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Valve-based Calibrated Oscilloscope
from Radio, TV & Hobbies magazine
was pretty surprised when a fellow
Historical Radio Society of Australia (HRSA) member turned up at one
of our meetings with not one but two
examples of Jamieson (“Jim”) Rowe’s
outstanding oscilloscope design. It’s a
fully-calibrated oscilloscope based on
a three-inch (~75mm) diameter round
CRT screen.
With no exotic components or tricky
construction, it was a well-designed
and highly practical instrument that
any enthusiast could build.
The oscilloscope is effectively an
X/Y plotter, plotting an input signal
(Y-axis) against a time base (X-axis).
That might sound simple, but the
Y-axis amplifier must be able to
reproduce the input waveform accurately, demanding a broad frequency
response. Another challenge is that the
timebase generator must be linear and
Silicon Chip
adjustable over a wide range of speeds
to suit signals of different frequencies.
As for the Y-axis amplifier, let’s consider low-frequency inputs. While
audio frequencies rarely extend below
20Hz, what about electrocardiograph
signals, or signals from seismic monitors? What if we need to determine
the DC component of a complex signal, such as a television waveform?
Ideally, the low-frequency response
should go all the way to DC. Early
designs did not do this, either for
cost-saving reasons, lack of perceived
demand, or lack of design experience.
Once such designs escaped the laboratory, designers implemented direct
coupling and other improvements.
What about the high-frequency end?
There must be a practical limit to the
highest frequency that a wideband
amplifier can reproduce without loss.
Australia's electronics magazine
Common radio valves can easily work
above 30MHz in tuned amplifiers, as
their internal capacitances can mostly
be incorporated into tuned circuits.
A wideband amplifier usually has
a resistive load, meaning that valve
capacitances become a limiting factor.
You will find a detailed description
of how the circuit works in Jim’s original Radio, Television and Hobbies
articles from June to August 1963.
The circuit is shown in Fig.1, with
some added voltage readings (green,
peak-to-peak) and valve designators
(yellow) to aid in troubleshooting and
The overall sensitivity is governed
by the required bandwidth and the
high output voltage demanded by the
cathode ray tube (CRT) screen. For
conventional tetrode types with the
deflection plates as the next-to-final
Radio and Hobbies (R&H), later Radio, Television and Hobbies (RTV&H),
was Australia’s premier hobby and radio/electronics magazine from
April 1939 until it was renamed Electronics Australia in March 1965.
This clever oscilloscope, designed by Jim Rowe, was published in
RTV&H’s June to August 1963 issues. It’s a brilliant circuit with one
small flaw that I decided to address.
By Ian Batty
electrodes in the electron stream, sensitivities of some 20V/cm demand
voltages approaching 150V peak-topeak for full deflection.
As Jim noted, advanced post-
deflection acceleration designs can
bring full-screen deflection voltages
down to tens of volts. The necessary
expense and extra high-voltage power
supplies were not judged appropriate
for this design. This design settled for
a -3dB bandwidth of 3.75MHz and an
input sensitivity of 100mV/cm for fullscreen deflection.
The vertical amplifier
Vertical amplifiers have evolved
logically. The first single-stage, AC-
coupled amplifiers were developed
into multi-stage versions. These commonly had limited bandwidths and
provided up to 200V peak-to-peak
output to drive the CRT to full deflection.
Adding a push-pull output stage
halved the output voltage needed for
full-scale deflection. By about this
point, design theories that would
extend amplifier bandwidths were
being considered and implemented.
Research in radar and pulse techniques during WWII had established
techniques for wideband amplification, and RTV&H’s design team readily adopted them.
The New Wide Band Oscilloscope
in RTV&H, February 1957, p70, is the
canonical design, with a bandwidth
exceeding 3MHz. With a push-pull
output and high-frequency peaking,
the final step would be direct coupling
Jim’s design is nicely tailored to
give all the desirable features in an
Australia's electronics magazine
economical design. The cleverest
part is the connection of the preamplifier and output stages in DC series,
allowing a main HT supply of just
270V compared to the 400V found
in Hewlett-Packard’s model 150 from
around the same time.
With a -3dB bandwidth of 3.75MHz,
it’s certainly good enough for most
work, including black-and-white television. While the 3.75MHz limit is less
than the full 5MHz bandwidth of PAL
colour, the ‘scope usefully resolves the
colour bar waveforms and displays the
colour burst.
This instrument is certainly good
enough for most repair and alignment work.
Previous RTV&H designs, using
ex-disposals CRTs such as the venerable 5BP1, needed some 100-plus
volts peak-to-peak for full-screen
May 2024 97
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.1: the complete circuit of the Calibrated Oscilloscope from Radio, Television & Hobbies, June to August 1963. It uses just eight valves, six triode/pentodes, one
twin triode (V5) and one pentode (V7), with the latter acting as a timebase oscillator. The red circle (at upper left) indicates the area where the changes noted in Fig.8
were applied.
deflection. Jim chose the DG7-32/01;
with its high deflection sensitivity, it
only needs some 30V peak-to-peak,
supplied in antiphase to its vertical
deflection plates.
This permits the clever design of
the preamplifier and output amplifier in DC series from the HT supply
noted above.
The timebase, extending from 1s/
cm to 1μs/cm, is certainly suited to
domestic electronics, including analog colour television. I could easily
display the colour bar output from my
Arlunya PG100 and observe the duration and positioning of the colour subcarrier burst with its 4.7μs duration.
This showed that the Arlunya’s output, while adequate for testing, does
not fully conform to the CCIR/PAL
timing standard.
The timebase
While all vertical amplifiers look
vaguely similar, timebase design is a
bit of a zoo. Apart from special applications, the timebase waveform is a
sawtooth wave with a linear ramp
during the active display time and a
rapid ‘snap’ back to zero during the
blanked-out retrace period.
The repetition rate must be adjustable, and it needs to offer synchronisation to either the signal being displayed or an external reference. Otherwise, the displayed waveform will
not be steady on the screen.
A neon lamp will go into conduction once the applied voltage reaches
a particular value, typically 70V. It’s
simple to take a power supply of perhaps 100V, string a series resistor to
the lamp and pop the neon in parallel
with a capacitor. On applying power,
the capacitor will charge up until the
neon strikes. It will then discharge
the capacitor until the capacitor voltage drops below the neon’s extinction
Once the neon extinguishes, the
capacitor will begin to charge again,
repeating the cycle. While this does
give a continuous waveform (with frequency adjustable by changing either
the capacitor or resistor), the waveform is exponential rather than a true
linear ramp. This gives a less-than-
linear time base, ‘crowded’ towards
the right-hand end.
The neon has finite ionisation and
deionisation times, so the maximum
operating frequency is limited to
around 50kHz. This simple circuit
is difficult to synchronise, so it was
reworked to use a gas-filled triode
The thyratron has strike and extinction characteristics similar to a neon
and responds to synchronising signals
on its grid. This makes it a practical
circuit, but still with the limitations
of non-linearity and only a moderate
maximum operating frequency. R&H
used such designs up to March 1950
These ‘soft’ timebases could be
improved by replacing the timing
resistor with an adjustable constant
current source, giving a linear output
waveform (R&H, April 1950, p64). The
added complexity pushed designers
to new circuits that were inherently
Various forms of multivibrator, bootstrap, and other switching circuits
were used in high-performance instruments, but the circuit of choice became
the Miller Integrator/Transitron, also
known as the Phantastron.
The Miller effect describes how a
voltage amplifier effectively amplifies
its own anode-grid (or collector-base
or drain-gate) capacitance. The Miller
effect can be used to create a repetitive
linear waveform.
There’s a complete description of
how it works in R&H, September 1956,
p32. Jim’s description (with the added
detail of the synchronising circuitry)
is in a separate RTV&H article in September 1962, starting on p44.
The Phantastron exploits what is
otherwise a serious problem inherent
to tetrode valves. If the screen voltage is held constant and the anode
voltage is reduced, there is a critical
point below which the screen current skyrockets and the anode current
falls. Fig.2 shows the effect, with the
transition beginning around 100V on
the anode.
We need to add one more characteristic that is not commonly considered.
The suppressor grid, invented to counteract the tetrode’s undesirable characteristics, can be used to control anode
current. Its authority is much less than
the control grid, needing some -50V
for cutoff in the EF50.
Now, let’s consider the basic circuit: a high-gain valve with the timing
capacitor connected from the anode to
the control grid and the timing resistor
from the grid to a positive bias supply,
shown in Fig.3.
When power is applied, the valve
will draw anode current through RL,
and the anode voltage will begin to
fall. But that will drive the grid negative via timing capacitor CT, which
will tend to reduce the anode current.
The circuit settles into a balance,
where the tendency for the anode voltage to fall almost instantaneously to
zero is balanced by the fact that such
a fall would cut the valve off. The circuit will produce a ramp with a slope
determined by timing capacitor CT and
timing resistor RT. Varying the DC bias
via the Time Cal potentiometer varies
the waveform period.
A simplified Phantastron
If we left the circuit there, we would
have a linear ramp but not the repetitive waveform we need for a timebase. Repetition is provided by the
screen-suppressor circuit. As the
anode voltage gets close to zero, the
screen suddenly takes up the valve’s
cathode current, the voltage drop
across screen resistor RSG increases,
and the screen voltage drops to zero.
Fig.2: the sudden change in plate
and screen currents at lower anode
voltages is usually a problem,
but it is taken advantage of in the
‘Phantastron’ oscillator.
Fig.3: the basic configuration of the
Phantastron oscillator. It generates a
linear voltage ramp at its anode that’s
periodically reset to a lower voltage
over a short duration, thanks to the
property shown in Fig.2.
Australia's electronics magazine
May 2024 99
The underside of the busbar version (one of two I received). It was the hardest to work on.
This rapid drop is conveyed to the
suppressor by CG3, forcing the suppressor sufficiently negative to cut
off all current to the anode. When cut
off, the anode circuit will rapidly rise
to the full supply voltage. Once the
screen comes out of its ‘bottomed’
state, the circuit resets, anode current rises, and a new downward ramp
The free-running circuit can be
synchronised easily by applying
synchronising pulses to cut off the
control grid before the end of the
active period.
So, we have everything we need for
an adjustable, synchronisable horizontal timebase waveform for the CRT
from a single valve and a handful of
other components.
As mentioned earlier, I got my hands
on two oscilloscopes built from the
Scope 1: after
calibrating the
vertical amplifier
it still had a poor
response. Scopes
1 & 2 are from
my Parameters
5506 bench
oscilloscope. I
took them during
testing to get a
better idea of the
exact waveform
shapes than I
could get from the
smaller RTV&H
‘scope screen.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
articles. One used impressive busbar
construction with solid wire insulated with sleeving, while the other
had ‘just put it down and solder it in’
I started with the busbar version as
it had the full set of valves, but ran
into a few problems.
First, the main filter capacitors were
drawing excessive current and would
not reform. I popped in a pair of substitutes and started to test the rest of
the circuitry.
There was an extra voltage doubler
stacked on top of the existing -300V
supply for the CRT (it’s visible on a tag
strip at the extreme right of the chassis
underside). I have no idea why, and it
was messing up the CRT voltages, so
I removed it.
Next, the main HT was low everywhere. I seemed to have some current
drains that I couldn’t locate. I was
struggling with the whole instrument
– while the busbar construction looked
neat, it was pretty near impossible to
trace the circuit or get test probes past
the wiring and onto actual valve socket
So I moved on to the other version,
which was much easier to work on.
The other oscilloscope was messier, but easier to work on. However, it didn’t have a full set of working valves.
Better yet, its electrolytic capacitors all
tested OK. I ‘liberated’ the valves from
the busbar instrument, tested them all,
plugged them into the other unit and
got into testing proper.
Apart from the usual noisy switches
and pots, the restoration was going
well until I hit the timebase. The coarse
time selector (1 sec, 100ms, 10ms etc)
checked out OK, as did the fine time
selector (×1, ×2, ×5). However, the variable time selector did nothing.
The variable control works by pulling down the voltage divider reference,
but it was having no effect. Checking
both ends of the variable pot showed
identical voltages, around 42V.
The wiring is obscured behind a
metal shield plate, but I was able to
make out a green wire going from the
bottom end of the variable pot. Instead
of going to a grounded tag on a tag
strip, it went to one with no other connection. Connecting the green lead to
ground fixed what had been an original wiring fault.
gain calibration, then adjusting the five
frequency-compensation trimmers.
With a 1kHz square wave input, I
found a conflict of settings, so I substituted a stair-step. The stair-step display showed sharp transitions without significant overshoot on all ranges
except 100mV/cm.
It showed much slower rise times on
this range, as seen in Scope 1, so this
setting (and just this one) was suffering
from a poor high-frequency response.
Given that the 100mV/cm range connects the input signal directly to the
vertical amp’s input grid, what was
causing this loss of bandwidth?
Now for the vertical amp. It was
working OK, so I went ahead with
calibration. This required setting the
Fig.4: without compensation,
parasitic capacitances will cause
a resistive divider to slow down
rapid voltage transitions (Cin is
the unavoidable grid/input/wiring
Australia's electronics magazine
Vertical amplifier
A simple resistive attenuator works
fine for DC measurements. Still, circuit capacitances will cause AC voltage measurement errors even at the
higher end of audio frequencies and
slow down the rise and fall times of
square waves and other pulse waveforms.
The 6BL8 pentode has an input
capacitance of 5.5pF. Circuit wiring
will add to that, but let’s stick with a
known value. While this capacitance
would have a negligible effect at audio
frequencies, its capacitive reactance
at 1MHz is only 30W. That will give
slow rise/fall times, as shown in Fig.4.
Fig.5: adding a compensation
capacitor across the input resistor
forms a capacitive divider with
the parasitic capacitance, Cin,
flattening the frequency response
and speeding up transitions.
May 2024 101
Fig.6: in the original Oscilloscope
circuit, the compensation capacitor
was over-compensating to account
for the pure resistance of the
calibration potentiometer.
Fig.7: however, on its most sensitive
setting, the compensation capacitor
was shorted out, so we were back to
an uncompensated divider and the
resulting signal rounding.
Fig.8: by adding another
compensation capacitor across
the calibration resistance, we no
longer need the first capacitor to
overcompensate, and it compensates
on all sensitivity settings.
The solution is to modify the attenuator to make it a capacitive divider,
as well as a resistive one, as shown
in Fig.5.
The added capacitance in the ‘top
half’ of the divider compensates for
the inherent capacitance in the bottom,
giving a division ratio that is (theoretically) flat with frequency.
Valve input impedance falls significantly at frequencies above about
20MHz, which can add loading to
the attenuator. More complex attenuator/input stage designs will be
accurate over wider bandwidths, but
the RTV&H circuit gives accurate
attenuation for audio and video frequencies of its time.
Given that the input attenuator in
the ‘scope has such compensation,
what was wrong, and why on only
one range?
The calibration potentiometer is not
compensated, so it will degrade waveform rise and fall times. The 3~30pF
master compensation trimmer was
used to compensate for this and therefore null out the under-compensation
in the calibration pot, as shown in
On the 100mV/cm range, though,
the 3~30pF compensation capacitor
was shorted out by the range selection switch, and could no longer
apply the overcompensation that was
masking the calibration pot’s under-
compensation, as shown in Fig.7.
I dislike ‘fixing’ other peoples’
designs, but I decided to add a compensating trimmer across the pot, from
its top connection to the wiper, as
shown in Fig.8. After adjusting that,
Scope 3: the stair-step on its own CRT.
Scope 4: a colour bar waveform.
Scope 2: after adding a calibration resistor and compensation capacitor, the oscilloscope was finally producing a proper
stair-step display on all ranges. Scopes 1 & 2 also confirm, being from a much better-performing instrument, that (i) the asbuilt RTV&H scope did not fully resolve the issue of the input circuit’s design regarding frequency response, and (ii) when
corrected, the input circuit - and the entire instrument - did work correctly. The final screenshots from the RTV&H screen
(Scopes 3 & 4) confirm the RTV&H’s correct operation as a complete instrument.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Table 1 – Test point readings
Test point Peak-to-peak
I got a proper stair-step display on all
ranges, shown in Scope 2.
In hindsight, it would have been
possible to accept the input signal
directly to V1A’s grid and perform gain
calibration by adjusting the cathode-
to-cathode coupling of the long-tailed
pair input stage. That is how the companion horizontal amplifier is calibrated.
The CRT on the working set showed
a strangely shaped ‘black hole’ around
the middle of the screen.
Being irregular, I wasn’t sure if it
was screen burn-in, so I’ll leave it
with the screen filled by an unsynchronised display to see if it self-heals
The restored ‘scope also lacked a
proper engraved graticule and dial
illumination lamps (despite having
the pot installed), so I pinched them
from the busbar version.
I’ve previously covered the hazards
of unsecured mains cords, and both
of these units were offenders. Putting
a cord anchor into the chassis may
demand enlarging the cord hole in the
chassis. Using an ordinary drill or a
file can risk damaging under-chassis
In this case, using a stepped drill
bit with a cordless driver gives you
complete control over your work –
mains-powered drills can take too
long to spin down if anything goes
A few other bits and bobs
How good is it?
We have a saying in the restoration
world: “Buy two, get one working”.
After my ‘tweak’, I was now able
to display a PAL stair-step (greyscale)
V1A G1 100mV
V1A anode 1.2V
V2A anode 30V
V2B cathode 30V
V5A G1 4.5V
V5A anode 25V
V7 G1 150mV
V7 G2 15V
V7 G3 5V
V7 anode 13V
waveform easily (Scope 2), the colour
bar waveform (Scope 4), and the horizontal sync period.
These three are complex, high-
frequency waveforms with a lot of
high-frequency content, multiple voltage steps from 0V to 1V and narrow
pulse widths. As such, they are good
tests of vertical amplifier bandwidth,
linearity, and timebase synchronisation and stability.
The blurriness of Scope 3 & Scope
4 is more due to my photography than
the instrument itself; in use, the display is much more crisp.
Voltage readings
If you are lucky enough to acquire
one of these instruments, I have added
my DC analysis to the circuit diagram,
Fig.1. The test point readings in Table
1 should also help with checking and
Purchasing advice
I already have a complete test bench,
but if you see one of these, why not
grab it? You’ll have an example of classic Aussie design that’s still highly
usable. And it’ll fit just about any service bench!
A top view of the oscilloscope chassis. Different units will vary somewhat
depending on how the individual constructor has gone about doing things.
Australia's electronics magazine
May 2024 103
More details on valve-based oscilloscopes by Ian Batty
A basic thyratron-based timebase circuit is shown in Fig.9. HT is applied to the
circuit via two resistors, VR2 & R3. Together
with the selected timing capacitor (C3C5), these form the timing circuit. Note
the small circle inside the valve’s symbol,
denoting a gas-filled valve.
The bias voltage (applied to the grid
via R1) sets the thyratron’s strike voltage,
restricting the maximum charging voltage
of C3-C5. This uses the most linear part
of the exponential charging curve, giving
an acceptably linear sweep on the oscilloscope screen. More on that later.
With no synchronising input, the circuit
oscillates at a frequency determined by the
selected ‘coarse’ timing capacitor (C3-C5)
and the ‘fine’ variable resistor (VR2) in the
anode supply circuit. The displayed waveform will drift across the oscilloscope
screen in the absence of synchronising
The thyratron is cut off during the
positive-going sweep period as the timing
capacitor is charging, and only conducts
during the negative-going “flyback” period.
Applying synchronising pulses will force
the thyratron to go into conduction early.
As a result, the sweep frequency will
match the incoming synchronising pulses,
as long as it is set to run a bit too slow in the
‘free running’ mode. The displayed waveform will appear stationary on the screen.
Thyratron behaviour
The thyratron (‘door valve’) is a thermionic triode filled with low-pressure gas;
hydrogen is commonly used in low-power
tubes. When power is applied to the heater,
we get the usual space charge cloud of
electrons surrounding the cathode. If the
grid is made negative to the point of cutoff,
the space charge will be confined between
the grid and the cathode.
No current flows if voltage is applied to
the anode as the valve is held in cutoff. So
far, the thyratron is no different from any
other vacuum triode.
If the grid becomes less negative and
voltage is applied to the anode, some
electrons will pass through the grid and
travel to the anode. This is also what we
expect, but in doing so, they collide with
hydrogen atoms. If the collisions are sufficiently energetic, some hydrogen atoms
will become ionised, splitting into negative ions (electrons) and positive ions (the
nuclei of the atoms).
We now have a stream of electrons
heading for the anode: the original electrons emitted from the cathode, augmented by the negative ions liberated from
the hydrogen atoms. There is also a corresponding stream of positive ions heading
for the cathode. As the positive ions enter
the cathode’s space charge, they absorb
space charge electrons and become neutral atoms.
This ion-electron absorption destroys
the space charge. Remember that it’s the
space charge that limits the maximum
current in any vacuum triode; it creates a
high internal resistance between the cathode and the anode. Removing that space
charge means that the valve’s internal
resistance falls dramatically.
The conducting thyratron can pass very
high currents with a voltage drop as low
as 15V. Large versions, used in high-power
radar sets, could switch up to 40MW!
Once conducting, the thyratron cannot
be switched off by grid voltage. This can
only be achieved by reversing the anode
voltage polarity or taking it below the ‘keepalive’ (sustaining) voltage. Readers may
recognise a similar action in the Thyristor/
SCR (silicon-controlled rectifier).
The charging curve for a series RC circuit (Fig.10) is clearly exponential over five
time constants.
The grid bias voltage controls a thyratron’s striking voltage as the anode goes
positive. Setting the grid bias to, say, -30V
allows a small amount of the space charge
Fig.9: how a thyratron
can be made to generate
an almost linear ramp
waveform with an
adjustable frequency.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
to penetrate the grid wires and stream
towards the anode.
This electron stream must be highly
energetic to cause ionisation, so such a
grid voltage would prevent a type 884 (as
used in R&H designs) from striking until its
anode voltage reached some 300V.
Dropping the grid bias to around -11V
allows the type 884 to strike at just 100V.
Now we can use a 400V supply and set
the grid bias to -11V. This sets the anode
strike voltage to 100V, and the valve will
extinguish when the anode voltage falls
to +15V, using just 85V of the potential
400V of charge.
The resulting RC curve looks like Fig.11;
it appears to show a linear ramp. Close
examination reveals some non-linearity,
but such a timebase waveform would be
adequate for servicing audio and other
common equipment.
The thyratron has a particular deionisation period. It must expire before the valve
can be made active again; typical times are
in the low to high tens of microseconds.
The type 884, used in R&H’s designs,
could oscillate up to around 100kHz.
While its lowest frequency could be set
to a period of seconds, oscilloscope timebases worked fine with a minimum frequency of 20Hz.
The R&H timebases were modelled on
the RCA data sheet for the type 884. This
design offered a continuously variable frequency ratio of 3:1. This demanded seven
switched ranges (with some overlap) to
cover 20Hz to 114kHz – see https://frank.
Wideband amplifiers
A wideband amplifier’s high-frequency
response is mainly limited by circuit capacitances. The capacitances we can be certain of are the stage’s own output capacitance and the input capacitance of the following stage. For the 6BL8 pentode driving
its triode, we get 3.8pF + 2.5pF = 6.3pF.
That doesn’t sound like much, but that
is a reactance of only about 7kΩ at the
oscilloscope’s top end of 3.5MHz. With the
6BL8 pentode 10kΩ load resistor, the gain
will be reduced by about 60% by 3.5MHz
(about -8dB). Such a circuit would have a
-3dB point of only about 1MHz.
The simplest fix is to increase the
stage’s load resistance with frequency.
Since XL=2π × f × L, a suitable ‘peaking’
inductor (560μH in series with the 10kΩ
anode load) will work just fine, as shown in
Fig.10: a standard capacitor charging curve with a resistor limiting the
Fig.12. This is the most common method
The simplified circuit omits all biasing.
V1’s anode load comprises the usual load
resistor (R2) and the peaking/compensating inductor, L1. V1’s output capacitance
and V2’s input capacitance are lumped
It’s also possible to use a cathode
resistor bypassed by a low-value capacitor. Let’s say the cathode resistor is 470Ω
and we shunt it with a 330pF capacitor. At
low frequencies, the cathode circuit will
appear purely resistive, applying degenerative feedback to reduce the stage’s
potential gain.
At around 1MHz, the capacitive reactance will be about equal to the cathode
resistor’s resistance, and the stage gain
will be increased to counteract the effect
of valve capacitances.
Fig.11: the thyratron charges a capacitor over a smaller
portion of the curve, with the result being almost linear.
Fig.13 shows a nominal amplifier’s
high-frequency response from zero compensation (Lp = 0, no inductance) to an
inductor with a reactance equal to the circuit capacitance (Lp = C1 × Rp2), where
Rp is the total plate (anode) resistance.
The circuit can become resonant, as
the pronounced peak for the Lp = C1 × Rp2
curve shows. However, the stage’s load
resistor strongly damps the circuit. Such a
level of compensation is rarely used, as the
excessive high-frequency response causes
ringing on rising and falling transitions and
creates undesirable phase errors.
Notice that an inductor value of Lp =
0.5 × C1 × Rp2 gives an acceptably flat
response and triples the upper -3dB point
frequency (a gain of 0.7071; from f ÷ f1 =
1.0 to f ÷ f1 > 3).
Conclusion & further reading
Wideband amplifier design is complicated, but many texts on Radar and Television treat the matter thoroughly. The
most authoritative source is the MIT RadLabs series, compiled at the end of WWII,
to ensure their groundbreaking wartime
work would be preserved.
I was going to state, “they wrote the
book”, but they actually wrote 27 books,
available as PDFs from
An extensive mathematical treatment of
wideband amplifiers appears in Volume 18
of Vacuum Tube Amplifiers.
For a basic description, consider reading Zworykin, V. K. & Morton, G. (1954) Television (2nd edition), John Wiley & Sons/
Chapman & Hall.
Fig.12 (above): the roll-off in response due
to unwanted capacitance in a wideband
amplifier can be compensated for by a choke
in series with the anode resistor.
Fig.13 (right): a nominal wideband
amplifier’s frequency response with no
choke (green) and three chokes of different
values. The red curve is as close to flat as
can reasonably be achieved.
Australia's electronics magazine
May 2024 105