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We have produced a few variants of our Test Tweezers since the original
version in the October 2021 issue. Still, none has yet had the handy
feature of measuring capacitor ESR (equivalent series resistance). Our
new ESR Test Tweezers can measure ESR and capacitance while being
significantly more compact than all our previous ESR meters!
SR (equivalent series resistance) is
an inherent but undesirable property of capacitors that acts like a
resistance in series with the capacitive element. Fig.1 shows this and the
other factors that can be used to model
a real capacitor, as opposed to an ideal,
purely capacitive one.
For good performance, especially
at high currents (as in a switch-mode
supply), a capacitor’s ESR and ESL
(equivalent series inductance) should
be low and the leakage resistance
should be high. That combination best
approximates an ideal capacitor.
Generally, the ESL is relatively
small and is often lumped together
with ESR by specifying it at a known
frequency, often 100-120Hz or 100kHz
(the former being relevant when rectifying mains AC). The total series
impedance can then be specified in
If the ESR is high, the capacitor
will dissipate a significant proportion
of the energy that passes through it,
Fig.1: the behaviour of real
capacitors, especially electrolytic
types, deviates from the ideal
model of capacitors found in
textbooks. ESR (equivalent series
resistance) is one of the more
prominent unwanted phenomena;
capacitors often fail due to the
ESR rising to unacceptable levels.
Silicon Chip
unlike purely reactive elements such
as ideal capacitors and inductors,
which have no losses. It is well known
that high-ESR electrolytic capacitors
can cause problems, but they are not
the only type of capacitor that can suffer from high ESR. Other types, such as
plastic film, can be affected too.
In a power supply, a high ESR manifests as a voltage drop due to the current flowing in and out of the capacitor. That will decrease the voltage
available to the circuit and heat up the
capacitor, sometimes to the point that
its contents boil and spill out!
Electrolytic capacitors depend on
an electrolyte as the current path
between the oxide dielectric layer and
the cathode. If this electrolyte dries
out, its resistance and thus the ESR
will increase. Increasing ESR will also
cause an increase in dissipation inside
the capacitor, further heating and drying out the electrolyte.
A high ESR capacitor will often
cause mysterious or intermittent
faults, as documented extensively in
our Serviceman’s Log pages, where
replacing the electrolytic capacitors
usually fixes a power supply. The conductivity of the electrolyte can also
change with temperature, leading to
problems that appear or disappear as
the capacitor heats up after the equipment is turned on.
In audio circuits, the higher-than-
expected ESR can change the frequency response of a circuit and may
increase distortion. These are just
Australia's electronics magazine
some of the scenarios where a high
ESR can cause problems.
If you have a device that has failed or
isn’t working correctly, after checking
for obvious visual faults like burned
components or failed solder joints, the
next step is usually to test the electrolytic capacitors. If any are found to
have a low capacitance, high leakage
or high ESR, they may well be the culprits. Often, several are found to be on
the way out.
So, an ESR meter is a very valuable
piece of equipment for making repairs
and even checking new components
to verify that they will perform as
Earlier ESR Meters we published
include Bob Parker’s classic 2004 ESR
Meter Mk2 (
That article goes into more detail on
the construction of electrolytic capacitors and how they are affected by rising ESR. It also has numerous tips on
troubleshooting capacitors.
One frequently-seen piece of advice
is a warning not to connect the ESR
Meter to charged capacitors. We have
included some protection circuitry,
but large capacitors can pack enough
of a punch to render that protection
moot! The same advice applies to our
ESR Test Tweezers.
Like the ESR Meter Mk2, the ESR
Test Tweezers is also well suited to
measuring low resistances, such as
current shunts. So they are sure to
come in handy for other sorts of troubleshooting.
exact part number may not be known,
so the earlier ESR Meters provided a
table showing roughly acceptable values for a range of capacitors.
Table 1 shows these values. Some
data sheets might specify a dissipation factor or loss angle instead of an
ESR value; page 63 has information
about what those parameters mean and
how to convert them to an ESR value.
The ESR Test Tweezers are much
smaller than the earlier devices, so
we have not been able to include the
table on the equipment, but you can
download it, print it out and keep a
copy handy.
Features & Specifications
❎ Measures ESR/resistance from 0.01Ω to 1kΩ
❎ Measures capacitance from 100nF to 50μF
❎ Can perform in-circuit testing as long as capacitors are discharged
❎ Compact Tweezers format makes probing parts easy
❎ Runs from a single 3V lithium coin cell
❎ Will operate down to a cell voltage of 2.4V
❎ Displays results on a clearly visible OLED screen
❎ Typical accuracy better than 10%
❎ Adjustable sleep timeout and brightness
❎ Display can be rotated to suit left- and right-handed use
❎ Simple calibration of most parameters
❎ The standby cell life is close to the cell shelf life
Design compromises
ESR Test Tweezers Kit (SC6952, $50)
This kit includes everything in the parts list except the coin cell & optional header
CON1. The three resistors & one capacitor needed for calibration are included.
The Arduino-based LC and ESR
Meter from August 2023 (siliconchip.
au/Article/15901) uses the same ‘frontend’ design as the ESR Meter Mk2 to
measure ESR, but piggy-backs onto the
Wide-range digital LC Meter from June
2018 (,
using its processor to drive the measurement circuitry and display the
That was a popular project, but we
reckoned we could simplify the all-
important ESR sensing circuitry and
fit it into a much more compact instrument that costs less to build.
Measuring ESR
Measuring ESR is not difficult in
theory, although we must be able to
separate the effects of the main capacitance and leakage resistance from the
ESR (see Fig.1). As we noted, the ESR
is often taken to include ESL at a specific frequency, so we don’t need to
concern ourselves with ESL too much.
The ESR Test Tweezers use the
same philosophy as the other ESR
Meters. Relatively low currents are
briefly pulsed into the capacitor, and
the voltage across the capacitor is
measured. It is allowed to discharge
between tests.
The brief pulses do not have time
to significantly charge the capacitor
(assuming it is above 1μF); the capacitance acts like a short-circuit in this
testing, so it does not affect the reading.
Since the capacitor is practically always discharged, the leakage
resistance has no effect; the capacitance effectively short-circuits it. The
pulses can also be considered analogous to an AC signal, so the capacitor’s
impedance is low enough that the ESR
Knowing the ESR is not enough to
tell whether a capacitor is faulty. It’s a
good idea to verify that its capacitance
hasn’t dropped, and this Meter can do
that, too, up to about 50μF. Beyond
that, most DMMs will have a capacitance measurement mode that works
up to a few thousand microfarads.
Any decent capacitor will specify its
expected ESR value (or equivalent) in
the data sheet, and you can compare
that value to the Meter’s reading. However, when servicing equipment, the
This device is patterned on the very
popular Advanced Test Tweezers from
February & March 2023 (siliconchip.
au/Series/396). They are a compact
and elegant device with many useful functions. So we have kept the
ESR Test Tweezers to much the same
form factor, using differently-coloured
PCBs to make the two tools easier to
tell apart. We know that many readers
will end up with both!
The Advanced Test Tweezers performed most of the tests in software
running on a microcontroller, so they
needed relatively few external components. For testing ESR, we need more
complicated circuitry, so we have
had to use more components. They
are the same M2012 (0805 imperial)
SMD parts that measure 2.0 × 1.2mm
along with a few other parts in small
packages. Apart from there being more
components, construction should not
be any harder than for the Advanced
SMD Tweezers.
Table 1: typical ESR readings for good capacitors
160V 250V
Australia's electronics magazine
If your
data sheet does
not mention
a typical or
maximum ESR
value, this table
can be used
as a guide.
If your data
sheet mentions
a dissipation
factor or loss
angle, refer to
our panel on
page 63. This
table can be
June 2024 55
The ESR Test Tweezers use simplified circuitry compared to the earlier
ESR Meter designs. That’s partly to
help us fit the parts on the board but
also because we were able to reduce
the parts count without compromising
performance, saving on parts cost and
assembly time.
For example, the older designs feature a pulse injector with 11 parts and
a pulse amplifier made from 17 parts.
The corresponding sections of our
circuit have only five and nine parts,
respectively (50% less overall!). We
are not using a voltage regulator either;
instead, our software compensates for
any variations in the supply voltage
from the cell.
The earlier designs used a compar-
ator (built into the processor) alongside a voltage ramp to measure the
pulse amplitude, requiring eight more
parts. Our circuit uses the 12-bit ADC
to-digital converter) peripheral built into the microcontroller and
no external parts.
Instead of a multiplexed LED display driven by a shift register IC,
requiring several more parts, we are
using the same graphical OLED display module as in the Advanced Test
Tweezers (although it’s white this
time rather than blue/cyan). It sits
over the main PCB, occupying only
the size of a four-pin header on the
main PCB.
The earlier ESR Meters could apply
test pulses up to 50mA. Given that the
ESR Test Tweezers are designed to run
from a coin cell, we aimed to use lower
amplitude pulses to avoid excessive
drain from the cell.
Despite all this, the ESR Test Tweezers can measure fairly accurately
down to 10mW (just like our previous
ESR meters) and will draw less than
1μA of current when in low-power
mode; that’s low enough that the
standby life of the cell will be close
to its shelf life.
We tested our prototype using
our Coin Cell Emulator (December
It reported a current of 0.0μA while
the ESR Test Tweezers were sleeping,
less than the 100nA minimum that the
Coin Cell Emulator can display.
Fig.2: the ESR Test Tweezers use a 16-bit, 28-pin PIC24 microcontroller to drive the measurement circuitry and a
small OLED display. Different test currents are applied to the DUT via the 300W, 3kW and 30kW resistors, while Q2
amplifies the voltage across it for the micro to sense using its internal ADC. The diodes protect the micro in case the
probed capacitor has some charge left.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The typical operating current is
around 3.5mA with no components
connected to the test leads, rising to
5mA when a component is being tested
or settings are being modified. About
half of that current is due to the OLED
screen, which is set to near its lowest
brightness setting by default.
The current draw increases if you
need to operate the OLED at a higher
brightness, but we found that was not
necessary for indoor use.
Circuit details
Fig.2 shows the full circuit diagram
of the ESR Test Tweezers. Many components are common to the Advanced
Test Tweezers: IC1, MOD1 and CON1
are much the same, with IC1 being
the PIC24FJ256GA702 16-bit microcontroller.
IC1 is powered by coin cell BAT1.
The two 100nF capacitors bypass its
two positive supply pins, while the
10μF capacitor provides bypassing
for a 1.8V regulator internal to IC1.
Practically nothing else is connected
directly to the cell, meaning that IC1
has total control over what can draw
current from it.
The 22μF capacitor provides a
reserve of power to assist the coin
cell in delivering the test pulse current. This is about the highest value
of capacitor commonly available in
the M2012 size we are using for this
project; it is sufficient for our needs.
The highest pulse current is 10mA,
applied for no more than 50μs. With
a 22μF capacitor, the nominally 3V
rail dips by about 0.02V, rather than
the 0.2V expected without the capacitor. This also means that the coin cell
is subjected to a lower average load;
it does not see the heavy peaks that
would otherwise shorten its useful
life considerably.
CON1 is the ICSP (in-circuit serial
programming) header and the 10kW
resistor on IC1’s pin 1 sets the micro to
run normally unless a programmer is
connected. We mainly included CON1
to simplify software development; you
shouldn’t need it in regular operation,
although it may be useful if we ever
release a firmware update.
MOD1 is an I2C OLED module powered at its Vcc pin by one of IC1’s I/O
(input/output) pins. Pulling that pin
low shuts off the display module completely. The other two connected I/O
pins provide the I2C serial control
The ESR Test Tweezers PCB (shown enlarged) looks similar to the Advanced
Test Tweezers, but it has different capabilities. We used white PCBs to set them
apart and will provide white arm PCBs to match.
Tactile pushbuttons S1-S3 connect
to three more I/O pins. Each is furnished with an internal pullup current from IC1, so their state can be
easily detected without external parts.
Debouncing is done by the software.
The parts below MOD1 form the
pulse injection circuitry. The 300W,
3kW and 30kW resistors allow nominal currents of 10mA, 1mA and 100μA
to be generated from a 3V supply rail.
IC1’s I/O pins can source 1mA with
only a small (less than 0.1V) voltage
drop. At 10mA, the drop would be
around 0.6V, so the 300W resistor is
provided with PNP transistor Q1 for
switching; the second 3kW resistor
provides the base current when Q1
is driven.
The 22μF and 100nF capacitors in
parallel are present to limit the amount
of charge that can be injected if a
large, charged capacitor is connected
to the TP+ and TP− terminals. They
act together as a low impedance when
the pulses are applied. Silicon diodes
D2 and D3 clamp any voltage from the
capacitor being tested that exceeds
their forward thresholds.
The presence of D2 and D3 also
means that the maximum pulse that
can be applied is less than 1V. So even
if you test a capacitor in reverse, the
voltage should be low enough to avoid
damaging it.
IC1’s pins 21 and pin 22 are normally kept low, and pin 18 is kept
high, turning Q1 off. The PULSE OUT
line sits at 0V and the 22μF and 100nF
capacitors are discharged via the 10kW
resistor at bottom left. Any connected
device is also discharged.
Just before a pulse is applied, pins
21 and 22 are put in a high-impedance
state by the processor. The appropriate
Australia's electronics magazine
pin is driven high (or low in the case
of pin 18) to start the pulse. A measurement is then taken, and the pins
revert to their idle state, ready for the
next measurement.
Sense amplifier
The DUT (device under test), usually a capacitor or low-value resistor,
connects between the TP+ and TP−
pins. The test current applied to the
PULSE OUT line induces a voltage at
TP+ relative to circuit ground. The circuitry below IC1 amplifies the resulting voltage. When IC1’s pin 25 is low,
this circuitry is powered off via the
AMP POWER line, but it is brought
high during testing.
The 1MW/470kW divider ensures
that Q2 is biased on slightly, as long
as the supply is above about 2V. The
100nF capacitor at Q2’s base will have
the bias voltage across it. Before a pulse
is applied, the voltages at LOW ANALOG (pin 24, AN7) and AMP OUT (pin
23, AN8) can be sampled by IC1’s ADC
to record a baseline voltage.
The LOW ANALOG line will be
close to 0V, and the AMP OUT pin
will be close to the voltage provided
by the AMP POWER line, which will
be reduced slightly due to Q2 being
biased on slightly.
When a pulse is applied, the voltage
rises at the TP+ pin, and the voltage at
Q2’s base rises by a similar but slightly
smaller amount. The reduction is due
to the signal being attenuated by the
surrounding components, such as the
10kW resistor and 1MW/470kW divider.
Q2 behaves as an emitter follower,
so its emitter will rise by much the
same voltage, and the current through
the 100W resistor will be proportional
to the emitter voltage.
June 2024 57
Since the collector current will
match the emitter current (give or
take the much smaller base current),
the current through the 2.2kW resistor
will be the same as that through the
100W resistor, meaning that the voltage
across the 2.2kW resistor is 22 times
that across the 100W resistor.
The microcontroller then takes
another sample to compare with
the baseline values. In practice, the
change at the AMP OUT pin is 10-15
times the change at the LOW ANALOG line. Of course, the AMP OUT
line will fall during a pulse, while the
LOW ANALOG line will rise, but it is
simple enough to take the difference
either way.
The 1kW resistor and dual diode D1
provide another level of protection
against external voltage sources (such
as charged capacitors).
While it appears that we effectively
have six ranges to read (two analog
inputs multiplied by three current
sources), they overlap. We use four
ranges: the 100μA source sensed at
the LOW ANALOG input and all three
test currents sensed at the AMP OUT
Note that neither the LOW ANALOG or AMP OUT signals can swing
rail-to-rail. Diode D1 clamps the LOW
ANALOG level between AMP POWER
and ground. Due to the 100W resistor,
the AMP OUT signal cannot reach 0V,
even if Q2 is saturated.
Several calibration factors are programmed into the ESR Test Tweezers,
including the levels at which the LOW
ANALOG and AMP OUT signals are
The firmware driving the ESR Test
Tweezers has much in common with
the Advanced Test Tweezers since
they use the same microcontroller.
However, the ESR Test Tweezers do
not have as many features.
We have implemented three measurement modes, labelled ESR, RES
Parts List – ESR Test Tweezers
1 double-sided main PCB coded 04105241, white solder mask, 36 × 28mm
2 double-sided arm PCBs coded 04106212, white solder mask, 100 × 8mm
1 double-sided back panel PCB coded 04105242, white solder mask, 36 ×
1 0.96in 128×64 I2C OLED module, white (MOD1)
1 surface-mounting 32mm coin cell holder (BAT1)
3 SMD two-pin tactile switches (S1-S3)
1 3-pin gold-plated header, 2.54mm pitch (for tips and mounting MOD1)
1 4-pin header, 2.54mm pitch (to mount MOD1; usually comes with MOD1)
1 5-way header, 2.54mm pitch (CON1; optional, for ICSP)
1 M2 × 6mm Nylon panhead machine screw
2 M2 Nylon hex nuts
1 CR2032 or CR2025 lithium coin cell
1 small piece (eg, 2 × 2cm) of double-sided foam-core tape
2 100mm lengths of 10mm diameter clear heatshrink tubing
1 PIC24FJ256GA702-I/SS microcontroller programmed with 0410524A.HEX,
SSOP-28 (IC1)
1 BC859 PNP transistor, SOT-23 (Q1; marking 4C)
1 BC817 NPN transistor, SOT-23 (Q2; marking 6C)
1 BAT54S dual schottky diode, SOT-23 (D1; marking KL4)
2 1N4007WS silicon diodes, SOD-323 (D2, D3)
Capacitors (all SMD M2012/0805 size 6.3V+, X5R or X7R)
2 22μF
1 10μF
4 100nF 50V X7R
extra 10μF (could be any type) for capacitance calibration
Resistors (all SMD M2012/0805 size, 1/8W, 1% – codes in brackets)
1 1MW (105 or 1004)
2 10kW (103 or 1002) 1 1kW (102 or 1001)
1 470kW (474 or 4703) 2 3kW (302 or 3001)
1 300W (301 or 300R)
1 30kW (303 or 3002)
1 2.2kW (222 or 2201) 1 100W (101 or 100R)
extra 10W, 100W and 1kW resistors for calibration
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
and CAP. The ESR mode provides a
function similar to our previous ESR
The main ESR testing mode uses
the 100μA source and the LOW ANALOG input to detect if a component is
present across TP+ and TP−. If so, it
runs pulses from each of the 100μA,
1mA and 10mA sources, taking measurements using the AMP OUT signal
from the pulse amplifier.
If the 10mA pulse gives a valid AMP
OUT reading, an ESR value is calculated using this data and a calibration
factor. The 1mA pulse is checked next;
if this is not valid, the ESR reading is
taken from the 100μA pulse.
You can tell which range has been
used from the number of decimal
places displayed. The 10mA pulse
gives a result to two decimal places
(0.01W), while the 1mA pulse gives a
result to the nearest tenth of an ohm
and so on.
The RES mode (for resistance) is
intended to measure the values of
resistors, and it does so using only
the 100μA source. That makes it a bit
easier on the cell since there are no
high-current pulses. The resolution
of the RES mode is only around 10W;
we expect it to be useful if you have
many parts to sort through.
The CAP mode gives a reading for
both capacitance and ESR for the
device under test. It also uses the
100μA source but applies it for long
enough to charge up the capacitor,
although this is somewhat limited by
the 22μF capacitance in series with
the DUT.
It takes readings at 40μs, 400μs and
4ms from the start of the pulse. Our
prototype gave us fairly accurate readings up to 50μF, so we’ve specified
that as the maximum. The display will
show dashes if the measured capacitance is higher than 50μF.
The lower limit of 100nF is due to
the resolution being about 10nF; the
readings will tend to be inaccurate
below 100nF. Since we have collected
much the same data as the RES mode,
an ESR reading is given too, with the
same limitations as that mode.
The firmware is also responsible for
monitoring button presses and putting
the processor to sleep when the device
is not being used. There is a SETTINGS mode where preferences and
calibration parameters can be changed,
including the option to save the calibration and settings to flash memory.
We’ll delve into the calibration,
setup & operation of the ESR Test Tweezers once construction is complete.
The SSOP-package microcontroller
and M2012 parts mean assembly is not
overly difficult, but it best suits constructors with some experience working with SMDs. If you have built the
Advanced Test Tweezers, you should
have little trouble with the ESR Test
You will need a fine-tipped soldering iron, solder, flux paste and
solder-wicking braid. You should also
have a magnifier, SMD tweezers and
a means of holding the PCB in place,
such as Blu-Tack. Good lighting is
highly recommended, along with fume
extraction (or work outdoors or near a
large open window).
Start by placing a little flux paste
on the PCB pads for IC1 and rest it
in place, checking that the pin 1 dot
is in the correct position. Looking at
the PCB with CON1 at the bottom,
the text on the chip should be rightway-up. Check your build against the
Fig.3 overlay diagram and accompanying photos.
Note that our photos show CON1 fitted (which isn’t necessary unless you
need to program the chip onboard).
We also fitted a socket for MOD1 so
we could remove the OLED if necessary; you can hard solder it using a
standard pin header.
Tack solder a couple of IC1’s leads
and check that the other pins on both
sides are correctly aligned. Adjust it if
needed before carefully soldering the
remaining pins. When finished, clean
away any flux residue (eg, using alcohol) and closely inspect the soldering
before proceeding, as it will be much
easier to correct problems you find
before more components are fitted.
If you have bridged any of the pins
of the IC, add a dab of flux paste on top
and then use solder-wicking braid to
clear it. Verify that all pins have had
solder flow onto both the pin and the
pad; if it’s just on the pin, it will not
make a good connection to the PCB.
Fit the three SOT-23 devices next,
being careful not to mix them up. Dual
diode D1 is near the top of the PCB,
with PNP transistor Q1 near the bottom. Q2, the NPN transistor, is near
IC1. If you aren’t sure which is which,
they should have codes printed on the
top. The parts list has likely codes
Fig.3: fit the components to both sides of the main PCB as shown here. Most
of them are moderately easy to solder apart from IC1, which has closely
spaced pins. Don’t mix up the different SOT-23 devices and note that D2 and
D3 are connected in opposite directions. You don’t need to fit the headers
for CON1 and MOD1; we did so to simplify the development process.
These photos show a number of the important construction details. The
arms attach to the main PCB with chunky solder fillets and are protected by
heatshrink tubing. The white screw and nuts prevent the coin cell from being
easily removed. A header pin soldered between the main PCB and the OLED
PCB helps to reinforce the OLED mounting. A solder fillet mechanically secures
the tips to the arms. Ensure that the solder surrounds one end of the header pin
and flows into the holes in the arm PCB.
(although they can vary by manufacturer).
In each case, apply a little flux paste
to the pads, tack one lead, then check
that the other two leads are within
their pads before soldering them.
Australia's electronics magazine
The two single diodes, D2 and D3,
face in opposite directions, so check
that the PCB’s cathode markings match
the devices’ cathode stripes.
Fit the capacitors next, being careful not to mix them up, as they are not
June 2024 59
Screen 1: the default display at
power-on. Touching the tips together
will show a low readings in ohms.
The cell voltage is displayed next to
a countdown timer; when the timer
expires, the Tweezers enter a lowpower sleep mode.
Screen 2: the second operating mode
uses the low-current range to measure
resistance without unnecessarily
loading the cell. If S1 is pressed in
any operating mode, the timer is
paused and dashes are displayed, as
seen here.
Screen 3: the third mode gives
readings for capacitance (between
100nF and 50μF) and ESR using
low-current pulses. A typical 10μF
capacitor is connected here. Pressing
S2 will resume the timer, as will
changing modes with S3.
marked. There are four 100nF capacitors on the front of the PCB plus one
10μF capacitor. One of the 22μF capacitors is on the front, while the other
mounts on the back of the PCB.
Now carefully work through the 11
resistors, matching the markings to the
PCB silkscreen. The parts list shows
the typical markings for the values we
are using. Note that one of the 3kW
parts is also on the back of the PCB.
Next, solder the cell holder to the
back of the PCB. Make sure that the
opening faces towards the screw hole;
you can compare it to our photos.
Now thoroughly clean the flux residue off the PCB using a suitable solvent. Your flux might recommend one
on its data sheet, but isopropyl alcohol
is a good all-round alternative. Methylated spirits can be used, although it
might leave residue. Allow the PCB
to dry and inspect it again before proceeding.
Next, solder the three tactile
switches, S1-S3. We do this now
to avoid getting solvent in their
mechanisms. They are fitted in much
the same way as the other surface
mounting parts but are a bit larger and
easier to manage.
You can carefully clean up any flux
residue from this step using a cotton
tip or similar moistened by a small
amount of solvent.
available as part of the MPLAB X IDE
download and can be installed on
Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
Choose the PIC24FJ256GA702 and
open the 0410524A.HEX file in the
IPE. Enable power from the programmer if you need it.
To avoid permanently soldering the
header to the PCB, you can push the
5-way header into the socket on your
programmer while holding the other
ends of the pins in place through the
pads of CON1. It’s a bit of a juggle,
but it will make the Tweezers easier
to use later.
Click the button to program the chip
and check that the IPE verifies the program correctly.
Programming the
You won’t need to perform this
step if you have a pre-programmed
microcontroller from the Silicon Chip
Online Shop (including the one in our
kit). If you have a blank micro, it’s best
to program it now before the arms and
display are fitted, as they might get in
the way.
You’ll need a Snap, PICkit 3, PICkit
4 or PICkit 5 programmer to program
the PIC24FJ256GA702 microcontroller. The Snap cannot provide power,
so you can temporarily fit the coin cell
while programming occurs.
We suggest using Microchip’s free
MPLAB X IPE for programming. It’s
Fitting the arms
The arms are each formed from a
long, thin PCB, with the tips using
gold-plated header pins to offer a
low-resistance contact surface that
will not corrode. Tin each arm tip generously and remove the header pins
from their shroud.
The rear of the ESR Test Tweezers before the
protective panel is attached.
Coin Cell Precautions
The ESR Test Tweezers make use of a coin cell. Even though
we have added protections such as the locking screw, there is no
reason for this device to be left anywhere that children could get hold of it. Also,
the tips are pretty sharp and might cause injury if not used with care.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Screen 4: the Calibrate step takes
readings with open and shorted
tips and automatically sets the ADC
saturation settings and probe (contact)
resistance. Leave the tips open, press
S1, then hold the tips together and
press S1 again. Then release the tips.
You can try again if you get an error.
Screen 5: the bandgap voltage is the
nominally 1.2V reference used by
IC1 for voltage measurements. At
the bottom is the calculated supply
(cell) voltage; use S1 & S2 to trim the
bandgap until the displayed voltage
matches the cell voltage, measured
using a multimeter or similar.
Screen 6: the display can be rotated
by 180° to suit left- or right-handed
use. Press S1 to toggle it and the
display will rotate immediately to the
new setting. Like all the other settings
here, these new values are used
immediately but are not automatically
saved to non-volatile flash memory.
Using a pair of tweezers, solder a pin
in position to the end of each arm, as
shown in the photos. Try to line them
up so they are centred. Note that the
pins face inwards once the Tweezers
are assembled.
The arm PCBs slot over the larger
pads in the corners of the main PCB.
We recommend not fully pushing the
main PCB into the slot; leave some
room. Take care that the arms do not
contact any other pads on the PCB.
Fitting the arms is a bit like fitting the
SMD components. Tack them roughly
in place and check that they are aligned
well, then add more solder to secure
them firmly. Check the action and see
that the tips meet correctly. Finally,
add solid fillets of solder all-round to
make them mechanically secure.
Slide the heatshrink tubing over
the arms, leaving the tips clear, then
shrink it in place. Doing this now
avoids damage to the OLED screen
from excessive heat.
We’ve taken some photos of the ends
of the arms so you can see how the tips
are attached and how the arms mount
to the main PCB.
prevent it from flexing and touching
the main PCB.
The back panel PCB can be soldered to the ground pins of MOD1
and CON1 or simply stuck to the back
of the cell holder using double-sided
tape. Ensure that the ESR TWEEZERS
legend faces outwards (it’s a dual-use
panel; the other side has the legend for
the Advanced Test Tweezers).
Finally, fit and secure the cell using
the M2 Nylon screw and nuts. The
nuts go on the same side as the cell,
giving the depth needed to prevent the
cell from being easily pulled out. The
photos show how we have done that
on our prototype. This is to prevent a
child who might get hold of the Tweezers from removing the cell, which
could be dangerous (it is hard to pull
out regardless, but this is worthwhile
extra security).
The OLED screen
The OLED is mounted next. You
should be able to simply slot the fourway pin header into the pads of the
MOD1 footprint on the PCB. We recommend temporarily placing a piece
of card behind the OLED to prevent it
from shorting the main PCB or arms.
This will also help to add a small space
between them. Tack one pin and check
that the display is neat and square.
Solder the remaining pins and
remove the piece of card. You can
fit the battery at this stage and check
that everything works. You should see
something like Screen 1 when it is first
powered on. The reading should show
a low value (under 0.1W) when the tips
are shorted together.
Remove the battery and solder a pin
header or piece of solid wire to the top
right corner of MOD1 and through to
the main PCB underneath. This provides extra support for the OLED to
Calibration and operation
In regular operation, pushbutton
S3 cycles between the modes, while
S1 pauses the countdown timer. S2
The ESR Test Tweezers shown at actual size. It’s easy to read the screen while
probing components. Most constructors do not need to solder the programming
pin header.
Australia's electronics magazine
June 2024 61
Screen 7: as with our other Tweezers,
the OLED current draw is the single
most significant drain on the cell.
Setting the display brightness as
low as possible (using S1 & S2) will
prolong the cell life. The default level
of 30 is the lowest usable setting; it can
be changed in steps of five up to 255.
Screen 8: the timer is displayed in
the ESR, RES and CAP modes. The
Tweezers go into a low-power sleep
when it counts down to zero. The time
can be set in multiples of five seconds
up to 995 seconds (about 16 minutes).
Since the timer can be paused, you
might not need to change this setting.
Screen 9: four screens like this
calibrate the current pulse values.
Connect the recommended resistor or
capacitor value (100W here) across the
probes and trim the value until the
smaller text (99.90W) is close to the
actual value connected. The default
values are based on our prototype.
(or any S3 mode change) will enable
it again. The timer is shown at upper
right and defaults to 10 seconds.
When it expires, the low-power sleep
mode is activated. Normal operation
is resumed by pressing any button.
Screen 2 shows the RES mode, with
a 510W resistor connected. The three
dashes at upper right indicate that the
timer is paused. That means the ESR
Test Tweezers will not go to sleep; it
will probably drain the battery within
a day or two if left like this.
Screen 3 shows a 10μF capacitor
connected in CAP mode; similarly,
the timer has been paused to allow
continuous readings to be made. All
three operating modes also show the
cell voltage at the top of the screen.
Our prototype could function down
to around 2V. This is about the point at
which the PIC24 processor stops working. We specify 2.4V as the minimum
supply voltage, as the accuracy of readings declines significantly below that.
A long press of S3 (about two seconds) switches between operating and
settings modes, with S3 then cycling
through the various parameters and
S1 and S2 adjusting them. The ESR
Test Tweezers are usable without calibration, but the calibration steps are
easy. There are also a couple of customisation preferences you can apply.
Many calibration steps involve
measuring a known value or voltage
with the Tweezers and trimming the
calibration factor until the displayed
value is accurate, which is quite simple and intuitive.
The suggested parts to use are 10W,
100W and 1kW resistors for calibrating
ESR and a 10μF capacitor for calibrating capacitance. These values are near
the top of their ranges, so they will
provide the best resolution when performing the calibration.
The calibration factors are shown
in ohms because they are analogous
to providing an exact value for the
second resistor in a divider. However,
because of the circuit’s complexity,
they don’t correspond to any measurable resistance value.
If you don’t have these exact value
resistors, a lower value (preferably
within that decade) will be adequate.
Higher values might be outside the
limit of their respective range, in which
case the display will show “OPEN”.
Remember that while resistors are
readily available with 1% tolerance
or better, capacitors could vary up to
20%. If possible, measure your capacitor with an accurate capacitance meter
and use that instead of the nominal
The panels above with Screens
4-12 detail the available calibration
and setup options. Be sure to do the
steps in the order listed, as some factors depend on others being set accurately beforehand.
To return to normal operation from
settings, press and hold S3 for about
two seconds. Be aware that the sleep
timer does not count down while in
Settings mode, so you should return
to operating mode immediately after
changing the settings to avoid draining the battery.
We designed this PCB to protect the back
of the Test Tweezers. It can be attached
to the cell holder with double-sided tape.
It has markings on the opposite side so
that it can also be used for the Advanced
Test Tweezers. This blue version will
be available on our website for users of
the Advanced Test Tweezers, although a
white version will be included in ESR Test
Tweezers kits.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Using the ESR Tweezers
Connect the component to be tested
between the tips of the probes and
apply pressure to make sure they are
making good contact. Polarised components should have their positive
lead connected to the top (TP+) tip.
However, the test voltage is low and
should not cause damage if the component is reversed.
Diagnosing capacitor problems due
to high ESR is helpful for those in the
power and audio fields. Now you can
check that with a handy, compact tool
that doesn’t cost much to build.
The ESR Test Tweezers can measure
ESR, resistance & capacitance (albeit
over somewhat limited ranges), making them more valuable than the 2004
design and in a smaller package. SC
Screen 10: this is the last screen you
should need to use for setup and
calibration. Press S1 to save any
altered settings to flash memory;
S2 will load the defaults in case the
saved data becomes corrupted. The
defaults can also be loaded by holding
S3 while powering up the Tweezers.
Screen 11: after saving to or restoring
from flash, you should get a message
indicating it completed successfully.
This is the last necessary step for
setup and calibration; a long press of
S3 will return to operating mode. As
well as on the first use, you should
recalibrate when a new cell is fitted.
Screen 12: there are some screens
after Save/Restore that should not
need to be changed; they adjust the
factors set by the Calibrate step shown
in Screen 4. They include the probe
contact resistance (shown here) and
two pages with ADC limit values, used
to check that readings are valid.
Dissipation factor, loss angle and ESR
Dissipation factor (DF) and loss angle (δ) measure the
energy lost in an oscillating system. Many capacitor data
sheets specify these instead of providing an ESR value.
In our case, the dissipation factor and loss angle specifically refer to the losses in a capacitor due to ESR. These
terms are also used in other contexts in electrical engineering, but we are looking specifically at capacitor ESR. We
want to relate the capacitive reactance to the pure resistance due to ESR. Both can be plotted on the complex number plane, hence the references to angles.
The loss angle is simply the inverse tangent function of
the dissipation factor; thus, you might also see ‘tangent of
loss angle’, which means the same as ‘dissipation factor’.
Since the reactance changes with frequency, we need
to focus on a specific frequency.
For example, in a transformer-based mains power supply,
the capacitors will be subjected to predominantly 100Hz
(50Hz mains) or 120Hz (60Hz mains) ripple. Capacitors in
audio circuits will be subjected to a broader range of frequencies, perhaps 20Hz to 20kHz. Capacitors in switchmode supplies will generally have ripple at 20kHz to 2MHz.
Let’s take a concrete example of a capacitor, such as the
4700μF 50V electrolytics we have used in numerous projects, such as the Dual Hybrid Power Supply from February
& March 2022 (
The Dual Hybrid Power Supply article specifies Nichicon
UVZ1H472MRD capacitors to filter the rectified output of
a mains transformer. Their data sheet lists a (maximum)
tangent of loss angle of 0.2.
That corresponds to a loss angle of 11.3° or 0.197 radians, ie, tan(11.3°) ≈ 0.2. Note that the loss angle (in radians) is very close to the dissipation factor for typical values. This is a well-known approximation for the tangent
function at low values.
Using the impedance equation for capacitors of Z = 1 ÷
(2πfC), we get an impedance value of 0.34W for a 4700μF
capacitor at 100Hz. Multiplying this by the dissipation factor of 0.2 gives an ESR of 0.068W, close to the 0.05W noted
in Table 1 for similar capacitors. If you measured an ESR
of 0.05W for such a capacitor, that would be acceptable,
as it is below the specified maximum.
The loss angle (δ) can be visualised with a diagram of
the complex impedance (Fig.a), which shows the reactance due to capacitance in the imaginary plane (vertical) and the resistance due to ESR in the real plane (horizontal).
The cosine of the loss angle relates to the proportion of
energy transmitted by the capacitor (compared to that dissipated by the ESR). At low loss angles, the cosine of δ is
close to unity, and there are no losses, although they rise
sharply as the angle (and ESR) increases.
These ideas are similar to concepts like power factor
(and power angle), although, in AC power systems, the
capacitive element is undesirable and a purely resistive
load is preferred.
You can also see from this how a high ESR would create a phase shift for audio signals, increasing distortion.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.a: this complex plot
shows how a capacitor’s
impedance (Z), ESR and
loss angle (δ) are related.
The dissipation factor
(DF) is the ratio of the
horizontal distance (ESR)
to the vertical distance (Z),
ie, DF = ESR ÷ Z = tan(δ).
June 2024 63