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> Design and firmware by Peter Mather
> Words and MMBasic by Geoff Graham
This computer uses the latest and greatest Raspberry Pi Pico
2. Like the PicoMite, it can be programmed in MMBasic, but
it has a lot of extra features like a HDMI video connector,
multiple USB sockets for devices like keyboards, mice and game
controllers, and an audio output.
n our February issue this year, we
introduced the latest version of the
PicoMite firmware for the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2. It includes advanced features such as support for HDMI video
and USB keyboards. In this design,
we bring these elements together to
provide a high performance ‘boot to
BASIC’ computer that is fast and very
This type of computer was popular
in the 1970s and 1980s (and still is
today!), including examples such as
the Apple ][, Commodore 64, Tandy
TRS-80 and many others.
These computers all included a
BASIC interpreter and, when the computer was powered up, booted straight
to the BASIC command prompt. There,
Silicon Chip
you could enter programs, test commands and immediately be productive.
The Pico 2 Computer is just as easy
and fun to use but much, much more
powerful! It includes everything that
you need to get started. That makes it
ideal for learning to program, entertaining/teaching children about computers and just having fun exploring
its capabilities.
This Computer can also be used for
more than just running calculations.
You can use it to interact with the
physical world, including measuring
voltages, detecting switch closures
and driving outputs to light LEDs,
play music, generate sound effects
and more.
Australia's electronics magazine
This is a ‘reference design’. By
this, we mean that it can be used as
a template for a computer of your
own design with the best of its features. If you want to ‘roll your own’,
you are welcome to take elements of
this design, modify them as needed
and incorporate them in your own
You can also simply build this computer as-is, and you will have a capable
and high-performance boot-to-BASIC
The video output is HDMI-compatible in one of three resolutions: 640 ×
480, 1280 × 720 (wide-screen) or 1024
× 768 pixels. At these resolutions, the
output is monochrome. However, by
using the MODE command, you can
select more colours at lower resolutions.
The built-in BASIC program editor
uses the full resolution yet, by using
the TILE command, it will colour the
characters for you. For example, it
uses cyan for keywords, green for comments etc. This makes for a colourful
and intuitive editing experience at the
full screen resolution.
The USB keyboard input has
full support for the function
keys, arrow keys etc. Our
previous computers used
PS/2 keyboards, but they
are becoming difficult
to find these days, so support for a USB keyboard is a
welcome addition. This facility
extends to wireless keyboards with
a USB dongle, so you do not need to
be tethered by a cable.
This design includes a four-port
USB hub with four USB Type-A sockets so that you can add additional
devices – primarily a USB mouse and
USB game controllers. The mouse is
most useful when using the built in
MMBasic program editor, where it
gives you an almost GUI-like experience, with the ability to position the
insert point and copy and paste – all
using the mouse.
As with the keyboard, you can also
use a wireless mouse. One or more
USB game controllers can also be
plugged in. Within a BASIC program,
you can query the position of the joystick, the state of the buttons etc. So,
if you are into writing games, you can
create the full arcade (or home games
console) experience.
More features
A highly accurate battery-backed
real-time clock is included in the
design. This means that the Pico 2
Computer will always know the correct time. You might use this within
a program, but it is also useful in that
all files created by MMBasic will be
stamped with correct creation times.
Speaking of files, the Pico 2 Computer includes a microSD card socket
with support for cards formatted in
FAT16 or FAT32, and capacities of up
to 32GB. Files written on these can be
read/written by Windows, Apple and
Linux computers, so this is an easy
way of transferring files to and from
larger desktop or portable computers.
The Pico 2 Computer is built on a 90
× 100mm PCB. It uses surface-mounting
components and can be hand-built or
machine-assembled. The only component
that must be soldered by hand is the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2 module.
Built into the PicoMite firmware
is an internal drive (called drive A:)
that uses the flash memory in the
Raspberry Pi Pico 2. This is about
2MiB (ample for normal use), so this
is another place to save program and
data files, particularly during program
On the back panel is a stereo audio
output connector. This provides a
high-quality audio output of about
3V peak-to-peak, suitable for feeding
a HiFi system or amplified speakers.
Within BASIC programs, you can create various tones and sound effects
as well as stream music files in WAV,
FLAC, MP3 or MOD formats located
on the internal filesystem or SD card.
To connect to the outside world, the
Pico 2 Computer has 14 input/output
(I/O) pins that can be used as digital
inputs or outputs. As inputs, they can
monitor switches and sensors (humidity, temperature, location and more).
As digital outputs, these I/O pins can
drive LEDs and powered relays to
switch heavy loads.
Three of these pins can also measure
voltages, so you can monitor signals
Australia's electronics magazine
from the analog world, such as battery
charge levels.
The PicoMite firmware
We described the new PicoMite
firmware for the Raspberry Pi Pico 2
in detail in the February 2025 issue
( At its
core is the MMBasic interpreter, which
makes it easy to write programs in the
BASIC language.
BASIC is an easy-to-learn language
so it, and the Pico 2 Computer, are
ideal for someone who wants to get
into programming and learn the basics.
At the same time, it is quite powerful,
so you can develop large and complex
programs ranging from controlling
physical processes to calculating the
positions of the planets.
It is also an ideal platform for creating graphical computer games, ranging from classics such as Tetris and
Chess through to more advanced 3D
The PicoMite firmware includes
support for multiple video layers
and graphical objects such as sprites.
For anyone familiar with the home
April 2025 25
computers of the 1970s and 1980s,
this will all be recognisable.
The difference is that the Pico 2
Computer is much faster and has many
more resources that these early computers. At roughly 100 times faster and
with 10 times the memory, this computer is something that the programmers of the 1970s and 1980s could
only dream about!
The PicoMite firmware is fully
self-contained. You do not need an
operating system or other external programs. It includes its own feature-rich
Silicon Chip
program editor and drivers for all the
I/O devices (SD cards, clock, audio,
USB devices, video display etc).
Circuit details
As shown in Fig.1, at the heart of
the Pico 2 Computer is the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2 module. It is amazing value;
for a little over $8, you get a dual-core
32-bit CPU capable of running at up to
400MHz, including 520KiB of built in
RAM. A separate chip on the module
provides 4MiB of flash memory for
programs and general storage.
Australia's electronics magazine
This module runs the PicoMite firmware, including the BASIC interpreter,
with the rest of the circuit being primarily used to interface it to the video,
keyboard and some specialised components.
A supervisor device (MAX809R)
monitors the 3.3V power rail (VDD)
and provides a reset signal to the
RP2350A microcontroller to ensure
that it is cleanly shut down when the
power is removed. It will drive the
reset pin of the Pico 2 low within 65µs
of the 3.3V power rail falling below
circuits and an ingenious scheme for
driving the five status LEDs using just
three outputs.
The circuit includes a 12MHz
crystal oscillator that is used by the
CH334F to create the accurate timing
required by the USB standard.
To load MMBasic on the Pico 2,
you need to disconnect the hub and
directly access the USB interface on
the Pico 2. Of course, you can do this
before mounting the Pico 2 module
but it may become necessary to do this
again later (eg, to update the firmware).
So jumpers JP1 & JP2 allow you to isolate the hub, and you can use the extra
micro-USB connector on the PCB’s
edge (CON5).
Serial console
Fig.1: the Raspberry Pi Pico 2
module is at the core of this design,
with the rest of the circuit providing
the video, keyboard, microSD
and external I/O interfaces. Other
features include a real-time clock,
an integrated USB four-port hub
and a dedicated serial-to-USB
bridge for the serial console.
2.63V, and will maintain it low until
it is above that threshold for at least
USB interface
The PicoMite firmware uses the USB
interface integrated in the RP2350A
processor on the Pico 2 to provide support for a USB keyboard. However, in
this design, we also wanted to provide
for a USB mouse and gamepads in addition to the keyboard. To do this, the
Pico 2 Computer includes a CH334F
integrated USB 2.0 four-port hub.
The connection between the CH334F
and the USB interface on the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2 is made by soldering through
three holes on the PCB to connect to
test pads on the underside of the Pico
2 module. These pads provide the USB
interface, meaning we do not need to
plug anything into the module’s USB
The CH334F includes the USB 2.0
driver circuits (called USB PHYs) that
connect to the four USB Type-A sockets on the front panel. The CH334F
also includes the required protection
Australia's electronics magazine
Because the USB interface on the
Raspberry Pi Pico 2 is used for communicating with various USB devices
such as the keyboard, it cannot be used
for the serial-over-USB console used
by the BASIC interpreter to communicate with a desktop or laptop computer.
In a self-contained computer like
this one, the serial console is not
critically important, as the MMBasic
console output will display on your
HDMI monitor anyway. However,
having the serial console is handy
for connecting to a desktop or laptop
computer, so the Pico 2 Computer
uses a CH340C serial to USB bridge
to provide the serial-over-USB console interface.
The CH340C converts the TTL asynchronous serial signal from the Pico 2
(on pins GP8 and GP9) to a USB 2.0
signal using the CDC (Communication
Device Class) protocol.
The CH340 is in an SMD SOP-16
package that includes the crystal and
oscillator required for USB timing.
This chip (and the CH341, which
is similar) is used in many Arduino
Nano clones, and the driver for it is
included by default in Windows 10/11
and Linux. Also, many macOS builds
include the driver.
Video and audio
The HDMI connector is driven by
output pins on the Raspberry Pi Pico
2 via 220W resistors. The Pico 2 and
the HDMI connector are positioned
close to each other to reduce the track
lengths and the chances of crosstalk
and interference.
The stereo audio output is generated
April 2025 27
Power switch
Purpose I/O) +
3.3V & 5V pins
Reset switch
Stereo Audio
HDMI Video (up
to 1280 × 720)
USB-C power
input and serial
Pi Pico 2
with BASIC
Built-in editor
Real-time clock
using a CR2032
180KiB of
program space
228KiB of RAM
USB hub IC
MicroSD card
up to 32GB
Micro USB
for firmware
4 × USB ports
The Pico 2 Computer is a fully featured reference design with HDMI video, four USB ports for keyboards, mice and game
controllers, a battery-backed real-time clock, microSD card socket and 14 externally available I/O pins.
by the PicoMite firmware using pins
GP10 and GP11. It is a PWM (pulsewidth modulated) signal that passes
through a multi-pole low-pass filter to
remove the carrier frequency.
This filter, along with the low-noise
regulator used to generate the 3.3V
rails, results in a low noise audio signal
capable of reproducing tones, sound
effects and music with good fidelity
from 10Hz to 15kHz.
The maximum audio output level
is 3V peak-to-peak (approximately
1V RMS) and is intended to be fed
to amplified speakers. The amplifier
used must have a capacitor-coupled
input (most do), as the output signal
has a DC offset.
Timekeeping is provided by a
DS3231 real-time clock (RTC), which
is an extremely accurate timekeeper
with an integrated temperature-
compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO).
It will typically keep the time accurate
within a few seconds per month.
It also includes a comparator circuit that monitors the status of the
power supply and will automatically
Silicon Chip
switch to the backup battery to keep
the clock running when power is
removed. The battery used for this is a
non-rechargeable 210mAh 3V lithium
coin cell (CR2032), which should be
good for many years of use.
External I/O
There are 14 input/output pins on
the rear panel of the Computer that
connect to pins on the Pico 2, which
can be used as digital inputs or digital outputs. Some of these can also be
used as PWM outputs as well as I2C,
SPI and asynchronous serial communications channels. Three of these pins
can be used as analog inputs, with the
ability to measure voltage in the range
of 0-3.3V.
All these features are configured by
the BASIC program running on the
The last component of note is the
microSD card socket, which connects
to another set of I/O pins on the Pico
2. The PicoMite firmware uses the SPI
protocol to talk to the card and this is
not influenced by the card type, so all
Australia's electronics magazine
types (Class 4, 10, UHS-1 etc) with a
capacity of up to 32GB are supported.
Power supply
The power requirement for the Pico
2 Computer is 5V (typically drawing
170mA), which can be supplied via
a normal USB charger with a USB
Type-C plug. This 5V supply is used by
the physical USB ports, but the rest of
the computer runs from 3.3V, and this
is provided by an AMS1117 low-dropout three-terminal linear regulator.
There are many other compatible regulators, such as the LD1117,
NCP1117, STC1117 etc. They may
have varying specifications like the
maximum input voltage, but as the
input supply is 5V in this circuit, any
of those types would be suitable.
The Pico 2 also has an onboard regulator capable of supplying the required
3.3V, but this is a switching regulator
and the electrical noise generated by
its operation causes noise on the audio
output. It also degrades the ability of
the ADC inputs to measure voltages
accurately. That is why this design
You can also
find the most
on the Pico
2 Computer
design files
and firmware)
at https://
uses the dedicated linear regulator
and the onboard switching regulator
is disabled.
Purchasing an assembled
While the Pico 2 Computer can be
built by hand, it takes some dexterity. There are many small surface-
mounting components, including the
USB hub, which comes in a quad flat
no-lead (QFN) package. There are also
some passives as small as 1.2 × 0.6mm.
If you have the skill, it is feasible to
hand-solder these components. However, this project is primarily designed
for automated assembly.
We therefore won’t give any detailed
assembly instructions. If you have the
required skills, you should be able to
use the overlay diagram (Fig.2) to build
your board.
JLCPCB is a major PCB fabricator
based in China. Through their LCSC
supply arm, they can even supply
the components and solder them to
the PCB they make using solder paste
applicators, pick-and-place machines
Fig.2: here is the
and reflow ovens.
PCB overlay in
At the time of writing, JLCPCB will
case you want
make the PCB, supply, mount and
to assemble the
solder all the components except the
board yourself.
Pico 2 for about $150 for two boards
This also shows
(plus three spare PCBs). Over time,
how to orientate
this price may vary with exchange
the Pico 2 even
if you’re using
rates and other factors, but it is still a
a pre-built
good price for an almost fully assemboard. If you’re
bled computer.
adding the parts
This assembly even includes large
manually, take
components, such as the conneccare with the
tors and switches that must be hand-
orientations of
soldered. The only assembly required
the diodes, LEDs,
by you is to solder the Raspberry Pi
ICs and crystal.
Pico 2 and load the firmware. Then
There are three
you are ready to go. You could remove
different sizes
of resistors
some of the larger components from
and four of
the BOM (Bill of Materials) given to
capacitors; the
JLCPCB and save some money by solsmallest in both
dering them yourself.
cases (1.2 ×
The process of ordering the assem0.6mm) can be
bled boards is simple. First, download
three files from the Silicon Chip webbut not easily.
site. These are “Pico 2 Computer”, which contains the design
files for the PCB, “Pico 2 Computer
BOM.xlsx”, which is the Bill of Materials, and “Pico 2 Computer CPL.xlsx”,
which has the types and positions of
the components on the PCB.
On the JLCPCB website (https://, click on the Instant Quote
button and drag the “Pico 2 Computer The front of the Pico 2 Computer mounted in its small matching instrument” file onto the blue button case.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 29
labelled “Add Gerber File”. JLCPCB
will then read the files and display
an image of the front and back of the
PCB. The website will also fill in the
defaults for the PCB, such as thickness, colour etc. You can leave these
as suggested.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and
select “PCB Assembly”. This will display more options, which you can
leave at their default, other than selecting how many boards that you want
them to fully assemble (I recommend
two). Then click on the “Next” button
on the right and the website will display a new page showing a large image
of the board. Then click on the “Next”
button again.
On the next page, drag and drop the
“Pico 2 Computer BOM.xlsx” file onto
the button labelled “Add BOM File”,
and drag and drop the “Pico 2 Computer CPL.xlsx” onto the “Add CPL
File” button. Then click on the “Process BOM and CPL” button.
The website will then show a list of
all the parts required, the quantity that
JLCPCB has in stock and their associated prices. All the components on the
Bill of Materials are JLCPCB catalog
items, and they should all be in stock.
If, for some reason, a component
is not available, you have the choice
of leaving it out and sourcing it yourself. Alternatively, you could search
JLCPCB for a substitute, perhaps one
with a slightly different specification.
At this stage, you can also choose to
omit components that you wish to
hand-solder to save cost.
At the bottom of the page, click
“NEXT” and you will be taken to a
page that shows an image of the completed board. Clicking “NEXT” again
will take you to the final quote detailing the total price. If you are happy,
click “SAVE TO CART” and then
proceed to give them your address
and pay.
Mounting the Pico 2
The one component that JLCPCB
does not include in the assembly is
the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 module. This
is surface-mounted flat on the PCB.
A special characteristic involved in
this design is that you need to solder
through three holes in the PCB to connect the USB pads on the underside
of the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 module to
the PCB. For that to work, you need to
closely follow the instructions below.
First, accurately position the Pico 2
module on its pads and, while holding it very flat on the PCB, tack-solder
one corner pad. Check the alignment
and, if it is still correct and the module is still flat on the PCB, tack-solder
the opposite pin.
With the Pico 2 module securely
fastened, turn over the PCB and locate
the three solder pads with plated
through-holes identified as A, B and
C in Photo 1. Apply plenty of liquid
or paste flux in these holes and melt
fine-gauge solder wire into them. The
solder should flow through the holes
and adhere to the three gold-plated
pads on the underside of the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2 module.
While you are doing this, identify
a similar plated through-hole designated D in Photo 1 and similarly
apply flux and run solder into this
hole. This connects to a heatsink pad
on the underside of the CH334F USB
2.0 four-port hub. Soldering to this pad
will assist in keeping that chip cool.
Then work down the Raspberry Pi
Pico 2 and solder the remaining solder pads. Finally, return to the first
two pads that were tack-soldered and
re-solder them securely.
Figs.3 & 4: these are the panel
cutouts required for the end panels
of the instrument case. Pre-made
panels are available that already
have these holes neatly made
and labels printed on them. All
dimensions are in millimetres.
Figs.5 & 6: the artwork for the end
panels of the instrument case at
actual size. You can also download
these as a PDF from the Silicon
Chip website (
Shop/11/1834). See
Help/FrontPanels for details on
producing and attaching labels.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Finishing assembly
To finish the assembly, you need to
place jumpers between pins 1 & 2 and
pins 3 & 4 on the four jumper pins near
the CH334F four-port hub chip (IC20).
These connect the hub chip to the USB
RP2530A processor and only need to
be removed when you are loading or
upgrading the PicoMite firmware.
Jumpers also need to be placed on
the group marked SELECT SD PINS.
For normal operation, place jumpers
to connect GP26, GP27 and GP28 to
their respective centre pins. These
can be changed to GP2, GP3 and GP4
if you want to have the analog input
pins usable on the external I/O port.
The completed PCB can be used
without an enclosure. In that case, you
can attach plastic tapped spacers or
standoffs to the four mounting holes
to stop it from scratching your desk.
However, the PCB is designed to fit
in a Multicomp MCRM2015S enclosure available from element14/Farnell.
The compatible Hammond RM2015S
is available from DigiKey, Mouser etc.
If you’re putting the board in one
of these cases, you will need to make
the cutouts in the front and rear panels as detailed in Figs.3 & 4, then print
and apply the artwork depicted in
Figs.5 & 6.
Alternatively, you could purchase
PCB-based front and rear panels from
the Silicon Chip Online Shop and save
yourself the effort of making all those
holes (this also guarantees neatness).
The labels will be printed on those
panels, although they will only be
labelled in white. These panels will
also be included our kits (along with
the pre-assembled PCB).
Photo 1: the A, B & C solder pads connect to associated gold-plated pads on the
underside of the Pico 2. Hole D connects to a heatsink pad on the underside of
the CH334F USB 2.0 four-port hub. All four should be fluxed and solder run into
the hole to make the connections.
Loading the firmware
With the hardware assembled,
you can load the PicoMite firmware.
For this, you need the firmware file
which is included in the PicoMite
firmware zip file downloadable from
the Silicon Chip website (siliconchip.
au/Shop/6/833) or the author’s website at
(scroll to the bottom of the page).
To load the firmware, you need to
remove the two jumpers previously
placed on the header near the CH334F
four port hub chip. Then, while holding down the white button marked
BOOTSEL on top of the Raspberry Pi
Pico 2 module, plug your desktop or
laptop computer into the connector
The Pico 2 Computer can be used without a case. With feet in the corners, it is at
home driving a HDMI monitor with a USB keyboard, mouse & game controllers.
The rear of the Pico 2 Computer mounted in its small matching instrument case.
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 31
For x = 0 To 16
For y = 0 To 16
For i = 0 To 16
Read d(x, y, i) ‘ load the shortest path database
Next i
Next y
Next x
If TestMode <> 1 Then StartScreen
Score = 0
NbrMen = 3
NextOrange = OrangeLevel
OrangeX = 0 : OrangeY = 0
BonusPacMan = BonusLevel
Level = 0
‘ scramble the ghost colours
For i = 1 To 10
j = Int(Rnd * 4) : k = Int(Rnd * 4)
l = GhostColour(j) : GhostColour(j) = GhostColour(k)
Next i
‘ draw the ghosts on the screen and save them as a BLIT object
F1: Save F2:Run F3:Find F4:Mark F5:Paste Ln: 27 Col: 55
Screen 1: the built-in editor is colour coded with cyan for keywords, green for
comments etc. It includes a search facility, a clipboard for copy and paste,
automatic indenting and more. If an error occurs, the editor will start with the
cursor placed on the program line that caused the error.
Screen 2: the Mandelbrot set (a fractal) was a favourite test for the home
computer of the 1970s through to the 1990s. In the early days, it took some
24 hours to calculate it! The Pico 2 Computer drew this comparatively highresolution version in a little over four minutes.
Coin Cell Precautions
marked PROG on the front of the Pico
2 Computer’s PCB.
When you do this, the Raspberry Pi
Pico 2 should connect to your computer and create a virtual drive, as if
you had plugged in a USB memory
stick (you can ignore any files on this
‘drive’). Then copy the firmware file
(with the extension .uf2) to this virtual
drive. Once completed, the Pico 2 will
restart and the LED on it will blink
slowly, indicating that the PicoMite
firmware is running.
While the virtual drive created by
the Raspberry Pi Pico looks like a USB
memory stick, it is not; the firmware
file will vanish once copied, and if you
try copying any other type of file to it,
that file will be ignored.
If you later upgrade the firmware,
you should be aware that this operation may erase all the flash memory,
including the current program and
any files in drive A:. So ensure that
you back up all of your data before
Final setup
Replace the pins on the jumper
group near the CH334F chip and plug
in a USB keyboard and HDMI monitor.
Apply power to the USB Type-C connector on the rear edge of the PCB and
depress the ON/OFF switch beside it
to switch on the computer. You should
then be greeted with the firmware’s
copyright notice on the HDMI monitor.
With the firmware loaded and the
monitor and keyboard connected, you
should see the command prompt (a
greater than symbol, ‘>’) on the monitor. At this point, you can enter commands, run programs etc. However,
before you jump in, two additional
steps should be completed.
The first is to enter the command
set the firmware options to suit this
design and will save you a lot of time
from having to enter each option individually.
Following this, if you want to use
the alternative SD card connection
pins, enter the following commands
at the command prompt:
GP3, GP4
If not mounting the Pico 2 Computer in a case, care should be taken so that the device
is not left anywhere that children could get hold of it. Coin cells are very dangerous to
children if they swallow them, and some will do so given the opportunity. Make sure that
can't happen!
The final action is to set the date
and time in the real-time clock. The
command to do this is entered at the
command prompt and is:
Australia's electronics magazine
Silicon Chip
RTC SETTIME year, month,
day, hour, minute,
Parts List – Pico 2 Computer
While most computers will already
have drivers for the chip used for
the console, if you find you do need
a driver, help is available at https://
Note that the PicoMite firmware sets
the console to 115,200 baud, so the
terminal emulator running on your
desktop computer will need to be set
to this speed. In the meantime, have
fun with your new computer!
1 double-sided PCB coded 07104251, 90 × 100mm
1 pair of front & rear panels made from FR4 PCB material with a black solder mask
and white silkscreen printing (optional) [Silicon Chip SC7453]
1 Raspberry Pi Pico 2 (RP2350A) without header pins (MOD1)
1 Multicomp MCRM2015S or Hammond RM2015S instrument case (optional)
4 M3-tapped Nylon spacers and M3 × 6mm panhead machine screws (for feet)
1 CR2032 3V lithium coin cell (BAT1)
1 30V 750mA resettable polyfuse M3216 (PTC1) [BHFuse BSMD1206-075-30V]
1 latching right-angle PCB-mount pushbutton (S13) [XKB Connectivity XKB5858-Z-E]
1 right-angle tactile pushbutton switch with 6mm actuator (S15)
[HCTL TC-6615-7.5-260G]
1 12MHz 20pF 10ppm 4-pin SMD crystal, 3.2 × 2.5mm (X1) [YXC X322512MSB4SI]
1 CR2032 cell holder (BAT1) [Myoung BS-04-A1BJ005]
1 HDMI socket (CON1) [HCTL HDMI-01]
1 USB-C socket (CON2) [Kinghelm KH-TYPE-C-16P]
2 right-angle horizontal stacked USB Type-A sockets (CON3, CON4)
[Shou Han AF SS-JB17.6]
1 USB micro-B socket (CON5) [Shou Han MicroXNJ]
1 microSD card socket (CON6) [Shou Han TF PUSH]
1 SMD stereo audio jack socket (CON7) [Shou Han PJ-313 5JCJ]
1 2×12-pin right-angle 2.54mm-pitch header (CON23) [HanElectricity 2541WR-2x12P]
1 2×2-pin 2.54mm-pitch header (JP1, JP2) [JST RF-H042TD-1190(LF)(SN)]
1 3×3-pin 2.54mm-pitch header (LK1-LK3) [HCTL PZ254-3-03-Z-2.5-G0]
5 jumper shunts (JP1-JP2, LK1-LK3)
1 CH340C serial/USB bridge, SOIC-16 (IC7)
1 DS3231MZ real-time clock & calendar, SOIC-8 (IC19)
1 CH334F quad USB hub, QFN-24 (IC20)
1 MAX809R reset supervisor IC, SOT-23-3 (IC24)
1 AMS1117-3.3 or equivalent 3.3V low-dropout linear regulator, SOT-223-3 (REG1)
1 MDD2301 P-channel Mosfet, SOT-23-3 (Q1)
1 red SMD LED, M1608/0603 size (LED2) [KT-0603R]
5 green SMD LEDs, M2012/0805 size (LED3-LED7) [KT-0805G]
2 SS14 40V 1A schottky diodes, SMA package (D1, D2)
Inductors & ferrite beads
1 M2012/0805 multi-layer ferrite bead (FB12) [Murata BLM21PG221SN1D]
2 10μH 15mA 1.15W M1608/0805 SMD inductors (L22, L23)
[Sunlord SDFL2012S100KTF]
2 4.7mH 110mA 32.5W 5×5mm SMD inductors (L26, L27) [YJYCoin YNR5040-472M]
2 220μF 10V D-case solid tantalum electrolytic [Kyocera AVX TAJD227K010RNJ]
3 10μF 50V X5R M3216/1206 ceramic [Samsung CL31A106KBHNNNE]
7 100nF 16V M1206/0402 X7R ceramic [Samsung CL05B104KO5NNNC]
6 33nF 50V M2012/0805 X7R ceramic [FH 0805B333K500NT]
2 2.2nF 50V M2012/0805 NP0/C0G ceramic [Samsung CL21C222JBFNNNE]
2 470pF 50V M1608/0603 X7R ceramic [FH 0603B471K500NT]
Resistors (all SMD 1%)
1 1MW (M1206/0402 size)
Pico/2/Computer Pre-Made
1 15kW (M1608/0603 size)
Board (SC7468; $120 + post):
1 12kW (M1608/0603 size)
2 10kW (M2012/0805 size)
Includes an assembled PCB,
2 5.1kW (M1206/0402 size)
Raspberry Pi Pico 2 (which
1 4.7kW (M2012/0805 size)
you need to attach to the PCB
1 470W (M1608/0603 size)
yourself) and front & rear panels.
2 220W (M2012/0805 size)
We currently plan to only supply
11 220W (M1608/0603 size)
a limited amount of these kits.
1 2.2W (M2012/0805 size)
Australia's electronics magazine
Here, ‘year’ is two or four digits and
‘hour’ is in 24 hour notation. Don’t
forget to insert a CR2032 cell in the
holder so it will keep time when the
power is switched off.
Using MMBasic
On startup, MMBasic will issue the
command prompt and wait for you to
enter something. It will also return to
the command prompt if your program
ends or encounters an error.
When the command prompt is
shown, you have a wide range of commands that you can enter and execute.
For example, you can list the program held in memory (LIST) or edit it
(EDIT), or perhaps check the memory
usage (MEMORY). The command RUN
instructs MMBasic to run the program
currently held in program memory.
All of these and more are described
in detail in the PicoMite User Manual, which is included in the firmware
download package.
Almost any command can be
entered at the command prompt, and
this is a good way to test a command
to see how it works. A simple example is the PRINT command, which
will simply print the result of a calculation. You can try this by entering
the following at the command prompt:
MMBasic will print out the result
of dividing 1 by 7 (ie, the number
0.1428571429) before returning to the
command prompt.
If you are new to the BASIC programming language, refer to Appendix
I at the back of the PicoMite User Manual. This is a comprehensive tutorial
on the language, which will take you
through the fundamentals in an easyto-read format with lots of examples.
Using the serial console
April 2025 33