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Antenna Analysis
and Optimisation
Over the last two articles, we have explained how antenna matching and VSWR work
and given instruction on using the free “Smith” software to design antenna matching
networks. This final part in the series explains how to determine the bandwidth of an
antenna matching network.
Part 3 by Roderick Wall, VK3YC
fter reading the article last month,
you should know how to use the
free “Smith” software to design
an antenna matching network. This
will allow you to bring most antennas to resonance and achieve a VSWR
close to the ideal of 1:1 at a specific
Of course, radio transmitters and
receivers often need to operate over a
range of frequencies. You need to be
able to design the matching network
with enough bandwidth to pass signals over the range of interest. We will
now look at using another free software
package to achieve that.
Smith charts also have ‘constant-Q
curves’ that can be used to control the
bandwidth of a matching network. For
this, we will use the Iowa Hills Smith
Chart software; like the Smith program we used last month, it is also a
free download.
This software used to be available
from but that
website is unfortunately gone. Luckily,
someone kept a copy of it, so you can
download a zip of the whole website
Within that zip, navigate to the subdirectory “\wk-pub\\Downloads” and
you will find a file named “Iowa Hills
Smith”. Extract that, then
unzip it, and you will be able to run the
executable. We tested it on Windows
Screen 9: this C/L/C/L matching network comes close to the
black Q = 1 curve.
Silicon Chip
10 and 11, and it worked fine on both
Screens 9-12 show two different
matching networks that match a (118
– j99.5)W load to a 50W source. One
using a Q = 1 curve (Screens 9 & 10)
and the other using a Q = 6 curve
(Screens 11 & 12). The matching networks were kept within the constant-Q
curves as shown.
The Return Loss graph (Screen 10)
shows that the bandwidth for the Q =
1 network in Screen 9 is 4MHz wide
for a VSWR of 1.22:1. On the other
hand, Screen 12 shows that the bandwidth for the Q = 6 network (Screen
11) is 1MHz. To achieve the wider
bandwidth for the Q = 1 network, four
Screen 10: the frequency response plot of the matching
network/antenna combination shown in Screen 9.
Australia's electronics magazine
components were used, while the Q =
6 network used just three components.
The antenna Q sets the lowest possible Q and the widest possible bandwidth. If the antenna Q is high, the
bandwidth will be narrow regardless
of the matching network.
The Q = 6 matching network demonstrates that the bandwidth can be controlled to make it narrow if required.
These plots were modelled using ideal
capacitors and inductors, although the
Iowa Hills Smith Chart software can
also model non-ideal components.
The return loss graph in Screen 12
indicates the bandwidth is around
1.25MHz for a VSWR of 1.22:1.
Using the Iowa Hills software
This software works similarly to
Fritz’s Smith chart software but it has
its own quirks and procedures. Let’s
go through the steps required to reproduce Screens 9 through 12.
Launch SmithChart.exe and make
the window larger if you’d like to.
Then, in the upper-left corner, change
the frequency (F0) to 28.4 (MHz) and
the Span to 5 (MHz). Go to the “Set
Load” menu and choose the “Load,
Source, and Parasitics” menu option.
In the dialog box that pops up,
change the Load Impedance to 118
real and -99.5 imaginary numbers
giving (118 – j99.5)W, click Apply,
then click Close. You will then see
the red (antenna) and blue (source)
points in the correct positions on the
Smith chart.
Next, we add the Q = 1 curve by
selecting the “Q and VSWR Circles”
option, also under the “Set Load”
menu. In the right-hand column under
Q, change the first 0 to 1 (for Q = 1),
click Apply and then click Close.
Now we can build our matching network. We insert components starting
at the Load end, so open the “Shunt”
menu and click “Inductor”. Click on
the upper black Q = 1 curve, and you
will see that the inductor inserted in
the lower-left corner of the screen has
a value of 620nH.
Next, click “Series” and then
“Capacitor”, then click on the horizontal blue line running across the
middle of the chart to add a 56pF
capacitor. Repeat those two steps to
add a 560nH shunt inductor and a
110pF series capacitor to reach the
blue dot in the middle of the chart.
You should then have a display that
matches Screen 9.
Next, click on the Return Loss radio
button at centre left of the screen and
you will be greeted by a plot that
matches Screen 10.
The steps to reproduce Screen 11
& Screen 12 are similar to the above
except that you add the Q = 6 curve
Screen 11: this C/C/L matching network touches the black Q
= 6 curve so it has a smaller bandwidth than Screen 9.
instead of Q = 1 and then you add a
shunt inductor, followed by a series
capacitor and finally, a shunt capacitor. Refer to Screen 11 to see where to
click to get the same values of 200nH,
270pF & 240pF, respectively.
After returning to the Smith chart,
you can right-click on it four times to
remove the components you added,
change the Q curve via the “Q and
VSWR Circles” menu option and then
proceed to add the new matching components.
Screen 13 shows the result of clicking the “Sweep SC” radio button on
the left after setting the span to 1.25
(MHz) for the example in Screens 11
& 12. This Sweep value is the same as
the bandwidth, and the black line on
the chart confirms that the 1.25MHz
sweep fits inside the constant VSWR
1.22 circle.
In this example, hitting the Q = 6
curve while matching keeps the bandwidth narrow at 1.25MHz. You can use
this approach to limit the bandwidth
in your matching networks to just what
is required for better selectivity.
Transmission lines
Smith charts can be used to determine what the impedance is at each
end of a transmission line and to show
how transmission lines transform
Screen 12: the frequency response plot of the matching
network/antenna combination shown in Screen 11.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 49
◀ Screen 13: by enabling the Sweep
feature, we get the black line that
shows how the VSWR varies over the
frequency range of interest.
Screen 1: click this Keyboard button
in the Smith V4.1 software to type in
the complex antenna impedance.
The Velocity Factor (VF), also called
wave propagation of velocity, is the
ratio of the speed of an electromagnetic wave through a transmission line
to that in a vacuum.
Velocity Factor equals the reciprocal
of the square root of the dielectric constant K (relative permittivity εr) of the
transmission line. Use the following
formulas to convert between VF and K:
VF = 1 ÷ √K
K = 1 ÷ VF2
For this analysis, we will return to
Fritz’s Smith chart software that we
introduced last month.
Start a new chart and insert a point
at (50 + j65.65)W at 28.4MHz using the
Keyboard button shown in Screen 1
(reproduced from last month). Next,
insert a transmission line by clicking
the insert transmission line button
shown in Screen 3. It’s the fourth from
the left in that image.
Leave the transmission line impedance as 50W and set the Dielectric Constant (εr) to 2.2956, which corresponds
to a VF of 66%. This can be changed
later if required for testing different
transmission lines by clicking on the
transmission line in the schematic
window. The schematic window
shows both the electrical length and
the mechanical length for the transmission line, as you can see in Screen 14.
When you click OK, you will need to
set the length of the transmission line.
Move the mouse to intersect with the
20m blue circle at lower left, visible
in Screen 14, and click there. You will
see that the transmission line length
is set to 0.2495λ, effectively 1/4 of the
When both ends of a 50W transmission line are terminated with (50 +
j0)W, the line will not transform the
impedance and it can be virtually any
length. However, in this example, the
antenna is (50 + j65.65)W so the 50W
transmission line will transform the
antenna impedance to about (18.415
– j24.283)W.
The impedance at the transmitter
source end depends on the length of
the transmission line. Note that the
VSWR did not change from 3.4:1.
VSWR is the same at both ends for any
length of transmission line; the transmission line runs around the constant
VSWR circle. Try different impedance
transmission lines in Smith and see
what happens.
In this example, you can add a parallel inductor of around 214nH to bring
the VSWR to 1:1. This demonstrates
how a transmission line can be part of
an impedance-matching circuit.
Note how the matching component
is at the transmitter end of the transmission line and not at the antenna
end, so there will be power travelling
in both directions along the transmission line as in Fig.10 (from part one).
In this example, the 1/4-wavelength
transmission line moves the antenna
from one matching circle to another.
This example demonstrates why,
when you are analysing an antenna
or antenna element, the coaxial cable
between it and the antenna analyser
should be short as possible for accurate measurements.
If an antenna analyser were connected to the transmitter end of the
transmission line in this case, it would
give a reading of (18.356 – j24.101)W
and not the antenna impedance of (50
+ j65.65)W.
Screen 3: this toolbar lets you insert different elements into the circuit you want to test. This image and Screen 1 have
been reproduced from last month’s article.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Screen 14: using a 1/4-wavelength transmission line and a parallel inductor for antenna matching.
Screen 15: using a short transmission line and a series capacitor for antenna matching.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 51
If a transmission line has the same
impedance as the system and is
1/2-wavelength long or a multiple of
1/2-wavelength, the complex impedance will be the same at both ends of
the transmission line. That’s another
way of saying that a 1/2-wavelength
transmission line goes in a complete
circle on the Smith chart.
If the transmission line is made
exactly half a wavelength long, Smith
will not show it because it is effectively
just a point. Try different impedance
transmission lines in Smith and see
what happens.
Screen 15 shows a transmission
line being used to get onto a matching
circle, with a series capacitor to complete the match. Transmission lines of
different impedances and lengths are
often used with antennas for matching impedances.
Screen 16 shows a 50W open stub
(OS) being used to complete a match.
A parallel capacitor or shorted stub
(SS) could have been used instead of
the open stub.
Fig.16 is a two-metre Zepp J-pole
antenna. It uses a transmission line to
match a half-wavelength radiator element. The radiator is just under half a
wave parallel feedline for tuning. This
concept evolved into the Zepp J-pole
Exercises for the reader
Fig.16: the Zepp antenna is a clever
configuration (also known as a
J-pole antenna) providing inherent
transmission line matching.
wavelength long, while the matching
transmission matching line is around
a quarter wavelength.
The Zepp antenna was invented by
Hans Beggerow for use on the German
Zeppelin airships. Trailed behind the
airship, it consisted of a half-wavelength long radiator with a quarter
Antenna tuners sometimes use the
high-pass T configuration, with series
variable capacitors at each end and a
parallel inductor (to ground) in the
middle. By varying the capacitances,
this allows them to get a decent match
with a wide range of antennas. You can
simulate this in Smith and experiment
with component values to get various
antennas to a VSWR of 1:1.
Other antenna tuners use a low-pass
pi configuration, which has a parallel
variable capacitor at either end and a
series inductor in the middle. You can
experiment with that configuration too.
Arguably, the low-pass configuration
is better since it will filter out unwanted
harmonics that may cause interference,
whereas the high-pass T configuration
will pass the harmonics through.
As a final exercise for the reader,
produce a Smith chart showing a
305W transmission line being used to
match a Zepp antenna with a complex
impedance of (1889 – j0.0212)W to a
50W system.
Screen 16: a series transmission line along with an open stub transmission line can also be used for matching.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine