This is only a preview of the February 2023 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 36 of the 112 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Articles in this series:
Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "Active Mains Soft Starter, Part 1":
Items relevant to "Advanced Test Tweezers, Part 1":
Items relevant to "Active Subwoofer, Part 2":
Items relevant to "Heart Rate Sensor Module":
Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "Noughts & Crosses, Part 2":
Purchase a printed copy of this issue for $11.50. |
ISSN 1030-2662
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Soft Starter
Active Mains
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Vol.36, No.02
February 2023
14 Computer Memory, Part 2
Increasingly smaller, faster and larger-capacity memory has been one of the
major drivers for technological advances in computers. The last part in the
series primarily covers SRAM, DRAM and proposed new technologies.
By Dr David Maddison
Technology feature
24 Computer Memory Addendum
We have compiled some interesting facts about the latest in memory
technology that couldn’t make it in to the main series. That includes how
images, video and audio are stored on computers and not just text.
By Nicholas Vinen
Technology feature
52 A 30mm Spark-Gap Tesla Coil
Building a full-size Tesla Coil isn’t for the faint of heart, although it can be
done if you are careful and know the tricks. Here’s how Flavio Spedalieri
built a small-scale Tesla Coil that produces spectacular discharges.
By Flavio Spedalieri
Educational feature
Active Mains
Soft Starter
Page 33
The making of a 30mm desktop
Spark-Gap Tesla Coil
72 Heart Rate Sensor Module
The AD8238-based heart rate monitor module is a low-cost way to
monitor the operation of the heart via an Arduino or similar, like an electrocardiogram. It comes with a 3-electrode lead and is available from Jaycar.
By Jim Rowe
Using electronic modules
33 Active Mains Soft Starter, Part 1
Appliances with high startup current can damage your work, trip your circuit
breaker and more. This Soft Starter prevents the high current surge that
occurs when the device is first turned on, reducing the ‘kick’ you get.
By John Clarke
Mains control project
44 Advanced Test Tweezers, Part 1
The Advanced SMD Test Tweezers have numerous features and
improvements such as a larger screen and better user-interface. But don’t
let the name fool you, as it is not limited to just testing SMD components.
By Tim Blythman
Test equipment project
Page 52
Editorial Viewpoint
Online Shop
Product Showcase
Serviceman’s Log
Circuit Notebook
62 Active Subwoofer, Part 2
In this final article, we show you how to build and install the 180W amplifier,
complete the wiring, install the driver and add feet. The completed highfidelity Subwoofer suits just about any hifi system.
By Phil Prosser
HiFi project
76 Noughts & Crosses, Part 2
We explain how this machine plays noughts & crosses using a game tree,
and show you how to build it, including the PCBs and custom case.
By Dr Hugo Holden
Game project
1. Light with automatic switch-off
2. Automatic mouse clicker
3. Discrete logic frequency comparator
4. Skylight controller
Vintage Radio
Ask Silicon Chip
Market Centre
Advertising Index
Notes & Errata
VE301Wn Dyn Volksemfänger by Ian Batty
Nicholas Vinen
Technical Editor
John Clarke – B.E.(Elec.)
Technical Staff
Jim Rowe – B.A., B.Sc.
Bao Smith – B.Sc.
Tim Blythman – B.E., B.Sc.
Advertising Enquiries
(02) 9939 3295
Regular Contributors
Allan Linton-Smith
Dave Thompson
David Maddison – B.App.Sc. (Hons 1),
PhD, Grad.Dip.Entr.Innov.
Geoff Graham
Associate Professor Graham Parslow
Dr Hugo Holden – B.H.B, MB.ChB.,
Ian Batty – M.Ed.
Phil Prosser – B.Sc., B.E.(Elec.)
Louis Decrevel
Founding Editor (retired)
Leo Simpson – B.Bus., FAICD
Silicon Chip is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. ACN 626 922 870. ABN 20
880 526 923. All material is copyright ©. No part of this publication
may be reproduced without the written
consent of the publisher.
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Postal address: PO Box 194,
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Phone: (02) 9939 3295.
ISSN: 1030-2662
Printing and Distribution:
Editorial Viewpoint
Ripping customers off through
service & repair
We need legislation to deal with companies’ ongoing
assault on servicing and repairing mechanical or electronic devices. Luckily, in Australia, we have strong
consumer rights legislation. Despite this, greedy corporations are doing all they can to strip away anything
not covered by such legislation. The problems fall
under a few categories, including (but not limited to):
• No spare parts available for new products, despite the manufacturer
having enough parts to make more of the same product.
• Purposefully making products difficult to repair, for example, Onewheel electric skateboards that ‘brick’ themselves if the battery is swapped
or smartphones that refuse to work if a module is swapped from another
identical phone.
• Artificially limiting the lifespan of products; planned obsolescence is a
huge environmental problem.
• Restricting the availability of spare parts and tools.
• Limiting the availability of hardware or software required for diagnosis and repair.
• Refusing to release schematics and software, even for products that are
no longer supported.
• Overcharging for proprietary parts.
Australian legislation to deal with these assaults on consumers would be
a good start. The EU has a strong history of consumer protection, and if they
start taking action too, others might follow.
Why don’t we just boycott these companies? We should, but a minority
of consumers are aware of the situation. The average customer won’t realise
they’ve made a mistake until they are already out of pocket. Many competitors will use similar tactics, too, leaving us with few good choices.
While I can point at some particularly egregious examples of all the above
(and more), this anti-consumer behaviour is an industry-wide trend.
Legislation could be drafted to solve these problems without imposing
unreasonable burdens on manufacturers. It used to be standard to provide
after-sales support such as releasing schematics, making all parts available
and devices used to be designed to be repairable (now it’s often the opposite). Some possible solutions to the above points include:
• Pay customers compensation or give a full refund if spare parts cannot
be provided within a reasonable time frame for products still being sold.
• Legislate the availability of spare parts for a certain period after the warranty runs out.
• Disallow collusion between companies to prevent the original manufacturers from selling spares to those wishing to repair their devices. For
example Apple’s exclusivity deal with Intersil, see:
• If a company stops offering spares, force them to release schematics,
CAD drawings and software so others can do so; after all, they’ve effectively
abandoned their product at that stage.
• Make it mandatory to release all documentation for repairs either when
manufacturer support stops, or some reasonable period after the product is
released (say, five years), whichever comes first.
• Penalties for companies caught charging excessively more for functionally equivalent parts.
I realise that a comprehensive legislative solution would be complicated,
but that is no reason to avoid trying. The biggest challenge is that the companies often spend large amounts of money to hire lobbyists (who aren’t always
truthful), to influence politicians to vote against such measures.
by Nicholas Vinen
24-26 Lilian Fowler Pl, Marrickville 2204
Silicon Chip
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your feedback
Letters and emails should contain complete name, address and daytime phone number. Letters to the Editor are submitted on the condition that
Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd has the right to edit, reproduce in electronic form, and communicate these letters. This also applies to submissions to “Ask Silicon Chip”, “Circuit Notebook” and “Serviceman’s Log”.
RIP Ian Robertson of Engadine, NSW
My Dad, Ian Robertson, loved your magazine. He passed
away on the 14th of November. Thanks for publishing
Dad’s projects over the years.
Elizabeth Robertson, Engadine, NSW.
Editor’s note: we have two contributors named Ian Robertson, plus a third reader by the same name. The other
contributor lives in Belrose, NSW.
Modifying test oscillator for a higher output
In the Ask Silicon Chip column from October 2022, there
was a query about a 2V RMS test oscillator. This made me
revisit my sinewave oscillator circuits described in Circuit
Notebook (October 2019;
Circuit 2, with equal-value feedback resistors, seemed
perfect for this task. I designed and built one for 1kHz
sinewave output using the circuit shown below. I tested
it using a 5V USB power supply and a 3.7V Li-ion cell;
both worked perfectly. I ran the circuit for a couple of
days, and it is very stable.
I chose a set of components to satisfy the oscillation
conditions and generate a 1kHz sinewave. The Norton
op amp (IC1) could be powered from a standard 5V USB
supply, but to give a larger output swing, a TM3608 voltage boost module provides a 12V supply rail. The device
worked fine with a 3.7V Li-ion battery in place of the USB
power supply shown. The TM3608 voltage booster module is very compact and easy to use.
Two 1kW multi-turn trimpots are provided for fine-
tuning. These are adjusted to remove any clipping and
achieve very close to 1kHz output. The output signal after
trimming is shown in a scope grab.
I measured the two combinations of 11kW resistor and
1kW trimpot as 10.96kW + 0.31kW and 10.96kW + 0.14kW.
The 10kW attenuator potentiometer allows the output
amplitude to be adjusted from zero to 3.4V RMS.
To change the target frequency, multiply the resistor
and capacitor values in the oscillator by the square root
of 1kHz divided by the new desired frequency. Select the
nearest standard value for the capacitors and recalculate
the resistors by scaling.
Mauri Lampi, Glenroy, Vic.
On the GPIB (general purpose interface bus)
Recently, I have been doing some work with GPIB interfaces. Historically, many peripheral devices used this
interface, especially laboratory equipment.
I have been working recently with a vintage PET computer that has a GPIB interface, and I wanted to use that
to run a printer. After some hunting around, I found an
extremely clever GPIB to serial (RS-232) interface. It can
convert PETSCII to ASCII. PETSCII was a unique non-
standard version of ASCII used by Commodore computers.
The rare unit I found was made by a company called
Taylor-Wilson in the UK in the late 1970s. Due to having
no manual or schematics, I had to reverse engineer the
whole thing. Here is the story of this interesting machine:
This project taught me how to build a GPIB interface
that could interact with a computer and respond to both
primary and secondary addresses. So the basic design can
serve many GPIB interface projects.
I was surprised to find out that the GPIB is still around,
considering its age. I noticed some modern dual-tracking
lab power supplies with GPIB, RS-232 and USB interfaces.
Since USB came along, RS-232 has become thin on
the ground too, and many computers don’t even have an
RS-232 port anymore. People have often struggled with
RS-232 to get the hookups working (even now). It made
a great market for RS-232 breakout boxes.
NASA used GPIB interfacing in their electronics labs
extensively because they had a lot of National Instruments
data acquisition equipment. But probably, that equipment
has been retired by now.
A circuit and the 1kHz 2V RMS sinewave output that it produces.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 5
One day, I think it would be a good idea to have a more
generalised review article on ‘computer-peripheral equipment interfacing’, explaining how the historical interfaces
worked. Still, the go-to method is USB these days, so it
might only be of passing value.
Another thing about that T-W unit, apart from the GPIB
handshakes, is that it also shows how to make and use a
very simple and stable baud rate selectable crystal-based
UART and line driver system for an RS-232 interface.
I’m pretty sure this part of the circuit was borrowed
from HP or TI equipment. Unlike the rest of the T-W unit,
it was implemented in CMOS, while the rest was TTL. I
have seen that exact circuit in the past in some of their
gear, but I cannot recall the model.
Dr. Hugo Holden, Minyama, Qld.
SMD Tweezers add-on for the LC Meter Mk3
I came across these SMD tweezers on eBay: siliconchip.
au/link/abiz There is a similar, much cheaper one available from AliExpress at
I received the eBay ones today and modified them to
use with the LC Meter Mk.3. I just had to cut off the multimeter plugs and solder on a BNC connector. Because the
wires are extremely thin and fragile, I used several stages
to make the connections, as shown in the photo below.
I crimped ‘bootlaces’ onto the wires, put heatshrink
tubing on, attached them to the BNC connector and covered it all in larger heatshrink tubing. This makes for a
secure connection.
The cable’s capacitance is 34pF, which is cancelled out
by pressing the CAL switch on the LC Meter. It makes
measuring SMDs down to M1608/0603 size much easier.
Charles Kosina, Mooroolbark, Vic.
Great minds think alike
The LC Meter Mk3 article (November 2022; siliconchip.
au/Article/15543) made an interesting read. It is a very
neat compact portable instrument that greatly improves
over the original Tektronix T130. I, and I suspect at least
a few others, were similarly inspired by the Tektronix
articles of June/August 2020 (
and looked into modernising the concept.
Using similar techniques, my version measures from
<1pF to 40nF and 1µH to 40mH, as my interests do not
include VHF coils. One feature of the Tektronix instrument that appealed to me in particular was the very low
amplitude test voltage that allowed the measurement of
semiconductor devices without driving them into conduction. My test voltage is actively regulated to 0.5V.
I trimmed the original display of two decimal places
back to one, as even this is optimistic for ±0.5% components over 100pF or so.
The problem of ‘reference’ inductors being frequency-
dependant seems to be primarily due to capacitance
between the turns of the winding. As the frequency
increases, the distributed capacitance eventually resonates the coil, resulting in it electrically looking like a
Q-dependant high-value resistor.
I calculated the distributed capacitance of the coil plus
strays and added this to the reference capacitor during the
calibration process. By adding a second tight-tolerance
capacitor and measuring the frequency, the two frequencies and the capacitor values can be used to determine
total strays accurately.
My reference capacitor is 1200pF ±0.5% and the distributed capacitance of the coil plus tracks and semiconductors worked out to be 89pF. I added that value to the reference capacitance and stored it in non-volatile memory.
I have checked a few dozen tight-tolerance silvered
mica capacitors between a few hundred pF and 20nF and
seen results within ±0.5% of the marked value, with one
unit measuring 0.7% high. I considered offering Silicon
Chip my design last year, but concluded that my ‘old-
fashion’ design with a 16×2 LCD plus plugpack power
supply and more expensive reference capacitor would
not attract much interest.
I can provide the maths involved if there is any interest in the distributed capacitance measurements. The
photo shown directly below the unit with the top of the
case removed.
Graham Lill, Lindisfarne, Tas.
Praise for LD Electronics
Thanks to you and your team for doing Australia proud
with a highly-regarded electronics publication worldwide.
I would like to express my gratitude to one of your
advertisers, LD Electronics. George has been my prime
contact within this company. I exclusively use it for all of
Left: these SMD tweezers were purchased on eBay and
modified for use with the LC Meter Mk3. The cut-in shown at
upper right was taken before heatshrink tubing was added.
Below: Graham Lill’s LC Meter design, which was inspired by
the Tektronix Type T130.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
my PCB needs as I have found them to be second-to-none.
In general, most people are driven by price, but to me,
it goes much deeper then that. I’m probably an oddity in
that I prefer to support local business regardless of price.
In saying that, I find that factoring in shipping, ease of
contact, fast turn-around, product quality and quality
of service, LD Electronics should be highly considered.
I’m a bit of an ‘old hat’ in that I use Protel EDA client to produce my PCB designs. LD Electronics accept
many different formats. I only have to provide the original design file and George is quite happy to produce the
needed files for manufacture.
He even picked up a missing trace in one such file, and
contacted me to query this discrepancy, which he subsequently fixed. I highly recommend LD Electronics to all
of your readers for their PCB manufacturing needs. They
won’t be disappointed.
Mike Boothroyd, Werrington County, NSW.
Misleading power pack capacities
I recently bought a power bank from eBay, advertised
as a “40000mAh Power Bank, 18W PD USB C Fast Charge
Battery Bank Travel work”. No further technical information was provided, but a few references were made to USB.
A discharge test on my DC load at 2A showed a capacity of 28Ah (amp-hours), somewhat short of the advertised 40Ah. The supplier promptly answered my query
and explained that 40Ah is the capacity of the 3.7V cell
pack which makes up the power bank. Of course, this
information was nowhere to be found in the advertisement, which stated 40Ah and referred to USB, which I
interpreted as 5V.
To the supplier’s credit, I was able to return the pack,
at their expense, for a full refund. My lesson: always ask
for capacity in “Wh” before purchasing a power bank.
Erwin Bejsta, Wodonga, Vic.
Comments: It is frequently misleading to label a device
with an Ah rating without disclosing the voltage range of
that measurement. We discussed this in detail on page 6
of the July 2022 issue. As you suggest, it’s always better to
have a battery capacity rating in Wh (or kWh or J) rather
than Ah, as that is unambiguous.
AM interference & DAB+ poor sound quality
Have you noticed that when listening to AM radio these
days, there is an endless cacophony of switch-mode power
supply buzz or power-line-induced noise, making AM an
awful listening experience? Why would anyone torture
their ears doing so?
While talking about radio reception, DAB+ was advertised as rivalling CDs for audio quality, but alas, no. As
usual, corporate greed or ‘spectrum exploitation’ has led
to crowding of their allotted bandwidth/frequencies with
very low bit-rate stations, leading to mediocre audio quality. For some stations, their FM audio sounds better than
the equivalent DAB+ ‘cousin’.
Similarly, there aren’t many high-definition TV channels because the lure of the advertising dollar by adding
more standard-definition channels overrules the provision
for more (higher bandwidth) high-definition channels.
Streaming is the only way to get a good audio or visual
experience, but it comes at a price.
Denis McCheane, Allawah, NSW.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 7
Comment: we have even seen ‘high-definition’ 1080p freeto-air TV programs break up into a horrible blocky mess
during certain scenes due to the limited bit-rate allocation. As you say, streaming services are generally able to
avoid such problems.
Praise for kit & Keith Rippon
I had the Multimeter Calibrator (July 2022; siliconchip.
au/Article/15377) made by Keith Rippon from the Market Centre advert. He provided good service and prompt
delivery and the Calibrator works well.
I have just calibrated five meters, and all appear to be
within calibration, except one where the resistance range
is out by about 1%. I have more meters but checking them
is for another day. Thank you for making service gear
available in kit form; it is much appreciated.
Finally, I have a U1253A meter that does not work with
a fresh 9V battery, but when powered on, it plays a brief
melody, and all buttons produce a beep when pressed. If
any reader wants it for spare parts (including charger, CD,
calibration certificate from 2010 and original box) but no
leads, they can have it for the cost of postage.
Ric Mabury, Melville, WA.
Solar power flowing through distribution transformers
I am writing in response to George Ramsay’s letter in
the December 2022 issue. He believes home-generated
solar power cannot be transmitted via the high-voltage
transmission network. It can, in fact, be carried via the
distribution and substation transformers.
In suburban Adelaide, the rooftop solar inverters feed
power into the 240/415V street mains. If the total consumer
load on a particular phase exceeds the solar feed-in on
that phase, the distribution transformer will supply the
remainder of the power. However, if solar feed-in exceeds
the load, the excess power is fed into the transformer, and
a power meter will show negative power.
In other words, the solar power is being fed back into
the grid via the distribution transformer, which steps up
the voltage to 11kV and transmits the excess solar power
to the 66kV/11kV substation.
Suppose there is still insufficient load on the 11kV
feeders. In that case, the excess solar power is stepped
up to 66kV to pass to other substations and, ultimately,
under ideal solar conditions, from SA to Victoria via the
SA-Victoria interconnector.
Recently, a storm blew over one of the interconnector
steel towers near Tailem Bend and ‘islanded’ SA from
the east coast grid for a week, leaving no export option
for excess solar power. To prevent supply instability that
week, SA Power Networks intermittently cranked the
mains up to 260+V AC to force the shutdown of rooftop
solar inverters.
My solar inverter recorded multiple overvoltage events,
and I measured peak voltages of 262V AC.
To clarify further, farmhouses and other isolated premises in rural SA have either a two-wire single-phase
11kV/33kV supply or a single-wire 19kV SWER supply,
usually followed by a 10kVA stepdown transformer to
230V AC. SAPN (South Australia Power Networks) allows
up to 5kW solar export via these transformers.
If the resident is not using any or minimal power, the
excess solar power of up to 5kW is fed back into the
Silicon Chip
11kV/19kV/33kV supply line via the transformer to other
consumers on the same line. Once again, if there is still
insufficient load, the excess power goes to the substation
to be sent to the high-voltage network.
While so-called energy experts proclaim that renewable power will bring down the cost of power to the consumer, SA has the highest wind and solar power uptake
in Australia. Yet, the price per kW to the consumer is the
highest in the nation. I believe this is why I have noticed
quite a few new solar rooftop installations within the last
few months.
As for the argument between distributed and concentrated solar, I have a 5kW system, but I agree with George
that large-scale systems are probably more economical.
The fact remains that if power weren’t so expensive, many
other people and I wouldn’t have bothered with a rooftop solar system.
On a mild, sunny day in SA, small-scale solar pushes
large-scale solar and wind generation out of the market.
In metropolitan Adelaide, the amount of exported rooftop
solar power in some suburbs is now being constrained to
avoid overloading the 66/11kV substation transformers.
It is interesting to compare the price of petrol to electricity. One litre of petrol, mainly imported from overseas
and containing 10kW of energy, costs around $1.65 or
16.5¢ per kilowatt. When GST and excise are deducted,
the product price is $1.05 per litre or 10.5¢ per kilowatt.
Yet I pay 40¢ plus 4¢ GST per kW for locally-produced
electricity, primarily produced from renewables.
It doesn’t make sense that the cost per kilowatt of
renewable electricity is four times the price of a kilowatt
of petrol.
Andrew Fraser, Para Hills, SA.
Comment: traditional, passive transformers are bi-
directional devices by their nature (referring to the windings as ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ is just a convention).
So we have to agree that there is no reason why power
cannot move around the grid from high-production to
high-demand areas.
Designs that withstood the test of time
Earlier this week, I carried out the annual Christmas
lights setup at my place. It is not an elaborate setup, but
a few basic light strings with the centrepiece being an
old Silicon Chip project – the Santa & Rudolph Christmas lights display as published in November 2000
My version is now on display for the 23rd season,
enduring nearly 100 weeks’ worth of the harsh elements
of western Sydney summers and storms. A couple of years
back, I engaged my youngest daughter to repaint the faded
areas (unenthusiastically). It wasn’t a great job, and I had
to finish it off, but it will do for now.
In terms of the electronics and wiring – I have thankfully
had no problems. It is not the easiest project to maintain!
On the subject of longevity, my very first electronics kit
project was the Walkaround Throttle for Model Railroads
(April & May 1988;
I was hooked after I chose electronics as a high-school
elective subject for years 9 and 10 in 1988-89. A school
friend’s father kindly drove us to the Parramatta Jaycar on
the corner of Victoria Rd and Church St to purchase our
“major projects” to complete during class time.
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I would have paid for it with my tiny income delivering local newspapers and junk mail. If my memory is correct, the kit cost me around $90. It still sees regular use
by me and will one day be replaced by DCC equipment.
In the 34 years of service of this kit so far, I have had
one fault with it. It was an LM324 chip that had failed;
after replacing it, I also tidied up the mains wiring to
improve its safety. I didn’t have much in the way of tools
back when I first built it; for example, I was crimping with
pliers instead of a ratcheting crimper.
Recently, my NBN connection has been dropping out
with increasing frequency each day. I engaged my ISP to fix
it, with the pain that brings. However, today, it degraded
even more. That motivated me to make basic checks of
the cable to the NBN modem, since there is little else that
an individual can check.
Surprisingly, I found a 90° F-connector to be a dead
short across the centre pin to the body. Bypassing that got
my household back online. I will check the connection
logs to see if there are any further dropouts.
The recent History of Silicon Chip series was very
Left: the
November 2000
Christmas lights
Below: the
damaged 90°
The Walkaround Throttle for Model Railroads from the
April & May 1988 issues of Silicon Chip.
Silicon Chip
interesting (August & September 2022;
Series/385). It reminded me of a work colleague who called
into a newsagent to purchase a copy on his way to work
a few years ago. My colleague was in a hurry and asked
the agent where he might find Silicon Chip magazine.
The newsagent was not fluent in English and misunderstood the word “chip”. My colleague was directed to
a display of adult magazines that no doubt contained a
lot more silicone than silicon!
I must thank Leo Simpson and the evolving Silicon Chip
team over the years. Silicon Chip magazine has helped me
in my initial schooling, understanding how things work,
reading about how people fix things, making things and
using some of these snippets in my work and hobbies.
My interest in trains led me to my interest in electronics and subsequent apprenticeship in telecommunications
with the then-second-largest communications network in
Australia – the State Rail Authority – in 1992.
Although my employment is no longer directly related
to my electronics trade skills, I’m still learning and applying the knowledge, particularly with Arduino and similar
devices these days.
Robert Parnell, St Clair, NSW.
Induction Motor Speed Controller modifications
I built an ‘analog computer’ to give closed loop torque
control of a three-phase induction machine via the 1.5kW
Induction Motor Speed Controller (‘IMSC’, April & May
2012; I built it from an Altronics K6032 kit.
The IMSC and analog computer worked really well
together with manual torque control and PID control.
However, I noticed that when running them together, the
motor speed would sometimes have some really annoying chatter. So I did some digging...
My analog computer gives a steady output for a steady
input voltage (supplied from a linear regulated supply),
so it was not responsible for the chatter.
When driving the inverter and motor in open-loop
mode with a steady voltage and varying the computer’s
output up or down, I discovered the motor speed changed
neatly in 60 RPM steps and chattered when the analog
computer output control voltage approached the IMSC
speed step thresholds.
So basically, the IMSC generates frequencies in 1Hz
steps (I verified this with a current clamp set to its frequency range), and its microcontroller lacks a little hysteresis on its external control input. I then investigated
The IMSC speed set pot (VR1) also varies the output
in 1Hz steps. When set to ramp up to a set speed via the
internal control and, given a long ramp time, the motor
spins up to the selected speed very smoothly!
The specifications for the IMSC state that its “speed
control range” is 0.5-50/75Hz in 0.05Hz steps. It looks
like the inverter is stepping in 0.05Hz steps when ramping between the discrete 1Hz settings, which isn’t what
I expected. I wanted the microcontroller to be set up so
that its speed setting increments in 0.05Hz steps, just like
it does while ramping.
After contacting Silicon Chip for assistance, I was
given access to the source code. It took quite a bit of
effort and some back-and-forth, but I was eventually
Australia's electronics magazine
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able to modify the code to work just as the initially
published firmware except without the 1Hz hysteresis
in the speed settings.
Now, the output frequency and voltage increase and
decrease smoothly with the analog control signal. As
expected, there is some minor frequency hunting, around
±0.1Hz, which isn’t really a concern for me. I see the benefit in having 1Hz steps, though; as long as the analog
commands don’t fall near the thresholds between steps,
it works.
The IMSC now works really well with the analog
torque box. The motor speed is steady with PID control
(sometimes with a tiny amount of hunting) and ramps up
and down smoothly with manual control. I could get an
acceptable full load current curve across speeds without
overloading the motor (3A <at> 4% slip).
It has been a great learning exercise, tinkering with
analog electronics and applying circuit elements learned
along the way in the past at TAFE (Advanced Diploma). I
have learnt heaps! I did enjoy ‘programming’ the analog
computer; it was pretty hands-on.
Neil Ross, Glenroy, Vic.
Forced upgrades due to incompatibility
I enjoyed your “Editorial Viewpoint” in May 2022 issue.
However, you didn’t mention anything about the possible
need to upgrade when a new version of the operating system is installed (eg, Windows 10 to 11) due to the possible lack of backwards compatibility with some operating
systems and programs that run on them.
I have been lucky with some of the programs that I’ve
been using for many years, obtained from PC Magazine
(such as Cross Guesser, Screen Seize, Shot Sender etc) and
P Lutus’ (dbEdit etc). These are all still
working on Windows 10 years after they were originally
written, although they have to be “authorised” using a
system dialog box.
The same goes for the Microsoft Office set of programs.
I currently have Office 2010 on my desktop (tower) PC
and Office 2019 on my recently purchased Windows 10
laptop PC. When using Office 2010, I sometimes get a line
just above the spreadsheet and below the edit bar telling
me that I am using an outdated version of the program
and that it is therefore no longer supported.
Do you have any comments on this aspect of the potential need to upgrade to a later version of a program as a
result of an OS upgrade due to a lack of backward compatibility?
Paul Myers Karabar, NSW.
Nicholas responds: You are right that I did not mention
that, but I had considered it. If I am forced to upgrade to
Windows 11 eventually, the latest version of CorelDraw
I have (2022) will work. By the time Windows 12 rolls
around, CDR2022 may no longer run.
The idea of paying $599/year just for the privilege of
running software I already paid for because of an operating system update is not palatable.
I use LibreOffice for documents and spreadsheets, which
is free, so I don’t have to worry about that. GIMP is the
same (images). In fact, besides a couple of key programs
like Altium and CorelDraw, pretty much all the software
I personally use is free and open-source (FOSS).
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Silicon Chip
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Prices correct at time of publication but are subject to change. Jaycar reserves the right to change prices if and when required.
Last month, we described the memory systems that early computers used, from
punched paper cards to magnetic drums and tape, core memory, delay lines,
special vacuum tubes, cathode ray tubes and more. As we shall investigate,
most of those are now obsolete, replaced with silicon-based memory.
WAS AROU N D 19 65.
Very small transistorised memory
chips started to become available then;
just a couple of bytes at first, then a
kilobyte, then a few kilobytes… the
rest is history. The two primary technologies that emerged were SRAM and
DRAM, but we’ll look into others too,
like EPROM, EEPROM, flash, SGRAM
and more. Picking up where we left
off last month:
1965 Scientific Data Systems and
Signetics produced an 8-bit (one-byte)
memory device. Later in the year, Ben
Agusta and Paul Castrucci developed
the SP95, a 16-bit (two-byte) RAM
device used in the IBM System/360
Model 95.
1966 Tom Longo at Transitron built
the TMC3162 16-bit TTL memory (see
Fig.24). This became the first widely
produced RAM chip and was also
produced by Fairchild (as the 9033),
Sylvania (SM-80) and TI (SN7481).
You can view the data sheet for the
latter at
Honeywell used that chip in their
Model 4200 minicomputer.
Following that were 64-bit (eightbyte) chips such as the IBM cache
memory chip, Fairchild (9035 and
93403) and TI (SN7489); see the data
sheet at
1967 Robert Dennard of IBM filed
for US Patent 3,387,286, awarded in
Fig.24: the metal mask from the
Fairchild 16-bit bipolar TTL RAM
IC. Source: Fairchild Camera &
Instrument Corporation, www.
Fig.25: an illustration from Dennard’s
1968 patent, showing a 9-bit DRAM
memory element with nine transistors
and nine capacitors.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Early programs that were
run more than once?
Fig.26: a labelled silicon die from a 1970s 1024-bit MMI 5300 PROM chip.
Source: Ken Shirriff,
1968, for a one-transistor DRAM cell
(Fig.25). Memory based on this technology displaced magnetic core memory. The differences between DRAM
and SRAM (both still in use today,
for different applications) will be
described later.
1969 the PROM (Programmable
Read-only Memory) was invented in
1956 for the US Air Force to keep targeting data in ICBMs. However, the
technology was kept secret for over
a decade. The PROM is a memory
device that can be written only once;
after that, the data can no longer be
changed (Fig.26).
Applications for these devices,
which are still used today, include
encryption keys, configuration and
calibration data in equipment and boot
code in computers.
It was not initially in the form of
an integrated circuit, which wasn’t
invented until 1958 (or 1960 for planar devices) – for more details on that,
see our articles on IC Fabrication in the
June-August 2022 issues (siliconchip.
Programming is done by “blowing” fusible links such as metal links,
diodes or breaking down the oxide
layer between the gate and substrate
in a transistor with a relatively high
voltage (eg, 6V) pulse. PROM devices
weren’t implemented in CMOS technology until 2001.
1969 Charles Sie published a dissertation on Phase Change Memory (PCM, also known as PRAM),
originally conceived by Stanford R.
Ovshinsky. A substance such as chalcogenide glass is changed between its
crystalline and amorphous (glass-like)
phase by applying heat at an appropriate fast or slow rate from a heating
element – see Fig.27. Each phase has
a different resistivity.
PCM has a much higher write performance and comparable read performance to flash memory. There
have been many attempts to commercialise PCM devices; despite some
product demonstrations and some
devices being released onto the market
between 2004 and 2014, they have yet
to be commercially successful.
Intel 3D XPoint memory is an example of PCM. Their “Optane” products
It was once related to me by an
older colleague that in the very
early days, computers were not
as reliable, nor did they have
the multiple self-checks they
do today. Electrical noise could
introduce incorrect information,
eg, by flipping a bit.
It was therefore not uncommon
to run science and engineering
programs, and presumably others,
two or three times to ensure the
same answer would be obtained.
However, I have found no
corroboration of this elsewhere.
We would be interested to hear
from readers who may have heard
of this.
were introduced in 2017 and proved
reasonably popular among some users,
being faster than flash-based SSDs,
but Intel discontinued development
in 2021.
Chalcogenide glass is also used in
rewriteable optical media such as CDs
and DVDs.
1969 Intel introduced its first product, the 3101 Schottky TTL bipolar
64-bit static random-access memory
(SRAM) – see Figs.28 & 29. It could
store 64 bits of data or eight 8-bit characters. It was twice as fast as the previous silicon memory products mentioned above (IBM cache, Fairchild
9035 and 93403, TI SN7489) due to
its use of schottky diodes.
Fig.27: phase change memory structure, with the left-hand cell in a crystalline
state and the right-hand cell in an amorphous state.
Original source: (GNU FDL)
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 15
Fig.28: a die photo of Intel’s first product, a 64-bit memory chip from 1969.
Source: Ken Shirriff,
Fig.29: two variants of the Intel 3101
IC. Source: Ken Shirriff, “inside
Intel’s first product”
Its memory capacity was insufficient
to compete with the magnetic core
memory of the time. Still, it was very
fast, so it was useful in CPU registers.
1969 The Intel 3301 1024-bit ROM
(read-only memory) was introduced.
1969 IBM produced a 128-bit memory chip for the System/370 Model
145, the first IBM computer to use
semiconductor main memory.
1969 Fairchild produced the 4100
(aka 93400) 256-bit memory chip for
the Burroughs Illiac IV computer.
1969 The Intel 1101 was introduced. It was a 256-bit SRAM, the first
to use MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) technology, leading the way to
high-density devices.
1970 Intel introduced the first
These devices are easy to recognise
as they have a transparent window
over the silicon die, usually covered
by an opaque sticker. That was to
stop accidental erasure by stray light
sources such as fluorescent lamps or
They were used to store the BIOS
(built-in operating systems) of early
IBM-compatible PCs and many other
devices as there was a periodic requirement to update low-level program
code or ‘firmware’.
At the time, there was no other form
of chip-based non-volatile memory,
and computer boot processes were
time-consuming. Intel founder Gordon Moore said the invention of the
EPROM was “as important in the
Read/Write Drivers
Storage Cells
Address Drivers
commercially-available DRAM
(dynamic random-access memory)
IC, the 1103, with one kilobit (1024
bits) of memory – see Figs.30, 31 &
32. This chip was significant because
it was sufficiently small and cheap to
provide a viable alternative to magnetic core memory.
1970 The EPROM was invented
by Dov Frohman with US patent
3,660,819 awarded in 1972. An erasable programmable read-only memory is a device that can be electrically programmed and retains its
memory for many years, but can be
erased when needed using ultraviolet light. It is a form of non-volatile
memory and retains its data with no
power applied.
Fig.31: a die
photo of the
Intel 1103
1-kilobit DRAM.
Source: www.
Fig.30: the 1972 HP 9830A
programmable calculator/computer
with optional thermal printer used
Intel 1103 1-kilobit memory chips.
Source: Hydrargyrum, (GNU FDL)
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
development of the microcomputer
industry as the microprocessor itself”.
1971 The Intel 4004 4-bit microprocessor with 2300 transistors was
released. This device led to the revolution in microcomputers, creating
a huge demand for bigger and better
memory. The 4004 was followed by the
8-bit 8008 microprocessor in 1972 and
eventually the 8086 in 1978, the predecessor to the x86 architecture that
is in widespread use today.
1971 Bill Herndon at Fairchild
designed a fast 256-bit TTL memory
(the 93410).
1972 The first EPROM was released
onto the market, the Intel 1702, with a
2048-bit capacity (see Fig.33).
1972 The EEPROM was invented by
Fujio Masuoka of Toshiba, who later
created flash memory in 1984.
EEPROM or E2PROM (electrically-
erasable programmable read-only
memory) is much like EPROM. It is
a form of non-volatile memory, but
instead of being erased with UV light,
it is erased electrically, making it much
simpler to use. In fact, these devices
are the precursors of flash memory.
EEPROMs are still used in devices
such as embedded microcontrollers,
phone SIM cards, bank cards, keyless
entry systems, security devices and
so on. When used in security devices,
they usually have some sort of read,
write or copy protection.
One difference between EEPROMs
and flash memory is that an EEPROM
requires two transistors per bit for
erasure, while flash memory requires
only one. Thus, an EEPROM chip of
the same capacity is larger than flash
memory. However, an EEPROM can
erase single bytes, but flash memory
must erase entire blocks of data.
EEPROMs can usually handle being
rewritten more often than flash, so they
are more suitable for storing frequently
updated data, such as for a vehicle
odometer or for remembering the last
input selection and volume setting of
an amplifier.
1976 The Cray 1 supercomputer
was built using 65,000 Fairchild 1024bit RAM chips (type 10415).
1977 The first commercial bubble
memory device was released by Texas
Instruments in the form of a portable
computer terminal that used bubble
memory for storage.
Bubble memory (Fig.34) is a form
of non-volatile memory that uses
magnetic material containing magnetised regions called bubbles or
domains, each representing one bit
of data. The bubbles are arranged in
parallel tracks.
To read a bubble (one bit of information), the bubble is moved along the
track to the edge by a magnetic field,
where it is read by a magnetic pickup
and then rewritten to the opposite
edge. It is somewhat similar to delay
line memory, but magnetic domains
are used rather than acoustic pulses.
Garnet was found to be the best
material to use. To form the tracks on
a flat piece of garnet, it was necessary
to print magnetic guides on the material’s surface in the shape of a “T and
bar”, as shown in Fig.35. Otherwise,
the domains would drift off in random
There were also two orthogonal spiral coils. With out-of-phase sine or
triangular waves applied to the coils,
they form a rotating magnetic field
along the sheet of garnet. Each 360°
magnetic field rotation causes each
bubble to advance one step.
Fig.32: an Intel 1103 SRAM chip.
Source: Thomas Nguyen, (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Fig.33: an Intel 1702A-6 EPROM.
Note the transparent window over the
silicon die. This was typically covered
to prevent accidental erasure of the
contents. Source: Museums Victoria,
https://collections.museumsvictoria. (CC BY 4.0)
Fig.34: a bubble memory device with multilayered hybrid control circuitry from
a Milstar Communications Satellite, late 1980s or early 1990s. The actual bubble
memory element is not visible, but this shows the complexity of the control
circuitry. Source: National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC USA,
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 17
Table 3: desktop computer SIMMs & DIMMs
Memory type
of pins
Typical max
Transfer rate (fastest of type)
Length (approximate) *
1.066GiB/s (SDR-133)
4.8GiB/s (DDR-600)
2.4GiB/s (PC1200)
10GiB/s (DDR2-1250)
24GiB/s (DDR3-3000)
35.2GiB/s (DDR4-4400)
51.2GiB/s (DDR5-6400)
* Height is variable depending upon manufacturer, but JEDEC standards specify a maximum height
Individual magnetic guides would
be first magnetised in one direction,
causing the bubbles to move to one
end of the guide. Then the field would
be reversed, moving the bubble to the
other end of the guide, and so on, until
the bubble reached the end of the line.
Bubbles are created with an electromagnet at one end and a magnetic
field detector (pickup) at the other.
They are kept appropriately small by
permanent magnets above and below
the garnet sheet.
Electronics Australia published
articles on bubble memory in their
January 1973 and March 1980 issues.
For the details of how the bubbles are
constrained and moved, see the video
titled “Magnetic Bubble Memory Fundamentals 101-Constraining and Moving Magnetic Bubble Domains” at
Bubble memory once held great
hopes, and in the 1970s, it had a storage density similar to hard drives but a
higher speed, more like magnetic core
memory. It was also more rugged and
reliable than hard drives of the time.
It was superseded by higher-density
hard drives and faster semiconductor
memory chips, becoming obsolete by
the late 1980s.
For further information, see the
video titled “Digital Electronics 25 Memory - RAM Controller - Magnetic
Bubble Memory” at https://youtu.
You can see live motion video of
magnetic bubbles at work in the video
“Magnetic Bubble Memory Chip” at
1978 George Perlegos of Intel developed the type 2816 2KiB EEPROM (2k
× 8 bits). You can view a PDF data
sheet of a later version, the 2816A, at
1983 Wang Laboratories released
the SIMM (single in-line memory module), which was used in later model
IBM PC ATs and the 386, 486, Macintosh Plus, Macintosh II, Quadra, Atari
STE and Wang VS computers.
1984 Fujio Masuoka invented flash
memory, a form of non-volatile memory used in USB memory sticks, SD
cards etc. As mentioned earlier, it is
Fig.35: the layout
of bubble memory.
Note the ‘T and
bar’ magnetic
structures and the
two coils at right
angles. There is a
permanent magnet
above and below
the magnetic sheet.
Source: Søren
Peo Pedersen,
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
related to EEPROM, which the same
person invented.
1985 Toshiba introduced the first
flash memory chip (256kbits).
1986 Intel released a 256kbit flash
memory using ETOX (EPROM with
tunnel oxide) technology, the most
common type today.
1986 1Mbit DRAM chips became
available, considered a milestone
at the time. It represented a transition from planar memory cells to
trenched or stacked cells. Its fabrication involved 18 masks.
1993 Samsung released Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) .
1996 Samsung Electronics introduced a 4MB FeRAM (ferroelectric
RAM) chip (invented in 1952, as mentioned last month). The first commercial product to use FeRAM was the
Sony PlayStation 2 8MB Memory Card,
released in 2000. Its Toshiba microcontroller contained 4kiB of FeRAM.
FeRAM’s advantages over flash
include reduced power consumption,
a larger number of lifetime read/write
cycles and faster write times. Disadvantages include lower density, higher
cost and lower overall capacity. Its
uses include data loggers, implantable medical devices, smart meters
and industrial uses to replace battery-backed memory.
1998 The first DDR (double data
rate) DRAM was offered for sale. It
allowed two transactions per clock
cycle, effectively doubling bandwidth.
2003 DDR2 DRAM was released to
the market (see Table 3).
2007 DDR3 DRAM was released.
2014 DDR4 DRAM was released.
2019 The Compute Express Link
was standardised. CEL is an open standard for CPU-to-memory connections
based upon PCI Express (PCIe).
2020 DDR5 DRAM (shown in the
lead photo) was released. Most of the
latest-generation desktop and laptop
computers use this type of RAM; the
latest Intel 13th Gen CPUs can use
DDR4 or DDR5, while competing AMD
Ryzen 7000 CPUs support DDR5 only.
The two main types of RAM in use
today are SRAM and DRAM. DRAM
(dynamic RAM) has a much higher
density than SRAM but tends to be
slower and needs to be periodically
‘refreshed’. SRAM uses six transistors
per bit, while DRAM only requires
one transistor and one capacitor per
bit, hence the significant difference
in density.
Refreshing involves going through
the whole RAM, reading each bit and
then rewriting it. If this isn’t done
periodically, some of the capacitors
holding the bit state could discharge,
and the information will be corrupted
or lost. These days, the memory controller handles refresh, and it occupies well under 1% of the memory’s
bandwidth, so it has little impact on
SRAM is faster than DRAM but
occupies more chip space and is more
complicated and expensive to manufacture. SRAM is used in fast cache
memory, usually built into the CPU
nowadays. The much larger main
memory is typically a form of DRAM,
which is slower but cheaper and more
SDRAM (synchronous DRAM) is
a variation of DRAM. The memory
device is controlled by an external
clock signal (synchronous) via the
system bus, meaning there is less wait
time and the memory runs faster. In
contrast, regular DRAM is asynchronous and not controlled by the system
bus speed, so it is slower than SDRAM.
EDO RAM (extended data out RAM)
is a type of DRAM from the 1980s and
1990s designed to allow improved performance. It was replaced by SDRAM.
Memory packaging
Many earlier computers from about
1970 used a socketed 16-pin DIP (dual
in-line package) memory chip. For
example, Burroughs used Fairchild
4100 (aka 93400) 256-bit bipolar TTL
RAM chips in their Illiac IV supercomputer; many later computers used
the same scheme, up until the original
IBM PC XT and early ATs.
From the early 1980s, DIP memory
chip packages were replaced with the
SIMM (single in-line memory module), invented in 1982. A SIMM is a
small PCB with an edge connector and
one or more memory chips mounted
on that PCB (usually in TSSOP SMD
packages). These initially had 30 pins
on the edge connector, then 32 pins (or
36 pins for parity/ECC [error correction code] versions).
From the early 1990s, 72-pin SIMMs
were used in PCs with processors such
as the Intel 80486, Pentium, Pentium
Pro and early Pentium II.
After SIMMs came DIMMs (dual
in-line memory modules), which were
introduced in the mid-1990s. They
were developed to solve the problem of Pentium processors having to
address two SIMMs in parallel due to
the wider address bus of the Pentium.
One DIMM effectively combined the
circuitry of two SIMMs.
DIMMs are still in widespread use
and come in many varieties with varying speeds, capacities, number of pins,
physical size etc – see Table 3. DIMMs
eventually switched from using DRAM
ICs in TSSOP packages (with leads on
two sides) to BGA packages, with the
connections underneath, increasing
the board density.
DIMMs for laptops are called
SO-DIMMs (small outline DIMMs),
and there is also the microDIMM for
ultra-slim and compact portable computers.
The RIMM or Rambus in-line
memory module, in varieties such as
available in the 1990s and early 2000s
as an alternative to DIMMs but lost the
“standards war” and is now obsolete.
Synchronous-link DRAM (SLDRAM)
was another alternative to Rambus,
now also obsolete.
XDR DRAM (eXtreme data rate
DRAM) succeeded RDRAM, competing with DDR2 and GDDR4 SDRAM. It
was released in 2003 and used in the
Sony PlayStation 3.
SGRAM (synchronous graphics
RAM) is a form of SDRAM for graphics adaptors. Its earliest use was in
the 1995 Sony PlayStation. Modern
Table 4: other DIMMs
Memory type
Number of pins
Typical max
(approximate) *
DIMM (for
microDIMM DDR2 214
* Height varies with manufacturer, but JEDEC standards specify a max height
Table 5: Graphics memory chips
Memory type
Number of
Typical max
Transfer rate
(fastest of type)
80-100 (TSOPII/QFP)
128 (BGA)
84 (BGA)
136 (BGA)
78-96 (BGA)
170 (BGA)
190 (BGA)
170 (BGA)
180 (BGA)
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 19
Fig.36: the concept of molecular memory showing the molecule structure (top)
and molecules sandwiched between X and Y address buses on conventional
silicon (bottom). Original source: (CC BY 4.0)
GDDR SDRAM (graphics double data
rate SDRAM) provides fast, high bandwidth memory for graphics processing
units or GPUs today. There are multiple generations of this: GDDR, GDDR2,
HBM (high-bandwidth memory) is
an interface standard for 3D-stacked
SDRAM chips. HBM was standardised
in late 2013 and has been used in some
GPUs and also large-scale CPUs like
the Intel Ponte Vecchio (see page 20
of the August 2022 issue). The current
version of HBM is HBM2, standardised
in early 2016.
All DIMM generations have had the
option of supporting ‘error correction
code’ (ECC). ECC memory has a chip
on the memory module to detect and
correct errors. It is typically used in
mission-critical applications and is
more expensive than regular memory
for the same speed and capacity. Also,
the maximum speed available for ECC
memory is usually lower than for nonECC memory.
Starting with the latest DDR5 standard, all modules have on-die ECC
error correction, but it is not true ECC,
which requires a separate chip.
Buffered/registered memory
Fig.37: how data is recorded and read back in a holographic memory
scheme. Original source:
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Buffered memory is intended for
servers and high-end workstations,
while unbuffered memory is designed
for PCs and low-end workstations.
With buffered memory, there is a
memory address register chip between
the memory chips and the system
memory controller, reducing the load
on the memory controller. Buffered
or registered memory (they mean the
same thing) is more expensive and
more stable than unbuffered memory,
Unbuffered memory contains no
memory address register, and the
memory controller has direct access
to the onboard memory chips. Unbuffered memory is also known as conventional or unregistered memory.
The main advantage of buffered
memory is that, as the CPU/chipset
is no longer communicating with the
DRAM chips directly, the length of the
traces is no longer so critical, so there
can be more DIMM sockets, and they
can be located further from the CPU
While a typical desktop or laptop
computer using unbuffered DIMMs
usually has two or four slots, servers can have 8, 16 or more DIMM
slots for huge memory capacities (in
the terabytes). Because buffered/registered RAM is usually a bit slower
and more expensive, there isn’t much
point in using it unless you need a
high capacity.
Future memory concepts
The technologies discussed below
are still being researched, but provide
an interesting look into what types of
memory could be present in the future:
Molecular memory
In molecular memory, chemical
molecules are used as the data storage
element. Data is stored as one or more
reversible conformations of the molecular structure of certain molecules, as
shown in Fig.36.
Holographic memory
Holographic memory (Fig.37) is a
potential data storage medium of the
future. In a holographic device, data is
stored throughout the device’s volume
in the form of an optical interference
pattern. More than one datum can be
stored in the same volume by being
written and read from different angles.
Special photosensitive crystals or
thick photosensitive optical coatings
on discs can be used as the storage
medium. In holographic memory multiple bits can be read simultaneously,
while in conventional memory only
one bit can be read at a time.
Racetrack memory
Racetrack memory was an experimental concept invented by IBM in
2008. The idea is that the entities that
contain the bits of information, magnetic domains, are circulated along
a loop of wire (the racetrack) 200nm
(200 millionths of a millimetre) across
and 100nm thick under the influence
Table 6: Comparison of various memory types.
Read speed
Write speed
Very slow
Cell density
to high
Table 7: Primary memory capacity of early computers
EDUC-8 kit (EA, Aug
1974 – Aug 1975)
Logic chips
Altair 8800 kit (Popular 1975
Electronics, Jan 1975)
Commodore PET
4kiB or 8kiB
Tandy TRS-80
Apple ][
Atari 400 and 800
4kiB or 8kiB
Sinclair ZX80
Commodore 64
Apple Lisa
Amiga 1000
of an electric field and past read/write
devices, as shown in Fig.38.
This is somewhat similar to delay
line memory (described last month)
and magnetic bubble memory but
much smaller.
If developed, these devices are
expected to have a higher density
and be faster than flash memory.
They would be produced as a ‘universal memory’ device to replace hard
disks, DRAM and flash (something that
Fig.38: the concept of racetrack memory. The bits of data continuously move
on a wire loop past a read/write device as indicated by the meter. Original
Australia's electronics magazine
Bus width
Default RAM Max RAM
Intel’s 3D XPoint product Optane did
A skyrmion can be considered a
‘swirl’ of magnetisation that moves
through a magnetic material. As it
moves, it temporarily changes the magnetic orientation of individual atoms.
They are under consideration as memory devices that would be implemented as a form of racetrack memory.
Fig.39: a commercial Everspin
parallel interface toggle MRAM
in a 32-pin SOIC package. It’s
available with an 8- or 16-bit
interface, 256kb to 32Mb capacity
and memory retention of more
than 20 years.
February 2023 21
Relevant videos and links
● There is a video about making a modern nickel delay line memory to
replace a mercury delay line in a replica of an early (1949) computer. It is
titled “EDSAC delay line storage - early computer memory” and is at https://
● Comments about Alan Turing’s idea of using gin in a delay line memory
● A video that goes into some detail about the exact workings of bubble
memory is titled “The SBC-85 1-Mbit Magnetic Bubble Memory board for the
SBC 85 Single Board Computer” and is at
● Video titled “What’s a skyrmion?” at
● Australia’s first hobby home computer, the EDUC-8, was designed by Jim
Rowe and published in Electronics Australia in 1974. It was based on two
Fairchild 93415 1kbit static RAM chips plus discrete logic ICs.
● There is a modern EDUC-8 emulator; see the video titled “Electronics
Australia EDUC-8 Non-microprocessor Kit Computer ROMs” at https://youtu.
The emulator supports paper tape or cassette tape storage. Details of
this emulator can be viewed at and also see
● The world’s first mass-produced electronic calculator was the IBM 604.
Its input and output were via punched cards, and the original design had up
to 40 program steps. See the video titled “Running IBM 604, 1948 computer”
● Another interesting video, titled “Magnetic core memory from 40 years
ago”, is at
It can be considered a reinvigoration of
the magnetic bubble memory concept.
Spin-Transfer Torque RAM
STT-RAM is a proposed technology
that manipulates a property of charge
carriers such as electrons, called spin,
to store information.
Magnetoresistive RAM
MRAM was developed in the mid1980s and is a commercial product
(Fig.39), although it presently occupies only a niche market as its advantages have not surpassed other available products. It is a non-volatile memory, but the hope is that one day it will
become a universal memory.
In MRAM, memory bits are stored as
magnetic domains, as shown in Fig.40.
There are two magnetic plates, one a
permanent magnet (green) with a set
orientation and the other of variable
orientation (red). Between these plates,
there is a thin insulating layer (blue).
To set the variable layer to a particular magnetic polarity and write a
bit of information, a current is passed
through it via the transistor structure
in the base. To read the cell, a current
is passed through it. Due to a phenomenon called tunnel magnetoresistance,
the resistance of the cell depends on
the magnetic orientation of the variable layer.
Resistive RAM
Fig.40: a simplified version of the MRAM cell structure. Original source: (GNU FDL)
RRAM is a proposed type of non-
volatile memory where a change is
bought about in the resistance of a
normally-insulating dielectric (insulating) material. A conducting pathway is generated through the insulator
using oxygen ions and vacancies from
an oxide layer which are analogous
to electrons and holes in a semiconductor. The elements are sometimes
described as “memristors”.
PMC (Programmable
Metallisation Cell) memory
Fig.41: the structure of an electrochemical cell memory element. Silicon
dioxide’s chemical formula is SiO2, while silicon nitride is Si3N4.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
PMC memory, also known as
CBRAM or conductive-bridging RAM,
relies upon electrochemical reactions
to create or dissolve a metal conducting bridge between two electrodes –
see Fig.41.
PMC memory is non-volatile, has
the advantage of radiation hardness
in space applications, and has 100
times less energy consumption for
write operations than other memory
technologies such as flash.
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The preceding article provides an overview of modern computer memory
technology, but that technology is complex and would take a great deal of
space to describe fully. We have compiled some interesting facts about the
latest memory technology for those who want to know a bit more.
how data is stored in memory, more
details on the differences between
SRAM and DRAM, how DRAM timings vary, the relatively recent development of high-capacity on-CPU
DRAM and some of the new features
included in the latest DDR5 memory
Memory encoding schemes
Last month’s first article on Computer Memory described how text
could be stored (eg, as ASCII characters). Early computers had so little memory and such limited I/O that
numbers and text were realistically
the only things they could handle.
But of course, these days, computers
store and display so much more. Here
are some other things that can reside
in RAM.
each byte can store two decimal digits,
0-9 and 0-9. This is somewhat wasteful as only 100 different values can be
stored in a byte rather than 256, but
it makes conversion for display easier
and ensures correct rounding of dollars and cents etc.
For decimal numbers, floating point
is the most common storage method.
It is similar to numbers in scientific
notation, such as 6.02 × 1023 or 1.602
× 10-19. This allows the handling of
tiny and huge numbers in the same
amount of space.
Floating point numbers are usually
stored as 32 or 64 bits with one sign bit
(positive or negative), an exponent (the
power to which 10 is raised) and the
mantissa (6.02 or 1.602 in the previous
examples). For 32-bit floating point
numbers (‘single precision’), the exponent is eight bits and the mantissa is 23
bits. For a 64-bit floating point number (‘double precision’), the exponent
is 11 bits and the mantissa is 52 bits.
2. Still Images
In the early days of computer graphics, images were typically stored as a
grid of numbers. The most basic displays are monochrome and can only
turn pixels on or off, so each pixel is
allocated a bit and usually 0=off and
1=on. For greyscale images, each pixel
is assigned a number, possibly a byte.
In that case, 0=black and 255=white
with 254 shades of grey in between.
Colour images usually require
between 16 bits (two bytes) and 32 bits
(four bytes) per pixel. Those bits are
typically split up into three numbers,
one for red intensity, one for green and
one for blue. Those three colours are
A bitmap (“raster”) image
next to a vector version
of the same image. Vector
images scale better than
bitmaps. This is because
bitmap images are created
via filling individual
pixels with a single
colour, while vector
images are composed of
mathematical paths. JPG
is an example of a bitmap
image format, while SVG is
Vector (300% scale)
a common vector format.
1. Numbers
Whole numbers (integers) are usually stored in binary, with one byte
allowing a range of 0-255 or -128 to
+127 to be stored. Two bytes (16 bits)
can store an integer of 0-65535 or
-32768 to +32767, while four bytes
(32 bits) can store 0 to about four billion, or negative two billion to positive two billion.
Financial systems sometimes use
BCD (binary-coded decimal), where
Bitmap (300% scale)
Australia's electronics magazine
Silicon Chip
Fixed-point decimal numbers are
sometimes used where speed is more
critical than precision or range. These
are basically integers (whole numbers)
with a fixed scaling factor, eg, 1/1000,
in which case the integer 1234 represents the decimal 1.234.
mixed in varying proportions to create a range of colours.
Images intended for printing might
use four values: CMYK (cyan, magenta,
yellow & black) rather than RGB (red,
green & blue). High dynamic range
(HDR) images might use even more
bits, up to 16 per attribute or 48-64 bits
per pixel. Usually (but not always), all
the colour information is packed into
an integer multiple of the byte size to
make reading/writing pixels in the
memory buffer easier.
For 16-bit RGB colour images, such
as those used on small TFTs, the 16 bits
are usually allocated 5-6-5, with six for
green and five for red and blue. That’s
because the human eye can distinguish
more shades of green than red or blue.
However, the limited number of 16-bit
colours often leads to ‘banding’ in gradients such as a blue sky, so 24-bit
colour (8-8-8 or better) is preferred.
While bitmaps are conceptually
simple, the trouble is that they are
large. A 4K (3480 × 2160 pixel) image
in RGB with HDR (12 bits per attribute)
would take 3840 × 2160 × 3(RGB) ×
12(bits) = 296.6 million bits or 37.3MB
if stored as a bitmap.
So images are usually compressed
for storage, eg, as PNG (lossless, preserving the original image perfectly)
or JPEG (lossy) files. Still, in memory,
images are usually kept as bitmaps for
fast access.
3. Vector Images
Vector images are generally stored as
one or more shapes bounded by lines
or splines. A spline is an elegant way
to define a curve in 2D or 3D space
using just a few numbers. For lines, it’s
only necessary to know the x & y coordinates of each end of the line, while
splines typically have two endpoints
and two control points.
The coordinates can be integers
(whole numbers), floating-point or
fixed-point numbers (decimals). Along
with the bounding information, there
will usually be colour/pattern information, transparency data etc. The
characters used in fonts are defined
this way, as well as many elements in
files such as PDF (portable document
format), PS/EPS (PostScript) etc.
4. Audio
In memory, audio is usually stored
as PCM (pulse-code modulation).
This is simply a series of numbers
representing the audio signal voltage
This image shows the motion vectors (as arrows) from a H.264 encoding of
the film Big Buck Bunny (Blender Foundation, Peach Movie Project). Motion
vectors are used to describe how one image can be transformed into another.
These vectors are used to help compress movie formats, see
sampled at regular intervals. The number of points per second is known as
the sampling rate, while the number of
bits allocated to each number is known
as the bit depth. CD-quality audio has
a 44.1kHz sampling rate and 16 bits
per channel (two for stereo).
48kHz is another common sampling
rate. Other rates you might see are onehalf, one-quarter, double or four times
either value (44.1kHz or 48kHz). A bit
depth of less than 16 generally means
noisy audio, while lower sampling
rates also lower audio quality. 24-bit
samples are sometimes used for audio
mastering but are not really necessary
for consumer audio, even hifi.
As with still images, audio files
can take up a lot of memory, so they
are usually compressed when stored,
such as in the FLAC format (lossless)
or MP3/AAC (lossy).
5. Video
In the most basic sense, a video is
just a series of still images (possibly
accompanied by audio). Therefore,
it can be encoded in the same way as
still images but with more than one,
which is the idea behind the (quite
old) Motion JPEG encoding scheme.
The thing is that most video frames
are very similar to the last frame, so the
amount of memory required is drastically reduced by storing the first frame,
then the difference between each subsequent frame.
Think of a video camera being
panned or zoomed; in the case of panning, a frame will be mostly like the
previous frame but shifted slightly.
Australia's electronics magazine
The distance and direction can be
encoded in just a few bytes, compared
to kilobytes or megabytes for a whole
new frame image.
In practice, a complete frame (‘I
frame’) is occasionally stored, mainly
to prevent image degradation over
long periods and allow for seeking
in the video. But most frames are
stored only as differences, primarily
in the form of ‘motion vectors’. Such
encoding schemes include the MPEG
series: MPEG, MPEG-2 and these days,
MPEG-4, which encompasses a wide
range of such algorithms.
For example, digital TV and BluRays mostly use either MPEG-2 or,
more recently, MPEG-4. The audio
part of the video is encoded much the
same as a regular audio file, usually
in chunks between the video frames.
Because video data can take up
so much space, it is generally stored
compressed in this way in both RAM
and more permanent storage. A frame
buffer is initialised with a bitmap of
the first frame. Then, during playback,
the motion vectors are applied to that
buffer to produce a second buffer containing the next frame image. The process then repeats, alternating between
buffers (sometimes more than two).
6. 3D Models
3D models are similar to the vector
images described above, only with a
third dimension. A three-dimensional
‘mesh’ of points, lines and/or splines
describes the shape of an object to be
shown on the screen, such as a person, vehicle, building etc. Flat image
February 2023 25
in memory similarly to mathematical
graphs, allowing the shortest or fastest
route to be computed and directions
to be generated.
A 3D polygon mesh of a dolphin.
‘textures’ are mapped onto the faces
of that shape and wrapped around.
Lighting effects are applied to make
the resulting rendered images look
more realistic. Simulated bones can
alter the shape of the mesh to produce
realistic motion; hair and fur effects
can be added on top, and so on, creating a three-dimensional moving image
that, these days, can approach photo-
realistic levels.
Much computation is required to
turn all that data into high-resolution
images in real time, which is why modern graphics processor units (GPUs)
are usually the computer’s most powerful (and power-hungry) part. It’s also
why GPUs tend to have incredibly fast
RAM, sometimes with a total bandwidth exceeding 1000GiB per second!
7. Maps
Maps used for purposes such as navigation are effectively also vector data.
Streets and intersections are joined
and labelled, and ‘metadata’ is added,
such as how many lanes are on a given
road, which ones can turn, whether a
street is one-way etc. They are stored
SRAM memories are simple to use.
To read a byte/word from an SRAM, the
address data is first applied to the chip.
Cascaded logic within the SRAM chip
activates certain lines within, depending on this address, so only the memory cells at that address are enabled.
When the chip’s read-enable line is
activated, the data within those cells
are fed to the data outputs. After a
specific time (usually measured in
nanoseconds), it has stabilised and is
ready to be accessed by the processor.
Writing to an SRAM memory is similar. The address lines are driven to
select the address to be written, and
at the same time, the data to be written is applied to the data input lines
(shared with the data output). When
the write-enable line is activated, the
selected cells within the SRAM will
change their state to match the states of
the data inputs. Again, the cycle time
is usually measured in nanoseconds.
The processor can read and write
addresses in any patterns it needs to,
and the timings do not change. Reads
and writes can proceed at the maximum frequency the chip supports (eg,
100MHz for a 10ns SRAM).
Using a DRAM chip is far more complicated. Rather than having just a few
timings to consider (like the SRAM’s
address and data setup times), a DRAM
has dozens of different timings. That’s
because, to achieve a high density, the
bits in the SRAM chip are arranged in
rows and columns, and only one row
in a bank can be active at a time.
It takes some time to change active
rows. To switch rows, first, the old
row must be deactivated with a PRECHARGE command (and corresponding tRP delay). Then a new row must
be activated with the ACTIVE command, incurring a further delay of
tRCS. Then a column can be read or
written after a further delay of CL.
The tRP, tRCd and tCL delays usually are similar numbers of clock
cycles (eg, around 14 cycles for DDR4).
There is also typically a longer delay
between activating a row and being
able to deselect it. So constantly
switching between rows to read values scattered throughout the memory
is much slower than sequential or random reads within the same row.
A few different approaches are used
to overcome this. One is to have a highspeed SRAM cache within the processor that stores the most commonly
accessed memory locations. That way,
cache lines can be rapidly read or
written to the main DRAM memory in
bursts, taking advantage of the ability
to read and write sequential addresses
in the DRAM quickly.
Also, by having multiple banks
within each DIMM, while one bank
cannot operate due to row switching
delays, data going to/from another
bank can pass over the memory interface. So with enough processor cores
constantly reading and writing different banks, the interface is never idle.
If that seems confusing, don’t worry,
it gets a lot more complicated! Modern DRAM has timing parameters that
include the following: CAS, RCD,
CCDL. That isn’t even a complete list.
These timings are stored in a small
EEPROM on each DIMM for a range
of clock speeds to allow the memory
controller to be appropriately configured at boot time.
Memory timing commands
An example map taken from OpenStreetMap (
showing a route (in blue) from Circular Quay to the Sydney Opera House.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
CAS latency
RAS to CAS delay
Row precharge time
Row active time
For more details, see: https://w.
wiki/62vt &
Despite all this data being available,
to achieve the best performance, it’s
still necessary for the memory controller to spend some time ‘training’
the RAM (basically, experimenting
with different timings until it finds
an optimal combination that works).
That is why a newly built computer
can sometimes take quite some time
(tens of seconds) to boot for the first
time, or after a BIOS reset.
One interesting aspect of DRAM
performance to consider is due to the
availability of multiple banks and
the frequent delays in accessing data
within a given bank. Consider a system
with many CPU cores running in parallel, accessing DRAM over a shared
bus. Some cores will be blocked at any
given time, waiting on memory access.
However, at the same time, other
cores may be accessing data stored in
different banks in the DRAM. They
can therefore utilise the otherwise
idle shared bus to transfer that memory. When those transfers complete,
the other banks will likely be ready,
and the bus will be handed over to the
other cores.
Therefore, having many CPU cores
not only increases the total processing
power available but also leads to better utilisation of the memory bus. This
is why sometimes, splitting a task up
among many cores can improve performance even when it is primarily limited by memory performance.
On-package DRAM
Fast on-chip SRAM caches have
been around for a long time, at least as
far back as 1989, when Intel launched
A 2KiB SRAM (Static Random Access
Memory) chip used in a NES clone.
SRAM is significantly faster, but more
costly than DRAM so it’s commonly
used in small quantities such as in the
L1 and L2 cache of a computer CPU
(from a few KiB to a few Mib). Source:
Table 1 – Apple M1 & M2 RAM configurations
RAM capacity RAM chip
Bus width
Data rate
8GiB or 16GiB LPDDR4X-4266
128 bit
M1 Pro
16GiB or
256 bit
M1 Max
32GiB or
512 bit
M1 Ultra
64GiB or
1024 bit
8GiB, 16GiB
or 24GiB
128 bit
the 80486 processor with 8KiB or
16KiB of internal L1 cache. However,
in November 2020, Apple launched
their first range of full computers using
processors that they designed themselves, dubbed the M1.
These processors and their successors, the M2 series, are unique in
today’s market because they do not use
external DRAM for storage. Instead,
they come with a fixed, fairly large
amount of DRAM on a separate silicon
die integrated into the CPU package –
see Table 1. LPDDR is a variant of DDR
(double data rate) DRAM, described
in the preceding article, optimised for
low power consumption.
The main disadvantage of doing
this is obvious: you cannot expand
the RAM on these machines. Also, the
chips are quite expensive to fabricate.
However, the performance benefits are
While the M1 and M2 cores are individually not especially fast by today’s
standards, because the onboard RAM
has so much bandwidth and so little
latency (the delay between making a
request and the memory read/write
being performed), they punch well
above their weight in terms of performance, at least in certain tasks.
Unsurprisingly, memory-intensive
tasks benefit the most from this
arrangement, eg, database manipulation. Mathematically-intensive tasks
benefit too, but not to the same extent.
DDR5 advancements
The latest computer memory standard, DDR5, is an evolution of the
now-mature DDR4 standard that has
been around since 2014. Besides manufacturing process improvements
allowing higher speeds at lower voltages, the main enhancements to DDR5
are the addition of local voltage regulation and the splitting of the 64-bit data
channel into two 32-bit channels with
double the maximum burst length.
While DDR4 started at 2133MT/s
(megatransfers per second), a typical DDR4 DIMM these days is rated
at between 3200MT/s and 4000MT/s.
DDR5 starts at 3200MT/s, with a typical DIMM being capable of 4800MT/s
A Micro M4TC 128kB DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) chip. DRAM
typically uses a single capacitor and transistor to store one bit of data rather
than multiple transistors for SRAM. DRAM is much cheaper due to a higher
density of components per bit, but in turn uses more power than SRAM. Source:
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 27
and some well over 5000MT/s.
For DDR4, switch-mode voltage regulator(s) on the motherboard produce
the ~1.2V needed for the RAM chips
to operate, fed to them via several
edge-connector pins. Instead, DDR5
receives a higher voltage (either 5V
or 12V) that is stepped down to the
required voltage via an onboard regulator that’s usually in the middle of
the DIMM.
This has several advantages but primarily tighter voltage regulation, especially when there are transients. The
baseline operating voltage for DDR5 is
1.1V with a typical maximum of 1.35V,
compared to 1.2-1.6V for DDR4.
As for splitting the data channel in
two, the goal is to reduce latency when
memory is being accessed in a ‘scatter-
gather’ manner rather than sequentially. Importantly, DDR5 DRAM
chips have 32 banks compared to the
16 banks of DDR4, meaning that less
bank switching is required, so average
throughput is improved.
The maximum capacity of a DDR5
DIMM is 512GiB, meaning up to 2TiB
of RAM in a four-slot system compared
to 128GiB per DIMM for DDR4.
In short, while DDR5 is a significant upgrade over DDR4 (as demonstrated by benchmarks and performance tests), that is due to several
minor improvements rather than any
revolutionary upgrades.
Older DDR generations
As mentioned earlier, DDR4 came
out in 2014. Before that, DDR3 ruled
the roost for almost a decade, since
2007. DDR4 was also an evolutionary
upgrade from DDR3, again mainly due
to process improvements. DDR3 modules typically operated at 1.5V compared to the 1.2V of DDR4, so they
used quite a bit more power.
Compared to the 2133-5000MT/s
of DDR4, DDR3 had a much lower
throughput at 800-2133MT/s (and
rarely up to 3200MT/s). DDR3 DIMMs
also topped out at around 16GiB compared to 128GiB for DDR4. DDR4 also
2 signals
clock cycle
Double Data Rate
A diagram showing how
the clock signal differs
between SDR, DDR and
QDR. Source:
4 signals
clock cycle
Quad Data Rate
clock cycle
Silicon Chip
doubled the number of banks from 8
to 16.
Going back further, it’s much the
same story for DDR2 (released in
2003) compared to DD3. DDR2 operated at even higher voltages (starting
at around 1.8V), so it was even more
power-hungry and slower at 4001066MT/s. DDR2 also topped out at
8GB per DIMM, although this was
very rare compared to the typical 2GB
per DIMM.
DDR2 brought a significant upgrade
from the original DDR standard
(released in 1998). With DDR2, the
memory interface bus is clocked at
twice the rate of the DRAM chips themselves, so four sets of data can be transferred per memory clock cycle compared to two for DDR1. DDR1 DIMMs
also had fewer pins (184 vs 240). DDR2
also optionally doubled the number of
banks from four to eight.
DDR1 DIMMs operated at just 200400MT/s and had a maximum capacity of 1GiB per DIMM, limiting most
desktop systems to a maximum of
1 signal
clock cycle
Single Data Rate
Most DDR2-DDR5 memory (DIMM package) will look similar, with the
exception of any fancy heatsinks. DDR1 memory in comparison only has
184 pins versus the 240 pins in DDR2-DDR5 memory. This type of memory is
typically used in computers and is a form of synchronous DRAM, which have
an external clock signal. The photo above shows a set of four DDR3 modules.
clock cycle
Australia's electronics magazine
4GiB. They ran at a whopping 2.5-2.6V,
more than double what DDR5 needs!
2GiB DDR1 DIMMs might have
been sold specifically for servers, but
it likely would not register as the correct amount of memory in a typical
desktop machine.
DDR DRAM will be used as the primary memory for computers for some
time, until something better comes
along; nobody knows when or what
that will be. QDR (quad data rate)
DRAM, which performs four transfers per clock cycle, was briefly tried
by Intel in the mid-2000s but never
really took off. GDDRX5 video memory
chips from 2016 also had an optional
QDR mode.
DDR performs one transfer on the
negative clock edge and one on the
positive, while QDR does the same but
also performs transfers during the positive and negative plateaus. However,
it seems that the added complexity
isn’t worthwhile, given that this does
nothing to reduce access latency.
These days, the best performance
seems to come from a combination
of highly parallel DRAM, which provides exceptionally high throughputs,
with relatively large and very fast local
SRAM caches such as AMD’s “Infinity
Cache” on its RDNA2 (128MiB cache)
and RDNA3 (96MiB to 384MiB cache)
graphics processors (GPUs).
Build It Yourself Electronics Centres®
Opus One® Soundbar
& Wireless Subwoofer
Our new premium finish soundbar
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high performance speaker drivers,
plus a 8” subwoofer which can be
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thanks to wireless connectivity. Offers
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favourite devices, plus S/PDIF digital
audio input for connection to your TV
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Remote Control
Power Saver
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Want top notch sound for your games, hi-fi listening or home theatre?
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Stream audio directly from your device to
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Includes power supply, banana speaker plugs
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Bench Mount
USB PD Charger
RCD Mains
GPO Tester
A 96W USB type C
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Includes power
Tests mains power
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Indicates unsafe
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a lithium
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P 0698
Voltmeter / Breaker & Connection Panel
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SAVE 20%
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Easy DIY
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6/12V Plug In Battery
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P 7812
Anderson/USB/Car Accessory Panel
Handy power connection panel for flush mounting power
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Mounting hole size: 126x30mm
Monitor your car
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battery (suitable for any type of chemistry and
voltages between 8V to 120V). Includes 50A
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dimensions: 53.5 x 37.5mm.
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Make cable runs easy.
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24 Port
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SAVE $20
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T 1512B
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SAVE 22%
Got a rats nest of LAN cables? This handy tone based
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Includes battery.
Great for diagnosing problems in hard to reach places,
this handy camera has a 5m lead with 2MP camera,
viewable on your phone or tablet screen. LED camera
light provides a clear view. Includes hook, magnet &
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T 1603A
T 1571B
SAVE $25
Crimp Tool
thick insulation in a
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Crimps and terminates 8P8C RJ45 pass
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Punchdown Terminator Tool
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110 style terminal blocks. With built in
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Stripper & Slitter
Great for power cable stripping
up to 25mm outer diameter.
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Track, Trace & Verify
LAN Cabling
Handy Wi-Fi Endoscope Camera
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48 Port
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Unique through wire design for quick,
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SAVE $29
SAVE $30
per box
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SAVE 12%
T 2480
All heat & no flame!
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SAVE 20%
D 3009A
PoE Network Tester
Test live ethernet cabling for
data and power. Works with any
802.3af/at ports/cabling. Ideal for
data/comms installers.
Tests both cable
length and integrity
in both RJ45 UTP
data and BNC
coaxial cabling.
It’s wiremap
system detects
short circuits, split
pairs and cable
lengths up to
350m. Powered by
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internal battery.
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Great deals on audio visual.
F2 Pro
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Multi-platform ready!
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with RGB lighting
effects (when USB is
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Handy kit to get started in
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SAVE $70
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A 2696A
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16 Channel Wireless Mic Systems
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included XLR cardioid pick up condenser mic, control all your device levels,
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C cable, tripod, windsock, 3 x TRRS jack cables and monitor earphones.
Desk mount microphone arm to suit C 0506 $35.95.
SAVE 16%
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Add Bluetooth to your
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High power non-bridgeable design is perfect for DJs, bands,
venues using foreground sound reinforcement. 3 pin XLR and
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SAVE $80
Electret 3.5mm Lapel Mic
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Ideal for small businesses or simple multi-zone home audio systems. Switch between up to 4 different audio
sources - connect up to 8 speakers. Toslink digital audio input for TV audio. Great for background music use.
Also fitted with 6.35mm microphone connection.
Western Australia
Build It Yourself Electronics Centres
Sale Ends February 28th 2023
Phone: 1300 797 007 Fax: 1300 789 777
Mail Orders: mailorder<at>
Multi-zone Audio Made Easy! 4x30W Zone Amp
» Perth: 174 Roe St
» Joondalup: 2/182 Winton Rd
» Balcatta: 7/58 Erindale Rd
» Cannington: 5/1326 Albany Hwy
» Midland: 1/212 Gt Eastern Hwy
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» Springvale: 891 Princes Hwy
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03 9549 2121
New South Wales
» Auburn: 15 Short St
02 8748 5388
» Virginia: 1870 Sandgate Rd
07 3441 2810
South Australia
» Prospect: 316 Main Nth Rd
08 8164 3466
Please Note: Resellers have to pay the cost of freight & insurance. Therefore the range of stocked products & prices charged by individual resellers may vary from our catalogue.
© Altronics 2022. E&OE. Prices stated herein are only valid until date shown or until stocks run out. Prices include GST and exclude freight and insurance. See latest catalogue for freight rates.
*All smartphone devices pictured in this catalogue are for illustration purposes only. Not included with product.
B 0002
Find a local reseller at:
Active Mains
Soft Starter
Part One by John Clarke
High startup current appliances can be dangerous, damage your work,
cause brownouts or trip out the circuit breaker when power is first applied.
This Soft Starter prevents the high surge current, replacing it with a slow
current build-up and reducing the ‘kick’ you get from many tools.
ave you ever used a power tool
that rips out of your hand when
power is first applied? Or do you have
a bank of computers or audio equipment (or similar) that you want to
power up together from a single power
point? When you do so, sometimes the
circuit breaker might trip, forcing you
to go to the switchboard and reset it.
Tools with a motor that are powered
from the mains, such as circular saws,
drop saws, hand grinders and routers can make a sudden movement
Suitable for fixed or
portable power tools
rated up to 750W
➠ Switch on at GPO or
equipment power
switch, including triggers
➠ Relay contacts bypass
soft start circuitry at
completion for minimal
power loss
➠ Six startup rate options
from half a second to 10
➠ Indicators for power
presence, soft starting and
soft start end
10A continuous rating
Uses trailing edge
phase control
& Specifications
inrush current can be caused by the
appliance or appliances using a toroidal transformer or a switch-mode supply that rectifies the mains supply into
a large capacitor or capacitor bank. The
capacitance represents a near short circuit when power is first applied, causing a massive surge current.
This new Active Mains Soft Starter
significantly reduces startup current,
solving that problem. It’s designed
for devices that might be restarted
frequently (like power tools), and its
Active Soft Starter
Also suits large
amplifiers, computers
or other equipment
with a high inrush
as the torque from the motor startup
rotates the tool. This can cause the tool
to move dangerously. In the case of a
saw, drill or router, it could move the
cutting piece off position and possibly
damage your work.
You might also hear a nasty “splat”
from the switch or plug when the
equipment is powered up, indicating
that it is being worn out by handling the
high inrush current. All of that can be
solved with a soft starter like this one.
As well as large motors, a high
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 33
Fig.1: the mains
waveform is a
50Hz sinewave
with a positive
voltage half the
time & a negative
voltage the rest of
the time.
effect will not diminish, nor will it
overheat with multiple restarts if used
with equipment within its ratings.
You can use the Soft Starter with
motorised tools up to 750W and appliances with substantial capacitance.
Two ways to use it
One way to use the Soft Starter is
to have the appliance already plugged
into the Soft Starter and switched on.
You then switch on power at the GPO
(general purpose outlet). That is ideal
if you want to power up several appliances together from one power point.
In this case, the soft start process
begins at power-up (if an appliance is
connected). Once the soft starting is
completed, it supplies the full mains
voltage until it is switched off at the
power point.
The second method of using the Soft
Starter is to have it powered up via
the power point (GPO), then switch
the appliance on and off with its own
switch. This method is ideal when
using power tools.
For both methods, the soft starter
detects when the appliance is switched
on and off by monitoring its load current. Soft starting only begins when
current flow is detected. When the
appliance is switched off, current
flow ceases, and the power to the tool
is also switched off, ready for another
soft start.
750W rating
We tested the Soft Starter with various loads and power tools and found
that it worked well for tools up to
750W. Some parts got uncomfortably
hot when used with tools that draw
more than that. Also, the ratings of
some of the devices used are only
sufficient up to that power level.
This is less of a concern when
switching equipment like computers
and amplifiers, as their inrush current
periods are short. In that case, you
can comfortably connect up to 10A
(2.3kW) of equipment to the output.
For power tools above the 750W
rating, consider building our Refined
Full-Wave Motor Speed Controller
that incorporates soft starting (April
It is rated to handle 10A and therefore should handle any power tool that
plugs into a standard GPO. You could
leave it set to full speed all the time
and just utilise its soft-starting feature.
The Active Soft Starter is housed
in a compact plastic case with an IEC
mains input connector at one end and
a GPO for the appliance. There are
three neon indicators on the top. One
shows when input power is applied;
the second shows the slow voltage rise
to the appliance, while the third lights
when the soft start period has ended.
The neons are very sensitive and
light up with a minimal current
applied, so they don’t show the full
extent of the soft starting. However,
they help to show what the device
is doing.
Soft starting methods
The standard method to reduce the
surge current is to add resistance in
series with the mains supply, reducing the maximum current.
We previously published two soft
starters using that method, one in April
2012 ( and
the other in July 2012 (
Both utilised negative temperature
coefficient (NTC) thermistors. These
devices act as a resistor that reduces
its resistance as it heats up from the
current flow through it. As it starts
cold, the resistance is high, so the current is restricted. Then as the thermistor heats up, the resistance drops and
allows more current to flow.
In both designs, after some time,
the thermistor is bypassed by a relay
to provide the full mains supply to
the appliance. Bypassing the thermistor after the soft start prevents further
heating of the thermistor, allowing it
to cool down and be ready to provide
another soft start when required.
Still, if the appliance is powered
up repeatedly at close intervals, the
thermistor does not have time to cool
between uses, so its resistance can be
quite low on successive starts. This
means that the soft starting is not as
effective in such cases.
Another consideration is whether
the NTC thermistor can survive longterm use conducting current for an
appliance that draws significant current at switch-on. If power is switched
on at the maximum voltage point in
the mains waveform, the initial current can be extremely high, especially
if the thermistor is still hot. Over time,
that can damage and possibly destroy
the device.
While our new Soft Starter does use
a thermistor, it also includes phase
control that initially applies a small
portion of the mains waveform. The
proportion of the mains waveform
applied to the load increases slowly
until the full mains cycle is applied.
A relay contact then closes to bypass
the soft start circuitry.
In doing so, it causes very little heating in the thermistor, so repeated starts
are not a problem, and the device is
very reliable.
Also, the phase control always starts
at the beginning of the mains cycle,
when the mains voltage is close to
0V. The control scheme used is called
trailing-edge phase control and differs
from the leading-edge phase control
Fig.2: traditional leading-edge phase
control varies the switch-on point
during the mains cycle but always
switches off at the zero crossing. So
the earlier it switches on, the more
power is applied to the load.
…continued opposite
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Warning: Mains Voltage
The entire circuit of the Active
Soft Starter floats at mains
potential and could be lethal
should you make contact with it.
Don’t assume that because we
use isolation between different
parts of the circuit that some
parts are safe to touch – they are
not! The isolation between parts
of the circuit is to allow for the
differing voltage potentials in
parts of the circuit rather than for
Fig.3: in the Soft Starter circuit, the N-channel Mosfet is connected to a diode bridge, so current always flows from its
drain to its source. That way, its parasitic body diode is never forward-biased. The current paths are shown for when the
Active conductor is more positive than the Neutral (i1) and for when the Active is negative with respect to Neutral (i2).
method that is often used.
Leading edge vs trailing edge
Fig.1 shows the mains waveform,
while Fig.2 shows these two types of
power control. Our mains electricity
supply (nominally 230V AC) is a sinewave that repeats 50 times per second
(ie, at 50Hz). For phase control, power
is applied over a portion of each half
of the mains cycle.
The waveforms labelled “A” in Fig.2
show the situation when there is a
small phase angle of the full sinewave
applied to the load. In the left-hand
waveform, the voltage is applied to the
load from late in the waveform until
the zero-crossing. However, on the
right, the voltage is applied for a short
period beginning from 0V, switching
off a little while later.
Both waveforms apply the same
RMS voltage to the load and have the
same area under the shaded portion of
the sinewave curve. The difference is
that one switches on at the end of the
half cycle (leading-edge phase control), while the other switches on at the
beginning of the cycle (trailing-edge
phase control).
Leading edge phase control has been
used for around 50 years, mainly for
dimming incandescent lamps. That is
because it can be implemented using
a simple circuit based on a Triac, a
semiconductor device that switches
on when its gate is driven. It can’t be
switched off via the gate; instead, it
switches itself off when the current
flow through it drops to near zero.
However, leading-edge phase control is unsuitable for providing soft
starting to loads that charge a capacitor. If a voltage is suddenly applied to
that type of circuit, it will create a high
surge current, regardless of whether
the phase angle it is on for is only a
small portion of the mains waveform.
The solution is to use a trailing edge
phase control instead. The switching device now turns on at the mains
zero-crossing where there is little or
no potential difference between Active
and Neutral. The voltage then rises relatively slowly, following the sinewave
shape, to charge the capacitance.
Current is drawn from the mains
in much smaller and more tolerable
pulses. Note that a typical circuit that
charges capacitors includes a rectifier
so that the capacitor is charged with
DC voltage.
For soft starting, we increase the
duration of the waveform applied to
the load over time, so the capacitor
charges in small increments as the
next cycle has a slightly greater phase
length and hence a slightly higher peak
voltage. The capacitor is ultimately
charged, but at a slower rate than if the
full supply were applied at power on.
By the way, trailing edge control
is also used for dimming LED lamps
because they are usually powered by
a capacitor-input switch-mode power
supply (SMPS). If you are interested in
learning more about this, Leo Simpson
wrote about leading and trailing edge
dimmers in July 2017 (
The disadvantage of trailing-edge
phase control is that a Triac cannot be
used. It needs a switching device that
can be switched off at any part of the
mains waveform.
Fig.3 is a simplified version of how
we implement trailing-edge phase control. We use a Metal-oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (Mosfet) and a rectifier bridge. The Mosfet
is connected within the diode bridge,
so current always flows from its drain
terminal to its source.
The current paths are shown for
when the Active is more positive
than the Neutral (i1) and for when the
Active is negative with respect to Neutral (i2). The Mosfet circuit allows us
to switch mains power to the load on
or off at any point in the mains cycle.
We measured the startup current
for a bank of amplifiers that, when
switched on normally, would trip the
Trailing-edge phase control achieves
a similar result, but instead, the load
is switched on at the zero crossing
and then switched off at some point
later in the mains cycle. The later the
switch-off, the more power is applied
to the load.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 35
Scope 1: switching on a bank of amplifiers, the current
peaks at 138A until the circuit breaker trips after 6ms.
Scope 2: with the Soft Starter, the bank of amplifiers can
be switched on without tripping the breaker.
Scope 3: the 750W angle grinder draws 40A on the first
mains cycle, dropping to 6A after half a second.
Scope 4: with the Soft Starter, the angle grinder takes four
times longer to spin up and no longer kicks.
circuit breaker. We also tested it with
a 750W angle grinder.
For the amplifiers, the startup load
is essentially a bank of capacitors that
charges up at power-on. When discharged, they effectively form a short
circuit, resulting in a huge current flow
as power is first applied. This is shown
in Scope 1, with each vertical division
corresponding to 50A (10A = 1V here).
The startup surge current (sometimes called the inrush current)
peaks at about 138A before the circuit
breaker trips. The time for the circuit
breaker to trip is less than a mains
half-cycle of 10ms (we measure 6ms
to the small negative spike).
Scope 2 shows the startup current
for the same load with the Active Soft
Starter connected, over a longer period
(the timebase is now 50ms instead of
5ms). The is much more subdued,
with only small peaks to a maximum
of around 17A. The amplifier capacitor
Silicon Chip
banks are fully charged after about
500ms, hence the drop-off in the current spikes.
For the 750W angle grinder, the
startup current (Scope 3) peaks at
nearly 40A in the negative direction
and then about 34A in the positive
direction, tapering down to about
6A after 450ms. With the Soft Starter
connected (Scope 4, again with a longer timebase), a small initial current
rises to about 13A peak after 750ms
and tapers to about 5A at the two-second mark.
The fact that it takes considerably
longer to spin up indicates that it has
much less of a ‘kick’ to it.
Block diagram
Block diagram Fig.4 shows how the
circuitry is arranged in the Active Soft
Starter. Incoming mains Active (A)
passes through a fuse and to the mains
output for connection to the appliance
Australia's electronics magazine
while current transformer T1 monitors
the current flow.
The incoming Neutral (N) does not
directly connect to the output, but
instead, goes via the soft-start circuitry
comprising Mosfet Q1 and bridge rectifier BR1. The relay bypasses this
arrangement after the soft-start period.
The Active mains wire passes
through the centre of the current
transformer T1 twice, forming its primary winding. The isolated secondary winding produces a voltage proportional to the Active current. This
is rectified using a precision full-wave
rectifier and low-pass filtered to give
a smoother DC voltage, then fed to
the AN1 analog input of microcontroller IC1.
The current measurement is used for
two purposes. One is to monitor when
the appliance is switched on to initiate soft starting. The other is to determine when the appliance is switched
Fig.4: a simplified block diagram
of the Active Soft Starter. The
soft-start circuitry is connected
between the incoming and outgoing
Neutral; current flow is monitored
in the Active wire so that it knows
when to activate the soft-starting
procedure. RLY1 bypasses the softstart circuitry once the full voltage
has been applied to the load for
maximum efficiency.
off, to reset the circuitry, ready for the
next power-on.
Microcontroller IC1 controls all the
soft starter functions. It monitors the
appliance current, controls the gate
of Mosfet Q1 and the coil of the relay,
monitors the soft start rate setting
potentiometer and also monitors the
mains waveform zero-crossing timing.
The gate drive for the Mosfet needs
to be referenced to the negative terminal of the bridge rectifier, which is neither at Neutral nor Active potential. So
For IC1 to drive the Mosfet, there needs
to be electrical isolation between IC1
and Q1’s gate. This is achieved using
an isolated power supply and an isolated gate driver.
The isolated supply is produced via
the GP4 digital output of IC1 that delivers a 1MHz, 5.5V square wave. That
waveform is stepped up and isolated
via transformer T2. After rectification
and filtering, the result is a DC voltage suitable for driving the gate of Q1.
The Mosfet gate is controlled via
the GP0 digital output of IC1. This
drives an opto-coupler (IC3) containing an infrared LED that is electrically isolated from the opto-coupler’s
optically switched transistor. That
transistor controls the voltage at the
gate of Mosfet Q1.
The isolated drive for the relay coil
is via an optically-coupled Triac driver
(IC4) that connects the lower end of the
coil to the output Neutral. The relay
has a 230V AC coil with the top end
connected to Active and the bottom
end connecting to IC4.
IC4 has an internal LED that optically triggers the output Triac. It is typically used to drive the gate of a larger
Triac, but for our circuit, we are just
using it to power the relay coil.
The power supply for IC1 is not
shown in Fig.4; its supply is derived
via a mains-rated capacitor that acts
as a current limiter to a zener diode
clamp, resulting in the 5.5V supply
voltage. The positive side of this supply is referenced to mains Active.
Potentiometer VR1 is used for the
soft start rate adjustment. It is connected across that 5.5V supply, producing a varying voltage at the microcontroller’s AN2 analog input.
Neon indicators
NEON1 lights when there is mains
Australia's electronics magazine
power at the input. NEON2 is connected across the mains output, so it
starts dim and reaches full brightness
when the soft start period ends. We
call this the “run” indicator. Finally,
NEON3 lights when the relay is on
after the soft start period completes.
This is called the soft start “end”
Circuit details
The entire circuit is shown in Fig.5.
A lot of the circuitry has already been
explained by the block diagram. However, several parts of the circuit haven’t
been described in any detail.
As mentioned earlier, Triac-output
opto-coupler IC4 drives the relay coil.
We are using the MOC3042 with zero
voltage crossing detection, so its Triac
always switches on when the mains
supply is at zero voltage. That is not
strictly necessary for our circuit, but
it does not hurt. Its internal Triac
between pins 4 and 6 is guaranteed
to trigger, provided there is at least
10mA through the internal infrared
LED between pins 1 and 2.
We also include a snubber across
the Triac terminals, comprising a 22nF
February 2023 37
Fig.5: IC1 is the controlling PIC while generating an isolated Mosfet gate voltage supply by feeding a high-frequency
square wave into transformer T2. It controls the Mosfet gate across that isolation barrier using opto-coupler IC3, and
it monitors the output of the current sense transformer via the full-wave precision rectifier formed by dual op amp
IC2. Two transient voltage suppressors and a zener diode protect Mosfet Q1 from voltage spikes.
X2-rated mains capacitor and a 150W
resistor, connected in series between
its pins 4 and 6. This limits the voltage rise time so that the Triac will not
switch itself on when power is first
applied to the circuit.
The 1MW resistor just discharges the
capacitor when power is off for safety.
The snubber limits sudden voltage rises across the Triac by charging
Silicon Chip
over time via the 150W resistor. This
prevents the voltage from rising faster
than 1000V/μs, which is the maximum
dV/dt rating for the Triac in IC4, below
which it is guaranteed not to switch
on by itself.
Another precaution against that
is connecting pin 4 of the Triac to
the Neutral output of the soft-start
circuitry rather than directly to the
Australia's electronics magazine
incoming Neutral. So when power is
first applied, there is no voltage across
the Triac. As the soft start process
begins, the voltage across it rises at a
controlled rate.
Protecting Mosfet Q1
As well as a snubber for IC4, there
is a 220nF/470W snubber across the
AC terminals of BR1 to reduce the
magnitude of voltage spikes seen
by Mosfet Q1. This also has a 1MW
bleeder resistor for safety. This snubber also provides a small current flow
when an appliance is switched on
before the soft starting process has activated. This is enough current to detect
and initiate the soft start.
Q1 is also protected against over-
voltage conditions that could destroy
the device; it has a 500V maximum
drain-source rating. Two transient
voltage suppressors (TVS) are used
to prevent the voltage from going over
that limit.
TVS2 is connected directly between
the Mosfet’s drain and source and
conducts to shunt voltage at the TVS
clamp voltage of 400V (255V AC rectified gives ~360V DC). However,
this TVS can be damaged if the over-
voltage spike has too much energy, so
a second line of defence is used.
A second TVS, TVS3, is connected
in series with a 100W resistor between
the Mosfet drain and gate. If the drain
voltage rises too high, TVS3 conducts
and causes the Mosfet gate voltage to
rise, so the Mosfet starts to conduct,
shunting the voltage spike itself.
Zener diode ZD3 prevents the gate
voltage from going over 15V in this
case, which could otherwise damage
it, while the 100W resistor limits the
zener current to a safe level.
Current detection
Current transformer T1 produces
an output current from its secondary
winding that’s proportional to the current flow through the Active mains
wire. The 10kW loading resistor gives
about 4V AC output with a current flow
of 1A and one turn of the Active mains
wire through the current transformer
core. We use two turns through the
core, giving about 4V AC with 500mA
current through the primary.
While the input current to output
voltage conversion is not very linear
using a 10kW loading resistance, we
use the high value to improve sensitivity. A 100W loading resistor would
be used instead for this current transformer to measure current accurately.
That would provide a more linear relationship but only gives 1V AC for a
10A primary current.
Current sense
voltage rectification
Another transient voltage suppressor (TVS1) clamps the output voltage
from transformer T1. This limits the
current into the following op amp
inputs to a safe level.
The output from T1 needs to be rectified to give a DC voltage suitable for
monitoring by microcontroller IC1. A
precision full-wave rectifier is used,
made from dual op amp IC2 and associated resistors; note the lack of diodes.
The gain of this precision rectifier is 1.5 times. While it may appear
impossible to rectify the incoming AC
voltage without diodes, it is possible,
provided that the op amp has specific
The op amp needs to be able to
operate with an input below its negative supply rail, and the op amp must
be able to pull its output close to that
negative supply rail.
Here, we are using an MCP6272
dual op amp (IC2). One stage (IC2b)
is connected as a unity gain buffer,
while the other (IC2a) provides the
1.5 times gain.
To understand how the rectification
works, refer to Fig.6, where A to E correspond to the waveforms at the identically labelled parts of the circuit in
Fig.5. That is assuming that our example waveform is present at point A.
Sample waveform A is a 2V peak-topeak sinewave. For the negative half
of the cycle, the signal applied to the
non-inverting pin 5 input of IC2b via
the 15kW resistor will cause the voltage at that pin (point B) to be clamped
at around -0.3V due to IC2’s internal
input protection diode.
The output of IC2b (point C) therefore sits at 0V during negative portions
of the cycle, since its negative supply
rail is at 0V, and it cannot pull its output lower than that.
IC2a adjusts its output (point E) so
that the voltage at its inverting input
pin 2 (point D) matches the voltage at
non-inverting input pin 3 (point C).
Since the 10kW resistor from point D
to ground has no voltage across it, it
plays no part in the circuit during the
negative portions of the cycle.
With the 10kW resistor essentially
out of the circuit, IC2a operates as
a standard inverting amplifier with
both inputs (points C and D) at 0V.
Its gain is therefore -30kW divided
by 20kW, which equals -1.5 times.
So the -1V peak of the waveform is
amplified and inverted to produce
+1.5V at point E.
The way it works for a positive
voltage at the input (point A) is more
Australia's electronics magazine
complicated. Firstly, the voltage at pin
5 (point B) is reduced compared to the
1V peak at the input. This is because
of the divider formed by the 15kW and
18kW resistors, so the voltage becomes
0.5454V (1V × 15kW ÷ [15kW + 18kW]).
Point C will also peak at 0.5454V
since IC2b is working as a unity-gain
buffer producing the same voltage at
its output as its non-inverting input.
Once again, op amp IC2a adjusts the
output voltage (point E) so that the
voltage at the inverting input at pin
2 (point D) matches the voltage at the
non-inverting input, pin 3 (point C).
To determine the resulting voltage,
we must calculate the currents through
the three resistors connecting to the
inverting input of IC2a at point D.
1. The current through the 10kW
resistor is the waveform D voltage divided by 10kW. This peaks at
54.54μA (0.5454V ÷ 10kW).
2. The current through the 20kW
resistor; with 1V peak at the input
(point A), there will be 22.73μA ([1V[A]
− 0.54V[D]] ÷ 20kW).
So we have 22.73μA flowing into the
node at point D via the 20kW resistor
and 54.54μA flowing away from that
node via the 10kW resistor. The extra
Fig.6: these waveforms demonstrate
how the active precision rectifier used
for current monitoring works. They
correspond to the expected waveforms
at the points marked A-E on the
circuit for the condition where there
is a 2V peak-to-peak sinewave at
point A, corresponding to a resistive
load drawing about 88mA RMS.
February 2023 39
input (GP3) is filtered with a 4.7nF
capacitor, providing a near-zero voltage when the mains voltage is at zero.
IC1’s pin 4 input detects when this
voltage changes from being positive to
zero or negative and vice versa.
The voltage at pin 4 is clamped by
the internal protection diode to -0.3V
during the negative part of the cycle.
For positive excursions of the mains
waveform, diode D2 clamps the voltage to about 0.6V above the 5.5V
supply or close to 6V. This diode is
required since the pin 4 input is not
protected with a diode to the positive
supply. That’s so this input can be used
for programming the microcontroller,
where the voltage at this pin needs to
go above the supply voltage.
A sneak peek at
the assembled PCB for
the Active Mains Soft Starter, with
construction details coming next month.
current to balance currents at node D
needs to come via the 30kW resistor.
This is 31.81μA (54.54μA − 22.73μA).
Remembering that voltage at point D
peaks at 0.54V, the required voltage
at point E is 1.5V (31.81μA × 30kW
+ 0.54V).
So the circuit operates as a full-wave
rectifier with a gain of 1.5. The degree
of precision depends on the op amp
parameters and resistor tolerances.
The lower the offset voltage of the op
amp and the lower the op amp input
bias current, the more accurate the fullwave rectification will be, particularly
at low signal levels.
Fortunately, we are not overly concerned with absolute accuracy here.
We just need full-wave rectification
of the incoming AC signal from the
current transformer.
Scope 5 shows the 1V peak sinewave at the input to the full wave rectifier (point A) on channel 1, shown
in yellow. Below that is the full-wave
rectified waveform at point E, shown
in cyan.
A 2.2kW resistor and 10μF capacitor filter the rectified waveform to produce a smoothed DC voltage suitable
for the IC1 to monitor via its AN1 analog input and internal analog-to-digital
converter (ADC).
Mains zero-crossing detection
IC1 monitors the mains waveform
at the mains Neutral via a 330kW 1W
resistor. The voltage at its pin 4 digital
Scope 5: the input to the active rectifier at point A and the
output below (point E). Note the gain.
Silicon Chip
Mosfet gate drive
To drive the Mosfet gate, we need
an isolated DC supply and a method
of connecting and disconnecting that
supply to the gate. As mentioned previously, these voltages need to be galvanically isolated from IC1.
The isolated DC supply is generated by applying a 1MHz square
wave to the primary winding of high-
frequency transformer T2 from IC1’s
clock output at GP4 (pin 3). This is
¼ the frequency of its internal 4MHz
oscillator. The primary has 10 turns,
while the secondary has 48, giving a
4.8:1 voltage ratio.
Since the primary is a 5.5V peak-topeak square wave, we can expect the
secondary to deliver a 26.4V (5.5V ×
4.8) peak-to-peak square wave. After
half-wave rectification by diode D3,
we obtain a 13.2V DC output that is
filtered by a 1μF capacitor. 15V zener
Scope 6: the isolated Mosftet gate drive signal. It switches
on faster than it switches off due to the isolation scheme.
Australia's electronics magazine
diode ZD2 limits the voltage to a safe
level for the Mosfet gate.
The Opto-coupled output transistor of IC3 switches the Mosfet gate on
or off. It is driven by the pin 7 digital output (GP0) of IC1. When this is
high (at 5.5V), it drives the internal
infrared LED of IC3 via a 1.5kW current-limiting resistor. The LED then
lights and switches on the output
transistor within IC3 that connects the
13.2V DC supply to the gate of Q1 via
a 47W resistor.
When the GP0 output of IC1 goes
low (to 0V), IC3’s LED switches off,
so the gate of Q1 is pulled to 0V by
the 22kW resistor, switching the Mosfet off.
Scope 6 shows the gate drive to the
Mosfet when driven for 5ms on and
5ms off at 100Hz. When switched
on, the gate voltage is initially 14.3V,
drooping to 12.3V over the 5ms period.
The voltage droop is due to the 1μF
capacitor being loaded by the 22kW
gate-source resistor.
The switch-on rise time is around
43μs and the fall time is 324μs. The
fall time is longer due to the 22kW discharge resistor having a higher resistance than the opto-coupler output
transistor and 47W resistor that charges
the gate up.
Power supply
Power for microcontroller IC1 and
op amp IC2 is derived directly from
the mains using a 470nF X2 mainsrated safety capacitor. The circuit
operates by transferring charge to a
470μF capacitor via zener diode ZD1
and diode D1.
For one polarity of the mains waveform, D1 is reverse-biased and ZD1 is
forward-biased, so the charge from the
470nF capacitor is transferred to the
470μF supply filter capacitor. During
the other half of the mains waveform,
diode D1 is forward-biased and the
zener diode clamps to 6.2V between
the +5.5V supply rail and the cathode
(K) of D1.
Since the forward voltage of diode
D1 is about 0.7V, the overall voltage
across the 470μF capacitor is limited
to 5.5V (6.2V − 0.7V).
Next month
The follow-up article next month
will have all the construction details
for the Active Mains Soft Starter, along
with the testing procedure and usage
Parts List – Active Soft Starter
1 double-sided, plated-through PCB coded 10110221, 159 × 109mm ●
1 171 × 121 × 55mm polycarbonate or ABS enclosure [Altronics H0478, Jaycar HB6218]
1 153 × 107mm panel label
1 10A IEC panel-mount mains input socket with integral fuse holder
[Altronics P8324, Jaycar PP4004]
1 10A IEC mains power lead
1 mains GPO socket [Altronics P8241, Jaycar PS4094]
1 Talema AX1000 or AC1010 10A current transformer (T1) ●
1 Hongfa HF105F-4/240A1HSTF 30A 240VAC chassis mount relay, 240V AC coil (RLY1) ●
1 SL32 10015 15A 265V AC NTC thermistor (NTC1) ●
3 plastic-bodied mains neon indicators (NEON1-NEON3; optional)
[Altronics S4016, Jaycar SL2630]
1 10A M205 fast-blow fuse (F1)
4 2-way 15A 300V screw barrier terminals (CON1-CON4) [Altronics P2101]
1 100kW linear PCB-mount potentiometer (VR1) [Altronics R1948]
1 8-pin DIL IC socket (for IC1)
1 18 × 10 × 6mm ferrite toroid (for T2) [Jaycar LO1230]
Hardware & wire
1 1.25m length of 0.25mm diameter enamelled copper winding wire (for T2)
2 4.8mm insulated female spade crimp lugs
1 350mm length of (blue & brown) 7.5A mains-rated wire
1 200mm length of blue 10A mains-rated wire
1 250mm length of brown 10A mains-rated wire
1 150mm length of green/yellow striped 10A mains-rated wire
1 75mm length of 10mm diameter heatshrink tubing
1 20mm length of 5mm diameter (blue, red & green) heatshrink tubing
1 20mm length of 3mm diameter (blue & red) heatshrink tubing
1 20 × 15mm piece of thermal transfer tape [Altronics H7240, Jaycar NM2790]
2 M3 × 10mm Nylon countersunk machine screws
2 M3 × 15mm panhead machine screws
4 M3 × 6mm panhead machine screws
4 M3 hex nuts
17 100mm cable ties
black tubing can be used instead, if preferred.
1 PIC12F617-I/P 8-bit microcontroller programmed with 1011022A.hex, DIP-8 (IC1) ●
1 MCP6272T-E/SN dual rail-to-rail op amp, SOIC-8 (IC2) ●
1 4N28 or 4N25 opto-coupler, DIP-6 (IC3) ●
1 MOC3042M or MOC3043M zero-crossing triggered Triac driver, DIP-6 (IC4) ●
1 SIHS36N50D-GE3 36A 500V N-channel Mosfet, TO-247 (Q1) ●
1 PB5006 45A 600V bridge rectifier (BR1) ●
1 6.2V 1W zener diode (ZD1) [1N4735] ●
2 15V 1W zener diodes (ZD2, ZD3) [1N4742] ●
1 4KE15CA bidirectional TVS, 400W, 12.8V standoff (TVS1) [Jaycar ZR1160] ●
1 1.5KE400CA bidirectional TVS, 1500W, 342V standoff (TVS2) [Jaycar ZR1180] ●
1 4KE400CA bidirectional TVS, 400W, 342V standoff (TVS3) [Jaycar ZR1164] ●
1 1N4004 400V 1A diode (D1) ●
2 1N4148 75V 200mA diodes (D2, D3) ●
1 470μF 16V PC electrolytic
1 220nF X2-rated metallised polypropylene (PP)
2 10μF 16V PC electrolytic
4 100nF 63V or 100V MKT polyester
1 1μF 50V multi-layer ceramic
1 22nF X2-rated metallised polypropylene (PP)
1 470nF X2-rated metallised PP
1 4.7nF 63V or 100V MKT polyester
Resistors (all 1/2W metal film ±1% unless noted)
3 1MW 1W ±5%
1 15kW
1 330W
1 330kW 1W ±5%
2 10kW
1 150W 1W ±5%
1 30kW
1 2.2kW
1 100W
1 22kW
1 1.5kW
2 47W
1 20kW
1 1kW 5W ±5% wirewound
1 18kW
1 470W 1W ±5%
● these parts are available as part of a set from the Silicon Chip Online Shop, Cat SC6575,
for $100 + P&P. All the other parts are available from Jaycar or Altronics.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 41
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Part 1 by Tim Blythman
The SMD Test Tweezers and their successor, the Improved SMD Test
Tweezers, are both simple but useful tools. We have developed an enhanced
version with many more features and other improvements, such as a larger
screen and an easier-to-use interface.
f you have not already built an SMD
Tweezers kit, you may be wondering what the fuss is about.
After publishing our simple design
from October 2021 (
au/Article/15057) and the following
refresh in April 2022 (
Article/15276), we were left with no
doubt that both variants were very
popular, with hundreds of kits sold.
Both these designs used a tiny 8-pin
8-bit microcontroller run from a single CR2032 coin cell to probe components by applying voltage via a resistor. The original Tweezers measured
resistance, capacitance or diode forward voltage and displayed the readings on a tiny OLED screen.
The Improved Tweezers used the
same hardware but a microcontroller
with more flash memory, allowing
us to add extra features, such as the
ability to flip the display to suit being
used in either hand and an expanded
capacitance range.
Both those variants of the Tweezers
were designed with small size, low
cost and simplicity in mind. They both
used just about the cheapest microcontroller and smallest display possible. Given their popularity, we had
to produce a follow-up, and knew it
needed to be good.
To be clear, this is not an incremental change over the first two designs,
but a vast improvement. You can
see from the list of features that the
Advanced Tweezers will do much
more than its predecessors.
One of the things we looked for in a
new microcontroller for the Advanced
Tweezers was a 12-bit ADC (analog-
to-digital converter) peripheral. This
would provide extra resolution over
the 10-bit ADC that is standard on
most 8-bit PIC microcontrollers, such
as those we used for the previous
We reviewed some of the newer
8-pin PICs in the October 2022
issue (,
and have since started using the
PIC16F18146 in some projects. However, we chose not to use an 8-bit PIC
for our Advanced Tweezers.
Instead, we have chosen a 28-pin
16-bit micro, the PIC24FJ256GA702.
It also has a 12-bit ADC peripheral, so
we still get the improved resolution. It
also has some other interesting peripherals that we’ve put to good use.
The Advanced SMD Test Tweezers are a bit bigger than
the earlier version but only because they incorporate a larger
display and extra pushbuttons. They also have new measuring modes,
including an oscilloscope, voltmeter, I/V curve plotter and a tone/square
wave generator.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
It isn’t much more expensive than
an 8-bit micro, but it is undoubtedly
a lot more capable. Importantly, it has
much more RAM and flash memory,
so we can include many more modes
and settings. That extra memory also
means that the blocky font used on
the earlier Tweezers has been replaced
by one that is larger and much more
We’ve also used some interesting
techniques for probing and sensing. So
let’s introduce the various test modes
that are available.
The earlier Tweezers variants only
had a single mode which would try to
identify the device under test and display its value. For a resistor or capacitor, it would show resistance or capacitance. For a diode, it would work
out the forward voltage and polarity
and display both. Dual anti-parallel
diodes, such as bi-colour LEDs, would
not be detected as they conduct in both
The Advanced Tweezers add many
more modes, which we will briefly
introduce before going into more detail
during the usage section of the article
(in the second part).
Like the older variants, several
modes are for characterising components such as resistors, capacitors
and diodes. Instead of attempting
to identify a device under test, the
Advanced Tweezers reports all of its
assessments together. This is made
possible by using a larger OLED display and removes the possibility of
the Tweezers identifying a component
There are still dedicated modes for
resistors, capacitors and diodes, which
each display only one value in a large,
clear font, but you need to select them.
These modes are especially handy
when dealing with surface-mounting
capacitors, which typically don’t have
any distinguishing markings.
The diode mode also provides a low,
steady bias current which is only interrupted by the reading cycle. This has
the advantage that you know immediately that the LED is working and what
colour it is when it lights.
Checking the value of hard-to-read
surface mounting parts is one of the
great advantages of the Tweezers format. It is especially handy for capacitors and LEDs, which often have subtle polarity markings.
Features & Specifications
❎ 10 different modes (see modes & options lists)
❎ Runs from a single CR2032 coin cell
❎ Sleep current <1μA
❎ Resistance accuracy ~1% when calibrated
❎ Voltage accuracy ~2% when calibrated
❎ Capacitance accuracy ~5% when calibrated
❎ Adjustable sleep timeout
❎ Adjustable display brightness
❎ Sleep timer can be paused for continuous operation
❎ Display can be rotated to suit left- and right-handed use
❎ Cell voltage displayed in all modes
❎ Auto calibration of some parameters
❎ Works down to 2.4V cell voltage
❎ Standby cell life: equal to shelf life
❎ Operating cell life: typically several hours of use
Resistance: 1Ω to 40MΩ, ±1%
Capacitance: 10pF to 150μF, ±5%; gives readings up to 2000μF
Diode forward voltage: 0-2.4V, ±2%
Combined resistance/capacitance/diode display
Voltmeter: 0 to ±30V ±2%
Oscilloscope: ranges ±30V at up to 25kSa/s
Serial UART decoder
I/V curve plotter
Logic probe
Audio tone/square wave generator
Oscilloscope options
❎ Voltage ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-20V, 0-30V, -5 to +5V, -10 to +10V, -20
to +20V, -30 to +30V
❎ Trigger on rising edge, falling edge, both or continuously (auto)
❎ Trigger level settable in 1V intervals
❎ Timebase (per div, 4 divs visible): 1ms, 2ms, 5ms, 10ms, 20ms, 50ms,
100ms, 200ms or 500ms
Serial UART decoder options
❎ Baud rate: 110, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14.4k, 28.8k, 38.4k, 57.6k or
❎ 8N, 8O, 8E and 9N data length/parity
❎ 1 or 2 stop bits
❎ active high or active low
❎ text (terminal) or HEX display
I/V curve plotter options
❎ six-point sampling, live update, centred on 0V/0mA
❎ vertical scale (per div, four on screen): 1mA, 500μA, 200μA, 100μA
or 50μA
❎ horizontal scale (per div, four on screen): 2V, 1V, 500mV, 200mV or
Tone/square wave generator options
❎ frequency: 50Hz, 60Hz, 100Hz, 440Hz or 1kHz
❎ nominal amplitudes (pk-pk): 300mV, 600mV, 3V or 6V
❎ on/off control (defaults to off)
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 45
Fig.1: while the 28-pin microcontroller chip is about twice the physical size of the SOIC-8 parts used for the earlier
Tweezers, there are many advantages to having so many available I/O pins. 10 pins are used for probing the tips, giving
much more range. Three more I/O pins handle buttons for control and calibration, while the OLED display can be
powered down completely using another spare pin.
There is now also a digital voltmeter
mode, which shows the voltage across
the probe tips, up to ±30V.
In oscilloscope mode, it can sample
at up to 25kSa/s with varying voltage
and time scales. It also offers some
basic trigger modes. It’s not likely to
make your bench ‘scope obsolete, but
it could be handy for probing signals in
the audio range. The ‘scope mode uses
the same ±30V-capable input stage as
the voltmeter mode, so it offers the
same range.
The recent digital oscilloscopes we
have reviewed offer a serial decoding
utility, and the Advanced Tweezers do
too. There is only one input channel,
so we can only decode a UART data
stream. The Advanced Tweezers can
accept and decode a variety of baud
rates and data formats.
To overcome the limitations of the
diode checker only being able to handle single diodes, we have implemented an I/V curve plotting mode.
The I/V curve shape will also allow
you to categorise many ‘mystery’ components.
The logic probe mode can differentiate between a high logic level, a low
logic level and a high impedance. It
also provides a digital trace so that
transient signals and digital waveforms can be seen.
Finally, a Tone Generator allows
square waves to be delivered at several frequencies and amplitudes. It’s
ideal for injecting test signals into
The arrangement of the arms and tips is much the same
as that for the Improved Tweezers, using the
same arm PCBs and gold-plated pins
as simple, practical tips.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
audio equipment or a clock signal into
a digital IC.
If you’re working with audio gear,
you might consider having two sets
of Advanced Tweezers; one to inject
a tone and a second to trace it. The
Tweezers also have the great advantage of being battery-operated, allowing them to be used without needing
to be referenced to ground.
We’ve provided three pushbuttons,
giving more control over what the
Tweezers are doing and making them
easier to work with. This also allows
us to add more extensive calibration
and configuration options than the
earlier variants.
Circuit details
Fig.1 shows the circuit diagram of
the Advanced Tweezers. It has some
improvements over the earlier versions that give better accuracy over a
wide range of component values and
provide better protection to the microcontroller.
IC1 is a PIC24FJ256GA702 microcontroller, and its numerous I/O pins
allow us to connect to the device under
test (DUT) in various ways. However,
guaranteeing it draws no current when
the Tweezers shut down.
We had problems with some apparently faulty 0.49-inch OLEDs drawing
too much current in standby mode, so
we’re eliminating that possibility with
this new design.
Measuring resistors & diodes
Fig.2: the Advanced Tweezers uses IC1’s internal ADC to measure voltages,
using the voltage divider equation to calculate resistances and voltages across
diodes. This works much the same as the earlier Tweezers, but with the addition
of extra resistances and a 12-bit (instead of 10-bit) ADC to provide more range
and accuracy.
the design heritage shared with the
earlier Tweezers is evident. Like the
earlier Tweezers, a coin cell holder
(BAT1) provides the nominal 3V supply to the circuit.
The three capacitors, and the single
10kW resistor connected to IC1’s pin
1 are essential for any application of
this microcontroller. The 10kW resistor pulls up the MCLR pin, allowing
normal operation unless a connected
programmer/debugger overrides it.
This pin and the other pins associated with programming IC1 are
connected to CON1 for this purpose.
You’ll note that the PGED and PGEC
programming pins (pins 4 & 5) are not
shared with any other components,
making development and debugging
much easier.
The 100nF capacitors bypass the
main chip supply, while the 10µF
capacitor bypasses an internal regulator responsible for powering the chip’s
processor core.
The remaining ten resistors provide
the interface between the DUT (connected to the Tweezer tips at CON+
and CON−) and the microcontroller.
You might note that there is no direct
connection between the tips and the
microcontroller; any path is always
via at least one resistor. This is another
improvement to the design and affords
the microcontroller greater protection
from the outside world. That’s especially important since we envisage
users probing active circuits with the
Advanced Tweezers.
The 1kW resistors to pins 2 and
26 provide the lowest-resistance
path between the microcontroller
and external circuitry, so we have
protected each of these with a dual
schottky diode clamping each to the
two supply rails. These shunt excess
current away from the I/O pins before
any semiconductor junctions within
IC1 can conduct current.
The three tactile pushbuttons, S1,
S2 and S3 also connect to I/O pins on
IC1. These pins are normally pulled
up weakly to the positive supply internally to the microcontroller, but they
go low when the button is pressed so
IC1 can sense that.
MOD1 is the 0.96-inch (24mm)
diagonal OLED display. It is nearly
twice as wide and twice as tall as the
0.49-inch (12.5mm) OLED used in the
earlier Tweezers, making for a much
more legible display packed with more
Two I/O pins are required for its I2C
control interface with the microcontroller. We also use another I/O pin
to power the OLED’s VCC pin. That
means we can completely disconnect power from the OLED module,
Naturally, much of the operation
depends on the firmware. Still, before
we get to that, we will explain how the
microcontroller uses the sensing resistors in different ways to measure various components and voltages.
The microcontroller has an internal 1.2V bandgap voltage reference.
We measure this using the ADC (with
the supply as a reference) and invert
the result to calculate the supply voltage. For example, if the 1.2V reference
is measured as 40% of the reference
voltage, the supply must be 1.2V ÷
0.4 or 3V.
Since the internal bandgap reference
can vary by up to 5% from nominal,
the exact value of the reference needs
to be determined during calibration
for improved accuracy.
Fig.2 shows the arrangement that is
used for probing resistors and diodes.
Resistors Ra and Rb could be any two
of the 1kW, 10kW and 100kW resistors
available, while Rc and Rd have the
same options. The micro’s pins can
be driven high, low or left floating (in
a high-impedance mode).
Ra is typically pulled to the supply
voltage by driving it high, while Rb is
left high-impedance. Similarly, Rd is
connected to ground by driving it low,
and Rc is also high impedance. Current
thus flows from the micro via Ra and
into the DUT via CON+, then back to
ground via CON− and Rd.
Tests are then performed with CON+
pulled low and CON− pulled high to
account for reverse-biased diodes. For
This view shows the spacing of the OLED module above the main PCB. Note
the header pin acting as a reinforcing spacer at one corner of the OLED. This
prevents the assembly flexing and causing a short between the two PCBs.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 47
Screengrabs from part two, showing the Advanced SMD Test Tweezers in operation
Screen 5: the AUTO SET tunes three
calibration parameters by performing
internal measurements with the tips
open. It depends on the previous
calibration settings being entered and
Screen 14: the initial Meter display
mode, which can read up to 30V with
both negative and positive polarities
(with respect to CON+ and CON-). The
resolution is 10mV to 9.99V and 0.1V
above that.
Screen 15: Scope mode is handy, even
though there are only 100 horizontal
and 48 vertical pixels in the trace
area. It samples at up to 25kHz,
is suitable for audio use, and has
adjustable trigger settings.
the following explanations, you can
assume that any pins not mentioned
are left in a high-impedance state, so
they do not affect the calculations.
The microcontroller’s ADC (analog
to digital converter) peripheral is used
to read the voltages on the pins connected via Rb and Rc. With the ADC
scaled to use the supply voltage as its
reference, the actual value of the supply is not important for resistance calculations.
The calculations are made with raw
ADC values. For the 12-bit ADC used
on the PIC24FJ256GA702, there are
4096 steps, four times as many as with
a 10-bit ADC.
The calculations make use of the
voltage divider equation. Six tests are
performed using various combinations
of the 1kW, 10kW and 100kW values.
These have 2kW, 11kW and 101kW total
in series with the device under test for
both polarities.
The best resolution is when the test
and unknown resistors are similar in
magnitude, so our algorithm discards
invalid results and selects which of
the measurements will give the most
accurate final value.
The two tests with 2kW series resistance are also used for diodes. In this
case, the readings are scaled by the previously calculated supply voltage to
determine the diode forward voltage.
If the DUT voltage is close to the
supply voltage, it is assumed that the
DUT is not passing current. This will
be the case for reverse-biased diodes
or when no device is connected. So
a diode is only detected if a voltage
notably less than the supply voltage
is seen in one direction and a voltage close to the supply in the other.
In this case, the polarity and voltage
are reported.
While the CTMU has many applications, what matters to us is that
it includes a programmable current
source that can be delivered to an ADC
pin during sampling.
The ‘charge time’ naming comes
from the fact that it can be controlled
by external triggers and used to measure intervals between those triggers
by measuring the amount of charge
delivered to a known capacitor.
Instead, by delivering a known current over a known interval, we can
apply a fixed amount of charge, and
with the equations shown in Fig.3, we
can measure capacitance.
That means we don’t need to resort
to complex calculations involving
logarithms which are often needed to
analyse RC circuits.
The 8-bit PIC devices we used for
the earlier Tweezers avoided logarithms by using an approximation and
limiting the state of charge to regions
where the approximation would be
most accurate.
For this test, Rd is connected to
Measuring capacitors
Fig.3 shows the different arrangement used to measure the value of
capacitors. One of the features of the
ADC on this microcontroller is the
CTMU or charge time measurement
Fig.3: the constant current source of the CTMU peripheral greatly simplifies the measuring of capacitances. It eliminates
the need for the processor-intensive logarithmic calculations needed to derive a capacitor value from the time constant of
an RC circuit.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Screen 16: we find the UART Serial
Decoder indispensable at times.
Like the Scope mode, it is highly
configurable in terms of baud rates,
bit depth and data polarity. This
shows the TXT view.
Screen 17: the Serial Decoder also
offers a hexadecimal mode, useful for
seeing binary data and control codes.
Framing or parity errors are shown,
which can help to determine the data
Screen 18: while Diode mode cannot
report dual diodes such as bicolour
LEDs, the I/V Plotter shows both
polarities. The current and voltage
scales can be zoomed in for more
ground and Ra is connected to the
CTMU current source. An initial ADC
sample is taken, followed by a second
sample after a known interval, with
the current source active between the
two samples.
In both cases, 1kW series resistors
are used. This is because the resistors
will drop some voltage due to the current flowing, and the 1kW resistors will
drop the least voltage. Fortunately, it
will be the same for the first and second readings, so it will cancel out.
Five different currents can be
applied, so we can take multiple
readings. To extend the range further, shorter and longer durations are
used, giving six readings over different orders of magnitude.
Like the resistor measurement, the
readings near the middle of the range
are chosen. High readings are ignored
as the current source tends to saturate
as its output nears the supply voltage. That would result in inaccurate
Since the voltage is the denominator
of the equation, lower values are disregarded because this will diminish
the resolution. Higher values lead to
closer steps between their respective
reciprocals and thus better resolution.
The capacitance calculation depends
on the supply voltage, CTMU current
and time, so the expected accuracy is
not as good as for resistance or diode
voltage. Still, with calibration, it
should be within 5%.
Between measurements in the resistor and capacitor modes, the 1kW resistors in each group are pulled low, and
the remaining pins are left floating.
Apart from minimising current flowing in or out of floating pins, this also
serves to discharge any connected
capacitor, so it is ready for the next
measurement cycle.
One exception is in diode mode.
In this case, the CON+ terminal is
pulled high instead of low to provide a bias to light an attached LED,
allowing it to be visually checked.
A light-emitting diode connected in
the forward direction will illuminate
except for the period when the reading is done, when it will appear to
flicker off briefly.
Fig.4: the Meter and Scope modes use a set of four fixed resistors to provide a
biased divider capable of measuring voltages above and below the Advanced
Tweezers’ supply rails. The circuits on the left and right are equivalent.
Australia's electronics magazine
Scope and meter modes
Another arrangement is used for the
scope and meter modes that allows
them to read voltages outside the
Tweezers’ supply rails. Four more 1kW
resistors are put into play. Of each pair,
one is pulled high at the micro end and
the other low. This situation is shown
on the left of Fig.4, with the simplified
circuit to its right being functionally
Each tip is thus subjected to a 20:1
voltage divider biased to half the supply voltage. Readings are taken by
measuring the difference in the voltage between V1 and V2 and multiplying by 21. With a nominal 3V supply,
we can measure up to around 30V (differential) between CON+ and CON−.
Biased differential inputs allow positive and negative voltages to be measured.
It’s possible for current to flow
With three pushbuttons, calibrating
and changing modes is much easier
than earlier version of the Tweezers.
February 2023 49
Screengrabs from part two, showing the Advanced SMD Test Tweezers in operation
Screen 19: the Logic Analyser shows
whether it detects a high, low or high
impedance logic level. A scrolling
chart also shows a brief history,
making it easier to see transients and
repeating patterns.
Screen 20: like Scope mode, the
Tone Generator is handy at audio
frequencies or as a simple clock
generator. It can produce square
waves at five different frequencies and
four different amplitudes.
Screen 21: the Auto screen is only
one of ten pages but encompasses
and surpasses the abilities of its
predecessors. It shows resistance,
capacitance, diode polarity and
forward voltage.
through the unused 1kW and 100kW
resistors if the applied voltage is
greater than the supply voltage. The
current through the 1kW resistors is
shunted to the supply rails by D1 and
D2. The 100kW resistors will conduct
much less current, and this will flow
through the microcontroller’s internal
protection diodes.
These unwanted currents dictate the
useful upper voltage limits of the scope
and meter modes. Voltages beyond
those limits could cause damage to
the microcontroller.
Damage could also occur if excess
voltage is applied while the pins are
being driven (as for resistor, capacitor
and diode modes), since these currents will now flow through the chip’s
internal output transistors instead of
the external and internal protection
We found that one of our earlier
prototypes was running cells flat
even when not being used; this was
because the damaged microcontroller
was drawing excess current in sleep
mode. If you find your Tweezers are
going through cells excessively, that
could be why.
So care must be taken only to apply
higher voltages in modes when the
Tweezers expect it. This was not a concern with the older Tweezers designs,
as they did not have any modes to
measure externally applied voltages,
and were only designed for use with
passive devices.
Modes that expect digital signals,
such as the logic analyser and serial
decoder, simply pull CON− to ground
via its 1kW resistor. CON+ may be left
floating or weakly pulled up or down
by the 100kW resistor to detect the difference between high, low and high
impedance logic levels.
self-contained program that is called
upon during the program loop. Each
makes the measurements it needs and
displays the results.
The buttons are checked and flags
are set for each mode to process in
accordance with its operation.
The firmware program on IC1 is
responsible for initialising all the
peripherals and the OLED display. It
coordinates the measurements, reads
the pushbuttons and controls the display as needed.
Apart from the main program loop, a
timer interrupt is set to fire about three
times per second, triggering display
updates at a comfortable rate.
The code is modular, and each of
the individual modes is much like a
Power consumption
The processor runs at a modest
4MHz instruction clock (down from
the maximum possible 16MHz) to minimise power consumption and thus,
the load on the coin cell. We could
not maintain the desired screen update
rate at lower speeds than this.
During some of the scope mode’s
sample periods, the clock is sped up
to 16MHz to allow faster ADC sampling rates.
There are also periods where no
urgent processing is needed, in which
case the DOZE feature is activated. The
processing core runs at an even lower
fraction of its maximum speed, reducing power usage even further.
There is a timer counting off the
timer interrupt. When this expires, a
routine is called to power off the OLED
and put the peripherals and I/O pins
The hole at upper left is for a Nylon M2 screw to prevent children from removing the coin cell. While it would be quite
difficult for them to remove it anyway, we want to ensure it is safe.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Screen 22: the Res screen provides
the same resistance information as
the Auto screen but in a larger font,
which is handy for checking and
sorting through different resistor
Screen 23: the Cap screen works
similarly, displaying just the
measured capacitance in large text.
It’s perfect for working out which part
is which amongst a pile of unmarked
SMD capacitors.
Screen 24: the diode screen is similar
to the Diode display on the Auto
screen but a bias is applied from
CON+ to CON− between tests. This
lets you quickly check the polarity
and operation of LEDs.
into a low-power state, after which the
processor goes into the lowest-power
SLEEP state.
By completely powering off the
OLED, we avoid any possibility that
it is not in its lowest possible power
state. The OLED modules we used in
the earlier Tweezers have a sleep mode
that initially appears quite effective
but sometimes had a current draw that
crept up higher than expected.
Interrupts triggered by a change
in the switch states are used to wake
up the processor while it is stopped.
It resumes by doing much the same
as when it first initialises, since the
peripherals have all been put into lowpower modes too.
The SLEEP mode keeps the RAM
contents, so resuming from sleep will
retain all the same mode settings and
Our measurements during SLEEP
recorded a consistent current draw
around 700nA, much lower than the
earlier Tweezers variants. At these levels, the cell’s self-discharge is likely
to be more significant than the actual
circuit current.
We also sought to minimise current
draw during normal operation; this
is typically in the single-digit milliamps, depending on the operating
mode. This is critical, as the amount
of usable capacity for a coin cell (as
measured in mAh) is higher with a
lower current draw.
So higher consumption not only
reduces the time that a given cell
capacity can be used, but also tends
to reduce that capacity. The internal
resistance of a coin cell is of the order
20W, so a current in the milliamps
will also reduce the voltage available
to the circuit by a noticeable amount,
around 0.1V.
Apart from its internal controller,
the OLED only draws current for lit
pixels, so there is the option to adjust
the brightness and thus compromise
between visibility and power consumption. The OLED is typically the
greatest drain on the battery.
The OLED dictates the 2.4V minimum voltage as it tends to fade and
flicker below that level. The microcontroller will work down to around
2V, but running this low also limits the
effective sampling range of the ADC.
We initially used a pretty thick font
for some of the displays. By changing
to a lighter font with thinner strokes,
we reduced the current by over 3mA
in some modes!
We found that the display was
perfectly visible indoors at a reduced
brightness, so we have set the default
brightness to be somewhere in the
lower end of its range, prolonging cell
life and reducing the voltage drop. You
can increase the brightness via the settings if necessary, eg, for use in very
brightly lit areas.
Next month
Because this is a reasonably complicated instrument (at least in terms
of its modes and features), we don’t
have space in this issue for the full
construction, calibration and usage
details. That will all be covered in the
final article next month. Some screengrabs showing the Tweezers in operaSC
tion are shown above.
Parts List – Advanced SMD Test Tweezers
1 double-sided main PCB coded 04106221, blue (28 × 36mm)
2 double-sided arm PCBs coded 04106212, blue (100 × 8mm)
3 gold-plated header pins (for tips and OLED support)
1 PIC24FJ256GA702-I/SS microcontroller programmed
with 0410622A.HEX (IC1)
1 0.96in 128×64 I2C OLED module, blue/cyan or white (MOD1)
2 BAT54S dual series schottky diodes, SOT-23 (D1, D2)
2 100nF 50V X7R ceramic capacitors, SMD M2012/0805 size
1 10μF 6V X7R ceramic capacitors, SMD M2012/0805 size
2 100kW ⅛W 1% SMD resistors, M2012/0805 size
3 10kW ⅛W 1% SMD resistors, M2012/0805 size
6 1kW ⅛W 1% SMD resistors, M2012/0805 size
3 small SMD two-pin tactile switches (S1-S3)
1 surface-mount 32mm coin cell holder (BAT1)
2 100mm lengths of 10mm diameter clear heatshrink tubing
1 5-pin right-angled header, 2.54mm pitch (CON1; optional, for ICSP)
1 label (optional; see Fig.8 next month)
1 M2 × 6mm Nylon screw
2 M2 Nylon nuts
1 CR2032 or CR2025 lithium coin cell
Advanced SMD Test Tweezers Kit (SC6631)
The kit includes all the parts listed in the parts list (except coin cell & CON1),
with the microcontroller pre-programmed. It is available for $45 + P&P.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 51
How I made a 30mm desktop
Spark-Gap Tesla Coil
by Flavio Spedalieri
My Solid-State “Flame Discharge” Tesla Coil project from the February 2022
issue ( worked well but lacked the iconic metal
toroid ‘top load’ that most people think of when they hear “Tesla Coil”. So I
built an even larger device, that while still quite small, is more traditional!
This device generates hazardous voltages!
While we are not providing instructions on building or operating a Tesla Coil in this article, we
advise caution if you build or operate a similar device.
All parts of the Tesla Coil operate at lethal voltages and can deliver enough current to stop
a heart or cause serious burns. You can also suffer RF burns if you come close to or contact
the discharge terminal, even when no discharge is apparent.
Always ensure that you are nowhere near the breakout point when the unit is powered
up. Keep all parts of your body (or anyone else’s) clear of it until power has been switched
off and the discharge stops. Remember that high voltages can still be present even when
no discharge is visible.
Electromagnetic interference warning
This Tesla Coil is an RF generator. The input power is up to 180W and the spark gaps are
broadband RF radiators.
During operation, it can cause RF interference over a wide range of frequencies,
especially the MF band, including the AM broadcast frequencies, MF amateur band and
some mobile phone frequencies. Operation within a Faraday cage is advisable.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
uilding a full-size Tesla Coil is a
significant undertaking. Therefore, in August 2020, when my
motivation started to peak, I decided
to make a small-scale but traditional
Tesla Coil. It is traditional both
because it is capped with a metal torus
and it uses a spark gap-based oscillator.
That oscillator drives the transformer
that generates the extremely high voltages (tens of kilovolts) required for
While my February 2022 article
explained how to build your own very
small Tesla Coil, this article is more of
a story describing how I built a somewhat larger Coil. I won’t go back over
the theory of Tesla Coils that I presented in the February 2022 issue,
but I will quickly recap it to explain
how this one differs from that earlier
A Tesla Coil is a type of resonant
transformer invented by Nikola Tesla
(patented on the 25th April 1891). It
transforms relatively low-voltage AC
(a few hundred volts to a few kilovolts)
to very high voltages (tens of kilovolts
to megavolts) via two LC (inductor-
capacitor) tuned resonant circuits that
are loosely inductively coupled.
The primary LC circuit comprises
the ‘tank’ capacitor, primary coil
(inductor), and a ‘switch’ to complete
the circuit. The primary circuit can
be switched by several methods; In a
‘classic’ Tesla Coil, a basic spark gap
is used (see Fig.1).
Other topologies use vacuum tubes
while, in modern dual-resonant
state Tesla Coils (DRSSTCs),
solid-state transistors (IGBTs or Mosfets) are employed. That latter configuration is what I used in my February
2022 project.
The secondary LC circuit comprises
Photo 1: the
coil has
close to 38
turns per
the secondary coil (the large central
tower that is iconic to a Tesla Coil),
and the ‘top load’, which provides
the capacitance and a place for the
high-voltage breakout to occur.
In this case, the capacitor begins to
charge when power is applied to the
primary circuit. Eventually, the voltage across the capacitor increases to
the point that the air in the spark gap
breaks down. The energy in the capacitor then discharges across that gap and
through the primary coil.
The energy then oscillates back and
forth between the capacitor and the
primary coil at a high frequency that is
determined by the capacitor value and
the primary coil’s inductance.
A Tesla Coil’s ability to generate very
high voltages and long arcs (streamers)
is due to a process known as resonant
voltage rise occurring in the secondary
LC circuit. Tesla coils can be scaled
up to produce many millions of volts.
New design concept
My initial idea was to build a small
Tesla Coil using an arc lighter or neon
sign transformer (6kV/30mA) power
supply as the high-voltage source. I
had some suitable components at hand,
including 3nF 20kV AC rated capacitors, a ‘doorknob’ ceramic capacitor,
plenty of 0.25mm diameter enamelled
copper wire and a 107mm diameter,
27mm high aluminium toroid.
Fig.1: a circuit
showing one of
the most basic
arrangements of a
Tesla coil.
Fig.2: the output
data from the
JavaTC software
that I used to help
me design the Tesla
Australia's electronics magazine
In the very early stages of the project, I considered a 50mm diameter secondary coil. However, it would have
required so much wire that I would
have had to special-order a large spool.
My local Jaycar Electronics store
had a small spool of 0.25mm diameter enamelled copper wire. Given the
available length and the wide range
of available diameters of PVC tubes,
I spent several hours calculating a
secondary form that would allow
for around a 4:1 aspect ratio. The
final design was a 33.5mm diameter,
132mm high coil of the Jaycar wire on
a 30mm PVC former.
Winding the secondary
I cut a 160mm length of 30mm PVC
tube to give approximately 10mm of
clearance at each end. I then sanded
the PVC and sealed the surface with
two coats of UltiMeg 2000 electrical
varnish (
I used a hand drill to hold the form
and slowly guided the wire onto it,
taking ~2.5 hours. During the next few
days, I coated and sealed the secondary with several coats of clear varnish.
I measured 38 turns per centimetre
(Photo 1), very close to the 37.88 calculated (shown in Fig.2), giving close
to 500 total turns.
I sealed the ends of the secondary
form using FR-4 (unclad PCB). The
construction techniques I used for the
Secondary resonant frequency
Angle of secondary
Length of winding
Turns per unit
Space between turns (e/e)
Length of wire
H/D aspect ratio
DC resistance
Weight of wire
Effec. series inductance (Les)
Equiv. energy inductance (Lee)
Low frequency inductance (Ldc)
Effec. shunt capacitance (Ces)
Equiv. energy capacitance (Cee)
Low frequency capacitance (Cdc)
Topload effective capacitance
Skin depth
AC resistance
Secondary Q
February 2023 53
Tesla Coil Specifications
] Capacitor: 3nF, 20kV AC
] Tap: 4.25 turns
] Tap frequency: 1527kHz
] Tap inductance: 2.23μH
] Total inductance: 13.5μH
] Turns: ~500
] Resonant frequency without
toroid: 2489kHz
] Resonant frequency with toroid:
] DC resistance: 19.2W
] Inductance: 1720μH
] Major diameter: 107mm
] Minor diameter: 27mm
] Calculated capacitance: 4.62pF
] Calculated breakout: 80.62kV
Neon Transformer
] Power supply output: 6kV <at>
30mA (180W)
] Primary resistance: 11W
] Secondary resistance: 12.7kW
(6.3kW to centre tap)
] Secondary impedance: 200kW
secondary are the same as for much
larger (high-performance) coils; no
part of the winding can penetrate the
former. I terminated the ground end of
the winding via a copper tab, while the
top of the coil is supported by a Nylon
screw that I epoxied to the top plate
before sealing the secondary.
I finished the ends of the windings
with black electrical tape and gave
the secondary several more coats of
clear varnish.
I decided upon a coupling method
that would allow the secondary to
plug into the overall system, allowing
a modular approach and safe storage
of the secondary when not in use. The
coupling also serves as the electrical
ground connecting point at the base of
the secondary, as shown in Photo 2.
With the secondary complete, I characterised it using an oscilloscope and
signal generator. Its DC resistance is
19.2W, while its resonant frequency is
1708kHz with the toroid and 2489kHz
without it.
At this point, I decided that it was
going well enough that I would build
a high-quality instrument where the
aesthetic aspect was important. I also
switched from the idea of using the
arc lighter to a neon sign transformer
(NST) that I had acquired, rated at 6kV
and 30mA (180W).
Additional calculations suggested
that the resonant capacitor should be
15.9nF, with a larger-than-
(LTR) capacitor being 240nF. Still, I
pressed on with the initially selected
3nF capacitor as I could always
increase the capacitance later.
Using a neon sign transformer meant
that some additional components
would be required: a protection filter
(‘Terry Filter’), power factor correction
(PFC) capacitor and an EMI line filter.
Primary construction
Photo 2: a coupling was added at the
base of the secondary so that it could
easily be removed when not in use. It
also serves as a ground connection.
Silicon Chip
The next phase of the project was
the design and construction of the primary coil, supports and platforms to
mount all the main coil components.
Some of the crucial criteria when
working with high voltages at high
frequencies are sufficient clearances
(to minimise arcing and insulation
breakdown), selection of appropriate
materials suitable for electrical work
and fastening techniques.
I selected “SwitchPanel Type X”
as the main support material for the
primary coil. It is a fibre-reinforced
impregnated phenolic resin designed
Australia's electronics magazine
Photo 3: a conical primary (30°)
was decided on, with an adjustable
platform made from hardwood.
for electrical insulation (siliconchip.
I ordered three sections for the coil
supports from Vale Plastics, all 180mm
× 180mm, with one panel having a
50mm central hole to allow it to clear
the coupling.
The primary design took considerable analysis, considering the electrical parameters, size and shape (flat
spiral, vertical or conical). Due to the
way the primary coil’s electromagnet
flux is presented to the secondary coil,
I decided on a 30° conical primary
(see Photo 3).
The field of a conical primary coil is
more uniform over the secondary coil’s
aspect. At the widest point (outermost
turn), the primary width is approximately the same as the secondary
height (~140mm). I used a 2.14mm
diameter copper capillary tube with
an inter-turn (edge-to-edge) spacing of
5mm (7.14mm to the centres), giving a
total of 10.5 turns for tuning flexibility.
The mounting platform of the primary coil should be adjustable to allow
for fine-tuning of the coupling to the
secondary. I started building it by making the four support wedges, cut from
I attached them to the SwitchPanel
Standard Soldering
Ball Soldering
Fig.4: the components for the filter
were soldered using a technique
called “ball soldering”. This technique
helps to minimise corona losses at
high voltages.
using Loctite two-part epoxy, which
has good gap-filling characteristics.
No metal screws or nails can be used,
so all fixed components are glued or
fastened using Nylon fixings.
With the coil made and on the supports, I glued the final timber caps
in place with more epoxy for better
mechanical support and to improve
the aesthetics. I also glued the central
coupler into place. A copper strip, central brass screw, nut and acorn completed the grounding termination for
the secondary.
At this point, the primary and secondary were almost complete.
Terry Filter and safety gaps
Intending to use a neon sign transformer (NST) as the power supply, I
made the secondary windings from
very fine wire. Typically, enamel wire
insulation is not very good at handling
the fast, high-voltage transients generated in a Tesla Coil each time the
spark gap fires, which can shorten the
life of the NST.
One method of protecting the transformer’s secondary windings is a lowpass RC filter network known as a
Terry Filter (
html) – see Fig.5.
I started building one by mounting
the main capacitors and MOVs on
FR-4 laminate board. I came up with
the component layout, marked holes
for drilling using a piece of ‘perfboard’
(prototyping PCB) and drilled the 1mm
holes by hand.
I soldered the components using
a special technique called ‘ball soldering’, where the joints are made as
smooth and spherical as possible to
minimise corona losses at high voltages (see Fig.4).
The safety gaps are made from three
brass drawer knobs. I sanded each
ball with fine wet & dry sandpaper to
remove the clear lacquered coating,
then drilled and tapped them with M4
threads. I repurposed three aluminium
blocks as the supports.
I drilled and tapped each block with
an M4 thread to mount them onto the
FR-4 substrate. The position of the
two left/right balls can be adjusted
for correct operation of the safety gap
(ie, so the air gap will break down at
an appropriate voltage). You can see
how this arrangement is mounted on
the Terry Filter assembly in Photo 4.
I made the high-voltage cables that
connect to the coil itself using 7.5mm2
Fig.5: the protection filter circuit (Terry Filter) for the Tesla Coil.
Photo 4: the safety gap uses three brass knobs mounted to the Terry Filter
circuitry (components placed but not yet wired up). The knobs were mounted
onto aluminium blocks and set up so that their positions can be adjusted.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 55
Photo 5: after mounting the Terry
Filter onto a plate of SwitchPanel
Type X, a test was performed to verify
the operation of the safety gaps.
OFC stranded power cable with two
layers of PTFE tape applied. Heatshrink tubing was added, followed by
an additional layer of PTFE tape and a
final layer of heatshrink tubing.
Readily-available white PTFE
(plumbing tape) has a high dielectric
strength of around 60-70kV/mm (see Common
high-density PTFE plumbing tape has
a density of about 0.3g/cm3 and a nominal thickness of 0.1mm (siliconchip.
au/link/abhd), so it has a dielectric
strength of about 6-7kV.
I mounted the Terry Filter and safety
gaps onto a 150 × 250 × 12mm plate of
SwitchPanel Type X. I made the electrical connections to the filter with
brass hardware and acorn nuts, while
the connection to the Tesla Coil is via
the two aluminium blocks on the left
and right sides. Photo 5 shows my tests
to verify the operation of and adjust
the safety spark gaps.
Main spark gap & tank circuit
With the Terry filter finalised, I
moved on to the main spark gap and
the layout of the tank circuit components.
The performance of a Tesla Coil is
determined by the performance of the
spark gap, which acts as a momentary switch that completes the circuit between the capacitor and the
primary coil. The capacitor’s energy
is discharged into the primary coil
when the gap conducts. A spark gap
is a simple device, but the dynamics
of its operation are complex.
The distance between the electrodes
Silicon Chip
Fig.6: the times
labelled t1 & t3
are the first and
second primary
notches – the
times when
the current
in either the
primary has
fallen to zero
and the spark
gap can be
t0: gap fires.
t0 > t1: primary energy transfers to the secondary.
t1: all energy is now stored in the secondary (1st primary notch).
t1 > t2: remaining energy in the secondary transfers to the primary.
t2: all energy is now stored in the primary (1st secondary notch).
t2 > t3: remaining energy in the primary transfers to the secondary.
t3: all energy is now stored in the secondary (2nd primary notch).
This process repeats until the gap stops conducting (quenches). Once quench occurs,
an exponential ringdown will occcur.
sets the breakdown voltage of the spark
gap. With a static gap, the width would
be set at the power supply line voltage
(6kV in this case) and would be at the
correct setting with the gap firing at the
full applied voltage of the transformer.
This project utilises a static gap
arrangement; however, much larger
coils employ rotary spark gaps, giving better control and performance.
For a coil of this size, that would be
slight overkill.
The main spark gap consists of
the electrode holders and the actual
electrodes. For this project, I have
employed 6.35mm diameter parallel-
faced tungsten rods. Tungsten is a
favoured material for spark gaps due
to its high melting point and, therefore, resistance to burning and pitting.
When the gap fires, the arc ionises
and heats the air within it, making
it highly conductive. Once the gap
conducts, it will continue to conduct
even when the capacitor’s voltage has
dropped below the initial breakdown
voltage. This can allow the energy
from the secondary to return to the primary; this energy will be lost as heat,
sound and light, reducing the coil’s
Extinguishing a conducting spark
gap is known as ‘quenching’ and
is essential to maximise the energy
retained in the secondary.
Quenching is the action of the spark
gap going open-circuit and ceasing
conduction, and can only occur when
the current through a conducting gap
falls to a certain point. Then, the arc
may no longer be sustained, and the
Australia's electronics magazine
air within the gap cools enough to prevent arc-over as the voltage begins to
rise again on the next cycle.
The total energy transfer time is
the number of half-cycles it takes at
the resonant frequency to transfer all
the energy from the primary circuit to
the secondary (not including losses).
Ideally, we would like to trap all the
energy within the secondary, as any
energy that returns to the primary will
contribute to inefficiency and, thus,
less energy for the output arcs.
The only way to trap the maximum energy within the secondary is
to stop the gap conducting as soon
as the current in the primary circuit
reaches zero.
Known as the ‘first (primary)
notch’, this period is very short, and
the amount of energy still within the
1st secondary notch
Secondary Envelope
2nd secondary notch
Exponential ringdown
3rd primary notch
2nd primary notch
1st primary notch
Fig.7: this waveform shows the third
notch quenching, meaning the third
primary notch is where the gap
stopped conducting, followed by the
secondary ringdown.
Photo 6: a centrifugal blower fan was
used on the main spark gap instead of
an axial fan, as it provides superior
Photo 7: the spark gap assembly is
composed of two electrode holders
mounted on a FR-4 substrate.
primary is sufficiently high to keep
the gap conducting (see Figs.6 & 7).
If the gap continues to conduct, the
next available opportunity to open
the spark gap is at the next point that
the current returns to zero (the second
primary notch) and so on.
Early quenching of the spark gap
may be achieved through various methods, including magnetic quenching
(, air blast
(, vacuum
( or with a
rotary spark gap.
Using forced air, a vacuum or a
rotary gap allows the gap to cool by
removing hot, ionised air from it,
reducing the chance of the gap re-
arcing. I decided to use a centrifugal
blower fan (drawing 12V <at> 860mA),
as such fans generate high-pressure
air flows compared to an axial fan
(see Photo 6).
I was going to use PWM fan speed
control but, in testing, it offered little
effective control; therefore, I abandoned that idea. Instead, the fan just
runs at full speed during operation.
I used a copper bus bar to form the
support for the capacitor, with a short
copper tube to connect it to one side
of the gap.
One last detail for the coil is the
strike rail, which protects the primary
coil and primary circuit components
from arc strikes, made from a 2.3mm
capillary copper tube (Photo 8).
The ground rail must present a low
impedance path to RF ground, so I
made a clip from a copper saddle that
is snug fit onto the strike rail. I then
added a grounding post to terminate
the secondary ground and the strike
rail (Photo 9).
The strike rail mustn’t form a closed
loop, as would otherwise present as a
shorted turn.
The strike rail supports are made
from 9×9×46mm timber sections with
a 2.5mm hole drilled through each
support. I sanded and stained these
before gluing them into place with Loctite epoxy. I then slid the copper tube
into place and used heatshrink tubing
to cover the open section.
Primary tap point
Constructing the primary tap connection was a challenge. Early in the
project, I drilled four clearance holes
with the idea of bringing the tap wire
up through the bases. However, this
made it difficult to disassemble and
So instead, I brought up the tap wire
from the side, using a clip made from
a modified M205 fuse clip, reduced
to create a snug fit. I used a length of
copper braid to strengthen the clip and
provide a better connection.
At this point, I had completed much
of the Tesla Coil, but was still waiting
Main gap & strike rail
The main gap is the critical part of
the spark gap oscillator. I cut a phenolic resin plinth as the mounting base
for both the spark gap assembly and the
connections to the capacitor. The gap
itself was formed by mounting electrode holders onto two phenolic support blocks, which I then affixed to a
strip of FR-4 substrate. I then attached
the whole assembly to the phenolic
base (see Photo 7).
Photo 8: the outermost copper tubing
is the strike rail, which was added to
protect the primary from arc strikes.
Photo 9: after building this, a clip was
added to the strike rail to ground it
(shown in the photo at right).
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 57
for the high-voltage bleed resistors
(10MW, 10kV) for the main capacitor.
I searched Digi-Key’s website and
found they stock 100MW 10kV 2.5W
Maxi-Mox resistors from Ohmite
(MOX-1-121006FE). As well as being
available, they had the advantage that
a 10MW bleeder resistor would have
dissipated 7.2W. Increasing to 100MW
reduced that below 1W while still discharging the capacitor to a safe level
(50V) in 1.5 seconds.
Radio frequency (RF) Earthing
One of the more overlooked and
important areas with any RF system
is the provisioning of a suitable low-
impedance Earth system. Tesla Coils
generate heavy RF currents which
must be appropriately distributed to
Earth. A sound Earthing system is key
to a well-performing Coil as the Earth
forms the return path for the secondary side of the LC circuit.
So I sunk a 19mm diameter,
2.4m-long Earth rod to 1.8m depth,
plus a second ‘domestic’ size rod to
1.2m, bonded them together and connected them to the coil via 25mm2
welding cable.
With the Coil essentially complete,
I made some measurements to determine the tuning parameters and confirm the resonant frequencies against
my calculations.
I measured the resonant waveform
period as approximately 124μs, corresponding to the total energy transfer
time; the first notch came after approximately 8.2μs.
Power supply
I mounted the neon sign transformer
to a 12mm-thick 200 × 300mm base
made from SwitchPanel. I added two
timber stand-offs to mount the Terry
Filter module (Photo 10).
I then added the control box,
which includes a TE Connectivity 3A
EMC-series EFI/RFI line filter to prevent interference from feeding back
into the mains. The control box also
contains a small mains switchmode
power supply (SMPS) to provide 12V
<at> 1.2A for the quenching fan.
The control box also includes a
mains switch, a switch for the fan
and a switch to supply power to the
transformer, lamps to confirm active
power to the circuits and a 2A thermal magnetic circuit breaker (Photo
11). This control box is used with a
variac to provide fully adjustable control of the Coil.
First tests
Following nearly three months of
development, I fired it up for a momentary test. I noted a flashover from the
end of the primary winding to the strike
rail, occurring several times at the same
location, causing a tracking burn.
I realised this was due to the end of
the primary not being smoothed off
and sealed. Another overlooked area
was that I hadn’t sealed the supports
with varnish such as Ultimeg.
I repaired the area, smoothed the
copper end and applied epoxy resin
to seal it. After cleaning up the tracking burns, I also sealed the support.
I added more epoxy to all key areas
at the primary junction and supports
and applied several coats of Ultimeg
electrical varnish to the timber supports. I left the primary coil assembly
to cure for several days.
In hindsight, considering the pulsed
nature of the high-voltage present on
the primary coil, timber is not the best
material to use. A more suitable material would be a phenolic resin; however, it is expensive in small quantities
and with suitable dimensions. SwitchPanel Type-X could be used to create
the smaller parts, but it would need
to be cut from a larger sheet, which
would take a great deal of time.
With those repairs and improvements completed, I returned to testing,
closing down the spark gap to around
3-4mm for the test. The low-power test
was successful, with a nice breakout
occurring (Photo 12).
I then opened the gap to about 5mm
and made another run (Photo 13). It
was successful, but I noted some random flashover between the final turn
of the primary to the strike rail.
I obviously needed to improve the
insulation between the strike rail and
the final turn of the primary coil. I did
that by adding more layers of Ultimeg
varnish, as well as adding short lengths
of clear vinyl tube around crucial
points on the strike rail and final primary turn. I let the varnish cure over
a week before getting back to testing.
I then ran a full power test, applying
the full mains voltage to the NST. In
doing so, I tweaked the parallel alignment of the spark gap electrodes. The
full power test was very successful,
with many streamers forming but no
arcing at the support points.
Photo 10: the neon
transformer was
mounted to a 12mm
thick base made
from SwitchPanel.
Timber stand-offs
were then used to
attach the finished
Terry Filter above it.
Photo 11: the control
box for the Tesla
Coil. It contains
a mains switch, a
switch for the fan,
another for the
transformer, lamps
to confirm activity,
and more.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Top-load upgrade
I decided to order a larger toroid
from a company based in the USA.
It took close to two months to arrive.
Their customer service left a lot to be
desired, so I don’t want to mention the
company’s name.
The larger toroid has a major diameter of 152mm, a minor diameter of
38.64mm, a calculated capacitance of
6.61pF and a calculated breakout voltage of 114.74kV.
The additional capacitance of the
larger toroid required re-tapping the
primary coil to bring the primary
into tune with the lower resonant frequency of the secondary. A further resonant test using an oscilloscope and
signal generator on the secondary coil
confirmed the new resonant frequency
as 1360kHz.
I moved the primary tap by one turn
to account for the extra load on the
secondary, bringing the system back
in resonance. The lead photo shows
the result of a full-power test with
the larger toroid in place. It generated streamers long enough to reach
the strike rail; they are equivalent in
length to the secondary coil.
I conducted another experiment
by simply placing the two toroids on
the coil, resulting in longer streamers
(Photo 14). Re-tuning the coil was not
Photos 12 & 13: on the left is the initial low-power test with a spark gap of
3-4mm, while on the right was another test run with the spark gap at 5mm.
It was a lot of work, but I am
delighted with how this small Tesla
Coil turned out. It was interesting to go
through the tuning process that Nikola
Tesla and other pioneers would have
had to figure out. I also learned that it
pays to give special attention to insulating everything when working with
such high voltages.
Tesla was a genius to have come
up with such an elegant way of generating extremely high voltages using
the very limited technology available
at the time.
While building a Tesla coil is not for
everyone, they are impressive devices
and a must-have in any mad scientist’s
In memory of
My Mum (Zina Spedalieri) was
amazed when she saw the original
article come to print. Sadly, we lost
Mum on 2nd of June 2022, It would
have been something for her to see the
second article come to print.
Photo 14: placing the newly bought larger toroid on top of the old toroid
resulted in larger breakouts. As I was happy with the result, I eventually had
the toroids welded together, then cleaned and sanded them to maximise their
appearance and performance.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 59
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RCL Box (Jun20), Digital Lighting Controller Micromite Master (Nov20)
Advanced GPS Computer (Jun21), Touchscreen Digital Preamp (Sep21)
Battery Multi Logger (Feb21), Battery Manager BackPack (Aug21)
PIC32MX270F256B-50I/SP ASCII Video Terminal (Jul14), USB M&K Adaptor (Feb19)
AM-FM DDS Signal Generator (May22)
Stereo Echo/Reverb (Feb 14), Digital Effects Unit (Oct14)
Micromite Explore 64 (Aug 16), Micromite Plus (Nov16)
Micromite Explore 100 (Sep16)
Touchscreen Audio Recorder (Jun14)
1.5kW Induction Motor Speed Controller (Aug13)
PIC32MZ2048EFH064-I/PT DSP Crossover/Equaliser (May19), Low-Distortion DDS (Feb20)
DIY Reflow Oven Controller (Apr20), Dual Hybrid Supply (Feb22)
(FEB 23)
Hard-to-get parts: includes the PCB, transformer, relay, thermistor, programmed
micro and all other semiconductors (Cat SC6575; see page 41, February 2023) $100.00
(FEB 23)
(JAN 23)
Includes all parts (except coin cell and CON1) (see page 51, February 2023)
Complete kit: includes all parts in the parts list, except the DS3231
real-time clock IC (Cat SC6625; see page 56, January 2023)
- DS3231 real-time clock SOIC-16 IC (Cat SC5103)
- DS3231MZ real-time clock SOIC-8 IC (Cat SC5779)
(SEP 22)
(SEP 22)
Complete Kit: includes everything in the parts list (Cat SC6405)
Short Form Kit: includes all SMDs, the power Mosfets, four 0.02W 3W resistors
and the VXO7805 regulator module (Cat SC6399)
- laser-cut 3mm clear acrylic side panel (SC6514)
- 3.5-inch TFT LCD touchscreen (Cat SC5062)
(AUG 22)
Includes the PCB, all required onboard parts (excluding optional debug interface)
and the front panel. Just add a signal source, case, power supply and wiring
(see page 37, January 2023)
(JUL 22)
(JUL 22)
(JUL 22)
(JUN 22)
(JUN 22)
(MAR 22)
(APR 22)
(DEC 21)
(JAN 23)
(DEC 22)
Power Supply kit: complete kit with a choice of red + green, yellow + cyan
or orange + white knob colours (Cat SC6571; see page 38, Dec22)
Display Adaptor kit: complete kit (Cat SC6572; see page 45, Dec22)
(DEC 22)
(SEP & NOV 22)
Complete kit that also includes all optional components (see page 87, Dec22)
GPS-Version Kit: includes everything in the parts list with the VK2828 GPS module
(Cat SC6472; see Sep22 p63)
WiFi-Version Kit: includes everything in the parts list with the D1 Mini module instead
(Cat SC6472; D1 Mini is supplied not programmed, see Nov22 p76)
- VK2828U7G5LF GPS module with antenna and cable (Cat SC3362)
(NOV 22)
Short Form Kit: includes the PCB and all non-optional onboard parts, except
the case, front panel label and power supply (Cat SC6544)
(OCT 22)
Includes everything in the parts list (see page 64) except the Buck/Boost LED Driver
(see adjacent; Cat SC6292)
Partial Kit: includes the PCB, programmed micro, all SMDs, most semiconductors,
PPS capacitors and calibration resistors
- 16x2 alphanumeric LCD with blue backlighting (Cat 5759)
Complete kit with everything needed to assemble the board, you just require a few
external parts such as a power supply, keyboard and monitor
Complete kit with everything needed to assemble the board
Includes the PCB, programmed micro, OLED and all other on-board parts
Complete kit with everything needed to assemble the board
Complete kit including all programmed PICs (no case or power supply)
Complete kit, includes all parts except the optional DS3231 IC
All the parts marked with a red dot in the parts list, including the 12 output transistors,
driver transistors, VAS transistors, input pair (2SA1312), BAV21 & UF4003 diodes,
TL431 ICs, 75pF capacitor, E96 series resistors and 10kW 1W resistor
Hard-to-get parts includes: two 0.22W 5W resistors; plus one each of an
MJE15034G, MJE15035G, KSC3503DS & 220pF 250V C0G ceramic capacitor
*Prices valid for month of magazine issue only. All prices in Australian dollars and include GST where applicable. # Overseas? Place an order on our website for a quote.
↳ 8/14/20-PIN PCB
01106192-6 $20.00
01106193/5/6 $12.50
CSE200103 $7.50
16111191-9 $3.00
CSE200902A $10.00
CSE210301C $7.50
For a complete list, go to
04106221/2 $10.00
Australia's electronics magazine
We also sell the Silicon Chip PDFs on USB, RTV&H USB, Vintage Radio USB and more at
Part 2: By Phil Prosser
Active Subwoofer
For HiFi at Home
Last month, we showed the performance of the new ultra-high-fidelity
Subwoofer design and provided all the cabinet construction details. In this
final article in the series, we’ll finish off the Active Subwoofer by building
and installing its internal 180W amplifier, finishing the wiring, installing the
driver and adding some feet.
fter building the Ultra-LD Mk.3
or Mk.4 amplifier, most of the
remaining work is in making the custom metal bracket, drilling the heatsink and combining the bracket, heatsink, amplifier and power supply into
a compact amplification module. It
then slots neatly into the 220 × 170mm
rectangular cut-out that you would
have already made in the rear of the
If you haven’t already built the
amplifier module, it’s best to refer to
the original article on the module construction. For the Ultra-LD Mk.3, construction details are in the August 2011
issue (,
while the Ultra-LD Mk.4 construction
is in September 2015 (
There are some subtleties in certain
aspects of the construction, such as
how to wind and mount the output filter inductor for the best performance.
So we strongly recommend you read
the relevant article before or during
the Ultra-LD Amplifier module construction. However, read the section on
amplifier construction below, before
you fit the output devices.
You will also need to build the
Multi-Channel Speaker Protector but
with only one relay. You can also leave
off the components surrounding the
missing relay. For example, you could
install RLY2 and leave off everything
to the left of diode D2 and the 100kW
resistor above it.
With those two modules assembled,
and the rest of the components gathered, you are ready to start putting it
all together.
Fabricating the bracket
I used a 3mm-thick panel of aluminium as the main plate for the chassis.
To that, I mounted a folded bracket
made from 1.5mm-thick aluminium
for the transformer and an L-shaped
panel for the speaker protector.
You can see these panels assembled in Photo 11 (note some differences in the cut-out from
the final version). All
of the plate amplifier
parts mount to those
panels, mainly the central bracket.
What is needed to build an Active Subwoofer
Ultra-LD Mk.3 or Mk.4 Amplifier
Mk.3 – July-September 2011;
Mk.4 – August-October 2015;
Multi-Channel Speaker Protector (4-CH)
January 2022;
Timber for the case, acoustic wadding, heatsink, wires and other
miscellaneous parts (see the parts list)
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
I used nutserts to hold those pieces
together as they make for an elegant
result (they’re basically threaded rivets). However, you can use machine
screws and nuts instead.
The L-bracket for the Speaker Protector can be made by bending an aluminium sheet by hand in a vise. The
larger bracket for the power supply
is trickier; if you do not have access
to metal folding equipment, I saw
some brackets at our local hardware
store that would work. Just remember that the transformer is heavy and
the mounting needs to consider shock
loads such as being dropped.
The power supply is straightforward; its circuit diagram is shown
in Fig.14. Mains power comes in via
CON1 and passes through fuse F1
and power switch S1 to transformer
T1 (which may have a single 230V or
dual 115V primaries, depending on
which transformer you purchase). Its
two 40V AC secondaries connect to
bridge rectifier BR1 and a capacitor
bank, producing ±57V DC rails.
As a subwoofer must deliver large
amounts of power for extended periods, we have 16mF of energy storage
per rail. This reflects the ‘no compromise’ approach to the design. If you
only install two 8000μF capacitors, it
will still work reasonably well.
The 270W 10W resistor is to drop the
voltage to a level suitable for powering the Speaker Protector and also to
reduce the dissipation in its regulator.
Plate amplifier construction
I mounted the Ultra-LD amplifier
to the main panel and heatsink combined. In other words, the 3mm base
plate is between the output devices
and the heatsink. You can see the
arrangement in Photo 12.
Provided your main panel is free of
dents and scratches and the heatsink
is mounted to this with a good layer
of thermal paste, this will make fabrication easier and contribute to the
overall heatsinking capacity.
To ensure perfect alignment of the
baseplate and the heatsink mounting holes to the transistors, I drilled
and assembled the heatsink and main
panel before building the amplifier and
then mounted the transistors to that
before soldering them to the PCB. This
ensured that the transistors were perfectly aligned to the mounting holes
and PCB.
Do not use insulators at this point;
we will add them later. Once you have
soldered the transistors in like this,
you can pull everything apart, knowing it will fit perfectly later on.
Heatsink drilling
Fig.15 shows where to drill the holes
Photo 11: The majority of the plate amplifier parts mount on this bracket.
Photo 12: The Ultra-LD Mk.4 amplifier attached to the bracket, ready to be
wired up.
Fig.14: the subwoofer power supply is about as basic as it gets. I used a 300VA transformer, but it is no longer available,
and 250VA is adequate.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 63
Fig.15 (left): the heatsink drilling details. The heatsink used is the same
as in the original Ultra-LD Mk.3/4 articles, but the way the heatsink is
mounted is different.
Fig.16 (below): the rear plate for the amplifier is made from 3mm-thick
aluminium cut and drilled, as shown here. It’s a good idea to paint it
black when finished. Ensure the rectangular hole for the rocker switch
is only as large as it needs to be for the switch to snap in.
in the heatsink. My approach was to
mark all holes on the main panel first
(see Fig.16), then drill and tap the four
corner mounting holes into the heatsink and attach it to the main panel
with M3 screws. I then drilled 2.5mm
holes through both the main panel
and heatsink. This guarantees that the
transistor mounting holes are perfectly
aligned between both panels.
Silicon Chip
I then took the heatsink off, tapped
and deburred the holes in the heatsink, then drilled and deburred the
main panel holes to 3.5mm.
Details of the main bracket that
attaches to the rear panel and holds
the amplifier module and power supply are shown in Fig.17.
The speaker protector bracket
attaches via two of the heatsink
Australia's electronics magazine
mounting screws. This is fabricated of
1.5mm aluminium sheet folded at 90°;
see Fig.18 for the details. I included
a small clamp to hold the 270W 10W
wirewound resistor to drop the 57V
rails by about 15V. It is wired in series
with the positive supply to the Speaker
Protector module.
Once the metalwork is ready, dry-fit
everything first and get your assembly
Fig.17 (above): and cut fold this support bracket from 1.5mm aluminium and paint it black. It attaches perpendicular to
the rear plate.
Fig.18 (below): the larger bracket allows the Speaker Protector to be mounted in the space next to the amplifier. The
smaller bracket clamps down the 10W resistor needed to drop the supply voltage to the Speaker Protector.
Photo 13: the
underside of the
plate amplifier
with everything
in place but not
wired up yet.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 65
plan in mind. Use Figs.19-21 and Photos 12-14 to see how everything fits. At
this point, temporarily fit the amplifier board, screw the output devices
to their mounting positions without insulators and solder the output
devices to the PCB. This gets all the
holes lined up.
Start final assembly with the terminal block, the transformer, Earth
screw and diode bridge. Use a small
amount of thermal paste under the
diode bridge. Install 15mm standoffs
for the amplifier module (only in the
two corners furthest from the heatsink), making sure you countersink
the hole for the screw that goes under
the transformer and use a countersunk
head screw.
Cut a piece of Presspahn or similar
and place it under the terminal strip
to ensure that if anything shakes loose
from the terminal strip, there is insulation surrounding it. Make sure it is
mounted far enough away from the
rear panel that it won’t interfere with
the wiring to the IEC socket. It only
needs to be a three-way terminal to
Photo 14: A view
of the underside
of the completed
plate amplifier,
showing all the
wiring. Note
though that this
version uses a
separate fuse
holder and a
toggle switch;
build yours
based on the
revised design
with the fuse
holder in the IEC
connect the transformer primaries,
including joining them in series.
Now mount the capacitors. Keep
all the negative terminals facing the
same way to ensure a tidy build. Then
you can finally mount the amplifier
module. Flip the module and fit the
amplifier using insulating bushes and
washers as described in the August
2011 or September 2015 article. Screw
this down to the 15mm standoffs you
installed earlier, using shakeproof
washers under the M3 screws.
Next, install the Speaker Protector
Fig.19: a view of the underside of the plate amplifier showing the mains wiring. Be sure to keep these wires short, tie
them up and insulate all exposed mains junctions. When mounting the transformer, make sure it isn’t too close to the
corner or it could interfere with the IEC mains wiring; this configuration should be used rather than what is shown in
the photos on the prototype as it keeps all the mains connections away from the lower-voltage side.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Photo 15: this
is how the
amplifier side
of the module
looks after
and wiring is
on its standoffs. Make sure you have
connected a 200mm length of lightduty wire to the power input of the
Speaker Protector, as this connector
will be hard to get to later on.
Remember to wire the 270W 10W
resistor in series with the power input
for the Speaker Protector. This reduces
power dissipation in the regulator
heatsink on the protector. This is not
strictly necessary if you have a single
relay installed, provided you use an
Altronics H0655 heatsink on the protector, but it doesn’t hurt either.
With everything mounted, most of
the remaining work is wiring it up, as
shown in Fig.19 (mains wiring), Fig.20
(low-voltage supply wiring) and Fig.21
(amplifier module wiring).
Use 7.5A mains-rated cable for all
power wiring and insulate all mains
connections to prevent accidental contact with high voltages.
Note that the final design is slightly
different than what’s shown in the
photos; instead of using a separate
fuse-holder, we’re using an IEC input
socket with an integral fuseholder and
the toggle power switch is replaced by
a rocker switch. That simplifies the
wiring and also keeps all the mains
parts away from the low-voltage side.
So follow the diagrams in that respect,
not the photos.
You can use the following steps to
guide you through the wiring.
1 - Install the Earth lug and connect the green/yellow striped Earth
wire from a solder lug to the IEC plug
mains Earth [we prefer using crimp
eye terminals as, if crimped properly,
they are more robust than solder joints
Fig.20: while similar to Fig.19, this diagram only shows the lower-voltage (~114V DC, so not that low) wiring for the
power supply. It’s best to follow this diagram exactly to avoid the possibility of ripple injection in the DC supply to the
amplifier module.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 67
Fig.21: the wiring to the amplifier module, mounted on the opposite side of the
bracket to the power supply.
– Editor]. You can and should locate
the Earth lug right near the IEC socket;
we’ve only shown it further away to
avoid clutter in the diagram.
The Earth screw must connect the
Earth lug to the chassis and nothing
else. Make sure there is no paint or
other layer stopping the Earth lug from
making good contact with the chassis;
if there is, scrape it away in that area.
Connect the second solder lug to a
10nF capacitor and a short green wire
from the capacitor to 0V on the capacitor bank.
2 - Cut the transformer secondary
wires to appropriate lengths to reach
the bridge rectifier AC inputs. Crimp
and plug or solder these to the bridge
3 - Using heavy-duty red and white
wire, connect the bridge’s positive and
negative outputs to the capacitor bank.
Optionally, use crimp connectors for
the bridge.
4 - Covered the exposed metal strip
on the IEC socket with neutral-cure
silicone sealant.
5 - Using brown mains-rated wire,
solder the Active wire to the mains
socket, and from there to one pole of
the switch, then back to the terminal
block. Make similar connections for
Neutral using blue mains-rated wire.
Use heatshrink tubing to cover all
Photo 16: I used a staple gun to
attach a double layer of poly
wadding I bought at Lincraft.
This is required to dampen rear
emissions from the driver and
reduce resonances.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
exposed junctions. Twist these wires
together and use cable ties to secure
them, so that nothing can get loose
should a connection fail.
We do not suggest using spade lugs
to connect to the mains socket (except
possibly for the Earth) because space
is relatively tight due to the proximity
of the transformer. Ideally, the wires
should be soldered so they extend
upwards and over the transformer
body to go to the switch. You shouldn’t
need to bend the IEC socket lugs to get
extra clearance but it could be done if
You could use crimp spade lugs to
connect to the switch since it sits just
above the transformer.
6 - Connect the transformer primary winding to the switched mains
on the terminal strip. Again, tie wrap
these securely. If the transformer has
two primaries, join the two windings
in series via another terminal on the
terminal strip (ideally, between the
terminals used for the other primary
7 - Now wire up the capacitors
using heavy-duty red and black wire.
Join all the capacitor grounds together
using heavy-duty green wire, and connect them to the transformer centre
tap wires.
8 - Next, take 400mm lengths
of red, black and green heavy-duty
wire and twist them together gently. Connect this to the +57V, -57V
and ground terminals of the capacitor bank, respectively. Route this to
the power amplifier power input and
trim to length.
9 - Use neutral-cure silicone sealant to stick pieces of plastic sleeving
over the exposed ±57V connections
on the capacitors at this point. This
will save you from a potential (no pun
intended) 114V DC shock if you slip
and come across them.
10 - Connect the +57V rail from the
amplifier to the 270W resistor if you
need this, and from the other end of
the resistor to the positive input of the
Speaker Protector. This can be done
using light-duty wire.
11 - Connect the amplifier ground to
the GND input of the speaker protector.
12 - Connect the amplifier output to
the “AMP” input on the speaker protector. The SPKR terminal goes to the
positive side of the driver.
13 - The amplifier ground output
goes to the negative on the driver.
Final assembly
Fig.22: this is how the rear of the plate amplifier will look when you’ve finished.
Assembly of the Active Subwoofer
is very simple as all the work is in
the enclosure and amplifier module.
Install thick ply wadding on the sides,
top and bottom of the enclosure as
shown in Photo 16. Do not block the
port as, when working hard, a lot of
air is moving through it.
Connect the amplifier’s output to
the driver using heavy-duty speaker
wire, being careful to connect the “+”
output of the amplifier to the red terminal of the driver. Then install the
amplifier module after sticking foam
sealing tape around the edge of the
hole in the cabinet. Attach the module with eight 16mm screws. Fig.22
and Photo 17 show how it should look
when installed in the cabinet.
Finally, install the driver with foam
tape around the hole using eight 16mm
I stuck large felt feet on our active
Subwoofer to protect our floor. This
thing is not a lightweight piece of kit!
Give your new Subwoofer a light
workout to verify that everything is
working as expected before you move
onto the earth-shaking bass! If you’re
using the Sub with the active monitor speakers, see the instructions for
adjusting the subwoofer level to match
the active monitors at the end of the
article on building them.
Photo 17: A rear view of the finished Sub, slightly different from the final version.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 69
ams OSRAM LED devices for automotive exterior lighting
Mouser Electronics is now stocking
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The OSLON Black Flat X LED series
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The 4-chip version (KW4 HPL631.
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The 5-chip version (KW5 HQL631.
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device in the OSLON series, delivering exceptional performance in automotive exterior applications, including halogen replacement. The high-
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To learn more about the ams
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The results from element14’s Women in Engineering survey
element14 launched the second
annual Global Women in Engineering
survey in June 2022 to help shed light
on women’s experiences, career paths,
wider challenges and opportunities in
the engineering/electronics industry.
The global survey is designed to gain
direct insight from all members of the
industry to understand current barriers to achieving equality and how to
diminish discriminatory practices in
the workforce. Key insights from the
survey included:
• 70% of survey respondents said
they would intervene when seeing
discrimination. However, the seniority of the person exhibiting discriminating behaviour was cited as the biggest obstacle to intervention. A small
percentage believed they would not
intervene because it is part of their
company’s culture.
• Women expressed the belief that
they were perceived to be less technically capable than men, but this view
was not supported by male respondents.
• Men cited that woman “missing
out on career development opportunities” was an issue.
• 25% of survey respondents said
they have never experienced sexism
in the industry.
• Other discrimination challenges
cited some women as obstructing other
Silicon Chip
women in their career progression,
although the barrier was not as great as
that presented by men. Self-promotion
by women was highlighted as a key
issue in this year’s survey.
• Genders think similarly about
how to address work/life balance.
With regards to pay 12% of men are
less likely to say they have seen pay
differentials, compared to over 40%
of female respondents.
• Views were similar on the enforcement of policies. However, there was
an overall decrease in enthusiasm for
inclusion and diversity initiatives.
• More than half of the respondents
said providing mentorship and development opportunities to women was
important. More than 75% of women
felt mentorship helped them in their
element14’s eight-week global survey was open to everyone working in
the electronics/engineering industry.
75% of this year’s survey respondents
were from Europe and North America. There was an even distribution of
ages, particularly from 25 to 54 years
old (at 74%), and 57% of respondents
had more than 10 years of experience.
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The DSC1500 family of MEMS
Australia's electronics magazine
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Using Electronic Modules with Jim Rowe
Heart Rate
Sensor Module
This Jaycar XC3784 kit features an Analog Devices AD8232 heart rate
monitor front-end IC which forms the ‘heart’ of this module. It provides a
low-cost way to monitor the operation of the heart via an Arduino MCU or
similar. It comes complete with a matching three-electrode lead; a pack
of additional electrode pads is also available.
lectrocardiograms (ECG)
are medical tools for measuring
and recording the tiny voltages produced on the skin due to heart muscle activity. By attaching two, three or
more electrodes or ‘leads’ to the skin
of your wrists, ankle or chest, a professional ECG costing upwards of $5000
can record ECG waveforms to allow a
GP or cardiac specialist to check your
heart’s health.
In the October 2015 issue of Silicon
Chip, we described an Arduino-based
project which allowed you to do all
of this using a Windows-based laptop
PC ( The
project was not intended for use in
medical diagnosis, but simply for use
in exploring the way your body works.
It can be fun, as well as educational.
You can monitor changes to your
heart under various conditions, as it
is affected by many things, including
emotions, mental and physical activity
– even breathing. All of these things
can have a demonstrable effect on the
heart’s ECG waveform. Being able to
show this easily, safely and at a low
cost is a bonus.
To adapt an Arduino Uno module
for sampling the low-level signals
picked up by ECG electrodes, in 2015,
I designed a small ‘front-end shield’
that plugged into the Arduino. It provided a high-gain (1000/2000 times)
differential amplifier plus a three-pole
low pass filter to reduce the sampler’s
susceptibility to 50Hz hum.
The Duinotech XC3784 kit comes with
everything shown. While it’s called a kit,
the module is already assembled.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The heart rate sensor module we’re
discussing in this article is basically a
much-improved version of the frontend shield in our project, compressed
into a single 4mm-square 20-lead SMD
chip: the Analog Devices AD8232.
This is a very impressive device, as
you’ll soon see.
This comes on the Duinotech module from Jaycar (Cat XC3784), which
combines the AD8232-based module
with a colour-coded three-electrode
cable and a set of matching adhesive
sensor electrode pads. Jaycar currently
has this kit for $27.95, with 12 additional electrode pads (Cat XC3785)
sold separately for $8.95.
Inside the AD8232
Analog Devices describe the AD8232
as a “Heart Rate Monitor Front End”,
or an “integrated signal conditioning
block for ECG and other biopotential
measurement applications”.
A simplified version of the circuitry
inside the AD8232 is shown in Fig.1.
As you can see, it includes an instrumentation amplifier (InstA) to process the incoming low-level ECG signals plus three further op amps: A1,
A2 and A3.
A1 provides low-pass and high-pass
filtering plus additional gain. A3 is
used to buffer the half-supply reference voltage, ensuring that the main
amplifier InstA can handle the full
signal swing.
A2 is used to drive the right-leg
electrode lead (RLD) with an inverted
Fig.1: a simplified
block diagram of
the AD8232 IC. It’s
described as a singlelead ECG front-end
and implements
various low- and
high-pass filters using
internal op amps.
version of any common-mode signal
present in the inputs to the instrumentation amplifier, InstA. This improves
the common-mode rejection of the
system, giving a significantly cleaner
reproduction of the ECG signal.
There are also two comparators, C1
and C2, used to provide ‘lead-off’ signals if either of the main electrodes is
not in good contact with the skin of
the wrists or arms.
The result of this complexity inside
the AD8232 chip is that when its
inputs are connected to electrodes
attached to the skin of a human body,
and it’s provided with suitable support
circuitry, it gives a clean analog ECG
output signal.
The module circuit
Fig.2 shows the full circuit of the
AD8232-based module. There’s very
little in it apart from the AD8232 chip
and a handful of passive components.
It all fits on a small PCB measuring 30
× 35mm, including the mini 3.5mm
TRS jack socket used to connect the
three-electrode lead.
Connectors CON1 and CON2 provide alternative connections for the
input electrodes, with CON2 being
the 3.5mm input jack and CON1 being
just a set of three holes in the PCB to
receive a 3-pin SIL header. CON3 is a
6-pin SIL header that provides all the
power and output connections.
As the labels suggest, pins 1 and 2 of
CON3 are used for ground and +3.3V
power, respectively; pin 3 is the ECG
signal output, while pins 4 and 5 provide the ‘lead-off’ error signals.
Pin 6 of CON3 is a logic input that
allows the AD8232 to be placed in shutdown (standby) mode to save power
when ECG readings are not needed.
It is normally pulled high by a 10kΩ
resistor, so all that is required to place
it in standby mode is to pull it low.
The rated current drain of the
AD8232 chip is less than 250μA in
operating mode, dropping to less than
500nA (0.5μA) in shutdown/standby
mode. So it is suitable for battery-
powered portable use.
As well as being taken to pin 3 of
CON3, the ECG output from pin 10 of
IC1 also connects to LED1 via a 1kΩ
series resistor. This allows the LED to
be used to monitor the heartbeat visually. But if this is not required, the
LED can be disabled simply by cutting the PCB track between the two
pads of LK1.
LED1 is on the module PCB at upper
left, in the centre of the printed ‘heart’
symbol. LK1 is visible just to the left of
Fig.2: the full circuit of the heart rate monitor module. Apart from IC1 and LED1 the circuit consists of a small number of
passive components. The module also features alternative input connectors (CON1 & CON2) for the electrodes.
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February 2023 73
the ‘heart’, above the connections for
CON3. The latter is fitted underneath
the PCB, ready to connect to a breadboard or another PCB.
Electrode placement
Fig.3 shows two of the suggested
placements of the three electrodes
with this kind of ECG sensor.
On the left, the RA (right arm) electrode is positioned near the right wrist,
the LA (left arm) electrode near the
left wrist and the RL (right leg) driving electrode is above the right knee.
However, another suitable position is
just above the right ankle.
On the right is another way of
achieving much the same result. Here
the RA and LA electrodes are placed
just above the armpit on each side,
while the RL electrode is placed on
the abdomen just below the rib cage.
Although it’s shown to the right, it
can be placed in the centre, just above
the navel.
Connecting it to an Arduino
Fig.3: the typical electrode placements on the human body. Note the
orientation of the person is such that their face is facing upward.
It’s pretty easy to connect the
AD8232 Heart Monitor module to an
Arduino like the standard Uno or one
of the many compatibles, as shown
in Fig.4. The GND and +3.3V pins
on CON3 connect to the corresponding pins on the Uno, as shown by the
grey and red wires, while the OUTPUT
pin connects to the A0 pin of the Uno
(blue wire).
If you want to try using the LO- and
LO+ pins, these can be connected to
the Uno’s IO11 and IO10 pins (green
and purple wires). And if you envisage wanting to make use of the SDN
pin (pin 6) to save power, this can be
connected to the Uno’s D8 pin (not
shown in Fig.4).
It’s also relatively easy to connect
the module to an Arduino Nano, as
shown in Fig.5. Note that the connections shown in both Fig.4 and Fig.5 are
those expected by the sketches I found
to put the module to use. Other configurations are possible as long as the
software is adapted to match.
Firmware and software
Fig.4 (above): the connection diagram for the heart rate
monitor module to an Arduino Uno or similar.
Fig.5: the connection diagram to an Arduino Nano.
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I couldn’t find sketches or PC software on the Jaycar website for use with
this module, but after searching the
internet, I found references on Sparkfun’s website to a simple sketch called
“Heart_Rate_Display.ino”, available to
download from:
This sketch was written by Casey
Kuhns at SparkFun Electronics and
seems to have been written originally
for the Mini Arduino Pro. It simply
sends numeric samples of the ECG
signal back to the PC, where they can
be displayed as a listing in the Arduino IDE’s Serial Monitor.
If you have a recent IDE version
(v1.6.6 or later), you can display them
as a waveform using the Serial Plotter
tool instead.
To try out the module and kit with
an Arduino Uno, I adapted the Kuhns/
SparkFun sketch to make it work with
the Uno. The adapted sketch is called
and is available for download from
the Silicon Chip website.
Trying it out
I connected the Jaycar XC3784 module up to an Arduino Uno, as shown
in Fig.4, then connected the Uno to a
PC via a USB cable. After that, I started
the Arduino IDE (v1.8.19), opened the
sketch, verified and compiled it.
After that, I connected the plug on
the end of the electrode cable into the
3.5mm jack on the module and fitted
the red electrode to my right wrist, the
green electrode to my left wrist, and
the yellow electrode to my right leg
just behind the knee.
The next step was to upload the
compiled sketch to the Arduino, after
which it began running, with the little
‘heartbeat’ LED on the module blinking away cheerfully. When I opened
the IDE’s Serial Monitor tool, I was
greeted by a scrolling list of numeric
samples of my ECG waveform.
Of course, it is not easy to deduce
much from a scrolling list of numbers,
so I closed the Serial Monitor tool
and opened up the Serial Plotter tool
instead. This gave a waveform that
was a lot easier to interpret, although
there was a fair bit of noise present.
So I tried moving the electrode positions a few times and kept checking
the result.
The plot shown in Fig.6 is about the
best I could get, and as you can see,
there’s still a fair bit of noise between
the main QRS spikes, almost obscuring the smaller P and T bumps.
Your heart & its electrical activity
Most people know that your heart is basically a pump that pushes your blood
around your body via its blood vessel ‘plumbing’ – the arteries and veins.
The typical human adult heart is about the size of a clenched fist and weighs
about 300g. It’s located near the centre of your chest and pumps about once
per second.
The pumping action is triggered mainly by a nerve centre inside the heart,
called the sino-atrial or SA node. Each pumping cycle is initiated by a nerve
impulse that starts at the SA node and spreads downwards through the heart
via preset pathways.
The heart comprises millions of bundles of microscopic muscle cells, which
contract when triggered. The muscle cells are electrically polarised, like tiny
electrolytic capacitors (positive outside, negative inside). As the trigger pulse
from the SA node passes through them, they depolarise briefly and contract.
So with each beat of the heart, a ‘wave’ of depolarisation sweeps from the
top of the heart to the bottom. Weak voltages produced by this wave appear
on the outside surface of your skin, and can be picked up using electrodes
strapped to your wrists, ankles and the front of your chest. It’s these voltages
(about 1mV peak-to-peak) that are captured and recorded as an electrocardiogram or ‘ECG’.
The actual shape and amplitude of the ECG waveform depend upon the individual being examined and the positioning of the electrodes, but the general
shape is shown in the adjacent graph.
The initial ‘P’ wave is due to the heart’s atria (upper input chambers) depolarising, while the relatively larger and narrower ‘QRS complex’ section is
due to the much stronger ventricles
(lower output chambers) depolarising. Finally, the ‘T’ wave is due to the
repolarisation of the ventricles, ready
for another cycle.
Doctors can evaluate several heart
problems by measuring the timing of
these wave components and their relative heights. They can also diagnose
problems by seeing how wave components change with the various standard electrode and lead connections.
Although I think some of this noise
could be removed by further experimenting with electrode placement,
I also gained the impression that
some of it was being picked up by the
AD8232 module itself and the wiring
between it and the Arduino.
I suspect that, for the best results,
it would be a good idea to place the
module and the Arduino inside an
Earthed metal box.
So the AD8232 module and accompanying electrode kit provide an easy
way to check your heart rate. If you get
one, I suggest you also get one of the
packs of extra electrode pads (Jaycar
Cat XC3785), since the pads are only
suitable for a single use.
Fig.6: a heart rate plot taken using the sample software and the Arduino IDE’s
built-in Serial Plotter.
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February 2023 75
Part Two by Dr Hugo Holden
Play your own game of
This clever game is built using just discrete logic ICs and an EPROM or
EEPROM chip that contains the gameplay data. The first article last
month described how the design evolved and how the circuitry works.
In this article, we’ll investigate how the gameplay data was generated
and then explain how to build it.
he circuit relies on a ‘database’ of
moves based on the present state
of the playing board and which player
started first. Having that information,
it performs a ‘look up’ of the EEPROM
data to get a number. That number
tells the game on which tile to make
its next move.
So we need the correct data in the
EEPROM chip for the machine to play
the game correctly and always win or
draw, depending on the skill of the
human player. How do we go about
generating that data?
Gameplay decisions
Two of my early questions were how
many machine responses are required
for a game where the human starts first
and where the machine starts first. I
began by examining the human (X)
starting case, ignoring board symmetry and mirror and rotational images.
The game has nine different starting possibilities. Let’s say X starts in
square 1. Then O has eight remaining
squares to choose from. We could limit
the response here to taking the central
square if X had not taken it initially or,
Silicon Chip
for the case where X takes the centre
square initially, O can take the same
initial corner square.
The game sequence then depends
very much on X’s second move. O’s
first response could be called a ‘general
start’ because it can be stereotyped as
one of two possible squares.
After that, we can sort the game
sequence into groups of solutions
of the form X1,2 and X1,3 through
to X1,9, where the first number represents X’s initial move location, and
the second number represents X’s
second move after the machine’s first
In the example above, if X’s first
move is square 1 (a corner square),
there is no game sequence of X1,5
because O’s first response is to take
the centre square, so it is no longer an
option for X.
After O’s initial response, seven
squares remain as a choice for X. This
means that for each game start-up
sequence, seven board patterns occur
initially. At this point, it is O’s turn
to choose next. Analysis at this point
shows that to complete the game, nine
Australia's electronics magazine
responses are required for each of the
initial seven board patterns, to allow
for all of the mistakes X could make
choosing a square.
The nine starting states and seven
early board patterns require 63 charts
(9 × 7). Each of these 63 charts contains nine data points (or machine
responses) to continue the game. The
number of responses required by the
machine could theoretically be in the
order of 569 initial responses in total
(9 × 63 + 2).
However, once the game has begun,
duplicate patterns of Xs and Os appear
via different starting sequences. They
occur early in the game where two
Xs and the one O end up in the same
locations; then, the entire group of 9
responses are duplicated. Later in the
game, board pattern duplications also
occur for the final moves.
The required number of computer
responses after duplications were
deleted for the ‘X starts first’ case turns
out to be 285.
An example chart is shown in Fig.7,
one of 63 supportive charts in the ‘X
starts first’ case. I made these by hand
Fig.7: one of the many charts I
created to calculate the data to load
into the EEPROM. They consider
every possible move and countermove, and determine which moves
are required for the machine to
always win or at least draw.
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February 2023 77
to examine every possible human
move and select appropriate machine
The numbers in cyan are the decimal address generated by the game
board pattern of X and O playing
pieces on the board. I converted these
decimal numbers into hexadecimal
numbers to program the EEPROM.
The numbers in red are the byte values programmed into the EEPROM at
those address locations.
When the human X starts first, the
second player, whether machine or
human playing O, is ‘pushed around’
by the playing strategy of X. Many
of the responses in this case by the
machine O are to prevent being beaten
by blocking a winning human move.
As mentioned earlier, the starting
player has a significant advantage.
Consider the human X starting at
position 7 (in the chart example above)
and making their second move onto
square 4. The chart (the upper one and
its pathway) is labelled X7,4. Although
the human could make their next move
differently, onto positions 1, 2, 3, 6, 8
or 9, these are all accounted for in the
other X7 charts.
X’s initial move generates the
decimal address 64. It is then O’s turn,
so the computer activates, and it takes
the central square. Then X plays square
4 as its second move (in this example
of the sequence X7,4). This generates
the address 8264 decimal and the
machine, in response, takes square 1
because “01” is programmed at that
address in the EEPROM.
Ignoring the general start moves,
there are nine responses from the
sequence X7,4, as there are for the
sequence X7,1.
As can be seen from the charts, there
are many opportunities for the human
X player to make a mistake where the
machine wins, and only one pathway to a draw with the machine. If
the human does make a mistake, the
machine takes the appropriate square
to win.
Therefore, most of the data points
allow for the many variations of mistakes that the human player can make,
so that the machine (which never
makes an error) can take advantage
of them.
In the ‘X starts first case’, there
were 28 duplicate charts out of 63,
saving 252 responses and leaving just
285. I found that duplications could
be increased by settling on a similar
gameplay style.
Similar data duplications appear
later in gameplay for the final
responses inside the chart, which
match the results in other charts. This
further reduces the required number
of machine responses. This occurs
because game board patterns converge
on the same result via different initial
playing sequences.
Machine starts first
When the machine (O) starts first,
more charts (72) are required with
many more unique machine responses.
The number of responses is a little affected by the playing strategy.
By starting first, the machine has the
advantage and can largely dictate the
course of the game, even setting traps
where if X makes a poor initial move,
they can quickly be in a situation with
no way to avoid losing.
The game here has been optimised
to catch the human out at every opportunity when they make a mistake.
Every possible error by the X player
has been analysed and responded to.
The best the human player can hope
for is a draw.
Despite that, the same basic principle and strategies apply. It’s just that
there are more possibilities, mainly
because the machine player chooses a
random initial move. There are not as
many whole chart duplicates as in the
‘X starts first’; roughly half the number at 15 duplicates. Still, this saves
over 100 required machine responses.
The total number of machine
responses for ‘O starts first’ with my
chosen game strategy turned out to be
560, nearly twice the number for ‘X
starts first’ (285).
Therefore, the total number of
unique programmed responses
required to ensure both scenarios are
supported is 845 with the gameplay
strategy used in this design.
Case design
The two
stacked PCBs are
somewhat visible through the
‘smoked’ translucent acrylic base.
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Noughts & crosses is such an ancient
game and I could imagine people
playing it hundreds of years ago with
wooden blocks with Xs and Os on
them. It’s also commonly played with
pen & paper. The problem with board
games that use player pieces is that
the pieces tend to get lost over time.
I decided I wanted a compact game
with a quality look, like an elegant
product from the 1920s or 1930s, made
Fitting the LEDs
Getting the LED positions correct is critical.
This can be done by
feeding the LEDs into
their holes and using
tape so that they don’t
fall out, then temporarily attaching the game
board to the top panel.
With a game piece
or disc in each recess,
push the LEDs up so
they touch the disc
then solder their leads.
This ensures that the
LED lenses will not prevent the game pieces
being placed in their
recesses properly.
Fig.8: the top side of the
game board carries just
the 36 blue LEDs and 10
Hall Effect sensors. What
is not shown here is that
the sensors are spaced
about 3.2mm above the top
surface of the PCB. I glued
phenolic spacers under
the TO-92 packages to
achieve that, but there are
other methods.
to last. Popular materials then were
plastics such as Bakelite. These sorts
of materials are harder to get nowadays, so I decided to build it from
10mm-thick gloss black acrylic panels with white paint-filled engraved
I decided on the hinged lid so that
the player pieces could be stored
inside the game, to reduce the chances
of them getting lost.
As noted previously, I wanted the
game to work without power for two
human players. Like some video
games, you can choose to play a friend,
or the machine if you are on your own.
10mm-thick acrylic has one advantage in that it is relatively easy to tap
a coarse thread into it. A good-sized
screw for this application is 4-40 UNC.
So I tapped long threads, approximately 15mm, into the frame to secure
the top & bottom panels. For the initial machine, I used a lightly-tinted
6mm thick see-through bottom panel,
so the internal electronics are visible
to the observer.
The unit can easily be made from
any colour combination of 10mm-thick
acrylic panels. It could also be made
from several other plastic types with
variations such as mother of pearl or
tortoiseshell patterning.
A local plastics company (Sunquest
Industries) routed and engraved the
acrylic panels for me and added pilot
holes. I enlarged and tapped all the
required holes with the 4-40 UNC
To fit the hinge to the lid, I machined
Australia's electronics magazine
some 10mm-long, 4mm diameter brass
inserts with M2-tapped holes. This is
because small-diameter, fine thread
pitch screws do not do very well
directly into acrylic. You could use
pre-made threaded inserts designed
for plastic for this task.
I drew the PCB designs as images
and sent the resulting JPG files to
Storm Circuit Technology based in
Shenzhen, China. There, Mr Kim
Chan converted my images to Gerber
files and produced quality PCBs at
short notice. I found their service to
be excellent.
PCB assembly
Start by building the two PCBs. The
138 × 166mm game board is coded
08111221, and its overlay diagram is
February 2023 79
Fig.9: the resistors,
capacitor, ICs, socket
strip and wire links are
fitted on the underside
of the game board. There
are five wire links;
they can be made using
tinned copper wire or
component lead off-cuts
(if they are long enough)
as there is nothing
conductive underneath,
assuming your board has
a solder mask. You might
need to change the 1kW
resistor value if you aren’t
using the A1 version of
the Hall Effect sensors.
shown in Figs.8 & 9, while the 138
× 124mm compute board is coded
08111222 and is shown in Fig.10.
It’s best to start by fitting the components on the underside of the game
board, installing the lowest-profile
components first (the five wire links
and 39 resistors), then the ICs, then
the rest.
The ICs are all the same type but
make sure they are orientated correctly. Nothing else on this side is
Remember to change the 1kW resistor to 510W if you are using the less
sensitive (A2) Hall Effect sensors.
Now flip it over and solder the 36
blue LEDs with the cathodes (flattened
sides in the lenses) facing as shown
in Fig.8.
The only difference between an EPROM and an EEPROM is just how the contents are erased; an EPROM uses UV light through a window on the top of the
chip, while an EEPROM is erased by the application of a specific set of electrical signals (“electrically erased”, hence the EE in EEPROM).
The data is programmed into both chip types by electric signals, similar to
flash memory, a later technology.
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Next, install the Hall Effect sensors
with their flat faces away from the
PCB and their rounded sides against
its surface, bent over as shown. I glued
3.2mm (1/8in) tall phenolic spacers
under the bodies of the Hall devices
to make sure that they sat at the right
height, but they are not definitely
required. You could just bend the leads
to achieve a 3.2mm gap between the
devices and the PCB surface.
Assembly of the compute board is
straightforward. Start by fitting all the
small 1N4148 diodes with the cathode
stripes facing as shown in Fig.10, then
the resistors, then the larger 1N5819
diode, D1.
The next job is to solder all the ICs.
You’ll probably want to socket IC1 in
Some of the critical items in
the parts list can be found
on eBay, for example:
Hinge screws:
UNC 4-40 screws for case:
150mm-long hinge:
Fig.10: be careful with the
orientations of the diodes
and ICs when assembling
this board as they vary.
Also keep in mind that
there are different ICs in
very similar packages.
Once it’s up and running,
if something goes wrong,
you can probe the test pin
points at lower left to get a
clue about what it’s doing.
They correspond to the
case it ever needs to be reprogrammed
or replaced, but the others don’t need
sockets. Take care installing them
because there are several different
types with the same number of pins,
and the orientations vary, with pin 1
being at the top in some cases, and at
the bottom in others.
Next, bend the leads of REG1 to fit
the PCB pads, attach it using a short
machine screw and nut, then solder
and trim the leads. Follow with header
CON2, Mosfet Q1, then the capacitors
(all of which are non-polarised) and
finally, the piezo buzzer.
You can now solder the positive supply wire from your battery or DC socket
to the +9V pad next to REG1 via the
power switch. Connect the negative
supply lead to the pad marked GND.
Ensure the supply wiring polarity is
correct as there is no reverse protection on the board.
The boards can then be plugged
together and power applied temporarily to test their function. You can
do this by waving the weak magnets
over the Hall Effect sensors (especially
HS10) with both polarities and checking that the LEDs respond as expected.
If it doesn’t work, switch off the
power and check for faults like bad
solder joints or incorrectly fitted components. If it does, join the two boards
using four tapped spacers and eight
short machine screws using the predrilled mounting holes.
Making the case panels
The case is assembled from
machined acrylic (MPPA) panels,
mainly 10mm-thick black acrylic with
some 6mm thick translucent acrylic
(the underside panel only). The first
step is to prepare these panels.
Realistically, you need a CNC mill
to make these panels. As I don’t have
one, I contacted a local sign-maker,
Sunquest Industries. I have used them
for some tricky jobs in the past (www. They did a great job
making the pieces for me and could
likely repeat the job for anyone who
wants to build an identical case.
Early Noughts & Crosses playing machines
This design was inspired by Dick Smith’s challenge in the October 2021 issue
(page 13) to design an innovative Noughts & Crosses playing machine. His
challenge was based on his creation of a similar electromechanical machine
when he was 14 years old (in 1958) that apparently was unbeatable.
That was possibly inspired by a machine called “Relay Moe”. Its design was
published in the December 1956 issue of Radio-Electronics magazine (also
mentioned in Life magazine, March 19, 1956). “Moe” had four playing strategies, but none of them completely precluded the human from beating it.
According to the article in Radio-Electronics on Moe, Bell Labs built a similar machine at an earlier date, but that’s all the information they provide on
that subject.
Another one we found reference to was built by RCA in 1955, the ASTRC-1
– see
Interestingly, both machines depended on timing systems, unlike my design
presented here.
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February 2023 81
Fig.11: the top panel of the case is somewhat tricky to machine as you need to accurately cut ten recesses in both the top
and bottom surfaces, with the underside recesses having smaller recesses within them. Don’t drill too far, or you might
break through! You need an end mill for this job, ideally on a CNC mill; a regular drill bit won’t do.
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The most complex panel is the top
one, with ten recesses for the player
pieces. There are also numerous holes
in these recesses for the LEDs to shine
through, and recesses on its bottom
surface for the Hall Effect devices and
the LEDs. Fig.11 shows the drilling
details for this panel except for the
LED and mounting holes, which have
been left off for clarity.
Fig.11 also shows the labels on
the top panel, which were made by
engraving the panel and then filling
the recesses with white paint. However, you could attach adhesive labels
if you prefer.
Fig.12 shows the locations of the
LEDs and mounting holes in this
panel. Note that some are drilled
through while others are drilled partway and tapped. it’s best to use the
game board as a template to mark the
mounting hole positions to ensure they
are accurate.
Once you’ve prepared that panel,
which is a large portion of the work,
move onto the lid, shown in Figs.13
& 14. It has recesses on its underside
to allow the pieces to remain on the
player board with the lid closed, and
optional labelling on the top side. The
top edges of the lid were chamfered in
my version, which is nice to do but not
absolutely required.
The details of the side and bottom
panels are shown in Figs.15 & 16. The
side panels need to be cut to size from
10mm-thick acrylic and one recess
made, for either a DC socket or power
switch if using a battery. The translucent bottom panel needs ten holes
drilled for the screws that hold the
case together.
Once you’ve drilled all the holes in
the top and bottom panels, countersink the ten 3mm holes in each panel
and check that the CSK UNC machine
screws can be inserted flush with both
The tapped holes for attaching the
hinges and latches that hold the lid
closed are not shown in those figures.
That’s because they are best marked
and drilled after the case has been
assembled, to ensure they are placed
accurately. Similarly, the holes in
the side panels for the screws that go
into the top and bottom panels are not
shown as they are made using the top
and bottom panels as templates.
Making the game pieces
The game pieces are made from
Fig.12: here are
the locations of the
holes to drill right
through or tap
in the top panel,
which weren’t
shown in Fig.11.
There are 36 holes
for the LEDs, 10
for the screws
that hold the case
together and nine
to partially drill
and then tap on
the underside.
The complete case without its lid. Note
the LED lenses poking through the four holes in each
20mm diameter recess, and the recessed power socket at the front.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 83
Figs.13 & 14: the lid is a bit simpler to make than the top panel. It just has some artwork on the top and ten circular
recesses on the underside, so the game pieces are held inside when the lid is closed.
20mm diameter, 10mm thick pieces of
black acrylic with Os and Xs engraved
in the top surface and filled with paint.
They could be laser-cut or milled
from a sheet of 10mm-thick acrylic.
It might be possible to make them by
hand (eg, using a 20mm hole saw), but
that would probably be quite difficult.
Once they have been made, drill
a recess into the back of each piece
deep enough to hold the weak magnets. Glue the magnets in with epoxy,
ensuring they are orientated correctly
– they need to be reversed on the X
pieces compared to the O pieces.
To determine the correct orientation, power the unit up and hold
a magnet over HS10. If one set of
four LEDs lights up, that is the orientation for an X piece; with the
X piece held above the magnet,
slide the magnet into the recess.
If no LEDs light, it is the orientation for an O piece.
When you glue the magnets
into the pieces, ensure the
epoxy surface sits level with
the rear of the piece. If it protrudes, the pieces will not fit
fully into the recesses, and
the lid won’t be able to close.
Assembling the case
Place the side panels
tightly together, place the
top panel on top and mark
the locations of the holes for
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
the ten screws that hold them together.
Drill and tap these holes with 4-40
UNC threads.
The next job is to mount the PCBs
to the rear of the front panel. Screw
4-40 UNC threaded standoffs into the
tapped holes on the rear of the front
panel, through the game board and
some small washers (to act as spacers, giving space for the solder joints
on the game board). These are the sort
used in computers, available from Jaycar stores. These allow the compute
board to be mounted on top of the
game board.
When installing the game board,
ensure that the LEDs all go into their
holes (adjust them if necessary). The
Hall Effect sensors should slot into
their recesses. The standoffs should
give enough clearance between the
PCB and the front panel so that the solder joints don’t interfere with fitment.
You can then attach the four side
panels to the top panel, ensuring they
fit tightly together, then flip the assembly over, place the rear panel over
the opening and mark the ten screw
holes like you did for the front panel.
Figs.15 & 16: the sides of the case are four rectangles of 10mm thick acrylic with one recess for the DC socket or switch.
The bottom panel is a 6mm sheet of translucent acrylic with ten holes drilled through for screws. If you use transparent
or translucent acrylic, you’ll be able to see part of the circuit boards inside. Not shown on the bottom panel are holes for
mounting feet; we recommend you add them, see the photo.
Remove the side panels, then drill and
tap those holes for 4-40 UNC.
Mark positions for mounting holes
for four feet on the base, drill those
holes and attach the feet. Mount the DC
socket or power switch in the recess in
the side panel, then reattach the side
panels to the top panel and wire it up.
If using a battery, mount that inside
the case and wire it up. After checking that it powers up, attach the base.
That just leaves the lid. Place the
ten pieces in the recesses on the top
panel and then lower the lid down on
top. It should fit flush – if it doesn’t,
figure out why and fix it.
Next, hold the hinge centred on the
rear of the case so it sits exactly over
the seam between the lid and top panel
and is centred horizontally. Use tape to
hold it in place if necessary and mark
out the screw holes (masking tape is
best as it doesn’t leave much residue).
If in doubt, see the photo to show how
it should mount.
Similarly, hold the clasps to the
front, equidistant from the edges and
with the holes halfway between the top
and bottom edges of the lid. Mark out
the holes in the lid and the front panel.
Remove the hinge and clasps, drill
the holes to an appropriate depth for
the screws and tap the holes. As mentioned earlier, the screws for the hinge
are probably too small for you to tap
the plastic directly (the screws will
pull out and destroy the threads). So
instead, drill those holes larger and
glue in threaded inserts with epoxy,
with threads to suit the hinge screws.
You can then attach the hinges and
clasps, and the assembly is complete.
This project is an excellent demonstration of how digital logic can be
used to solve a relatively complicated
problem. Of course, it could be done
with a microcontroller or an FPGA,
but this way, you can see exactly how
it works.
Creating the case from scratch is a
considerable amount of work, but I
think readers will agree that the result
is elegant and suits the game well.
The final result is great fun for kids
to play with, or as a conversation piece
for adults.
Australia's electronics magazine
The lid and one of each of the type of
playing pieces.
February 2023 85
Nature abhors a vacuum, and so do I
Dave Thompson
This month finds me revisiting an old nemesis – our Bissell Air Ram
vacuum cleaner. I’m not really an appliance repair guy. I’ve never been
asked to look at someone else’s vacuum cleaner, and would likely turn
down such an opportunity, but I am willing to have a go at repairing my
I’ve repaired the Air Ram vacuum cleaner before. It is
a battery-powered cordless device with all the hard work
done near the floor. This isn’t one of those toy dust busters
you buy someone for a Christmas present; it is a relatively
heavy-duty, full-sized vacuum cleaner.
While ‘dust busters’ typically run from 3.6V (for cheaper
models) to 16V (for more expensive models), and some
might give you 10 minutes of wheezy dust busting, the Air
Ram boasts a blistering 22V lithium-ion battery that lasts
for around 40 minutes before it needs recharging. That is
enough to do our largeish house in one fell swoop, and at
nearly 10 years old, the battery still lasts that long.
This machine has done a tremendous amount of work
over the years. Not only has it served our domestic needs,
but it was also the primary vacuum cleaner I used at our
rental place, so it has essentially done double duty for at
least half its life.
Like all of these types of vacuum cleaners, it has disadvantages – there is no removable flexible hose, for example, so getting spider webs from high corners or scooting
down skirting boards or down the sides of chairs will have
to be done with something else.
Its most significant advantage over traditional ‘hoovers’
is its light weight and manoeuvrability, and the fact that it
takes much less effort to push it around. The dust collector and motor assembly are
all down in the ‘foot’
of the machine,
so dirt only has
to be ingested a
few centimetres,
rather than being
Silicon Chip
dragged up some long tube to a handle-mounted collection bag (or bin).
Ever the best vacuums fail sometimes
So, a good unit then, and it has done just fine, but as I
mentioned, it failed once before. I wrote about that way
back in May 2017 (, and there
is no need to rehash that whole palaver here except to say
it jammed due to an incense stick getting caught in the turbine mechanism. Fortunately, there is a built-in overload
cut-out in case this happens, so nothing was damaged, but
it was a trial to repair.
This time, the boss was giving the living room floor a
quick vacuum before guests arrived and it just went ‘pfft’
and stopped [ah yes, the dreaded ‘pfft’ – Editor]. The LED
battery display on the front still showed four bars – fully
charged – but the switch did nothing. No magic smoke came
out, but I could detect a faint whiff of that familiar ‘something important has been burnt’ smell. Not a good sign!
At least we have another cleaner that we could use, so it
wasn’t a show-stopping problem, but it was annoying that
something had once again gone wrong with it. I dreaded to
think what that was because there was not a lot in there to
go wrong except the motor or (and this is a long shot) the
switch. Either way, it would need to come apart.
All I really remember about the last repair was the faff
involved in taking the thing apart. This is the problem
when having a go at fixing many devices, remembering
how everything worked and went together. This cleaner
was no exception. I knew I’d had a bit of a mission getting
it apart before and couldn’t recall exactly how I’d done it.
I went back and re-read the May 2017 column, and it
all came flooding back. I remembered that I had removed
many screws and other things that weren’t really necessary to gain access to the workings, so it was handy to have
that reference material! It saved me from doing the same
thing all over again.
As far as appliances go, this machine is extremely well
made. I’m not saying it is over-engineered, but – wait a
minute, that’s precisely what I am saying!
The screws holding it together are all Torx-type splined
fasteners, so it is fortunate that I have several bits in my
collection that fit them. Plus, some of these screws are buried deep in cavities and wells, which require more than the
typical 25mm-long bits we usually use. I have a long-reach
bit that came in handy, and because there are a lot of screws
Australia's electronics magazine
compressor and a soft brush to clean the entire motor
assembly, ready to go back in should the repair go well.
I checked the switch itself, a reasonably heavy-duty
microswitch. It is mounted on its own little circuit board,
screwed to the inside of the handle and actuated by a springloaded on/off switch mounted directly above it. Using a
multimeter, I soon ruled the switch out as the problem – it
seemed to be working as expected.
Picking up the problem
in this thing, I used a drill to conserve time and my wrists.
I poked and prodded and swore a bit (only mildly, the
worst word I uttered was ^*<at>#) until I finally got it all apart
and on the bench in its main component pieces.
The turbine assembly spun easily, so nothing was jammed
in it this time. The burnt smell was not apparent now, even
up close to the motor, so I was hopeful the motor hadn’t
died. If it was dead, that was the end of the cleaner, as parts
for this older model are not readily available here.
With the fan assembly out, I had clearer access to the
internals, though the handle and swivel joint were still to
be disassembled – but only if that was required.
A dirty job but someone has to do it
The problem with vacuum cleaners is they are very dusty,
dirty things! The top of my workbench already had piles
of dust and clumps of pet hair all over it, and the interior,
vents and air gaps in the base unit were all choked with
thick dust and hard-packed lint.
So the first thing I did was to blow the whole thing out on
the driveway using my air compressor. Once I had cleaned
it up, I could see what was actually going on.
A microswitch sits up by the handle, and wiring runs
down the inside of the handle assembly, around the battery cavity and to a very small circuit board mounted near
the foot. Another smaller lead runs to the LED assembly at
the lower front of the handle, with two thicker wires running from the circuit board down through the footer hinge
assembly to the motor. There are no other electronics to
speak of other than an overload switch.
The motor assembly includes the motor, fan and lots
of clear plastic ducting holding it all together. Two heavy
contacts are moulded into the plastic housing, and when
the assembly is placed back into the foot unit, power is
applied via mating contacts connected to the battery and
power leads.
I used a bench power supply to carefully apply 20V to
the motor via these contacts, and to my relief, it spun up
quite happily. It certainly is a grunty little motor!
Obviously, the problem was elsewhere. I used my air
My next step was to ring out the wiring – it is embedded
throughout the plastic and cast aluminium handle, emerging right at the flexible joint of the footer unit. It continues,
one wire on each side, pressed into channels in the floor
of the moulded plastic and cast aluminium main housing.
These wires terminate at two prongs pressed onto the
motor’s power terminals when the motor assembly is seated
and screwed into place.
Just before those terminals are two inline inductors with
a snubber diode across the connectors. I replaced this diode
the last time as it had blown, but a meter showed it still to
be intact. However, I soon found a problem trying to ring
out the motor power leads. I could only find continuity in
the positive side of the power circuit – which meant there
must be a break in the negative line somewhere.
Measuring from the battery’s positive terminal to the
positive motor terminal was fine, but going through the
switch, the negative lead was open-circuit. Tracing back
from the motor power terminal, I soon discovered why.
Buried down in the plastic moulding by the flexible metal
foot joint, I spied a break in the wire.
The two power wires come down through the handle,
split to either side and are held by a variety of clamps and
clips before terminating at the motor contacts. At one stress
point, right by the joint, one half of the wire simply pulled
away when probed with my dental pick.
The end showed a bit of burning where the power had
arced, but it appeared to be a simple stress fracture because
of the location, right beside a metal clamp designed to hold
the cable in place. The continual bending of the handle and
the foot unit at the joint had work-hardened the wire, and
it came apart one strand at a time until it couldn’t take the
juice any longer and simply evaporated.
That explained the ‘pfft’ and the slight burning smell
I detected at the time. The lack of power to the motor
explained why the vacuum no longer sucked.
So, I had discovered the problem, but that was not the
end of the job. These cables are embedded well into this
Items Covered This Month
Nature abhors a vacuum
Replacing a Yagi TV antenna
An electric toothbrush repair
Multiple rotary encoder standards
A case of faulty PICs
Dave Thompson runs PC Anytime in Christchurch, NZ.
Email: dave<at>
Cartoonist – Louis Decrevel
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 87
Left: the broken wire, pulled
from between the circular
pivot in front and the curved
clip behind it. The other end
of the broken wire disappears
into the joint.
Right: a clearer view, but this
time of the right-side wire run
(which differs from the leftside). This shows the clips,
routing and a pinch point
similar to where the left-hand
wire broke.
unit, so to replace it, I’d have to strip everything down to
spare parts anyway. There were so many clamps and clips
in the line that it wouldn’t be possible to just pull another
one through with any great ease. Curses!
Now for the hard part
Did I mention that this vacuum was over-engineered?
Some of the clips holding the cable are custom metal
parts, tapped and threaded and form an integral part of
the complicated joint mechanism, so all that had to come
apart, both sides, to split the two assemblies. Then with
that accessible, two screws on the side held the metal wire
retaining clip to the hinge.
With that loose, I could then pull what remained of the
Silicon Chip
wire through to the motor terminal end. After loosening
several other clips going back the other way, I could pull the
old wire through to the switch. What a pain in the posterior!
I made sure to tie a bit of Nylon string to the old wire on
the handle side because threading a new one by itself down
through the assembled and blind-in-places hollow handle
would be an absolute nightmare. With the string, I could
tie on a new piece of wire and simply drag it back down,
easing and pushing it where possible to get it through the
tight spots.
To do this, I stripped the end of the wire and formed the
strands into a kind of low-profile turnbuckle, after which
I soldered it up and that allowed me to tie the string to it
without having a huge knot in the way. There are probably
better ways to do it, but that is how I did it, and the new
wire fed through relatively easily.
Removing the old broken part of the wire at the motor
terminal end was simple; I just desoldered it from the
inline filter and unclipped it back through the footer until
it came free.
I made sure to leave plenty of wire at either end with
the new cable and began by soldering it to the switch PCB
at the handle end. I left a little slack there (there is plenty
of room inside that part of the handle) before beginning
the restraining process just below the battery cavity in the
handle, where the serious clipping starts.
There are several removable clips here that must be loosened to allow the wire to pass through. I had to remove
the wheels and the main joint pivot screws to gain access
to these clips; getting the wheels off is a mission in itself,
as they are mounted on phosphor-bronze bushes retained
with a circlip, which of course pinged off the moment I
applied my circlip pliers to it.
After much blue language and fossicking around the
workshop floor (which I noted needed a vacuum!), I recovered the wayward clip and carried on.
With the clips loosened and the wire threaded through,
I followed all the other plastic retaining channels until
the wiring looked like it had in the photos I took before I
started all this. I couldn’t just make it look like the other
Australia's electronics magazine
side because, true to form, both sides were quite different
in how the cables went through. There were similarities,
but they were not identical.
Plus, when I took the whole thing apart, that pulled some
of the intact wiring away from its channels anyway, and I
had to restore that before refitting the motor assembly on
top of it all. There is literally no room in there to do anything different cable-wise.
After resoldering the new wire to the existing filter and
tightening all the clips and clamps, I was finally ready for
reassembly. First, I refitted the wheels, taking special care
to keep my fingers over the circlips as I popped them into
place – I didn’t want to waste even more time grubbing
around the floor.
With the wheels on, I could reassemble part of the front
roller enclosure, a finicky job requiring three of my two
hands. Then I installed the now-gleaming motor and fan
assembly. However, it didn’t want to go right home, and
after much gnashing of teeth, I realised my new wire was
sitting slightly proud of one of the clips.
Once that was dealt with, the assembly slotted home and
I was able to screw it back into place.
At this point, I had enough structure to hold the battery in place and test the system manually. There was no
point in going further if I hadn’t actually fixed it! Again,
using three hands, I managed to hit the on button and was
rewarded with the mighty roar of the Air Ram (they are
actually pretty noisy for such a small device!).
So, it was going to work. Now it was just the humdrum
mechanics of putting all the other plastic and metal parts
back on.
I oiled and greased where necessary, and soon it was all
ready to go. I blew the filters out with my air compressor,
which I do periodically anyway, and tested the cleaner on
my workshop floor. It worked a treat, and the machine is
back in regular use again. A simple enough repair, but a
complicated machine to work on!
Replacing a 23-element Yagi TV antenna
A. L., of Cecil Park, NSW recently refurbished a TV
antenna on his rural property, which turned out to be a
bit more involved than he initially thought...
About six months ago, I needed to replace a 23-element
Yagi television antenna that was showing the ravages of
time, having been aloft for about 18 years. According to
the television receiver, the signal strength wasn’t too good.
That was understandable given the condition of the end
corner reflector on the antenna array.
I had been delaying the replacement as it needed to be
mounted atop a flagpole about 7 metres tall, bolted to a
substantial concrete plinth. In the days of VHF transmissions, the antenna needed to face NE, toward transmission
towers in North Sydney. Later, it was rotated SE toward
transmission towers servicing Wollongong with a radiated
power of around 50kW.
These days, following the introduction of UHF digital
transmission, we receive transmissions from a Wollondilly
Council RFS site near Picton, which requires the antenna
to face 205° (SSW).
This directional change places the antenna below a hill
and a line of trees. These conditions require a compromise
between optimal transmission directional alignment and
avoiding the large trees waving in the wind.
This phased-array antenna was used as a replacement for
the previous Yagi antenna.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 89
The masthead amplifier in its weatherproof box (left) and
the test apparatus for the antenna (right)
With that in mind, I chose a phased-array antenna
described as “ideal for problem digital reception areas
where you may not have direct line of sight to the transmitter”.
I also decided to replace the old masthead amplifier with
a new one mounted in a waterproof plastic box. I kept the
new amplifier in its original “waterproof” housing and
mounted the whole lot in the sealed plastic box from an
electronic components retailer.
I won’t go into the detail of how I lowered and raised
the 7m flagpole to make the antenna changes but, even
with the help of my wife and several pulleys, wires and a
ride-on mower, it was not easy!
We achieved directional alignment of the new antenna
via a mobile phone conversation with my wife watching
the TV screen and relaying the result to me as I rotated
the flagpole 100 metres away, using my phone’s compass
as a guide.
After six months of decent reception, we started getting
pixellated images, which I wrote off to very windy conditions. However, it became clear that there was something
other than wind causing pixellation and dropout.
My first impulse was to ditch the old indoor signal-
booster amplifier and replace it with another masthead-type
amplifier mounted indoors in a cabinet under the TV, followed by a four-way distribution amplifier servicing TVs
in other parts of the house.
The result was a strong signal level, well over 80dBµV
throughout the house according to my Digitech Signal
Meter, but now there were black screens. An overloaded
TV tuner from excessive amplifier gain will cause that.
Fortunately, the second masthead amplifier being used as
an indoor signal booster amplifier had a wide-range gain
control and backing it off brought the TV picture back.
However, we still had pixellated images and intermittent
black screens.
I was convinced everything relating to amplification and
distribution inside the house was OK, so I started investigating the masthead amplifier power supply in the cabinet under the TV.
Using my multimeter, I measured a nominal 20mA DC
going up to the antenna amplifier atop the flagpole. But
over time, I saw a variation in the masthead amplifier current measured by juggling multimeter probes and bits of
Silicon Chip
wire stuck in F-connectors. I needed a way to monitor the
direct current going to the masthead amplifier and the UHF
signal strength returning to the TV simultaneously.
The test apparatus I came up with is shown opposite. I
mounted F-connectors on three sides of a 115 x 90 x 55mm
plastic box plus one LED on the fourth side. The F-connectors
are screwed to an aluminium bracket/chassis and pass
through the clearance holes in the plastic box.
The two F-connectors on each long side are labelled “DC
& RF”, with one connecting to the antenna amplifier’s DC
power source. The second F-connector goes to the coaxial
cable going to the antenna masthead amplifier.
A DC link is established between the two F-connectors
using the AC inputs of a small bridge rectifier. This allows
the coax cables to the masthead amplifier and its DC power
supply to be connected either way around. The third Fconnector labelled “RF to Meter” is for the RF signal to my
Digitech Signal Meter.
A 10nF ceramic capacitor is connected between the left
“DC & RF” and bottom “RF to Meter” F-connectors, while
the second capacitor connects between the right “DC &
RF” and bottom “RF to Meter” F-connectors. The capacitors provide RF bypassing for the bridge rectifier and a
balanced tap to the signal meter.
Using this, I discovered a variation in the antenna amplifier current and signal strength arising from the condition
of the buried coaxial cable at the base of the antenna flagpole. When installing the new phased-array antenna six
months earlier, I had to rejoin the coaxial cable at the base
of the flagpole, which I enclosed in a “sealed” plastic box
through plastic cable glands and buried in the ground.
On digging up the joiner box, I found it contained a substantial amount of water and, to make matters worse, the
shielding braid of the coax was badly corroded for a considerable length.
To dig it up and make it good, I might need to replace
90+ metres of very expensive cable, not to mention having
to dig a long trench and cross over a creek.
Sometimes it pays to sleep on a problem. With the passing of many years since the original installation, I had forgotten that I had laid two coaxial cables. There was a spare!
The next day, back at the flagpole, I managed to dig up
the spare cable end and found that it was not corroded.
I joined the extra cable to the original down cable from
the antenna at the base of the pole. Instead of burying the
coax join in the ground, I put the F-connector join inside
a water-resistant plastic box with gland entry and attached
the box to the flagpole, then covered it with an aluminium
rain shroud.
At last, with the test apparatus in place, I could measure
the effect of antenna rotation on signal strength and observe
the impact of wind. I started with the antenna bearing at
205° and found good signal strength, but I could see signal
strength dropping out with strong wind gusts.
After rotating the flag pole towards a gap in the trees, I
observed a significant reduction in dropouts. I’m now confident that I have the best compromise of signal strength
and dropout.
A simple electric toothbrush repair
Our own Tim Blythman tried his hand at a simple repair.
Not only did he fix the faulty electric toothbrush, he made
it better in the process...
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Photos 1-3 (left-to-right, top-to-bottom): the head of the toothbrush needs to be pushed backwards to open it, with the
internals shown in the two horizontal photos.
I decided to buy a ‘Dentitex’ electric toothbrush from
Aldi on sale for $15. If nothing else, I could pull it apart
and make use of its wireless charging circuit. This style
of electric toothbrush comes with a small mains-powered
base with a small post on top. The toothbrush rests on the
post and charges via a pair of coupled coils.
After nearly a year of use, I’d been happy enough with
it that I hadn’t felt the need to pull it apart to experiment
with the charging circuit, until it stopped working one day.
It did not turn on when I pressed the power button,
although the charge LED would still light up when I placed
it on its base. Now that I was interested in actually keeping it going, I had to find a way to get it open without
destroying it.
I found YouTube videos showing how to open other
brands of electric toothbrushes by twisting the head relative to the body as though unscrewing the two parts, but
that didn’t work with the Dentitex unit. Still, the twisting
motion showed a noticeable seam in that region. Photo 1
shows the bending motion that is required to open this
toothbrush. The head of the toothbrush needs to be pushed
It felt like I was about to snap it in two, but the head is
simply held in place by locking tabs that come free when
pressure is applied. There is also an O-ring that keeps the
interior sealed.
The mechanism and circuitry then simply slide out of
the body, the driveshaft coming away with the head. Photo
2 shows the parts, with the driveshaft section repositioned
onto the mechanism to make reassembly easier.
Two NiMH cells take up much of the space, while a narrow PCB is the ‘brains’ (Photo 3). The drive motor is in
line with the cells behind the PCB. The yellow coil near
the batteries is evidently used to receive charging power.
Before the failure, I thought the switch seemed a bit sensitive, so I suspected that the switch had failed. I started
probing around the switch and Mosfet; I tried shorting the
switch terminals, but the motor did not activate.
Trying the switch a few times, I got the toothbrush to
turn on intermittently, so I looked to see what I was doing
that would cause that. Finally, I noticed that the solder
Silicon Chip
joint for the negative battery tab was not attached to the
PCB, as seen in Photo 4. After resoldering that tab, the
switch operated reliably; it was definitely the cause of
the problems.
The presence of a single 0W resistor led me to check and
confirm that the PCB is single-sided. That means it is more
likely the tab could come loose as there is no through-hole
plating to help the solder to adhere (it is an ‘unsupported
I also noted a small gap between the PCB and the cell
behind it. This gap meant that any movement of the battery would tend to peel the trace away from the PCB. That
might be the reason the joint failed in the first place.
Interestingly, the other end of the PCB appears to be
fixed in place by a blob of melted plastic fused into a hole
on the PCB. A similar arrangement at this end of the PCB
might have prevented its failure.
To make it more robust long-term, I scraped away the
solder mask from around the hole where the tab protrudes,
aiming to get a bit more surface area for contact. I then
resoldered the joint again, being sure to push the cell firmly
against the PCB. This effectively moved the gap to the other
side of the PCB, where it could be closed with solder.
With no gap, the cell would have less opportunity to
move and weaken the joint.
A quick test of the button showed that everything was
still working, so I gave the area around the seals a bit of
a clean and snapped the head back in place. It just slides
straight in until the locking tabs seal.
The toothbrush now appears to work as good as a new
Photos 4 & 5: a solder joint for the negative battery tab was
not attached to the PCB.
Australia's electronics magazine
one, possibly better, as the switch is less sensitive. I think
that pushing the button temporarily opened the gap near
the battery tab, causing the toothbrush to shut off when it
was supposed to be turning on.
Rotary encoder signalling standards
D. G., of Fremantle, WA discovered the joys of manufacturers using standard parts. However, his joy was shortlived, as he subsequently discovered that multiple competing standards can exist! He still managed to solve it without spending too much money...
The Alinco DX-70 is a nice compact transceiver that covers all the HF amateur bands and also the 6m VHF band.
Although it was released in the late ‘90s, it can still give a
good account of itself on the air. Like most modern compact radios, it has an LCD screen and a comprehensive
menu system. There are a few buttons on the front panel
and a rotary encoder for tuning and adjusting operating
I acquired one of these units from a deceased estate a
few years ago. When I powered it up, it was almost entirely
unusable owing to the highly erratic behaviour of the rotary
encoder. Rotating it even one ‘click’ would cause unpredictable jumps in the relevant value. Just touching the control
caused values to change.
A search on the ‘net showed that this was a common
fault, but no solutions came up. At the time, I was ignorant about the workings and availability of encoders and
imagined that they would be custom items peculiar to each
piece of gear. Fortunately, the manual included a parts list,
so I Googled the part number and found one supplier in
Slovakia who had it listed for €10.
I tried to order one, but the company required a minimum order value of €50; that was more than I had paid
for the radio! So I put it on the shelf, awaiting inspiration.
Two years ago, I saw a post on the ‘net from an amateur
who had the same problem. I contacted him to see if we
could put an order together from the Slovakian supplier.
However, by then, they had no stock and were unlikely to
get more. The other amateur ordered a few encoders from
China and very kindly offered to send me a couple.
When they eventually turned up, I took the front panel
off the radio and had a good look at the encoder. The new
ones were mechanically almost identical to the original,
so I set about replacing it. The board had very thin traces,
so it took a lot of patience, solder wick and a solder sucker
to remove the old unit, but it all went well.
The display was stable on powering the rig up, and the
encoder incremented and decremented stably. My joy was
short-lived, unfortunately, as I soon realised that for every
‘click’, the value would change by two units!
At this point, I received the latest Silicon Chip magazine, which contained an article describing a pocket-size
audio oscillator that employed a rotary encoder. The article
also included some information on the operation of rotary
encoders (Shirt-Pocket Audio Oscillator, September 2020; That was very enlightening;
I learned that there were two main types of RE – could I
have the wrong type?
I saw that Jaycar had one in their catalog, so I bought
a sample and patched it in parallel with the first replacement, as I did not want to do more work than was necessary
on the PCB. To my relief, this encoder worked perfectly! I
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 93
then installed the new one properly, so the Alinco is now
working as it should.
A case of faulty PICs
P. G., of Inglewood, WA found out the hard way that when
you repair a device, you’d better make sure the replacement parts are functional...
After several years of service, my PICProbe (October 2007; had the smoke blown out of
it when I inadvertently touched it to a 12V supply point
on a circuit board. I built mine as the low-voltage (direct
5V supply) version.
I use a PICkit 4 regularly, so I ordered a pack of four
PIC10F206 replacement chips. The probe tip connects
to the PIC’s GP3 input, which doubles as the Vpp pin for
programming. After removing the old chip, I checked the
operation of the red and green LEDs to confirm that the
MMUN2211 was switching properly – all good.
I removed the two external input protection diodes
and noted the last two bytes in the new PIC’s flash before
downloading. I uploaded PICPROBE.HEX to the chip using
MPLAB X IPE. The code was programmed and verified perfectly in the first attempt.
But when I tried to use the probe, the output appeared
to be locked low, turning on the red LED, indicating a high
on the input. This proved to be correct – the input pin GP3
was pulled high. Thinking I might have overheated the chip
and internally damaged the input, I tried another fresh PIC
with the same result.
After removing the first PIC, I closely checked the PIC’s
pads, and there was no path between GP3 and Vdd. I used
a hot air soldering station, and I am not new to SMDs, so
I am confident that I didn’t damage either of these chips.
The chips programmed on the first attempt on both occasions, and a manual verification revealed no programming
The replacement chips came from an Australian supplier
I found on eBay (unsurprisingly now disappeared). I suspect
that the chips I got were ‘seconds’ that should have been
discarded; possibly, they escaped the factory by the back
door – I can’t prove this, but the symptoms point that way.
The chips can be programmed, suggesting that 3 of the
GPIO pins are operational. The 4th I/O pin, GP2, behaves
correctly when toggled by the software. So I think I have
4 I/Os that work.
The probe pin, GP3, is pulled high by a current that I
measure at 245µA, very close to the “weak pull-up” specification of 250µA. I cannot disable the weak pull-up. When
I ground GP3, the software still reads the pin as being at
a high level. If I configure GP3 as MCLR, the PIC does not
reset/restart when I pull it low. Finally, GP1 sits at a constant 3V regardless of what the software does.
So I purchased some PIC10F200s from element14, a vendor I trust, and swapped one in. The PICProbe immediately
started working again!
There must be a lesson there somewhere regarding purchasing components from unverifiable sources. Also, when
I was ordering the replacement PICs, the PIC10F200 was
the only option available from element14; the 202, 204 and
206 will not be available for months. Clearly, the world’s
carmakers have not resorted to using PIC10F200s in their
CAN systems!
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Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions will be paid for at
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Light with automatic switch-off
It is common to have two light
switches controlling one light. If they
are both in the same position, the light
is off, and if they are in different positions, the light is on. That is achieved
by wiring the switches up to the light
in a clever manner.
The circuit shown here is an electronic counterpart of that electrical
arrangement, but it also has a timer.
This way, even if you forget to switch
the light off, it will go off by itself after
a certain time.
It uses two momentary pushbutton
switches connected to the control box
via low-voltage wiring. With a press
of either button, the light is on for 40
seconds, which should generally be
adequate to climb one flight of stairs
(for example).
The light extinguishes automatically after that. You can change the
light’s on-time by varying the value
of one resistor.
S1 and S2 are both momentary
SPDT types, feeding the inputs of
their respective debouncing circuits.
Each debouncing circuit is a flip-flop
Silicon Chip
built from two NAND gates, ensuring
a clean pulse at the output every time
a switch is pressed.
Since the two switches are to be
located some distance apart, we have
used separate NAND gate ICs (CD
4011) for each debouncing circuit. So,
every time we press either of the buttons, we get a positive-going pulse at
the junction of the cathode of diodes
D1 and D2. This pulse triggers the
monoshot circuit configured around
555 timer IC3. The triggering occurs
on the trailing edge of the pulse.
The output of the monoshot goes
high for a time calculated as 1.1 × R
× C. In this case, R = 3.9MW and C =
10µF, and 1.1 × 3,900,000W × 0.00001F
= 42.9s. So, if you increase the value
of either component, the on-time will
increase and vice versa.
This output pulse from the 555
drives the base of NPN transistor Q1
(2N2222), which powers the coil of
relay RLY1. Its mains-rated contacts
are wired in series with the light.
Diode D4 (1N4004) protects Q1
against transients during relay
Australia's electronics magazine
switch-off. The 10µF capacitor must
be a low-leakage type, or it may never
charge sufficiently via the 3.9MW resistor to switch off the 555.
A CMOS version of the 555 timer
is used to provide sufficiently high
impedances at inputs pins 6 & 7 for
correct operation.
The circuit is powered from a 9V DC
supply which can be either a plugpack
or a battery. The wiring between the
relay contacts and mains input/output
sockets needs to be fully insulated,
with mains-rated wire used and the
relay contacts well separated from the
rest of the circuit (a chassis-mounting
relay is ideal for this).
Note that dedicated low-voltage wiring must be used between the switches
and the control module.
Do not be tempted to use existing
mains wiring, even if you disconnect
it, as that is a trap for someone who
might come along in the future and
think it’s OK to reconnect it to the
Raj. K. Gorkhali,
Hetauda, Nepal ($75).
Automatic mouse clicker
When programming lots of microcontrollers, we go through the same
process many times. We insert the chip
in the socket, apply power, switch to
the computer, click the Program button, verify it was successful, then go
back to the programming board, switch
off the power and remove the chip.
We thought it’d save a lot of time
if we didn’t have to switch between
the programming board and the computer; ideally, the computer would
click the ‘program’ button for us as
soon as power was supplied to the
chip. That’s the sort of thing this very
simple circuit can do. It takes advantage of the Raspberry Pi Pico’s ability
to emulate a mouse.
It isn’t just for programming micros;
any time you need to click a button on
a computer in response to an external
stimulus, this circuit could do it.
We used the Arduino IDE to produce
a program for the Pico that ‘clicks’ the
left mouse button when triggered. The
trigger is simply an I/O pin configured
as an input with an internal pull-up
or pull-down. The click is triggered
when the pin is pulled low or high
(depending on the configuration) and
stays that way for 300ms. The Pico
waits for the state to reset before getting ready to trigger again.
In our case, we use the fact that
power is switched to the chip to be
programmed as the trigger. The 300ms
delay also ensures that the micro’s
power stabilises before starting the
programming process.
The resistor circuit is sufficient for
cases where the computer powers the
programming rig. You may not need
to connect pin 3 if the Pi Pico and
programmer are powered from the
same computer, as the grounds will
be common. The resistor ensures that
a voltage mismatch does not cause
In this case, use the “POWER_
CLICK_2_RESISTOR.uf2” firmware
file. The GP1 pin (pin 2) is set as an
input with an internal pull-down. The
positive and negative wires are connected to the target chip’s power pins
for sensing. The Pico’s USB socket is
connected via a USB lead to the computer that needs to be ‘clicked’. This
method activates when around 1.5-2V
is present on the positive wire.
We also tested a version using a
4N25 opto-coupler for more robust
isolation. Here, we’ve configured GP1
as an input with an internal pull-up.
When sufficient current flows through
the 4N25’s LED via the 1kW current-
limiting resistor, its output transistor turns on, pulling GP1 low. This
arrangement triggers at similar voltage levels and should have no trouble
dealing with inputs up to 15V.
This circuit requires the “POWER_
CLICK_2_OPTO.uf2” firmware file.
We don’t recommend using any of
these circuits for anything above 15V,
and certainly not with mains power.
If you don’t need power sensing and
just want to trigger a mouse click with
a pushbutton or similar switch input,
the third switch circuit will also work
with the “POWER_CLICK_2_OPTO.
uf2” firmware. In this case, the pushbutton pulls the GP1 pin to ground,
similarly to the opto-coupler.
We’ve included the Arduino code
with our downloads for this design. If
you are familiar with the Arduino IDE,
you can use it to modify and upload
the code to the Pico.
Australia's electronics magazine
Circuit Ideas Wanted
Got an interesting original circuit
that you have cleverly devised? We
will pay good money to feature it in
Circuit Notebook. We can pay you
by electronic funds transfer, cheque
or direct to your PayPal account. Or
you can use the funds to purchase
anything from the Silicon Chip
Online Store. Email your circuit
and descriptive text to editor<at>
If you don’t have the IDE or want to
use the firmware as is, then hold the
BOOTSEL button on the Pico while
plugging it into the computer. A virtual
flash drive (named ‘RPI-RP2’) should
appear, and you can upload the firmware by simply copying the appropriate UF2 file to it.
If you are using the OPTO version,
you can test it by shorting pins 2 and
3 (GP1 and GND) on the Pico, remembering to account for the delay. This
should have the same effect as clicking your mouse.
Besides the programming rig mentioned above, another possible use for
this circuit is a 21st-century update
on the Map Reader from March 1989
( It used
a cheap pocket calculator to count
pulses from a photo-interrupter
attached to a wheel to measure distances on a map.
With our Clicker circuit and the
Calculator application in Windows,
we could get the same effect by entering “1+” in the calculator and then
positioning the mouse pointer over
the “=” button. Each click then increments the count.
Tim Blythman,
Silicon Chip.
February 2023 97
Frequency comparator using discrete logic
This circuit is a digital system that compares two signals
and indicates which has the greater frequency or if they are
equal. I aimed to design a circuit for visualisation purposes,
comparing two pulse trains that might not have a 50% duty
cycle. There may be any phase difference between signals
at equal frequencies.
In this respect, this design is different from, for example, phase-frequency detectors used in ICs such as the
(74HC)4046, MC4044 etc. As their name implies, those
detectors respond to the phase difference between both
signals, and the logic state of their outputs depends on it.
I wanted to avoid using any programmable devices, so I
implemented it using flip-flops and logic gates plus some
diodes, capacitors and resistors, as shown in Fig.1. It works
on the principle that if one signal has a higher frequency
than the other, sometimes there will be two edges at that
input between edges appearing at the other input.
The signals are fed in at F1 and F2. The first part of the circuit on the left, comprising flip-flops IC1a & IC1b (74HC74)
and XOR gates IC2a & IC2b (74HC86), functions as a special
kind of flip-flop triggered by rising edges at both inputs.
The outputs of this part of the circuit (points “a” and
“b”) always complement each other (there is no invalid
state) and have logic states depending on which of the two
inputs received a rising edge last, regardless of the actual
logic state of the inputs.
It works as follows. If a rising edge arrives at the F1 input,
the Q outputs of both IC1a and IC1b take the same logic
level, high or low. Due to the input connection arrangement
of XOR gate IC2a, its output (point “a”) will go high. As the
inputs of IC2b are connected to both Q outputs, its output
(point “b”) will simultaneously go low.
But when a rising edge is applied to the F2 input, both
Q outputs take different logic levels, so point “a” will go
high and point “b” will go low. Tying input F1 to F2 and
applying a rising edge to them makes points “a” and “b”
invert their logic state.
The outputs of XOR gates IC2a and IC2b are connected
to the D inputs of flip-flops IC3a and IC3b (74HC74).
So if, for example, input F1 receives two rising edges
without a rising edge arriving at input F2 between them,
output Q1 of IC3a will go high. If the Q2 output of the other
flip-flop, IC3b, is low, the Q1 output of IC3a will stay high,
and IC3b’s Q2 output will remain low.
This low level from the Q1 output of IC3a will quickly
discharge the 100pF capacitor through diode D1, and a high
level will appear at the output of IC4b (74HC00), lighting
LED1 while LED2 will remain off. That is the indication
that F1’s frequency is higher than F2’s.
If the Q2 output of IC3b were also high, NAND gate IC4a
would reset both flip-flops. On the arrival of the following
two consecutive rising edges at F1, the Q1 output of IC3a
goes low again, lighting LED1.
If it is input F2 that receives two rising edges instead,
the opposite happens and LED2 will be lit, indicating that
the frequency at F2 is the highest. If the frequency at F1
is equal to that at F2, both LEDs will show the same logic
state (on or off) depending on the phase difference.
Diodes D1 & D2, along with their associated resistors and
capacitors, plus IC4b and IC4c, convert the negative pulses
from IC3a or IC3b into a steady high state (or at least higher
duty cycle pulses), improving the brightness of the LEDs.
Those two capacitors have low values since, in some
cases (mainly when both input frequencies are high), the
pulses coming out of IC3a or IC3b can be very narrow. If
the capacitors values were not small enough, they would
not be completely discharged and the pulses would not
reach the LEDs.
On the other hand, the resistor values can be high, slowly
charging the capacitors to widen the outgoing positive
pulses. If low-frequency signals will be applied to both
inputs, the RC product should be higher. However, the
higher it is, the longer the output will take to settle if the
input frequencies change.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
In short, the value of these components depends on
the frequency span that will be applied to the circuit and
the speed desired from it. Some experimentation may be
To summarise, if F1 > F2, LED1 will light and LED2 will
not. If F1 < F2, LED2 will light and LED1 will not. If F1 ≈
F2, LED1 & LED2 will both be lit, or neither.
I found that the difference between F1 and F2 that satisfies the condition F1 ≈ F2 is not constant, neither in absolute terms nor in percentages, but increases with increasing frequency. They must be within about 1% at 500kHz,
rising to 2% at 1MHz, 3.5-4% at 2MHz, 5.5-6.75% at 3MHz
and 7.5-11% at 4MHz.
I primarily intended this circuit to operate between
500kHz and 1.5MHz. Nevertheless, I tested higher frequencies and found that it works correctly as long as both frequencies are below 5MHz, or one is below 30MHz. That
maximum could increase if faster devices (such as the 74AC
logic subfamily) were used.
I did find one circumstance that made it fail. If both frequencies are exactly equal and the rising edges arrive at
the inputs with a precise time difference of around 10ns,
the output corresponding to the lagging phase input turns
on while the other one turns off. That situation is unlikely,
and the problem does not arise for smaller or greater time
To solve that problem, I designed the add-on circuit
shown in Fig.2. The points marked Input 1 and Input 2 are
the new signal inputs. This add-on circuit inverts some rising edges, producing a narrow pulse for the falling edges.
Thus, if the points “c” and “d” in Fig.1 have different
logic states, and if the problem explained above occurs, one
of the input signals will have the rising edges changed to
falling edges and vice versa.
Both outputs will consequently take the same logic
state. My testing shows this does not change the maximum simultaneous frequency the circuit can handle, nor
the cases where F1 ≈ F2.
Ariel G. Benvenuto, Paraná, Argentina. ($100)
Skylight controller
A massive hail storm destroyed the skylight in our
en-suite bedroom last year. I decided to cover up the
old skylight and install a solar-powered LED panel skylight I purchased from Bunnings.
The results were very impressive. It is very bright,
and you would swear it is a real skylight. The drawback
(there has to be one) was that during thunderstorms,
the skylight would flick on randomly and stay on for
about a minute, which is quite annoying when you
are trying to sleep. It also came on randomly during
the night, even when there was no lightning around.
The circuit presented here uses the solar panel as
the daytime light sensor and also adds a few seconds
of time delay due to the 1000µF capacitor. The 4.7kW
resistor discharges the 1000µF capacitor in the absence
of daylight and also prevents excessive gate voltage to
the Mosfet.
The 12V relay was salvaged from an old plasma TV
and has a coil resistance of 580W. The series-connected
560W resistor keeps the voltage within the specifications
of the relay coil. The relay contacts are connected in
series with the LED panel, so it is only switched when
there is sufficient daylight.
The Mosfet used in this design is overkill, but I had
one on hand. I was going to switch the panel directly
with the Mosfet but could not get it to work reliably,
hence the relay.
I used matching plugs from Jaycar to enable me to
easily install and remove the device in case of repairs
or warranty claims.
Geoff Coppa, Toormina, NSW ($65).
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 99
Vintage Radio
1938 VE301Wn Dyn Volksemfänger:
the People’s Receiver
By Ian Batty
Was it only ever a propaganda radio?
You will have to decide for yourself.
addressed the historical and political context of radio that came after
this one, the DKE38 Kleinempfänger,
in the July 2017 issue (siliconchip.
au/Article/10728). My reading casts
doubt on the common belief that the
VE301’s design was purely the result
of political pressure.
Otto Griessing designed the VE301
at the company Dr Georg Seibt AG.
This followed a request by propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels to
design a reasonably-priced but high-
quality broadcast receiver. The cabinet
was designed by Cologne’s (Köln’s)
Professor of Artistic and Technical
Design, Walter Maria Kersting and
his students.
Costs had to be kept down, but even
so, the VE301 cost roughly two weeks’
Silicon Chip
salary. Edwin Armstrong’s superhet patent, owned by RCA, was only
released for use by other manufacturers in 1930. But superhets required
up to eight valves, so they were more
expensive to build than simpler regenerative sets.
Also, the very complexity that gave
the superhet its superior performance
was not widely understood and would
not be easily supported by existing
local repair shops.
A previous Armstrong patent, the
regenerative receiver, had been widely
used for almost a decade and was well
understood. It was the design of choice
for many experimenters, young and
old. With a single radio valve costing
several days’ wages, a minimal threevalve set was the obvious choice.
Australia's electronics magazine
The VE301 was released at the Internationale Funkausstellung (International Radio Exhibition, Berlin) in
August 1933. At only 76 Reichsmarks,
it was half the price of any competitor.
Over 100,000 sold in the first two days.
VE301 initial release
The VE301 was clearly a result of
that 1933 request by Goebbels, but
the official ban on foreign broadcasts
was not issued until September 1939.
While it’s true that the Nazi government progressively forced more and
more draconian restrictions on the
German people, casting the VE301’s
limited reception range as purely the
result of its being a propaganda radio
is historically inaccurate.
That’s reinforced by the absence of
A close-up of the slide-rule dial. Note that German and Austrian cities are both listed.
the Reichsadler (imperial eagle) on initial VE301 releases, by print articles of
the day advising on the construction
of antennas, and by a thriving accessories industry.
There were stick-on dial charts listing stations all over Europe: London,
Oslo, Paris, Prague, Warsaw, Toulouse,
Budapest, Stockholm, and Rome
among them. And there were add-on
dial mechanisms listing international
stations. Radiomuseum is a good place
to find examples of these (website:
The Antique Radios website also
has an extended discussion – see the
references below.
The set is built on a steel chassis and
the need for mass production did not
force compromises on the mechanical design or the quality of electrical
components. There are even shallow
stampings in the chassis to show valve
Different versions
The VE301 was issued in various
models: AC-only, AC/DC, DC-only and
battery. Many battery versions came
in timber cases, while the mains versions were in tall Bakelite cabinets.
The initial issue featured no overt
Nazi symbolism, though it did have
a “speaking eagle” below the uncalibrated semicircular dial.
The VE301 “German People’s
Radio” was to be ‘a radio in every
house’. It needed to be cheap enough
for people to buy, simple to operate
and use technology that technicians
and tinkerers could maintain.
The initial VE301Wn used a triode
in the RF amplifier/demodulator stage,
a moving-iron loudspeaker with no
speaker transformer and a 3kΩ filter
resistor. Altogether, the design made
the cheapest possible choices.
A minimalist design
It was minimal, but was it cheap
and nasty? The initial release used a
triode RF amplifier/demodulator and
a high-impedance moving-iron loudspeaker – both the cheapest possible
choices. Component quality was at
least equal to comparable radios. My
set had some capacitors replaced by a
previous repairer, but I only found one
resistor sufficiently out of tolerance to
need replacement.
The VE301 Dyn, released in 1938,
upgraded the design to an AF7 pentode
RF amp/demodulator and an electrodynamic speaker with a speaker transformer. The VE301Wn Dyn design,
which is what I have, replaced the
initial 0-100 semicircular dial with a
lettered slide-rule dial and dial cord
My dial lists cities in Germany and
Austria (as you’d expect after the
annexation) and, more significantly,
cities in what are now Poland and
Editor’s note: At the end of WW2,
the Soviet Union annexed East Prussia
while much of Pomerania and Silesia
became part of Poland.
Two Reichsadler symbols flank
the dial, and all original components
(including the inside of the cabinet)
bear that symbol.
Opening the rear of the VE301Wn Dyn radio reveals the chassis and electrodynamic speaker (rather than a metal reed type used in the versions from 19337). This later model of Volksemfänger also added an audio output transformer.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 101
Over twelve years and a variety of
models, nine million VE301s were
made. 42 manufacturers were involved
in pushing out the radios and accessories for the German population. Radiomuseum lists 290 VE301 variants and
accessories, so this article cannot cover
all possible variations.
You can draw basic distinctions
from the full type number. VE301B
(batterie) is a three-valve battery version, -G (gleichstrom) is the DC version
while -W (wechselstrom) is AC only.
GW versions were AC/DC, with a barretter (similar to a ballast resistor) in
the series heater circuit.
Wn (Wechselstrom neu) initially
denoted the AF7 RF amplifier/demodulator and revised antenna circuit, but
later “W” versions dropped the “n”.
Dyn versions use an electrodynamic
speaker and the AF7 RF/demodulator.
There are inconsistencies, and Radiomuseum is the best single authority.
Circuit description
I’ve redrawn the whole circuit in
Fig.1. My VE301Wn Dyn begins with
the dual-wave antenna circuit of L1
to L4. L1 is tapped to allow matching
with short or long antennas, with C1
extending the matching capability.
L1 is mounted on a swing arm. This
allows the user to vary the antenna
coupling, substituting for the usual
potentiometer-style volume control.
Tuned winding L2, in series with
feedback winding L4, is used on the
150-350kHz long wave position. L3
shunts L2 for medium wave, reducing
the tuned-circuit inductance to cover
the range 500-1500kHz.
The grid leak resistor-capacitor R1/
C4 combination is in a single casing
and sits under the AF7’s shielded
grid cap. Its high resistance allows
the AF7 grid to drift to a bias of about
-0.7V. The screen grid is supplied via
R3, bypassed for audio and RF by C7.
The anode circuit supplies RF feedback to the antenna circuit via variable
capacitor C3. The anode also provides
audio, via C6, to output valve V2. The
RF amplifier/demodulator stage is
decoupled from the main HT supply
by resistor R4 and capacitor C5.
The output stage, based around V2,
uses back-bias developed across R9
and supplied via decoupling components R6/C8 and grid resistor R5.
As the RES164 is directly heated by
the 4V AC filament supply, R6 is used
to balance the average filament voltage
to ground, thus reducing mains hum.
V2’s screen, unusually, is fed via
dropping resistor R7, bypassed by C10.
This agrees with the RES164 screen
voltage specification of 75V.
V2’s anode connects to output transformer T1, then to electrodynamic
speaker LS1. T1’s primary is bypassed
using anti-resonance capacitor C9.
Mains transformer T2 has 220V and
4V AC secondaries. Rectifier V3, an
RGN1064, has its filament supplied
from an extension of the HV secondary. It’s an unusual configuration but
avoids the need for high-voltage insulation between the HV and filament
This does commit the design to halfwave rectification and the resulting
need for better supply filtering, but the
low HT drain of only 24mA eases the
task. It is unusual to see a valve rectifier’s anode connected to supply ground
(via back-bias resistor R9). Still, the
circuit works perfectly well, with the
rectified DC supplied from the other
end of T2’s HV winding.
Supply filtering is by the combination of filter capacitors C11/C12 and
the field winding of electrodynamic
Fig.1: the redrawn circuit diagram for the
VE301Wn Dyn radio. As there were many different
versions of this radio produced, many circuits
found online will have small changes compared to
this one.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Most of the rubber-covered
wiring on the set was in good
condition, but some sections
had lost insulation and were
promptly replaced. The AF7
wears a shielded “top hat” over
its grid cap connection. The grid
leak resistor and capacitor are
housed underneath the shield.
speaker LS1. Finally, R8 adds to the
HT current drain of the two valves,
ensuring enough magnetising current
for the loudspeaker’s field coil.
Edwin Armstrong showed that
controlled regeneration could greatly
improve receiver performance. As
detailed below, full regeneration in
the VE301 Wn increases sensitivity
by some 40 times.
It’s easy to understand that regeneration increases gain, and feedback
calculations can either derive gain
from feedback if the feedback factor is
known, or derive the feedback factor
if the gain is known. But it might not
be so obvious why bandwidth varies
so greatly.
We’re familiar with negative feedback’s effect on bandwidth – it generally increases it. Thus, it makes sense
that positive feedback should reduce
bandwidth. In the regenerative tuned
circuit, feedback does this by reducing
the effective circuit resistance, increasing tuned-circuit Q.
Q can be calculated either as 2πf ×
L ÷ R or as (1 ÷ R) × √L ÷ C. The second formula is preferred as it indicates
that a tuned circuit with a high L/C
ratio will have a higher Q. Q can also
be measured as fc ÷ ∆f, where fc is the
resonant frequency, and ∆f is the bandwidth between half-power points.
Measured bandwidths of ±400Hz
(maximum regeneration) and ±4.15kHz
(zero regeneration) at 1400kHz gave
calculated Q factors of 750 and 66,
respectively. Circuit resistances came
out to 1.5W and 17W, respectively. The
ratio of the measured Q values (approx
11.3:1) conforms to the calculated
resistance ratio of 1:11.3.
We can also determine the relationship between gain and bandwidth by
assuming that the gain-bandwidth
product is constant; increased gain
gives reduced bandwidth.
In summary, along with the general
stability problem, the regenerative circuit suffers from reduced bandwidth
with increasing feedback.
The VE301 also suffers from dial
calibration errors. Tuning to 600kHz
with maximum regeneration, the set
drifts about 40kHz high as regeneration is adjusted to zero. The close
antenna-grid circuit coupling also
affects dial calibration.
I auctioned this set off at an HRSA
auction to a fellow HRSA member. He
was kind enough to let me borrow it
to check out this classic radio.
The first problem was the mains
cord. It was not anchored, and the
Active wire had broken clear of the
mains switch connection. Fortunately,
I observed my own advice to never
This Volksemfänger was designed
with multiple models to suit
batteries and AC or DC mains.
For example, this set has a
wire on the power transformer
to select between 110V,
150V and 220V mains
operation. Some other
manufacturers would
provide 125V or 130V
instead of 150V for
the primary tap. Be
sure to check the
circuit diagram for
your set.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 103
turn anything on until I’d checked
the power supply. A cordgrip clamp
fixed the problem – these grip the cord
securely, insulate it from the chassis
penetration and prevent twisting.
The set had been worked on, with
both electrolytics and many of the
fixed capacitors replaced. Much of the
rubber-covered wiring was still good
after some eighty years, but I replaced
the sections that had lost insulation.
The original regeneration capacitor
was missing and a potentiometer had
replaced it in the feedback circuit. On
testing, this arrangement worked well
enough. I did alter the pot’s connections to give more predictable control.
The resulting changes to the circuit are
shown in Fig.2.
This is an example of a set where
you either demand complete authenticity and try to salvage components
from a wreck, or accept some compromise and create a working radio.
Valve V1 and rectifier V3 both tested
weak, while V2 had been substituted
with a Russian valve for which I’ve
been unable to find data. As this had
a “loctal” base, an adaptor to the European 5-pin base had been fitted.
V3 had been bypassed with a
1N4004 silicon diode. The HT drain
is low, so I accepted that the original
RGN1064 would work well enough
and removed the 1N4004. On test, with
just the RGN1064, the main HT measured 234V – close enough!
The AF7 and the substituted RES164
were more of a problem. I was able to
buy a pair of NOS AF7s online and
Using clip leads for testing has the advantage that you don’t have to reach into
the chassis to make measurements and it’s harder to slip and short something!
they tested perfectly. The RES164 is
one of the “Miniwatt-class” of output pentodes such as the B443, with
4V/150mA filaments. I couldn’t get a
suitable replacement in time, so the
substitute stayed in place.
The tuning capacitor’s outer plates
have the ‘petalled’ form that allows
exact tracking adjustment. These had
been mangled, preventing the capacitor from fully rotating. Some inner
plates were also distorted and shorting, but I easily straightened them up
and restored correct operation.
The hum-balancing pot in the output stage filament circuit was intermittent. It had also been twisted through
360° at some stage, badly bunching up
Fig.2: the radio’s regeneration circuit was
modified with a potentiometer replacing
the original (failed) regeneration
capacitor. This modification would
have been easier than fixing or
finding a substitute.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
the heater circuit wiring and other connections. The pot has a fragile resistance deposition that cannot withstand extensive rubbing from the moving contact.
If you find one of these pots in
good condition, resist the temptation
to adjust it unless really necessary. A
similar pot is found in the DKE38, but
that one is used to set the bias, not for
hum reduction as some online sites
mistakenly assert. I substituted the
VE301’s faulty pot with a miniature
How good is it?
It’s a three-valver with just two signal valves. The AF7 pentode operates
as a conventional regenerative gridleak demodulator, while the RES164
is the output valve.
On test, I was able to get the standard
50mW output for an input of 400µV
at 600kHz and 1400kHz, 1200µV at
155kHz and 200µV at 350kHz. These
were achieved just below the point
of regeneration and are the maximum possible figures. For the reasons
described earlier, these sensitivities
gave extreme -3dB bandwidth restrictions of ±250Hz at 600kHz (really!),
and ±400Hz at 1400kHz.
A practical regeneration setting,
needing about 2mV input for 50mW
out, gave bandwidths of about ±1kHz
at 600kHz and ±1.8kHz at 1400kHz.
Signal-to-noise ratios exceeded
20dB for all measurements.
With full regeneration, -40dB skirt
selectivity was ±25kHz at 600kHz and
±86kHz at 1400kHz.
Experience with the DKE38 led me
to expect a significant change in the
AF7’s anode/screen voltages. They did
rise a bit, but less than expected. The
result is that the VE301 gives a pretty
constant output for most signals, as
though it had an AGC function.
Regenerative gain
Going back to my maximum sensitivity of 400µV for 50mW out and
then cutting regeneration completely,
I needed around 15mV to get 50mW
output again. That implies that regeneration supplies an extra stage gain
approaching 40.
The DKE38 Kleinempfänger’s best
sensitivity of around 600µV suggests that regenerative demodulators
give comparable RF performance just
before the point of oscillation. Any
major improvement would need extra
RF gain before the demodulator, or
extra audio gain after it.
Buying another
I picked up another VE301Wn (AC
operation, moving-iron speaker, triode
RF amplifier/demodulator) online for
about half what most were asking. It
was described as “working”. It will
be interesting to see what some folks
think “working” really means.
Special handling
The VE301Wn Dyn radio is a fairly simple set, with sparse few parts located
on the top and underside of the chassis. Many of the capacitors had been
previously replaced; only one resistor ended up needing to be changed.
On air, with about 10 metres of
antenna thrown over the carport, 774
ABC Melbourne rocked in with minimum regeneration and the antenna
coupling backed off. With some adjustments, I could easily pick up all metropolitan stations.
Given the optimum sensitivity of
400µV, would I be able to pull in 3WV
at 594kHz? Yes and no. Tuning to that
frequency, I still had a strong signal
from Radio National at 621kHz. Adding a signal generator on its CW setting,
I could hear a heterodyne at 594kHz,
but could not make out the broadcast.
The VE301’s skirt sensitivity was
just not good enough to sufficiently
reject the 621kHz signal in favour of
3WV at 594kHz.
Among the many accessories marketed for the VE301 were several passive antenna tuners/preselectors and
a powered RF preamplifier. Either of
these would have improved the separation of closely-spaced stations.
What about strong signals? Starting
with 400µV, giving 50mW output, I
cranked up the signal generator. The
output reached the VE301’s maximum
of 0.5W at 2mV of signal and did not
rise much as I got to 100mV on the
signal generator.
Australia's electronics magazine
P-base valves such as the AF7 seat
into the socket by sliding down past
leaf springs. When seated, the valve’s
Bakelite base does not extend very far
upwards past the chassis/socket rim,
so it’s tempting to remove a valve by
grasping the envelope.
Don’t do this. Take the time to grasp
the top rim of the valve base. You may
need to rock the valve side-to-side
to get it moving, and be careful – it
might suddenly release with the risk
of smashing the envelope against other
parts of the radio, the case, or other
things on your bench. I should register a new acronym, TNMTAM (they’re
not making them anymore) and just
use that from now on.
Thank you to Herbert Detlefsen of
the HRSA for the loan of this historic
For more on this series of radios, see
the extended discussion: siliconchip.
For the relevant Radiomuseum page,
February 2023 105
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Send your email to silicon<at>
Questions about the
Breadboard PSU
I am curious to know what oscilloscope you used for the three scope
grabs Scopes 1 to 3, on page 35 of the
December 2022 issue. While all digital
oscilloscopes can precisely measure
time on the X-axis, it is customary for
the calibration divisions to be at round
figures, usually in 1-2-5-10 intervals.
For the calibration points to be at odd
values, with three significant figures,
is most unusual.
I hope I never have to use such an
oscilloscope since it makes reading
the time values at various points very
difficult (unless using measurement
I am also curious to know if Tim
Blythman is left-handed. I would, as
a right-handed person, have designed
the Breadboard PSU and Display to
be at the left side of the breadboard,
out of the way of my right hand making changes to the components on the
breadboard. As pictured on page 40,
the display would be upside-down for
90% of the population wanting clear
access to the breadboard. (R. S., Kogarah, NSW)
● The scope grabs were made using
a PicoScope USB scope and the PicoScope 6 PC software. The X-axis time
values are relative to the trigger point.
Tim Blythman is right-handed. He
advises that he unplugs the Breadboard PSU from the breadboard to
make changes to the design. Thus, it is
on his right while using the PSU, giving convenient access to the settings,
and the breadboard is open to both
hands to make changes to the circuit.
item that comes up on the website is
item 1416715, a 100-400mm stepper
motor module. (K. M., Margas, Tas)
● Graham P. Jackman responds: I
checked the Banggood website and
the actuator I used seems to be missing
now. However, eBay has similar units
available from China, such as:
The last item is a bare mechanism to
which you could add a motor. Others
are also available if you search. The
main disadvantages are longer delivery times.
IKEA clock opens a can
of worms
Do you know why the New GPSSychronised Analog Clock driver does
not work with my two IKEA TJALLA
sweep clocks (September 2022 issue; The
article mentions that these clocks are
suitable. I am sending some oscilloscope traces that show their waveforms. (G. K., Macgregor, Qld)
● Geoff Graham responds: You seem
to have uncovered a “can of worms”. I
tested a TJALLA clock, and here is the
waveform it generated (shown below).
It does not match your waveform,
nor does it match the waveform generated by my circuit. This is very strange
as I know of several TJALLA clocks
that are running fine with the New GPS
Clock Driver. Unfortunately, I cannot
purchase another to double-check
because IKEA is no longer selling the
TJALLA clock.
The best solution would be to make
the pulse width programmable, but it
was very difficult to do that, as there
was very little free flash left in the
microcontroller. Still, I managed to
do so and by the time this issue is
published, testing should be finished
and the revised firmware (v1.2) will
be available.
With the new firmware, when you
select a sweep movement, it will
prompt you with an additional question: “Pulse Width?”. You will have
three choices: Normal Pulse (50%),
Wide Pulse (75%) or Extra Wide
(100%). It will not necessarily be obvious which setting to use, so a short
‘README’ file will be included with
the firmware to explain the choices
and give some guidance.
In the meantime, please recheck the
output of your TJALLA clocks. The
fact that it does not match my measured waveform is rather confusing
Sourcing screw drive
for traverser
In the Circuit Notebook entry “Traverser for photography” (December
the part number given for the screwdriven platform and stepper motor on was 1416716. Is that the
correct part number? The only similar
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
and implies that IKEA can change their
clock designs on the fly.
GPS Analog Clock has
low output voltage
I bought a GPS-Synchronised
Analog Clock kit from you recently.
Initially, I had a problem with IC3
(MCP16251), which did not produce
the required voltage (4V) for the GPS
module. You sent me a replacement
IC which fixed that problem.
Now the problem is that the circuit is not producing the required
1.5V to the clock’s coil. I thought IC2
(MCP6041) was also faulty, but the
problem remains after replacing it.
The circuit produces 4V, but when
the LED goes off, the voltage drops
gradually from 4V to 0.1V. Is that normal? Could there be a problem with
the PIC16LF1455? (G. P., Quakers
Hill, NSW)
● Yes, it is normal for the 4V supply
voltage to the GPS module to drop
to near zero after the LED turns off.
That’s because power for the GPS module is only provided when the module is active. Once a satellite lock has
occurred and the time is known, it is
powered down. We doubt the PIC is
faulty, although that is not impossible.
How are you measuring the voltage
across the clock motor’s coil? If you are
using an ordinary multimeter, it will
always read low (or even zero) because
the voltage is pulsed. The only reliable
way to measure the output is with an
Have you tried the circuit with a
clock movement? What happens when
you do?
To help further, we need to know
the exact configuration and detailed
sequence of events when it is connected to the clock movement and the
batteries are inserted. Are you using
a sweep or stepping movement? Does
the clock try to run? Do you get the correct sequences of flashes on the LED
etc? With a detailed description, we
may be able to help further.
Bench Supply output
voltage will not adjust
I have built the 30V 2A Bench
Power Supply from the October &
November 2022 issues (siliconchip.
It was working fine after I finished
building it, but I wanted to see if I
could put some load on it. I had it set
at 5V and 0.2A, then started to raise
the amps. I’m not sure what happened
next but now I can’t adjust the voltage. It is stuck at 24.8-25V and cannot be changed using VR1. (J. T., Werrington, NSW)
● First, check if potentiometer VR1
has its wiring connected to the potentiometer terminals. A wire might have
become disconnected. If that is OK,
check op amp IC1. Verify that its pin
4 supply is at about -8V and that pin 8
is at about 24V, both with respect to a
0V point on the PCB (eg, V- at CON2).
Compare the voltage at pin 3 of IC1
with the output at pin 1. They should
be at a very similar voltage, within a
few millivolts. If using a socket for
IC1, ensure it is inserted correctly
without any IC leads bent up under
the socket.
If Q1 was not attached to the heatsink when you put a load on the supply, it could have overheated and gone
short-circuit, resulting in the output
voltage staying at around 25V. Check
that there is no short circuit between
its collector and emitter leads (middle
& right) with the supply off.
GPS-Synchronised Analog Clock
with long battery life
➡ Convert an ordinary wall clock into a highlyaccurate time keeping device (within
➡ Nearly eight years of battery life with a
pair of C cells!
➡ Automatically adjusts for daylight saving
➡ Track time with a VK2828U7G5LF GPS or D1
Mini WiFi module (select one as an option
with the kit; D1 Mini requires programming).
➡ Learn how to build it from the article in the
September 2022 issue of Silicon Chip (siliconchip.
au/Article/15466). Check out the article in the
November 2022 issue for how to use the D1 Mini WiFi
module with the Driver (
Complete kit available from $55 + postage (batteries & clock not included) – Catalog SC6472
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 107
If you need more help, send us back
more information, such as the results
of the above checks.
Increasing VGA
PicoMite resolution
Would it be feasible to use a second
Raspberry Pi Pico as a video coprocessor for the VGA PicoMite (July 2022; Two
VGA PicoMite boards could be joined
via the 40-pin interface using long-pin
headers into a socket. Some pins may
need to be isolated between the two
boards by using short pins (or no pins)
to avoid hardware conflicts.
The MMBasic code would need to
be modified to send video drawing
instructions to the video coprocessor, freeing up the RAM used by the
video buffer.
Since the code on the coprocessor
would be relatively simple, this should
free up lots of RAM and allow for a resolution like 1440 × 900 pixels.
If the coprocessor used a Pico W, it
could also act as a WiFi coprocessor,
communicating with the MMBasic
board via the same 40-pin interface.
This would be neater than having an
ESP8266 or ESP32 board connected
by a cable.
If there is sufficient RAM space on
the coprocessor, it might be possible
to have more colours and/or multiple
brightness levels, although this would
require a new version of the board(s).
I am a software person, so I am curious to know whether the communication between the two boards would be
fast enough for my ideas to work. (P.
B., Turramurra, NSW)
● Geoff Graham responds: those are
interesting ideas and I will discuss
them with the others on the team, but
I cannot see us implementing them.
The main reason is that the VGA
PicoMite was intended as a super simple computer; with just a few components, you could have something
that worked. Adding a second Pico
with interconnect issues is a lot more
complexity just for a higher video resolution.
Using SC200 Amp with
Active Subwoofer
In the articles on the Active Monitor
Speakers and associated Active Subwoofer (November 2022 to February
2023;, you
Silicon Chip
have specified the Ultra-LD Mk.3 or
Mk.4 amplifier for driving the Subwoofer. Wouldn’t the SC200 Amplifier
module suit this project just as well?
(January-March 2017;
As stated in Fig.9 of the SC200 article, “The frequency response of the
SC200 is almost ruler flat over the
range of 10Hz-100KHz and should
result in greatly extended bass.” (C.
H., Evanston, SA)
● Phil Prosser replies: I had to choose
one or two amplifier options to keep
the design from becoming too complicated, and the Ultra-LD Mk.3 & Mk.4
seemed the best options. However, you
are right; the SC200 would work well
too. Any good high-power amplifier
that can deliver close to 200W into
4W will work. Given the price of the
drivers, I encourage people to invest
in a good amplifier.
If substituting the SC200, you will
need to make some alterations to the
heatsink drilling, but that is all part
of the fun.
The design of the amplifier module, which includes the power supply and amplifier, can be changed in a
few different ways. Besides swapping
the amplifier module, it’s also possible to reduce the transformer voltage
to 35V AC or even 30V AC. That will
reduce the maximum output from the
Subwoofer, but it will not affect the
sound quality. It will affect the maximum SPL generated, though.
Charging a battery with
a load
I built the Buck/Boost LED Driver
(June 2022;
15340) and want to add the Battery
Charger (October 2022; siliconchip.
au/Article/15510). I want to use it in
my car to charge an auxiliary battery.
Is it OK to have the load (a fridge) connected during charging? (P. C., Balgal
Beach, Qld)
● We assume you are referring to
the Multi-Stage Buck/Boost Charger
add-on and not the article on using the
Buck/Boost LED Driver as a float charger in the same issue. That is a good
question, and the answer applies to
pretty much any multi-stage charger.
It is sometimes possible to get
away with using a multi-stage charger to charge a battery while there is
a load on it. However, it is not ideal
because the charger cannot distinguish
Australia's electronics magazine
between the load current and the current going into the battery to charge it.
As a result, the charger will likely be
forced into bulk charging mode whenever the fridge is running. That could
result in the battery being overcharged.
It might be possible to compensate for that by changing the various
charging parameters, as the MultiStage Buck/Boost Charger Adaptor
is very configurable. However, with
a load always connected, it won’t be
easy to pick a combination of settings
that are both safe and optimal, especially with a load that may vary in its
current draw.
Our suggested solution is to set it up
so that the fridge runs directly from the
vehicle’s battery and alternator while
the vehicle is running and from the
auxiliary battery when it is off. That
way, the fridge does not put a load on
the auxiliary battery during charging,
and the charger can operate unhindered. That should be easy to arrange
with a suitably rated double-throw
relay, with the coil connected to the
switched ignition line.
That should also be a more efficient
arrangement, as less current passes
through the Charger. The fridge will
probably not be adversely affected by
the brief (<10ms) drop-out in power
during switching, but if it is, should
help to add a low-ESR capacitor bank
from the relay common terminal to
ground to filter it.
By the way, while this is not related
to charging, you should have a lowvoltage cutout for the battery to prevent the fridge from over-discharging
it, such as our Battery Lifesaver (September 2013 issue;
Any other transistor
options for 500W Amp?
I’ve just ordered two PCBs for the
500W Amplifier (April-June 2022; as I need an
amp that can easily drive nominally
4W speakers (dropping below 3W). My
system is active, and this amp will
drive only woofers from 80Hz to just
above 400Hz, but no more than 500Hz.
I already have amps to drive mid- and
high-frequency speakers.
I want to build this amplifier using
components I already have to minimise costs (I have retired, so every dollar counts). My toroidal transformers
are 1kVA 52+52V types; I’ll use two
bridges with each transformer, one for
each secondary winding, so the power
supply voltage will be about ±74V.
I plan to use NJW1302/3281 power
transistors as I have enough to match
them. I prefer to use 0.33W 5W low-
inductance emitter resistors instead
of 0.47W as I have plenty of these,
and with matched output transistors,
lower emitter resistor values should be
acceptable. Lower values here would
also somewhat lower distortion and
output impedance.
NJW1302/3281 transistors have
lower safe operating areas (SOA), so
I should change some resistor values in the protection circuit. Base
resistors might also be needed for
the output transistors as NJWs have
30MHz bandwidth. I’d appreciate
any comments or suggestions to help
me build this amp using my stock of
I’d also appreciate it if you published the formulas used to calculate
the protection circuit component values. If the specified transistors are
discontinued, it might be necessary
to find substitutes and develop new
protection resistor values to suit them.
(J. P., Wanneroo, WA)
● Based upon the Safe Operating Area
(SOA) curves for the NJW1302/3281
transistors, you will need nine devices
on each side to ensure the SOA is not
compromised when using reactive
loads such as a 4W loudspeaker.
We considered those devices for the
original design (along with several
others) but rejected them due to the
requirement of nine devices per side,
which we considered unreasonable.
We chose the MJW21195/MJW21196
devices because they have an approximately 1.5 times higher SOA rating,
allowing us to use just six per side.
The temperature derating of 1.43W/°C
is the same for the NJW1302/3281 and
MJW21195/MJW21196 transistors.
If you use six on each side of the
NJW1302/3281 transistors, the amplifier would be prone to failure unless
the load line protection is changed to
prevent transistor damage. In this case,
the amplifier would also have severe
distortion due to signal limiting when
used with 4W speakers.
It might not be possible to make the
load line protection work with 0.33W
resistors. For the design as published,
the 0.47W resistances were necessary
to ensure sufficient voltage at the
required current(s) to switch on the
load line protection transistors. With
nine NJW1302/3281 transistors, you
will need emitter resistors of at least
0.75W for the load line protection to
Recalculation of the load line protection values involves multiple calculations based on the dual-slope load
line protection method as described in
the paper “The Safe Operating Area
(SOA) Protection of Linear Audio
Power Amplifiers” by Michael Kiwanuka, B.Sc. (Hons) EE.
We provided a link to that paper
on page 35 of the April 2022 issue
( The dualslope calculations begin on page 35
of that PDF.
Base resistors for the NJW1302/3281
transistors may be necessary if the
amplifier tends to oscillate, but they
were not required in our original
design. A value between 10W and 100W
should be sufficient.
To summarise, if we could have
used cheaper parts to achieve the
goal of 500W into 4W with SOA protection and low distortion, we would
have done so. The output transistors
and emitter resistors were deliberately
VGA PicoMite
Build this amazingly
capable ‘boot to BASIC’
computer, based on a
Raspberry Pi Pico. It has
a 16-colour VGA output, a
PS/2 keyboard input, runs
programs from an SD card
and can be quickly built
Blocks is a BASIC game that runs
on the VGA PicoMite
$35 + Postage ∎ Complete Kit (SC6417) ∎
The circuit and assembly instructions were published in the July 2022 issue:
This kit comes with everything shown (assembly required). You will need a USB power supply, PS/2-capable keyboard, VGA monitor and optional SD card.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 109
selected; we don’t think there is any
way to change those parts without
compromising the performance in
some way.
We have an article on building a
500W Class-D amplifier coming up
within the next few months. It will
be considerably cheaper to build than
the linear version discussed, as well
as being more compact and efficient.
However, its distortion and noise figures are not as good (although probably good enough for subwoofer use).
Finally, regarding your concern over
the MJW21195/MJW21196 being discontinued, that could happen. We try
to stockpile critical devices like these
when they are about to be discontinued if there is no suitable replacement.
If supplies do dry up, we’d have to
revise the design completely, as we
aren’t aware of any parts that can act
as drop-in replacements.
Bass Block driver is no
longer available
I want to build the Bass Block subwoofer from the January 2021 issue
(, but the
specified Altronics C3055 woofer is
no longer available. Is there a suitable
substitute? (P. B., Maryborough, Qld)
● Nicholas Dunand replies: The closest equivalent driver I can find is the
SB Acoustics SB16PFCR25-8, available from Wagner Electronics for a
reasonable price ($46.50 and in stock
at the time of writing).
However, the design needs some
slight adjustments to get the best performance out of this new driver. Without spending a lot of time investigating
all possibilities, a reasonable option is
to expand the volume of the 15L part
of the enclosure to 20L (eg, by lengthening the enclosure from 396mm to
483mm) and eliminate the tube from
the 63mm port, leave it as a 63mm
hole in the box. The predicted transfer
function is shown below, and it seems
The iPad software mentioned in
the original article is free, so potential
constructors can experiment with the
design with this new driver option.
They might be able to find a better
Getting parts for LowNoise Stereo Preamp
I want to build the Low-Noise Stereo Preamp featured in your March
& April 2019 issues (siliconchip.
au/Series/333). Can you still supply
the PIC16F88-I/P programmed with
0111111A.HEX and the 4MHz crystal? I cannot find any reference to the
above in your shop. Also, how can I
add a balance control to the circuit?
(C. J., Samson, WA)
● Yes, the programmed PIC is available. Go to
?article=1216 and scroll down to
the PIC16F88 (Cat SC0886). You can
purchase the 4MHz crystal from Jaycar (Cat RQ5274) or Altronics (Cat
As far as adding a balance control,
the simplest method is to disconnect
the ground connections of VR1 (eg, by
cutting the PCB tracks) and wire them
to either end of the track of an added
linear pot. Connect its wiper to the
ground that VR1 was previously wired
to. When centred, the signal level in
each channel will be the same. If the
control operates backwards, swap its
wiper connections.
This added potentiometer’s value
depends on the volume control pot’s
value and the required balance range.
A 5kW linear potentiometer should be
sufficient when using the specified
20kW volume control potentiometer.
Parts for the Hearing
Loop Level Meter
I am interested in building the Hearing Loop Level Meter from November & December 2010 (
Series/15). Are the parts still available
from Jaycar etc? Does the circuit use a
computer chip? I do not have any way
to program one. (J. B., Blackwood, SA)
● Most parts are easily obtained.
The circuit board and panel artwork
are available online (
Shop/?article=345). The only troublesome part is the LM3915. Jaycar has
some in stock but only at some stores;
There is no computer chip required.
Note that we sell programmed chips in
our Online Shop for virtually all the
projects we publish that require them
Repairing Active Loop
I built the Active Loop Antenna
project (October 2007; siliconchip.
au/Article/2398) from an Oatley Electronics kit back in the day, but it was
trashed when we moved. I am trying
to build another one. The loop is finished and I have a PCB that I designed
myself, but I need help sourcing a suitable tuning diode.
The original SR1060 is not available. Can you suggest a readily available substitute? I have searched element14, RS, Jaycar, Altronics and the
internet without results. (P. C., Balgal
Beach, Qld)
● The recommended replacement was
the KDV149 (two in parallel). You can
view the data sheet of the KDV149 at
You should be able to get a couple
of samples from Kynix at siliconchip.
Circuit for driving a VU
Have you previously published a
driver circuit for the old-style analog
audio VU meters such as Altronics Cat
Q0490 “VU Meter With Backlight”? (J.
A., via email)
● You can use the rectifier and filter
circuits for the signal applied to the
continued on page 112
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
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The parts clearance sale continues, but
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freebies – go to
* 7 X 5M 12V rolls of white/green/blue
LED strips for $29
* 10 X 0.5M 12V LED bars for $50
Both include postage. Add any or as
many other items for no more than an
extra $8 P+P.
Phone: 0428600036
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condition varies. Some of the books may
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Email for a quote (bulk discount
available), state the number directly
below the photo when referring to a
book: silicon<at>
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Closing date: 5 weeks prior to month of sale. To book, email the text to silicon<at> and include your name, address
& credit card details, or phone Glyn (02) 9939 3295 or 0431 792 293.
Silicon Chip magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects
should be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried
out according to the instructions in the articles.
When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with mains AC
voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high voltages,
you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone
be killed or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of Silicon Chip magazine.
Devices or circuits described in Silicon Chip may be covered by patents. Silicon Chip disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing or selling of any such equipment. Silicon Chip also disclaims any liability for projects
which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant government regulations and by-laws.
Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Competition & Consumer Act 2010 or as subsequently amended and to any governmental regulations which are applicable.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2023 111
microcontroller in the VU/Peak Meter
with LCD Bargraphs (May 2007 issue;
Lapel Mic Adaptor
SNR & PCB query
I am curious about the signal-tonoise ratio for the Lapel Mic Adaptor
described in the January 2004 issue
( Sadly,
you do not have the PCB in your
inventory, but I understand you can’t
have everything in stock. (P. S., Mount
Pleasant, SA)
● The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
was not measured for the published
specification as it depends on the noise
from the electret lapel microphone
itself. That information can be found
in the electret microphone manufacturer data. We expect the circuitry to
provide an SNR of at least 100dB with
respect to 1V RMS output.
When tested at the time it was published, the noise was not audible and
was better or at least comparable to a
Advertising Index
Dave Thompson........................ 111
Digi-Key Electronics...................... 3
Emona Instruments.................. IBC
Jaycar........................ IFC, 9, 11, 13,
............................. 23, 43, 71, 91, 95
Keith Rippon Kit Assembly....... 111
Lazer Security........................... 111
LD Electronics........................... 111
LEDsales................................... 111
Microchip Technology.............OBC
Mouser Electronics....................... 4
good-quality commercial radio microphone system.
The SNR could be improved to as
much as 114dB with respect to 1V
output by using an NE5532 op amp
instead of the TL072.
We could add this PCB to our Online
Shop if you want to order some. There
are two versions of the PCB. If you are
interested, please tell us which one
you want and how many and we can
estimate the cost. In most cases, as long
as we have the artwork on file and the
rights to it, we can get PCBs made for
pre-2010 projects. We already stock
PCBs for pretty much all post-2010
projects (it is now available SC6627).
Variac won’t filter
generator output
I have a 2.5kW petrol generator that
I use to power an older refrigerator,
lights etc if there is a blackout. I don’t
use it for computers, TVs and other
electronic appliances as I suspect these
might be damaged by voltage spikes
and harmonics from the generator.
Is there a straightforward way to
filter the generator’s output to enable
it to be used with electronic items? I
thought of using a 2kW variac since
it is basically a large inductor with
resistance, but I need some advice on
whether this will work and be safe.
On another subject, I recall reading Jim Rowe’s articles in Electronics
Australia many years ago describing
how he built a home computer. This
was long before IBM developed the
PC architecture, so components such
as memory, communication systems,
software, processors etc couldn’t be
bought off the shelf.
If I remember correctly, he was the
first person in the world to complete
a working home computer, or was narrowly beaten by an American. It might
interest readers to hear Jim’s recollections of his achievement and the challenges he faced. (I. P., Fullarton, SA)
● The autotransformer probably will
provide little filtering, especially at its
full voltage setting. A commercially-
available line filter will remove some
of the RF hash, and a surge-protected
power board can reduce voltage
Concerning the computer, it was
just about the first published home
constructor article for a computer but
was beaten by a month. The computer
was called the EDUC-8, and a scan
of its 80-page manual is still available to purchase at
Help with a power
supply kit from AEM
I assembled a power supply from a
kit many years ago. As I was an Electronics Australia subscriber at the
time, I assume it was one of theirs.
The only information I have on it is
that it is labelled “VERSATILE LAB
SUPPLY” and “AEM2521” on the
front panel. It is a 30V supply with
an ammeter and an inbuilt crowbar
circuit inbuilt. I have no idea where I
purchased the kit.
Do you have any information on this
supply? (O. A., Boort, Vic)
● The AEM2521 is from Australian
Electronics Monthly magazine. Unfortunately, we do not own the rights to
that magazine, so we cannot provide
copies of articles. The National Library
or your state library would have a
copy; the main challenge is figuring
out the month of publication; we suspect that the project was published in
the July & August 1988 issues.
As far as we know, Dick Smith Electronics sold the kit for the AEM2521
Oatley Electronics..................... 111
Silicon Chip 500W Amplifier..... 12
Silicon Chip PDFs on USB......... 94
Silicon Chip Shop.................60-61
Silicon Chip Subscriptions........ 42
Silicon Chip VGA PicoMite...... 109
The Loudspeaker 93
Tronixlabs.................................. 111
Wagner Electronics....................... 7
Silicon Chip
Errata and Next Issue
SC GPS Analog Clock............... 107
Bass Block subwoofer, January 2021: the specified Altronics C3055 driver
is no longer available. The SB Acoustics SB16PFCR25-8 is a suitable
substitute available from Wagner Electronics for $46.50 at the time of
writing. See the February 2023 Ask Silicon Chip column for advice on
tweaking the design to suit this new woofer.
High-Performance Active Subwoofer, December 2022: in the parts list,
two 3.7-4mm crimp eye terminals are required, not one, and the 377 × 140
× 1.5mm aluminium sheet listed is slightly too small. It needs to be at
least 377 × 150mm.
Next Issue: the March 2022 issue is due on sale in newsagents by Monday,
February 27th. Expect postal delivery of subscription copies in Australia
between February 24th and March 15th.
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