This is only a preview of the February 2024 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 36 of the 112 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Articles in this series:
Items relevant to "Microphone Preamplifier":
Items relevant to "Mains Power-Up Sequencer, Pt1":
Items relevant to "ESP32-CAM WiFi Camera Module":
Items relevant to "Raspberry Pi Clock Radio, Pt2":
Items relevant to "Model Railway Points Controller":
Purchase a printed copy of this issue for $12.50. |
ISSN 1030-2662
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Vol.37, No.02
February 2024
14 Computer Storage Systems, Pt1
From punched cards to flash memory, we cover in depth many of the
various permanent storage data systems. The first part of our series will
focus on the early storage technologies, while the next part will move
towards more modern (and future) inventions.
By Dr David Maddison
Computer technology
60 ESP32-CAM WiFi Camera Module
The Altronics Z6387 is a WiFi and Bluetooth-enabled 2MP (two-megapixel)
digital camera utilising the ESP32-S3 microcontroller. It can be interfaced
with another microcontroller or used as a standalone device.
By Tim Blythman
Microcontroller review
68 Electronic Markets in Singapore
Sim Lim Tower and Sim Lim Square, in Singapore, are two centres full of
shops containing all manner of electronic items.
By Tim Blythman
Electronic components
104 STC Radiotym model 5160
STC’s model 5160 stands out from other clock radios in the 1950s. While
the radio was US-designed, it was assembled in Sydney due to high tariffs
on importing completed radios at the time.
By Associate Professor Graham Parslow
Vintage Radio
28 Microphone Preamplifier
This compact microphone preamplifier runs from a 9-15V DC plugpack,
offers a flat frequency response, low distortion, low noise and adjustable
gain (-15dB to +50dB). It also includes switchable 48V phantom power.
By Phil Prosser
Audio project
48 Mains Power-Up Sequencer, Pt1
The Mains Power-Up Sequencer offers four independently-controlled 10A
mains outputs, making it easy to power up several devices together. This
helps with circuit breakers tripping, audio equipment thumps and more.
By John Clarke
Power control project
72 Raspberry Pi Clock Radio, Pt2
In the final part of this series, we show you how to build and use our Clock
Radio and combined media player. Because it’s designed with a Raspberry
Pi, you can remotely configure the Clock via the internet.
By Stefan Keller-Tuberg
Clock radio project
83 Model Railway Points Controller
Monitor and switch up to eight sets of points (“railroad switches”) from a
single Controller. We also show you how to make LED-based signals to go
with each set of points.
By Les Kerr
Model railway project
Page 28
Part 1: Page 48
Page 60
Altronics’ Z6387 ESP32
WiFi Camera Module
Editorial Viewpoint
Circuit Notebook
Serviceman’s Log
Product Showcase
Online Shop
Ask Silicon Chip
Market Centre
Advertising Index
1. Latching relay toggle circuit
2. DHT22 temperature/humidity chart
3. Isolated mains V/I monitor
4. ESP32-based ChatGPT terminal
5. WiFi night light
6. LED-based motion sensor
Nicholas Vinen
Technical Editor
John Clarke – B.E.(Elec.)
Technical Staff
Jim Rowe – B.A., B.Sc.
Bao Smith – B.Sc.
Tim Blythman – B.E., B.Sc.
Advertising Enquiries
(02) 9939 3295
Regular Contributors
Allan Linton-Smith
Dave Thompson
David Maddison – B.App.Sc. (Hons 1),
PhD, Grad.Dip.Entr.Innov.
Geoff Graham
Associate Professor Graham Parslow
Dr Hugo Holden – B.H.B, MB.ChB.,
Ian Batty – M.Ed.
Phil Prosser – B.Sc., B.E.(Elec.)
Louis Decrevel
Founding Editor (retired)
Leo Simpson – B.Bus., FAICD
Silicon Chip is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. ACN 626 922 870. ABN 20
880 526 923. All material is copyright ©. No part of this publication
may be reproduced without the written
consent of the publisher.
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Editorial office: Unit 1 (up ramp), 234
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Postal address: PO Box 194,
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Phone: (02) 9939 3295.
ISSN: 1030-2662
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Editorial Viewpoint
Check your backups
The data we produce at Silicon Chip (magazine
layouts, software, PCB files etc) is very valuable to us,
so we are careful to back it up, possibly to the point
of paranoia.
Our internal data store also has quite a bit of
redundancy, so even if a storage device fails, we
shouldn’t lose anything or even have our workflow
interrupted. Backups are for situations like accidental
file deletion, file corruption and so on. The general advice is to have three
copies of critical data, including at least one off-site.
I am a little more relaxed in backing up personal data that I consider less
important. I back up important things like family photos and tax documents,
but I don’t worry so much about some things that would be more of an
annoyance if I lost them, rather than a disaster. However, a recent ‘near-miss’
incident was a wake-up call.
For this data, I relied on software with built-in a ‘cloud backup’ feature
that told me that the data was ‘up to date’ and ‘synchronised’. But when my
Samsung EVO 870 SSD began faltering – disappointing, as I chose it based on
Samsung’s reputation for reliability – I realised the perils of overconfidence
in technology.
Luckily, it didn’t fail completely; most of the data remains readable, with
only a fraction corrupted. The problem manifested when I tried to write
a significant amount of data to the drive. It would stop responding, often
making the computer unusable until it was rebooted.
So I bought a new SSD and swapped them. That only took a few minutes,
as it was mounted on the back of the motherboard and thus was readily
accessible through a hole in the chassis after removing the panel on that
side of the case.
With the new SSD in place, the computer worked properly again. Still, I
would have to wait until I could grab my external M.2 SSD adaptor from the
office to get the data off the old drive. In the meantime, I decided to restore
some data from the cloud backup. That didn’t go very well.
There was data in the cloud backup, but only a fraction of what I expected.
It looks like it was only backing up the first file in some directories instead
of all of them. It was lucky that I still had most of the data on the drive; I
would just have to wait a few days to access it. I filed a bug report with that
software vendor, so hopefully, they will fix it for other users.
Lessons learned
The experience was a good reminder that you can’t just assume that, because
you are making backups, you can restore them later if you need them.
Not only must you check periodically that the backups are up to date, you
need to try to restore some data regularly. The worst possible time to discover
that you can’t restore your backups is just after losing the original data!
For most people, cloud backup services are the only realistic way to have
those all-important off-site backups, but make sure you consider security and
reliability when choosing such a service. If your data is very valuable (eg,
you make a living from it), consider backing it up to two different providers
after ensuring they do not share any infrastructure.
In general, it’s a good idea to have diverse backups. I do not recommend
backing up to an SSD or flash drive, except in the short term. External
mechanical hard disks are inexpensive; while they can be slow, they usually
will retain data for years without a problem.
Cover image:
by Nicholas Vinen
24-26 Lilian Fowler Pl, Marrickville 2204
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your feedback
Letters and emails should contain complete name, address and daytime phone number. Letters to the Editor are submitted on the condition that
Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd has the right to edit, reproduce in electronic form, and communicate these letters. This also applies to submissions to “Ask Silicon Chip”, “Circuit Notebook” and “Serviceman’s Log”.
Australia’s first hydroelectric scheme
I enjoyed reading the articles on The History of Electronics by Dr David Maddison (October-December 2023
issues; In an extensive work,
he reported that “Australia’s first hydroelectric scheme
began operating, to power street lights in Launceston, Tas”.
However, my colleague and I are currently researching
the history of the Hillgrove hydroelectric scheme. There
is significant evidence to challenge the statement that the
Launceston scheme was the first in Australia.
In March 1893, the Hillgrove and Armidale Water Power
Electric Bill was passed through the NSW Legislative
Assembly. One stipulation was that the company should
have the works in practical operation 18 months from the
passing of the bill.
It was reported in the Daily Telegraph of the 11th of September, 1894, that the “The long-looked for lighting of Hillgrove by electricity took place this evening, at 8.30 [PM],
and the installation went off without a hitch”.
The scheme involved generators in a powerhouse by the
Gara River and high-voltage cables up the escarpment to
the town of Hillgrove. Professor Threlfall of Sydney University provided engineering supervision.
Later, the mines became sporadically uneconomic
(although they were still in operation when gold prices
were high enough), and the power company unsuccessfully
tried to convince the town of Armidale to accept power
from the scheme. Without adequate customers, the scheme
was closed and some of the equipment was moved to the
later scheme in Tasmania.
Although there are Engineering Heritage Plaques at the
site in Tasmania, over thirty years ago, papers citing Hillgrove as a precedent were published. Gojak, Giopoulos
and Dunnett published in 1988, and Wilson published a
Master’s thesis in 1990.
Gojak et al. reported that “The Gara River scheme was
the first substantial hydro-electric scheme to reach fruition
in Australia. It began to generate power in late March 1895.
The Launceston scheme, generally but wrongly credited as
the first hydroelectric scheme to light an Australian town,
did not operate until December of that year”.
We are still hoping to find further pictures and information about the Hillgrove scheme if anybody has such
data, and we will publish more details in the coming year.
Dr John C Moore &
Adjunct Associate Professor Rex Glencross-Grant,
Armidale, NSW.
How two-speed motors work
motor (Ask Silicon Chip, December 2023, p101), I initially
couldn’t understand how they could put a six-pole and a
four-pole motor in the same housing.
After pondering it for a while, I realised that a twelvepole motor could be arranged as a six-pole or a four-pole
motor, as shown in the diagrams I drew (shown below).
The diagram shows how a two-pole, two-position switch
could select between 1420 RPM and 930 RPM. I have drawn
connected poles, but the manufacturer would
build it with series-connected poles to reduce the number
of turns required.
Assuming the motor is a capacitor-start type, I would
expect the start winding to be wound only on the poles
that are polarised in common to both motor speeds, ie,
the poles at 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 180° and 330° (using the
mathematical convention of starting at three o’clock and
rotating anticlockwise, not the geographical convention).
The start winding could be identified by being isolated
from other windings and testing as a capacitor. Swap the
two wires to that winding to reverse the direction of rotation on the motor.
Neville Sleep, via email.
An early remote control system
I have thoroughly enjoyed the History of Electronics
series (October-December 2023;
4 Pole
6 Pole
On reading the request for information on a GMF electric
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 5
and would like to point out an interesting, related development.
In 1939-42, Zenith produced a console/radiogram
equipped with the “Mystery Control” remote control system. It used a telephone dial to send decadic pulses on a
longwave frequency, triggering a thyratron that indexed a
uniselector. It allowed the user to control the band, select
the phono input and even adjust the volume continuously
by holding a button below the dial. It could also turn the
radio off but could not turn it on.
Wenlock Burton VK3YWB, Darley, Vic.
Thoughts on expanding symbols on keyboards
Regarding your November editorial, I agree that keyboard symbols are a pain, but I don’t think it will work
on our keyboards. While there are indeed a few “redundant” keys that are “never used”, they are used by the
system and they do actually do something from the system standpoint.
Almost all of these keys are a holdover from even further back in time when dumb terminals were still in use,
which were backwards-compatible with Teletypes. While
Scroll Lock is rarely, if ever, used by 99% of users, there
are some legacy systems out there that still use it. Pause/
Break is similar; it throws a system call from the keyboard
buffer. Those keys were never used by 99% of users.
About the only regularly-used one of those keys is Print
Screen/SysRq, which will take a screenshot and put it on
the clipboard.
In reality, two solutions are available, but someone needs
to actually implement them, probably at Apple or Microsoft.
We already have some cool system shortcuts that few
people know about unless they go looking. For example,
holding down the Windows key with Shift and then pressing “s” fires up a utility called “Snip”,
Back in the 1980s, we had problems with computer keyboards not being standard. We had an Ohio Scientific Superboard II machine, also known as a Challenger 1P. When it
came to programming, we only had machine code or good
old Microsoft Basic (thanks, Bill).
Someone wrote a small program allowing us to use keyboard shortcuts instead of typing in all the standard commands. Productivity went through the roof.
In the 1990s, we had ALT codes that did something similar, but you had to remember them all. So you could have a
solution where you, say, hold down Alt+O instead of going
through all that effort to get a degree sign or CTRL+8 to get
“π”. It would not be hard to program, but getting people to
agree to an international standard would be fun.
Andrew Pullin, Wodonga, Vic.
Comment: some keyboards already lack keys like Scroll
Lock because they are so seldom used. Their function could
easily be relegated to a secondary key combination (eg,
ALT+pause/break). The problem with using something like
Alt+O is that many programs already use that as a shortcut for certain actions. The modifier key would need to be
a new one (“Sym”?) to avoid conflicts.
We are considering creating a programmable keyboard
that lets you quickly and easily type a custom set of Unicode characters.
Solar hot water heating
Marcus Chick’s explanation of mains-powered lights
Silicon Chip
flashing when off (January 2024, page 8) is correct. However, I have only experienced it with two-way switching,
where there is a long cable run between the switches.
Regarding solar hot water heating, I have reduced my offpeak hot water bill to zero. This only applies to premises
fitted with solar power. I fitted a timer at the switchboard
to turn on the water heater at 10am and off at 4pm on the
normal tariff. This means it draws power when the solar
system can provide the most energy.
We export twice what we use with our 10kW system, so
it makes sense to use as much as possible during the day.
The timer is available from most electrical wholesalers,
but ensure you get a model with a backup battery in case
of a blackout.
I fitted a timer to my son-in-law’s place, which has
reduced his electricity bill by $100 without affecting his
use of hot water. As an electrical contractor, I could do the
work myself, but even if you pay an electrician to do it,
you would be better off in no time.
John Chappell, Pelican Waters, Qld.
Comment: we have experienced flashing fluorescent lights
(when ‘off’), controlled by a single switch and a relatively
short cable run. However, the cotton-covered wiring in the
building was close to 100 years old.
Advice on typing extended characters
In response to your November editorial, I have been using
extended ASCII characters in most applications for decades.
For example, ° is ALT+167. Back in the 1980s, my employer
used an é in their name; that is ALT+130. There are more
than 250 of them (but not everything you may want). So
that I don’t need to remember them all or look them up, I
have a laminated double-sided table in my drawer.
P. S., I am not an Apple user; I don’t know if that makes
a difference.
Ron Walker, King Creek, NSW.
Comment: We also use the ALT+number pad codes, but they
have several drawbacks. For one, many keyboards these
days lack the number pad, making them almost impossible
to use. Also, as you imply, this method is DOS/Windows
specific and does not work on other systems (although Macs
have a similar system using different keys).
Another topic you raise is that many of the characters
we want to type, such as most of the Greek letters, are
not part of regular ASCII but are Unicode characters.
There are ways to type Unicode characters in Windows,
but you must enable it. There are thousands of codes,
and again, the input method is platform-specific. It just
isn’t practical.
Having commonly used symbols on the keyboard must
be the easiest solution. There just needs to be a single symbol modifier key, which could replace a useless key like
Pitfalls of mail delivery
I have just read your December 2023 editorial and was
prompted to write. I have been buying your magazine for
over 20 years and thoroughly enjoy reading it.
I have even built a few of your projects including, most
recently, your 50MHz Frequency Counter and GPS Analog
Clock Driver. Those two were my first foray into surface
mount technology, and I built both successfully despite
my eyesight not being what it used to be.
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When I built the fence across the front of our property here in Otago, I went to a great deal of trouble and
expense to build into the wall a large letter box with
a 330mm wide slot so that the postman could deliver
oversized items flat. However, for reasons known only
to themselves, they seem hell-bent on folding everything
in half and ruining them.
I get a monthly newsletter from a car club and the HRSA’s
Radio Waves; both invariably turn up with folds down the
middle. This is very annoying and is why I will always buy
Silicon Chip from the newsagent, rather than subscribing,
so that I get a mint copy.
I am sure I would not be the only disappointed reader if
you went to an online-only version.
I would also like to convey my appreciation to you and
your staff for what is no doubt the finest electronics magazine on the planet.
Ron Barnes, Otago, Tas.
Comment: we understand your desire to receive a pristine
magazine, so your situation is frustrating. We know that
mail delivery doesn’t suit everyone. You could consider
renting a large PO Box as magazines delivered to our PO
Box are not folded. As stated in a previous editorial, we
have no plans to discontinue the printed edition, although
it’s hard to say what will happen in the distant future.
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ABC News article on dark patterns
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Silicon Chip
On the topic of your January editorial, there is an article
regarding dark subscription patterns in this week’s ABC
RN Newsletter. When PCs fail, virus and tune-up subscriptions carry on that are specific to that failed PC. Some
tune-up programs don’t have an obvious subscription cancel method. See:
Adrian Tyler, Wahroonga, NSW.
The fate of our prototypes
As yet another long-time reader of Silicon Chip, I would
like to congratulate you on producing such a first-class magazine and, in particular, the quality of your projects. Like
many of your readers, I have an ever-expanding library of
your printed magazine along with EA, ETI, Wireless World
and others going back to the fifties and beyond.
I have not yet reached the stage of having to scale back my
library, and often just pick a year and flick through, looking
at the projects and technical advancements of yesteryear.
Back in the halcyon days of electronic magazines (late
sixties, early seventies), there appeared to be a much greater
number of short technical articles covering electronics in
all sorts of disciplines. Although you continue to produce
great technical articles, they are typically larger and more
comprehensive but at the expense of shorter ones like EA’s
technical review section of many years ago.
I suppose the internet has a lot to do with that. Still, to be
honest, I find a 1970s edition of EA a more comprehensive
and satisfying coverage of the world of electronics (albeit
with much simpler projects) of its day.
Finally, I have one burning question that I have always
wanted to ask. What do you do with all your completed
project hardware? You would have produced hundreds of
completed projects over the years. Sadly, I think many no
longer exist due to space limitations, but they would have
made a great contribution to a technical museum or similar.
Clive Allan, Glen Waverley, Vic.
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Comment: there are a variety of reasons articles have grown
longer. For one, readers expect articles to be comprehensive, and we are more likely to receive complaints about
some specific information that’s missing if we try to be brief.
We may be able to publish more articles like that; it
depends on finding someone who can write them and finding topics that haven’t already been covered extensively
(or are worth revisiting).
The completed project prototypes are mostly accumulating in a pile at our office. We have most prototypes going
back about 15 years and some older ones. Occasionally,
we must dig one out to look into a reported problem or
update it.
Sometimes, a member of staff will take one home. Some
of them are in frequent use, such as the Ultra-LD Mk.3 stereo amplifier, the CLASSiC DAC prototypes, the latest Bass
Extender, the Majestic loudspeakers and a few others.
Information on mains slave switch project
On page 112 of your August 2023 edition, in the “Ask
Silicon Chip” section, G. M. of North Epping, NSW, asked
about a “load-controlled mains switching box” project they
had lost all information on. They may have been talking
about a project I had built a few years ago but accidentally ‘cooked’ by thoughtlessly running a 1kW fan heater
through it!
The project was called “PowerUp”. Mine worked perfectly until I grossly overloaded it. I used it to switch my
PC monitor, printer, and speaker system on and off automatically, controlled by my PC’s power switch.
The overload fried the main Triac, charred the PCB and
melted the plastic case before I realised my stupid mistake.
I can’t remember if it was an EA or Silicon Chip project,
as I was buying both at the time. Hopefully, this may be
of some help.
Neville Goddard, Blue Haven, NSW.
Comment: Thanks for the information. PowerUp was published in Silicon Chip in the July 2003 issue (siliconchip.
au/Article/3905), although it doesn’t match G. M.’s description. PowerUp has a transformer mounted on the PCB,
while his PCB has little more than a relay, a 10W resistor,
six diodes and two transistors. We suspect it was an EA or
ETI project similar to the PowerUp but published earlier.
Objections to the term “renewables”
Further to your response to the letter from Rex Mower
in the November 2023 issue, I take exception to the use of
the term “renewables” when referring to electricity provided by wind turbines and solar panels.
Undoubtedly, the sun is an energy source of essentially
infinite duration. Therefore, the term “renewables” would
be seen by most as appropriate for the sun itself. However,
when used in reference to electricity produced by wind
turbines and solar panels, the term “renewables” must be
seen as a fraud.
That is because the technology needed to generate the
electricity is not of infinite duration (it breaks) – and given
the ongoing lack of recycling (back into a form where it can
be reused for the same purpose – as opposed to the pretence
of recycling which is more-correctly called “repurposing”),
the raw-materials will inevitably run out.
So the technology will cease to be available in something in the order of decades to half a century. It is long
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
past time that the finite nature of the so-called renewables
was recognised – at least in respectable technical forums.
It is also long past time that Australia started applying
intelligence and planning to what is so far a piecemeal and
highly inefficient transition to a technology that, so far at
least, is far more finite than coal and that (when whole-oflife is taken into account) is not nearly as low-polluting
as is portrayed.
Australia needs a thorough analysis of our demand for
electricity on a minute-by-minute basis (particularly given
the very short duration of some of the electricity storage
mediums) throughout the year, and an analysis of the current and planned infrastructure that is supposed to replace
our generators.
It seems we are changing over to a less-than-efficient
network – with generators placed wherever is best for the
owners of those generators and mostly not “firmed”, and
the hook-up is paid for by the taxpayer in the form of network links that are far more expensive (and damaging to
those who own the land) than they would otherwise need
to be due to both length and capacity.
While we are at it – we could also look at the masses of
rooftop solar that is totally under the manufacturer’s control (via networking back to the manufacturer) and could
easily be weaponised to destabilise our grid. I invite Silicon Chip to do an expose on the current and imminent
situation in Australia. It is long past time that intelligent
analysis was performed on this escalating disaster.
John Evans, Macgregor, ACT.
Comment: while you have a point, we aren’t likely to run
out of silicon (or the required dopants, used in minuscule
quantities) any time soon. That isn’t to say that manufacturing and recycling/disposing of solar panels and wind
turbines is not environmentally damaging. We think what
you have stated applies more to batteries, which is why
pumped hydro is so attractive for grid-scale energy storage.
Working around generic email blocks
In the January 2024 issue, J. S. of Avondale, Qld, complained about the SendGrid and SMTP2GO services not
accepting his email (Gmail) address (Ask Silicon Chip,
page 100).
A good workaround is to get your own domain name,
in my case via VentraIP. When asked for a ‘business’ email
address, I can use a custom address at my domain. An
added advantage is that you can get a personalised address.
For the above case, he could have a domain name of, say, or whatever, and his email address could be
js<at> It is relatively cheap, around $10-20 per
year. You can also have more than one email address in
the domain. I have me<at>mydomain, wife<at>mydomain and
daughter<at>mydomain addresses.
Paul Cahill, Balgal Beach, Qld.
Comment: this is a good idea, but be careful because many
scam emails are currently trying to trick VentraIP customers.
Electronics History articles enjoyed
The articles about the History of Electronics (October to
December 2023) are quite fascinating. I initially thought
they would be boring, but not at all. There were so many
little-known contributors who built on each other’s work
to bring electronics to where it is today.
Paul Howson, Warwick, Qld.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
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Data Storage
Part 1: by Dr David Maddison
My articles on Computer
Memory last year concentrated
on ‘ephemeral’ storage such as
RAM. I also mentioned more permanent
storage systems like punch cards, magnetic drums
and core memory. These two articles take a more complete look at permanent and semipermanent data storage of today, the future and the past.
hose two earlier articles on Computer Memory were in the January
& February 2023 issues (siliconchip.
au/Series/393). There is some overlap between this series and that one
because computers didn’t always
distinguish between temporary and
permanent storage, especially in the
early days.
Partly, that was because RAM was
so expensive per kilobyte, and it was
necessary to use slower but cheaper
storage to ‘swap out’ the contents of
RAM. That allowed the computer to
work with more data without needing a lot of expensive memory chips.
We refer to the more permanent
storage systems as ‘secondary storage’;
this is long-term data storage, which
retains its state when the system power
is off. It is typically used to store an
operating system, programs and (of
course) for data storage. In contrast,
‘primary storage’ is volatile memory
the computer uses during operation
as programs run.
An example of secondary storage is
a hard disk or solid-state drive (SSD).
By definition, it is a permanent part of
the computer. A hierarchy of computer
storage is shown in Fig.2.
Offline storage is much like secondary storage but is removable, transportable media such as a USB flash drive
or an optical disc like a DVD. Once
connected to the computer, it behaves
much like secondary storage. It is
typically used for transporting data
Silicon Chip
between computers without a physical connection, or for backing up data,
including off-site backups.
With some offline storage, the
recording medium is kept in longterm physical storage, for backups of
important information such as bank
records. Being completely offline
means it cannot be accessed or damaged without authorisation. Such storage might be for historical and archival records, such as old government
census data.
Tertiary storage is where the data is
accessible to a computer, but not permanently connected to it. An example is a large tape library requiring
a robotic arm to retrieve and insert a
tape into an appropriate reading mechanism. This is also called nearline storage; it is almost online, but retrieving
the data storage medium takes time.
Cloud storage might be considered a
form of secondary storage that a third
party manages. It is located remotely
from the user and may span multiple
servers. Its main advantage is that it is
more convenient, as it can be accessed
from various locations.
Disadvantages include an unknown
risk of unathorised access (it depends
on many factors such as the company
managing it), an unknown risk of
data loss (it has happened...) and the
fact that the cloud storage company
could go out of business and cut you
off from your data. Therefore, cloud
data still needs to be backed up like
any other data.
There are and have been many different secondary storage technologies; this article focuses on the more
Fig.1: a blue IBM-style 80-column card encoded with almost the full Extended
Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) character set, shown at the
top. Source:
Australia's electronics magazine
significant ones, as well as some of the
more unusual and interesting systems.
We won’t go into as much detail on
systems that were already covered in
the aforementioned Computer Memory article.
Technologies covered
The entries below are arranged
chronologically, based on the earliest
use of the technology. There will be
some overlap between the later versions of one technology and the earlier versions of its replacement. Entries
marked with an asterisk (“*”) were
covered in some detail in the Computer Memory article. In this first article, we have details on:
• Punched cards*
• Paper tape*
• Drum memory*
• Core memory*
• Rope memory*
• Magnetic tape*
• Magnetic cards
• Floppy disks
• Bubble memory*
• Optical discs
• Magneto-optical discs
The follow-up next month will concentrate on:
• Hard disks
• Flash memory*
• Solid-state drives (SSDs)
Plus the following possible future
• 5D optical storage
• Holographic storage
• DNA storage
Fig.2: ways that memory and storage can attach to a computer.
Fig.3: a Canon Canola
167P calculator/computer
(1971) with punched card
program storage. Similar
machines were used in
NSW high schools in
the early 1970s. Image
courtesy of John Wolff,
Punch(ed) cards
Punched cards are pieces of cardboard with holes in them representing the data – see Fig.1. The most
recent and common form of punched
card was the IBM 80-column card at
7⅜ × 3¼ inches (187 × 83mm). They
were introduced in 1928 for tabulating machines.
Not all modern punch cards were in
IBM format, though; the Canon Canola
167P (Fig.3) would be familiar to many
readers who were NSW high school
students in the early 1970s.
Fig.4: durable Mylar
replaced paper in punched
tape for industrial use,
such as machine control.
This tape was among the
last to be produced in
1979. Source: https://w.
wiki/8R62 (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Punched paper tape
Punched paper tape is similar to
punched cards, except it is continuous; see Fig.4. This format has been
obsolete since the early 1980s.
Drum memory
Drum memory was invented by
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 15
Austrian Gustav Tauschek in 1932.
Data was recorded on a drum coated
in magnetic material. It was invented
much earlier than the modern computer because it was used to record
and tabulate data from punched card
The original device could store
62.5kB of data. Drum memory was
used as RAM on some early computers
but also as secondary storage in the
1950s and 1960s. It was the first type
of secondary storage for computers –
see Fig.5.
The ERA 1101, renamed UNIVAC 1101, was built by Engineering
Research Associates in 1950 and was
one of the first stored program computers (ie, it was not programmed by
rerouting wires). Programs were stored
Fig.5: an early drum drive, circa 1951, at the Computer History Museum,
Mountain View, California. The scratches on the drum surface are damage due
to misaligned heads. Source: (CC BY 2.0).
on a drum system of about 48kB. The
drum was 22cm in diameter, spun at
3500 RPM and had 200 read-write
One of the last drum memory
devices created was the IBM 2301,
introduced in 1968 for the System/360
mainframe. It cost US$80,000 and had
a storage capacity of about 4MB. It had
an access time of 8.6ms, a transfer rate
of 1.2MB/s and was used for memory
paging (supplementing main memory
to create a virtual memory extension).
The drum was about 60cm high and
30cm in diameter, and the entire cabinet was about 2m tall and had a 1 ×
2m footprint.
Drum memory was not manufactured after the 1970s, although as late
as 1980, PDP 11/45 computers that
used drum memory and ran Unix were
still in use. US Minuteman ICBM missile “Launch Control Centers” used
drum memory until the mid-1990s.
Perhaps the ultimate development
of magnetic drum storage was the Univac FASTRAND, a giant 2.4m-long
machine weighing about 2276kg. FASTRAND II stored the equivalent of
99MB (8-bit bytes). The FASTRAND
III (Fig.6) had a higher data density,
holding about 50% more data.
Both the II and the III models had
two counter-rotating drums, as the
model I with a single drum had serious gyroscopic precession problems;
only a few were made.
Drum memory was the forerunner
of hard disk drives and was eventually
replaced by them.
You can watch a video titled “1963
Magnetic Drum, Computer History
Archives, Unisys Educational” at
The video mentions that such drives
were used in OTC’s automatic message
relay system in Paddington, Sydney,
which was decommissioned in 1988.
For further information on that, see
Another video about a 1960s-era
minicomputer with drum storage
titled “Meet my new Litton Minicomputer (it has Drum Memory)!” is at
Magnetic core memory
Fig.6: a FASTRAND III drum drive from 1969 at – Source:
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
This memory was commonly used
from around 1955 to 1975 as the main
memory in computers, but it was also
a form of non-volatile memory as it
would retain its data when the power
Fig.7: an
IBM core
memory from
the 1950s
or 1960s.
(CC BY).
was off. It comprised a grid of toroidal cores, which could be individually
magnetised to store bits of information
(see Fig.7).
The YouTube video “Building
the Core64 Interactive Magnetic
Core Memory Kit” at https://youtu.
be/7K6Qu-mNDms might interest our
readers. Also see
Besides covering core memory in
the Computer Memory article last year,
we also had a dedicated article on it
in the March 2014 issue (siliconchip.
Core rope memory
Rope memory is a fascinating type of
ROM (read-only memory) using magnetic cores with multiple sense, set/
reset and inhibit wires going through
(or bypassing) them. This type of
memory was used in the Apollo Guidance Computer. It had a much higher
density than erasable magnetic core
memory, which could only store one
bit per core.
With rope memory, up to 192 bits
could be stored per core. The precise
way it worked is very complicated.
The best way to understand it is to
watch these videos:
• “Apollo Core Rope Memory
(Apollo Guidance Computer Part 30)”:
• “Core Rope Memory Built and
Explained - F-J’s Physics - Video 169”:
TECHNOLOGY - Rope Core Memory Sequencer”:
zytjONYkU94 (also see Fig.8).
Magnetic tape
Magnetic tape was a common
method of data storage on earlier computers, and it is still used today for
backups and archival storage. Earlier
tapes used ‘open reels’, but modern
tapes are contained with cartridges.
Today, magnetic tape is generally
cheaper per gigabyte than other storage media but also slower, so it is used
where speed is not so important.
Magnetic tape was first used on
the UNIVAC I computer on half-inch
(12.7mm) metal tapes. There were
eight tracks of data. Six tracks contained 128 characters per inch; one
was for parity (error checking), and
one was a clock signal. Those tapes
were heavy and cumbersome.
IBM computers from the 1950s used
half-inch (12.7mm) wide plastic tape
Fig.8: the top
of this device
has an eightcore core
rope memory,
made with
large cores
as it is a
unit. Source:
Storage capacity units
The following are standard SI units for storage capacity. These measurements
are often applied to the capacity of storage and networking capacity.
● 1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes (103)
● 1 megabyte = 1,000,000 bytes (106).
● 1 gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes (109)
● 1 terabyte = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes (1012)
● 1 petabyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes (1015)
● 1 exabyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes (1018)
A byte usually contains 8 bits. Similar terms can be used to refer to storage
by number of bits (kilobit, megabit, gigabit etc).
When referring to RAM, the same terms are sometimes used to refer to
numbers based on the powers of two. For example, a kilobyte can sometimes
refer to 1024 bytes (210), a megabyte to 1,048,576 bytes (220) etc.
To reduce confusion, per the IEC, they are now called kibibyte (KiB, 210 bytes),
mebibyte (MiB, 220 bytes), gibibyte (GiB, 230 bytes), tebibyte (240 bytes) etc.
The names may seem strange, but the motivation is that “bi” are the first two
letters of the word “binary”.
Unfortunately, you sometimes see the use of mixed bases, eg, one “megabyte”
may refer to 1000 × 1024 or 1,024,000 bytes. Thankfully, that is relatively
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 17
◀ Fig.9: the IBM 729 tape drive
was popular in the 1960s. This
bank of 729s is at the Computer
History Museum in Mountain View,
California. Source: Ken Shirriff,
Fig.10: the last nine-track, half-inch
tape drive produced, the Qualstar
3400. It could be attached to a PC.
coated with ferric oxide, much like
audio tape. Lengths of 1200ft (365m)
and 2400ft (730m) became standard. A
tape reel size of 10.5 inches (267mm)
was used, although smaller reels and
shorter lengths were available.
Earlier IBM tapes, introduced in
1952, used seven tracks (six data bits
and one parity across the tape), while
later ones, introduced in 1964, had
nine tracks (eight data bits and one parity). Seven-track tapes had a recording
density of 100, 200, 248, 556 or 900
characters per inch, while nine-track
tapes stored 800, 1600 then 6350 characters per inch.
Thus, the shortest tapes at the lowest recording density had a capacity
of about 1.44MB. The longest tapes
at the highest recording density had
a capacity of around 182.88MB (but
due to block size considerations, more
like 170MB).
During the late 1950s to the 1960s,
the IBM 729 Magnetic Tape Unit
(seven tracks) was a common tape unit
in various versions – see Fig.9.
The last half-inch nine-track tape
drives were the Qualstar 3400 series
from the USA in 2003; see Fig.10.
Such drives interfaced with PCs and
were presumably used to transfer data
from old tapes. The nine-track format
dominated offline tape storage until
the early 1990s.
Another type of tape was DECtape
(Fig.12), introduced in the 1960s and
used with many Digital Equipment
Corporation computers such as the
PDP-8 and PDP-11. These tapes were
¾-inch wide (19mm) and 260ft (79m)
long. Each tape could store 184,000
12-bit PDP-8 words.
DECtape had six data tracks, two
mark tracks, two clock tracks and
Silicon Chip
a data density of about 350 bits per
inch. The tape system was considered highly reliable and durable. DEC
tape is derived from LINC tape (1961),
which was a public domain technology as the US taxpayer had funded its
DECtape II was introduced in 1978,
with very narrow (3.8mm) tape in a
cartridge, giving a 256kB capacity. At
the time, DECtape was considered a
major advance for storing a computer’s operating system over the alternative of paper tapes, which could not
support time sharing. The drum and
disk drives of the time were expensive,
unreliable and of limited capacity.
Many early home computer systems
used audio cassettes (Compact Cassettes) to store data. Some Compact
Cassette tapes had a special formulation for digital data, and the tape length
was usually shorter than audio tapes.
Computers that used (or could
use) cassettes included various Commodore computers (VIC-20, C64,
C128 etc), ZX Spectrum, Sony MSX,
Amstrad CPC 464, BBC Micro and
various Ohio Scientific computers,
among others. “Pocket computers”
like the Sharp PC-1211 (TRS-80 Pocket
Computer PC-1) and PC-1500 (TRS-80
Pocket Computer PC-2) also used cassette tapes.
The Commodore computers used
the Datasette (Fig.13), which was considered reliable but slow. It used a
digital recording scheme on standard
tape and transferred data at around
50 bytes per second. Various vendors
developed ‘fast loader’ software to load
data from cassettes much faster than
the default methods used by computer
Formats for cassette data storage
Australia's electronics magazine
included Frequency Shift Keying
(FSK), first developed by RCA for their
prototype home computer of the early
1970s. It was called FRED or Flexible
Recreational Educational Device and
had a built-in cassette drive.
The Hobbyist Interchange Tape System (HITS) was introduced in 1975
by Jerry Ogdin for general hobbyist
use. It used Pulse Width Modulation
(PWM). The original article on HITS
can be downloaded from siliconchip.
The Kansas City Standard (KCS)
was introduced in 1975 by S-100 bus
computer manufacturers and used
FSK. KCS and its variations were
used for numerous computers, including the Acorn Electron, BBC Micro,
Dick Smith Super-80, Exidy Sorcerer,
Microbee, MITS Altair 8800, Ohio Scientific, Sega SC-3000, Sony MSX and
various Casio calculators.
Particularly interesting variations of
KCS included the encoding of software
on a flexible vinyl 33⅓RPM record
distributed in the May 1977 issue of
Interface Age. KCS was also used to
Fig.12: DECtape and DECtape II
(lower right). Source: https://w.
wiki/8R6W (CC BY-SA 3.0).
distribute software over the air in 1979
or 1980 via the Dutch broadcaster Nederlandse Omroep Stinging.
The Apple I and ][, Atari computers
and the TI-99/4 had their own versions
of cassette interfaces.
A ZX81 computer could load from
tape at 300 baud (bits per second),
while the ZX Spectrum could load
at 1500 baud without speed loader
The 1982 Dick Smith Wizzard computer used cassette tape, as demonstrated in the video titled “The Dick
Smith Wizzard - Part 2 - Cassette
Storage Module” at
The D/CAS (Data/CASsette) or
streamer cassette was a professional
form of Compact Cassette for digital
recording. It used media optimised
for data, and there was a notch in the
case to identify this special format.
Storage capacities started at 200kB;
600MB was possible by 1990 (see
It wasn’t only personal computers
that used Compact Cassette for storage.
The Burroughs B1700 mainframe of
the 1970s could be booted from Compact Cassette tape!
The DC100 (Data Cartridge 100) by
HP and 3M was released in mid-1976.
It was originally used in the HP9820
calculator and a range of other HP calculators, terminals and computers,
such as the HP85. It had a formatted
storage capacity of 560kB on 140ft
(43m) of tape. The format was available
for other companies, but the take-up
rate was poor.
It was a scaled-down version of 3M’s
DEC300 cartridge, which had 300ft
(91m) of tape and 2.5MB capacity. A
variation of the DC100 cartridge, the
DC150, was used for DECtape II, mentioned above.
The ZX Microdrive (Fig.11) was
introduced by Sinclair Research for
use with the ZX Spectrum home
computer in 1983. It was an endless loop tape drive containing 5m of
1.9mm-wide magnetic tape. It could
store around 85kB, taking into account
bad sectors.
Video tape was also used for backups. The Danmere Backup was introduced in 1996 and could store between
750MB to 4GB on a video cassette,
depending on the settings and model.
There was also the Magurex Video
Backup System for the Commodore
Amiga and the Russian ArVid (2GB
of data on an E180 tape).
These systems were in use from
about 1992 to about 1998 but had limited popularity. See the video titled
“LGR Oddware - Danmere Backer VHS
Hard Drive Backup System” at https://
I recall Dick Smith Electronics selling one of these systems, possibly the
QIC tape (Quarter Inch Cartridge)
Fig.13: the Commodore
Datasette. It could store about 100kB
per 30-minute side on standard
audio cassette tape, but with special
speed loading software, that could be
extended to 1MB per 30-minute side.
Fig.14: the internals of a Sony LTO-3 cartridge. Note the RFID chip in the lowerleft corner. Source: (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Fig.11: a ZX Microdrive (opened) in
comparison to Compact Cassette tape.
Both hold about the same amount
of data (about 100kB nominal), but
the cassette takes 20 minutes to load
fully, and the Microdrive 10 seconds.
Australia's electronics magazine
was introduced by 3M in 1972. The
tape is ¼-inch (6.35mm) wide, and the
cartridges are very robust, with a heavy
aluminium baseplate. The original
tape cartridge was the DC300, which
held 200kB on 300ft (91m) of tape and
formed the basis of the DC100 tape and
the DECtape II formats.
Other formats were QIC-11 (20MB),
QIC-24 (45MB or 60MB), QIC-120
(125MB), QIC-150 (150MB), QIC525 (525MB) and QIC-1350 (1.35GB),
among others.
Travan was another derivative of
the QIC format intended for PC backup
use, with 8mm-wide tape. Tape types
included QIC-80 (80MB-500MB),
TR-1 (400MB), TR-1EX (500MB), QIC3010 (340MB), TR-2 (800MB), QIC3020 (670MB), TR-3 (1.6GB), TR-3EX
(2.2GB), QIC-3080 (1.2-1.6GB), TR-4
(4GB), QIC-3095 (4GB) and TR-5
Linear Tape-Open (LTO) or Ultrium
(Fig.14) is a successful and popular
attempt to make a universal, open standard for tape for backups, archives and
data transfer. It is under the control of
Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM and
Quantum via the LTO Consortium
The original version, LTO-1, was
released in 2000 and had a native
capacity of 100GB. The current (2021)
version is LTO-9, with a native capacity of 18TB per cartridge (advertised
by its compressed capacity of 45TB).
Future versions of LTO are planned
with native capacities as follows:
LTO-10 (36TB), LTO-11 (72TB), LTO12 (144TB), LTO-13 (288TB) and LTO14 (576TB).
LTO tape is 12.65mm wide (‘½in’).
The length was 609m for LTO-1,
increasing to 1035m for LTO-9. Each
tape has a passive RFID non-contact
February 2024 19
memory chip inside that stores various identification information about
the tape and user data. There is also a
bar code specification for LTO tapes,
for use in a tape library or for general
LTO is designed with a certain
amount of compatibility with older
versions. Generations 1 to 7 can read
tapes from two generations prior and
can write to tapes of the previous generation. LTO-8 can also read and write
LTO-7 tapes, while LTO-9 can also
read and write LTO-8 tapes. Otherwise, older tapes need to be migrated
to newer versions.
As with all other media formats,
given that the earlier LTO tapes can
be up to 24 years old, it is essential to
migrate old data to newer versions as
older media may degrade. Manufacturers specify that LTO tapes will retain
their data for between 15 and 30 years.
Tape libraries are a convenient
way to store large collections of tapes.
They may stored on shelves for manual retrieval or, more likely today, in
automated systems with robotic media
retrieval – see Figs.15 & 16.
Card Random Access
Memory (CRAM)
CRAM was a product of NCR Corporation and became available for their
NCR Century series computers in 1962
(see Fig.17). It comprised cartridges
with either 256 or later, 512 plastic
cards with a magnetic recording surface, each 3in x 14in (76 × 356mm).
Each card had a unique notch pattern
at one end by which it was suspended
by rods.
By rotating the suspending rods, an
individual card could be selected. It
was released from the cartridge and
then read, after which it was returned.
The capacity was either 5.5MB or
11MB per cartridge. CRAM was quite
successful, according to the document
“NCR was the first company to
incorporate bulk storage as an integral
element of online inquiries. Bulk storage provided accessibility to a larger
capacity than could be cost-justified
on secondary storage devices such as
disk drives. The cost/bit was reduced
by using removable media, transport
mechanisms, and read/write stations.”
So, it was cheap enough to enable
the storage of online data for purposes
such as bank balance enquiries. Such
a machine is in the Museums Victoria Collections (
abrp). The original CRAM product
brochure can be seen at siliconchip.
Other magnetic cards
The HP-65, introduced in 1974, was
the first calculator to use a magnetic
card for storage. The card would store
250 bytes per side – see Fig.18.
Another calculator that used magnetic cards was the Texas Instruments
TI-59, which was introduced in 1977.
Shown in Fig.19, it was also the first
calculator series to use removable
ROM modules with pre-written applications containing up to 500 steps. The
card would hold 240 bytes per side for
a total of 480 bytes, and the calculator itself had a memory of 960 bytes.
There was a ROM module for a US
Marine Corp version of the related
TI-58C for Harrier ‘jump jet’ takeoff
and landing calculations; siliconchip.
Fig.15: an LTO tape library with a robotic arm to store and
retrieve tapes automatically. Source: Fujifilm (www.techradar.
Silicon Chip
Fig.17: an NCR CRAM unit.
Source: NCR product brochure
CRAM.1960.102646240.pdf, p27).
In 1969, IBM introduced the Magnetic Card Selectric Typewriter, an
early word processor that could
record, store and play back keystrokes.
It used magnetic cards for storage (see
Fig.20). They were like a combination
of a punched card and a floppy disk.
Each card could store about 5000
characters, compared to a punched
card with just 80. There is a video of
it titled “1969 IBM Mag Card Selectric
Typewriter MC/ST Electronic Word
Processing Magnetic Storage automation” at
Floppy disks
A floppy disk is a flexible disc
with a magnetic coating within a
protective sleeve (usually square).
The name ‘floppy’ was used because
those sleeves were originally flexible,
although rigid housings were used
Fig.16: the IBM TS4500 Tape Library at KEK, Japan’s
“High Energy Accelerator Research Organization”. Its
capacity is 100 petabytes (100PB). Source: https://w.
wiki/8R6a (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Australia's electronics magazine
an HP-65
with a
card that
as the
is loaded
or stored.
a TI-59
starting with the 3.5in version. They
were a common storage medium from
the 1970s to the 1990s.
Development of the floppy disk was
started by IBM in 1967, and the first 8in
(20cm) floppy was introduced in 1971
as the IBM 23FD, called the Minnow,
with ~80kB (81,664 bytes) of storage,
equivalent to over 1000 punch cards.
The drive was read-only and was used
to load microcode onto System 370
mainframe computers.
The first 8in floppy drive with read/
write capability was the Memorex 650,
which had a capacity of 175kB and was
introduced in 1972.
In 1973, IBM introduced the 8in Diskette 1 as part of its 3740 data entry
system (Fig.22), which popularised
the floppy disk. It had a capacity of
242,944 bytes formatted. There is an
interesting related IBM document,
“IBM 3740 Data Entry System System
Summary and Installation Manual Physical Planning”, available from
The 8in floppy disk was developed
to a peak capacity of around 1.2MB
in 1977.
A 5.25in (13⅓cm) disk and drive
was introduced in 1976, the Shugart
SA-400 Minifloppy, with a nominal
capacity of 110kB (formatted capacity 87.5kB). This product became
extremely popular. By 1978, Tandon
introduced a 360kB double-sided,
double-density format and, in 1979,
the TM-100 drive (Fig.21).
It appears that it wasn’t immediately used by any of the popular PC
manufacturers. The original Apple ][
of 1978 used SA-400 drive mechanisms and had a capacity of 113kB.
Atari released a similar 90kB drive in
Fig.20: the IBM Selectric MC-82 with
a magnetic card reader. Source: (CC BY-SA 3.0).
1979, while Commodore had a 170kB
drive, also in 1979. The original IBM
PC from 1981 had an optional floppy
disk drive with 160kB per side.
Support for 180kB per side (360kB
total) was not offered until 1983. The
TRS-80 Model III (1980) used Tandon
TM-100 drives with a total capacity
of 360kB. 5.25in floppies reached a
maximum capacity of 1.2MB by 1982.
In 1982, the Microfloppy Industry
Committee (MIC) released the 3.5in
(8.9cm) disk specification. A single-
sided disk was released in 1983 with a
formatted capacity of 360kB, or 400kB
on the Apple Macintosh, followed by
a double-sided disk of 720kB or 800kB
on the Mac, and 880kB on the Amiga.
In 1986, a 3.5in floppy was released
with a formatted capacity of 1.44MB
or 1.76MB on the Amiga. A 2.88MB
“Extra High Density” (ED) 3.5in floppy
disk was introduced in 1987.
The Video Floppy (VF) disk was a
2in (50mm) floppy disk for recording analog video, usually as a series
Fig.21 (left): a Tandon TM100-2A 5.25in
floppy disk drive, as used on the
original IBM PC, with an initial
capacity of 320kB (increased
to 360kB with DOS 2.0).
Source: https://w.
Fig.22 (right): the
IBM 3740 Data
Entry System
popularised the
floppy disk.
On top of it
are four 8in
floppy disks, a
Diskette 1 box and an
oddly shaped CRT monitor.
Source: (CC
BY-SA 2.0).
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 21
Floppy disk hacks
Some early 5.25in floppy disks were sold as single-sided, and the
“writable” side was indicated by a notch on one side. However, the media
was actually writable on both sides. Some people used a paper hole
puncher or special punch to make a notch on the other side so they could
turn the disk upside-down and write data on both sides.
This trick worked only with single-sided drives, such as for the Apple ][ or
Commodore 64. Similarly, the capacity of single-density 720kB 3.5in floppy
disks could be increased to 1.44MB by using a special punch to tell the drive
it was a double-density disk.
3.5in, 5.25in & 8in floppy disks. Source: Eric Chan –<at>N06/52405767023
of separate independent still images.
It was introduced in 1981 by Sony
for the original Mavica “still video”
cameras, which stored images in analog rather than digital format. It was
also later used by Canon, Minolta and
The disk had multiple medical
and industrial imaging applications
throughout the 1980s and 1990s. A
data variant called the LT-1 was also
produced that could store 793kB of
Iomega introduced the Bernoulli
Box floppy disk in 1982. The original disks were rather large at 21 ×
27.5cm. Capacities of 5MB, 10MB or
20MB were initially available. It was
discontinued in 1987.
Bernoulli Box II was released later
in a smaller 5.25in form factor with
capacities of 20MB, 35MB, 44MB,
65MB, 90MB (late 1980s), 105MB,
150MB, and in 1993, 230MB. At the
time of its introduction, standard
floppy disks had a capacity of 1.2MB
and hard drives around 30MB.
Disk-ruining head crashes were
still a problem with floppy and hard
disks at the time. However, the Bernoulli principle enabled the head to
be drawn toward the fast-spinning
disk without touching it, so theoretically, it was impossible for the head
to hit the media. Several ‘bump tests’
by reviewers confirmed this.
Floptical disks were high-capacity
floppy-like disks introduced in 1991
that used optical tracking with magnetic read/write. They were intended
to replace conventional floppy disks.
Their formatted capacity was 20.3MB
in the same 3.5in form factor as a standard floppy disk.
They contained an optical track for
accurate read/write head tracking, but
the data was still written and read magnetically. The drive could also read
standard 720kB and 1.44MB standard
3.5in floppy disks.
The Iomega Zip drive was introduced in 1994 (Fig.23), initially with
a capacity of 100MB, then 250MB and
750MB. It became the most popular of
the high-capacity floppy products but
was eventually displaced by cheaper
CD-R and CD-RW drives and media,
then later, USB flash drives.
ZIP disks were a different form factor to 3.5in floppies and incompatible
with them. By 2003, the sales of ZIP
disks and drives had declined dramatically.
The Iomega Jaz was sold by Iomega
from 1995 to 2002, initially with a 1GB
capacity, increased to 2GB in 1998.
However, like the PocketZip, they
never became very popular.
The Imation LS-120 SuperDisk had
a capacity of 120MB, doubled with the
subsequent LS-240. They were sold
from 1997 to 2003 and were conceptually similar to the Flopticals mentioned above. They were intended as
a replacement for the 3.5in 1.44MB
floppy disk and had the same form
The SuperDisk drives could also
read and write regular 3.5in floppy
disks and could format such a disk
to 32MB, although any alteration to
the data required the whole disk to
be rewritten.
The SuperDisk had limited success,
partly because Iomega’s ZIP disk had
been on the market for several years at
the time of SuperDisk’s release. Also,
Fig.24: the
Japanese Fujitsu
FM-8 computer
from 1981 had
optional bubble
memory storage,
originally 32kB
but later 128kB.
It was the first
PC with such
an option.
Source: https://w.
wiki/8R6F (CC BYSA 4.0).
Fig.23: an Iomega ZIP drive and
100MB disk. This is the external
model; internal versions were also
made. Source:
(CC BY 2.0).
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
USB flash drives were becoming available and popular, and the cost of CD
burners and media was falling.
Caleb Technology released the
UHD144 in 1998. It could read and
write conventional 3.5in floppies and
its own 144MB disks. Compared to
other high-capacity disks, the disks
were inexpensive, but the product
did not survive competition from the
Iomega ZIP, the Imation LS-120 and the
CD-ROM. The company went bankrupt in 2002.
The Iomega PocketZip or Clik!
was introduced in 1999 as a small
40MB disk but never became popular
and, like other floppy disk technologies, was replaced by flash memory
The Sony HiFD was released in
1998, and like some others, could read
and write conventional 3.5in floppies.
It had a capacity of 200MB. Unfortunately, the product suffered many
problems, such as head crashes. It was
re-released in 1999, but its reputation
meant it was doomed to failure.
Bubble memory
We mentioned this type of memory
in Part 2 of our article about Computer
Memory. Briefly, individual bits of
data are kept in the form of magnetic
domains or ‘bubbles’ in a thin film of a
substance such as gadolinium gallium
garnet. The bubbles remain even when
power is removed.
It was introduced commercially in
1977 (see Fig.24) but became obsolete
in the 1990s. It was once seen as a rugged alternative to hard drives, with a
similar storage density to early drives,
but that was quickly surpassed.
Optical discs
The idea of the modern optical disc
came from David Paul Gregg in 1958.
He was awarded US Patent 3,350,503
on it in 1967. The patent mentions
the ability to record digital data. This
invention and several related ones led
to the development of the LaserDisc for
analog data, the CD (Compact Disc),
MiniDisc, DVD, Blu-ray and many
Optical discs store data in the form
of pits and lands in the substrate. They
are read by a laser, as shown in Fig.25.
For writable media, the pits are also
made by a laser. For mass production,
the data is written all at once with a
stamping machine rather than a laser.
LaserDiscs were launched in 1978,
storing video and audio data as analog signals (later versions included
digital audio). Despite being analog,
fundamentally, the information was
still stored on the disc as a series of
pits and lands like later fully digital
CDs and DVDs.
LaserDiscs were not generally used
as a data storage medium, although in
1984, Sony produced a little-known
digital LaserDisc format that could
store 3.28GB of data per disc. The
extent to which it was commercially
used is not clear. There is a reference
to it in the video titled “The Computer
Chronicles - Japanese PCs (1984)” at
LaserDiscs were officially discontinued in 2009, but had failed to be
popular long before that, unlike the
physically smaller DVD format, which
was wildly successful.
The Compact Disc (CD) was
invented by Sony and Philips and
released in 1982 as the Digital Audio
Compact Disc for sound recordings.
The CD-ROM (ROM = read-only memory) was announced in 1984 for data
storage, but a suitable file format specification was not released until 1986.
That was the “High Sierra” format,
developed by Microsoft, Philips, Sony,
Apple and DEC.
Standard CD-ROMs have a capacity of 650-700MB, depending on how
close to the edge the data is written.
If some of the ‘rules’ are ignored (eg,
lower data integrity), capacities of up
to 900MB per disc are possible.
One of the first products on CD-ROM
was the Grolier Academic Encyclopedia. These discs were widely used
for distributing software and in game
consoles in the 1990s and early 2000s.
They were also used for data backups
of hard disks and for making copies
of audio CDs.
Regular CDs were 12cm in diameter,
although mini 8cm CDs came along
later, with a significantly reduced
capacity. Eventually, people realised
they didn’t have to be round, and all
sorts of oddly shaped mini CDs were
made for promotional purposes. However, ‘slot loading’ type compact disc
drives only supported the full-size
12cm CDs, limiting the usefulness of
the smaller versions.
Besides audio discs and CD-ROMs,
CDs were produced in many other versions. The CD-R became available in
1990 and could be written once and
read many times (WORM), according
to a specification released in 1988. The
CD-RW was introduced in 1997 and
could be written to, read and erased
many times.
Fig.25: a comparison of how
data is stored on CDs, DVDs,
HD DVDs and Blu-ray discs.
Legend: track pitch (p), pit
width (w), minimum length
(l), laser spot size (⌀) and
laser wavelength (λ).
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 23
Fig.26: an IBM 3363,
an early WORM drive
with a formatted capacity
of 200MB. Source: www.
CD-MO used magneto-optical technology, similar to the MiniDisc, but
was never released commercially.
Another CD format was Kodak’s
(initially proprietary) Photo CD, introduced in 1991 and designed to contain
100 high-quality photos for display
on the CRT TVs of the day. However,
the format failed to gain widespread
market acceptance and was discontinued around 2004. Picture CD was
another Kodak product that followed
Photo CD.
DVDs (Digital Versatile Discs) were
released in Japan in 1996 and other
countries from 1997-1999. They can
store any digital data, but video was
initially the primary use. A standard
non-rewritable DVD-ROM with one
side and one layer can store 4.7GB
of data (DVD-5); a single-sided, duallayer disc 8.5GB, and with two sides
and dual layers, 17GB (DVD-18).
As with CDs, commercial prerecorded discs are stamped rather than
Prerecorded movie discs are typically in either DVD-5 (single-side,
layer) or DVD-9 (single-side,
dual-layer) format.
Single-side, dual-layer discs use
Reverse Spiral Dual Layer (RSDL), a
technique where the data is first written from the inside of the disc outwards. The laser wavelength is then
changed to penetrate the first layer,
and read the second layer. The second
layer of data is written from the outside of the disc inwards. This allows
a seamless change of layers for movies or other continuous data streams.
As for writable DVDs, there are
two write-once versions (DVD+R,
DVD-R) and two rewritable versions
(DVD+RW, DVD-RW). The less common DVD-RAM was designed to act
like a removable hard disk.
The difference between the “+” and
Silicon Chip
“-” formats is that DVD-R was developed by Pioneer in 1997 and approved
by the DVD Forum (www.dvdforum.
org), while DVD+R was developed by
Sony and Philips in 2002. There are
technical differences in the method of
recording and reading data. Both have
compatibility problems with some
drives, although the “+” versions are
slightly better.
Another type of DVD is HD DVD
(High-Density DVD), with around
triple the capacity of a regular DVD
(15GB instead of 4.7GB per side and
layer), up to 60GB for dual side, dual
layer. This format was on the market
from 2006 to 2008 but was supplanted
by Blu-ray.
Regular DVDs are the same size as
standard CDs at 12cm in diameter, but
there were also 8cm diameter mini
DVDs with reduced capacity.
Blu-ray was introduced in 2006 and
is the same diameter as CDs and DVDs
at 12cm. It has a capacity of 25GB (single layer), 50/66GB (dual layer), 100GB
(triple layer) or 128GB (quad layer) for
the BDXL write-once variant (specification released 2010).
Blu-ray is mainly used for video and
games. Standard Blu-ray discs only
support a video resolution of up to 2K
(1080p), so Ultra HD Blu-ray was introduced in 2016 to support 4K (3840 ×
2160 pixels). BDXL and HD Blu-ray
discs are incompatible with standard
Blu-ray players and with each other
for reading and writing.
Optical Disc Archive (https://pro.
sony/en_AU/products/optical-disc) is
a proprietary Sony product introduced
in 2012 and marketed as an alternative to Linear Tape Open (described
earlier) with greater durability and a
longer life – see Fig.27. It uses a cartridge containing 11 optical discs with
three layers on each side for a capacity
of 5.5TB in the largest cartridge.
Australia's electronics magazine
a 5.5TB
Disc Archive
The discs themselves are similar
to, but not the same as, Blu-ray discs;
they are Archival Discs (AD), which
were jointly developed by Sony and
Panasonic and designed to last at least
50 years.
There were other optical disc formats that did not become popular,
such as GD-ROM (Gigabyte Disc
Read-Only Memory), a special format developed by Yamaha and used
in Sega game consoles from around
1999 to 2006. Its purpose was to
make copying the discs more difficult, but it also offered increased
capacity compared to standard CDs
of about 1GB.
UDO (Ultra Density Optical) discs
are a WORM technology intended for
archival use with an expected life
of 50 years, introduced by Sony and
Plasmon in 2003. UDO 2 discs were
released in 2007 with a capacity of
60GB. The discs are still available,
although the format is not widely
M-DISC is a technology for DVD,
Blu-ray and Blu-ray BDXL designed
for extreme longevity, claimed to be
up to 1000 years. They are readable
by standard DVD players from 2005
Fig.28: a Sony MDW80 MiniDisc.
and by standard Blu-ray and Blu-ray
BDXL players. They are writable by
most drives made since 2011.
Other optical and
magneto-optical systems
An early example of an optical
WORM drive for PCs that preceded
the widespread adoption of CDs was
the IBM 3363 (Fig.26). It was introduced in 1987 and intended for use
with the IBM Personal System/2. It
used a polycarbonate optical disc in
a 5.25in cartridge and had a formatted
capacity of 200MB.
The MiniDisc (MD) was introduced
by Sony in 1992 (see Fig.28) and discontinued in 2013. It was an erasable 65mm magneto-optical disk in
a caddy, meant for audio recording
and intended to replace cassette tape.
MiniDiscs could record 60, 74 or 80
minutes of audio using unique digital compression developed by Sony.
To write data, a laser would heat a
spot on the disk, altering its magnetic
characteristics and allowing it to be
magnetised, after which a magnetic
head would write to it. To read the
data, a laser sensed the altered polarisation of light due to the magnetic
field of the spot.
MD Data was a magneto-optical
medium introduced in 1994. It used
the same technology as the audio MiniDisc, although the caddy was slightly
different to prevent insertion in a MiniDisc player. The disks stored 140MB,
more than the 100MB of Iomega’s Zip
drive, which was released at about the
same time.
However, MD Data was regarded as
slow and discs were expensive. They
were primarily used in Sony’s digital
cameras, some other Sony products
and a Sharp camera.
The last product to use it was introduced in 1997. In 1999, MD Data2
(also called MDView) was released.
This could hold 650MB of data but
was only used in one Sony camera
and some audio products.
MiniDisc’s successor was Hi-MD,
released in 2004, intended for data
storage. It could store 1GB but was
discontinued in 2011.
Next month
The second and final article in this
series next month will continue where
this one left off, covering the more
modern storage technologies mentioned in the introduction.
The first terabit storage system – on photographic film!
The IBM 1360 was the first computer storage system to store one terabit
of data (125GB). It evolved from a mid-1950s CIA requirement to store vast
numbers of printed documents.
A system called “Walnut” was produced and delivered to the CIA in 1961 that
could store 99 million photos of documents. 200 small boxes each contained
50 pieces of photographic film, each holding 99 photos in a 3×33 array for a
total of 990,000 photos. Each set of 200 boxes was kept in a “document store”,
and there could be up to 100 of those. Individual pieces of film were retrieved
by an automated process.
This system was developed into “Cypress”, using a superior film type, and
IBM tried to commercialise it as the 1350 Photo Image Retrieval System. The
same basic system was developed into the 1360 Photo-Digital Storage System
(see Fig.29). It stored digital data on 35 × 70mm photographic film in a black
and clear pattern, as shown in Fig.30.
Each piece (or “chip”) had 32 data frames in a 4 × 8, holding a total of 6.6Mbits.
32 chips were held in a box called a cell. Data was written to unexposed film
using an electron gun; it was then automatically developed. If data had to be
updated, a chip was removed and replaced by a new one.
There was extensive data redundancy, so there were 4.7Mbits of usable
space per 6.6Mbit chip. There were 75 “trays” holding 30 cells each for a total
of 2250 cells per “cell file unit” for half a terabit of data. Systems with more
than one cell file unit achieved one terabit of storage or greater. The system
at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory kept one terabit.
Only five 1360 machines were delivered in 1967 and 1968; the last system
was shut down in 1980. No 1350 machines were delivered.
The original IBM manual is available from and there
are videos titled “The First Terabit Server -The 1967 IBM 1360” (
twso8Nj7fLI) and “IBM 1360 Photostore Cell” (
Fig.29: the IBM 1360 PhotoDigital Storage System,
circa 1965. It was the first
secondary storage system
to store one terabit of data.
Fig.30: a piece of
photographic film from
an IBM 1360 showing the
data storage pattern, with
a sewing needle for scale.
Source: IBM press kit
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 25
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Phil Prosser’s compact and high-quality
If you use microphones for stage, recording or testing, you will be familiar with the
need for a preamp to get a usable signal. Many microphones also need ‘phantom
power’. This small box runs from a plugpack and offers a flat frequency response,
very low distortion, low noise and adjustable gain.
Background image:
his small microphone preamp is
ideal for use in the studio, workshop or on the stage. It allows you to
boost the gain of your microphone to
line level and delivers a balanced or
single-ended signal.
The main version of this Preamp fits
into a small, standard-sized enclosure
that is widely available, as shown in
the photos. This diecast aluminium
case makes it tough enough to survive
the worst abuse.
If you want to integrate this design
into a larger project, we have a version
of the board that omits the cutout for
the XLR connectors and drops one of
the switching regulators, making it
easy to run it from existing ±15V DC
rails. That would make sense if integrating it into a power amplifier, preamplifier, mixer or similar.
When built as a standalone unit,
it runs from 9V DC, as widely used
on stage. Those plugpacks generally
have 2.1mm plugs with a positive ring
and negative tip. We have included
reverse polarity protection, so no
damage will occur if the wrong plugpack is used.
We set this requirement as it is a fair
bet that things will get mixed up on
the stage. You don’t want to be fiddling
with equipment while the crowd waits
for the concert to start! Therefore, it
should ‘just work’.
The performance of the Microphone
Preamplifier depends on various factors. Having low noise is important;
the noise level is significantly affected
by the source impedance and gain
For a source impedance of 560W
with 50dB gain and a 1V RMS output, the signal-to-noise ratio is 70dB.
At the same output voltage but a gain
of 20 times, the SNR is 85dB.
Features & Specifications
Operates from a 9-15V DC plugpack (9V DC is common for stage equipment)
Fits in a compact 120 × 93.5 × 35mm diecast enclosure
Adjustable gain from -15dB to +50dB
Switchable 20dB attenuator for high-level sources
Switchable 48V phantom power
Drives in excess of 5V peak-to-peak (1.75V RMS, 13dBu) into a 600Ω load
Balanced or single-ended output
Frequency response: ±0.1dB, 12Hz to 20kHz (gain=26dB/20×) (see Fig.1)
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), Zi = 560Ω, Vout = 1V RMS:
85dB (gain=26dB/20×), 70dB (gain=50dB/320×)
» Total harmonic distortion (THD): <0.002% (see Fig.2)
» Built-in power protection, including reverse polarity
» Inputs and output protection against most abuse
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The frequency response with a gain
of 20 times (26dB) is within 0.1dB from
12Hz to 20kHz – see Fig.1.
As shown in Fig.2, the distortion
(THD+N) is entirely determined by
noise. The underlying distortion is
significantly lower, in the region of
-95dB (0.0018%) to -105dB (0.0006%).
There is some evidence of noise
from the switch-mode regulator at
the output, but it is 70-80dB down,
depending on the gain setting. That
is a low enough level that it is not a
Given that the distortion is so low,
it’s the SNR that’s going to be the performance limit. 70dB is pretty much
the worst you can expect as long as
your input signal level is sufficient
to achieve at least 1V RMS output at
the maximum gain setting of around
As you reduce the gain to 26dB, it
will improve to 85dB, and it should
improve further at even lower gain settings, exceeding 90dB. That’s assuming your microphone/signal source is
high enough in level to still provide a
useful output with less gain.
Some challenges
This design is a little tricky because
microphone phantom power needs to
be 48V DC to be universal. That is a
lot higher than 9V DC.
To provide users with headroom of
10-15dB over 0dBu, we want to be able
to deliver an output signal with peaks
above ±8V. That is needed for people
using the mic closer than expected
and to deal with loud passages. Stage
equipment must have headroom; the
sound engineer can deal with levels
at the mixing desk.
That means we need supply rails of
48V DC plus dual rails sufficient to get
this ±8V from an op amp. We want this
in a small box and for the circuit to be
as tough as a cheap steak.
If we start with 9V DC and drop
0.5V across a reverse polarity protection diode, then budget another 0.5V
for the plugpack output drooping, we
only have a poorly-regulated 8V supply to work with. We considered using
switched capacitor inverters/doublers
using 555s but found that gave marginal supply rail headroom.
After some thought, we decided
to take a more industrial strength
approach, using two LM2577 boost
regulators and a cunning trick to sneak
in a negative rail. These regulators are
more powerful than we need, but they
are widely available and can handle
60V on their output, enough for the
phantom power rail.
The resulting power supply fills a
significant proportion of the PCB, as
we shall see in more detail later. While
this solution is hefty, it is very tolerant of input supply variation; even if
the output is loaded with a very low
impedance, the rails will stay up.
If you are wondering if this could
be run from a 9V battery, the answer
is not for any length of time. The current draw is far too high to expect a
decent lifespan from the battery, and
it will go flat exactly when you don’t
want it to. Full load current draw is
about 120mA, which will flatten a 9V
battery in short order.
Don’t think that all this talk about
the power supply means we’ve forgotten that the preamp part must also
have decent performance.
We’re using the same hybrid transistor/op amp balanced microphone
preamp found in the Loudspeaker
Test Jig (June 2023;
Article/15821), developed by audio
guru Douglas Self. It gives excellent
performance with low distortion and
noise, plus a wide range of possible
gain settings.
Fig.1: we had
to make the
vertical scale
very small
to see the
in frequency
response as it
is so flat.
Fig.2: any
produced by
the circuit is
well and truly
buried in the
noise. Thus,
the SNR is
the primary
of the
at any given
gain setting.
Circuit description
Fig.3 is the block diagram for the
Preamp, while the main (analog) part
of the circuit is shown in Fig.4.
S1 switches phantom power for the
microphone via header CON10. Noise
is filtered out of the 48V DC supply by a
100W/220μF low-pass filter (LPF). We
Fig.3: the Mic Preamp block diagram shows the somewhat complicated power
supply at the top, with the superficially simple attenuation and preamplification
circuitry below.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 29
have used 6.8kW resistors for the two
bias resistors; these should be matched
as close as possible.
We selected two resistors that measured within 0.1% from our collection of 6.8kW 1% resistors. You could
buy 10 resistors and choose the bestmatched pair.
The 47μF/100nF parallel capacitor
pairs block DC from the microphone
signal as it’s fed into the attenuator.
These prevent the full 48V phantom power from being applied to the
attenuator when the microphone is
unplugged, so they must be rated at a
minimum of 63V.
This Preamp has a 20dB pad at
the front end. It can be switched in
to avoid the Preamp clipping with
level input signals. The pad
uses two 1.8kW resistors in series with
the input signals and a 430W resistor
connected between the terminals of
Fig.4: the main analog section of the Preamp circuit. It is based on two dual op amps and two transistors; the
transistors lower the noise floor substantially. The second op amp drives the balanced and unbalanced outputs. Relay
RLY1 switches in a resistive attenuator so it can handle higher level input signals.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
When the attenuator is switched
out, the relay shorts out the 1.8kW
resistors, and the 430W resistor is out
of the circuit. When switched in, the
430W resistor is connected between the
downstream ends of the 1.8kW resistors, forming a voltage divider. These
relatively low values minimise additive noise from the attenuator and keep
the impedance driving the following
preamplifier low.
To calculate the attenuation of this
stage (when activated), add a mental
ground connection in the middle of
the 430W resistor, splitting it into two
215W resistors. These resistances are
in parallel with the 4.7kW resistors to
ground, so the dividers are formed with
resistances of 1.8kW plus the microphone source impedance and 205.6W.
Assuming a low source impedance, the
resulting attenuation is -19.8dB.
Note that we need closely-matched
values for the 1.8kW and 4.7kW parts
to ensure good common mode rejection performance when the attenuator
is switched in.
We have used a relay for this job as
our experience with switching small
signals with miniature toggle switches
wired to the board is not great. A telecom relay gives better long-term reliability and lower noise for a modest
increase in cost.
The 6.8V zener diode across the
relay protects it in case someone runs
the Preamplifier from a higher voltage
than expected. The series resistor will
get quite warm, but it should survive,
provided this abuse is not continuous.
Preamp gain
We have provided a variable gain
Two versions of this project
allow it to fit into a small
box (as shown) or a
larger chassis with
dual-rail power
that allows you to set the level
from a range of microphone types
and situations. When VR1 is set to minimum resistance, the gain is 47.8dB,
calculated as:
G = 1 + 2.7kW ÷ (10kW || [22W ÷ 2])
G = 1 + 2.7kW ÷ 10.98W
G = 247 (47.8dB)
When VR1 is set to its maximum of
10kW, the gain is 5.1dB:
G = 1 + 2.7kW ÷ (10kW ||
[(10kW + 22W) ÷ 2])
G = 1 + 2.7kW ÷ 3338W
G = 1.8 (5.1dB)
Using a reverse log taper potentiometer for VR1 results in the attenuation being ‘linear’ in dB terms as the
potentiometer is rotated. Otherwise,
most of the potentiometer’s range will
result in relatively low gain, with the
last fraction of the rotation ramping
the gain over 20dB or so. So make sure
the pot you choose has a ‘reverse log’
or ‘reverse audio’ (C) taper.
The small signal diodes in the preamplifier (D4-D8) ensure the op amp
inputs are not overdriven. We have
included a buffer following the preamplifier that also produces an inverted
Calculating the total current draw
The phantom power supply needs to provide about 10mA to the LM317HV (REG1) and
a maximum of 14.1mA into the 6.8kW resistors if they are shorted to ground. That is
24mA at 55.3V, which will require ~166mA (55.3V ÷ 8V × 24mA) at the input of the REG3.
The dual rail power supplies must supply up to about 40mA to the NE5532 op amps
and input circuit and about 10mA each for REG3 and REG4. That is a total of 100mA,
given there are positive and negative rails, meaning a draw of up to about 225mA (18V
÷ 8V × 100mA) at the input to REG4 in the worst case.
That means the Preamp could draw something in the region of 350mA, although that
would only happen if it were driving a shorted load. Most 9V plugpacks can supply this,
but most 9V batteries can’t. The most we saw in our tests was 150mA from 9V. Note
that the worst case current is at startup, when the switch mode regulators are charging
the 56V and ±18V supply filtering capacitors.
We have included a power LED, powered from the negative rail. We chose this rail
because if a user connects the Preamp to an 18-24V DC plugpack, the boost regulator for the positive rail will likely shut down, and the negative rail will not be generated.
No damage should occur, but the user will be informed that it is not operating by the
power LED being off.
Australia's electronics magazine
output. This allows the output to be
single-ended or drive a balanced line
at a high level.
We have also added small signal
diodes to the positive and negative
rails on the outputs (D14-D17) so that
if someone inadvertently connects this
to a piece of equipment with a large
DC offset on its input, they will protect the NE5532 (IC1).
We have incorporated 100W series
resistors on the outputs to ensure the
op amp remains stable even when
driving difficult loads or long cables.
Those will also help to limit the current flow in the case of a misconnection. You can use the positive buffered output at pin 2 if you only need
a single-ended output.
Power supply
The power supply portion of the
circuit is shown in Fig.5. The overall
design comprises two switch-mode
pre-regulators that drive LM317/337
linear regulators. This generates very
clean power rails, including the phantom power rail.
The phantom power supply uses
the LM2577 (IC3) in a textbook configuration. Its input is bypassed with a
220μF low-ESR capacitor and a 100nF
capacitor. 220μF is quite low, but the
maximum current we need to supply
is less than 30mA. That is little more
than idling for the LM2577.
We have increased the compensation capacitor in series with the 2.7kW
resistor at its pin 1 from a suggested
value of 1μF to 10μF. That slows the
startup of the boost regulator. Our
small 500mA switchmode plugpack
went into current limiting without
February 2024 31
this; that would not be a problem with
a larger plugpack (or a linear type).
The output voltage is set by the
resistors connected to the feedback
pin (pin 2). With the 33kW/750W feedback divider and IC3’s internal 1.23V
reference, the result is an output of
56.25V (1.23V × [33kW ÷ 750W + 1]).
A 10W/10μF low-pass RC filter on the
output reduces the remnants of the
52kHz switching frequency.
The following LM317HV-based linear regulator drops the output close to
the 48V required for phantom power
while removing most of the remaining switch-mode noise. The 330W and
12kW feedback resistors set its output
to 46.7V (1.25V × [12kW ÷ 330W + 1]).
Switch-mode regulator IC4 produces the +18V rail (dropped to +14V
by linear regulator REG3) and is set up
similarly to REG3. It uses the recommended 1μF compensation capacitor
rather than the higher 10μF value used
for REG3 to reduce its startup current.
A lower value inductor of 100μH is
used due to the much lower boost
ratio required, under 2:1. You must
use toroidal inductors.
Its output voltage is set by 33kW
and 2.4kW resistors to about 18.4V
(1.25V × [33kW ÷ 2.4kW + 1]). It also
has a 10W/10μF low-pass RC filter on
its output, and the following LM317based linear regulator has its output
voltage set by 3.9kW and 390W resistors, resulting in about 13.75V (1.25V
× [3.9kW ÷ 390W + 1]) for the positive
op amp rail.
Now to the cunning trick. Being a
boost regulator, LM2577 (IC4) switches
its pin 4 to ground to establish a current in L1.
When pin 4 subsequently goes
open-circuit, that current continues to flow and charges the output
capacitor to our target of 18V DC. That
is repeated at 52kHz by this device.
Therefore, we have a node at pin 4
switching between about 18.7V and
Our trick is to generate the negative
rail is piggybacking off this node using
a 2.2W resistor, 47μF capacitor and
ultrafast diode D9. When the output
of IC4 reaches 18.7V, that capacitor is
charged to around 18V via D9. When
IC4 switches pin 4 to ground, the positive end of that capacitor is pulled to
0V, so the negative end goes to about
-18V. That charges the following 47μF
capacitor via diode D3, creating our
negative rail.
The negative rail is not directly regulated, but the positive rail regulation
will ensure the negative rail is about
right. LM337 linear regulator REG4
has its output set to -13.75V, so even if
its input is a little lower in magnitude
Fig.5: the power supply circuitry uses two switch-mode regulator ICs, one charge pump and three adjustable linear
regulators to generate a 48V DC phantom power rail plus regulated ±14V rails for the op amps. Those are all derived
from a single 9V DC input.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
than that of REG3, the final regulated
rails will still be close to ±14V. While
the negative rail can only provide a
modest current, we only need about
40mA total to power a few op amps.
PCB layout
+ DC
Australia's electronics magazine
+56V DC
18V DC
±14V DC
Fig.6: how the
various circuit
sections have
been arranged
on the PCB. This
configuration allows
it to fit in a compact
case while keeping
the noisy switchmode ICs away
from the sensitive
analog preamplifier
The Microphone Preamp is built
on a double-sided PCB coded either
The ‘box’ version of the
PCB requires some more
components due to the dual-rail
generation circuitry. In our prototype,
we used bobbin-style inductors, but we found
that toroidal inductors provided such a great
improvement in performance that we had to change
them to the design presented.
We have laid the board out so that
it is a neat, if tight, fit into a standard
120 × 93 × 35mm diecast aluminium
enclosure. It is just large enough to
accommodate the PCB, two XLR connectors and the switches, but small
enough not to get in your way in use.
The aluminium is tough enough to
take some abuse without getting ratty
or cracking.
Due to the fairly packed board, it
was important to put the switch-mode
regulators at one end and the preamp
circuitry at the other and use extensive ground planes to keep the noise
down. The resulting board configuration is shown in Fig.6.
To get it to fit, we had to lay the
board out with cutouts for the integral pillars in the corners of the enclosure and a cutout into which the XLR
connectors sit. That allowed us to use
through-hole parts exclusively, so it’s
straightforward for anyone to build.
Suppose you are integrating this into
a larger enclosure, such as an existing
preamp. In that case, we have designed
a separate ‘embedded’ version of the
board without the LM2577 that generates the positive and negative rails
(IC4). That means you can run it from
external ±15V rails instead. At the
same time, we filled in the cutout as
it would serve no purpose in such an
Everything else is basically identical, so you can use the same overlay
diagrams regardless of which version
you build. Just leave out the parts that
don’t exist on the embedded version (in
case that is not obvious!). When buying
your board, make sure you choose the
version that suits your needs.
The only other difference in components is that the 150W resistor next to
CON10 is increased to 330W and two of
the 3.9kW resistors have been reduced
to 3.0kW so that the LM317/337 regulators will not go into dropout with
their inputs at ±15V rather than the
±18V generated by the switching regulator in the other design.
February 2024 33
Mic In
Silicon Chip
− 15V
2 5V
4148 D6
4148 D4
100n F
100n F
10mF 10mF
1 00n F R E G3
10 0n F
R E G4
390 W
100n F
100nF IC3
10 W
1 00 W
D1 5
10 W
47 m F
4148 D17
4148 GND 47mF
10 0n F
47 k W
1 00 W
10 W
Mic Out
R E G1
10k W
4 30 W
4148 D6
4148 D4
10 0 W
3 30 W
B C 559
10 0n F
1 0m F
100nF IC3
Fig.7: this version of the PCB suits the diecast metal case,
with a cutout at the top for the XLR sockets to fit. The
diodes, electrolytic capacitors and ICs are all polarity
sensitive, so make sure they are orientated as shown here.
01110231 (full version) or 01110232
(embedded version) and measuring
85 × 110mm in either case. The two
layouts are shown in Figs.7 & 8. The
main difference is the omission of the
dual rail generation circuitry in the
‘embedded’ version. Most other parts
and locations remain the same.
We will describe building the full
PCB that fits in the small case. You
simply skip the missing parts for the
embedded version that operates from
dual rails. The only added part is
the three-pin header for power input
CON1 rather than the barrel socket.
Start by fitting all the resistors. The
pairs of 6.8kW, 4.7kW and 1.8kW resistors in the input section at upper left,
need some care. These parts should
ideally be matched to better than 1%;
we bought 10 of each and chose the
two that measured the closest for each
pair. That improves the common mode
(noise) rejection.
Now move on to the diodes. There
are five different diode types, so don’t
get them mixed up and ensure that
the cathode stripes are orientated as
22k W
6 3V
10 W
10m F
10mF 10mF
100nF REG3
10m F
L2 330mH
L1 100mH
U F 4002
1N5819 or
U F 4002
1N5819 or
47mF 1N5819/UF4002
4148 D17
4148 GND 47mF
ZD 4
Mic Out
6 3V
ZD 1
63 V
Mic In
10m F
10m F
L2 330mH
Fig.8: the ‘embedded’ version of the PCB removes the
split rail generators so it can run from ±15V DC rails (or
similar) that might already be available within a mixer,
preamplifier or power amplifier.
shown in the overlay diagrams. Note
that the 400mW zener diodes look similar to the 1N4148 small signal diodes,
so be careful with those. While diodes
D2, D3 & D9 can be either UF4002 or
1N5819 high-speed types, D13 must
be a UF4002.
Next, mount all the non-polarised
capacitors, ie, the ceramic and plastic
film types. Follow with the electrolytic
capacitors, which are polarised. They
all face the same way, with the positive (longer) lead to the right and the
stripe on the can to the left.
We have marked the 63V-rated
capacitors on the PCB, although if
you use the parts specified in the parts
list, they will already have the correct
Now install the power socket, twopin and three-pin polarised headers,
the two toroidal inductors (which are
not polarised) and the potentiometer. The orientations of the polarised
headers are not critical, but if you use
our suggested orientations, you’re less
likely to make mistakes following our
wiring instructions.
Australia's electronics magazine
We can now fit the two LM2577s and
test the boost regulators. Depending on
whether yours come with staggered or
straight leads, you might need to bend
the leads to fit the pads. Ensure that
the regulators sit close to the PCB and
do not hang off the edge. You can put
a dab of neutral cure silicone under
the inductors.
Initial testing
To test the switching part of the
board, connect a 9V DC plugpack and
check the voltages on either side of D1,
the protection diode. There should be
9V on the anode and over 8.5V on the
cathode. If not, check for shorts and
things getting hot, and verify that your
plugpack has negative on the tip and
positive on the ring (the opposite of
many that you’ll find).
Check the voltage on either end of
the 10W resistor immediately next to
the 33kW resistor (it’s all by itself on
the embedded version, to the left of
that 33kW resistor). You should get
readings at both ends of 55V ±5V. Do
not touch this with your fingers as it
is a high enough voltage to bite. If that
is not correct, check the parts in the
lower-right corner, especially IC3, and
verify the orientation of D13.
For the dual rail voltage generator
on the non-embedded version, measure the voltage on either end of two
more 10W resistors in the power supply
section. One is just to the left of D26,
while the other is just above D29. These
should be ±18.4V ±1.5V. Again, if these
voltages are not correct, stop and work
out why. The likely culprit is incorrect
diode or capacitor orientation.
If IC3 or IC4 is not working, put
a scope probe on pin 4 of IC4. You
should see a switching waveform at
around 52kHz. If not, it might not be
getting power.
Now fit the LM317HV, LM317
and LM337 devices (REG1, REG3 &
REG4). After that, check the voltage
on CON10, the phantom power header.
It should be 48V ±4V. Also check the
voltage on pins 4 and 8 of the (still
empty) IC1 and IC2 locations. You
should measure +14V ±1V on pins 8
and -14V ±1V on pins 4.
Again, if one of these is off, there
must be a problem around the associated regulator, so check the input
voltages, and the orientations of the
regulators and associated protection
With the power supply now fully
operational, mount the relay (watch
its orientation), the two BC559 transistors and the two NE5532 op amps,
which can be soldered directly to the
board or socketed (although using
sockets could reduce its robustness).
Double-check their orientation before
soldering, as desoldering op amps or
relays is hard. If you have to remove
one, cut off all the legs and desolder
them individually.
Re-apply power and check that the
relay works by shorting the pins of
CON3; you should hear the relay click.
If not, check that the relay is the right
way around and that you have ZD5
orientated correctly.
You can now plug in a microphone
or oscillator, with a maximum input
level of 100mV, to the CON2 input and
check that it is amplifying the signal
correctly and delivering correct output
signals at the pins of CON4.
If you don’t get an output, check
that you have phantom power on if
required. Place a shorting block across
CON10 if necessary. There should be
close to 48V on the CON10 pins and a
Parts List – Compact Microphone Preamplifier
10 double-sided PCB coded 01110231, 85 × 110mm
1 120 × 93.5 × 35mm diecast aluminium box
[Altronics H0454, Jaycar HB5067, Mouser 546-29830PSLA]
10 9V DC 700mA+ plugpack with 2.1mm ID plug
10 100μH toroidal inductor (L1) [Altronics L6522]
1 330μH toroidal inductor (L2) [Altronics L6527]
1 9mm 10kW reverse log potentiometer (VR1)
[Mouser 858-P091NFC25CR10K or 652-PTD9012015FC103]
1 knob to suit VR1 (D shaft), around 13mm in diameter
10 PCB-mounting 2.1mm inner diameter barrel socket (CON1) [Altronics P0620]
2 8-pin DIL IC sockets (optional; for IC1 & IC2)
2 3-pin polarised headers, 2.54mm pitch, with matching plugs and pins (CON2, CON4)
3 2-pin polarised headers, 2.54mm pitch, with matching plugs & pins (CON3, CON5, CON10)
1 3-pin female chassis-mount XLR socket (CON11) [Altronics P0850]
1 3-pin male chassis-mount XLR socket (CON12) [Altronics P0852]
2 SPDT chassis-mount mini toggle switches (S1, S2) [Altronics S1310]
1 5V DC coil DPDT PCB-mounting telecom relay (RLY1) [Altronics S4128B]
1 panel-mount green 3mm LED with bezel (LED1) [Altronics Z0240]
8 M3 × 16mm panhead machine screws
4 6mm-long M3-tapped Nylon spacers
10 M3 shakeproof washers
6 M3 hex nuts
4 stick-on rubber feet [Altronics H0940]
3 1m lengths of light-duty hookup wire (eg, white, red & black)
1 short length of 3mm diameter heatshrink tubing
2 NE5532 dual low-noise op amps, DIP-8 (IC1, IC2)
21 LM2577T integrated switch-mode regulators, TO-220-5 (IC3, IC4)
1 LM317HV or LM317 adjustable linear regulator, TO-220-3 (REG1) [Altronics Z0545]
1 LM317 adjustable linear regulator, TO-220-3 (REG3)
1 LM337 adjustable negative linear regulator, TO-220-3 (REG4)
2 BC559 low-noise PNP transistors, TO-92 (Q1, Q2)
5 6.8V 400mA axial zener diodes, DO-35 (ZD1-ZD5) [Altronics Z0320]
10 1N5819 40V 1A schottky diode, DO-41 (D1)
30 1N5819 40V 1A schottky or UF4002 100V 1A ultrafast diodes, DO-41 (D2, D3, D9)
1 UF4002 100V 1A ultrafast diode, DO-41 (D13)
8 1N4148 75V 200mA diodes, DO-35 (D4, D6-D8, D14-D17)
6 1N4004 400V 1A diodes, DO-41 (D22, D23, D26-D29)
1 470μF 25V radial electrolytic; 5mm pitch, max. 10mm dia. & 21mm high [Altronics R5164]
42 220μF 63V radial electro; 5mm pitch, max. 10mm dia. & 21mm high [Altronics R5148]
21 220μF 25V radial electro; 3.5mm pitch, max. 8mm dia. [Altronics R5144]
10 47μF 63V radial electro; 2.5-3.5mm pitch, max. 8mm dia. & 21mm high [Altronics R5108]
87 10μF 63V low-ESR radial electrolytic [Altronics R4768]
10 1μF 50V/63V radial electrolytic [Altronics R4718]
1512 100nF 63V/100V MKT
Microphone Preamp Kit (SC6784, $70):
1 10nF 63V/100V MKT
includes the standard PCB plus all
3 1nF 63V/100V MKT
onboard parts, switches and mounting
3 22pF 50V C0G/NP0 ceramic
hardware. Case, XLR connectors, bezel
low-ESR types are preferred but not required
LED and wiring not included.
2 47kW
6 4.7kW
2 1.8kW
3 100W
21 33kW
20 3.9kW
1 750W
1 22W
3 22kW
13 3.0kW
1 430W
7 10W
1 12kW
10 2.4kW
2 390W
10 2.2W
2 10kW
43 2.7kW
12 330W
2 6.8kW
1 2.2kW
10 150W
For the embedded version, add:
1 double-sided PCB coded 01110232, 85 × 110mm
1 3-pin polarised header, 2.54mm pitch, with matching plugs and pins (CON1)
num digit indicates how many to use for the embedded version
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 35
If you decide to build
the version that suits a case
(shown right), it is a neat and
tight fit. Because only the pot shaft needs
to go through the case, assembly is not as hard
as it might look. The embedded version of the PCB is
a bit simpler (shown left).
‘reasonable’ DC voltage at pins 2 and 3
of the input connector. This will vary
depending on the microphone; expect
it to be between about 5V and 43V.
If you still have trouble, use an oscillator to drive the ‘hot’ input (middle
pin of CON2) and:
● Check the input voltage with a
scope. It should be set to 100mV.
● Check the voltages on the 1.8kW
resistors immediately on either side of
RLY1. Assuming the use of a single-
ended oscillator, one of these should
have your test voltage. Switch the
attenuator in and out; you should see
a 20dB (10 times) reduction in voltage
level at one end.
● Check the base voltages of Q1 &
Q2. They should be about 0V (a ‘touch’
above, to be precise!)
● Check the Q1 & Q2 emitter voltages; they should be about 0.6V.
● There should be about 10V across
the two 10kW resistors right next to the
XLR socket cutout, on either side of
the 470μF capacitor, and about 4.7V
across the 4.7kW resistors immediately
to the right of D7 and below D8. Check
the orientations of D7 and D8 if these
voltages are not right. These voltages
should be identical as they connect to
the inverting and non-inverting inputs
of the same op amp (IC2a).
● Check the voltage on pin 1 of IC2;
it should be close to 0V with no signal
applied to the Preamp. If it is pegged
to one of the supply rails, look for
something amiss in the feedback loop
through IC2a, IC2, Q1 & Q2.
Silicon Chip
If it’s working, check that the gain
control provides about 48dB of range.
You will need to drop the input voltage at high gain settings to avoid clipping. You should be able to achieve
more than 8V RMS between pins 2
and 3 of the output connector into a
600W load.
Case preparation
The 120 × 93.5 × 35mm (119mm
from some sources) diecast enclosure
is available from a range of suppliers.
All our measurements assume the
use of 6mm standoffs for mounting
the PCB, which provide clearance for
the attenuation and phantom power
switches and taller low-ESR capacitors. If you want to use different
standoffs, verify that everything will
fit, especially the 63V capacitors and
switches. Standoffs taller than about
8mm are unlikely to work.
Start by drilling and deburring the
holes in the side walls of the enclosure, as shown in Fig.9; hold off on
the mounting holes in the base.
We used a stepped drill bit to make
the XLR connector holes. These are a
real boon for making larger holes. We
bought several types of XLR connectors and found they were all similar
Fig.9: the drilling details for the XLR sockets and holes for the potentiometer,
LED, DC socket and switches. Leave the small XLR mounting holes until you
have the sockets ready to install so you can position them accurately.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.10: while you can expect the PCB mounting holes to be in these positions,
you should use the PCB assembly to mark them exactly before drilling them to
ensure everything will fit.
Fig.11: by attaching the standoffs like
this, we get a robust result while also
allowing us to finagle it into the case.
The PCB is designed to accommodate
the XLR connectors and just fit inside
the case. The board is a tight fit, but
the parts are not squished together too
but differed in the required cutout.
You might need to fine-tune your metalwork for your connector.
We also recommend that you hold
off drilling the smaller fixing holes for
the XLR connector until after you have
made the main hole. Once the connector fits OK, mark and drill these holes
so they are in the ideal locations.
The two lower holes for the XLR
connectors will need to be drilled
and tapped for a 3mm thread (drill to
2.5mm first), as there is no room for
nuts inside the case. An alternative
is to use a long 3mm pop rivet, an
approach we have tried and found to
work well, especially if you get a hole
slightly crooked.
Once you have the side holes
drilled, present the PCB to the case
without the standoffs attached, and
mark the locations of the mounting
holes. They are shown in Fig.10 but
you should use the PCB to mark them
more accurately. Drill these to 3.5mm
and deburr them. This method is easiest since getting those measurements
perfect inside the box is not easy.
Install the standoffs to the case by
putting a 16mm M3 machine screw
and M3 shakeproof washer through the
panel from the outside, then screw the
6mm standoff onto the machine screw
– see Fig.11. Do not fully tighten it, as
you need to be able to jiggle the PCB
onto the M3 screws. Once the PCB is
in place, tighten the screws onto the
standoffs. Pushing the PCB onto the
standoffs will help you do that.
We placed slotted holes at the connector end of the PCB so you can present the board to the case with the connector end tilted down, allowing the
gain control pot shaft to go through the
front panel. You can then jiggle the M3
screws through the slotted holes. Once
the board is in place, use shakeproof
washers and an M3 nut to secure it, as
shown in the photos.
Installing the XLR connectors
The input connector is next to the
input header, with the output XLR
next to the gain control. Solder three
differently-coloured 100mm wires to
these and twist them together neatly.
Trim these back to allow a neat installation, and crimp or solder pins to the
pluggable headers. Refer to the wiring diagram, Fig.12, to connect the
ground, hot and cold wires to pins
1-3, respectively.
The bottom fixings for the XLR
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 37
Switches and LED
100nF IC3
Fig.12: how to wire it all up. The switches, connectors and LED all connect to
the PCB via polarised headers, so you can wire each up one at a time and then
plug it all together once the PCB is in the case.
10mF 10mF
100nF REG3
L2 330mH
IC 2
2 2 pF
UF 4002
L1 100mH
U F4 0 0 2
1N5819 or
47m F
U F4 0 0 2
1N5819 or
47mF 1N5819/UF4002
4148 D17
4148 GND 47mF
1 N5 8 1 9
Mic Out
C O N5
2 2 pF
10 m F
10m F
1n F
2 2 pF
2 3
V R1
Mic In
3 2 1
socket are pretty close to the case base,
so we simply drilled and tapped ours.
Solder a 10nF capacitor between
the case lug on one of the XLR connectors and the ground wire on pin 1.
This will effectively ground the case
for AC signals.
The connections for the switches
are made with light-duty hookup wire.
Use twisted wire (any colour will do)
and assemble to the two-pin pluggable
headers, as shown in Fig.12.
Similarly, use two pieces of twisted
light-duty hookup wire for the LED.
Apply heatshrink tubing over the solder connections to it. We used red for
the anode and black for the cathode.
These connect to pins 1 and 2 of the
pluggable header, respectively.
Now attach a knob for the gain control. Make it small, as it will be next to
the output XLR connector. You should
have tested the board already, so you
will be set to go.
We found that the lip of the lid hit
the M3 nuts that secure the XLR connectors. To solve that, we used a file
to notch the lip on the lid to clear the
nuts, and the lid was then a perfect fit.
You will find that the case is very
full. The capacitors and TO-220
devices fit with a couple of millimetres of clearance to the lid. We think
this is about as good packaging as we
could have achieved.
If you are using the ‘embedded’ version, we will leave it to your creativity on where and how you mount the
Preamplifier. It is a relatively modest
PCB, so it should fit in most places.
We would supply the board with ±15V,
but you could probably run it from up
to ±30V without the regulators getting
hot, as the current drain on the linear
rails is quite low. You will need to
check this detail in your application.
We kept our labelling simple in line
with the utilitarian intended use of this
device (see Fig.13); you can be creative
with this if you wish. Finally, stick
some rubber feet on the bottom so it
won’t damage the surfaces it’s on and
won’t slide around too much.
Using it
Fig.13: print out and attach this lid panel artwork to the top of the box so you
(or someone else) will remember what everything does.
The Preamp should generally be run
from a 9V DC plugpack. It will work
fine from 12V DC. While it will not be
damaged by a higher voltage, up to 24V
DC, it likely won’t operate as the negative rail will not be generated.
Australia's electronics magazine
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*All smartphone devices pictured in this catalogue are for illustration purposes only. Not included with product.
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Please Note: Resellers have to pay the cost of freight & insurance. Therefore the range of stocked products & prices charged by individual resellers may vary from our catalogue.
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions will be paid for at
standard rates. All submissions should include full name, address & phone number.
Latching relay toggle circuit
I searched the internet for a circuit that would toggle a relay on and
off using a single-pole, single-throw
momentary pushbutton switch. I
found a circuit at www.the12volt.
com/relays/relaydiagram23.html that
would do what I wanted, but it used
four relays.
I also found a circuit from Silicon
Chip (Circuit Notebook, May 2010
issue; that
would also work if I added a 30A horn
relay to handle a higher current than
the Jaycar SY4060 dual coil latching
relay used there.
However, I felt sure there was a
simple way to do this with just two
30A SPDT horn relays. The circuit I
developed works as follows. It starts
in standby, with both relays off. Pressing the pushbutton switch (S1) turns
on LAMP1 and also activates RELAY
B via D1, which supplies power to the
load. Diode D2 latches RELAY B on.
Releasing S1 switches off LAMP1,
removing the 12V at the negative side
of RELAY A, energising it via D3. Both
relays remain on, and power is provided to the load.
Pressing S1 again switches on
LAMP2, and RELAY B drops out as the
coil now has 12V on both sides. Power
is removed from the load plus D2 and
D3, while RELAY A stays on via D4.
Releasing S1 switches off RELAY A
and the circuit returns to the standby
I used SPDT 30A horn relays from
Jaycar, while the lamps are 12V 5W
festoon bulbs. Each bulb fits perfectly
into a single AAA cell holder, making
them easy to connect. They have a very
low resistance when off and act as a
5W resistor when on. Back-EMF from
the relay coils is taken care of by D1,
D4 and both lamps.
G. G.,
New Zealand. ($90)
DHT22-based temperature/humidity chart display
This BASIC program charts the
temperature and humidity from a
standard DHT22 sensor on a 2.8inch Micromite LCD Backpack (May
The chart plots both readings over
a 24-hour period. That period could
be easily changed to be longer or
shorter by modifying the software.
By default, it shows a temperature
range of 10°C to 40°C and relative
humidity (RH) from 0% to 100%.
The 24-hour display period starts
when the program runs.
The basic process is to draw a
line for every reading from the ‘old’
Australia's electronics magazine
reading to the ‘new’ reading for both
values for every pixel across the
screen. That is done 320 ÷ 24 times
per hour, which equates to every
4.5 minutes. The temperature readings are displayed in white, with the
humidity in yellow.
At the end of the 24 hours, the
display starts at the beginning of the
screen again, therefore showing the
difference between the reading now
and the one the day before.
The program is pretty simple to
follow and changes can easily be
made. This same program could be
used with multiple DS18B20 digital
temperature sensors, using different colours to distinguish between
sensors. You can download it from:
Ray Saegenschnitter,
Huntly, Vic. ($75)
February 2024 43
Isolated mains voltage and current monitor
This configuration uses two small power transformers
and a current transformer to provide high-voltage isolation
when measuring the voltage applied to and current drawn
by a mains-powered device, while preserving accurate current and voltage waveforms.
A single power transformer will provide isolation but
will have a distorted secondary waveform due to the non-
linearity from the core magnetisation approaching saturation (see Fig.1). This is the optimal condition for a power
transformer but not satisfactory for this task. The core magnetisation must be kept in its linear region to get an accurate voltage waveform.
In this circuit, the primary windings of two small power
transformers (Altronics M2851L, 1.8VA) are connected in
series, thereby halving the primary voltage each sees. This
keeps the core magnetisation in the linear region of the
B-H curve (see Fig.2). However, the secondaries are wired
in parallel to ensure that the currents in both transformers
remain balanced.
A simple divider with a 10-turn pot provides for calibrating the output; in this case, a 50V input gives a 1V output
(equivalent to a ×50 oscilloscope probe). The frequency
response is within 0.5dB from 50Hz to at least 20kHz. The
phase shift is within 1° to 2kHz, reaching 7° by 20kHz.
Figs.1 & 2: the yellow trace is the incoming mains and mauve trace is the output of the transformer, with a single
transformer shown on the left (Fig.1) and two in series on the right (Fig.2).
Silicon Chip
Got an interesting original circuit that you have cleverly devised? We will pay good money to
feature it in Circuit Notebook. We can pay you by electronic funds transfer, cheque or direct to
your PayPal account. Or you can use the funds to purchase anything from the SILICON CHIP Online
Store, including PCBs and components, back issues, subscriptions or whatever. Email your circuit
and descriptive text to editor<at>
Australia's electronics magazine
A 1:1000 current transformer (AX1000 or AXC100)
produces 1mA per amp, which translates to 0.1V per
amp with a 100W burden resistor (equivalent to a ×10
current probe).
To ensure the voltage and current outputs are in phase
and the ‘right way up’, apply a half-wave rectified test
load to the output. The transformer windings can be
swapped to achieve the correct polarities, that is, indicating current drawn on the positive-going half of the
voltage waveform.
With the transformers mounted in a small Jiffy box and
wired with an IEC input and a GPO output, as shown in
the photo, the Mains Monitor provides a quick and safe
way to check AC voltage waveforms up to 300V RMS at
load currents up to 10A.
Mark Hallinan,
Woolloongabba, Qld. ($100)
The finished isolated mains voltage and current monitor
can be mounted in a Jiffy box.
ESP32-based AI ChatGPT terminal
I wish I had access to ChatGPT
during my school days. For writing
small programs on platforms like
Arduino, Micropython or Python,
these days it’s much easier to get
ChatGPT to help rather than go
searching for library documentation,
read programming books and so on.
I even prepared the code for this
project using hints from ChatGPT!
This simple console provides a keyboard and a small screen that lets you
type a question and almost immediately get a (usually) helpful answer.
It does this by sending what you type
to the ChatGPT servers via WiFi; then,
when it receives the response, it prints
it on the TFT screen. You don’t need
Australia's electronics magazine
any elaborate computer; you just need
an internet WiFi connection and a
ChatGPT account.
You may ask why I’m using an old
PS/2 keyboard instead of a USB keyboard. The precise answer is that I
could not get a USB keyboard to work
with the ESP32. An advanced reader
might like to see if they can it going
with a Bluetooth keyboard instead.
There isn’t a lot to the circuit. The
February 2024 45
ESP32 is wired to a 3.5-inch TFT
screen via an 8-bit parallel bus and
some control lines to update the
screen's contents. The PS/2 keyboard
socket connects directly to the ESP32
as well. Note that the ESP32 pins IO34
and IO35 used to get data from the keyboard are inputs only.
A single 5V supply powers the
screen, ESP32 module and keyboard.
The 5V could come from various
sources, such as a USB charger or
USB battery bank, although the circuit
diagram shows a simple linear regulator that allows it to be powered from
a source of 9-12V DC, like a small
For the software to work, it needs
an API key that provides access to the
OpenAI servers.
For this, you need to create an
OpenAI account, log in, go to your user
page via the menu and then down to
the API keys section. You must copy
that key and put it in the provided
source code, which you can download
Once you’ve put the API key in the
software, use the Arduino IDE (with
the ESP32 Board Profile selected) to
compile and upload it to the ESP32
module and wire it as shown in the
circuit. Power it up after that and it’s
ready for use.
Press the ‘Esc’ key on the keyboard
to start a new session. That clears the
screen and readies it for taking a new
question. Type your question and press
Enter. At the end of the question, a
number indicates how many characters are in the answer text.
The accompanying photo shows an
example of the sort of question the unit
is capable of answering.
Regarding the firmware, note that
the delays I’ve used inside loops are
critical. You may change them, but
start with my values first. Once you
have got a handle on your responses,
you may change them.
This is really just a proof of concept to show that with a keyboard
and internet connection, AI can be
used by a microcontroller. In a future
development, I plan to eliminate the
keyboard and instead use a speechto-text interface or a ChatGPT voice
interactive solution.
Bera Somnath,
North Karanpura, India. ($80)
WiFi Night Light using a simple circuit
I created this Smart Night Light
for a relative who had problems with
mains-powered night lights failing,
as well as the inability to control
their brightness. It uses an ESP8266based ESP-01S module and has the
following specifications:
• Drives five white 5mm LEDs or
a 3V COB LED panel
• Runs from a 5V USB power supply drawing less than 100mA
• WiFi: 2.4GHz only with on/off
• Web-based control interface
and network setup
• Four-digit LED Clock display
using a TM1637 I2C module
• Adjustable brightness
• Australian capitals location
• Daylight saving on/off
• Audible alarm on/off setting
and duration
• Manual on/off, settable on/off
times or sunset to sunrise
Silicon Chip
The Night Light is designed to
operate in dark areas such as the
passageway of new homes where
traditional night lights would stay
on permanently. The best feature is
that the brightness can be varied to
suit the location.
The Night Light is powered via a 5V
USB supply, commonly used to charge
Australia's electronics magazine
The heart of the unit is an ESP-01S
module that includes WiFi hardware
and software so that a connection
can be made to your local network
and the internet.
A web server is created and the
Night Light control web page can be
accessed via a web browser. A fixed
local IP address is set on the first boot
to ensure the Night Light web page
IP is always the same.
The web server uses web socket
technology to update the web page
data values without continuously
refreshing the page.
The unit gets the current time from
a network time protocol (NTP) service and uses a library to calculate
sunrise and sunset times for the set
time zone. The main control loop
constantly checks the time to determine whether the LED panel and
alarm beeper should be on or off.
PNP transistors buffer the microcontroller outputs for the buzzer
LED-based motion sensor
This circuit began in my mind as
a demonstration of an experimental
concept: a diodic divider. In this case,
it allows us to use LEDs at minuscule
current as light sensors.
You could compare this to a passive
infrared (PIR) sensor. However, there
are significant differences. This device
operates in the light. It stops working after sunset or if light levels drop
below about 800 lumens (eg, the light
provided by a 60W incandescent bulb
or a 10W LED). Unlike a PIR device, it
can see through glass. It is also much
cheaper to build.
In good light, without any enhancement of the LEDs, this circuit picked
up my movement 10m away. It will
also detect LEDs switching on or off at
the same distance. As an active device
(for example, using a cheap laser to
and the LED panel. These ensure
that the GPIO pins are pulled high
at boot, a requirement of the microcontroller.
A 5V USB plug pack provides
power. Its output is regulated to
3.3V for the microcontroller using
a three-terminal AMS1117 3.3V
illuminate the LEDs), this circuit can
operate at all times, potentially with
a range of kilometres.
The diodic divider comprises
diodes D2 to D5 plus ultrabright red
LEDs LED1 & LED2, which conduct a
mere 2.5nA with 12V across the lot.
This indicates a 1.2GW impedance
due to the reverse current of 1N4148
signal diodes. You can imagine D2-D5
as resistors, conducting 10nA at 12V,
with a maximum capacitance of 4pF.
using four signal diodes, rather than
two, reduces drift in lower light.
The second part of the circuit, IC1a,
is a diode pump. It produces a pulse
of about four seconds when it detects
motion. This can be varied by adjusting the value of the 100kW resistor or
22μF capacitor. If LED3 is not used in
combination with a small piezo buzzer,
low-dropout regulator module
with input and output capacitors
For more details on the control
interface, see the PDF user manual
available from
Shop/6/334, along with the Arduino
source code.
Australia's electronics magazine
replace the buzzer with a 1kW resistor.
Ideally, one should set up this circuit during the day, at the maximum
brightness the circuit would encounter (or in an enclosed space, with the
lights on) by carefully turning VR1 and
VR2. After adjustment, allow a minute
for the circuit to settle before testing,
or readjusting it.
The circuit is designed so that it is
well-balanced and stable if the LEDs
are aimed more or less at the same light
source (say, daylight behind curtains,
or a well-lit wall). You can experiment
with various light sources, positions
for LED1 and LED2, and lenses. Without triggering, this circuit should run
for about three weeks from six AA
alkaline cells in series.
Thomas O. Scarborough,
Cape Town, South Africa ($100)
That PDF also has instructions on
how to build and upload the code
to the ESP-01S module, which is
complicated by the fact that, due
to complexity, the sketch spans 19
separate files.
Phillip Webb,
Hope Valley, SA. ($110)
February 2024 47
Part 1 of John Clarke’s
This Mains Power-Up
Sequencer solves
many problems caused
by powering up several
devices simultaneously,
including circuit breakers
tripping, thumps from audio equipment
and modem/router overloading. The Mains
Power-Up Sequencer can also power several appliances
on or off when a ‘master’ appliance switches on or off.
ou might have run into problems
switching on several appliances
at once, eg, using the switch on
a mains outlet. You might have a bank
of equipment that all needs to be powered up, but you would prefer to do
it in sequence with the convenience
of a single switch. Sometimes, if you
switch everything on at once, it can
trip the mains circuit breaker.
There can also be a sudden drop
in mains voltage when switching on
a bank of equipment due to the high
initial current draw that causes other
equipment to reset or act up.
Similarly, the high initial current
can trip the circuit breaker when you
have several personal computers that
are all switched on together, such as
in a school or office.
Additionally, powering up several
computers at one time can cause them
all to try to access the network/internet at the same time, overloading the
router and causing slow startups or
even lockups. Staggering the powering
up of each computer by a few seconds
can prevent this.
The Power-Up Sequencer can
Silicon Chip
address these concerns. It includes
four mains outlets that can switch on
equipment sequentially, with a delay
between each. If four outlets are insufficient, then a second Sequencer can
be added that daisy chains from the
first unit.
Daisy-chained Sequencers can be
powered from a separate power circuit to the first Sequencer, allowing for
more devices than can be plugged into
a single GPO (general purpose mains
outlet). The separate power circuit can
even be from a different phase.
Not only does the Sequencer power
up equipment in an orderly fashion
but it can also be used to power down
in sequence.
Another feature is the ability to
Warning: Mains Voltage
All circuitry within the Mains
Sequencer operates at Line
(mains) voltages. It would be an
electrocution hazard if built incorrectly or used with the lid open.
Only build this if you are fully experienced in building mains projects.
Australia's electronics magazine
power up and down multiple devices
by switching one piece of equipment
on and off. That can be useful when
equipment is difficult to access and
a single, more accessible switch can
be used for the on and off powering
For example, you could have your
receiver, amplifier and DVD player
automatically switch on when you
power up your TV by remote control.
Most equipment draws a substantial
current over the first few mains cycles
when powering up, often described
as inrush current. With some appliances, this current is because a large
capacitance needs to be charged. These
draw a high initial current before the
capacitor voltage rises and the current
reduces. In other cases, it can be due
to a motor spinning up.
Typically, the inrush current won’t
cause a circuit breaker to trip if only
one appliance is switched on at a time.
However, with more devices switched
at the same time, the current is multiplied. Switching them on in sequence
will avoid that.
It should be noted that the Sequencer
Scope 1: the mains voltage (mauve) and current (yellow)
drawn by three amplifiers in parallel that was switched
on just after the mains voltage peak. After a small initial
current flow, it drops to zero, followed by a big spike to
182A as the amplifiers’ capacitor bank starts to charge.
is not designed for electric motors such
as power tools. If you need to reduce
the startup current for motorised appliances, we have published soft starters
that are more applicable:
• Active Mains Soft Starter (February & March 2023;
• Soft Starter for Power Tools (July
• The SoftStarter (April 2012 issue;
Peak currents
As an example of the initial surge
current drawn by an appliance, we
measured the current initially drawn
by a 25V DC power supply that uses a
125VA toroidal transformer to charge
two parallel 6800μF capacitors via a
bridge rectifier. We measured current
using a current transformer calibrated
to produce 1V per 10A. The results can
be seen in Scope 1.
The cyan (channel 2) trace shows
the mains voltage, while the yellow
trace (channel 1) shows the current.
Note that we show the current 180°
out of phase with the voltage so that
the two waveforms can be seen more
easily, without one obscuring the
Upon powering the 25V supply, it
drew a maximum of 38A on the first
half cycle, and 182A on the second
half cycle.
The first half cycle current is lower
because the power was switched on
later in the mains half cycle, but the
next half cycle had the full waveform,
Scope 2: by switching the amplifiers on precisely at the zero
crossing, we reduce the inrush current somewhat, to 168A.
The reduction will be much greater for devices with a high
power factor or power-factor correction (PFC).
so the current was higher. When power
is applied closer to the peak of the
mains voltage, there will be a steep
rise in the current drawn.
If more than one of these supplies
were powered up simultaneously, the
current drawn from the GPO would
add up. It is no wonder that a circuit
breaker can trip if several appliances
are switched on at the same time.
For our Power-Up Sequencer, as
well as staggering when power is
applied to each appliance, we switch
them on when the mains voltage is
near the zero voltage crossing point.
That allows the current to rise more
slowly since the applied voltage follows the mains sinewave, instead of
a peak voltage of up to about 325V
applied instantaneously if power
were applied at any time during the
mains cycle.
This is shown in Scope 2. The current rises from the start of the waveform just past the zero crossing as the
mains voltage rises and results in a
168A peak. That’s still high because
this appliance only really draws current near the peak of the voltage waveform. However, other appliances with
a better power factor (PF) will benefit
more from this zero-crossing switching.
Sequencer options
There are two options. The first
is the master/slave feature, which
involves monitoring the current drawn
from the OUT1 GPO socket. The second is the Mains Detect Input, which
can be used for daisy chaining.
Switching on each GPO in sequence
is done at an adjustable rate. The poweron and power-off sequence intervals
Mains Power-Up Sequencer Features
Four independently-controlled 10A mains outputs (up to 10A total draw)
Output switch on at mains zero crossing
Adjustable power on & off sequence rates
First on, first off (forward) or first on, last off (reverse) power-down sequence
Daisy-chaining for more outputs and extra current
Master channel Current Detection option
Separate Mains Input Detection option
Number of outlets selection option (1-4)
Relay switching for high efficiency with inrush/switch-off current spike protection
Sequence indicators
Multiple startup options
Uses standard IEC mains cables and GPO outlets
Housed in a rugged enclosure
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 49
are independent and can each be
adjusted between 100ms and 23s.
The order that the outputs are
sequentially switched on is OUT1,
OUT2, OUT3 and then OUT4. When
switching off, you can select the
reverse sequence order of OUT4,
OUT3, OUT2 and then OUT1, or the
forward sequence of OUT1, OUT2,
OUT3 and then OUT4.
We have provided several options
so that the Sequencer can be as versatile as possible. That includes the
option to build the unit with between
one and four outlets, since some applications may not require four mains
outlets. When the Sequencer is set
up for fewer outlets, the powering
sequences will be truncated to operate only over the installed number of
Presentation & configurations
The Sequencer comprises a rugged
plastic enclosure with an IEC mains
socket on the left side of the enclosure and four GPO mains sockets on
the lid. The IEC mains socket provides input power using a standard
IEC mains lead. A second IEC mains
socket can be installed for Mains Input
Detection, such as when daisy-chaining two Sequencers together.
Fig.1 shows what the various inputs
and outputs do. The basic configuration for building the Sequencer is
without the second (lower) input, in
which case, the outputs switch on
in sequence when power is applied,
and they all switch off at once when
power is lost.
It can also be built without the second input but with Current Detection
for OUT1. In that case, OUT1 is the
master socket and OUT2, OUT3 &
OUT4 are the slaves. The slave outputs switch on in sequence when it
detects the master device drawing
current from OUT1. They switch off
in sequence when the appliance stops
drawing power from OUT1.
The third configuration is with the
Mains Detect Input but without Current Detection. Nothing happens when
power is first applied to the unit in this
case. It waits until it detects a mains
voltage at the Mains Detect Input,
then switches on the four outputs in
If voltage is no longer detected at
the Mains Detect Input, the four outputs switch off sequentially. They all
switch off immediately if the main
power input is lost. Note that no power
is drawn from the supply fed to the
Mains Detect Input.
While the Mains Detect Input is primarily intended for daisy-chaining,
it can also trigger switching the four
outlets on in sequence when another
device is switched on via a GPO switch
or other mains-interrupting device.
The first and most basic configuration is without the Mains Input Detect
circuitry or Current Detection circuitry
and is easier to build. The disadvantages are that you have to switch it on
at the wall, and all the outlets switch
off immediately when it is switched
off, rather than in sequence. Whether
or not that is a problem depends on
your situation.
Fig.1: the Mains Power-up Sequencer can have three primary configurations.
It can be built with or without the optional Mains Detect Input that allows it to
be triggered from a separate, isolated mains input (useful for daisy-chaining). It
can also be built with current detection for OUT1 that will trigger the switching
of OUT2-OUT4 but, in that case, the Mains Detect Input cannot be used.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
An example of where devices may
need to be switched off in sequence
is where you have an audio processor
or mixer ahead of one or more power
amplifiers. If the mixer or audio processor is switched on after the amplifiers or off before the amplifiers, a loud
noise can be produced in the loudspeakers driven by the amplifiers.
That is because the mixer or audio
processor can produce a large voltage
swing in the audio signal at switch-on
or switch-off. So ideally, the amplifiers
need to be switched on after the audio
processor and off before the audio processor. Therefore, one of the options
would be required.
Both of the other configurations,
with either the Mains Input Detect circuitry or Current Detection circuitry
(but not both), offer power-on and
power-off sequencing.
Fig.2 shows how you can add more
sequencer outputs by daisy chaining two (or more) Sequencer units.
The primary Sequencer can have any
of the three possible configurations.
The other Sequencers need to be configured with the Mains Detect Input
OUT4 from the primary Sequencer
applies voltage to the Mains Detect
Input of the second Sequencer using a
piggyback mains plug lead (or double
adaptor). In this way, when OUT4 of
the primary Sequencer is powered, it
triggers the second Sequencer to start
providing power to its outputs and
so on. The piggyback plug allows an
appliance also to be powered from
OUT4 so you don’t lose an output.
A delay can be included in the second unit so that its OUT1 outlet does
not switch on as soon as the OUT4 on
the primary unit is powered.
Note that if the primary and daisy-
chained Sequencers are set for a forward off-sequence (OUT1, OUT2,
OUT3 then OUT4), the daisy-chained
off-sequence will begin after the primary sequence has finished. However,
if the off-sequence is in reverse (OUT4,
OUT3, OUT2 then OUT1), the daisy-
chained off cycle will start as soon
as the primary Sequencer begins its
Besides using the forwards off-
sequence, there are ways to deal with
this. One is to set a greater delay for
the daisy-chained off-sequence so that
it starts after the primary sequence has
finished, despite being triggered earlier. Also, if the primary Sequencer
Fig.2: this shows how to daisy-chain two or more Sequencers to give eight or more controlled
outputs. There are other ways to expand it, but this is the easiest way and should suit most
off-rate is twice the daisy-chained
Sequencer off rate, the outputs from
each will switch off alternately
between the two.
There’s also the possibility of connecting the Mains Detect Inputs of
secondary Sequencers to each of the
OUT1-OUT4 outputs of a primary
Sequencer if you need them to switch
on and off in a neat sequence, with
primary delays set to be longer than
the secondaries.
Circuit details
Fig.3 shows the full circuit for
the Power-Up Sequencer. It is based
around microcontroller IC9, which
monitors the Mains Detect Input or
the current flow through an appliance
plugged into OUT1. It also drives the
circuitry that powers the four GPOs
that supply power to the appliances.
Other connections to the microcontroller are for setting the on and off
sequence delays and other options.
Switching mains to each GPO at
OUT1-OUT4 is achieved using a relay
and a Triac in parallel for each outlet. The Triacs are 600V bidirectional switches capable of conducting 30A continuously and
up to 270A over one 20ms
mains cycle. The Triac is
included to protect the relay
contacts from damage and
a short life due to high initial surge currents drawn by
appliances at power-up.
So, instead of using the relay
contacts directly, we first switch
on the Triac and then the relay some
300ms later. This means that the initial startup current by an appliance is
connected via the Triac, with the relay
contact closing afterwards, once the
current has dropped.
In the same way, the Triac is used
to hold power on when the relay is
switched off for 100ms, giving time for
the relay contacts to fully open before
the Triac switches off. That protects
the relay contacts from voltage transients that may damage the relay contacts over time.
The Triac is protected from voltage transients by a snubber circuit
across it that comprises a 10nF X2
rated capacitor and 330W 1W resistor in series for the OUT2, OUT3 and
OUT4 circuits.
These values are labelled as R1 and
C1 for OUT1 because they depend
on whether this mains channel is
used to detect whether an appliance
is switched on or off for Current
Detection. If Current Detection is
being used, a 220nF X2-rated capacitor and series 470W 1W resistor are
used instead of the values mentioned
The relay and the Triac for each
output are driven using separate
coupled Triac driver ICs.
These incorporate lower current rated
Triacs that are switched on via LEDs
within the ICs.
The optically-coupled Triac drivers (IC1 and IC2 for OUT1) are similar. However, IC1 will only trigger
the internal Triac near the zero-voltage crossing of the mains waveform,
when the instantaneous voltage is
under 25V.
So IC1 will only trigger TRIAC1 at
the start of the mains waveform, and
any surge current drawn by the appliance will be very low to begin with
(since the voltage is low) and
The finished
Mains Power-Up
Sequencer fitted into a
standard ABS enclosure that
measures 222 × 146 × 55mm.
Australia's electronics magazine
only rise as the mains voltage increases
over time. The inductor (eg, L1) in
series with the Triac reduces the maximum current rise rate to a safe level.
Driving the relay
For the OUT1 mains channel, IC2
drives the relay coil directly. The snubber across the coil comprising a 10nF
Silicon Chip
X2 rated capacitor and 1kW 1W resistor limits voltage spikes when the IC
switches off and current flow through
the relay coil ceases. This snubber also
prevents the relay from buzzing when
powered off due to current leakage
through IC2’s internal Triac.
In a typical circuit, the snubber
would be across the Triac pins, but
Australia's electronics magazine
for our purposes, this would provide
current through the relay coil when
the Triac is off, so the relay will tend
to vibrate (buzz). This leakage current
is insufficient to switch the relay, but
it can still cause it to vibrate. By placing the snubber across the relay coil,
this current bypasses the coil.
Both types of Triac drivers have
Fig.3: the complete Sequencer circuit. It consists of five main blocks: output switching (the entire right-hand page), power
supply (upper-left corner), optional Mains Detect Input (below the power supply), Current Detection (lower left plus T1 at
top middle) and control (IC9 and surrounding components).
special voltage-clamping features
that prevent them from conducting
(switching on) when mains power is
suddenly applied to the circuit. That
can happen even with the internal
opto-coupled LED off. The clamping
feature allows a voltage rise of up
to 10kV per microsecond (10kV/μs)
to occur without the internal Triac
The LED drive current for the Triac
drivers is low compared to many other
Australia's electronics magazine
similar devices, with a lower limit of
just 2mA (or 5mA for entirely inductive loads) for the IL4108 (or IL410)
and 2mA for the IL4208 or IL420.
That means we can get away with a
simpler power supply for this part of
February 2024 53
the circuit that only has to deliver a
modest current, even when all mains
outputs (OUT1, OUT2, OUT3 and
OUT4) are switched on.
The IL4108 or IL410 IC used for
switching the Triac is only switched
on momentarily before the relay driver
is switched on using the IL4208 or
IL420. This means that when all outlets are on, the total drive for the opto-
coupled Triac drivers will be around
8mA. We actually drive each at a little
more than the required 2mA to allow
for a safety margin.
The Triac and relay driving circuitry
is the same for all four channels. The
only difference is the aforementioned
snubber component value variation for
OUT1 if current sensing is used.
Microcontroller functions
Digital outputs RC1 (pin 15) and
RA4 (pin 3) of microcontroller IC9
drive the opto-couplers to control
OUT1, while other similar digital outputs control the other three channels.
A 680W resistor limits the current to
IC1’s LED to a little over 5mA. For IC2,
there is an indicator LED (LED1) in
series with the LED within IC2, so we
use a 750W resistor in series to ensure
the current is at least 2mA.
Switches S1 to S3 connect to the
RB5, RB7 and RB6 digital inputs (pins
12, 10 & 11) of IC9, respectively, and
these inputs have internal pullups. So
each input is sensed as a high level
when the switch is open and as a low
when the switch is closed, pulling the
input to the 0V rail.
Switch S1 selects whether the
sequencer detects appliance current
or uses mains detection. When S1 is
open, no current or mains detection is
used, so the sequencer starts up whenever mains power is applied.
Switch S2 selects whether the
sequencer switches power to the first
output immediately or after a delay
when triggered. When S2 is closed,
there is a delay before switching on
or off, equal to the on/off sequence
delay. When S2 is open, there is no
such delay.
Switch S3 selects whether VR1
adjusts the on-sequence or off-
sequence rates. It can also determine
whether the off-sequence runs in a forward direction or reverse.
VR1 is connected across the 5.1V
supply, so the wiper provides a varying voltage to the AN7 analog input of
IC9 (pin 7). This voltage is bypassed
Silicon Chip
Parts List – Mains Power-Up Sequencer
1 double-sided PCB coded 10108231, 203 × 134mm
1 222 × 146 × 55mm ABS or polycarbonate IP65 enclosure
[Jaycar HB6130, HB6220]
1 set of panel labels (top and side panel)
1 IEC panel-mount mains input connector with integral fuse (CON5)
[Altronics P8324, Jaycar PP4004]
1 10A mains IEC lead
1 10A M205 fast blow fuse (F1)
51 vertical-mounting 15A 300V two-way pluggable terminal blocks, 5.08mm
pitch (CON1-4, CON6)
[Altronics P2512 + P2572, Jaycar HM3112 + HM3122]
41 10A side-entry chassis-mount GPO sockets (OUT1-OUT4) ●
[Altronics P8241, Jaycar PS4094]
41 28 × 14 × 11mm compressed powdered iron toroidal cores (L1-L4)
[Jaycar LO1244 (two per packet)]
41 Schrack RT33473 16A NO 230VAC coil relays (RLY1-RLY4)
[element14 2748015]
3 SPDT subminiature toggle switches (S1-S3)
[Altronics S1415, Jaycar ST0310]
1 9mm PCB-mount vertical 10kW linear potentiometer (VR1) [Altronics R1946]
1 20-pin DIL IC socket
51 16kV isolation Fresnel 5mm LED bezels (Cliplite CLB300CTP)
[element14 2748731]
41 50cm lengths of 1.25mm diameter enamelled copper wire (for L1-L4)
1 820mm length of blue 10A mains-rated wire
1 900mm length of brown 10A mains-rated wire
1 500mm length of green/yellow striped 10A mains-rated wire
1 75mm length of 10mm diameter heatshrink tubing
1 60mm length of 5mm diameter heatshrink tubing
1 250mm length of 1mm diameter heatshrink tubing (for LED leads)
2 M3 × 10mm Nylon countersunk head machine screws (for CON5)
4 M3 × 6mm panhead machine screws
(for attaching the PCB to the enclosure)
2 M3 hex nuts
41 200mm cable ties (for L1-L4)
15 100mm cable ties
41 IL410 or IL4108 zero-switching Triac output opto-couplers, DIP-6
(IC1, IC3, IC5 & IC7) [element14 1045434, 1612489]
41 IL420 or IL4208 random-switching Triac output opto-couplers, DIP-6
(IC2, IC4, IC6 & IC8) [element14 1469488]
1 PIC16F1459-I/P microcontroller programmed with 1010823A.hex, DIP-20
41 T3035H-6G 30A Triacs (TRIAC1-TRIAC4), D2PAK [element14 2778110]
1 400V 1A W04 bridge rectifier (BR1)
1 5.1V 1W zener diode (ZD1)
51 5mm high-brightness LEDs (eg, one green and four red) (LED1-LED5)
1 1000μF 16V PC electrolytic
1 10μF 16V PC electrolytic
1 470nF X2-rated mains capacitor
1 220nF X2-rated mains capacitor (10nF if current detect feature is not used)
2 100nF MKT polyester
71 10nF X2-rated mains capacitors
Resistors (all ¼W 1% unless otherwise specified)
61 1MW 1W 5%
1 100kW
1 10kW
Australia's electronics magazine
1 1.5kW
1 1kW 5W 5%
41 1kW 1W 5%
41 750W
41 680W
72 330W 1W 5% (8 if current detection is not used)
41 300W
Alternative parts instead of GPO sockets (●)
4 cordgrip grommets [Altronics H4280]
4 2m mains extension cords
(or 4 mains line sockets and 8m of 10A mains cable)
5 crimp eyelets suitable for 4-6mm2 wire
1 M4 × 20mm panhead machine screw
1 M4 hex nut
1 M4 star washer
Extra parts for Current Detection feature ____________________
1 vertical-mounting 15A 300V two-way pluggable terminal block, 5.08mm
pitch (CON7) [Altronics P2512 + P2572, Jaycar HM3112 + HM3122]
1 AC1010 10A current transformer (T1)
1 MCP6272-E/P dual rail-to-rail op amp, DIP-8 (IC10)
1 8-pin DIL IC socket
1 (P)4KE15CA transient voltage suppressor (TVS1)
2 10μF 16V PC electrolytic capacitors
1 200mm length of 10A brown mains-rated wire
1 200mm cable tie
Resistors (all ¼W 1%)
1 30kW
1 20kW
1 18kW
1 15kW
2 10kW
1 2.2kW
1 470W 1W 5%
Extra parts for Mains Input Detection feature________________
1 IEC panel-mount mains input connector with integral fuse (CON8)
[Altronics P8324, Jaycar PP4004]
1 mains IEC lead
1 1A M205 fast blow fuse (F2)
1 vertical-mounting 15A 300V two-way pluggable terminal block, 5.08mm
pitch (CON9) [Altronics P2512 + P2572, Jaycar HM3112 + HM3122]
2 M3 × 10mm Nylon countersunk head machine screws (for CON8)
2 M3 hex nuts
1 75mm length of brown 7.5A mains-rated wire
1 75mm length of blue 7.5A mains-rated wire
1 40mm of 0.5mm diameter heatshrink tubing
1 4N25 phototransistor opto-coupler, DIP-6 (IC11)
1 400V 1A W04 bridge rectifier (BR2)
1 12V 1W zener diode (ZD2)
Hard-to-get parts (SC6871, $95):
1 10μF 16V PC electrolytic capacitor
includes the PCB, programmed micro, all
1 22nF X2-rated mains capacitor
other semis and the Fresnel lens bezels.
1 1MW 1W 5% resistor
Current detection add-on (SC6902, $20):
1 10kW ¼W 1% resistor
includes the AC-1010 current transformer,
1 4.7kW ¼W 1% resistor
(P)4KE15CA TVS and MCP6272-E/P dual
rail-to-rail op amp.
1 1kW 1W 5% resistor
1 reduce quantities by one for each output not fitted
2 reduce quantity by two for each output not fitted
Australia's electronics magazine
by a 100nF capacitor to present a low
impedance when IC9 reads the voltage using its internal analog-to-digital
converter. Any parameters set using
VR1 are stored in flash memory within
IC9, so they remain even if power is
switched off.
Reduced output channels
Initially, all four outputs are active.
However, if you don’t need all four,
you can leave them off and tell the
microcontroller not to use those outputs.
The RA0 and RA1 digital inputs
(pins 19 & 18) are initially tied to
ground on the PCB. The small tracks
connecting RA0 and RA1 to 0V can be
broken and connected to the nearby
track on the PCB’s top side, which
joins to the +5.1V supply. A table next
month will show which connections
are required for any number of outputs.
That changes how the output sequence
operates in software.
Unused output channels do not
need to have their components populated on the PCB.
Mains detection
The separate mains presence detection is via input IEC connector CON8.
A series 22nF X2 capacitor is used to
apply and limit current to bridge rectifier BR2, while 12V zener diode ZD2
limits the voltage across the output of
the bridge. The resulting DC supply is
filtered with a 10μF capacitor.
The 22nF capacitor provides an
impedance of 144.7kW at 50Hz (1 ÷
[22nF × 2π × 50Hz]). Therefore, the
current that can be drawn is 230V AC ÷
144.7kW = 1.59mA. The 1kW 1W resistor in series with the 22nF capacitor
limits the surge current through the
capacitor when power is first applied,
while the 1MW 1W resistor across the
capacitor discharges it when power
is off.
When power is on, the DC supply drives the LED within optically-
coupled transistor IC11 via a 4.7kW
resistor. ZD2 will not normally clamp
the voltage to 12V since the current
drive to the LED within IC11 means
that the rectified voltage is about 8.5V,
ie, 1.59mA × 4.7kW plus IC11’s LED
voltage of about 1V.
The zener diode is included just for
protection should there be an open-
circuit condition. Without it, the 10μF
capacitor could be charged to nearly
the peak mains voltage (325V) with
February 2024 55
We fitted both options for testing but you
should pick one (or none).
catastrophic results, such as the 10μF
16V capacitor exploding.
Current Detection
Current transformer T1 is used for
the Current Detection feature of OUT1.
It produces a current from its secondary winding that’s proportional to the
current flow through the Active mains
wire. The 10kW loading resistor gives
about 4V AC output with a current
flow of 1A and one turn of the Active
mains wire through the current transformer core.
We use four turns through the core,
giving about 4V AC with 250mA of
current through the primary.
The transformer’s primary winding
is terminated at the CON7 screw terminal socket. If Current Detection is
not used, the two CON7 terminals still
need to be joined so that the mains
Active connects to OUT1.
Current flowing through an appliance connected to the OUT1 GPO
outlet also goes through T1’s primary
winding, inductor L1 and the snubber comprising a 220nF X2-rated
capacitor and series 470W 1W resistor. The impedance provided by the
220nF capacitor at 50Hz is around
14.5kW, allowing about 15.9mA to
flow through the switched-on appliance when OUT1 is off.
Once current is detected, the
sequencer will switch full mains
power to the appliance.
While T1’s transimpedance is not
very linear using a 10kW loading resistance, we use that relatively high value
to improve sensitivity. A 100W loading
resistor would provide a more linear
relationship for accurately measuring
current, but only gives a 1V output
for a 10A primary current with a single turn through the transformer. We
just need to sense when current flows.
Voltage rectification
The output voltage of T1 is positive
and negative on each mains half-cycle,
but we want a positive voltage to feed
Fig.4: a subsection of the
circuit shown in
Fig.3, responsible
for rectifying
the output of
current sense
transformer T1.
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Australia's electronics magazine
to the microcontroller, so we need to
rectify it. But it’s a small voltage, so
we must use precision rectification to
avoid any diode voltage losses.
A precision full-wave rectifier is
used, made from dual op amp IC10
and associated resistors. The rectification is done purely by the op amps,
without added diodes. The gain of this
precision rectifier is 1.5 times. Transient voltage suppressor TVS1 clamps
the output from T1 to about 13.8V AC.
That limits the current into the following op amp inputs to a safe level.
While it may seem impossible to rectify the incoming AC voltage without
diodes, it is possible, provided that
the op amp has specific characteristics. These include operating correctly
(without output phase reversal) with
input voltages below its negative supply rail. In addition, the op amp must
be able to pull its output close to the
negative rail (ground, in this case).
To put it another way, diode junctions within the op amps perform this
function without us needing to add
external diodes.
We use an MCP6272 dual op amp
(IC10) for this full-wave rectification.
One stage (IC10a) is connected as
a unity gain buffer, while the other
(IC10b) provides the 1.5 times gain.
To understand how the rectification works, refer to Figs.4 & 5; A to E
in Fig.5 correspond to the waveforms
at the identically labelled parts of the
circuit in Fig.4.
Consider the operation using a 2V
peak-to-peak sinewave at point ‘A’.
This makes the description easier
since the waveform has a peak voltage
of 1V. Rectification of the negative and
positive waveforms will be described
For the negative half of the cycle,
the signal applied to the non-inverting pin 3 input of IC10a via the 15kW
resistor will cause the voltage at that
pin (point B) to be clamped at around
-0.3V due to IC10a’s internal input
protection diode.
The output of IC10a (point C) therefore sits at 0V during negative portions
of the cycle, since its negative supply
rail is at 0V, and it cannot pull its output lower than that.
IC10b adjusts its output (point E) so
that the voltage at its inverting input
pin 6 (point D) matches the voltage at
non-inverting input pin 5 (point C).
Since the 10kW resistor from point D
to ground has no voltage across it, it
plays no part in the circuit during the
negative portions of the cycle.
With the 10kW resistor essentially
out of the circuit, IC10b operates as a
standard inverting amplifier with both
inputs (points C and D) at 0V. Its gain
is therefore -30kW divided by 20kW,
which equals -1.5 times. So, the -1V
peak of the waveform is amplified and
inverted to produce +1.5V at point E.
Rectifying positive voltages
The way it works for a positive voltage at the input (point A) is more complicated. Firstly, the voltage at pin 3
(point B) is reduced compared to the
1V peak at the input. That is because
of the divider formed by the 15kW and
18kW resistors, so the voltage becomes
0.5454V (1V × 15kW ÷ [15kW + 18kW]).
Point C will also peak at 0.5454V
since IC10a is working as a unity-gain
buffer, producing the same voltage at
its output as its non-inverting input.
Once again, op amp IC10b adjusts the
output voltage (point E) so that the
voltage at the inverting input at pin
6 (point D) matches the voltage at the
non-inverting input, pin 5 (point C).
We know that point D is at 0.5454V,
so the current through the 10kW resistor to ground is 54.54μA (0.5454V ÷
10kW). With point A at 1V, there is
22.73μA [(1V − 0.5454V] ÷ 20kW) flowing in through the 20kW resistor. That
leaves 31.82μA (54.54μA - 22.73μA)
to flow from output pin 7 of IC1b and
through the 30kW resistor.
Therefore, the voltage across the
30kW resistor is 0.9546V (31.82μA x
30kW). With point D at 0.5454V, point
E must be at 1.5V (0.5454V + 0.9546V).
So, the circuit operates as a fullwave rectifier with a gain of 1.5. The
degree of precision depends on the
op amp parameters and resistor tolerances. The lower the offset voltage of
the op amp and the lower the op amp
input bias current, the more accurate
the full-wave rectification will be, particularly at low signal levels.
Fortunately, we are not overly concerned with absolute accuracy here.
We just need full-wave rectification
of the incoming AC signal from the
current transformer that works down
into the tens of millivolts range. This
circuit is more than capable of that.
Scope 3 shows the operation of the
full-wave rectifier for a 1V peak (2V
peak-to-peak) sinewave at the input
to the full wave rectifier (point A) on
channel one, shown in yellow.
The channel two cyan waveform
is the full-wave rectified waveform
(point E). That measures as a 1.48V
peak output waveform at 100Hz, compared to 1V peak at 50Hz for the input
sinewave. The 20mV discrepancy from
the expected 1.5V is due to tolerances
in the 1% resistors and the accuracy
of the oscilloscope readings.
A 2.2kW resistor and 10μF capacitor
filter the rectified waveform to produce
a smoothed DC voltage suitable for IC9
to monitor via its AN4 analog input
(pin 16) and internal analog-to-digital
converter (ADC).
Power supply
Power for circuitry is derived
directly from the mains via the IEC
connector, CON5. A 470nF X2 mainsrated safety capacitor transfers charge
each half cycle to a 1000μF capacitor
via bridge rectifier BR1. Zener diode
ZD1 clamps the voltage to 5.1V.
The supply can be visualised as
rectifying a current-limited version
of the mains waveform via the series
impedance of the 470nF capacitor.
The impedance at 50Hz is 6.77kW
(1 ÷ [470nF × 2π × 50Hz]). The current that can be drawn is equal to the
mains voltage (230VAC) divided by the
impedance, or about 34mA.
As mentioned earlier, it takes
around 8mA to drive all four optos
continuously, leaving plenty of overhead for the microcontroller and other
The 1kW 1W resistor in series with
the 470nF capacitor limits the surge
current through the capacitor when
power is first applied, especially if
power is switched when the mains is
at a high instantaneous voltage when
the switch is thrown. The 1MW 1W
Fig.5: the expected waveforms at
points A-E on the circuit (Fig.4)
for a 1V peak sinewave from
transformer T1. The output (E) is
a rectified version of the input (A)
but 50% higher in amplitude.
resistor across the capacitor discharges
it when power is off. LED5 connects in
series with a 1.5kW resistor to indicate
when power is on.
IC9 and IC10 include bypass capacitors to stabilise their 5.1V supplies,
with IC9 having a 10μF & 100nF capacitor while IC10 has a 10μF capacitor.
Next month
Having described how the Mains
Power-up Sequencer works, we have
run out of space in this issue. The
final follow-up article next month
will cover building it, testing it and
setting it up.
Scope 3: the
measured input
(A) and output (E)
waveforms of the
precision rectifier
circuitry with a
resistive load,
giving a sinusoidal
current waveform.
You can see how
perfectly the
input is rectified;
using diodes for
rectification (unless
used within a
precision rectifier)
would not work this
well (if at all) with
such low voltages.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 57
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Review by Tim Blythman
Altronics’ Z6387 ESP32
WiFi Camera Module
It’s incredible what’s available to hobbyists these days. We have access to 32-bit
microcontrollers that include features like WiFi and Bluetooth and are easy to
program using the Arduino IDE. Altronics’ Z6387 is such a device but it also includes
a two-megapixel digital camera. Here is what you can do with it.
his WiFi and Bluetooth capable camera development board, based on an
Espressif Systems ESP32-S3 microcontroller, costs just $32.95. While the
Altronics Z6387 “ESP32-CAM” can be
programmed using the Arduino IDE, it
can also be used out-of-the-box.
The module has two 8-way pin
headers and measures just 27 × 40 ×
15mm. It could be reduced in thickness to 10mm if the headers were
removed. The pin header rows are
0.9in (22.86mm) apart, so it will comfortably plug into most breadboards
with some room to connect jumper
As well as looking at the camera
module in detail, we have some Arduino code that can connect to its WiFi
interface and fetch images. We also
have some example code that can be
programmed directly into the module.
We’ll even show how the WebMite can
pull images from the module and display them on a 3.5in LCD panel.
The ESP32
The ESP32-S3 is a dual-core Tensilica Xtensa LX6 32-bit microcontroller
from Espressif Systems that includes
WiFi and Bluetooth radios. It is a successor to the ESP8266, which was a
pioneer in low-cost WiFi microcontrollers.
The dual-core processor allows the
radio functions to run independently
of the main application. The chip has a
generous 512kB of RAM and 384kB of
ROM. The ROM includes a bootloader
and some low-level radio and library
functions, allowing them to run more
quickly than if they were loaded from
external flash memory (while saving
that flash space for other things).
Like many ESP32 & ESP8266 based
boards, the ESP32-S3 chip is fitted to
Silicon Chip
a small surface-mounting module that
includes a flash memory chip for firmware and a smattering of other parts
hidden under a folded metal shield.
The module also has a PCB trace
antenna for the radio interface.
The ESP32-S3 on the camera module appears to be identically pinned
to the ESP-WROOM-32 module that
is found on some other boards. The
ESP32-S3 module on the Z6387 has
a U.FL antenna socket, which can be
used by attaching a suitable antenna
and relocating the link resistor that
usually feeds the PCB trace antenna.
The processor module is only a
small part of the WiFi camera module,
so let’s look at how it works and what
we can do with it.
The WiFi camera module
The circuit of the WiFi camera
module is shown in Fig.1. It includes
MOD1, the ESP32-S3 module mentioned earlier, with an onboard 32Mbit
(4MB) flash memory chip. The WiFi
camera module also has a serial 32Mbit
(4MB) PSRAM chip that connects to
MOD1 over its QSPI (quad SPI) bus.
PSRAM is an abbreviation for
static RAM; it is actually a
form of dynamic RAM (DRAM) with its
own internal refresh circuitry. Since
the quirks of the DRAM are handled
internally, it can be treated as though
it were SRAM.
These are huge quantities for those
used to dealing with microcontrollers that might have only kilobytes of
flash memory and RAM. Of course,
they are necessary for dealing with
the complexities of WiFi and image
U2, an AMS1117 3.3V regulator in
an SMD SOT-223 package, provides a
3.3V rail from a nominally 5V supply.
Australia's electronics magazine
The 5V supply feeds only the 3.3V regulator, so this could realistically be
any voltage that the AMS1117 and its
input capacitor can handle.
P-channel Mosfet Q2 (controlled
by one of MOD1’s digital outputs)
switches power to two XC6206 voltage regulators (U3 and U1) that provide the 1.2V and 2.8V rails the camera
chip needs. Naturally, the regulators
are surrounded by numerous bypassing capacitors.
A 24-pin FFC (flat flexible cable)
socket connects to CAM1, a tiny camera module less than 1cm2 in size
(apart from the cable). The camera is
an Omnivision OV2640 CMOS camera
chip with a resolution of 1632 × 1232
pixels or 2MP.
This camera chip model is now
nearly 20 years old and has long been
marked as obsolete; it was one of the
early camera chips used in mobile
phones. It incorporates a compression
engine that can directly output compressed JPEG (aka JPG) image data.
The OV2640 can also perform subsampling and windowing, effectively
allowing zooming and panning in software, although this naturally reduces
the effective resolution.
Because of its wide adoption and
lengthy history, there is still stock
of these parts, and clones have even
appeared. Its specifications are pretty
modest compared to modern equipment, but its capabilities are a good
match for modern 32-bit microcontrollers.
15 digital lines go between MOD1
and CAM1. Two of these are an I2C
pair carrying control and configuration
commands, while the others include
an 8-bit parallel bus used to transport
image data, plus various clock signals.
Another six digital pins on MOD1
Fig.1: much of the circuitry connects the ESP32 module to the camera chip and other peripherals. Many components
run from 3.3V, although the camera chip also needs 1.2V and 2.8V rails provided by U3 and U1, respectively. There
are not many spare I/O pins; using any of them will probably require the microSD card socket to be unused.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 61
connect to a microSD card socket,
allowing QSPI operation. One digital pin drives a small LED via a 1kW
resistor to the 3.3V rail, and another
pin (via another 1kW resistor) goes to
the base of NPN transistor Q1 to drive
a larger white LED. Notably, this LED
does not have a current-limiting resistor and is only intended to be used
for short periods, like a camera flash.
The external connections are a pair
of 8-way pin headers. CON1 has connections for 3.3V, ground, the UART
pins, as well as the E32_RST and
GPIO0 pins. These are all handy for
communications or programming the
flash memory on MOD1.
Tactile pushbutton S1 can short the
E32_RST line to ground to reset the
processor, while the state of GPIO0 dictates whether or not the bootloader or
flash memory application runs.
Interestingly, the E32_RST pin on
CON1 is marked GND/R. It appears
that similar boards (from other suppliers) connect this pin to ground and
don’t otherwise break out the E32_RST
line. Since the tactile pushbutton is
on the underside of the module when
fitted to a breadboard, these variants
appear to be difficult to program.
Header CON2 breaks out 5V, ground
and the six I/O lines that also go to
the microSD card socket. These are
about the only spare I/O pins if you
want to interface other hardware to
the ESP32 WiFi camera module. However, that would probably mean that
the microSD socket could not be used
The wide-angle camera lens on the
Z6387 ESP32 WiFi camera module has
an approximately 160° field of view.
There are other versions of the camera with a more narrow field of view
of around 60°. Like many such cameras, the focus is fixed by a threaded
lens insert glued in place.
As a point of reference, human binocular vision has a field of view of
about 114°.
Powering it
The nominal dropout of the onboard
AMS1117 regulator is 1V at 800mA,
so we had no trouble operating the
camera module with an input as low
as 4.2V (using our Breadboard PSU
from December 2022;
So running from a battery of three
series AA cells would be a viable
option, but using 3.7V LiPo or similar
batteries will require a boost circuit.
The camera module’s current draw
peaked near 500mA on startup and
when there was activity, dropping to
around 200mA at idle. With the supply at 7V, the regulator was noticeably
warm but not worryingly so. So the
camera module should also be fine if
powered by a battery of four AA cells
in series, which could reach 6.4V
when new.
Fortunately, the Altronics Z6387
ESP32 WiFi camera module comes
loaded with useful default firmware,
so no programming is required. However, there are a few steps you need to
take before it can be used.
Firstly, the firmware requires a
microSD card in the card socket. We
tried 2GB and 8GB cards with FAT
If the camera chip is not connected
to the camera module, open the FFC
connector by pivoting the black bar
upwards, as seen here. Insert the
cable and press the bar back down to
lock the cable in place. Then use the
attached tape to secure the camera to
the microSD card socket.
Silicon Chip
formatting without issue. We are
unsure why the card is needed, as we
couldn’t see any features in the firmware that would use it. Most likely,
the firmware attempts to initialise it
for some reason and fails to proceed
if it is absent.
Also, after taking delivery of the
module, you might find that the camera is not in its FFC socket. In that
case, carefully pivot up the black bar
on the FFC socket. The camera’s FFC
cable slots in with its exposed metal
contacts at the bottom. The bar rotates
down to lock the cable in place.
The back of the camera is also fitted
with a pad of double-sided tape, allowing it to be secured to the top of the
microSD card socket. This also allows
the socket’s metal shell to dissipate
heat from the camera, so you should
adhere the camera to the microSD card
socket once you are sure the cable is
correctly fitted.
We recommend that you connect a
USB-serial converter so that you can
check the module’s debugging output, including its IP address. Fig.2
shows how to wire it up. You can initially ignore the wires going to the two
pushbuttons; they are only needed
for programming (which we will discuss later).
The USB-serial converter needs
to have 3.3V logic levels, matching
the camera module’s I/O levels. Set
the baud rate in your serial terminal
to 115,200 baud. The module briefly
turns on the flash LED while powering
up, so don't look directly at it.
Screen 1 shows the debugging output you should see at powerup. If the
microSD card is missing, you will
see a “Card mount failed” message. If
you don’t have a USB-serial converter
then connecting a 5V supply to the 5V
and ground pins on the CON2 header
should be sufficient to get it to work,
although you won’t have access to any
diagnostic data.
Screen 1: once it has successfully connected to a WiFi network, the diagnostic
data from the camera module will indicate if the microSD card has been
successfully mounted and the module’s IP address. The top line indicates the
normal boot process when a program is run from flash memory.
Australia's electronics magazine
HTTP interface
The ESP32 WiFi camera module expects to connect to a network
named “TEST” with the password
“88888888”. It then creates an HTTP
web server that provides a web page
you can use to view and interact with
the camera.
You could temporarily change your
router’s credentials to the above, or use
a mobile phone’s WiFi hotspot feature
to create such a network. Then use a
web browser and navigate to the IP
address shown in the serial terminal;
Screen 2 shows what the web page
looks like.
With the default firmware, it’s much
like a very basic wireless IP camera.
It has no security features, so anyone
connected to the WiFi network can
access and control it.
As you can see from all the settings,
the camera is quite configurable. We
tried the Face Detection and Face Recognition features. The camera module
can detect faces, marking them with
a yellow rectangle, but we can’t see
how that would be usable outside of
the HTTP interface.
Fig.2: connecting the camera module to a CP2102 (or similar) USB-serial
converter allows diagnostic data to be viewed in a serial terminal. The two
pushbuttons are needed to reprogram the ESP32 chip.
Pico W BackPack software
We have prepared a program for
the Pico W BackPack (siliconchip.
au/Article/15616) that creates a suitable access point and allows the camera module to connect. The sketch is
ESP32CAM_SD” and there is a corresponding precompiled UF2 file.
This program allows you to interact
with the ESP32 WiFi camera module,
including capturing and displaying
images with different settings and
image sizes, as well as saving and loading them to and from a microSD card.
The Pico W BackPack only needs to
be built with a minimal configuration,
as long as it includes the 3.5in touchscreen and backlight control components. You will also need the microSD
card socket components fitted (and a
suitably formatted card installed) to
use the microSD card related features,
although the other features will work
without it.
To install the firmware for this, put
the Pico W in bootloader mode and
copy the UF2 file to the RPI-RP2 drive
that appears. You can control the Pico
W BackPack sketch from either the
touch panel or a serial terminal. We
use TeraTerm on Windows and minicom on Linux.
Screen 2: you can use a web
browser on a mobile phone, tablet
or computer to interface with the
camera module and explore its
features once it has connected to a
WiFi network.
Screen 3 shows the BackPack’s LCD
image after booting. Power on the
ESP32 WiFi camera module and, if you
have a serial terminal monitoring its
activity, wait until you see it indicate
that it has connected (as per the end
of Screen 1).
Press the “Scan” button (or type “s”
on the serial terminal) to allow the
BackPack to find the camera module.
Then use the “Capt” button or “c” followed by “d” in the serial terminal to
capture and display an image. Screen
4 shows a sample image captured by
the camera.
The “Scan” button detects the camera by looking for its HTTP server.
Don’t let too many other devices connect to the TEST access point, or the
camera module might not be detected
Screen 5 shows the serial terminal
output for the BackPack after following
the above steps, which includes a list
of the other serial terminal commands.
The size, quality, brightness and contrast settings are changed by sending
an HTTP request to the camera, effectively clicking buttons on the web page
that the camera module serves.
Lower values correspond to clearer
images (and larger file sizes) for the
quality parameter. Numerous other
settings can be accessed from the
“/control” endpoint of the HTTP
server on the camera module using
a URL like this:
The “Expt” button or “e” on the
serial terminal will export (save)
the currently displayed image to the
microSD card (if fitted and initialised).
“Next” or “n” on the serial terminal
will attempt to display the next file
found on the microSD card. This can
be used to display JPG images captured
with the camera or created on a computer and copied to the card.
The sketch is intended mainly to
test and demonstrate the features of
the camera module. Still, it would be
a good starting point if you wanted to
create an M2M (machine to machine)
application where a microcontroller
uses the camera module to capture
images for processing.
You could change the sketch to periodically log photos to the microSD
card, or continuously display the camera’s view as a basic remote monitor.
Screen 3: the
LCD screen
of the Pico
W BackPack
after being
loaded with
the PICOW_
firmware. It
creates an
access point
for the camera
module to
connect to.
Screen 4:
pressing “Scan”
will find the
camera module
on the access
point’s WiFi
network. Then
press “Capt” to
take a photo and
display it on the
LCD’s screen.
The other large
buttons save
and load images
to and from the
microSD card.
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Australia's electronics magazine
Adding a PIR motion sensor could
turn it into a simple but functional
security camera.
Programming the
camera module
The Pico W BackPack makes it very
easy to interface with the camera module, but you could do something more
than simply displaying and saving
images. Using the Arduino IDE and
the ESP32 board profile, it’s possible
to upload custom code to the camera
The arrangement for programming
the module is shown in Fig.2. The
two momentary switches are needed
to reset the processor and put it into
programming download mode. If you
have access to the RST button on the
module, it will function the same as
the RESET button in Fig.2. However,
it will probably be inaccessible if the
module is fitted to a breadboard.
If you don’t have switches, you can
use jumper wires that can temporarily
be shorted to ground.
You might notice that the ESP32
chips use much the same system as
ESP8266 chips, and the circuit is
almost the same as used for the ESP-01
modules in the WiFi Relay article from
the January 2024 issue (
You’ll also need to install the ESP32
board profile for the Arduino IDE.
You can do that by adding https://
index.json to the Board Manager URLs
in Preferences. The ESP32 profile
should then be available to install from
the Boards Manager menu.
We used the AI Thinker ESP32-CAM
board setting under the Tools menu.
The ESP32’s diagnostic and boot data
serial rate is 115,200 baud, so set your
Arduino serial monitor to that rate.
The firmware loaded onto the
Altronics Z6387 ESP32 WiFi camera
module appears to be nearly identical to the CameraWebServer example
sketch included with the ESP32 board
profile. The difference is that the CameraWebServer sketch does not attempt
to initialise the microSD card.
We created a copy of this sketch
and changed the settings to match the
Altronics camera module. This is the
in our software download package.
When we loaded the camera module
with that sketch, it behaved almost
exactly the same as when it was new.
To put the processor into programming mode and allow it to download
the sketch, press and hold the switch
labelled RESET, then press and hold
the IO0 switch. Release the RESET
switch, then the IO0 switch. You
should see (among other text) something like:
rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),
boot:0x3 (DOWNLOAD_BOOT)
waiting for download
If you instead see:
rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),
That means the sequencing was
incorrect, and you should try again.
Pressing and releasing RESET resets
the microcontroller and gives the second message. You can try that if your
sketch doesn’t appear to start correctly
after uploading.
Once it’s in the correct mode, upload
the Arduino sketch using the Upload
button or pressing Ctrl-U on your keyboard. You should then see output on
the serial terminal like in Screen 1.
If you wish to use this software with
an existing WiFi network, change the
SSID and password in the “Enter your
WiFi credentials” section of the sketch.
Then, upload the sketch with the new
Screen 5: the Pico W BackPack sketch also provides a serial terminal interface
and can be controlled by the commands shown here. Here, the “s”, “c” and “d”
commands have been used after the menu was displayed.
The ESP32CAM_PROBE_SD sketch
intends to show what can be achieved
by code running on the ESP32 processor without WiFi. The options are similar to the Pico W sketch, although there
is no LCD panel to display the images.
To upload this sketch, open it in the
Arduino IDE, select the AI Thinker
ESP32-CAM board profile and the correct serial port at 115,200 baud. Then
use the above switch sequence to select
programming download mode and
pick the Upload menu option from
the Arduino IDE.
When it runs, the sketch will show
something like Screen 6 in the serial
monitor. We used the “s” menu option
to capture an image and save it to the
microSD card, followed by the “a”
option, which takes a photo and renders it as ASCII art in the terminal.
The image is of a hand in front of a
sheet of paper.
Screen 6: the ESP32CAM_PROBE_SD sketch shows what can be done with
the camera module without requiring a WiFi interface; it can save photos to a
microSD card. The ASCII art shown here is a photo of a hand above a piece of
white paper. It’s intended as a way to check that the camera is working.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 65
If you don’t have a Pico W BackPack, this is about the quickest way
to see the camera generating images
If you power off the camera module
and put the microSD card in a card
reader in a computer, you should see
the photos that have been saved to the
microSD card.
This sketch is broken up into functions to allow you to easily modify the
sketch in case you want to run custom
code on the camera module. In that
case, look at the files noted near the
top of the sketch. They contain definitions of some other useful functions
and constants (provided as part of the
ESP32 board profile) that interface
with the camera:
Most of the top of the camera module
is taken up by the camera chip and its
FFC (flat flexible cable) connector. The
chip sits on the microSD card socket
and uses it as a heatsink. The LED at
lower right is labelled FLASH LED in
Fig.1. Both photos are shown enlarged
for clarity.
On our system (for the 2.0.13 version we are using), these are in “(board
manager package location)\esp32\
There aren’t many spare pins available on the camera module. Most of
the pins on the CON1 header are for
power and serial data, while those
on CON2 are shared with those used
for the microSD card socket. So it is
tricky to add much extra hardware to
the camera module.
Keep in mind that the ESP32 processors support Bluetooth as well as
WiFi, so you might think of other ways
to interface with it.
BIN compiled binary files are also
included in the software downloads.
You can upload them to the ESP32
board using the ESP download tool, at
address 0x000000. We won’t go into
detail on how to do that as documentation is available online.
WebMite software
The underside carries the ESP32
module, PSRAM chip and 3.3V
regulator U2. The RST button at top
right is inaccessible when the module
is plugged into a breadboard. The
U.FL socket at lower left is for an
external antenna, but the adjacent
jumper resistor must be moved if
using it.
Silicon Chip
The WebMite MMBasic firmware
(which also runs on a Pico W microcontroller) can interface with the camera module. We have produced software to demonstrate this, although it
has few features since the WebMite
cannot do everything that can be done
with the Arduino IDE.
The WebMite firmware is intended
to be used with the Pico W BackPack
hardware; it only needs the 3.5in LCD
touchscreen and backlight components fitted. The program is named
“WebMite ESP32-CAM.bas”.
Australia's electronics magazine
The easiest way to install the software is to put the Pico W in bootloader
mode and copy the “WebMite ESP32CAM.UF2” file to the RPI-RP2 drive.
Otherwise, the necessary OPTIONs are
listed at the start of the BASIC file, if
you wish to set it up yourself.
If you have configured the ESP32CAM_WEBSERVER sketch to use
a custom WiFi network, change the
OPTION WIFI settings to match.
Note that you need a WiFi router or
similar to create the TEST access point,
because the WebMite cannot act as an
access point like the Pico W can when
programmed with the Arduino IDE.
You also need to manually determine
the IP address of the camera module,
such as by monitoring its serial output.
Screen 7 shows the serial terminal output of the WebMite. Once it
connects to WiFi, use the “V” option
to enter the last octet of the camera
module’s IP address. For example,
if the camera module’s IP address is, type “16” followed
by Enter.
This assumes that the network uses
a subnet mask, which is
typical for many home WiFi networks.
If that is not the case, you can manually edit the “CAMIP” string.
Screen 7 shows the output of the
“G” command, which performs a GET
HTTP request on the camera module
and, if successful, saves the resulting
JPG file to the internal A: drive of the
Finally, the “D” command displays
the captured image file from the A:
drive on the LCD panel. That is done
by just a single line of BASIC code.
The most recent captured image file
remains on the WebMite’s A: drive and
can be seen by using the FILES command at the MMBasic prompt.
Note that the camera module’s settings are shared by multiple devices
trying to access it. For example, if one
device changes the image size, that
will be the setting used by all devices
that try to capture an image with that
camera module.
We have also published some quite
specialised Circuit Notebook items
that use devices similar to the ESP32
WiFi camera module. We have not
tested them with the Altronics Z6387
ESP32 WiFi camera module, but we
suspect that some would work with it:
• The Motion Triggered WiFi
camera from May 2022 (siliconchip.
au/Article/15317) appears to use a
board similar to the camera module,
but has the alternative ground wiring
to CON1.
• The ESP32 camera sentry
(November 2022;
Article/15541) and Object Recognition
with Arduino and ESP32-CAM (July
also use the alternate wiring noted
above, and both require quite a bit of
software set up on a second device
to work.
• The Automatic AI Doorman
(October 2023 issue;
Article/15992) uses a different board
that also includes a separate processor for AI classification of the camera
Still, these Circuit Notebook items
might inspire those looking to see
what might be possible with the camera module.
The ESP32 WiFi camera module is
a great entry point for those looking
to incorporate a camera into a microcontroller project. Although quite an
old model, the camera is configurable
Screen 7: we’ve also
created a simple WebMite
BASIC program that can
connect to the camera
module over WiFi. You
will need a separate WiFi
access point to try this
program, as the WebMite
cannot create a WiFi
access point. If you have
a 3.5-inch LCD panel
attached to your WebMite,
it can also display
captured photos.
and handily produces compressed
JPG data.
Our example code means it should
be straightforward to write your own
software to interface with the camera
The inbuilt WiFi interface means
that just about any WiFi-capable
microcontroller can use the camera by
connecting to the HTTP server. Alternatively, the ESP32 processor can be
directly programmed with the Arduino IDE for standalone applications.
The ESP32 WiFi camera module is
available from Altronics (Catalog code
Z6387): SC
Produce big, clear sound with low noise and
distortion with our massive 500W Amplifier.
It's robust, includes load line protection and if
you use two of them together, you can deliver
1000W into a single 8Ω loudspeaker!
500W Amplifier PCB
Set of hard-to-get parts
$25 + postage
$180 + postage
SC6019 is a set of the critical parts needed to build one 500W Amplifier module (PCB sold separately; SC6367);
see the parts list on the website for what’s included. Most other parts can be purchased from Jaycar or Altronics.
Read the articles in the April – May 2022 issues of Silicon Chip:
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 67
Electronics Markets
Sim Lim Tower & Square
can’t recall when I first heard about Sim Lim Tower, but
I have long had it bookmarked for a visit. With international travel finally becoming possible for the first time in
several years, I made sure to tick it off my travel bucket list.
It was certainly worth it for the experience alone.
We recently covered Shenzhen’s Electronics Markets
in the December 2023 issue (
16060) and the bargains that can be had there. The prices
of things (both electronic and in general) in Singapore are
more closely aligned with what you might see in Australia.
However, Singapore has an advantage (for us) over China
in that English is one of the four official languages spoken.
Many travellers know of Singapore as a stopover on the
way to Europe, but I have found it an enjoyable place to
visit. It is about an eight hour flight from Australia.
Firstly, I’ll mention what I found at Sim Lim Tower
and then Sim Lim Square. As a rough guide, Sim Lim
Tower has more parts, components and the like, while
Sim Lim Square has more consumer electronics. Later,
I’ll note some other information that might be useful for
fellow travellers.
Sim Lim Tower
Sim Lim Tower is seventeen stories high, but it’s the
lower three floors that will interest most readers, as these are
where the electronics stores are located. The upper levels
are mostly offices, filled with such things as management
Silicon Chip
consultants and insurance agencies, as well as electronics
and software firms.
There are several specialist stores focused on fields like
marine navigation, LED lighting, digital signage, professional and ‘prosumer’ audio gear, plus industrial electric
and electronic equipment. Other sellers specialise in electronic tools, equipment and supplies.
Then there are the shops that are tightly packed with narrow aisles, high shelves and countless component trays.
One such store would not have been much more than 50m2
in area, but I probably spent over an hour scanning the
shelves to get a complete idea of what was stocked.
Many shops offered a large range of constructional kits
and staff could be seen putting kits together. The feel is
much like a Dick Smith store from the early days, although
there is no shortage of modern components and such things
as Arduino boards, modules and robotics kits.
Indeed, there was one small but well-laid-out shop that
dealt exclusively with modules and other Arduino-related
items, such as 3D printer parts.
I spent quite some time in these shops. Those wanting to
have a thorough look around could easily spend an afternoon within the Tower. As well as the feeling of being a
‘kid in a candy store’, I was simply interested to see if they
sold anything I had not seen before.
I’d heard that Shenzhen was like AliExpress in real life,
but these stores were so packed with different items that
Australia's electronics magazine
in Singapore
with Tim Blythman
Sim Lim Tower (shown at left) and Sim Lim Square (above) in Singapore
are two centres full of shops crammed with all manner of electronic
items. I recently had the opportunity to travel and explore both.
they were more of a catalog you could peruse aisle-by-aisle.
Many online stores are limited in that you can only
readily find items that you know to look for. Here was a
chance to literally stumble across something that I hadn’t
yet thought existed. I didn’t see anything revolutionary,
but there were quite a few variants of modern modules and
breakout boards that piqued my curiosity.
I can’t speak any of the local languages except for English,
which sufficed with the help of a small amount of gesturing. I did experiment with a translation app (“Translate”
In Sim Lim Tower, you will see numerous stores with eyecatching displays of all manner of LED lighting and digital
signage, flashing, blinking and scrolling. You certainly
won’t miss them as you walk past.
The stock on display is not limited to components, with
several stores having a large range of Arduino-based
shields and modules, as well as Raspberry Pi boards and
prototyping accessories.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 69
on Android, which can handle voice and text) and found
this was most useful for translating signs and other written information.
As I mentioned, the prices are similar to what you see in
Australia. With the Singapore dollar worth about 20% more
than the Australian dollar at the moment, it’s tempting to
fall for the raw dollar value seen on the price tag, even if
it is actually more expensive when converted.
The value was in being able to buy things that I had not
seen in shops back home. And unlike with online sellers,
it is in your hands immediately. Some stores were happy
to give me a modest discount on a cash sale.
With that in mind (and the constant threat of excess baggage and creeping over the duty-free limit), I didn’t buy
much. I got a handful of modules and a few cables and
adaptors, all of which have worked flawlessly.
I did buy a small USB programmable LED name badge
that I have not been able to program. It lights up and shows
scrolling text, but my Windows PC complains that the
PL2303 USB-serial chip is unsupported and refuses to work
with it. I suspect it is also supposed to have a rechargeable
battery, which is now long dead.
For the most part, the experience of being surrounded
by such a novel variety of electronics outweighed the thrill
of getting a bargain. However, I did not walk away empty-
Although many of the shops in Sim Lim Tower are
tiny, they are crammed with a comprehensive range of
components, all organised neatly into small trays. Several
stock basic components like resistors, capacitors and
transistors, along with a wide range of ICs.
Displays like these well-stocked shelves of a broad variety
of transformers are typical of Sim Lim Tower. I saw similar
ranges for things like switches, connectors and even airconditioning remote controls.
Silicon Chip
Sim Lim Square
Sim Lim Square is right across the road from Sim Lim
Tower. The building is newer, and several retailers moved
from the older Sim Lim Tower when it opened. There are six
floors of stores, as well as a basement area with a food court.
Some online reviews from a decade ago indicate that
scams on tourists were commonplace. It appears that there
has been strong action taken against the perpetrators. I did
not have any problems with pushy salesmen or the like,
and the couple of small items I bought worked fine.
You’ll find numerous stores selling computers, TVs,
mobile phones, tablets and the like. I was not in the market
for such items, so I can’t comment on them. You will find
similar items at many different stores, so simply shopping
around will be a good strategy.
There are stores specialising in computer parts, office
supplies, cameras, assorted electronic gadgets and even
data recovery and device repair. In addition to a few cables
and adaptors, I bought a rechargeable battery bank and a
rechargeable portable fan. The fan was a welcome relief on
the more humid Singapore days.
None of the stores I visited at Sim Lim Square offered any
cash discounts, but one offered 10% off the second item of
the same type if two were bought together.
Again, the novelty was the sheer variety of products
available and finding things that could not easily be found
in Australian stores.
I only spent a few hours in Sim Lim Square. There are
shops around the outside perimeter of the centre that I did
not visit, as the stores inside offered an escape from the midday heat. Many appear to be open until the early evening.
Getting around
Sim Lim Tower is at 10 Jalan Besar, while Sim Lim Square
Australia's electronics magazine
You might even see some familiar brands in Sim Lim
Tower. Considering the exchange rate, these Jaycar radio
modules were about the same price as in Australia.
Some shops also had a very wide range of kits available
for sale. These appear to be good sellers, as staff were
continually putting the kits together.
is at 1 Rochor Canal Road, on diagonally opposite corners
of the intersection of these two roads. They are about a
kilometre from the central downtown area of Singapore.
With many high-rise buildings, store addresses are often
given in the form #03-09, where 03 means the third floor
and 09 refers to the specific store (or office or apartment).
What we would call the ground floor is floor #01.
Sim Lim Tower and Sim Lim Square are on the edge
of the Little India precinct. The nearest MRT (subway)
station is Rochor Station, almost directly in front of Sim
Lim Square. Little India Station and Bugis Station are
both within walking distance and, like Rochor, are on
the Downtown Line. Getting off at Little India Station
also allows you to try Indian cuisine at the Tekka Centre food court.
Bugis Station is under a shopping centre surrounded by
streets lined with market stalls. Bugis Station is also served
by the East-West MRT line. Many buses also pass by on
Rochor Canal Road.
You can use a contactless debit or credit card for the bus
and MRT by tapping on and off. Fares are pretty cheap;
you can travel the breadth of the country for a few dollars
(it isn’t quite as big as Australia!). None of my days’ travel
exceeded 10 Singapore dollars.
Sim Lim Square is aimed more at regular consumers,
with stores offering device repair, gadgets and consumer
electronics. There are also shops specialising in cameras
and photographic supplies.
The shops in Sim Lim Square have more space, but they
still manage to cram in various cables, adaptors and other
small devices.
Unlike with Shenzhen, visiting Sim Lim Tower and Sim
Lim Square probably won’t net you any massive bargains. If
you are keen on electronics, though, you will enjoy seeing
the sheer variety of products on offer. You might stumble
on something you haven’t seen before.
I bought several small items, some of which I have not
come across in Australia. The prices were comparable to
what I would expect to pay in Australia. I didn’t purchase
expensive items such as a mobile phone or portable computer, so I can’t comment on those.
If you can’t wait for the vagaries of international shipping, you might find something worth snapping up on the
spot, but I mostly enjoyed being inspired by the sheer range
and novelty of the items on sale.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 71
Raspberry Pi
Clock Radio
As described last month, this new Clock Radio
can also act as a media player and has many
alarm options to ensure you wake up at the right
time and in the manner you prefer. You can even
synchronise the alarms on multiple Clock Radios.
Since we’ve already explained how it works, this
article will cover construction and how to use it.
Part 2 by Stefan Keller-Tuberg
he major functions of the Clock
Radio are handled by a Raspberry
Pi (model 2, 3, 4, Zero W or Zero 2W).
However, we need to add some extra
hardware for the time LED display,
buttons, switches, audio amplifier
to drive the speakers and so on. This
additional hardware is hosted on two
custom PCBs that mount at right angles
to each other, with a series of soldered
fillets between them.
The construction process will therefore be to mount the components on
these two boards, join them together,
wire them up to the Raspberry Pi (via
a ribbon cable with IDC connectors)
and then mount that assembly in the
case. Once it’s in the case, it can be
wired to all the external switches,
connectors etc.
The software will function regardless of which bits of additional hardware are connected, so any parts you
Silicon Chip
don’t need can be left off the PCB
without needing to modify the software. For example, if you don’t want
the seconds digits, you don’t need to
fit that two-digit LED display.
We suggest you start by fitting the
SMD components to the Display board.
This is built on a 150 × 44mm PCB
coded 19101242; its overlay diagram
is shown in Fig.4.
Fit the 48 current-limiting resistors; if you are unsure how well the
brightness will match between the
larger and smaller displays, you can
start by fitting just the 32 resistors
associated with the 0.8-inch displays.
Either way, it’s easier to solder them
in groups.
If you’re using different 3mm LEDs
than the two options in the parts list,
leave the two 1.3kW colon LED series
Australia's electronics magazine
resistors out for now; otherwise, add
them at this stage.
It’s easier to solder surface mount
components by applying flux to the
PCB before positioning the component.
When all SMD resistors are soldered,
you can clean off the residual flux with
isopropyl alcohol, methylated spirits
or a specific flux residue cleaner. Stubborn areas can be cleaned with a toothbrush or lint-free cloth.
Do this before installing the other
components, as you don’t want flux
residue to be transferred onto the optical surfaces. Cleaning the board once
through-hole parts have been fitted is
also much harder.
Move on to the 7-segment displays.
Make sure you have a clean work
surface, as it’s easiest to do this with
the front of the displays resting on it.
Mount the two 0.8-inch displays on
the opposite side of the PCB than the
resistors, with their decimal points
towards the edge connections.
Solder two opposite corner pins
first, so you can adjust the displays to
be tight against the PCB and nicely horizontal. When you are satisfied with
that, solder the remaining two corner
pins before completing the others.
The 0.56-inch display has a lower
profile than the others, so mount it
proud of the PCB by a few millimetres to keep its front face in the same
plane as the others.
Insert the smaller display into its
holes, check that it is correctly oriented with the decimal points towards
the edge connector and then turn the
whole assembly face down onto a flat
surface. Press down on the assembly to
ensure that the two larger displays are
hard against the bench, and you will
see that the legs of the 0.56-inch display barely protrude through the PCB.
Solder two of its opposite corners
as before, then inspect. You can use a
straight edge, such as a ruler, to ensure
that the front faces of all three displays
are aligned in the same plane, adjusting the small one if required until you
are satisfied. Then solder the remaining pins as before.
Insert the 3mm LEDs into the gap
between the larger displays. The
cathodes (the shorter leg) are towards
the edge connector. Again, place the
assembly face-down onto a flat surface
and solder one leg only on each 3mm
LED. Adjust their angles and heights
until you are happy before soldering
the other leads.
Fig.4: the display
board has three
displays, two
colon LEDs and an
LDR on the front,
while the currentlimiting SMD
resistors are on the
back. It’s easiest
to fit the resistors
first, but see the
comments in the
text about possibly
needing to change
some of their
values depending
on which LED
displays you use.
The two resistors
marked with a red
arrow can be changed
to test the colon LED
and the brightness of
the small 7-segment
Fit the LDR next. The procedure is
similar to the 3mm LEDs, but the LDR
orientation doesn’t matter.
Main board assembly
The main board is coded 19101241
and measures 150 × 83mm. Fig.5 is its
overlay diagram.
Before fitting the components, it
is worthwhile to verify that the supply rails have not been inadvertently
shorted during the PCB fabrication
process. Using a multimeter, check for
an open circuit between pins 10 and
20 of the 74HCT374 (the diagonally
opposite pins) and between pins 8
and 16 of the 74HC139 next to it (also
diagonally opposite).
It is rare, but if either is shorted, you
just saved yourself a headache trying
to find an almost impossible-to-find
problem after the board is assembled!
Start with the surface-mounting
amplifier IC (IC13), carefully installing
it with the correct orientation. Pin 1 on
the chip is marked with a dot or divot
and on the PCB silkscreen. Apply flux
to the PCB and then position the chip.
Solder just one corner pin first and
then check that all of the pins align
with their pads and the chip is moreor-less centred over the pad area.
If not, soften the solder and nudge
the chip until it’s properly aligned.
When you’re happy, dab solder on
the opposite corner and recheck the
orientation. Solder the remaining
two corner pins before completing
the rest.
Clean up any bridges with solder
wick, then remove any residual flux as
you did with the display board.
Continue by fitting the throughhole components, beginning with
the lowest profile devices. Install the
three diodes (watching their cathode
stripe polarity) and the resistors, then
the IC sockets (notched ends towards
the bottom or right), followed by the
ceramic or MKT capacitors, except the
100nF capacitor near the top edge of
the board.
Mount the electrolytic capacitors
next, with their longer (positive) lead
towards the + symbols. The striped
side of the can is negative. Solder the
relay next, followed by the transistors
from shortest to tallest, except Q2,
ensuring they face as shown in Fig.5.
Don’t install chips into their sockets
just yet, we will do that once the two
boards have been joined. You can fit
CON5 and the 40-pin header that will
go to the Raspberry Pi now, but leave
off the polarised headers around the
board’s edge. That will give you reasonable access so you can join the
two boards.
Joining the boards
If you’ve never assembled two
boards using solder joints at right
angles, a little planning will simplify
the task. Ideally, the two boards should
be aligned close to a right angle, but
an error of a degree or two either way
will not make much difference.
I found that the easiest way to join
the boards was to raise the main board
above the bench using four PCB standoffs. Using a plastic right angle or similar, carefully tape the main and display boards individually to the right
angle, as shown in the photo shown
Overvoltage protection can trip with poorly regulated supplies
One of the 5V plugpacks I pulled from my box of spares measured 5.45V with
no load. I figured this plugpack would be OK because the Clock’s protection
circuit kicks in at around 5.65V – well above the supply’s no-load output.
However, when I actually connected the plugpack, nine times out of ten, I
could see the Pi LEDs flash briefly before turning off, a sign that the clock’s
protection circuit had kicked in. An oscilloscope revealed that this dodgy plugpack was not very well regulated; at the moment a load was applied, the plugpack’s voltage would fluctuate enough to trigger the protection.
I found a simple workaround with a spare 10,000μF electrolytic screwed
into the terminals of the clock’s power connector, which smoothed that dodgy
plugpack’s ripple enough not to reach the protection-tripping threshold. I have
not had this happen with any of my other 5V plugpacks, so we recommend
not using a dodgy plugpack in the first place.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 73
Fig.5: the
components on the
main board are
nearly all throughhole parts. The
solder pads along
the top of this
board will connect
to those along
the bottom of the
display board later.
When assembling
this PCB, watch
the orientations of
the ICs, transistors
Mosfets and the
SCR), diodes
and electrolytic
Ensure that the display board evenly
overhangs the solder side edge of the
main PCB by about one millimetre for
the entire length of the mating edge.
The slight overhang is so you can add
solder beads to the pads on either
side of the main board, as there are
electrical connections on both sides.
That also provides extra mechanical
Solder the first joint on the left end
of the mating edge, then the one at the
right end. For these first two joints,
only solder the top side of the main
board. This will be fragile, but it allows
you to check and easily adjust the
alignment of the display board with
the main board.
If the alignment is imperfect, soften
one joint at a time, alternating from one
to the other, and make a sequence of
minor adjustments until you’re happy.
When satisfied, add another three
or four solder joints spaced out along
the top side to secure it, then flip the
assembly over and work on the other
side. Solder the opposite ends to shore
up the mechanical strength, then solder all the remaining connections.
Finally, flip it back over and finalise
the original side. The boards will now
be very firmly bonded, and you can
remove the right angle.
Complete the electronics by adding
Mosfet Q2, the 100nF capacitor in the
top-right corner of the main board and
all the polarised headers.
clock board can be made from scratch,
or you can use an old IDE hard drive
cable if you have one. To make it
from scratch, carefully position an
IDC crimp connector within a vice’s
jaws and protect it using small timber offcuts.
When you slide the 40-conductor
cable into the connector, be careful
to align it at right angles. It is easy
to accidentally crimp the connector
at an angle, in which case the cable
probably won’t work. As you tighten
the vice, you’ll hear the two ends of
the crimp connector click into place,
at which point you should ease off
the pressure.
Old IDE cables can be used for this
application, but if the old cable supports two IDE drives, cut off one end
of the cable using a Stanley knife.
Before you do, double-check that the
two crimp connectors have all 40
holes open; some IDE cables have one
blocked hole, and those won’t be any
good for this project.
Next, you need a cable with a 3.5mm
stereo plug on one end and a 3-pin
polarised header plug on the other.
I cut the end off an old 3.5mm headphone cable, stripped back the insulation and crimped the wires to the
header pins. I then applied some flux
paste, dab-soldered the signal wires
and shield, then inserted the pins into
their housing.
Final assembly
The 40-conductor ribbon cable for
connecting the Raspberry Pi to the
Silicon Chip
I found that raising the display board was helpful when joining it to the main
PCB. The boards can then be taped together and soldered on both sides.
Australia's electronics magazine
Because headphone conductors are
fragile, I used a sparing amount of hot
glue to neatly encapsulate the top of
the housing, the loose conductors and
the end of the headphone cable. This
provides some strain relief; you could
also use neutral-cure silicone sealant.
Double-check the orientation of the
transistors, diodes and electrolytic
capacitors on the main board. When
happy, carefully install the socketed
ICs, noting their orientations & types,
and ensuring all pins have correctly
entered the sockets.
The three chassis-mounting momentary pushbuttons (S2-S4) connect to
the main PCB via two-way cables terminated in polarised header plugs, so
solder the wires to them and crimp/
solder the plugs on the other end. Similarly, prepare three centre-off momentary toggle switches with three-way
cables (that could be stripped from
ribbon cable) terminated in three-way
polarised header plugs.
The banana sockets/binding posts
for the speakers (two positive and two
negative) are wired to another two
polarised header plugs, this time with
slightly heavier-duty wire. However, it
can’t be too thick, or you won’t be able
to get it into the plugs. Medium-duty
hookup wire should work. Wire one
red and one black terminal to each
plug. The polarity doesn’t matter as
long as it’s the same for both.
For the external 5V supply, solder
wires to the chassis socket and then
screw them into the pluggable terminal. The positive input should be on
the right when plugged into the PCB.
If adding a radio receiver input, its
audio output goes to a three-way polarised header plug that follows the same
arrangement as for the Pi audio input.
The GND connection is closest to the
relay and the left and right channels
sequentially on the other two pins. If
your audio source is mono, short the
left and right inputs and feed them
from the mono source. Connect its
power supply to CON5 as per one of
the options in Fig.3 last month.
Testing the Clock
We recommend installing the clock
software onto the Raspberry Pi (if you
haven’t already) and ensuring the software works before testing the hardware, as explained last month.
Commence hardware testing by
repeating the earlier multimeter test to
verify that the power supply rails are
not shorted. The rails will not be completely open-circuit now because there
are capacitors and ICs on board, but the
rails should not be dead shorted either.
You can test the overvoltage protection circuit if you have a current-
limited bench supply. If you don’t,
we recommend you don’t test it and
assume it works because if you apply
a high voltage and it doesn’t work, you
will fry everything.
If you have the bench supply, the
test procedure is as follows. Use a
voltmeter to accurately measure the
applied voltage directly at the variable power supply (if it has an onboard
meter, you can use that). Tenths of a
connecting the
Raspberry Pi to the
Clock Radio, take extra
care that the polarity is
correct on the ribbon cable, it
should be connected as shown.
Australia's electronics magazine
volt make a difference, so it is important that the voltmeter is accurate and
measures to at least 100mV resolution!
Use another voltmeter to monitor
the voltage between the 0V power
input on the board and the tab of Mosfet Q1.
Starting low, ramp up the variable
power supply to around 4.5V, then
slow down. As the input approaches
5V, minimal voltage should be registered on the second voltmeter at the
tab of Q1, indicating that the Mosfet is
switched on, its default during regular
operation. Continue slowly increasing
the variable power supply so that its
output rises just above 5V.
The protection threshold voltage
will depend upon the ambient temperature and idiosyncratic characteristics of the 5.1V zener diode and the
SCR. When the variable input voltage reaches 5.6-5.8V (certainly below
6.0V), a voltage should develop on the
Mosfet’s tab, indicating that Q1 has
switched off.
Don’t wind the variable power supply past 5.85V! If the SCR has not
fired by 5.85V, switch off and look for
a problem in the protection components above and to the right of RLY1.
When satisfied that Q1 is switching
off as expected around 5.6-5.8V and
before powering down the variable
supply, verify that the voltage across
the 2.7kW resistor is about the same as
the variable supply output, confirming
that the SCR has fired.
Finishing the wiring
Now you can plug everything into
the main board. That includes the buttons, switches, the audio cable from
the Pi’s output jack socket to the threepin polarised header on our board, the
external 5V supply, the speaker terminals and the optional radio board.
Also connect the Raspberry Pi via
the ribbon cable, being very careful
to get its polarity right. Refer to the
adjacent photo and Fig.6 to see how
it’s done. Pin 1 of the Pi must be wired
to the bottom-left pin of the header
on the main board; use a DMM set on
continuity mode to verify that before
applying power.
When you apply power to the
assembly now, do it via the clock
board only and don’t connect a separate power supply to the Pi. The Pi will
receive its power via the clock assembly through the ribbon cable.
When power is first applied to the
February 2024 75
whole assembly, the display will start
blank, and the Pi will go through its
booting process. You should see the
Pi’s power LED turn on as the Pi boots,
but the clock display will remain blank
for around half a minute. When the
display eventually illuminates, it will
show an incorrect time.
The Raspberry Pi will be trying to
connect to your home network, and
when it does, it will grab the current
time from the internet. The display
will then jump to the correct time and
will be time-locked from that moment
If the 7-segment displays remain
blank, double-check the LED brightness and threshold settings on the
web setup page. It’s possible that they
have been dimmed very low and just
need to be brightened. Otherwise,
use ssh (eg, via PuTTY) to connect to
the Pi and use the alarm clock debugging modes described in the software
installation documentation to check
the software’s health.
The Pi installation script should
have been run to completion without
errors. If not, that might be a clue as
to why it isn’t working.
If the display is still not illuminated,
but the software appears to be running,
use a logic probe, oscilloscope or frequency counter to check that there is
activity on the data and address bus
GPIO lines between the two boards and
on the PWM GPIO line to the gate of
Mosfet Q2. Also check that you have
used the correct Mosfet types (they
must handle logic-level drive).
Matching display
LED brightnesses
If you have not yet installed current-
limiting resistors for the two colon (“:”)
LEDs or the small display, you can start
to experiment. Turn off the clock and
tack-solder candidate resistors for just
one each. Segments within an individual display will have the same brightness, so once you’ve matched one to
the rest, that resistor value should
work throughout.
It is easier to use axial leaded resistors rather than SMDs for these experiments unless you have a sample book
of suitable SMD resistors. Start with the
default values of 430W for the display
and 1.3kW for the colon or 470W/1.2kW
if you don’t have those other values.
A convenient resistor to choose for
the small display is the top one closest to the larger digits because it illuminates a segment alongside the larger
displays, making it easier to compare.
Both colon resistors are convenient
to access. Refer to the two resistors
marked with a red arrow in Fig.4.
Power on the Pi, go to the web setup
page and put the clock hardware into a
darkened room. Adjust the minimum
brightness slider down to a level where
the illuminated LED segments are just
visible, then set the maximum brightness slider to midrange. Remember
to save the setting using the web save
button, or the next step won’t work
as expected.
Choose the “Start the LED brightness
test” web button to turn every LED on
(displaying all 8s) and force the display
to the minimum brightness setting for a
moment. You’ll have to judge whether
the test segment and the test colon LED
are the same, brighter or dimmer than
the large numeric digits. The test will
also go to maximum brightness for a
moment for comparison.
If the brightnesses aren’t even,
increase the test resistance to reduce
Given the
height of the
enclosure we
recommend, it’s
best to mount
the Raspberry
Pi as shown, so
there’s enough
clearance. Note
that the slim
radio board I
added down the
left-hand side,
with its antenna
passing through
a small hole in
the rear panel.
Fig.6 (right):
the wiring
diagram for the
Raspberry Pi
Clock Radio.
the LED brightness or decrease the
resistance to make it brighter. Always
power down the clock before changing
resistor values, as accidentally shorting out the current limiting resistor
pads can cook your 7-segment display.
As you try different valued resistors, make step changes of about 25%
in value, as you won’t notice too much
difference when trying smaller steps.
For example, change from 430W to
560W to reduce the brightness or from
430W to 360W to increase it.
After determining the optimal resistances, you can source and install components for all the missing current limiting resistors, and your clock will be
complete. If you don’t want to wait,
you could order 16 each of the values
360W, 430W, 560W, 750W and 1kW, as
it’s likely one of those will give a good
match. Don’t go lower than 360W to
avoid exceeding the 74HCT4511 package current limit.
The proper functioning of each
switch is most easily tested by
enabling one of the software debug
modes to generate a debug log. Do this
A close-up showing the headphone cable
connection to the Raspberry Pi.
in an SSH session; as described in the
software installation documentation,
the command is “sudo alarm-clock
-B”. As you press each button in the
switch debug mode, a message will
be logged, making it obvious that it
is working.
Assuming the LED displays are illuminated, if you cup your hand over the
LDR (shielding its sides and the front
surface) to reduce the light intake, you
should see the display dim after a few
seconds. LDRs can be rather sensitive to light, and the actual dimming
behaviour will depend on what you’ve
configured in the Clock settings.
You can use the command “sudo
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alarm-clock -X” to watch as the software measures the light level. You can
verify that the numbers are smaller
when the LDR is dark and become
larger as the LDR is illuminated more.
Suppose you see this behaviour in
the debug log, and there is a reasonable variation in the range between
light and dark (for example, 500
counts or more). In that case, the circuit is working sufficiently well for
you to be able to adjust the web sliders to achieve your desired dimming
Use the “Start the display test” button on the web setup page to exercise each seven-segment display and
February 2024 77
dots. If some LED segments never
illuminate, check that the series
limiting resistors are adequately soldered and that the legs of
the 74HCT4511 chips are all correctly
inserted into their sockets.
If just one of the six digits doesn’t
count in the correct sequence, the
problem is likely with the associated
74HCT4511. If several of the six digits count incorrectly in the same way,
check for problems with the GPIOs
used for the data and address bus or
potentially with the 40-conductor ribbon cable.
The last functions to test are the
amplifier and audio inputs. Turn on
the amplifier using the media player
to stream local media or an internet
radio site and verify that you’re getting sound from the Raspberry Pi. If
your speakers are dead, plug headphones directly into the Pi to confirm
that it is generating audio; if so, you’ll
need to debug the amplifier section of
the clock.
Back on the media player web
page, if you type “radio” (without the
quotes) rather than entering a path to
a media file or URL, you should hear
the relay click, and the audio will be
taken from the radio input connector. The middle pin of CON5 will be
pulled to ground via Q3 when the relay
is energised so the radio module will
be powered.
Putting it into a case
You will probably want to mount
the clock into an instrument case, as
I did with mine.
You probably shouldn’t use a metal
case for this project because it will
interfere too much with the Raspberry
Pi’s WiFi and Bluetooth reception.
If you’re capable of doing woodwork, I once saw a very cool clock
idea that would turn this project into
a talking piece. Timber veneer can be
translucent if you shine a bright light
through it from directly behind. The
brightness of the clock’s LEDs can be
set quite high, especially the Lumex
components, and they should shine
clearly through a sheet of 0.4mm or
thinner light-toned veneer.
You’d want to make yourself an
MDF template for the front panel, possibly routing the top edge to round it
off and drilling and filing out tightly
fitting holes for the seven-segment
displays. Mounting the front plane
of the seven-segment displays immediately behind the veneer will provide mechanical backing to protect
the veneer.
You would also need to drill a window for the LDR or mount the LDR
elsewhere in the box. I’d love to see
photos of this idea if it works as well
as I expect.
If you choose the more conventional approach and use the plastic
instrument case, I used a table saw
and the finest toothed blade to cut a
3mm green Perspex sheet to the correct size to replace the front panel.
Because the front panel mounting slot
is 2mm wide, I firmly taped and then
routed the edges of the Perspex so they
fitted snugly.
2mm Perspex/acrylic is available,
but I’m unsure if you can get the translucent green colour in that thickness.
If you feel it’s necessary, you could
mask and spray the inside of the Perspex bezel black so that only the displays show through, but I have not
done this for my clocks and think they
look fine.
I mounted my snooze button on the
top of the case and all other buttons
and switches, speaker posts and the
power socket onto the rear panel that
came with the case.
If you use the recommended
While we used a
Raspberry Pi model
4 to run our Clock
Radio, you can also a
model 2, 3, Zero W or
Zero 2W.
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Australia's electronics magazine
instrument case which is 160mm deep,
note that the clock board assembly
with mounted LEDs amounts to just
under 100mm of depth, and the shorter
dimension of a Raspberry Pi is 56mm,
not accounting for the 3.5mm audio
plug and cable which protrude further.
That means there isn’t enough room
to mount the Pi in the base behind the
main board.
I mounted the Pi partially overhanging the main board, as shown in the
photo on page 76. To raise it above
the main board, you can use two long
M3 screws through the base of the case,
secured with a nut, and M3 standoffs
fitted onto the tops of the long screws
secured with weak Loctite (eg, 222).
Two short M3 screws will hold the
Pi onto the M3 standoffs, while the two
remaining Pi screw holes overhang the
main board and are left vacant. It provides quite a solid mounting, provided
you don’t try to insert or remove the
Pi’s 40-pin expansion cable while the
Pi is screwed down at only two points.
I found it sturdier to elevate the
Pi using the moulded standoffs in
the base of the instrument case, but
the hole spacing wasn’t quite right. I
elongated one mounting hole to align
with the Pi holes and secured the
long screws with washers, nuts and
Loctite 222.
Then with four standoffs attached to
the main board and the perspex bezel
in position, I carefully positioned the
PCB and epoxied the standoffs to the
instrument case, saving me the hassle
of precisely measuring hole locations
and drilling.
With the specified instrument
case, there is still just enough room
to squeeze a small radio board down
one side if you’d like to include that
option (as I did). To fit larger radio
boards, you might need a larger case.
The case configuration I adopted has
no external access to the USB or Ethernet ports. That wasn’t a significant
consideration for me, but if your case
is sufficiently deep, you can rotate the
Pi so that its network and USB ports
are accessible through the back panel.
In that case, you’ll need to fold the 40
conductor ribbon into an L-shape to
facilitate the connection between the
main board and the Pi.
I specified a 150mm ribbon cable
length and have successfully used that
length with some of my prototypes.
Shorter ribbons will be OK, but if you
need to use a longer ribbon in yours,
be watchful for any problems when
the LED display gets updated.
Suppose you see digit update errors
when using a longer ribbon. In that
case, you can slow down the settling
and latching delay from its current
default of 5μs by editing the “alarm_
clock.c” source code file and changing
the #defined symbol called WRITE_
BYTE_DELAY to something larger
than 5000 (nanoseconds).
The microprocessor on the Raspberry Pi consumes 1W, so expect
the outside surface of the case in the
vicinity of the Pi to be warmer than
the room’s ambient temperature. That
should not be a concern, but you could
add some ventilation to the case if you
want to keep it cooler.
Using the software
The Clock Radio is designed to be
intuitive once you’ve logged into the
web interface, with plenty of help
links to guide you. Still, if you want
to tinker with it ‘under the bonnet’ or
fully understand how it works, you’ll
want more details on how the software works.
We’ll start with some of the more
common features that most constructors will be interested in, then move
on to the nitty-gritty of how the software works.
Configuring the Clock via the
web interface
To reach the web interface, open a
browser and go to http://clock.local or
whatever system name or IP address
you used to SSH into the Clock.
You will be greeted by the Clock’s
home page, which contains links to
the various configuration and media
player functions, a summary of the
configured alarms, the playlist if media
is currently playing, and a list of any
other clocks found on the local network if any exist – see Screen 1.
Screen 1 shows other clocks that
have been discovered on the network.
If you only have one Clock, that boxed
section will not be displayed.
Navigation should be reasonably
intuitive. Use the Clock Setup page to
configure your preferences. When you
hover the pointer over some options,
the browser will display hints and a
Creating alarms is a matter of filling
in details from top to bottom on the
Alarm Configuration page (Screen 2):
what time, how long do you want it
Using the Clock as a Bluetooth speaker
Raspberry Pi models after the Pi 2 allow the Clock Radio to emulate Bluetooth speakers. Computers, phones and tablets can be paired with the Clock to play audio through
its speakers. After ‘pairing’, devices only need to be ‘connected’ whenever you’d like to
stream audio via the Clock’s speakers.
A “Pair Bluetooth Device” icon on the Clock’s web page allows devices to ‘discover’ it
for pairing; you can also enable this mode by simultaneously pressing two of the clock’s
physical alarm selection switches. When activated, you’ll have three minutes to complete pairing. You can pair as many devices with the Clock as you’d like.
The devices to be paired need to be in pairing/discovery mode at the same time, or
they won’t see each other; you’ll need to carefully follow the documented pairing and
connection process for your device. If you have difficulties pairing with the clock and
are new to this process, confirm the procedure by pairing with something else.
When your device is connected, audio will be played through the Clock’s speakers.
Set the volume using either the physical volume up/down switch on the Clock or a slider
on its web page.
Bluetooth audio stutters
The clock’s Bluetooth streaming has been tested with Windows, macOS, Android
phones and iPhones, and it has worked well using either the Pi 3 or the Pi 4. However,
there are certain circumstances where you might notice occasional audio stutter and
Bluetooth disconnections.
The most obvious situation is when connected Bluetooth devices move beyond their
working range.
A less obvious reason for Bluetooth stuttering is WiFi interference, as explained in the
panel last month. Therefore, you could experience audio stuttering if you access a Pi 3
based Clock’s web interface at the same time as you’re streaming Bluetooth audio to it.
Bluetooth channel assignment is typically statically allocated during the pairing process. If your Bluetooth channel experiences interference, you can try resetting pairing
and starting over. There is a button on the web interface to reset all paired devices.
Suppose you are streaming Bluetooth audio when you start a media player stream
on the clock, including when an alarm plays a media source other than the radio. In that
case, the clock will disconnect the Bluetooth devices to play the media stream correctly.
You will need to reconnect your Bluetooth device afterwards if you wish to continue
streaming Bluetooth audio.
The finished Clock Radio connected to an iPad via Bluetooth.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 79
adjustment is applied when the alarm
first trips. Each minute after that, the
digital volume control will make one
step towards the target volume until it
is reached (or the next chained alarm
So, to gently increase volume when
an alarm is tripped, you could set the
volume adjustment to -15 and the target
adjustment to +0. The alarm will start
quietly and gradually get louder until
it reaches the normal (system) level.
The volume adjustments are added
to the current system-wide volume
Adjusting the alarm(s)
Screen 1: the main web page shows the list of alarms and other Clock Radios on
the network (if present). The buttons at the top are hopefully self-explanatory.
Clicking on the link outlined in red provides information on what the six
buttons/switches on the Clock Radio do. They can be used in combination, so
quite a few functions are available.
to run, on what days of the week and
should it recur indefinitely.
The alarm volume adjustment is
relative to the current master volume, which is useful when chaining
a sequence of alarms from different
sources (where each source could have
different audio levels). It can also be
used to slowly increase or decrease
volume with a succession of alarms.
Anywhere you see a text box for
entering media, you can specify a
streaming radio site URL, the full
Linux path to a media file or playlist,
or the word “radio” (without quotes)
to use the external audio input. The
path to media files on USB storage devices will normally start with
Finding internet streaming sources
is easy; any internet radio station that
is accessible in your country and that
can be listened to with a web browser
will work with the Clock. However,
determining the correct URL to use
with the Clock can be tricky. Instructions on how to use a browser to discover the syntax for a streaming URL
are included on the Clock’s in-built
web pages (also see Screen 2).
Chaining alarms
As I live in regional Australia, the
national radio network I usually listen to inserts news bulletins from the
nearest capital city. Sometimes, your
ISP can allocate an IP address from
Silicon Chip
further afield or the internet’s routing
changes, resulting in you hearing news
bulletins from a completely different
part of the country.
I realised I could use ‘chained
alarms’ to work around this. When
the hour ticks over and the local news
commences, I configure a new alarm
with its streaming media source being
a local news radio station. I configured
a new alarm to switch back to the original national stream after the news.
The chaining trick works well, and
I’ve been enjoying local news by flipping streaming sources for several
When you chain alarms into a
sequence, and a subsequent alarm
trips before the timer for the earlier
alarm has expired, the earlier alarm is
replaced by the subsequent alarm. It
will not come back even if the subsequent alarm completes. To return the
first streaming source, you must chain
a third alarm.
Waking up gently
You can use alarm chaining to be
woken ‘gently’ by setting the volume
adjustment low on the initial alarm,
then chaining a series of subsequent
alarms with progressively increasing
volume. But there’s a better way to
achieve the same thing.
Each alarm includes a “target adjustment” setting as well as the “volume
adjustment” setting. The volume
Australia's electronics magazine
Whenever you adjust the system-
wide volume, the volume of all future
alarms will adjust accordingly, as if
you rotated the volume control knob
on your traditional alarm clock and
waited for the next alarm to trip.
If you’ve specified any non-zero volume adjustments for any alarm, those
adjustments will be applied to the current system-wide volume to maintain
the volume relativity.
The Clock Setup page has a “minimum alarm volume” setting. That
ensures your alarms will still be loud
enough to wake you if you’ve set a low
system-wide volume.
Alarm-specific adjustments still
apply to the minimum alarm volume
to maintain relativity between different alarm levels and to ensure that
adjustments continue to work as you
expect. However, you won’t be able
to accidentally set the system-wide
volume low and then sleep through
an alarm. I therefore strongly recommend you check and adjust this setting during setup.
Using the buttons
Although there are only six buttons,
they can be used in combination with
each other, so you can do more with
the buttons than you might think. The
full description of button operation is
provided in a link you will find on the
Clock’s internal web page, in Screen 1.
Because all functions can be reached
via the web interface, it is not strictly
necessary to build any or all of the
buttons into the Clock. The choice
is yours!
12/24 hour time display
The setup web page includes a configuration option for choosing between
12-hour and 24-hour displays. This
refers to the LED display on the Clock
itself, not how times are shown on the
web pages. Times displayed in most
web browsers are formatted according to the locale setting on the device
running the web browser.
That means that although you may
have configured one particular format on the web settings screen, your
browser might steadfastly show a different format.
Automatically resuming
If internet streaming is not your
thing, you can use a playlist of MP3
files from your own media library for
your alarm. You can even chain alarms
between your local playlist, the radio
and internet streams.
When you initially create an alarm
and specify a directory as an alarm
source, the Clock’s web server will
build a playlist file of the underlying
directory tree. Similarly, a playlist is
created if you use the media player
function and specify a directory.
When playing a playlist, the Clock
remembers the last track and will
commence from the following track
when it uses the same playlist again.
You can therefore chain from the playlist to the news and back again, and the
playlist will continue from the track
after where it left off.
Testing the hardware
When testing the hardware to ensure
the switches are being recognised and
ambient light levels are correctly measured, you’ll need to use the Clock’s
software debugging mode to view the
debugging log. This means you’ll need
to temporarily stop the operating system from managing the Clock.
By default, the “alarm-clock” program runs automatically at boot time.
If it ever crashes, the operating system
will restart it. Usually, its text output
is hidden. To reveal and watch the
log, you can run the alarm-clock program from within an SSH session and
enable debugging.
To do this, within an SSH session,
temporarily stop the alarm-clock program by issuing the command:
The Pi will revert to automatic clock
management the next time you reboot.
Once the program has been stopped,
you can run it manually with the
command “sudo alarm-clock”, or use
“alarm-clock -h” to display the help
options for the program. The command “sudo alarm-clock -V” will run
the software with full logging. As it
runs, messages and time stamps from
different threads will intermix.
There’s also a setting that enables
logging to a file, for catching issues
when you’re not around to look. The
Clock’s setup file is located in “/etc/
alarm-clock/setup.conf” and you can
edit it to enable file logging using
the following command, which will
launch a text editor:
sudo nano
Look for the two following lines
and remove the # symbols in the first
Screen 2: when
configuring an alarm,
you can choose the
time, duration, which
days it’s active,
whether it recurs, the
volume adjustments
and the audio source.
February 2024 81
Once you’ve made those changes,
press CTRL+O to save them and
CTRL+X to return to the command
For more information about the
configuration, compiling and playing
with the code, consult the readme files
in the alarm-clock directory tree you
extracted from the .tgz file.
Checking that the software
is running
To check that the alarm-clock program is running, issue the following
ps -A | grep alarm
If it is running, you’ll see a response
showing how much CPU time it has
used so far. If you see nothing, it is
not running. Similarly, you can check
for a running pigpio daemon (which
must be running for us to control the
Pi’s digital I/O pins):
ps -A | grep pigpiod
We need a Bluetooth control process and its daemon to allow us to
play Bluetooth audio, so there should
be two items displayed when you run
this command:
ps -A | grep bluetooth
The web server and its workers are
usually waiting to receive connections, so there should be several items
displayed with the command:
ps -A | grep apache
To see the complete list of all the
running processes along with their
memory consumption, type “top” and
press Enter to start a self-refreshing
display (type the letter q to exit).
The top command shows lots of
helpful information, including how
much CPU time each process is currently consuming, expressed as a percentage of a single CPU core.
As there are four CPU cores on
most Pis, the Pi will be fully maxed
out when the sum of all current CPU
utilisation reaches 400%. The largest
CPU hog is the pigpio daemon [It isn’t
surprising that the biggest hog starts
with “pig”! – Editor].
‘Watchdog’ reboot
During the testing and running of
the four prototype clocks over the past
six months, I saw two of the clocks
lock up after a prolonged mains power
Silicon Chip
So, the software now incorporates
several ways to determine that something has gone wrong and trigger a system reboot when it notices.
A hardware watchdog will reboot
the Pi if the operating system fully
locks up. If just one operating system task locks up, the Clock runs a
half-hourly health check, triggering
a reboot if something seems amiss.
The web server also triggers software
checks when somebody accesses a
web page.
If you run “stop-alarm-clock” for
debugging or testing, the health checks
will eventually fail, and the automatic
rebooting processes will reboot the
You can prevent these automatic
reboots after you’ve issued the “stopalarm-clock” command by restarting
the alarm-clock program from the
command line using the debugging
flags you need.
The health-check features will not
trigger a reboot if they see the alarmclock program running.
Internet stream audio delays
You might notice something strange
when using streaming internet radio
stations for alarms. Suppose you set
your alarm to trip precisely on the
hour and expect the hourly news to
wake you, as it would with a regular
clock radio.
In that case, you’ll discover that
streaming radio stations can be anything from a few seconds to a few minutes behind the free-to-air version of
the same radio station.
The news will never start exactly
on the hour with an internet stream;
it will always start just a little after!
A brief delay with internet streaming is to be expected, but I cannot
explain why different radio stations
stream with delays that change from
day to day and month to month.
If you notice this happening with
your preferred streams, there’s nothing wrong with the Clock. It is just
another artefact of the digital world
we live in.
If you built a traditional radio into
your Clock, over-the-air broadcasts
will always arrive precisely on time
through that medium. That is probably the only way to guarantee your
news service commences with precision.
Enjoy your new clock, and if you
build a couple, enjoy the liberation
of both you and your partner being
able to control them from either side
of the bed!
Software updates
The Install_Clock script downloads and installs an automatic update client program
called “unattended_upgrade” and configures it to check for updates at 3:30am every
three days. If an update to any of the installed packages is released, such as a Linux
security patch, the automatic updater will download and apply the change automatically.
If a reboot is required because of a security patch, that will be scheduled also without human intervention.
I have been running automatic updates on several Pis for years and have not struck
trouble. However, if you prefer to run updates manually and at your own discretion, you
can issue the following command over SSH to stop the automatic updates from occurring:
sudo systemctl disable unattended-upgrades
You can then manually look for and install updates using the command:
sudo apt-get upgrade
New versions of the Clock Radio software
After installing the clock software, there are two methods you could use to install an
update, if one becomes available.
1. Open up the clock, remove the Pi’s SD card, and plug it into your computer. Copy the
new software .tgz file onto the SD card, put the SD card back into the Pi, exact the file
contents and then rerun the script.
2. Copy the new file into the root of your home account on the Pi over the network,
using the Pi’s Samba file server.
The following commands can be used to install the new software, assuming you copied the .tgz file into your Pi’s home directory (assuming the update is v02):
tar zxf alarm-clock_v02.tgz
cd alarm-clock
make install
Australia's electronics magazine
Points Controller
for Model Railways
is is the
sets of points, so th
My layout has five
with to
t and label I came
control box lid layou
control them.
Project by Les Kerr
Adding points to a model railway layout makes it a lot more fun and more
realistic, too. This Controller lets you monitor and switch up to eight sets of
points from a single control box with easy wiring; it could even be expanded
to handle more than eight. We will also show how to make LED-based signals
to go with each set of points.
oints (also known as “railroad
switches”) are used where a single set of train tracks splits into
two. If the points are facing one way,
the train passes onto one set of tracks,
while if they are facing the other way,
it moves over to the others.
For example, two sets of points
could be used at either end of two
parallel pairs of tracks to allow trains
going in either direction to use either
set of tracks. Points can also enable a
train to move from the main tracks into
a siding, or back out.
Real railways have many points,
especially in and around stations, so
you should ideally have a few in a realistic model railway layout. So, how do
you control them?
This design minimises the number
of wires needed between the control
unit and each set of points by using
serial data. That way, you only need a
few wires running around the layout,
from the Controller to the first set of
points, then between pairs of points,
rather than the ‘spaghetti’ required if
each set of points had its own set of
The lead photo shows my control
box that supports five sets of points
in my layout, while Photo 1 shows the
actual layout from above. The layout
has two loops, each with a siding, plus
a station at the centre.
Two of the sets of points allow trains
to move from one loop to the other or
back, while the other three allow trains
Australia's electronics magazine
to move between one of the loops and
the sidings/station.
There are two LEDs and a toggle
switch on the control box for each
set of points. The green LEDs show
the current direction of the points,
while the toggle switch allows that to
be changed.
The most common way to change
the points on a model railway layout
is to use a points motor. The insides
of a typical one are shown in Fig.1.
If the motor is at position X and
we apply 18V to the electromagnet
windings between points A & B, the
magnetic field attracts the iron arm,
moving the sliding bar to the right
(position Y).
If we then apply 18V to the winding
February 2024 83
Fig.1: the basic configuration of a points motor.
Depending on which side of the electromagnet is
activated, the lever moves the points to one side
or the other.
between B & C, the points change back
to their original position.
The windings produce a strong
magnetic field and are made of heavygauge wire, having a typical resistance
of 4W. If we had a constant 18V across
them, we would have a steady current
of 4.5A, which would soon burn out the
coil. So we need a means of applying
the current for no more than 200ms.
The second concern is the power
supply's ability to deliver that much
instantaneous power and current. That
can be done using a circuit like the one
shown in Fig.2. One end of the electromagnet coil is connected to the Mosfet
drain while the other end connects to
a 2200μF capacitor that is charged to
18V via a 47W resistor.
The Mosfet acts like a switch that
Fig.2: this basic circuit can switch a set of points in one direction.
The Mosfet is pulsed to deliver enough current to switch it over,
but not for so long that the coil burns out. Another Mosfet and
diode is needed to provide switching in both directions.
is off when the gate voltage is 0V. If
the gate voltage is brought to +5V for
200ms, the capacitor discharges most
of its energy into the electromagnet,
producing a strong magnet field and a
loud click as the points change.
When the Mosfet switches off, the
capacitor charges to approximately
18V in about 400ms, preparing it for
the next pulse. A second Mosfet (not
shown) is connected to the other end
of the coil to switch the points back.
They can share a single capacitor that’s
connected to the centre tap.
As mentioned earlier, this design's
serial loop means you only need four
wires from the control box for all the
points. These are +18V, +5V, serial data
and 0V. I ran a four-core alarm cable
around my layout.
Scope 1 shows this in action (see
page 89). The cyan trace is the
Mosfet gate voltage, which is high for
200ms, while the yellow trace is the
voltage between the Mosfet drain and
ground. You can see how the capacitor
recharges over a second or so following
the points motor activation.
Block diagram Fig.3 shows how the
modules are connected. One Receiver
PCB is used for each set of points, with
a single ‘Transmitter’ controlling up
to eight sets (it transmits over a wire,
not wirelessly). Each Receiver PCB
has outputs to connect to the points
motor and operate the associated signal (see Photo 2).
Each Receiver is given a unique
address (0-7) with the combination of three jumpers. An additional
Fig.3: this system configuration keeps the wiring
in the layout simple, as the Receiver modules can
be mounted next to the points motors. The wiring
between the Transmitter and Receivers can be daisychained or connected in any other way that provides
the required four-wire bus.
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Australia's electronics magazine
Transmitter can be used if you need
more than eight sets of points. The
Transmitter is housed in the control
box, with power for all the modules
provided by a 12V AC 1A plugpack.
If you have 12V AC available from a
different source, you could use that
The complete system comprises the
PCBs mentioned above, the points and
motors, signals, control box wiring and
layout wiring.
Circuit details
The circuit of the Transmitter (control box) is shown in Fig.4. Up to eight
switches and sets of LEDs are wired to
microcontroller IC1. Eight of its digital input pins (RA0, RC0-RC4, RA4 &
RA5) are used to sense the positions
of the points control switches. Each
input has a 10kW pull-up, so either
the switch pulls that input to GND or
the resistor pulls it up to +5V.
The same switch poles light one of
the two connected green LEDs by pulling one of the cathodes to GND. The
anodes are connected to a common
680W resistor to +5V.
IC1 constantly checks the states
of the eight switches and delivers a
continuous serial stream at its RC5
digital output. That is fed to the eight
‘Receivers’ via a 1kW resistor, so they
know which state the points need to
be in. The 1kW series resistor protects
the microprocessor from damage if
the serial line is accidentally shorted
to ground.
For the power supply, the incoming
12V AC is applied to a bridge rectifier
with a 2200μF smoothing capacitor to
get around 18V DC. This depends on
the transformer regulation and can
range between 16V and 18V DC; 16V is
sufficient to operate the points motor.
That voltage is fed to the points motors
and the input of linear regulator REG1,
which produces the 5V DC supply for
IC1 and the microcontrollers in up to
eight connected Receivers.
The 1000μF capacitor smooths out
any ripple that makes its way through
the 7805 regulator, while the 100nF
capacitors reduce high-frequency transients from the supply and ensure stability in the linear regulator.
Fig.5 shows the circuit of one
Receiver. The serial data from the
Transmitter goes to the RC0 digital
input of IC2, which is powered by the
5V rail produced by the Transmitter. It
decodes the serial stream and ignores
Photo 1 (above): a view of my layout
from above. You can see how it
corresponds to the diagram and
controls shown in the lead photo.
Photo 2 (left): a close-up of one of the
signals I designed to accompany the
points. They can be made using a
lathe and a few bits of metal you can
get from hobby shops.
Semaphore Integration
My design for a Model Railway Semaphore, published in the April 2022 issue
(, can be used with this Points Controller. A
semaphore can be located at any set of points, with its state depending on the
position of the points.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 85
Fig.4: the Transmitter circuit consists of a microcontroller, IC8, connected to up to eight toggle switches and eight pairs of
LEDs. It encodes the switch positions into a serial stream at its pin 5 digital output that’s fed to the Receivers so they can
actuate the points appropriately.
Fig.5: microcontroller IC2 in the Receiver decodes the serial stream and, based on its identity set by jumpers JP1-JP3,
extracts the appropriate command signals and drives Mosfets Q1 & Q2 to control the points motor. It also updates the
state of the signal/semaphore when the points change.
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Australia's electronics magazine
Transmitter construction
The Transmitter is built on a 74
× 47mm single-sided PCB coded
09101241 – see the overlay diagram,
Fig.6. The power supply connections
and four wires that go to the Receivers connect via the terminal blocks
at the top of the PCB. In contrast, the
off-board switches and LEDs are connected via the headers near the middle of the board. Photo 3 shows the
assembled board.
Fig.6: assembly of the Transmitter PCB is straightforward. The power supply
inputs are at upper left, the four serial/power bus connections are at upper
right, and the headers to connect up to eight toggle switches and indicator
LEDs are in the middle.
everything except the points position
that matches its identity, 0-7, depending on the settings of jumpers JP1-JP3.
Those jumpers connect to the RA5,
RA4 & RC5 digital inputs of IC2. If a
jumper is inserted, shorting the two
header pins, it pulls the connected
pin low. Otherwise, that pin is pulled
high by a 10kW resistor. That means
they are all at a high logic level unless
a jumper shunt is added. Table 1 shows
the jumper setting for each of the eight
When the desired points position
changes, it brings one of the RC3 & RC4
digital outputs high for 200ms to drive
the points motor as described earlier.
It also updates the states of digital outputs RC1 & RC2 to light the appropriate LED in the signal, or change the
state of the optional Semaphore with
its signal input connected to SIG1 and
its GND to 0V.
Diodes D5 & D6 are provided
because when Q1 or Q2 switches off,
the magnetic field in the motor windings will collapse and cause a voltage
spike at the drain of the Mosfet that
was on. These diodes clamp the voltage, preventing damage to the Mosfets.
The 100μF and 100nF supply bypass
capacitors in each Receiver are necessary since the Transmitter that’s the
source of the 5V rail could be some
distance away, connected by relatively thin wires, so the supply needs
local filtering.
Fig.7: if using our commercially-produced
Receiver PCBs, there’s no need to fit the
four wire links shown here. Ensure the four
bus terminals connect to the corresponding
terminals on the Transmitter PCB.
Start by fitting the resistors immediately on either side of IC1, followed
by the IC socket with the notched end
at the bottom. You can then solder the
header pins, made from strips four or
five pins long that can be snapped from
longer headers.
Follow with the capacitors, taking
care with the orientation of the electrolytics (the longer lead is positive while
the striped side of the can is negative).
Don’t solder the PIC directly to the
PCB, as there is no provision for in-
circuit programming.
Next, add the remaining resistors,
which are mounted vertically, then
dovetail the three terminal blocks and
solder the whole lot at the top of the
PCB, with the wire entries towards
that edge.
Solder in the 7805 voltage regulator and the 1N4004 diodes as per the
layout diagram, taking care to match
their orientations with what’s shown.
If you have purchased the
PIC16F1455 microcontroller from
the Silicon Chip online shop, it will
already have the firmware loaded. If
you wish to do this yourself, the files
can be downloaded from siliconchip.
Check for dry joints and solder
bridges and rectify them if you find
any. You can then plug the header sockets onto the header pins, ready to solder the wires to the LEDs and switches.
If you don’t have individual 4-pin &
5-pin strips, you can cut up longer
strips with a hacksaw or side cutters.
Receiver assembly
The Receiver is built on a 56 ×
45mm single-sided or double-sided
PCB coded 09101242 – see the overlay
diagram, Fig.7. The PCBs we supply
will be double-sided, so they won’t
need the four wire links.
If you have single-sided boards (eg,
you made them yourself), start by fitting the four wires shown in Fig.7. It
Photos 3 & 4: the left-hand
photo is the Transmitter PCB.
Commercial PCBs will have
silkscreened labelling. Note
the headers for connecting
the switches and LEDs; the
extra pin is the 0V (GND)
connection. The right-hand
photo is the Receiver PCB. As
commercially-made PCBs will
have two layers, you won’t
have to fit the links, saving
some time.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 87
is advisable to use solid-core insulated wire (‘Bell wire’). You can see
from Photo 4 that I used tinned copper wire; if doing the same, be careful
to route the wires so they can’t short
against anything.
The construction procedure is the
same as for the Transmitter, although
all the resistors are mounted vertically
on this board. Watch the orientations of
all diodes, Mosfets, electrolytic capacitors and the IC socket. Also check that
the terminal block wire entries are facing the nearest edge of the board.
You will see that I used pieces
of socket strip for CON6 & CON7,
although I have specified polarised
headers and matching plugs in the
parts list. The advantage of the latter
is that you can’t accidentally connect
the points or signal backwards if you
unplug and replug them later.
While IC2 is the same type of chip
as IC1 (a PIC16F1455), it is programmed differently, so make sure
you get the right ones when purchasing pre-programmed chips. Similarly,
if programming them yourself, use the
HEX file ending in B for the Receiver
chips and the -A file for the Transmitter chip.
Check for dry joints and solder
bridges, then refer to Table 1 to see
which jumpers you need to plug into
the headers for each Receiver based on
its number. Photo 4 shows the jumper
settings for points #5.
Making the signals
You don’t strictly need the signals,
Photo 5: a points motor connected to a set of points on a
small section of track for testing.
but they improve the appearance and
realism of the layout. Fig.8 shows how
I made them. The mounting pole is
made from a length of 3/32in (~2.38mm)
square hollow brass tube. Cut it to size
and clean up the ends using a file.
The LED mounting plate is made
from a piece of 0.05in thick by 0.5in
wide (1.3 × 12.7mm) brass strip. Drill
the 3mm diameter holes 6.5mm apart,
then cut the plate to length. Use a linisher or file to round the ends to size
and clean up the edges, then paint the
plate matte black.
For the base, place a piece of 20mm
aluminium round rod into a three-jaw
chuck so that 10mm protrudes. Face
the end and turn it down to a 5mm
diameter for a length of 3.5mm. Using
a centre drill, followed by a 3mm drill,
Fig.8: here are the details of the parts used to make the optional signal to go
with each set of points. You could use the Semaphore described in the April
2022 issue instead.
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Australia's electronics magazine
bore out the hole to a depth of 5mm.
Part it off to a length of 4.5mm.
Fit 3mm red and green LEDs into the
LED mounting plate, noting the orientation shown on the drawing. Bend,
cut and solder the leads as shown to
create the LED assembly. They are
soldered anode-to-cathode, in inverse
The LED assembly is then soldered
to the post. Clean, tin and flux the mating surfaces between the LED assembly
and the post. Use a soldering iron to
heat the assembly until you see solder
coming out of the joint. File off any
excess solder. Slide the base onto the
post and lock it in place 25mm from
the green LED lead using Loctite GO2
(or equivalent).
To get power to the LEDs, take two
300mm lengths of thin hookup wire
(red & black). You can strip these out
of an old USB cable. Remove about
2mm of the insulation on both ends
and tin the exposed wire. Clean and
tin the bottom edge of the post, then
place the red wire on top and solder
it to the post.
Thread the black wire up the centre
of the post and connect it to the LEDs,
as shown in Fig.8. Attach header pins
to the other end of the red and black
wires, and cover the wire connections
with heatshrink tubing.
Cover the LED assembly with masking tape and spray the rest with silver
paint. Finally, test the signal by connecting a 680W resistor in series with
the positive lead of a 5V DC power
supply. Connect the other end of the
680W resistor to the signal red lead and
the black lead to the supply's negative.
The red LED should glow. Reverse
Scope 1 (left): the Mosfet gate drive (cyan) and drain voltage (yellow) when driving one side of a points motor. After
switching the points, the capacitor takes about 400ms to recover its charge.
Scope 2 (right): if the Transmitter is operating correctly, the serial waveform from pin 5 of IC1 should look like this.
the connections, and the green LED
will light.
Mounting the signal
If your layout is on a timber base,
drill a 3mm hole at a suitable location
near the entry to the points. Insert the
signal wire end into the hole first, until
the base is flush with the board. Glue
it in place using Loctite GO2.
My layout is on a polyurethane base,
so I did the same but used a 2mm drill.
I enlarged the hole to 3mm from the
underside with about 24mm of the
hole length remaining at 2mm. Wait
till you have tested the PCBs before
securing the signals in place.
Preparing for testing
Before testing the Transmitter and
Receiver PCBs, make a temporary set
of points with a points motor attached,
as shown in Photo 5. I mounted it on
a scrap piece of 30mm polystyrene.
Firstly, mount the points using 0.78
× 25mm pins.
Using the points operation lever,
move the points in the direction shown
in the photo. Take a points motor and
orientate it with its actuator down.
Place the hole in the actuator directly
over the pin in the point’s operation
lever and pin the motor in place.
Switch the points manually, checking
that the point motor's actuator moves
smoothly in and out.
Prepare the wires on the points
motor to connect to a Receiver PCB. If
using the specified polarised headers,
that means crimping and/or soldering
them into the header plug pins, then
pushing those pins into the moulded
plastic block in the correct order to
mate with the header on the Receiver.
I soldered the wires to header pins
to match the sockets I soldered to the
board, and covered the solder joints
with heatshrink tubing.
Transmitter testing
Check the orientation of the capacitors, diodes, and the voltage regulator,
then apply 12V AC to the screw terminals as shown in Fig.6 (the two at
upper left). Use a DVM to check that
you have +5V and between 16-18V referenced to 0V on the terminal blocks.
With the DVM black lead connected to
pin 14 and the red lead to pin 1 of IC1’s
socket, check that you measure +5V DC.
Remove power and plug in the
PIC16F1455, being careful to avoid
folding its legs. Reconnect the supply and, if you have an oscilloscope,
check to see that serial data is being
sent out from the serial screw terminal,
as shown in Scope 2. Otherwise, you
can use a frequency counter to check
for activity.
The next step is to connect the
Transmitter to a Receiver but, before
doing so, recheck the Receiver board to
verify that the diodes, Mosfets, capacitors and IC2 are correctly orientated.
Connect the points assembly, Transmitter and Receiver as shown in Fig.9.
Set the jumper links for points 1 (see
Table 1). Apply 12V AC to the Transmitter, and you should see the green
signal LED light and the points motor
switch to the left. Short pin 13 of IC1
to ground (pin 14 is ground); the red
signal LED should light, and the points
motor should switch to the right.
Switch off the power and change the
jumper settings to #2. Switching the
power on will again cause the signal
Fig.9: the wiring for the first set of points. It’s the same for the other seven sets of
points, except that the three jumper settings change (see Table 1 below).
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 89
Fig.10: the suggested positions for the PCB mounting holes, power input socket and serial bus cable in the control box.
green LED to glow and the points
motor to go to the left. This time, short
pin 10 of IC1 to ground; the red signal
LED will glow, and the points motor
will move to the right. Repeat for the
remaining point channels, referring to
Table 1 and Fig.4.
When finished, set each Receiver
to a different ID, referring to Table 1,
and use a small label or marker pin to
write the IDs you’ve assigned on the
Receiver PCBs.
Finishing the control box
You will now need to create a
Silicon Chip
suitable label for the control box. I did
this on the computer, scaled it to size
to fit the control box lid and printed it
onto silver sticky decal paper. Remove
the backing sheet and carefully fit the
label to the box, avoiding any air bubbles under the surface.
As every layout is different, I haven’t
made a drawing of the drilling details
of the lid. However, Fig.10 shows the
drilling details for the base and sides
of the box.
Drill out the holes for the green
LEDs and switches, then fit them
to the case. To connect the 12V AC
Australia's electronics magazine
plugpack, you need to drill a hole in
the back of the box for the barrel connector, plus another for the four-wire
serial cable exit.
The Transmitter PCB is mounted
on the bottom of the box using M2.5
screws and nuts. Fig.11 shows the wiring for the first set of points, which
connects to 0V, P1 and LP1. The other
channels follow the same scheme; eg,
for the second set of points, the wires
connect to 0V, P2 and LP2.
These connections can be made
by soldering the wire to the socket
pin, covering the solder joint with
Parts List – Model Railway Points Controller
1 single-sided PCB coded 09101241, 74 × 47mm
1 flanged ABS plastic enclosure, 171 × 121 × 55mm [Jaycar HB6125]
1 14-pin DIL IC socket (for IC1)
1-8 SPDT or DPDT toggle switches (S1-S8) (one per set of points)
3 2-way mini terminal blocks, 5/5.08mm pitch (CON1-CON3)
1 panel-mount barrel socket to suit plugpack (CON4)
3 4-pin headers
1 5-pin header
3 4-pin female header sockets
1 5-pin female header socket
4 M2.5 × 10mm panhead machine screws
8 M2.5 hex nuts
1 long four-core wire (to connect the Transmitter to all Receivers)
various lengths and colours of hookup wire
various lengths of heatshrink tubing
1 12V AC 1A plugpack
1 PIC16F1455-I/P micro programmed with 0910124A.HEX, DIP-14 (IC1)
1 7805 5V 1A linear regulator, TO-220 (REG1)
2-16 3mm green LEDs (LED1-16; two per set of points)
4 1N4004 400V 1A diodes (D1-D4)
1 2200μF 25V low-ESR radial electrolytic
1 1000μF 16V low-ESR radial electrolytic (5mm lead pitch)
2 100nF 50V ceramic
Resistors (all 1/4W 1% axial)
9 10kW
1 1kW
8 680W
Receiver (per set of points, 1-8 per Transmitter)____________
1 single-sided or double-sided PCB coded 09101242, 56 × 45mm
1 set of points
1 PECO PL-11 points motor
1 14-pin DIL IC socket (for IC2)
2 2-way mini terminal blocks, 5/5.08mm pitch (CON5)
1 2-pin polarised header with matching plug and pins (CON6)
1 3-pin polarised header with matching plug and pins (CON7)
3 2-pin headers (JP1-JP3)
0-3 jumper shunts (JP1-JP3; number required depends on Receiver ID)
various lengths and colours of hookup wire
various lengths of heatshrink tubing
1 PIC16F1455-I/P micro programmed with 0910124B.HEX, DIP-14 (IC2)
2 IRL540N, MTP3055VL or IPP80N06S4L-07 N-channel logic-level Mosfet or
similar, TO-220 (Q1, Q2)
2 1N4004 400V 1A diodes (D5, D6)
1 2200μF 25V low-ESR radial electrolytic
1 100μF 16V low-ESR radial electrolytic (2-2.54mm lead pitch)
1 100nF 50V ceramic
Resistors (all 1/4W 1% axial)
3 10kW
1 4.7kW
1 680W
2 220W
1 47W
Signal (per optional signal)_________________________________
1 50mm length of 3/32in (~2.38mm) square hollow brass tube [K&S Metals]
1 20mm length of 0.025in thick, 0.5in wide brass strip [K&S Metals]
1 20mm length of 20mm diameter solid aluminium rod
1 3mm green LED (LED17)
1 3mm red LED (LED18)
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February 2024 91
Ideal Bridge Rectifiers
Choose from six Ideal Diode Bridge
Rectifier kits to build: siliconchip.
28mm spade (SC6850, $30)
Compatible with KBPC3504
10A continuous (20A peak),
Connectors: 6.3mm spade
lugs, 18mm tall
IC1 package: MSOP-12
Mosfets: TK6R9P08QM,RQ (DPAK)
21mm square pin (SC6851, $30)
Compatible with PB1004
10A continuous (20A peak),
Connectors: solder pins on
a 14mm grid (can be bent
to a 13mm grid)
IC1 package: MSOP-12
Mosfets: TK6R9P08QM,RQ
5mm pitch SIL (SC6852, $30)
Compatible with KBL604
10A continuous (20A peak), 72V
Connectors: solder pins at
5mm pitch
IC1 package: MSOP-12
Mosfets: TK6R9P08QM,RQ
mini SOT-23 (SC6853, $25)
Width of W02/W04
2A continuous, 40V
Connectors: solder
pins 5mm apart
at either end
IC1 package: MSOP-12
Mosfets: SI2318DS-GE3 (SOT-23)
D2PAK standalone (SC6854, $35)
20A continuous, 72V
Connectors: 5mm screw
terminals at each end
IC1 package:
TO-220 standalone (SC6855, $45)
40A continuous,
6.3mm spade lugs,
18mm tall
IC1 package: DIP-8
See our article
in the December
2023 issue for more details:
Silicon Chip
Fig.11 (above): this shows some of
the wiring for the Transmitter PCB
inside the control box. Additional
switches and LEDs are wired
similarly but to terminals with
higher numbers (P2/L2, P3/L3 etc).
Fig.12 (right): you will need to figure
out where to position the switches
and LEDs to suit your layout, but in
general, this shows how they should
operate. If yours does the opposite,
reverse the switch or the wiring to
heatshrink tubing and using a hot air
gun to shrink it.
The 12V AC comes in via its
attached plug and the socket that
screws into the 8mm hole on the rear
of the box. The connector must then
be wired to the 12V AC screw terminals on the PCB.
Use four-way alarm cable or similar to make the connections between
the Transmitter and the Receivers, as
shown in Figs.3, 9 & 11. The cable exits
the control box through the 6mm hole.
Table 1 – Receiver jumper settings
# A
1 Jumper
2 Open
3 Jumper
4 Open
5 Jumper
6 Open
7 Jumper
8 Open
Australia's electronics magazine
The Receiver PCBs can be mounted
underneath the layout.
Final testing
With all the points’ switches in the
up position, the green LEDs on the control box should indicate which way the
points are switched – see Fig.12. Each
signal should be green.
Changing a switch to the lower
position should cause the associated
set of points to change and the corresponding signal to go red. This should
be reflected on the associated control
box LED.
Due to the number of combinations
of points types, motor positions, and
signals, you may find this isn’t the
case. If the problem is with the points,
it can rectified by swapping the points
motor's red and black wires at the
Receiver PCB.
If the problem is with the signal,
that can be rectified by swapping the
red and black wires from the signal
where they connect to the associated
Receiver PCB.
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The things we do for our pets
Dave Thompson
Serviceman’s log, stardate 2023.12. We have encountered strange furry
creatures that are demanding to be fed. It’s almost as if they believe they
are our masters. I have beamed down to the planet to see if I can open a
dialog with the three famished felines.
The serviceman’s curse is indeed a curse! It is, of course,
tied in with our peculiarly Antipodean DIY ethos and the
‘number 8 fencing wire’ lore of Australia and New Zealand. If we think we can do it ourselves, we will at least
have a good go! Still, I like to think that most of us know
our limits. I, for example, would not try my own dentistry
or brain surgery.
For one, I’d need someone to hold the mirror and/or
torch, which precludes doing most common dental and
medical procedures. I think that sort of thing is better left
to the professionals.
With just about everything else, though, I’m willing to
give it a go. Whether it is building a guitar, installing an
alarm system or replacing the main bearings on my car,
I’ll give it a shot. I mean, what could go wrong? The guitar
could be rubbish (I have made many, but only the first one
was rubbish), or the engine overhaul doesn’t go as planned.
They’re all pretty minor problems in the greater scheme
of things, and there’s always the option to call in a professional, hopefully without them being annoyed that I have
‘had a go’ before bringing them in.
Silicon Chip
I encountered this all the time in my line of work. Most
people would only bring their computers in for repair after
they’d had a go following some ‘tutorial’ on YouTube on
how to fix it themselves. When I was trying to run it on
the bench, they’d often chime in to say, “I tried that” or,
“I’ve already done that”.
I responded that I had my own troubleshooting processes,
and I might very well replicate what they’ve already done.
However, as they had brought it to me to fix, we could chat
about what they’ve tried, or I could get on with my process
for finding the cause of the problem.
As we all know, there is so much misinformation on the
web that it is almost impossible to find answers to even
the simplest of questions without spending hours trawling
through the clickbait, scams and people posting the same
old erroneous rubbish just to scrape out some ad revenue.
Hard drive on the rocks
As an example, once upon a time, there was a data recovery strategy that required putting dead mechanical hard
drives in the freezer to rejuvenate them just long enough
to get the data off. In very specific and extremely limited
circumstances, that method might work if the drive motor
was seized.
However, the way it was promoted on hundreds of sites
was as if every failed drive could be recovered by doing this
simple ‘hack’. As someone who has recovered data from
thousands of drives over the years, I can say that it is not
a reasonable strategy for recovering data. Yet, the number
of people who brought drives in saying they’d tried that
method was staggering.
It is just one tiny example of how misinformation can
spread and how it can also dramatically reduce the success of proper data recovery by messing with things
people don’t understand.
Many of those doing their own computer surgery are
unaware that even tipping a drive over from standing
on its edge to landing flat on the benchtop could cause
platter damage. Handling drives and putting them in
the freezer often precluded me from recovering any
data from them because those people didn’t realise
how fragile the drives were.
Nothing in those tutorials mentioned static protection or physical vulnerability, so often, by the time I got
them, they were already ruined. One guy drove hours to
get to me with his hard drive floating around unprotected
in the tray of his ute!
Australia's electronics magazine
Items Covered This Month
What we do for our pets
Repairing a Whirlpool washing machine
The clock that was running fast
Dave Thompson runs PC Anytime in Christchurch, NZ.
Email: dave<at>
Cartoonist – Louis Decrevel
Alas, such is the DIY ethos we all have. It also encompasses devices that are often not really worth the time and
effort to repair, and it is simple bloody-mindedness that
keeps us trying to fix such things. I’ve spent hours repairing cat toys when it would be much more sensible to just
go and buy another one.
For me, it’s the principle of the thing; if I can fix it, I
should. It’s my duty. And if I end up spending hours and
hours on a job for someone else and can’t fix it, then I don’t
charge. That’s the moral way of doing business, even if it
is not a path to riches.
High-tech moggie feeding solutions
We have three cats, and they all eat different diets for various reasons. So we have different food bowls and feeding
patterns, and this routine involves some highfalutin (read:
expensive) microchip-based cat feeders for two of them.
I have written about these units before. I’ve also broken
one by trying to be clever; probably not the last time I’ll
do something like that! These devices run on four C-sized
cells, with no provision for external power. In this day and
age, that’s an odd thing, or at least I thought so. I did what
anyone else would do and tore it apart so I could power it
with an external supply.
I’ve done this with dozens of devices over the years,
including guitar stomp-boxes. I have also converted
primary-cell-powered torches into rechargeable devices by
switching to NiCads and adding charging sockets. It’s usually all pretty straightforward stuff. This time, however...
Getting these microchip feeders apart is easy; there are
no stupid security fasteners or single-use break-away clips;
just good, old-fashioned screws biting into solid plastic
turrets and good-quality plastic mouldings that fit together
seamlessly. A long-reach Phillips screwdriver is the only
special tool required, as some of the holes are deep, and
the screws are beyond the reach of a standard driver.
Inside, they are surprisingly complex, but there was
plenty of room for adding a socket in the rear corner,
and the wires to the battery bays were easy to access.
I dug through my boxes of power supplies, gleaned
from years of collecting them and never throwing any
away, and found a 6V DC supply that would do the
job. This supply would determine what type of power
socket I would install, because it is far easier to get a
new socket (if needed) than to change the output lead
of the supply (though I have done that many times in
the past).
I used to watch Dad changing a supply’s lead and/or
polarity by opening up the sealed plastic case. I’ve tried to
replicate what he did but have never been successful. He
would sit the supply on one corner on the workshop floor
and, while holding it in position with his left hand, strike
the uppermost/opposite corner of the case with a hammer.
Every time I saw him do it, one quick rap with the hammer and the case would just pop apart down the seams
like magic. Whenever I’ve tried it, I end up with a smashed
case, typically parting everywhere but the seam and with
crushed corners. It can usually be glued back together, but
it is highly annoying that he made it look so easy, and I’ve
never been able to do it, even with him teaching me!
Since then, I haven’t even tried to do it, but I can do a
plug swap or add an inline switch in the wire near the supply’s output. When done properly, it looks OK and functions perfectly well.
Anyway, I found a suitable socket in one of my spares
boxes and installed it into a space in the back of the feeder. I
re-routed the battery leads to the socket, ensuring the polarity was right, and soldered it together. I used tape tabs to
hold the wiring out of the way of the door mechanism and
reassembled the whole thing.
I plugged the supply in, connected it and tried the feeder
using one of the RFID tags that came with it. Nothing; no
lights, no response to button presses or programming functions. Bupkis.
Well, that was disappointing. I checked the supply’s
polarity and output, and though the measured 6.5V
(unloaded) was a little high, I thought it was within limits. The polarity was correct, but it didn’t work. So, I took
the whole thing apart again and rewired it back to battery
power. This time, I got lights, but while the door tried to
open, it wouldn’t go all the way, even though the motor
tried to actuate it.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 95
Bother! (or words to that effect)
Try as I might, I could not get this thing to work correctly.
It was the first device in decades that wouldn’t operate after
a conversion. I was gutted, especially since this thing cost
300 Kiwibucks (about 280 Aussie dollarydoos) and it had
lasted less than a week. It appears that some things are not
meant to be mains-powered!
I was 100% sure that I’d gotten polarities and wiring correct, and I’d double-checked it half a dozen times before
applying power. I guess I was trying to be too clever by
half. Lesson learned! That feeder still sits in my workshop
today, dead and gathering dust.
While covered by a factory warranty, I’d have to ship
the unit to the USA for repair and pay all shipping costs
myself. That would have cost almost the same as a new
unit, and I think they’d ask questions about the hole I’d
bored in the back for the power socket!
So, an expensive lesson then. I still don’t know why it
wouldn’t power up with mains power. It was an old transformer-style supply, not a switch-mode one, so I can see
no reason that wouldn’t have worked. I wasn’t going to
try it again, that’s for sure! I did what any self-respecting
serviceman would do and went and bought another unit!
That one is still going strong today, and the four C cells
last almost a year, so it was a bit of a moot exercise anyway.
The pitfalls of parts swapping
However, the other feeder has now developed a problem. It sounds very rough when opening and closing and
sometimes stalls partway through the door-open cycle.
Either the motor was getting weak, or the gearbox driving
the door assembly was wearing out. Not good either way.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. Did he fire six shots
or only five? Sorry, wrong movie. I meant to say I have a
whole new spare, non-working device sitting in my workshop that I could burgle parts from. And you’d be right,
except for one tiny prob.
Between the time I got these and the new one, they’d
changed the model slightly, including the folding door actuator mechanism, so they look completely different on the
inside. Even the PCBs are different. You can rest assured
there was some blue language flying about the workshop
when I discovered that!
The first thing I tried was changing the batteries. Though
there is a low battery indicator on the feeder (a red flashing
status LED once every minute or so), I swapped them out
for some new, fresh alkaline cells. There was no difference,
as I suspected, so it was not caused by a lack of power.
I pressed on regardless and took the covers off the grumbling feeder. It’s been opening and closing half a dozen
times a day for years now, so I fully expected it to be worn
out, especially given the current gear noise.
The motor itself is the same in both the old and new versions, but the gearing and actuator assembly are slightly
different, which is to be expected as the door opens and
closes slightly differently in each version. This is a bit of
a curse because swapping one assembly to the other unit
would have been so easy. However, it’s rarely that easy!
The only real option was to disassemble the grumbly
gearbox and check it out internally for wear and tear. If
anything inside the unit had totally failed and needed
replacing, I’d be dead in the water, as the company does
not provide spare parts. Oh, for a 3D printer!
When I pulled it apart, I confirmed the motors looked
the same. I guess that changing it between models would
be pointless. The gearbox is a Nylon gear assembly that
converts the rotary motion of the electric motor into a linear action to actuate the bi-fold door.
If the door is closed, and the correct embedded microchip or RFID collar tag is detected, the motor runs in
one direction to open the door. If the door is open, and
the microchip or tag signal is no longer detected, after a
switch-selectable preset time, the motor runs in reverse
to close the door.
The limits appear to be set electronically, similar to an
electric window in a car, where the controller detects when
the window reaches its maximum and minimum operating range by detecting the increased current drawn by the
motor. This will also occur if someone gets their arm or
fingers stuck in the window, or in this case, a cat gets a foot
stuck in the closing feeder door.
I tested it when we first got these units, and that safety
feature works quite well.
Fixing the feeble feline feeder
In this feeder, sometimes the door won’t open more than
a few centimetres. It always seems to close OK, though; it
is just dodgy on opening, which likely takes more energy
due to working against gravity.
I guessed that something was fouling the gearing, or the
grease had dried out, and the gears were binding up. In
other words, I felt it was a mechanical fault rather than
an electrical one. At least if the motor was failing, I have
a spare one of those!
I took the five screws out of the gearbox housing and
carefully pulled the side clear. I’ve been caught with these
sorts of things before, where some gears and shafts come
out while others stay put, and half of it ends up falling onto
the bench. I really didn’t want to have to work out what
went where, having never seen it in place!
I managed to get the case off and saw that while the
gears had some noticeable wear, the light grease used was
dry and crumbly and lying in the bottom of the gearbox.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
I used a contact-cleaning spray to wash the box out and
mixed bearing grease and oil (all I had) to make a light
composite grease.
I applied it liberally over everything I could see and
added drops of oil on the shafts where they engaged with
the housing.
I reassembled everything and inserted the batteries. Without the bi-fold door fitted, I ran the actuator forward and
reverse manually several times to coat everything well. It
certainly sounded better! I then reassembled the whole
thing, and it has been running quietly and smoothly for a
few weeks with no stoppages. If it lasts another year, I’ll be
happy – who knows, maybe I’ll have a 3D printer by then!
Editor’s note: I’ve sometimes had luck spraying silicone
lubricant into holes in gearboxes on small pieces of equipment with similar problems. While it’s rarely a permanent
solution, it can save you from having to disassemble and
reassemble the lot, and sometimes you can even get away
with poking the straw through a hole in the case.
Repairing a retro Whirlpool washing machine
D. C., of Beachmere, Qld went on quite an adventure
delving into the innards of his trusty old washing machine.
It is a simple and robust design that has withstood the test
of time and just needed a bit of TLC...
We had an older model (non-electronic!) Whirlpool
6LSS5232 washing machine for well over 30 years. It is a
two-speed model with suds return, which my wife loves.
Washer technicians have told us that the machine is almost
indestructible and to keep it going as long as possible.
These machines are direct-drive via an ingenious gearbox
attached to one end of the motor, with the pump attached
permanently to the other end. This turns in one direction
for washing, then reverses for spinning and pump-out. The
design was so successful that many other manufacturers of
the time either copied the gearbox design or used Whirlpool parts in their own machines.
The drive motor is an open asynchronous AC motor with
high/low speed windings, plus a winding for the capacitor
start, which permits rotation in either direction. The usual
centrifugal switch controls the start winding disconnection.
However, the centrifugal switch does not operate reliably at low speeds, so the motor is always started with the
high-speed winding. After that, changeover contacts on
the centrifugal switch select the low-speed winding once
it is spinning.
Our machine was recently showing three faults as well
as quite a bit of cosmetic ageing and the usual rust from
corrosive detergents, so it was time for an overhaul. The
problems were timer unreliability, a leaking tub, and spinning a full tub of water while pumping out. The last one
was worrying, as spinning a weight like that puts a lot of
strain on the motor and clutch.
To make a less rushed job of reconditioning the machine,
I purchased a similar working machine, with a view to
later use good parts from that machine as spares. While the
spare machine was working, it had been sorely neglected
and was seriously rusted, so it was of little ultimate use
apart from spares.
The timer is the typical rotary mechanical device of that
era, with a “pull out to start” function and loads of cams
and contacts to control the various functions, driven by
a small timer motor. The fault turned out to be a broken
detent spring inside the timer which holds the knob in the
start position. Of course, the spring is deep inside the timer
mechanism, so I had to dismantle it completely.
I was able to steal the spring out of the donor machine,
but there were many hours of fumbling and cursing, getting all the bits back together (six hands would have been
good) before I finally succeeded with repair phase one.
I then started the real overhaul of the washer mechanism, learning as I went by making lots of mistakes! I managed to get it all apart and cleaned out the caked-on detergent deposits from 30 years of hard work. The tub seal is
located deep inside the works and seals the agitator shaft
as it enters the bottom of the tub.
Amazingly, many parts for these machines are still available in the USA; some are even available in Australia, so
there was no problem getting a new seal and fitting it.
The spinning-while-pumping problem was a bit more
involved. The gearbox allows agitation when the motor
spins in one direction, and spinning and pumping out in
the reverse rotation. To enable the reverse rotation to do
two different jobs, spinning or pumping, the smart engineers at Westinghouse designed a device called a ‘neutral drain’.
One of the ubiquitous YouTube videos helped me to
understand how the neutral drain works. It is inside the
gearbox and consists of a large metal wheel with several
hard plastic cams and latches. The device counts up the
wash agitator movements until a latch is set, and the latch
prevents the drum drive dog from rotating when the motor
is reversed, so the neutral drain only works immediately
after a wash cycle. Thus, the water can be pumped out
without the drum spinning.
After a suitable time for pumping out, a short rest is
included in the cycle, which allows the neutral drain latch
to release, and regular spinning can resume. When the drum
spins normally, the drum’s brakes are released by a cam,
and the clutch allows slippage until full speed is reached.
However, when the neutral drain is in, the drum is held
firmly at rest by its brakes.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 97
The Whirlpool washing machine shown with its AC
motor and gearbox assembly on top.
The hard plastic neutral drain components wear out with
time, and a “neutral drain kit” is readily available, which
completely solves the problem. I sent the required dollars,
received and fitted the components, renewed the gearbox
oil, then bench-tested the motor/gearbox assembly, which
worked perfectly.
To make bench testing easier, I built a small motor test
unit that allows forward/off/reverse rotation and high/
low-speed selection. It was just a matter of mounting and
wiring two switches and a start capacitor in a metal box
and wiring it from the mains supply out to a motor plug.
All that remained was to fit everything back into the
newly de-rusted and spray-painted cabinet and do a test run
with some real washing. All went well; my wife approved,
and with any luck, we will get many more years out of the
old machine.
I learned a lot about the operation of our machine and
now feel confident to solve any new problems.
Finally, I dismantled the poor old donor machine, consigned useful spares to the workshop shelves and gave the
remainder a decent burial at the local recycling centre.
It started gaining time; after 20-odd years, you can expect
some problems. Usually, when daylight saving changes, I
don’t have to adjust the minutes, just the hours. However,
last time, it had gained some time, then after setting it, I
found it had gained again the next day.
Rather than have the incorrect time showing, I switched
it off, and when I got sick of walking into the bed in the
dark, I decided to have a look at it.
Clock radios of this era generally used the AC mains frequency as their time source, and this clock was no different.
It uses an LM8560 IC as its clock driver. Plenty of data on
that chip is available online, albeit as poor-quality scans.
My Teac was very similar to the data sheet circuit as far
as the mains cycle clock circuit goes, and the CRO showed
signals that looked pretty much what you’d expect. The
PSU main electro looked OK, so I rapidly came to the conclusion that the IC had probably developed a fault after 20+
years of service. I don’t blame it.
I found a replacement on eBay from China for less than
$2, including postage. I often wonder how they manage
this – I would spend more than that on postage alone for
the smallest domestic parcel, without even considering my
time, packaging materials and international freight. Perhaps
the Chinese Government subsidises it, or maybe its one of
the reasons Australia Post is losing money. Maybe both.
A month or so later, it arrived, and after walking into the
bed again one night, I was inspired to fit it. It didn’t take too
long, but I was both unsurprised and disappointed that the
display showed gibberish with the new part. It wouldn’t
respond to the time set buttons either.
I checked the orientation and soldering and neither
looked like the source of any problems. After muttering
some profanities and vowing never to buy cheap electronic
bits on eBay again, I picked it all up and unceremoniously
shoved it onto the e-waste pile.
A few weeks later, I saw that my son had left his Panasonic clock radio in his room when he moved out, and
later that evening, it was in place next to the bed with the
correct time. It wasn’t until the next day that I noticed the
display was dim – so dim that I first thought it was turned
off and had to shade it with my hand to read it.
Ahead of its time
D. T., of Sylvania Southgate, NSW has experienced that
strange feeling when you manage to fix a faulty piece of
electronic equipment, only to be baffled how it ever worked
in the first place...
I bought my Teac clock radio over 20 years ago. At the
time, I wanted a combined phone-plus-clock-radio to minimise space used on the bedside table, and this Teac was
the only one around.
While the display was a bit bright at night when it was
new, it wasn’t long before the brightness ‘wore off’, and it
has been a good product overall.
At night, the LED clock is easy to read; much easier than
finding my smartphone and figuring out where the on button is. It is also good to navigate by – late at night, I can
walk toward the display in the dark to find my side of the
bed without disturbing my wife.
Silicon Chip
This early-2000s era clock radio uses a couple of singlesided PCBs and mostly standard through-hole parts.
Australia's electronics magazine
I tried it like that for a while, thinking I didn’t need
to see it during the day, but I found it annoying looking
over and not being able to read it. Obviously, I look at it
more during the day than I thought. At least it was keeping good time.
I thought this might be a case of bad electros causing
the high-voltage feed to a vacuum fluorescent display to
fail, but I quickly ruled that out when I opened it up and
found the display used LEDs. Interestingly, I noticed it
used the same LM8560 IC, with the same package and
I rescued the Teac from where I left it, then desoldered
both ICs, and soldered the one from the Panasonic into
the Teac. I gingerly switched and was greeted with a nice,
clean, non-gibberish “12:00” flashing in bright green digits. I set the time and let it run.
It would be great if that were the end of the story; however,
I’m slightly embarrassed to say that my diagnosis of a faulty
LM8560 was clearly incorrect because, by the next morning, the time was out again. So, back to the drawing board.
I dug out the data sheet again. For an LM8560 to gain
time, you’d think it would need to receive extra pulses,
causing extra counts. Given the rate of time gain, I calculated it was receiving probably one or two additional
pulses per second.
I measured the main supply electro again – it was
marked 470μF but measured around 350μF. It looked OK
and the rail looked OK on the CRO too, but I replaced it
I also checked the clock line. It was a half-wave rectified
line from the transformer via a 100kW resistor and looked
good. However, I noticed that while the data sheet showed
a 1nF cap across the input pins of the IC, the Teac didn’t
have one, nor did it have pads for one. This cap and the
100kW source impedance would have formed a simple lowpass filter with a time constant of 100μs.
I thought about adding that capacitor. I don’t like second-
guessing design engineers; I worked as one for many years,
and usually, the design you choose is what’s ‘needed’.
Clearly, this design hadn’t needed that capacitor for 20
years. But I was getting tired of this repair dragging on for
so many months, so I soldered in a poly I had handy.
It was then a matter of putting it all back together and
trying it out. The initial results were promising, and I was
relieved to find it still showing good time the next day, and
it continues to do so.
So what was it? I’d guess the main supply electro. It was
definitely low in value, and perhaps something was intermittent about it, or its ESR had crept up over time. It reinforces my distrust of old electros.
There could also be a latent fault somewhere else, like a
shorted turn in the transformer reducing the clock voltage
margin. I’m not sure. Interestingly, I note the Panasonic,
like the Teac, had no capacitor on the clock input pin, so
it’s probably optional. I don’t think having the poly cap
there will cause any harm. I’m just glad I can find my way
to bed now without injuring myself!
Editor’s note: increased ESR in the power supply filter
capacitor might not be obvious (unless you use an ESR
meter) and could lead to reduced noise margin on the timing input. The manufacturer no doubt figured they could get
away without the extra filter capacitor, and they were right,
but sacrificed some reliability in saving that cent.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 99
High-performance silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky diodes from Queensland
Griffith University and Queensland
Semiconductor Technology Pty Ltd
(Questsemi), supported by Semefab
Scotland and the Innovative Manufacturing CRC (IMCRC), are manufacturing high-performance silicon carbide
(SiC) Schottky diodes, a key element
in many power conversion systems.
Due to their incredible thermal conductivity, high switching performance
and efficiency, they are highly sought
after for applications like solar inverters, motor drives, electric vehicle (EV)
chargers and uninterruptible power
Using SiC wafers, researchers at the
Queensland Microtechnology Facility
(QMF) of Queensland Micro and Nano
technology Centre (QMNC) at Griffith
University have developed a new technology that allows for more efficient
and low-cost fabrication of SiC diodes.
As part of the research project, a
pilot production facility will be set
up at QMF to support the commercialisation of the technology. Devices
necessary for the initial commercial
product supply will be manufactured
Professor Sima Dimitrijev, who
leads the research team, says the
development and pilot manufacture
of SiC diodes at QMF is an excellent
example of advanced manufacturing
“We are working with local manufacturers, which enables Questsemi
not only to fast-track commercialisation but also to design and manufacture semiconductor devices that meet
local demand for applications such
as EV battery chargers, drones, solar
inverters, industrial motor drives, and
high-frequency power converters,”
Professor Dimitrijev said.
“Manufacturing SiC diodes is complex & generally associated with high
capital investment,” David Fletcher,
Director of Questsemi, explained.
“Unlike other SiC diode manufacturing processes, the technology developed by Griffith researchers uses steps
that are common to standard silicon
wafer processing and thus dramatically simplifies the manufacturing
process and associated costs.”
“With the funding support of
IMCRC, we are able to trial production
and accelerate the commercialisation
of the new SiC technology, which is set
to improve the overall cost of semiconductor devices used in energy-efficient
technologies,” he said.
The insights and advancements
made throughout the project will help
Questsemi transition to volume manufacture of SiC Schottky diodes locally
and overseas.
IMCRC Innovation Manufacturing Manager Dr Matthew Young said
Questsemi’s collaboration with Griffith University demonstrates what is
possible when a business research
partnership sets out to push technological boundaries to solve unmet
industry needs.
“SiC Schottky diodes play an
important role in the semiconductor
value chain, a sector often described
as a global engine for technology, economic and social progress,” he said.
“Questsemi and Griffith University’s SiC technology will have a flow-on
effect in the design, prototyping and
fabrication of other semiconductor
devices, creating new business opportunities for Australia.”
“With IMCRC activate funding,
we are able to fast track the commercial translation of this semiconductor
research into next-generation energy-
efficient technologies.”
Professor Nam-Trung Nguyen,
Director of QMNC at Griffith University said, “We have a strategic
line-up of projects from fundamental
research to commercial development
that ensures rapid transfer of technologies developed at our centre to industry partners.”
Queensland Semiconductor
Technologies Pty Ltd
Unit 1, 2-6 Focal Avenue,
Coolum Beach QLD 4573
Phone: (07) 3132 8687
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Hard-to-get parts: includes the PCB, programmed micro, all other semiconductors
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Current detection add-on: includes the AC-1010 current transformer,
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(FEB 24)
Includes the standard PCB (01110231) plus all onboard parts, as well as the
switches and mounting hardware. All that’s needed is a case, XLR connectors,
bezel LED and wiring (see page 35, Feb24)
- VGA PicoMite Version Kit: see page 52, January 2024 (SC6861)
- ps2x2pico Version Kit: see page 52, January 2024 (SC6864)
- 6-pin mini-DIN to mini-DIN cable, ~1m long. Two cables are required
if adapting both the keyboard and mouse (SC6869)
(JAN 24)
(DEC 23)
(DEC 23)
- Kit: Contains all parts and the optional 5-pin header (see page 77, Dec23)
- 1.3in blue OLED (SC5026)
(DEC 23)
- Receiver short-form kit: see page 43, December 2023 (SC6835)
- Discrete transmitter complete kit: see page 43, December 2023 (SC6836)
- Module transmitter short-form kit: see page 43, December 2023 (SC6837)
- 28mm square spade: see page 35, December 2023 (SC6850)
- 21mm square pin: see page 35, December 2023 (SC6851)
- 5mm pitch SIL: see page 35, December 2023 (SC6852)
- Mini SOT-23: see page 35, December 2023 (SC683)
- D2PAK SMD: see page 35, December 2023 (SC6854)
- TO-220 through-hole: see page 35, December 2023 (SC6855)
- Control Module kit: see page 68, December 2023 (SC6793)
- Volume Module kit: see page 69, December 2023 (SC6794)
- OLED Module kit: see page 69, December 2023 (SC6795)
- 0.96in SSD1306 cyan OLED (SC6176)
(DEC 23)
(NOV 23)
(NOV 23)
(NOV 23)
(SEP 23)
(AUG 23)
Short-form kit: includes all non-optional parts, plus a 12V relay and unprogrammed
Pi Pico. Does not include a case (see page 71, Nov23)
Includes most parts, unprogrammed Pi Pico and OLED screen. The case, battery, chassis
connectors and wires are not included (see page 41, Nov23)
Short-form kit: includes most parts except the case, LCD, thermocouple probe, cable gland
and switches S4 & S5. A 10A relay is included (see page 58, Nov23)
Includes all parts, except the optional USB supply (see page 71, Sept23)
SMD version kit: includes the PCB and all onboard components except
the XLR socket. You also need one ECM set (see below) (Cat SC6755)
Through-hole version kit: same as the SMD kit (Cat SC6756)
Calibrated ECM set: includes the mic capsule and compensation components;
see pages 71 & 73, August 2023 issue, for the ECM options (Cat SC6760-5)
(JUL 23)
(JUL 23)
(JUN 23)
(MAY 23)
(MAY 23)
(APR 23)
Smaller (purple PCB) kit: includes PCB, tag IC and passive parts (Cat SC6747)
Larger (black PCB) kit: includes PCB, tag IC and passive parts (Cat SC6748)
Includes all parts, except the case, TCXO and AA cells (see page 57, July 2023) $60.00
Kit: includes everything but the case, battery and optional pot (Cat SC6656)
Includes all parts required, except the base/stand (see page 86, May 2023)
Includes the PCB and all onboard parts (see page 34, May 2023)
Complete kit: includes all parts required, except the coin cell & ICSP header
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Vintage Radio
STC Radiotym model 5160
from 1956
By Assoc. Prof. Graham Parslow
Clock radios from other
manufacturers all followed a
basic pattern of a rectangular
case with a clock set where a
speaker might otherwise be.
However, the STC Radiotym
5160 (a modified Pixie radio,
original shown above) stands
out stylistically from its
n the 1950s, every major Australian
radio manufacturer offered a clock
radio, usually as a variant of a radioonly model. They were good in the
kitchen, lounge, or bedroom to tell
the time and provide entertainment.
They can also be set to mechanically
switch on or off at set times (eg, to be
used like an alarm clock).
The clocks all have synchronous
motors locked to the 50Hz mains frequency and are impressively accurate.
Neither the STC Pixie nor the
Radiotym was a great marketing success if judged by the small number
that survived in collections. I have
seen several Pixies, but only the one
Radiotym. I was lucky enough to purchase the one featured here from a
Historical Radio Society of Australia
auction (HRSA).
I previously described the STC Pixie
in the March 2023 issue (“Three ‘kindred’ radios from STC”; siliconchip.
Silicon Chip
The colour choices for the Radiotym
were black, cream, Chinese-red or
grey. These STC radios were not styled
in Australia, but in the USA by ITT,
the parent company of STC. Relative
to Australia, radios from the USA
through the 1940s and 1950s were generally more flamboyant in style, with
multiple vivid colours.
For a US-designed radio, the Pixie
and Radiotym are on the conservative side.
Australian Pixie and Radiotym
radios were made from local components in Sydney because high tariffs made it uneconomical to import
assembled radios from the USA.
Circuit details
The Radiotym circuit and dial
string arrangement details are shown
in Fig.1.
Many contemporary radios in 1956
featured a ferrite rod antenna. However, the front end of the Radiotym
Australia's electronics magazine
has a conventional aerial coil with
a trimmer capacitor linking the primary to the secondary. This trimmer
optimises the sensitivity to higher frequencies which would otherwise be
partly shunted to earth by the 100pF
capacitor in parallel with the primary
The secondary of the aerial coil provides tuning through the MW band by
resonance with tuning capacitor C3.
The 6BE6 valve (V1) designed by
RCA is a commonly-encountered frequency converter in radios built from
the late 1940s to the mid-1950s. The
6BE6 in this radio is branded Mullard.
The local oscillator that produces the
superheterodyne frequency is a Hartley circuit tuned by parallel capacitors
C4 and C5.
The tuned signal, converted to
455kHz (the intermediate frequency
[IF]), passes through the first IF transformer for amplification by a 6BA6
valve (V2). The 6BA6 is another
Fig.1: the circuit
diagram for the
STC Radiotym
5160, which is a
radio. Note that C3
& C5 are ganged
capacitors, while C8,
C10, C12 & C15 are
valued at 75pF.
RCA-designed valve released at the
same time as the 6BE6. The high performance of the 6BE6/6BA6 combination contributes to the STC claim
of a sensitivity of 10μV for reception
across the MW (AM broadcast) band.
The amplified IF signal is detected
by the 6AT6 valve (V3; at pin 6) and
produces an audio output at the secondary of the second IF transformer.
The second diode at pin 5 in the 6AT6
generates a negative voltage proportional to signal strength. This negative voltage is fed via R3 (1MW) to the
control grids of the first two valves for
AGC (automatic gain control).
Back-bias resistor R13 (330W) in the
high tension line makes this delayed
AGC, so that weak signals are not
affected by AGC action. Only once signal strength crosses a certain threshold
does the AGC circuit start to reduce
the set’s gain. Resistor R13 is also the
source of grid bias for the 6CH6 output pentode.
The 6AT6 valve provides a triode
section to preamplify the audio signal
fed to the grid from the volume control, P1. The 6AT6 grid also receives
negative feedback from the speaker
via 1kW resistor R15, reducing distortion and keeping the amplifier section
stable. When reconnecting a speaker,
preserving the original polarity (phase)
to maintain stability is essential.
Sometimes a guess has to be made
during restoration – the wrong choice
is given away by greatly increased distortion or howling oscillation.
The 6CH6 (V4) output pentode is
Photo 1: from the rear view of the chassis and case, you can just see the speaker
sitting at the bottom. It is there because the normal location for a speaker is
instead occupied by the alarm clock that is covered by a sheet of plastic.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 105
Photos 2 & 3:
the empty
STC Pixie
case, which
uses the same
moulding as
the Radiotym
model 5160.
The populated
case can be
seen below.
The two
radios use
except for the
Pixie having a
mains switch
in the volume
the most unusual of the valves found
in this radio. The only other radio I
have encountered this valve in is a
Tecnico model 1050 (the ‘fortress’).
The valve was released by Brimar in
1951 as a video output pentode and
can easily produce 3W of audio power
due to a high anode current and heat
Brimar is a UK subsidiary of the
STC-ITT group of companies, so that
explains the choice. This valve has
a mutual conductance (gm) of some
11mA/V, almost three times that
of the more common 6AQ5 output
valve (4.1mA/V). Since voltage gain
depends on gm, the 6CH6 boosts the
radio’s sensitivity by almost three
times compared to an identical set
using a 6AQ5. This gain contributes
to the high sensitivity quoted for this
set in the service notes.
The primary of the speaker transformer in my set was open circuit, so
I installed a replacement transformer.
The coupling capacitor C17 was leaky,
but all other components were serviceable. Many valve radios from the late
1950s have likewise mostly functional
Adding a clock to the Pixie
Photo 4: you can see the speaker grille from the underside of the model 5160
case. A downward-facing speaker is rare for vintage radios.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The Pixie has a front-mounted
speaker that is attached to the main
chassis. The same four-inch (~100mm)
speaker is used in the Radiotym.
The empty Pixie case (see Photo 2)
shows that the front plastic moulding
inserts into the main case, leaving a
vent for the speaker and a rectangle
for the dial. The Pixie dial features the
call signs of all Australian states, the
same as for almost all Australian contemporary radios. The grille moulding
for a downward-facing speaker is also
included in the Pixie case (Photo 4).
The Radiotym uses the same case
moulding. A custom aluminium panel
in the front accommodates the clock
and provides a window to the dial cursor. That frequency-calibrated dial is
the same as for the USA, where local
station markings were impractical due
to the large number of stations.
The calibration numbers run from
5.5 to 16, representing multiples of
100kHz (kc/s at the time). Most Australians in 1956 would not have been
familiar with locating stations by frequency.
Downward-facing is the worst of
Photo 5: there is a label on the power
transformer showing the valve layout.
Photo 7: the Japanese Copal flip-clock radio, which was a later development in
the sphere of clock-radios.
all the alternative locations for a
speaker. The reproduction quality then
depends on the acoustic properties of
the surface below. However, there is
also a backwave that contributes significantly to the sound after emerging
from the rear moulding of the radio.
As a result, the listening quality is not
great, but passable when there is nothing to compare it with.
MSP speakers were made in Sydney
by AWA. They used the Manufacturers Special Products label to provide
original equipment manufacturers
(OEMs) with items not branded with a
competitor’s logo. Rola speakers were
considered acceptable to use because
there were no Rola radios.
The chassis and component placements are identical for both the Pixie
and Radiotym. In the photo showing
the Radiotym components mounted
below the chassis (Photo 6), the plastic shroud covering the clock against
dust can be seen through the rectangular punch-hole. In the same view
for a Pixie chassis, the front-mounted
speaker can be seen through the rectangular hole.
A simple but effective mounting to
lock the downward-facing speaker to
the chassis is provided by two screws
tapped into the alnico (aluminium/
nickel/cobalt) speaker magnet.
There is one component difference
between the Pixie and the Radiotym.
The Pixie has a mains switch incorporated with the volume control, while
the Radiotym does not.
Clock Radios use the clock to control on/off switching as well as timer
functions. This can be a trap for today’s
unwary collector of a clock radio. For
example, a collector told me his radio
was not working. I replied, “Try turning it on with the clock control knobs”.
A miracle followed – it worked!
Radiotym variant of the Pixie was not
a huge success in Australia. However,
STC also offered a locally-designed
Bantam radio that was better attuned
to Australian tastes in the 1950s. I also
covered the Bantam radio in the article on three STC radios (March 2023;
Before the second world war (pre1939), STC aimed for a prestige market, but after the war (post-1945), they
introduced a series of Bantam radios
aimed at the middle market. The
Chinese-red model Bantam is one of
my favourites.
For the Tymatic clock radio, STC
performed a radical internal reorganisation of the Bantam to create a linear
tracking dial with the speaker behind it
and a clock in the usual speaker grille.
I have seen several examples of the
Photo 6: the underside of the STC Radiotym
model 5160 chassis, and MSP (Manufacters
Special Products) speaker made by AWA.
As mentioned previously, the
Australia's electronics magazine
Tymatic, so this met the market more
successfully than the Radiotym. I suspect that one reason is the large, clear
station information on the Tymatic
As transistor radios displaced valve
radios in the 1960s, the conventional
clock radio vanished. This niche was
inherited by the low-profile bedside
clock radio with a digital front panel.
Initially, these bedside units had a
mechanical flip-over set of numerals giving a digital read-out. By this
time, Australian radio manufacturing had succumbed to cheaper, wellmade imports.
A photo of a Japanese Copal flipclock radio (see Photo 7) is presented
above to conclude this sketch of clock
radios. It shows the next step in the
evolution of this genre.
February 2024 107
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Send your email to silicon<at>
How to program Pico
for Audio Analyser
Two of my Raspberry Pi Picos
won’t download the Pico Audio
Analyser uf2 file (0410723A.uf2),
whereas they can load up the Pico
Mite firmware (Pico
uf2), after which they boot up and
the LED flashes.
So the BOOTSEL button, USB cable
and computer interface must be working. This is when not plugged into the
other board and using the 5V USB supply (November 2023;
Does the Pi Pico have to be connected to a completed board with an
OLED screen before booting up? (G.
D., Larnook, NSW)
● If, after the 0410723A.uf2 file is
copied to the Pico’s RPI-RP2 drive, that
drive disappears, then something has
correctly downloaded to the Pico as
it is no longer running the bootloader
(the bootloader provides the RPI-RP2
A Pico programmed with 0410723A.
uf2 will ‘boot up’ regardless of whether
it is connected to an Analyser PCB.
However, the program does not drive
the Pico’s onboard LED, so there won’t
be any immediate outward signs that
it is working, apart from the RPI-RP2
drive disappearing.
A Pico programmed with 0410723A.
uf2 provides a virtual USB-serial port,
and you should be able to see that new
device in your computer’s device list.
Most modern operating systems don’t
need special drivers for the port, so
you shouldn’t need to use driver programs like Zadig.
If you have a serial terminal program, you can open that port and type
a question mark followed by Enter; you
should see something like that shown
in Screen 14 on page 45 of the November 2023 issue.
You shouldn’t need to do anything
with the other files to get a working
Analyser. We suspect the Pico is programming correctly; you just don’t
realise it because there are no obvious
signs until the Pico is plugged into the
completed PCB.
Battery charger
I am wondering if you have ever
described a 12/24V mains-powered
battery charger. Ideally, it could be
switched between 12V and 24V volts,
with MPPT charging regulation. Thank
you in advance. (R. J., Kangaroo Flat,
● Our Multi-Stage Buck/Boost
Charger (October 2022;
Article/15510) is quite versatile. The
required power can be derived from
a mains-derived source such as a 12V
DC power brick, from a battery or solar
system. It is based on the Buck/Boost
LED Driver (June 2022;
We haven’t really published a more
modern charger except for the 50A
Battery Charger Controller (November
That design uses a basic, low-cost
mains-powered battery charger from
automotive parts suppliers and adds
improved charging controls to it.
MPPT (maximum power point
tracking) only applies when a solar
panel is used as the power source. In
this case, the solar panel is used in a
manner that provides the maximum
power output.
Typically, for a 12V solar panel, the
maximum power is available when the
panel produces 18V at full sun. MPPT
is not applicable for a mains-powered
Migrating assembly
code to MPLAB X IDE
I have MPLAB X IPE and IDE v5.40
installed. Previously, I was only using
the IPE to program PICs. I got a bit more
adventurous and decided to learn how
to edit an ASM file and build it into
a HEX file using the MPLAB X IDE. It
seems to be a more difficult process
than the old MPLAB IDE v8.20 I used
I have installed all of the XC compilers. Can you provide an example
of, say, editing a line of code in John
Silicon Chip magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects
should be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried
out according to the instructions in the articles.
When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with mains AC
voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high voltages,
you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone
be killed or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of Silicon Chip magazine.
Devices or circuits described in Silicon Chip may be covered by patents. Silicon Chip disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing or selling of any such equipment. Silicon Chip also disclaims any liability for projects
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Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Competition & Consumer Act 2010 or as subsequently amended and to any governmental regulations which are applicable.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Clarke’s Thermocouple project in the
November 2023 issue (siliconchip.
au/Article/16013) and then the steps
to compile it into a HEX file? Thanks
for your help. (G. C., Toormina, NSW)
● It is not easy to learn how to use
MPLAB X IDE with assembly code
compared to the original MPLAB
IDE. Switching is much easier if you
are programming in C than in assembly language, as there are fewer differences.
The syntax for assembly code has
changed significantly, so you will find
that if assembly code written using
MPLAB IDE is loaded into MPLAB
X IDE, many errors will occur when
attempting to assemble it. Assembly is
done using the Clean and Build Main
Project icon.
The Secure Remote Mains Switch
(July & August 2022;
Series/383) and the Secure Remote
Mains Switch (December 2023 issue; were written in assembly language using
We suggest you look at our example
code for one of those projects. If you
have questions after that, don’t hesitate to ask.
Programming the chip is done using
the Make and Program Device button.
Once you’ve assembled your code,
the hex file will be inside the project
directory under the dist\default\production subdirectory within the project directory.
BackPack V3 using a
four-inch touchscreen
I’m thinking of ordering one of
your Micromite LCD BackPack V3
kits (
and replacing the touchscreen with
a larger 4in LCD touchscreen like the
one I found on eBay (
au/itm/186133228336). I’m not sure
if the software needs to change or if it
would just be a direct swap.
It uses an ILI9488 chip, the same
as the 3.5in screen you used, has the
exactly same 14-pin port and the same
480x320 pixel resolution. Do you have
any knowledge about this LCD touchscreen? Your help is much appreciated. (P. C., Eastwood, NSW)
● That’s an interesting find. The
eBay listing you provided doesn’t
show any pin mappings (there are
no photos of the back of the module).
However, other listings with matching
descriptions and photos do.
On those other listings, it looks like
the back of the PCB is almost identical (in terms of traces and component locations) to the 3.5in display
around the 14-pin header. Obviously,
it is larger and thus has more widely
spaced mounting holes.
Even the SD card socket appears to
be in the same place, set back from
the edge of the larger 4.0in display
but flush against the edge of the
smaller display boards. It’s as though
they’ve just expanded the PCB to fit
the LCD!
We are pretty confident that this
display will work without changes to
the software, as long as the pin designations match those of the 3.5in
LCDs we used. The mounting holes
will probably be different. Also, the
SD card socket holes probably won’t
line up, so we don’t think the Micromite’s SD card interface will work with
this panel.
Temperature sensor for
Temperature Switch
I am interested in building the
GPS-Synchronised Analog Clock
with long battery life
➡ Convert an ordinary wall clock into a highlyaccurate time keeping device (within
➡ Nearly eight years of battery life with a
pair of C cells!
➡ Automatically adjusts for daylight saving
➡ Track time with a VK2828U7G5LF GPS or D1
Mini WiFi module (select one as an option
with the kit; D1 Mini requires programming).
➡ Learn how to build it from the article in the
September 2022 issue of Silicon Chip (siliconchip.
au/Article/15466). Check out the article in the
November 2022 issue for how to use the D1 Mini WiFi
module with the Driver (
Complete kit available from $55 + postage (batteries & clock not included) – Catalog SC6472
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2024 109
Temperature Switch (June 2018 issue;, which
seems to be based on the Versatile
Temperature Switch (January 2017
Can I use the Jaycar RN3440 10kW
epoxy-dipped NTC thermistor for
switching at around 50°C? (R. M.,
Melville, WA)
● Most 10kW NTC thermistors are
suitable for use with the Temperature
Switch. You just need to calibrate it
for the switch point of 50°C.
The temperature versus resistance
of thermistors can differ, so the actual
threshold will change when a different thermistor is used. However,
there is sufficient adjustment available to set the temperature threshold
What amp to use with a
66V CT transformer
I’ve dug out a transformer from the
back of a cupboard. I bought it some
time ago for a now-abandoned project. It is a 300VA toroidal type, 66V
centre-tapped, which should provide
about ±46V DC rails. I want to use it
for an audio amplifier, most likely an
instrument amp. For comparison, I
use an ETI 300W as a bass guitar amp
with ±68V DC rails.
My thought is for the PSU to power
a stereo set-up that could be bridged
for mono. A two-channel guitar amp
would be great for stereo effects (or
music), or BTL for a higher-power single speaker.
I looked at the amplifiers Silicon
Chip published recently over the weekend, noting the supply rail voltages. I
also considered some hybrid ICs, like
the STK range, although they may offer
lower-quality sound.
What do you suggest? An amplifier
(or pair of amps) nominally needing
>46V rails is fine, even if that means
less than their full potential output, as
long as the sound quality is still good
and there are no other significant problems. (J. C., Auckland, NZ)
● Most of our recent amplifiers are
designed for a supply of around ±57V
DC, as that is a pretty good compromise for 4-8W loads, making your ±46V
DC a little low.
However, the SC200, Ultra-LD Mk.3/
Mk.4 and CLASSiC-D amplifiers could
be used with slightly lower supply
rails and still provide more power in
bridge mode. No changes should be
required to the circuit.
In fact, your transformer and supply rail voltages should work well
with 4W loads for those amplifiers,
increasing efficiency and reducing
dissipation compared to the original
±57V DC rails.
Troubleshooting thermocouple adaptor in DIY reflow oven
There is still an odd deviation in the temperature calibration settings of the DIY
Reflow Oven I built (April & May 2020; I am certain
that my purple thermocouple amplifier is the right board, with an output voltage
of 1.35V DC (1.25V on pin 2 of the AD8495 IC). The Vcc voltage to this board is
just 3.41V DC.
If I set the value to 0°C like in your article, I get the wrong ambient temperature
reading of around 225°C instead of 21°C while keeping the value for tempco at
the suggested 0.161.
Please give some pointers as to what you based the tempco of 0.161 on and
why my setting only works with a -237 offset.
I also checked the output voltage of the thermocouple board with a pack of ice
from my freezer at around -12°C, which gave an output voltage of 1.17V.
Finally, why does “Zzzz” appear on the LCD temperature screen? (A. B., Weert,
The Netherlands)
● The designer, Phil Prosser, responds: The firmware is very simple regarding
how it treats the thermocouple input. It reads the DC voltage, adds the offset, then
multiplies by the tempco.
I note that you stated there is 1.25V on pin 2 of the AD8495 IC. The article warns
that some of the boards from eBay, AliExpress etc come with the wrong reference
voltage. You need to short pin 2 to ground, which is conveniently pin 3. That can
be done with a dab of solder. I am confident that is your problem.
The “Zzzz” is the microcontroller putting the oven into sleep mode as nothing
has been done for several minutes. This turns the soak temperature down, so if
you leave the oven unattended, it does not run flat out forever. The micro wakes
up if you press a button or alter the set temperature. So that is normal.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
You should still get the full 200W
per channel into 4W, although not
continuously in both channels with a
300VA transformer. The power delivery into 6W loads should also be good.
For 8W loads, you should get close to
100W per channel. With two channels
bridged, you can expect around 250300W into 8W (with 400W+ short-term
‘music power’).
Unfortunately, ±46V is too high for
the Hummingbird (December 2021),
which is specified for ±30-40V DC
rails. The relevant amplifier module
articles are as follows:
• SC200 Amp: January-March 2017
• Ultra-LD Mk.4: July-October 2015
• CLASSiC-D: November & December 2012 (
• Ultra-LD MK.3: July-September
2011 (
Identifying a
Thermostat project
Some time ago, I built a thermostat
to switch on heaters in winter and
fans in summer. After a recent move,
the device did not arrive at my new
I recently gave away my past copies
of Silicon Chip. Is the thermostat still
available as a kit, or can you send me
a copy of the article? This is a luxury
device. I can’t imagine life without it.
(D. V., Kirwans Bridge, Vic)
● Unfortunately, you have not provided enough information to identify
a specific project. That’s because we
have published at least six thermostat
designs over the years. They are:
• K-Type Thermocouple Thermometer/Thermostat by John Clarke
(November 2023 issue; siliconchip.
• Tempmaster Thermostat Mk.3 by
Jim Rowe (August 2014; siliconchip.
• High-Temperature Thermometer/
Thermostat by John Clarke (May 2012;
• A Very Accurate Thermometer/Thermostat by Michael Dedman/
Altronics (March 2010; siliconchip.
• Tempmaster Electronic Thermostat Mk.2 by Jim Rowe (February 2009;
• A Digital Thermometer/Thermostat by John Clarke (August 2002 issue;
Advertise your product or services here in Silicon Chip
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Your unit wouldn’t be the first one,
as we only just published it. The following information should help you
narrow it down.
The August 2014 design fits in a
small box with a GPO mounted on top,
roughly the same size as the box. The
February 2009 version also has a small
GPO socket on top, although it is in a
much larger box with a clear lid (and
a mostly empty PCB visible inside).
None of the other versions have direct
mains switching.
Of the remainder, the August 2002
and May 2012 versions were housed in
slim instrument cases with LCD panel
meters mounted on the front (on the
left for the August 2002 version and
right for May 2012).
Both used thermocouples as temperature sensors. That leaves the
March 2010 Altronics kit, housed in
LEDs and accessories
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a Jiffy box with an alphanumeric LCD
in the middle of the lid.
Component values for
Headphone Amplifier
I need clarification on how to configure my Studio Series Headphone
Amp (November 2005; siliconchip.
au/Article/3231). I want it as versatile as possible, so I have wired in a
four-way switch to switch diodes D2,
D4, D8 & D10 so I can use 8W or 32W
I am also going to wire in a dual
50kW log pot as a volume control. I
want to be able to connect it to a CD
player or a preamp. Please tell me what
combination of R1, R2, R3, & C1 etc I
should use and any other considerations for my configuration.
I have mostly built the power supply
Australia's electronics magazine
board from the October 2005 issue and
have heatsinks ready to fit on the regulators. I am also wondering whether
the 100W and 330W 5W input current
limiting resistors are required for this
headphone amplifier, or are they only
required for the preamp? (N. G., Blue
Haven, NSW)
● To avoid high sound volumes,
R3 and R6 should be 2kW for use
with a directly connected CD player
and 0W when connected to the preamplifier.
The amplifier gain for the 8W headphones should be set with the standard
values: R1 & R4 = 1kW, R2 & R5 = 1kW
and C1 & C2 =1.2nF.
For 32W headphones, the resulting
volume may not be sufficient, so the
gain can be increased. Amplifier gain
can be increased to 7.2 times (17dB)
to allow the full rated output power to
February 2024 111
Advertising Index
Blackmagic Design....................... 7
Dave Thompson........................ 111
DigiKey Electronics....................... 3
Emona Instruments.................. IBC
Jaycar....................IFC, 9, 13, 26-27
..................................58-59, 93, 101
Keith Rippon Kit Assembly....... 111
Lazer Security........................... 111
LD Electronics........................... 111
LEDsales................................... 111
Microchip Technology.............OBC
Mouser Electronics....................... 4
PCBWay....................................... 11
PMD Way................................... 111
Quest Semiconductors................. 8
SC GPS Analog Clock............... 109
SC Ideal Bridge Rectifiers........... 92
Silicon Chip 500W Amplifier..... 67
Silicon Chip Binders.................. 91
Silicon Chip Shop............ 102-103
The Loudspeaker 12
TME............................................. 10
Wagner Electronics..................... 99
be realised in all cases with a 1V RMS
input signal.
To increase the gain, use the following component values in place of
those shown on the circuit and overlay
diagrams: R1 & R4 = 7.5kW, R2 & R5 =
1.2kW and C1 & C2 = 100pF.
If you are not using the 5V regulator,
the 100W 5W resistor is not required.
You probably don’t need the 330W 5W
resistor that bleeds the negative supply, as this is to counterbalance the
positive supply being discharged due
to the load from the 5V supply. Since
the 5V supply is unused when powering just the headphone amplifier
board, the negative supply would be
discharged faster with the 330W resistor, so it’s best to leave it off.
E30 transformer for
Electric Fence Driver
I am building the High-Powered
Electric Fence Controller design by
John Clarke (April 1999; siliconchip.
au/Article/4577). One of the parts is
an E30 Transformer Assembly, which
Silicon Chip
I cannot locate anywhere. I have tried
major electronic components suppliers, who all say they have never
heard of it.
The information in the plans is not
really descriptive of the voltage in and
out of either transformer. Do you know
where to find this transformer or any
further information to help me find
an alternative? (D. D., Portland, NSW)
● The E30-type transformer form
factor is a standard created by EPCOS/
TDK some time ago; matching parts are
still being made today. The E30 transformer bobbin is 35.4 × 35.4 × 20mm.
However, the currently available
parts differ slightly from those we specified in that project around 25 years
ago. Instead of five pins on each side,
there are seven. You may need to cut
off the extra pins to fit into the PCB. RS
Components (
sells the cores and bobbin, but they
require you to buy a minimum of 10.
For this project, you will need two
bobbins and four cores, so you will
have eight bobbins and six cores spare.
The EPCOS B66232B1114T001 bobbin
is RS Stock No 125-3622, while the
EPCOS B66319G0000X130 cores are
RS Stock No 125-3657.
The cores can be held in place with
a cable tie, as shown in the article,
since RS is out of stock of the clips
(‘yokes’). If you particularly want to
use the clips, you can get them from
Mouser (Cat 871-B66232A2010X) or
DigiKey (Cat 495-5379-ND).
The input and output voltages are
not specified for these since the transformer needs to be wound, and those
voltages depend on how it is wound.
The parts you buy are just the bobbin
and cores, not a complete transformer
with windings. Winding details are
provided in the April 1999 article
Changing Darlington to
IGBT in ignition system
I realise some time has passed
since you published the Programmable Ignition System (March-May 2007
issues; Still,
I believe my question should be simple to answer. I have looked at the
circuit diagrams for the High-Energy
Ignition System (November-December
2012), which uses an IGBT coil driver
instead of the Darlington driver in the
earlier design.
Can I change the Programmable
Australia's electronics magazine
Ignition to use an IGBT coil driver by
simply driving the High Energy Ignition circuit from output pin 9 of the
PIC? That would eliminate the 1nF
ceramic capacitor, 470W resistor and
L2 and change the 10W resistor to 1kW.
I have boards and most of the parts
for six of these ignition units, and I
thought it would be a better way to go.
Does anything else need to be modified for this to work? (S. M., Leederville, WA)
● It is a simple question but not necessarily a simple answer. The IGBT coil
driver may work in this case; however,
we haven’t tested that change. Due to
the programmable ignition advance
and retard features, the microcontroller
is more susceptible to electromagnetic
interference (EMI), which can cause
the ignition timing to become erratic
if it is not managed correctly.
To prevent this, there is a filter at the
output of the Programmable Ignition
before the coil driver. This comprises
the 10W resistor and 1nF capacitor,
plus inductor L2 and the 470W series
The filter reduces EMI entering the
Programmable Ignition microcontroller. Consequently, you should not
remove those components; only the
470W resistor should be changed to
1kW to drive the IGBT.
Another problem when using the
IGBT is that the gate connection of the
IGBT to the Programmable Ignition is
at a considerable distance. That can
cause the IGBT to fail due to oscillations when firing the coil or gate damage from high induced voltage. That’s
due to the inductance of the wiring
forming a resonant circuit with the
IGBT gate capacitance.
It is worth giving the IGBT coil
driver a go as it reduces the number
of parts in the coil driver to a minimum. However, if it doesn’t work
well, you may need to revert to using
the original coil driver with the Darlington. A shielded cable will be
required between the Programmable
ignition output and the IGBT gate to
reduce voltage spikes at the gate. The
shield should be connected to the
IGBT emitter.
Next Issue: the March 2024 issue
is due on sale in newsagents by
Monday, February 26th. Expect
postal delivery of subscription
copies in Australia between February
23rd and March 15th.
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