This is only a preview of the August 2024 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 45 of the 104 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Items relevant to "The Styloclone":
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Items relevant to "Dual Mini LED Dice":
Items relevant to "JMP007 - Ultrasonic Garage Door Notifier":
Items relevant to "JMP009 - Stroboscope and Tachometer":
Items relevant to "Beer Can Filler":
Items relevant to "180-230V DC Motor Speed Controller Part 2":
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Your 0.7-1.0V readings across the
safety resistors is good, as is the fact
that it increases slowly as you rotate
VR1 clockwise. That, combined with
the low output offset voltage, makes it
very likely that the modules are working correctly.
Those substitute transistors have
specifications that are very close to
the originals and should not cause
any problems. The substitution was
necessary as one of the originals is no
longer made/available.
Once the resistors are moved to the
fuse locations, the voltage drop across
them only depends on the output stage
current, not the total module current.
Since the initial bias is so low, the output stage is drawing almost no current,
hence the low voltage drop readings at
first. That probably should have been
explained in the article.
Yes, there will be a slight variation
in the current sharing. That’s part of
the reason for the emitter resistors;
they help to reduce the variation. Your
measurements are fine, and we would
not bother to make any further adjustments as long as the bias currents don’t
keep increasing over time as the module warms up (thermal feedback).
With the readings between 4mV
and 6mV, you should get performance
pretty much identical to the published
graphs, and as long as the voltages are
not creeping up, there is no risk of thermal runaway.
Appliance Energy
Meter voltage is wrong
I built the Appliance Energy Meter
(August-October 2016;
Series/302) and much of it works fine.
Australia's electronics magazine
The Micromite display comes on and
I can set clock time. At first, I could
calibrate the AC voltage readings to
match the mains, but now I am unable
to do that. I have checked voltages at
various points as given on the circuit
diagram and all check out except some
around IC4 (the ACS718).
I measure 4.87V at pin 10, 2.47V
at pin 12 and 0V at pin 15. Pin 15 is
shown as Vcc and should give 5V. I
can measure 5V up to the 56kW resistor but not beyond. I can see the PCB
track from pin 15 connecting to Earth
at the end of the 2.2kW resistor.
What am I missing here? Is the
PCB faulty? If the 5V rail connected
to Earth, I would think none of the
other positive rail points would show
a voltage. I have built many projects
over many decades (back to Radio, TV
continued on page 104
August 2024 103