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Mini Projects #024 – by Tim Blythman
555 Timer
The 555 is one of the best known ICs; it was
designed over 50 years ago but is still in
production and use. It has many uses
beyond its original intent as a timer.
Our circuit closely approximates the
operation of the main features of
the 555 timer, allowing classic 555
designs to be investigated.
e have seen circuits and even
kits that attempt to be faithful
to the internal workings of the 555; our
intention with this circuit is to see how
easy it is to implement the workings
of an integrated circuit (IC) using just
a few components on a breadboard. It
is not a direct replacement for a 555,
but it will allow many 555 circuits to
be built and investigated.
We have favoured simplicity over
exactness. Our circuit does not have
all the features of even the cheapest
555 chip. We’ve simulated and tested
it at 5V, and we know that it works
from about 4V to 6V. It should work
at higher voltages, too, but we’re specifying some 10V capacitors, so you
would need to change that for operation above 9V.
It lacks a RESET input and pushpull OUTPUT, but these are not
needed in the most common applications. It wouldn’t be hard to add them,
but we felt they would detract from
the simplicity.
You can see our circuit in operation
by watching the video at: siliconchip.
comprises a handful of components.
Three identical resistors connected in
series produce voltages at 1/3 and 2/3 of
the supply.
There are two comparators and a
latch; these are the core components
used for timing. In the typical astable
configuration (Fig.2), the TRIGGER
and THRESHOLD pins are connected
to a capacitor, C. The capacitor charges
via the two resistors until it reaches 2/3
of the supply voltage, triggering COMPARATOR 1.
This activates
the latch and thus the
DISCHARGE transistor. The
capacitor then discharges until
its voltage (and thus TRIGGER and
THRESHOLD) drops below 1/3 the supply voltage and COMPARATOR 2 is
triggered. The latch changes state and
the DISCHARGE transistor switches
off, allowing the voltage to rise and the
cycle to continue indefinitely.
The 555 timer
The block diagram of a 555 timer
(Fig.1) is a good place to start. Even
a simple IC like this has its own
building blocks. Each of these blocks
Fig.1: the 555 IC comprises these internal building blocks. Our version lacks
the reset function and output driver, although it includes an indicator LED to
show the output state.
Australia's electronics magazine
Silicon Chip
Fig.3: it’s remarkable
that the building
blocks shown in Fig.1
can be reduced to two
or three transistors
and a handful of resistors. The real 555 has many more transistors,
making it a lot more tolerant of supply voltage variations and other
operating conditions.
Fig.3 is our circuit, with the blocks
marked to align with Fig.1. The three
10kW resistors in series create the
1/3 and 2/3 supply voltage references.
The components at right are the extra
‘external’ components needed to set
up the circuit as an astable multivibrator.
Each of the comparators consists of
two transistors and two resistors, with
one comparator having an extra transistor to invert its output.
In each comparator, the two transistors form a differential pair. All
the current through the pair must
flow through the top resistor, which
Fig.2: just three external
components are needed to turn
the 555 IC or our circuit into an
connects to the emitters and is split
into separate collector circuits. The
current through each collector will
thus depend on whether each transistor is conducting.
With their emitters at the same voltage and since the emitter-base junctions are effectively silicon diodes,
whichever base is at a lower voltage
will conduct substantially more of the
current. That will switch on that transistor, allowing current to flow through
the corresponding collector.
Q2’s base is set to 3.3V by the
divider. If Q1’s base voltage is lower
than that, Q1’s collector will carry all
the remaining current coming through
the emitter resistor. No current flows
through Q2’s collector, and it sits
near 0V. If Q1’s base rises above 3.3V,
then current flows down Q2’s branch
instead, causing the voltage on Q2’s
collector to rise due to current through
the 10kW resistor.
The other differential pair works
similarly, although its output is
instead fed into an inverter (Q7 and its
collector resistor) so that the TRIGGER
output goes high when Q3’s base falls
below the 1/3 level. Instead of resistors,
a real 555 IC uses current sources and
current mirrors, allowing the circuit to
work better over a wider range of voltages, but resistors are simpler.
The latch
Transistors Q5 and Q6 plus four
resistors form a bistable latch. This
Australia's electronics magazine
is effectively a form of memory that
retains its state unless it receives an
external signal to change. If one transistor is on, it pulls the base of the
other transistor low, forcing it off. This
is positive feedback, reinforcing the
current state of the circuit.
To change the state of the latch, an
external signal supplies base current to
switch one of the transistors on, forcing its counterpart to turn off. Here, we
use diodes to inject current from each
of the differential pairs into either side
of the circuit.
The last thing needed to use our
timer circuit in the classic 555 astable
configuration is a DISCHARGE output.
This is simply an NPN transistor in the
same open collector configuration seen
in Fig.1. We’ve also added transistor
Q9 to drive LED1 to show the state of
the circuit. It also helps to even out the
load on Q5 and Q6 so that they behave
Astable oscillator
All that is needed to create an
astable multivibrator (or oscillator) is
to add the parts on the right-hand side
of Fig.3; these are the same minimal
parts needed to turn a 555 IC into an
oscillator. They do a job very much the
same as in an IC-based circuit.
The capacitor starts in a discharged
state, meaning that TRIGGER and
THRESHOLD are both low. Importantly, the TRIGGER voltage is less
than 1/3 supply, so the current flows
April 2025 21
through D1, meaning that Q5 is on
and Q6 is off. DISCHARGE (Q8) is off
and the capacitor can charge through
the resistors. Q9 and the LED are on.
At 1/3 supply, the TRIGGER comparator stops supplying current to
D1, and the latch keeps its current
state. At 2/3 supply, the THRESHOLD
voltage is passed and current now
passes through D2, switching on Q6
and switching off Q5. DISCHARGE
switches on too, and the capacitor
discharges until 1/3 supply is reached.
The cycle then repeats.
Parts List – Discrete 555 Timer (JMP024)
1 breadboard or prototyping board [Jaycar PB8820]
4 BC557 100mA PNP transistors (Q1-Q4) [Jaycar ZT2164]
5 BC547 100mA NPN transistors (Q5-Q9) [Jaycar ZT2152]
2 1N4148 75V 200mA small signal diodes (D1, D2) [Jaycar ZR1100]
1 yellow 3mm LED (LED1) [Jaycar ZD0110]
11 10kW ¼W axial leaded resistors [Jaycar RR0596]
1 4.7kW ¼W axial leaded resistor [Jaycar RR0588]
1 2kW ¼W axial leaded resistor [Jaycar RR0579]
4 1kW ¼W axial leaded resistors [Jaycar RR0572]
2 220μF 10V electrolytic capacitors [Jaycar RE6157]
1 5V DC power supply
Hookup wire or jumper wires
We laid our circuit out on a breadboard, since we expect readers will
want to change the circuit to test out
its operation.
It could be transferred to a prototyping PCB like Jaycar’s Cat HP9570
instead. Our Parts List includes the
wiring and the parts needed to use the
circuit as an oscillator; Fig.4 shows the
layout we used.
Q1-Q4 are the PNP transistors; we
used BC557s, but any of the BC55x
series parts should work. Similarly,
Q5-Q9 are BC547 NPN transistors that
can be substituted with any BC54x
The red arrows show the external
‘pins’, with power and ground being
supplied through the side power rails.
All power links are shown in red, with
ground in black. Other internal connections are blue. Note the power links
at the top of the breadboard.
The green wires and three components at upper left are the added
components needed to turn the circuit
into an oscillator. The values shown
here should cause the LED to flash at
a rate of about 1Hz. While building
your version, you can also refer to
our photos.
If you don’t see anything happen
when you apply power, check your
wiring. You can probe the circuit
with a multimeter to see what might
be wrong.
We started by building our circuit in
the LTspice circuit simulator. It is free
to use and can be downloaded from
We published a series of articles
about LTspice in 2017 and 2018
( It’s a
great way to test out circuit configurations and values before going to
the trouble of plugging components
into a breadboard. You can try our
simulation file to see how the circuit
operates (download from siliconchip.
Scope 1 shows the output of the
simulator. You can see the two comparators briefly activating in turn and
toggling the state of the latch. The
waveform is oscillating at 1.24Hz. The
calculated frequency for a 555 timer
in this configuration with these components is 1.32Hz.
We suspect the reason our version
is a bit slower than expected is that it
slightly overshoots the 2/3 supply voltage threshold. If you are going to experiment, we suggest sticking with external resistors similar in value (around
1kW) to the ones that we have used.
The comparator and latch are very
common building blocks in all types
of circuits. Here, you can see how
they can be combined to create a
simple but flexible circuit that can
do many jobs.
Scope 1: our LTspice simulation of the astable multivibrator. The grey and purple traces are the 1/3 and 2/3 supply reference
voltages, while TRIGGER and THRESHOLD follow the green trace (since they are connected together). The red and cyan
traces are the outputs of the comparators that trigger the latch to change state.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.4: this is a simplified version of the classic 555 timer IC that you can build from a couple of dozen components.
Follow this diagram closely, since many of the components are close together. Observe the type and orientation of
the transistors. The PNP transistors on the right have their emitters joined and thus they share a row. The ‘external’
timing parts are those at upper left plus the green wires.
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