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Vintage Radio
HeathKit GW-21A handheld
By Dr Hugo Holden
Screen 1: a frame from Voyage to the
Bottom of the Sea.
In the early 1960s,
manufacturers such as
HeathKit started to lift
their game in mobile
transceiver design.
The clear choice was
the single-conversion
superhet format,
keeping it as simple
as possible but not too
y the early 1960s, many germanium transistor radios had been
produced, with some capable of excellent high-frequency performance. In
Europe, the typical transistors used
were the OC169, OC170 and OC171.
The similar AF114 to AF117 were
ultimately replaced by the AF124 to
AF127 series, the former parts all being
affected by tin whisker disease.
In the USA, various 2N prefix types,
such as the 2N2084 made by Amperex,
had similar performance to the AF124.
The RF-capable transistor types were
characterised by having very high
transition frequencies and very low
to-base feedback (Miller)
capacitances. That also allowed them
to be used in IF amplifier chains without neutralisation.
As one example, the AF124, in
a grounded base circuit, had a useful power gain of 14dB at 100MHz
and was used in the front-end of FM
broadcast-band radios operating from
87MHz to 101MHz.
In the years that followed, into the
1970s, very advanced germanium
types appeared that would work in
VHF and UHF TV tuners, such as the
AF239 and AF240. These worked in
mixer and oscillator circuits up to an
astonishing 890MHz.
Back in the early 1960s, transistor
radios of many kinds were coming
to dominate the radio world. These
Australia's electronics magazine
pushed the older valve (vacuum tube)
designs into the background, ultimately making them obsolete. This
process was accelerated by the development of temperature-stable, lower-
noise, higher-power-rated silicon transistors, which generally outperformed
their germanium ancestors.
Germanium-transistor-based handheld compact transistor transceivers,
like the HeathKit GW-21A, started to
appear in stores and in popular culture, on the TV and in movies too.
Screen 1 (shown above) is a frame cut
from an early 1960s TV show, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, where a
HeathKit GW-21 transceiver was used
to save the day.
June 2024 99
These 2N2804
transistors were
used to replace
the MM1056
transistors. They
have similar
performance to
the AF124.
Simple super-regenerative transceivers or “walky-talky” designs for
children had appeared in toy stores
in the 1960s, typically powered by a
9V battery.
These ‘toy’ units often used a single transistor stage as an oscillator in
transmit mode. A small audio amplifier would amplitude-modulate it.
The same transistor oscillator stage
then behaved as a super-regenerative
receiver, with the audio amplifier redeployed to drive the speaker in receive
Therefore, most of the circuitry in
the unit is deployed in both transmit
and receive modes, hence the term
‘transceiver’, as the circuitry transforms and reconfigures itself for the
two modes of operation.
These early transistor-based super-
regenerative units usually operated
in the citizen’s band (CB) around
27MHz. The receiver section was typically quite noisy (as super-regenerative receivers are), and the transmission range was limited. Sometimes
the results even disappointed the
children as well as the adults playing
with them.
Transistor superhet receivers of the
time were already known to have high
gain, low noise and good selectivity
in the medium-wave and short-wave
bands, up to and above 30MHz.
Ideally, the transmitter would also
have an independent RF output stage,
amplitude-modulated by an audio
amplifier, and a separate, stable crystal oscillator would drive that output
stage. This two-stage design limits any
frequency-modulating effects on the
transmit oscillator.
Again, the audio amplifier in the
transceiver would perform two roles:
as a modulator in transmit mode and
an audio amplifier in receive mode.
This type of design appeared in the
HeathKit GW-21 and GW-21A transceivers. They are apparently identical units, except for the transistor
types used.
Recently, I came across a pair of
HeathKit GW-21As on eBay. I had seen
them on TV during my childhood and
Silicon Chip
always wanted them. So, for nostalgia’s sake, I decided to buy them and
restore them. Then I could put them
through their paces and find out how
well they worked.
AGC voltage, which is filtered and fed
back to Q3 and Q1.
It is worth noting that, in a set with
PNP transistors, the AGC voltage
becomes more positive with increasing signal strength. This tends to take
General description
the transistors to which the AGC is
The GW-21 appeared in the time applied out of conduction, shifting
window of 1964 to 1969. The price towards a lower gain condition with
per unit at that time was $39.95. In increasing received signal strength.
today’s dollars, that is about $380.00 Essentially, the AGC system is a long
each; it’s no wonder I did not have time constant negative feedback loop.
one back then!
The AGC’s time constant & circuit
They boasted nine transistors, two resistances are set by the value of 10µF
diodes and a single-channel crystal- electrolytic capacitor C12 and resistor
controlled system using two crystals R14. Note that, with very high signal
per unit. Separate crystals were used levels, the voltage on a transistor radio’s
for the receiving and transmitting
AGC capacitor can reverse polarity, so
oscillators. They had an on/off/vol- generally, I replace the AGC capacitor
ume control, squelch control, push- with a bipolar or film type.
to-talk (PTT) button, an earphone jack,
The recovered modulation (audio
an external antenna jack and an inte- signal) then passes via “squelch diode”
gral whip antenna. A single 9V battery D2 to the volume control. D2 is set up
powered the whole thing.
with a variable DC voltage applied to
The circuit of the GW-21A is shown its cathode from the squelch control.
in Fig.1. On the receiver side, the This allows the diode to be cut off, prodesign is of a conventional super- gressively uncoupling the audio feed to
het with an RF stage designed for the volume control unless the dynamic
single-frequency reception. The RF signal peaks are large enough to overinput from the antenna is passed, after come the diode’s forward voltage drop.
appropriate impedance matching,
Testing shows that the diode
to Q1, the RF amplifier. The crystal- has a 0.43V forward bias in the
controlled local oscillator (Q2), called ‘unsquelched’ condition. That is more
an Autodyne Converter or mixer- than enough for the germanium diode
oscillator, runs above the received to be in full conduction. With the
knob in the full squelched condition,
The oscillator stage receives the sig- the applied forward bias is very close
nal from the RF amplifier and the mix- to 0V, so the recovered audio signal
ing products appear in Q2’s collector from the detector has to overcome the
circuit. The sum and difference fre- diode’s entire forward voltage to pass
quencies of the incoming carrier wave through to the audio amplifier.
and the oscillator wave appear because
The audio is then passed via the
the non-linear mixing results in prod- press-to-talk switch (in its unpressed
ucts of these two waves.
or listen condition) to the input of the
The first IF transformer, T1, effec- audio amplifier stages.
tively filters off the difference freThe audio amplifier design is typquency of 455kHz and feeds this to ical of the era: a Class-A driver stage
transistor Q3, the first intermediate driving the bases of two output transisfrequency (IF) transistor.
tors in Class-B. The output transistors
Typically, in most superhet radios have just enough initial bias to avoid
with a 455kHz IF channel, the receiver crossover distortion.
oscillator frequency runs 455kHz
These simple amplifiers are energy-
higher than the incoming carrier wave. efficient, have a low quiescent curIn my GW-21A radios, the transmit rent and are generally suited to batcrystal frequency is 27.085MHz (CB tery operation. The only difference
channel 11), while the receive oscil- here is that the output transformer
lator crystal in the converter stage is has an additional winding to ampli27.540MHz.
tude modulate the power supply to
From Q3, the IF signal passes via the RF output stage when the unit is
T2, Q4, then T3 in the IF amplifier in transmit mode.
to the detector diode D1, where the
amplitude modulation is recovered. Restoration
In addition, the detector generates an
Both the units arrived in good
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.1: this is the circuit for the GW-21A. The GW-21 (non-A) version used the following transistors. Q1: 2N1726,
Q2: 2N1727, Q3 & Q4: 2N1108, Q5-Q7: 2N185, Q8: R425, Q9: R424. Otherwise, they were mostly identical.
June 2024 101
Australia's electronics magazine
Because one of the 10µF electrolytic
capacitors read high at ~38µF, I
decided to replace all of them. I also
replaced the 100W resistors in the
emitter circuits of the oscillator and
RF output transistors.
condition, and fortunately, there
was no evidence of previous repairs
or modifications. Having worked on
several items of this vintage with germanium transistors, I decided to start
with a standard protocol, checking the
electrolytic capacitors and replacing
them where required.
I removed seven electrolytic capacitors in each unit for inspection and
detailed testing. There were some
abnormalities. All had leakage values over 100 times higher than a new
electrolytic of the same value. Interestingly, the ESR of all of them was
within normal limits.
The capacitance values were reasonable, except for the axial 10µF electrolytics, which interestingly read around
38µF. Due to the high leakage values,
I replaced them all.
I also quickly determined that the
100W resistors in the emitter circuits
of the oscillator and RF output transistors were out of spec at 135W each,
so I replaced them too. All the other
resistors were in good order and within
the expected ranges.
One of the units had a cracked section on the lower corner of the phenolic PCB. I strengthened it with a
small 2mm-thick brass plate tapped
with threaded holes for 1.6mm brass
screws to secure it.
I cleaned the potentiometres, transistor sockets and PTT switch with
CRC’s CO contact cleaner and then
lubricated them with Inox’s MX3,
which I have found better than using
a combined cleaner-lubricant product. Inox MX3 is a very high-purity
oil; I have subjected it to several
experiments on various metals, and
it is my preferred lubricant for restoration work.
Before attempting testing and alignment, I have a standardised approach
when transistor sockets are present
for checking the transistors for gain
and noise.
I check the audio transistors in-
circuit, though. I replaced the speaker
with a 10W dummy load (the original
speaker is a 10W type). I then connected my oscilloscope across that
dummy load and fed a test sinewave
signal from a generator to the input of
the audio stage (in the driver transistor/volume control area).
It is easy to see if the audio transistors are OK in this sort of amplifier. If
either output transistor is unwell, it
unbalances the output, and the sinewave becomes asymmetric. Also, the
Fig.2: the
circuit I
used to test
for defective
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
driver transistor can easily be checked
against a known-good germanium PNP
audio driver transistor like an AC126.
The output transistors can be verified
against known-good AC128 types.
One final check is to compare the
audio amplifier sections between the
two units for gain and power output.
I was satisfied that both units’ audio
stages were normal and that all the
original audio transistors, RCA 2N407
types, were perfectly operational.
The radio-frequency transistors are
a different matter. I check them out
of the radio in a test jig with a socket,
to examine their gain and frequency
response up to 100MHz. Its circuit is
shown in Fig.2. This is a way of screening out defective transistors.
I use a Philips PM5326 RF generator, which has a 75W output resistance,
and a Tektronix 2465B ‘scope, set on
its 50W input resistance option. The
transistors are placed in the socket
of the simple test jig to evaluate their
basic performance and compare them
to some excellent AF178, 2N2084 and
AF124 transistors that I have, as well
as comparing the same types from the
two units with each other.
The test circuit quickly screens out
noisy and weak transistors.
On testing, the 2N1525 IF transistors
all had similar properties, with nearly
identical gain to an AF124 reference
transistor below 1MHz. Unlike the
AF124, where the output amplitude
in my test jig drops by 50% at 70MHz,
the 2N1525’s output reduces by 50%
at about 10MHz.
The 2N1525 transistors are just satisfactory enough (low enough collector
to base feedback capacitance) to work
in an IF amplifier without neutralisation. You will notice from the GW-21A
The phenolic PCBs for the HeathKit
GW-21A transceivers. An original PCB
is shown at left; the adjacent PCB has
new electrolytic capacitors and a crack
repair in the lower left corner.
circuit that it has a non-neutralised
455kHz IF.
The A1384 transistors in the RF,
converter, and transmitter oscillator
stages were all good in both units.
These are not 2SA1384s; they are an
Amperex part. In the test jig, their output drops to 50% at around 50MHz.
They are higher-frequency capable
than the 2N1525 transistors used in
the IF amplifier, as they have to be
for the role they play operating in the
27MHz stages.
Then there were the two RF output transistors to test for each unit,
the somewhat mysterious Motorola
I could not find the original Motorola
data sheet for them, so I didn’t know
the expected transition frequency.
Some basic data I found online suggested they were similar to the AF124.
I also posted on the Antique Radio
forums but had no luck finding the
original Motorola data sheet. The logical place to find it would be in an
early 1960s vintage Motorola transistor data book.
One of these transistors was defective, and its leads had been cut by
someone in the past. The junction
was damaged and badly leaking. The
transistor from the other GW-21A
unit was good. Testing the good one
in the test jig, it was clearly capable
of very high-frequency performance,
being very similar to the AF178, with
its output dropping to 50% by about
However, during alignment and
testing of the transmitter section of
the radios, I elected to replace the
MM1056 transistor in both units with
Amperex 2N2084s, as they gave more
stable results with slightly higher output.
I also found some capacitive coupling effects on the transistor body. In
these HeathKit radios, all of the transistor sockets have three pins; there is
no shield connection. The quick solution for the 2N2084 was simply connecting its shield (case) to its emitter
wire (which is at RF common).
That solved the problems of higher
frequency parasitic oscillation I
Australia's electronics magazine
observed with the original MM1056
transistor and the Amperex 2N2084,
when the body of the transistor was
floating in both cases.
After aligning L5 & L6 in the transmitter section, Scope 1 shows the output of the transmitter with the antenna
retracted into the unit and the scope
connected to the base of the whip.
The measured voltage was about 16V
peak-to-peak. With the antenna up,
the amplitude drops to about 8V peakto-peak.
Of note, if L5 is peaked for maximum
Scope 1: the transmitter output with
the antenna retracted.
June 2024 103
The underside of the GW-21A PCB. Note the modified AAA cell holders; I did that because the battery compartment was
too large for a typical 9V battery. This time, the repaired PCB is shown on the left, although both have new capacitors.
power output and then the slug is
unscrewed further, the oscillator can
drop out or fail to start when the pushto-talk button is pushed. So it is best
to adjust it just a little on the opposite
side of the peak, with the slug a little
further into the former.
With the speaker replaced by a 10W
dummy load, I couldn’t talk into the
speaker to test the transmitter, so I
applied a 1kHz sinewave modulation
signal from a signal generator.
I set the generator output to 0.5V
peak or about 350mV RMS and used
a 3.3kW series resistor to deliver the
signal across the 10W dummy speaker
resistance. That corresponds to only
about 1mV RMS of signal to the input
of the audio amplifier. The result is
shown in Scope 2, with the carrier at
the antenna base now at about 28V
peak-to-peak on the modulation crests.
Increasing the modulation signal
level from the generator, the RF output stage clipped fairly softly, and the
Silicon Chip
carrier was not modulated to zero,
as shown in Scope 3. This occurred
before clipping in the audio amplifier.
I was pretty impressed by the reasonably soft carrier clipping and residual
carrier signal.
RF output power
I read on the internet that the output power of this radio was 100mW,
but I wanted to check it for myself.
After working on these radios for some
time, I noticed that the 9V batteries I
had been using, which had seen some
use before, had dropped to 8V. So I
repeated the carrier output test with
fresh batteries and got the result shown
in Scope 4.
With a fresh battery, the RF output
at the antenna base (with the antenna
retracted) comes up to 12V peak or
24V peak-to-peak and about double
that at 100% modulation. Raising the
whip antenna caused the voltage to
fall approximately 50%. That suggests
Australia's electronics magazine
the antenna impedance has been well
matched with its loading coil to the RF
output stage.
I decided to test with various load
resistors at the antenna’s base, with
the antenna retracted, to find which
resistance also lowered the RF level
to 50% to estimate the antenna’s
impedance at its full extended length.
A 680W resistor resulted in the level
dropping by 50%, much as extending
the antenna does.
With no modulation, the voltage
developed across the 680W load was
6V peak or 4.24V RMS, and at full
modulation, it was about 8.48V RMS.
Therefore, the peak envelope power
(PEP) delivered to the 680W dummy
load resistor (or the fully extended
antenna) is approximately 106mW
(8.48V2 ÷ 680W) at full modulation.
With zero carrier modulation, the RF
output power is ¼ of that, about 26mW.
So, the suggestion that these
GW-21A radios had a 100mW RF
output probably referred to a PEP measurement, not an unmodulated carrier
wave power, which is ¼ of the PEP.
In another attempt to estimate the
RF power output, I tested the signal out
of the external antenna jack. The output impedance here appears very low.
Unloaded and unmodulated, it delivers a signal of about 4V peak-to-peak.
Loaded with a 15W resistor, it drops
to 2V peak-to-peak (0.7V RMS), corresponding to around 32mW (unmodulated) into 15W.
I made a 1:2 turn ratio (1:4 impedance ratio) ferrite RF impedance
matching transformer and found,
unmodulated, it could deliver 28mW
into a 50W load, or around 112mW PEP
at full modulation.
Receiver alignment
The receiver alignment was pretty
straightforward. First, I aligned the
IF by connecting the ‘scope across
the 10W dummy speaker load resistor
and applying a signal to the antenna
connection from a Philips PM5326
RF generator.
I set the generator for precisely
455kHz at a carrier modulation level
of 30% and the volume control to maximum. I unplugged receiver crystal X1
to disable the converter. Enough level
was provided so the recovered signal
was visible just before significant AGC
activation, and I peaked IF transformers T1, T2 and T3.
After that, I plugged the receive
crystal back in and set the generator for 27.085MHz, then aligned the
receiver for maximum gain by adjusting L1 and L2. I then disconnected the
generator, attached a small antenna
to the generator output and adjusted
L1 and L2 again, with the GW-21A’s
antenna extended a few metres from
the generator.
I did that in case the attachment
of the generator had caused some
Scope 2: the amplitude-modulated
output with a 1mV signal injected.
detuning effects, but it turned out that
the slugs of L1 and L2 were already in
the correct positions.
The signal was audible above the
noise floor when the generator’s variable attenuator was in the region of
-70dB to -80dB. With noise and signal
about equal to the ear, the attenuator
was on -75dB. The PM5326 generator
on 0dB applies 50mV RMS into 75W
and about double that to a high-Z
load. This suggests the receiver can
resolve a signal of about 17µV from
the noise floor.
Once the receivers were aligned,
it was time to try them out. In practice, at full volume, there is moderate
audible noise; nothing as severe as a
super-regenerative radio, though. The
squelch control works well, unlike a
typical squelch that suddenly kills the
noise; its effect is more gradual.
I could hear intermittent transmissions of people speaking at times, with
American accents, making me wonder
if that was some sporadic short-wave
transmission on CH11 from overseas.
In any case, the receiver appears very
sensitive indeed.
So far, I have tried these radios with
about 100m separation with very good
results. I am going to perform a maximum line-of-sight test on them soon.
so the batteries would fit snugly.
The final photo shows the two
restored units with the batteries fitted.
While many HeathKit radios were sold
as kits, the quality of the construction
makes me think these two were factory
The battery compartment is a little
large for a typical 9V battery, so I modified some six-AAA cell holders and
fitted them with a 9V battery power
clip. That gives a much higher capacity battery at a lower cost.
With these holders, it pays to tape
the batteries in. I use Scotch 27 fibreglass tape as it can be reused a few
times, and it stops the holders from
sliding around, too. The photos show
the relative size.
It was necessary to add some soft
packing into the battery compartment
The GW-21A is a remarkable early
germanium transistor handheld transceiver. While it does not have a spectacular RF output power compared
to modern transceivers, only 100mW
PEP, it makes up for that by having a
very sensitive superhet receiver. The
GW-21(A) is far from a toy radio.
It would have been a dream to have
owned a pair of these as a boy, back
in the 1960s, when most transceivers children could get their hands on
were poorly performing noisy super-
regenerative types. These sorts of
transceivers make an interesting restoration project, and replacement or
equivalent germanium transistors are
still available if required.
Scope 3: the amplitude-modulated
output with maximum modulation.
Scope 4: the carrier output test signal
with new batteries.
Australia's electronics magazine
June 2024 105