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Mini Projects #006 – by Tim Blythman
Arduino Clap Light
Can’t find the remote control? Don’t worry! Clapping lets you switch devices on and off
with this simple project. You may have seen it on TV; now you can build it yourself.
he “Clapper” is a sound-activated
switch introduced in the USA in
the 1980s. It is a box that plugs into
a power point and allows two appliances to be connected. According
to the motto, “Clap on! Clap off!”,
you could simply clap to switch an
attached device on or off.
It toggled one appliance on or
off when two claps were detected.
Another appliance would respond
to three claps. By some accounts, it
could be too sensitive, reacting to other
sounds or even people talking.
Most people used it to control a
light or lamp since they are unlikely
to cause harm if switched on or off at
the wrong time. This simple project
provides a similar function.
The Arduino Clap Light
Such a device is easy to build using
an Arduino Leonardo board and a
module capable of detecting sound.
To save ourselves from getting too
close to mains voltages, we’ve added a
433MHz transmitter to provide remote
control of a few different types of
radio-controlled devices.
This will allow you to control either
a wireless power point such as Jaycar’s
MS6148, or a commonly installed ceiling fan and light combination (sold
under the ‘Brilliant’ brand), which
incorporates an RF remote control. In
both cases, the circuit transmits the
same signal as the remote control, so
the existing hand controller can still
be used.
Since we are providing the Arduino source code, you could adapt it to
control another device, such as a relay
module or even something simple like
a light-emitting diode (LED) connected
directly to the Leonardo board.
Fig.1 shows the wiring diagram. You
can also see how we have laid it out in
the photos. We used Blu-Tack to attach
the Leonardo to a breadboard, then fitted the modules to the breadboard and
connected them with jumper wires.
The Leonardo monitors the analog
signal from the sound sensor module
and then sends a digital signal to the
wireless transmitter module at the
appropriate time.
Since the sound sensor module
delivers an analog signal, we must
Parts List – Clap Light (JMP006)
1 Arduino Leonardo [Jaycar XC4430]
1 Remote Controlled Mains Outlet (see text for options) [Jaycar MS6148]
1 Microphone Sound Sensor Module [Jaycar XC4438]
1 433MHz Wireless Transmitter Module [Jaycar ZW3100]
1 breadboard with jumper wires [Jaycar PB8819]
1 USB Type-A to micro Type-B cable to suit Leonardo [Jaycar WC7757]
Australia's electronics magazine
perform some processing to distinguish claps. Scope 1 shows the analog
signal presented by the sound sensor
module in response to a clap; it is the
positive half of the raw audio waveform. The negative half of the waveform is clipped to around 0V by a
diode on the module.
The Arduino sketch
We can’t easily differentiate claps
from other short, sharp sounds, such
as knocks. Still, you might prefer to
make a knocking sound to control
it. We are basically trying to detect a
sharp increase in volume.
To detect claps, we need to smooth
out the waveform to get a signal corresponding to volume (rather than
instantaneous amplitude). We use
‘exponential smoothing’ because it is
straightforward to implement. Adding an RC (resistor and capacitor)
low-pass filter circuit would have the
same effect, but we can do exponential smoothing in software without
adding any parts.
We then apply some thresholds to
distinguish claps from other sounds.
We detect the start of a clap when the
smoothed value rises above a certain
level and its end when the value falls
below a different, lower level. This is
called hysteresis and is another way to
separate claps in a noisy environment.
Once one clap is detected, a timer
runs for one second and further claps
within that second are counted. Thus,
June 2024 49
Scope 1: the raw analog signal from the sound sensor module is the positive half
of the audio waveform. It needs to be processed to allow claps to be detected.
the software can detect multiple claps
in close succession. The Leonardo’s
onboard LED is also lit while each
clap is detected.
Scope 2 shows the Arduino Serial
Plotter debugging data. The orange
trace is the smoothed volume signal;
each peak corresponds to what is seen
in Scope 1. The green trace shows the
claps being detected, while the yellow
spike shows the one-second counter
expiring, having detected two claps
(indicated by the peak reaching 200
on the vertical scale).
Note how the smaller orange peaks
are ignored. The other two traces
ensure that the plotter maintains a
useful range.
RF communication
Scope 2: the Clap Light produces debugging data that can be displayed on the
Arduino Serial Plotter. The green trace shows two claps being detected, while
the yellow spike indicates when the processor acts on the claps. Other noises
(the smaller orange peaks) are ignored.
Wireless remote controls use different digital protocols; we have provided software libraries to encode the
desired channel and function. We’ll
delve into that a bit later during our
setup and testing.
The digital RF signals are pretty
slow (compared to some digital protocols) and are simply ‘bitbanged’ with
timed delays. During the period when
the Arduino Leonardo is producing
the digital RF transmission signal, it
does not monitor or respond to a clap
signal, but we don’t think that is a big
deal, as you would usually not send a
second command until you observed
the original one being obeyed.
The sketch also takes input on the
Serial Monitor, so typing ‘1’ will have
the same effect as making one clap, ‘2’
for two claps and so forth; this is handy
for testing. We can handle cases up to
five claps, since that was about the
most we could achieve in one second.
It wouldn’t be hard to update the code
to deal with more if you wanted to.
Fig.1: use this wiring diagram to connect up the components for the Clap Light;
the wire colours match the prototype. The wire that only connects at one end is
the antenna; its other end can be plugged into an empty row on the breadboard.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Wind the potentiometer on the
sound sensor module fully clockwise;
this is the highest gain and thus sensitivity setting. Referring to Fig.1, wire
it up to the breadboard and Leonardo,
but don’t connect the transmitter module. This will allow us to check the
operation of the clap sensor.
Connect the Leonardo to a computer and upload the Clap_Light
sketch (available from siliconchip.
au/Shop/6/418). If you open the serial
plotter, you should see something like
Scope 2. If the ‘L’ LED on the Leonardo
flashes when you are not clapping,
Photo 1: we built our prototype on a breadboard with jumper wires, but this design could also be made into a custom
shield, perhaps using the Jaycar XC4482 Prototyping Shield.
turn the sound sensor module pot
anti-clockwise until it settles down.
If there is no response to claps, you
can turn it clockwise. Find a level such
that the LED flashes when you clap
but not other times. There is also one
LED on the sound sensor module that
shows when it is powered, so if it isn’t
on, there might be a problem. Other
AVR main boards like the Uno, Nano
and Mega should work, although we
haven’t tested them.
With that working, connect the
transmitter module as per Fig.1. Note
that one end of the ANT wire for the
transmitter module plugs into an
empty row on the breadboard, so the
antenna wire doesn’t float around.
Using the Jaycar MS6148 (or similar) wireless outlet requires a pairing step; you can also refer to the
instruction manual. Power on the
outlet and activate the ON function
while its LED is flashing. The default
sketch lets you do that using the ‘3’
command on the serial monitor. Then
use ‘3’ and ‘4’ to check that the outlet switches on and off as expected.
Finally, test the clap response while
watching the serial plotter to confirm
proper operation. The remote control
for the MS6148 can control four separate outlets; the rfPowerPoint.h file
shows the #defines you can use to
emulate these different controls. You
can also refer to the doThreeClaps()
function in our sketch; the ppSendRF()
function is designed to work with
these outlets.
The ‘Brilliant’ fan and light controllers are typically hardwired by an electrician and have a remote control that
looks like the one shown in Photo 2.
Photo 3 shows the coding DIP switches
inside the battery enclosure.
You can see that this one is set to
binary 0b1001 or 9, which is the channel number used in the sendCommand() function called by the doTwoClaps() function. If your remote control
has a different coding, change the function to use that number instead of 9.
Photo 2: if you have a
fan and light with a
remote control like
this, the Clap
Light should
work with
Other functions of the Brilliant
remote control are listed in the rfFan.h
file. There don’t appear to be distinct
off or on functions for the light, but
there is a code that will turn both the
fan and light off together.
Summary and more options
The Clap Light is quite accurate,
but we found it still occasionally
reacted to other sounds. For this
reason, we have avoided making it
respond to single claps. We recommend you do the same and also be
careful not to connect anything that
might be dangerous if unexpectedly
turned on or off.
Some devices have integrated
IR receivers, so they could be controlled by adding an IR transmitter.
The sketch could easily be adapted to
control low-voltage items via a relay
module. Adding the Jaycar XC3730
LED Matrix Shield would allow you
to add multi-coloured lights to the
Clap Light.
Photo 3: the DIP
switches inside the
remote control are set
to match those in the
fan/light, so change the
sketch code to match
its settings. In our
corresponds to binary
1001 or 9 in decimal.
to a sticker
on the back,
this is a Model
No 99999 SII RF
Australia's electronics magazine
June 2024 51