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By Andrew Levido
Part 6: Digital-to-Analog Conversion
The first five parts of this series have concentrated on sources of error & imprecision
in analog circuitry, such as gain errors, offset voltages, bias currents & noise. These
days, most analog circuitry eventually interfaces with the digital realm, such as with a
microcontroller, so we also need to understand the precision approach to ADCs & DACs.
n this series so far, we have covered precision electronics from a purely analog
perspective. We designed a simple
multi-range current-sensing circuit
that could be used in a bench-top
power supply. It had an analog precision of around ±0.06% at 25°C after
trimming out fixed errors.
The idea was that the analog measurement voltage would be digitised
via an analog-to-digital converter
(ADC), with the trimming and calibration carried out digitally. We will
therefore ultimately need to design
an ADC subsystem that will have
similar or better performance to the
analog circuitry we have already
However, the topic of interfacing
digital and analog electronics is a big
one and quite complex. So I am going
to cover it over two articles, starting
here with some general principles and
then taking a look a digital-to-analog
converters (DACs) with a real-world
example, before moving on to ADCs
next month.
We will also need to take a look at
voltage references in a later article,
since any discussion of ADCs/DACs
would be otherwise incomplete.
Quantisation errors
A digital system like a microcontroller has to represent an analog quantity using a binary-coded number.
This can be a simple unsigned integer (zero or a positive whole number)
if we are representing a quantity that
is always positive, or an offset binary
or signed (two’s complement) integer
if the quantity can be both positive
and negative.
Table 1 shows how typical ADCs
and DACs represent such quantities, using 8-bit numbers as an example. Notice that the resolution of the
two’s-complement and offset integers
are lower because the input span is
twice the full scale value.
It might seem obvious, but you
need to take this into account when
choosing a converter. It’s all too easy
to fall into the trap of thinking about
Fig.1: the relationship between analog input or output and digital code for an
ideal 3-bit converter. (b) is more representative of real-life devices where the
quantisation error is usually ±½LSB.
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Australia's electronics magazine
full-scale instead of span in these circumstances.
In an ideal converter, the relationship between the analog input or output and the digital code will be as
shown in Fig.1. The horizontal axis
is the digital code (in this case, three
bits for simplicity), while the vertical
scale is the analog value as a fraction
of full scale.
The green line represents an ideal
transfer function, but since the digital codes are discrete, there must
be transition points, shown by the
black dots.
Taking the chart on the left as an
example, for an ADC, the code would
be zero for an input of zero volts and
it would remain so for input voltages
up to ⅛ of full scale, at which point
there will be a transition to the 001
code. For a DAC, the output voltage
will be somewhere below ⅛ of full
scale if the code is 000.
It’s obvious that there is a degree
of error inherent in any such converter, since the transition points
The vertical axes in Figs.2a-2d are
the analog voltages.
Table 1 – ADC and DAC numerial coding schemes
Unsigned Integer
Two's Complement
Offset Binary
+Full Scale
+Full Scale − 1
−Full Scale + 1
−Full Scale
are separated by one least significant
bit (LSB) of the input code. This is
called quantisation error and is an
inescapable consequence of the discrete nature of digital systems. In this
example, the quantisation error at any
point on the transfer function will be
somewhere between zero and one LSB.
The chart on the right side of Fig.1
is a more realistic example of how
a converter is configured; the ideal
transfer function is the same, but the
transitions are shifted ½ of one LSB so
that they occur between the nominal
analog values. In this case, the quantisation error is the same magnitude,
but is ±½ LSB either side of the nominal value.
Quantisation error can add noise
to an AC signal. If we were to apply a
linear ramp signal to an ADC, or try
to generate a linear ramp with a DAC,
the error would look like that shown
at the bottom of Fig.1b. The quantisation error would appear as a sawtooth
wave with an amplitude of ±½LSB.
We can calculate the signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) of a digitised sawtooth or
triangular waveform. If we have a converter with n bits, the maximum amplitude of an AC waveform can be ½ ×
2n LSB. The noise amplitude is ½LSB,
so the SNR is 20log10(2n) or approximately 6.02n decibels.
But this only applies to sawtooth
and triangle waveforms where the
signal has a uniform error distribution. For sinewaves, we have to use
the approximation SNR = 1.76 + 6.02n
decibels to allow for the uneven error
distribution. For an 8-bit converter,
the SNR due only to quantising will
be around 50dB, and for a 12-bit converter, it will be 74dB.
This is pretty significant; hence,
high-fidelity audio ADCs and DACs
use many bits and careful filtering to
maximise the SNR.
Quantisation error is therefore
defined by the resolution of the converter. You obviously need to select a
converter with sufficient bits to give
you the resolution that your application requires. Typically, you need even
more bits to account for some of the
other errors that can occur.
Further ADC & DAC errors
You will see ADC and DAC errors
expressed in a range of terms, so it
can be a bit confusing at first. We
have already seen quantisation error
expressed in least significant bits
(LSB), but you will also see errors
expressed as relative errors (percentages or parts per million) and in absolute terms like millivolts.
You can convert LSB to a percentage
error by dividing it by 2n (where n is
the number of bits, ie, the resolution)
and applying the appropriate scaling.
For example, the ½LSB quantisation
error on an 8-bit converter will be
about 0.2% (100% × ½ ÷ 28), while on
a 12-bit converter, it would be 122ppm
(106 × ½ ÷ 212).
We have seen in past instalments
that it can be useful to have errors
in both absolute and relative terms,
depending on whether we are adding
or multiplying uncertain quantities.
Fig.2 shows the four most common
types of error that are relevant for
ADCs and DACs. Offset error (Fig.2a)
is a fixed shift in transition points
away from their ideal locations. If
measured in LSB, it is defined by
the difference between the value of
the first code transition and its ideal
value. It is most often specified as an
absolute voltage, just like an op amp’s
offset voltage.
As you might expect, there can also
be a gain error (Fig.2b) if the slope of
the transfer function deviates from
the ideal. In LSB, it is defined by the
Fig.2: ADCs and DACs have four main types of error shown in these graphs: offset error, gain error, integral nonlinearity
(INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL). If the DNL exceeds ±1LSB, the converter can exhibit non-monotonicity, as
shown in (d).
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April 2025 65
difference between the last code transition point and its ideal counterpart,
but it is more often specified as a relative error.
There is also the possibility that the
transfer function will deviate from the
ideal by not being completely linear
(Fig.2c). There are two common measures of linearity error: differential
nonlinearity (DNL) and integral nonlinearity (INL).
INL is the maximum deviation of
the transfer function from the ideal
over the whole conversion range,
while DNL is the maximum difference between the width of a code
and its ideal width (1 LSB). A DNL
of more than ±1LSB implies a loss of
monotonicity, as shown in Fig.2d. A
monotonic curve is one that always
increases (or decreases).
Fig.3: a resistor string DAC has
2n matched resistors forming a
voltage divider. Analog switches
select one ‘tap’ off this divider
for each input code. A 16bit DAC of this type will
have 65,536 matched
resistor and a
similar number of
analog switches!
Fig.4: an R-2R DAC uses just 2n
matched resistors and switches to
achieve 2n output voltage steps. This
architecture is also useful for lowresolution ‘roll-your-own’ DACs using
microcontroller GPIOs in the place of
the analog switches.
Silicon Chip
The INL is the specification to care
about if you are looking for the best
overall accuracy – for example, to generate or measure a voltage with minimal error. However, if you are using
the DAC or ADC in a control loop, you
may want to focus on DNL.
The control loop’s servo action will
look after the INL if it is relatively
‘smooth’, but ‘patches’ of inconsistent
gain (or worse, non-monotonicity) can
cause control glitches like dead spots
or even points of instability.
Total unadjusted error
The ‘total unadjusted error’ (TUE) is
a figure that describes the total maximum error for a converter. This is very
handy for calculating the error budget.
Sometimes manufacturers specify the
TUE in the data sheet – either in LSB
or as a relative error – but you can calculate it yourself if necessary.
To do so, you convert the offset,
gain and INL errors to the same format, and add them using the root-sumof-squares method (since the error
sources are uncorrelated). We will
do this for our DAC example later in
this article.
Resistor string DACs
Enough theory – let’s take a look at
a few practical DACs. One common
(and fairly obvious) way to construct a
DAC is with a resistor string, as shown
in Fig.3. A string of 2n equal-value
resistors are used together with a set
of binary-weighted analog switches to
switch one ‘tap’ of the string to a buffer and out to an external pin.
The output voltage is Vref(N ÷ 2n),
where n is the DAC resolution in bits
and N is the input code, which ranges
from zero to 2n – 1.
This type of DAC is guaranteed
monotonic by design, and can have
quite good linearity since it is possible
to match on-chip resistors well. They
can also have good temperature stability for the same reason. It is possible
to get DACs with up to 16 bits of resolution that use this architecture. The
AD5689 we will use in our test circuit
is a good example.
This means the chip contains a
string of 65,536 matched resistors and
a similar number of double-throw analog switches, or equivalent, for each
channel. Amazing!
R-2R ladder DACs
The R-2R ladder is a variant on the
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resistor string DAC that uses a lot
fewer resistors. Instead of requiring
2n resistors, we can get away with just
2n, using the circuit shown in Fig.4.
Only one double-throw analog switch
is required for each bit.
The simplified circuit means you
can get R-2R DACs with up to 20 bits
or more of resolution. They also can
have quite good linearity and temperature coefficients. The output voltage
is Vref(N ÷ 2n), just like the resistor
string DAC.
Another useful property of the
R-2R ladder DAC is that you can easily improvise one with an op amp, a
handful of resistors and a few digital
outputs. The analog switches in Fig.4
effectively switch between Vref and
0V, so they could be replaced with
totem-pole digital outputs (say, microcontroller GPIOs), creating a basic
3-bit DAC.
The performance will be average,
since the reference voltage will be
the digital supply voltage and you
will probably use 1% resistors, but
if you only need a few levels, this
can be a handy technique to create a
‘free’ DAC.
Current output & multiplying
A variation of the R-2R ladder DAC
that provides an output current rather
than a voltage allows us to build ‘multiplying DACs’.
Strictly speaking, all DACs effectively multiply the reference voltage
by the digital code, but many have
internal references or external ones
that only accept voltages of one polarity. A multiplying DAC can operate
in two or four quadrants, as shown
in Fig.5.
In both cases, the DACs, shown
inside the dashed box, are identical.
Since the Iout pin is sitting at 0V courtesy of op amp IC1, the current coming out of the pin is N ÷ 2n × Vin ÷ R.
You can see from the circuit that this
equation will hold even if Vin is negative (in which case, the current will
flow into the pin).
This current is converted to a voltage by IC1, which is configured as an
inverting amplifier. The output voltage
of the two-quadrant multiplying DAC
will be -N ÷ 2n × Vin, where Vin can
be positive or negative.
You will notice that the feedback
resistor is provided within the DAC IC
and is matched to the resistors in the
Fig.5: multiplying DACs use a current source architecture to achieve twoquadrant or four-quadrant operation. In both circuits, the reference can be of
either polarity or an AC voltage.
R-2R ladder. This is important because
the semiconductor manufacturing process can produce on-chip resistors that
are very well matched in value or ratio,
but their absolute value is more difficult to control.
Using an external resistor would
almost certainly introduce large gain
errors and poor temperature stability.
Fig.5 also shows a four-quadrant
version of the same circuit, which
is identical in operation to the
two-quadrant one but has an added
(inverting) summing amplifier stage
(IC2) that scales up the DAC output
and offsets it by Vin. If we consider
the code to be a signed value using
the offset binary representation, we
can effectively multiply a bipolar
input voltage by a positive or negative integer.
Multiplying DACs can be very useful in signal processing, for example,
as a very fine-grained programmable gain stage. They are also useful
in making precise ratiometric measurements.
For example, if you excite some
sensor (such as strain gauge) using
a voltage produced by a multiplying
DAC and digitise the resulting signal
with an ADC that uses the same voltage reference, any error or drift in the
reference is cancelled. The resulting
readings are the true ratio of input to
output independent of the excitation
Delta-sigma DACs
Another class of DACs worth mentioning are the delta-sigma converters that you frequently encounter in
audio applications. Delta-sigma DACs
typically have very high resolution
(20+ bits) to minimise quantisation
noise and have spectacular linearity
to ensure low harmonic distortion.
We don’t normally use delta-sigma
DACs in precision applications
because their DC performance is generally not great, probably because
this does not matter in audio applications. Oddly, there are plenty of very
high-precision delta-sigma ADCs that
work very well at DC, as we shall see
next time.
Pulse-width modulation
We should not neglect pulse-width
modulation (PWM) as a potential type
of DAC, especially in microcontroller circuits where dedicated PWM
peripherals are commonplace. Fig.6
shows the simplest possible configuration with a PWM output and an RC
low-pass filter.
The time constant of the low-pass
filter has to be much longer than
the PWM period (Tpwm) to produce
an average of the PWM waveform
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Fig.6: a PWM DAC can be as
simple as a microcontroller’s
PWM output and an RC filter.
The lower circuit uses a
complimentary PWM signal to
improve ripple and settling time
proportional to its duty cycle. A longer time constant with respect to Tpwm
means better averaging and a lower
output ripple. The worst-case ripple
occurs at 50% duty cycle and is given
by Vripple = Vfs(Tpwm ÷ 4RC).
The downside of having a long
time constant (and lower ripple) is a
slow response of the output voltage to
changes in the PWM duty cycle.
Stephen Woodward published a
really neat technique to address this
problem in an EDN article published
in 2017. Woodward showed that the
time for the output voltage to settle to
within the ripple voltage for a given
change in duty cycle is Tsettle = RC ×
loge(Vfs ÷ Vripple).
If we wanted to make a PWM DAC
equivalent to a conventional DAC with
8-bit resolution, we would require
that the peak-to-peak ripple be 1LSB
(or 1/256 of the full-scale voltage), corresponding to the quantising noise.
The first equation above tells us this
requires an RC time constant 64 times
the PWM period.
The settling time (from the second equation) will therefore be 355
× Tpwm. Depending on what you are
doing, that could be a long time! For
10kHz PWM, this is a settling time of
35ms. If you wanted a 10-bit resolution, the settling time would be even
worse at 177ms.
April 2025 67
Woodward’s ingenious solution is
shown at the bottom of Fig.6. Here, an
inverted version of the PWM signal is
injected into the output via a series RC
network to cancel the ripple. I have
shown this coming from a complimentary PWM output on the microcontroller, but a logic gate inverter
would work equally well.
If the new resistor and capacitor are
the same value as the original ones,
the ripple equation becomes Vripple
= ½Vfs × (Tpwm ÷ 4RC)2 and the settling time becomes Tsettle = ½Tpwm ×
√(Vfs ÷ Vripple) × loge(Vfs ÷ Vripple).
Using the 8-bit example above, the
RC time constant required to achieve
the ripple target reduces from 64 to
just four PWM periods, and the settling time reduces from 355Tpwm to
44Tpwm (or 4.4ms at 10kHz). This is
an eightfold improvement in settling
In the 10-bit case, the settling time
reduces to 11ms from 177ms for the
original circuit. It turns out you don’t
even need precision components to
achieve these improvements. It is sufficient to use 1% tolerance resistors
and 10% tolerance capacitors. This is
a circuit well worth knowing.
Other DAC types
If we agree that a duty-cycle-to-
analog converter like the PWM example above is a form of DAC, we should
also consider a frequency-to-voltage
converter to be one too. Fig.7 shows a
typical example using an LM331 IC.
This circuit works as follows.
A square wave of frequency Fin
is differentiated by the RC network
connected to pin 6, creating negative-
going spikes on each falling edge.
When these fall below the threshold
set by the resistor divider connected
to pin 7, the upper comparator sets
the RS flip-flop.
When the flip-flop is set, the discharge transistor on pin 5 is switched
off, and capacitor Ct begins to charge
via Rt. When this voltage reaches
2/3Vcc, the lower comparator resets the
flip-flop, discharging Ct. This means
the flip-flop is set for a fixed duration
each time a falling edge on the input
The analog switch connected to the
flip-flop’s output directs a fixed current out of pin 1 during this period.
The current is converted to a voltage
by Rl and averaged by the RlCl lowpass filter.
Fig.7: a frequency-to-voltage converter is also a useful type of DAC. This
circuit shows how an LM331 can be used to create a simple but quite
respectable DAC.
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Australia's electronics magazine
The level of this current is precisely
controlled by the circuit connected to
pin 2. An on-board bandgap reference
and op amp ensure a precise 1.9V is
always present on pin 2, meaning a
current of 1.9V ÷ Rs flows out of this
pin and therefore out of the current
mirror to the analog switch.
A practical example
Fig.8 shows an extract of a circuit
I designed some time ago for a precision instrument. This part of the circuit includes a voltage reference, a
two-channel DAC and a couple of op
amps. The output is intended to be a
±2.0V precision voltage programmable
by the microcontroller.
I will step through the operation
and error analysis for this circuit, so it
will be helpful to follow both the schematic and the error budget (Table 2).
The operating temperature range for
this device is 15-35°C, reflecting its
intended use in a laboratory setting.
The MAX6225 provides a very
stable, very accurate 2.5V reference (±200ppm initial accuracy,
±2ppm/°C). An inverted copy of the
reference is provided by the inverting
amplifier (IC1), an LTC2057 zero-drift
op amp. The inverting op amp uses
relatively high value resistors (10kW)
to minimise the load on the precision
These resistors are high-precision
(0.01%) types with very low thermal
drift (±5ppm/°C), since we don’t want
to compromise the performance of an
expensive reference. The LTC2057 has
very low input offset voltage (±4µV)
and even lower offset drift (±15nV/°C),
as we would expect from a “zero drift”
op amp.
Because we have used relatively
high value resistors, I have included
the op amp’s input offset current error
in the table on line 3. You can see from
line 4 of the table that the total error
at the input of the reference inverter
is dominated by the reference error
and is 0.02%.
You can see why I selected 0.01%
resistors for this circuit – to keep the
gain error down to a similar order of
magnitude as the reference error. This
leads to a total error for the negative
reference of 0.047% over the temperature range, compared to a total error
of 0.022% for the positive reference.
I was not 100% happy with the negative reference error, but figured that as
I was only making a handful of these
Fig.8: this is an excerpt from a circuit which uses a
voltage reference, a DAC and a couple of op amps to
create a programmable ±2V with a resolution of less
than 200µV. The untrimmed error is better than ±0.03%.
devices, my results would likely be
much better. The odds of two identical resistors being at the opposite
extremes of tolerance are low enough
that if I did find an outlier, I could manually select resistors to fix it.
The measured results show both
references to be within 0.01% of each
other on the prototype.
The positive 2.5V reference is
applied to the DAC. I used a very nice
dual-channel, 16-bit resistor-string
DAC. It can be configured for a gain
of one or two. I used a gain of two to
make the subsequent circuit design
simpler. This means the full-scale output is 5.0V.
In this configuration, the DAC has
an offset error of ±1.5mV, a gain error
of 0.1% and an INL of ±1LSB. Thanks
to the manufacturer for specifying
the three key figures in three different ways!
That said, this is pretty good performance for a DAC, especially the
INL. I converted all these figures to
relative errors in the table and added
them using the root-sum-of-squares
method to arrive at a TUE of 0.104%,
dominated by the gain error. The data
sheet actually provides a TUE figure
of 0.1%, so I did this exercise to just
demonstrate how TUE is calculated. It
is nice when theory and reality agree!
Table 2: positive/negative voltage references, DAC & offset amp errors
Since the voltage at the output of
the DAC is the reference multiplied
through the DAC coefficient, the total
error is calculated as the sum of relative
errors on line 12. We get a total error
here of 0.127% over the full temperature range (0.124% + 0.003%), dominated by the DAC gain error of 0.1%.
I’m not usually a proponent of ‘typical’ specifications, but if our DAC was
within the typical range, the total error
would be closer to 0.05%.
Finally, the 0-5V DAC output is
summed with the negative reference
(and inverted) by IC2. This produces
an output voltage that ranges from
+2.5V when the DAC code is zero
At Nominal 25°C
Additional error over
15-35°C (Nominal ±10°C)
Nominal Value Abs. Error
Rel. Error Abs. Error
Rel. Error
1 MAX6225ACASA+ (±200ppm, ±2ppm/˚C)
2 Op Amp: LTC2057 (Vos ±4µV, 15nV/˚C)
3 Op Amp Ios × 10kW || 10kW: LM7301 (Ios ±400pA, ±1pA/˚C)
4 Voltage at Op Amp Input (Line 1 + Line 2 + Line 3)
5 Op Amp Gain: R/R Stackpole RNCF0603TKY10K00 (0.01%, 5ppm/˚C)
6 +Vref error (Line 1)
7 −Vref error (Line 4 × Line 5)
8 DAC Offset error: AD5689 (±1.5mV, ±1µV/˚C)
9 DAC Gain error: AD5689 (0.1%, ±1ppm/˚C)
10 DAC Linearity: AD5689 (INL ±1LSB, DNL ±1LSB)
11 DAC total unadjusted error (root sum of squares Lines 8-10)
12 DAC total error (Line 6 × Line 11)
13 Op Amp: LTC2057 (Vos ±4µv, 15nV/˚C)
14 Op Amp Ios × 1kW || 1kW || 1kW: LM7301 (Ios ±400pA, ±1pA/˚C)
15 Op Amp Gain: R/R Stackpole ACASA1002U1002P1AT (0.05%, 5ppm/˚C) 1
16 Voltage at Op Amp Input (Line 7 + Line 12 + Line 13 + Line 14)
17 Voltage at Op Amp Output (Line 15 × Line 16)
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(0x0000), to almost -2.5V when the
DAC code is full scale (0xFFFF).
The error budget for this circuit is
similar to the previous examples. This
time, I used low-cost resistor arrays
with ±0.05% tolerances on the matching. If I had used individual 0.01%
resistors for this, there would be a
0.03% error due to there being three
resistors involved. The improvement
of 0.02% does not justify the extra
cost given the other sources of error
in the circuit.
There are a couple of things worth
noting before we discuss the results
this circuit produced. First, you will
see that I am only using a range of ±2V,
not the full ±2.5V the circuit is capable
of. This is because near zero and full
scale, the DAC output is prone to errors,
since these are right at its power supply
rails. We already know that no output
can truly swing all the way to the rails.
Avoiding the ends of the span costs
us some precision, since the whole
range of codes is not used. In this case,
the valid codes are 6553 to 58,981 for
a 4V span, giving us a resolution of
about 191µV, which is plenty for my
You should always avoid the
extremes of DAC & ADC ranges in precision applications. You can go much
closer than I have here, but there will
probably be errors right at the edges.
I have also taken a lot of care with
the power supplies. It is not worth
spending good money on precision
components and skimping on the
power supply. The digital and analog
supplies come from separate linear
regulators. I included a ferrite bead on
the analog supply to the DAC, more
to protect the rest of the circuit from
glitches caused by the DAC switching
than vice versa.
I first measured the positive and negative references and found they were
+2.50015V and -2.49989V, both well
under 0.01% away from the nominal
value and within 0.01% of each other.
I measured the output voltages
at code intervals of 400 hexadecimal (1024 decimal) over the full
range. With a code of zero, I measured +2.49930V (0.028% error). At
0x8000, I measured 481µV (0.019%
error), while at full scale (0xFFFF),
I measured -2.45720 (-1.7% error).
As mentioned above, we expect the
extremes to be poor.
If we look at the range of interest, the
error is never worse than +0.024%; in
fact, it is also never less than +0.018%,
suggesting we have an offset error,
albeit a small one. Sure enough, the
absolute error ranges from 460µV to
610µV and averages 550µV.
Can we trim this error somehow?
My circuit also includes an ADC, and
switching that allows me to measure
the voltage we are concerned with. If
we were to measure the voltage with
the code 0x8000 (corresponding with
0V out), we would be able to measure
the 481µV offset and correct for it in
We could similarly measure the
voltage at either end of the span (±2V
nominal) and correct for that. This is
easier said than done, and we will look
into it in more detail in a later article.
I also performed a full noise analysis
of this circuit, which I have included
in Table 3. I won’t go into the gory
details since I used the same techniques I described in the last article.
Overall, the RMS noise voltage should
be around 1.4µV over a 10Hz bandwidth. That does not include quantisation noise, since this is a DC application.
The biggest contributor is the DAC
noise, with the reference coming in
next. Given the 191µV resolution of the
DAC, this level of noise is not going
to impact the precision of our circuit.
In summary, we can almost certainly get to an overall precision close
to that of the reference at 0.02%, and
it is pretty hard to do any better than
Table 3 – noise analysis with 10Hz nominal bandwidth
Noise Source
Noise Voltage (RMS)
1 Positive reference noise MAX6225 (15nV/√Hz, fc100Hz)
fb straddles fc so use f = fb + fcloge(10) = 240Hz
2 Ref inverter amp voltage noise: LTC2057 (11nV/√Hz)
Data shows noise flat from 0.1Hz to 10Hz
3 Ref inverter amp voltage noise: LTC2057 (170fA/√Hz)
10kW || 10kW resistors in inverting input
4 Ref inverter 10kW input resistor & feedback resistor
5 Negative reference noise
Line 1 + Noise Gain (2) × Line 2 #
6 DAC noise AD5689 (300nV/√Hz)
Use fb = 10Hz
7 DAC output noise
Line 6 + Line 1
8 Summing amp voltage noise: LTC2057 (11nV/√Hz)
Data shows noise flat from 0.1Hz to 10Hz
9 Summing amp voltage noise: LTC2057 (170fA/√Hz)
10kW || 10kW || 10kW resistors in inverting input
10 10kW input resistors & feedback resistor
11 Scaled output noise
Line 7 + Line 5 #
# other errors are at least an order of magnitude smaller, so they can be ignored
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine