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0-30V 0-2A
bench supply
Part 1
John Clarke
Every workshop or laboratory needs an adjustable voltage, current-limited DC
power source. This revised 0-30V Supply includes adjustable current limiting up to
2A with voltage and current metering, plus load switching. Most of the parts are
commonly available; the two harder-to-get parts and the PCB are available from
the Silicon Chip website.
f you have a feeling of déjà
vu, that’s because it was originally published recently, in the
October and November 2022 issues
( That version used an MM2005 transformer that
became unavailable shortly after we
published those articles. As a result,
we had several constructors ask us for
an alternative transformer supplier or
The transformer was rather unique
and had several voltage taps; we used
the 24V tap for the main 30V 2A output but we also used the 30V tap to
generate a negative supply rail. That
is critical to allow the supply output
to be adjusted down to 0V.
Unfortunately, no alternative transformer could provide the required
voltage taps and power in the available space.
We eventually found a different
transformer that’s readily available,
with the same power ratings as the
original. It has a significant larger
Silicon Chip
iron core, allowing it to run cooler
when delivering full power, but that
also means it wouldn’t easily fit in
the original design. Also, while, the
new transformer has a suitable 24V
winding, the other taps are not the
same and so the original design had
to be revamped.
The resulting circuit changes are
not major. Basically, we add a separate negative supply generator that is
described elsewhere in this issue, as
it can be used in other applications.
It can even be used as a voltage doubler instead of as a voltage inverter.
See the article starting on page 90
for details.
A new main PCB design was
required to allow for these changes
and also so we could take a ‘bite’ out of
the side to give the larger transformer
more room, so it will fit in the same
neat instrument case we used before.
The mounting hole positions on the
PCB and for the two parts that mount
against the heatsink are in the same
Australia's electronics magazine
positions as the original PCB. Therefore, if you want to install this new
PCB in an existing enclosure, few
changes will be required. That just
means new transformer mounting
holes will need to be drilled, as the
larger transformer has four mounting
points against the original’s two.
You might wonder why we’re presenting the new version in its entirety
rather than just as an update. By the
time we’ve published the new circuit
diagram, PCB overlays, wiring diagram, parts list and other changes,
the required article wouldn’t be much
shorter than just describing the whole
thing. We decided that doing it this
way would be more clear for our readers, especially those who might not
have seen the original articles.
The features and specifications of
the Mk2 version are essentially the
same as before.
The Mk2 Supply includes metering
that shows the voltage and the current
being drawn from it. A load switch
Features & Specifications
Easy to build using mostly standard components
Low noise output
Excellent regulation
Output voltage: 0-30V
Current limit: 0-2A (non-foldback) with indicator
Regulation method: linear
Load regulation: better than 0.5%, 0-2A
Output noise & ripple: <8mV RMS, <50mV peak-to-peak <at> 2A
Meters: voltage (100mV resolution), current (10mA resolution)
Voltage adjustment: single-turn or multi-turn knob
Load disconnect: load switch, load indicator
Over-temperature protection: disconnects load when heatsink reaches 60°C
Other features: short circuit protection, clean switch on and off
is used to connect or isolate the load
when required, with an indicator LED
to show when the output is on. The
current limit can be adjusted from
near zero to 2A to protect circuitry
from excess current should there be a
fault. A current limit indicator LED is
also included.
Load switching is overridden if
the heatsink gets too hot, in which
case the output is disconnected. If
that happens, the load indicator LED
will remain off regardless of the load
switch position.
Our power supply includes power-
up and power-down circuitry that
protects the load as the Supply is
switched on and off. This ensures the
voltage from the regulator is fully settled before being applied to the load.
Similarly, the load is disconnected
quickly at power-off, well before the
output drops significantly, preventing unexpected voltages from being
applied to your load.
Another valuable feature of our
power supply is that you can adjust
the output right down to 0V. Some very
basic supplies will only go down to
about 1.2V and there are times when
that isn’t low enough. For example,
if you are testing a circuit that runs
from a single 1.2-1.5V cell and want
to see how the circuit behaves when
powered from a discharged cell at or
below 1V.
For the voltage adjustment, you
can use a standard 270° potentiometer. However, we recommend getting a
multi-turn potentiometer, especially if
you want fine adjustment at low voltage settings. More on that later.
The Supply is housed in a folded
metal enclosure with an aluminium
base and ventilated steel top cover.
The front panel has the mains power
switch, knobs to adjust the output voltage and current limit, the load switch,
the two indicator LEDs and the voltage
and current meters. There is just the
mains power input socket and a heatsink on the rear panel.
As this Supply uses linear regulation, it has excellent load regulation,
clean current limiting and low output
noise and ripple.
Load regulation is tested by setting
the voltage to a fixed level and changing the load resistance so that the output current rapidly swings between
two extremes. With the output set to
16V, it dropped by less than 100mV
when the load changed from 0A to 2A
at the output terminals.
When measured directly on the PCB,
the voltage drop was 60% less. So most
of the voltage drop is due to the wires
from the PCB to the terminals on the
front panel.
We set the oscilloscope to monitor
the AC voltage so that only the sudden changes in voltage are shown.
Scope 1 shows what happens with
a sudden load change. This revealed
that the output momentarily dropped
by 58mV when the load jumped from
0A to 2A. Similarly, when the 2A load
was released, there was a positive shift
of 34mV before recovery.
Note the waveform does not show
the DC voltage change, just the momentary shift in voltage from 16V. There is
no visible change in voltage when the
oscilloscope is set to show DC voltage
at 2V/div so that the full DC voltage
can be seen. That’s because 58mV and
34mV are only 0.4% and 0.2% of the
output voltage, respectively.
Output noise
We measured the output noise and
ripple under three different conditions: with the Supply unloaded, at
2A load and with the current limit
active just below 2A. All three results
showed low levels of noise and ripple.
Scope 2 shows the output noise and
ripple at 16V with no load for the top
waveform, a 2A load for the middle
waveform and current limited at 1.92A
Scope 1: the Supply’s output voltage only dropped by 58mV with a 2A load step
and recovered in about 300ms.
Australia's electronics magazine
September 2023 81
Everything fits neatly into the
fairly compact and attractive
instrument case. Transistor
Q1 is located behind the
large capacitors at left,
and is attached to the
case opposite the
heatsink, with the
thermal switch
above it. The blue
multi-turn voltage
adjustment pot is
also clearly visible.
for the lower blue waveform. There
is no discernible difference between
the loaded and unloaded waveforms.
However, there is a little more ripple
for the current-limited waveform as
current limiting is taking over from
voltage regulation.
Operating principles
The basic circuit for our power supply (Fig.1) is based on an adjustable
three-terminal regulator (REG1) and
current boost transistor (Q1). REG1
is an LM317 that, in its standard
arrangement, can deliver a voltage
ranging from about 1.2V up to 37V at
1.5A. The regulator has internal protection such as current limiting, thermal shutdown and safe operating area
(SOA) protection.
The output voltage is set using
resistors connected between the output and adjust pins (R2; 100W) and
between adjust and ground (VR1).
The resistor between the adjust and
output pins sets the quiescent current of the regulator, which needs to
be at least 12mA if it is to maintain
regulation when the output is otherwise unloaded.
When the adjust terminal is connected to ground, the output voltage
equals the reference voltage, which
appears between the output and adjust
pins. This is between 1.2V and 1.3V,
depending on tolerances in the regulator manufacturing. For our circuit,
the resistance is set at 100W to provide
the 12mA minimum load current for
the worst-case specification when the
regulator reference is 1.2V.
There is a minimal current of typically 50μA flowing out of the adjust
terminal, which is small enough that
it can usually be ignored. The output
voltage calculation then simplifies to
the following equation: Vout = Vref ×
(1 + VR1 ÷ R2).
If you need to include the adjust
terminal current, that current, multiplied by the VR1 resistance, adds to
the output voltage.
What the simplified circuit of Fig.1
does not show is that, in the full circuit, the lower end of VR1 is connected
to a negative supply that is greater in
magnitude than Vref. That way, the
output can be adjusted down to 0V.
With the reference voltage cancelled
out, the output voltage calculation
simplifies to Vout = Vref × VR1 ÷ R2.
Current boosting
Scope 2: output noise and ripple with no load (top), 2A load (middle) and 1.92A
current limited (bottom).
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
As shown in Fig.1, REG1 is used in
conjunction with PNP power transistor Q1. This transistor supplies the
bulk of the load current but with the
output voltage controlled by REG1.
The new inverter module is
mounted to the main PCB, and
can be seen just in front of the
transformer. The wire
soldered from the unused
transformer tap to the top
of the inverter PCB is just
for physical support.
The input voltage is applied to the
base of Q1 and the regulator input via
a 33W resistor. As current is drawn
from the output, it also flows through
the 33W resistor, so the voltage across
it rises. When 18mA flow is reached,
the voltage between the base and emitter is 0.6V. At this point, transistor Q1
starts to conduct and bypasses extra
current around REG1.
The result is that the circuit can supply more current than the 1.5A limit of
the LM317, while the LM317 remains
in control of the output voltage.
However, we do lose the over-
current shutdown feature provided by
the LM317, limiting the output to 1.5A.
But that’s what we need to get a higher
output current. We use extra circuitry
to add back current limiting, with the
advantage of being able to adjust the
limit over the 0-2A range.
This boost circuit includes a hidden bonus in that it prevents the regulator from shutting down due to high
power dissipation (assuming Q1 has
sufficient heatsinking). This way, the
circuit can supply the full 2A across
the entire voltage range. Without the
boost transistor, the regulator would
shut down when there is high dissipation, ie, high current at low output
For example, if the regulator output
voltage is 12V, the input is 32V and
there is a 1A current flow, the regulator (without Q1) will be dissipating
20W ([32V − 12V] × 1A). The specifications for the device package show
a 5°C/W temperature rise between the
case and junction. Thus, at 20W, the
junction temperature will rise 100°C
above the case (20W × 5°C/W).
For a case temperature of 25°C,
the junction will be at 125°C and the
device will shut down. So the Supply
wouldn’t be able to provide 1A at 12V
without shutting down.
By adding the boost transistor, REG1
is only handling 18mA and dissipating about 360mW in this case (18mA ×
[32V − 12V]) and the junction will only
be 1.8°C above the case temperature.
The dissipation is instead handled by Q1. Its junction temperature
will not be anywhere near as high as
the regulator, as it has a much lower
junction-to-case thermal resistance
of 1°C/W. So at 20W, its junction will
only be 20°C above the case temperature. Using a large enough heatsink,
we can maintain the case temperature
at a reasonably low value.
We do lose the thermal shutdown
feature of the LM317 as a consequence
of directing the primary current
through Q1. The junction temperature
for REG1 will essentially follow the
temperature of the heatsink.
To solve this, we attach a separate
thermal switch to the heatsink to provide an over-temperature shutdown.
It opens at 60°C, disconnecting the
power supply load and allowing the
transistor to cool.
We haven’t mentioned the capacitors in Fig.1. The bank of three 4700μF
capacitors at the input smooths out the
ripple from the pulsating DC derived
from rectified AC. This is required to
keep the regulator’s input voltage at
least 2.5V above the output to maintain voltage regulation.
The capacitor between REG1’s ADJ
pin and ground reduces ripple and
noise at the regulator output, while
Fig.1: the
basic regulator
arrangement is
essentially the
standard LM317
from its data
sheet but with
current booster
transistor Q1
added to increase
the maximum
output current and
improve heat dissipation. As REG1 draws more current, the voltage across
the 33W resistor at its input rises until Q1’s base-emitter junction becomes
forward-biased, and Q1 takes over delivering the load current.
Australia's electronics magazine
September 2023 83
the capacitor between Vout and GND
prevents oscillation and improves
transient response. Diode D1 protects
REG1 from the capacitor discharging
through REG1 if the output is short-
Full circuit details
The whole circuit is shown in Fig.2
(overleaf). Power for the Supply is
derived from the mains via transformer
T1. T1’s primary winding is supplied
with 230V AC via fuse F1 and power
switch S1.
The secondary winding of T1 comprises two 12V windings with a 9V
tap in each. To obtain 24V AC, the two
windings are connected in series, with
the 12V end of one connected to the
0V end of the other. That maintains
the output phase so the two 12V AC
voltages add together.
It should be mentioned that the
labelling of the winding as 0V one end
and 12V on the other end with a 9V
tap is entirely arbitrary. It all depends
on which end you set as the 0V reference. You could label the ends in the
opposite way, with the 12V end being
0V and the 0V end being 12V. The tap
would then be at 3V instead of 9V.
Using the windings in this reversed
way allows us to get a 15V output, by
adding the 12V from the other winding to a 3V tap. The resulting 0V, 15V
and 24V connections from the transformer then go to the PCB via CON1.
The AC voltage between the 0V
and 24V taps of T1 is full-wave rectified by bridge rectifier BR1 and filtered using three paralleled 4700μF
50V capacitors to produce a nominal
32V DC. Typically, the DC voltage is
higher than this as the mains is usually
above 230V AC, and the transformer
is not usually heavily loaded. This filtered voltage is applied to the emitter
of transistor Q1.
The output of the regulator and the
collector of Q1 are applied to the load
via the normally-open contact of relay
RLY1. The relay control circuitry will
be described later.
Bringing the output to 0V
The circuitry around REG1 differs from that shown in Fig.1 in that,
instead of connecting to GND, VR1
is connected to the output of op amp
IC1a. IC1a produces a negative voltage below ground, to cancel out the
reference voltage of REG1. Setting
IC1a’s output negative by the same
Silicon Chip
Parts List – 30V 2A Bench Supply
1 double-sided PCB coded 04107223, 100 × 140mm (main board)
1 double-sided PCB coded 04105222, 56 × 61mm (front panel control board)
1 vented metal instrument case, 160 × 180 × 70mm [Jaycar HB5446]
1 24V 60VA EI-core transformer (T1) [Altronics M2165C]
1 voltage inverter module (see article starting on page 90)
1 current and voltage meter [Core Electronics 018-05-VAM-100V10A-BL]
1 fan type heatsink, 72mm high [Altronics H0522, Jaycar HH8572]
1 SPDT 10A, 24V DC coil relay (RLY1) [Altronics S4162C, Jaycar SY4067]
1 IEC male chassis connector with integral fuse holder
[Altronics P8324, Jaycar PP4004]
1 500mA M205 fast-blow fuse (F1)
1 rubber boot for IEC chassis connector [Altronics H1474, Jaycar PM4016]
1 DPST neon illuminated mains-rated switch (S1)
[Altronics S3217, Jaycar SK0995]
1 SPDT toggle switch (S2) [Altronics S1310, Jaycar ST0335]
1 normally-closed 60°C thermal cutout (TH1) [Jaycar ST3821]
1 red binding post [Altronics P9252, Jaycar PT0453]
1 black binding post [Altronics P9254, Jaycar PT0454]
1 green binding post [Altronics P9250, Jaycar PT0455]
1 silicone insulating washer for TO-3P package devices
1 silicone insulating washer and bush for TO-220 package devices
1 3-way pluggable terminal socket, 5.08mm spacing (CON1)
[Altronics P2573, Jaycar HM3113]
1 3-way screw terminal plug (for CON1)
[Altronics P2513, Jaycar HM3123]
1 4-way pluggable terminal socket, 5.08mm spacing (CON2)
[Altronics P2574, Jaycar HM3114]
1 4-way screw terminal plug (for CON2)
[Altronics P2514, Jaycar HM3124]
2 14-pin IDC boxed headers (CON3, CON4) [Altronics P5014]
2 14-pin IDC line sockets (for CON3 & CON4) [Altronics P5314]
1 3-way screw terminal with 5.08mm spacing (CON5)
2 2-pin vertical polarised headers, 2.54mm spacing (CON6, CON7)
[Altronics P5492, Jaycar HM3412]
1 2-pin polarised header plug (for CON7)
[Altronics P5472 and 2 x P5470A, Jaycar HM3422]
1 8-pin DIL IC socket (optional; for IC1)
2 5mm LED bezels
2 knobs (one to suit VR1, and another to suit VR3)
10 1mm PC pins (add 13 if using them for all test points)
Wire & cable
1 150mm length of 14-way ribbon cable
1 150mm length of brown Active wire
stripped from three-core 7.5A mains cable
1 150mm length of blue Neutral wire
stripped from three-core 7.5A mains cable
1 150mm length of green/yellow Earth wire
stripped from three-core 7.5A mains cable
4 100mm lengths of 7.5A hookup wire (assorted colours)
2 150mm lengths of 7.5A hookup wire (one red, one black)
Hardware etc
6 M4 × 10mm panhead machine screws
6 M4 hex nuts
6 M4 star washers
4 6.35mm-long M3-tapped Nylon spacers
8 M3 × 5mm panhead machine screws
2 M3 × 20mm panhead machine screws (for Q1 and REG1)
4 M3 × 15mm panhead machine screws
1 M3 flat steel washer
6 M3 Nylon washers
Australia's electronics magazine
magnitude as REG1’s reference voltage will allow the output to go to 0V.
6 M3 hex nuts
2 small M3.5-threaded right-angle brackets [Jaycar HP0872, pack of 8]
2 crimp eyelets (Earth connections to chassis)
4 blue female spade crimp connectors (connections to mains on/off switch)
5 150mm cable ties
5 100mm cable ties
1 50mm length of 25mm diameter heatshrink tubing
1 50mm length of 6mm diameter heatshrink tubing
1 50mm length of 3mm diameter heatshrink tubing
1 small tube of thermal paste
1 TL072P dual op amp, DIP-8 (IC1) [Altronics Z2872, Jaycar ZL3072]
1 INA282AIDR or INA282AQDRQ1 shunt monitor, SOIC-8 (IC2) [SC6578]
1 LM317T three-terminal adjustable regulator, TO-220 (REG1)
[Altronics Z0545, Jaycar ZV1615]
1 LM336-2.5 voltage reference, TO-92 (REG2)
[Altronics Z0557, Jaycar ZV1624]
1 TIP36C PNP 100V 25A power transistor, TO-3P (Q1)
[Altronics Z1137, Jaycar ZT2294]
1 2N7000 N-channel Mosfet, TO-92 (Q2) [Altronics Z1555, Jaycar ZT2400]
3 BC547 45V 100mA NPN transistors, TO-92 (Q3-Q5)
1 BC327 45V 500mA PNP transistor, TO-92 (Q6)
2 5mm high-brightness red LEDs (LED1, LED2)
1 33V 1W zener diode (ZD1) [1N4752]
2 12V 1W zener diodes (ZD2, ZD3) [1N4742]
1 GBU806 bridge rectifier (BR1) [Jaycar ZR1362]
5 1N4004 400V 1A diodes (D1, D4, D7, D8, D10)
1 1N5404 400V 3A diode (D2)
3 1N4148 75V 200mA signal diodes (D5, D6, D9)
3 4700μF 50V radial electrolytic
1 2200μF 35V radial electrolytic
1 47μF 16V radial electrolytic
1 10μF 50V non-polarised/bipolar radial electrolytic
1 10μF 35V/50V/63V radial electrolytic
2 10μF 16V radial electrolytic
1 1μF 16V radial electrolytic
1 1μF multi-layer ceramic
4 100nF 63V/100V MKT polyester
1 16mm 5kW linear single-gang potentiometer (VR1●)
[Altronics R2224, Jaycar RP7508]
1 16mm 10kW linear single-gang potentiometer (VR3)
[Altronics R2225, Jaycar RP7510]
2 5kW multi-turn top-adjust trimpots (VR2●, VR4)
[Altronics R2380A, Jaycar RT4648]
1 500W multi-turn top-adjust trimpot (VR5)
[Altronics R2374A, Jaycar RT4642]
2 10kW multi-turn top-adjust trimpots (VR6, VR7)
[Altronics R2382A, Jaycar RT4650]
● alternatively and ideally, replace VR1 with a 2.5kΩ multi-turn pot
[Bourns 3590S-2-252L – element14 2519607; Digi-Key 3590S-2-252L-ND;
Mouser 652-3590S-2-252L] and delete VR2
Resistors (all 1/2W, 1% unless otherwise stated)
2 100kW
1 33kW
4 10kW
2 4.7kW
2 2.2kW
2 1kW
1 330W
4 100W
1 33W
1 20mW 1W M3216/1206-size SMD resistor
[Vishay WSLP1206R0200FEA or similar – element14 1853240; Digi-Key
WSLP-.02CT-ND; Mouser 71-WSLP1206R0200FEA; part of SC6578]
Australia's electronics magazine
Negative supply
A negative supply is required to
power the negative rail of op amp IC1.
This is so that its output can go negative. This supply is derived from a
voltage inverter module that converts a
positive supply voltage of around +12V
to a negative supply of around -8V. The
details of the small circuit board that
does this conversion are in the article
starting on page 90 of this issue.
Diode D4 prevents the -8V supply
from going more than one diode drop
above 0V. That could otherwise occur
at power-up. Note that there is no
diode D3 in the circuit. D3 was used
in the original design, and to maintain
similarity with it, we kept the same
diode numbers.
The -8V supply provides a bias current for REG2, an LM336-2.5V shunt
regulator. It produces a regulated negative supply with its positive terminal
connected to ground, and its negative
terminal connected to the -8V supply
via a 2.2kW current biasing resistor.
As a result, the voltage at its negative
terminal is a stable -2.49V, even with
temperature variations, due to diodes
D5 and D6 providing temperature compensation. Trimpot VR7 is adjusted
until there is very close to -2.49V
across REG2. This reference voltage is
bypassed with a 10μF capacitor.
Trimpot VR6 connects across the
-2.49V reference to provide an adjustable negative voltage to offset the reference voltage produced by REG1. This
negative reference is obtained from
the wiper of VR6, which is adjusted to
provide a fixed voltage between -1.2 to
-1.3V to counter REG1’s reference voltage between its output and adjust pins.
The wiper of VR6 connects to the
non-inverting input of IC1a. IC1a acts
as a unity-gain buffer, where the output voltage follows the input. IC1a’s
output then sinks 12-13mA from REG1
at the lower end of VR1. With VR6 correctly set, REG1’s output is zero when
VR1 is fully anti-clockwise.
Current monitoring
IC2 measures the current drawn by
the load. This measurement, in conjunction with op amp IC1b and Mosfet
Q2, is used to provide current limiting.
IC2 is a current monitor that measures the voltage drop across the 20mW
shunt in the GND supply line. The
September 2023 85
Fig.2: the complete Supply circuit. Note how many signals are routed to CON3, then via a ribbon cable to CON4 on the
front panel control board, and in some cases, back through the cable to another pin on CON3.
voltages at either end of the shunt are
applied to pins 1 and 8 of IC2, which
amplifies the difference by a factor of
50. We selected the shunt so that the
pin 5 output of IC2 provides 1V per
1A of output current.
There is a 20mV voltage drop
across the 20mW shunt at 1A, which,
when multiplied by 50, gives 1V. But
note that IC2’s output voltage is with
respect to the -2.49V reference rather
than the 0V rail.
Silicon Chip
The calibration is linear, so IC2 will
deliver 2V above the -2.49V reference
for a 2A current flow or proportionally
lower values at intermediate currents.
For current limiting, we compare
the current measured by IC2 with
the maximum set current level. The
current setting for limiting is provided by a voltage divider across the
-2.49V supply. The main adjustment
is potentiometer VR3, with VR4 & VR5
setting the maximum and minimum
Australia's electronics magazine
current range limits. Ignoring VR5 for
the moment, VR4 is set so that when
VR3 is fully clockwise, the voltage at
its wiper will be 2V above the -2.49V
reference, corresponding to a 2A current limit.
VR5 provides a small voltage offset
above the -2.49V reference. It is used
to set the minimum setting of VR3 to
match the output of IC2 when there is
no load current.
Typically, IC2’s output will always
be above the -2.49V reference due to the
small standby current drawn by the reference, IC1, IC2 and the meters. Also,
there will be an offset voltage inherent
to IC2 even with no current flow.
VR5 allows us to dial out this voltage
so that the voltage between test point
TP10 (at the top of VR5) and TP3 (at the
wiper of VR3) ranges between 0V and
2V, matching the 0-2A current limit
Australia's electronics magazine
range. If the VR5 adjustment is made
carefully, that will also allow VR3 to
be rotated fully anti-clockwise without
entering current limiting when there
is no load.
September 2023 87
Potentiometer options
We have provided the option of using a standard single turn (300° rotation)
potentiometer for VR1, which adjusts the Supply output voltage. In this case,
it’s a 5kW linear potentiometer connected in parallel with a 5kW trimpot. This
is the cheapest option, but not the best.
The alternative is to use a 2.5kW multi-turn potentiometer, making it easier
to adjust the output voltage, especially for low values.
While we are using a potentiometer for the voltage adjustment, it is used
as a variable resistance (or rheostat) rather than as a potentiometer. With a
potentiometer, the wiper can produce a range of voltages between the voltages applied at the two ends of the potentiometer’s track.
The wiper and just one end of the potentiometer are used to produce a
variable resistance. The unconnected end of the potentiometer is often connected to the wiper, but this does not alter the resistance-versus-rotation law.
When using a standard 300° potentiometer to adjust the voltage over a 0-30V
range, a slight adjustment causes the output voltage to change quickly. So, for
example, a 0.3V change is made with each 1% (3°) of rotation. So to change
the voltage by 1V, just over 3% of rotation (10°) is required.
Another problem is that while the physical end stops are 300° apart, the
actual resistance element generally only changes over a 270° range, further
‘squashing up’ the adjustment range.
Also, we don’t use a 2.5kW single-turn pot since they are difficult to obtain
and rather expensive. Instead, we use a 5kW linear pot in parallel with a 5kW
resistance to provide an overall 2.5kW range. This means that the plot of resistance vs rotation is not linear, further exacerbating the adjustment sensitivity
for low voltage values, as shown in the plot below.
The cyan line is for a 2.5kW linear pot, while the red line plots the resistance
law for the 5kW pot in parallel with a 5kW resistance. The parallel resistances
do not provide a linear change in resistance versus rotation, with the largest
difference being near the ends of the pot rotation, making accurate low-voltage
adjustment even more difficult.
For the first 10% of rotation, the linear 2.5kW pot changes resistance by 250W,
while the 5kW pot and 5kW parallel resistance changes by nearly 500W. At half
rotation, the 2.5kW pot measures 1.25kW (half the total resistance value), while
the 5kW pot gives 1.67kW (2/3 of the resistance value).
At 90% rotation, the 2.5kW pot is at 2.25kW (90% of the total resistance), while
the 5kW pot gives 2.37kW (95% of the resistance). This non-linearity causes the
adjustment at the low end to be much coarser than in the middle of the range.
This plot shows
the difference
in resistance vs
rotation for a
regular 2.5kW pot
and a 5kW pot
shunted with a fixed
resistance. They
start and end at the
same points, but
the shunted pot’s
resistance law is not
linear. If you can
get the multi-turn
2.5kW potentiometer
to use for the output
voltage adjustment,
you’ll be able to set
the output voltage
much more easily
and accurately.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The current limit setting voltage
from VR3’s wiper is applied to the
inverting input of IC1b via a 1kW resistor. This voltage is compared with the
output from IC2, which goes to the pin
5 inverting input of IC1b via a 10kW
When IC2’s output is lower than the
setting for VR3, IC1b’s output (pin 7)
is pulled low, towards its pin 4 supply (-8V). In this case, current limiting indicator LED1 is reverse-biased,
so the gate of Mosfet Q2 is held at its
source voltage, with no current flowing through the Mosfet.
When the output from IC2 goes
above the threshold set by VR3, the
output of IC1b begins to go high, lighting LED1 via the 1kW resistor between
Q2’s gate and source pins. This also
starts to switch on Q2 as its gate voltage
rises. The channel of Mosfet Q2 then
begins to conduct, pulling the adjust
terminal of REG1 down to reduce its
output voltage.
Note that the adjust terminal is isolated from the voltage setting resistance of VR1 via a 330W resistor. This
allows Q2 to drive the adjust terminal
without being loaded by the voltage
setting resistance.
The 100nF capacitor between pin
5 of IC1b and the drain of Q2 acts as
a compensation capacitor for the current limiting feedback, preventing it
from coming on too rapidly, possibly
leading to oscillation.
Compensation for the op amp is
also provided using a 1μF capacitor
between the pin 6 inverting input and
the pin 7 output. While this capacitor
could be as low as 47pF to prevent
oscillation, the 1μF value minimises
output ripple voltage when the supply
is in current limiting.
Load switching
As mentioned previously, we use a
relay to switch the Supply’s output to
the load. This relay (RLY1) allows the
circuitry to disconnect the load during
power-up, power-down or if the heatsink gets too hot.
Disconnecting the load when power
is first applied, and when it is switched
off, prevents unexpected voltages from
being applied to the load. This circuit
section comprises diodes D7 and D8,
transistors Q3 to Q6 and associated
components, plus RLY1.
We use the 15V transformer tap to
derive a 21V supply. Diode D7 halfwave rectifies the AC, and a 2200μF
There isn’t much on the rear
panel – just the heatsink and IEC
mains power input. Note how
the heatsink hangs down
below the bottom of
the case as it is
slightly taller. We
get around this by
making the case’s
feet taller.
capacitor filters the resulting voltage
to a relatively smooth 21V DC or so.
The positive power supply for op amp
IC1 is taken from this rail via a 100W
resistor. As the negative supply for IC1
is from the -8V rail, ZD1 is included to
ensure that the overall supply to IC1
does not exceed 33V.
Diode D8 also provides half-wave
rectification of the 15V tapping, but
this is not filtered so that we have a
pulsating voltage. This way, the voltage from diode D8 will immediately
cease when power is disconnected,
allowing us to quickly detect when
the power is switched off.
When power is applied, the positive
voltage at D8’s cathode switches on
transistor Q3 for half of every mains
cycle. With our 50Hz mains, the positive excursion is over a 10ms period.
Q3 discharges the 1μF capacitor via a
100W resistor each time it is switched
on; this capacitor begins to charge via
a 100kW resistor from the 21V supply
during the negative half of the waveform.
This capacitor will stay mostly discharged, provided that Q3 repeatedly
discharges it every 10ms.
Somewhat similarly, transistor Q4
controls the charge on the 47μF capacitor. When Q4 is off, it allows the 47μF
capacitor connected to TP8 to charge
via the 100kW and 100W resistors. Q4
remains off, provided that the 1μF
capacitor connecting to Q4’s base is
So when there is an output from
the transformer, the 47μF capacitor
charges up. The base of Q5 needs to
be above 13.2V to switch on due to
the voltages across diode D9 and zener
diode ZD2, the latter being biased via
a 2.2kW resistor from the 21V supply.
As a result, when power is first
applied, there is a five-second delay
before the 47μF capacitor charges
enough to switch Q5 on. But when
the power switch is flicked off, within
a few tens of milliseconds, the 1μF
capacitor at Q4’s base charges enough
to switch it on, discharging the 47μF
capacitor and switching Q5 off.
When Q5 is on, it pulls current from
the base of PNP transistor Q6 via a
4.7kW current-limiting resistor. The
current from Q6 flows through the
load switch (S2), then through thermal switch TH1 and to the relay coil.
So the load is only connected by RLY1
when Q6 is on, S2 is on and thermal
switch TH1 is not open.
To put it another way, the load is disconnected during power-up, power-
down, when S2 is off or when the temperature of TH1 is too high.
Diode D10 clamps the negative voltage when the relay coil is switched off.
By the way, we sneakily reuse the 12V
supply from zener diode ZD2 to power
IC2, the INA282 shunt monitor.
The voltmeter and ammeter connect
to the regulated output of the Supply.
Australia's electronics magazine
The voltmeter measures the voltage
before the relay contact. The shunt
for current measurements is in the
negative supply line; it has a very low
resistance, so there is a minimal voltage drop across it. The meter is supplied from the 21V positive rail and
uses the MI- terminal as its ground.
Next month
We have now described what our
updated Supply can do and how it
works. Next month’s follow-up article
will have the assembly details for the
two PCBs, chassis assembly instrucSC
tions and wiring details.
The voltage
inverter module is based
on a 555 timer IC and a handful of
other components. For use in this
Supply, it's built with ZD1 = 12V
and R1 = 220W 1W.
September 2023 89