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when Underwater
By Dr David Maddison
Today, we take communication in most places for granted, and for the
most part, it is possible. But underwater (and underground), things get
a lot more difficult. Still, there are ways to get a message across. This
article will concentrate on the challenges underwater; we will cover
underground communications in a follow-up article next month.
round cities and even in
rural areas, we can connect to
phone towers with our mobile phones,
or we can communicate via radio
directly to other radios or via repeaters (eg, CB radio). We can use satellite
phones or shortwave radios in remote
areas, including at sea.
All these methods rely on transmitting radio waves through the atmosphere, either line-of-sight to a tower,
bouncing off the ground or atmospheric
layers, line-of-sight to a satellite overhead, or directly from transmitter to
receiver. Transmitting through water
or underground is much more difficult for the reasons explained below.
Communicating through
liquid or solid matter
Why would you want to communicate underwater or underground?
Think of vehicles like submarines or
underwater drones, or when people are
in a cave or mine, or buried in snow.
Silicon Chip
Common radio frequencies used
for general above-ground communications are in the medium frequency
(MF), high frequency (HF), very high
frequency (VHF), ultra high frequency
(UHF) and super high frequency (SHF)
bands, from about 300kHz to 30GHz
– see Table 1. These frequencies generally don’t penetrate very far into the
ground or saltwater.
Useful radio penetration into the
ground or saltwater is generally only
possible with wavelengths in the
extremely low frequency (ELF) to very
low frequencies (VLF) bands, from 3Hz
to 30kHz. An unfortunate characteristic of these frequencies is that they
have enormously long wavelengths,
and consequently, vast antennas are
However, some tricks can be used
to lengthen antennas electrically.
Also, receiving antennas don’t have
to be as long as transmitting antennas; loop antennas can also be used for
Australia's electronics magazine
reception. Apart from the large antennas needed, the bandwidth and hence
data transmission rate at those low frequencies is so low that voice cannot be
transmitted, only simple codes.
See Figs.1-3 to get an idea of the
vast inductors and coils used for VLF
Why do longer radio wavelengths
have greater penetrating power?
Conductive materials usually block
electromagnetic waves; hence, the
use of metals to shield electronics
from interference or shielding braids
in coaxial cables. Conductors mostly
block radio waves because they contain free electrons, which are caused to
oscillate by the radio wave and reflect
or absorb energy in doing so.
The lower the frequency, the less
energy is absorbed because there is
less coupling of the wave with the electrons. Note also that extremely thin
layers of metal do allow the transmission of some electromagnetic waves.
Figs.1-3: examples of 1960s RF variometers (variable inductors) and RF coils in a “helix house” as part of the final drive
for a US Navy VLF antenna for submarine communications. These are at the US Naval Communications Station in
Balboa, Panama and were made by Continental Electronics. Source:
Also, alternating currents mostly
travel in the outside surface of conductors, to the ‘skin depth’, which
becomes lesser as the frequency
increases. The skin depth is greater
in more poorly conducting materials.
Seawater is also electrically conducting, although not nearly as conductive as metals. Seawater is an
electrolyte that conducts mainly
because of dissolved free mobile ions
from common salt, primarily sodium
(Na+) and chlorine (Cl−), but also others like magnesium (Mg2+), calcium
(Ca2+) etc.
These mobile ions absorb and reflect
most radio waves at frequencies except
the lowest. Freshwater is much less
conductive than seawater, making
radio penetration into freshwater
much greater than seawater. Still, submarines rarely travel in freshwater.
The electrical conductivity of seawater is typically in the range of
3-6S/m (Siemens/m), compared to the
conductivity of copper at 5.8×107S/m
and aluminium at 3.8×107S/m. So
these metals are about 10 million times
more conductive than seawater.
Nevertheless, the electrical conductivity of seawater is still a problem for
radio communications. However, for
above-ground communications, this
can be a benefit; it is possible to use
seawater as the ground plane or counterpoise of an antenna.
Some rocks have a high metal content, making them also somewhat
conductive; this is an important consideration for antenna siting.
Submerged submarines cannot communicate at regular radio frequencies,
and can only receive radio signals at
ELF, SLF, UHF and VLF frequencies
(3Hz-30kHz; see Table 1). Because of
these low frequencies, information
transfer is extremely slow, far too
low for voice frequencies, and only
simple codes or Morse code can be
Only nine countries are known to
operate VLF transmitters to communicate with submarines: Australia,
Germany, India, Norway, Pakistan,
Russia, Turkey, the UK and the USA.
Table 1 – radio frequency bands per the ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
Frequency name
Freq. range
Some common uses
None known
Submarine communications
Super low frequency SLF
Submarine communications
Ultra low frequency
Submarine communications, mine and cave
Very low frequency
3kHz-30kHz 100km-10km
Submarine communications, radio navigation systems, time
signals, geophysics
Low frequency
Radio navigation, time signals, longwave AM commercial
broadcasting in Europe and Asia, RFID, amateur radio
(certain countries)
...continued overleaf
No ITU designation
Extremely low
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2023 15
Table 1 (continued) – radio frequency bands per the ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
Medium frequency
1,000m-100m AM commercial broadcasting, amateur radio, avalanche
High frequency
Shortwave & amateur radio, 27MHz CB, long-range aviation
& marine communications, radio fax, over-the-horizon radio
Very high frequency
Aircraft communications, amateur radio, emergency
services, commercial FM broadcasts
Ultra high frequency UHF
TV broadcasts, microwave ovens, radars, mobile phones,
GPS, wireless LAN, Bluetooth, ZigBee, satellites, Australian
Super high
Wireless LAN, radar, satellites, amateur radio
Extremely high
Satellites, microwave links, remote sensing
Remote sensing, experimental uses
No ITU designation
Table 2 – radio wave penetration in water for 50dB attenuation
Frequency 10Hz (ELF)
100Hz (SLF)
1kHz (ULF)
10kHz (VLF)
1MHz (MF)
10MHz (HF)
1GHz (UHF)
Seawater 440m
Freshwater 29000m
Submerged submarines cannot
transmit messages because the antenna
required would be infeasibly long
and the power requirements too high.
Nevertheless, very long antennas are
trailed behind submarines when they
have to receive these signals; certain
types of loop antennas can also be
Submarines can transmit and
receive at all typical frequencies if
they surface, partially surface, float an
antenna buoy to the surface or connect
to a seabed “docking station”.
However, a submarine that has surfaced or partly surfaced runs the risk of
being found, either via its radio transmissions, or radar or optical reflections from its antenna masts or buoy.
Its wake could also be detected by an
aircraft or satellite. For a table of submarine radio communications options
and the associated risks, see Fig.4.
To minimise radar reflections from
submarine periscopes and antenna
masts, radar-absorbing materials
(RAM) are applied – see our article on
Stealth Technology in the May 2020
issue (
Besides radio, submarines can communicate via acoustic and optical
means, which we will also cover.
descend to 600m. Escape from submarines is possible to a depth of about
200m and rescue with another submersible to about 600m.
Submarines don’t always operate
at their maximum depth, though;
they choose the depth corresponding to the thermal layer that is most
likely to prevent sonar detection for
the particular sea conditions they find
themselves in.
The ABC news article at states that the
typical operational depth of an Australian Collins-class submarine is 180m.
Radio signal penetration
Table 2 shows the depth at which
radio signals can be received through
water for an attenuation of 50dB,
which is a power reduction of 10000:1.
That doesn’t necessarily mean that
signals can’t be received deeper than
that; it depends on the original signal strength and the sensitivity of the
receiving equipment.
Sources differ on the exact penetration of these frequencies into seawater, but they broadly agree with what’s
shown in the table.
Attenuation changes with salinity
and temperature. Depending on the
radio frequency, it is likely that a submarine will have to alter its depth to
be able to receive radio signals. Fig.5
shows radio wave attenuation for
Submarine operating depths
The operating depth of submarines is said to be from the surface to
300m-450m below for modern Western nuclear submarines. Some sources
claim that Russian Yasen-M boats can
Silicon Chip
Fig.4: submarine RF communications options and associated risks. LDR = low
data rate, MDR = medium data rate, P/D = periscope depth, ESM electronic
support measures (intelligence gathering through passive listening). Based on:
Australia's electronics magazine
To receive VLF signals, submarines are
typically equipped with both.
The Ambrose Channel pilot
cable (ULF)
Fig.5: radio attenuation for a range of water conductivities and frequencies.
Seawater (the most conductive) corresponds to the top two curves. Original:
from a 2012 paper by Emma O’Shaughnessy quoted at
The Ambrose Channel is the only
entrance to the Port of New York and
New Jersey. Delays due to bad weather
were once a huge and expensive problem, so in 1919-1920, they laid a cable
on the bottom of the channel, which
carried a 500Hz, 400V AC signal that
could be detected about 1km away.
Ships carried two induction coils and
an amplifier to receive the signal.
By switching between coils, they
could determine which side was
closer. The signal was mechanically
keyed with Morse code that spelled
NAVY. Arguably, this was the first
use of what could be interpreted as
a ULF signal for underwater communications.
different frequencies and water conductivities.
has been tested, as we will investigate shortly.
The Grimeton Radio
station (VLF)
Optimal frequency in the ELF
to VLF range
Receiving electric versus
magnetic fields
As per Table 2, VLF is the highest
useful frequency range for communication with submerged submarines.
The lower the frequency, the better
the penetration into seawater. Still, as
the frequency reduces, so does the rate
at which data can be transmitted. The
complexity and cost of the transmitter
also increase dramatically as the frequency drops.
For this reason, VLF has been chosen as a happy medium for submarine
radio communications, although ELF
Radio signals have an electric field
component and a magnetic field component. An example in everyday use
is a long-wire antenna on an AM radio
vs a ferrite rod or loop antenna. The
long wire is sensitive to the electric
field, and the ferrite rod or loop to the
magnetic field.
It is much easier to build an antenna
to receive the electric field component,
but it is also much larger. Long-wire
antennas are possibly more sensitive
but also more prone to electrical noise.
Fig.6: an Alexanderson
Alternator at the Grimeton
Radio Station. Source:
The Grimeton Radio station is a
World Heritage listed Swedish radio
station that operates at 17.2kHz and
200kW. It uses no electronics but generates a carrier wave for Morse Code
with a high-frequency alternator called
an Alexanderson alternator (see Fig.6).
It is an obsolete technology that was
even obsolete when the transmitter
was built.
It was used for transatlantic wireless
telegraphy from the 1920s to 1940s.
Later, it was used by the Swedish Navy
for submarine communication. It was
in service until 1995 but now operates
twice yearly – see
abik for the transmission schedule.
There is an Australian reception
report at,
meaning the signal travelled 14,000km
– almost to the other side of the
planet. For further information, see and https://w.
Goliath (VLF)
The first use of VLF radio waves to
communicate with submerged submarines was by Nazi Germany in WW2.
Their Goliath transmitter could communicate with submarines anywhere
in the world to a depth of between 8m
and 26m, depending on water salinity,
temperature and the distance from the
It used a 1MW vacuum tube transmitter tuneable between 15kHz and
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2023 17
Fig.7: the Belconnen transmitter towers in 1951. Source: https://bpadula.tripod.
Fig.8: the Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt, call sign NWC.
60kHz (20km to 5km wavelength) at 12
specific crystal-controlled frequencies,
plus other frequencies with reduced
power below 19kHz. The operation
modes of Goliath were:
a) Morse code, mainly at 16.55kHz,
using on-off keying
b) Hellschreiber at 30-50kHz with
AM tone pulses (see our articles on
Digital Radio Modes in April & May
c) Low-quality voice at 45-60kHz
with very low bandwidth (see Table 3)
Modes a) and b) could use Enigma
After the war, the transmitter system including the antennas was disassembled and taken to the then Soviet
Union in 3000 rail cars, and reassembled about 150km from Moscow. It is
still used today, operated by the Russian Navy, to transmit messages to
Russian submarines along with time
Its call sign is RJH90 and it operates between 20.5kHz and 25.5kHz
according to a specific schedule; see
Belconnen Naval Transmitter
Station, Australia (VLF)
The Royal Australian Navy transmitter facility at Belconnen, ACT,
consisted of three 183m-tall VLF
transmitting masts 400m apart. They
were orientated east-west for maximum transmission directivity into the
Pacific and Indian Oceans – see Fig.7.
The complex was completed in 1939
and operated until 2005.
At the time of its completion, it was
the most powerful naval transmitting
station in what was then the British
Empire. It operated at 44kHz and was
used to communicate with surface
ships and submarines.
For submarine communications,
we can estimate that a 44kHz signal
would penetrate seawater to a depth of
10m for about 50dB attenuation. The
original power was 200kW but was
upgraded to 250kW after an overhaul
in 1959-1961. In conjunction with a
similar facility in Rugby in England,
communications could be made anywhere in the world.
One report from an ex-technician
states that the antenna system was “an
‘inverted L’ type with a huge capacitive
top hat” supported by three towers. He
also said that “the final ‘tank circuit’
was housed in its own building, and
fluorescent lights did not need to be
connected to power”.
The facility also contained HF transmitters that served both military and
civilian purposes. At the peak of its
operations, it had 38 HF transmitters
ranging from 10kW to 40kW and 50
antenna systems. In 1956, it broadcasted radio to the world about the
Olympic Games in Melbourne.
Naval VLF transmitter operations
were transferred to Harold E. Holt
Communications Station at North
West Cape, Western Australia, in 1995.
We don’t know how far away submarines could receive transmissions
from Belconnen when submerged.
Still, for the alternative site in Rugby
in England, the page at
link/abim indicates that submarines
could receive 16kHz signals with an
antenna depth of about 7m and a range
of about 3200km with loop antennas.
The reception range increased dramatically when not using loop antennas; presumably, long wires were used
Also see the video titled “Track 6
Belconnen Transmitting Station” at
Naval Communication
Station Harold E. Holt (VLF)
The Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt (Fig.8) is based
in northwest Western Australia, was
built in 1968 and is a joint Australia/
Fig.10: a side elevation view of the VLF antenna system at Cutler, Maine shown in Fig.11.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.9: the Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt antenna system.
US facility for communicating with
submarines. It operates at 19.8kHz
and 1MW, so we can surmise a penetration depth into seawater of approximately 10m. However, due to its
high power, the actual depth may be
The antenna consists of a central 387m-tall tower surround by
six 364m-tall towers and a further
six 304m-tall towers; see Fig.9. It is
described as a ‘trideco’ antenna. The
wires from the central mast to the 12
surrounding towers create a capacitor
‘plate’, with six ‘panels’ parallel to the
ground and driven at the centre (see
Figs.10 & 11 of a similar antenna).
Rather than the central mast being
the radiating element, there are six
vertical wire “downleads” that radiate the VLF waves. There is a “counterpoise” system at ground level or
Table 3 – Goliath system voice
-3dB bandwidth
Fig.11: the US Navy VLF antenna system at Cutler, Maine, which is very similar
to the one at Harold E. Holt. Note the vast dimensions.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2023 19
buried within the ground (it is not
clear which). The antenna design is
extremely efficient at 70-80% compared to other VLF antennas with efficiencies of 15-30%.
There is not a lot of information
available on this antenna and transmitter system but a very similar US Navy
system is installed at Cutler in Maine,
USA. See
Fig.12 shows a submarine VLF
receiver from 1972, the same era as
this transmitter.
US Navy ELF program
Fig.12: the configuration of submarine VLF receiving equipment with the
AN/BRR-3 set circa 1972. It operates at 14-30kHz with a loop antenna, longwire buoy antenna or whip. Source:
Fig.13: part of a 23km arm of the ELF antenna in the forest at Clam Lake,
Wisconsin. Source:
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
As described earlier, transmitting at
VLF frequencies allows a submarine
to receive signals up to a submerged
depth of around 14m. The submarine
can be deeper than this, but it must
trail a buoyant antenna at the reception depth.
ELF frequencies from 3Hz to 30Hz
and SLF from 30Hz to 300Hz offer
much deeper radio penetration, allowing submarines and their antennas to
remain at normal operating depths.
Losses with SLF are very low – see
Table 4.
Experiments with ELF and SLF
started in 1962 using a leased 70km
length of HV power line in Wyoming
that was disconnected at night.
In 1963, a 176km antenna was built
from Lookout Shoals, North Carolina
to Algoma, Virginia. This was driven
with 60A at frequencies between 4Hz
and 500Hz with a radiated power of
1W. Signals were detected by the submarine USS Seawolf 3200km away, at
an unspecified depth.
In 1968, there was a proposal to
build a transmitter that operated at
40-80Hz. The SLF system was called
Project Sanguine and would have had
9700km of cable covering 58,000km2
or ~40% of the US state of Wisconsin.
One hundred underground power stations were to produce 800MW of electrical power for transmitters.
A small-scale test was performed
at Clam Lake, Wisconsin, with two
23km crossed antennas (see Fig.13).
The antenna was made of 15mm diameter aluminium cable mounted on 12m
timber utility poles. That project was
abandoned in 1973 for various reasons, but small-scale research continued. The system was designed with
extensive redundancy to withstand a
nuclear attack.
In 1981, the then President Ronald
Reagan revived the project at a much
smaller scale, and construction started
in 1982.
The existing 46km Clam Lake
antenna was kept, while a new 91km
antenna was built in Republic, Michigan, in the shape of the letter F with
two 23km segments and one 45km
segment, 238km away from Clam Lake
(see Fig.14). There is no significance to
the F-shape; it was due to land availability.
An important siting consideration
for the antennas was the very low conductivity bedrock in those areas. This
enabled more rock to form part of a
much larger antenna, as the current
must flow much deeper to complete
the electrical circuit. The signal generated travels in the natural waveguide
between the Earth and the bottom of
the ionosphere – see Fig.15.
The antennas were ground dipoles,
as shown in Fig.16. The antenna is fed
from the halfway point by a power
plant transmitter (P) at 300A and 76Hz
or 45Hz. The ends of the antenna are
grounded in 91m-deep boreholes. An
alternating current passes between
the grounded ends of the antenna (I)
through the bedrock and along the
above-ground wires.
The arrows point in just one direction for clarity, but the direction of the
current flow alternates. This current
creates an alternating magnetic field
(H) that radiates ELF waves, shown
in yellow. The radiation pattern is
directional, with the strongest signal
coming from the ends of the wires.
Hence, antennas must be built in at
least two or more orthogonal directions for omnidirectional use.
When combined, the effective radiated power of the two systems was
8W, from an input power of 2.6MW
– an efficiency of just 0.0003%! Due
to the low bandwidth of the system,
it took about 15 minutes to transmit a
three-letter coded message. Usually,
the message contained instructions on
where and when to surface, come close
to the surface or release an antenna
buoy to receive a more comprehensive message.
The system would constantly transmit an ‘idle’ message, indicating to a
submarine that they were still within
the receiving range.
The system became operational
in 1989 and covered about half the
world’s surface. It was decommissioned in 2004, with the US Navy stating that VLF systems had evolved to
Table 4 – losses & antenna efficiency for the SLF band
Frequency 45Hz
Propagation loss per 1000km 0.75dB
Loss per 1m seawater penetration 0.23dB
Relative transmitting antenna efficiency -4.4dB
Fig.14: a map showing the location of the Clam Lake and Republic transmitter
antennas in red.
14 mi (23 km)
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.15 (above): electric field lines
radiated from an ELF/SLF transmitter
travel in the natural waveguide
between the Earth and ionosphere. A
similar radiation pattern applies to
VLF. The deepest sub receives ELF,
another receives VLF with a buoyant
antenna, while another floats a buoy.
Fig.16 (left): a ground dipole of the
type used in Project ELF (one of the
23km segments). Source: https://w.
March 2023 21
the point that this system was unnecessary.
In the video at
eC1cqwGkOwY, a technician who
worked on submarines comments
that the ELF/SLF receivers were synchronised with the transmitter using
caesium beam clocks. If a noisy signal were received from one direction,
the receiver delay would be adjusted
so the same signal could be picked
up, coming from the other side of the
Fig.17: schematic view of two trailing
VLF antennas behind a Boeing E-6A,
part of the TACAMO communications
system. Source:
TACAMO (“Take Charge and Move
Out”) is a US system of communications links designed to survive a
nuclear attack, keeping in contact
with its submarine fleet if land-based
transmitters are destroyed. To establish VLF communications, long antennas are trailed behind a Boeing E-6B
Mercury aircraft (based on the Boeing
707; see Fig.17).
The E-6B has two trailing antennas,
one 8km long and the other 1.5km
long. Once deployed, the aircraft goes
into a tight banking turn. The longer
wire hangs as vertically as possible,
while the other wire trails behind the
plane, forming an L-shape.
The transmitter used is the 200kW
AN/ART-54 High-Power Transmitting
Set (HPTS) consisting of a Solid State
Power Amplifier/Coupler (SSPA/C)
OG-187/ART-54 and Dual Trailing Wire Antenna System (DTWA)
For more details, see the TACAMO
comms flight manual for the E-6A at (the earlier
version of this aircraft).
April 22nd, 2015, even though they
could have repurposed it for several
other uses, including by SBS, who
wanted to use it for a radio tower. See
my video of the tower titled “Woodside Omega Navigation System Tower
VLF Transmitter, Victoria, Australia”
From Table 2, we can see that a
10kHz signal would penetrate seawater to a depth of around 14m with 50dB
of attenuation.
Australian Omega
transmitter (VLF)
Oberon submarine VLF
communications equipment
We covered the Omega navigation
system in detail in the September 2014
issue (
The Omega system was shut down on
September 30th, 1997. After that, the
Omega transmitter at Woodside, Victoria, was modified for reuse by the
Royal Australian Navy for submarine
communication until December 31st,
2008 (see Fig.18).
It was converted for use at 10-14kHz
to support a 100-baud, two-channel
MSK (minimum-shift keying) transmission with a 100kW antenna input
power and a radiated power of 36.5kW.
Its designation was VL3DEF.
Sadly, the tower was demolished on
Oberon-class submarines are now
obsolete; they were designed in Britain, built between 1957 and 1978 and
served five countries, including Australia. The last Oberons in use were
decommissioned in 2000. While it’s
hard to find information about VLF
and other communications for submarines presently in use, there are details
on the obsolete Oberon communication schemes.
Fig.19 shows their various antenna
ALK a VLF aerial in a recoverable
ALM an omnidirectional VLF aerial
comprising a series of loops in the fin
Silicon Chip
Russian Zeus ELF/SLF
The Russian Navy has an ELF/SLF
transmitter called ZEVS (Zeus) on
the Kola Peninsula, east of Finland.
It was first noticed in the West in the
1990s and usually operates at 82Hz
with MSK modulation, although it is
thought to be capable of transmitting
from 20Hz to 250Hz.
It is believed to have two ground
dipole antennas of 60km, driven at
200A to 300A. Apart from military
purposes, it is also used for geophysical research.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.18: the former 432m-tall Omega
Tower Woodside, a frame grab from
the video at
T7hd0oXUE Note the concrete helix
building to the right.
ALN a telescopic HF/UHF mast
ALW a buoyant, disposable VLF
wire aerial
AMK a UHF/IFF (IFF = identification, friend or foe) combined antenna
associated with the ECM (electronic
countermeasures) mast
AWJ an emergency whip aerial for
use on the surface only
Fig.20 shows the VLF receiver
used on these boats. They operated at
14-22.5kHz with 150Hz bandwidth
and were only suitable for telegraphy
reception, not voice or transmission.
VLF data rate
There is not much published information on data rates for VLF comms.
Still, Continental Electronics Corporation (
history-lfvlf), a major manufacturer
of naval VLF equipment, states on its
website that:
Very Low Frequency (VLF) communications transmitters use digital
signals to communicate with submerged submarines on at frequencies
of 3-30 kHz. The Navy shore VLF/LF
Fig.19: antenna options for the Oberon class submarine, once used by Australia.
The original is from a manual published by San Francisco Maritime National
Park Association (
transmitter facilities transmit a 50
baud submarine command and control broadcast which is the backbone
of the submarine broadcast system.
We assume this is with optimal
frequency and conditions. One baud
is about one bit per second, so this
is 6.25 bytes per second; the actual
rate will be less due to parity bits etc.
That works out to about 300 characters per minute.
The average word length is about
five characters, so about 60 words per
minute can be transmitted under optimal conditions (this paragraph would
take ~30s). That rate could be doubled
or even tripled with data compression.
Continental Electronics also made
equipment for the Harold E. Holt VLF
transmitter mentioned above.
receive VLF comms while the submarine stays more deeply submerged.
A submarine can still remain fully
submerged for higher frequencies but
deploy a buoy with the appropriate
antennas. Alternatively, the boat can
surface and risk being detected, as
shown in Fig.4.
Figs.21 & 22 show a buoy from
GABLER Maschinenbau GmbH that
can be deployed from a submarine via
a reel mechanism, using 8mm-thick
buoyant wire that is up to 6km long.
The buoy has various sensors, antennas and a camera. Its buoyancy can be
controlled so the antenna can remain
Fig.20: a CFA receiver, type 5820AP 164474, as used on Oberon-class
submarines. Source:
just submerged for VLF reception.
A 30m antenna rod for HF reception
is at the end of the cable, just before
the buoy. The system allows for the
reception of VLF signals (7-30kHz),
the reception and transmission of satellite communications when the buoy
is on the surface, and the reception of
HF signals at the surface.
Regarding satellite communications, it can receive and transmit to
Iridium, NEXT and other systems, and
it can receive GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and BeiDou navigation signals.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can
also be controlled from the buoy.
Buoyant antenna systems
Ideally, a submarine should not
have to surface to receive or send
signals. As already discussed, a submarine can deploy a wire antenna to
receive VLF. This antenna floats to
a shallow enough depth that it can
Fig.21: the GABLER reel mechanism
and buoy for trailing submarine
antenna system. Source: www.
Fig.22: components of the GABLER digital buoyant wire antenna system:
1) Submersible winch. 2) Antenna tow cable with VLF antenna 3) Towed
Digital Antenna and Satcom Controller (TDASC), incorporating HF antenna.
4) Inboard control and interface unit. Source: same as Fig.21.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2023 23
Underwater acoustic
Underwater communications can
also be acoustic. The earliest example
of this was with bells, but today, ultrasonic transducers are used.
There are many difficulties with
underwater acoustic comms, such
as multipath propagation, strong signal attenuation, environmental noise
and variation in acoustic properties of
water due to temperature and salinity layers.
Many modulation modes have been
developed for underwater acoustic
comms, such as frequency-shift keying (FSK), phase-shift keying (PSK),
frequency-hopping spread spectrum
(FHSS), direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), frequency and pulse-
position modulation (FPPM and
PPM), multiple frequency-shift keying (MFSK) and orthogonal frequency-
division multiplexing (OFDM).
Acoustic signals are only transmitted from a submarine when stealth is
not a concern, as submarine or shipbased sonar systems can determine the
origin of such signals.
“Gertrude” underwater
acoustic telephone
During WW2, the USA developed
an underwater telephone called the
AN/BQC-1 (see Fig.23) and variants,
nicknamed Gertrude. It used SSB (single side-band) acoustic communications at 8.3-11.1kHz or a CW signal
at 24.26kHz.
Voice communications were possible to about 450m, but calls could be
heard at about 1.8-4.5km distance. It
was used to communicate with other
Fig.23: the “Gertrude” underwater
telephone from WW2.
Silicon Chip
submarines and surface vessels. Some
versions of this device are still used
today, but for stealth reasons, modern
submarines try to avoid using them.
JANUS (acoustic)
JANUS is an open-access NATO
standard for underwater acoustic communications for military and civilian
use (see
index.php). It is a standard that serves
a similar purpose as IEEE 802.11 for
WiFi but for underwater acoustic use,
allowing devices from different manufacturers to interoperate.
Devices announce themselves at a
shared frequency of 11.5kHz and then
can negotiate a different frequency or
transmission protocol. The system has
been tested at distances up to 28km.
The present JANUS standard frequency is defined by STANAG 4748
and uses 9.44-13.6kHz.
The present frequency band for military underwater telephony (UWT) is
8087-11087Hz (STANAG 1074/1475),
which overlaps somewhat with
JANUS. There is a proposal to reserve
4375-7625Hz for military use and
24.75-31.25kHz for civilian purposes.
UT3000 (acoustic)
The ELAC UT3000 2G (see Fig.24)
combines analog and digital underwater communications into one device
and is compatible with STANAG,
JANUS and other standards. It can
deliver up to 1400W of acoustic transmission power.
It performs functions such as telephony, telegraphy, digital data transmission and reception, noise measurement and distance measurement. It
also has an emergency beacon mode
and operates from 1kHz to 60kHz.
CUUUWi (radio/acoustic)
CUUUWi (‘cooee’) is a communications gateway between underwater
and above-water mobile phone and
satellite phone users for voice and
text – sees Fig.25-27. It was developed
under an Australian government grant
by L3Harris Technologies.
The system is designed to find (from
distress signals) and then communicate with stricken submarines, or provide encrypted communications with
submarines (or other underwater platforms) at speed and depth.
A gateway surface vehicle (or fleet),
such as an unmanned surface vessel
(USV), is required to receive radio
communications from surface vessels or satellites and convert them to
acoustic communications for underwater reception. A range of up to
10km (20km in good conditions) is
The system can also be used for subsea platforms, including autonomous
underwater vehicles (AUVs), seabed
sensors, submarines, ships and divers.
The system is compatible with various
NATO standards, including JANUS.
It can detect standard 8.8kHz underwater beacons and 37kHz emergency
locator pulses, as commonly fitted to
submarines, and will soon be on aircraft ‘black boxes’ and maritime voyage recorders.
Surface modes include satellite
communications, 4G/3G/GSM and
VHF. Underwater modes include
underwater telephone (UT3000), HAIL
(Hydro Acoustic Information Link)
Fig.24: the ELAC Sonar UT3000 2G acoustic
underwater communications device. Source:
Australia's electronics magazine
Voice/SMS +
Command &
Surface Vessel
Voice/SMS +
Command &
Shore Operations
Wi-Fi (<50M)
Rich Data
Fig.26: the
acoustic modem, part
of the CUUUWi system.
Voice/SMS (<10km)
APFA ultrasonic
modem supporting
rapid data channel
● UT3000 & MASQ
Fig.25: the CUUUWi system with communications between satellites, surface
vessels, a submarine and an AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle). Source:
and MASQ (Multichannel Acoustic
Signalling Quality of service).
Deep Siren (radio/acoustic)
Raytheon, Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems and RRK Technologies
Ltd developed Deep Siren Tactical
Paging (See
for the US Navy. It uses disposable
buoys deployed from a submarine to
transfer messages from Iridium satellites to the submarine via an acoustic data link.
The range of the system is 50 nautical miles (92.5km) or more from the
buoy to the submarine, and the submarine can operate at normal speed.
In contrast, a sub has to run at reduced
speed when towing antennas, such as
those on a floating buoy or VLF cable.
The buoy can be deployed from a surface ship, aircraft or from a submarine’s garbage chute(!).
System testing started in 2008 and it
was demonstrated in 2011. Its current
operational status is unknown.
TARF (acoustic/radar)
Translational Acoustic-RF Communication is an experimental system developed by the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT). Sound
waves from an underwater source
cause vibrations on the surface that
can be picked up via a sensitive radar
operating in the 300GHz range. See
the video titled “Getting submarines
talking to airplanes, finally” at https://
Range limits of underwater
acoustic communications
Nature may have the answer to
this. It is said that humpback whales
communicate acoustically and can be
heard by another up to 6400km away.
Underwater Optical
Communications (UWOC)
There were hopes in the 1980s that
airborne or spaceborne lasers could
be used to communicate with submarines. With the SLCSAT (Submarine
Laser Communication Satellite) and
similar proposals, the idea was that a
laser beam would be directed toward
the ocean in the approximate submarine area and a communications channel would be established.
Blue lasers for such a system were
developed by Northrop Corp, and
a highly sensitive laser detector by
Fig.27: an 8.8kHz emergency
location pinger with a battery
lasting 300 days. These can be
picked up by the CUUUWi system
and would help locate aircraft black
boxes, submarines in peril etc.
Lockheed Corp. As far as we know,
this system was never put into service.
From UWOC in use today and reported
below, it appears that underwater optical links in seawater can only work
over a few tens of metres.
The attenuation and scattering of
light in seawater are just too great.
However, an optical link could presumably be established between a buoy
on the ocean surface and an aircraft.
Blue-green lasers have been developed for naval use that can transmit
data at 90Mb/s over water for up to
10km, but when used underwater,
the data rate drops to 7-10Mb/s over
10-20m (as described at siliconchip.
Aqua-Fi (optical)
Basem Shihada et al. from the King
Abdullah University of Science and
Relevant videos and links
● VLF signals that individuals have received:
● 1972 US Navy manuals for VLF communications:
● An experimental, compact piezoelectric VLF antenna:
abit and
● The companion site for the Australian VLF transmitter at Belconnen, “16
kHz VLF, Rugby, England”:
● On the Goliath transmitter, “The Radio Network that Communicated with
Nazi Subs”:
● “Project E.L.F. – The history of communicating with submarines
underwater - #HamRadioQA”:
● “Reception of signals from submarines on VLF”:
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2023 25
Technology in Saudi Arabia developed
an underwater Internet access architecture that used a Raspberry Pi computer and off-the-shelf green LEDs or
520nm lasers to transmit data. They
obtained a maximum data transfer rate
of 2.11MB/s.
They did not specify the communications distance, but diagrams in the
PDF at suggest up to 10m for LEDs or 20m for
lasers. However, the picture of the lab
demonstration shows a distance closer
to two metres.
Using online SDR radios to listen to VLF signals
You can use a computer sound card or audio input to receive VLF signals
with a PC, antenna and software only. There are many articles and videos on
how to do this. For example, see: | | |
There is an experimental online VLF-HF SDR receiver (EA3HRU) at http:// in Pallejà, Barcelona, Spain. Select VLF mode in
the menu.
Blue laser diodes
Reported in Nature Portfolio (www., a
450nm blue GaN laser diode modulated by quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM) can
transmit data through seawater at a
rate of 7.2GB/s over 6.8m or 4.0GB/s
over 10.2m.
Underwater data nodes
(optical or acoustic)
Underwater data nodes could be
established for submarines or AUVs
so that they can establish a high-
bandwidth connection with their
command centre without surfacing
(see Fig.28). This would allow them to
receive information much faster than
VLF or ELF radio, and transmit it too,
without having to release a floating
antenna or buoy.
A faster data channel could be established than with satellites, so there
would be less exposure time for the
antenna buoy or periscope. This would
also provide an alternative means of
communication if satellites and landbased transmitters are destroyed.
Fig.28: an underwater
communication range of 1020m is within the capability of a
blue-green laser. Source: www.
Silicon Chip
A screen grab from the online SDR radio EA3HRU in VLF mode.
The idea is that an underwater vehicle would manoeuvre close to the communication node on the seabed and
establish a comms channel by optical
or acoustic means.
China’s laser sub-hunting
system (optical)
It is not hard to imagine that the following laser system built to hunt for
submarines could also be used to communicate with them if the laser system
was modulated with data.
According to ABC News (, China has
developed a blue-green laser system
for shining light from aircraft into the
ocean and looking for a reflection indicating the presence of a submarine.
The laser is beamed from an aircraft at
an altitude of 1.6-3.2km and will find
a submarine as deep as 160m.
The article notes that a Collins-class
submarine has a typical operational
depth of 180m. The objective is to
build a satellite that can find subs as
deep as 500m.
This system is similar in principle to
the Australian-developed LADS (Laser
Airborne Depth Sounder) for seafloor
mapping, which could be adapted for
submarine communication. However,
as noted above, optical communications underwater are of limited range.
See our previous article on sonar in
Australia's electronics magazine
the June 2019 issue (
LUMA X is an underwater optical
modem ( that
can transfer data at up to 10Mbit/s
over 50m, enough for HD video –
see Fig.29. It is suitable for use with
autonomous underwater vehicles
(AUVs) and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).
Next month
Underground communications pose
some similar challenges to underwater communications. There are quite
a few different aspects to communication underground, so we’ll cover
them in a separate article in next
month’s issue.
Fig.29: the Luma underwater
optical modem. Source: https://files.