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A Vintage Radio Story, Part 2 By Dr Hugo Holden
he Manipulator is an oscillator
based on two sensitive relays.
It alternately switches off the output
valves in the two transmitters by disconnecting the screen grids, stopping
the transmitted carrier wave. Each
transmitter is on for ~0.2s at a time,
then silent for a similar period.
Having gotten my Manipulator
working like the original, mainly using
period-authentic parts, I turned to the
three-valve-based transmitters and the
chassis they were built into.
While I was not planning to go as far
as to produce a complete D-200 unit
with two transmitters and the Manipulator, I wanted to make a period-correct
recreation of one transmitter along
with the Manipulator that I could put
on display. I knew some parts would
not be identical to the originals, but I
was confident I could get very close.
Transmitter details
The two transmitters are based on
Silicon Chip
small 2P19B pentode valves, which
are still readily available.
The data sheet extract shown in
Fig.10 includes the customary bottom view of the valve’s base. Another
2P19B data sheet shows screen and
suppressor grid connections reversed,
as if viewed from the top. Still, it is
easy to tell from the valve itself that
this data sheet is correct.
Before building the transmitters, I
made a test jig to verify that the 2P19Bs
I had bought (some shown in Photo 2)
were functioning normally.
They had been stored in corrugated
cardboard rolls with a thin paper wrapping, which is not ideal, resulting in
some corrosion on the tinned copper
leads. I had to clean that off, initially
by scraping and then smoothing the
lead with 1000-grit sandpaper, being
very careful not to bend the wires near
where they enter the glass envelope.
To determine their ‘normal
behaviour’, I tested over 30 valves,
Australia's electronics magazine
a fair statistical sample. Three were
defective: two had low gain, and the
other had let in air.
Fig.11 is the test jig circuit, while
the actual device is shown in Photo 1.
I took the sockets on the test jig that
receive the wires from the 2P91B valve
from some machined-pin IC sockets. I
tied grid 3 to +12V rather than ground
because it was tied to +10V in the Sputnik transmitter output stage.
I added a 1kW series resistor to
avoid an accidental short between the
grid pin and adjacent heater pin from
applying 12V to the heater. I used a
12V gel cell to power the filament
circuit and my dual 0-60V CPX-200D
bench power supply, connected in
series, for the 120V test voltage.
Sputnik-1 20.005MHz
transmitter design
The transmitter circuit is shown
in Fig.12. Valve V1 is deployed as a
crystal-controlled oscillator while V2
& V3 (all 2P91Bs) form the push-pull
power amplifier. The valves have a 1W
plate dissipation, so a pair running in
an output stage, sharing the load, will
have no difficulty delivering a 1W RF
output, provided there is adequate
drive voltage (close to 40V peak) at
the G1 grids.
The circuits for the 20.005MHz and
40.002MHz transmitters are practically identical, aside from the coil and
capacitor values. In the 40.002MHz
unit, the main change was that they
did not tap off the main tank circuit
for an impedance match with the
antenna, as they did for the 20MHz
unit. They used a capacitive divider
Photo 1: the test jig in action. The
anode wire comes out the top of the
valve envelope, hence the need for
the clip lead.
A detail not shown in the original
circuit diagram is that the L5 and L6
coils are built into a rectangular can.
Capacitor C28 is not visible in any historical photos, so it most likely was in
the same shield can. C29 is visible in
the photos, though (see Photo 3).
In Photo 4, the shield around the
glass-bodied crystal appears to project a little above the housing, but the
shield can for L5 and L6 does not look
that tall. I determined the transmitter
chassis’ dimensions by studying the
photos and scaling from the image
details and the limited geometry data
in the design document.
I determined that the housing
around the transmitter modules was
93mm wide, suggesting the chassis
was 90mm wide, 180mm long and
60mm deep.
It was OK that the crystal shield projected a little above the chassis height
in the original unit because this side
of the transmitter module faced the
Photo 2: some of the 30 2P19B valves
I bought, of which three had failed.
They had not been stored properly,
so I had to clean the corrosion off the
wire leads before testing them.
Fig.10: a page from a data sheet for the 2P19B pentode showing its pinout and
critical parameters.
Fig.11: a simple test circuit for the 2P19B pentodes that allowed me to weed
out three faulty valves from the 30 I purchased. A test signal can be fed
in, and the amplified output signal examined with various external load
Australia's electronics magazine
December 2023 87
Fig.12: the Sputnik-1 20.005MHz transmitter circuit. The two transmitters were very similar but had
some slight differences besides the crystal frequency. Note that most versions of this circuit (including
one we published previously) contained errors; this one should be accurate.
interior of the D-200 housing, where
there was clearance.
The original document shows the
width of the main unit that carries
the two transmitter chassis as 132mm,
more than enough to accommodate
two 60mm-deep units with 12mm to
spare, so a mid-line panel and wiring
could run through the main body.
Lead dress for the 2P19Bs
Photo 5 shows how I insulated the
bare valve leads with PVC tubing,
although I later decided to use Teflon
sleeves instead.
Replicating the chassis
When it comes to making replicas
of a vintage electronic apparatus, the
most difficult part is the mechanical
engineering aspect of the project. If
not done well, the final result does
not represent how the unit actually
worked and looked.
It takes quite a while to examine the
historical photos and figure out where
the components were placed and the
original geometry of the internal and
external panel work. A good replica
also requires tracking down most of the
original parts; not just the valves but
also resistors and capacitors, because
they have a characteristic look, especially the Soviet chassis-mount and
RF feed-through capacitors.
Also, for RF apparatus operating
above 5-10MHz, physical layout and
shielding considerations become very
important. This includes the mounting clips that attach the 2P19B valves
to the module body. These serve as
partial shields and conduct some heat
away from the valves as well. Therefore, it is best to stick to the original
physical layout closely.
To make the transmitter module’s
metal chassis precisely the same as
the original would require the same
tooling. The metalwork had been riveted and soldered together in places.
Without the tooling, other methods
exist to create a nearly identical-
looking metal module of almost identical geometry.
I decided to make the metalwork
out of brass, which is easily soldered.
I used 3mm-thick plates to replicate
Common mode choke
with glued slug
Capacitor missing from
schematic – C47, 1.2nF 250V
20.005MHz crystal in
glass envelope
Photo 3: a photo of the original transmitter with C27 and
C29 visible, but C28 is nowhere to be seen. It makes sense
that it was in the shielding can with L5 and L6 since it
connects to both.
Silicon Chip
Photo 4: this photo of the 20.005MHz transmission unit
shows that the crystal shield was taller than the shield for
L5/L6/C28 and even projected outside the chassis slightly.
Australia's electronics magazine
Figs.13-20: these are the mechanical
drawings that I provided to the
machinist who made my reproduction
transmitter metalwork.
the top and bottom faces of the module, routed and engraved with a
groove to fit the side panels, made of
0.8mm-thick brass. The three internal
panels were also CNC machined. They
are all soldered together too.
This method avoided having to fold
any metal panels, which can distort
the material.
I prepared Figs.13-20 to help with
this task. Troy at Sunquest Industries
in Warana, Maroochydore (Qld) did
the CNC machining. The projections
on the sides of the plate are 1.5mm tall
and 5mm wide. The slots in the other
panels that they pass into are 1.5mm
wide and 6mm long. These are soldered together. I soldered them with
the aid of a gas stove and the result is
shown in Photo 6.
I finished the chassis with 1000-grit
sandpaper and spray painted it, using
temporary screws to prevent paint
from entering the threads and covering the Earth points.
Very few paints stick to polished
or shiny brass well. I have been
experimenting with paints for this
Photo 5: I added insulation tubing
to the pentode leads; initially, I used
PVC but changed to Teflon later.
Photo 6: having received the CNC-machined chassis pieces, I soldered them
together with a gas stove. The areas that were masked with screw heads are either
chassis grounding points or where I didn’t want paint to get into threaded holes.
Australia's electronics magazine
application for many years. One excellent product is the clear Dupli-Color
spray number DS-117. It helps not to
have any pigments or fillers, such as
aluminium powder. After coating the
brass with this clear coat, I waited
24 hours and applied silver DS-110
spray paint.
Once that had dried, I applied a
final clear coat. This makes for scratch-
resistant paint with a good finish and
maximum surface adhesion (similar
to automotive paint). You can see the
result in Photo 6.
December 2023 89
Other options that give superior
adhesion and scratch resistance are
powder coating or electroplating.
However, those would have meant
sending it away to a factory, which I
was reluctant to do.
Note that while I used Phillips-head
screws to keep the holes clear of paint,
the final transmitter has slot-head
screws to match the original.
Photos 7 & 8 show the completed
transmitter with the final 16:3 output coil.
Terminal strips
The original unit appeared to contain two side-by-side terminal strips
with five tags each, each mounted
with two screws & nuts and a thinner
underlying insulating plate. I decided
to make this myself as one 3mm-thick
black fibreglass plate with four mounting holes and a rear 1.6mm insulating
plate, as shown in Photo 9. It might
have been done that way originally.
I made a custom connector strip for
the unit’s rear wiring connections (also
shown in Photo 9). I used a six-row
strip rather than eight (as in the original) as the extras were not required,
and this way, it would be less crowded.
Oscillator & output tank coils
I searched for ceramic coil formers
for several weeks. I determined the
diameter of the original ceramic coils
and the approximate number of turns
from the photos in the design document. The formers have slots for the
winding wire. Most likely, the originals would have been a pre-made part
intended for amateur radio projects in
the USSR.
Generally, the wire used on these
sorts of formers is silver-plated copper.
I acquired the closest oscillator
coil form I could find from the UK.
It required a machined base, which
I made out of Bramite, to help match
the original appearance – see Photo 10.
I wound this coil using 0.9mm-
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diameter silver-plated copper wire. My
first attempt was a 12-turn coil with a
five-turn centre-tapped secondary. An
additional 10pF parallel capacitance
was required to bring it to the correct
It is possible that the original trimmer capacitance had a higher centre
value than the one I selected. However, the photos of the original suggested a 13-turn coil, which would
have given the option of a six-turn or
four-turn CT secondary. Experiments
showed that a four-turn secondary
provided inadequate voltage to get
the output stage to full power, so six
turns were required.
40-42V peak was needed at each of
the two output valve grids to attain the
full power output of 1W.
The closest ceramic former I could
find for the output tank coil, which
closely matched the geometry of the
original coil, was from Surplus Sales
Nebraska. It was close to the right
diameter with the correct number of
grooves, so the turns/inch (or turns/
cm) was correct, but it was too long.
To solve this problem, I bought a
diamond cutting disc from eBay and
fitted it to my bench circular saw
and removed 7mm of ceramic material from each end (see Photo 11). I
machined the end mounting pieces
from Phenolic rod, similar to Tufnol,
and fitted threaded, machined brass
inserts into those for the retaining
Because Sputnik-1’s antennas were
bent dipoles straddling a 0.58m diameter ball, the antenna feed impedance
would have been higher than the 72W
typical of a straight dipole, possibly
as high as 150W. It would be possible
to find the exact value by making a
mock-up from a metal sphere and some
antenna rods.
Also, the antenna rods were a little
shorter than ¼ of a wavelength each.
When this is the case, for the basic
dipole at least, the antenna behaves
as a resistor with a capacitor in series
and represents a reactive load where
the current leads the voltage. This may
have helped to tune out the inductive
reactance of the three-turn coupling
coil on the 20.005MHz unit.
From the original document images,
I saw that the output coil had close
to 15 turns. The centre tap supplying
130V to the coil being on the same
side as the end connections suggested
an even number of turns. I initially
wound an experimental 15:3 coil and
later moved to a 16:3 for the final output coil (Photo 12).
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December 2023 91
Fig.20: this is the last of the seven mechanical drawings for the chassis.
To conveniently measure the output
power into a 50W load, I made several coupling baluns that presented
the transmitter output with a range of
loads, with the results shown in Fig.21.
The transmitter was tolerant of load
resistances from 70W to around 240W,
delivering at least 1W into that range of
loads. Output power peaked at 1.32W
with a load close to 138.8W, with the
plate-to-plate load resistance for the
2P19B valve pair close to 4kW.
The applied load resistance affects
the exact tuning of the tank coil with
the butterfly capacitor. If the output
were peaked with a low-range load
resistance (around 70W), it would
tend to down-shift the graph of load
resistance versus power output. If the
tuning were peaked with a higher load
resistance (around 300W), it would
tend to up-shift the graph.
Presumably, the D-200 transmitter
modules were tuned for maximum
power output when connected to
the actual antennas in the Sputnik-1
Also, at full power, the plate voltage of the 2P19b with the 138.8W
load fell lower than its screen voltage. The RMS voltage swing across
the 16:3 output coil primary is 72V,
while the peak voltage from plate to
plate, across the coil primary, is close
to 102V. Each plate sees half of this,
so the plate dips to around 79V (51V
below the 130V HT voltage), ie, 11V
below the 90V screen.
This is not a concern for most pentodes unless the plate voltage is much
lower than the screen voltage; then,
there can be excessive screen-grid
current. I measured the screen-grid
current under all output loading conditions, even when the plate voltage
dipped to 23V below the screen voltage
with the 312.5W load, and the screen
current altered very little. Also, the
output waveform remained normal.
With lower load resistances than
138.8W, the plate voltage swing is less.
With the 78.1W load, the plate voltage
dips only 35V below the 130V HT and
stays 5V above the screen voltage.
Replica air-variable capacitors
The transmitter contains two
air-variable capacitors. To help match
these as best possible, I machined a
matching-looking nut for a Johnson-
Viking butterfly capacitor (Photo 13)
and attached it to a white Bramite
plate, which resembles ceramic.
I also machined a shroud around the
original adjusting nut for the oscillator trimmer capacitor and painted that
black to resemble the original parts.
It was made from a vintage germanium transistor mounting clamp and
◀ Photos 7 & 8: the completed and
operational replica 20.005MHz
Photo 9 (above): this is the tag
strip I made (shown at the top). I
wasn’t sure if the original had two
parallel 5-terminal strips or a single
arrangement like this. Regardless, it
was easier to make it as a single unit.
I then made the connector strip with
six terminals (shown at the bottom)
rather than the eight of the original, as
only six were used.
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a machined brass insert – see Photos
14 & 15.
Replica common-mode choke
Photo 17 shows the relative heights
of the crystal socket and shield and the
common-mode choke in the replica.
Coils L5 & L6 were likely wound as
a common-mode choke on the one ferrite core; the photos show a single ferrite slug. I think they made this choke
tuneable to allow a small amount of
fine adjustment of the exact frequency
provided by the crystal.
The idea behind the choke was to
ensure the cathode (filament) of V1
(2P91B) had a very high impedance
with respect to ground so the oscillator could work correctly. In a typical Colpitts-style crystal oscillator
for medium wave frequencies up to
2MHz, the cathode (or filament, in
this case) choke is typically chosen
to be around 1mH, with an inductive
reactance at that frequency of about
In the case of the 20MHz oscillator, a choke of 100μH or thereabouts
is satisfactory, giving about the same
reactance. One thing about making an
RFC (radio frequency choke) is that it
is vital to keep the self-capacitance
low. The self-capacitance is in parallel with capacitor C27 (20pF).
This means that the construction of the choke must either be a
layer coil, or a wave-wound
Photo 10: I was lucky to find this coil
former in the UK as it’s very close to
the original. I just had to add the base.
Fig.21: the reproduction transmitter’s output power vs load resistance. It
peaks around 138.8W; we don’t know the exact impedance of Sputnik-1’s
antennas but expect they were in the 70-150W range.
low-capacitance coil, to keep the self-
capacitance below a few picofarads.
I could have used two 100µH axial
chokes, but that would not make for
a good-looking replica.
I therefore made a single-layer coil
Photo 12: after some experimentation,
this is the configuration I came up
with for the output coil. It’s a 16:3
coil, with a 3/4-inch diameter, 3in
length, 8 turns per inch using 1mm
diameter silver-plated wire.
(bifilar wound) with an inductance
of 85μH and a self-capacitance of
3pF, determined by a self-resonance
test – see Photo 16. I fitted C28 (a
Soviet-made 1200pF capacitor) inside
the can, as shown in Photo 16. This
arrangement is probably similar to the
original part.
The choke also provides some of the
DC resistance required in the heater
chain. Each valve has a 2.2V heater,
accounting for 6.6V in total, while the
battery supply is 7.5V. The DC resistance of each coil is 4W, and the filament current is close to 100mA.
The value of R2, a resistor in series
with the filament string, was not specified in the design document. The
total voltage drop due to the choke is
0.8V, which would make the value of
R2 close to 1W. However, it’s possible they ran the filament chain 15%
‘over voltage’ with fresh batteries. The
2P19B data sheet says the filament
should be in the range of 1.8-2.5V, so
that should be OK.
Replica crystal
Photo 11: this former was also almost
perfect, but I had to cut the ends off to
make it the right length, then machine
some end pieces.
Photo 13: the shroud (made from the
transistor mounting clip) was painted
black & can be seen fitted in Photo 14.
Australia's electronics magazine
The crystal was an interesting challenge. The original crystal was in a
7-pin glass envelope, typical of many
of the late 1950s era. While these
December 2023 93
Photo 14 & 15: the shroud around the original adjusting nut for the oscillator
trimmer capacitor made from a vintage germanium transistor mounting clamp.
crystals are still sometimes available
from Ukraine, I could not find one at
20.005MHz. A typical 1MHz crystal is
shown in Photo 18.
To make a replica, I cut the top off
a 7-pin valve using a diamond file in
the lathe and made a 7-pin base for
it, initially only fitting three pins as a
trial. The closest crystal I could find
was 20.004864MHz.
After I cut the glass valve, I heated
the cut glass edge to red heat with a
blowtorch. This helps to ensure that
microscopic cracks in the cut edge
don’t start to spread through the glass
wall later. Also, to get the modern
smaller crystal to operate properly in
the circuit, I had to add 12pF of parallel capacitance. I hid that inside
the base of the replica crystal – see
Photo 19.
RF output connectors
The photo of the original unit shows
what appear to be two round RF connectors. To help replicate them, I used
F connectors.
When the module was finished, it
was time to combine it with the Manipulator. I had considered replicating the
entire D-200 housing that contained
the two transmitters and the Manipulator but decided against it. The main
reason is that it is impossible to inspect
one side when the transmitter module
is mounted inside the D-200 casing.
A better move would be to mount
the transmitter module on a rectangular plate, visible on both sides, along
with the Manipulator relays and the
timing capacitors. This way, all the
parts are readily seen.
The achieve this, I had a natural
anodised 3mm-thick aluminium plate
CNC machined and engraved, then
Silicon Chip
Photo 16: the common-mode L5/L6
choke and their shield can. The photo
on the right is with the capacitor C28
filled with black paint. This plate
mounts on top of an insulated base.
The transmitter is fixed on one side
of the engraved plate, and the plate
is fitted to a Phenolic baseboard – see
Photo 20.
You can see videos of the replica
operating, including reception on
a shortwave radio, at https://youtu.
be/9N26pkGGPew and https://youtu.
Transmission test
I also built a power supply for the
replica of the Sputnik-1 Manipulator
and its 20.005MHz radio transmitter
In the absence of batteries, the standard method to power a valve radio
or amplifier in a home or laboratory
setting was from a line voltage power
supply. These were called “battery
Sputnik-1’s silver-zinc batteries (not
available to the public at the time) were
specially manufactured for the task.
The high-tension battery was tapped at
+10V, +21V, +90V and +130V. The 10V
One does not simply transmit a 1W
carrier at 20.005MHz because it might
cause some interference. Instead, I fed
the transmitter output into a dummy
load to absorb the power but, by adding
some small whip antennas, the leakage was enough that I could receive
the signal on a shortwave radio in the
next room.
I assembled a 5:3 balun to attach
to the transmitter and used a 50W
dummy load to present the transmitter with the ideal 138.8W output load
(see Photo 21).
A battery eliminator
Photo 17: the heights of the
crystal socket in its shield and the
common-mode choke shield can.
Australia's electronics magazine
Photo 18: an original
glass envelope
crystal (right) and
my reproduction
20.005MHz unit (left).
Replica crystal
Photo 19: the replica
crystal and its matching
shield can.
Original format crystal
supply was used for the suppressor
grids in the two 2P19B output valves
in the transmitter, for which the current draw is negligible. The 21V tap
powered the Manipulator relays.
The Sputnik design document
referred to the common (negative)
connection of the B battery and 7.5V
filament battery as “-A”. I decided to
stick to that on the front panel labelling of this battery eliminator.
The version shown here is based on
four 15W MEAN WELL RS-15 switchmode power supplies.
These supplies are compact, their
outputs are isolated and they have
become quite inexpensive. They are
also overload protected and are available with an output voltage of 3.3V,
5V, 12V, 24V or 48V. These voltages
are adjustable to an extent using an
onboard potentiometer; a very helpful
feature. Since the output of each one
is isolated, they can perform the same
job as an adjustable battery.
The battery eliminator circuit is
shown in Fig.23.
A large range of output voltages can
be provided by selecting these supplies appropriately. The 12V unit has
a higher output current, so that is what
I used to power the valve filaments.
Three 48V units in series provide the
B+ voltages.
Since the +10V and +21V supplies
don’t need to deliver much current, I
used zener diodes with a 1.2kW 2W
current-limiting resistor to derive
them from the output of the first 48V
When the replica transmitter unit
was running with the Manipulator,
loading the supply, I adjusted the
90V and 130V levels to be exactly
correct at the supply’s output, aided
by some built-in series resistors. The
+7.5V, +10V and +21V supply outputs
required no adjustments.
The power supply module outputs
are floating (aside from 2nF of capacitance to the unit’s housing), which to
some extent makes them safer because
a one-handed contact to the +90V or
+130V rail won’t result in a significant
current through the body to ground.
It is still better to tie the outputs to
ground electrostatically so they don’t
float up to some unknown value. I did
that using a 100kW anti-float resistor.
That value limits the one-handed contact current from the +130V terminal to
around 1mA, which is reasonably safe.
I decided to use robust 5W-rated
zener diodes, which require a modest
current to get their terminal voltage to
the labelled value.
Photo 20: the completed, fully
functional replica. The Manipulator
and transmitter module can both be
examined in detail.
Photo 21 (upper left): this dummy
load plugs into the transmitter’s
output socket. A tiny amount
of the signal makes it to the
antennas and can
be picked up by a
nearby radio.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.22: the front panel drilling details and artwork for my battery eliminator.
There is a 0.24W loss in the 1.2kW
resistor and a 1.25W loss in the 18W 2W
resistor. 1.875W are lost in the 5W-rated
7.5V zener, dropping to 1.125W under
load. There is a combined loss of only
0.3W in the 10V & 11V zeners. This
makes the total zener regulator losses
in use close to a modest 3W.
The shunt zener method is highly
beneficial for another reason. The
switching supplies have significant
noise on their outputs, around 80mV
peak-to-peak on measurement. This
noise is sourced from a very low output
resistance. For example, adding 100µF
directly to the supply output terminals
does little to reduce this noise.
However, the series resistance and
the low dynamic resistance of a shunt
zener regulator create a voltage divider
that flattens most of the noise out, even
without significant filter capacitors
added, especially for the +7.5V, +10V
and +21V outputs.
The 90V and 130V output required
RC low-pass filters to get the switching ripple low and under 3mV peakto-peak. The finished unit is shown
in Photo 22.
Line power safety
I built the battery eliminator into a
very high-quality Takachi MS66-2123G extruded and cast aluminium
enclosure that I got by mail from Japan.
It has the internal chassis option and
the tilt feet option.
A switched and fused IEC connector
on the rear panel avoids a cord dangling from the instrument when not
in use – see Photo 22. It also means
running mains power to a front-panel
switch is unnecessary. The IEC connector contains a very short physical link between the live pin and the
fuse; the link is easily protected with
an added insulation sheet with slots
punched for three pins.
Fig.23: the circuit for my battery eliminator that powers the Manipulator and transmitter. It’s based on four MEAN
WELL mains to DC switch-mode power supplies plus some zener diodes, power resistors and capacitors to help filter
out the switch-mode noise.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Photo 22: the ‘battery eliminator’ mains supply is built into a very nice instrument case. All the voltages needed to run
the Manipulator and transmitter are available at the front panel banana sockets. The IEC mains input socket, power
switch and fuse are all in an integrated unit on the rear panel.
Some constructors put silicone rubber over this metal link, but I don’t subscribe to that as it can fall off. Another
option is an insulating boot, but they
are somewhat bulky.
Two Earth wires attach to the Earth
pin of the IEC connector. One goes
directly to the metal housing with
a shakeproof internal star lug. The
other Earth wire connects to all the
Earths on the RS-15 switch-mode supply terminal strip, which are all also
grounded to the case by their mounting screws.
This double-Earthing makes the
Earth wiring a lower resistance with a
higher current carrying capability and
more electrically robust than the single wire connections comprising the
Active/Live and neutral wiring.
I soldered the wires to flat circular
lugs to suit the screws on the RS-15
units and applied heatshrink insulation. Putting stranded wire directly
under the screw connections is a bad
idea, as single strands can break.
I retained the plastic covers over the
RS-15 screw connections. This helps
prevent finger contact with the mains
terminals while probing inside the
powered unit.
The RS-15 supplies can be screwed
directly to the metal surface of the
internal chassis. However, I added an
insulating black FR4 fibreglass sheet in
the region of the connectors, as seen in
Photo 23. The bodies of the units are
still double-Earthed to the chassis by
their pairs of fixing screws and their
individual Earth wires.
The front panel dimensions and
panel artwork are shown in Fig.22. It
was made as a transparent Sticker by
The holes for the 4mm banana plug
connectors (made by Hirschmann) are
not round but have flats to prevent
the connector from rotating when it is
tightened. So I had to drill the holes to
about 7mm, file the flats out to 7.4mm
and then finish the holes on the opposite axis with a round file to create the
shape. The 11 solder terminals are
single 3mm screw-mount Teflon insulated types. One is a solid 10mm tall
threaded hex Earth post for the 100kW
anti-float resistor.
A good aspect of the enclosure and
sub-chassis system by Takachi is that
you can assemble everything, including the sub-chassis, front and rear
panel assembly, before you drop them
into the main housing.
Photo 23 (left): the four switch-mode power supplies just fit into the case with a small amount of space left for the
resistors, capacitors and zener diodes. The circuit is simple enough that a PCB is not required.
Photo 24 (right): the wiring on the underside of the baseplate (which is separate from Photo 23). Note the power zener
across the 7.5V supply of the baseplate, this was added to protect the tube filaments from accidents.
Australia's electronics magazine
December 2023 97