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The Future
of our
Power Grid
The first article in this series last month
described how our electrical grid is
changing, the pros and cons of the
various types of generators, costs and
Demand Response. This second and final
instalment finishes the discussion by covering
inverters and grid stability.
ast month, I explained how as coal and
gas power stations reach their end-oflife, they are increasingly being
replaced by other generation methods
like wind and solar power. However,
that transition is not without its challenges due to the way that generation
varies over time, with changes in the
weather and the day/night cycle.
Thankfully, this transition is slow,
which is allowing the deployment of
various techniques and technologies
to overcome those limitations. Energy
storage and Demand Response were
covered in that first article, but now
we come to the nitty-gritty, such as the
ways that solar and wind generators are
connected to the grid to better match
demand and improve grid stability.
Solar inverters
Inverters for photovoltaic panels
take a DC supply from the solar array
and convert it to AC to feed the grid.
They typically use Insulated Gate
Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) arranged in
a three-phase H-bridge topology (see
Figs.13, 14 & 15). The IGBT is effectively a small Mosfet and a large bipolar junction transistor (BJT) combined
on a single die.
By combining the two transistor
types, the IGBT benefits from the
advantages of both technologies; the
BJT is well-suited to high-power applications due to its favourable output
characteristics, and the Mosfet is a convenient way to provide base drive to
the BJT given its high gate impedance.
Using pulse-width modulation
(PWM), a three-phase AC waveform
can be synthesised from the input DC,
similar to the operation of our Mk2
Variable Speed Drive for Induction
Part 2 by
Brandon Speedie
Motors, published in the November
& December 2024 issues (siliconchip.
Typically, the chopper frequency is
in the order of 50kHz or so. It is filtered
out by an LC network (usually a ‘pi’ or
‘T’ filter) on the output of the inverter
to form a smooth sinusoidal waveform. Utility-scale solar farms receive
further filtering from the inductance
in their grid-connected transformers,
which step up the low voltage output
from the inverter to the high voltage
of the transmission network.
This synthesised AC waveform
needs to be precisely controlled to
synchronise with the grid. This is
achieved by sampling the grid voltage
to form a phase-locked loop, which
becomes a reference waveform. By
varying the amplitude and phase of
the synthesised waveform with respect
Figs.11 & 12: the topology of an AC-coupled hybrid solar and battery generator is shown in the left diagram. The
alternative configuration of a DC-coupled hybrid solar and battery generator is shown at right. For the DC-coupled system,
with sufficient irradiance, power can be exported to the grid and charge the batteries simultaneously without having to
oversize the inverter. Original source:
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
to this reference, the output voltage
and current can be controlled with
This control is referred to as ‘grid
following’, as the inverter is tracking
the grid waveform and operating as
a current source. The other type of
inverter control is called ‘grid forming’, meaning the inverter operates as
a voltage source and largely ignores
the existing grid waveform.
In normal operation, the inverter
controls its output power to optimise
the operating point of the solar array.
This is known as maximum power
point tracking (MPPT), which involves
holding the array DC voltage at the
optimum current for the solar panel
to generate its maximum power (see
This position is constantly changing with variations in irradiance and
temperature, so the MPP tracker works
through trial-and-error to dither the
DC voltage up or down to search for
increased power.
Fig.13: a typical IGBT die structure.
Original source:
Fig.14: an equivalent circuit of the
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
(IGBT). It has a BJT and Mosfet
connected together on a single
silicon die. Original source:
Battery inverters
Similarly to their solar counterparts,
battery inverters take a DC voltage from
the cells and convert it to an AC voltage for the grid. In fact, many solar
inverter OEMs service the battery market with identical hardware. The difference is in the control software; the
MPP tracker is replaced by algorithms
to gracefully charge or discharge the
cells with minimal degradation.
Battery health is mainly a function
of temperature and state of charge
(SOC), so current limits are reduced at
extremes of temperature, or when the
cells are fully charged or discharged.
Fig.15: an inverter circuit showing output ‘T’ filter (an LCL network) and the
additional inductance from the grid-tied step-up transformer. The six IGBTs
synthesise a three-phase AC waveform using PWM. Original source: https://
Battery-solar hybrids
Increasingly, batteries are being
built alongside solar photovoltaic systems. They are a good combination, as
the battery not only avoids paying for
grid electricity but also network fees.
Most solar-battery hybrids currently
in operation on the grid are ‘AC coupled’, meaning that they are joined
on the output side of their respective
inverters (see Fig.11).
A new technology gaining popularity is the ‘DC coupled’ hybrid. Rather
than the batteries connecting directly
to a dedicated inverter, they instead
interface to the solar array through a
DC-DC converter. The inverter then
converts both battery and solar power
to AC for the grid (see Fig.12).
Fig.16: the output characteristics of a solar panel for different values of
irradiance. A connected inverter constantly searches for the optimum operating
point in a process known as maximum power point tracking (MPPT).
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 35
Fig.17: a Doubly Fed Induction Machine (or Generator) used to generate power from a wind turbine. The stator is directly
connected to the grid, while the rotor is fed from a back-to-back inverter. The DFIM therefore decouples the turbine
rotational speed from the grid frequency, allowing the control system freedom to optimise for maximum power.
Original source:
The main benefit of this topology
is removing the inverter as a bottleneck to power flows, as most solar
systems match an oversized array to
their inverter. This is known as the DC/
AC ratio; it is usually around 1.3:1, to
balance the cost of the inverter against
increased revenues from higher power
handling. On residential systems, this
leads to the ubiquitous 6.6kW array
matched to a 5kW inverter.
The drawback to such a ratio is that
when there is sufficient irradiance,
potential power generation is wasted
as the inverter is already at its limit.
With an AC-coupled hybrid, this bottleneck also limits the battery charging;
any power from the solar array has to
pass through the grid-connected solar
inverter before it comes back through
the battery inverter and into the pack.
On a DC-coupled system, this limit
is alleviated. Assuming sufficient irradiance, the inverter can be exporting
at full power, and energy that would
otherwise be lost from the solar array
is used to directly charge the batteries, giving a superior yield for a given
solar array. DC-coupling can also help
a system remain below a given size for
regulatory reasons.
Grid-scale systems with less than
5MW of inverters have a simpler grid
connection process, and residential
systems are capped at 5kW of export.
Silicon Chip
It is the residential sector in particular that will see an increased uptake
of DC-coupled ‘hybrid inverters’ over
the coming years.
Wind turbine inverters
Early turbine designs simply connect an alternator directly to the grid,
but this limits the rotor to a fixed operating speed (the grid frequency), which
is not necessarily the optimum speed
for maximum power. A more modern
design for small wind turbines uses a
rectifier to convert the alternator’s AC
output to DC, then an ordinary solar
inverter to convert it back to AC to
feed the grid.
This way, the inverter has freedom
to use its MPP tracker to find the best
operating point, which improves yield
despite the additional losses from the
conversion process.
Grid-scale wind turbines use a
different inverter-based technology
known as the doubly fed induction
machine (DFIM). The stator is directly
coupled to the grid, while the rotor is
energised by a back-to-back inverter
(see Fig.17). Thus, the rotor can be fed
with an arbitrary waveform in much
the same way as a solar inverter.
By varying the voltage and phase,
the power coming out of the stator
is tightly controlled. Most critically
of all, the rotor can be excited with a
Australia's electronics magazine
fixed frequency to match the grid. The
stator output will always produce this
same frequency, despite constant variation in the turbine speed due to wind
This allows the control system to
optimise the rotational speed of the
turbine for maximum power, in a similar way to MPPT for solar panels.
Grid stability – voltage control
Network operators must keep tight
control over grid voltage to prevent
damage to connected assets and the
network infrastructure itself. This voltage is only permitted to vary in a very
narrow range. In Australia, that’s 230V
AC +10%, -6% for a single-phase supply (ie, 216V to 253V AC).
There are two main tools that can
be used to maintain these limits:
transformer tap changers and reactive
power control.
Transformer tap changers simply
select between a series of closely
spaced taps on the substation stepdown transformer. These taps subtly
change the transformer ratio that is
linking the high voltage transmission
network with the low voltage distribution network, therefore providing control of the output voltage (see Fig.18).
The other method of voltage control is using reactive power. Electric
motors are by far the most common
Fig.18: a transformer tap changer
can regulate the grid voltage by
altering the ratio between the
transmission and distribution
networks. Original source:
load on the grid, making up more
than 90% of total electricity demand
in some regions. As they are strongly
inductive, the grid operates with a lagging power factor; current lags voltage.
In an inductive grid, the voltage is
lower for a given power consumption
than if that load was purely resistive.
Capacitance can be used to compensate, which is commonly referred to
as power factor correction (PFC). At
its simplest, PFC involves switching
banks of capacitors in and out of circuit – see Fig 19.
Adding capacitance will cause the
grid voltage to increase, and removing
it will cause voltage to decrease. This
Fig.19: a traditional capacitor bank used for power factor correction (PFC).
Contactors K1 through K3 etc can be controlled to switch in a variable amount
of capacitance, contributing reactive power to the grid and thus controlling
voltage. Original source:
simple method is very commonly used
by grid operators for voltage control,
but there are some newer technologies
that offer superior performance.
The Static VAR Compensator (SVC)
works in a similar way to the capacitor banks mentioned above, but rather
than using mechanical relays, a power
semiconductor such as a thyristor is
employed, as shown in Fig.20. The
thyristor can switch the capacitors in
and out of circuit faster than mechanical relays and won’t wear out.
This technology is widely used
for reactive power control at gridscale generators and substations. The
Static Synchronous Compensator
(STATCOM) offers further performance improvements. Rather than
a thyristor, the STATCOM arranges
IGBTs in a H-bridge topology, with
capacitance across a DC bus, as per
The H-bridge can synthesise an
AC waveform with a fully controllable phase shift, providing very tight
and fast control of reactive power.
STATCOMs are popular at substations where advanced voltage control
is required, such as rural areas where
a feeder may have to cover a long distance, or where SWER (Single Wire
Earth Return) lines are in use.
The STATCOM shares many
Fig.20 (above): a simplified schematic of a
Static Var Compensator. Similar to the PFC unit
from Fig.19, banks of capacitors are switched
into circuit as needed. Original source: www.
Fig.21 (right): a simplified schematic of a Static
Synchronous Compensator or STATCOM. The H-bridge
produces an arbitrary waveform, which in most cases is
generated with the current leading the voltage (ie, capacitance).
Note the similarity to the inverter in Fig.13. Original source:
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 37
Fig.22: An example of spinning
reserve in South Australia. During
this period (October 18th to 21st), over
100% of grid demand is being met by
rooftop solar. Most other generators
are not needed and have switched off,
except for a small amount of wind
and utility solar, and notably some
gas. It is uneconomic to run a gas
generator for energy during this time;
its benefit is providing grid stability
through the angular momentum of
its turbine and alternator. Source:
similarities with the inverters discussed in the earlier sections; the main
difference is that the DC bus only has
capacitance connected in the STATCOM, rather than solar panels or a
battery. Inverters are therefore a great
way to control reactive power, and
widely used at the utility scale for
voltage control.
Fig.23 shows a real-world example
of a solar farm that operates with a
power factor of 0.85. As it increases
its output power, the grid voltage
decreases through the action of the
reactive power it contributes. In this
way, IBRs (inverter-based resources)
Silicon Chip
will play an important role in regulating grid voltage in coming years.
A segment with good potential is
rooftop solar, which currently provides almost no reactive power from
its 20GW of installed capacity. A simple settings change could enable up to
15GVAr of support for free, which is
plenty to tightly control voltage across
the whole eastern seaboard and also
ease network constraints.
Grid stability –
frequency (inertia)
Our existing grid relies heavily on
the angular momentum of rotating
Australia's electronics magazine
machines for frequency stability. This
‘spinning reserve’ works by resisting
brief frequency excursions that might
destabilise a power system. In most
Australian states, this inertia is provided by the large alternators of coalfired power stations, and to a lesser
extent gas and hydro.
As these machines are electromechanically coupled directly to the
grid, they provide momentum that
works to maintain a frequency of
Any increase in frequency (grid
oversupply) will effectively turn the
alternator into a motor. It will begin to
speed up as it consumes power from
the grid, resisting further instability. A
sudden reduction in frequency (undersupply) works similarly; the alternator
dumps extra power into the grid as it
Alternators work well in this role as
they can produce or consume many
times their rated power for short periods, although their response is governed by the electromechanical properties of the system and is therefore
The AEMO carefully tracks ‘spinning reserve’ to make sure the power
system has adequate strength to resist
any sudden shocks to the system, such
as a large generator or load tripping
This is particularly evident in South
Australia – see Fig 22. In this example, 100% of grid demand is being
met by rooftop solar. All other generators are not needed so have turned
off, aside from a small amount of
utility wind and solar and a minimal
amount of gas.
The gas generators will not be making money on their energy production during this time, but they will be
receiving payment for providing grid
stability. The Torrens Island steam
gas generator commonly provides this
service, given its central location in
Adelaide. It operates for long periods
at 40MW, a fraction of its full nameplate capacity.
Trials are underway to investigate
the feasibility of repurposed coal generators for spinning reserve. It is possible to refurbish an old coal unit as
a ‘synchronous condenser’, although
early indications are that it will be
more expensive than other solutions.
Synchronous condensers are effectively large spinning masses with
grid-coupled alternators. In normal
operation, they draw a small amount of
power from the grid to maintain their
speed. Should a frequency excursion
occur, they absorb or inject power to
the grid in the same way as other spinning reserve.
Their configuration is essentially
identical to the one shown for wind
turbines in Fig.17 except that, instead
of the motor/alternator being connected to a turbine, it is connected to
a rotating mass.
These machines are increasingly
popular for strengthening weak networks and can also be used for voltage regulation through reactive power
control. Inverters can also be used to
create so-called ‘synthetic inertia’.
The IBR can be configured to monitor grid frequency and rapidly absorb
or inject power should a frequency
excursion occur.
‘Grid-forming’ batteries are wellsuited to this task given their fast
response time, precise output control
and ability to work bidirectionally.
Successful trials have also been completed using wind turbines for frequency regulation – see Figs.24 & 25.
It is estimated that a ratio of 15%
‘grid forming’ to 85% ‘grid following’
inverters is optimal to replace spinning reserve.
Fig.23: an output plot of a real-world solar farm used for voltage control. During
a period of oversupply, the generator ramps down its output power (red). The
grid voltage (pink, purple, green) increases. Some time later, the solar farm
ramps up to full power, lowering the grid voltage through the action of its
reactive power control.
Fig.24: the output (orange) of the Hornsdale wind farm following a setpoint (AGC,
black) to regulate grid frequency (grey). Source: Hornsdale FCAS Trial, p24
Fig.25: the output of a traditional synchronous generator across the same
period as Fig.24. It underperforms compared to the wind farm given its slower
response. Source: Hornsdale FCAS Trial, p25
Australia's electronics magazine
April 2025 39
Grid stability – redundancy
The grid works on the N-1 principle. That is, there must always be sufficient standby capacity that a trip on
any single generator or transmission
line will not lead to a blackout. This
sometimes dictates some strange grid
operations, such as curtailing generators or running transmission lines from
areas of low supply towards areas of
high supply.
As the generation mix changes,
these constraints will also change.
Wind and solar generators are more
decentralised than our existing coal
fleet, and typically smaller. This gives
a lower concentration risk for any
single generator failure but increases
operational complexity.
Advanced software called distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS) is beginning to be rolled
out in many networks. It provides
improved visibility and control over
grid constraints. These modern control systems are central to the energy
transition, managing distributed assets
and retaining N-1 redundancy.
Grid stability –
negative demand
The combination of rooftop solar
and coal is leading to an interesting
problem for network operators. In the
middle of the day, it is common for
the rooftop system to be supplying its
local load and also exporting to the
grid. This is leading to periods of low
demand, and in future even negative
demand (see Fig.26).
During these periods, fast responding
grid-scale assets turn off for economic
reasons, but coal generators remain
active due to operational constraints,
and rooftop solar remains active as it is
usually paid a fixed rate ‘feed-in tariff’.
It is common at these times for the
distribution transformers to be running in reverse, supplying power back
onto the high voltage transmission network. This is problematic, as many distribution transformers need to derate
their power capacity for reverse flows.
This is not a limitation of the transformer itself, but rather the tap changers, which usually employ “asymmetrical switching” to reduce the amount
of power it must withstand during the
middle of a change.
This is advantageous when power is
in the normal direction, but for reverse
flows, the asymmetrical switching
exposes the tap changer to increased
power, severely limiting the reverse
power capability of the transformer.
Many networks are currently
investigating and implementing
upgrades to better handle this condition. A common solution is simply to
inhibit the tap changer when reverse
power exceeds its rating. The network
operator won’t be able to use the tap
changer during this period for voltage control, but they can use reactive
power as discussed earlier.
Another solution is to incentivise
more load into the grid during daylight hours. So-called ‘solar soaker’ tariffs are being trialled, which offer free
usage of the network between 10am
and 3pm, but a higher rate between
5pm and 8pm. Increased electric vehicle proliferation should also help negative demand, as car chargers have
higher usage during daylight hours.
Modern power electronics are playing a central role in the energy transition. Active stability techniques
like Demand Response, IBRs and
grid-forming batteries/inverters will
replace most of the spinning reserve
over the coming decades. Periods of
negative demand may lead to lowcost or even free EV charging during
sunny days, to make use of ample solar
power, and incentivise further investSC
ment in battery storage.
Fig.26: minimum demand projections for the eastern seaboard grid. South Australia will likely experience negative
overall demand this spring, with other states to follow in the coming years. Minimum operational demand is sometimes
called ‘base load’. Source: AEMO ESOO 2024, p41
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine