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Project by John Clarke
DC Supply
Any one of these three simple, inexpensive
circuits will protect your equipment from
damage due to an incorrectly connected or
malfunctioning power supply. They protect
against a higher than expected voltage or a
reverse polarity supply and have very little
effect on the voltage applied to the device.
any devices are powered using a
mains plugpack or power ‘brick’.
All is well if you use the proper supply and it is wired correctly. However,
damage can occur if the wrong supply is used or it is miswired, applying either the wrong polarity voltage
or an excessively high voltage to the
item to be powered.
That is an especially big problem if
you haven’t used the device for many
years, have moved, if you’ve had to
buy a replacement power supply (due
to failure or loss), or someone else is
using it who is not familiar with the
correct supply.
Our Supply Voltage Protectors prevent damage to equipment in the case of
an incorrect input voltage. They switch
off power to the equipment if the input
voltage is too high and prevent current
flow if the polarity is incorrect.
A supply that produces more voltage than a piece of equipment expects
can damage its internal components.
Applying reverse polarity to a circuit
can also irreparably damage parts,
such as ICs and electrolytic capacitors
unless the circuitry already includes
reverse polarity protection.
Such protection (eg, a diode) often
reduces the voltage available to the
device. However, the designs presented here are different, as they use
a Mosfet instead that loses very little
(basically no) voltage.
Fig.1: the adjustable through-hole version of the circuit uses Mosfet Q1 for reverse-polarity protection and Mosfet Q2,
controlled by the TL431 IC, for over-voltage protection.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
These Protectors can be built as
standalone devices. Still, as they are
relatively compact and inexpensive,
they should ideally be installed within
existing equipment. That way, nothing bad should happen unless you
connect a supply that’s outside the
usual ratings.
We are presenting three versions of
the circuit. Two have a trimpot adjustment to set the overvoltage protection
threshold; both can be used with plugpacks that produce up to 27V DC.
One of those two versions uses
surface-mounting parts, so it is smaller
than the other versions and can be
squeezed into tighter spaces. It is rated
to handle up to 3A. This version can
have the overvoltage set as low as 3V.
The through-hole equivalent can handle more current, up to 7A. However,
it needs at least 5V to operate.
The third version is slightly cheaper
to build but can only be adjusted in
voltage steps determined by zener
diode reverse breakdown or avalanche
values. It can handle up to 50V. One
advantage of this version is that it
doesn’t require a setup procedure; you
simply build it, install it and away you
go. Its minimum overvoltage protection setting is 7.5V.
is the same for the TH (Fig.1) and SMD
(Fig.2) versions of the board, except
that some parts have different codes/
packages and some ½W TH resistors
are replaced with two parallel ¼W
SMD resistors (where a higher power
rating is required).
This overvoltage protection circuitry comprises N-channel Mosfet
Q2, shunt regulator IC REF1 and bipolar transistors Q3 & Q4. Q2 is usually held on via gate voltage applied
through the 10kW resistor from the
positive supply. In this case, it has a
low resistance between its drain and
source, connecting the ground terminal of CON1 to the negative side of
CON2, so current can flow between
the load and supply.
Zener diode ZD2 protects the gate
of Q2 from excessive voltage. A 10V
zener is used for the SMD version,
while a 13V zener diode is used for
the TH version, reflecting the ratings
of the selected Mosfet types.
Power indicator LED1 is lit by current flow through the 2.2kW resistor
to the negative side of the supply. For
the SMD version, the 2.2kW resistor
is instead two 4.7kW resistors in parallel, in case the supply voltage is at
the higher end of the allowable range.
The TL431 adjustable shunt voltage
Circuit details
reference IC, REF1, detects an overFigs.1-3 show the circuits of all three voltage condition from the input supversions. They all provide reverse- ply. Fig.4 shows the circuitry within
polarity protection using P-channel the TL431, which includes a 2.5V refMosfet Q1. With a correct polarity erence, an op amp, an output transisconnection, Q1 conducts initially via tor and a protection diode.
the intrinsic diode within the Mosfet,
When used as a voltage reference,
allowing current to flow and voltage the REF input connects to the cathto appear at the source.
ode, placing the TL431 in a negative
The 10kW resistor then pulls the gate feedback configuration, where it regto ground, so Q1’s channel is switched ulates its ‘cathode’ voltage to match
on. This allows current to bypass the its internal reference voltage. If you
intrinsic diode, greatly reducing the want a higher cathode voltage, a voltvoltage across it. Zener diode ZD1 age divider is included between the
prevents the gate-to-source voltage
cathode and anode, with the divided
from exceeding the maximum speci- voltage applied to the REF input.
fication of 10V for the surface-mount
For our circuit, we instead apply a
device (SMD) version and 15V for the voltage to the REF terminal via a resisthrough-hole (TH) version.
tance. In this case, the TL431 operates
On the other hand, if the polarity in open-loop mode without any feedof the input supply is reversed, Q1’s back to maintain the reference voltage.
intrinsic diode is reverse-biased and This arrangement uses the internal op
the gate voltage is the same as the amp as a comparator, switching the
source. So the Mosfet remains off, and output transistor off if the input voltno current flows to the load.
age (Vin) is lower than the reference
voltage, or on otherwise.
Adjustable over-voltage
When the transistor is off, the cathprotector circuit
ode connection is pulled to the supFigs.1 & 2 are the adjustable over- ply voltage via Rsupply. In contrast,
voltage protector circuits. The circuit when the transistor is switched on,
Australia's electronics magazine
Features & Specifications
Adjustable through-hole version
● Overvoltage protection
threshold: 5-27V (3-27V if SMD
TL431 is used)
● Input voltage range: 5-27V
● Maximum current: 7A
Adjustable SMD version
● Overvoltage protection
threshold: 3-27V
● Input voltage range: 3-27V
● Maximum current: 3A
Fixed through-hole version
● Overvoltage protection
threshold: 7.5-47.7V
● Input voltage range: 5-50V
● Maximum current: 7A
DC Supply Protector Kits
Adjustable SMD Version (SC6948,
$17.50): includes the PCB and all
onboard parts.
Adjustable TH Version (SC6949,
$22.50): includes the PCB and all
onboard parts with both SOT-23 & TO92 TL431 ICs.
Fixed TH Version (SC6950, $20.00):
comes with the PCB and all onboard
parts except ZD3 and R1-R7.
June 2024 75
Fig.2: the SMD adjustable version of the circuit is very similar to the one shown in Fig.1. The main differences are the
use of alternative devices and the doubling of some resistors for increased power handling.
the cathode connection is held close
to the anode voltage of 0V.
The state of the output, whether
high or low, depends on the voltage
applied to the REF input. In our circuit (Fig.1 or Fig.2), this voltage is from
the divider connected across the input
supply formed by trimpot VR1 and
a 3.9kW fixed resistor (or two 7.5kW
resistors in parallel, giving 3.75kW).
When this divided (reduced) voltage is below the 2.5V reference, the
cathode of REF1 is pulled high. When
the divided voltage is above 2.5V, the
cathode is pulled low, near to ground
Trimpot VR1, in conjunction with
the 3.9kW resistor, sets the overvoltage threshold. When the threshold
is reached, the cathode of REF1 goes
low, so transistor Q3 switches on. It in
turn switches on transistor Q4, which
pulls the gate of Mosfet Q2 low to
switch it off.
In this condition, the high collector
voltage of Q3 pulls the adjust terminal
of REF1 higher again via diode D1 and
the 10kW resistor. This provides voltage hysteresis, ensuring that REF1’s
cathode remains low until the supply
voltage drops significantly below the
overvoltage setting.
The 100nF capacitor between the
base and emitter of Q3 is included
to prevent the circuit from initially
latching into a voltage overload state
at power-up. Immediately after power
is applied to CON1, REF1 would
momentarily conduct current that
would otherwise switch on Q3 and
latch REF1 on if it were not for the
capacitor momentarily holding Q3
LED2 is the overvoltage indicator
and it lights under two conditions.
If the input supply exceeds ZD2’s
breakdown voltage, current will flow
through LED2, its 2.2kW series resistor and ZD2. However, if the overvoltage threshold is set below ZD2’s
An enlarged photo
of the underside of
the Adjustable SMD
version of the DC
Supply Protector.
Compared to the
other versions,
this one has
mounted on both
sides of the PCB.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
breakdown voltage, LED2 will only
light when there is an overvoltage
shutdown, via NPN transistor Q4.
Overvoltage shutdown is indicated when LED2 is on and LED1
is off. When reverse polarity protection is active, both LEDs will be off
despite the input power supply being
switched on.
TL431 limitations
One thing to note when using the
TL431 in the TO-92 through-hole
package is that the threshold between
switching high or low is closer to 2V
than 2.5V. The likely reason is that the
reference requires a minimum current
to produce the 2.5V reference, which is
only available in closed-loop mode. In
open-loop mode, the reference is operating further down the threshold knee
of the voltage versus current curve.
This threshold also varies with temperature, although provided the temperature does not vary over a wide
range, the resulting accuracy will be
satisfactory. For more information on
using the TL431 in open-loop mode for
undervoltage and overvoltage detection, see the Texas Instruments Application Report SLVA987A PDF at www.
The SMD version of the TL431 does
not appear to suffer the same problem,
as it shows a very sharp voltage-versuscurrent threshold voltage curve even
at very low currents. For this reason,
the TH PCB has provision for using
Fig.3: the fixed overvoltage version requires you to select values for resistors R1-R7 depending on the threshold voltage
you want; see Table 1 overleaf. It uses an SCR and zener diode for the over-voltage function rather than a TL431.
the surface-mount version instead of
the TO-92 package version.
Fixed overvoltage
protector circuit
Fig.3 is the fixed overvoltage protector circuit. This circuit includes
reverse polarity protection using
P-channel Mosfet Q1 in the same way
as Figs.1 & 2. The overvoltage protection also uses N-channel Mosfet Q2,
although Q2 is controlled differently
in this circuit.
Instead of an adjustable overvoltage threshold controlled by a TL431
shunt reference IC and trimpot, the
threshold is set and detected by zener
diode ZD3. If the voltage applied to the
zener is above the overvoltage threshold and it conducts, silicon-controlled
rectifier SCR1 is triggered to switch off
Mosfet Q2.
A 10nF capacitor is included across
the SCR to prevent it from latching on
due to a rapid rise in voltage (dV/dt)
as power is initially applied to CON1.
Any voltage rise faster than 8V/μs will
likely switch the SCR on. The 10nF
capacitor slows down the voltage rise.
Mosfet Q2 is normally held on via
the gate voltage applied by the 10kW
gate resistor and paralleled resistors
R3-R6. Zener diode ZD2 protects the
gate from excessive voltage. With Q2
on, a low-resistance connection exists
between the drain and source, connecting the ground of CON1 to the
negative side of CON2.
In that case, the power LED (LED1)
lights due to the current flow through
R7 to the negative side of the supply.
Transistor Q3 is typically switched
on by the bias current from the positive supply via resistors R3-R6 and R1.
With Q3 on, current can flow through
ZD3 at its collector and the 150W resistor at its emitter, but only if the supply voltage exceeds ZD3’s breakdown
4mA needs to flow through ZD3
before the voltage across the 150W
resistor reaches 0.6V, which is just
sufficient to trigger SCR1 via its 470W
gate resistance.
Thus, when the SCR switches on
and disconnects the load, the supply
voltage is ZD3’s rated breakdown voltage plus the 0.6V required across the
150W resistor. When SCR1 latches on,
there is about 1V between its anode (A)
and cathode (k), so Q3 switches off.
With SCR1 on, the low voltage at
Q2’s gate switches it off, disconnecting
the ground supply at CON2. LED1 is
now off, while the low voltage across
SCR1 causes LED2 to light, with current flowing through the 9.1kW resistor to the switched-on SCR.
Note that LED2 will also light
when the voltage across ZD2 reaches
its breakdown of 13V. As the supply
voltage rises, LED2 brightens as more
current flows through the LED via the
9.1kW resistor and ZD2. Overvoltage
shutdown is indicated when LED2 is
lit but LED1 is off.
The voltage divider formed with
R1 and R2 ensures that Q3’s base is
well below 0.6V, keeping Q3 off when
SCR1 is on. With Q3 off, the gate drive
to SCR1 is off, but the SCR remains
latched on due to the current flowing
through it. Resistors R3 to R6 provide
the required 5mA latching and holding current to ensure it stays on in this
Fig.4: the basic circuitry
within a TL431 voltage
reference. Usually, the REF
terminal is connected to a
divider between the anode
and cathode (closed-loop
mode). Here, we are using
it in open-loop mode, as a
voltage detector.
Australia's electronics magazine
June 2024 77
Table 1 – resistance values for fixed TH version
If you are wondering why we need
Q3 instead of ZD3 connecting directly
in series with the 150W resistor, it
is because ZD3 could be damaged
by excessive current as the supply
voltage rises well above its breakdown voltage. For example, if ZD3
is a 12V zener diode, it will conduct
4mA when the supply is at 12.6V but
186mA at 40V. In that case, it would
be running well above its power rating.
Additionally, the 150W resistor
would be dissipating just over 5W.
Having transistor Q3 means that all
this current stops once the overvoltage threshold is reached, preventing
high dissipation in ZD3 and the 150W
Zener diode biasing
White = ½W, yellow = 1W, × = not fitted
Fig.5: a typical V/I curve for a zener diode.
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Australia's electronics magazine
The 150W resistor could be increased
in value, but that would mean that the
overvoltage threshold would occur at
a much lower voltage than the zener
diode breakdown voltage. This would
be less consistent than using the zener
at the steeper region of its conduction
Fig.5 shows a typical zener diode
V/I curve. In the forward direction
(current flowing from anode to cathode), it acts like a regular diode, conducting current with 0.6-0.7V voltage across it. In the reverse direction,
the zener initially acts like a diode,
blocking current with minimal leakage current.
However, beyond a certain voltage,
the ‘leakage’ current increases and
then it begins conducting significant
reverse current. This is the reverse
breakdown mode, which provides a
relatively steep VI curve beyond the
knee region.
Each zener diode is characterised at
a particular current for its zener voltage. If the zener diode is operated at a
current much less than that, the voltage across it will also be lower. For
our circuit, we want the zener diode
operating more in the linear region,
where the V/I curve is steep, rather
than in the knee region and preferably near to the reference current for
the zener.
The recommended BZX79Cxx series
of zener diodes for our circuit are characterised for a 5mA reference current
between 2.4V to 24V, or 2mA above
that. The 4mA current for the zener
diode in our circuit is a reasonable
compromise between those.
Resistance value calculations
The resistance values required for
resistors R1 to R7 depend on the overload voltage (Vovl), the maximum
input voltage (Vmax) and the latching
and holding current for SCR1. Resistor
power ratings, LED currents, transistor
Q3’s base current and ZD3’s current
need to be considered.
Table 1 shows the resistor values
and wattage ratings for various overvoltage thresholds and a 50V maximum applied input voltage. A panel
describes the calculations used to formulate that table in more detail.
SMD adjustable version
The SMD adjustable version is built
using a double-sided plated-through
PCB coded 08106241 that measures 51
× 23mm. As shown in the overlay diagrams (Fig.6), all the SMD parts except
the two LEDs mount on one side of the
PCB, with the through-hole parts such
as the two screw terminals and trimpot on the other side.
Begin by soldering the SMDs. That
can be done by soldering one lead of
the component first, holding it in place
with tweezers. Once it is aligned and
positioned correctly (by remelting
the solder if necessary), the remaining lead(s) are then soldered. A good
light and a magnifying glass are very
useful for this task.
You will need to identify the parts
first. The resistors are marked with
three or four digit codes as shown in
the parts list. The 100nF capacitor will
not be marked. The smaller semiconductors in SOT-23 packages also have
component markings, as per the parts
list (although they can vary).
The 10V zener diodes are cylindrical with blue markings at the cathode
(k) end. Diode D1 also has a polarity
stripe at the cathode end.
Note that the TL431 can have alternative pinouts, with the standard pinout having the cathode at left and reference at right when the anode pin is
at the top. The mirrored pinout has
the cathode and reference pins transposed. We have provided for both
orientations on the PCB by having a
6-pad footprint instead of just the three
required for one pinout of the device.
The TL431 must be orientated
according to the pinout of the device
used. We have marked the pins on the
PCB overlay showing the anode, cathode and reference pads. The parts supplied in our kit should be the mirror
pin version. The way to check this is
to use a multimeter on its diode test
across the cathode and reference pins.
You should get a reading of one
diode drop (around 0.7V) when the
red probe is on the REF pin and the
black probe on the cathode pin. You
can then orientate it correctly on the
PCB and solder it in place. While
doing that, be careful not to let solder
bridge the used and unused pads. If
that happens, use a bit of solder wicking braid can be used to remove the
excess solder (adding flux paste will
make it easier).
When installing the diodes, make
sure these are orientated correctly. The
anode (A) and cathode (k) orientations
are marked on the PCB overlay.
Once all the surface mount parts
have been soldered in place on the
one side, flip it over and fit the LEDs,
taking care to place each with its
correct orientation (checked as mentioned earlier) and in the correct position with regard to colour. These are
green for power and red for overvoltage, although you are free to customise the colours if desired.
Ideally, the surface mount LEDs
should be tested using the diode test
mode of a multimeter. With the red
probe on the anode and black lead
on the cathode, the LED should light
and show its colour. We used green for
power and red for overload. There is
often a stripe or dot on the cathode but
we have seen LEDs with a marking on
the anode, so it’s better to test them.
The trimpot is installed with the top
screw adjustment orientated as shown.
This provides an increasing overvoltage threshold with clockwise rotation.
The two screw terminals should be
mounted with the wire entry toward
the outside of the PCB at each end.
TH adjustable version
The through-hole adjustable version is built on a double-sided plated-
through PCB that’s 08106242 and measures 70.5 × 35.5mm. Refer to Fig.7,
the PCB overlay diagram, during the
assembly process.
If you are using the SMD TL431 version, install it first, but be careful as
they can have alternative pinouts with
the reference and cathode transposed.
See the instructions a few paragraphs
above on determining which pinout
you have, aligning it with the PCB
markings and soldering it.
The zener diodes and diode D1 can
be fitted next. ZD1 is a 15V type, while
ZD2 is rated at 13V. These each need
to be orientated as shown in Fig.7,
Fig.6 (left): the
overlay diagrams
for the SMD
adjustable version
of the Supply
Protector (shown
at 150% actual
Fig.7 (upper right):
the PCB overlay
diagram for the
adjustable version.
Fig.8 (lower right):
the PCB overlay
diagram for the
fixed overvoltage
Australia's electronics magazine
June 2024 79
Resistance value calculations
Table 1 shows the required resistance values and power ratings for the Fixed Protector for
overvoltage thresholds from 7.5V to 47.7V with a maximum input voltage of 50V. There
are no satisfactory resistance values to meet all requirements for overvoltage thresholds below 7.5V, so if you require a threshold that low, build one of the other versions.
R3 to R6 calculations
The total resistance for R3 to R6 is calculated first. This resistance provides current
for SCR1 and the base of transistor Q3 via R1. Up to four resistors can be paralleled for
a sufficient power rating and to achieve the required resistance.
The latching and holding current required for SCR1 to remain in conduction is 5mA.
This satisfies the worst-case latching current and the worst-case holding current at 25°C.
The total resistance, R, required is the overload voltage threshold (Vovl) minus one
volt (the SCR anode-to-cathode on-voltage), divided by 5mA, ie, R = (Vovl − 1V) ÷ 5mA.
The total power rating required is the maximum operating voltage for the circuit (eg,
50V) minus 1V squared and then divided by the resistance, ie, (Vmax − 1V)2 ÷ R.
The required power rating can be reduced by spreading it between two to four resistors in parallel. If all those resistors have the same value, they share the dissipation
equally. If different, each resistor will need to be assessed for its share of the dissipation.
R1 & R2 value calculations
Resistor R1 drives the base of Q3, which must saturate when conducting 4mA. This
4mA is the current that flows through ZD3, Q3 and the 150Ω resistor at the overvoltage threshold. We drive Q3’s base with 250μA (1/16th the collector current) or more to
ensure Q3 goes into saturation.
Resistor R2, between the base of Q3 and ground, is necessary since it reduces the
base voltage to less than 0.3V due to divider action with R1 once SCR1 is latched. Typically, SCR1 will have about 1V across, so provided that R1 is at least triple R2’s value,
that will be reduced to 250mV or less. That prevents Q3 from conducting through ZD3
once overvoltage has been detected and SCR1 latches on.
For overvoltage settings of 20.7V and above, we set R2 so 100μA flows through it at
the overload voltage threshold. At this threshold, there will be 0.66V between the base
and emitter of Q3 and 0.6V at the emitter of Q3, giving a total of 1.26V across R2. For
an approximate 100μA current, R2 needs to be 12.6kΩ (13kΩ is the closest E24 value).
13kΩ gives 96.9μA, close enough to 100μA.
When calculating the value for R1, this 100μA needs to be included since this bypasses
the current from Q3’s base. So, instead of R1 supplying 250μA to Q3’s base, it needs to
supply 350μA in total.
R1 is calculated as the overload voltage threshold (Vovl) minus the 1.26V at Q3’s
base, divided by 350μA. Since R1 is in series with the R3-R6, the parallel value of R3-R6
is then subtracted from this to get R1’s value, ie, R1 = (Vovl − 1.26V) ÷ 350μA − (R3 ||
R4 || R5 || R6).
If the calculated value for R1 is less than three times the value of R2, the current
through R2 needs to be increased and the equations reworked. For example, to get
200μA through R2, R2 = 1.26V ÷ 200μA = 6.3kΩ (use 6.2kΩ). Then R1 = (Vovl − 1.26V)
÷ 450μA, where 450μA is the 200μA R2 current plus the 250μA required for Q3’s base.
with the cathode band toward the top.
The resistors can be mounted next;
check each value with a multimeter to
be sure the correct value is installed
in each place.
The two LEDs are installed with the
tops of their domes about 12mm above
the top of the PCB. Check which colour
the diode is before installing it, using
the diode test mode on a multimeter
if the lenses aren’t tinted. We used a
green LED for power (LED1) and red
for overvolage (LED2). In each case,
the longer lead is the anode.
Next, fit transistors Q1-Q4, being
careful that each is placed in the correct position (check their part codes
against Fig.7 and the PCB overlay). If
using the TO-92 package version of
the TL431 (REF1), you can also fit it
now. Follow by mounting the 100nF
The trimpot is installed with the
screw adjustment orientated as shown,
providing an increasing overvoltage
threshold with clockwise rotation. The
two screw terminals are mounted with
the wire entry toward the outside of
the PCB at each end.
TH fixed overvoltage version
LED current
LED1 switches off above the overvoltage threshold, so the maximum LED current will
occur with the supply at the overvoltage setting. Assuming 10mA is a suitable maximum
current, the value for R7 is the overload voltage minus the 2V across the LED, divided
by 10mA, ie, R7 = (Vovl − 2V) ÷ 10mA.
The power rating for R7 also needs to be considered, so its value needs to be greater
than (Vovl − 2V)2 ÷ 250mW, where 250mW is a conservative derating for a 500mW resistor. If this calculation gives a higher value than the above, the maximum LED current will
be below 10mA to avoid overheating the current-limiting resistor.
The overvoltage LED (LED2) series resistor value is calculated similarly; only this time,
the maximum input supply voltage is used in the calculation. That’s because LED2 will
light from the overvoltage threshold to the maximum input supply voltage, Vmax. So the
calculation is Vmax minus the voltage across LED2 and SCR1, divided by 10mA, ie, R =
(Vmax − 3V) ÷ 10mA.
Similarly, the minimum value, considering the resistor power rating, is (Vmax − 3V)2
÷ 250mW. We selected a 9.1kΩ 1/2W resistor for a Vmax of 50V.
The through-hole fixed overvoltage version is built on a double-sided,
plated-through PCB coded 08106243
that measures 70.5 × 35.5mm. The
PCB overlay diagram for this version
is Fig.8.
First, the values for resistors R1-R7
need to be selected using Table 1,
based on the required overvoltage
threshold. The required voltage rating for ZD3 is also listed in that table.
Note that resistors R3-R6 may need
to be 1W types (if shown in yellow
in Table 1), and not all four of these
resistors are necessarily used for all
possible threshold voltages.
The zener diodes and diode D1 can
be fitted now. ZD1 is rated at 15V, ZD2
is a 13V type, while ZD3 is as per Table
1. These each need to be orientated as
shown in Fig.8, with the cathode band
toward the top.
The resistors can be mounted next;
check each value with a multimeter
to be sure the correct value is used in
each location.
The two LEDs are installed with
the tops of their domes about 12mm
above the top of the PCB. Check which
colour the diode is before installing it,
using the diode test on a multimeter if
the lenses aren’t tinted. We used green
Australia's electronics magazine
Silicon Chip
for the power LED (LED1) and red for
overvoltage (LED2). In each case, the
longer lead is the anode.
Be sure when mounting Q1 to Q3
that each is placed in the correct position and orientation. The SCR goes in
with the metal tab side towards R3-R6.
The trimpot should be installed
with the screw adjustment orientated
as shown, providing an increasing
overvoltage threshold with clockwise
rotation. The two screw terminals are
mounted with the wire entry toward
the outside of the PCB at each end.
If you have an adjustable power supply, you can apply power to the input
and check that the power LED lights
and the overvoltage switch-off function operates at the desired voltage.
This is preset with the fixed version
or can be changed using VR1 for the
adjustable versions.
Once the overvoltage threshold has
been reached, the power LED goes off
and the overvoltage LED lights up.The
supply will need to be switched off or
significantly reduced before power is
restored to the output.
Also remember that the overvoltage
LED may light once the supply voltage exceeds ZD2’s breakdown voltage.
Overvoltage shutdown is indicated
when the power LED (LED1) is off and
the overvoltage LED (LED2) is lit, but
not when both LEDs are alight.
For the adjustable versions, you can
set the overvoltage threshold approximately by measuring the resistance
across VR1 when the power is off.
Divide the VR1 resistance by 3.9kW,
add one, then multiply by 2V if you
used a TO-92 TL431 or 2.5V if you
used the SMD version. The formula is
Vovl = (R(VR1) ÷ 3.75kW + 1) × Vref.
That will tell you roughly what voltage it will cut out at, within about 1V.
For the reverse calculation, to determine what resistance you need across
VR1 for an approximate voltage threshold, divide the desired threshold by 2V
(TO-92 TL431) or 2.5V (SMD TL431),
then subtract one and multiply by
3.9kW (3.75kW for the SMD version)
The formula is R(VR1) = (Vovl ÷ Vref
− 1) × 3.9kW.
To set it more accurately, you will
need an adjustable power supply or
make a basic one using a wirewound
1kW potentiometer connected across
a fixed supply (but be careful not to
exceed its power rating).
Parts List – DC Supply Protectors
Common between all versions
2 2-way PCB mount screw terminals with 5mm or 5.08mm spacing (CON1, CON2)
SMD Adjustable Version
1 double-sided, plated-through PCB coded 08106241, 51 × 23mm
1 100nF 50V X7R ceramic capacitor, SMD 3216/1206 size
1 50kΩ multiturn top-adjust trimpot, Bourns 3296W style (VR1)
1 AO3401(A) 30V 4A P-channel logic-level Mosfet, SOT-23 (Q1; marking: X15V)
1 AO3400 30V 5.8A N-channel logic-level Mosfet, SOT-23 (Q2; marking: XORB)
1 BC856C 65V 100mA PNP transistor, SOT-23 (Q3; marking: 9AC)
1 BC846C 65V 100mA NPN transistor, SOT-23 (Q4; marking: 1C)
1 TL431 adjustable shunt voltage reference, SOT-23 (REF1; marking: 431) 🔴
1 1N4148WS 75V 150mA switching diode, SOD-323 (D1)
2 BZV55-C10 10V 500mW zener diodes, SOD-80C (ZD1, ZD2)
1 green SMD LED, M3216/1206 size (LED1)
1 red SMD LED, M3216/1206 (LED2)
Resistors (all M3216/1206 size 1/4W 1% SMD)
7 10kΩ (code 1002 or 103)
4 7.5kΩ (code 7501 or 752) 4 4.7kΩ (code 4701 or 472)
Through-Hole Adjustable Version
1 double-sided, plated-through PCB coded 08106242, 70.5 × 35.5mm
1 100nF 63V/100V MKT polyester capacitor
1 50kΩ multiturn top-adjust trimpot, Bourns 3296W style (VR1)
1 SPP15P10PL-H 100V 15A P-channel logic-level Mosfet, TO-220 (Q1)
1 CSD18534KCS or IPP80N06S4L 60V N-channel logic level Mosfet, TO-220 (Q2)
1 BC556 65V 100mA PNP transistor, TO-92 (Q3)
1 BC546 65V 100mA NPN transistor, TO-92 (Q4)
1 TL431 adjustable shunt voltage reference, TO-92 (REF1) OR
1 TL431 adjustable shunt voltage reference, SOT-23 (REF1; marking: 431) 🔴
1 1N4148 75V 200mA signal diode (D1)
1 15V 500mW or 1W zener diode (ZD1)
1 13V 500mW or 1W zener diode (ZD2)
1 3mm green LED (LED1)
1 3mm red LED (LED2)
Resistors (all ½W metal film, 1%)
7 10kΩ
2 3.9kΩ
2 2.2kΩ
Through-Hole Fixed Overvoltage Version
1 double-sided, plated-through PCB coded 08106243, 70.5 × 35.5mm
1 10nF 63V/100V MKT polyester capacitor
1 SPP15P10PL-H 100V 15A P-channel logic-level Mosfet, TO-220 (Q1)
1 CSD18534KCS or IPP80N06S4L 60V N-channel logic level Mosfet, TO-220 (Q2)
1 BC546 65V 100mA NPN transistor, TO-92 (Q3)
1 C106B 200V or C106D 400V 4A SCR, TO-126/TO-225AA (SCR1)
1 15V 500mW or 1W zener diode (ZD1)
1 13V 500mW or 1W zener diode (ZD2)
1 BZX79Cxx 500mW (2mA or 5mA reference current) zener diode (ZD3)
[See Table 1 for voltage rating]
1 3mm green LED (LED1)
1 3mm red LED (LED2)
Resistors (all ½W metal film, 1%)
2 10kΩ
1 9.1kΩ
1 470Ω
1 150Ω
R1-R7: see Table 1
🔴 TL431QDBZR, TL431FDT or TL431SDT have the standard pinout; TL431MFDT or
TL431MSDT have the mirrored pinout
Australia's electronics magazine
June 2024 81