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M echatronic
I ntegrated
D evices
I n
M ould
S tructural
E lectronics
This article discusses the new and related multidisciplinary technologies of Mechatronic Integrated Devices (MIDs) and In-Mould Structural Electronics (IMSE).
Both techniques involve depositing metal tracks on
three-dimensional plastic surfaces, with components
soldered on top, but they are made differently.
By Dr David Maddison, VK3DSM
Photos above from top-to-bottom: an injection-moulded part prior to structuring
laser activation and structuring of the part; visible conductive tracks added; the
conductive tracks have been metallised; an SM4007 diode has been soldered to
the conductive tracks. Source: LPKF –
echatronic Integrated Devices
were known as Moulded Interconnect Devices until they were renamed
in 2010. Mechatronic is a portmanteau
of mechanical and electronics.
They are devices with integrated
mechanical and electronic functions,
comprising an injection-moulded or
3D-printed plastic body (the “circuit
carrier”) onto which are printed electrically conducting tracks, similar to
those on a circuit board. Electronic
components can then be soldered to
those tracks.
Also known as 3D-MIDs, these
devices have been likened to three-
dimensional printed circuit boards
(3D PCBs).
By integrating both electrical and
mechanical functions, space and volume can be saved. That’s especially
useful in miniaturised devices like
smartphones and tablets, mechatronic
modules in motor vehicles (such as
accelerometers) and medical devices
(such as implantable prosthetics or
hearing aids).
The mechanical aspects of a 3D-MID
relate to the moulded carrier substrate,
which may form part of a connector,
support structure for a high-powered LED, interconnector to another
Australia's electronics magazine
component, carrier for a specialised
sensor or printed antenna etc. Examples of these will be given later.
Apart from miniaturisation, additional advantages of MIDs include the
integration of mechanical and electrical or electronic components into
the one assembly and the possibility
of new functionality not achievable
in other ways. Almost any shape can
be made.
MIDs can provide a reduction in the
number of parts required, a reduction
in manufacturing cost, fewer materials required overall, reduced assembly
cost and time, optimal placement of
components and reductions in development time and ultimate weight.
Related to 3D-MIDs are In-Mould
Structural Electronics (IMSEs) or
In-Mould Electronics (IMEs). With
IMSEs, conductive tracks are incorporated into the item being fabricated at the time of moulding, typically using electrically conductive
inks, rather than conductive metallic
tracks being added after moulding, as
with 3D-MIDs.
Discrete electronic components
such as LEDs, switches and capacitive controls can also be incorporated
at the time of moulding. A typical
application for this technology might
be a control panel or a lighting panel
such as in a car or aircraft (we’ll give
examples of these later in the article).
The history of MIDs & IMSEs
3D-MIDs were first developed in
the 1980s, but they were not initially
a success, perhaps because there was
not a sufficient demand for the advantages they offered at the time. Also,
the technology was not sufficiently
well developed. Challenges included:
• It was expensive.
• It took a long time for a product
to get to market.
• Design changes were difficult due
to tooling being hard to change.
• There was a lack of production
• There was a separation of specialists who did not work together, such
as those working on electronics and
those working on the moulded components and the metallisation aspects.
• Engineers were not very familiar
with the technology.
Today, there is an increasing
demand for 3D-MIDs due to their
advantages. Those include more electronic packaging options and a greater
April 2025 11
Fig.1: an example of
IMD. Unlike IMSE, no
electronic tracks are
printed here (this was
the predecessor of IMSE).
The untrimmed film is
on the left (note the print
registration markings). On
the right is the film after it
has been moulded into a
plastic body and trimmed.
Source: www.dekmake.
Fig.2: a 3D-MID antenna module
made using laser direct structuring.
The components are on the inside
surface. Source:
Fig.3: a 3D-MID from CIS containing
a cell, ICs, capacitor, LED, resistors
and switch. Source:
Fig.4: a 3D-MID component for a CCD sensor (left) and
integrated into a system with standard PCBs (right) by Distant
Focus Corporation. Source:
Fig.5: a 3D-MID
sun sensor for an
automotive climate
control system.
Source: HARTING;
Fig.6: a 3D-MID position sensor
component for Adaptive Cruise
Control (ACC) system from
Continental AG. This version is
smaller and cheaper than a PCBbased version and allows for the
optimal location of components.
Silicon Chip
flexibility in design and miniaturisation of assemblies. The technology
has improved with better materials,
better processes, rapid prototyping
and reduced development time due
to CAD/CAM (computer aided design
and manufacturing).
It also helps that 3D printing has
become commonplace and engineers
are now more familiar with it.
A major development in the field
of 3D-MIDs was laser direct structuring (LDS), which enabled an electrically conducting track in any desired
pattern to be created without contact
using a laser beam. This process was
developed by LPKF and will be discussed later.
IMSEs are a newer but related technology to 3D-MIDs. They have their
origins with in-mould decoration
(IMD), a process introduced in the
1970s where a printed decorative pattern is incorporated into a moulded
plastic part.
With IMD, a carrier film with the
desired pattern is put into a mould
designed for plastic injection moulding, then plastic is injected into the
mould. The pattern is incorporated
into the moulded part (see Fig.1).
The area of the mould where the pattern film is placed should be as flat as
possible to avoid excessive distortion
(we’ll have more details on this later).
This process was rapidly adopted
after its introduction. Then, with
the mobile phone boom of the 1990s
and the requirement to print keypads
and buttons with labels moulded
into them, its adoption was further
An enhancement of in-mould decorating was to print the pattern with
an electrically conducting ink, which
enabled the direct moulded-in integration of electrically conducting tracks.
Electronic components such as LEDs
for lighting or backlighting could then
be attached to these tracks. Thus, IMSE
was born.
Digital printing techniques further
enhanced design possibilities. IMSE
has become very popular since the
early 2000s.
Examples of 3D-MID and
IMSE devices
Fig.7: a light assembly with LED made
using 3D-MIDs. Laser direct structuring
was used to print the tracks. Source:
Australia's electronics magazine
As few people are familiar with
3D-MID or IMSE technology, we will
start by presenting a few examples.
3D-MIDs can have complex 3D
shapes with extensive conductive
tracks on both sides of the device; for
example, the antenna element shown
in Fig.2. With regard to antennas, 3D
design allows them to be optimised
for beam pattern, gain, efficiency and
for millimetre-wave frequencies, due
to the small size possible and high-
precision of the printed tracks and
device shape.
Another example is shown in Fig.3.
Fig.4 shows a 3D-MID to mount a
CCD (charge-coupled device) image
sensor, while Fig.6 shows a vehicular cruise control component, Fig.5
shows a sensor for a vehicular climate control system and Fig.7 shows
a light assembly.
These examples demonstrate the
versatility of this technique, and its
ability to make components that would
be difficult, expensive or impossible
to create with other processes. It also
allows miniaturisation compared to
conventional methods.
In Fig.9, the foreground shows the
front and the background shows the
rear of the panel with printed conductive tracks. The settings can be
changed via touch and movement
of the rubberised switch membrane.
Touches are detected by capacitance
changes in the printed tracks.
Fig.8 shows a “smart surface” in the
form of a panel for an aircraft cabin,
while Fig.11 is an example of a control panel for an electric car and Fig.10
is a circuit board with 3D structure.
Fig.8: an aircraft interior lighting
and indicator panel ‘smart surface’
made with IMSE technology by
Tactotek. Source:
Fig.9: an example of a control panel
made using IMSE. Source: www.
Fig.10: an IMSE circuit board with 3D
structure by DuPont, made using their
thermoformable electronic inks and
pastes to produce a 1.5mm-thick 3D
plastic surface. Some small electronic
components have been fitted. Source:
Making a 3D-MID
The basic steps for making a 3D-MID
1. A computer-aided design (CAD)
drawing is created of the plastic body
and the conductive track layout. The
section on Altium Designer below has
more details on this. Also see Fig.12.
2. Injection moulding or, in the case
of low-volume or prototype devices,
3D printing is used to make the plastic body – see the lead images.
3. Structuring is performed, more
specifically known as laser direct
structuring or activation. This is the
first part of the process by which
conductive circuit traces are created.
An infrared laser is used to write
the desired pattern on the injection
moulded part.
Chemical additives which had previously been mixed with the plastic
are activated by the localised heat of
the laser, converting a non-conductive
metal compound into isolated ‘islands’
Fig.11: an example of a control panel for an electric car with touch-sensitive
backlit switches and backlit indicators made using IMSE by SunChemical.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 13
of conductive metal, which become
nuclei for the plating process in step 4.
The traces can be quite fine. Harting
( states they
can produce conductive traces down to
75µm (0.075mm) width and spacing.
4. Metallisation – the conductive
metal track from step 3 has additional
metal such as copper, nickel or gold
(or a combination) added by an electroless method (no electrode), joining
together the metal islands described
in step 3. Additional metal can then
be plated on using electroplating. This
is a similar process to that of creating
vias on a PCB.
5. Assembly – surface mount devices
(SMDs) are attached to the conductive
tracks by fully or semiautomatic processes.
We will now discuss other process
steps for making 3D-MIDs and IMSE
devices in further detail.
Design and prototyping
Silicon Chip readers will be familiar
with Altium Designer, both because we
use it for our PCB designs and because
we regularly review it as it is updated.
Our last review, in the August 2024
issue (
mentioned its new 3D-MID capability
(on page 66).
Altium Designer can now be used
for the design of electronic aspects of
3D-MIDs and IMSE devices (Figs.12
& Fig.13). The mechanical components themselves are designed in a
CAD tool for 3D mechanical design
like SolidWorks. The Altium product is designed to integrate with such
software. There is a video on this at
LPKF ProtoLaser 3D
The LPKF ProtoLaser 3D is an example of a machine for creating PCBs
and 3D-MID prototype components
using laser direct structuring to write
conductive tracks onto plastic – see
Figs.14 & 15. The ProtoLaser 3D can
import designs from conventional layout software.
The part might first be 3D printed.
In 3D printing, a three-dimensional
structure is built up one layer at a time.
For prototyping and low-volume production, components can be produced
by 3D printing and then processed to
incorporate conductive tracks with
laser direct structuring or by chemical means. LPKF is one company that
offers technological solutions for this
Once printed, the part is sprayed
with LPKF ProtoPaint LDS. This paint
contains additives to enable the LDS
process. The paint is cured for three
hours at 70°C, then the part is ready
for LDS. Once the conductive tracks
are written by the laser, the part is
removed and the tracks thickened by
an electroless plating process using
LPKF’s ProtoPlate LDS solution.
This machine and process can also
be used for low-volume manufacturing of custom parts. For example, Boris
Yasinov from Elcom Technologies said
he could produce 500 custom filters
in one week using this machine. Also
see the video on the process at https://
Note that normally, for mass production, the chemical components
Figs.12 & 13: a 3D-MID being designed in
Altium Designer and a rendering
of an assembled 3D-MID.
Fig.14: the LPKF ProtoLaser 3D for
laser direct structuring. It can write
conductive tracks onto prototype
components. Source: www.lpkfusa.
Silicon Chip
Fig.15: the LPKF prototyping process
for 3D-MID components. Source:
for LDS on 3D-MIDs are incorporated
into the plastic feedstock for injection
moulding and don’t have to be sprayed
on. See below for further information
on LDS.
Injection moulding
Injection moulding is the process
most used to fabricate 3D-MIDs and
IMSE devices, except for prototyping
or low-volume production runs. In
fact, this is the most common method
of mass production of solid plastic
components of any kind.
The process of injection moulding
involves feeding plastic pellets from
a hopper into a heated screw feed
mechanism, which melts the plastic
and injects the required amount into a
mould (Fig.16). The mould is custom
made for the required part (see Fig.17).
A typical small injection moulding
machine is shown in figure Fig.18.
Two-shot injection moulding is a
variation of injection moulding. A
moulded part is first made as per the
conventional injection moulding process. Then, the part is put into another
Fig.16: a simplified diagram of an injection
moulding machine. The parts are: 1) screw
feed with heated barrel to melt & inject plastic
into mould, 2) hopper for plastic granules, 3)
nozzle, 4) & 6) mould, 5) moulded part. Source:
section of the mould, which is a different shape to the first, into which additional material is injected to form the
final shape of the part.
The additional material may be
the same type of plastic in a different
colour, or a different type of plastic.
For example, a rubbery compound can
be added to the first part, as is commonly done with power tool housings.
Those principles apply for all types of
Australia's electronics magazine
two-shot injection moulding, regardless of whether it is used for 3D-MIDs
or not.
One of the biggest costs for injection
moulding is the cost of moulds, which
are finely machined to high levels of
accuracy and can come in complex
shapes. Significant cost savings can
be made by machining moulds from
aluminium rather than stainless or
hardened steel, but they have lower
April 2025 15
Fig.17: the basic scheme of injection moulding. In this case, the charge of
molten plastic is injected at the top into the mould
and two parts are produced simultaneously.
durability, less longevity and worse
dimensional accuracy.
Nevertheless, aluminium moulds
might be perfectly acceptable for many
or most applications.
Plastic choices
ejector pins
A wide range of injection mouldable plastics are possible for 3D-MID,
• acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
• polycarbonate
• polyphenylene ether
• polyetherimide
• polybutylene terepthalate
• polyethylene terepthalate (PET)
• polyamide 66 (Nylon 66)
• polyamide 6 (Nylon 6)
• polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)
• liquid crystal polymer
• polyether ether ketone
The specific choice of plastic
depends on factors such as cost, thermal stability, mechanical properties,
UV stability, chemical stability and
compatibility with metallisation methods and additives.
A variety of plastics are suitable for
the fabrication of IMSEs, including
polycarbonate, polyester, acrylic (Perspex), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
(ABS) and polyurethane.
Metallisation methods for
Fig.18: a typical small injection moulding machine. The cone-shaped hopper
contains plastic granules. Beneath that is a horizontal screw feed. The mould
goes inside the yellow cage and the product exits via the chute to the left of the
yellow control panel. Source:
Fig.19: the process of laser direct
structuring in which a laser
creates metal particles by
chemically transforming an
additive precursor while
also roughening the surface.
List of Important Acronyms
(3D-)MID | (three-dimensional)
Mechatronic Integrated
| In-Mould (Structural)
| In-Mould Decoration
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Metallisation of 3D-MIDs is generally done using laser direct structuring,
but for two-shot injection moulding, it
is done via chemical means.
In LDS, the plastic compounds used
in injection moulding have special
additives of chemical compounds such
that when a laser is directed at them,
they undergo a chemical change to
reduce them to pure metallic atoms,
which are electrically conductive.
These form a nucleation centre for additional subsequent metal deposition.
In the case of 3D-printed prototypes
or low-volume production, these can
be instead sprayed onto normal plastic
as a paint. This paint undergoes a similar chemical reaction when exposed
to a laser beam, creating conducting
pure metal atoms.
The laser used in LDS is infrared
and has a spot diameter typically of
50–100µm (0.05–0.10mm).
Chemical additives typically used
in LDS include cuprous oxide (Cu2O),
cupric oxide (CuO) and copper chloride (CuCl2). These are reduced to
In-mould structural
electronics (IMSE)
Fig.20: two-step or two-shot injection moulding. The plastic to be metallised
contains a special catalyst. Source:
pure copper nuclei by action of the
laser, typically in the form of copper
nanoparticles – see Fig.19. Other metal
complexes can also be used. The surface of the plastic is also roughened
by the laser, enhancing adhesion of
the subsequent metallisation.
The conducting pathways created
by laser direct structuring are not thick
enough to be used as-is; additional
metallisation is required to thicken
them and join the islands. Therefore,
after the laser process, the components
are dipped in a special chemical bath
containing catalysts and a copper or
other metallic compound.
More copper (or another metal such
as nickel, silver or gold) is deposited on the pathways modified by the
laser, which contain the aforementioned metallic nanoparticles that act
as nucleation centres for metal deposition. This process is purely chemical in
nature and is referred to as ‘electroless’
(meaning that no electrode is required).
After electroless deposition, electroplating of the tracks can also be
performed if extra-thick tracks are
required. This involves passing a current through a solution and the existing
metal tracks, causing additional metal
atoms to be attracted to the tracks,
which are incorporated into them.
LPKF report that they can achieve
through-hole plating of 3D-MIDs using
LDS, but they do not specify the process by which this is done. It is possible that they drill through-holes,
then use a laser to perform LDS on the
exposed surfaces before the electroless
and electroplating processes.
Chemical process for two-shot
injection moulding
In the case of a 3D-MID made using
two-shot moulding, metallisation is
done via a chemical process rather
than laser direct structuring. One of
the plastics contains a catalyst that
is metallisable, while the other does
not contain the catalyst. The presence
of the catalyst in one of the plastics
causes metal deposition on that part
when it is immersed in an appropriate
chemical bath.
Two examples are presented in
Fig.20. On the left, the first material to
be injected is metallised. On the right,
the material that is injected second is
3D assembly
Components have to be placed on
3D-MIDs and IMSE structures for soldering. This is done using 3D ‘pick
and place’ machines, which can operate in three dimensions rather than
just two as required for conventional
PCBs. An example of such a machine
is the Yamaha S20 – see siliconchip.
With IMSE, the main circuit carrier
component is mostly made in a single operation, unlike 3D-MID, which
requires several operations. Electrically conductive tracks are incorporated at the time of moulding. Discrete
electronic components, such as LEDs,
can even be incorporated at the same
time. IMSEs do have depth, but they
tend to be flatter than 3D-MIDs in most
IMSEs typically start as 2D films,
which may contain a printed design
comprising artwork, labels for buttons
or conductive or insulating tracks.
Then additional plastics processing
methods are used to convert them into
more complex 3D shapes. The IMSE
manufacturing process steps are:
1. The component is designed
with appropriate CAD software. An
example of one such CAD package
is TactoTek IMSE Designer, which is
intended for designing IMSE lighting devices for automotive applications (see
Another is Altium Designer, which
was already mentioned.
2. Screen, inkjet printing or another
form of printing is used on a plastic film. Decoration and/or labels are
applied to a flat piece of plastic using
a printing process; screen printing is
the most common. This is followed
by an additional printing process to
apply electrically conductive tracks,
similar to the tracks on a PCB. Special
metal-laden inks are used – see Fig.22.
3. Components are placed onto the
printed film using pick-and-place
equipment. The components are
attached with adhesive and electrical
connections are made via conductive
inks – see Fig.23.
4. The device is thermoformed
using heat and an appropriate moulding to form the required 3D shape.
WeLDS technology
WeLDS is a technology developed
by LPKF that combines LDS with
laser plastic welding. It creates unique
structures by welding 3D-MIDs to
other plastic structures – see Fig.21.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.21: an example of WeLDS
technology, with a device made by
3D-MID laser welder to another
plastic structure. Source: www.lpkf.
April 2025 17
Figs.22-25: (1) the tracks are laseretched onto a plastic film; (2) the
components are then mounted around
the periphery using a pick-and-place
machine; (3) thermoforming is done
to the part; (4) injection moulding
seals the circuitry and gives extra
structural rigidity. Source: www.
Within these structures, the typical
layers of an IMSE part may include:
¬ A film on the top, bottom, or both.
¬ Electronics on the top (or bottom)
film, or both.
¬ Injection moulding resin.
IMSE can be combined with IMD
graphics for, say, a control panel.
These are printed on a film which is
then placed in the mould cavity and
incorporated into the moulded part.
A manufacturer in the field, Tacto
Tek, has a theme of “smart surfaces” to
describe their use of IMSE technology.
Fig.8 is one example. Also see https://
Some advantages of IMSE products
are said to be a reduced part count,
higher durability, reduced assembly
time, more simple assembly, weather
resistance, reduced weight and thickness compared to other methods. It
is also possible to build illumination
into the product.
Printable inks for IMSE
Conductive inks for IMSE contain
metal particles such as silver, which is
quite expensive. SmartInk from Genes
Ink ( is
an example of a silver-containing ink
Thermoforming is a process that
for IMSE applications. Another such
involves heating plastic to its soften- ink is from Dycotec (
ing point and then moulding it into a link/ac3u).
shape – see Fig.24.
Some conductive inks contain
Care must be taken in the design graphite or carbon. For transparent
stage to ensure that deformation conductors, indium tin oxide (ITO)
during the forming process is not so can be used. It is see-through and can
great that it causes the printed tracks be ‘printed’ using physical vapour
to be excessively deformed and they deposition, electron beam evaporation
become non-conductive. This pre- or sputter deposition.
cludes shapes with excessively sharp
ITO is expensive, so alternatives
angles or other areas of high deforma- such as aluminium-doped zinc oxide
tion. Care must also be taken so placed (AZO), indium-doped cadmium
components remain on flat sections.
oxide and carbon-based materials like
5. The thermoformed component graphene and carbon nanotubes are
from the previous step is placed in an being explored as substitutes. Carbon-
injection moulding machine, where it containing inks can also be used for
is overmoulded to seal the electronics static dissipation.
and circuitry, and to give some strucDielectric inks are also used for
tural rigidity – see Fig.25.
insulation purposes. Other materials
6. The component is trimmed to
used include electrically conductive
remove excess material and bring it to adhesives.
its final shape ready for use.
Due to the high cost of silver, it is
Typical examples of structural desirable to find appropriate substioptions with IMSE devices are:
tutes. Substitutes that are being inves• A two-film structure with a film tigated are copper, aluminium and
on top and bottom, and injection- nickel, of which copper is the most
moulding resin in between.
promising; it is only about 1% of the
• A film on the top and injection cost of silver. It has been used to some
moulding resin on the bottom.
• A film on the bottom and injection
A major disadvantage of copper
moulding resin on the top.
is its tendency to oxidise over time.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Approaches to improving the oxidation resistance of copper-containing
inks include:
• Coating copper micro and
nanoparticles with various substances.
• Using antioxidant additives.
• Using copper nanowires.
• Making mixtures of copper
nanoparticles with other substances
like carbon nanotubes.
• Sintering copper powder or copper compounds using a laser or flashlamp to make a contiguous copper
layer like on a PCB.
Non-metallic conductive inks are
also possible, such as those made
with the conducting polymer poly(3,4-
ethylenedioxythiophene) mixed with
polystyrene sulfonate. This is referred
to as PEDOT:PSS.
3D-MID and IMSE have their advantages and disadvantages. 3D-MID
tends to be used when miniaturisation,
high reliability and a 3D structure is
required. IMSE devices tend to be flatter, although still three-dimensional,
and are more suited to control panels
and other human interface devices,
including ‘smart surfaces’.
Both technologies have many applications across aerospace, automotive,
medical and consumer electronics.
There are no hard and fast rules about
which technology should be used
where. It comes down to cost, designer
intent, volume and complexity. SC
Celanese (
products/micromax) for inks
Cicor (
Contag (
Distributed Micro Technology Ltd
Dycotech (
DuraTech (
Eastprint (
Essemtec (
GenesInk (
Harting (
See their video on 3D-MID at
Lüberg Elektronik (
Sun Chemical (
ac3w) for inks
TactoTek (