Nicholas Vinen
Technical Editor
John Clarke – B.E.(Elec.)
Technical Staff
Jim Rowe – B.A., B.Sc.
Bao Smith – B.Sc.
Tim Blythman – B.E., B.Sc.
Advertising Enquiries
(02) 9939 3295
Regular Contributors
Allan Linton-Smith
Dave Thompson
David Maddison – B.App.Sc. (Hons 1),
PhD, Grad.Dip.Entr.Innov.
Geoff Graham
Associate Professor Graham Parslow
Dr Hugo Holden – B.H.B, MB.ChB.,
Ian Batty – M.Ed.
Phil Prosser – B.Sc., B.E.(Elec.)
Louis Decrevel
Founding Editor (retired)
Leo Simpson – B.Bus., FAICD
Silicon Chip is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. ACN 626 922 870. ABN 20
880 526 923. All material is copyright ©. No part of this publication
may be reproduced without the written
consent of the publisher.
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6 issues (6 months): $65
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ISSN: 1030-2662
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Silicon Chip
Editorial Viewpoint
Five-year update
It has been a little over five years since I took over as
Publisher of Silicon Chip magazine from Leo Simpson
in July 2018.
What a tumultuous five years it has been! I don’t think
I have to explain the impact that COVID-19 had on us. We
were lucky; the magazine publication side of the business
can be operated mostly off-site. For various reasons, I had
already set up pretty much everything needed to do that
by 2019. So we were able to cope pretty well, although
there were still significant impacts on the business.
Component shortages – now mostly (but not entirely) resolved – were certainly
a challenge, as were paper shortages, the huge cost increases (some of which I
wrote about last month) and more. Luckily we were able to see some of that coming
and prepare, which allowed us to get through relatively unscathed.
More importantly, I think, is how the magazine itself has fared over the last
five years. At the outset, I wanted there to be continuity; a more-or-less seamless
transition. I would say we achieved that.
There have been a few minor changes to the format, but I hope Silicon Chip
today is the same magazine that readers already liked. I have tried to keep a
similar balance of feature articles, projects and columns, as I think it worked
well. I am proud of many of the major articles we’ve published over the last five
years. There are too many to list here, but some that stand out are:
• Duraid Madina’s DAB+/FM/AM Radio (January-March 2019)
• Ian Batty’s series on Videotape Recording (March-June 2021) and Transistors
(March-May 2022)
• Tim Blythman’s USB Cable Tester (November & December 2021) and
Advanced Test Tweezers (February & March 2023)
• Phil Prosser’s Hummingbird Amplifier (December 2021), Capacitor Discharge
Welder (March & April 2022) and Active Speakers (November 2022 to February 2023)
• Dr David Maddison’s series on IC Fabrication (June-August 2022), Display
Technologies (September & October 2022) and Computer Memory (January &
February 2023)
• Geoff Graham’s VGA PicoMite (July 2022) and GPS Analog Clock Driver
(September & November 2022)
Inevitably, when younger people take over, there will be some changes. I won’t
always make the same decisions that Leo did as I have different interests, grew up
in a different time (with the rapid development of home computers) and so on.
One of the biggest challenges I face is trying to keep everybody happy. For
example, many people really like historical articles like the Vintage Radio column
and others we publish, like the videotape series mentioned above. I also know
that many younger people aren’t very interested in such things. So there has to
be a balance of more futuristic articles along with the historical ones.
Similarly, while so many project contributions these days are digital designs
involving microcontrollers and similar, many people (me included) still like
analog designs. Again, a balance is needed.
For example, this month, we have two primarily digital designs, the Coffee
Grinder Timer and PIC Programming Adaptor, some DIY loudspeakers and an
updated Bench Supply design. Hopefully, everyone can find something they like
with those articles. I find them all interesting; perhaps I am just easy to please!
Feel free to write in with suggestions on how to make the magazine appeal
to everyone.
by Nicholas Vinen
The cover price will be changing to $12.50 from the October 2023 issue and the
price of subscriptions will be increasing on the 1st of November this year, see below:
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