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The 433MHz LIPD (low interference potential device)
band is used by many devices for radio control. There
is no need to apply for a class licence, and the availability of low-cost modules means it is easy
to create a custom wireless link. As it is no longer so easy to get these modules locally, we have
created our own version, which is a direct replacement for commercial equivalents.
e’ve published many projects
that operate on the 433MHz
LIPD band. Many include a transmitter and receiver module pair, or one
or the other to interface with existing
equipment. The existence of drop-in
radio modules has made this quite
ACMA, the Australian Communications and Media Authority, is
responsible for the regulation of this
radio band.
According to the Radiocommunications (Low Interference Potential Devices) Class Licence document, this band covers 433.05MHz
to 434.79MHz, actually excluding
433MHz and being fairly well centred
on 434MHz. Many devices (including
this Transmitter) operate at a nominal
The general provisions of the licence
are that a person may operate a radio
transmitter in one of the LIPD bands
so long as the prescribed frequencies
and equivalent isotropically radiated
power (EIRP) restrictions are observed.
In other words, a paid licence is not
needed if the licence conditions are
obeyed. For the spectrum between
433.05MHz and 434.79MHz, the EIRP
is not to exceed 25mW. The full licence
details can be found at
There is the proviso that a device
“is generally not expected to suffer
interference, but may under specific
circumstances”. We’ve heard stories
of garage or car remote controls that
Silicon Chip
stopped working because of interference from another source, so it can
There are some other restrictions
relating to areas near specific astronomical observatories and the like.
The upshot is that as long as you
can comply with some fairly simple
restrictions, anyone can transmit on
this band.
Past projects
Nearly all of our projects using
433/434MHz transmitters and receivers have used prebuilt modules. Typical transmitter modules include Jaycar’s ZW3100 and Altronics’ Z6900;
the corresponding receiver modules
are the Jaycar ZW3102 and Altronics
We’ve written about these as far
back as Part 6 of Stan Swan’s PICAXE
series (July 2003;
Article/3908). That was about when
these modules started to become
available. We have noticed some local
suppliers warning they will be discontinued soon, though.
We recently started incorporating
discrete transmitter circuits into some
of our designs. The Remote Control
Range Extender from January 2022
( and the
Secure Remote Switch from December
2023 and January 2024 (siliconchip.
au/Series/408) both did so.
They incorporate custom circuitry
built around an RF chip, the MICRF113
ASK Transmitter IC. ASK is short for
‘amplitude-shift keying’, where digital
data is encoded as different amplitude
levels of the carrier wave.
To ensure all these projects could
still be built, we decided to design
this drop-in replacement for the tiny
transmitter modules. Our Transmitter
design has the same size, shape and
pinout, so is interchangeable. Later
we’ll look at some minor differences
from the modules; they are mostly
Fig.1: a typical application for these sorts of modules is to create a wireless link.
The DATA signal is usually a bit stream with a specific type of serial encoding,
rather than a plain HIGH/LOW digital level. The antenna is often a quarterwave monopole in the form of a piece of wire about 170mm long.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.2: the Transmitter circuit mostly consists of the recommended RF capacitors
and inductors for the MICRF113, along with a 13.56MHz crystal to set the
carrier frequency. We added a voltage regulator and DATA input protection
circuitry to allow operation with 3.3V or 5V systems.
improvements made possible by the
MICRF113 chip.
Module overview
We also thought that this was a
good time to take a deeper look at
these modules, their general operating parameters and what their limitations are. There are of course many
cheap versions available from online
sellers, and the available information
can be limited.
The transmitter module is our focus
in this article, although we will look at
how the receiver extracts the signal of
interest from the busy radio spectrum.
This information is presented at the
end of the article, in case you are only
interested in building the Transmitter.
Fig.1 shows a typical arrangement
used to provide a wireless link. It is
as simple as supplying power to the
transmitter module and providing a
data signal. What goes in the DATA pin
on the transmitter generally comes out
at the DATA pin on the receiver, subject to the limitations of the modules,
which we also discuss later.
Transmission over distances of up to
100m are possible in open air.
Usually, the data is an encoded
packet reporting a status or a command. The packets are brief (perhaps
0.1s in duration) and are only transmitted occasionally, which helps to
avoid interference with other equipment. Even if one packet interferes
with another device, it’s unlikely the
intervals between packets will match
exactly, so they will only interfere
The software at each end is often
designed to encode an identity (possibly using DIP switches or the like),
as well as the command or data. This
is so that a similar nearby transmitter
does not trigger a receiver unless both
share the same identity value. Some
codes also include a checksum to validate the integrity of the data.
Circuit details
Much of the circuitry needed,
shown in Fig.2, is outlined in the data
sheet for the MICRF113 chip. It should
come as no surprise that it is also similar to the Discrete Transmitter for the
Secure Remote Switch.
As well as IC1, the MICRF113, there
is 13.56MHz crystal X1, along with its
requisite load capacitors, operating
as a frequency reference. IC1 uses an
internal ×32 PLL (phase-locked loop)
to multiply that up to 433.92MHz.
The capacitors and inductors on the
PAOUT pin (which delivers the RF
signal) form a signal matching network to limit the transmitted harmonics.
The LINK resistor should normally
be a 0W jumper, but a resistor can be
used instead to reduce the output RF
power and thus the necessary supply
current. There are more details on this
in the MICRF113 data sheet. A solder
blob across its pads would also work!
The MICRF113 has an operating
supply voltage range of 1.8-3.6V; we
Australia's electronics magazine
have chosen a nominal 3.3V and added
a voltage regulator to provide this. The
current demand is about 2mA in the
quiescent state and 12mA when transmitting, so a small regulator is all that
is needed.
We used the MCP1700, which
can handle up to 6V at its input, as
we expect in most cases it will be
receiving 5V. Its dropout voltage at
the expected load levels is less than
0.1V, so it won’t cause a problem if a
lower supply voltage like 3.3V is used
instead. The two 1μF capacitors are
required by the regulator for stability,
while the 100nF capacitor provides
local supply bypassing for IC1.
Finally, the incoming data signal
(from a microcontroller or the like)
comes through a series resistor with
a shunt diode to limit the voltage at
the ASK pin. Thus, our Transmitter is
compatible with 5V and 3.3V supply
and logic levels.
The Transmitter has been designed
to fit in the same compact footprint
as the Jaycar ZW3100; the Altronics part is slightly smaller, and all
have the same pinout. So the assembly will involve working with small
SMD parts.
The MICRF113 chip comes in the
SOT-23-6 package, while most of the
passives are M2012 (0805 imperial) at
2 × 1.2mm, with one slightly smaller
(M1608/0603 or 1.6 × 0.8mm) part.
You’ll need the standard SMD gear
such as flux paste, tweezers and so
forth. A magnifier and good light will
be a great help with such small parts.
Fume extraction is always recommended when working with flux paste,
and you should have a solvent to clean
up the flux residue, too.
We’ve managed to fit all the parts
on one side, so you can use some BluTack or similar to keep small the PCB
in position on your workbench. Solder
wicking braid will be handy to remove
any solder bridges that might occur.
We’ve managed to fit practically all
the component designators on the PCB
silkscreen, but it’s best to refer to the
overlay diagram (Fig.3) and accompanying photo to confirm the location of
the components.
Start by spreading a thin layer of
flux paste on all the PCB pads. IC1
has the smallest pin pitch, so place it
first. Its pin 1 designator is very small,
so you will probably need to examine
April 2025 73
You can also check your assembly against the photo here (shown enlarged
and at actual size on the left). We used a right-angled header, but you might
like to use straight headers to allow the module to be mounted parallel to
a PCB, like we did with the Secure Remote Switch. We’ve designed our
Transmitter to be a drop-in replacement for the Jaycar ZW3100 shown in the
centre and on the right (as well as Altronics’ equivalent). It is even the same
size with the same pinout.
Fig.3: the PCB is quite small, but we
managed to fit most of the component
designators on the PCB silkscreen.
You can check the components on the
overlay diagram here as you go.
Fig.4: with the components fitted
as shown here, you can probe for
continuity at the marked pads, which
will indicate whether the inductors
have been soldered correctly.
Silicon Chip
it under magnification to confirm the
correct orientation. It must be aligned
with the matching mark on the PCB
silkscreen, which is near L1.
If you have the PCB upright, with X1
at the top and the external connections
at the bottom, the text on IC1 should
be upright, too.
Clean the tip of your iron and add
some fresh solder. Tack one lead and
confirm that the others are flat and
within their pads. If needed, adjust
the part position by using the iron
to remelt the solder. Then solder the
remaining leads.
Use solder-wicking braid to remove
any solder bridges as you go. It will
be trickier as more components are
added. Add a little more flux paste,
press the braid against the bridge
with the iron and then slowly draw
both away when the excess solder is
taken up.
Next, fit the two SOT-23-3 parts. D1
is near IC1, while REG1 is near the
external connector. Fortunately, they
should both only fit one way. You
can use the same idea; tack one lead,
adjust and then solder the remaining
leads. These parts have leads that are
quite spread out, so they should not
bridge easily.
Next, fit the two inductors. These
will be a bit fiddly, since their leads
are only on the undersides. You will
need to apply the iron to the PCB pad
and add solder, allowing it to melt and
flow onto the leads. The smaller 68nH
part is L2, which sits between the 5pF
Australia's electronics magazine
and 12pF capacitors, while 470nH
inductor L1 is between IC1 and REG1.
While L2 is the smaller M1608/0603sized part, we have used M2012/0805
pads to make soldering it easier. All
the remaining two-lead parts are in
M2012/0805 packages.
If you are unsure that the parts have
been soldered correctly, you can check
this with a multimeter set to continuity or resistance modes. The inductors
have low DC resistance, so both should
read well under 10W. With none of the
surrounding parts fitted, they are safe
to probe.
For L2, probe the adjacent pads
on the 12pF and 5pF capacitors, as
shown in Fig.4. Using a nearby pad
eliminates the chance of a false positive in the event that the component
is connected to the solder in the joint
but not the pad below.
For L1, try the other end of the 12pF
capacitor and the end of the 0W link
next to L1. If you get a low resistance
reading across each inductor then all is
well. If not, try adding some flux paste
to each joint and reflow the solder with
your iron before checking again.
The passives
Fit the crystal, X1, next; it is unpolarised, as are the other remaining parts.
Its leads are quite small, so you might
need to use a similar soldering technique to the inductors. The larger PCB
pads should make this easy, although
you won’t be able to test for continuity
in the same fashion.
Be careful not to mix up the capacitors. The two 18pF capacitors are adjacent to the crystal and then, on the
left of the PCB, are the 12pF capacitor
above L2 and the 5pF crystal below it.
The two 1μF capacitors are near REG1,
while the 100nF part is next to IC1.
Move on to install the 4.7kW resistor in the bottom-right corner and the
0W link nearby. Finally, fit the header
of your choice; we used a right-angle
header to match the prebuilt transmitters.
Use a solvent to thoroughly clean
the flux from the PCB and allow it
to dry. Inspect your soldering with
a magnifier and confirm that all the
components are soldered correctly
with no bridges.
If you wish to proceed cautiously,
you should power up the Transmitter
from a current-limited supply. The
Transmitter should draw around 3mA
while idle or 15mA when transmitting.
Something simple, like a 330W resistor in series with a 5V supply, would
also be suitable.
Add a jumper wire or similar
between the GND and DATA pins to
ensure that the Transmitter is initially
in the idle state. Then apply power and
measure voltage across the resistor; it
should be no more than around 1V.
The next step is to apply a waveform to the DATA pin and see that it
is received correctly. You may have a
project planned for the Transmitter, in
which case you should simply connect
it and try it out.
Another simple test we tried can
be done with a piezo transducer and
a 433MHz receiver module. Wire up
the receiver module so that the piezo
is connected between its DATA output and GND, then connect 5V power.
You might not need an antenna to
test over short distances, such as on
a workbench.
The piezo should emit a sound like
white noise or static; this indicates that
it is picking up normal background RF
noise. If you then power on the Transmitter and drive its DATA input high,
the noise should cease as that signal
overwhelms the background noise and
saturates the receiver’s automatic gain
control (AGC).
Driving the DATA pin low should
similarly cause the background noise
to resume. Applying a 1kHz square
wave to the DATA pin should cause
a high-pitched noise to be emitted
from the piezo. Note that you should
always make sure the DATA pin is
driven, since it is a high-impedance
input and could otherwise float to an
unknown level.
You can read more about some of
our comparative tests in the text below,
but we have found our Transmitter
to be just as good, if not better than,
other similar transmitter modules it is
a drop-in replacement for.
It is capable of transmitting at
10mW, which could fall foul of the
EIRP restrictions if used with a highly
directional antenna. So we recommend sticking to simple antenna
designs, such as a quarter-wave dipole,
(~170mm for 433MHz) to ensure that
you do not exceed the licence limits.
If you must use a directional
antenna, replace the 0W link with a
resistor to reduce the output power
(refer to the MICRF113 data sheet).
A detailed analysis of
433MHz modules
We performed some testing on these
modules to ensure our replacement
performed at least as well. We purchased a ZW3100 (transmitter) and
ZW3102 (receiver) recently from Jaycar; these will be our test subjects,
alongside our new Transmitter.
The information on the Jaycar website indicates a maximum supply
current of 10mA and a maximum output power of 3dBm (or 2mW) for the
ZW3100. The suggested data rate is
300bps to 10kbps.
While the 2mW might sound comfortably within the 25mW limit, the
EIRP (equivalent isotropically radiated power) could be higher. It is calculated as though the maximum signal strength (which might only occur
in one direction) was radiated in all
directions. In fact, the EIRP can be no
less than the actual power.
For a theoretical isotropic (outputting the same power in all directions)
antenna, the figures will be the same.
A highly directional antenna will have
higher EIRP since the radiation is concentrated.
Fortunately, we nearly always use
non-directional antennas with these
modules. The typical gain of quarter-
wave monopole antennas is no more
than 3dBi, which is about a factor of
2, keeping the EIRP to around 4mW,
well under the 25mW limit.
The MICRF113 in the Transmitter
specifies an output power up to 10dBm
or 10mW. So it too is unlikely to fall
foul of the restrictions with a quarter-
wave monopole antenna. The current draw on the MICRF113 peaks at
around 13mA during transmission, so
it does draw slightly more current for
a substantially higher output power.
Receiver operation
If you have ever monitored the output of the receiver modules while
Parts List – 433MHz Transmitter Module
1 double-sided PCB coded 15103251 measuring 19 × 15mm
1 4-way pin header, straight or right-angled to suit application (CON1)
1 13.56MHz 5.0 × 3.2mm surface-mounting crystal (X1)
[Abracon ABM3-13.560MHZ-B2-T]
1 470nH inductor, M2012/0805 size, >434MHz SRF (L1)
[Coilcraft 0805HT-R47TJLB or Murata LQW21HNR47J00L]
1 68nH inductor, M1608/0603 size, >434MHz SRF (L2) [Bourns CW16080868NJ, Coilcraft 0603CS-68NXJLU or Murata LQW18AS68NJ00D]
1 4.7kW M2012/0805 size SMD resistor, ⅛W
1 0W M2012/0805 size SMD resistor or value to suit (see text)
1 MICRF113YM6 SOT-23 ASK transmitter IC, SOT-23-6 (IC1)
1 BAT54C/BAT54S/BAT54 200mA 25V schottky diode, SOT-23 (D1)
1 MCP1700-3302 3.3V LDO voltage regulator, SOT-23 (REG1)
Capacitors (all SMD M2012/0805 size, 50V ceramic unless noted)
2 1μF 50V X7R
1 100nF 50V X7R
2 18pF C0G/NP0 (or to suit crystal)
SC7430 Kit ($20 + postage):
1 12pF C0G/NP0
includes all the parts listed here
1 5pF C0G/NP0
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 75
Fig.5: examples of various encodings that are used with RF (and IR) systems.
The pulses are different to encode a 0 or 1 while maintaining a duty cycle near
50%. Manchester encoding is often decoded by looking for the rising or falling
edge in the middle of the bit time, rather than the pulse length or spacing.
Scope 1: in the absence of a strong, nearby transmitter, the receiver modules
will deliver noise. When connected to a piezo transducer or similar, it sounds
like white noise.
Scope 2: the current draw (and thus output power) of the Jaycar ZW3100 shows
an analog response to a triangle wave, suggesting it is capable of amplitude
modulation (AM) to some extent.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
nothing is transmitting, you might
have noticed the signal is just noise;
there is no always low or high idle
state. Scope 1 shows a scope grab of
the receiver output when no transmission is occurring.
This is due to the way that the
receivers resolve signals with different
strengths. During transmission, they
must be able to deliver a valid signal,
whether the transmitter is nearby or
far away. In other words, they must
be able to cope with receiving weak
or strong signals and produce the
same output.
The operation of many infrared
(IR) receivers is much the same too,
although most IR receivers have extra
circuitry to suppress the output noise
during idle periods.
Though the modules are described
as using ASK modulation, it is typically the most simple form called OOK
(on-off keying). With OOK, one of the
levels is ‘carrier on’ and the other is
‘carrier off’. Here, the carrier refers to
the underlying 434MHz signal.
The raw data is also further encoded
with the likes of pulse-length, pulsewidth or pulse-distance modulation
(as also used in IR remote controls).
Manchester encoding is another system that is also used in these scenarios.
Fig.5 shows representative waveforms
of some of these encodings.
The simple on-off nature of the data
means that the receiver only needs to
recognise two signal levels, and this
is done with the assistance of automatic gain control (AGC). This is much
the same principle that ensures that
nearby and far AM radio stations are
received at the same volume.
The AGC takes an average of the
incoming signal strength, compares
it to the instantaneous strength and
adjusts the receiver gain to compensate. The AGC response time will also
dictate a minimum data rate; if the
receiver sees a carrier on state for too
long, it will saturate and start producing noise.
This is why the various encoding
schemes have a duty cycle close to
50%. It means that the carrier on and
carrier off levels are a similar distance
from the average that the AGC sees,
and both output levels are decoded
Analog behaviour
There are some reports of these modules being capable of transmitting and
receiving analog data, such as voice or
audio, using AM (amplitude modulation). But it’s doesn’t appear to be possible with either the Jaycar receiver or
our Transmitter.
The Jaycar transmitter might be
capable of AM transmission, so could
be used for this purpose with an appropriate receiver. Scope grabs of our tests
are shown in Scope 2 (Jaycar Transmitter) and Scope 3 (our Transmitter).
In these, the blue trace is a triangle waveform from a signal generator,
which was fed into the DATA input of
the transmitter module. The red trace
is the output of a nearby receiver, and
the green trace is the voltage across a
resistor in the transmitter’s positive
supply; a crude current measuring
Being in the positive supply, a lower
voltage means more current being consumed by the transmitter. Assuming
that the current reflects the strength
of the RF transmission, we can get an
idea of whether the modulation is AM
or simple OOK.
For Scope 2 (the ZW3100), we can
see that the current does indeed follow the incoming signal level over a
range, while Scope 3 (our Transmitter)
shows a very digital response, with
a hysteresis between 1.3V (falling)
and 2.0V (rising). So we don’t think
our module will be suitable for AM
In both cases, you can see that the
receiver has a very ‘digital’ response,
so we don’t think it could be used for
AM reception. There is what appears
to be some hysteresis in the receiver
output, but part of that may be delays
in the receiver and its AGC response.
Comparative tests
To keep the tests between our module and the one from Jaycar fair, we
set everything up on a breadboard so
that we could swap between the two
transmitters without changing anything else.
We did not attach any external
antenna to the modules. The breadboard strips provide a very short
antenna that was sufficient for transmission over short ranges.
We looked at aspects like signal
delay between the transmitter and
receiver and the response to transmitting at different data rates. For all
these, we used our Arduino Uno to
generate a pulse-width waveform of
the type used in 433MHz applications.
Scope 3: our Transmitter has a more digital response, even showing hysteresis.
This should provide a cleaner signal when used in digital applications, as is
usually the case for these modules.
Scope 4: the blue trace shows a transmitter input, while the red trace is a
receiver output. The short delay between the two is around 20-40μs and differs
slightly between the modules.
Each cycle is nominally 720μs, giving
a 1.4kbit/s data rate.
We used an oscilloscope to compare
the data coming from the Uno to the
data received by the receiver module.
Scope 4 shows the delay between
the input to the transmitter and the
output from the receiver. For both
transmitters, the rising edge was propagated more quickly than the falling
edge (by about 10μs). Also, our Transmitter showed quicker response times
in general; around 20μs compared to
35μs for the ZW3100.
This could be partially due to the
higher output power of our Transmitter, but there may also be some difference in the way that the incoming
signal is modulated. Our findings in
Australia's electronics magazine
the Analog behaviour section above
are consistent with that.
The next test involved speeding
up the waveform until we started to
see missed and distorted pulses. Our
Transmitter did not miss a pulse until
we reached cycle times under 95μs or
around 10.5kbit/s, while the ZW3100
started missing pulses at around 105μs
or 9.5kbit/s. Scope 5 shows the conditions we looked for.
The transmitter input is delayed to
align it better to the receiver’s output;
you can see a few locations where the
receiver waveform has stayed high
when it should have gone low.
SDR analysis
We also examined the output of the
April 2025 77
Scope 5: the green trace is the transmitter input delayed slightly to roughly align it with the red trace of the receiver
output. You can see that at higher pulse rates than in Scope 4, pulses are missed and the asymmetry between rising and
falling edges is more pronounced.
transmitters using a software defined
radio (SDR) receiver. The necessary
hardware can be found in cheap USB
TV receiver dongles. The free AirSpy SDR# program provides a way of
receiving and viewing the spectrum
of the RF signal.
We used much the same hardware
as mentioned in Jim Rowe’s Software
Defined Radio article from May 2013
( Since
we were performing simple comparative tests, we used the basic whip
antenna included with the dongle.
Screen 1 (our Transmitter) and
Screen 2 (ZW3100) show the received
spectra, with a displayed bandwidth
covering the approximate range of the
433MHz LIPD band. The SDR is not a
precision device, so the readings are
simply relative to its full scale (0dB
at the top of the spectra). The peak
of both transmitters sits very close to
433.92MHz, as expected.
Our Transmitter has a few spurs
and it peaks at around -4dB, while the
ZW3100 has a wider spread and more
spurs. It peaks at around -8dB. That
Screen 1: the spectrum of our Transmitter is neatly confined
to the 433MHz LIPD band.
Silicon Chip
is not surprising, given the expected
output power given by the respective
data sheets.
Our Transmitter works as a drop-in
replacement for the ZW3100; it should
work in all applications that require
a digital transmitter on the 433MHz
LIPD band. The ZW3100 does seem
capable of amplitude modulation, so
you might prefer if you want to experiment with audio or other analog transSC
Screen 2: the ZW3100 transmitter module has a wider
spread, more spurs and lower peak power than our
Australia's electronics magazine