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Vol.37, No.01
January 2024
14 Smart Home Automation
Home automation can be very convenient, but it does come with major
security and privacy concerns. We detail many of the home automation
systems that are currently available and whether they will work without
third-party ‘cloud’ services over the internet.
By Dr David Maddison
Internet of Things (‘IoT’)
Raspberry Pi
Clock Radio
44 WiFi Relay Modules
We take a look at two relay modules based on the ESP-01, one from Jaycar
(XC3804) and the other from Altronics (Z6427). Both can be remotely
controlled over WiFi.
By Tim Blythman
Using electronic modules
64 4-digit, 14-segment LED Module
Instead of the common seven segments per character, this LED module
has 14 segments per character, letting it display a greater range of letters,
numbers and symbols.
By Jim Rowe
Using electronic modules
Page 28
USB to PS/2
Keyboard Adaptor
92 Restoring the Vintage QUAD 303
The Quad 303 amplifier and Quad 33 preamplifier from 1967 were a ‘treat’
to refurbish and compare well to other valve amplifiers from the same
period. The design is similar to a modern ‘blameless’ amplifier.
By Jim Greig
Vintage hifi system
28 Raspberry Pi Clock Radio, Pt1
A modern alarm clock can take the trouble out of alarm setting and time
keeping. This clock runs off most of the common models of Raspberry Pi
(3, 4, Zero 2W etc) and can act as a Bluetooth media player.
By Stefan Keller-Tuberg
Clock/media player project
52 USB to PS/2 Keyboard Adaptors
Although USB keyboards are plentiful, there are still devices that only have
a PS/2 connector. This project makes it simple to connect a USB keyboard
(and mouse!) to devices with a PS/2 connector, like the VGA PicoMite.
By Tim Blythman
Computer add-on project
68 Secure Remote Switch, Pt2
The Secure Remote Switch is designed to control low-voltage appliances
such as a garage door controller. In this second and final part, we show you
how to build and use it.
By John Clarke
Remote control/security project
74 Multi-Channel Volume Control, Pt2
Control the volume of up to 20 channels using this Volume Control. All
that’s left to cover is construction and getting it running.
By Tim Blythman
Audio project
Page 52
Editorial Viewpoint
Circuit Notebook
Serviceman’s Log
Online Shop
1. ePaper clock and calendar
2. Semiconductor curve tracer
Ask Silicon Chip
Market Centre
Advertising Index
Notes & Errata
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your feedback
Letters and emails should contain complete name, address and daytime phone number. Letters to the Editor are submitted on the condition that
Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd has the right to edit, reproduce in electronic form, and communicate these letters. This also applies to submissions to “Ask Silicon Chip”, “Circuit Notebook” and “Serviceman’s Log”.
Configuring motors for different speeds
Regarding the enquiry about the GMF Cadet two-speed
electric motor by B. P. from Dundathu on page 101 of the
December 2023 issue, I do not have specific information
on that particular motor. However, I am using a two-speed
single-phase motor, and the following information on it
may be helpful.
The inbuilt centrifugal start switch is more complicated
than a standard single-speed start switch. It has two contacts that are normally-closed when stationary, and one
normally-open contact.
The motor always starts in high-speed mode using the
four-pole windings. For high-speed operation, the motor
starts, and at about 70% of synchronous speed, the centrifugal switch opens the four-pole start winding. The rotor
then continues to run up to its four-pole speed.
For low-speed use, the motor accelerates to about 70%
of its four-pole speed, then the centrifugal switch disconnects both four-pole windings and energises the six-pole
winding. The motor then settles to its six-pole speed. Once
running, the motor can be switched between speeds without stopping.
In the accompanying figures, red indicates wires from
the windings to the terminal strip, which is usually part of
the switch mechanism. Different manufacturers have different termination layouts and numbering/identification/
colour methods for the various terminals and connections
– the owner will have to verify this.
I have shown the connections for a non-reversible motor
on the left. There are typically only four wires from the stator. If the motor is reversible, both ends of the start winding will be available, as shown on the right, meaning that
five wires come from the stator winding.
Reverse rotation is achieved by swapping the two start
winding wires on the common terminal and the centrifugal switch connection. It will then run in reverse at both
speeds. I hope this helps.
Ashley Smith, Flagstaff Hill, SA.
long boozy lunches (this was the 1980s, remember) while
seeing who could eat the most spicy curry.
Professionally, it was an excellent lesson in the economics of magazine publishing. If I remember the numbers, in
the decade between 1975 and 1985, the circulation of the
two electronics magazines, Electronics Australia and ETI,
halved from about 120,000 to about 60,000 copies, then
halved again as the decade wore on.
There were good practical reasons for that. Staple kit
products such as hifi amplifiers were replaced by mass-
produced shop-bought products that sold for half the price.
We produced some kit computers, but once again, they were
obsolete within a few years. People who might once have
built computers got more fun out of programming them.
Advertising was also a problem. Electronics hobby stores
faced the same declining revenue base as the magazines.
They were making less money and so were advertising less.
I remember that, editorially, we twisted and turned, looking for a formula that would bring readers back. We never
found it at ETI or Electronics Australia, but obviously, a
new generation of magazine people has discovered the
same passion we once had. Silicon Chip is not ETI, but I
recognise the pedigree.
Jonathon Fairall, Journalist and Author, Sydney, NSW.
AI sometimes gets things wrong
I am designing my own energy meter with sensing hardware based on the Silicon Chip Touchscreen Appliance
Energy Meter published in August 2016 (
Series/302). The description of the measurement process
indicates that true and apparent power are both calculated
from the voltage and current measurement recordings.
This concept was new to me, as I was of the understanding that one needs to know the power factor (PF, or phase
angle difference) to derive true power. Investigation of the
source code confirmed that there is no phase angle detection
Comments on ETI Magazine by ex-editor
I came across your June 2023 issue in my
favourite electronics store and was amazed to
see Peter Inhat’s article on the History of ETI
Magazine. What a blast from the past! It was
my first editing job and, like Peter, I remember those times with a great deal of affection.
We worked big hours and were often in the
office until late at night. I can never drive past
the Agincourt Hotel without remembering
the Sri Lanka Room, where we used to have
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
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in the software; the PF is derived directly from the ratio
between true and apparent power.
To aid in designing my firmware, I turned to ChatGPT
and posed several questions on this subject. After a few
replies, I finally asked this question:
“Without knowing the power factor, and with a power
factor other than 1, can I calculate true power from the
voltage and current curves?”
It solicited the following reply:
If you don’t know the power factor, and it’s not equal to
1 (indicating a purely resistive load), you cannot directly
calculate the true power from just the voltage and current
ChatGPT is telling me that the Energy Meter design is
simply impossible. It appears to me that, whilst ChatGPT
can pass the US bar exam and perform various other tricks,
when it comes to matters of electronic and software design,
it is a long way behind the brain power of Jim Rowe and
Nicholas Vinen, who designed the Energy Meter published
in Silicon Chip.
Could the authors of the original article elaborate on the
theory behind the implementation of the true/apparent
power calculation? Thank you for an excellent magazine;
keep up the great work.
Erwin B, Wodonga, Vic.
Comment: like a person, an AI can only draw on the knowledge it has experienced (or, in this case, been trained on).
The current problem with AI and electronics is that AIs have
only been trained with fairly basic electronics knowledge.
Another problem with AIs (possibly the most significant
problem at the moment) is that they are overly confident.
Rather than answering a question with “I don’t know”,
they will instead make things up to make it sound like
they do know. That is why, even though an AI can be very
helpful, you should always verify that its output is correct
before using it.
The phase angle difference for the power factor only
works with sinusoidal voltages and currents because you
can’t calculate the phase angle between two arbitrary (and
probably different) waveforms. The load current will only
be sinusoidal if it is purely reactive (restive, capacitive,
inductive or some combination). That rules out anything
with a bridge rectifier, for example.
Also, the mains waveform is often far from sinusoidal,
with significant distortion and clipped peaks.
There is a simple method that works for any waveform
shape. You take a series of voltage and current measurements to calculate the real power. At each point, you take
the product of the two and keep a running total; negative
results reduce the total, while positive results increase it.
The signs should be such that in-phase voltages and currents increase the total.
Ultimately, you divide by the number of samples (more
samples will give greater accuracy). The resulting value is
the real power consumption. For the apparent power (VA),
you can calculate the RMS voltage and RMS current from
the same readings, then multiply them. The power factor
is then the real power (in watts) divided by the VA figure.
Note that the real power calculation takes into account
power flowing from the mains into the load and also power
flowing out, which can happen in cases like a motor running
down or a capacitor-rectifier-zener power supply during the
part of the mains cycle where the capacitor is discharging.
Silicon Chip
The real power could even be negative in cases like fast
motor braking, with power returned to the grid!
In contrast, if the calculations have been performed correctly, the VA figure is always positive and should always
be the same as or greater than the real power.
Using hot water as energy storage
In the last round of electricity price rises, I noticed that
the electricity for my controlled load (storage hot water service) had increased by 35%, while the general power rate
had risen by around 20%. Some suppliers don’t even provide a controlled load rate. That indicates to me that the
government is trying to get rid of these systems.
In the recent past, the logic was that they had to replace
these systems to reduce base load power consumption so
they could close coal-fired power stations. This was particularly important for off-peak hot water, where the power
was controlled by a time switch in the meter box, which
switched on the power at night when there was excess
power from the generators.
The rate was quite cheap, to encourage the installation
of these systems. In later years, this has been replaced by
a “controlled load” rate, where the power can be switched
on by a signal sent over the mains at any time, day or night,
by the provider.
I thought this controlled load could be used to switch
on the power to hot water systems at any time, particularly
when there is excess power coming from solar panels and
wind turbines. That is, in effect, an energy storage system
to store excess energy from renewable sources. Surely,
that would be preferable to sending the power to a battery
or pumped hydro and then to my hot water service later.
I wrote to the previous energy minister about this, and he
replied that he thought it was a good idea and that an energy
company was having a trial using people with smart meters
installed. I wondered why they had to have smart meters
instead of just using the existing controlled load system.
I concluded that the energy companies probably could
see no benefit to them in this change and thus were not
keen on pursuing the idea.
I have noticed the government is pushing heat pump
HWS to replace existing storage tanks, with heavily subsidised ($99) units available. The problem is that they do
not last all that long and are costly to replace. They are
also being pushed in the UK, where they have performed
poorly when the outdoor temperature is low.
We all use hot water, and I would have thought that if
these systems were encouraged rather than discouraged,
they would provide substantial energy storage and save on
expensive batteries and pumped hydro.
In any case, I was contemplating a workaround for the
high power charge and thought of connecting my storage
HWS directly to solar panels. There are plenty of cheap
second-hand panels available now. I realise it would need
a different thermostat and a DC relay.
I have noticed that these things are available in the USA
as a plugin replacement, as solar panels heating water are
readily available there. Still, I haven’t seen much information in Australia. I spoke to a few people about this, including an installer, who have the same idea.
Brian Day, Mount Hunter, NSW.
Comment: your idea about off-peak hot water systems
being an energy storage system for solar/wind power is
Australia's electronics magazine
good. Logically, off-peak systems should be encouraged
and operated at the required times to take advantage of
excess power.
Commercial solar power diverters are probably the best
option to use excess solar power to boost your hot water
system. For example, see
The DIY version has some non-obvious pitfalls, and we
have discussed it several times in the past, eg, in the Mailbag column, December 2017 (pp4-5) and April 2016 (pp12).
For example, applying DC to a water heating element will
cause electrolytic corrosion, so it would be necessary to
reverse the polarity periodically. It would work best with
water heaters with a second ‘booster’ element.
Explanation for flashing mains LED lights
Regarding Keith Bennett’s letter on page 10 of the December issue, perhaps you are over-thinking it.
The age of the wire in installations, especially with CFLs,
does not seem to matter. What is more likely (and I have
measured it) is that by having a long run of parallel wire,
you have the powered one inducing current into the one
parallel with it by mutual capacitance. With a CFL or similar device, because the switch is single-pole, the induced
voltage climbs, and you have a relaxation oscillator.
That does not happen with incandescent lamps, as they
present a resistive load. A lot of CFLs will fire at around 30V.
On one circuit (open) with a DVM, I measured 145V AC.
Marcus Chick, Wangaratta, Vic.
Glowing LED lamps can be a benefit
I thought I would mention our situation after reading
Keith Bennett’s letter on glowing LED lights. When our
house was built in 1994, we had two hallway lights with
three switches wired so you could turn the lights on or off
with any switch. We had neon indicators in series with
100kW resistors wired across each switch to show where
the light switches are at night.
Back then, we had incandescent globes, and everything
worked as planned,
Times changed and so did light globes. When LED globes
came out, we fitted 5W globes in the hallway, and we found
that they glowed faintly at night. Rather than seeing this
as a problem, we found it very useful in providing a light
level similar to a full moon. This allows walking through
the hallway on the darkest night without needing to turn
on the lights.
Our back door has a light above it on the verandah with
two-way switching. Once again, these two switches have
the neon indicator and 100kW resistor across the switch,
which had the same effect on the outside light. This is a
real bonus because it dimly lights the verandah area near
the back door.
I have found that not all LED lights glow in these situations, so I have selected globes that do glow to provide the
benefits mentioned above. It’s somewhat surprising that the
small current drawn by two or three neon indicators will
make some brands and wattage LED globes glow.
Bruce Pierson, Dundathu, Qld.
Reminiscing about colour measurement
Many thanks for the article on colour measurement
(Linshang LS172 Colorimeter review, October 2023 issue;
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It took me back to the days when I implemented threedye fully decoupled colour control on several paper
machines in Tasmania in the early-to-mid 1980s. From
what I understand, it was probably the first continuously
operating implementation of paper machine colour control globally, running 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
365 days a year.
I worked for a Silicon Valley company (Measurex Inc)
that specialised in the measurement and control of various
quality parameters for paper manufacturing.
Through fortuitous timing, Measurex had developed
a colour sensor (in fact, a colour spectrophotometer) for
paper machine applications. At the same time, Australian
Newsprint Mills (ANM), through their research & technical department, had developed the means to manipulate
the colour of manufactured paper in the 3D colour space
using three dyes.
The project’s primary objective was to produce “Yellow Pages” paper such that there was no quality difference between the printed entries in a bound volume. One
might remember that the edge of the Yellow Pages bound
book sometimes showed a huge array of yellows. For competing businesses, the inconsistent paper colour could
make entries on opposing pages look very different, causing discontent.
At the time, the standard laboratory instrument was a
HunterLab D25 Tristimulus Colorimeter, which was used
for the ANM three-dye colour-control trial. Paper samples
were taken at regular intervals, manually checked and the
dye delivery pump settings were altered to correct any
colour errors.
A Hewlett Packard model 9830 desktop ‘calculator’ was
used to perform the necessary computations. Hats off to
the research team and their dedication to the development
and the trial. If memory serves me correctly, the trial ran
for 24 hours in very hot and humid conditions.
My job was to implement the software within the Measurex “Quality Control System” that would integrate the
colour sensor readings and automatically make adjustments
to the dye pumps every 30 seconds. Standard control algorithms that Measurex had developed for the paper process
were used. Fundamental to this was the “gain matrix” provided by the research team.
It was a huge leap for all the uninitiated to come to
terms with colour measurement and control. The Measurex Colour Sensor was a 45° illumination/normal observation device that held the moving sheet of paper against a
backing mechanism. This differed from the HunterLab D25,
which used diffuse lighting and an ‘infinite pad’ measurement. Never the measurement twain shall meet!
We seemed to quite quickly come to terms with the names
of Kulbelka-Munk and Eugene Allen, as well as other terms
such as metamerism etc.
The Measurex Colour Sensor used a holographic diffraction grating to focus the reflected light spectrum onto a
32-element photodiode array at 10-nanometre wavelength
centres from 385nm to 705nm. The sensor was ‘smart’ (with
an Intel 8088 CPU) and communicated with the host via a
duplex serial link using current loops.
Sheet (object) illumination was by a combination of
quartz-halogen and mercury lamp sources, each with engineered filters to achieve optimal light quality.
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The sensor dissipated 75W, which in a hot and humid
paper machine environment necessitated water cooling,
temperature control and purges of dry compressed air to
clean the optics. Dry nitrogen gas was used to prevent corrosion within the electronics (edge connectors, multiple
250MW resistors etc).
Accuracy and repeatability were typically significant
challenges for colorimeters – even more so for a spectrophotometer. The beauty of a ‘smart’ sensor and its backing
mechanism was that standards could be rotated into place
every 20 minutes to measure and then compensate for dirt,
electronic and thermal drift.
As neither the light source nor the sensor was perfect
(as compared to the “Northern Sky”), multiple standards
were used to apply correction factors (all arrays of 32 elements) for a reliable and workable solution.
In the mid-1980s, a novel way of measuring and controlling the addition of optical brighteners (fluorescent
whitening additives or FWAs) was implemented. FWAs
were getting into the feedstock via an uncontrolled recycled product stream and size press upsets. These required
responses outside the dye addition process.
The mercury lamp could be strobed at 20Hz to measure
the effect of ultraviolet illuminant induced fluorescence
within the visible spectrum. This allowed the computation
of two sets of measurements: CIE (D65) Fluorescence Corrected L*, a* & b* and Fluorescence Suppressed L*, a* & b*.
A Fluorescence Index was calculated from the ratio of
these two measurements, which allowed decoupling at
the measurement input to the controls. Fluorescence Suppressed L*, a* & b* values were used to control the addition of three dyes using the fully decoupled 3×3 strategy.
At the same time, the Fluorescence Index operated as a
single-loop controller regulating the addition of FWAs at
the size press.
Other Observations
The Delta E (RMS Error) method of colour matching
seemed to disappear as soon as reliable, high-accuracy
process measurements went online.
Colour measurement (and control) gets much easier the
darker the measured object is (smaller L* values). Nearwhite shades are the most difficult to control, as adding
any dye (or pigment) lowers the L* value. There is no “negative L* dye” to increase the feedstock L*. The whiter the
feedstock, the more expensive it is.
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Silicon Chip
Fortunately, substrate compensation (or even preprinting in white) is available for most types of offset and photographic printing.
The Measurex colour sensor had a measurement dynamic
range of 200%. This proved very useful when some dyes
were discovered to be ‘reflecting’ more than 100% in the
red-yellow region. The dye was blue/violet light fluorescent.
I’m unsure if this is still the case, but reliable long-life
fluorescent standards were not available then.
The Elrepho 2000 soon became the testing standard, displacing the much-loved HunterLab D25 because of its CIE
D65 measurement credentials. That is probably because
many dye manufacturers used it for dye characterisation,
but I’m sure it too has been superseded by now.
As is common these days, web searches for “Measurex”
and “HunterLab” lead to many other vendors.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge the excellent optical
physicists and software engineers responsible for developing the Measurex Colour Sensor (Model 2250). We received
excellent technical support from the factory, as well as ‘first
line’ technical support from the dedicated Measurex field
service technicians in Tasmania.
One has to admire all parties that were prepared to
embrace the risks and see the project through to success.
Mark Schijf, Doncaster East, Vic.
Not too many historical articles, please
Firstly, thanks and praise for producing an interesting
magazine every month!
Are you interested if readers produce software for, say,
the Raspberry Pi Pico LCD BackPack (March 2022 issue;
A little feedback: personally, I find historical articles
interesting for the occasional segment, but please, it’s not
a history magazine! The slogan used to be “Australia’s
dynamic electronic magazine” or similar. How about some
“Future of” articles?
Stuart Oliver, Sydney, NSW.
Comment: By all means, if you come up with interesting
or useful software for one of the BackPacks, send it in. We
might run it in Circuit Notebook.
We are conscious of the need to balance historical, current and forward-looking articles. For example, see the
Editorial in the October 2020 issue, which was on this very
topic (
If you look at the magazine over the last couple of years,
you will find plenty of articles on current/future technologies like IC fabrication, heat pipes, the James Webb Space
Telescope, computer memory, new aviation technology,
Starlink, EV charging, HAPS, Home Automation (in this
very issue) and many more.
We decided to run the series on the History of Electronics
when we realised that, despite being published for over 35
years, Silicon Chip had not yet gone into any great detail
about how the field of electronics came about, despite that
being the very topic of the magazine! It was a story that
deserved to be told. Now that the series has finished, we’ll
follow with different topics.
The problem with articles about future technologies is
that so many are overhyped pie-in-the-sky concepts that
will likely never eventuate. That and, as Yogi Berra once
said, “It is difficult to make predictions, especially about
the future.”
Australia's electronics magazine
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Home Automation
without the cloud
by Dr David Maddison
Home automation can bring significant benefits and convenience, but it comes with
major concerns over security and privacy. Regardless of whether you own your home,
you should control it, not someone else. So it’s vital when setting up a ‘smart home’ to do
your homework and choose a secure solution that will work in the long term.
ome automation allows lights, heating, cooling and various appliances
to be operated by a central controller
or hub. These may operate according
to a pre-programmed schedule, using
sensors (eg, to detect the presence or
absence of a person in a room), by
voice control or remote control, such
as with a smartphone.
For example, you can turn on a
heater or an air conditioner before you
get home so the house is comfortable
when you arrive.
That sounds great, but many home
automation products are ‘cloudbased’, and there is some truth to the
saying that “the cloud is just someone
else’s computer”. Most home automation jobs can be performed entirely
within your home and without using
proprietary, closed solutions with
unknown security.
The “Internet of Things” (IoT)
and home automation are closely
related. IoT devices connect directly
to the internet, while home automation devices usually communicate
with each other and can be part of a
closed system if no internet access is
enabled. However, some devices like
voice assistants, Ring cameras and
video doorbells are IoT devices that
can also be part of home automation
Home automation can also be used
in mobile homes or caravans. Fig.1
shows a screen from a Home Assistant
in a caravan.
A little history
The history of home automation goes back much further than
many would think. Any domestic
labour-saving device could be considered home automation.
We might not think of the following as home automation because they
are ubiquitous, but examples include
washing machines, dishwashers,
water heaters, sewing machines, motorised lawnmowers, clothes dryers and
Fig.1: Home Assistant
set up in a caravan.
Source: ArsTechnica
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
electric irons. They all save a tremendous amount of labour compared to
earlier methods.
The modern twist is that computerisation makes it easy to change
programming without, for example,
changing an electromechanical timer
in a switchboard. You can even control
many appliances now from a smartphone or similar device; sometimes
via the internet, when not at home.
Devices can also be made responsive
to the environment, such as switching
on an irrigation system when conditions are dry, turning on interior lighting at night when someone enters the
room and automatically turning lights
off when they leave. Some home automation products available today are
shown in the panel on the right.
Two main approaches
There are two main approaches to
central control. One is via a third-party
cloud-based system such as Google
Home, Amazon Alexa or Apple Homekit over the internet. The other is a system that uses control hardware located
within the home, with or without an
optional connection to the internet.
One concern about cloud control is
the possibility of losing control of your
own home, as you are at the mercy of
the company that operates the service. For example, in the United States
recently, a delivery driver misheard
a ‘smart’ doorbell greeting and complained to the company, which consequently shut the owner out of the
home’s smart system for a week while
the mess was sorted out.
You can read about that in the NY
Post article at
Another concern is that the provider could go out of business and
shut down the cloud services. Many
cloud-controlled devices are propriety and locked to the specific company, meaning that the devices (which
can cost thousands of dollars in total)
become useless.
That happened with Insteon products ( Cloud services became unavailable, although
local control of devices was still possible in that case. Fortunately, the
company was purchased by a group
of “passionate users” who reactivated
the cloud services.
Also, Home Assistant integration
was developed for Insteon products,
ensuring they could still be used
regardless (see www.home-assistant.
io/integrations/insteon/). We will discuss Home Assistant later.
A further example is Philips Hue
light globes, which started as locally
controllable, but after purchase, the
terms were changed, making them
cloud-dependent (see the panel for
more details). Similarly, TP-Link
made Smart Plugs that once worked
without the cloud, but now require a
cloud connection for their Tapo device
Insteon users were lucky, but events
such as the above mean it would be
wise to retain full control over smart
home devices.
In this article, we will explore home
automation options that don’t rely on
a connection to ‘the cloud’, or at least
where such a connection is optional.
We will also give a brief overview of
cloud-connected options, which might
be required for certain services, such
as voice control.
There are also privacy problems
with any cloud-based home automation; for example, see
Ideally, a smart home product
should be directly controllable and
usable without having to give your
personal details to a third party or
fees beyond the purchase price. Most
should not even require an active
internet connection, although it’s fine
to have internet connectivity as an
option, so you can make an informed
choice about whether to use it.
Communications protocols
Home automation devices such as
lighting systems and temperature sensors need to communicate with each
other. All devices used will need to be
compatible with your controller system. Most devices connect wirelessly,
although some can be wired.
Some smart devices can be controlled directly from a smartphone,
tablet or laptop computer via their
inbuilt protocols, such as Bluetooth or
WiFi. However, to support a broader
range of protocols like Thread, Zigbee, Z-Wave and LoRaWAN, a central
controller, known as a hub (or server),
is needed.
We have an overview of various protocols used in home automation in the
dedicated panel (on page 24).
Controlled indoor items
• Heating, ventilation and air
• Air purifiers
• Lighting
• Motorised window blinds,
curtains, shutters and external
• Chain pullers for blinds
• Curtain activators
• Door openers
• Domestic robots like vacuuming,
sweeping and mopping systems
• Pet feeders
• Motorised button pushers
• Smart TVs
• Smart washing machines, dryers
and dishwashers
• Smart audio systems
• Remotely switched power points
and ‘smart plugs’
Indoor sensors and controls
Occupancy sensing
Temperature and humidity meters
Voice control
Internet control
Home security devices
• Indoor and outdoor cameras
• Access control (smart locks),
including garage doors
• Fingerprint scanners and keypads
• Door/window open/close sensors
• Intercoms with cameras
• Alarms (burglar, fire) and sirens
• Detection of gas or water leaks
• Smoke sensors
Garden devices
Automated greenhouse
Robotic lawnmower
Swimming pool control (heating,
filtering, cleaning etc)
Weather station
Water control valve
Rain gauge
Soil condition sensor (moisture,
nutrition, light and temperature)
GPS tracker for pets
An “integration” allows smart home
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 15
The Philips “Hue” light globe letdown
Philips Hue light globes can have their on/off state, brightness and colour controlled via Bluetooth. One of their main attractions was that they did not require
the creation of an account with Philips to use them. But now, their terms of
service have changed, or soon will.
Philips has told users who had purchased these lights hoping for accountfree (local) operation that they will need to have a Hue account to control their
own lights; see
For further details, see
require-log-in-account/ and the Louis Rossmann video titled “Philips changes
terms AFTER the sale: requires data-sharing account to use a light bulb” at
hardware or software from different
organisations, companies or software
suppliers to work together. An example is how the IKEA DIRIGERA smart
hub provides integrations so that voice
assistance and control by Amazon
Alexa, Apple Home and Google Home
work with the IKEA system. Another
is that there are over 2500 integrations
available for Home Assistant.
If buying a device you wish to control via your home automation system,
make sure it works with the system or
has vendor or third-party integrations
Systems that require an
internet connection
The following systems require a
cloud connection but are mentioned
here to give a more complete overview
of home automation. Many local home
automation systems like Home Assistant can have integrations for voice
assistant products.
Access to voice assistant products
like Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri,
plus IFTTT and Ring products, are
among the reasons that internet access
might be desirable for an otherwise
offline home automation system.
These are examples only; we can’t
possibly cover every manufacturer or
type of system.
Amazon Smart Home
and Thread, to ensure compatibility
with a wide variety of devices. Many
smart devices can be controlled without needing a hub; you just need your
home WiFi, with an internet connection, and the app.
Google Assistant
Google Assistant is an AI-based virtual voice assistant that can also perform home automation tasks or answer
inquiries by voice command. It is
used via the Google Nest (hub) smart
speaker on Android, Chrome OS and
iOS devices.
Homekit is Apple’s home automation system. Some devices within the
system require an active internet connection, but others may not. Siri can
now work (with some restrictions)
without an internet connection for iOS
15 and later with certain iPhones, as
voice recognition is now done on the
phone, not in the cloud.
IFTTT (If This, Then That)
IFTTT is an internet-based service
that allows users to program conditional statements with “applets” (like
programming macros) for a home automation system. The applets can be
used to change the colour of a light
at sunset, have a porch light turn on
when you arrive home or synchronising an Amazon Alexa to-do list with
Google Calendar etc – see https://
A huge number of applets are available, or you can make your own.
Zapier ( and Microsoft Power Automate (siliconchip.
au/link/abq8) are similar services for
Ring makes a variety of security
cameras, doorbells and home automation devices. The devices require
an active internet connection, plus a
subscription to record video. Amazon
Fig.2: the SmartThings Station hub and smartphone app. Source: Samsung –
Amazon Smart Home comprises
Alexa and Echo. Alexa is the artificial intelligence (AI) service, while
Echo is the physical device, the
hands-free speaker unit. It requires
an active internet connection. There
are many Alexa-compatible smart
home devices, such as smart lighting, switches, thermostats, cameras
(including Ring) etc.
Google Home
Google Home is based on Matter
Silicon Chip
Fig.3: the structure of the cloud-dependent SmartThings automation system.
Australia's electronics magazine
owns Ring; it has been the subject of
controversy, as they were handing
private videos over to police without
warrants or owner consent.
of devices via Zigbee, Z-Wave Plus,
Matter, Thread and WiFi. Aeotec also
produces its own devices.
SmartThings is a powerful home
automation system based upon the
SmartThings Station hub, shown in
Fig.2 (which doubles as a wireless
phone charger).
It is Matter compatible, so it supports any device with the Matter logo.
It also supports IFTTT style conditional automations. The Station does
not support Z-Wave.
An active internet connection is
always required for SmartThings – see
Fig.3. There is an Android and an iOS
App to interact with it. A supported
devices list is at www.smartthings.
Home automation systems
that may work offline
The following smart home systems
can work without an active internet
connection but may require an internet connection for initial setup or
to update software. They could also
require an optional internet connection to support voice assistant or other
Our research shows that the most
popular and well-supported offline
home automation systems are Home
Assistant and Hubitat. Readers should
make up their own minds, but they are
great starting places.
No one wants to buy a smart device
and discover that the company has
gone out of business, and your device
is no longer supported. That is much
less likely to happen for open-source
devices since others can easily take
them over. Both Home Assistant and
Hubitat are open-source.
Note that not all home automation systems will support everything,
but it is possible to connect two systems if one does not support particular devices. In fact, we have heard
of Home Assistant and Hubitat being
joined, to name one example (an integration exists for that).
These are examples only; we can’t
cover every manufacturer or type of
system. There are simply too many.
Aeotec can work without the internet except for voice control via the app
– see Fig.4. It supports a wide variety
Fig.4: the Aeotec Smart Home Hub
and related devices.
Aqara uses Zigbee and will work
without an internet connection as long
as remote access, updates and thirdparty cloud services such as voice
assistant aren’t used. A wide variety
of products are offered.
A cautionary tale
If you install a proprietary home
automation system, you might
end up having to pay a lot for a
contractor to alter it in future, as
the original installer may lock the
I have a friend with a C-Bus
system but the original installer is
unknown, the system is passwordlocked and he would have to pay
another installer a lot to reprogram
the system to add to or alter it.
Make sure any installer gives
you the password if they use one.
We can’t see any reason why it
shouldn’t be written on a label on
the system itself; if someone has
access to the hardware, they can
do whatever they want anyway.
C-Bus is an Australian-developed
system for professional installation.
Components must be connected to the
main electrical distribution board, and
expensive training courses are needed
to become qualified for its installation
and programming (see Fig.5).
It is mainly used for luxury homes
and commercial and industrial applications. It can operate without an internet connection, depending on the configuration and options.
DIRIGERA is a smart home hub from
IKEA (Fig.6) that can operate without
an internet connection. It supports a
variety of IKEA smart home devices.
DIRIGERA uses the Matter standard
and supports Thread, WiFi & Zigbee wireless protocols. It has iOS
and Android apps and supports integrations with Amazon Alexa, Apple
Homekit and Google Home via the
Fig.5: an example C-Bus installation.
Various “output units” are available,
such as relay modules, analog
outputs, current measurement units
etc, all designed for a standard DIN
rail. Source: Clipsal –
Domoticz is a lightweight opensource home automation system that
can interface with lights, switches,
environmental sensors, electricity, gas
& water meters and more.
It can run on various hardware
including the Raspberry Pi and integrates with MQTT and Apple Homekit.
Once set up it does not need an internet connection (unless using specific
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.6: the IKEA DIRIGERA smart hub.
Source: IKEA –
January 2024 17
Fhem is an open-source system
using Perl scripts that can run under
Windows, macOS and Linux. It supports numerous protocols but seems
to be for advanced users.
Fibaro is a Polish company making
smart home devices (
link/abqa). The system uses Z-Wave
and will work without an internet
Home Assistant
Fig.7: one of a large variety of Home Assistant dashboards, this one showing a
floor plan. Source: Home Assistant –
Home Assistant is a popular opensource home automation system for
the enthusiast that can be run on a
Raspberry Pi, under Windows, Linux
or macOS, on an Odroid or ASUS Tinker Board single board computer (see
Figs.7 & 8).
Home Assistant supports a vast
number of integrations, currently 2577
(see Note
that depending on the platform chosen, you may need to purchase USB
dongles or modules to support Zigbee,
Z-Wave and Thread. There is a subscription fee payable if remote access
is required.
Home Assistant Green is a readyto-go product that comes with Home
Assistant already installed, available
from their website. The Yellow version
has Zigbee and Thread built-in and is
more extendable. See
link/abqc for setup instructions, and
the video guide at
Fig.8: another Home Assistant dashboard. Source: Home Assistant –
YouTube videos with more information
● – “How to Install Home Assistant on a PC (Easy!)”
● – “No Raspberry Pi For Home Assistant? No
● – Creating a weather dashboard with Node-RED
● – “Building my PERFECT Smart Home Control
● – Opinion: “The TRUTH About Home Assistant [Vs
● – Opinion: “SmartThings to Home Assistant: Joining
the Dark Side”
● – Opinion: “Hubitat vs Home Assistant – Best
Smart Home Hub 2023”
● – “Smart Home Automations 101 – The Ultimate
Guide to Build Better Automations”
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
HomeGenie is an open-source system that runs on Windows, Mac, Linux
and ARM-based computers such as the
Raspberry Pi – see Fig.9. It requires
a certain level of Linux expertise. It
can run without an active internet
HomeSeer is a mostly closed-source
system that does not require an active
Internet connection for automation,
but one is needed for registration and
updates – see Fig.10.
HomeSeer supports a wide variety of
products and integrations. It runs on a
Raspberry Pi or one of the HomeTroller
products. A list of compatible devices
is at while
integrations are listed at siliconchip.
Fig.9: an example of a HomeGenie control panel that includes security features
(alarm settings and a camera feed) plus an energy usage monitor.
au/link/abqe (Android and iOS apps
are available).
HomeSeer products can be purchased from Black Cat Control Systems
Homey Pro
Homey Pro claims to control any
smart device and has a wide variety of
features. It supports WiFi, Bluetooth,
infrared (eg, for TVs and air conditioners), Z-Wave Plus and Zigbee.
It can work partially without an
active internet connection, but it
requires periodic connection over the
internet to receive an ‘access token’.
So, without an available internet connection, it will eventually stop working (see
Hubitat is based on open-source
software but requires the purchase of
a proprietary hub. It can work without an internet connection if remote
access, voice assistants and other
cloud-connected services are not
It can control most smart home
appliances and is programmed via an
app or internet browser such as Firefox or Chrome – see Fig.11.
The Hubitat hub (shown in Fig.12)
connects to your home network WiFi
router. It is compatible with Alexa,
Google Assistant, Zigbee, Z-Wave,
Lutron, LAN and cloud-connected
Fig.10: a sample HomeSeer app
screen. Source: Google Play Store –
Hubitat can optionally be integrated with Google Home, Home
Assistant, Amazon Echo and numerous other devices. There is no subscription for basic remote access, but
there is a fee for full remote administrative access.
Insteon uses power line and wireless RF to create a dual mesh network.
Available products include a hub,
motion sensor, remote control, door
open/close sensor, thermostat, LED
bulbs, relay (wired or plug-in), wired
dimmer, cameras etc.
Insteon devices will work without an active internet connection,
although setup and certain actions
Fig.12: the Hubitat
Elevation C8 hub.
Source: Smart Guys –
Fig.11: an example of a Hubitat dashboard. The screens displayed can be
customised. Source: Hubitat –
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 19
may require an internet connection
(Insteon didn’t respond to our email
inquiry to clarify).
Jeedom is an open-source system that runs on Raspberry Pi and
Linux systems. It has mobile apps for
Android and iOS.
LinuxMCE (Media Centre Edition)
LinuxMCE is an open-source home
automation suite that also controls
media and allows it to be distributed
to any room. Unfortunately, it appears
to no longer be under active development.
MisterHouse is one of the oldest
home automation software suites,
started in 1998 – see Fig.13. It is opensource and uses Perl scripts. It supports many platforms, including the
Raspberry Pi and operating systems
such as Linux, Unix, Windows and
It can execute events at certain
times or via web control, email messages, instant messages, socket messages, voice commands, serial data,
Bluetooth proximity, infrared signals,
X10 and Insteon powerline signals,
and more.
It is very versatile but requires
knowledge of Perl scripting and is
not recommended for beginners. It
has been described as being “entirely
It supports X10, Z-Wave, MQTT,
Insteon, XPL, XAP and other protocols.
Linux and the Raspberry Pi Zero, 1,
2, 3, and 4.
MyController is a privacy-focused
open-source system that runs locally,
so no internet connection is required,
even for setup. It works on Windows,
openHab is an open-source Linux
system that can run on a Raspberry Pi
– see Fig.14. It supports various technologies and devices.
Mycroft is an open-source hardware/software platform that was
crowdfunded with a privacy-based
voice assistant and natural language
interface. It is capable of running without an internet connection.
Unfortunately, the project ceased
development in 2023 (
link/abqh). However, OpenVoiceOS
( appears to
have taken it over. OpenVoiceOS provides a voice interface for controlling
smart home devices, playing music,
setting reminders and more.
Fig.15: the OpenMotics “Brain”
Fig.13: a
of MisterHouse.
Fig.14: a sample openHab page. In this example, data is derived from Google
Calendar, an Autelis pool interface, Wemo (Coffee Maker), Z-Wave Sensors
(garage and front gate), EcoBee (heating/cooling), a CCTV system and a custom
pool filter pressure sensor. Source: openHab –
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.16: an arrangement of hardwired
modules in the OpenMotics system.
Source: OpenMotics –
OpenMotics is an open-source commercial platform that automates a
house, building or more. It uses opensource hardware and software:
It features various extensions and
integrations with products like Google Assistant for voice control, Philips
Hue, OpenWeather, Siemens PLC for
industrial systems, Mitsubishi heat
pumps and many others; Android and
iOS Apps are offered. The system is
capable of operating without an internet connection.
OpenMotics focuses on hardwired
control of appliances rather than wireless communications, which makes
it more suitable for new buildings or
renovations. It uses hardware control modules based on open-source
designs, such as the Brain module
(Fig.15), the system’s foundation.
The Brain connects to other modules such as an analog control module,
relay module, CAN control module,
energy module (to monitor power consumption), bus extender module and a
P1 concentrator module to read smart
meters via the P1 port – see Fig.16.
OpenMotics has a YouTube channel
SwitchBot is a series of automation
products, including battery-powered
products that attach to existing rocker
switches (such as lights or power
points) to turn them on and off, a
similar device for door locks, plus a
variety of typical home automation
products. SwitchBot uses Bluetooth in
Connecting an Arduino to a smart home
Enthusiasts can build their own home automation devices. For example, the
Arduino Cloud commercial service ( lets you connect
your Arduino project to Amazon Alexa. There are also open-source libraries to
connect your Arduino project to Home Assistant:
some low-power products, with WiFi
for other devices like cameras.
The Bluetooth products can connect
directly to your phone; a hub is also
available. SwitchBot hubs can also
operate infrared remote-
appliances. An internet connection is
needed for third-party cloud services
to provide remote access.
X10 is both a home automation control protocol (see the panel on “Standards, Protocols and Certifications”
on page 24) and a complete home
automation system (
link/abqj). It was one of the first such
systems that were commercially available.
As early as 1979, Radio Shack in the
USA was selling X10 products under
their own “plug ‘n power” brand (see
Fig.17). They also sold a controller for
the TRS-80 computer to control up
to 256 lights and appliances. Many
X10 products are still available and
in use today.
Advantages of X10 include ease-ofuse because the system consists only
of individually addressable receivers
and senders, with no software needed,
the use of existing mains wiring for
transmission of signals (or wireless),
no internet requirement, and an affordable, modular design.
Disadvantages of X10 include a low
data rate (over power lines) and susceptibility to interference.
X10 can be controlled from a PC,
Android, iOS device or simply from
a handheld or benchtop controller.
Its basic commands are fairly simple such as ON, OFF, DIM, BRIGHT
etc. Australia/NZ standard light controllers and appliance modules are
available from Envious Technology
(; they are
no longer importing them, although
they still have stock.
Cloud-based devices and
local alternatives
Two important device types that
are generally cloud-dependent are
video doorbells and cameras. Noncloud alternatives for video doorbells
include the LaView Halo One and DB5,
Hikvision DS-HD2 and Doorbird. Noncloud smart cameras include the Wyze
Cam v3, Wyze Cam Pan V2, SV3C WiFi
and IP cameras, and Amcrest cameras.
In each case, you should check their
compatibility with any proposed home
automation system.
Other systems of interest
We found the following systems
interesting but did not include them
in the other sections for reasons such
as a lack of information, slow development, lack of documentation in
English or being for advanced users
Calaos is an open-source home automation system that runs on a Raspberry Pi, other single-board computers,
Intel platforms, Android, iOS or Linux.
It can run as a server, on the web or
via a touchscreen interface. Some of
its documentation is in English, but
much is in French.
Fig.17: Radio Shack “plug ‘n power” products from 1981 that used the X10
system. Source: Radio Shack – (p138).
Australia's electronics magazine
ioBroker is an open-source IoT platform written in JavaScript. It supports
a wide variety of devices and protocols. It is a German project and very
January 2024 21
See the video “What is Node-RED
and How Can I Use it to Create IoT
Applications?” at
OpenNetHome is a framework to
integrate functions like lamp control,
temperature measurements and audio/
video equipment control. It is open
source and runs on Windows, Linux,
macOS and Raspberry Pi. It has not
seen much development work lately.
Some instructions can be found at:
Pimatic is an open-source Raspberry
Pi home automation project that is no
longer maintained.
Plasma Bigscreen
Fig.18: a sample ioBroker screen (in German). Source:
popular there; much of the documentation is in German – see Fig.18. It
requires an internet connection. For
more details, see the video at https://
MajorDoMo is an open-source
system that works under Linux and
Windows and has multi-brand and
multi-protocol support. It is a Russian project and most documentation
is in Russian.
MyPi is an Android and iOS app that
controls a Raspberry Pi GPIO port for
driving relays. See the video “Home
Automation with Raspberry Pi and
iPhone or iPad” at
yNSkWW9n_dA and the web page at
Node-RED is an open-source graphical “flow-based programming tool” for
connecting hardware, APIs and online
services. It provides browser-based
editing to create run-time libraries
for event-driven applications – see
Fig.19. It is based on JavaScript. IBM
originally developed it, but they opensourced it in 2016.
This tool is more for advanced users
and developers rather than someone
looking for a turnkey solution. Nevertheless, it is widely supported in
industry and by other user groups.
Plasma Bigscreen turns a ‘dumb TV’
into a smart TV using a Raspberry Pi
or similar single-board computer – see
Fig.20. It provides voice control via
Mycroft AI. However, as mentioned
above, that is no longer under development.
QIVICON is an alliance of companies founded by Deutsche Telekom
that produces various home automation products integrated via their
Home Connect platform (hub) and app.
Smart switches that are
suitable for Australia & NZ
Here are some examples of smart
switches and related products that
comply with AU/NZ standards and
can be controlled by various home
Fig.19: a Node-RED system. Source: Home Assistant –
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
automation suites. Some may require
an internet connection, depending on
how they are set up. These companies
also usually offer other home automation products as well.
You will need to do some research
to determine if these devices are compatible with automation controllers
other than those recommended by the
Clipsal-Wiser includes smart
switches, dimmers and blind controllers using Zigbee and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), plus other smart
home products.
Deta Grid Connect
Deta Grid Connect products are
available at Bunnings, use WiFi and
are controllable by Grid App, Google
Home and Alexa. For the technically
adept, there is a way to connect them
to Home Assistant documented at:
The IKEA TRÅDFRI wireless control outlet (Fig.21) also works with
Home Assistant (see
Mercator Ikuü
Mercator Ikuü devices use WiFi and
Zigbee and are controllable via their
app, Google Assistant and Amazon
Alexa. Once set up, they should work
without internet access, with some
Shelly offers a range of Australian-
Fig.22 (left):
a Shelly WiFi
relay switch
Fig.23 (right):
a Zimi
approved products from various distributors (see Fig.22):
Shelly products connect to a local
WiFi network and can operate without a hub, cloud connection or active
internet connection. They are compatible with most home automation platforms, protocols and voice assistants.
Zimi is an Australian company
that makes home automation devices
such as light switches, power points,
fan controllers, blind controllers and
garage door openers – see Fig.23. They
are AU/NZ standard types, so retrofitting is simple (although a licensed
electrician will be required in Australia).
They are controlled via a smartphone or tablet app. Devices communicate with each other via Bluetooth
and create a mesh network. The Zimi
app lets you control and schedule
appliances via WiFi.
A Zimi Cloud Connect device is
used for control from outside the home
and requires an internet connection,
as does Google or Alexa voice control. The Home Assistant community
Fig.20: Plasma Bigscreen is an open-source user interface for TVs, it is based on
a Linux distribution.
Australia's electronics magazine
is developing integrations for Zimi
devices, but they may require an internet connection.
The home automation field is vast,
so we can only give an overview. If
you are interested in home automation
but unsure where to begin, check out
Home Assistant and Hubitat.
Home automation is not required,
nor is it for everyone. You may be
unable to justify the expense or effort
of automating devices like lights that
are not difficult to switch manually.
When choosing home automation
devices, consider the benefits of having manual overrides. For example, a
door lock should be operable by a key
or by pressing non-electronic buttons
if its battery or WiFi connectivity fails.
A thermostat should be adjustable by
a secondary means, for example, if
the internet goes down or your home
automation hub fails.
While most smart locks have physical keys as a backup, often those
keys are the weakest part of the system; many use cheap cylinders that
are easily picked or even raked open.
When it comes to security devices like
smart locks, it really pays to do your
the IKEA
smart plug
sells for $20.
January 2024 23
Standards, Protocols and Certifications
ANT & ANT+ are low-power proprietary wireless protocols primarily
used for activity and environmental
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Bluetooth Low Energy is a protocol used by some home automation
devices. It supports wireless mesh
networking over the 2.4GHz ISM band
and can be used for indoor device
location services (presence, distance
and direction of another device). A
data rate between 125kbits/s and
2Mbits/s is supported, with a range
of up to 100m.
Philips Hue light globes are an
example of smart home products that
use this protocol. One of its disadvantages is a somewhat limited range and
relatively low data rate.
C-Bus (Clipsal Bus)
C-Bus is a home and building lighting and automation protocol developed in Australia by Clipsal, now
part of the French company Schneider Electric. It uses low-voltage Cat5
cabling to control appliances. Lighting
and appliances are controlled by dimmer or relay boards near the electrical
distribution board.
CEBus (Consumer Electronics Bus)
CEBus (or EIA-600) is a 1992 set of
standards and protocols automating
homes, offices and lighting. It evolved
out of a need recognised in 1984 for
a more advanced system than X10.
It is an open architecture and standards are defined for transmission
over power lines, twisted pairs, coax,
IR, RF and optical fibre.
CSA (Connectivity Standards Alliance)
Connectivity Standards Alliance is
the new name for the Zigbee Alliance.
The CSA maintains standards for Matter and Zigbee.
Dash7 is an industrial IoT protocol
based on ISO 18000-7.
DigiMesh is a proprietary shortrange 2.4GHz wireless mesh network
communications system.
EnOcean is a technology that harvests energy from the environment,
such as from vibration, temperature
differentials or light for wireless, batteryless devices such as switches,
controls and sensors.
IoTivity is an open-source connectivity framework for IoT (Internet of
Things) devices that may form part
of a home automation system. It is
a ‘reference implementation’ of OCF
(Open Connectivity Foundation) standards. It is referred to as ‘middleware’
and is aimed at developers and highly
advanced users.
KNX is an open standard for building automation and control. It is
covered by the SA/SNZ ISO/IEC TS
14543.3.1-6:2018 specification.
LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network)
LoRaWAN is a spread-spectrum
wireless communication technique.
It can have a range of up to 10km
or more under good conditions, at a
low bit rate.
Matter is a new interoperability
standard from the Connectivity Standards Alliance supported by Amazon,
Apple, Google, LG, Samsung, TP-Link
and smaller companies like Eve and
Nanoleaf. Its purpose is to unify the
best smart home technologies via
the internet.
A Matter certification allows support for a wide variety of systems
and voice assistants. It was called
Project CHIP (Connected Home over
IP) while under development. Matter
can communicate via WiFi, Thread
and Ethernet.
MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport)
MQTT is a device-to-device IoT connectivity protocol. It is the defacto
protocol for IoT devices in home
NB-IoT is a narrowband IoT connectivity framework.
NFC (Near-Field Communication)
NFC is a short-range protocol for
communication between a device
such as a smartphone, electronic tag
or card and a base unit. It is related
to RFID. Such devices can be used for
functions like opening an electronic
door lock. Two-way communication
is possible.
OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation)
OCF is an industry organisation
that develops standards, interoperability guidelines and certification for
IoT devices. It has numerous members, including ASUSTeK, Cisco Systems, Comcast, D-Link, Hisense, Huawei, Hyundai Telecom, IBM, Intel, LG,
Lenovo, MediaTek, Microsoft, Netgear, Nokia, Realtek, Samsung, Sharp,
Silicon Labs, ZTE and ZyXEL.
PLC-BUS is a powerline communications protocol similar to X10. It
appears to be obsolete.
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
RFID is related to NFC but it is oneway communication over longer distances.
SigFox is a proprietary LPWAN (Low
Power Wide Area Network) designed
for low power consumption and massive IoT connectivity. Its range is up to
10km at tens of kilobits per second.
Thread is a wireless mesh networking standard that uses 6LoWPAN (IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Personal Area Networks), which
in turn is based on existing IEEE
802.15.4 radio technology. It works
with other standards such as:
HomeKit (Apple)
Weave (Google)
The KNX open standard for building control (
BACnet (
OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation)
As a protocol, Thread competes
with other mesh networks, such as
Z-Wave and Zigbee IP. Thread can be
incorporated into battery-powered
sensor devices such as for temperature, humidity etc, although there are
relatively few such devices currently
on the market.
Tuya is a Chinese cloud-based AI
IoT developer and management platform that collaborates with companies like Microsoft, Apple, Google,
Amazon, Samsung, Schneider Electric, Lenovo, Philips and others. It is
a member of the Connectivity Standards Alliance and supports the Matter standard.
They provide a basic free app.
Smart products supported by Tuya
carry a PBT label (Powered By Tuya).
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
UDP is a basic internet protocol
used by some home automation
UPB (Universal Powerline Bus)
UPB is a proprietary peer-to-peer
communications protocol developed by Powerline Control Systems
for transferring data over household
wiring in home automation systems.
It is supported by Home Assistant,
openHAB, HomeSeer, and both Alexa
and Google Assistant via a controller,
among others.
WiFi forms the backbone of most
home and many office networks. It
typically operates at data rates from
a few Mbits/sec to many Gbits/sec
on the 2.4GHz and the 5GHz bands.
Its range varies, but it can typically
cover the area of a conventional
home without repeaters. The lower
frequency gives a better range, especially through walls and floors, but at
a lower maximum data rate.
Devices such as cameras are often
connected via WiFi. It is important
that your WiFi router can handle an
adequate number of WiFi devices for
a home automation system (some
cheaper types supplied by ISPs may
not be up to the task). Note that a
Smart Hub is required to connect to
devices using other non-WiFi protocols, as typical WiFi routers only support that one protocol.
Silicon Chip
xAP is an open protocol for home
automation similar to xPL.
xPL is an open protocol for controlling devices in a home automation
system over UDP.
X10 is possibly the oldest home
and commercial automation communications protocol, conceived in 1975
and first released to the public in 1979
(many sources say 1978). X10 transfers data over either household electrical wiring, or wirelessly at 433MHz
(plus other frequencies like 310MHz
in the USA).
Zigbee is a protocol with faster
transmission than Z-Wave, defined
by the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. It is
designed for low-power mesh networking and operates in the ISM
band (2.4GHz in Australia) at up to
250kbits/s. Its range is 10-100m.
Many Zigbee sensors (eg, temperature, humidity, motion, rain etc) can
be battery-operated due to their low
power consumption.
Z-Wave is a mesh networking protocol operating below 1GHz, thus
avoiding busy spectrum space around
2.4GHz used by Thread and Zigbee.
It has a data rate of up to 100kbit/s
over a range of 100-800m, or 1600m+
for Z-Wave LR. Z-Wave products run
on a different frequencies in different
countries so make sure your devices
are compatible.
As with Zigbee, many Z-Wave senSC
sors can be battery-powered.
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Raspberry Pi
Clock Radio
Every day for over five decades, I awoke to the
mono lo-fi sound of a clock radio. On the occasions
I needed to be woken for an early flight, I worried
about accidentally mixing up AM and PM when
resetting the alarm, and sometimes that actually
happened. Twice a year, my old clock needed
daylight savings adjustments, and when the power
went out, it flashed 12:00. I decided to fix all that!
Part 1 by Stefan Keller-Tuberg
modern alarm clock can sound
great, keep precise time and support multiple alarms. Alarm settings
should include the day(s) of the week
as well as the time, and you should be
able to decide what sound each alarm
plays, for how long, at what volume,
and whether it’s a one-off or will repeat
There’s no longer any reason you
should need to set the clock’s time.
It can be accurately fetched over the
internet, with daylight savings and
leap seconds adjustments applied
automatically. Also, if the clock has
speakers and a wireless connection,
why not support streaming audio from
a LAN, the internet or a smartphone?
This project is based around a Raspberry Pi and supports all of these
‘dream’ features and many more; it
Silicon Chip
can even snooze or cancel the alarm
on your partner’s clock!
The Raspberry Pi is a great platform
because many of the required capabilities are already built in. Also, many
of us already have a Raspberry Pi or
two gathering dust and waiting to be
put to good use!
The custom hardware can interface
with any Pi that runs Linux with a network connection and a 40-pin expansion connector. It has been tested to
work with the Pi 3, Pi 4 and Pi Zero 2W
models. It should also work with a Pi
2 or Pi Zero W, but they haven’t been
tested yet. The newly released Raspberry Pi 5 is not suitable as it lacks an
analog audio output.
The Pi 3 and Pi 4 have the most
capable processors and are therefore
the best options, especially for media
Australia's electronics magazine
streaming. They also have Bluetooth,
so you can stream audio to the Clock
from a smartphone or similar. The
slower Pi variants may be suitable if
you plan to integrate a traditional overthe-airwaves radio as the audio source.
In general, we recommend using a Pi
3 at the minimum.
Hardware features
The design uses two PCBs: a display
board and a main board. The clock
hardware and the Pi are powered from
the same 5V DC source. The Pi connects to the main board and receives
power via a short ribbon cable. I have
used plugpacks for the four clocks I
built for myself, but if you have the
space, you could integrate a power
supply inside the enclosure.
The display comprises large
20mm-tall hours and minutes digits
with 15mm-tall seconds digits that
will be prominent anywhere in the
room. The minimum and maximum
LED brightness range is configured
via the clock’s web interface, with
the brightness automatically adjusted
within the set range in response to
changes in ambient light conditions.
At its brightest, the display can be
read in a sunlit room; at its dimmest,
it is unobtrusive at night.
The physical user interface comprises six switches: three centre-off
toggle switches and three momentary
contact push buttons. The switches
replicate the features commonly found
on clock radios, including snooze and
media player controls, but there are
too many features to control with six
switches alone.
All features are accessible using a
web browser, so you can control the
clock from a computer, phone or tablet connected to WiFi.
A built in stereo amplifier with digital volume control can drive internal
or external speakers according to your
construction preferences. The Pi is the
primary audio source, but you can
integrate an alternative source, such
as a traditional radio, if you want to.
While the Raspberry Pi analog audio
is not quite hifi quality, it is not to
be scoffed at. I used a pair of bookshelf speakers with one of my clocks;
the sound quality far exceeds typical
commercial clock radios. If you have
an old pair of speakers gathering dust,
why not recycle them and put them to
good use with this project?
A switched power output for an
external audio source is enabled when
the radio is selected; you could also
integrate other audio sources into the
enclosure alongside the clock hardware and Raspberry Pi. The switched
power output can drive a 5V-powered
device directly, feed an external regulator for a lower-voltage device, or
act as an open-drain switch to control
higher-voltage devices.
Software features
The clock supports many more features than a typical commercial clock
radio. Up to twenty alarms can be configured at the same time. The first four
alarms can be accessed via the clock’s
switches, while all alarms can be managed via the web interface.
For each alarm, you set the days of
the week, time, duration, media source
and relative volume. Any combination
of days can be specified, from a single
day to all seven. For example, you can
set different alarms for weekdays and
on the weekend.
Alarms can be configured as oneoffs or to repeat indefinitely. One-offs
may be defined up to seven days in
advance and, if you like, you can set
a one-off to occur on all or any of the
seven upcoming days. After the one-off
trips, it will not recur. I use these when
I need to get up early for a work trip.
To confirm you’ve set your alarm
correctly, simultaneously press two
alarm selection switches to display
the remaining time until the next
scheduled alarm. The countdown to
the next alarm is displayed for as long
as you hold the two alarm selection
An alarm can have a fixed volume,
as you’d have with a regular alarm
clock, or it can gradually ramp the
volume up (or down) in one-minute
steps so that you’re gently awakened.
When the media or an alarm is playing from a playlist file, the clock will
remember the last track so that it continues from the following track next
time. While playing, the playlist’s contents are visible via the web interface,
so you can jump tracks by clicking.
One of the more novel capabilities
of this project is its ability to cluster
multiple clocks into one system. Clustered clocks share their alarm settings
via WiFi, and changes made on one
clock will be reflected soon after on
the other clustered clocks. Many button press events are also shared in realtime amongst clustered clocks.
The button on the top of the case is
for snooze mode, the red button is for duration
while the black button is media. The switch at top right is
plus/minus, while the two switches below it handle alarm 1/2 and alarm 3/4
respectively. The big knob in the centre is for radio tuning.
With clocks on either side of the
bed, either person can invoke snooze,
change volume, modify an alarm etc.
You can even use clustering to coordinate clocks in different parts of the
Circuit protection features
The circuit includes reverse polarity
and overvoltage protection. Raspberry
Pis have an absolute maximum supply
limit of 6V, beyond which they will
be damaged. At our house, we have
a box of spare 5V and 12V plugpacks
to draw upon for our various devices,
and they all share the same style of
coaxial connector.
If you accidentally plugged a 12V
plugpack into this project, that would
instantly destroy it and the Raspberry
Pi. The protection circuit was included
to guard against that possibility.
Because the circuit mostly follows a
5V design but the Raspberry Pi expansion interface uses strictly 3.3V logic,
the clock includes series protection
resistances for all general purpose I/O
(GPIO) lines to guard against inadvertent shorting to a 5V source. I accidentally did this when prodding around
a prototype and was glad for the protection.
Trying the software
You may be interested to try the software, even if you’re not yet ready to
WiFi can interfere with Bluetooth
Bluetooth operates in the same 2.4GHz band as WiFi and different devices in that
band can interfere with one other, especially when a nearby device is using a lot of
bandwidth. Bluetooth interference can cause audio stutter and spontaneous disconnections.
If the interference becomes annoying, reassigning the Bluetooth channel by forgetting all Bluetooth pairings and starting over can help temporarily, as can changing the access point’s WiFi channel. However, these strategies may not be effective
in the long term.
The Raspberry Pi 4 supports the 5GHz WiFi band, so if Bluetooth audio streaming
is an important feature for you, you’ll get the best results using a Pi 4 and ensuring
there are no 2.4GHz WiFi devices or access points in the same or adjacent rooms
as the clock.
You could also disable the 2.4GHz band in all nearby access points and WiFi extenders. However, as most of us have legacy 2.4GHz-only WiFi devices, and sometimes
2.4GHz is the only usable spectrum, implementing this drastic strategy may be difficult (5GHz WiFi doesn’t penetrate walls very well).
You can avoid severe interference if your home WiFi is based on recent access
point technology supporting both 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi bands and band-steering.
Configure the band-steering to force 5GHz-capable devices to use 5GHz WiFi channels for the fullest practical signal strength range and check that your 5GHz capable
devices have switched over. Also, if possible, use wired Ethernet instead of 2.4GHz
backhaul for any WiFi extenders you may have deployed.
Another thing to consider is that microwave ovens operate at around 2.4GHz, so
if a kitchen is nearby, an operating microwave oven can interfere with WiFi and Bluetooth in that band.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 29
commit to the construction. The software can be installed onto any Linuxbased Raspberry Pi with a 40 pin
expansion connector (the GPIO library
currently does not support the Pi 5).
Without the clock hardware, you
can use the web GUI to set up and
configure alarms, watch the alarms
trip, pair your phone or tablet with the
‘clock’ to use it as a Bluetooth speaker
Silicon Chip
or play media from the Pi’s flash card,
an attached USB drive, a network share
or from the internet.
A script simplifies installing and
configuring the Pi. It fetches the
required libraries, installs them, then
configures the clock, a file server, web
interface, media player, automatic
updates, NTP and time monitoring
Australia's electronics magazine
You can optionally enable a firewall
so the clock cannot be accessed from
outside your home network and/or turn
off the Pi’s power and activity LEDs so
they don’t keep you awake at night.
You can download the ZIP file from containing
a Linux ‘tarball’ of the software and a
PDF document explaining how to prepare the SD card, copy the tarball and
Fig.1: the clock display includes three dual-digit seven-segment displays (hours, minutes and seconds), two colon LEDs,
eight ICs to drive the LEDs and Mosfet Q2 for PWM display brightness control. IC4-IC9 are seven-segment display
drivers, while IC11 is an eight-bit latch that drives the decimal points and colons.
run the installation script. There are
also notes about software debugging
modes for testing.
See the panel on page 36 of this
article for instructions on installing
the software.
Circuit details
The Clock Radio circuit diagram is
shown in Figs.1 & 2. Fig.1 is the display
section with the LED arrays and their
drivers. That section is driven by the
control section shown in Fig.2, which
also has the audio, user interface
(switch/button) and power portions.
The 5V and 3.3V power rails for
the display circuitry shown in Fig.1
come from the Raspberry Pi controller in Fig.2, along with the following
digital data lines via 1kW resistors:
Australia's electronics magazine
an 8-bit data bus (D0-D7), a two-bit
address bus (A0 & A1), a latch signal
(EN) and a PWM brightness control
line (DIM_PWM).
By setting the eight data lines and
the address, then ‘strobing’ (pulsing)
the latch, the software on the Pi can
update the digits for the hours, minutes and seconds, the six decimal
points and two colon LEDs.
January 2024 31
Fig.2: the Raspberry Pi connects to the display circuitry shown in Fig.1 using 12 digital lines that go via 1kW resistors.
The switches and buttons also connect to the Pi’s digital I/O pins with pull-up resistors, while the ambient brightness
monitoring and audio amplification circuitry are at upper right. The section at bottom left protects against power
supply over-voltage and reversed polarity.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The seven-segment displays are
driven by six BCD-to-seven-segment
display drivers, IC4 to IC9, and the
dots and colon from IC11. IC4 to IC9
convert binary numbers to segment
patterns on the seven segment displays and can deliver the necessary
LED drive current. IC11 works like a
one byte (eight bit) memory to remember which dots are turned on.
These chips have 3.3V-compatible
inputs, suiting the Pi’s GPIO bus, and
5V outputs that can draw from the
higher-current 5V supply rail. It is
important to use 74HCT chips rather
than 74HC because the latter are marginal at recognising 3.3V as a high
level while the former have a maximum high threshold of 2V.
Decoding the address bus and latching of the data is performed by IC10.
As the decoding logic is all at the same
level (3.3V), IC10 can be of the 74HC
IC4 to IC9 and IC11 drive all the LED
display anodes via nominally 430W
resistors while the LED display cathodes all go to the drain of N-channel
Mosfet Q2.
A PWM signal applied to Q2’s
gate therefore determines the overall brightness of all the LEDs. A 1MW
resistor holds it off whenever the Pi
is not actively driving it, so the display is blank when the Pi software is
not running.
The software cannot determine
whether all LEDs are present because
the display section is a ‘write-only
interface’. If you don’t need them,
you could leave off the seconds LEDs
and associated BCD driver chips, and
no software changes will be required.
Matching LED brightness
Theoretically, identical displays
from the same vendor should have the
same brightness. As the project uses
a combination of 0.8-inch 7-segment
displays, 0.56-inch 7-segment displays and discrete LEDs, they might
not all be the same efficiency. In that
case, they can be equalised by adjusting the values of the 430W current-
limiting resistors.
Four of the five clock prototypes
used Lumex 7-segment displays, and
both sizes produced identical brightnesses. One prototype used Multicomp
Pro devices, resulting in the smaller
digits being slightly brighter than the
larger digits. The larger Multi-comp
Pro displays were slightly less bright
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 33
than the equivalent Lumex devices, but
the clock’s brightness adjustment had
the headroom to compensate.
To equalise the Multicomp Pro display intensities, I changed the smaller
display’s current limiting resistors to
820W on that Clock Radio.
If you construct the board using
Multicomp Pro parts, we suggest not
populating the small display’s current
limiting resistors until you’ve built
and tested your clock and can determine the optimal resistance. If constructing with Lumex, as Dirty Harry
said, you’ve got to ask yourself a question: “Do I feel lucky?”.
You can populate the 430W resistors for the small display as we did,
but there’s a chance you might need to
adjust them if they don’t match adequately (we didn’t need to).
The two discrete 3mm LEDs that
make up the colon (“:”) have characteristics independent from the 7-segment
displays. For the devices specified in
the parts list, we found 1.3kW series
resistors illuminated the colon about
the same as the 7-segment displays
Fig.3: you can add a radio receiver
board, which will only be powered
on when needed, via CON5. Here are
three ways to connect it depending
on its power requirements.
Silicon Chip
from either vendor. Any 3mm LEDs
will work in this design, but be prepared to experiment with those resistor values if you use different parts.
The dimming function of the circuit
comprises an ambient light level monitor and the PWM control mentioned
above. The ambient light level is sampled by a light-dependent resistor
(LDR), which forms a voltage divider
with a 10kW resistor across the 3.3V
rail. The brighter the ambient light
level, the lower the LDR/resistor junction voltage.
IC12 is an MCP3201 12-bit analog-
to-digital converter (ADC) used to measure this voltage. The raw number read
from the ADC becomes smaller as the
ambient light level increases; the software processes it into a value with 0
indicating darkness and 4095 being the
maximum measurable brightness, as
shown on the web setup page.
The MCP3201 comes in two versions
with different accuracies labelled B
& C. You can save yourself a dollar
because the cheaper, less-accurate part
(C) works fine in this circuit.
The parts list specifies two LDRs
that will work well. Ideally, the LDR
dark resistance should be at least 10
times its light resistance. The setup
page on the web GUI includes four
sliders for adjusting the minimum and
maximum LED brightness and specifying the corresponding LDR levels.
The sliders provide a lot of flexibility to adjust for minor differences in
LDR characteristics so that the display
achieves the full range of potential LED
brightness. If you choose a different
LDR and can’t get the dimming to work
over the whole range, the 10kW resistor value will need to change.
In response to the ambient light
level, the software generates a 50Hz
PWM waveform that drives the gate of
Mosfet Q2 and continuously updates
the PWM duty cycle according to the
ambient light measurements.
Although the Pi has two high-
resolution timers that could be used
for hardware PWM timing, neither is
available in this design. One is used
for the Pi’s analog audio output, while
the other is commandeered by the Pi’s
GPIO daemon (service).
The LED brightness PWM is therefore generated in software by the GPIO
daemon. You’re unlikely to notice that;
the worst case is when the display is
at its dimmest and the CPU is heavily
loaded, such as when an alarm has
tripped and it is downloading, decompressing and playing a media file. In
that case, the software reduces the
PWM frequency to minimise the jitter
induced in the PWM signal.
The two PCBs for the Raspberry Pi Clock Radio are mounted perpendicular to
each other and then soldered together.
Australia's electronics magazine
The audio section includes the
amplifier that drives the speakers and
an audio input for an external radio.
The amplifier (IC13) is a PAM8407
Class-D low-distortion filterless amplifier chip.
At typical listening volumes, it has
a distortion below 0.1% across most
of the audible band. It is more than
adequate for a clock radio and media
player and comparable with the Pi
analog audio output quality.
Three GPIO pins are dedicated to
putting the amplifier into and out of
standby and adjusting its volume.
The audio source is selected by
DPDT relay RLY1, driven by Mosfet
Q4. The GPIO line that drives Q4 also
operates a second Mosfet, Q3, to act as
a power switch for the external audio
source. The switched external power
is available at three-pin header CON5.
Fig.3 shows three possible ways to
power an external radio from CON5.
Q3 has a maximum voltage rating
of 30V so, if using an external power
source, do not exceed that.
If you don’t plan to integrate an
external radio or audio input, you
could omit Q3 and Q4, the associated
resistors, PCB headers and the relay,
and fit wire links to the relay pads on
the PCB to connect the Pi’s audio output to the amplifier permanently.
User interface
Each switch pole or button has a
10kW pull-up resistor to the 3.3V rail
and is connected to one of the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins that’s configured
as a digital input. Therefore, when a
button is pressed or a switch is toggled,
the corresponding pin goes low and is
detected by the software.
Power supply and protection
The reverse polarity and overvoltage
protection section consists of diodes
D1 & ZD1, SCR1, Mosfet Q1 and associated passive components. It protects
the Clock Radio from an incorrect
power supply that could otherwise
damage it.
D1 protects against reverse polarity
by effectively short-circuiting the supply rail if power is applied with the
wrong polarity.
It will get hot, but it gets the job
done. A switch-mode plugpack will
enter overcurrent shutdown if shorted
by D1, and your Clock Radio will not
power on, allowing you to discover
Parts List – Raspberry Pi-Based Clock Radio
1 instrument case, 200 × 155 × 65mm [Jaycar HB5912, Altronics H0480F]
1 Raspberry Pi (model 3, 4, Zero 2W or similar)
1 sheet of green acrylic/Perspex, sized and shaped for the front panel
1 double-sided PCB coded 19101241, 150 × 83mm
1 double-sided PCB coded 19101242, 150 × 44mm
1 5V DC 2A+ plugpack
1 16-33kW light-dependent resistor (LDR1)
[DigiKey PDV-P8103-ND, element14 3168335]
3 panel-mount SPDT centre-off momentary toggle switches (S1, S5, S6)
3 panel-mount SPST momentary pushbuttons (S2-S4)
1 J104D style 5V DC coil, 2A DPDT relay (RLY1)
[DigiKey 2449-J104D2C5VDC.20S-ND, element14 1652604]
1 2×20-pin header, 2.54mm pitch
1 2.5mm chassis-mounting DC barrel socket (CON1) [Jaycar PS0524]
1 2-way right-angle pluggable terminal block, 5.08mm pitch
6 3-way, 2.54mm pitch polarised headers with matching plugs and pins
5 2-way, 2.54mm pitch polarised headers with matching plugs and pins
2 40-pin IDC line sockets
1 20-pin DIL IC sockets
7 16-pin DIL IC sockets
1 8-pin DIL IC sockets
1 panel-mount barrel socket to suit plugpack
2 red panel-mount banana socket
2 black panel-mount banana socket
1 short stereo audio cable with a 3.5mm jack plug at one end
1 15cm length of 40-way ribbon cable
1 50cm length of figure-8 speaker cable
1 1m length of 3-way ribbon cable
2 M3 × 32mm panhead machine screws
10 M3 × 6mm panhead machine screws
2 M3 hex nuts and flat washers
6 12mm-long M3-tapped Nylon spacers
2 short lengths of medium-duty hookup wire (red & black)
6 74HCT4511 7-segment display driver ICs, DIP-16 (IC4-IC9)
1 74HC139 dual 2-to-4 decoder IC, DIP-16 (IC10)
1 74HCT374 8-bit parallel latch IC, DIP-20 (IC11)
1 MCP3201-CI/P 12-bit ADC, DIP-8 (IC12)
1 PAM8407DR filterless Class-D stereo amplifier IC, SOIC-16 (IC13)
3 IRLB4132PbF 30V 78A N-channel Mosfets, TO-220 (Q1-Q3)
1 2N7000 small signal N-channel Mosfet, TO-92 (Q4)
1 C106D1G sensitive-gate SCR, TO-126 (SCR1)
2 0.8in/20.3mm green dual 7-segment display, eg, LDD-C812RI or LD0805GWK
[DigiKey 67-1473-ND, element14 2627654]
1 0.56in/14.2mm green dual 7-segment display, eg, LDD-C512RI or
LD0565GWK [DigiKey 67-1459-ND, element14 2627648]
2 green diffused 3mm LEDs (LED1, LED2)
[DigiKey 754-1609-ND, element14 2112096 or equivalent]
1 5.1V 1W zener diode (ZD1)
2 1N4004 400V 1A diodes (D1, D5)
2 470μF 16V electrolytic (2.5mm lead pitch)
1 47μF 16V electrolytic (2mm lead pitch)
2 1μF 50V (multi-layer) ceramic
4 470nF 50V (multi-layer) ceramic
● values may need to vary to match
10 100nF 50V (multi-layer) ceramic or MKT
the display segment brightness.
1 10nF 50V (multi-layer) ceramic or MKT
Resistors (all 1/4W 1% axial unless noted)
2 1MW
2 1.3kW SMD M3216/1206 1% ● 1 470W 1/2W axial
10 10kW
1 1.3kW
48 430W SMD 1206 1% ●
1 2.7kW
26 1kW
2 390W
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 35
Installing the software on a Raspberry Pi
You will need an SD card with at least 4GB capacity. Larger is fine; you can use the extra storage to hold your media library. With Raspberry Pis, the read/write speed and quality of the SD
card make a difference. Cheap SD cards often perform poorly.
The SD card must be loaded with either the Debian Bullseye Lite or Debian Bookworm Lite
operating systems. Debian images older than Bullseye are not suitable. The easiest way to prepare the SD card is with “Raspberry Pi Imager”, freely available for Windows, macOS and Linux.
Launch Raspberry Pi Imager, insert the SD card into your computer (via a card writer if it
doesn’t have a slot) and click the CHOOSE DEVICE button, then select “No Filtering”. For a Pi 4
or Pi Zero 2W, choose Raspberry Pi OS (Other) → Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit). For other models, select Pi Raspberry OS (Other) → Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit). Then click CHOOSE STORAGE to select the SD card, click NEXT, pick EDIT SETTINGS and fill out the form:
1. Set a unique hostname for your clock (“clock” if you can’t think of anything else).
2. Enable SSH using password authentication.
3. Set a username and password for logging in via SSH.
4. Enter your wireless LAN details (SSID, password and country).
5. Set the locale settings for your area.
6. Deselect the option to eject media (the SD card) when finished, as you’ll also be copying
the clock software to the SD card before ‘ejecting’.
Write down the hostname, username and password so you can log into the Pi later. Next,
click SAVE, then YES then WRITE. When the card has been written, download the clock software
zip file from the Silicon Chip website.
Inside the zip file is a file named “alarm-clock_v01.tgz” that you need to copy onto the SD
card. Copy the TGZ file from the ZIP archive to the root of the “bootfs” directory on the SD card
the same way you transfer files to a thumb drive. The v01 number could increase in future
if there are updates to the software. Finally, eject the SD card, insert it into the Pi and apply
power. The ZIP archive also contains a PDF document with screenshot of the installation, and
post-publication notes.
Connecting to the Pi
Because there’s no video output, the only way to know the Pi is ready to proceed is to connect to it over your network (wired or WiFi). The first time a Pi boots, it could take a few minutes
longer than usual. To avoid frustration, apply power and make a cup of tea or coffee.
You will need an SSH client to connect to the Pi. In Windows, you can use PuTTY or OpenSSH;
macOS and Linux have ‘ssh’ command line tools. You can connect using its IP address or the
hostname specified when you prepared the SD image.
Most home routers generally publish local hostnames using a “.local” suffix, as suggested
in Raspberry Pi Imager. So you can try to connect to “clock.local” (or whatever other name you
chose). If that does not work, consult your router’s documentation or look at the router’s DHCP
leases table to find the IP address allocated to the Pi.
When you connect, the Pi will prompt for the username and password that you specified
during the SD card setup. Enter them to log in and get the remote command prompt.
Finishing the clock software installation
On the Pi, the file you copied to the SD card earlier is available within the bootfs partition at
/boot. You can now extract the contents using the command:
tar zxf /boot/firmware/alarm-clock_v01.tgz
tar zxf /boot/alarm/alarm-clock_v01.tgz
← for Bookworm OS
← for Bullseye OS
This command creates a subdirectory called “alarm-clock” containing the source code and
will also leave an installation script in your current directory. The last stage in the software installation is to run that installation script (you must copy this exactly, including the letter case):
sudo ./
The installation script asks for your password twice, whether you would like to install firewall
rules that prevent access from IP addresses originating on a different subnet (you will probably
want to say yes) and then asks if you would like to attempt to disable the power and activity LEDs.
Web-based configuration
To reach the web interface, open a browser and surf to http://clock.local or whatever system
name or IP address you used to ssh into the clock. You’re greeted by the clock’s home page,
which contains links to the various configuration and media player functions, a summary of
the configured alarms, the playlist if media is currently playing, and a list of any other clocks
found on the local network.
We’ll have more information on configuring the clock in part two next month, along with
instructions on updating the software, using it as a Bluetooth speaker, testing and more information on the clock software.
If you run into trouble during installation you should check the instructions included with the
software download, as steps may have changed after publication. These instructions are for the
1.8.1 version of Raspberry Pi Imager, but earlier versions will work with slight changes.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
the mistake without losing any smoke.
The over-voltage protection isolates
the rest of the circuit from the supply
if the supply voltage exceeds about
5.7V. With a normal supply of around
5V, zener diode ZD1 does not conduct,
so the gate of SCR1 remains at 0V. The
2.7kW pull-up resistor pulls the gate of
Mosfet Q1 up to +5V, switching it on
and connecting circuit ground to the
incoming supply’s negative terminal.
If the supply voltage exceeds 5.7V,
there is around 0.6V at the gate of
SCR1, so it switches on, pulling the
gate of Mosfet Q1 to 0V. That switches
Q1 off, allowing the circuit ground to
rise to the positive supply rail, leaving no voltage to power the remainder
of the circuit. The potential for damage to the Pi starts at around 6V, so
the SCR trigger voltage is just slightly
below that.
SCRs behave a little like bipolar
NPN transistors acting as switches,
except that SCRs latch themselves
on after their trigger voltage has been
reached. This way, Q1 remains off
until the offending power supply is
disconnected, at which point it resets.
Component selection
When purchasing components for
this project, note that electrolytic
capacitors come in all shapes and
sizes. The hole spacing for the two
470μF electrolytics is 2.5mm, while
the 47μF electrolytic holes are spaced
at 2mm. Most 16V rated capacitors will
have similar lead spacings but higher-
voltage electros may not fit well.
If possible, measure the actual component or check the catalog or data
sheet to find a good match. The clock
will work with higher-voltage or larger
components, but they may not fit as
neatly on the board.
Sockets are recommended for the
DIP ICs. If ever you need to replace a
chip, extracting the IC from a socket
will be much easier than desoldering
it from the joined main and display
board assembly.
However, sockets can slowly oxidise over time and eventually cause
problems; soldered chips are generally
more reliable in the long term. Removing the chip from its socket and then
reinserting may be all that’s required
to re-establish good contact.
The second article next month
will have all the construction details,
usage instructions and information on
updating the firmware.
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Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions will be paid for at
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ePaper ‘analog’ clock and calendar
ePaper displays can still be read
when the power supply is removed
and they have a 180° viewing angle.
Also, they don’t need a backlight. That
results in an extremely low power consumption.
One significant disadvantage of ePaper is that its refresh rate is rather slow,
taking 3-8 seconds for a full update.
That is why they are mostly limited to
book readers and clock displays without second hands.
This project uses a 190mm black &
white ePaper display made by Waveshare with 800 × 480 pixels to show an
analog clock view with a second hand.
The second hand cannot move every
second; instead, it updates every 2-3
seconds. You can see a video of it at
The entire circuit will draw about
60mA from a 3.7V lithium-ion cell
and can run for well over two days
with an 18650 cell of modest capacity, although it is shown here running
from a USB 5V power supply.
The ePaper screen is driven by an
ESP32 microcontroller module. However, driving an ePaper screen is a bit
different than other screens.
The ePaper display is divided into
two pages: firstPage and nextPage.
You have to write in both the pages in
reverse colour so that when firstPage
expires and nextPage starts, the reverse
colours will cancel each other, and it
will update the display properly.
On the first page, if you write white
on black, on the next page, you must
write the same pixels with black on
white. If you do not, you will have a
flickering ghost image that changes
When connecting the HAT, ensure
the SPI connection switch is towards
the “4 wire” SPI side, and the display
configuration switch is towards the
B side. The ribbon cable between the
ePaper display & the HAT is delicate. Try not to move this cable
much, or it could be damaged.
The Arduino software can be
downloaded from siliconchip.
The library files are to be
installed in the Arduino libraries
directory. There are two sketches,
one for the clock by itself and one
for the clock with calendar.
For easy understanding, or if
you want to use an ePaper that
Waveshare doesn’t make, I have
retained the commented-out lines
of the sketch. One can uncomment them and change to the
correct display driver if required.
The clock’s low power consumption means you could
replace the power supply with a
Li-ion battery and a small solar
panel. The ePaper display is
visible under broad daylight or
indoor light. However, the ePaper
will not be visible in the dark as
it needs incident light to work,
like regular paper.
Bera Somnath,
Kolkata, India. ($100)
Got an interesting original circuit that you have cleverly devised? We will pay good money to
feature it in Circuit Notebook. We can pay you by electronic funds transfer, cheque or direct to
your PayPal account. Or you can use the funds to purchase anything from the SILICON CHIP Online
Store, including PCBs and components, back issues, subscriptions or whatever. Email your circuit
and descriptive text to editor<at>
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 41
ESP32-based semiconductor curve tracer
This circuit forms a simple and inexpensive semiconductor curve tracer. It
graphs some characteristics of bipolar
transistors, Mosfets, diodes, LEDs and
low-voltage zener diodes. It allows the
comparison of devices of the same type
and will also show whether a device
is faulty or out of specification, such
as having a low gain.
The software is contained in an
Arduino sketch, and the device uses
an ESP32 30-pin ‘DevKit’ microcontroller module. The micro includes
WiFi, and the user interface is a web
page served by a web server to avoid
the expense of an LCD touchscreen.
Web Socket technology eliminates
page refreshes and provides rapid
screen data updating.
I housed the prototype in a small
3D-printed box with a 14-pin ZIF
socket mounted on the lid to connect
the device under test (DUT).
The base current for an NPN bipolar
Silicon Chip
transistor or the gate voltage for an
N-channel Mosfet comes from the
8-bit DAC1 analog output of the ESP32
microcontroller (DAC stands for digital-to-analog converter). It is amplified
by op amp IC1c, which has a gain of
about 2.8 times. Its output is applied
to the DUT via a 22kW resistor.
The high side of this resistor is
connected to a 56kW/27kW voltage
divider and then to analog input pin
33 of the micro, which feeds its internal ADC (analog-to-digital converter).
The voltage dividers keep the ADC
input voltage below the 3.2V limit.
The low-side (base or gate) voltage is
buffered by a unity-gain op amp IC1a
that feeds another ADC channel on
pin 32 of the ESP32 via another voltage divider.
The base current or gate voltage can
be varied and measured by stepping
the DAC output over its range.
The collector current for an NPN
Australia's electronics magazine
bipolar transistor or the drain current
for an N-channel Mosfet is provided
by the ESP32’s DAC2 analog output,
amplified by op amp IC1d. This op
amp output is applied to the base of
2N5551 NPN transistor Q1 via a 1kW
Q1’s collector is connected to a regulated 9V supply, while its emitter
feeds a 100W resistor to the collector
or drain of the DUT. Q1 works as an
emitter-follower so that as the DAC2
output voltage increases, the voltage
at the emitter of Q1 increases, as does
the voltage applied to the DUT.
The voltages at either end of the
100W resistor are measured so that the
current can be measured along with
the collector or drain voltage.
To create the device curves, the
DAC1 output is set to a low value
while DAC2 is swept low-to-high
across the range and the current,
while the voltage readings are saved
The curve
tracer is
from a web
Australia's electronics magazine
to RAM. At the end of DAC2’s sweep,
DAC1 is stepped up to a higher value,
and the DAC2 sweep starts again. This
continues until DAC1 is at its highest
value. At the end of the test, the data
is placed on the web page and plotted on a graph.
The ESP32 ADCs are non-linear and
do not work below about 400mV or
above about 2.5V. Diode D1 (1N4004)
is used to lift all measured voltages
into the operating range, with a bias
current provided by a 1kW resistor.
ADC calibration data is loaded from
the defaults.txt file, but a default set
is loaded if it is missing. If the default
calibration is unsatisfactory, the calibration routine can be run.
For P-channel/PNP devices, a complementary circuit based around PNP
transistor Q2 operates similarly to Q1
for N-channel/NPN devices. DAC1 and
DAC2 are swept in reverse. That is,
maximum base and collector currents
are achieved with the DACs at zero.
For diodes, including LEDs and zeners diodes, the collector and emitter
pins of the N-type DUT are used with
no connection to the base terminal.
In this case, DAC2 sets the current
through the device.
Power is from a 12V plugpack that
supplies the op amps directly. A 7809
linear regulator provides the test voltages and the micro via its VIN pin.
Please confirm that your micro has
a 3.3V onboard regulator as well as a
blocking diode to prevent the direct
connection of the VIN pin and the
USB 5V terminal. Some ESP32 modules have a 0W resistor connecting
the USB 5V pin to the VIN pin. If this
is the case and you connect the VIN
pin to 9V and the USB socket to your
computer, you will most likely damage
your computer's USB ports.
To avoid this possibility, do not connect both unless you have confirmed
the blocking diode's presence.
As the test voltage is limited to 9V,
the DUT base current is limited to
about 350µA, collector and drain currents are limited to about 60mA, and
gate/diode voltages must be under 9V.
Consequently, only the device's lower
voltage and current characteristics can
be tested.
You can download a full manual
for the device as a PDF and the ESP32
firmware from
Phillip Webb,
Hope Valley, SA. ($125)
January 2024 43
Feature by Tim Blythman
WiFi Relay Modules
Connecting a microcontroller to a WiFi network is something we almost
take for granted today, but 10 years ago, it was more expensive and
difficult. This article examines two relay modules based on an ESP-01
module that can be controlled remotely over WiFi.
he Espressif Systems ESP8266 is a
32-bit microcontroller incorporating a WiFi radio. Initially, it came with
firmware that included a TCP/IP stack.
It could be controlled via a serial interface that allowed commands to be sent
similarly to an old Hayes-compatible
phone-line modem.
The ESP-01 is a minimalist standalone ESP8266 module that we
reviewed in April 2018 (siliconchip.
au/Article/11042). We also used the
ESP-01 to create the Clayton’s GPS
Time Source (April 2018; siliconchip.
au/Article/11039). Its relatively simple
circuit is shown in Fig.1.
It wasn’t long before it became possible to program the various ESP8266
modules directly. The possibility of
doing this with the Arduino IDE, and
later the Python language in the form
of MicroPython, meant that working
with WiFi suddenly became very easy.
Indeed, the ESP8266 is one of the
main reasons the Arduino IDE has
been updated to support so many different processor architectures and
board types.
The two WiFi relay modules covered in this article are based on the
ESP8266 processor and both contain
a removable ESP-01 module. That
means both are programmable with the
Arduino IDE, among other methods.
They both come loaded with functional firmware, which means that
they can be used without having to be
programmed. We’ll look at their design
and operation, then describe how they
can be controlled. We’ll also look at
the benefits of reprogramming them.
Why WiFi?
There are numerous possible applications for a WiFi relay, especially for
things like home automation, as WiFi
networks can easily cover the average
home (or be expanded to do so).
While the relays on both modules
are rated for switching mains, you
should not use them to switch mains
directly. That’s because the modules
are so compact that it’s impossible to
ensure safe separation of the mains
Fig.1: the ESP-01 module circuit is pretty simple, with the ESP8266 IC being connected to an antenna, crystal, serial
flash memory chip (IC2), power LED, plus 8-pin connector CON1 for power and communications.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.2: the Z6427 has about the minimum circuitry needed for an ESP-01
module to control a relay. Several pullup resistors set the correct operating
mode for the microcontroller, and a power LED and a reset button are
provided. A high-side PNP transistor drives the relay. The module has no
onboard voltage regulator and requires a 3.3V supply.
and low-voltage parts of the circuit.
You could easily use them to trigger
a safer external mains relay, though.
On the other hand, out-of-the-box,
they are ideal for controlling things
like low-voltage (eg, 12V LED) lighting, DC motors and other decorative
The Altronics Z6427
The Altronics Z6427 is a compact
module measuring 36 × 24 × 16mm.
It has a 4-pin right-angle header overhanging one end and a three-way
screw terminal at the opposite end.
The ESP-01 module sits over the relay
and is attached to the module using a
2×4 pin socket.
It’s very neatly laid out and there
are mounting holes in each corner.
Fig.2 shows the schematic diagram
of the module. As you can see, there
is not much to it. The header has connections for 3.3V power, ground and
serial UART lines.
These four pins connect directly to
their corresponding pins on the ESP01 module. A red LED indicates when
3.3V power is applied, while the tactile switch can be used to reset the
microcontroller on the ESP-01 module. Some of the ESP-01’s pins are
pulled up to 3.3V by either 1kW or
4.7kW resistors.
One of the ESP-01’s I/O pins, GPIO0,
drives a high-side PNP transistor.
When GPIO0 is driven low, the transistor conducts and powers the relay
coil. A diode is provided to quench
the coil voltage generated when the
transistor switches off. The relay has
3A-rated contacts.
The module was designed by Keyestudio, and more information about
the module can be found at (including a link to download a binary image
of the firmware and software tools):
The firmware tries to connect to an
access point named “KeyesWifi_S”
(with the password “KeyesWifi”) if
such an access point is present. If that
doesn’t work, after a short while, the
firmware on the Z6427 sets up a WiFi
access point called “KeyesWifi_A”,
with the same password.
In either case, the firmware opens
TCP port 8080 for incoming connections. The relay contacts will close if
the string “PIN00=0” is received on
that port. If “PIN00=1” is received, the
relay contacts will open. This corresponds to the inverted logic that the
circuit presents.
The GPIO0 pin (Pin 5) that is used
to drive the relay is also used to set
the boot mode of the processor; that is
probably the reason for the somewhat
unusual PNP transistor drive circuit.
This pin is also driven low as the processor boots, causing the relay to close
briefly. Such behaviour may not be
desired in your application!
The Keyestudio web page also provides a “NetAssist” Windows PC program that can be used to test the module's operation. We have also written
some Arduino sketches that can be
used to test and control the relays,
The Altronics
WiFi Relay
Module is
compact, with
holes being
a handy
touch. The
module sits
over the 3A sugarcube-sized relay. 3.3V power and
ground can be connected at one end,
with the relay contacts available at
the other end.
which will be described shortly.
Since the header on the Z6427 also
carries serial data lines, we hooked up
a serial-USB adaptor to see if anything
was being sent. Fig.3 shows how you
can connect this module to a CP2102
USB-serial module. There is diagnostic data at the unusual rate of 74,880
baud, which can be seen in Screen 1.
The Jaycar XC3804
The Jaycar WiFi Relay is a bit larger
at 45 × 28mm and has a more complex
circuit; in fact, there is another microcontroller on the main module, aside
from the ESP8266 on the attached ESP01 module.
Fig.4 shows its schematic. There are
three external connections equivalent
to those on the Altronics unit. A threeway screw terminal presents the relay
contacts, while a four-way pin header
provides serial data and power, in this
case, 5V.
Another two-way screw terminal
parallels the 5V and ground connections, which may be preferred for some
applications. The XC3804 also hosts
an AMS1117 3.3V regulator to power
the 3.3V ESP-01 module.
The Jaycar unit uses a low-side NPN
transistor to drive the coil of a 5V relay.
There is also a quenching diode. An
indicator LED and its ballast resistor
are in parallel with the coil, so the LED
illuminates when the coil is powered.
This relay has 10A contacts.
Fig.3: connecting the
Z6427 to a CP2102 USBserial converter module
allows the diagnostic
boot data to be viewed at
the unusual baud rate of
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 45
Screen 1: the Z6427’s data includes
information about the access point
it creates, as well as its progress in
connecting to other access points.
Screen 2: the XC3804 produces data
about the access point and URL you
need to connect to. The accented
characters are actually binary
commands to the STC15F104W chip
that are also echoed to the external
serial lines.
Interestingly, the transistor is controlled by an 8-pin STC15F104W
microcontroller. This micro is powered from the 5V rail and is also connected to the serial UART lines of the
ESP-01 and the four-way header.
There are unofficial reports that the
ESP8266 processor has 5V-tolerant
inputs, allowing the direct connection
of the nominally 3.3V ESP8266 to a 5V
microcontroller. The ENABLE pin of
the ESP-01 is pulled up to 3.3V, and
our module had several unpopulated
component footprints too.
The data sheet for this module
includes the Arduino source code
( The code
is straightforward and contains elements from Arduino example sketches.
The XC3804 creates an open access
point named “Duinotech WiFi Relay”
and also sets up a DNS responder for
the “” hostname. This means
that the Relay can be accessed via this
host name as well as its IP address.
There is also a web (HTTP) server
hosting a page that provides a pair of
links to control the relay remotely. The
links point to the URLs
According to both the source code
and the behaviour we saw, the “open”
command sets the transistor’s base
high, energising the relay, while
“close” de-energises the relay. That is
opposite to what we expected.
Otherwise, the XC3804 worked as
expected and was perhaps slightly easier to operate due to its inbuilt HTTP
server rather than a raw TCP server.
Despite the extra microcontroller, the
relay on the XC3804 occasionally chattered when powered on but less often
than the Z6427.
Also, the relay status LED (as fitted
to the XC3804) is more useful than the
power LED on the Z6427; the ESP-01
module already has a tiny red LED that
lights up when it is powered.
This module can be wired up to a
CP2102 USB-serial module, as shown
in Fig.5. There is little diagnostic
data available from the XC3804, apart
from an instructional boot message at
9600 baud, shown in Screen 2. Further binary data (the line of accented
characters) is sent whenever the URLs
are requested. This data appears to be
the commands to the STC15F104W for
it to drive the relay.
Demonstration software
We have written software demonstrating how to control these modules over WiFi. Naturally, we needed
a WiFi-capable microcontroller, and
we have chosen to use the Pico W as
it can be programmed with either the
Arduino IDE or with BASIC using the
WebMite firmware.
Since the Pico W’s UF2 firmware
files are easy to upload, we have also
provided those as downloads, so you
can try out our examples without even
having the Arduino IDE installed. You
will just need a serial terminal program, such as TeraTerm on Windows
or Minicom on Linux.
For the Arduino IDE, we’ve used
the arduino-pico board profile version
3.1.0 from
Some of the Arduino sketches have
also been tested to work with the D1
Mini ESP8266-based boards.
Fig.4: the XC3804 includes an AMS1117 voltage regulator, so it will work with a 5V DC supply. It has a second
microcontroller in addition to the ESP8266 on the ESP-01 module, which receives commands over a serial pair and
activates the relay via a standard low-side NPN transistor arrangement.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Screen 3: our basic Z6427_CLIENT
demo software for the Z6427 connects
to its access point and can control the
relay by sending appropriate data
over the WiFi network.
There are three Arduino sketches
for the Z6427 and one BASIC program.
There is also an Arduino sketch for
the XC3804. There are some limitations to the WebMite WiFi interface
that mean there are some things we
cannot do with it.
For each example, you can load the
UF2 file by pressing the white BOOTSEL button on the Pico W while connecting it to a computer. After that,
copy the appropriate UF2 file to the
RPI-RP2 drive that appears and connect to the virtual USB-serial port with
your terminal program.
You could also compile the sketches
with the Arduino IDE. Note that Arduino and the WebMite firmware use different implementations of the virtual
USB-serial port, so the port name or
number might differ (for the same Pico
W) depending on which firmware is
Z6427 remote control
There are three versions of the Arduino demo software for the Z6427. One
version (Z6427_CLIENT) behaves as a
The XC3804 has
screw terminals
for power and
relay contacts,
plus a separate
for power
and serial
It is larger than the
Altronics unit and does
not have mounting holes but the
onboard relay is rated for 10A.
Screen 4: this second version of the client software can scan and connect to
different Z6427 Relays. It can be pretty slow, as switching between the access
points each Relay provides takes some time.
WiFi station and tries to connect to the
access point on a Z6427.
When it does, it prints its IP address.
The Relay can be controlled by typing “0” or “1” into the serial terminal;
Screen 3 shows the typical output.
Sometimes the connection does not
work immediately, so you may need
to wait up to a minute for the station
to connect to the access point.
It also appears that the Z6427
does not always start its access point
(“KeyesWifi_A”) until it has decided
that it can’t connect to any other access
points (“KeyesWifi_S”).
The Z6427_CLIENT_V2 sketch (or
UF2 file) is designed to allow control of more than one Z6427. This
sketch scans for networks with the
“KeyesWifi_A” name and allocates
them a letter code (A, B, C etc). Screen
4 shows its output.
Entering the letter code will connect
to the appropriate Relay, after which
“0” and “1” will switch the specific
Relay, like the previous sketch. Note
that this sketch is very slow to switch
between Relay access points, so it will
Fig.5: the XC3804 communicates at
9600 baud, and you can see some
brief debugging data output and the
commands to the STC15F104W that
drives the relay.
Australia's electronics magazine
not be suitable for practical uses of
those Relays.
The Z6427_AP_CLIENT demo operates as an access point and allows
Relays to connect to it; its serial output is shown in Screen 5. The “0” and
“1” commands are pushed out to all
Relays that connect.
Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy
way to tell the relays apart (eg, by
querying their MAC addresses) from
within the Arduino code. Like the previous sketch, this version is impractical for anything but demonstration
purposes, but might be handy to show
how the Relays operate in these configurations.
The current version of WebMite
BASIC (5.07.07 at the time of writing)
has some limitations that mean it is not
possible to provide as many examples.
Screen 5: the Z6427_AP_CLIENT
sketch provides an access point to
which the Z6427 Relays can connect.
It shows the connected stations and
sends out the same command to all
the Relays it detects.
January 2024 47
In particular, the WebMite cannot be
configured to work with an open WiFi
network, meaning that it is impossible to use it to communicate with the
Jaycar XC3804, which only offers an
open WiFi access point.
The WebMite cannot be an access
point, so we cannot create an equivalent to the Z6427_AP_CLIENT
sketch. Also, the access point to
which the WebMite connects is fixed
as an OPTION, so it cannot be easily changed at runtime; that rules out
a BASIC program like the Z6427_
CLIENT_V2 sketch.
So, our sole BASIC example for
the WebMite connects it to a single
Z6427 access point and allows remote
control of the relay with “0” and “1”
keystrokes. You can break out of the
program with Ctrl-C if you want to
modify it.
This can be loaded by downloading
the Z6427.UF2 file to a Pico W. The
output is shown in Screen 6. Note that
because all Z6427s use the “KeyesWifi_
A” access point, this UF2 file has
OPTION WIFI set to use that access
point name, so it should just work.
Software for the XC3804
The XC3804 only creates an access
point and does not have the option to
connect to other access points, so there
is only one Arduino example for it,
named XC3804_CLIENT. It works in
much the same fashion as the Z6427_
CLIENT software and connects to the
You can then control the relay over
its serial port by sending “0” or “1”. As
expected, the logic is reversed, so “0”
will energise the relay (and the LED
will come on), while “1” will power
off the relay. Screen 7 shows the serial
data produced by this sketch.
Improved firmware
These two relays have handy features but could benefit from some
improvements. In particular, neither
can connect to a pre-existing WiFi network, which is what we expect most
people to do, especially if they wish
to interact with devices on the wider
The Z6427’s habit of toggling the
relay as it powers up might be sufficient to rule it out of some critical
Screen 6: we also created a version of
the Z6427_CLIENT software in BASIC
for the WebMite, which runs on the
Raspberry Pi Pico W hardware.
Screen 7: like the Z6427_CLIENT
software, XC3804_CLIENT connects
to the access point that the Relay
creates. Since the XC3804 uses the
HTTP protocol, it can also be operated
using a computer and browser.
Silicon Chip
Screen 8: our DUPLEX_RELAY_
FIRMWARE_MDNS firmware can
be loaded onto the Z6427 or XC3804
Relays to improve the interface. Our
firmware serves up the web page
shown here and allows it to connect
to an existing WiFi network, such as a
home access point. Other information
shown allows the Relay to be uniquely
identified for later use.
Australia's electronics magazine
applications, but otherwise, its numerous interfaces are pretty handy.
The XC3804’s HTTP interface is
very easy to use, particularly for testing purposes, as any computer with a
browser can operate it. The lack of a
secure access point means it can’t be
used with the WebMite.
With these aspects in mind, we
decided to write our own firmware to
work with both module types.
Our Clayton’s GPS Time Source article had details about wiring up the
ESP-01 module for reprogramming.
We have reproduced the figure from
that article (Fig.6 here) as it shows the
critical details of how to connect the
USB/serial adaptor to the ESP-01 via
a breadboard for programming.
Our improved firmware was also
written with the Arduino IDE; the
sketch is named DUPLEX_RELAY_
FIRMWARE_MDNS. We have also
exported a BIN file you can program
directly into the ESP-01 (or other
ESP8266 board) with the free ESPFlashDownloadTool software.
The ESPFlashDownloadTool software can be downloaded from:
That link is also provided on the
Altronics Z6427 product page. The
BIN file (and any other BIN files for
ESP8266 boards) should be programmed to address 0x000000.
Altronics sells the ESP-01 module
separately as the Z6360 (siliconchip.
au/link/abpy), so you can experiment
with this without modifying the ESP01 module that comes with the WiFi
Relay Module if you prefer.
This firmware provides the same
outputs as expected by the Altronics
Z6427 and Jaycar XC3804 Relays, so
an ESP-01 module programmed with
this firmware can be used in either.
Simply remove the original ESP-01
and replace it with one programmed
with our firmware.
Briefly, the updated firmware adds
interfaces to allow it to connect to
a specific WiFi network. That will
enable the relay to connect, for example, to your home WiFi network. Naturally, the selected access point is saved
for automatic connection in the future.
Some basic diagnostic data is now
available via a serial terminal at 9600
baud. This baud rate is necessary to
match the rate used by the ESP-01
when it communicates with the second microcontroller on the XC3804
Fig.6: this is how you can connect a USB/serial adaptor to an ESP8266 module to reprogram it. The breadboard is
mainly needed so you can connect the required pull-up resistors.
Like the Jaycar XC3804, an open
access point is created, this time with
the name “relay”. A DNS server means
you can browse to http://relay.setup
to easily access the configuration.
Screen 8 shows the web page that is
You can test the operation of the
Relay by using the OPEN and CLOSE
buttons on the web page. You can also
set the WiFi SSID and password using
the text entry boxes. The information
at the bottom of the page includes the
IP address of the Relay once it has connected to another network.
The HOST and MDNS fields are
unique names based on the unique
MAC (hardware) address of the ESP01 module. They can be used later to
identify each Relay as they should
never change, even if the IP address
A password can be entered in the
LOCK password field to prevent the
SSID and password from being modified by someone accessing the Relay’s
access point. Re-entering the LOCK
password will unlock the Relay.
Like any such application, physical access to the relay means that
any security measures can be broken, such as by reprogramming the
module or reading out data from the
flash memory. So we don’t claim that
the Relay is invulnerable to security issues, but this small measure
should help.
The same page is also served up
when the Relay has connected to
another access point, so you should
be able to check operation by browsing to the IP address shown (while
connected to the programmed SSID)
and confirming that you see the same
host address and that the Relay can be
controlled in the same fashion.
To configure multiple Relays, you
should power on each in turn. When
each one comes up, access its “relay”
access point and configure it to access
your preferred WiFi network. Note the
IP address and HOST/MDNS fields,
then set the LOCK password and
power off the Relay before configuring the next.
Depending on your access point’s
settings, the IP addresses might
change, but the HOST/MDNS will not.
You can then access the Relays via the
following client software.
Client control
A functional test can be made using
the DUPLEX_AP_CLIENT sketch. This
connects to the “relay” WiFi network
and accesses the http://relay.setup
page to control the relays. It is controlled from a serial terminal.
It works in the same fashion as the
XC3804_CLIENT software seen in
Screen 7. Indeed, it is much the same
code-wise apart from the different
access point and web page addresses.
For a more comprehensive control program, use the DUPLEX_STA_
CLIENT_WEBSERVER sketch. It also
has a serial control interface, allowing
it to connect to your WiFi network and
scan for Relays.
On start-up, the sketch scans for
networks and prompts you for a password to allow a connection to your
home network. This network is saved
in emulated EEPROM for future use.
You will then see a menu like Screen 9.
CLIENT_WEBSERVER sketches implement the mDNS (multicast domain
name server) protocol. The Relays are
identified by their MDNS names which
are displayed in their individual configuration web pages.
After a Relay scan (triggered by the
“Y” command), any Relays found are
saved to emulated EEPROM and can be
selected by choosing their letter code
(A, B, C etc). They can be operated by
typing “0” or “1”.
The DUPLEX_STA_CLIENT_WEBSERVER sketch also serves up a web
page at the IP address that it prints on
the serial terminal. Screen 11 shows
a typical display, which, as you can
Screen 9: the DUPLEX_
sketch provides a
much more advanced
control interface. The
mDNS protocol allows
other Relays to be
found by scanning,
and individual
Relays can be saved
and controlled
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 49
The Altronics
Z6427 (left) and
Jaycar XC3804 (right)
shown enlarged for clarity.
see, will allow you to scan and control
Relays on your local network.
BASIC code
We’ve also provided a BASIC version (for the WebMite) of this sketch.
and works like its Arduino equivalent, although it lacks the web server
The UF2 can be loaded onto a blank
Pico W to turn it into a WebMite
already programmed with this software. However, you will still need to
manually configure the OPTION WIFI
parameter to connect to your preferred
network at the command prompt.
Since WebMite BASIC does not
implement the mDNS protocol, it has
to work slightly differently. It accesses
the web page that the Relay generates
and looks for the “MDNS:” text to
extract the unique identifier.
We recommend noting the IP
addresses and then using the “V”
command to check the relay at that IP
address. We’ve included a scan (“Y”)
routine, but it is very slow and does
not always work.
Screen 10 shows the output from the
WebMite BASIC program. It can store
Relays to non-volatile memory and
then control them by typing a letter
(A, B, C etc) and “0” or “1”.
We tried adding a capacitor to see
if we could eliminate the relay toggling while the WiFi Relay Modules
are booting. The capacitors are fitted
between the base and emitter of the Q1
transistor in each case. For the Altronics Z6427, around 470μF was required,
while the Jaycar XC3804 only required
10μF. Watch the polarity if you try this
with electrolytic capacitors.
Our updated firmware offers significantly improved options for controlling these WiFi Relays, especially
as it allows them to connect to a known
WiFi network. This simplifies applications where you already have devices
connected to an existing network.
There is still the limitation of the
Altronics Z6427 that the relay contacts close briefly when power is
first applied; the Jaycar XC3804 also
appears to do so occasionally.
For these reasons, we can’t suggest
these Relays for interfacing with things
Screen 10: although
WebMite BASIC does
not support the mDNS
protocol, our DUPLEX_
program provides similar
features (apart from
scanning) to the DUPLEX_
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Screen 11: the HTTP web server
incorporated into the DUPLEX_STA_
CLIENT_WEBSERVER sketch displays
a page that allows you to configure
and control other WiFi Relays. That
means you don’t need to use a serial
terminal apart from the initial setup.
like automatic gates and garage door
openers. A power outage might result
in the garage door receiving a spurious open command in the middle of
the night!
Still, they would be great for controlling low-voltage lights and other
decorative applications. They would
probably be fine for uses where safety
or security is not a concern.
All the software we have written
for these Relays is also available in
compiled form, so you don’t need
the Arduino IDE to try them out. For
example, we have UF2 files that can be
loaded directly onto a Pico W. These
are available for all Arduino sketches
(except the updated Relay firmware,
which is not intended for the Pico W).
Our serial control is simple and
intended to demonstrate how these
devices operate. We expect many readers will add interfaces such as buttons
and sensors to automate the operation
of the Relays further. Having said that,
the web page interface might be sufficient for some readers.
As well as the UF2 files for our Pico
(Arduino or WebMite) programs, some
of the Arduino sketches have also
been exported as BIN files, which can
be programmed into ESP8266-based
boards or modules for testing. We
used a D1 Mini for these tests as it has
a built-in USB-serial interface. Jaycar
sells it as XC3802.
Both Relay modules are available for
$17.95 at the time of writing.
• Altronics Wi-Fi ESP8266 Relay
Module For Arduino:
• Jaycar Smart Wi-Fi Relay Main
Board module:
• Adjustable delay times
XC4444 $6.95
• 2cm - 450cm 15° range
XC4442 $8.95
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P S / 2
Keyboard Adaptor
Numerous devices still use PS/2 keyboards, even though USB keyboards have
been around for 20 years. That’s because PS/2 is very easy to interface with a
microcontroller, so kit-built computers like the VGA PicoMite include a PS/2 keyboard
interface. This Adaptor allows you to connect a USB keyboard to a VGA PicoMite or
anything else that needs a PS/2 keyboard.
By Tim Blythman
hile it’s still possible to buy PS/2
keyboards, they aren’t as widespread as they used to be. USB
keyboards often have better features,
and wireless USB keyboards are pretty
cheap these days. Wireless PS/2 keyboards exist but are no longer common,
making this Adaptor especially useful.
We recently came across a nice
design that is based on a Raspberry Pi
Pico microcontroller module. It allows
a USB keyboard and mouse to connect
to a computer that expects a PS/2 keyboard and mouse; see https://github.
The hardware presented there is
not much more than a Pico board, a
level shifter board and some flying
leads. We decided to develop a slightly
slicker design that would be more
- VGA PicoMite version kit (SC6861, $30)
- ps2x2pico version kit (SC6864, $32.50)
Both kits include everything except the
Jiffy box and 6-pin mini-DIN to mini-DIN
cable. The mounting hardware and optional
headers/sockets are present. The Pico is
supplied blank and requires programming.
6-pin mini-DIN cable (SC6869, $10): 1.5m
long PS/2 cable. Two cables are required if
using both the keyboard and mouse.
Silicon Chip
Image Source:
robust and easy to use with the VGA
PicoMite (July 2022;
We’re presenting two designs here,
with one designed specifically to work
with the VGA PicoMite. It should also
work fine with any computer system
that expects a PS/2 keyboard, including older PCs and boot-to-BASIC computers such as the MaxiMite or Colour
This project was also prompted
by enquiries about the USB Mouse
and Keyboard Interface for Micros
(February 2019;
Article/11414), asking us to add a PS/2
The PS/2 keyboard protocol
“PS/2” refers to the IBM Personal
System/2 computer that introduced
this interface.
The physical side of the PS/2 protocol is quite simple and consists of two
lines that are normally pulled up to 5V.
The connected devices (eg, keyboard
and host computer) can either leave
the lines high or pull them down to
0V using a transistor collector/drain.
This allows communications in both
directions without conflict.
Australia's electronics magazine
The lines are called CLOCK and
DATA, and electrically, the protocol
is very similar to I2C.
Each byte is sent on the DATA line
as a start bit (0), eight bits, an odd parity bit, then a high stop bit. The level
on the DATA line is much the same
as would be seen on an asynchronous
serial line using the ‘8O1’ (eight data
bits, odd parity, one stop bit) setting.
However, there is a CLOCK line, which
is specified as operating at 10-16.7kHz,
so it is a synchronous protocol.
The keyboard always provides the
CLOCK signal, and the only time the
host controls it is to briefly pulse it
low to signal that it wants to send
data. When the host sends its data,
it depends on the keyboard to drive
the clock signal as the host drives the
DATA line.
Some of the commands the host can
send include those to set the lock key
LEDs (Caps Lock, Num Lock & Scroll
Lock) and to set the ‘typematic’ rate
and delay. Typematic is the term for
automatic key press repeats when keys
are held down. Since USB keyboards
do not implement typematic, we need
to emulate that feature.
The host can also query the keyboard
The PCB shown at left fits into the VGA PicoMite case and replaces the PS/2 socket with its
USB socket. Six pin headers connect the two PCBs. The construction is a bit fiddly, but the tidy
result is worth the effort. The PCB shown at right is the ps2x2pico version and has more features such as a
mouse adaptor. Due to its larger size, it needs to be fit into a UB5 Jiffy box, but it can convert a USB keyboard/mouse
combo to work with two PS/2 ports and it supports wireless USB devices.
about its status and identity. For the
most part, though, data is sent from
the keyboard to the host when keys are
pressed or released. The PS/2 ‘scancodes’ that the keyboard sends do not
neatly map to anything like the ASCII
codes or the USB scancodes sent by
USB keyboards.
In fact, PS/2 scancodes correspond
to the original physical location of the
keys on the keyboard, as adjacent keys
often have similar codes. The mapping was clearly chosen to simplify
the scanning and encoding of keys by
the keyboard, leaving the hard work
of decoding the scancodes to software
on the host computer.
A PS/2 mouse works similarly,
although it sends button presses and
movement changes instead of scancodes. The host can command it to set
parameters like sampling (update) rate
and scaling.
So, apart from the scancode interpretation that is needed, the PS/2
protocol is fairly simple and is easy
enough to implement as it is driven
by the keyboard. We can control the
clock rate since we are trying to emulate a keyboard.
Circuit details
As mentioned earlier, the first circuit
is specifically designed to work with
the VGA PicoMite. A second circuit
is intended to match the circuit used
by No0ne’s ps2x2pico software. PCBs
are available for both.
Electrically, both are very simple,
and most components are present to
interface a 3.3V Pico microcontroller board to the 5V levels used by the
PS/2 interface.
Each circuit has a corresponding
PCB; we will describe their differing
software and construction later. We
think the first version (Fig.1) is the best
choice if you want to connect a USB
keyboard to a VGA PicoMite. However,
if you’re going to interface to an old PC
with both PS/2 mouse and keyboard
connections, we recommend building
the second version.
VGA PicoMite version
Fig.1 shows the circuit for this version of the Adaptor. It uses a Raspberry
Pi Pico microcontroller board (MOD1),
a pair of USB connectors (CON1 and
CON2), a 6-pin mini-DIN socket (as
used for PS/2), CON3, and a few other
USB sockets CON1 and CON2 are
connected in parallel. Those who
know USB will realise that both connectors cannot be used simultaneously; they are alternatives, and only
The Adaptor is a
neat install in a VGA
Picomite, replacing the PS/2
socket with a USB socket.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 53
Fig.1: Q1 & Q2 act
as voltage level
converters connecting
the 5V PS/2 bus to
the 3.3V Pico. That
allows the Pico software to convert
signals from a USB keyboard to the
PS/2 protocol. CON1 and CON2 give
two different mounting locations for
the USB socket.
one should be fitted. They are the same
socket type (both type A) but are in
different locations on the PCB to suit
various applications.
The data lines from CON1 (or CON2)
head via 22W resistors to consecutive
pins on MOD1. Although the RP2040
chip on the Pico has native support for
USB, some clever people have written a library that uses the Pico’s PIO
(programmable input/output) peripheral as a USB controller. The general-
purpose I/O pins do not have internal
22W resistors as required for USB communications, hence our adding them.
Two more of the Pico’s pins (carrying the CLOCK and DATA signals)
connect to a level-shifting arrangement
based on 10kW resistors and Mosfets
Q1 and Q2. An identical arrangement
is used on the VGA PicoMite to interface the 3.3V Pico to the 5V levels used
on the PS/2 bus.
This configuration is well-suited
to voltage level conversion on open-
collector busses and is commonly used
with I2C interfaces. The resistors pull
up the lines on each side to either 3.3V
or 5V. The gate is at the same voltage
as the source, so the Mosfet’s channel
is off, and its body diode is reverse-
biased due to the 5V rail being higher
than the 3.3V rail.
If the 3.3V logic line (connected to
the Mosfet source) is pulled down,
the gate is at a higher voltage than the
source and the Mosfet switches on,
propagating the low level to the 5V
Silicon Chip
logic side. If the 5V logic line goes low,
the source is pulled down via the Mosfet’s body diode, the Mosfet switches
on, and the low level is also seen on
the 3.3V side.
Releasing the low level allows the
source to rise until the Mosfet switches
off and each side returns to its initial
state, with both sides pulled up by
their respective resistors.
One more pin of the Pico is connected to a 1kW resistor and then to
ground via the LED. The latter is a
status indicator, with the LED lit by
bringing the digital pin high.
The 5V pins of all the connectors
are tied together so that any connector
can supply 5V as needed. Since CON1
(or CON2) is a host USB-A port, it will
power a downstream USB device like
a keyboard.
In normal operation, power will
come from CON3, since it will be connected to a PS/2 host. If necessary,
power could be provided to the circuit
via the Pico’s USB socket. The Pico has
an integrated 3.3V regulator, with its
output available at the 3V3 OUT pin. In
this case, it is only used as a reference
voltage for the level-shifting circuitry.
The ps2x2pico version
Fig.2 shows the second circuit. It
has a Pico (MOD1), USB type-A socket
(CON1), two 6-pin mini-DIN sockets (CON2 & CON3) and a mini-USB
socket (CON4). CON4 only has its
power (VBUS & GND) pins connected.
Australia's electronics magazine
The ps2x2pico name has been
coined for the software by its creator,
No0ne. We are simply using it to identify the version of the hardware that
we have developed to work with their
The eight 10kW resistors and four
Mosfets implement four logic level-
shifting channels identically to the
first circuit. The 5V sides of two channels go to CON2 for a PS/2 keyboard,
while the other two connect to CON3
for a PS/2 mouse.
The 3.3V sides of the level shifters
connect to pins on MOD1, while CON1
connects the USB data lines to a pair
of pads. These are intended to be connected to a matching pair of pads on
the underside of the Pico, and thus
the USB D− and D+ lines on its USB
Finally, LED1 and its 1kW ballast
resistor connect to another of the Pico’s
I/O pins.
It’s possible to replace CON1 with a
USB-OTG adaptor fitted into the Pico’s
micro-USB socket; that is what is
shown in the photos at https://github.
We felt that having fixed sockets
made for a more robust solution. The
fixed socket arrangements also lend
our final PCB design to being installed
in a Jiffy box.
Despite their almost identical functionality, the two circuits use vastly
Fig.2: like in Fig.1, many of the components
are responsible for interfacing the 3.3V Pico
with the 5V PS/2 bus. Those components are
duplicated for connections to both a PS/2
keyboard and mouse. The USB data line
‘test’ pads at upper right connect CON1 to
the Pico’s USB port.
different software implementations.
The code at
ps2x2pico is built using the Pico’s C
SDK (software development kit). It
uses the RP2040’s internal USB controller peripheral in host mode, and
implements the PS/2 interface using
the PIO peripheral.
We discussed the PIO peripheral
in detail in our Pico review in the
December 2021 issue (
Article/15125). The PIO is a programmable state machine that can be used
emulate many I/O and communications peripherals.
Using the internal USB controller in host mode is easier but it also
means that the controller cannot
operate in device mode, for example, to provide debugging data over a
virtual serial port. Plus the USB data
connection must be made via the test
pads on the Pico, instead of standard
header pins.
Our software instead uses the PIO to
emulate a USB host peripheral based
on a library available within the Arduino IDE. Thus, we used the Arduino
IDE to build our software.
The USB host implementation
means that the PIO peripheral cannot
provide the PS/2 interface, so we have
written it to work using GPIO pins and
timer interrupts instead. This timer
operates at 50kHz and is divided into
four phases to give a nominal 12.5kHz
PS/2 clock frequency.
Using the Arduino IDE also allows
us to customise the code more easily,
and we have ensured that it works well
with the VGA PicoMite.
Some key events require more than
one byte to be sent on the PS/2 line,
so a queue has been implemented to
ensure that data moves in an orderly
fashion. It should also guard against
brief bursts of keyboard activity overwhelming the Adaptor.
As we mentioned, the software must
map scancodes from the USB scanset
to the PS/2 scanset. We use what is
known as Set 2, the default for PS/2
The mapping is not quite one-toone. USB keyboards report the state
of the modifier keys (Ctrl, Shift, Alt
etc) as bits in a status byte rather than
as scancode events. So, we have to
Australia's electronics magazine
convert the changes in these status bits
into the key-up and key-down events
that PS/2 keyboards generate.
Some keys, such as Pause, have
odd mappings that must be handled
uniquely. That is because the Pause
feature was originally invoked by
the Ctrl+NumLock key combination,
meaning that a single keystroke maps
to eight bytes to send on the PS/2 line.
The Adaptor must also send repeated
key-down events to emulate the typematic feature. With USB keyboards,
that is usually handled by the host
computer’s software.
The ps2x2pico software does not
control the LED provided on the second circuit; we simply added it to the
PCB in case users wish to modify or
update the software to do so.
Note that both versions of the software support USB hubs, so if you
need to attach a separate keyboard and
mouse, you only need to add a hub. If
you are using a wireless keyboard and
mouse, consider buying them together;
in that case, both keyboard and mouse
will usually share a single wireless
USB receiver.
January 2024 55
Parts List – VGA PicoMite USB to PS/2 Converter
1 PCB double-sided PCB coded 07111231, 42 × 66mm
1 Raspberry Pi Pico programmed with 0711123A.UF2 (MOD1)
1 UB5 Jiffy box ●
2 M3 × 10mm panhead machine screws ●
4 M3 hex nuts ●
2 M3 flat washers ●
6 header pins ♦
1 M3 × 5mm panhead machine screw ♦
1 M3 × 6mm tapped spacer ♦
2 20-way pin headers (optional, for MOD1)
2 20-way female header sockets (optional, for MOD1)
1 PCB mount USB-A horizontal socket (CON1 or CON2)
1 6-pin mini-DIN socket (CON3) ●
1 6-pin mini-DIN to 6-pin mini-DIN cable ●
1 3mm green LED (LED1)
2 2N7002 N-channel Mosfets, SOT-23 (Q1, Q2)
Resistors (all M3216/1206 SMD, ¼W)
4 10kW
1 1kW
2 22W
● only needed if installing the Adaptor in a Jiffy box
♦ only required if installing the Adaptor inside a VGA PicoMite
The VGA PicoMite version PCB has
been designed so it can sit directly
above the main PCB of the VGA PicoMite and fit into the VGA PicoMite’s recommended case, as shown on page
53. In this configuration, the CON3
PS/2 connector is not fitted, and the
corresponding pads on the two PCBs
are directly connected with header
pins or similar (shown on page 60).
There is the option of fitting the USB
socket where the PS/2 socket would
have been, meaning that you can now
plug a USB keyboard in where you
would have otherwise plugged a PS/2
You could use the other USB socket
location instead, although you would
need to cut a hole in the side of the
VGA PicoMite case to access it.
Another option is to mount either
PCB inside a UB5 Jiffy box. The assembled PCB is secured to the Jiffy box’s
lid. Slots for the various connectors
can be made by simply cutting down
from the top edge of the box, which
is easier than trying to hollow out a
shape in the side of the box.
In this configuration, the LED
should be mounted on the underside
of the PCB to allow it to shine through
the box lid. We’ll provide more guidance on these options later.
Programming the Pico
Fig.3: three 3mm holes are needed in the Jiffy box lid to accommodate the
PCB coded 07111231. Two are for mounting screws and the third allows the
LED to shine through. You could use the blank PCB as a jig to mark out the
holes or confirm your measurements.
We recommend programming the
Pico before fitting it to the board, especially since the ps2x2pico version uses
the USB socket normally used for program uploads.
Connect the Pico to a computer,
holding in the white BOOTSEL button
as you do so. A drive labelled RPI-RP2
should appear. Upload the firmware
by copying the respective UF2 file to
that drive.
Use the file “0711123A.UF2” for
the VGA PicoMite version. After programming, it will reappear as a virtual
USB-serial port, so you can check that
such a device appears on your system.
Sending a ~ character to that serial
port will toggle debugging mode, but
you won’t see much of note until it is
connected in-circuit.
The ps2x2pico version requires the
“ps2x2pico.UF2” file. There won’t be
any obvious clues that programming
has completed except that the drive
will disappear. The ps2x2pico version behaves as a USB host, so you
shouldn’t see any USB devices.
Australia's electronics magazine
Silicon Chip
That software is under active development, so keep an eye out for updates.
We used version 0.7 in our testing and
it is included in the software downloads. This software is copyrighted
by No0ne and released under an MIT
open-source license.
In the software bundle, we’ve
also provided a PS2_HOST sketch
that we used for testing. The bundle
includes the UF2 file for this sketch.
It is designed to work with the VGA
PicoMite version of the hardware, and
simply provides a PS/2 host port on the
CON3 mini-DIN socket. Communication is via a virtual USB serial port on
the Pico (via the micro-USB socket).
This software will report any packets received and their equivalent keys
(if the device is a keyboard). Host packets can be sent by typing their hexadecimal codes followed by Enter. There
is an assortment of PS/2-related links
at the bottom of
No0ne/ps2x2pico and some of those
list host commands.
The first circuit, the VGA PicoMite
version, corresponds to the PCB coded
07111231 (34 × 65.5mm). The second
version that supports both a keyboard
and mouse uses a PCB coded 07111232
(48 × 58mm); we will refer to it as the
ps2x2pico version.
The Keyboard Adaptor
can be fitted
inside the VGA
PicoMite case
or a Jiffy box as
shown here. This
enclosure has the
holes made as
per Fig.3.
To keep everything
compact, we’ve primarily
used surface-mounting components.
You should have tools such as a finetipped iron, tweezers and magnifiers.
Useful consumables include solder
wire, flux paste and solder-wicking
The small PCBs can be held in place
with Blu-Tack or similar while soldering (if you don’t have a PCB-holding
vice). Having an appropriate solvent
on hand is also a good idea, so you
can clean up any flux residue left after
If you are building a version to fit
into a Jiffy box, you can use the bare
PCB to mark out the location of the
holes that are needed. That is usually
easier than using our drilling and cutting diagrams, although you have that
option too.
There are two holes for M3 mounting screws in the VGA PicoMite version, plus a 3mm hole for the LED, as
shown in Fig.3. The ps2x2pico version
uses three mounting holes, plus one
LED hole, although the default software does not make use of the LED, so
you could omit it. Fig.4 is the cutting
and drilling diagram for that version.
The screw holes can easily be
marked by running a pencil (the thin
tip of a 0.7mm mechanical pencil is
ideal) around or through the holes.
The LED holes can be marked using
the two holes through their pads on
the PCB. Draw a line between those
marks and then a smaller line across
the exact middle of the one you drew
to find the centre of the LED hole.
There are some cuts to be made in
the sides of the boxes, which are easily made by using the assembled PCBs
as guides while mounted on the lids.
Fig.4: the hole at centre left is only needed if the LED is fitted; the other three holes are for mounting the PCB coded
07111232. The cutout regions are necessary to accommodate the various sockets. You might find it easier to remove
the red shaded region and glue the tab back in later.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 57
VGA PicoMite ver. assembly
The PCB overlay for this version is
shown in Fig.5. Use that and the photo
shown opposite as a guide to fitting the
parts to the PCB.
Before assembling the PCB, if you
are going to install it in the VGA
PicoMite, carefully break off the two
PCB tabs that are attached by ‘mouse
bites’. Grasp the main part of the PCB
with one hand, then use a pair of
wide-nosed pliers to flex and break
off the tabs.
Do this outside to avoid inhaling any
fragments of fibreglass. If you need to
use a file to clean up the rough edges
of the mouse bites, do that outside too.
If you are fitting this PCB to a Jiffy
box, one tab is used to help secure the
PCB while the other fills the gap in the
edge of the box adjacent to the USB
socket. Neither is essential to the electrical operation of the circuit.
Apply flux to the PCB for the surface
mounting components. Place each in
their marked locations, using the relevant overlay diagram as a guide, and
tack one lead. Check that each component is within their pads before soldering the remaining lead(s).
Use your solvent to clean up the
PCB after the surface mounting components have been fitted and allow
the PCB to dry.
Solder LED1 next. There are cathode
(K) markings on both sides of the PCB
to allow it to be fitted to either side. If
you are installing it in the Jiffy box, solder it to the back of the PCB (the side
with the Silicon Chip logo). It should
be flush against the PCB.
If you are fitting it to the VGA PicoMite then solder it to the front of the PCB,
with about 10mm of lead between the
LED’s body and the PCB. Later, the
LED’s leads can be bent to aim it out
through the front of the enclosure near
the SD card socket. Of course, you
should ensure the shorter lead goes
to the pin marked K.
Now connect the Pico to the PCB;
there are three ways to do this. Firstly,
you could solder the Pico directly to
the PCB. This requires no extra parts
but means that the Pico needs to be
accurately aligned to the pads on the
PCB. You could use M2 screws in the
corner holes to temporarily secure
the Pico, ensuring correct alignment
during soldering.
Or you could instead solder pin
headers to the Pico (as though you
were going to use it on a breadboard).
You could then solder female header
sockets to the PCB and slot the Pico
onto them, or solder the Pico’s headers directly to the PCB.
If installing the Adaptor in a Jiffy
Box, there are no height requirements
that would restrict using headers. The
clearance is tighter inside the VGA
PicoMite case, so you need to solder
the Pico directly to the PCB or use male
headers only; using sockets makes the
assembly too tall.
ps2x2pico ver. construction
Fig.6 is the PCB overlay for this
Fig.5: assembly of the PCB designed for the VGA PicoMite is straightforward,
as there are only 13 components. It’s important to make sure the orientation
of the LED and the Pico is correct when attaching those components.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
version. You can use that and the photo
shown next to Fig.6 to help you assemble the PCB.
To fit out the PCB for the ps2x2pico
version, apply flux to the pads for all
the surface-mounting components,
including CON4, the mini-USB socket.
If you only plan to use the default firmware, you can omit the 1kW resistor
and the LED, as that firmware will not
drive them.
If you want to modify the firmware
to use the LED, it should be fitted to
the rear of the PCB if you are using the
Jiffy case. Otherwise, you might like
to fit it to the top if you are using the
bare board.
Place CON4 first and locate it on
the PCB with the pegs on its underside. Clean the iron’s tip and apply a
small amount of fresh solder. Touch it
to the pad on the PCB and the solder
should run onto the lead. Use a generous amount of heat and solder to
secure the four larger pads that connect
to the shell and use the solder wick to
draw away any excess solder if there
are bridges between the pads.
Then fit the four transistors, followed by the eight resistors. With the
surface-mounted parts in place, you
can clean off the excess flux and allow
the PCB to dry.
As with the VGA PicoMite version,
you can install the Pico directly to the
PCB or on headers. An important difference is that the two small pads (TP2
and TP3) on the Pico near its microUSB socket must also be connected to
Fig.6: there are a total of 19
components to fit for the ps2x2pico
version. The default firmware does
not use LED1 and the 1kW resistor,
so you can leave them off unless you
plan to modify the software.
the corresponding pads on the PCB.
If you are surface-mounting the Pico,
it should be possible to flow solder
through the PCB and onto the pads on
the Pico. You could tin the pads on the
PCB and Pico with a small amount of
solder to ensure that surface tension
pulls the solder all the way through.
If you aren’t sure, the best way to
guarantee a good connection is to
surface-mount some short pieces of
stiff wire, such as axial lead offcuts,
to the underside of the Pico. This will
also need to be done if you plan to use
headers to mount the Pico; it is what
we did, and you can see it in the photo
at upper right on page 60.
If you are using headers, solder the
male headers to the underside of the
Pico; the female header sockets are fitted to the top of the PCB. Connect the
Pico to the PCB (by soldering the bottom of the male headers or by pressing
it into the female headers).
The short wire leads should protrude through the pads in the PCB,
allowing them to be soldered to it.
When that is done, the CON1 USB
socket and CON2/CON3 mini-DIN
sockets can be fitted.
VGA PicoMite version testing
To finalise the Jiffy box version of the
VGA PicoMite PS/2 Adaptor, solder
the CON3 mini-DIN socket, ensuring
it is down hard against the PCB. The
USB socket can then only be soldered
to the CON1 location.
The Adaptor should be complete
Parts List – ps2x2pico USB to PS/2 Converter
1 double-sided PCB coded 07111232, 58 × 52mm
1 Raspberry Pi Pico programmed with ps2x2pico.UF2 (MOD1)
2 20-way pin headers (optional, for MOD1)
2 20-way female header sockets (optional, for MOD1)
1 PCB mount USB-A horizontal socket (CON1)
2 6-pin mini-DIN sockets (CON2, CON3)
1 surface mounting mini-USB socket (CON4)
1 UB5 Jiffy box
3 M3 × 10mm panhead machine screws
6 M3 hex nuts
3 M3 flat washers
2 short pieces of wire (if mounting the Pico on headers)
2 6-pin mini-DIN to 6-pin mini-DIN cables
1 3mm green LED (LED1; optional)
4 2N7002 N-channel Mosfets, SOT-23 (Q1-Q4)
Resistors (all M3216/1206 SMD, ¼W)
8 10kW
1 1kW (only needed it fitting LED)
enough to perform a functional test
at this stage. Plug a USB keyboard (or
USB wireless receiver) into the USB
socket and then plug the mini-DIN
cable into the mini-DIN socket.
Connect the other end of the miniDIN cable to the PS/2 socket of the
computer and power it on. After a second or two, you should see the green
LED light up. That indicates the Adaptor has recognised that a keyboard is
attached. The LED will flicker if either
the host computer or keyboard tries to
Although the LED is programmed
only to light up if a keyboard is connected, we have seen some wireless
mouse receivers that also cause it
to happen. We suspect this type of
receiver is a generic type that supports
both keyboards and mouses and thus
enumerates as a keyboard, even though
that is not necessary for its operation
with a mouse.
Jiffy box
Drill the two holes in the lid of the
Jiffy Box, plus the one for the LED.
Thread a machine screw from the outside and secure each with a nut inside.
Each nut forms a thin spacer to keep
the PCB off the lid. Then thread the
PCB over the screws and fasten it in
place with washers and screws.
◀ The ps2x2pico version of the PCB is compact and uncomplicated. We
omitted the 1kW resistor and the LED from our build as they are not
driven by the default firmware. We decided to include them in the
design in case constructors want to add support, which should not
be too hard.
This is the same VGA PicoMite version as shown on page 53, but built as a standalone
board to be fitted into a Jiffy box. In this case, the USB socket can go in the CON1 position
as the CON3 mini-DIN socket covers the CON2 position.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 59
◀ The headers don’t protrude
through the top of the PCB so
that the USB socket can be
soldered over the top. Using
three pairs of 0.1in pin headers
means that the individual pins
do not come loose during
soldering. The plastic has
been filed down slightly on
the middle pair due to the
pad spacing being less
than 2.54mm (0.1in) on
the mini-DIN socket. We’ve
also pushed the plastic shroud
so that the pins are only 1.6mm (the PCB
thickness) above the shroud.
We used lead offcuts to directly connect the TP2 & TP3 pads on the Pico to the USB pads on the PCB
underneath. Even if you are soldering the Pico directly to the PCB, we recommend soldering the two leads to the Pico.
You can now make the two U-shaped
cutouts in the sides of the box. Either
use our cutting diagram, or place the
mounted PCB against the box to mark
out the sides.
The easiest way to make these is to
use a fine saw or very sharp knife (such
as a hobby knife) to make the vertical
cuts. Carefully score the horizontal
cut on the outside of the box and then
gently flex the tab with a pair of widenosed pliers until it snaps off.
The hobby knife can then be used
to neaten and fine-tune the shape of
the cutouts until the lid slots fully into
place. This version is completed by
screwing the lid of the Jiffy box in place.
Installing in a VGA PicoMite
Installing the Adaptor inside the
VGA PicoMite is a bit more fiddly, as
it requires stacking the PS/2 and USB
connectors. You should have already
removed the two PCB tabs by snapping them off; do so now if you have
not already.
Solder the pin headers to the underside of the PCB in the six pads belonging to the mini-DIN connector. Make
sure that the headers do not protrude
above the PCB at all.
We found the easiest way to do this
was to separate the pin headers into
pairs of two pins and then locate them
into adjacent holes.
The plastic surrounding the middle pins may need to be filed down
a bit to give clearance; unfortunately,
the mini-DIN socket does not have
VGA PicoMite
Build this amazingly
capable ‘boot to BASIC’
computer, based on a
Raspberry Pi Pico. It has
a 16-colour VGA output, a
PS/2 keyboard input, runs
programs from an SD card
and can be quickly built
Blocks is a BASIC game that runs
on the VGA PicoMite
$35 + Postage ∎ Complete Kit (SC6417) ∎
This kit comes with everything shown (assembly required). The PCB is available in green or blue. You will need a USB power supply, PS/2-capable keyboard (or
the kit shown on page 52), VGA monitor and optional SD card. For the circuit and assembly instructions, see the July 2022 issue:
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.7: this diagram shows
modifications to the H0376
instrument case used for the
VGA PicoMite. The added LED
for the PS/2 Adaptor sits on the
front panel near the SD card
socket, while the cutout for
the USB socket overlaps the
original location of the miniDIN socket on the rear panel.
a standard 2.54mm (0.1in) pitch
between all pins.
It helps to slide the pins along the
plastic so that only a small amount
(about the PCB thickness) protrudes.
The photo opposite shows how the
PCB looks with the header pins
Next, solder the USB socket above
the PCB in the location marked CON2
and attach the 6mm spacer next to the
LED. The Adaptor PCB can now be
slotted onto the VGA PicoMite. Make
sure that it is square and does not contact any components underneath.
Solder the six pins to join it to the
VGA PicoMite’s PCB. You might find
that you need to slightly enlarge the
back panel hole for the USB socket,
since it is larger than the mini-DIN
You will also need to drill a hole for
the LED in the front panel. Fig.7 shows
the suggested panel modifications for
those two holes.
Connect a USB keyboard, then
power on the VGA PicoMite. The LED
should light up, then flicker as the
PicoMite initialises.
ps2x2pico version testing
The Adaptor can be tested by connecting it to a PS/2-compatible computer using a pair of 6-pin mini-DIN
cables. Connect the keyboard and
mouse to the USB socket using a hub,
if necessary.
We imagine many people will use a
wireless keyboard and mouse combination, in which case a single compact
receiver is all that needs to be plugged
into the USB socket.
The mini-USB socket is provided in
case extra power is needed; the socket
on the Pico cannot be used to supply
power as it is working in host mode.
Attach the machine screws to the lid
of the Jiffy box and secure them on the
inside using three of the nuts. Slide
the PCB over the screws, then secure
it to the lid with washers and screws.
Use the Fig.4 cutting diagram to
make the U-shaped slots in the side
of the Jiffy box to accommodate the
connectors. A sharp hobby knife or
fine-toothed saw are good choices
here. Finally, attach the lid to the box
with its included screws.
Jiffy box labels
Figs.8 & 9 show panel artwork that
can be applied to the lids of the Jiffy
boxes. Fig.9 helpfully marks the distinction between the keyboard and
mouse sockets.
We continue to be impressed by the
capabilities of the Raspberry Pi Pico,
and this application is a perfect use
for its abilities.
We’re sure there are many readers
out there with PS/2 equipment who
will make use of the option to use a
modern USB keyboard on their legacy devices.
You can find a list of helpful links
listed below:
• SC
Figs.8 & 9: this simple label (shown at left) can be affixed to the top of the Jiffy box for the VGA PicoMite Adaptor. While
the label shown at right will help users differentiate between the otherwise identical mouse and keyboard sockets. We’ve
omitted the hole for the LED as we expect most readers will not use it. Both labels are shown at actual size.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 61
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Using Electronic Modules with Jim Rowe
4-digit, 14-segment
LED module
Instead of seven segments, this LED display
module has 14 segments per character, so
it can display letters, digits and even a few
symbols. It has a built-in I2C serial interface,
allowing popular microcontrollers like the Arduino Uno or Nano to drive it easily.
he module is about the same size
as a 4-digit, 7-segment display
at 50mm wide by 28mm high, with a
total thickness of a little over 10mm.
The two side-by-side dual-character
LED displays have 14 segments per
character, plus the usual decimal point
LED. This allows them to reasonably
display numerical digits, upper-case
letters, many lower-case letters and a
few symbols.
The module (available from Jaycar)
features an I2C serial interface that
allows easy connection to just about
any popular microcontroller unit
(MCU). We will now look more deeply
into the 14-segment LED displays, followed by the useful IC that drives them
and provides the I2C interface.
The 14-segment displays
Fig.1 shows how the dual character displays used in the module have
six of the seven segments used in the
familiar 7-segment displays; the outer
ones labelled ‘a’ to ‘f’.
Instead of the single central horizontal segment, there are eight inner segments: three in the upper half labelled
‘g’, ‘h’ and ‘j’, three in the lower half
labelled ‘l’, ‘m’ and ‘n’, and two in
the centre replacing the original single horizontal segment, labelled ‘p’
and ‘k’. This gives 14 segments in
each character, not counting the decimal point.
The LEDs in these segments are
connected in a common-cathode configuration, so each character (plus its
decimal point LED) has a single cathode pin.
The anodes are connected to the
anode of the corresponding segment of
the other character, eg, segment ‘1a’ to
segment ‘2a’ etc. That allows the segments of both displays to share pins,
as shown in the internal circuit, on the
right side of Fig.1.
So each dual-character display
needs only 17 connection pins: 15 for
the LED anodes and two for the cathodes. The displays have 18 physical
pins, but one (pin 3) is not used.
Two main suppliers of these dual
14-segment displays are Kingbright
(PDC54-11GWA) and Lite-On (LTP3784E). The characters are 13.8mm
(0.54in) high in both cases. These manufacturers also label the inner display
segments differently, but the pin connections are the same.
The displays used in this module
have segments that emit orange-yellow
light, but displays with other colours
are available.
Inside the HT16K33 IC
Now we can look into the IC used
to drive each pair of dual 14-segment displays in the module. This is
the HT16K33, made by Taiwan firm
Holtek Semiconductor Inc (www.
Fig.1: how the LEDs are
arranged in each of the
2-digit, 14-segment displays.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine,
which also provides the I2C interface.
Holtek makes a range of microcontrollers, some of which are used in popular home appliances and various other
ICs, including display drivers like the
Holtek describes the HT16K33 as
a 16×8 LED Controller Driver with
RAM Mapping and an optional keypad scanning ability. It can be used
for driving virtually any matrix of up
to 16 × 8 LEDs, not just 14-segment
alphanumeric displays, as in this
module. It can also scan a matrix of
13 × 3 keys, although that feature is
not used here. It can be powered from
4.5-5.5V DC.
Fig.2 shows the basic block diagram of the HT16K33. The I2C interface controller is at lower left, with
an internal RC clock oscillator to its
right feeding a timing generator, and
two random-access memories (RAMs)
below them. The upper RAM is for the
display control data, with a capacity
of 16 × 8 bits, while the lower RAM
is for storing the key scanning data, if
that function is used.
On the right-hand side are the
two controller blocks. The upper
one provides eight outputs (COM0COM7) for control of the ‘common’
LED lines (in this case, the cathodes
of the 14-segment displays) and the
key scanning outputs. The COM0 output is also used to sense the desired
I 2C address for the HT16K33, as
explained shortly.
The lower controller block provides
16 outputs (ROW0-ROW15) for driving the rows of LEDs in a matrix or the
segments in the 14-segment displays.
It also provides inputs for sensing the
desired I2C address, plus inputs for the
key scanning function. The power-on
reset (POR) block at upper left resets
most of the other blocks when power
is first applied.
One of the functions of the HT16K33
not shown in Fig.2 is its ability to provide programmable 16-step dimming
of the LED outputs. That is achieved
by controlling the pulse width of the
ROW outputs, with a range from 1/16th
to 16/16th duty cycle. Another handy
Finally, the HT16K33 can be programmed to have any of eight different
I2C addresses, from 70h to 77h, using
three links on the circuit around the
chip. We will see how this is done in
the next section.
The rear of the
14-segment LED
module contains
just a few
components and
the HT16K33 IC.
The module’s I2C
address is set by
the three links
labelled A0-A2 on
the PCB.
Note that the HT16K33 IC is now
obsolete, but Holtek still sells the
HT16K33A, which is pretty similar.
The module circuit
As you can see from the circuit in
Fig.3, there’s not much in the module
apart from the HT16K33 device itself
(IC1) and the two dual 14-segment displays. Two pull-up resistors are connected between its SDA and SCL lines
and the VHI input, while the HT16K33
chip is powered from the VIO input
from CON1, with a 10μF capacitor
providing filtering.
5-pin SIL header CON1 is used to
make all the power and signal connections to the module.
Programming the module’s I 2 C
address is achieved using diode D1,
three resistors and three PCB links
A0-A2, shown above IC1 in Fig.3.
The anode of D1 is connected to the
COM0 output (pin 2) of IC1, while its
cathode connects to the three links via
three 10kW resistors. The other ends of
the links are connected to the ROW0,
ROW1 and ROW2 lines of IC1, which
are used as inputs when IC1 detects
the desired I2C address.
As shown in the small table at upper
right in Fig.3, when no links are connected (A0=A1=A2=0), the module
has an I2C address of 70h (h = hexadecimal). If only the A0 link is connected,
the address is changed to 71h; if only
the A1 link is connected, this changes
the address to 72h etc.
Fig.2: the block diagram for the HT16K33 IC which is used to drive both
14-segment displays.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 65
An example of what the lowercase letters “qrst” and “abcd” look like on the
LED module. The letters ‘q’ and ‘a’ are some of the more strange choices.
This ability to set the module’s
I2C address to eight different values
means it is possible to connect up to
eight of the modules to the same I2C
port of an MCU. It also means that if
you have another device on your I2C
bus within the range of 70h to 77h,
you can program the 14-segment display to one of the unused addresses to
avoid a collision.
Connecting it to a micro
A nice feature of this module is that
its I2C interface makes it easy to connect to most MCUs. This is illustrated
in Fig.4, which shows how it can be
connected to an Arduino Uno. The
module’s VHI and VIO pins are both
connected to the Arduino’s +5V pin,
its GND pin to one of the Arduino’s
GND pins, its SDA pin to the Arduino’s A4/SDA pin and its SCL pin to
the Arduino’s A5/SCL pin.
Note that with R3 and later versions
of the Uno, the last two pins can be
connected to the SDA and SCL pins
at upper left on the Arduino, just to
the left of the AREF pin.
Connecting the module to an Arduino Nano is just as easy, as shown in
Fig.5. The connections are very similar
to those for the Uno in Fig.4.
The only other thing you need to do
to get the module to communicate with
an MCU is to change its I2C address
if necessary; it defaults to 70h when
none of the links on the rear of the
PCB are joined.
You should find it just as easy to connect the module to most other MCUs,
such as a Micromite, Maximite, Pico
Mite, WebMite and so on.
All that’s left then is to come up with
some suitable software to drive the display. For an Arduino, as usual, that
will involve finding a software library
designed to communicate with the
HT16K33 module, plus one or more
example Arduino sketches to show
how it’s done.
Arduino libraries
After looking around on the web
for Arduino libraries written to communicate with the HT16K33 module,
the best one I could find was from US
firm Adafruit, called Adafruit_LED_
Backpack. This one was listed on the
main Arduino Reference website but
was also available on GitHub:
However, to work with the
segment displays used in this
module, two other libraries must be
installed: Adafruit-GFX-library and
Adafruit_BusIO_library, see:
Fig.3: The full
circuit of the
module. The
table at upper
right shows
how its I2C
address can be
set using the
PCB links A0,
A1 and A2.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Once the three Adafruit libraries
have been downloaded (as zip files)
and installed on your PC as part of
the Arduino IDE or installed via the
Library Manager, you will find a
“quadalphanum.ino” sketch in the
Examples folder. Verify and compile
this sketch, then upload it to the Arduino connected to the module, and you
should find the module’s displays will
spring to life.
First, it will show a stream of all the
characters it can display (this takes a
while). Then, if you have the IDE’s
Serial Monitor open, it will allow you
to type in any combination of four
characters you want and they will
be displayed immediately. You can
repeat this over and over.
While doing this, I took a few photos
to illustrate how the module’s displays
show many of the common alphabetic
characters. They should give you a
good idea of what can be achieved.
The upper-case characters are all
reasonably clear, but the lower-case
characters are less so. Some are pretty
unclear, like “p” and “q”, while some
of the symbols are very clear, such
as “+” and “-”. Unsurprisingly, the
numerals are also quite clear.
It was a little disappointing to find
nothing in the Adafruit libraries to
show how to control the light output of the module’s displays. However, if you read Holtek’s data sheet
on the HT16K33 (see
link/abpj), they provide quite a bit of
information on how the PWM dimming of the displays works and can
be achieved.
Editor’s note: some lower-case letters could be made clearer by modifying the libraries to change which
segments are used. To do this, edit the
entries in the “alphafonttable” array
within the “Adafruit_LEDBackpack.
cpp” file. Examples of shapes we
think would be more clear are shown
in Fig.6.
Figs.4 & 5: connecting the LED
module to an Arduino Uno (above)
or Nano (below) is simple. You just
need to connect the SDA & SCL
pins respectively to A4 & A5 on the
Arduino. VHI then goes to 5V on
the Arduino and is bridged to VIO,
while GND goes to GND.
Fig.6 (left): you can edit the library code
to output arguably better representations
of different letters. An example of what
segments could be enabled for the letters ‘p’
and ‘q’ are shown here.
Where you can get it
The module shown in the pictures
is currently available from Jaycar
(stock number XC3715) for $9.95. It
is also available from Core Electronics
(ADA2158) for $21.15 and from AdaFruit (ID 2158) for US$10.50.
Adafruit also has versions with different display colours, such as red
(1911) for US$9.95. They also sell blue
(1912), white (2157) or green (2160)
displays, each for US$13.95.
Upper case vs lower case
We recently came across an interesting fact about where the terms “upper
case” (capital letters) and “lower case” (smaller letters) came from.
In early printing presses, the “moveable type” letters were kept in cases near
the press. As the smaller letters were used more often, they were kept in a box
(case) closer to the worker. The capital letters were in a case that was higher
and further away, above the other. Hence, “upper case” and “lower case” refer
to where the letters were found in those early presses!
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 67
Part 2 of John Clarke’s
Secure Remote Switch
This new Secure Remote Switch uses rolling codes for
high security. The DC-powered receiver fits in a compact plastic case, so it
can be mounted pretty much anywhere. After explaining how the circuitry
works last month, this second and final article has all the construction
here are two versions of the keyfob
transmitter; one uses a prebuilt
transmitter module from Jaycar or
Altronics, while the other uses mostly
discrete parts (with one extra IC) and
is available as a complete kit. Up to
16 transmitters can be used with one
receiver, and multiple independent
receivers can be built without the risk
of the transmitters accidentally triggering the wrong receiver.
The receiver can be powered from
12V or 24V DC; there are slight component differences between the two
options – the relay coil voltage varies,
as does the value of one resistor. The
receiver provides SPDT relay outputs
that can switch low-voltage AC or DC
up to 10A (possibly more if you choose
a beefier relay).
Assuming you have gathered the
parts, we will get straight into construction. After that will come the testing and setup instructions.
Both transmitter versions are built
on PCBs measuring 29.8 × 39.4mm,
with some common components
including the SOIC-14 microcontroller, regulator, capacitors and a resistor. They vary in the UHF transmitter
section, which can either be a prebuilt
Silicon Chip
module (for the PCB coded 10109232)
or built from discrete components
(PCB coded 10109233).
The latter PCB includes more
m ounting parts, making
assembling slightly more challenging.
However, it doesn’t have any parts
with particularly closely-spaced leads,
so anyone with reasonable soldering
skills should have a good chance of
building it successfully.
Transmitter construction
The PCB overlays for the two transmitter boards are shown in Figs.4 &
5. Whichever transmitter you build,
they are housed in a remote control
enclosure that measures 37 × 63 ×
17.5mm. This enclosure is designed
for use with an A23 12V battery; you
can also use an A27 12V battery with
a smaller diameter but similar length.
The PCB is positioned within the
enclosure by a moulded protrusion in
the base that fits into a location hole
in the PCB. This hole is just at the top
edge of switch S2. Take care with the
locating pin in the enclosure, as it can
break easily.
If it is damaged, you can fix it by
soldering a PCB pin into the locating
pinhole on the PCB from the underside and drilling a 1mm hole into the
Australia's electronics magazine
keyfob base at the broken locating pin
position. Trim the PCB pin at both ends
so it’s flush with the PCB on top and
just long enough to meet flush with
the underside of the enclosure when
the PCB is installed.
IC1 will need to be programmed
before it is soldered. This IC can be
obtained pre-programmed from Silicon Chip (individually or as part of a
transmitter kit), or you can program
it yourself if you have a suitable programmer. We described a programming adaptor that can be used for this
type of chip in the September 2023
issue (
We’ll start with the construction
steps that apply to both versions, then
follow with separate UHF transmitter
assembly descriptions. The common
parts are in the sections at the top and
bottom of the transmitter PCB, with the
parts that vary all being in the middle,
below the row of switches and above
the through-hole diode and SOT-223
package regulator.
Note that most SMD capacitors and
inductors are unmarked, so you will
need to rely on the packaging to show
what they are and their value. Mount
one component at a time to avoid mixing them up.
Start by fitting IC1, making sure it is
Fig.4 (top): bend
the module leads
so that the pins
can be soldered as
shown here, with
GND at the top and
ANT at the bottom.
The battery clips
are soldered to the
pairs of slots in the
two lower corners
of the board.
Fig.5 (bottom):
on the discrete
transmitter PCB,
the only new
polarised part is the
transmitter IC (IC2).
When soldering the
two SMD inductors,
you must position
them so their
exposed copper
leads are in contact
with the PCB.
the clips to be captured in moulded
L-shaped corrals in the base of the
Module version parts
orientated correctly. Solder pin 1 to the
PCB and check the alignment to ensure
the IC pins all align with the PCB pads
before soldering the remaining pins.
Also check that it’s sitting flat and not
lifted on one side. After soldering, if
any pins have a solder bridge between
them, you can remove it with a dab of
flux paste and some solder wick.
The Identity can be set at this stage.
If only using one transmitter, it can be
left at the default of ‘0’ where none
of the 1, 2, 4 or 8 links are made. For
a different identity, connect one or
more identity pins and the ground
track using a solder bridge or a short
wire soldered between the IC pins and
the ground track. Table 5 (from last
month) shows the 16 possible identity settings.
Next, fit the 220W resistor and
100nF capacitor at either end of IC1.
To do this, tack solder one end of the
component and remelt the solder to
straighten it, if necessary, before soldering the opposite end. Then add a
bit of fresh solder (or flux paste) to the
first joint and heat it to re-flow it so it
is nice and shiny.
Now install the three pushbutton
switches, S1-S3. These are supplied
with a kink in their leads and are more
easily mounted if you straighten the
leads first with pliers, then insert the
switch leads into the allocated holes,
pushing each switch down so its body
is in contact with the PCB.
After that, install LED1, ensuring its
polarity is correct (the longer lead is
the anode [A]) and that the top of the
LED lens is 10mm above the top surface of the PCB.
Mount REG1, diode D1 and the two
1μF capacitors next. D1 is a throughhole component that needs to be
inserted into the PCB holes with the
correct orientation. Solder REG1 in
place by one pin first, then remelt that
joint if necessary to align the pins correctly before soldering the remaining
pins, then the tab. The two 1μF capacitors can be soldered similarly to the
100nF capacitor and 220W resistor.
The battery clips supplied with the
enclosure should now be attached to
the lower sides of the PCB. Solder
these on both sides of the PCB, with
the two prods inserted into the allocated slotted pads. Refer to our photos
on page 73 to see how they should
look once soldered in.
Our prototype isn’t exactly the same
as the final version, as we narrowed the
prototype PCB slightly where the clips
go. The final PCBs supplied will have
a full-width PCB design that allows
Australia's electronics magazine
For the UHF module version (Fig.4),
a 100nF capacitor needs to be soldered
on the underside of the PCB; it is the
only part on that side of the board. The
UHF transmitter module can then be
installed on the top side of the PCB,
with its pins bent around the end of
its PCB so it lies parallel to the main
board, with a 1mm clearance between
the main PCB. You can see how that
was done on page 73.
The module’s antenna is made from
a 147mm length of 0.8mm diameter
enamelled copper wire. Scrape 1mm of
enamel off each end using a sharp craft
knife, then close-wind seven turns on
a 5.5mm diameter shaft (eg. the shank
of a 5.5mm drill bit). Stretch the coil
out to 13mm between the wire ends
before soldering the ends to the PCB
pads. The coil sits 1mm off the PCB.
Discrete version parts
Start with the discrete version parts
by fitting IC2 – see Fig.5. Position it so
the small pin 1 location dot aligns with
that on the PCB. IC2 will have “F_113”
etched on the top face. When it is orientated with the writing the right way
up, pin 1 is at lower left.
Crystal X1 can be mounted next. It is
soldered at the very ends of the component. We recommend you mount
the capacitors before the two inductors
January 2024 69
(68nH and 470nH). Unlike the other
passives, the inductors don’t have
pads on all four sides. Therefore, you
must ensure their exposed leads are
sitting on the PCB before soldering the
ends. If you can’t see this clearly, use
a magnifying glass.
If you want to be sure that the components have been soldered correctly,
trace the connections to the other sections of the PCB to where there should
be continuity. Their inductance values
are low enough that they will appear as
short circuits (or at least low-resistance
connections) to a multimeter.
For example, pin 3 of IC1 should
provide a low resistance reading to pin
6 of IC2. Additionally, check that there
are no short circuits between component pins on the PCB that shouldn’t
be connected.
The board assembly is completed
by fitting the antenna. Make it from
a 167mm length of 0.8mm diameter enamelled copper wire. Strip the
insulation from each end by about
1mm using a sharp hobby knife and
close-wind it on a 6.5mm shaft (eg, the
shank of a 6.5mm drill bit). Stretch it
out to 13mm end-to-end before soldering in with a 1mm coil clearance
above the PCB.
Receiver construction
The Secure Remote Monitor receiver
PCB shown enlarged for clarity.
Fig.6: the antenna
wire is not shown on
this diagram; refer
to the photo above to
see how it’s routed
between the two
ANT pads on either
side. The polarised
components on
this board are IC1,
D1, D2, S4, the
three electrolytic
capacitors and the
receiver module.
Match the pin
markings on the
receiver module
with those shown
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The 70 × 96.5mm receiver PCB is
coded 10109231 – see Fig.6. All the
onboard components are throughhole types, giving you a break from
the surface-mounting parts that were
on the transmitter. The assembled PCB
fits nicely in a Ritec enclosure that
measures 105 × 80 × 33mm.
Install the resistors first, taking care
to place each in its correct position.
The resistor colour codes were shown
in the parts list last month, but you
should also use a digital multimeter to
check each resistor before mounting it
in place. Note the different R1 value
for 24V use (470W 1W) compared to
12V (100W ½W or 1W).
Diodes D1 & D2 are next. Make sure
these are orientated correctly before
soldering their leads. Then install the
socket for IC1, ensuring its notched
end matches the position shown in
Fig.6. Wait to fit IC1 as that step comes
later, after the power supply has been
Regulator REG1 is mounted vertically on the PCB as far down as it will
go, to allow clearance for the lid when
in the enclosure.
Next, install trimpot VR1, transistor
Q1 and the BCD switch (S4). S4 must
also be orientated as shown. Switches
S2 and S3 can also be mounted now.
The capacitors can then be fitted.
The electrolytic capacitors are polarised and must be installed with the
polarity shown (the longer lead is positive). Pay attention to the voltage ratings for the 10μF and the 100μF capacitors if you intend to use a 24V supply.
For a 12V supply, 16V-rated capacitors can be used throughout. You can
install the two 100nF MKT polyester
capacitors either way around.
LED1 mounts with the top of the
lens up to 12mm above the surface of
the PCB and the anode (longer lead)
to the hole marked “A”.
Switches S1 and S5 can be installed
now, taking care to use the toggle
switch at the S5 location and the pushbutton switch for S1. The two remaining LEDs (LED2 and LED3) mount horizontally with leads bent at right angles
6mm back from the rear of the package.
Make sure you bend the leads so the
longer anode lead is in the “A” pad.
The height of the LED centres should
be 5mm above the PCB’s top face.
CON1 is the PCB-mounting barrel
socket, while CON2 and CON3 are
2-way and 3-way screw terminals.
Dovetail CON2 and CON3 together by
sliding them along the side mouldings
to produce a 5-way connector. Orientate all these connectors so the openings are toward the rear of the PCB,
then solder them in place.
Mount relay RLY1 next. Ensure you
use a 24V coil relay if you will use a
24V DC supply or a 12V coil relay for
12V use.
Now fit the headers for jumpers JP1,
JP2 and JP3 and install the 433.9MHz
receiver module. Before soldering the
receiver module, compare the pin
labels on the back of the module to
Fig.7: the front and rear panel drilling details. The large hole marked “C” on the
rear panel is for a cable gland that secures the wires to the relay terminals.
those in Fig.6 to ensure it is the right
way around; there are two possible
ways it could be fitted, and only one
is correct. Your module might differ
from ours, so don’t rely on the photos;
check the pin connections.
The antenna (not shown in Fig.6) is
made from a 169mm length of 0.8mm
diameter enamelled copper wire. It
extends from the antenna pad adjacent to the UHF receiver to another
pad between LED2 and LED3.
We covered it with 1mm heat shrink
tubing. That is not really required, but
it produces smoother bends in the wire
as the antenna is shaped. Make sure
to scrape away the enamel insulation
from both ends of the antenna wire
before soldering it into position.
close to 5V (4.75-5.25V). If this is correct, switch the power off and insert
IC1 into the socket, taking care to orientate it correctly (with its pin 1 end
at the notched end of the socket).
Case preparation
The front and rear panels need holes
drilled to allow the LEDs and switches
to protrude through and for access to
the relay contact screw terminals and
DC socket at the rear. Fig.7 shows all
the panel drilling details.
There is provision for a cable gland
to secure any wires connecting to the
screw terminals. Either a PG7 or PG9sized gland will fit. When using a PG9
gland, the nut that secures the gland
to the back of the panel will need to
have the circular fused-on washer cut
back to be flush with the straight sides
IC1 will need to be programmed of the nut.
before use. You can order a pre-
To do that, only the washer sections
programmed device from Silicon Chip on directly opposite sides of the nut
(either individually or as part of a need to be brought back to the shape
short-form receiver kit). You can also of the hexagonal nut so those sides of
program it yourself using the hex file the nut can sit flush on the PCB and
available from our website.
top lid of the enclosure. This can be
Before plugging in IC1, apply power done with side cutters and a file.
and check that the voltage between
The panel artwork (Fig.8) can be
pins 1 and 20 of its socket measures downloaded from our website as a
PDF file and printed onto a stickyFig.8: you can download this panel
backed label. We have instructions on
label artwork from the Silicon
making labels at
Chip website, print it onto adhesive
stock and stick it to the front and
Once made, the labels can be affixed
rear case panels. Stickers are also
to the panels after drilling. Cut out the
supplied with the transmitter kits.
holes in the label with a sharp craft
knife. There is also artwork to make
labels for the transmitters. The two
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 71
Rolling Code Systems – frequently asked questions
One question that’s often asked about
rolling code systems is what happens
if one of the switches on the transmitter is pressed when the transmitter is
out of range of the receiver. Will the
receiver still work when the transmitter is later brought within range, and
the button pressed again?
This question is asked because the
code the receiver was expecting has
already been sent (but not received),
and the transmitter has rolled over to
a new code. How does the system get
around this problem?
The answer is that the receiver will
process a signal that is the correct
length and data rate, but it will not
trigger the relay unless it receives
the correct code. So if the signal format is valid, but the code is incorrect,
the receiver then calculates the next
code that it would expect and checks
this against the received code. If it
matches, the receiver will trigger the
relay; that means it missed one button press.
If the code is still incorrect, the
receiver calculates the next expected
code, and it will do this up to 10 times,
to handle cases where there have
been multiple transmitter button
presses out of range.
If none of these are correct, the
receiver then changes its operation to
allow for a possible valid signal more
than 10 codes ahead. The receiver
waits for two valid separate transmission codes before restoring correct operation.
On the first receipt of a valid transmission, it looks ahead up to 200
codes, so it is more likely the required
valid code will be found, but it doesn’t
trigger the relay. The Learn LED lights
during this look-ahead operation. If a
valid code is found, the receiver waits
for the next code sent by the transmitter. This following code must also be
correct before the receiver will operate the relay.
If only one or neither code is correct,
the receiver will not take action. If it’s
more than 200 codes ahead, the transmitter will need to be re-registered to
operate the receiver.
You can test this process by switching the receiver off and pressing one of
the remote control switches 10 times
or more. Then switch on the receiver
and press one of the switches again.
Silicon Chip
The Learn LED will light, indicating that
the look-ahead feature beyond the initial 10 times is activated. The selected
function on the remote should operate
on the next press of the switch, and
the Learn LED extinguishes.
While two successive transmission codes could be intercepted,
recorded and re-sent in an attempt
to activate the receiver, these codes
will not be accepted by the receiver.
That’s because they have presumably
already been received and processed,
and the receiver has already rolled
past those codes. It will look forwards
but not backwards.
Another transmitter with a different
identity will still operate the receiver
(provided it has been synchronised
in the first place). That’s because the
receiver tracks each transmitter’s rolling codes separately.
Calculating the code
Another question that’s often asked
is how the receiver knows which code
to expect from the transmitter since
it changes each time. The answer is
that the transmitter and the receiver
both use the same series of calculations to determine the next code. They
also both use the same variables in
the calculation; unique values that no
other transmitter uses.
For our Secure Remote Switch, we
use a linear congruential generator
(LCG) in conjunction with a 31-bit
pseudo-random number generator
The LCG uses an initial seed value,
an addition value and a multiplication factor to produce a nominally
random result.
For example, if consecutive codes
have the number 3 added and then
multiplied by 49, with the same starting number, both the transmitter and
receiver will go through the same
sequence. But the actual numbers
used are very large, making it difficult
to predict the next code by peeking at
a few values in the sequence.
The code is 48 bits long, with
281,474,976,710,656 possible values (that’s over 281 quintillion or 2.8
x 1014).
One problem with the LCG is that it
can produce recurring values; depending on the factors, it can produce the
same number more than once within a
Australia's electronics magazine
few hundred rolling code calculations.
To prevent this, we include a second
layer of randomisation. So once we
have the value from the LCG calculation, this value is used in the PRNG
to generate a pseudo-random number
for the rolling code.
The PRNG randomisation runs
between one and 256 times before
providing the ‘random’ number for
the rolling code value. The number
generated is then used as the seed in
the LCG for generating the next number in the sequence. Using the PRNG
makes it difficult to predict the rolling
code sequence even if the multiplier or
addition value for the LCG is known.
We throw further complications by
also using code scrambling. The calculated code is not sent in the same
sequence each time. There are 32
possible scrambling variations that
are applied to the code, so predicting
the next code becomes very difficult.
What if the transmitter rolling code
is identical for two consecutive codes,
and the first of these identical codes
is intercepted and re-transmitted to
open the lock? Our system has safeguards to prevent the same code from
appearing twice in succession. There
is a check for the same code repeating
itself for consecutive codes. If the code
is the same, the duplicate is effectively
skipped, preventing this possibility.
Multiple transmitters
Wouldn’t the receiver lose its synchronisation if several transmitters
were used? No, because each transmitter operates independently. Each
of the 16 possible transmitters used
with a given receiver has its own different identity from one to 16.
The codes sent by each transmitter are different due to the unique
identifier within each transmitter IC
that sets the rolling code calculation.
Also, the code includes the transmitter identity value that differs between
each transmitter. The receiver stores
up to 16 different rolling code and
calculation parameters, one for each
identity, so each transmitter is treated
Therefore, even if one transmitter is
not used for months while other transmitters are used frequently, its rolling
codes will remain synchronised with
the receiver.
On the
transmitter, S1 is red,
S2 is blue and S3 is black.
variations cater for the timer options,
as shown in Table 2 last month, set
using JP2.
Note that the rear panel artwork and
the receiver PCB have square white
blocks to allow you to mark the power
supply voltage required. Use a marker
pen to colour the squares depending
on whether the board has been built
for a 12V or 24V supply.
Four self-tapping screws are provided with the receiver enclosure to
secure the PCB to the base. Similarly,
two screws are supplied to secure the
two halves of the enclosure.
Registering a transmitter
To register the transmitter with the
receiver, press the Learn switch (S2)
on the receiver. The Learn/Clear LED
(LED1) will light.
On the transmitter, remove the battery and reinsert it while pressing and
holding switch S1. This will set the
transmitter to Synchronisation mode
(with its Acknowledge LED lit) and
send the registering code when S1 on
the transmitter is released and then
pressed again.
The rolling code is continuously
updated during the synchronisation
time between when S1 is released and
when it is pressed again. This randomises the rolling code generation
sequence to an undetermined point,
due to the rapid rate of the code recalculation. On average, it is updated
around 500 times per second. The
rolling code is then well into its generating sequence.
This makes it hard to guess the code
based on possible MUI values, even if
the initial seed value for the code generation is known.
The acknowledge LED on the
receiver will flash twice, and the
Learn LED will extinguish once registration is complete. If it does not seem
to work, try this registration procedure again. Test the transmitter and
check that the receiver responds by
switching the relay on and off. It will
take a couple of attempts before the
transmitter and receiver start working together.
Deregistering a lost transmitter
Any transmitter that has been registered can be prevented from operating
the receiver; for example, if a transmitter is lost and you don’t want it to
be used by an unauthorised person.
Deregister the lost transmitter by
selecting the transmitter’s Identity
using BCD switch S4. The switch is
labelled 0 to F, where the labels A-F
correspond to identities 10-15. Then
press and hold the Clear button (S3)
for over one second. The Learn/Clear
LED will light initially, then extinguish after S3 is released and the transmitter is deregistered.
If you are unsure of the Identity of
the lost transmitter, you can deregister
all the registered transmitters, one at a
time, then re-register the other transmitters again.
Jumper options
There are three jumper positions
on the receiver board; Table 1 to Table
4, published last month, show what
they do.
JP1 selects the timer length multiplier (see Table 1). The range is 250ms
to 60s with JP1 out (the ×1 range) or
60s to 4.5 hours with JP1 in (the ×255
range). Table 4 shows typical timeouts
versus TP1 voltages as trimpot VR1 is
adjusted. JP2 affects the function of
the buttons on the remote control, as
shown in Table 2. JP3 affects the function of switch S1 on the receiver, as
shown in Table 3.
The modulebased (left) and
discrete (right)
versions of the
transmitter PCB
shown enlarged
for clarity. We
have used an
A23 12V battery,
which fits
snugly with the
battery clips.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 73
Part 2 by Tim Blythman
This Multi-Channel Volume Control can
handle up to 20 independent channels,
allowing you to build your own home
theatre or surround system. You can
use a touchscreen LCD panel, an IR
remote control or an OLED Module
with a rotary encoder to control it. This
article has all the construction details.
Volume Control
ur Multi-Channel Volume Control
can adjust the levels of up to 20
audio channels by touchscreen, IR
remote or a rotary encoder. It’s modular, so you can build it with four or
eight (or twelve or sixteen) channels
if that is all you need.
It’s intended to be incorporated as a
part of a larger amplifier system, perhaps using several of our Hummingbird Amplifier modules (December
But there is no reason it couldn’t be
built as a dedicated unit in its own
With the principles of operation
covered last month, it’s time to commence construction. We assume you
have already worked out what modules to build and have the parts at
We’ll describe the construction of
each type of module in turn. You will
need one Control and Power Supply
Module and at least one Volume Module. If you want a rotary encoder volume control, you must also build the
OLED Module.
After that, we’ll go over testing the
modules and connecting them together
into your system. Since all three module types feature surface-mounting
parts, check that you have the necessary tools for this sort of work.
A fine-tipped soldering iron, flux
paste (and a corresponding cleaning
solvent), solder-wicking braid, tweezers and fume extraction are all highly
recommended. Some sort of magnifier
Silicon Chip
and a good light source are helpful
for those with diminishing eyesight.
We’re talking from experience here!
Working outside is a good alternative to fume extraction and should also
provide sufficient illumination.
If you have decided on your choice
of enclosure, you can use the blank
PCBs to mark the mounting hole positions. It will be easier to do this now
before parts are fitted to the PCBs.
Look at Figs.12 & 13 to get an idea
of the cuts that need to be made for
the Control and Power Supply Module and OLED Module, respectively.
Control and
Power Supply Module
The through-hole parts on this Module are mainly in the power section,
while the SMD parts are mostly related
to the microcontroller.
We’ll start with the SMDs. The three
different SOT-23 package parts are the
smallest and are all different types, so
don’t mix them up. Check their orientation against the photos and PCB
overlay, Fig.8. SOT-23 parts are small,
but their leads are spread out, so you
shouldn’t get bridges between pins.
REG3 is the MCP1700-3.3 type.
Apply flux paste to the three pads and
hold it roughly in place with the tweezers. Tack one pin and adjust its position (melting the solder with the iron if
needed) until it is square with the pads
and flat against the PCB. Then apply
Australia's electronics magazine
solder to each of the other pins in turn.
Refresh the first pin if necessary.
Use the same technique to solder
the two Mosfets, Q1 and Q2. Q1 is
the P-channel part, while Q2 is the
N-channel 2N7002 part.
Follow with IC9, the 20-pin
PIC16F18146 microcontroller. Check
its orientation and ensure that pin 1 is
located near the dot on the PCB near
where the capacitor will be fitted later.
Like the earlier parts, apply flux and
rest the IC in place. It is larger, so it
might not need to be held down with
tweezers. Tack one lead and adjust the
IC location until it is centred on its
pads and flat against the PCB.
Next, carefully solder each IC pin to
its pad on the PCB. If you do form a
solder bridge, leave it for now. Solder
the remaining pins to secure the chip
in the correct place.
To fix a solder bridge, apply more
flux and press the solder braid against
the bridge with the iron. When it has
drawn up the solder, carefully slide it
away from the IC and repeat as necessary.
After using the braid, surface tension should retain enough solder to
form a solid joint, as long as the IC is
flat against the PCB. If you’re not sure,
have a close look using a magnifier and
refresh the pins with the iron using
some more solder and fresh flux.
The remaining surface mounting parts are all M3216/1206 size
(3.2×1.6mm) passives and can be fitted using similar techniques. There
Fig.8: there is a mix of SMD and through-hole parts, with components on both sides of this Module. Fortunately, none
of the SMD parts are too small. Just take care not to mix up the components and watch the orientations of the IC, bridge
rectifier, electrolytic capacitors and box header.
are two 100nF capacitors and one 1μF
capacitor, which won’t be marked,
plus some resistors. Five SMD resistors
are fitted to the same side of the PCB,
plus three on the other side.
To check the resistance codes
printed on the parts, refer to Table 1
for the expected markings.
Use a solvent to clean up the excess
flux on the PCB. Isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) is a suitable general-purpose
solvent for this. Wipe off as much
excess as possible and then allow the
remainder to evaporate.
Inspect the PCB with a magnifier to
ensure that your soldering looks correct. It will be much easier to make
corrections now, before any other components are fitted.
Through-hole parts
The through-hole parts on the Control and Power Supply Module should
generally be fitted from shortest to
tallest, as that simplifies the process.
Refer to the photos and overlay diagrams if needed.
Start with the 5.6V zener diode,
ZD1. Bend the leads by 90° and thread
through the PCB, ensuring the cathode
band matches the PCB silkscreen. Solder the leads and trim so they are neat.
Follow with REG1, the sole TO-220
package regulator. Bend the leads
backward by 90° at a point about
7mm from the body. Thread the leads
through their PCB pads and affix the
regulator with the machine screw, nut
and washer. Once you are happy with
the location, solder the leads and trim
as needed.
Fit bridge rectifier BR1 next, with
the + polarity mark on the PCB matching the one on the rectifier. Push it
down flat against the PCB before soldering it. Then adjust 500W trimpot
VR2 so its wiper is at its midpoint and
solder it to the PCB.
CON7 and CON8 are next. You don’t
need to fit both, as only one is needed
to supply power, but we used both
on our prototype for testing. CON8 is
required for a 24V AC centre-tapped
supply, while either can be used
with a single 12V AC tap. If you have
a choice, the 24V AC centre-tapped
transformer with CON8 is preferred.
Install the three different regulators in TO-92 cases next, being careful not to mix them up. REG2 is the
78L12, REG4 the 79L12 and REG5 the
LM317L. These are also marked on the
PCB silkscreen.
Now mount CON11 with the key in
the box header facing away from the
other components on this side. There
might also be a marker on the box
header indicating pin 1, which goes
near the top of the PCB.
The three different types of electrolytic capacitors are fitted next.
There are four 100μF parts and two
220μF parts around CON11. Ensure
that the polarities and values are correct before soldering, with the longer,
positive leads towards the + markings
on the board.
The polarity of the two larger 1000μF
capacitors near BR1 are reversed compared to the others.
The last remaining component on
this side of the PCB is the 5W resistor. Bend its leads and fit it to the PCB
pads. Space the body of the resistor
about 5mm clear of the PCB. You can
tack one lead and adjust its position
(if necessary) before soldering the
other lead.
Components on the other side
To help align CON9 for the LCD
touchscreen module, fit the four 12mm
The majority of the
components on this side are SMD
parts related to driving the LCD module. Note
the mounting for IRRx1, circled in red.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 75
M3-tapped spacers to the Module
using four M3 screws, with the latter
on the same side as the through-hole
Rest the 14-way female header
(CON9) in place, then slot the LCD
module into it, allowing the header to
sit at right angles to the PCB. Solder
CON9 to the board.
You can test the arrangement for the
IR receiver, IRRx1, next. We mounted
it so it peeks out just above the top of
the LCD (see the photos). There are
many ways to mount IRRx1, but we
think this method will work in most
cases. Regardless of how you do it, just
be sure that the correct pins of IRRx1
go to the correct PCB pads.
You should also fit CON10 for in-
circuit programming unless you have a
pre-programmed microcontroller. We
placed it on the top of the PCB, but it
could also be fitted to the reverse if
Programming the micro
If you need to program the microcontroller in-circuit, use a 3.3V supply
voltage. Also, detach the LCD module
before programming to reduce the load
on the programmer’s power source.
These newer PICs can only be programmed with a PICkit 4 (or later) or
a Snap; with the Snap, you will need
to provide power separately. We discussed modifying a Snap to supply
power on page 69 of the June 2021
issue (“PIC Programming Helper”;
Use the IPE to upload the 0111122B.
HEX file (0111122C.HEX is for the
OLED Module) and confirm that you
get the “Program/Verify complete”
message. You won’t see anything that
indicates that it is working right away.
Leave the LCD module off when
checking the supply rails on the Control and Power Supply Module. It’s
a good idea to do this with nothing
attached, especially as we need to trim
the 5.5V rail.
You can connect a current limited
DC supply (eg, a bench supply) to the
CON8 screw terminals. Connect the
negative supply to CON8’s centre GND
connection with the positive supply
to either of the remaining terminals.
This will provide power to the positive
regulators. Reversing the polarity will
power the negative regulator, which
we will do later.
Set the current limit to around
100mA and slowly wind up the supply
voltage. With 15V applied, we found
that our prototype’s 12V, 5.5V, 5V and
3.3V rails were correct (within 0.1V),
with the Module drawing about 60mA.
You can access the 12V, 5.5V and
3.3V rails at pins 2, 4 and 9 of CON11,
respectively. The 5V rail can be sensed
at pin 1 of CON9 (where the LCD
panel connects). CON8’s centre pin
or REG1’s tab are good places to connect to ground for referencing these
Assuming there is 12V on the 12V
rail, adjust VR2 to get a reading of
5.50V, or as close as possible, across
ZD1. Don’t exceed 5.6V, or ZD1 will
start conducting and could get warm.
If you can’t trim the 5.5V rail, check
the resistor values. Since the other
regulators are fixed, there isn’t much
else that can go wrong apart from the
wrong regulator being fitted or the
bridge rectifier not being installed
Reverse the polarity applied to
CON8 to check the -12V rail at pin 3
Table 1 – SMD resistor codes
Value 3-digit code
Silicon Chip
LCD module backlight
One of the problems we encountered
during the design and testing of this
project and the earlier Digital Preamp
is that the LCD backlight has the heaviest current draw of any component.
In the Digital Preamp, we applied
the well-known technique of modulating that draw by applying a PWM
signal to the backlight control. For
this project, we wanted to tackle this
in a better way, as it was apparent that
the PWM signal was having a small
but noticeable effect on the measured
audio quality.
So for this project, we have avoided
using PWM control of the LCD backlight. You can see that the power section of the circuit now uses a 5W resistor instead of several 1W resistors, so
it is better able to handle the full backlight current.
We still found that the 5W resistor
was getting warm, so we had a closer
look at what we could do to reduce dissipation. While getting the Module to
run cooler is always an advantage, we
hoped the lower current draw would
lead to less ripple on the main supply
capacitors and thus better performance.
The “LCD screen backlight modifications” panel explains how the backlight works on these LCD modules and
discusses a minor modification that
can be made to reduce its current draw.
This modification is optional, so
you can skip it if you like. Reattach
and secure the LCD module using the
four remaining machine screws. We
can now test that the microcontroller
is working correctly and can produce
a display on the LCD screen.
Screen 1: if you see
this screen when
you power up your
Volume Control, the
Control Module is
functional. The red
circle at upper right
is an IR (infrared)
telltale that lights
up whenever an IR
remote control signal
is received (whether
it is recognised or
4-digit code
of CON11. In this case, we found that
the Module only drew about 30mA.
Australia's electronics magazine
Using the connections you used to
test the positive regulators (ie negative
to GND, positive to either of the AC[~]
connections), set the limit to around
300mA and wind up the voltage. You
should see something on the LCD with
the input at about 8V or higher. If you
don’t see anything by 15V, there may
be a problem.
The actual current draw will depend
on the type of LCD backlight and may
be different if it has been modified, but
it shouldn’t be any higher than 300mA.
You should see a screen similar to
Screen 1, and the UP/DOWN/MUTE
buttons should respond to presses.
That’s as much as we can test at this
Fig.9: all parts for the
Volume Module mount
on the top side. Slightly
smaller M2012/0805
size passives will fit
the same pads. Watch
the orientations of the
ICs, the electrolytic
(including tantalum)
capacitors and the box
Volume Module
The Volume Module can be built
without the last op amp stage if you
want to save a bit of money and time,
and that will also improve the volume control range if you don’t need
the high maximum gain. All our performance specs are based on the fully
populated version; performance will
likely be the same or better without
those extra op amps.
We’ll describe the assembly for all
components being fitted. If you wish
to leave out the last op amp stage,
omit IC3, IC7, their respective 100nF
capacitors (one each) and the eight
1kW resistors in that area of the PCB.
The two remaining 1kW resistors
that pad VR1 are at the other end of
this PCB. They are still used.
If you omit IC3 and IC7, short out
the four PCB jumpers pairs, JP3-JP6.
Apply your iron to the pads of the
jumper and feed in a generous amount
of solder until a bridge forms.
You can use solder wicking braid if
you need to remove the bridges.
Fig.9 and the PCB photos show the
fully populated version that we will
now assemble.
The Volume Module is mostly populated with SMD components, with
just a handful of through-hole parts.
Start by fitting the eight dual diodes
in SOT-23 packages.
Apply flux to the pads and rest each
diode in place, noting the orientation
from the photos and overlay diagram.
Tack one lead, adjust the positioning
and then solder the remaining leads.
Add some fresh flux and touch the iron
to the first lead if you need to refresh
that joint.
Follow with the eight op amps,
IC1-IC8. They all face the same way,
with their pin 1 facing towards the bottom of the PCB. Small parts like this
may not have a dot printed on their
bodies, but may have a bevel along the
edge nearest pin 1. This bevel is most
easily seen from the end of the chip.
IC10, the 28-pin SOIC part, should
be soldered next. Its pin 1 is orientated
in the opposite direction from IC1-IC8.
If you have any solder bridges on these
parts, rectify them using more flux and
solder-wicking braid.
The top half of the PCB is marked
with horizontal lines and values down
the middle, indicating that four identical parts are fitted across. Each part
corresponds to one of the four channels, hence the symmetry (Fig.9 shows
the values individually for clarity).
The remaining SMD parts on this
PCB are two-lead passives. Fit ferrite
beads FB1-FB4 next. They are identical and marked as FB on the PCB silkscreen and overlay diagram. The ferrite beads will probably be dark grey,
matching the ferrite material they are
made from; ceramic capacitors are
usually a lighter beige/brown colour.
The four tantalum capacitors are in
a row near IC1 and IC5. As these are
polarised, observe the polarity markings. It’s important to note that, unlike
electrolytic can capacitors, rectangular
moulded (as well as tag tantalum) electros have a stripe on the positive end,
similar to a diode’s cathode marking!
Australia's electronics magazine
Also, our prototype used ceramic
capacitors, which look different to the
tantalum parts we will supply in kits.
You could use high-value SMD ceramics if absolutely necessary, but they are
generally inferior for audio signal coupling compared to electrolytic caps.
After that, install the 11 100nF
capacitors, the four 470pF capacitors
and the 100pF capacitors.
There are many SMD resistors of different values; naturally, they should
not be mixed up. Fortunately, their values will be marked, so you can check
them as you go (you might need a magnifier) – see Table 1. If you’re unsure of
reading the codes, carefully use a multimeter to measure their resistances.
You could even measure them using
our Advanced SMD Test Tweezers
from the February and March 2023
issues (
Cleaning and checking
Now use your preferred flux cleaning solvent to remove any excess flux
from the PCB and allow it to dry. It’s
a good time to inspect the assembly
and check that all the components
look to be soldered correctly in the
right spots before fitting the remaining components.
For JP2, you might like to use a simple wire link if you know what your
configuration will be. If so, populate
the first board with a link across CS1,
the second with a link across CS2 etc.
January 2024 77
The Volume Control Module
shown fully populated. The
op amps just behind the
RCA sockets can be left
off if a lower maximum
output signal is required.
The four 1μF ceramic
capacitors have been
replaced with 2.2μF
tantalums in the final
version for improved
If you’re not sure, install the double-
row pin header and place the links as
described for testing.
Adjust the 500W VR1 trimpot to near
its midpoint, then solder it in place (or
centre it after soldering).
Next, fit box header CON5. Its
key should be to the left, with pin 1
towards the middle of the PCB, as indicated by the arrow on the silkscreen.
You could use a double-row pin header
at a pinch, although that won’t guarantee the correct plug orientation.
Next, mount the nine electrolytic
capacitors. Watch out for the polarities
(the longer lead is positive, while the
stripe indicates negative) and install
them as shown.
The last parts to be soldered are the
RCA sockets. Their pins and alignment
pegs take a bit of wrangling, so ensure
their bases are flush against the PCB
before soldering them in place.
We also suggest adding a tapped
spacer to each of the bottom corners
of the PCB. Secure them from above
with machine screws. These are used
to mount these boards to your choice of
enclosure but will also keep the PCBs
off your bench during testing.
OLED Module
The optional OLED Module is
the smallest of the three. It is little
more than a microcontroller, a rotary
Silicon Chip
encoder and an OLED screen. All the
components are fitted to one side of
the PCB; the other side forms its front
panel. You can see this in the Fig.10
overlay diagram and the photos.
Fit the PIC16F15224 microcontroller (IC11) first. Add flux to the PCB
pads, rest the micro in place, tack one
lead and check its alignment before
soldering the remaining leads.
There are four 100nF capacitors and
four 10kW resistors. None of these are
polarised, and can be soldered next. At
this stage, you should also add a solder bridge to the CS5 (bottom-most)
position of JP7.
Now clean off the excess flux and
allow the board to dry. Inspect the solder joints of the smaller components
and rectify any concerns. This will be
easier before the larger parts are fitted.
If IC11 is not programmed, you will
need to fit CON13, the ICSP header. As
you can see from the photo, we used a
right-angled header fitted as a surface-
mounted part.
To program IC11, set your programmer to provide 3.3V, connect it to the
ICSP header and upload the 0111122C.
HEX file.
Next, solder CON12, the surface-
mounting box header. Note the pin
1 marking indicating the orientation.
The key for the tab on the cable should
face towards the top edge of the PCB.
You could use a standard surface-
mounting dual-row pin header if you
don’t have a box header, but it will
lack the keying that ensures the plug
is always inserted correctly.
Like any other part, apply some
flux, rest the header in place and tack
one lead. Adjust the position if necessary, then solder the remaining leads.
Since these larger pins are at 0.1in
(2.54mm) spacing, you can be pretty
generous with the solder. You should
be able to look at the gap between the
PCB and the box to see that there are
no bridges.
Fit the rotary encoder (RE1) next.
Mount the encoder using the supplied
nut and then add short lengths of component leads to make the connections
to the pads below.
When fitting the encoder, ensure
that the pins match the PCB silkscreen
markings (two pins on one side and
three on the other).
Once the encoder is aligned, you can
mechanically secure it using the pads
on each side of the body. We used lead
offcuts around 1cm long, bent about
3mm from one end. Tin the PCB pads
and the ends of the leads and then
solder the short end of the leads to
the PCB.
We used tweezers to hold the other
end of the leads while soldering them,
then gently bent the other ends of the
leads against the pins of the rotary
encoder and soldered them together.
You can see this in the photo below.
Similarly, the OLED uses short
lead offcuts for its four electrical connections. Don’t fit the headers to the
This shows how the rotary encoder
and OLED are attached to the
PCB. They both use short
lengths of wire, such as
component lead offcuts,
to connect to the PCB.
Note how we’ve
soldered a header to
CON13 to program the
microcontroller in circuit.
Fig.10: to allow
the PCB of the
OLED Module
to be used
as the front
panel, all the
are surfacemounted,
the usually
parts. You can
also see this in
our photos.
OLED, as we aren’t using them. If one
is already fitted, desolder it and clear
the pad holes of solder.
Tin each of the four pads on the PCB
and then solder a lead offcut vertically. Remove the protective film from
the OLED and ease the OLED module
down over the leads until it is flush
against the PCB.
Gently adjust the position of the
OLED so that it is square within the
markings on the PCB, then solder
each of the four wires to the pads on
the Module. Add two more lead offcuts to the two large bottom holes of
the OLED and solder them to the PCB
pads below.
The OLED should light up if you
apply 3.3V and GND (via the ICSP
header or pins 9 and 20 of CON12).
That’s about as much testing as is possible for now.
length of 20-way ribbon cable and fit
it with one 20-way IDC plug along its
length for each module you have built.
They don’t have to be in a specific
order, as it is all a single bus.
Pin 1 of each plug must align with
the marked pin 1 of the cable (usually red). Otherwise, it doesn’t matter
too much. The sockets can sit above
or below the cable; the endmost sockets should have the cable looped back
through their locking tabs to secure
It’s best to use a designated IDC
crimping tool such as Altronics’
T1540, but it is possible to use a bench
vise with some care. Keep the cable
square to the headers and use some
pieces of timber on the faces of the vise
spread the load. Proceed carefully to
avoid cracking the IDC plugs.
Ribbon cables
Now connect all the modules
together with your ribbon cable and
wire up your AC supply of choice. A
single 12V AC source can connect to
CON7 or between the GND and one
of the AC phases on CON8. For a 24V
AC supply, connect its centre tap to
the GND of CON8; the outer 12V taps
go to the other terminals of CON8 (it
doesn’t matter which).
Now we must join all the modules
with a custom 20-way ribbon cable.
The exact arrangement depends on
how you plan to arrange your modules
within your enclosure, so we don’t
have a specific assembly diagram of
such a cable.
Fig.11 shows how a typical cable
might look. You should use a single
Fig.11: this is only an example of a possible ribbon cable; you might have
different requirements depending on your choice of modules. As long as the
pin 1 markings align with the same edge of the cable, the cable should work.
Note how the keys on the headers on one side of the cable face the same
way, opposite to the keys on the other side.
Australia's electronics magazine
Power on the Multi-Channel Volume Control and verify that the LCD
panel shows the expected screen. We
still need to perform one last setup
step for each of the Volume Modules.
Take a multimeter and confirm that
there is 5.5V between TP1 (GND) and
TP2 (5.5V) of each Volume Module.
If so, adjust trimpot VR1 on each to
get 2.75V at TP3. This completes the
hardware setup.
We’ll now delve into the firmware
settings to complete the configuration
and then work through the operation
of the controls.
OLED Module
If you have an OLED Module fitted, you should be able to operate its
controls and see that both displays
update together. Screen 2 shows a
typical OLED Module display. There
is no configuration needed for the
OLED Module.
The OLED Module will show three
dashes when powered up until it
receives data on the ribbon cable. If
the dashes persist for more than a few
seconds, the OLED module may not be
receiving data correctly. In that case,
check the ribbon cable and connectors, especially that the IDC plugs are
fully clamped around the ribbon cable.
Screen 2: the OLED Module display
will show this on the screen
(depending on the MUTE state). If
you see three dashes then the OLED
Module is not receiving data from the
Control Module.
January 2024 79
If you find that the operation of the
rotary encoder is backward, reverse
the connections from the two outer
pins to the PCB using short lengths of
insulated wire. We haven’t seen this
happen, but it is an easy fix.
The default settings for the
Multi-Channel Volume Control are
to drive 16 channels with an OLED
Module connected and the last op amp
stages fitted to each Volume Module.
If you have fewer than 16 channels, the ‘phantom’ channels will not
respond, so you won’t need to change
the settings even if you only have six
or eight channels.
The default IR code settings allow
the Volume Control to respond to the
Jaycar XC3718 IR remote control unit.
Use the “−” and “+” buttons to change
the volume and the PLAY/PAUSE button to mute and unmute.
The LCD screen should show a red
circle when a signal is received. If you
don’t see a red circle when operating
your remote control, its batteries could
be flat, or the IR receiver may not be
connected correctly. Screen 1 shows
the IR telltale.
To enter SETUP on the Control Module, press and hold the SETUP button on the LCD touch panel until the
screen changes and you see Screen
3. In general, the “>” button cycles
between the different settings, while
the “+” and “−” buttons adjust them.
The first four parameters set the IR
device code and IR command codes.
All the commands must correspond to
the same device code. While these can
be set manually, the option to ‘learn’
a code is also available.
Press a button on your transmitter
of choice and see that the value in
brackets changes; these are the device
and command codes the IR receiver
detected. You might need to press
another button and then your chosen
button again to confirm this.
Pressing this area of the screen
(around the IR codes) will set the last
received device code or command
code as the current code. The values
are stored in EEPROM and used immediately, so you can easily check that
the Volume Control responds to the
new IR code as expected.
We have also found a set of codes
that can be used with the Altronics
A1012A Programmable IR Remote
Control. Program the A1012A to use
AUX code 0724 (which is for a Yamaha
This corresponds to device code 94
and command codes 216 (DOWN), 88
(UP) and 56 (MUTE). You could use
the code-learning feature instead of
having to enter these manually.
Many other Japanese manufacturers
use NEC codes. If the Yamaha code
conflicts with existing equipment, a
few other codes (from the Altronics
A1012A list) that start with 07 also
give valid NEC codes that the Volume
Control can receive.
The MAX VOLUME setting limits
the highest value that the volume can
be set to in dB. This can be set as high
Screen 3: during setup, part of the screen is turned over
to the setup parameters and buttons. Press and hold the
SETUP button for five seconds to get to this screen and start
the setup process.
Silicon Chip
as 20dB and defaults to 5dB. Disabling
the OLED Module is also possible by
setting the SLAVE IN USE parameter to 0. If your OLED Module is not
responding, check that this is set to 1.
The LEVEL OFFSET parameter provides an adjustment to the overall gain.
If you have omitted the last op amp
stage on the Volume Modules, set this
to -6 to account for the loss of the last
×2 gain stages.
The next parameter changes the
number of channels in use; this is the
number of channels driven by the Volume Control. This should be a multiple of four and match the number of
Volume Modules you have installed.
If in doubt, set it to the maximum
Say you have two Volume Modules
and are using six channels; in that case,
set it to eight to ensure the two spare
channels are set to safe levels. It can’t
be set higher than 16 if the OLED Module is enabled.
For these settings (apart from the IR
codes), the values in brackets show the
lower and upper limits of what these
parameters can be set to.
The remaining settings are offsets (in
digital potentiometer steps) that can
be applied to each channel. This can
be used to adjust the balance between
different speakers.
A short press on the SETUP button
returns to the normal display. Screen
4 shows what the display looks like
when MUTE is active. The EEPROM
text is also yellow, indicating that the
current state has not been saved to
Screen 4: when MUTE is active, the screen changes to look
like this. The yellow EEPROM text means that there are
unsaved changes. After 10 seconds of no activity, the state
(volume and mute) is saved and will be reloaded if the
Volume Control is switched off and then on again.
Australia's electronics magazine
LCD screen backlight modification
There are two common variants of the
2.8in LCD touchscreen panels. The
main difference we noted is that the
touch panels register differently, requiring different calibrations.
As we mentioned in last month’s
installment, the Multi-Channel Volume
Control is programmed to handle these
Another difference is in the circuitry
of the LED driver for the LCD panel backlight. The two variants we have seen are
marked v1.1 and v1.2, as shown in our
photos (adjacent and below).
Both versions have an XC6206
3.3V regulator to power the LED controller from the panel’s VCC pin and
an XPT2046 touch controller IC to
provide an interface to the resistive
touch panel.
Fig.a highlights how they differ in their
connections to the LED control line
(one of the pins on the 14-way header).
For the v1.1 boards, this line connects
directly to the LEDs and then ground
via a series ballast resistor.
The later v1.2 boards use the LED
control line to drive a low-side NPN
S8050 transistor (Q1). The LEDs are
wired to the VCC line, so when the transistor switches on, current flows via a
ballast resistor and the transistor to
The v1.1 board design lends itself to
dimming by an extra series resistor in
the LED line. For example, the original
Micromite LCD BackPack (February
used a trimpot for manual backlight
adjustment. The v1.2 boards do not
allow that, so we have tended to use it
less and less.
While both arrangements can be
driven by a high-current PWM signal
(which could be provided by Q1 and
Q2 of the Control and Power Supply
Module), we have avoided using PWM
in this project due to the resulting digital noise.
So we looked into how to modify the
LCD panel to adjust the backlight current linearly. Fortunately, changing the
LED ballast resistor works well enough,
which is what we did.
Figs.b & c show a v1.1 board before
and after modification. The green circle in Fig.b shows the resistor in question, originally 3.9Ω and designated R6.
The original resistor was an
M1608/0603 (1.6 × 0.8mm) part,
but we replaced it with a larger
M3216/1206 (3.2 × 1.6mm) part by
scratching back some of the nearby
solder mask to allow the larger part to
be soldered.
This must be done carefully as the
surrounding copper area is connected
to ground, and a bridge here will short
the incoming LED signal to ground. We
used 110Ω resistors for our tests
Fig.a: the LED control lines for the V1.1 and
V1.2 LCD modules.
Figs.d & e: for the V1.2 LCD modules, we needed to scrape some of the solder mask so we
could fit a larger resistor for R5.
Figs.b & c: a V1.1 touchscreen LCD module before (left) and after (right) replacing R6 with a
110Ω resistor to reduce the backlight current.
Australia's electronics magazine
because we had a few left over from
building our prototypes.
Figs.d & e show the v1.2 LCD panels
before and after the changes. Here, the
resistor is marked R5 and is 8.2Ω. We
did the same thing, scraping some of
the solder mask back to bare copper
before soldering in the replacement
You might even be able to solder in an
axial leaded resistor by bending its leads
back until they are nearly touching.
Resistor value
The 110Ω resistors were great at
keeping the noise and heat down but
the resulting backlight brightness is
too dim for a well-lit room. We suggest
22Ω as a good compromise. A 100Ω
trimpot in series with a 10Ω resistor
would be a good choice if you want to
tweak the brightness to suit your specific conditions.
Our Control Module kits will include a
22Ω M1608/0603 SMD resistor so
you can make this modification with a
direct resistor swap.
January 2024 81
The Power Supply and Control
Module mounts to the LCD module
using the 14-pin header and two Nylon
M3 spacers.
EEPROM; that happens automatically
after 10 seconds of no further activity.
Installing the modules
To help you fit the modules into
your desired enclosures, Figs.12 & 13
are cutting diagrams of the display cutouts for the Control & Power Supply
Module and the OLED Module.
The cutout for the Control & Power
Supply Module is essentially the same
as for the 2.8in LCD module. You
could even consider using one of our
laser-cut acrylic lids, such as SC3456
(, as a
bezel for neatly mounting the LCD
This acrylic piece is intended to
fit onto a UB3 Jiffy box and is 68mm
tall, so it will be too tall for a 3U rack
unit. Otherwise, refer to Fig.12 for the
dimensions of the square cutout and
screw holes to suit the 2.8in LCD.
You will also need to create a hole
for the IR receiver if you are using it.
Its exact position depends on how you
have fitted it.
If mounting the LCD inside a metal
enclosure, we recommend using a
plastic bezel or foam tape to prevent
the LCD pins from shorting against
Fig.13 shows the outline for the
OLED Module. The outermost dimensions (76.5 × 51mm) are the outline of
the Module, so you can start by marking these onto your enclosure. Use
something erasable or work inside the
enclosure, as these will be visible once
the Module is fitted.
Now add another set of lines 4mm
inside these and yet another set of lines
4mm inside these; thus, the second set
of lines is 8mm inside the Module’s
border. These twelve lines will allow
you to drill four holes and cut out the
panel, as shown in Fig.13. Note that
the inner cutout area does not need to
be precise. You should leave enough
material for the screws to hold.
If the panel is metal, it is worth
attaching some foam tape around
the perimeter at the back, where the
OLED Module attaches. This will prevent the case from scraping the solder
mask and possibly shorting against
the PCB traces.
The Multi-Channel Volume Control
is intended to be a ‘subsystem’ within a
system such as a multi-channel amplifier, so it is up to you how you connect
it to your equipment of choice.
As for the RCA sockets, the white
upper connections are the inputs, and
the red lower connections are the outSC
puts of each Volume Module.
Fig.12 (left): to mount the 2.8in LCD and thus the Control Module, you’ll need a large rectangular hole and four small
round holes. You might also need another small hole for the IR receiver to ‘see’ outside (like the one marked “B”).
Fig.13 (right): the exact dimensions of the cutout for the OLED Module are not critical, as the shape overlaps the edge of
the hole by about 4mm. Still, you might need to use foam tape or similar to protect the back of the PCB if you are using a
metal enclosure.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
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Getting amped up
Dave Thompson
Dave gives a bit of background on the various guitar amplifiers he built or
bought, using the technology of the day. They evolved from valve-based
designs, initially made from modified radiograms, through to solid-state
hybrid and discrete amplifiers. All so that he could rock’n’roll!
Years ago, when I was a little ‘un (or wee tacker, as you
Australians might say), I got one of those 10-in-1 electronic
sets from Dad as a present for Christmas. I loved it, and it
became my favourite ‘toy’.
It only had one transistor, a germanium diode (yes, I’m
that old), a ferrite broadcast coil, a variable capacitor, a battery holder, a small speaker and a few resistors and capacitors. Still, I could eventually make more than the nominal
10 projects they published in the manual that came with it.
These days, you can buy the same sort of thing from the
local electronics shop, with 200 or more ‘projects’, but it
was pretty rare back in the late 1960s. I believe that Dad
purchased it in Australia, on one of his frequent trips to
Melbourne to see my Uncle Roger (not the infamous orangeshirt-wearing cook/comedian, before anyone asks!).
I loved that kit, but outgrew it relatively quickly. One of
my favourite projects (besides the crystal radio, obviously)
was the amplifier. It was nothing too fancy, but I could use
it to amplify the audio from another crystal set I’d made
the traditional (for that time) way. I used a multi-tapped
coil wound on a cardboard toilet roll centre, with a germanium diode as a detector.
The signal from that was puny, of course, although
Dad had sourced me a pair of high-impedance crystal
headphones (which I still have somewhere). That made
a huge difference over the standard crystal earbud of the
day. You know the earphone, cream-coloured case, clear
plastic earpiece and a twisted-pair cord. It was precisely
Silicon Chip
the type of thing Uncle Arthur had for his hearing aid.
Fun fact: those earphones are still available from your
local electronics store!
So, with my crude crystal set and a substantial long-wire
antenna that Dad helped me set up, I could get some quite
far-off stations, but the audio was weak. Using my 10-in-1
kit set up as an amplifier (connected up using wire into the
kit’s springs), I could now drive the small speaker in the
kit and free myself of the clunky (and, to be honest, quite
uncomfortable) Bakelite headphones.
I often listened into the night with that setup, although
I eventually built a much more advanced shortwave radio
from one magazine project or another. I did use better mid1970s headphones with that, so I could listen late at night
without disturbing anyone.
I would regularly ‘skip’ the likes of the BBC World Service and Radio Luxembourg, which at that time had some
excellent radio shows syndicated from around the world.
Good memories.
Learning to wield the axe
While this was all going on, I was learning to play the
guitar. I’d played the piano by this time for about six years,
but guitar was what I really wanted to learn. I bought a
rather dire electric example from a schoolmate and set
about teaching myself. The first thing I discovered was that
the sound it made was literally nothing, and I needed an
amplifier. Boy, did that open up a rabbit hole of discovery
and expense!
As anyone who has ever bought a guitar amplifier will
tell you, the choices are seemingly endless, and some manufacturers expected your pockets to be almost bottomless!
The irony is that if I’d bought one at the time, it would now
be ‘vintage’ and worth an absolute fortune. However, as a
budding serviceman, I had to fashion my own somehow.
I had seen a few related articles in some of the American
magazines I was buying at the time about how people were
modifying valve (vacuum tube) radiograms or lo-fi amplifiers to use as guitar amps. The main differences were the
input impedances of the preamp and overall gain of the
input stages; you needed enough gain to get some of that
famous valve ‘crunch’.
This was good news for a now-broke high school student. Home stereo systems were rapidly relegating radiograms and similar older console and mantle radios to the
scrap heap. I recall often seeing them sitting on the roadside, offered for free.
Australia's electronics magazine
Items Covered This Month
Home-made guitar amplifiers
Repairing an Icom 551-D transceiver
Fixing a car head unit
Dave Thompson runs PC Anytime in Christchurch, NZ.
Email: dave<at>
Cartoonist – Louis Decrevel
Knowing what we know now, of course, it would be amazing to be able to pick up those antiques and use or restore
them – which, let’s be honest, has since become a huge
part of this hobby of ours. However, back then, they were
big, timber, cumbersome lumps and simply not wanted.
New-fangled solid-state hifi amplifiers and separate component systems soon superseded those in every household
I visited (including ours).
It was good that technology progressed so rapidly in
the 1970s; that meant I had my pick of old valve amplifiers. A friend gave me the amp from his parent’s radiogram
because he wanted to put a transistor amp into the case.
That suited me – I’d be horrified with myself now if I had
dumped some beautiful walnut cabinet. The antique radio
people would blacklist me!
My first guitar amp
But suddenly, I had this lump of an amp. My experience with valves was watching Dad maintaining the blackand-white TV he’d built us in the 1960s. I still remember
him showing me a nice fat arc when he held his Earthed
screwdriver close to the flyback output. I was mightily
impressed, I can tell you!
Of course, he warned me never to try it myself. I’ll leave
it to your imagination as to whether I followed that advice!
So, this dusty old valve amp had several inputs that were
no longer wired in, and I also made sure I got the speaker,
which had an output transformer mounted directly onto
the basket.
First I ensured it was dust-free, then plugged it in and
switched it on. This, of course, is against standard practice for valve amps that haven’t been used in a while. Still,
I knew no different then, and I watched all the filaments
glow, and a quiet hum came from the speaker. I did know
enough to be too scared to go anywhere near it while it
was running!
I shut it down and looked at the inputs. I can’t recall if
they were labelled or not, so I made up a lead with a guitar plug on one end and the older RCA-style connector this
amp used on the other. I plugged the lead into the guitar
and tried each of the inputs, but of course, it was either
weedy and thin or grossly distorted, and not in the nice
way we guitar players love.
At the time, I knew much less about amplifiers than I do
now; even the rare guides I discovered in magazines were
vague or purposely omitted values and figures. I could see
this wouldn’t fly, so I passed the whole thing on to a school
chum who thought he’d like to play around with it. That
left me with no amp (and, full disclosure, no real talent
either at that point!).
I started looking more seriously into buying a commercial amplifier, but that was simply out of the question. I
started asking around – these are the sorts of things people
buy and then give up on, so some could be quite cheap. A
neighbour down the street had just that: a Christchurch-
made Abby 30, a locally produced clone of the famous
Vox AC30.
The guy who made them eventually moved to Melbourne,
but he made a few of these and other styles of guitar amps
back in the day. I wish I’d kept it, as they are now regarded
as one of the best copies made, and likely worth a small
fortune due to their rarity. I used it for my formative years
though, so I got plenty of use out of it.
When it came to touring, however, those valve amps
became a real liability. The cabinet was solid timber with
two heavy-duty 12-inch (30cm) Celestion speakers sitting
in it and a solidly-made steel chassis sandwiched into the
top; that thing soon broke my rock and roll spirit, not to
mention my back!
Making it more luggable
What I needed was a solid-state ‘head unit’ and a single-
speaker cabinet for playing smaller clubs and bars. Something a lot easier to lug around, that didn’t take up so much
room in the small cars we had at the time (nothing like
today’s monster SUVs!). By then, I had done a lot more
research and read many more magazines, so I thought I
could easily make one.
The first one I made utilised a Sanken Hybrid SI-1050G
50W power module I had purchased a year previously.
I’d been intending to make a small foldback amp/cabinet, but decided instead to use it as the power section
of a guitar amp. The preamp I used was part of a project (if I recall correctly) in one of the English magazines
of the day, perhaps Practical Electronics or Everyday
The power supply was part of yet another guitar amplifier project that was similar to what the Sanken module
required to run it. I could have used either a ±33V split
rail or a 66V single supply; I chose the latter, mainly
because I had a nice beefy power transformer waiting for
such a project.
I had access to a transparency printer and made and
etched my own PCBs, so it all ended up quite good-looking,
and I was pleased with the result.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 85
At 50W, it seemed underwhelming compared to other
50W guitar amps I had used, so I played around a little
with the gain of the preamp and got it running a bit hotter.
Still, it was not cutting through the chaff on stage. Overall,
a bit disappointing, then.
The next build fared a little better. This time, I decided
to add 50 more watts, doubling the apparent power but not
the output sound level, giving little more than a nominal
3dB gain. However, it gave more punch and more headroom to play with.
This module was another locally-produced product, and
a kit to boot. It was a common-for-the-time push-pull power
amplifier design using the perennially popular 2N3055
NPN and 2N2955 PNP general-purpose power transistors.
Many well-liked guitar and hifi amplifiers utilised those
robust and easy-to-source components.
I used the same preamp, but as this module required a
split power supply, I had to redo my 66V single supply,
which was also burgled from the Sanken amp. Fortunately,
the case was large enough to accommodate the new module
and, with a bit of fettling, I soon had a dual-voltage power
supply running at around 32V per side.
That was just outside the module specs, but allowing for
sag and other factors, I figured it should be OK.
In use, this was a solid and reliable amplifier that really
had some punch, especially after I paired it up with a tone
booster, a gain/overdrive pedal and a better speaker (an
Eminence driver) in the single 12-inch cabinet. I used it
for many years on the circuit (pun intended!) before it was
fried one night when someone hit a power pole up the road
and killed the whole club’s power.
I knew I had blown something, and by that time, I was
in a better position to buy a commercial amplifier, which
is what I did.
Valve amp parts are still available
I still have a love for audio amps, though, and have serviced and repaired many vastly different varieties over
the years. In recent years, I’ve also re-embraced the valve
amplifier scene, learning about them by building and making my own.
The transformers and valves, which were always a headache for the average Joe like me to source, are now available,
Silicon Chip
both here and overseas. While not always cheap, at least
we can buy them.
I also had the good fortune to stumble upon a commercial transformer winding machine that had served a local
company here for decades. It sat in a friend’s garage for
many more years until he passed it on to me for a peppercorn fee, and I have since tidied it up and wound several
transformers with it.
The different-sized cores and wire are also available (if
not readily), so I’m lucky to be able to wind transformers
to my own requirements and specifications.
There are also many good physical schools and online
classes dealing with designing and building valve amps
(including an excellent one in Australia). If anyone is interested, many good books and tutorial videos are also available on the subject.
Like all amplifier theory and technologies, there is often
heated debate about what constitutes a good design, or
even a great design. The old timers could get it right, but
they also had access to high-quality, inexpensive valves
and very clever people who ate, lived and breathed valve
amplifier design.
These days, there are still a lot of clever people about,
and even those experimenting with operating valves in
low-voltage applications, down to 12V, which is fantastic
for the likes of stomp-boxes and portable guitar amplifiers.
Editor’s note: see our ‘Nutube’ Valve Preamplifier (January 2020; that runs from
just 9V DC!
While we don’t have unlimited access to those vast quantities of valves anymore, there are still a lot of NOS (new
old stock) valves available at ever-increasing prices. NOS
refers to parts that have been sitting around forever, but
that have never been used.
As those supplies dwindle, the prices will continue to
rise. While Russian and Chinese-made valves are still being
manufactured, modern valve aficionados claim the quality
of their valves is nowhere near as good as it was back in
the days of General Electric, Philips, Sylvania and others.
Sanctions are also causing supply problems for Russian-
made valves...
To take things even further, the advent of the computer
and amplifier ‘modelling’ technology means that just about
every ‘tone’ some legendary guitar player has come up with
is now available as a patch or preset in a hardware modelling amp, selectable at the touch of a button and able to be
used live at gigs, just like my own (rather crude) home-made
amps. Some modellers are even built into the guitar itself!
For the home recording artist, virtual instruments can
be loaded into a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), and the
variety of sounds and tones available is almost limitless.
Anyone with a halfway decent computer and a set of studio monitor speakers or headphones can download a free
DAW and have a home studio almost more potent than
many I spent time in during the ‘80s and ‘90s.
It’s a whole different world in audio amplifier design
and implementation now. Yet the basics remain the same –
taking a signal and boosting it through several stages with
minimal unwanted distortion at the output. The distortion
figures on some of the amplifier designs in this magazine
would have been impossible 20 years ago.
I’d hate to think what that 10-in-1 amp’s figures were,
all those years ago!
Australia's electronics magazine
Icom 551-D transceiver repair
C. K., of Mooroolbark, Vic was asked if he could repair
a 50MHz all-mode transceiver, the Icom 551D, dating from
the 1980s.
It’s an elaborate device and capable of more than 80W
output with SSB or FM and 40W with AM. I answered
rather foolishly, “Yes, I can repair anything”. Little did I
know what I was letting myself in for!
The owner had bought it on eBay in a non-functional
state. He did try to work on it, which resulted in smoke
coming out. Not a very promising start.
It looked like a fairly clean unit and powered up to show
a display, but nothing came out of the inbuilt speaker. Also,
while it showed a sensible frequency on the dial, the tuning knob did nothing.
Removing a few screws allowed me to take off the top
cover, revealing a large single-sided circuit board with
numerous components and a rats’ nest of wires heading
off to several connectors. Fortunately, I could download a
full maintenance manual. After getting familiar with the
various parts, I printed out the schematics on A3 paper so
they were readable.
All the schematics were hand-drawn; unfortunately, very
few components were labelled. The diagrams of the circuit
boards had all the components numbered, so together with
the parts list, I could eventually identify them.
I started by checking voltages. Three TO-220 NPN transistors on the main board: Q28, Q29 and Q30, in association with Q31 and Q32 plus discrete components, provide
regulated supply rails.
The collectors are fed by 4.7W 1/4W resistors from the
13.8V supply, which should give about 13.5V. Q28 and
Q30 gave correct readings but the collector of Q29 measured about 6V (see the diagram below).
On closer examination, the collector resistor looked very
burnt. That must have been where the smoke came from.
With the type of construction prevalent at the time, all
the resistors are standing up on the single-sided board, so
only one end is accessible. Replacing a resistor requires
taking the board out to get at the underside.
While the maintenance manual gave detailed instructions on removing the front panel, it gave no clues as to
how the main board should be removed. So it was up to
me to locate the many screws to be undone and all the connectors that had to be carefully unplugged.
Not only were screws holding down the PCB, but two
power transistors on one side were attached to heatsinks
bolted to the side of the case. All the associated screws
had to be removed, and I had to be careful not to damage the insulating washers between the transistors and
Finally, after considerable time, I could ease the board
out and get to the underside. If the top was a rats’ nest, the
bottom was much worse! Look at all those extra components tacked on, including a 16-pin chip on a little subboard. I don’t know if these were some kind of modifications or were needed to fix design problems, but to my eye,
it looked like the epitome of bad design.
Editor’s note: they seem like the sort of ‘running changes’
made in a factory when they already have thousands of
boards made and find that a problem needs to be addressed
or an extra function included.
Having located the burnt 4.7W resistor and not having
that value, I replaced it with two 10W 1/4W resistors in
Left: these transistors regulate the voltage rails
on the main board.
Below: the shaft encoder circuitry.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 87
After careful reassembly, I turned on the power and
checked that the output on the emitter of Q29 was 9V.
When I turned the volume up, hiss came out of the loudspeaker. Attaching a signal generator gave a good signalto-noise ratio with an input level well below 1μV. However, the tuned frequency was well off the indicated frequency on the dial.
There is a calibration procedure in the manual that
should correct this. The phase-locked loop (PLL) module
has a 10.24MHz master crystal oscillator from which the
VFO frequencies are generated. A trimmer capacitor on
this oscillator sets the exact frequency.
However, on measuring this frequency at the test point
specified in the manual, I found it was too low and, even
with the trimmer capacitor at its minimum value, was a
long way off. The crystal had obviously aged and dropped
in frequency. I decided to ignore that for now, not having a
crystal with a suitable frequency in my collection.
The next major problem was the tuning knob. Accessing
that meant removing the front panel assembly by undoing
numerous screws and carefully unplugging the many connectors. Attached to the tuning shaft is a disc with slots
around the circumference. On one side are two phototransistors, and on the other side, mounted on a small subboard, are two LEDs.
These are an early SMD type of LED, TLR121, made by
Toshiba. They have a clear lens and provide a point source
at 700nm, a red wavelength. The LEDs and phototransistors
are positioned so that the outputs on the collectors are 90°
out of phase, meaning the rotation direction can be ascertained by the logic.
No light was coming out of either LED and, on removing
the sub-board, they both measured close to a dead short.
Not having any LEDs of the same size, I jury-rigged two
3mm red LEDs. It was an ugly workaround, but on reassembly, I was surprised to find that it worked; rotating the
knob changed the frequency smoothly in 100Hz and 1kHz
steps. Not being too happy with the long-term stability of
such an arrangement, I ordered some M3216/1206-size SMD
LEDs with clear lenses for a more permanent fix.
They arrived a week later. Barely large enough to straddle the hole in the PCB, it was a fiddly job to fit them and
I had to use solder blobs to affix them. Unfortunately, on
reassembly, the tuning knob was not working correctly. It
turned out that the brightness of the LEDs was insufficient
to saturate the phototransistors. Reducing the LED series
resistor from 560W to 330W fixed the problem.
Why both LEDs had failed in such a manner was a mystery. When I mentioned the problem to another contributor to the magazine, Andrew Woodfield, he knew about
this problem. Apparently, those LEDs were used in many
instruments and were notorious for their failure rate. Warranty failures due to those LEDs clogged the workshop.
As for the 10.24MHz crystal, local suppliers did not stock
such a value, but I could get them online from the likes of
AliExpress as long as I ordered a batch of ten and waited
for weeks. However, an associate of mine came to the rescue and gave me a suitable crystal. Having replaced that,
I could now tune it to the correct frequency.
What about the transmitter? My power supply can only
provide 3A at 13.8V. Also, my 50W dummy load is rated at
only 15W. I plugged in the microphone, pressed the switch
and whistled. This pinned the 3A supply meter, the dummy
load got warm, and a pickup loop on the scope showed a
clean sinewave.
This gave me confidence that the transmitter part was
working. Fortunately, the unit’s owner lent me a large power
supply and dummy load, enabling me to check that full
power was available.
Repairing a car head unit
These photographs show the Icom 551-D transceiver at
various stages of repair.
Silicon Chip
S. G., of Bracknell, Tasmania found that when you
can’t get replacements any more, you need to have a go
Australia's electronics magazine
at fixing the fault, even if it’s a bit outside of your comfort zone...
One of my radio club members was selling off one of his
amateur radios, a little Any Tone AT5888. This dual-band
radio covered the 2m and 70cm bands, with a power output of 50W on the 2m band and 40W on the 70cm band.
It was in very good nick. The price was right, so I soon
struck a deal to buy it.
This radio was to go into my car; one of the things I liked
about it is that it had a remote head. The whole front of
the radio can be removed, and one can use a Cat 5 cable to
interconnect the main part of the radio and the head unit.
This meant I could mount the radio in the boot and the
head unit under the dash of my Ford Falcon. The antenna
was mounted off the side of the boot.
The whole system worked well for around 12 months
until I had a car accident, and my car was written off (I was
OK; it was just my pride that was hurt). It took me around
a week to remove the radio; I had to go to the storage yard
to remove all my belongings.
I soon had a new car, a 2017 Hyundai Elantra. Mounting
the main radio was not difficult, but running the power,
Cat 5 cable and external speaker wiring was more challenging. I had to remove several plastic trim panels to run the
cable. I ended up not mounting the head unit, as the only
spot was just forward of the gear lever and under the air
conditioning controls.
I gave that job to the local car radio installation company as I did not want to break the plastic trim. This took
the company three hours, and I paid the going price at the
time, but I got what I wanted.
Several weeks later, I noticed that some of the digits in
the display were missing, making it hard to understand
the letters.
The only thing for it was to try to get a replacement head
unit. This was a total waste of time; after contacting several retailers in Australia and overseas, I came up blank.
It seemed like I would have to put up with the faulty LCD
A few months later, I thought to carefully push on the
display while the radio was working, and some of the letters
returned, only to go missing again once I took my finger off
it. I realised the LCD’s edge connector might have gone out
of alignment. I figured that taking it apart to check would
be unlikely to make the situation any worse.
I removed the head unit from the car mounting bracket
and took it to my workshop. I soon had the unit apart and
carefully removed the LCD glass and its rubber membrane.
I ended up cleaning the surface edge area of the membrane
with a little bit of contact cleaner, and did the same to the
contact edge of the LCD glass.
Putting it back together was not that hard; I just had to
take my time. The actual LCD glass sits in a tin bracket that
also holds in the rubber membrane that interconnects the
LCD glass to the circuit board. The tin bracket has four little tabs that allow the alignment between the display and
the circuit board to be adjusted, and it can also put a bit of
tension on the display.
Putting everything back together and reinstalling the
remote head unit to the dash bracket, it was working again.
The display had no more missing letters or numbers. That
was nearly nine months ago, and the display has not faltered yet.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 89
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K-Type Thermostat (Nov23), Secure Remote Switch (RX, Dec23)
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PIC16F15214-I/SN Tiny LED Icicle (Nov22), Digital Volume Control Pot (SMD; Mar23)
Silicon Chirp Cricket (Apr23)
PIC16F15214-I/P Digital Volume Control Pot (through-hole; Mar23)
PIC16F15224-I/SL Multi-Channel Volume Control (OLED Module; Dec23)
Flexible Digital Lighting Controller (Oct20)
Digital Lighting Controller Translator (Dec21)
PIC16F18146-I/SO Volume Control (Control Module, Dec23), Coin Cell Emulator (Dec23)
PIC16LF15323-I/SL Remote Mains Switch (TX, Jul22), Secure Remote Switch (TX, Dec23)
Noughts & Crosses Computer (Jan23)
High-Current Battery Balancer (Mar21)
USB Cable Tester (Nov21)
Dual-Channel Breadboard PSU Display Adaptor (Dec22)
Wideband Fuel Mixture Display (WFMD; Apr23)
Battery Charge Controller (Jun22), Railway Semaphore (Apr22)
Ohmmeter (Aug22), Advanced SMD Test Tweezers (Feb23)
PIC32MM0256GPM028-I/SS Super Digital Sound Effects (Aug18)
PIC32MX170F256D-501P/T 44-pin Micromite Mk2 (Aug14), 4DoF Simulation Seat (Sep19)
PIC32MX170F256B-50I/SP Micromite LCD BackPack V1-V3 (Feb16 / May17 / Aug19)
RCL Box (Jun20), Digital Lighting Controller Micromite Master (Nov20)
Advanced GPS Computer (Jun21), Touchscreen Digital Preamp (Sep21)
Battery Multi Logger (Feb21), Battery Manager BackPack (Aug21)
PIC32MX270F256B-50I/SP ASCII Video Terminal (Jul14), USB M&K Adaptor (Feb19)
AM-FM DDS Signal Generator (May22)
1.5kW Induction Motor Speed Controller (Aug13)
Stereo Echo/Reverb (Feb 14), Digital Effects Unit (Oct14)
Micromite Explore 64 (Aug 16), Micromite Plus (Nov16)
Micromite Explore 100 (Sep16)
PIC32MX695F512H-80I/PT Touchscreen Audio Recorder (Jun14)
PIC32MZ2048EFH064-I/PT DSP Crossover/Equaliser (May19), Low-Distortion DDS (Feb20)
DIY Reflow Oven Controller (Apr20), Dual Hybrid Supply (Feb22)
- VGA PicoMite Version Kit: see page 52, January 2024 (SC6861)
- ps2x2pico Version Kit: see page 52, January 2024 (SC6864)
- 6-pin mini-DIN to mini-DIN cable, ~1m long. Two cables are required
if adapting both the keyboard and mouse (SC6869)
(JAN 24)
(DEC 23)
- Kit: Contains all parts and the optional 5-pin header (see page 77, Dec23)
- 1.3in blue OLED (SC5026)
- Control Module kit: see page 68, December 2023 (SC6793)
- Volume Module kit: see page 69, December 2023 (SC6794)
- OLED Module kit: see page 69, December 2023 (SC6795)
- 0.96in SSD1306 cyan OLED (SC6176)
(DEC 23)
(DEC 23)
(DEC 23)
- Receiver short-form kit: see page 43, December 2023 (SC6835)
- Discrete transmitter complete kit: see page 43, December 2023 (SC6836)
- Module transmitter short-form kit: see page 43, December 2023 (SC6837)
- 28mm square spade: see page 35, December 2023 (SC6850)
- 21mm square pin: see page 35, December 2023 (SC6851)
- 5mm pitch SIL: see page 35, December 2023 (SC6852)
- Mini SOT-23: see page 35, December 2023 (SC683)
- D2PAK SMD: see page 35, December 2023 (SC6854)
- TO-220 through-hole: see page 35, December 2023 (SC6855)
(SEP 23)
(AUG 23)
(AUG 23)
Includes all parts, except the optional USB supply (see page 71, Sept23)
- 20x4 blue backlit LCD with I2C interface (Cat SC4203)
- red & black PCB-mount banana sockets (two sets required; Cat SC4983)
- two 1nF ±1% capacitors (Cat SC4273)
SMD version kit: includes the PCB and all onboard components except
the XLR socket. You also need one ECM set (see below) (Cat SC6755)
Through-hole version kit: same as the SMD kit (Cat SC6756)
Calibrated ECM set: includes the mic capsule and compensation components;
see pages 71 & 73, August 2023 issue, for the ECM options (Cat SC6760-5)
(JUL 23)
(JUL 23)
(JUN 23)
(MAY 23)
(MAY 23)
Smaller (purple PCB) kit: includes PCB, tag IC and passive parts (Cat SC6747)
Larger (black PCB) kit: includes PCB, tag IC and passive parts (Cat SC6748)
Kit: includes everything but the case, battery and optional pot (Cat SC6656)
Includes all parts required, except the base/stand (see page 86, May 2023)
Includes the PCB and all onboard parts (see page 34, May 2023)
Short-form kit: includes all non-optional parts, plus a 12V relay and unprogrammed
Pi Pico. Does not include a case (see page 71, Nov23)
(NOV 23)
(APR 23)
(NOV 23)
(APR 23)
(NOV 23)
(APR 23)
Short-form kit: includes most parts except the case, LCD, thermocouple probe, cable gland
and switches S4 & S5. A 10A relay is included (see page 58, Nov23)
Includes all parts, except the case, TCXO and AA cells (see page 57, July 2023) $60.00
Includes most parts, unprogrammed Pi Pico and OLED screen. The case, battery, chassis
connectors and wires are not included (see page 41, Nov23)
Complete kit: includes all parts required, except the coin cell & ICSP header
Short-form kit: includes the PCB and all onboard parts. Does not include the case,
O2 sensor, wiring, connectors etc (see page 47, April 2023)
Short-form kit: includes PCB, all onboard SMDs, boost module, SIP reed relay & UB1 lid.
Does not include ESP32 module, case, 10A relay or connectors (Cat SC6589)
*Prices valid for month of magazine issue only. All prices in Australian dollars and include GST where applicable. # Overseas? Place an order on our website for a quote.
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Restoring the QUAD 303
Power Amplifier
and Preamplifier
A vintage hifi article by Jim Greig
The QUAD 303 amplifier and associated QUAD 33 preamplifier (that they call a “control
unit”) were introduced in 1967 and sold until 1985. These units belong to fellow HRSA
member Ray Thomas. I was very happy to exchange some time refurbishing for a chance
to listen to a classic QUAD amplifier.
he specifications of this equipment
are ordinary by today’s standards
but compare very well with the valve
amplifiers of the time.
While the output impedance is specified as the emitter resistance (0.3W),
the negative feedback across these
resistors will reduce it. However, the
output filter and series capacitor will
increase it somewhat. Power to the
amplifier is from a single-ended, regulated 67V supply.
Amplifier circuitry
The amplifier circuit is broadly similar to a modern ‘blameless’ amplifier
circuit in many ways, with a complementary emitter-follower output buffer
and a ‘voltage amplification stage’ or
VAS based on NPN transistor TR102
– see Fig.1. The main difference is in
the input stage and feedback system,
which doesn’t use the balanced, symmetrical two-transistor input that’s
common today.
The amplifier has quasi complementary symmetry output with transistor
Silicon Chip
triples (TR104, TR106, TR2) to simulate a PNP transistor and provide a
linear (through local feedback R120)
transistor equivalent for both the PNP
and NPN ‘transistors’. With this technique, ordinary 2N3055 transistors
act as superior PNP and NPN devices.
Diodes MR105 (NPN) and MR106
(PNP) protect the output transistors
from overcurrent. On the NPN (upper)
side, when the current through R123
approaches 4.3A, MR105 conducts,
driving the base of TR103 more positive. As a result, the current through
it decreases, cutting off TR105 and
decreasing the drive to the output
transistor, TR1.
The VAS transistor, TR103, has a
quasi constant-current load based on
resistors R116 and R117 plus capacitor C106. The current available to the
base of TR103 would decrease as the
Any work on this unit should be done
with the mains disconnected, as there
are exposed mains connections when
the outside cover is removed.
Australia's electronics magazine
output moved towards the supply
voltage if not for C106. As the output
moves positive, C106 also takes the
junction of R116 and R117 positive,
ensuring there is voltage across R117
to drive TR103. This is known as bootstrapping.
The output signal from the junction
of R124 and R125 idles at half the supply voltage, so a coupling capacitor
(C1) is required for the speaker output. That is somewhat frowned upon
today as capacitors constitute a significant source of distortion. Still, it
simplifies the design and would have
resulted in a relatively large cost saving at the time.
The amplifier is stabilised with a
Zobel network (R128/C108) and series
filter (R129/L100). This must have
been a very early appearance of the
Zobel network in a hifi amplifier to
ensure a primarily resistive load to the
amplifier, regardless of loudspeaker
impedance changes with frequency.
The driver stages are DC-coupled
common-emitter singles where
Fig.1: one channel of the power
amplifier circuit from the QUAD
303 Power Amplifier Service Data
differential or long-tailed pairs would
be utilised today. Overall DC negative
feedback is through R113 and R108,
with R130, R110 and RV100 forming a voltage divider for setting the
output to half the supply voltage. AC
feedback follows the same path, but
the gain is limited by C104 shunting
R111 to ground.
The overall AC gain is 82kW/2.2kW
or 37 times. So 0.5V RMS at the input
is amplified to 18.5V RMS at the output, giving 43W into 8W.
Trimmers allow the output idle DC
voltage (RV100) and standby current
(RV101) to be adjusted. The standby/
quiescent current is set using the same
Vbe multiplier circuit still in use today,
based around TR107.
Power supply circuitry
The power supply (Fig.2) is interesting because the regulator is in the negative rail. The cans of filter capacitors
C2 and C3 must not touch ground. The
supply is referenced to zener diode
MR201 (16V). The zener and associated resistor R204 are connected across
the stable 67V output to keep the current through it constant, for a more
stable reference voltage.
A fraction of the output from the
divider formed by RV200, R202 and
R203 is compared with the reference
voltage. TR200 and TR201 amplify the
difference; the result is applied to the
emitter-follower regulator, TR3. Trimmer RV200 adjusts the output voltage.
R201/MR200 ensure that TR200 is
conducting at switch-on, while R200
ensures that MR200 is back-biased and
not active during regular operation.
The power supply can be configured for 110/120/220/240V AC mains
supplies using the external selector
switch. A neon indicator glows when
power is applied.
The chassis
The amplifier is elegantly crafted
with a pressed steel chassis that has
the Power, Input and Output connectors on one end and a heatsink
on the other.
The two amplifier and power supply circuit boards fit across the bottom of the chassis, held in place with
QUAD 303 amplifier weighing 8.2kg:
Power output: 2 × 45W into 8Ω
Frequency response: 30Hz to 35kHz +0,-1dB
Total harmonic distortion at 45W: 0.03% at 70Hz and 700 Hz; 0.1% at 10kHz
Output source impedance 0.3Ω (+ output capacitor & Zobel network reactance)
Hum and noise: 100dB below full output
Inter-channel crosstalk: better than -60dB from 30Hz to 10kHz
Input sensitivity: 0.5V RMS
Speaker load impedance: 4-25Ω
QUAD 33 preamplifier (“control unit”) weighing 3kg:
Frequency response: 30Hz to 20kHz, ±0.5dB
Total harmonic distortion: 0.02%, 30Hz-10kHz at all controls level; 0.5V RMS out
Input sensitivity (RMS): 2mV (moving magnet), 100mV (ceramic), 100mV (line)
Signal-to-noise ratio: 70dB (moving magnet), 85dB (line)
Tone control: approximately ±16dB at 30Hz and 20kHz
Filter: flat to -20dB per octave at 5kHz, 7.5kHz and 10kHz
Inter-channel crosstalk: better than -40dB, 30Hz to 10kHz
Output level (RMS): 100mV (line), 0.5V (Pre out)
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 93
Fig.2: the regulated
DC power supply
circuit, again from
the QUAD 303
Power Amplifier
Service Data
plastic clips. These are easily opened
to allow the boards to be removed for
service, and still function without
This layout is tidy but necessitates
long leads from the PCBs to the output transistors. They are neatly bundled and laced, giving the amplifier a
professional appearance (see Photo 1).
However, compared with today’s
short leads following similar paths, the
layout will limit performance. Still, we
are in 1967, where 0.1% distortion is
considered very good.
QUAD 33 preamplifier
The QUAD 33 preamplifier complements the appearance of the 303 amplifier. Appearance and construction are
clearly design inputs.
The preamplifier is built on a steel
chassis and implemented on five modules plugged into a passive motherboard and filter board (see Photos 2 &
4). The modules are the Disc Adaptor,
two Preamplifiers, Tape Adaptor and
Right/Left Hand Amplifier.
The Disc Adaptor provides matching for Low Output Magnet (M1), High
Output Magnetic (M2), Ceramic (C1)
or Spare (S1) inputs by connecting
different components in the preamplifier input and feedback paths. The
card that plugs in from the back of the
unit provides the four functions, as it
is square and can plug in one of four
ways – see Photo 3.
The preamplifier (one channel
shown in Fig.3) has two DC-coupled
BC109s with R313/R314, R310 and
R302 providing DC feedback to stabilise the operating point. RIAA equalisation is provided by the Disc Adaptor
using connector M2 and components
C104 and R110/C101 from the output
to the emitter of TR301.
Capacitor C308 connected to the
emitter of T301 ensures that the emitter side of R302 closely follows the
AC input to the base. The signal current through R302 is then minimal,
greatly increasing its apparent resistance (another form of bootstrapping).
The amplified disc signal may be
selected along with Radio 1, Radio 2
and Tape as inputs to the Tape Adaptor board. It has an emitter follower
stage, with the full output passed to
the volume control and jumper selectable full or partial output to the Tape
Record connector.
The outputs from the volume control feed the Left and Right Amplifiers,
which drive the tone controls, balance
control and filters. Fig.4 shows the
tone control circuit, with the output
level control circuitry at lower right.
The input stage is an emitter follower
driving the Baxandall tone control circuit. The output passes through the
filter network.
There is a top cut switch with -3db
points around 5kHz, 7.5kHz, or 10kHz
and a slope control (RV8), varying the
response from flat to a steep cut at the
selected frequency. The filters can be
independently set on/off, and a cancel switch bypasses the tone controls
and filters.
The power supply is a simple zener-
regulated 12V configuration. A second
supply connected to the output plug
Photo 1: the internals of
the QUAD 303 amplifier
are very neat, with
multiple modules built
on small PCBs, wired
together very neatly
with loomed wiring.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.3: the preamplifier front-end circuit for one channel, an
extract from the QUAD 33 Control Unit Service Data manual.
The Disc Adaptor shown on the left can be inserted in one of four
ways, effectively acting like a four-way switch to select the S1,
C1, M1 or M2 connections to suit different signal sources.
is not used, other than to power the
The QUAD 33’s construction is of the
same high standard as the 303 amplifier. For example, the balance control
is a standard potentiometer operated
by a mechanical link from a slider on
the front panel. The outer cover slides
off on rails attached to the chassis, and
the wiring is neatly loomed.
These units are over 50 years old
and, if untouched, require attention.
Several companies offer “upgrade
kits” that contain new electrolytic
capacitors, resistors and transistors.
There are three versions of the power
amplifier, and the upgrade kit must
match your model.
I used a kit from Dada Electronics
( & to restore
the amplifier, while I purchased parts
separately for the preamplifier.
The following steps are listed in the
Dada documentation for QUAD 303
power amplifiers with serial numbers
above 11500, to replace:
1. The two 2000μF filter and the
2000μF output coupling capacitors
with three 4700μF capacitors.
2. All electrolytic capacitors on the
power supply and amplifier boards
with new electrolytic capacitors (plus
one 0.68μF foil type).
3. All trimmer resistors.
4. All resistors on the power supply board.
5. Both diodes on the power supply board.
6. Some power supply cabling.
The existing wires from the power
transformer to the rectifier and on the
filter capacitors are solid 24 gauge
(about 0.5mm diameter & 0.25mm2).
They look good, neatly bent to follow
the components, but are inadequate by
today’s standards. So I replaced them
with 0.7mm diameter (0.5mm2) multicore cable.
Photo 2 (right): on the rear panel of the QUAD 33
preamplifier, you can see the Disc Adaptor
board that plugs in at lower right, the
Tape Adaptor card to its left, plus
the various inputs and output
Photo 3 (above): the Disc Adaptor can be
plugged in on any of its four sides, setting the
preamp up for one of four different input signal types.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.4: the tone control, output level
control and top-cut circuitry
plus the final amplification
stage of the preamplifier; another
extract from the QUAD 33 Control
Unit Service Data manual.
The power-on indicator (Photo 5) is
a neon bulb connected to the incoming
mains supply through a 100kW resistor. This may be faulty; the recommended replacement is a square LED
with a 12kW series resistor across the
DC power supply; still, a new neon
indicator could be used.
Along with the indicator, there are
other exposed mains conductors on
the fuse and voltage selector on the
rear panel, near the input connector,
so care must be taken to avoid contact
with them.
I unclipped the PCBs but did not
disconnect them from the cabling. I
replaced the components following
Photo 4: the
internals are very
neatly organised
and laid out, with
highly organised
cable routing.
Silicon Chip
standard procedures, carefully observing the polarity of diodes and electrolytic capacitors. The PCBs are old phenolic types; care must be taken when
desoldering and soldering to avoid
lifting tracks.
For testing, the boards must be kept
away from the chassis to avoid short
circuits as the chassis is Earthed. As
the history of this unit was unknown,
I disconnected the positive rail from
both amplifier boards before power-on
and added a 3.3kW 5W resistor as a
load. I then used a variac to gradually
apply AC voltage while monitoring
the DC output volts.
The power supply’s regulated DC
output voltage increased slowly and
stabilised at around 70V DC. Adjusting the trimmer (RV200) reduced it to
the desired 67V. However, the voltage
decreased further; at least 10 minutes
passed before it was stable.
Power amplifier testing
I switched the power off and connected the first amplifier board to the
supply through a 100W ½W resistor
as a fuse. I also connected 10W highpower resistors across the amplifier
outputs as loads.
I re-applied power and monitored
the amplifier DC output voltage (5 on
the PCB).
Fig.5: the 1kHz square wave response
of the QUAD 303 amplifier is very
Figs.6(a) & 6(b): the leading edge (left) of the QUAD 303 amp output with a 1kHz
square wave fed in. The rise time allows us to calculate the time constant of the
high-pass filter formed by the coupling stages throughout the amp. The trailing
edge (right) of the same waveform indicates that the response is symmetrical.
It steadily increased to 29V and
nothing was getting hot. I then
adjusted trimmer RV100 until the output was at 33.5V. The output current
can be monitored by checking the voltage across both 0.3W emitter resistors
(4-6 on the PCB). I adjusted VR101 to
get 8mV (allowed range 6-9mV), corresponding to 13mA.
This time, both the supply voltage
and the amplifier settings were drifting, so I repeated the adjustments after
20 minutes.
I removed power and connected the
amplifier directly to the 67V supply,
then wired up the second board via
the 100W resistor. After verifying that
it worked, I removed that resistor and
I repeated the adjustment procedure
for the second board, aiming to have
the standby current in both channels
the same.
The upgrade instructions state, “use
for some hours at normal volume and
repeat the calibration”, so I followed
that recommendation.
It is interesting to compare the procedure with the setup for the Silicon
Chip Class-A 20W Amplifier that was
initially designed 25 years ago (in
1998, as a 15W version) and improved
to 20W in the May-August 2007 issues
While the Class-A amplifier power
supply is unregulated, the separate positive and negative supplies
with the input referenced to ground
ensure the output voltage is close
to zero regardless of voltage fluctuations. Also, the quiescent current (1A)
remained stable after setup.
After monitoring voltages for a
while, I ran a few simple tests. The frequency response (-3dB) was from 10Hz
to over 60kHz, measured with a digital
oscilloscope. It achieved 19.9V RMS
output just before clipping, and with
a magnified trace, crossover distortion
could not be seen on an oscilloscope.
A 1kHz square wave output looked
good with a reasonably flat response,
no overshoot and rise and fall times
around 10μs (see Figs.5 & 6).
A 32Hz square wave showed significant low-frequency roll-off. However,
a good frequency response does not
necessarily translate to a good square
wave response. I measured the time
constant (time for the waveform to
drop to 63% of the original value) on
the CRO as around 15ms.
The most likely cause of this time
constant is the 0.68μF capacitor 22kW
resistor in series at the amplifier input.
The calculated time constant is T = RC
= 68μF × 22kW = 15ms, in agreement
with the measurement.
I connected a 22μF electrolytic
capacitor across the 0.68μF capacitor,
and the response improved significantly, but it still was not flat. Rather
than attempt to redesign the amplifier, I left the input coupling capacitor at 0.68μF.
Restoring the preamplifier
Photo 5: there are exposed mains connections on the front panel, including for
the neon indicator. That indicator can be replaced with a modern LED powered
by the DC supply.
Australia's electronics magazine
It’s important that the preamplifier has decent performance since the
power amplifier will amplify any noise
and distortion it introduces.
In the Dada procedure, the modifications are more extensive than for the
power amplifier. The following steps
are recommended:
1. Replace all electrolytic capacitors.
2. Replace all BC109 transistors
with lower noise BC550 types.
3. Replace some resistors with metal
film types for lower noise.
4. Change some resistors to alter the
gain so CD players do not overdrive it.
5. Increase the supply voltage from
12V to 16V for more headroom and
lower distortion.
6. Remove the secondary power
supply as it is not used.
January 2024 97
Fig.7: the 1kHz square wave response
of the QUAD 33 preamp (bottom) is
not as good as the QUAD 303 amp,
with a noticeable shift in the level
during what should be flat portions.
Fig.8: the 100Hz square waves
response of the QUAD 33 preamplifier
is noticeably triangular.
Fig.9: the preamp’s 32Hz square wave
response degenerates into something
barely recognisable as a square wave.
I changed the components as recommended and rebuilt the secondary 8V power supply that powers the
The indicator bulb showed signs of
heat damage, so I replaced it with a
high-intensity LED soldered to the old
bulb metalwork. After changing the
lamp type, I moved the power supply’s
yellow (indicator) lead from position
2 (AC) to 5 (8V DC). I also changed
R502 to 330W to limit the LED current to 18mA.
I powered the preamp on without
the modules connected and measured the DC supply voltage as 15.9V.
As with the power amplifier, there is
exposed mains wiring that must be
covered while the lid is off.
I reconnected the modules and commenced testing with 1kHz sinewaves
into the Radio 2 input. As the output
reached around 0.5V RMS, it dropped
to almost zero. The output resistances
of both channels had dropped from
4.7kW to around 80W and stayed there.
After some checking, I determined
that the low resistance was from the
metal frame of the filter switches to
the output.
Powering it off and pushing switches
cleared the problem, but it returned as
soon as the output reached the critical
value. Several articles mentioned that
these switches can cause problems, so
I cleaned them without removing them
from the PCB. Removing them would
be challenging, as the spring-loaded
contacts are tiny and would pop out
much more easily than they would go
back in (see Photo 6).
Unfortunately, the problem returned
after cleaning, but only in one channel
this time. As the low resistance path
was to the switch frame, I sprayed the
gap under the switches well with contact cleaner and then washed them out
with isopropyl alcohol. After that, both
channels worked correctly.
This would likely have cleared the
faults in both channels if applied earlier. What the substance was and why
it was triggered into a low resistance
state depending on the signal level, I
do not know.
I checked the signals through the
preamp from the Radio input with the
filter switch in Cancel (no filter and no
tone controls). The sinewave response
was -3dB from 15Hz to 220kHz.
The square wave response at 1kHz
shows signs of poor low-frequency
response (Fig.7). At 100Hz, it is obvious (Fig.8), and at 32Hz, the response
is horrible (Fig.9). It is the same on
both channels, so presumably the original release had similar performance
as I did not reduce any capacitor values in the preamp.
Examining the amplifier more
closely, the signal is losing shape as
it arrives at the base of the first transistor, TR400. With the preamplifier in
“Cancel” mode, the output from TR400
emitter is coupled via a 2.2μF capacitor and 5.6kW resistor in series (time
constant = 6ms) to the base of TR401.
TR401 and TR402 constitute a
high-gain amplifier with the output
returned to the inverting input, making
the base of TR401 a ‘virtual earth’.
Investigating further would involve
breaking the feedback loop. The output has another 2.2μF coupling capacitor connected to a 4.7kW load resistor.
Increasing the value of capacitors
in this circuit would help the square
wave response, but they are not the
only factor. I was reluctant to change
any of those capacitor values as such
changes could have a flow-on effect
elsewhere. After all, this is a refit to
make the best of the existing unit with
minimal changes, not a redesign.
Note that the measurements and
comments above apply to these modified units alone.
Photo 6: one of the switches that
caused so many problems by
intermittently shorting the signal
to the case. Presumably, some kind
of conductive gunk had built up; a
thorough cleaning finally sorted it out.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Listening tests
Any comments on the sound must
acknowledge that my 70+ year old ears
are not in great shape. The ‘test’ was
listening to Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours
on a Thorens/Ortofon Blue combination played through home-built threeway Vifa Speakers.
For comparison, I used the 20W
Class-A amplifier I mentioned earlier, the Magnetic Cartridge Preamplifier (August 2006;
Article/2740) and a two-linear-IC tone
control network. This combination is
at least 30 years younger, so the comparison is unfair, but it is my reference.
I found the QUAD system acceptable
but not as clear as my existing system.
References (www.dadaelectronics.
QUAD 303 Power Amplifier Service
Data and Instruction Book
QUAD 33 Control Unit Service Data
and Instruction Book
QUAD 33-303 Service Supplement
QUAD 303 all versions illustrated
upgrade guidelines V2.0
QUAD 33 Revision – Illustrated
Guidelines V2.7
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Where to get relays for
Sputnik-1 Manipulator
I am very interested in replicating Dr
Holden’s work with the Manipulator
described in his articles on Sputnik-1
(November & December 2023 issues;
Could you ask him where he
obtained the PnC5 relays and if he
has suggestions on obtaining some?
Thank you! (W. D. R., Anchorage,
Alaska, USA)
● Dr Hugo Holden replies: I could
only find one seller in Ukraine that had
these relays. Once I found they could
substitute for the PnC4, I bought his
remaining stock, about 8 or 10 pieces.
I did that for experimentation, and in
case I was asked by museums or others to make working replicas in future.
I also had to hunt around for quite a
while to find the relay sockets.
None of the current Sputnik-1 replicas in museums work; they are just
cosmetic mock-ups. The original units
probably would work still, but there
appear to be very few around. I think
there is one original unit in a Japanese
museum, and there will be a few original ones in Russia.
There are probably more PnC5
relays in Russia (PnC4s, too), but
because of the war with Ukraine, the
Russians are blocking just about every
electronic part export.
Also, I was told that this particular
part was heavily recycled because of
the precious metals in the contacts.
That is very worrying as it could have
thinned the remaining stocks in surplus stores in Russia to near zero.
When I built the transmitter
replica, I had to source all of the Russian parts from Ukraine. There were
some companies in Russia with them,
too, but they told me the parts would
likely get seized at the Russian border, and they were just as upset about
that as I was.
Another version of the relay, the
PnC7, has completely different coils.
Otherwise, it is the same as the PnC5/
C4. The coils could be re-wound fairly
Silicon Chip
easily. They occasionally appear on
eBay, usually from Ukraine.
Using inverters with
RCDs (safety switches)
I was prompted to write in by your
Editorial Viewpoint on mains safety
in Silicon Chip, October 2023. We
need some good advice on working
with mains-voltage inverters that take
low-voltage DC and step it up to 230240V AC.
A faulty mains inverter can have a
floating 240V AC on its low voltage
DC side because it is independent of
the mains and not Earthed.
The Earth pin is floating free with
the metal chassis. It can be in a car,
caravan, part of a generator set or even
an off-grid solar system. Could you
publish an article on Earth leakage
circuit breaker kits for mains voltage
I was recently looking at adding
larger lead-acid batteries to a 500W
uninterruptable power supply. My
concern is that the battery clamps outside the metal chassis could become
mains potential if it had a fault in its
power transformer.
Another example is running a refrigerator from an inverter or generator set
in an emergency. All the metal chassis are floating free. If the emergency
is a flood, you’re going to have lots of
water on the floor and extension cords
running all over the place. (J. C., Mitchell Park, SA)
● Yes, an inverter’s mains output is
isolated, so an RCD will not necessarily operate. The safety of these is complicated; connecting one output to an
Earth will have that output nominated
as Neutral and the other mains output
as Active. The connection of Neutral to
Earth is called the MEN (mains Earth
Neutral). Once connected using the
MEN system, a commercial RCD will
operate as usual.
More details are available from this
By the way, mains-powered devices
using transformers can also be
Australia's electronics magazine
dangerous if the transformer insulation breaks down, even if they are
Earthed. That is why mains transformer insulation is held to very high
Email problems with
Watering Controller
I built Geoff Graham’s WebMite
Watering System Controller (August
and everything worked until I tried
to set up the email. SMTP2GO doesn’t
even let you start to register, saying,
“emails on the shared domain cannot
be used” (my address is at Gmail).
SendGrid allows me to register but
won’t let me continue because it isn’t
a business email.
I recently tried to update an HP
enterprise switch, and when I tried
to download the firmware, I found
the same thing. I had to register with
HP with a ‘business email’, which I
don’t have.
Previously, there were no problems downloading the firmware. As
such things are security updates, I am
unsure how legal this is. HP refused
to provide the update.
I’m not sure if it is possible, but
maybe using my email provider’s
SMTP server and authentication may
be better. Or am I missing something?
Thanks for helping. (J. S., Avondale,
● Geoff Graham responds: It is
a trend; these companies are progressively blocking ordinary people
from using them; first SendGrid, then
SMTP2GO. Unfortunately, most SMTP
services (like Google) cannot be used
because they require encryption like
TLS and HTTPS, which is beyond the
WebMite’s capability.
I will explore some alternatives, but
there may not be an easy answer.
Saving Web(/Pico)Mite
program to uf2 file
I wrote a program on my WebMite and wanted to create a uf2 file
to make it easy for others to flash it
into their Raspberry Pi Pico Ws. I
installed picotool and managed to use
the “save” command to extract a uf2
file from my WebMite, but when I load
it into another Pico W, it just installs
MMBasic and not my BASIC code.
How do I save both into a single uf2
file like Geoff Graham?
Also, I wanted to wipe my program
to test loading it, so I installed the WebMite .uf2 file again, thinking it would
give me a fresh install of MMBasic. But
my program was still there afterwards!
How do I wipe it and start fresh? (E.
Z., Turramurra, NSW)
● Geoff Graham responds: you
can save MMBasic and your program
together into a .uf2 file using the following steps.
1. Download picotool from https:// if
you don’t have it already.
2. Plug the Pico (W) into your computer while holding the white BOOT
SEL button.
3. Install Zadig from https://zadig. then run it and use it to install
the LibUSB driver for your Pico (W).
You can click on Install Driver even if
it shows Driver: (NONE)
4. Open a command prompt in the
directory where picotool is installed
(eg, via the right-click menu).
5. Run the following command:
picotool save -a filename.uf2
The -a is critical; without it, it will
just save MMBasic, not your BASIC
program(s) and configuration options.
That is probably where you went
As for clearing the flash and starting
fresh, there is a trick to that. Since the
PicoMite and WebMite .uf2 files only
contain MMBasic, loading them onto
a Pico (W) generally won’t erase your
BASIC code and settings. That makes
it easier to upgrade MMBasic. If you
need to clear the flash back to ‘factory
default’, load the uf2 file at:
Soldering problems
with Explore-28
I built the Explore-28 (September
from your SC5121 kit. I have previously built nine other Micromites,
including surface-mount varieties.
Usually, my MacBook recognises the
Microbridge (on boards so equipped)
Why Sputnik transmitter heater shunt resistors differ
Regarding the article on Recreating Sputnik-1 in the December issue, in the
transmitter circuit diagram on page 88, why are R15 and R16 different value
resistors? Surely, that would cause the filament voltage across V3 & V2 to be
significantly different. The filament resistance (hot) seems to be 22W (2.2V
at 100mA).
Perhaps this has something to do with the biasing, as these are directly
heated valves. I would be interested if Dr Holden could explain the difference
in resistance. (D. W., Hornsby, NSW)
● Dr Hugo Holden responds: The short answer is that these are directly
heated valves (vacuum tubes), not indirectly heated types. The heater filaments
are the cathodes as well as the filaments. So, the cathode current impacts the
filament temperature.
This raises two further questions that require an answer to be able to answer
your question fully:
1. Why do either of the two output valves, V2 and V3, require resistors across
their filament connections at all, when the other identical valve they are in
series with (V1) in the oscillator section has no such resistor?
2. Why would the two resistors on V2 and V3 need to be different values?
To answer question #1, in the case of the output valves, the anode (and
‘cathode’) current is not insignificant compared to the filament current. The
electrons that leave the filament surface and create the plate current also
heat the filament wire in addition to the filament series chain heater current.
As a result, the voltage across the output valve filament and its temperature
Let’s say, for argument’s sake, there was just one output stage valve and
one oscillator valve, with their filaments in series. It would require a resistor of
some value across the filament connections of the output valve to attain the
same filament voltage and filament temperature as the valve in the oscillator
section, which is in a lower power situation.
As for question #2, this has long been a source of confusion about the
behaviour of directly heated valves compared to indirectly heated valves with
a separate filament and cathode. As you suggest, it has to do with the biasing.
This is because the applied voltage along the filament is not a single uniform
‘cathode voltage’ (as it is with an independent cathode in an indirectly heated
valve). Instead, the filament is a physical structure acting as a ‘cathode’ with
a voltage distribution, or voltage gradient, along its length.
When two directly heated valves with filaments are strung in a series heater
chain, and their static grid voltages are at the same potential, the valves’
effective average filament voltages (with respect to their control grids) are not
matched. In other words, each valve has a different bias point.
If you look at the Sputnik circuit, you will see that V3 has its filament shunted
by a lower-value resistor because it is connected to the more negative side
of the filament power supply. Therefore, V3 has a higher relative positive grid
voltage with respect to its average filament voltage than V2.
All else equal, with the same grid drive voltage, V3 will have higher plate
currents and filament temperatures. The voltage across V3’s filament would
climb higher than V2; hence, V3 requires a lower value resistor shunting its
filament than V2 so that V2 and V3 match.
and then I get the MMBasic prompt.
In this case, my MacBook does not
recognise the Microbridge as a valid
USB device.
The only response I get from the
board is a steady power LED and, on
pressing the programming switch,
approximately three seconds later, the
MODE LED flashes once only and then
nothing else. Any ideas would be welcomed. (S. I., Leeming, WA)
Australia's electronics magazine
● There is only one version of the
Microbridge; the same chip is used
with the same software, just in different physical packages. So, if it has
worked for you before, it should work
in this case. We’re pretty sure others
have successfully used the Explore-28
with a Mac.
That the LED flashes when you
press the button makes it seem very
likely that the Microbridge chip has
January 2024 101
at least been programmed. Otherwise,
it would do nothing.
Have you checked that there is 3.3V
between pins 1 and 14 of IC2 when it
is plugged in?
We know that you have successfully
built others before, but this sounds like
what happens when there is a soldering problem either with the socket or
the Microbridge IC.
Use a magnifier or take a close-up
photo to check the solder joints on
the socket and the IC pins, especially
pins 1, 12, 13 & 14 of IC2. Look for
bridges but also check that the solder
has flowed from each pin down onto
the pad below.
The board design is tight, and
access to the USB socket pins is unfortunately poor once IC1 is in place.
Hopefully, you can get a good enough
view in there to check if that’s the
problem. It’s a pity that IC2 is on the
opposite side of the board compared
to the socket; otherwise, we would
suggest you check the continuity of
the D+ and D- lines.
If the soldering is all good and the
supply rails are correct, all we can
think of is that the Microbridge firmware has somehow become corrupted
or the chip itself is faulty, but both are
Changing motorised pot
taper law
I am assembling all the components
to build your Low Distortion Preamp
described in the March and April
2019 editions (
Series/333). I have managed to source
every part except for the motorised
5kW dual gang log taper pot. None of
the usual suppliers have a motorised
log taper pot in stock for this value or
even anything close.
I have, however, found a supplier
for either a 5kW or 10kW linear taper
version. I have been toying with the
idea of changing the pot ‘law’ by
using a resistor across the pot output as described by Rod Elliot on his
great website:
In this case, I am considering using
a 10kW linear pot with a 1.5kW resistor. Would that work and, if so, given
the note in the original article on thermal noise, what effect would it have
on performance? Would using the 5kW
pot with a 750W resistor be better? (K.
W., Newport, Vic)
● Rod Elliot’s (Elliot Sound Products) method of adding a resistor at the
wiper will work acceptably and provide better volume tracking between
That’s because log pots don’t track
well at the lower end of the volume
range. Because of the added resistor,
the potentiometer source impedance
will be low, so either option should
provide good performance.
The lower value pot (5kW) would
provide less noise, so that option
would be best. The NE5532 op amp
can drive loads as low as 600W without
significant distortion, so the low value
with the resistor in parallel should not
cause any problems.
Another option is to replace the
5kW linear resistance in the motorised
pot with a 5kW log resistance taken
from a standard potentiometer. You
would need to find a standard 5kW
log pot with the same back shell as
the motorised version. It’s a delicate
procedure, but we have done it and
it works.
DCC Programmer needs
Arduino Uno
Out of curiosity, I built the DCC
programmer shield by Tim Blythman
(October 2018 issue;
Article/11261) from a PCB I ordered
on your website, but I cannot make it
work. I conducted several tests with
different ICs (eg, LM556 and NE556)
with and without the MOD1 onboard
DC booster.
I tried it with different DCC programs, but once I connected the power,
the locomotive always started going
forward and did not respond to any
of the commands.
I’ve tried all sorts of jumper setting
combinations, but still nothing. Since
the locomotive runs, it shows that it is
partially doing its job of sending pulses
to the motor, but it does not interact
with the Arduino.
I noticed that Tim used an Arduino
Uno in his article, and I’m wondering
if it may be the cause of my issue since
I only have an Arduino Mega on hand.
The Mega is supposed to be compatible with the Uno, but maybe there is
something else I don’t see with the
design. Do you have any clue of what
may be wrong?
I also built Tim’s DCC Booster
shield from the January 2020 issue,
and it works perfectly with the Mega,
which is why I’m asking about a
possible cause of problems with the
continued on page 104
Dual-Channel Breadboard
Power Supply
Our Dual-Channel Breadboard PSU
features two independent channels each
delivering 0-14V <at> 0-1A. It runs from
7-15V DC or USB 5V DC, and plugs straight
into the power rails of a breadboard, making it
ideal for prototyping. Photo shows both the Breadboard
PSU and optional Display Adaptor (with 20x4 LCD) assembled.
Both articles in the December 2022 issue –
SC6571 ($40 + post): Breadboard PSU Complete Kit
SC6572 ($50 + post): Breadboard PSU Display Adaptor Kit
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Silicon Chip magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects
should be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried
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When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with mains AC
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Australia's electronics magazine
January 2024 103
programming shield. Thank you for
your help. (D. G., Quebec, Canada)
● According to its documentation,
the TimerOne library used in the DCC
Programmer sketch only works with
the ATmega328 processor (ie, Arduino
Uno and not Mega), so we are unsure
how you got the DCC Booster Shield
We’re assuming you are testing the
Programmer with the Single Loco
sketch. The Passthrough Supervisor
sketch only checks the DCC and does
not generate any DCC signals.
The loco moving is probably due to
the DCC Programmer Shield applying
steady DC to the tracks. Most locos
will default to ‘DC conversion’ and
respond to DC signals if no valid DCC
signal is present.
If you can get a multimeter on the
track, you should be able to confirm
whether there is only DC present.
DCC will manifest as an AC signal at
around 6kHz.
If you can send us some photos of
your construction, we can look and
see if you’ve missed anything. Testing
with an Arduino Uno would also be
a good idea, as that is what we used.
Advertising Index
How to reverse stepper
motor drive
Blackmagic Design....................... 5
Dave Thompson........................ 103
Emona Instruments.................. IBC
Jaycar....................IFC, 9, 11, 26-27
....................................51, 62-63, 83
Keith Rippon Kit Assembly....... 103
Sourcing fuel injector
I’m interested in building the
controlled Fuel Injection
System for Small Engines from the
January 2014 issue (
Article/5665). I have managed to find
most of the parts, but I’m having trouble finding the injector solenoid valve,
as no part number is mentioned in
the article. Can you please tell me
where I can find the part? Thank you
in advance. (L. H., via email)
● The article is from quite a while
back and parts can become more difficult to obtain over such time spans.
There are some fuel-rated solenoids
available but they are not identical to
the one used in the prototype.
Some that we found don’t list an
operation life, so we can’t find one
that is guaranteed to be suitable. The
12V version of the DN8 at the following links may be suitable:
I am trying to get a stepper motor to
run a ½ turn forward, then a ½ turn
backward repeatedly. I am referring
to Circuit Notebook for August 2011
(, which
is the only relevant article I found.
I have the motor running clockwise
but cannot get it to run anti-clockwise.
Lazer Security........................... 103
LD Electronics........................... 103
Microchip Technology......... OBC, 7
Mouser Electronics....................... 3
PCBWay................................. 12, 13
PMD Way................................... 103
SC Breadboard PSU.................. 102
Silicon Chip Binders.................. 25
Silicon Chip PDFs on USB......... 10
Silicon Chip Shop.................90-91
Silicon Chip Subscriptions........ 99
Silicon Chip VGA PicoMite........ 60
The Loudspeaker 8
Wagner Electronics..................... 89
Silicon Chip
Errata and Sale Date for the Next Issue
LEDsales................................... 103
What pin setting do I need for this? (P.
C., Balgal Beach, Qld)
● You should be able to reverse the
motor direction by going through the
steps backwards. Instead of step 1, step
2, step 3, step 4, step 1 ... you would do
step 4, step 3, step 2, step 1, step 4 ...
Converting leading edge
dimmer to trailing edge
I built the Touch and/or Remote
Controlled Light Dimmer (January
& February 2002;
Series/116) back in the day, and it
worked great. It is a leading-edge dimmer, suitable for incandescent bulbs
but not so good for modern LEDs. The
S576A chip is old and seems to have
been replaced by the LS7231.
Nowhere in the LS7231 data sheets
does it say “leading edge” or “trailing
edge”. Could the LS7231 be a direct
replacement for the S576A? Do you
know of a trailing edge chip that could
replace the S576A? The latest Touch
Dimmer that you published needed a
programmed chip. (D. M., Port Melbourne, Vic)
● The LS7231 IC is not capable
of trailing edge dimming. We published a remote-controlled trailing
edge dimmer design in the February
& March 2019 issues (
Series/332). As with virtually all of
our designs, the programmed chip and
PCBs are available from our Online
Shop (
=11403). We also sell some of the harder-to-get parts for that project; see the
link above.
Coin Cell Emulator, December 2023: in the circuit diagram (Fig.1) on p73,
pin 2 of IC2 should only connect to the 22W resistor above and the output
network below. On the PCB, it does not connect to the 10kW resistor and
100nF capacitor at its left in the circuit, nor should it.
1kW+ Class-D Amplifier Pt2, November 2023: in the Fig.15 wiring
diagram on p78, the brown wires connected to the IEC mains input
socket should be light blue (Neutral), and the light blue wires should be
brown (Active). That means the connections to the A & N terminals of the
switchmode supplies from the IEC socket should also be swapped.
Modem/Router Watchdog, November 2023: the V3 software, available
from our website, fixes some bugs and includes some improvements. If
the first NTP check failed, it would always reboot the router, and a delay
has been added shortly after booting to make it easier to break into the
MMBasic command prompt using CTRL-C. A problem with the uf2 file
has also been fixed. Finally, if loading the firmware manually, run the
“AUTOSAVE” command before pasting the program into the terminal.
Next Issue: the February 2024 issue is due on sale in newsagents by Monday,
January 29th. Expect postal delivery of subscription copies in Australia
between January 29th and February 16th.
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