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Vintage Radio
AWA 500M superhet mantel radio
By Ian Batty
The 500-series mantels were a ‘cheap and cheerful’ budget offering,
released in four versions. They are tidy-looking sets that fit just about
anywhere. I picked this one up at a Historical Radio Society of Australia
(HRSA) auction some years back.
ppearing in 1946, the 500M was a
well-tested design using all octalbased valves. It’s a compact set with
little wasted space inside its Bakelite
The 500M is almost a conventional
superheterodyne radio (‘superhet’).
The difference – which I didn’t appreciate at first – is that it has only one
audio stage. In other words, it has only
three signal stages (see Fig.1).
There are well-performing fourvalvers about, but they use audio
reflexing in the intermediate frequency
(IF) amplifier stage, giving it a dual
role. In that case, there are effectively
four signal stages (converter, IF amplification, audio preamplification, and
audio output), like a typical domestic
superhet. So this one is a bit unusual.
Silicon Chip
The power supply uses a 6X5GT
full-wave rectifier valve. The HT filter
includes the electrodynamic speaker’s field coil and two 8μF electrolytic
capacitors (C21/C22), forming a pi filter. The mains transformer provides
two mains voltage tappings: 200~230V
and 230~260V.
C18 (100nF) provides RF/IF filtering for the common HT line; there is
no decoupled/HT2 supply for the RF/
IF section.
The converter uses a 6A8G, the
octal pentagrid based on the original 2A7 and its follow-on 6A7. These
earlier types were mounted on 7-pin
UX bases.
The converter has no self-bias, as
its cathode returns directly to ground.
Bias is supplied via the antenna
Australia's electronics magazine
circuit’s L3 from the back bias/AGC
The screen grid supply is shared
with the IF amplifier via dropper R3
and bypass C11.
The antenna circuit uses an IF filter (L1/C1) which, unlike the Astor
Mickey I reviewed in the January 2022
issue (,
causes little or no loss of sensitivity.
The antenna circuit’s gain is improved
at the top end by top-coupling capacitor C2, also known as a ‘gimmick’
The antenna coil’s L2 primary ‘steps
up’ to the tuned L3 secondary, giving
a voltage gain of around three times.
As L3 has no adjustable slug, this set’s
RF alignment is done by adjusting the
LO coil’s tuned winding (L4) to meet
Fig.1: the circuit diagram for the AWA 500M. The radio has a standard IF of 455kHz.
Interestingly the original service manual has separate listings for the 500M-Z and 500M-Z, with the 500M & 500-M-Z using a 40Hz transformer (T2), while the 500M-Z used a
50Hz transformer with a directly-heated 5Y3GT rectifier valve.
L3 at 600kHz – more on that later.
The local oscillator uses the ‘Armstrong’ design, with untuned primary
L5 feeding back to its L4 tuned secondary. The tuning gang uses identical
sections, so padder C8 ensures local
oscillator/antenna circuit tracking.
Grid resistor R1 returns to the cathode as usual – that just happens to be
ground in this set.
The converter feeds its IF signal to
the slug-tuned first IF transformer primary L6. The transformer comprises
L6/L7, with both windings tuned.
The secondary, L7, feeds the 6G8G IF
amplifier. This duo-diode pentode is
commonly used either for IF or first
audio stage amplification, with its
diodes operating separately as the
demodulator and for AGC, or combined (as here) demodulator/AGC.
As with the converter, the IF amplifier has no self-bias; it’s biased (via L7)
from the back bias/AGC circuit.
The IF amp feeds its signal to the
second IF transformer primary, L8.
Its secondary L9 feeds the demodulator/AGC diodes in the 6G8G. Both
transformer windings are slug-tuned.
Demodulated audio, and a DC voltage
proportional to the incoming signal,
are developed across volume control
R7. Audio is taken from R7’s wiper and
fed via C17 to the output amplifier grid.
The DC voltage across R7 is fed, via
R4, to the AGC line. This has a standing bias of about -2V, derived from
40W back-bias resistor R6 via R5. This
supplies bias to the converter and IF
amplifier, which lack individual biasing circuits.
The AGC voltage develops across
volume control R7 and audio is filtered out by C4. It’s applied to the
control grids of the converter and IF
amplifier via the R4/R5 divider. This
simple circuit has no effective delay,
with a measurable AGC voltage for an
input signal of only 100μV.
The 6V6GT output stage uses cathode bias. Be aware that the near-
identical 500s used back bias for all
its valves.
Audio, fed from the volume control, is applied to the control grid via
R9. This ‘stopper’ resistor reduces the
high-gain 6V6GT’s tendency to oscillate. Its anode feeds the primary of
output transformer T1, bypassed by
C20. This capacitor suppresses the
output transformer’s natural resonance caused by its combined winding
inductance and capacitance.
Australia's electronics magazine
September 2023 95
forms. These initial releases were
given the “G” (glass) suffix (6A8G,
6G8G etc). They used a flattened ‘press’
at the bottom of the envelope to seal
the lead-in wires, as with the previous
4-to-7-pin UX construction.
Fig.2 shows 2V/1.5V pentagrid converter development from the initial
1C6 issue to the final 1A7 that preceded the all-glass 1R5. With the push
towards compact equipment, manufacturers simplified the glass envelope
and released tubular types.
The original metal types had short
lead wires between the base pins and
the internal elements. The G and original GT types used press construction,
so they were quite tall compared to
metal equivalents.
Also, they did not perform as well
The dial markings are painted onto a fancy-looking piece of cloth. Another
at higher frequencies due to extra lead
separate piece of this cloth is then used as a speaker grille.
inductance and capacitance. Notably,
the high-performance 6AB7/6AC7
Notice that C20 is connected from guided by their invention of all-metal ‘video pentodes’ were not generally
the anode to ground, giving it a stand- valves. These committed pin 1 to released in glass envelopes.
ing voltage of some 230V. Should it grounding the metal shell/envelope,
The Bantal (‘bantam-octal’) line
go short-circuit, it will ground T1’s both for signal shielding and electri- reduced the envelope’s overall height
anode connection, possibly burning cal safety in case of internal anode- by lowering the height of the press.
out the output transformer. It’s best to shell leakage.
Some Bantals used a metal shell to
reconnect the capacitor so it’s across
This meant that initially, only seven secure the envelope to a disc-shaped
the output transformer’s primary. If it pin connections were available, so base; others simply continued with
does short out, the only effect will be some valves (twin triodes such as the the Bakelite ‘bucket’. Fig.2 shows one
a lack of audio.
6SN7) could not be released in metal of each: a 1A7GT and an equivalent
V3’s 315W cathode bias resistor envelopes.
is a parallel pair of 630W resistors.
While you can use a metal valve to
Confusingly, some were initially
These are the original fitment but of a replace a glass type, be sure that the set denoted GT/G or G/GT. Many types
non-standard value; the nearest E12 manufacturer has not used pin 1 as an were never issued in the intermedi(10%) values are 560W and 680W. HT tie point; the metal valve envelope ate ‘long envelope’ style (the 1A7G
The E24 (5%) series does have a 620W will be at (dangerous) HT potential! It example) but went directly from
value, so maybe AWA just went off on has happened!
the stepped tubular (‘G’) form to the
their own with the 630W.
Glass-envelope octals were orig- reduced-height GT cylindrical form
inally released in the ST (stepped- (the 1A7GT). The 6V6GT and 6X5GT
G, GT and GT/G valves
tubular ‘coke bottle’) form previously in this set both used the reducedRCA’s design of the octal valve was used by the 4-, 5-, 6- and 7-pin UX height construction.
Left: the rear of the AWA 500M
Below: the grommet-and-knotted cord
fitting on the underside of the chassis
is not a very safe arrangement.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Eventually, ‘GT’ was applied to all
tubular-envelope octals, regardless of
base construction.
The Bakelite case was in good condition, only needing a polish to restore it.
Electrically, it was also in good condition, having been previously restored.
All three electrolytic capacitors (HT
filters, output cathode bypass) had
been replaced, as had the paper types.
All low-capacitance mica types
were still in place. These are generally
more reliable, but are known to suffer
leakage over time due either to internal
dendritic (‘metal whisker’) growth, or
(as mica is hydrophilic) from gradual
moisture absorption.
A fellow HRSA member once
reported a radio with a mysterious
‘crackling’ sound. The fault was traced
to intermittent leakage in the mica
capacitor bypassing the first audio
amplifier’s anode to ground.
How good is it?
At first, I thought it was pretty poor.
But looking at the circuit reminded
me that I had not fully appreciated its
budget design.
Thinking about the Astor Mickey,
I’d fallen into the trap of expecting
tens of microvolts sensitivity at worst.
Adding a first audio stage, with a gain
of maybe 50 times, would easily have
given the performance I’d had in mind.
I went stage-by-stage and measured
the signal needed at each grid to get
the standard 50mW output. I use two
Fig.2: examples of different types of glass-envelope and tubular-envelope valves.
The base and envelope both evolved to produce more compact valves.
references: my own testing and my preferred servicing manual for this class
of radio, Markus and Levy’s Elements
of Radio Servicing. If you don’t have
a copy, I suggest you get one.
The output stage needed around
500mV at its grid to give a 50mW output. I test at 400Hz, as I’ve found some
sets that begin cutting off at 1kHz!
Going to the IF amp’s grid, I needed
25mV of 400Hz modulated signal for
50mW of output power. The converter
grid needed 1.5mV at 600kHz and
For the standard 50mW output,
it needed 500μV at 600kHz or
400μV at 1400kHz injected into
the antenna. Due to its low gain,
the signal-plus-noise-to-noise ratio
(S+N:NR) exceeded 20dB in both
cases. These figures are consistent
with Markus & Levy’s and my own
The audio output was about 1.5W
at clipping. At 50mW, Total harmonic
distortion (THD) was 3%. Audio
response from the volume control to
the speaker was 170~1500Hz, but from
the antenna to the speaker, it was only
190~900Hz. The IF bandwidth at -3dB
was ±2.9kHz and ±30kHz at -60dB.
AGC action was only moderate, with
a 20dB input signal increase giving a
6dB rise in output level. That results
from the R4/R5 circuit combining the
back bias and AGC voltages. For a
The underside of the
chassis. Very little
was required to polish
up the radio, as the
electrolytic and papertype capacitors had
already been replaced.
Note the use of a cord
anchor to replace the
original and unsafe
knotted cord.
Australia's electronics magazine
September 2023 97
strong signal of 100mV at the input,
around -40V is developed across volume pot R7 but only about -11V is
conveyed to the AGC line.
Also, the ‘undelayed’ AGC cuts in
early. At 1400kHz, I needed 400μV at
the antenna terminal for 50mW output, but shorting the AGC to ground
cut the required input signal level to
only 270μV, a sensitivity increase of
some 3.5dB.
This is moderate sensitivity by any
measure, but my 500M is a budget set
with three signal stages. You’d expect
to use it with a few metres of antenna
wire connected. With that, all Melbourne stations rocked in, and I was
able to get my distant station, 3WV,
at a reasonable volume with just a
2m-long antenna.
All in all, it’s a simple mantel set
without any pretensions. It’s also a
straightforward design that’s easy to
work on and fix.
Hint on LO testing
If a superhet’s local oscillator is not
working, the set will do nothing, but
many other faults can result in no audio
output. So, if the set is not functional,
how can you be sure the LO is OK?
Some repairers measure the oscillator’s negative grid voltage. I was able
to do this with the 500M (as noted on
the circuit diagram), but with most sets
I’ve tried this on, the LO stops due to
the extra loading on the circuit.
My preferred method is to use a
good set as a monitor, tuned to the
top end of the band (this works for
any superhet – valve or transistor –
on any band). Slowly tune the suspect set from the bottom up towards
the top of the band.
For the broadcast band, you’d tune
the monitor set to the top end at
1600kHz. Assuming an IF of around
450kHz, the suspect set should produce a ‘swoosh’ or ‘birdies’ in the monitor at around 1150kHz on the suspect
set’s dial. If the suspect set is a really
old one with a 175kHz IF, expect a
response from the monitor just above
1400kHz on the suspect set’s dial.
As a bonus, you don’t even have to
take the suspect set out of its cabinet/
Is it worth buying one?
If you see a 500M, don’t be put off
by its modest performance – it’s a
nice-looking set with a compact design
that lets it sit anywhere and provide
Radiolette ‘500’ versions
I could not find a model identifier
on my set – you may need to pull the
chassis and inspect the wiring to discover whether you have the ‘all back
bias’ version or its alternative with
cathode bias on the output.
There are several 500Ms. Kevin
Chant’s listing for the 500MY uses back
bias for all valves. AGE also released
the set as their G64ME.
Radiomuseum lists two circuits:
500M and 500M-Z, both identical
and applicable to the 500M, 500M-Z
and 506. These show cathode bias for
the output stage and an alternative
power supply using a directly-heated
5Y3GT/G in the 500M-Z.
Special handling
It’s an easy set to work on but heavier
than I expected, probably due to the
combination of the electrodynamic
speaker and a larger-than-expected
power transformer.
The VE301 (February 2023 issue;, had no
mains cord security – the active lead
had actually broken off and was floating about under the chassis and had to
be fixed! My 500M had the commonly-
used (and unsafe) grommet-
a ndknotted cord fitting.
References & links
• Marcus, A. H., & Levy, W. H, “Elements of Radio Servicing”, McGrawHill Book Company, Inc. (1947).
• Radiomuseum AWA 500M-Z:
• Kevin Chant’s website, under
• Verrall, Bill, “The AWA Radiolette
Model 500MY”, Radio Waves, HRSA,
Issue 84, April 2003, p8. Bill’s article
has a parts layout diagram.
From the side you can see the 6C8G valve has the label “goat patented” on it. These Goat Shields were very common
in the 1940s-50s and went out of use when the straight-sided glass tubular (GT) forms came into use.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine