presented then, it was built on tag strips
mounted on a large metal plate – much
bigger than the original vibrator, making it a bit impractical.
Notice the R-C snubber networks
on the transistor collectors. Without
these, because of the high transition
frequency of the silicon transistor
(compared to a germanium transistor),
the circuit is unstable and bursts into
oscillation at a high frequency. However, those snubber networks can be
omitted if each 2N3055 has a 100nF
collector-to-base feedback capacitor.
Since the base drive is acquired
from the opposite transistor’s collector, the dissipation in the 47W resistors is very high at around 5W and
only just below the resistor ratings.
So it is substantially less efficient at
acquiring the transistor’s base drive
than the ASZ17 circuit and much less
efficient overall. This is why I did not
use the EA design, but came up with
my own.
Scope 6: even without a tuning capacitor across the radio’s
transformer primary, overshoot and ringing are well under
control thanks to the gentle transition characteristics of the
ASZ17 transistors in this configuration.
Fig.11: the EA October 1975 Solid-State Vibrator circuit.
It works but is very inefficient, with each base resistor
dissipating almost 5W. This shows why the transformer is
necessary for my version.
are too low to cause any trouble.
Scope 7: a close-up of Scope 6 with a faster timebase
showing the transition in detail. The overshoot is only a
few volts and dampens out after just a couple of cycles.
Australia's electronics magazine
August 2023 103
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