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Vintage Radio
The Astor APK 4-Valve Superhet
Astor released
the APK in
1958. It was
available in
ten two-tone
cabinet colour
ivory, cherry
red & white,
grey & white,
coral & white, blossom pink &
white, dark green & ivory, lime & white, tan &
white, China red & white, and turquoise & white.
he APK is first mentioned
in Mingay’s Price Guide for
Autumn 1958. This set was purchased through the Historical Radio
Society’s Victorian auction. It is similar to two other Electronic Industries
sets at the time, the Astor Mickey HNQ
and the Peter Pan FNQ.
The Astor Technical Bulletin for the
APK, dated 18/4/58, contains the circuit and alignment procedures. The
valve line up is 6BE6, 6AD8, 6AQ5 &
6X4; it has permeability tuning with
fixed capacitors and variable inductors, similar to most car radios before
frequency synthesis.
The tuning knob shaft has three
brass bands around a metal cylinder.
As the shaft rotates one (or two, in the
other direction) of the bands push or
pull a plastic sled above the chassis.
The sled has ferrite cores attached to
it and, as it moves, they move inside
the antenna and oscillator coils to tune
the radio. The technical note cautions
against adjusting the cores, while providing information on how to set them
if required.
While there are only four valves,
Silicon Chip
the circuit is more complex than usual
since it has a reflexed intermediate frequency (IF) valve that also acts as the
first audio amplification stage.
This has the advantage that it provides higher output than a set with the
same valve count but no reflexing, and
the reduced valve count makes it less
expensive and leads to less heat generated in the cabinet, which is important for plastic cabinet sets. However,
there are disadvantages to reflexing:
• Additional passive components
• An increased tendency to overload on strong signals
• A more complicated design (not
as much of a concern for large production runs)
• Increased distortion at high modulation levels
• Play-through/minimum volume
Play-through is the presence of an
audio output with the volume control
set to zero. It is caused by the rectification of the IF signal from the slight
curvature of the anode characteristic
(‘anode bend detection’) and amplification in the same valve.
Australia's electronics magazine
By Jim Greig
When the volume control is set
slightly above zero, the normal and
the out-of-phase play-through signals
roughly cancel. The audio is generally badly distorted at this point, as
explained in the Radiotron Designers
Handbook, pages 1140-1143.
Bias to the reflexed stage is a careful balancing act between minimising
play-through and preventing audio
signals in excess of the bias voltage
from drawing grid current. It is set to
-1.8V in this set, a very linear part of
the anode curve. To assist in maintaining the constant bias, automatic gain
control (AGC) is applied to the converter only (see Fig.1).
The converter stage employs an
unusual oscillator configuration; the
coil has no taps or secondary winding,
and it and the capacitor are in series.
The cathode is grounded and pins 6
(anode) and 1 (grid) form a triode with
the capacitor from cathode to grid and
the inductor from grid to anode.
At resonance, the series impedance
is at a minimum, and the signals across
the capacitor and inductor are 180° out
of phase. The triode anode has a 180°
Fig.1: Astor’s circuit for the set. It has a large number of components around the 6AD8 because it’s reflexed, handling both
IF and audio amplification. Voltages on this circuit were measured with a 1000W/volt voltmeter.
phase shift from the grid, so there is
positive feedback, and the valve oscillates at that frequency.
The IF amplifier is straightforward,
but it has a very low anode voltage
from the voltage drop across the 51kW
anode load resistor (#28).
Detected audio is filtered by capacitor 14 and applied to the volume control, while also supplying the AGC
voltage to the converter. From the
volume control, the audio is further
filtered by capacitor 12 to remove all
of the 455kHz IF signal and only pass
audio, which is directed to the grid of
the IF reflexed amplifier through the
secondary of the first IF transformer
The audio amplification stage provides reasonable audio gain, around
30 times, measured by applying a
1kHz sinewave to the volume control
wiper and monitoring the grid and
anode voltages.
At the operating point, the anode
current is 2.5mA, and the mutual conductance (gm) is around 1mA/1.25V
or 800µmho, with the load resistance
(Rl, 51kW) in parallel with the 470kW
grid resistance on the 6AQ5, giving an
overall load of 46kW.
The quick formula for a high internal resistance valve, gain = gm × Rl,
gives a gain of 37 times, but it measured as 30 times. A more accurate
formula for gain includes the valve
internal impedance.
The curve of anode voltage vs current for constant grid 1 (and 2) voltages
for a pentode is very flat (see Fig.3).
The (variational) anode resistance is
“the incremental change in anode
voltage divided by the incremental
change in anode current which it produces, the other voltages remaining
constant”, per the Radiotron Designers Handbook (page 14).
To calculate Ra, the current was
Table 1 – Anode current vs voltage
Anode voltage (Va) Current (Ia)
Australia's electronics magazine
measured at anode voltages around the
nominal 71V, with the actual operating voltages on Grids 1 (-1.74V) and 2
(43V) in-circuit – see Table 1.
I a increased by 8µA while V a
increased from 65V to 75V. Ra is therefore 10V/8µA or 1.25MW. Gain = gm ×
Rl × Ra ÷ (Rl + Ra), so the calculated
gain is 35, still higher than what I
Could the input impedance of the
6AQ5 be reduced by the negative feedback from the 100pF capacitor shown
in Fig.4?
It seems unlikely at 1kHz, but I
checked that by adding a 68kW resistor in series with the 2.2nF (0.022μF)
coupling capacitor and measuring the
AC voltages around it.
The 6AQ5 AC input impedance calculated from the voltages measured
is 141kW. RLl is then 37kW (51kW ||
141kW). The gain is now calculated
to be 29.5, which is close enough to
the measurement. Using the same
test method and removing the 100pF
capacitor increased the input impedance to 330kW, so the capacitor has a
definite effect.
April 2025 97
The audio gain from this stage
allows the use of overall negative
audio feedback (to the bottom of the
volume control), reducing distortion
and effectively increasing the audio
The circuit shows a resistor (#22)
and capacitor (#16) connected to the
diode on pin 8 of the 6AD8. After some
time looking for an electrical reason for
the diode and finding none, it seems
likely that the pin is used as a convenient tag for the connections, and saves
adding a ground wire to it.
The link has the effect of slightly
increasing the bias on the 6AD8 for
strong signals. It varied from -1.78V to
-1.97V, possibly to allow for a greater
voltage swing. When operating normally, there is around 8V (0.16mA
through 51kW) deviation of the 6AD8
anode voltage from the nominal 71V;
the valve is operating comfortably on
the linear part of the transconductance
curve (see Fig.2).
Audio is coupled directly to the
6AQ5 output valve, which operates
with -8V of fixed bias. The relatively
low anode voltage (185V) reduces the
heat dissipated (again, important in a
plastic cabinet) and lowers the power
transformer requirements.
Values from the RCA Receiving Tube
handbook (Frank’s electron tube data
sheets, RCA 6AQ5A) show comparative anode dissipations of 11.2W (250V
× 45mA) and 5.2W (180V × 29mA),
with the audio power output reduced
from 4.5W to 2W, which is still quite
sufficient for the set’s intended use.
Fig.2: 6AD8 valve mutual conductance plots from Frank’s Electron Tube Pages
(black) and my measurement (red).
The chassis is mounted diagonally
The under-chassis view with major components labelled.
W screen
Tuning shaft
3 brass bands
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.3: the 6AD8 pentode’s anode
characteristics (measured) for varying
control grid voltages.
Fig.4: some voltage measurements I
made to help determine the 6AD8’s
gain was as expected, or low.
in the cabinet, so the tuning shaft
connects directly to the large centred
dial, and the volume control is on the
lower left.
The cabinet was in good condition;
a wash with soapy water and a little
polishing had it looking in a reasonable state for its age. The chassis was
clean with no rust and a small amount
of accumulated dust.
Note that the speaker is held onto
the front panel with metal tags on plastic posts. It is hard to remove them and
keep the posts intact. Careful work
expanding the jaws of the clips before
removing them cut the breakages to
one in four.
I regarded all paper and electrolytic
capacitors in the set as potentially bad,
so I replaced them. Work had been carried out on the radio at some point; the
first filter capacitor (#18) was a newer
47µF type, not the 24µF specified; I
replaced it with 22µF, which is closer
to the original value.
I replaced the other filter capacitor
(#17) with a 16μF electrolytic that I
placed inside the original can. I also
replaced the 100pF mica capacitor
(#15) on the output anode, as it is subject to high voltages, and there is a history of mica capacitors in this position
breaking down.
Any faults on powering on would
not be from these components, and
hopefully not from a wiring error while
replacing them.
The original power cable was a twincore cord knotted behind the plastic
back, so I replaced it with a threecore cable, with the Earth connected
to the chassis and the cable properly
restrained. I carefully enlarged the
small hole in the cabinet’s rear to fit
the new the cord.
The power transformer sits on the
chassis, and the mains and HT lugs
are exposed and uninsulated; a clear
safety hazard. Now that the chassis
was Earthed, there would be 230V
AC from the mains Active to the chassis, around 440V AC from the out-ofphase HT secondary and 380V across
the secondary.
The back of the volume control also
has exposed mains wiring. Beware if
you are working on one of these radios;
cover the exposed terminals before
powering it on!
Having powered the radio on, there
was no smoke but its performance
was poor. A check of the DC voltages
showed some anomalies. I measured
146V on the 6AD8 anode, not 71V.
Its screen was at 28V. The converter
screen supply was also low.
So I powered it off and checked the
resistors. The ½-watt resistors were
within tolerance, but the 1W types
This top view of the chassis shows the permeability tuning system, which is attached to a plastic sled.
2nd IF
1st IF
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 99
Scope 1: the converter oscillator grid
voltage (red) and its anode voltage
Scope 2: the 6AD8 reflexed audio
amplifier’s grid (red) and anode
(yellow). You can see some of the IF
signal superimposed on the red trace.
Scope 3: the small variation with
signal in the 6AD8 anode voltage.
that were connected to the B+ were all
high in value: the 6AD8 anode resistor
(#28) was 60kW instead of 51kW, the
6AD8 screen resistor (#29) was over
100kW rather than 47kW, and the converter screen resistor (#30) was 60kW
instead of 47kW.
I replaced them all and then the
6AD8 screen measured 44V but the
anode was still over 100V. A new 6AD8
bought it back to 70V. The radio could
now tune a Melbourne station, and a
tweak of the IFs bought it in reasonably well.
Many of the Vintage Radio articles
include information on receiver sensitivity. I have no experience making these tests and no screened room.
However, I built a dummy antenna
based on Graeme Dennes’ in Radio
Waves, October 2020 and set up my
signal generator, oscilloscope and voltmeter. I measured the audio power
across the speaker; ideally, a resistor
would be used instead.
To obtain the standard 50mW of
output, I needed 1.5mV of modulated
RF. Assuming the dummy antenna to
be part of the receiver per the 1995
British Standard, the aerial voltage
to achieve the standard output was
1500μV, which is way too high. I
replaced the 6AQ5, which made no
difference, but a new 6BE6 converter
dropped the required signal level to
No doubt this is still too high, but
the AGC level increased from -0.51V
to -1.77V as the signal strength was
increased from zero; this change
would have reduced the sensitivity.
The result shows a lack of knowledge of the testing process rather
than the absolute performance of the
receiver, but it did help to diagnose a
weak converter valve.
In Bendigo, this set receives 774
Melbourne with some noise. A Panasonic R-399 12-transistor set with an
RF stage performed better, but there is
still noise; clearly, my location is not
ideal for receiving that station.
Overall, this set is typical of the era,
in an attractive shape and available in
numerous colours. It is well-made and
achieves quite good performance with
a reasonable price tag.
An advertisement from
The Biz (Fairfield, NSW),
24th of September 1958,
page 18.
● Frank’s Electron Tube Pages
● The Valve Museum (
● Radiotron Designers Handbook,
F. Langford-Smith, Fourth Edition
1963, Wireless Press
● Vintage Radio March 2019 (The
Astor HNQ Mickey;
● Astor Technical Bulletin Mantle Model-APK (www.kevinchant.
● HRSA Radio Waves, October
2020, Ferrite Rod or loop Antenna-
equipped Receiver Testing
● Advertisements from the
National Libraries Trove (https://
I added insulation around the power
transformer terminals after Earthing
the chassis (and thus the transformer
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine