This is only a preview of the February 2025 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 43 of the 104 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Items relevant to "High-Bandwidth Differential Probe":
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Articles in this series:
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ISSN 1030-2662
9 771030 266001
00* NZ $1390
The VERY BEST DIY Projects!
These plus more in this month’s magazine:
Programmable Frequency
300Hz – 77MHz input frequency range | 85,000 division ratios | USB programmable
Battery-powered, ideal for use with oscilloscopes
Measure signals up to ±400V from Earth
100:1 or 10:1 ranges
30MHz/25MHz bandwidth
IR Remote Control Keyfob
with NFC programming
Compact keyfob case which can attach to a keyring
Sends up to three IR commands in NEC, Sony or Philips RC5/RC6 formats.
Commands can be changed via NFC.
Vol.38, No.02
February 2025
10 Open-Source Software
There is a vast array of quality open-source software available, much of
which is also free. We detail the different kinds of software available for
various jobs such as video, image & audio editing, productivity, CAD etc.
By Dr David Maddison, VK3DSM
Computer software
24 Mini UPS Module
This mini uninterruptible power supply (UPS) module provides continuous
9-12V DC <at> 10W. It’s suitable for smaller devices like a WiFi router, and it
only requires a single lithium-ion cell connected to its 50 x 20mm PCB.
By Jim Rowe
Using electronic modules
40 Antenna Analysis, Part 1
Learn how antennas work and how to design matching circuits for them.
In this first part, we cover the fundamentals, reactance, Smith charts and
other related topics.
By Roderick Wall, VK3YC
Radio antennas
72 Precision Electronics, Part 4
In this fourth installment in the series, we look at how to extend the
current measurement range of our current-sense circuit. We can do that by
switching between two or more shunt resistors.
By Andrew Levido
Electronic design
32 High-Bandwidth Differential Probe
This high-bandwidth and high-voltage Differential Probe is great to use
with a ‘scope. With a max common-mode and differential-mode voltage of
±400V DC and rechargeable battery, it’s perfect for your test bench.
By Andrew Levido
Test equipment project
58 The PicoMite 2
The newest MMBasic interpreter for the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 and “W” variant
is a comprehensive programming environment. It’s not only faster with more
memory, it also has built-in support for HDMI video, USB keyboards, mice etc.
By Geoff Graham & Peter Mather
Raspberry Pi Pico project
64 IR Remote Control Keyfob
This infrared (IR) remote control is one of the smallest we’ve made yet. It
has three buttons that can be programmed wirelessly via NFC (near-field
communications) and it works with many of our other projects.
By Tim Blythman
Remote control project
80 Programmable Frequency Divider
This Divider/Counter reduces the frequency of an incoming signal by
a factor of 3 to 21,327,000 and can be configured via USB. The input
frequency can be 300Hz to 77MHz and is powered from 5-12V DC <at> 20mA.
By Nicholas Vinen
Test equipment project
Page 32
Differential Probe
Antenna Analysis
and Optimisation
Part 1: Page 40
PicoMite 2
Page 58
for the Raspberry Pi Pico 2
Editorial Viewpoint
Circuit Notebook
Mini Projects
Silicon Chip Kits
Serviceman’s Log
Online Shop
Vintage Radio
Silicon Chip Kits
Ask Silicon Chip
Market Centre
Advertising Index
Notes & Errata
1. IR repeater
1. Power control for vehicle accessories
2. Power supply transformer tap switching
1. Wireless flashing LEDs
2. Transistor tester
TRF-One AM radio by Dr Hugo Holden
Nicholas Vinen
Technical Editor
John Clarke – B.E.(Elec.)
Technical Staff
Bao Smith – B.Sc.
Tim Blythman – B.E., B.Sc.
Advertising Enquiries
(02) 9939 3295
Regular Contributors
Allan Linton-Smith
Dave Thompson
David Maddison – B.App.Sc. (Hons 1),
PhD, Grad.Dip.Entr.Innov.
Geoff Graham
Associate Professor Graham Parslow
Dr Hugo Holden – B.H.B, MB.ChB.,
Ian Batty – M.Ed.
Phil Prosser – B.Sc., B.E.(Elec.)
Louis Decrevel
Founding Editor (retired)
Leo Simpson – B.Bus., FAICD
Silicon Chip is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. ACN 626 922 870. ABN 20
880 526 923. All material is copyright ©. No part of this publication
may be reproduced without the written
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ISSN: 1030-2662
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Silicon Chip
Editorial Viewpoint
Staying on Windows 10
Microsoft wants everyone who uses Windows 10 to
switch to Windows 11, but I don’t want to for several
reasons. Even after Microsoft’s official support ends
in October 2025, there are ways to keep Windows 10
secure so that you can still use it if you want to. Don’t
be bullied into “upgrading” if you don’t want to.
First, let’s quickly consider why you might not
want to switch to Windows 11. The first is if it doesn’t
support your computer hardware. Frankly, I think many of Microsoft’s
hardware requirements for Windows 11 are ridiculous.
The only logical explanation I can come up with for them is that they also
sell hardware and they want you to throw away a perfectly usable computer
and spend more money to get a new one. I don’t know about you, but I find
that kind of forced obsolescence quite offensive; I like to continue using
hardware as long as it still works well enough.
I could switch on TPM in the BIOS and install Windows 11 but I don’t
want to for the following reasons.
I consider having to sign into your own computer using a Microsoft account
to be an invasion of privacy. I want to be able to use my computer ‘offline’,
as a self-contained device, not as some part of Microsoft’s network where
they collect data on me.
I’m willing to pay for software like Windows, but only if I can own it, and
if I have to sign into an account to use it, I don’t consider that ownership.
Another reason is that I don’t want some of the new “features” like
Windows CoPilot or their other AI nonsense built into my operating system.
We should be able to decide what software we want to run on our computers,
not have it forced down our throats. There’s also the fact that Windows 10
does everything I need, so why would I want to switch to something new?
Say you want to stay on Windows 10 for some or all of those reasons. What
do you do? Microsoft are offering Extended Security Updates for three years
but they are expensive, at $95 + $190 + $380 = $665 per computer over those
three years. There must be better options.
Another one is to switch to Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021, which is
supported until 2027. However, that isn’t very far away anymore. I think
there is a better way.
I am going to sign up for the 0patch service ( for Windows
10, which promises to address any significant security vulnerabilities that
are discovered for €24.95 (about $41) per machine per year. There is a free
tier, but I think it’s worth paying for the Pro version (for us, at least).
I think the price is reasonable, and they install the patches in the
background, while you’re using your computer, so you don’t need to reboot
for patches any more (yay!). They are promising to provide these patches for
at least five more years. I suspect it will be longer, as many people like me
will want to remain on Windows 10 for as long as possible.
I suppose some people could be concerned about giving the 0patch software
full access to their computer’s memory. However, many programs require
that, like anti-virus software, the infamous CrowdStrike and even many
games these days (for ‘anti-cheat’). I guess it comes down to who you trust.
My fingers are crossed that 0patch are as trustworthy as, say, Microsoft.
Why don’t I switch to Linux? I actually use it quite extensively, but I need
a Windows computer to run important software that is not yet available on
Linux (and emulating it gives a poor result). If you just need a computer for
email, web browsing, writing documents and such, Linux is a great option.
Cover background image:
Australia's electronics magazine
by Nicholas Vinen
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
your feedback
Letters and emails should contain complete name, address and daytime phone number. Letters to the Editor are submitted on the condition that
Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd has the right to edit, reproduce in electronic form, and communicate these letters. This also applies to submissions to “Ask Silicon Chip”, “Circuit Notebook” and “Serviceman’s Log”.
Hydraulic computers do exist
In your November Editorial, you speculated on the possibility of hydraulic computers. They have existed for
quite some time. Until fairly recently, all automatic automotive gearboxes employed a hydraulic computer. It was
contained in the flat box-like enclosure slung on the bottom of the gearboxes.
You can read about them on Wikipedia at
CM$e and, while there is a YouTube
video on the MONIAC at
The document at gives a brief
history of hydraulic computers. There are high-resolution
photos of the components of a ‘valve body’ at siliconchip.
George, via email.
Comment: thanks for the relevant links. Hydraulic computers in automatic transmissions are certainly an interesting and common application of the principles. We would
have mentioned our article on Fluidics from the August
2019 issue ( in the editorial,
but there wasn’t enough room. It covered valve bodies,
MONIAC and more.
Building Fuzz Face clones
I enjoyed reading Brandon Speedie’s Vintage Electronics article about the classic Fuzz Face guitar effects pedal
(December 2024; I have
restored (but mostly just revived) a few Australian 1960s
transistor radios. Several have featured in Vintage articles
in Silicon Chip magazine.
Often, when I tried to look up the specs of vintage germanium transistors, I was ‘highjacked’ by websites talking
about their use in guitar pedals. Their discussion of germanium versus silicon transistor pedals mirrors the valve versus
transistor amplifiers debate. Maybe this explains why germanium transistors are expensive on the second-hand market.
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February 2025 5
“999p”, for example, nothing appears on the PC nor the
LCD screen! The only way out of this is to reboot the meter.
Lou Amadio, Figtree, NSW.
Comment: we re-tested the final version of the software
on an Arduino Uno and were able to update the calibration via the Serial Monitor. We suspect that your unit has
not locked up but is simply waiting for input.
We have our terminal’s line ending set to CR/LF (although
the code should work with CR only) and got the following
after typing “C<Enter>” (because the serial monitor only
sends on <Enter>) after the menu is displayed:
Typing “c<Enter>”, LC Meter prints:
C selected.
Enter a value:
I decided to build a Fuzz Face clone for my guitar-playing
son and followed the transistor selection article by R.G.
Keen entitled “Picking transistors for FF clones” at www. I tested a range of transistors that I had accumulated over the last 60 years and a few from radios that
were beyond repair; I would never cannibalise a good radio!
The gain and leakage varied greatly between ‘identical’
transistors. Maybe it was a particular combination of these
that Hendrix was unknowingly looking for. Keen suggests
that many guitarists prefer a gain of 70-100 for the first
transistor and 90-130 for the second.
My germanium PNP “Fuzz Face” was very smooth, with
gentle distortion that could be wound up if needed. As
Brandon Speedie explained, the negative peaks are cut
before the positive. This can be seen in the accompanying
oscilloscope trace photo that I took a few years ago when
I built the circuit.
As you can see, it is not a ‘hard’ clipping. From memory, I used a pair of AS128 transistors, which were AWV
Australian-made equivalents of the AC128.
I also built a second, NPN germanium transistor based
Fuzz Face, which sounded slightly different. I have no
musical ability at all and can’t play a single note or chord
on a guitar, but when I just strummed it, I commented that
it sounded like “Southern USA” music. My son’s reply was
“Yes, swamp rock”.
I had never heard of swamp rock as a musical genre. It is
the slightly muddy Creedence Clearwater Revival sound.
Maybe germanium transistors have left their mark on musical history, just as electric guitars, tape recorders, valves, 45s,
78s and even mechanical horn speaker technology did earlier.
Dave Dobeson, Berowra Heights, NSW.
Wide-Range LC Meter not responding to calibration
I have built the Arduino-based Wide Range LC Meter
from the June 2018 issue (
The meter works fine, and I am able to test capacitors and
inductors. However, I have a problem with calibration, at
least on the small capacitance range.
When measuring 0.5% precision capacitors in the pF
range, the meter reads more than 10% high. I tried to set
a new value for C2, but the Arduino Serial Monitor does
not allow me to edit the capacitance value.
I can enter calibration mode with C and C again to select
C2 for a new value, but that is as far as I get. When I type
Silicon Chip
Typing “1n<Enter>”, LC Meter prints:
C2 changed to 1000.0000pF
Note that neither the “c” nor the “1n” is not echoed on
the Serial Monitor.
We suspect the apparent lock-up is because the LC Meter
is waiting for user input that it is not getting (ie, it doesn’t
run tests during setup). That could be down to simply
line-ending settings on the serial monitor.
Your high readings for low-value pF should be rectified
by running the “G” stray capacitance calculation or setting
the stray capacitance manually. We suspect you haven’t
gotten that far yet. Lou Amadio later replied that changing
the line ending solved this problem.
The Exteek C28 has too much delay for instrumental use
Thanks for the review of the Exteek C28 Bluetooth audio
transmitter/receiver (September 2024 issue;
Article/16569). Allan lists several possible applications,
and it sounds like a brilliant device for some of them,
but I’m curious about the actual latency. Any significant
latency is critical for applications such as using TV wireless headphones, and to “turn musical instruments from
wired to wireless”.
Musicians can generally cope with 5-6ms of latency;
singers need less, typically under 4ms, especially if using
There is also a psycho-acoustic phenomenon where, if
you listen from to a loudspeaker say six metres away, the
delay is somewhere around 20ms and nobody even notices.
But if you put that 20ms delay into a pair of headphones,
and your brain doesn’t have the visual cue of the distance,
it becomes noticeable.
Allan hasn’t specifically mentioned the latency, but he
says, “I had to delay analyser measurements by 500ms to
ensure accuracy”. For many applications, the ultimate
S/N ratio and THD figure won’t affect typical uses, but the
latency can be critical.
I wanted to figure this out, so I bought some myself (they
are cheap) and tested them. I set up a signal generator and
fed it into one channel of my oscilloscope directly, with
the other channel over the wireless link. The latency measured around 450ms.
So, they are very useful for some applications, but Allan’s
article mentioned musical instruments or remote TV viewing etc several times. These items are completely unworkable for those applications.
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February 2025 7
Anyway, I think you make an amazing magazine, but the
suggestion of using these devices for musical instruments
is simply unworkable.
Claire Baker, Adelaide, SA.
Comment: you are right; we got Allan to test this, and he
also found the delay to be around half a second. As you
say, that makes them totally useless for live instruments.
He was unfortunately misled by the manufacturer’s delay
specification, which was stated as 7µs. That is clearly a fantasy and shows why we must take manufacturer-supplied
specifications with a bag of salt.
We did some testing ourselves by connecting one of these
devices to an Android smartphone and playing videos, and
there was no noticeable delay. We believe this is because
the phone can determine the delay and compensate by also
delaying the video by the same amount.
However, if you were to use two of these devices to form
a wireless audio link from a TV to headphones, delay compensation would not be possible and the result would be
Raspberry Pi 5 vs Rock 4C+
What an interesting article on the Rock Model 4C+ (April
2024). It is strange you did not compare it with the Raspberry Pi 5 (1GiB RAM) available at the time, the 8GiB RAM
(Pi 5) came out much the same time your article was needed
for the publishers to get the April edition.
I have been trying to replace my old eight-year-old Windows 10 laptop that has multiple hardware problems (faulty
screen, keyboard, battery, WiFi stopped, lack of memory,
hard-drive getting choked). So I agree when you say in
summary (page 61), “We don’t think it’s ready to replace
a desktop computer completely, but…” (what a pity, that
is what I was after).
My thinking is, as hardware fails or needs upgrading, it
will be cheaper to replace the items instead of the cost of
laptop repair or laptop replacement. I turned the laptop off
for the last time a few weeks ago.
Since you have used LibreOffice, I would describe the
spell checker as: if you need to use it, then your spelling
is not so good. A better choice would be to use the internet search engines to get correct spelling.
The program “Mousepad” in (Raspberry Pi 5 Debian),
similar to Microsoft “notepad”, has absolutely brilliant
spelling suggestions. You have to turn it from the Edit →
Preferences → Plugins menu.
I have used the Raspberry Pi 1 & 3 and the first Raspberry Pi 5 only had 1GiB of RAM. Even if it was not used
for a few hours, it would lock up for no obvious reason.
The 8GiB RAM version is better and would lock up only
if I aggravated (or overworked) it.
Eric Richards, Auckland, New Zealand.
Comment: we ordered a Raspberry Pi 5 4GiB version for
testing (we don’t think there was a 1GiB version). It was
hard to get a Pi 5 initially and ours arrived after the April
2024 issue had gone to press, so it was too late to add to
the Rock 4C+ review. We published our Pi 5 review in the
July 2024 issue (
We have found the LibreOffice spell checker to be reasonably good but you can also use an online grammar checker
tool like or https://prowritingaid.
com for more thorough checking. Both have paid and free
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 9
Tensor Flow
GNU Thunderbird VLC
3D OpenPGP
FreeCAD Notepad++
Open-Source Software
Open Street Maps
By Dr David Maddison, VK3DSM Firefox
Linux Audacity CHROMIUM WINE
AUDIO LibreOffice
You may have used free/open-source software in the past, but you might not be aware of
the variety and quality of free software available. You could also be wondering: why would
anyone go to the huge effort of creating software, only to give it away for free?
n our article on Repairable Electronics, we
described open-source hardware, that is,
hardware where the plans and parts
are all freely available (July 2024 issue; We also
briefly discussed open-source software
in that article, because of the way it
relates to the hardware. This article
will provide a lot more detail on that
Part of the inspiration for this article
is the wide variety of excellent free and
open-source software that’s available.
Many people think that they need to
pay for software to get something that’s
useful and works well.
While it’s true that some free/opensource software can be ‘unfinished’,
much of it these days is actually very
good with decent stability, many features and possibly a very polished
user interface.
While modern commercial software
can be very capable, compared to earlier software, it can be quite ‘bloated’
(taking up a lot of CPU, memory and
disk space), buggy, insecure, concerns
about privacy (eg, spying on users),
or can force users to create online
accounts. Because of this, many people today are looking to alternatives.
The high cost of much commercial software is now also a concern,
especially as some of it is no longer
available for purchase. You may have
to subscribe to it, at a cost that can
increase rapidly and unpredictably.
In some cases, this can mean paying
Silicon Chip
more in one year than you used to
pay for a piece of software outright
(ie, that you could use more-or-less
Due to the poor testing of much
commercial software, many end users
don’t like being unpaid testers. Software bugs cost a lot of time and money,
as does endlessly upgrading hardware
to cope with the demands of often inefficient and bloated software.
One big advantage of using opensource software is that the source
code can be audited by third parties
to ensure that it doesn’t do anything
nefarious and it isn’t full of security
Another reason to use open-source
software or operating systems is that
they may support older versions of
hardware than commercial versions
of software. For example, many people find their perfectly good and relatively new printers or scanners become
obsolete with new operating system
The latest version of Linux will run
happily on 10-year-old hardware. The
same cannot be said for the latest version of Windows, which often won’t
even install on a computer that’s just
a few years old!
Another great reason to use opensource software is that it often has
cross-platform support, meaning it
will typically run on Windows, Linux
or macOS. That makes it more universal and also means that you can decide
Australia's electronics magazine
to change operating systems (eg, from
Windows to Linux or macOS) and continue to use the same software. The
interfaces are usually even similar
across platforms.
With open-source software, if it
doesn’t support a platform you use,
since you have access to the source
you may even be able to ‘port’ it to
a different operating system. Having said that, it usually isn’t a trivial
For all of the above reasons, a social
movement has developed for people
to voluntarily get involved in the production and distribution of free software. It isn’t necessarily inferior in
terms of features to commercial software, either.
One alternative to traditional commercial software is so-called “free and
open-source software” or FOSS.
FOSS is software that is distributed
“under a license that grants the right
to use, modify, and distribute the software, modified or not, to everyone free
of charge”. The mere availability of
source code does not necessarily mean
software is FOSS unless the other conditions are met.
FOSS is a broad-ranging term for
software that is mostly distributed
under the terms of licenses from either
the Free Software Foundation (www. or the Open Source Initiative
These organisations have slightly
different philosophies.
The Free Software Foundation
The Free Software Foundation
defines four essential freedoms of free
(FOSS) software, originally developed
by Richard Stallman:
1 The freedom to run the program
as you wish, for any purpose.
2 The freedom to study how the
program works, and change it so it
does your computing as you wish.
Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
3 The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others.
4 The freedom to distribute copies
of your modified versions to others.
By doing this, you can give the whole
community a chance to benefit from
your changes. Access to the source
code is also a precondition for this.
You can read a collection of Stallman’s essays on open-source principles at
Open Source Initiative
The Open Source Initiative defines
open-source software according to the
ideas of Bruce Perens as requiring the
1 Free distribution.
2 The source code must be freely
available and not obfuscated in any
3 Derived works must be allowed.
4 Integrity of the author’s source
code must be maintained, with limitations on modifying it or indicating
when it is.
5 No discrimination against people
or groups.
6 No restrictions on where or how
the software is used.
7 The same license applies to all
people to whom the software is distributed.
8 The software license applies to
all products derived from a particular
software distribution.
9 The license may not restrict what
software is distributed along with a particular operating system ‘distribution’.
10 The license must be technology
Examples of software licenses from
the Open Source Initiative are Apache
License 2.0, BSD 3-Clause and BSD
2-Clause Licenses, all versions of the
GPL (GNU General Public License),
all versions of the LGPL (GNU Lesser
General Public License) and Mozilla
Public License 2.0 (used for Firefox
and Thunderbird, among others).
Both FOSS software and Open
Source Initiative software are issued
under license agreements, although this
doesn’t generally involve any physical
paperwork. It is automatic when you
download the software, perhaps after
agreeing to its terms and conditions.
Common open-source licenses used
by various organisations include the
Apache License, BSD License, GNU
General Public License, GNU Lesser
Public License, MIT license and the
Mozilla Public License.
There are two broad categories of
license for free and open-source software: permissive and copyleft (see
Permissive licenses generally come
from academia and have minimal
restrictions. Copyleft licenses come
from the free software movement and
typically require distribution of the
software and derivative works with
attribution and source code. Both
types usually have a warranty disclaimer (then again, so does most commercial software).
Copyleft is a concept of granting certain rights for use of copyrighted works
such as sharing, modifying, copying or
redistributing them. Author attribution is required and is usually incorporated in the source code files along
with full license conditions. Copyleft
allows people to freely use the copyrighted product, but does not allow
them to own it or earn royalties from it.
Naming confusion &
ideological differences
Both the FOSS and Open Source
Initiative have the words “open
source” in their names, which leads
to some confusion between the two
approaches, although this is of little
practical consequence.
There are important differences
between the views of the Free Software Foundation and the Open Source
Initiative. A basic difference is that
FOSS software is always free, but Open
Source is not necessarily so (but usually is). There may be copyright issues
or distribution restrictions of various
kinds. See
open-source-misses-the-point.html for
more on this.
In terms of the practical differences
to users of these two forms of software,
there are few differences to be concerned with. They are mostly ideological and lie with the proponents of the
two movements.
There may be costs
While the software we talk about
is generally free, there may be a cost
if it is distributed by a commercial
organisation who that offers technical or other support. For example,
WordPress is free software, but there
are companies that charge for hosting
and/or technical support for it.
Similarly, there are versions of
Linux such as Red Hat Enterprise
Linux (RHEL) that cost money. They
Fig.1: examples of FOSS software running on Fedora Linux with the KDE
Plasma desktop environment: Firefox, Dolphin file manager, VLC media player,
LibreOffice Writer, GIMP and KCalc. Source:
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 11
may be used on supercomputers or
in major commercial or government
enterprises. There can also be charges
for some other large enterprise software installations where support by
commercial organisations is offered.
Public domain software
Public domain software was popular from the 1950s to the 1990s. It still
exists, but has been mostly replaced by
FOSS and Open Source licenses. Software that has been placed into the public domain has no ownership, licensure, or any other restriction placed
on it whatsoever.
It became mostly obsolete due to
changes in copyright laws in the
United States and elsewhere with the
implementation of the Berne Convention, which meant that all original
works are by default copyright protected and required an explicit waiver
to enter into the public domain.
Freeware is software that is distributed without charge, but unlike FOSS
or Open Source software, the source
code is not typically available. Freeware can be full-featured, or it might
be from a commercial source, as a type
of “sampler” to encourage purchase
of a more capable version of the software (eg, see the DaVinci Resolve entry
below). It may come with restrictions
on the way it’s used.
Shareware is proprietary software
that either has a trial version available, or has limited functionality. It
might be supported by advertisements
or a purchase of a more capable or
less restricted version. It might display some mark in the output, such
as a watermark or logo. Source code
is usually not available.
In the rest of the article, we will
not necessarily distinguish between
FOSS and Open Source software or
other types of free software, although
we will try to mention which category
each entry falls under.
● The Brazilian government, which
moved from Windows to Linux.
● Austria, which uses OpenOffice
products and Linux.
● The German armed forces, which
use Matrix for internal communications.
Examples of free and/or
open-source software
Naturally, it would be impossible
to list or review all available software.
The following will hopefully give you
an idea of the fantastic variety of free
and open-source software that’s available. We’ll break down the different
types of software into five categories:
● General software, that will be of
interest to most readers
● Engineering & mathematical software, that we expect will also be useful to many of our readers
● Operating systems
● Development/back-end software,
which will be most interesting to those
who are more into computers and software development
General software
We’ll start things off by covering
open-source software available for most
common day-to-day tasks such as document editing, web browsing, email etc.
Productivity software
LibreOffice (
& Fig.2) is a free and open-source set
of productivity programs including
a word processor (Writer), a spreadsheet program (Calc), a presentation
program (Impress), a drawing program
(Draw), a database access program
(Base), an equation editor (Math) and
a charting module.
It is a ‘fork’ of Apache Open Office,
but LibreOffice is more actively maintained and has a few more features. We
use LibreOffice extensively as it provides all the features we need with an
easy-to-use interface at no cost.
LibreOffice Calc is the spreadsheet
program that comes as part of LibreOffice. It supports 1,048,576 rows and
16,384 columns. It can read and write
Microsoft Excel files, except those
parts (if any) that contain Microsoft
proprietary Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), which may have to be
rewritten in Apache OpenOffice Basic.
Notepad++ ( is a free & open-source text
editor program that’s intended to be
similar to but much more powerful
than Microsoft’s Notepad app that
comes with Windows.
OnlyOffice ( is
a collaborative online office suite that
includes document, spreadsheet and
presentation editors, plus a PDF creator, editor and form filler.
Scribus (
projects/scribus) is free, open-source
desktop publishing software. If you
want to publish a book or magazine,
it might be a good place to start.
Sumatra PDF (www.sumatrapdf is a lightweight, opensource PDF reader. Being lightweight,
it is much faster to load and use than
programs like Adobe Acrobat.
Adoption by governments
Various governments worldwide
have adopted free and open-source
software. Examples include:
● Massachusetts, USA, which has
adopted the OpenDocument standard.
● The US White House, which uses
Linux and Drupal on its web servers.
Silicon Chip
Fig.2: the LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet program. Source:
Australia's electronics magazine
Web Browsers
Brave ( & Fig.3)
is a free and open-source browser
released under the Mozilla Public
License. It is privacy focused with a
strong level of privacy protection, and
blocks most ads and website trackers with its default settings. Optional
ads can be turned on, which earn
users “Basic Attention Tokens” that
can be used as a cryptocurrency currency token (based on Ethereum) or
to make donations to various websites
and creators.
Chromium (
is the open-source web browser that
Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Samsung Internet and Opera are based on.
Firefox ( is
a privacy-focused free and open software browser that runs on Windows,
macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. It
automatically blocks most ad trackers.
It also works with Google products
such as Gmail and docs and offers
a “Facebook container” extension
facebook-container) to stop Facebook
tracking you around the web. Screenshots can also be made from within
the browser. Firefox is the successor of
one of the original web browsers, Netscape Navigator, introduced in 1994.
There are also many privacy-focused
forks of Firefox such as Librewolf and
GNU IceCat.
Tor browser (
has a slogan that goes, “You have a
right to SEARCH without being followed”. It is strongly privacy focused
and is designed for safe and anonymous web browsing.
It operates over the Tor overlay network, itself built with free and opensource software, designed for anonymous communication via ‘onion routing’ through a network of volunteer-
operated relays which create random
paths for your internet data. This is all
encrypted, making tracing and tracking of personal data very difficult for
hostile parties like malicious hackers.
Its main disadvantage is said to be
its slow browsing speed due to the
nature of the volunteer-operated onion
routing it uses.
Communications & email
Matrix ( is a
communications protocol to provide secure, decentralised instant
messaging, Voice over IP (VoIP) signalling and Internet of Things (IoT)
Fig.3 (upper): the Brave web browser on several devices. Source: https://brave.
Fig.4 (lower): a sample screen of the Mozilla Thunderbird email client. Source:
communications, including bridging
together existing communications.
It is used by the French Government
and the German Armed Forces, among
Mozilla Thunderbird (Fig.4 & www. is a free and opensource email client and personal information manager. It also has newsgroup
integration, a news feed, a calendar
(“Lightning”) and an instant messaging client. It will run on Windows,
macOS, FreeBSD and Linux.
It supports all common email standards such as POP, IMAP, LDAP, S/
Australia's electronics magazine
MIME and OpenPGP. The mail file
format it uses is MBOX with MSF
(Mail Summary File) but emails can
be exported in EML format and others such as text, CSV, PDF and HTML.
Drawing, painting, animation &
image manipulation
Blender ( & Fig.5)
is a well-regarded 3D graphics program
that runs on Linux, macOS, Windows
and other operating systems. It is suitable for making animated films, 3D art,
creating 3D-printed models, motion
graphics, visual effects and other uses.
February 2025 13
It has become an industry standard
program of sorts.
Darktable ( is
an open-source digital photography
workflow application for that runs
on Windows, Linux or macOS. It can
also integrate with GIMP (see below).
Inkscape ( is
a vector graphics editor for Linux,
macOS and Windows, similar to
Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW.
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation
Program, & Fig.6) is a
free and open-source image manipulation program for Linux, macOS and
Windows. It is considered by many to
be a substitute for Adobe Photoshop (it
can perform many similar functions).
It can be used for image manipulation, image editing, free-form drawing, conversion of different image
file formats and other tasks. It can
also be enhanced using third-party
plugins and the use of scripting. A new
major version, GIMP 3.0, is planned
to be launched soon and includes
many improvements, such as non-
destructive editing, that solve complaints by people who are used to using
similar features in Photoshop. There
is a good video on the new features at
Krita ( & Fig.7)
is a free and open-source graphics manipulation program for raster
graphic art and 2D animation that runs
on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android,
ChromeOS and Haiku. Some people
prefer Krita over GIMP as an alternative to Photoshop.
Audio, codecs, transcoders &
media players
Ardour ( is a
(mostly) free and open-source digital
audio workstation (DAW) as used by
recording engineers and music producers. It’s similar to commercial music
production programs you might have
heard of, like Ableton Live or Cubase.
Audacity (
& Fig.8) is a free and open-source
audio editor and recorder said to be
the world’s most popular program of
its type. It works on Windows, macOS
and Linux and supports all major
audio formats. There are many thirdparty plugins available for it.
Codec is short for coder/decoder. It
is a piece of software that is involved
in digitising, compressing, decompressing, storing or decoding audio or
video data and is also used for streaming. Many codecs are proprietary and/
or patented, but many free and opensource codecs have been developed,
such as the following:
● AV1 ( is
a video codec developed as a royalty-
free and open-source alternative to
HEVC (H.265).
● Codec 2 is a speech codec
for low-bandwidth applications at
● MP3 was developed by Fraunhofer
Fig.5: Blender is a
3D modelling suite,
but also doubles as a
video editor. Source:
Fig.6 (below): a
sample screen of the
GIMP image editing
software. (1) main
toolbox, (2) tool
options, (3) image
editing window, (4)
brushes, patterns,
fonts and history, (5)
layers, channels and
Fig.7: an example below of artwork
made using Krita. Source: https://
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
IIS ( and
originally required licensing fees.
Since the patents expired worldwide
by 2017 it is now free and open-source.
● Ogg Vorbis (
vorbis) is a free, open-source alternative to MP3. They also published
FLAC, a popular lossless audio codec,
plus two video codecs, Theora and
● OpenH264 (
is an open-source implementation of
the standard H.264 video compression
system by Cisco Systems.
● Opus ( for
audio compression, including speech.
● uvg266 is an open-source H.266
video encoder (
● x264 and x265 are a free & opensource video encoder for H.264 &
H.265 respectively.
● VPX (
tools) is a free & open-source implementation of the WebM video codec.
FFmpeg is another important opensource project that combines numerous open-source codecs and related
software to create a cross-platform
video & audio recording/converting/
streaming/playback library. It is used
by many open-source media players.
Handbrake ( is
a popular open-source video encoding
and transcoding tool. It runs on Windows, macOS or Linux and can convert from just about any video format
to any other.
The media player mpv (https:// & Fig.9) has an opaque control
scheme, but provides a lot of control
for users who want to tinker.
VLC ( is a
multimedia player that can play an
enormous variety of media file formats, discs, webcams, devices and
video and audio streams and comes
with the necessary codecs for most
applications. It runs on platforms such
as Android, Linux, iOS, macOS, Unix
and Windows.
Video editing, streaming & capture
DaVinci Resolve is not open-source
but it does have a free version (www.
davinciresolve). You have probably
seen it advertised in this magazine;
it was developed by Australian company Blackmagic Design (based in
Melbourne). We have used it and think
it is excellent. There is a paid version
that would be great for professional
Fig.8 (above):
a screenshot of
Audacity showing
spectrograms of an
audio clip. Source:
Fig.9 (right): a sample
screenshot of the
mpv media player
playing Casablanca,
which is in the public
domain. Outside of
a few basic controls
on the bottom bar,
everything else
requires hotkeys to
Fig.10: a sample screen from OBS Studio, an open-source video streaming
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 15
Fig.11 (left): a sample screenshot of
the video editor Shotcut. Source:
Fig.12: a sample screen of the 7-Zip
compression/archiving program.
use; the free version is suitable for
a range of tasks from beginners to
advanced users.
OBS Studio (
& Fig.10) is free and open-source software for video recording and livestreaming. It runs on Linux, macOS and
Windows. It can capture images and
video from sources such as the computer screen, windows, images, text,
browser windows, webcams, capture
cards and others. It is widely used by
streamers on platforms like YouTube
& Twitch.
SimpleScreenRecorder is a Linux
screen recorder program to record
the operation of programs and games
ShareX ( is
a free and open-source program for
screen capture and sharing of the output to other users. It has been likened
to a superior replacement for the Windows Snipping Tool.
Shotcut ( & Fig.11)
is a free and open-source cross-
platform video editor. It runs on Linux,
macOS and Windows. It offers numerous features and supports a wide variety of formats. Among many uses, it
could, for example, be used to make
YouTube videos.
Even though the final version of VirtualDub ( was
released in 2013, it is still a popular
video processing and stream capture
program with hundreds of third-party
plugins written for it. Forks (additional developments branches) have
been produced for VirtualDub, such as
VirtualDub2 (
Compression and archiving
7-Zip ( & Fig.12) is a
free and open-source file compression
Silicon Chip
and archiving tool that achieves
greater compression than standard
ZIP archives (although it also supports
the ZIP format). It was developed by
Igor Pavlov and first released in 1999.
There is a Windows graphical (GUI)
version, plus a command-line version
for Linux and macOS.
It supports the following formats: 7z (its own format), GZIP, XZ,
BZIP2, WIM, ZIP and TAR. It can also
unpack (but not pack) files in APFS,
XAR and Z formats. Files can also be
The 7z format uses LZMA and
LZMA2 compression, and files have
a self-extracting capability.
Cross-platform software
Wine ( is a compatibility layer for POSIX-compliant
operating systems like Linux, macOS
and BSD to enable Windows applications to run on them.
One of its advantages is that it will
run early Windows programs as far
back as Windows 3.1, which will
probably not run on current versions
of Windows, so it is a way to continue
to use legacy programs that may not
have a current equivalent.
WINE, along with associated tools
like Proton, allow many Windows
games to run on Linux. This has made
it quite a popular gaming platform;
for example, the Steam Deck portable gaming system runs Linux and
has access to thousands of games,
many of which were only designed
for Windows.
Australia's electronics magazine
File transfer software
FileZilla (https://filezilla-project.
org) is a free and open-source file
transfer application for Windows,
Linux and macOS. It supports the FTP
and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS) protocols and can connect to SFTP servers.
There is also FileZilla Server for creating FTP/FTPS servers.
FreeFileSync (https://freefilesync.
org) is a freeware program for folder
comparison and synchronisation. It’s
useful for creating backup copies of
files or synchronising sets of working files between different locations.
It is open source and available for
Linux, macOS and Windows. Donors
get access to a version of the program
with some additional features. We use
it and find it quite good.
LocalSend (
is an open-source, cross-platform file
sharing system, including support
for transferring files between mobile
devices and computers using Bluetooth.
NextCloud (
is a content collaboration program that
provides functions like Google Drive
and similar when used with office
suites like integrated Collabora Online
or OnlyOffice.
ProjectSend (
is a private web-based file sharing program that runs from a server.
Encryption software
Cryptomator (https://cryptomator.
org) is used for encrypting cloud drives
from the client’s side. That way, if the
data on the cloud server is compromised, it is still safe as only the client
holds the encryption key. It is available for Android, Linux, iOS, macOS
and Windows.
Fig.13: part of the
Open Street Map
map of Melbourne.
Note how even
buildings are
GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard, https:// is an encryption suite
that uses the OpenPGP standard (see
KeePass ( is a
free and open-source password manager purely for Windows. There are
also popular cross-platform forks of
it such as KeePassXC.
OpenPGP ( is
said to be the most widely used email
encryption standard. It is defined
by the OpenPGP Working Group of
the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF). It is available for Android, iOS,
Linux, macOS and Windows.
VeraCrypt (
Home.html) is for on-the-fly encryption, to create a virtual encrypted disk
that works like a regular disk although
it is actually a file. In addition, it can
encrypt actual disks.
Mapping and navigation software
Open Street Maps (OSM, www. & Fig.13) is a
geographic database from the OpenStreetMap Foundation published
under an Open Database License.
It can be used as a mapping app on
mobile phones and is particularly
useful in the absence of phone coverage, as the map database is held
within the device. It can also be used
online. Data is provided by a community of users, and anyone can become
a contributor.
Fonts and typefaces
There are many fonts and typefaces
that are open-source and can be used
freely without charge or restrictions
(see Fig.14). These are available from
various sources, such as:
Virtual machine software
DOSBox ( is a
DOS emulator for running old software on modern systems.
Proxmox VE (,
QEMU (, VirtualBox
( by Oracle and Xen (
are all popular, free and open-source
virtualisation systems that let you run
multiple operating systems on a single
computer simultaneously.
Virus and anti-malware
ClamAV ( is an
open-source antivirus engine for
scanning emails for trojans, viruses
and malware. Other open-source
anti-virus packages exist but nothing
full-featured, likely due to the effort
required to constantly monitor for
new viruses and malware, develop
antidotes for them and to update antivirus files.
Video games
There are some open-source computer games, such as SuperTuxKart,
Mindustry, OpenTTD, UFO: Alien
Invasion and OpenXcom. Two we
have tried are:
OpenTTD ( &
Fig.15) is an open-source game based
on the commercial game Transport
Tycoon Deluxe. Like OpenXcom
(below), optional improvements,
graphics, music and add-ons have
been contributed to enhance the game.
While the original Transport Tycoon
Fig.14: an example of a typeface
called Chunk, reminiscent of old
American West woodcut typography.
Fig.15 (right): a screengrab from
version 1.9 of OpenTTD. Source:
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 17
Deluxe only ran under Windows or
DOS, OpenTTD can be played on Windows, macOS, Linux and Android.
OpenXcom (
is an open-source clone of the 1994
DOS game X-COM: UFO Defence (also
known as UFO: Enemy Unknown). It
is widely regarded as one of the best
turn-based strategy computer games
of all time.
OpenXcom require a copy of one of
the original games (XCOM or Terror
From the Deep) to run but is a modern
Windows program with many bugfixes
and improvements over the original.
It has the same ‘look and feel’ as the
original but is more fun due to many
‘quality of life’ improvements that
have been implemented in the spirit
of the original.
The Battle for Wesnoth (www. is another open-source
strategy game.
application for Linux, macOS and
GNU Octave (
index.html & Fig.16) is an alternative
to MATLAB and mostly compatible
with it. It runs on Linux, macOS, BSD
and Windows.
Gnuplot ( &
Fig.17) is a free and open-source program to produce 2D and 3D plots of
functions, data and data fits. It runs
on Linux, macOS, Windows and
other systems. It was first released in
1986 and is still under active development.
Despite being free and open-source,
its source code is copyrighted and
distribution of a modified version is
not permitted. Such restrictions are
permitted under Open Source Initiative licenses. Despite the name, it is
unrelated to the GNU Project. Apart
from working as a stand-alone plotting program, it is used as a plotting
engine by a number of other packages
and websites.
ParaView ( is
a versatile multi-platform scientific
visualisation program developed by
Sandia National Laboratories, Kitware Inc and Los Alamos National
R ( is a language
and environment for statistical computing and graphics made by GNU. It
is similar to the S language and environment that was developed at Bell
There is a Linux project called
OpenPrinting (https://openprinting. to support IPP (Internet
Printing Protocol) for printing to local
network or internet-connected printers. It also supports legacy printers
with appropriate drivers.
Engineering & mathematical
Engineering & maths software
are heavily dominated by paid and
closed-source software such as Altium
Designer, AutoCAD and MATLAB.
However, there are a surprising number of good alternatives.
Computer-aided design software
FreeCAD ( &
Fig.18) is a free and open-source CAD
program mainly for mechanical engineering design, although it can be used
in other areas, such as architecture
Graphing, visualisation & analysis
Gephi ( is a network analysis and visualisation
or electrical engineering. It runs on
Windows, macOS and Linux. See the
video titled “Learning FreeCAD with
These Basic Steps” at
KiCad ( & Fig.19) is a
free and open-source electronic design
automation (EDA) suite for Windows,
macOS and Linux.
It can create circuit diagrams and
comes with a large library of symbols.
It can then perform checks to ensure
they follow basic electrical rules such
as check for output pin conflicts, missing drivers and unconnected pins and
create a “netlist”, which defines the
connectivity of the circuit.
Once a circuit has been drawn, you
can then use it to lay out a PCB, using
a built-in library of component footprints (it also has matching 3D models). It can import, export and migrate
to and from other CAD (computer-
aided design) tools.
Its PCB editor includes an interactive layout router, side-by-side visualisation of the circuit and layout,
design rules checks, trace length tuning for high-frequency designs and a
footprint editor. It also has a 3D viewer
to examine the proposed PCB design
with components in place.
LibrePCB ( is
another open-source ECAD program
similar to KiCad. Some people say
it has a better library manager than
KiCad and is easier to use in other
CircuitMaker (
circuitmaker) and EasyEDA (https:// are two examples of
free PCB design software that we have
mentioned in the magazine in the
past, but they are not open-source.
We reviewed CircuitMaker in the
Fig.16: a sample screen from GNU Octave, an opensource alternative to Matlab.
Silicon Chip
Fig.17: a sample plot from gnuplot. Source: https://gnuplot.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.18 (left): a sample screen from
FreeCAD v1.0. Source: https://wiki.
Fig.19 (below): a PCB design and
3D rendering underway in KiCad.
January 2019 issue (
3D modelling software
OpenSCAD (
is a solid 3D CAD modelling program
that will run on Windows, macOS and
Linux. It is not an interactive modelling program, but rather, the user
describes an object using a scripting
language (see Fig.20) and renders the
3D model from that. There is a video
showing creation of a simple object
titled “3D Modeling with Code! The
best demo (OpenSCAD)” at https://
RepRap or replicating rapid prototyper ( is a project to develop low-cost 3D printers that can print their own components; the Skeinforge ‘slicing’ program was developed as part of this.
While Skeinforge now appears to be
obsolete, several open-source slicing
programs exist. Two we have used
are Slic3r ( and PrusaSlicer (
Open-source 3D printer operating
firmware is another important facet of
the RepRap project. The Marlin firmware ( is designed
to run on an Arduino Mega board and
is compiled using the open-source
Arduino IDE.
SPICE (Simulation Program with
Integrated Circuit Emphasis) is opensource software for circuit simulation,
developed at the University of California, Berkeley. It is very powerful but a
little difficult to set up and use.
Linear Technology’s GUI version,
LTspice (, is
not open source but it is free and it is
popular because it is so easy to use,
and comes with lots of builtin component models. Since LTspice only
runs on Windows, Ngspice (https:// is a free and
open-source alternative that also runs
on Linux, macOS and other operating
Amateur radio
FreeDV ( & Fig.21)
is a free and open-source digital voice
app for SSB amateur radio.
It can run on Windows, Linux and
macOS. It is helping the transition
from analog to digital voice modes of
HF amateur SSB, the previous major
Fig.20: a sample screen of OpenSCAD showing its scripting language; insert is a
3D printer modelled using OpenSCAD. Source: &
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 19
Fig.21: a screenshot of the FreeDV digital voice app for SSB
amateur radio. Source:
transition being from AM to SSB in
the 1950s and 1960s.
Unlike many other digital modes,
the voice codec used by FreeDV is not
proprietary and is also open source. It
uses neural net speech coding (LPCNet) and provides 8kHz of audio bandwidth while using only 1.6kHz of RF
bandwidth. It is thought to be the first
use of such neural net speech encoding
for real-world applications.
basicmm/en) is an antenna design program that is free for non-commercial
use but is copyrighted by the author,
although the source code is available.
WSTJ-X (https://wsjt.sourceforge.
io/wsjtx.html & Fig.22) implements
Fig.22: a sample screen from the WSTJ-X digital radio
software. Source:
several popular amateur radio digital
modes such as FST4, FST4W, FT4,
FT8, JT4, JT9, JT65, Q65, MSK144 and
WSPR. It also has one called ECHO
for detecting your own radio signals
reflected from the moon when you try
to ‘moon bounce’. It runs on Windows,
macOS and Linux.
Data Acquisition
LDAQ (Lightweight Data Acquisition,
& Fig.23), is a Python-based toolkit for
data acquisition that is said to be powerful and user-friendly. It is intended
for use by researchers, engineers or
hobbyists. It works in all Python environments.
Fig.23: a sample screenshot of the LDAQ data acquisition software. Source:
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
OpenDAX ( is
an open-source framework to build
parts of data acquisition systems such
as distributed control systems (DCS),
programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
and supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA) systems. The
authors describe the software as not yet
ready for mission-critical applications.
Operating Systems
Android is based on Linux (see
below) and its basic implementation
is open-source. We discussed some
open-source versions of Android in
our article on privacy phones (June
GrapheneOS (
FreeDOS ( is an
open source DOS-compatible operating system for IBM-PC compatible
computers. It is intended for running
legacy software and embedded systems.
Microsoft has released the MS-DOS
v1.25, v2.0 and v4.0 source code under
an MIT license for others to view and
experiment with. See https://github.
Open Network Linux and SONiC
are open-source network operating
systems ( & A commercial example (not open source) of
a network operating system is Microsoft Windows Server.
GNU ( is a collection
of hundreds of items of free software
that can be used as a Unix-like operating system or as parts of an operating system. It includes applications,
libraries, developer tools and games.
GNU is the original free software
concept project by Richard Stallman,
started in 1983, with software development starting in 1984 and the free
software philosophy published as the
GNU Manifesto in 1985 (www.gnu.
org/gnu/manifesto.html). The release
of the GNU suite was the first time an
operating system could be run using
free software.
The completed GNU components
(except for the kernel, the core part of
an operating system) led to the independently created Linux operating
system, developed by Linus Torvalds
from 1991, which is now the main use
for these GNU components. Linux is
released under a GNU license, and
the Linux kernel is what is most used
with the GNU software components.
According to GNU, Linux should be
called GNU/Linux because it wouldn’t
work without both sets of components
html). Linux is actually the name of the
kernel of the Unix-like GNU operating
system (created by Linus Torvalds),
not the entire operating system itself.
While it is certainly true that the
Linux kernel would not exist without
GNU’s tools, and that it relies on many
of their libraries to be useful, we’re
referring to it as Linux for brevity (it’s
a somewhat controversial topic).
Linux is an enormously popular
alternative to commercial operating
systems like Windows. It is available
in around 1000 distributions (‘distros’), each tailored to particular uses
or tastes, with different applications
included. Some Linux distributions
may contain commercial software, as
Linux has commercial and industrial
applications as well, but most distros
contain free and open-source software.
If you want to migrate to Linux,
as I might do in the near future, you
can try ‘live’ distros that you can
install on a USB stick or other removable media without altering the data
on your computer. Distros that can
be used live include Debian, SUSE,
Ubuntu (Fig.24), Linux Mint, MEPIS
and Fedora Linux.
Some distributions specifically
for live use include Knoppix, Puppy
Linux, Devil-Linux, SuperGamer,
SliTaz Linux and dyne:bolic. As for
which distribution to use, that would
Fig.24: an example of the Ubuntu Linux desktop. Source:
Fig.25: most of the world’s top supercomputers run some version of Linux,
including the Summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the
United States, which runs RHEL. Source:
need a whole article in itself, however
Ubuntu ( is considered a good choice for beginners;
it does come with some proprietary
device drivers, although it is still free.
Another distribution cited as being
suitable for beginners, which is based
on Ubuntu, is Linux Mint. Ubuntu, in
turn, is based on Debian.
Apart from home users, many scientific, commercial and industrial users
employ Linux, including on supercomputers, the International Space
Station and SpaceX vehicles (Dragon,
Falcon 9 and Starship).
Australia's electronics magazine
You can watch a video explaining
why one Windows user switched to
Linux and the basics of Linux Mint at
Traditionally, supercomputers
(Fig.25) ran proprietary operating systems. Today, most run some variant
of Linux, such as Red Hat Enterprise
Linux (RHEL). RHEL is a commercialised version of Linux but it is based
on the free and open-source Fedora
Linux and CentOS Stream versions
of Linux.
AlmaLinux (
is a FOSS substitute for RHEL. Some
February 2025 21
supercomputers use other versions of
Linux, such as Ubuntu.
Development and
back-end software
Compared to the old days of paid
compilers and software demos distributed on physical media, there is
a lot of choice for people who want
free software.
Compilers & development software
Git ( is a free &
open-source distributed version control system that can be used for software development or any other time
a set of text files will undergo many
revisions, possibly by a team of people.
Subversion or svn (https://subversion. is another similar free &
open-source tool that we use (because
we find it easier than git).
The GNU Compiler Collection
(GCC, is a collection of free compilers for Ada, C,
C++, D, FORTRAN, Go, Objective-C,
Objective-C++ and Rust for various
operating systems and computer architectures. GCC compilers are used for
most GNU projects and for the Linux
kernel, along with many other opensource projects.
LLVM ( and its frontend Clang is a compiler for C languagues (C, C++, CUDA etc). It also is
the default compiler for macOS.
Processing (
is a combined graphics library and
integrated development environment
intended for graphical programming.
We used it for our LED Christmas Tree
project in the December 2018 issue,
but you will probably be more familiar with it as the basis for the Arduino IDE.
Python ( is a
dynamically typed, high-level programming language that many people
like because it is easy to learn and use
but much more powerful than languages like BASIC. Like many modern
programming languages, it is also an
open-source project. MicroPython is a
variant of it that runs on microcontroller boards like the Raspberry Pi Pico.
Visual Studio Code (https://code. or VS Code is an
open-source integrated development
environment (IDE) released by Microsoft. It is based on their earlier proprietary Visual Studio program but
can run in Windows, Linux, macOS
or even a web browser.
Silicon Chip
MySQL ( is a free
and open-source relational database
management system. It is available
under either a free and open-source
licence or a proprietary licence.
PostgreSQL (www.postgresql.
org) is a free and open-source relational database management system,
which claims to be the world’s most
advanced. We think PostgreSQL is
very well designed and well worth
looking into if you need a relational
One of its most impressive features
is that it supports most concurrency
features without any locking, meaning it is almost immune to deadlocks,
something that can be a real problem
in other database systems. Instead, it
uses a versioning system. This allows
you to do things like take a ‘snapshot’
to back up the entire database while it
is in active use!
Web Content Management &
Apache ( is
the “number one HTTP [web] server on
the internet”, although it was recently
overtaken in popularity by NGINX.
Together, the two packages power over
60% of all web servers.
Apache is one of the earlier opensource projects and, as such, even
created its own class of open-source
licence that is now used by other projects (the Apache license mentioned
earlier). There is also Apache Tomcat
(, which is
an ‘evolution’ of the Java EE (enterprise applications) platform.
Drupal ( is web
content management software that is
used by the US White House and 14%
of the top 10,000 websites worldwide
WordPress ( &
Fig.26) is a very popular web content
management system and blog software that is free and open-source. It is
supported by about 60,000 (or more)
plugins from other developers.
Artificial intelligence
There are quite a few open-source
AI models and tools, although some AI
models claimed to be open source do
not meet accepted standards of opensource software.
Open source models:
● Stable Diffusion (https://stability.
ai/stable-image & Fig.27), which is free
for non-commercial or limited commercial use. It generates images from
a text description.
● The source code for GPT-2 is publicly available but the trained model
and data is not (
● GPT-NeoX and GPT-J are pretrained language models.
● Llama by Meta (Facebook, www. is listed as open-source
and includes pre-trained models. It
can be used for commercial applications but has restrictions around
licensees with “greater than 700 million monthly active users in the preceding calendar month”.
Open source libraries/frameworks:
● TensorFlow (
& Fig.28), a software library for deep
learning and artificial intelligence.
● PyTorch (,
a library for machine learning and
Fig.26: WordPress has a large amount of pre-made themes that can be used to
quickly create a website. Source:
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.27: some example images generated by Stable Diffusion 3.5. Source:
deep learning for applications such
as vision and natural language processing.
● Scikit-learn (https://scikit-learn.
org/stable/), a machine-learning
library for predictive data analysis.
● Hugging Face Transformers
transformers), a collection of models
for text-based tasks such as answering questions, summarisation, image
classification, object detection, speech
recognition and audio classification.
Open-source datasets:
● ImageNet (,
an image library for object recognition
● Common Crawl ‘crawls’ the web
and stores the data in its archives
(, which are
made freely available to researchers
and developers. It has stored 250 billion web pages over the last 17 years,
with 3-5 billion pages added every
month. This data can be used to train
artificial intelligence models.
Cluster & grid computing
A computer cluster is a potentially
very large collection of computers that
are managed to act as a single large
Computer clusters are used for
calculation-intensive tasks such as scientific computing (eg, weather prediction, protein folding or fluid dynamics) rather than tasks with high input/
output requirements like databases.
Most supercomputers these days use
computer clusters.
Grid computing utilises the capacity of numerous individual computers
to perform individual parts of various
computational tasks. The capacity
utilised might be otherwise unused;
‘spare’ CPU cycles are ‘donated’ to a
distributed computing project such as
BOINC or SETI<at>home.
Apache Mesos (https://mesos. is software to manage
computer clusters. Twitter used to use
Apache Mesos, but now uses Kubernetes.
A Beowulf Cluster is a supercomputer made from many inexpensive
computers, generally running Linux
and other free and open-source software such as Open MPI, a message passing interface, and Open
Source Cluster Application Resources
(OSCAR) high-performance computing management software.
BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing, https:// is an opensource project to facilitate distributed
grid computing projects. It was originally developed to manage SETI<at>
home, which analyses radio telescope
data via millions of PCs worldwide.
It has now been expanded to other
distributed computing projects in the
areas of astrophysics, biology, environment, linguistics, mathematics, medicine and others.
Kubernetes (
is a containerised application management system that was originally
authored by Google.
Fig.28: an image (left) after applying 10 iterations of DeepDream (right) that was trained on dogs. DeepDream is
implemented using TensorFlow. Source: user MartinThoma –
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 23
Using Electronic Modules with Jim Rowe
Mini Uninterruptible
Power Supply (UPS)
If there’s a blackout when using your computer, it might keep running (eg, off its
internal battery or a UPS) but what about your WiFi router? It will likely drop out
and not come back until power is restored. This low-cost UPS module can keep
it going as well.
ost consumer-grade uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs)
have similar configurations, with a
storage battery that’s charged when
mains power is available and switched
to running an inverter to replace mains
power when it fails. Many use a sealed
lead-acid (SLA) battery to store the
In most cases, the switchover takes
only 10-25ms, which usually doesn’t
cause problems with loads like PCs or
LCD monitors. When delivering power
from the battery via the inverter, most
UPSs can do so for at least 20 minutes,
even when the load requires its full
rated output power. That is generally
enough to allow you to save your work
and shut down the computer safely.
The mini UPS module we’re looking
at here is a bit different from that. It
is intended to provide continuous 9V
or 12V DC power to small electronic
devices like WiFi routers while being
powered from 5-12V DC. It can supply
up to 12W of output power continuously, making it suitable for powering most WiFi routers and many other
small devices.
Instead of a sealed lead-acid (SLA)
battery, it uses a small lithium-ion battery like a single 18650 cell, which is
much smaller than just about any leadacid battery.
All of the mini UPS module’s circuitry is on a PCB measuring 50 ×
20mm. It doesn’t have an onboard battery holder; the Li-ion battery (which
is not supplied) is intended to be connected alongside it.
We obtained the module pictured
from an AliExpress supplier called
ACELEX, which had it available for
only $2.01 plus shipping. Another
supplier on AliExpress called MOKCUM seemed to have an identical module for $4.02 plus shipping – twice the
price, but still surprisingly low.
From the supplier’s photos, the
MOKCUM module is set to produce a
Fig.1: the block diagram for the mini uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
module. It is a straightforward design with only two main sections.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
9V DC output, whereas the ACELEX
module produced an output of 12V
DC as received. However, as we’ll
explain shortly, the modules can be
easily changed to produce either output voltage.
How it works
After examining the module’s PCB,
I was able to glean enough information to produce the basic block diagram shown in Fig.1. There are two
main circuit sections; on the left is
the lithium-ion charging circuit, while
on the right, there is a DC/DC step-up
(‘boost’) converter. The offboard Li-ion
cell connects to the lines between the
two sections.
The charging circuit accepts the
incoming 5-12V DC input power and
produces a regulated 4.2V DC output
to charge the Li-ion cell while also
driving the step-up converter to provide either 12V or 9V to the load on
the right.
Link JP1 lets you switch the step-up
converter’s output between 12V and
9V. When a solder bridge links its pads,
the module delivers 12V to the load;
when they are not linked, it delivers
9V instead.
Link JP2 changes the maximum
charging current for the Li-Ion battery.
If the pads are not joined by a solder
bridge, the maximum charging current
is limited to 500mA (0.5A); if they are
linked, the maximum charging current is 1A. Most 18650 cells can happily charge at 1A (well under 1C for
their typical capacity), but if you are
unsure, you can leave it at the safer
500mA setting.
For small LiPo cells like those used
Fig.2: the wiring diagram for the mini UPS module.
Multiple cells can be wired in parallel if required.
in mobile phones, it’s best to leave the
JP2 pads open. If you want to use a
large cell or several cells in parallel,
you will probably want to go for the
higher charging current.
The LEDs shown at upper left in
Fig.1 are not supplied with the module, but are regarded as an ‘optional
extra’. The sketchy data provided with
the modules suggests that you should
fit a common-anode dual red/blue LED
(even though the legends on the PCB
show R−, + and G−), but of course, you
can use a red/green LED or even two
separate 3mm LEDs.
The blue (or green) LED indicates
whether a load is connected to the
output of the module, while the red
LED indicates the charging state of the
Li-ion battery. If the red LED is flashing, no battery is connected; if it is
on continuously, the battery is being
charged; if it is off, it is fully charged.
Fig.1 shows no circuitry to perform
the switchover to battery power when
the mains-derived input power fails.
That’s because there is no switchover
as such. The Li-ion battery is already
connected to the input of the step-up
converter, so it will provide current
and power when needed. No switch
over time at all!
battery and a low-voltage load like a
WiFi router is quite straightforward, as
shown in Fig.2. The incoming DC supply connects to the IN+ and IN− pads
on the left, the output load to the OUT+
and OUT- pads on the right, and the
Li-ion battery to the B+ and B− pads
at bottom middle and bottom right.
If you want to add a couple of LEDs
(or a dual LED), these can be added at
centre left, as shown. Just make sure
you use high-efficiency LEDs because
the driving currents are low.
Link JP1 is just to the left of the
output pads, as indicated by the red
circle. It’s shown linked by a solder
bridge, so the boost converter provides a 12V DC output. If you want
9V instead, simply remove the solder
bridge with a soldering iron and some
solder-wicking braid.
However, note that diode D1 connects the input to the output, so if you
set the unit up for a 9V output, you
can’t use a 12V supply.
Link JP2 at lower left is indicated
by the second red circle. As shown in
Fig.2, it usually comes without a solder
bridge, limiting the battery charging
current to 500mA. It’s best to leave it
this way unless you know your battery
can handle charging at 1A.
By the way, the B−, OUT− & IN− terminals are not all connected together,
so make sure your supply, load and
battery have independent grounds or
else the circuit will not work.
Trying it out
To check out the module, I powered
it from a standard 5V DC, 1A plugpack
and connected its output to a programmable DC load. I then fired up my bench
DMMs and connected one to measure
the module’s output and the other to
measure the Li-ion battery voltage.
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Hooking up the module to a low-
voltage power source, a lithium-ion
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Australia's electronics magazine
Setting it up
February 2025 25
The mini UPS module is compact, measuring 50 × 20mm; the photos above are enlarged for clarity. The module is
typically supplied as shown with JP1 bridged, JP2 unbridged and no LED(s).
After making sure the sole Li-ion
18650 cell was fully charged, I
switched off the input voltage and
tested its performance at both output
voltages, with load currents of 100mA,
200mA and 300mA. These tests took
a few hours, and the results are summarised in Fig.3.
The red/mauve and cyan/blue lines
show the module’s output voltage at
either voltage setting and for the tested
load current levels for up to three
hours from the removal of input power.
For the lightest loads, 100mA in
both cases, the output voltage at either
setting remained essentially constant
for more than two hours after input
power removal.
That corresponds to a load power
of 1.2W at the 12V voltage setting and
0.9W at the 9V setting. There was no
significant voltage droop over this
time. In fact, the voltage on both settings remained within ±2mV for the
duration of the tests.
However, it did not last quite as
long with a load drawing more current. On the 9V setting, with the load
drawing 200mA, the cell voltage fell
to 3.2V and I terminated the test after
around 2.5 hours.
I repeated the test at 300mA, which
naturally gave a shorter runtime, and
also with the output set to 12V, which
also reduced the runtime.
With the UPS module fed with 12V
from a big bench supply (rated at 5A),
and two charged 18650 cells in parallel, the module delivered 600mA to
the load at 12V for about 10 minutes
before the battery voltage dropped to
With a third 18650 cell in parallel and the load current increased to
800mA, even with fully charged cells,
the unit could only supply 12V to the
load for about 5 minutes before the cell
voltage dropped to 2.97V and I turned
it off. The small inductor in the output boost converter became very hot
in that short time.
So the Mini UPS module is really
only really suitable for loads up to
600mA, even with three 18650 cells
in parallel. It may be rated to supply
1A, but it wouldn’t be able to do so for
a useful time.
That’s probably enough to power
the average WiFi router; many are supplied with a 1A plugpack, although I
doubt they draw anywhere near that
upper limit unless they are going ‘flat
This UPS should be able to power
your WiFi router in a blackout for long
enough to make it worthwhile with
sufficient battery capacity, although
that is the kind of thing you should
test if you are going to rely on it.
This module is nicely made, low in
cost, has no switchover time and performs reasonably well, with the ability
to power low power (<12W) DC loads
like WiFi routers for about 10-60 minutes, depending on how much current
they draw.
Fig.3: test runs to see how long it would take the module to discharge at 100mA, 200mA & 300mA loads. The unit can
deliver up to about 600mA (a little short of the 1A advertised) with reduced runtime unless larger/more cells are used.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
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Differential Probe
This high-bandwidth, high-voltage differential probe is ideal for use with oscilloscopes,
although it could have other uses. It has an internal rechargeable battery and fits in
the same case as the Isolated Current Probe we published last month. It will be an
invaluable addition to your test equipment arsenal!
By Andrew Levido
f you ever work with high-voltage circuits, a differential probe is an indispensable piece of test equipment.
In fact, they’re also useful with many
low-voltage circuits; any time you
want to monitor a differential voltage
between two points in a circuit. This
one can be built for a fraction the cost
of a commercial device with similar
performance and functions.
The ground sides of most oscilloscope inputs are connected directly
to mains Earth. This means you can
only measure Earth-referenced signals – either those already referenced to Earth, or those that you can
safely connect to Earth on one side
for the purposes of the measurement.
That generally includes truly floating circuits, such as battery-powered
Unfortunately, many signals in
circuits such as switch-mode power
supplies or motor controllers are referenced to voltages well above Earth
potential. Connecting a scope to these
using a standard probe would create
a short from the circuit reference to
mains Earth, via the probe ground lead
and the ‘scope itself. This will potentially be catastrophic for your scope,
the probe and your circuit.
Even if your circuit is floating and
you can safely Earth one point for
testing, if you want to measure another
voltage at the same time that’s referenced to a different point, you’re out
of luck. That’s because if you Earth
two different points in your circuit,
you are adding a short circuit; usually
not a great idea! A differential probe
(or multiple probes) totally solves that
As an interesting and slightly terrifying aside, my very first oscilloscope,
an Australian made BWD830 purchased in the early 1980s, actually has
a “ground isolate” switch on the back
panel that allows the user to open the
mains Earth connection, allowing the
scope common to float.
Fig.1: a high-voltage
differential probe is
essential if you want to
see signals that cannot be
Earth referenced on your
oscilloscope. In this example, three probes help to
measure the phase-to-phase voltages of a variable
speed drive. The scope display is a real capture
made with the prototypes.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
● Maximum common-mode voltage: ±400V DC (280V RMS)
● Maximum differential-mode voltage: ±400V DC (280V RMS)
● Common-mode input impedance: 2MΩ || 2.5pF
● Differential-mode input impedance: 4MΩ || 2.5pF
● Attenuation ranges: 100:1, 10:1
● Basic DC accuracy: better than 1%
● Bandwidth: >30MHz (x100), >25MHz (x10)
● CMRR: >100dB (DC-100Hz)
● Battery Life: >4 hours
● Charging time: <3 hours
● Charging socket: USB-C
● Input sockets: 4mm banana sockets, 20mm spacing
● Output socket: BNC
This avoids the risk of blowing up
the scope, but can allow the scope
case and front panel terminals to rise
to lethal voltage levels! Thankfully,
this dangerous practice is a thing of
the past. (And it still doesn’t help for
monitoring multiple points referenced
to different voltages anyway...)
Fig.1 shows an example of where
a differential probe is indispensable.
Here, the three phase-to-phase PWM
output waveforms from a variable
speed drive (suspiciously similar to
the one we published in the November
& December 2024 issues) are displayed
on three channels of an oscilloscope.
None of the U, V or W phases can
be safely Earthed, and the voltages
involved are in the order of 400V peakto-peak. The differential probes provide 100:1 attenuation of the differential voltage and over 10,000:1 (100dB)
attenuation of the common-mode voltage, allowing the phase-to-phase voltages to be measured safely.
The waveforms shown on the scope
are from a real screen capture made
using three of these devices.
A high-voltage differential probe
translates the difference in voltage
between its two high-impedance
inputs into a voltage that you can safely
connect to your oscilloscope’s Earthed
input. The output is proportional to
the difference in voltage between the
positive and negative inputs. Any
common-mode signal present on both
inputs is almost entirely rejected.
The differential probe is housed in
a small plastic case measuring 82 × 65
× 28mm. The inputs are two shrouded
4mm banana jacks at one end, with a
20mm spacing. That is close enough
to the 3/4-inch (19.05mm) standard for
dual-banana-plug accessories to fit.
The BNC output, range switch and
USB-C connector are at the other end
of the case. The power and charge
LEDs are visible through the top of the
case via two light pipes.
Design goals
When I set out on this project, I set
myself a few design goals. I wanted
a probe that could safely be used
in mains-voltage projects like that
described above. This means the
device should be able to measure differential-mode signals of ±400V magnitude and withstand a similar level
of common-mode voltage. This corresponds to an AC voltage of 280Vrms.
We want to show these on a standard scope, so an attenuation of 100:1
(-40dB) would be appropriate to give
a ±4V full-scale output signal.
Sometimes, we will want to measure a low-voltage signal riding on a
high common-mode voltage; for example, to examine the gate signals of the
IGBTs in Fig.1. These signals would
normally be within a ±40V range, so
a 10:1 (-20dB) attenuation range was
also one of my requirements.
The common-mode rejection ratio
(CMRR) at DC to mains frequency
should be at least 100dB. This means
a 400V common mode voltage would
contribute less than 4mV at the output.
The input impedance should be in the
megohm range with fairly low parallel
capacitance (say <10pF).
I wanted an upper bandwidth limit
as high as I could reasonably get, at
least 25MHz, to get good representation of high-speed switching signals
with fast rise-times. Bandwidth and
rise time are related according to the
Australia's electronics magazine
approximation trise ≈ 0.35/BW, so a
25MHz bandwidth means the fastest
rise time we will see is about 14ns,
which should be short enough.
I also wanted the unit to have the
smallest form factor possible and
include an internal rechargeable battery. My bench gets cluttered enough
as it is without having bulky probes
and their power cables added to the
mix. More than three hours’ battery life
and USB-C recharging was mandatory.
Operating principles
In principle, the concept of a differential probe is pretty straightforward: a
matched pair of input attenuators followed by a classic three op-amp differential instrumentation amplifier will
do the job. Fig.2 shows the bare bones
of the circuit, along with differential
and common-mode voltage sources we
will discuss later.
You can think of this circuit has
having three sections: a dual input
attenuator, a buffer stage and a difference amplifier stage. The overall
differential-mode gain of the circuit
is given by multiplying the gains of
each of these stages, which are given
in the figure.
We have to set the gains of each
stage such that we respect the input
common-mode voltage range of each
op amp (voltages A+/A- and C+/C- in
the figure) and their maximum output
swings (voltages B+/B- and Vout). With
±5V power rails, it seemed fairly safe
February 2025 33
Fig.2: the differential probe consists of two matched attenuators followed by a
classic three-op-amp instrumentation amplifier. The latter has a buffer stage
with a gain programmable via a single resistor (RG) and a difference amp stage
with a fixed gain.
to assume an input common-mode
voltage of ±2V and an output swing
of ±4V as a starting point.
A division ration of 200:1 would
give 2V at point A with a 400V input,
leaving the rest of the circuit to provide
a gain of 2 or 20 to achieve the overall
target of 100:1 or 10:1 attenuation. As
you can see from Fig.2, the voltage at
any one of the inputs will actually be
a combination of some common-mode
voltage, Vcm, plus one half of the differential-mode voltage, Vdm.
The maximum voltage of 400V at
the inputs will therefore be made up
of a combination of common-mode
and differential-mode voltages. We can
construct a graph (the yellow area in
Fig.3) showing the allowable ranges
of input voltage that keep the op amp
voltage within the ±2V band.
This input range is more than
enough to measure signals likely to
be encountered in a circuit powered
by 230-240V AC.
The area shown in pink is the combination of inputs that can be measured
on the 10:1 attenuation range. In this
case, the range is limited by the ±4V
output swing of the op amps, rather
than the input common-mode voltage.
It is important to keep in mind that
all of these are limits relate to the faithful reproduction of the input signal.
The maximum voltage that the inputs
can safely withstand is considerably
higher, as we shall see.
With the attenuator gain determined
to be 1/200th, we can consider the gains
for the other two stages. The buffer
stage gain can be set by selecting a single resistor RG, so this is the obvious
candidate for switchable part of the
gain. We can’t put all the remaining
gain in this stage, or we run the risk
of exceeding the difference amplifier’s
Silicon Chip
common-mode input voltage range.
Thus, I chose to make the buffer
stage gain switchable between 1 and 10
and set the difference amp stage gain
to a fixed value of two times.
That’s about it for the high-level
design – a pair of matched 200:1
attenuators, a ×1/×10 switchable buffer stage and a ×2 difference amplifier. Now we just have to make it all
work – and the devil is in the details,
as they say.
The attenuator
The circuit diagram (Fig.4) shows
the complete design. The attenuators
have to withstand high voltages, have
reasonably high input impedance and
be very closely matched to maximise
CMRR. The attenuators are identical,
so I will focus this description on the
positive side for simplicity.
The resistors I have chosen for the
Fig.3: the range of common-mode
voltage and differential-mode voltages
the probe can faithfully reproduce at
the output. The yellow area is for the
×100 range and the pink area is for the
×10 range. It can safely tolerate much
higher voltages without damage.
Australia's electronics magazine
upper leg of this divider are 1MW
±0.1% ¼W devices with a voltage rating of 700V. The maximum continuous voltage we can apply across each
of these resistors is limited to 500V by
power dissipation. With two resistors
in series, the inputs can withstand a
sustained voltage of 1kV (DC or AC
RMS), giving a comfortable safety
The resistance value required in
the bottom leg of the divider for 200:1
attenuation is 10,050W. In each half,
this is made up of a 10kW resistor, a
10W resistor and half of 100W trimpot
VR1. This trimpot is shared with the
negative attenuator, allowing us to
tweak the divisor ratios so that they
are precisely equal, as necessary for
maximum rejection of common-mode
With VR1 centred, the total resistance of each resistor string is 10,060W,
not 10,050W as calculated. The extra
10W is necessary to compensate for the
10MW resistors, which are effectively
in parallel with the lower leg of each
divider. You can ignore trimpot VR2
in this calculation, since its value is
much smaller than the error due to
the 1% tolerance in the value of the
10MW resistors.
The overall resistance of the lower
leg of each divider is therefore 10,060W
|| 10MW = 10,050W.
The purpose of VR2 is to allow us
to inject up to ±5mV into one input
to compensate for any op amp offset
errors. We will discuss this further
below. Diode pairs D1 & D2 protect
the op amp inputs from overvoltage
by limiting the voltage swing at the
divider output to ±5.6V or thereabouts.
That covers the DC performance of
the attenuator, but we want the divider
to operate properly up to 25MHz or
more. We know that there will inevitably be some capacitance at the output
of the divider. The protection diodes,
for example, will contribute about
1.5pF each; the op amp input capacitance will be about the same. There
will also be 3pF or 4pF of stray capacitance inherent in the layout.
At 25MHz, this ~10pF of total
capacitance will have an impedance
of around 630W, reducing the divider
ratio to something in the order of 1/3500.
The incidental capacitance is moreor-less unavoidable, so we potentially
have a real problem.
The solution is to deliberately add
some capacitance across the upper leg
of each divider to reduce its impedance by the same ratio and maintain
the attenuation. With a 200:1 divider,
we would need an upper leg capacitance 199 times lower than the ~10pF
in the lower leg. Clearly, this is impractical.
Instead, we put a small known value
of capacitance across the upper leg and
add more capacitance across the lower
leg to compensate for it.
I selected series pairs of 4.7±0.1pF
1kV NP0 capacitors for the upper legs,
to match the high-voltage tolerance
of the input resistors. Together, they
amount to 2.35pF of capacitance in
the upper leg of each divider, requiring 467pF of capacitance in the lower
leg to compensate.
This latter capacitance is made up
of the ~10pF of incidental and stray
capacitance we have already mentioned, plus the parallel combination
of 390pF and 27pF fixed capacitors,
plus VC1 (12-60pF).
This combination gives us a range of
capacitance adjustable from nominally
440pF to 490pF. It is useful to have a
range to account for capacitor tolerances and other uncertainties. Moreover, the overall bandwidth we can
ultimately achieve will be quite sensitive to perfect frequency compensation.
The buffer stage
The op amp we use for the buffer
stage is critical. It must have high
input impedances so as not to load
the attenuator, and low bias currents
since the input impedance is ~10kW.
Thus, a FET input op amp is required.
It must also have a high large-signal
bandwidth, and a common-mode
input range of ±2V with ±5V supplies.
I chose the ADA4817, which is
expensive at around $15 each, but
it fits the bill nicely. It has an input
impedance of 500GW in parallel with
1.3pF and the input bias current is
±20pA. The large signal bandwidth
extends to 200MHz, with 0.1dB gain
flatness to 60MHz.
The worst-case offset voltage is
±4mV (which is good for a FET input
op amp), and the input common mode
voltage range is -4.2V to +2.2V with
±5V rails.
If I only required a gain of one for
this stage, I could have simply wired
IC1 and IC2 as non-inverting buffers.
But since we need the option of a gain
of 10, I had to close the feedback loop
around each op amp with resistors.
It is a good idea to choose a fairly
low value for this resistor as it will
form an RC low-pass filter with the
op-amp’s input capacitance, the effect
of which will be to increase the gain
of the buffer as the frequency rises,
causing unwanted ‘peaking’ in the frequency response.
When the ×10 range is selected via
S1, the parallel combination of the
110W and 220W resistors is switched
in between the two buffer amplifiers’
inverting inputs. The resistance values
were chosen to give this stage a gain
of 10 in this configuration. Consistent
with the attenuator, I used 0.1% tolerance resistors for gain-setting.
Fig.4: the complete probe circuit. Power is provided by an 800mA Li-ion cell via a dual-rail DC-to-DC converter (REG5).
The battery is charged via a USB Type-C connector (CON4) and IC4.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 35
You can see the input attenuator
components arranged vertically
outside the banana sockets near the
The 510W resistors in series with
the non-inverting inputs of IC1 and
IC2 are critical to the stability of the
circuit. High-speed op amps like the
ADA4817 love to oscillate. One of the
(many) things that can bring this on is
extraneous capacitance on the inputs,
and we have plenty given the compensation network we just discussed.
The 510W resistors are ‘stopper’
resistors that isolate the op amp inputs
from this capacitance. The 500GW
input impedance and 1.5pF input
capacitance mean that these resistors
don’t otherwise affect the operation
of the probe.
Just as for the input divider, we add
10pF & 47pF frequency compensation
capacitors to this gain stage. I did not
bother with a variable capacitor here
because the low impedance of the surrounding circuit makes it less sensitive to an error of a few picofarads one
way or the other.
Difference amplifier
The requirements for the difference
amplifier (IC3) are not quite as stringent as for the buffers, but we do need a
high large-signal bandwidth and good
output characteristics. The LMH6611
fits the bill. It has a large signal bandwidth of 85MHz and a gain-bandwidth
product of 115MHz. The output swing
with ±5V rails is ±4.5V into a 150W
load and the output drive current is
Silicon Chip
The LMH6611’s input common-
mode voltage range is -5.2V to
+3.8V, giving plenty of headroom.
As a bonus, it is considerably
cheaper than the ADA4817s.
IC3 is set up as a difference
amplifier with a fixed gain of two
using low-value 0.1% tolerance
resistors. The 10W resistor helps
overall stability by providing a
little bit of isolation between
the LMH6611’s output and
any load capacitance. This
stage does not need frequency
compensation due to the low
gain and low impedances
My design calculations
indicate that the end-to-end
gain error of this circuit should be
comfortably under 1% over the temperature range of 0-40°C, and nearer
to half this at 25°C. However, the
untrimmed offset error could be in
the order of ±5mV on the ×100 range
and ±45mV on the ×10 range. The big
difference is due to the buffer stage
amplifying the ADA4817’s offset when
on the ×10 range.
This is why it is necessary to add
the offset trim. If we added the offset
to the difference amplifier (where we
would in ideal world), we would need
a different offset trimpot for each range
and an extra gang on the range switch
to select the right one.
The compromise I selected was to
add the offset before the gain stage,
meaning we can trim out most of IC1’s
and IC2’s offset but may not be able to
fully eliminate that from IC3. Since
this is ±4mV at the output (0.1% error)
in the worst case, I decided I could
live with it.
Power supply
The ±5V power supply is derived
from a single Li-ion 14500 (AA-sized)
800mAh cell via a TPS65133 dual-rail
switching power supply (REG5). This
chip accepts a 2.9-5V input and can
source up to 250mA on each rail. It is
Fig.5: use this overlay diagram to
place the components. We recommend
mounting the LCC-packaged DC-DC
converter (REG5) and supporting
components first. Once you have
confirmed they are working, you can
move on to the rest of the parts.
Australia's electronics magazine
92% efficient at 100mA and requires
only a couple of inductors and three
capacitors to operate.
The chip has an undervoltage lockout to protect the Li-ion cell from
The TPS65133 generates very little
noise as far as switching converters
go, but to be safe, I added an LC filter
(10μH/220μF) between each output of
the switcher and the analog circuitry.
A green LED (LED2) across the power
rails provides user indication that the
power is on.
The cell is charged from a USB-C
power-only connector via a MAX1555
charger chip (IC4). This charges the
cell at around 280mA, which is enough
to charge an empty cell in under three
hours. A yellow LED (LED1) lights
when the MAX1555 is charging the
Li-ion cell and extinguishes when it
is fully charged.
The charging voltage comes from
USB-C connector CON4. Resettable
PTC fuse PTC1 and transient voltage
suppressor diode TVS3 protect against
reverse-polarity circuits and overvoltage conditions. The two 5.1kW resistors pull the USB power delivery control channel lines down to passively
signal to the source to supply 5V.
The power is switched via a second
set of contacts on range switch S1. In
the Off/Charge position, the cell is
connected to the charger and isolated
from the rest of the circuit. In either
the 100:1 or 10:1 position, the battery
is connected to the switcher and isolated from the charger.
PCB design
High voltages can be present at the
banana sockets’ exposed conductors
and either end of the first resistor and
capacitor of each attenuator. Those
components are on the PCB outside
the banana sockets.
The track clearances PCB follow
IPC2221-B standard B4 for boards with
solder masks below 3050m altitude. So
you must build this on a commercially-
made PCB with a solder mask.
During assembly, you should apply
a conformal coating over the top half
of the board once all components other
than trimpots/trimcaps have been fitted. That will allow it to resist arcing
even under extreme conditions (eg,
very high humidity).
These coatings are available in spray
cans (see the parts list), are easy to
apply and can be soldered through,
although they should be reapplied
later if you do that.
All the components mount on a
small double-sided PCB coded 9015-D
that measures 56.5 × 82.5mm. Most are
through-hole or hand-solder-friendly
surface-mount types. The only really
tricky device is REG5, the TPS65133
switch-mode regulator. Unfortunately,
all the useful power chips like it seem
to only be available in tiny ‘leadless’
During construction, refer to the
PCB overlay diagram (Fig.5) to see
which components mount where and
with what orientations.
Because of REG5’s package, we recommend assembling and testing the
power supply first. REG5 has a thermal pad underneath the chip, so reflow
(either hot air or IR) is the only realistic option to mount it. The best way I
have found to do this is to use solder
paste. Apply a small smear of it to all
the pads. Don’t worry if a little gets
between pads as it will ball up under
surface tension when reflowed.
Place the chip carefully, using the
screen-printed lines as a guide. Make
sure the orientation is correct. Heat the
chip and the surrounding board with
hot air until the solder melts, including that on the thermal pad. I use tweezers to hold the chip in place until I
feel the surface tension of the solder
‘pull’ it into place.
You can tell the thermal pad solder
has melted if the chip re-aligns itself
if you nudge it very slightly out of
Parts List – High-Bandwidth Differential Probe
1 double-sided PCB coded 9015-D, with solder mask, 56.5 × 82.5mm
1 Hammond 1593LBK 92 × 66mm case [element14 4437858]
1 adhesive panel label, 55 × 80mm
1 14500-size 800mAh Li-ion cell with PCB pins (BAT1) [Altronics S4981]
1 red PCB-mount banana socket (CON1) [Cal Test CT3151SP-2]
1 black PCB-mount banana socket (CON2) [Cal Test CT3151SP-0]
1 PCB-mount BNC socket (CON3) [Molex 73100-0105]
1 USB-C power only socket (CON4) [Molex 217175-0001]
2 4.7μH 1.1A M2520/1008 shielded ferrite inductors (L1, L2)
[Würth 74404024047]
2 10μH 350mA M2012/0805 shielded ferrite inductors (L3, L4)
[TDK MLZ2012M100WT000]
1 0.75A 24V M3226/1210 PTC polyfuse (PTC1) [Littelfuse 1210L075/24PR]
1 right-angle DP3T PCB-mount slide switch (S1) [E-Switch EG2310]
1 top-adjust 100W 3296-style multi-turn trimpot (VR1) [Altronics R2370A]
1 top-adjust 10kW 3296-style multi-turn trimpot (VR2) [Altronics R2382A]
2 0.6in (15.24mm) convex light pipes [Dialight 51513020600F]
2 No.4 × 6mm self-tapping screws
4 small self-adhesive rubber feet
1 can of conformal coating [Jaycar NA1610, Altronics T3175]
2 ADA4817-1ARDZ-R7 410MHz precision op amp, SOIC-8-EP (IC1, IC2)
1 LMH6611MK/NOPB 135MHz precision op amp, TSOT-23-6 (IC3)
1 MAX1555EZK-T Li-ion battery charger, TSOT-23-5 (IC4)
1 TPS65133DPDR dual DC-DC converter, WSON-12 (REG5)
1 SMBJ5.0C 5V transient voltage suppressor, DO-214AA (TVS3)
1 SMD M2012/0805 yellow LED (LED1)
1 SMD M2012/0805 green LED (LED2)
2 BAV99 dual series signal diodes, SOT-23 (D1, D2)
Capacitors (all SMD M2012/0805 size 50V NP0/C0G ceramic unless noted)
2 220μF 10V solid tantalum, SMC case
5 10μF 16V X7R
8 100nF X7R
2 390pF
1 47pF
2 27pF
2 10pF
4 4.7pF 1kV
2 6mm diameter 12-60pF variable capacitors (VC1, VC2) [EW GKG60015]
Resistors (all SMD M2012/0805 size ±1% ⅛W unless noted)
2 10MW
4 1MW ±0.1% M3216/1206 size ¼W 700V [Vishay TNPV12061M00BEEN]
2 10kW ±0.1% 10ppm [element14 1140912]
2 5.1kW
1 1.8kW
3 510W
2 360W ±0.1% 25ppm [Panasonic ERA-6AEB361V]
2 330W ±0.1% 25ppm [Panasonic ERA-6AEB331V]
1 220W ±0.1% 25ppm [Panasonic ERA-6AEB221V]
2 180W ±0.1% 25ppm [Panasonic ERA-6AEB181V]
1 110W ±0.1% 25ppm [Panasonic ERA-6AEB111V]
3 10W
position. Once it cools down, you can
remove any excess solder or obvious
shorts with solder wick around the
edges (adding a bit of flux paste [not
solder paste] makes the wick work
better). Then clean up the flux residue
with isopropyl alcohol.
Australia's electronics magazine
Next, fit the four inductors, L1–
L4, the four capacitors around REG5
and the two large tantalum capacitors
in the upper-left corner of the PCB
according to the overlay. You are then
ready to test the power supply.
Solder a couple of lengths of fine
February 2025 37
Fig.6: drill the enclosure end panels and top according to this diagram. The slots can be formed by drilling a pair of holes
inside the perimeter and using a craft knife and files to open them up to the required dimensions.
hookup wire to the board to power
it externally. The easiest place to
connect the negative supply is the
through-hole for the battery negative
terminal (the single hole on the righthand side of the board). The best place
to connect the positive supply is the
bottom right-hand through-hole in the
group of six where the switch will later
be mounted.
These locations are marked by small
triangles on the PCB silk screen overlay.
Connect an external power supply
set to deliver 4V with a current limit of
100mA and switch it on. The current
draw should be negligible, and you
should be able to measure 5V across
both of the large tantalum capacitors.
If there is a problem, switch off, check
your work and, if necessary, reflow
REG5 again.
If all is well, you can remove the
wires and proceed with mounting all
the other parts, leaving the battery till
the very last. IC1 and IC2 also have
thermal pads on the bottom, so these
will have to be reflowed too. However,
they are SOIC-8 packages so are much
easier to solder than REG5.
Remember to apply the conformal
coating we mentioned earlier on both
sides of the board above the battery
location before soldering the trimpots
and trimcaps. Reapply it on the underside after soldering those components
so their joints are covered.
Immediately after you mount the
battery, screw the board into the case
bottom. This will help prevent accidental shorts under the board. The
Silicon Chip
energy density of the Li-ion cell is
such that accidental shorts can easily
burn out tracks or cause other damage.
Case preparation
Drill the enclosure end plates and
top case according to Fig.6. The slots
can be most easily made by drilling
a couple of holes inside the outline
and finishing with a craft knife and
small files. You will need to remove
the two plastic bosses on the inside of
the top case where the banana jacks
are located – you can just snip them
out with a pair of side cutters.
The label (Fig.7) is simply glued to
the front panel with some adhesive. I
printed mine on glossy photo paper
and covered it in transparent adhesive
film for protection.
Consistent with oscilloscope probes
and commercial probes of this kind,
the label describes the 100:1 and 10:1
attenuation ranges as ×100 and ×10,
respectively. This refers to the multiplication factor you need to apply
to the ‘scope’s vertical scale. For
example, a 1V/division on the
scope represents 100V/division
on the ×100 range and 10V/
division on the ×10 range.
Once it has been applied,
punch out the holes for
the light pipes and push
them in from the front.
They can be secured
with a drop or two of
The assembled
PCB before it was
installed in the case.
Australia's electronics magazine
cyanoacrylate adhesive (superglue) on
the back side. Assemble everything
except the top case and you are ready
for calibration.
Testing and calibration
Start the calibration process by
fully charging the battery. Connect
a USB-C power supply to the probe
and make sure the switch is in the
off/charge position. The yellow LED
should light, indicating the battery is
charging. When full charge is reached,
the LED will go out. This may take two
or three hours if the battery is nearly
Once charged, remove the USB
cable and power the unit on by
selecting either the ×100 or ×10 range
and recheck that the power supplies
are at ±5V as before. The green LED
should be lit.
The first step in calibration is to zero
out the offset correction. We need to do
this to make sure it does not impact the
setting of the CMRR trim in the next
step. Switch the probe to the 100:1
range and adjust VR2 until the voltage at its wiper is as close to zero as
you can get it.
You can clip your voltmeter’s negative lead to the GND test point and read
the wiper voltage on the bottom end
of the vertically orientated capacitor
immediately below VR1, marked by a
small square on the PCB overlay. You
should be able to adjust the voltage to
within a few millivolts either side of
zero. Anything under ±10mV is fine.
Now we need to adjust the CMRR
trim. Set your bench power supply
to the highest (safe) voltage you can
get. For example, connect two channels of a dual 30V supply in series
for 60V. Connect the positive lead of
the power supply to both of the probe
inputs (shorted together) and the negative lead to the GND test point. Switch
the probe to the 100:1 range.
Use your meter to measure the
voltage between the mid-points of
the voltage dividers while you adjust
VR1. The suggested probe points are
marked by small circles on the PCB
overlay, immediately to the left of D1
and the right of D2. Adjust VR1 for a
reading as close to zero as you can get
at these points. You should be able to
get a reading below ±20µV.
With a 60V input, a reading below
±20µV implies a CMRR of 130dB. But
you can probably do better than that
with a good meter and some patience.
Now you can set the offset voltage
trim. Remove the power supply but
keep the two inputs shorted. Measure the output voltage at the BNC
connector with respect to the ground
test point. Trim VR2 to get the output close to zero on both ranges. This
may require a little backwards and forwards between ranges and the acceptance of some compromise (for reasons
described above).
For example, the best I could do was
-1.1mV on the 100:1 range and +1.5mV
on the 10:1 range. You should be able
to get to within ±10mV of zero on both
ranges simultaneously.
The final step is to trim the frequency compensation. You will need
a function generator and an oscilloscope. The function generator should
be set to deliver a 1kHz square wave
at the highest amplitude you can manage. Connect the differential probe to
the scope using a BNC-to-BNC cable
and make sure the scope’s bandwidth
limit is disabled.
To set up the positive divider, connect the function generator’s output
to the positive input of the probe and
its common to the ground test point.
Also connect the probe’s negative terminal to the ground test point. Switch
the probe to the 100:1 range.
Set up your scope to get a stable
display of the square wave output of
the differential probe and adjust compensation trimmer VC1 for optimum
compensation, just as you would for
an oscilloscope probe. The correct
compensation is achieved when the
rising edge of the square wave shows
no overshoot or undershoot, as shown
in Fig.8.
Use a non-metallic tool to make
this adjustment. It’s better to err very
slightly on the side of over-compensation (a small amount of overshoot) if
you are unsure, as this will maximise
the probe’s bandwidth.
Repeat the whole process for the
negative divider, connecting the function generator output to the negative
input of the differential probe and the
probe’s positive terminal to the ground
test point. This time, tweak VC2 for
optimum compensation.
Using it
Screw the lid on and your probe is
ready to use. I added four small self-
adhesive rubber feet to the bottom
of the case to prevent it from sliding
around too much on the bench.
Always take special care when you
are using the probe with high voltage circuits. Make all connections –
including that from the probe to the
scope – before powering up any circuit under test. Never disconnect any
high-voltage differential probe from
the scope while the test circuit is powered on. If you do, the BNC connector
on the probe can float to high voltages.
There is no isolation barrier in these
devices. Not much current can flow
due to the high impedance of the probe,
but you can still get a shock. Always
use quality test leads with shrouded
banana plugs for high-
voltage connections, and check everything twice
before powering it up.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.7: this label artwork can be
downloaded from the Silicon Chip
website as a PDF. For details on how
we make front panels see siliconchip.
Correct Compensation
Fig.8: correct compensation is
achieved when the square wave’s
leading edge shows no undercompensation droop or overcompensation overshoot.
February 2025 39
Antenna Analysis
and Optimisation
This series is about understanding how antennas work and designing matching circuits
for them. This first article will cover antenna fundamentals, reactance, Smith charts
and some related topics. Next month, a follow-up article will go into using antenna
analysis software.
Part 1 by Roderick Wall, VK3YC
adio Amateurs (hams) frequently build
and install antennas. We know that
the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
(VSWR) needs to be as close as possible to 1:1 for good performance (to
achieve efficient power transfer to the
To help us achieve this, we can use
an antenna analyser hardware device.
Software is also available to aid in this
endeavour. Traditional Smith charts
can help us understand how to adjust
antennas or design matching circuits.
We will also demonstrate how some
common antenna types work.
Amateur radio clubs often have
antenna analysers for members to use.
They can usually measure complex
impedance and indicate the sign of the
antenna image. Those that only measure |Z| magnitude and do not show
the image are not as useful.
When an antenna analyser is connected to a set of antenna terminals, it
‘sees’ your antenna as being made up
of what looks like three components:
• An inductor (L) with inductive
reactance gives a positive imaginary
+jW impedance component.
• A capacitor (C) with capacitive
reactance gives a negative imaginary
-jW impedance component.
• A resistor (R) that dissipates some
of the power as heat and radiates the
rest, with a real resistance (W) value.
Editor’s note: j is being used as the
engineering substitute for the complex
value i, where i = √-1.
Like resistance, the SI unit for
impedance is ohms (W). An antenna
can be considered a complex resistive-
inductive-capacitive (RLC) network –
see Fig.1. Antennas can have impedances like:
• 50W of real resistance with a
capacitive reactance of 25W, written
as (50 – j25)W – see Fig.2.
• 25W of real resistance with 50W
of inductive reactance, written as (25
+ j50)W – see Fig.3.
• 50W of real resistance with no
reactance; the antenna is resonant.
Written as (50 + j0)W – see Fig.4.
Some antenna analysers use X rather
than j to represent reactance.
The three antenna states
The above are three possible
antenna conditions that an antenna
analyser will display. Real resistance
will always be there, while reactance
can either be inductive (+j), capacitive
(-j) or absent (j0).
At some frequencies, it may have
inductive (+j) reactance; at other frequencies, it could have capacitive (-j)
reactance. At a specific frequency, both
reactances will be equal in magnitude,
but opposite in influence and cancel
each other out (j0).
The antenna is said to be resonant at
the specific frequency that the impedance is purely resistive.
Real resistance
The real resistance is where power
is dissipated. The power dissipated
in radiation resistance (Rr) is radiated
as electromagnetic waves, while the
power dissipated in loss resistance (Rl)
is lost as heat. For an antenna to be efficient, the radiation resistance should
be as high as possible compared to the
loss resistance. However, an antenna
analyser is only able to measure the
total resistance.
It is not easy to measure each resistance separately and indicate antenna
efficiency, where efficiency = Rr / (Rr +
Rl). However, refer to the later section
on an experimental method to derive
the loss resistance, Rl.
(1) Modelling the complex impedance of an antenna as three passive
components in series. (2) An antenna with a -jW complex impedance
component has capacitive reactance. (3) An antenna with a +jW complex
impedance component has inductive reactance. (4) An antenna with a j0W
complex impedance component is purely resistive.
Reactance is the imaginary part
of electrical impedance. Antennas
can have both inductive and capacitive reactance. These reactances are
opposing, so the presence of both will
mean that they partially (or possibly
wholly) cancel. The antenna analyser will only display the net resultant
reactance as inductive, capacitive or
no reactance.
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Silicon Chip
When the reactance is j0W, the
antenna is said to be resonant. Often,
it is not practical for the reactance to
reach j0W at the desired frequency;
with a low reactance value, close to
zero, we may still say that the antenna
is resonant.
Ideal inductors and capacitors
do not dissipate power; they store
energy and then return it. However,
real inductors and capacitors are not
ideal components and will have some
resistive loss, even if it is small. The
antenna reactance stores power in the
antenna’s near field and gives it back.
Inductance is measured in henries
(H), while capacitance is measured in
farads (F). The amount of reactance a
capacitor or inductor has depends on
the value (in henries or farads) and the
frequency. The formulas are Xc = 1 ÷
(2πfC) and Xl = 2πfL.
When the frequency increases, a
capacitor’s reactance decreases while
an inductor’s reactance increases. If
frequency decreases, the opposite happens. An antenna analyser can determine the resonant frequency of tuned
circuits and antennas.
Simulating an antenna
Discrete components can be used to
make the equivalent circuits shown in
Figs.2-4 for a given fixed frequency.
However, the radiation resistance (Rr)
will be low compared to the loss resistance (Rl), and the circuit’s efficiency
as an antenna will be very low. Electromagnetic waves will not travel far;
most of the power will be dissipated
as heat.
These equivalent circuits can be
helpful as calibration standards to
check the accuracy of antenna analysers at specific frequencies. For example, a 1% 50W non-inductive resistor
is equivalent to the Fig.4 circuit. An
antenna analyser should give a reading of (50 + j0)W and a VSWR of 1:1
if the resistor leads are short, with no
inductive reactance, and the antenna
analyser impedance is 50W.
How complex impedance
determines VSWR
Let’s start by using Cartesian coordinates to draw a real resistance line,
as shown in Fig.5, with 0W at one end
and infinite ohms at the other. The 50W
system impedance is in the middle.
We can place +j inductive reactance
above the real resistance line and -j
capacitive reactance below it.
Fig.5: by plotting the complex impedance on a Cartesian plane with an
X-axis that ranges from zero to infinite ohms, we obtain circles of constant
VSWR, with the ideal 1:1 VSWR in the centre.
Next, we can draw constant VSWR
circles to indicate various VSWR values. Larger circles indicate a higher
VSWR than smaller circles. A VSWR of
1:1 is a dot at the 50W point in the middle of the real resistance line, where the
VSWR circle has collapsed into a dot.
A 100W resistor would have a VSWR
of 2:1, as would a 25W resistor. To
achieve a VSWR of 1:1, the resistance
has to match the system impedance,
which is 50W in this case (it may be
75W in some situations). For a VSWR
of 1:1, the antenna must also be resonant, ie, having no reactance (j0W).
If your antenna has a worse VSWR,
it may be possible to adjust it to get
closer to 1:1 or use LC matching circuits, which use an inductor (L) and
a capacitor (C) to improve the VSWR.
T and Pi matching circuits can also be
used; how to design matching circuits
will be discussed later.
The Smith chart
The Smith chart was invented by
Philip H. Smith (1905-1987). It is a
graphical aid or nomogram designed
Australia's electronics magazine
for engineers specialising in radio-
frequency engineering to assist in
solving problems with transmission
lines and matching circuits. The Smith
chart shows complex impedance, real
resistance and imaginary reactance
for a single frequency or a range of
Fig.6 shows a modern version of
the original Smith chart, published in
Electronics magazine, January 1939,
under the title “Transmission Line Calculator By P. H. Smith, Radio Development Department Bell Telephone
Laboratories”. It has been rotated on
its side, as that is how we usually see
Smith charts these days.
The beauty of Smith charts is that
they make it easy to plot impedance
changes and impedance matching on
paper. Software for plotting Smith
charts is also available, which can be
more accurate than drawing on paper
and can usually perform component
calculations – so no maths is required!
Smith charts are often displayed on
modern RF test instruments, including antenna analysers.
February 2025 41
Fig.6: a blank Smith
chart, which is similar
to Fig.5 except that lines of
constant reactive impedance are
curved rather than straight.
The Smith chart is similar to Fig.5,
except instead of having straight vertical lines for real resistance and straight
reactance lines, the Smith chart has
constant circles and constant curves.
Smith charts also have constant VSWR
The Smith chart shown in Fig.6 is
a normalised version, with 1.0 at the
centre. That means it can be used with
any system impedance (50W, 75W etc).
To convert those values to ohms, you
multiply by the system impedance.
To convert back to a normalised chart,
you divide by the system impedance.
Silicon Chip
Fig.7 is a simplified version of the
Smith chart with some highlighted
lines and points. The impedance values on it are shown for a 50W system;
the red dot in the middle represents
(50 + j0)W. Several of the constant-
resistance circles are highlighted in
green and labelled with their values.
For example, any point on the
constant resistance circle that goes
through 50W has a real resistance
component of 50W. A mauve dot has
been placed on the constant real-
resistance 25W line (it is at [25 + j50]
W). The left-most point on the Smith
Australia's electronics magazine
chart represents 0W, while the rightmost point represents infinite ohms.
The 50W circle is called the unity
resistance circle or Z-matching circle.
It is the road home to where VSWR is
1:1, in the middle of the Smith chart.
The blue lines and values in Fig.7
show the inductive imaginary +j portion of the complex impedance. The
mauve dot mentioned earlier is on
the +j50W line, hence its value of (25
+ j50)W. The equivalent circuit of an
antenna that falls at this point was
shown in Fig.3. It comprises a series
resistor and inductor.
Fig.7: this simplified
Smith chart show lines
of equal inductive reactance
(blue), capacitive reactance (red) and
resistance (green).
The red lines are the imaginary
-j (capacitive) part of the complex
impedance. The yellow dot is at (50 –
j25)W, and its equivalent circuit, with
a series capacitor and resistor, was
shown in Fig.2.
If you analyse an antenna and find
it is above or below the horizontal line
at the centre, you generally want to try
to get it onto that horizontal line, ie,
make it resonant.
But remember that the VSWR will
only be 1:1 at the system impedance,
50W in the example shown in Fig.7. If
the real resistance is higher or lower
than that, you ideally want to make
changes to move it to the 1:1 VSWR
point in the middle for maximum efficiency.
Wavelength vs frequency
In a vacuum, electromagnetic waves
travel at the speed of light, c ≈ 3 ×
108m/s (light is a type of electromagnetic wave). For most practical purposes, air is sufficiently close to a pure
vacuum that you can use the same figure. A signal’s frequency and wavelength can therefore be determined
using the following formulas:
Australia's electronics magazine
ƒ = c ÷ λ or λ = c ÷ ƒ
The Greek letter lambda (λ) is the
wavelength in metres, while c is the
speed of light (in m/s). The wavelength
is the distance travelled by one cycle
of an electromagnetic wave, while
the frequency ( ƒ) is in cycles per second (Hz).
Antenna impedance vs
How you adjust an antenna to obtain
a VSWR of 1:1 depends on the type
of antenna. The following may give
some ideas.
February 2025 43
ground systems and objects around
them will have different complex
impedance curves than the one shown.
Dipole antennas
Fig.8: a plot of resistance (cyan) and reactance (red) versus length as a
fraction of the wavelength for a lossless Marconi vertical antenna with a
perfect ground plane.
Fig.9: how a monopolar
(“Marconi”) antenna
with a ground plane
(left) can be reconfigured
into a dipole (right).
The Fig.8 plot is for a Marconi vertical antenna with a perfect ground that
has no losses. It shows the antenna
drive point real resistance (Rd, cyan)
and the imaginary reactance (Xd, red)
as functions of the length of the driven
vertical element. Positive values above
the X-axis are for the real resistance
(Rd) and inductive reactance (+j),
while values beneath it indicate capacitive reactance (-j).
The antenna’s resonant points are
when reactance is j0, ie, where the
red Xd curve crosses the X-axis. The
horizontal scale shows the length of
the driven vertical element as a multiple of the wavelength (λ). This graph
was made using data from the EZNEC
antenna simulator.
The antenna is resonant at points (b)
1/4 wavelength, (d) 1/2 wavelength, (f) 3/4
wavelength and (g) one wavelength.
Points (c) and (e) are if the driven
element is cut in length so that the
real resistance is 50W, to match a 50W
system impedance. Point (b) indicates
Silicon Chip
that if you were cutting the 1/4-wave
driven element for resonance at a fixed
frequency and the reactance is capacitive, you need to make the driven element longer to make it resonant.
Likewise, if the reactance is inductive, the driven element must be
shorter. For a 1/2-wave driven element,
if it is inductive, make it longer, or
shorter if it is capacitive.
Point (d) shows that the real resistance for a 1/2-wavelength resonant
antenna is 1889W. You may find that
1889W is too high for an antenna tuner
to cope with. In that case, you may
want to reduce or increase the driven
element length to reduce the real resistance, to allow the tuner to work.
If it is a multi-band antenna, you
may need to select a length that is not
a 1/2-wavelength or multiple of it on
the other bands.
The Marconi vertical antenna with
a perfect ground and no losses used
in Fig.8 is a reasonable reference,
but practical antennas with different
Australia's electronics magazine
So, how does the plot in Fig.8 relate
to a 1/2-wave dipole antenna? A dipole
antenna can be built by combining two
Marconi antennas, as shown in Fig.9.
Section (a) on the left is a Marconi 1/4wave vertical antenna. Replacing the
no-loss ground with a conductive (eg,
tin) sheet gives us (b).
Adding another 1/4-wave Marconi
vertical antenna on the other side of the
tin sheet results in the configuration
shown in (c). Because the field lines
between the top and bottom elements
line up and match each other, the tin
sheet can be removed, giving (d).
The complex impedance for each 1/4wave resonant vertical antenna is (36
+ j0)W. Connect them in series doubles the antenna impedance to (72 +
j0)W, as in (e). To make the vertical
polarised 1/2-wave dipole a horizontal
polarised dipole, we just need to lay
it horizontally.
A 1/2-wave dipole can be broken into
two 1/4-wave lengths called elements.
The elements are set at 180° from each
other and fed in the middle. This type
of antenna is called a centre-feed 1/2wave dipole. Its impedance is (72 + j0)
W in free space. When placed near the
ground, the complex impedance will
be different.
In Fig.9, we showed how two 1/4wave Marconi antennas can be made
into a 1/2-wave centre-feed dipole. The
same can be done with two 5/8-wavelength vertical antennas, converting
them into a centre-feed Extended Double Zepp antenna.
Reflected power &
transmission line losses
Fig.10 shows an antenna matching circuit at the transmitter end of
the transmission line and not at the
antenna end (as would be the case
when the antenna tuner is part of the
transceiver). Because the VSWR at the
antenna is not 1:1, power is reflected
back from the antenna towards the
matching circuit.
The matching circuit reflects and
adds the reflected power to the forward
power from the transmitter. Thus, the
forward power supplied to the antenna
is now higher than the power supplied
to it just from the transmitter.
This must happen if the matching
Fig.10: when the antenna matching circuit is at the transmitter end, some
power is reflected back at the antenna end and circulates to ensure the
antenna receives the full transmitter power.
circuit at the transmitter end is doing
its job, delivering the full transmitter power to the antenna when the
antenna VSWR is not 1:1. The reflected
power circulates from end to end of
the transmission line.
Essentially, the matching circuit
boosts the power level on the transmission line until all the power from
the transmitter reaches the antenna.
The ‘extra’ power on the transmission
line does not come out of thin air, it is
simply recirculating power from the
transmitter that has not yet reached
the antenna.
The level of the reflected circulating
power depends on the antenna VSWR.
If antenna VSWR is 1:1, there is no circulating power and you do not need a
matching circuit. In this example, an
SWR meter inserted at either end of
the transmission line will indicate a
standing wave, while an SWR meter
between the transmitter and matching
circuit will indicate a VSWR of 1:1.
Losses will increase because of the
extra distance the reflected power travels. Because the forward power from
the matching circuit to the antenna is
now higher than the power from the
transmitter, forward transmission line
losses will also increase.
The ARRL Antenna Book presents
detailed graphs of increased line losses
as a function of VSWR for a variety of
real lines.
Some transceivers have an Antenna
Tuning Unit (ATU) built inside them.
This allows the ATU at the transmitter output to be tuned at any frequency
within the band. And make the transmitter output VSWR to be close to
1:1 across the band. It also allows the
antenna VSWR to be higher than 1:1
as in Fig.10.
If the VSWR at the antenna is not 1:1
and there is no matching circuit at the
transmitter end, the reflected energy is
dissipated in the transmitter’s output
resistance. Some transceivers measure
VSWR to determine the reflected power
and reduce the transmitted power to
protect the transceiver if VSWR is high.
A low-loss balanced transmission
line can reduce losses under dry conditions, as shown in Fig.11; losses can
increase in wet conditions with such
a configuration. An added advantage
is that the antenna tuning unit (ATU)
does not need to be mounted in the air
at the antenna connection terminals.
An experimental method to
derive Rl
Point (b) in Fig.8 for a 1/4-wavelength
resonant vertical antenna shows that
the feed point impedance is (36 + j0)W
when the ground is perfect and has
no loss resistance (Rl). In chapter 7 of
the ARRL book “Antenna Physics: An
Introduction” by Robert J. Zavrel, Jr
W7SX, he describes a non-ambiguous
method to determine Rl for a given
location for a 1/4-wavelength vertical
To do this, install a 1/4-wavelength
resonant vertical over the ground
plane. The base feed point impedance should show as little reactance
as possible (ideally, it is a pure real
resistance, but some small reactance
value is acceptable).
We are only interested in the real
resistance of the impedance that dissipates power. In this case, the value
for radiation resistance (Rr) will be
very close to 36W. Therefore, the loss
resistance (Rl) will simply be Rl =
Rfeed – 36W
As you add radials, change their
lengths and so on, the feed point
complex impedance should change
accordingly. These can form the basis
of an approximation for general use.
However, the multiple differentials
involved will vary by antenna location. As you experiment, simply use
the following equation to approximately determine efficiency:
Efficiency = Rr ÷ Rr + Rl
Ground properties can also affect
radiation resistance (Rr). For example, if the ground under the vertical/
radial system has very low conductivity and dielectric constant and is gradually made more lossy, it will begin
to approach the characteristics of free
space. In this case, the antenna radiates electromagnetic waves into the
ground, which are lost as heat.
Consequently, an accurate differentiation between radiated and absorbed
power is nearly impossible. A radiated
resistance (Rr) calculation accounts for
all radiated power, even that which
goes under the surface and can never
reach the receiver.
Next month
That covers all the basic theory we
need to analyse and tune antennas.
Next month, we are using software to
make antenna analysis easier.
Fig.11: this configuration can reduce losses in the line between the transmitter
and antenna when the matching network is at the transmitter end.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 45
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions will be paid for at
standard rates. All submissions should include full name, address & phone number.
IR Repeater, based on the IR Helper
I was so impressed by Tim Blythman’s IR Helper in the September 2024
issue (
that I bought an XC4431 Tiny Leonardo
from Jaycar the next day and tried the
sketch out. On receipt of specific commands from a TV remote, it sends new
commands to control an AV amplifier.
I modified the IR_Helper.ino sketch to
change some of the commands sent.
As the audio from our TV is fed
through an optical cable to my home
theatre AV receiver, the TV does not
use its remote MUTE, VOL- and VOL+
IR signals. This unit converts those
unused buttons to control the amplifier, so that when watching TV, only
one remote is needed.
I made a circuit board to hold the
Arduino module, an IR receiver and a
3.5mm socket. I shifted the visible LED
to the Arduino output pin A0 so it confirms that a code is being transmitted.
The PCB accepts either through-hole
or surface-mount components.
The IR LED(s) are in a multi-emitter
cable that plugs into a 3.5mm socket
on the PCB. You can find this cable
on AliExpress (search for “IR repeater
extender”). Choose 2-5 emitters per
cable and select the 3.5mm plug cable
only. The matching IR receiver cable
is not needed.
Put heatshrink tubing over any emitter that you will not be using to prevent
stray IR signals being picked up again
by the receiver on the PCB.
The unit is powered by the USB
socket on the TV. When the TV powers up, it signals the amplifier to also
switch on and, after a delay, selects
the TV Audio input. When the TV is
switched off, there is enough time for
the power-off signal to be sent to the
amplifier before the TV switches off
the USB 5V powering the Arduino.
The PCB is mounted under the TV
next to its IR receiver.
Arduino Sketches
I modified Tim’s IR_Helper.ino
sketch by adding seven extra lines. The
first six were inserted at the top of the
loop() function and serve to print the
received commands to the serial console so that I can record them for later
modifications. The last of these three
lines is needed to echo all received
commands to the transmitters:
IrSender.write(, 1);
Run the Arduino IDE before plugging in the USB cable to the board, to
avoid a message “downloading index:
package_index.tar.bz2” (stuck at 50%)
at the bottom of the IDE. Use the
sketch to obtain the TV and amplifier
codes of your remotes. At this stage,
the cable with the IR LEDs (emitters)
does not need to be plugged into the
3.5mm socket.
You can then modify your version
of IR_Convertor-Repeater.ino sketch,
replacing my lines with your own.
For the <number of repeats> I found
that one was enough for on/off functions like MUTE or POWER. As volume changes need more time for you
to hear the change, the code is written
so that one press on the remote results
in 10 repeats being sent out.
When installing the device, I held
one of the IR emitters over the front
plastic panel of the amplifier where
I thought its IR receiver might be. I
kept testing by using the MUTE button
of the TV remote until I got the best
response from the amplifier. This is
the position to mount the emitter using
double-sided tape clear pads.
I use double-sided clear tape made
by Sellotape as I did not need to make
a hole in the pad, the IR signals will
pass through.
As Teletext is obsolete worldwide,
there are four unused coloured buttons
on most TV remotes. I intend to add to
my IR_Convertor-Repeater.ino sketch,
and use those buttons to replace
another IR remote which controls a
dimmable LED light strip around the
ceiling of our home theatre room.
The software for this project can
be downloaded from
Robbie Adams,
Tauranga, New Zealand. ($80)
The Tiny Leonardo board on a custom-made 33 × 35mm PCB. We
recommend putting heatshrink tubing over any unused emitters to
reduce interference. The IR Repeater is shown attached underneath a
TV in the photo at the top of the page. The circuit draws around 35mA.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Vehicle accessory power control
This circuit may offer a simplified
solution to that presented in the recent
Dashcam Power Control Circuit Notebook (September 2024; siliconchip.
au/Article/16572). Some years ago, I
designed a digital speedometer for a
4WD that had a speedo which could
not be seen in bright sunlight(!).
My digital speedo was connected
via the car’s OBD-II interface connector. Initially powered via a small toggle
switch, I came up with this replacement for that switch.
Based on a Design Idea published
in EDN (September 18th, 2008) for a
single LED car voltage monitor, it is
simple, cheap, requires no microprocessor and can be built on a scrap of
prototyping board or a tiny PCB.
Q2 switches on and powers the output when the battery voltage exceeds
2.5V × (1 + [R1 ÷ VR1]) and turns off
when the battery voltage falls below
2.5V × (1 + R1 × R2 ÷ R3 × [R1 + R2]).
With 14V on the input, I adjusted the
4.7kW or 5kW preset (VR1) for 2.5V on
TP1. This meant my ODB-II speedo
would switch on at 14V and off at 13V,
a setting suited to my car.
VR1 can be adjusted to switch on
Q2 at input voltages from 9V to 15V.
The component values shown result
in a switch-off voltage about 1V below
this set point.
My digital speedo’s current consumption was around 30mA. If your
load exceeds this, you will need a
higher-current transistor for Q2 or possibly even a high-power Darlington.
Andrew Woodfield,
Christchurch, New Zealand. ($70)
Power supply transformer tap switching
I successfully built two of your
45V 8A Linear Bench Supplies
(October-December 2019 issues; with a
few changes. The lack of transformer
secondary switching results in high
heat output at lower voltages. The
circuit shown here is my implementation of secondary switching.
It requires the use of a good-quality,
high-current relay.
To show the output voltage, I
simply rescaled a 50V analog meter
movement I had lying around. The
analog ammeter was a bit more
involved. I had to remove the coil
assembly of my original ammeter,
as it was a low-resistance type
(20W), and replace it with a higher
resistance type. I then rescaled the
‘ammeter’ to read FSD with 328mV
at TP4 (which on my supply equates
to 500mA output).
I then calculated resistor values
for my ‘ammeter’ based on TP4
providing 6.2V at 9A. The section
at lower right shows my method of
current range switching. I then used
the Tonne meter movement design
software to print new fascias for both
the ammeter and voltmeter.
On the left of the power supply
face is a switch above the current
set pot, to select the 500mA or 10A
Australia's electronics magazine
current range (S2). The switch to
the left of the current pot shorts the
output terminals, which is helpful
when setting the current limit. On
the far right is an output breaker
rated at 15A (a Carling type), in case
when charging a battery the PSU
develops a shorted output. Then the
breaker will simply trip.
Brett Neale,
Bertram, WA. ($80)
February 2025 47
Mini Projects #021 – by Tim Blythman
Wireless Flashing LEDs
Wireless power transmission has been researched for over 100 years ago and is currently
used for charging things like toothbrushes, smartphones and even electric cars. Here we
show you how to build wireless LEDs that can be programmed to flash in sequence.
t’s difficult to transmit a lot of power
wirelessly, so we decided to see what
was possible on a smaller scale. Most
of these technologies depend on the
transformer principle: an alternating
current in a coil will induce a current
in a second nearby coil. Since the
inverse square law applies, the closer
the coils, the much more effective the
energy transmission.
We first saw the concept of wireless
LEDs on YouTube (Big Clive – youtu.
be/UQ3K0suY1Dc). In the video, he
demonstrates a kit purchased online.
It consists of a small circuit board
attached to a coil about 8cm across
and some small LED modules.
When the circuit is powered, it
drives the coil at around 200kHz and
LED modules that are nearby light up.
He goes on to explain the circuit and
show some waveforms.
We wanted to see if this was something we could replicate, or possibly
improve on. By adding some smarts
in the form of an Arduino Uno, we’ve
made it possible to control the LEDs
better and make them flash in a pattern.
You might have seen the Circuit
Notebook entry on Wireless power
transfer from our December 2023 issue
( The
principle here is similar, although our
circuitry is simpler and much more
compact. However, it does require a
Circuit details
Fig.1 shows the fairly simple circuit. It depends on using the values
shown, particularly the capacitors and
inductors, for proper operation. In the
Transmitter on the right, the Uno generates a PWM waveform at its D3 pin,
which drives the coil/capacitor pair
via a transistor. The 100μF capacitor
provides a steady power supply for
this part of the circuit.
When pin D3 goes high and the transistor switches on, the current builds
in the inductor until D3 goes low, and
Parts List – Wireless LEDs (JMP021)
Transmitter (one required)
1 Arduino Uno compatible main board [Jaycar XC4410]
1 TIP31 3A NPN transistor, TO-220 [Jaycar ZT2285]
1 100μF electrolytic capacitor [Jaycar RE6130]
1 100nF MKT capacitor [Jaycar RM7125]
1 1kW resistor [Jaycar RR0572]
1 2m length of 0.5mm solid-core insulated wire
(enamelled or with plastic insulation)
1 2-pin header [cut from Jaycar HM3211]
1 length of electrical tape to secure coil
Receiver (per unit, multiple can be used)
1 100μH unshielded SMD inductor [Jaycar LF1400, pack of 10]
1 6.8–10nF ceramic capacitor
[Jaycar RC5346, RC5347 or RC5348; see text]
1 high-brightness 5mm LED
[Jaycar ZD0290, ZD0291, ZD0292, ZD0293 or ZD0295]
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
A screenshot from the YouTube
video by Big Clive (https://youtu.
be/UQ3K0suY1Dc). It shows the
inspiration for this project.
Fig.1: a parallel tuned LC network
is driven by a PWM signal from a
microcontroller. Energy is radiated
from the coil that’s part of that LC
network; the Receiver picks up the
energy and uses it to power the LED.
the transistor switches off. The current
continues to flow through the inductor to charge up the capacitor. The
energy in the capacitor is released on
the next cycle.
By using a capacitor here instead of a
diode to catch the inductive spike, the
energy in the inductor is saved instead
of being dissipated. The well-known
formula for the resonant frequency of
an LC (inductor-capacitor) circuit is:
f = 1÷(2π√LC)
For the components we have chosen and the coil’s dimensions, this
works out to around 250kHz. As we
will see later, the circuit will operate
mostly below that frequency, from
about 160kHz to 200kHz.
The components in the Receiver on
the left have a resonant frequency of
193kHz for a 6.8nF capacitor, down
to 159kHz for a 10nF capacitor. An
8.2nF capacitor would be resonant at
176kHz. The presence of a so-called
non-linear device (the LED) will
change this somewhat. It is not a sharp
resonance (like a radio tuner), so the
circuit will also respond to close frequencies as well.
In this case, resonance means that
the circuit will tend to reinforce signals that occur at a specific frequency.
An analogy would be pushing a
Similarly, our coil
has a diameter
of 8cm, with five
windings. We
used a bottle as
a former, then
taped up the
wires to help it
keep its shape.
Twisting the two
wires together
also helps to keep
the coil from
Australia's electronics magazine
playground swing; when the pushes
occur at the correct frequency, it will
swing higher than if they are not.
The operation of the two parts of the
circuit depends on the two inductors
being ‘coupled’; their magnetic fields
must interact. This will also change
the behaviour of the two circuits. They
can be considered to form an air-cored
In practice, the frequency of the
Transmitter coil is determined by the
PWM frequency. As it is operating near
resonance, the waveform is amplified
somewhat. The Receiver will also
resonate around its characteristic frequency, allowing it to develop enough
voltage to light the LED.
We wrote an Arduino sketch that
allows the frequency to be manually adjusted. Broadly speaking, the
closer the Receiver is to resonance, the
brighter the LED will light.
You might also see a neat trick in
our design. By having Receivers with
different resonant frequencies, we can
change the Transmitter frequency and
have different Receivers light up at different times. By cycling through different frequencies, the different LEDs
will flash in a sequence.
We wound a five-turn coil on a bottle; you can use a similar cylindrical
object, making sure to leave 10cm or
so of wire to connect at each end. You
could use enamelled wire, but we had
some solid-core cable (from an old network cable). You might prefer this as it
is easier to strip than enamelled wire.
Use tape to secure the windings
neatly and twist the ends to keep them
Each Receiver
consists of an
inductor, capacitor
and LED soldered
in parallel. Using
different capacitor
values allows the
Receiver to be tuned
to react to different
frequencies. The
Receivers are small
and cheap enough
that you can easily
build a dozen using
different coloured
February 2025 49
Just a handful of parts are needed to experiment with wireless power. We built our
Transmitter circuit on a small pair of header pins, and it too only needs a handful of
Fig.2: this is how we laid out our prototype; only three connections are needed to the
Uno. Check with the circuit diagram as you go to ensure you wire things up correctly.
together, as you can see in our photos.
Place the two-pin header in the
5V-GND position on the Uno and solder the 100μF capacitor across it, making sure that the negative stripe on the
capacitor goes to ground. Follow with
the transistor; its pin 3 emitter should
go to ground, too. Note from the photos how it is mounted upside-down.
Solder the 1kW resistor to the base
pin (pin 1) of the transistor and push
the other lead into the socket for pin
D3. The coil and 100nF capacitor are
both connected between the collector
(pin 2) of the transistor and 5V. Look
closely at our photos to check that this
is all correct.
Each Receiver simply has the LED,
an inductor and a capacitor wired in
parallel. We soldered the capacitor to
the inductor first after trimming its
leads down to a few millimetres. The
LEDs leads are similarly trimmed to
sit over the capacitor and also soldered in place.
Check out our photos; you can see
that the solder pads on the inductor
are quite large. You should be able
to straighten the leads so that the
Receiver sits flat on the top of the
inductor. This will help with testing.
Place the Receivers inside the Transmitter coil.
Silicon Chip
The software uses direct register writes to achieve a higher PWM
frequency than plain Arduino code
would allow. Thus, it only works on
the Uno or ATmega328-based boards,
such as the Nano. The code in setup
and the setF() function could be
used in your own sketches. You can
download the Arduino sketches from
Load the sketch file WIRELESS_
Uno and open the Serial Monitor
at 115,200 baud. You should see a
report that the Uno is delivering a
222kHz waveform. Change the frequency by entering a value in kHz (eg,
220<Enter>). The Uno will find the
nearest achievable match (between
100kHz and 250kHz) and display it.
We found that the Receivers with
6.8nF capacitors were brightest at
around 195kHz, 8.2nF worked best at
185kHz and 10nF at 165kHz, although
the 10nF Receivers were much less
bright than the others. This is due to
the Transmitter coil being further from
its 250kHz resonance.
The red and yellow LEDs also
tended to be less sensitive to frequency; their lower forward voltage
allows operation over a wider range.
You might find that the transistor is getting warm at this stage. The
Australia's electronics magazine
cycles through three different frequencies in turn and flashes the Receivers
briefly, so the transistor is not working all the time.
You can tweak the frequencies and
delays with the arrays and defines near
the start of the sketch. Using frequencies between the peaks noted above
will allow multiple LEDs to light at
the same time. The Receivers work
best in the plane of the coil (and parallel to it), but will still work if a thin
piece of paper or plastic is between.
Thus, you can hide the Transmitter if
you want to.
Of course, the Receivers are very
simple and well-suited to experimentation. It appears that around 200kHz
is the sweet spot and you could try different value capacitors. You can also
try different inductors, but we found
that this style and value worked best.
You can also use the Receivers to
test other wireless power devices. A
mobile phone charging pad causes
the Receivers to flash briefly; many of
these use a coded protocol to avoid
running continuously and wasting
Wireless power transmission is still
only practical over short distances, but
this project shows how to easily experiment with the concept and create an
entertaining display.
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Mini Projects #020 – by Tim Blythman
This Transistor Tester is a handy tool;
despite the name, it can test much more
than just transistors! It can check the
type and pinout of bipolar transistors
and measure their gain, as well as examining
Mosfets, diodes and LEDs to provide information
like the pinout and forward voltage.
he best feature of this Tester is that
it can help you work out the pinouts of unknown devices. However, it
also gives you important parameters
like the DC gain (β or hfe) of bipolar
transistors or the threshold voltage
(Vgs(th)) of Mosfets.
The Transistor Tester can detect
and measure:
• Bipolar transistors: pinout, polarity and β (gain).
• Logic-level Mosfets: pinout, polarity and gate-source threshold voltage.
• Single/dual LEDs and diodes:
pinout/polarity and forward voltage.
For LEDs, it will light them up so
you can see what colour they are and
how bright they are. It’s great for dual
LEDs too, allowing you to test each
element separately and see how it is
The Tester has a 16×2 character LCD
screen on a ‘shield’ that also includes
six tactile pushbuttons, making it
easy for us to display information and
accept user input. Fig.1 shows the circuit; note the connections around the
six resistors and the test header.
The test header is a three-way socket
or similar so it can be used to connect
a three-lead device such as a transistor. Two-lead devices can plug into any
two of the three locations. The Arduino Leonardo microcontroller module
connects to the LCD shield through
fixed headers; the LCD shield’s pinout dictated most of the remaining pin
choices we have made.
Fig.2 shows a possible configuration
when testing of a typical NPN transistor such as a BC548. Pin D3 is taken
high, effectively connecting it to 5V
and supplying the base of the transistor via a 10kW resistor. Next, pin D0
is taken low, connecting the emitter to
circuit ground via 1kW. Finally, pin A2
is taken high, directly connecting the
collector to 5V.
We can then measure the voltage
at the A3 and A4 analog inputs using
the Leonardo’s 10-bit ADC (analogto-digital converter) peripheral. With
those voltages, we can establish that
the base sits around 0.7V above the
emitter and that the current through
the 1kW resistor (and thus emitter) is
much greater than the current through
the 10kW resistor and transistor base.
From that information, we can
determine that the connected device
is an NPN transistor with the pinout
as noted. We can also calculate its DC
gain from the ratio of the emitter and
The Transistor Tester is primarily built from these three modules: an Arduino Leonardo, prototyping shield and LCD
shield; the finished project is shown in the lead photo. The LCD shows information about the device connected to the
Transistor Tester, while the buttons run detailed tests for further information. The three-way header on the LCD shield
is where a component can be connected for testing.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 55
Table 1 – test information
Initial test
Specific test procedure
Check for two PN
junctions (baseemitter and basecollector)
Check polarity and β in different
configurations and confirm pinout
based on higher β value.
Check for one PN
junction (body
Check which polarity switches
on Mosfet and confirm threshold
voltage and polarity.
Check for one PN
Measure forward voltage, display
test current and confirm pinout.
Single LED
Check for
junction with Vf
higher than a
silicon diode
Light up LED, measure forward
voltage, display test current and
confirm pinout.
Dual LED
Check for two
junctions with
Vf higher than a
silicon diode
UP and
Light up LED, measure forward
voltage, display test current and
confirm pinout. UP measures one
junction, DOWN measures the
Fig.1: it’s a simple circuit, but quite powerful when combined with the
digital and analog peripherals of a microcontroller.
Fig.2: when testing an NPN transistor, this circuit is
formed by setting various pins to a high or low level,
or high-impedance (those pins are not shown). It can
measure the voltages to determine the current through
the resistors and thus different component leads.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
base currents. This is just one set of
connections that the Tester can make.
The Arduino can set any pin to
be an input, meaning it is in a high-
impedance state; that means that it
is effectively disconnected from the
circuit. So we can probe individual
pairs of pins in isolation, which we
do to work out the potential location
of PN junctions, as found in diodes or
We don’t have space to describe all
the internal operations in detail, but
the Tester starts by probing pairs of
pins to suggest what devices might be
connected based on the PN junctions
present. The initial tests use only the
10kW resistors, so minimal currents are
applied to connected devices.
The user can then press one of the
buttons to run a specific test to further
characterise a connected device such
as a transistor, diode or LED. Table 1
has some more details on the initial
and detailed tests and the buttons used
to perform them.
For example, potential LEDs and
diodes are checked by measuring the
voltage between two pins while ignoring the third. If the voltage is between
200mV and 750mV, it could be a silicon or schottky diode. If the voltage
is higher (but less than 5V), it’s likely
a light-emitting diode (LED).
Multiple LEDs are found by scanning
the various pin combinations. Thus,
common-anode, common-cathode and
dual (back-to-back) LEDs can be identified and their pinouts confirmed.
A Mosfet is initially detected as a
single diode, which is the body diode
between the source and drain. Assuming that the other pin is the gate, it is
then just a matter of checking whether
it is a P-channel or N-channel Mosfet
by driving the gate high or low to see
if the Mosfet switches on.
Note that this only works for Mosfets
with threshold voltages comfortably
under 5V. Non-logic-level Mosfets usually have a threshold around 4V and
are switched on fairly hard by 4.5V, so
while it’s possible or even likely they
would be detected correctly, it isn’t
A resistor might be identified as a
back-to-back LED, since it will conduct
in both directions. A resistance reading is also provided for this reason.
In addition to the LCD shield, we
used a prototyping shield to simplify
Parts List – Transistor Tester (JMP020)
1 Arduino Leonardo [Jaycar XC4430]
1 Arduino prototyping shield [Jaycar XC4482]
1 alphanumeric character shield [Jaycar XC4454]
3 10kW axial ¼W or ½W resistors [Jaycar RR0596]
3 1kW axial ¼W or ½W resistors [Jaycar RR0572]
1 3-way female header [cut from Jaycar HM3230]
1 micro-USB cable to suit Leonardo [Jaycar WC7724]
construction, as it looks much neater
and is easier to follow. Check Fig.3
before soldering the resistors in place
to match.
We used a short section of socket
header soldered to the LCD shield to
allow components to be plugged in
for testing. You might consider clip
leads or some flying leads to a breadboard as an alternative. Plug the three
shields together once all the components are fitted.
You must use a Leonardo for this;
an Arduino Uno or Mega won’t work
because both those boards use the D0
and D1 pins for serial communications.
You’ll need the Arduino IDE to load
the software. The LiquidCrystal library
might need to be installed; this can be
done from the Library Manager. We
used version 1.0.7. The sketch folder
includes the lcdkeys.h file for interacting with the buttons on the LCD shield.
Choose the Leonardo board and its
serial port and upload the sketch. You
should see a splash screen like Screen
1, after which the display should indicate that nothing is detected (Screen
2). If something is detected, you might
have a wiring error!
The Tester tries to be as smart as
possible while still allowing the user
to select what tests to run by pressing
suggested buttons. The pinout is displayed from left-to-right, matching the
order on the test socket.
Try not to touch the leads while
the test is happening. Fingers can
pass enough voltage to switch on the
gate of a Mosfet, which would alter
the results. We tried out the Tester on
numerous common devices, but we
can’t predict what it might display for
unusual ones.
Screens 3–8 show the results of connecting different devices to the test
header, followed by pressing the suggested button. Screens 3 and 4 show
a 2N7000 N-channel Mosfet being
tested. The RIGHT button gives the
report shown in Screen 4.
Screens 5 and 6 are the readings
for a BC558 PNP transistor, with a
press of the LEFT button resulting in
Screen 6. Such a transistor can still
work (albeit poorly) even if the collector and emitter are reversed, so we
pick the arrangement with the highest
β value; the reverse value is shown on
the bottom line for comparison.
A yellow LED shows Screen 7, then
Screen 8 when UP is pressed. You’ll
also see the LED light up while the UP
button is held, with brief flashes off as
other scans run. The current display on
the bottom line alternates with a calculated resistance value, which will be
useful if a resistor is connected.
If you have a dual LED of any sort,
the DOWN button can be used to scan
the second LED in the package.
The Tester is easy to build and easy
to use. It can help identify parts and
determine their pinouts. You could
even use it to sort and match transisSC
tors and LEDs for projects.
Screens 1 & 2: the splash screen and idle screen are seen here. If you don’t see the
idle screen (Screen 2) when nothing is connected, there may be a wiring problem.
Screens 3 & 4: a Mosfet’s body diode is detected although the Tester cannot
immediately determine which type it is. Running different tests with the UP or
RIGHT buttons can narrow down the choices.
Screens 5 & 6: the text at lower right in Screen 5 indicates the relative location
of the PN junctions in the part. In this case, they happen to match the connected
PNP transistor. Screen 6 shows the device’s pinout at lower right.
Fig.3: this shows how we soldered the
resistors to the prototyping shield.
The circuit we have used lends itself
to a tidy protoboard layout.
Screens 7 & 8: if a dual LED is connected, Screen 7 will show the type (common
cathode, common anode, etc) and the respective pins. Use UP and DOWN to
probe the individual LED devices.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 57
picomite for the
words and mmbasic : geoff graham
firmware : peter mather
Raspberry Pi Pico 2
This new MMBasic interpreter for the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 and Pico 2 W takes advantage of the new
features of the Raspberry Pi Pico 2. It is a comprehensive programming environment that converts
the Pico 2 into an easy-to-use and powerful platform for beginners and experts alike.
he Raspberry Pi Pico is a complete
package with its own power supply, USB interface and more. It is sold
at an extremely good price, making it
the perfect drop-in microcontroller for
many applications.
As described in the December 2024
issue, the new Raspberry Pi Pico 2 has
more memory, better performance and
more features. If you wish to delve into
the details, see the article (siliconchip.
au/Article/17316). The highlights of
the Pico 2 are:
• A faster base clock speed, up from
133MHz to 150MHz.
• More efficient CPU cores, up to
50% faster.
• More on-chip RAM, up from
264kiB to 520kiB.
• More flash memory for program
storage, up from 2MiB to 4MiB.
• New features, such as the HSTX
peripheral for HDMI output and support for external PSRAM.
We published the original PicoMite
in the January 2022 issue (siliconchip.
au/Article/15177). It is essentially a
port of MMBasic from the Micromite/
Maximite to the
RP2040 chip used
on the Pico modules.
Yo u c a n n o t
simply use that
firmware on this
new processor. The Pico 2
uses a different
type of CPU
core (the ARM
M33 rather
than M0),
so the firmware must be
The top
side of the
Pi Pico 2.
rebuilt to suit the new instruction set.
If you try to load the old firmware, the
new processor will simply ignore it.
With our new release (version
6.00.01) of the PicoMite firmware, we
now support both the Raspberry Pi
Pico 2 and the original Pico. However,
this firmware is much more than just a
recompiled version of the original. We
have changed it substantially to make
the most of the speed and additional
features of the new processor.
Headline features include HDMI
video output in various resolutions up
to a wide screen resolution of 1280 ×
720, and up to 32,768 colours in other
resolutions. The video interface has
extensive support for sprites, multiple
layers, BLIT and other features used in
creating detailed graphics for applications such as games.
A new feature in v6.00.01 is a USB
interface for connecting a USB keyboard, USB mouse and game controllers. This interface includes support
for a USB hub, so you can connect up
four devices simultaneously.
The new firmware also supports the
extra memory available on the Raspberry Pi Pico 2, which provides BASIC
programs with up to 256kiB of program
space and 228kiB of general-purpose
RAM. We exploit the extra speed of the
processor with a default CPU clock rate
of 150MHz. It can also be overclocked
to nearly 400MHz.
At the core of the PicoMite firmware
is the MMBasic interpreter. This is a
fully featured BASIC interpreter that
is mostly compatible with Microsoft
BASIC. It includes features such as
long variable names, multiple data
types (float, integer and string) and
modern structures, such as multi-line
IF and CASE statements.
New Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi Pico 2 uses a new
Australia's electronics magazine
microcontroller called the RP2350A,
developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. There are three other variations
of this chip. The first, the RP2350B, is
the same as the RP2350A except that
it has 20 more pins. This allows for a
total of 48 GPIO pins, with eight capable of operating as analog inputs.
The PicoMite firmware for the
RP2350 will work with either the A
or B variants and will automatically
recognise the extra I/O pins when it
is running on the RP2350B. They will
be available to the BASIC program as
GP30 to GP47.
Currently, only a few modules use
the RP2350B, primarily supplied by
Pimoroni ( However, it is likely that other suppliers will
soon follow with their own versions.
The RP2354 A and B chips are the
same as the RP2350 versions, but they
have 2MiB of flash memory integrated
in the package. The PicoMite firmware
may support these in the future, but
currently they are not readily available
for purchase.
The RP2350 includes some security
features intended to prevent third-
parties from accessing the program
and interfering with its operation.
These features are not supported in the
PicoMite firmware, as we doubt users
will be that concerned with security.
Upgrades for the original Picos
This release still supports the
RP2040 microcontroller used in the
original Raspberry Pi Pico and many
other third party modules. If you use
the new firmware on a board with an
RP2040 chip, you will gain many of
the extra features listed here, such as
USB keyboard support.
While the original Raspberry Pi Pico
is a little slower than the Pico 2 and
has a less memory, it is still more than
enough for most projects, so you don’t
need to throw away your old modules.
∎ More flash and RAM for user
∎ HDMI video output, up to 1280 ×
720 pixels and up to 32,768 colours
∎ VGA video output, up to 640 × 480
∎ USB keyboard, mouse, Wii
controller and hub support
∎ Improved TCP/IP stack for WiFi
∎ High-speed frequency counter
∎ Overclocking up to 400MHz
Load them with this firmware and they
will still be very useful.
The Raspberry Pi Pico 2 W
The Pico 2 W has also been recently
released, with the same RP2350A processor and the addition of a WiFi interface. This, and the RP2040 version of
the MMBasic firmware that we called
the WebMite (August 2023 issue;, are also
supported by this new firmware.
The WebMite firmware running on
the RP2040 suffered from a problem
that caused the processor to reboot
intermittently for no reason. The cause
of this was buried deep in the TCP/
IP protocol stack that is used to communicate with the wireless interface
and, despite a lot of effort, it proved
impossible to eliminate.
In this new firmware version, we
have completely rebuilt the networking features using a different protocol stack, eliminating the annoying
reboots. Thus, we strongly recommend
that any designs based on the previous
WebMite be upgraded to this version.
The Raspberry Pi Pico 2 W using the
RP2350A processor (also called the
WebMite) also uses this new protocol
stack, so we are confident it will not
suffer from the same problem.
The E9 erratum
As explained in our December 2024
article, the Raspberry Pi Foundation
issued an erratum called E9 for the
RP2350. This describes a hardware
fault that affects the GPIO and PIO pins
that interferes with the use of internal
pulldown currents when they are used
as digital inputs.
We have implemented some workarounds in the firmware, so you can
continue to use the pulldown option
for pins configured as digital inputs.
However, ideally, an external resistor
of 8.2kW or less should be used instead.
Beta testing of the PicoMite firmware revealed that this error also
affected the ability of MMBasic to
communicate using the 1-wire protocol that’s used to measure temperature
and humidity with DHT22 sensors.
However, workarounds added to the
firmware for the RP2350 mean these
functions are now unaffected.
HDMI support
The RP2350 includes an internal
peripheral called HSTX. This is a
high-speed serial transmission circuit
that streams data to up to eight output
pins in parallel. It balances the delay
between these outputs to within 0.3ns,
making it perfect for generating the
signals required for DVI/HDMI video.
To produce such a signal, the Pico
Mite firmware builds the video image
in a reserved portion of RAM (the
video buffer) and then configures a
DMA (direct memory access) channel
using the second CPU core to rapidly
push that data to the HSTX peripheral.
The firmware supports three screen
resolutions: 640 × 480, 1280 × 720
(wide-screen/720p) and 1024 × 768
pixels. Within each resolution, there
are several modes (set by the MODE
command) that can trade resolution
for more colours and features.
The MODE command can save
memory by doubling or quadrupling
the size of each pixel, both horizontally and vertically. The monitor will
still see the same resolution (ie, the
same pixel rate). However, since there
will be fewer pixels in the video buffer, the memory saved can be used for
more colours.
For example, the resolution can be
set to 1280 × 720 using the RESOLUTION command. Following this, the
MODE 1 command can be used to generate an image of 1280 × 720 pixels in
monochrome, or MODE 3 can be used
for a 640 × 360 image in 16 colours,
while MODE 4 will provide a 320 ×
180 pixel image in 256 colours.
The memory saved by doubling and
quadrupling each pixel can also be put
to other uses. For example, MODE 4
also releases enough memory for two
optional video layers that can be used
for an independent overlay. A typical
use of this would be to create an image
of a moving vehicle overlaid on a background image of a stationary road.
The TILE command
Another handy feature is the TILE
Australia's electronics magazine
command, which allows you to colour
individual characters in otherwise
monochrome text. So, using the 1280
× 720 HDMI resolution in MODE 1,
you can colour each character in one
of 16 colours.
This is used by the built-in editor
in MMBasic, which uses cyan for keywords, yellow for comments, green for
constant numbers and so on.
Screen 1 shows a screen grab of the
editor running in the 1280 × 720 resolution with colour coding turned on.
This gives you a productive development environment with a colourful
wide-screen program editor.
In Screen 1 (shown on page 60), the
editor was using the default font 3,
which gives 80 characters by 30 lines.
If you want more, you can switch to
font 1 and have an expansive editing
window of 160 characters by 60 lines,
still with colour coding.
HDMI overclocking
To generate the DVI/HDMI signal,
the firmware needs to overclock the
RP2350 to as high as 372MHz. Overclocking means running the CPU clock
at a higher frequency than the maximum stated in the data sheet. The
firmware automatically does this to
accommodate the requirements of the
video output.
All the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 modules
that we tested work perfectly at these
speeds. However, overclocking also
depends on other components that
accompany the processor, and manufacturers might decide to use components that are less tolerant.
For this reason, the HDMI capability won’t necessarily work
across all thirdparty modules
using the RP2350
Connecting an
HDMI monitor
Fig.1 illustrates
how to connect
the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2 to an
HDMI socket.
At the high frequencies used
it is important
The underside of
the Raspberry Pi
Pico 2.
Screen 1: using the HDMI output in wide-screen format, you have an excellent
editing experience with the built in MMBasic editor. The text is clear and the
colour coding identifies elements in the program with cyan for keywords,
yellow for comments, green for constant numbers etc.
to keep the signal lines short and of
the same length. To minimise reflections in the signal path, it is also recommended that surface-mount resistors be used.
We have seen poor quality cables
that exhibited significant crosstalk,
ruining the signal. So, if you get a poor
image on your monitor, check your
HDMI cable as well.
The signal generated by the Pico
Mite firmware is actually a DVI signal, but HDMI transparently supports
DVI and, because HDMI monitors are
more common, we recommend using
an HDMI connector. However, keep
in mind that the PicoMite 2 does not
support the transmission of audio in
the HDMI signal.
The tile feature described above also
works with the built-in editor using
the VGA video output. As a result,
you can still edit your program in a
reasonable resolution (640 × 480 pixels) while enjoying a colourful editing
experience, even though the output is
nominally monochrome.
USB keyboard support
The USB connector on the Raspberry Pi Pico (both the original and
Pico 2) is normally used to load the
firmware and to access the MMBasic
command prompt as a virtual serial
interface over USB.
However, the Pico’s USB connector and electronics are USB OTG (On
The Go) compliant, similar to the connector on many mobile phones. This
means that it is possible to switch the
connector from a USB client (when
loading firmware) to a USB host, which
is required for communicating with a
USB keyboard, mouse or similar.
When you load a PicoMite firmware
image with USB capability (available
for both the Pico and Pico 2), this
switch will be made automatically
when the upload is complete and
MMBasic starts running. Using an
adaptor cable, you can then plug in a
USB keyboard and it will be immediately recognised and start operating
normally with auto key repeat, function keys, etc.
The Raspberry Pi Pico even supplies the 5V necessary to power the
You need the adaptor cable because
keyboards usually have a Type-A
host plug, while the Pico has a micro
Type-B USB socket. These adaptors
are common (see Photo 1 for an example) and you can find them online or
in stores such as Jaycar (Cat WC7725).
Because the USB interface on the
Pico is now used for a keyboard/
VGA video output
If you do not want to use HDMI,
VGA video output is another option.
VGA-capable versions of the firmware
are available for both the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2 (RP2350 processor) and the
original Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040).
It is simpler to connect it to a VGA
connector compared to HDMI, and
that the processor does not need to be
overclocked (although it still can be).
VGA works the same as it did in
the previous versions of the PicoMite
firmware. It provides two video resolutions: 640 × 480 in monochrome and
320 × 240 with 16 colours. The RP2350
version supports a third mode, with a
resolution of 640 × 480 in 16 colours.
Refer to the VGA PicoMite article to see
how the VGA socket is wired up (July
Fig 1: this is how you connect a Pico 2 to an HDMI monitor. It is important
to keep the PCB traces short and the same length. The adjacent table shows
the function of each pin on the HDMI socket and how they are connected.
Australia's electronics magazine
Silicon Chip
mouse, you will not be able to power
the Pico via this connector, so the Pico
must be powered via 5V applied to
the VSYS pin. Another consequence
is that you won’t be able to use the
serial console over USB.
In a self-contained computer with
a keyboard and HDMI or VGA video,
this is not normally a problem, as the
MMBasic console output will be available on your monitor.
For users who wish to retain access
to the serial console, MMBasic automatically switches the console to pin
11 (GP8) for the serial transmit signal
and pin 12 (GP9) for receive. It will
also set the baud rate to 115,200.
To access this console, you will
need a USB to serial bridge that
provides a TTL serial interface on
one side and a USB interface on the
other. These are cheap and commonly
available on eBay and similar sites
(search for modules using the keyword CP2102). You can also get them
from the Silicon Chip Online Shop
(Cat SC3437).
Using a USB hub
The PicoMite USB capability supports a USB hub and, by using one of
these, you can connect up to four USB
devices, including keyboards, mouse
and Wii game controllers.
You can even plug in multiple
keyboards if you wish, and they will
all operate in parallel, although why
you would want to do that will remain
a mystery!
It is better to use an unpowered hub
(ie, one that is powered by the Pico’s
USB connector). This is because the
USB protocol stack running on the
Pico cannot reset the hub so, if the
power on the Pico is cycled without
powering down the hub, the hub will
keep its previous connections and
be confused when the Pico tries to
This phenomenon can also cause
the hub to be confused if devices are
swapped while the hub is powered. If
this causes trouble, the simple solution is to cycle the power on the Pico
followed by the hub, then plug in the
USB devices one by one.
USB mouse support
The USB interface also supports a
computer mouse. The main use for
this is within the MMBasic program
editor, but you can also use it within
a program.
If you use the editor with VGA/
HDMI video, colour coding turned on
and a mouse connected, the mouse
position will be indicated by a character in red on a white background.
When you move the mouse, this highlight will move accordingly.
Photo 1: you need this kind of
converter to connect a standard USB
keyboard, mouse, game controller
or hub to the Pico or Pico 2. This
example is Jaycar Cat WC7725.
Clicking on the left mouse button
will move the edit cursor to that position (like if you had used the arrow
keys on the keyboard), while clicking
the right button is the same as pressing F4 on the keyboard (ie, select and
cut to the clipboard). Finally, clicking
the scroll wheel is the same as using
F5 (copy and paste).
This means that, within the editor,
you can use the mouse to position
the edit cursor, cut or copy text to the
clipboard, then paste it in a different location, all without touching the
keyboard. This is similar to using an
editor in a desktop computer’s graphical interface (such as Windows) and
makes for a very productive environment.
The mouse position and button
states can also be read from within a
program by using the DEVICE(MOUSE)
function. Similarly, one or more USB
Wii Classic game controllers can
be used within a program using the
DEVICE(WII) function to determine
the position of the joysticks and buttons (you may need a USB adaptor to
connect them).
To Pico Pin
TMDS Data 2+ (Red)
GP16 (pin 21) via 220Ω resistor
TMDS Data 2− (Red)
GP17 (pin 22) via 220Ω resistor
TMDS Data 1+ (Green)
GP18 (pin 24) via 220Ω resistor
TMDS Data 1− (Green)
GP19 (pin 25) via 220Ω resistor
TMDS Data 0+ (Blue + Sync)
GP12 (pin 16) via 220Ω resistor
Support for external PSRAM
TMDS Data 0− (Blue + Sync)
GP13 (pin 17) via 220Ω resistor
TMDS Clock+
GP14 (pin 19) via 220Ω resistor
TMDS Clock−
GP15 (pin 20) via 220Ω resistor
CEC (Consumer Electronics Control)
NC (no connection)
ARC (Audio Return Channel)
DDS Clock (I2C Clock)
DDC Data (I2C Data)
+5V via schottky barrier diode
HPD (Hot Plug Detect)
New in the RP2350 is support for
PSRAM (pseudo-static RAM). This is
a type of RAM chip that sits on a quad
SPI bus (similar to flash memory) that
can be used to increase the amount of
RAM accessible by the RP2350.
For MMBasic, this feature has limited application, as the RP2350 already
has plenty of internal RAM (520kiB)
for BASIC programs. Because it is
accessed via a serial bus, PSRAM is
slower than the internal RAM. However, there are programs that might
need to create very large arrays and
would not mind the slower access.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 61
An example of a module that
includes PSRAM is the Pimoroni Pico
Plus 2, which comes with 8MiB of
PSRAM, a dramatic increase on the
internal RAM of the RP2350.
The PicoMite firmware supports
command. When this is enabled,
MMBasic will simply add this extra
RAM to the general memory used for
I/O buffers, strings and arrays. This
is transparent to the BASIC programmer, who can then define truly enormous arrays.
Clock speed
We have mentioned before that
the Pico’s processor can run at various clock speeds. It turns out that
the RP2040 and RP2350 processors
are quite tolerant of overclocking to
above the stock frequency listed in
the data sheet.
The standard clock speed for the
RP2040 is 133MHz, while for the
RP2350, it is 150MHz. These are the
defaults used by MMBasic. Most chips
will run fine at speeds up to 400MHz,
and will only experience a temperature rise of 5-6°C, which is hardly significant, so additional heatsinking is
not required.
When the clock speed is increased,
it is also necessary for the CPU core
voltage (supplied by an internal voltage regulator) to be increased in a balanced manner.
The PicoMite firmware does this
automatically; the programmer only
needs to use the command CPU SPEED
to set the clock rate. For example, with
the RP2350 at its base clock speed
(150MHz), the CPU core voltage is set
to 1.1V, but above 300MHz, it is automatically increased to 1.4V.
At these higher clock speeds, programs run proportionally faster. However, it might not be as easy as that.
The main limitation on overclocking
is not so much the RP2040 and RP2350
CPUs, but the layout of the Pico’s board
and the memory (flash and PSRAM)
attached to the quad SPI bus.
All the official Raspberry Pi Pico and
Pico 2 modules we have tested ran at
high speeds without a problem (some
as high as 400MHz), but other manufacturers might decide to use components that are less tolerant.
For this reason, the degree of overclocking cannot be guaranteed and
there is no way of knowing beforehand
how a module may perform. The only
Silicon Chip
certain way of discovering this is to
test it yourself.
Versions of the PicoMite firmware
that support video output (VGA or
HDMI) need to run at a specific clock
frequency to generate the correct
video timing and this is enforced by
the firmware.
For example, the HDMI firmware
is fixed at 315MHz for a 640 × 480
pixel resolution and 372MHz for
1280 × 720. VGA defaults to a clock
speed of 126MHz and you can only
select integer multiples of this, such
as 252MHz or 378MHz, if you wish
to run it faster.
RP2350 or RP2040 that have 16MiB
of flash memory, the size of drive A:
is almost 10MiB.
That is a lot of storage (relatively
speaking) and allows you to store
many images, music tracks, configuration files, log files and more on the
Pico without needing to connect an
SD card. You can even store multiple
versions of your program as you edit
and experiment with it.
Once you get used to it, you will find
this feature invaluable. The amazing
thing is that it is all internal to the Pico
– nothing extra is required.
The internal drive A:
Another feature that was available
in the previous firmware version but is
worth mentioning is the library facility. This allows you to add your own
commands, functions and features to
MMBasic so that they are a permanent
part of the BASIC language.
To install components in the library,
you write them as normal MMBasic
subroutines and functions and use the
LIBRARY SAVE command to transfer
them to the library. They are then permanently added to MMBasic and will
be available to any BASIC program
running on the Pico.
For example, you might have written a series of subroutines and functions to retrieve data from a specialised sensor. You could also add them
to the library to perform similar functions to those that are already part of
the language.
This feature is very handy as, from
time to time, you can find yourself thinking that it would be nice if
MMBasic implemented some feature
that you often need. Now you can easily add that feature yourself.
One very useful feature in the firmware is drive “A:”, an internal filesystem created when the firmware is
loaded. This feature was released in
the previous version of the PicoMite
firmware, but it is so handy that it
deserves to be mentioned here.
Drive A: is a portion of the flash
memory on the Pico that is reserved
to create a pseudo drive that looks like
an SD card or hard disk. It has a normal file system with subdirectories
and long filenames, and acts much the
same as an SD card, except that you
cannot remove it.
Within MMBasic, you can open
files on drive A: for reading/writing,
rename files, create subdirectories,
search for a file, list files and so on. By
opening a file for random access, you
can even create and operate a miniature database, all within the Pico.
On the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 (with
4MiB flash), its size is just over 2MiB
and this will increase if more flash
memory is available. For example,
with third-party boards using the
Library support
We recommend using a
controller like this clone of a
SNES controller which has
a USB Type-A connector,
so you don’t need to worry
about adaptors.
More RP2350 features
Some additional features available
on the RP2350 versions include the
ability to play MP3 audio files, so you
can create your own MP3 player or
employ high-quality music as a background to your games. Other audio
formats that are supported are WAV,
For high-quality audio, you can
use a VS1053 CODEC module or a
MCP4822 DAC, so building your own
music player is a possibility.
MMBasic also includes support for
the extra features in the PIO (Programmable Input/Output) peripherals provided by the RP2350. There are three
in the RP2350, and each acts like a
miniature CPU controlling a set of
I/O pins. Within MMBasic, you can
load program routines into the PIOs,
set them running, and pass data to/
from them.
The VGA output in the PicoMite
firmware uses one PIO to generate the
video. This is a good example of what
you can achieve using this feature.
The ability to convert GP1 into a
high-speed frequency counter input is
another new feature introduced with
the RP2350 that MMBasic supports.
This allows you to accurately measure
frequencies up to half the CPU clock
Firmware files
When you unpack the Ver 6.00.01
firmware zip, file you might be surprised to find there are 12 firmware
images in it.
These are needed to cover the variations between the CPU (RP2040 or
RP2350), the keyboard support (PS/2
or USB), the video output (none, VGA
or HDMI) and whether it has WiFi
capability or not.
The features provided by the various
firmware images fall into one of three
categories. The first is a general embedded controller. This is where the Pico
might be the brains inside a heating
controller, burglar alarm etc. For this
application, you might, for example,
select a firmware image that supports
an attached LCD panel.
The second category is the self-
contained, boot-to-BASIC computer
reminiscent of the home computers in the 1970s and 80s, such as the
Apple II, Tandy TRS-80, Commodore
64 and so on.
This is where you turn the computer
on and it boots straight to the MMBasic
prompt, at which point you can enter
a program, edit it and run it (no operating system is required).
For this, you would select a firmware image that supports a PS/2 or
USB keyboard and VGA or HDMI
video output.
The third category is the web/internet capable controller (ie, the WebMite) and you have two choices, using
either the Raspberry Pi Pico W or the
Pico 2 W. These can have an attached
LCD panel for displaying data, but
their best feature is that they can connect to your WiFi network to serve
web pages, access the internet, send
emails etc.
This does not mean that you cannot
use firmware optimised for one job in
another role. The above categories are
simply to help make sense of the available options and ultimately the choice
will depend on what works best.
A typical filename for a firmware image is “PicoMiteRP2350
VGAUSBV6.00.01.uf2”, where:
• RP2350 is the processor that the
firmware is compiled for.
• VGAUSB is the feature set supported (VGA and USB).
• V6.00.01 is the version number.
This will be incremented in future
• .uf2 is the extension, indicating
a loadable Raspberry Pi Pico firmware image.
Table 2 makes it easy to identify the
feature set you need and the corresponding firmware image file.
The PicoMite firmware is a comprehensive BASIC programming environment for the Raspberry Pi Pico and
Pico 2 that converts the Pico hardware
into an easy-to-use platform for beginners and experts alike. It is completely
free to download and use.
In this introduction, we have covered many features of the firmware
but, in reality, we have just skimmed
the surface. There are many more features that are both useful and amazing.
For the full story, download the Pico
Mite User Manual and work your way
through that.
This manual runs to over 200 pages
and covers all the features of the
PicoMite firmware in detail. It even
includes a beginner’s tutorial in programming in BASIC, so it is easy to
get started.
Both the firmware and user manual
are available for download from:
Table 2 – firmware variations
Filename prefix
Default clock
Max. clock
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 63
~ Tim Blythman’s NFC Programmable ~
IR Remote Control Keyfob
Sometimes you need a small infrared (IR) remote control for just a handful of functions.
This remote is about the smallest we’ve seen, it can hang on your keychain and you
can make it yourself. It has three buttons that can trigger separate functions that are
programmable wirelessly via NFC.
e’ve used the Jaycar XC3718 IR
Remote Control for Arduino in
several projects, most recently in the
Multi-Channel Volume Control from
December 2023 and January 2024
( Its small
size is a perfect match for the handful of functions that are needed in
that project.
Another project that supported that
remote is the Eight Channel Learning
IR Remote Receiver from October 2024
Unfortunately, the XC3718 remote
has been discontinued, so we were
keen to find a replacement. Rather
than having buttons that send fixed IR
codes, and rely on the receiver to be
able to adapt to that, we felt we could
improve it. It would be handy for such
a device to be programmable.
The difficulty lies in adding a way
to allow codes to be added or changed
easily. We don’t want to massively
complicate the device with a screen,
more buttons etc! Nor would it be ideal
to build external hardware to plug into
a socket on the keyfob. Luckily, there
is a neat solution.
You might recall our Dynamic NFC/
RFID Tag from July 2023 (siliconchip.
au/Article/15860). It combined a small
chip with a PCB trace antenna to create a programmable NFC/RFID tag that
can be used to hold and transfer small
amounts of information.
NFC (near-field communications) is
a protocol based on RFID (radio frequency identification) technology. It
allows communication with devices
over short distances, typically up to
5cm. It’s the technology that’s used
in things like contactless credit cards
and transit passes.
Here, we have used NFC to add
Silicon Chip
a programming interface to the IR
Remote Control. An external device
such as a mobile phone becomes the
programmer, and the setting can be
transferred wirelessly to the Remote
Control, without needing a socket or
opening the case!
The Remote Control is simply
placed against the NFC reader on a
device (eg, on the back of a mobile
phone) and an app is used to control
the transfer of data. The NFC chip we
are using doesn’t even need external
power, so the data can be transferred
without a battery fitted to the Remote
Other features
Since we are using the same chip
as the earlier Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag,
you can use this device similarly if you
wish. The ST25DV04 has 512 bytes of
EEPROM that can be used to store all
manner of information, as well as the
configuration for the Remote Control.
Compatible chips with more storage
are also available (up to at least 8kiB).
The NFC protocol allows up to four
different NDEF (NFC Data Exchange
Format) records to be stored. Programming the Remote Control only
requires a single text format NDEF
record to hold the programming data;
the remaining space can be used to
store any other information you want.
For example, an NDEF record can
contain a URI to link to a webpage, or
a WiFi record that contains the information needed to connect to a WiFi
network. It could even contain a virtual business card, embedding data
relating to contact details and phone
The MIME record type could contain a complete file, such as an image,
Australia's electronics magazine
although its utility is somewhat limited by the small amount of memory
on the chip.
So you could also use the RFID Programmable IR Fob Remote as a portable NFC tag which can be used to pass
around information such as webpage
links or virtual business cards. The
data is transferred by simply tapping
the fob against an NFC reader.
Circuit details
Fig.1 is the complete circuit diagram. Power comes from coin cell
BAT1 in a holder, which has a 22μF
capacitor across it. This relatively
large capacitance helps to even out
the demands on the coin cell. Its life
span can be adversely affected by
high loads.
A further 100nF capacitor provides
local bypassing for IC2, a PIC16F15224
microcontroller. This is a fairly basic
8-bit 14-pin part, but it has PWM and
timer features to allow the modulation
and timing needed to implement an
IR transmitter.
This chip also has a very low-power
sleep mode, which is handy for a
device powered by a small cell. IC2
connects to the CON1 header for in-
circuit serial programming (ICSP) at its
pins 1, 4, 12, 13 and 14. A 10kW pullup on pin 4 sets the microcontroller
to run normally unless a programmer
overrides this signal.
IC1 is the ST25DV04 dynamic NFC
tag chip. Pins 2 and 3 connect to a
PCB trace inductor which has a nominal inductance around 4.7μH. When
combined with the chip’s internal
28.5pF capacitance, it is resonant at
NFC’s 13.56MHz frequency. The trace
inductor consists of eight loops on the
back of the PCB.
● Compact keyfob case: 61 × 36.5 × 15.8mm
● Can attach to a keyring
● Three buttons to trigger the IR emitter
● Power supply: CR2032 lithium coin cell
● Standby current: <1μA
● Active current: 3mA
● Status indicator: red/green LED
● IR protocols supported: NEC, Sony SIRC and Philips
RC5 & RC6
● Low battery indicator
● Integrated NFC tag
● Programmable with ST25 NFC Tap mobile app
● Can work with our Multi-channel Volume Control, Eight
Channel Learning IR Remote Receiver and other projects
IC1’s pin 4 is ground, while power
on pin 8 is supplied by IC2’s pin 8,
along with a 100nF bypass capacitor.
This means that IC2 can completely
power off IC1 by setting that pin low
(although IC1 can still get power from
its antenna in that case). Pins 6 and 7
of IC2 connect to pins 5 and 6 of IC1
for the I2C interface; each also has the
requisite 4.7kW pullup to the switched
power line.
Tactile pushbuttons S1, S2 and S3
connect to pins 5, 3 and 2 of IC2 respectively, with the other sides connected
to ground. The microcontroller applies
an internal pullup to those pins so that
the switch state can be detected; these
pins are in a high state until the button
is pressed, then it goes low.
The remaining circuitry drives the
infrared (IR) transmitter LED2, and a
bicolour indicator LED1. LED1’s red
and green junctions are in inverse
parallel with other, with both in
series with a 2.2kW resistor connected
between pins 9 and 10 of IC2. By driving one pin high and the other low,
either the red or green LED can be lit.
The section around IR LED LED2 has
been designed to provide high bursts
of current to drive the transmitter,
while at the same time enforcing a low
average current draw on the coin cell.
The 470W resistor and 22μF capacitor
provide a local buffer, while the 100W
resistor limits the peak current.
With the values used, the average
current draw of LED2 during transmission is 2mA, while the IR LED sees
peaks of 15mA, which gives a good
compromise between transmission
power and the draw on the coin cell.
LED1 and IC2 will also draw current
while the transmitter is active, adding
to the load on the cell.
This simple circuitry only switches
the IR LED to be on when IC2’s pin 11
takes Mosfet Q1’s gate high, and off
when pin 11 is low. The microcontroller must modulate the signal to suit the
receiver detection frequency and the
expected protocol.
The microcontroller runs with a
2MHz instruction clock, much lower
than its 8MHz maximum. That reduces
its current draw when it is active by
about 2mA. If the clock was much
slower, the micro would struggle to
generate the necessary waveforms for
IR transmission.
The micro is normally in sleep mode
and it draws less than 1μA. Our Coin
Cell Emulator from December 2023
( gives
a reading of 0.0μA in this state! Thus,
the cell life will be dominated by how
much the Remote Control is used and
the cell’s shelf life.
When a button is pressed, the micro
‘wakes up’ from sleep mode and acts
upon the button presses. When the buttons are released and transmission has
ceased, the micro checks the supply
voltage. If it is 2.6V or higher, the green
LED in LED1 is flashed briefly; otherwise, it flashes red. This is a simple
but effective battery status indicator.
The IR transmitter combines a timer
and PWM peripheral to generate the IR
modulation, which can vary between
36kHz and 40kHz, depending on the
Fig.1: the Remote Control circuit is straightforward. IC1 is powered from one
of IC2’s I/O pins, allowing it to be fully powered off to minimise battery drain.
The circuit around Q1 and LED2 allows LED2 to be driven at 15mA peak while
limiting the draw on the coin cell to only 3mA.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 65
NFC programming
That IC1 can be programmed via its
RF interface is completely transparent
to the rest of the circuit. Its electrical
interface is much the same as many
I2C EEPROM devices, although its contents also include a header identifying
the size and nature of the data, which
needs to be read and validated before
the data is processed.
In the event that all three buttons
are pressed at the same time, the micro
quickly alternates the green and red
LEDs to alert the user. When the buttons are released, it powers on IC1 and
attempts to read an NDEF text record
from its internal memory, then powers down IC1 immediately.
If the read is successful and correctly formatted data is found, the
codes are loaded into memory and are
available for use the next time any of
the buttons are pressed. During this
sequence, LED1 blinks in various patterns to report on the status of the programming.
We’ll discuss the text format, programming and LED colour codes in
more detail later, as well as the use of
the ST25 NFC Tap mobile app.
The PP43 fob enclosure that we are
using for this project comes equipped
with buttons (to actuate the switches)
and a 3mm hole that suits LED1. However, since these cases are designed to
house RF transmitters, they lack a hole
for the IR LED.
We recommend adding this hole as
the first step, since it will be easier
and neater to tweak the location of the
IR LED than to modify the hole in the
case. You can use the PCB to mark it
out, or use the measurements in the
Fig.2 drilling diagram.
Firmly tape the two case halves
together. The hole is centred on the
division between the two
halves. We found it worked
well enough to drill both
2.2kW LED1
Figs.3 & 4: most of the components on
the front of the PCB are M3216/1206
passives or SOIC chips, so they should
be easy enough to solder, even for
those inexperienced with surfacemount work. Don’t forget to fit the
two components on the back of the
PCB. The 22μF capacitor helps protect
the coin cell from brief high-current
demands that could shorten its life.
This diagram is shown at 175% scale.
Silicon Chip
22m F
PCB assembly
The remaining parts can now be fitted to the PCB. They are mostly SOIC
or M3216/1206-sized SMD devices,
along with some through-hole parts.
So it is easy enough to construct even
if you have had minimal experience
working with SMD parts.
At a minimum, you will need a
syringe of flux paste and tweezers if
you are accustomed to working with
through-hole parts. Your flux will
likely recommend a cleaning solvent;
if not, isopropyl alcohol works well for
most fluxes (you can use methylated
spirits in a pinch).
We also recommend you keep on
hand some solder-wicking braid, a
magnifier and a fume extraction fan. If
you don’t have such a fan, work near
an open window or outdoors. Working on a uniform light-coloured background will help you find any parts
that you drop, and a magnifying lamp
can also be helpful.
4.7kW 10kW
Fig.2: you can use the dimensions
here to locate the hole for the 5mm IR
LED, or simply slot the PCB into place
and use it to place marks on the case.
There is a locating pin on the case to
ensure that the PCB is aligned.
halves at the same time as long as they
were securely held together. Check our
photos to confirm the placement of the
hole and start with a smaller pilot hole
to locate it accurately.
You can see that the hole sits underneath the black button. It is a 5mm
diameter hole and, of course, it goes
in the opposite end of the case from
where a keyring would attach. The
metal battery tabs included with the
case are not needed since we are using
a cell holder fitted to the PCB.
protocol. The processor encodes the IR
signal as a series of active and inactive
phases at the carrier frequency.
The Remote Control supports the
NEC, Sony (SIRC) and Philips (RC5
and RC6) protocols. John Clarke
explained all of these in detail in the
article on the Eight Channel Learning
IR Remote Receiver.
An interrupt is triggered on each
PWM cycle, providing the timing to
step through the active and inactive
phases of the encoded signal. LED1 is
driven in time with the active phases of
the IR signal, to give confirmation that
transmission is occurring. The colour
reflects the battery state; it flashes
green if the battery is fine or red if its
voltage is low.
When the transmission cycle ends,
the buttons are checked and the IR
transmission continues if the button
is held down. For most protocols, that
means simply repeating the previously
sent sequence, but the NEC protocol
uses a special repeat packet instead.
Australia's electronics magazine
Proceed to fit the parts in the locations shown in the Fig.3 and Fig.4
overlay diagrams. Start with Q1, the
only SOT-23 device. Smear a tiny bit of
flux paste on its pads (that will make
soldering much easier) and rest it in
place according to the silkscreen marking, with its leads flat against the PCB.
Tack one lead, then check the positioning of the remaining pins over
their pads and adjust as needed by
remelting the solder. With it correctly
located, solder the remaining leads
and refresh the first lead by adding a
tiny amount of extra flux paste before
touching the iron to it.
The same process can be used to
solder IC1 & IC2. Before soldering
any pins, it’s most important that you
identify pin 1 on the IC, which is usually indicated by a dot or divot in one
corner. Failing that, look for a chamfered edge along one side. With that
side on the left and the writing facing
you, pin 1 will be at upper left. Match
each chip’s pin 1 with the markings on
the PCB and Figs.3 & 4.
Solder these parts in place, just like
Q1. If you get a solder bridge between
two pins, leave it in until all the leads
are soldered. To remove a bridge, add
more flux, then gently push the braid
against the solder with the iron. When
it draws in the excess solder, gently
slide both away from the part.
Now you can fit the four capacitors
using the same technique. There are
two 100nF parts, one adjacent to each
IC. These will be thinner than the 22μF
parts. One 22μF part is near the top of
the PCB, while the other is on the back.
The resistors will be marked with
value codes (see the parts list). Make
sure that the values match the silkscreen and overlay in Fig.3. There are
seven resistors to be fitted.
Next, solder the cell holder in place.
Align it with the markings on the PCB,
being sure that the cell entry faces
the corner of the PCB near the BAT1
marker on the silkscreen. You can also
compare its orientation to the photos.
Take care to line it up correctly, since
it may prevent the screw being fitted if
it is too close to the edge of the board.
Apply a little solder to one pad, then
check its position. If you’re happy with
that, apply a generous amount of solder to both pads to give mechanical
That completes the surface-mounting parts, so clean off any excess flux
using your solvent and allow the board
Parts List – IR Remote Control Keyfob
Australia's electronics magazine
1 double-sided PCB coded 15109231, 30.5 × 52mm
1 Supertronic PP43 keyfob enclosure
1 2032-size SMD coin cell holder (BAT1) [eg, Linx BAT-HLD-001]
1 CR2032 or CR2025 3V lithium coin cell (BAT1) ♦
1 5-way pin header, 2.54mm pitch (CON1; optional, for ICSP) ♦
3 4.3mm-high 6×6mm through-hole tactile switches (S1-S3)
1 M2×6mm Nylon machine screw and hex nut
1 lid label sticker
1 ST25DV04K-IER6S3 (or equivalent) dynamic RFID tag chip, SOIC-8 (IC1)
1 PIC16F15224-I/SL 8-bit microcontroller programmed with 1510923A.HEX,
SOIC-14 (IC2)
1 3mm bicolour (red/green) LED (LED1)
1 5mm IR emitter LED (LED2) [TSAL6200 recommended]
1 2N7002 N-channel Mosfet, SOT-23 (Q1)
Capacitors (all SMD M3216/1206, X7R ceramic)
2 22μF 10V
2 100nF 50V
Resistors (all SMD M3216/1206, 1%, ⅛W)
2 10kW (code 1002 or 103)
2 4.7kW (code 4701 or 472)
1 2.2kW (code 2201 or 222)
1 470W (code 470R or 471)
1 100W (code 100R or 101)
This Remote Control will easily fit in your pocket and can trigger up to three
different functions. It makes the perfect compact companion for devices like
the Eight Channel Learning IR Remote Receiver. The PCB slots into the case and
aligns with a pin moulded into its base. The ICSP (in-circuit serial programming)
header can be left in place. Note the screw to prevent the coin cell being
removed by children. Both images are shown enlarged for clarity.
SC7421 Kit ($25 + P&P): includes all parts listed except the two marked
with ♦. The microcontroller is pre-programmed, but the NFC chip will be blank.
February 2025 67
to dry thoroughly. Take the time to
inspect it under magnification for
bridges or bad solder joints, since they
will be easier to correct now than later.
Through-hole parts
Bend IR LED2’s leads at right angles
directly behind the body. Make sure
they are bent in the right direction,
such that the shorter cathode lead
will go into the hole marked K on the
PCB. Push it into the holes and solder
one of the leads so that the lens points
out parallel to the PCB, then trim both
leads (leave the unsoldered one long
enough to solder later).
You can now place the PCB in the
bottom of the case and confirm that
LED2 lines up with the hole. Having
only one lead soldered will make it
easier to adjust the position. Once it
is aligned with the hole, solder the
other lead.
Next, fit the three tactile switches.
These must be no more than 4.3mm
high; any taller and they would be permanently depressed by the case buttons. They must also be mounted flat
against the PCB for the same reason.
You can now use the PCB along with
the top half of the case to check the
position of the bicolour LED, LED1. Its
top lip should sit no more than 7mm
above the PCB. The K cathode marking
on the PCB corresponds to the cathode
of the red LED in the package.
Test this with a multimeter set to
diode mode. When the LED lights up
red, the pin connected to the multimeter’s black lead is the one that should
be placed in the hole marked K.
If you have a pre-programmed chip
for IC2, you can fit a coin cell and
test the LED’s operation. Pressing and
holding one of the buttons should
cause the LED to flicker and flash
green, assuming a fresh cell has been
fitted. If it’s red instead, you should
swap its leads.
Programming IC2
The hole shown in Fig.2 allows the IR
emitter LED to poke out through the
end of the case, as seen here. Note the
location relative to the
Silicon Chip
The ICSP header is only needed if
you have to program a blank chip for
IC2. A standard height (11mm total)
header strip will not foul the case
when fitted, so we recommend that
you solder this in place and leave it;
it will not affect the operation at all.
The software we use for programming PICs is Microchip’s IPE (integrated programming interface), which
can be downloaded as part of the
MPLAB X IDE from www.microchip.
A Snap, PICkit 4 or PICkit 5 programmer can be used for programming. A coin cell should be fitted to
provide power if needed; for example, the Snap cannot provide power.
Connect the programmer to the CON1
header, aligning the pin 1 arrows on
the programmer and PCB.
Choose the PIC16F15224 as the part,
click connect and confirm that communication is established. If powering
IC2 from the programmer (PICkit), you
will need to enable that before clicking
the connect button. Load the HEX file,
program it into the chip and check that
Australia's electronics magazine
it verifies correctly. The LED should
briefly flash green as programming
finishes or when you disconnect the
Final assembly
Fit the cell (+ side up) and secure
it with the machine screw and nut
through the adjacent hole, feeding
the screw from the bottom of the PCB.
The case should neatly snap together
around the PCB. Check that the buttons
actuate correctly and the LED lights up
as described earlier.
If the LED lights when no button is
pressed, one of the switches may be
stuck. Check the solder joints on the
back of the PCB and trim down any
that are too tall. The PCB should slot
neatly into the case and sit flat.
The default programming is to suit
the Multi-channel Volume Control,
with the red and blue buttons increasing and decreasing the volume, respectively (think hotter and colder!). The
black button controls the mute function. The default codes are for an NEC
device at address 0, with command
codes 21 (red), 7 (blue) and 67 (black).
You might see these values reported
differently on some systems. An example is the Micromite or PicoMite IR
decoder, which will report codes 168,
224 and 194 respectively because it
uses a reversed bit order. The device
code is still reported as 0 as the bits
are the same when reversed.
Simple hardware, such as the IR
Keyboard we created in August 2018
(Turn any PC into a media centre;, can
also be used to interact with this and
other IR transmitters. The excellent
irremote Arduino library makes it easy
to receive all sorts of IR signals.
Programming the NFC chip
To use the Remote Control with
other hardware, you will need to program it to use new codes. First, you
need to determine the protocols and
codes to use. If you do not have a manual or other reference for these, hardware similar to the IR Keyboard can
be used to read codes from an existing remote.
The Arduino irremote library comes
with a sample sketch called “ReceiveDump”, which reports the protocol
and details of received IR signals. We
used this extensively during our testing of the Remote Control to check that
it was delivering the correct codes.
The NDEF text record required to
program the Remote is much the same
as a CSV (comma separated variable)
file. The first field in each row is a
code that identifies the protocol; the
codes and protocols are listed in Table
1. The next field is the address code in
decimal, followed by the command or
data field, also in decimal.
You will need the ST25 NFC Tap
mobile app and a device that has NFC
capabilities. We used an Android
phone and downloaded the app from
the Play Store (
ac38). We haven’t tested it, but the app
also appears on the Apple App Store
There may be other apps that will
work; we previously tried the NXP
TagInfo and TagWriter apps. Any app
that can read and write NFC NDEF
records should work.
Screen 1 shows the welcome screen
Table 1 – protocol codes for RFID
Programmable IR Fob Remote
for the ST25 NFC Tap. Hold the back
of the Remote Control against the back
of the phone (or other device). Screen
2 shows what you will see when the
NFC tag in the Remote Control is read.
Tap the NDEF tab to see Screen 3,
then the blue button at bottom right
and select the option to add a plain
NDEF text record to the tag. Screen 4
shows the text field; you simply enter
the codes and values as shown, pressing the Enter key between each line.
The red button is on the first line,
blue on the second and black on the
third. When you have finished making changes, save the new text to the
tag using the save button at top tight.
The ST25 app uses a line feed (LF,
ASCII 0xA) as the line separator, so
if you use a different app, make sure
that this is the same.
The values shown in Screen 4 are
equivalent to the default settings provided by the Remote Control. You can
also add an extra column with notes
or comments about each line. Just be
sure to separate it from the other values with a comma and be aware of the
limited memory available.
There are many other things that
you can do with the app. For example, Screen 3 has a copy button at top
right that can be used to clone tags.
Screen 1: the ST25 NFC Tap comes
from STMicroelectronics, who
produce the ST25 range of chips. It’s
a good idea to open the app before
scanning a tag. Otherwise, your
device might open a different app
when the tag is brought near.
Screen 2: when a tag is first scanned,
some basic information is provided,
including the serial number. The tabs
along the top provide more options.
Screen 3: a blank tag will have no
NDEF records yet. The blue button at
the bottom right of this page allows
records to be added.
Protocol Code bits
Philips RC5 5
Philips RC6 6
Sony 12-bit S
Sony 15-bit T
Sony 20-bit U
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 69
The Memory tab can be used to read,
write or erase the tag’s EEPROM. If a
tag is not working correctly, you can
try erasing the EEPROM and rewriting
the settings.
The Memory tab also allows the
tag contents to be read from or written to a file. The DEFAULT.BIN file
in the downloads for this project can
be written to the tag to similarly reset
it to containing the default IR codes.
You can add other NDEF records to
the tag. In our experience, a device will
typically act on the first valid record
that it recognises. So if you wish to
add an alternative record for people to
scan (such as a WiFi handover record
or URI record), we suggest adding it
before the text record for the Remote
Control. Non-text records are simply
ignored by the microcontroller.
Remote Control use
While the above process writes
a set of codes to IC1, these are not
automatically loaded. Instead, the
buttons are used to do this under
user control. Pressing all three buttons at the same time will trigger the
read sequence. While the buttons are
held down, the LED will alternate red
and green.
Releasing the buttons starts the
reading process. Firstly, IC2 checks if
IC1 is present and if it is not, the LED
flashes red once for about a second. If
IC1 is present but no NDEF text record
is found, then nothing is shown on the
LED. This can be expected with a blank
NFC chip, such as if construction has
just been completed.
If a valid NDEF text record is found,
the LED will flash once for each of the
three button codes, in order from left
to right, green if it is valid or red if it
is not. If it is valid, the code will be
updated; otherwise, the current code
is kept. After this, normal operation
resumes and you should see a brief
flash indicating the battery status.
In general, the code requires a
valid protocol code as per Table 1.
The address and command values
provided must fit within the number of bits prescribed. For example, a
value of 256 for either the address or
command of an NEC code would be
invalid, since these are eight-bit values
and 256 requires nine bits to encode.
After programming, the Remote
Control operates with the new codes.
Simply push each button and the corresponding IR code will be sent for as
long as the button is held down. If a
second button is pressed, while the first
is still down, the first code will continue until the first button is released,
then the second code will start.
If you start to see the LED flashing
red instead of green during operation, then the battery is getting low;
down around 2.6V. The circuit itself
will function down to near 2.0V, but
IR range will suffer due to the lower
current provided to LED2.
We’ve created a label for the keyfob
shown below. There’s space for
functions to be added in permanent
marker below each button on the
sticker. The kit for this project will
include a sticker with this artwork
– attach it to the front of the fob
As we noted, the files in
downloads include a DEFAULT.
BIN file (containing the values
seen in Screen 4) that can be
written directly to the EEPROM,
if you wish to experiment with it.
The downloads also include the
HEX file for programming the
microcontroller and the MPLAB X
project files.
Screen 4: the text shown here matches
the default settings of the remote
control. The text can be stored to the
tag with the SAVE button (floppy disk
icon) at upper right.
Silicon Chip
Screen 5: the Memory tab provides
access to low-level read and write
functions. You can also store the tag
contents to a file.
Australia's electronics magazine
There are spaces on this label to add
a legend for each button so you know
what it does. This will be provided as
a sticker in kits purchased from the
Silicon Chip Shop, and will also be
available to download.
ilicon Chip
Kits, parts and much more
Compact OLED Clock
& Timer
September 2024
Short-Form Kit
SC6979: $45
This kit includes everything needed to build
the OLED clock, except the UB5 Jiffy box and
Li-ion cell.
Dual Mini LED Dice
August 2024
Micromite-Explore 40
October 2024
Complete Kit
SC6991: $35
SMD LED Complete Kit
SC6961: $17.50
TH LED Complete Kit
SC6849: $17.50
Includes either 3mm through-hole or 1206sized SMD LEDs. Choice of either white or
black PCB. CR2032 coin cell not included.
Includes the PCB and all onboard parts. Audio
Breakout board and Pico BackPack are sold
ESR Test Tweezers
Mains Power-Up
Complete Kit
SC6952: $50
February-March 2024
June 2024
This kit includes everything needed to build the ESR Test Tweezers. Does not include the CR2032 (or
CR2025) coin cell or optional 5-pin header CON1.
USB-C Serial Adaptor
Complete Kit
SC6652: $20.00
June 2024
Includes the PCB,
and all other parts
required to build
the Adaptor.
Parts SC6871: $95
The critical components required to build the
Sequencer such as the PCB, micro etc. Other
components need to be sourced separately.
→ Subscribers receive a 10% discount on all purchases, except for subscriptions (postage is not discounted).
→ Prices listed do not include postage. Postage rates within Australia start at $12, rates are calculated at the checkout.
Part 4: Signal Switching
In this fourth article in this series, we will look at how to extend the current
measurement range of the circuit we’ve been working on so far. To achieve that, we’ll
have to switch between two or more shunt resistors.
By Andrew Levido
n the previous article in this series, we
developed our current-sense circuit
(Fig.1) to the point where we could
measure a 0–1A current in the highside of a hypothetical power supply
with a worst-case 25°C precision of
around ±0.03%. Over the temperature
range of 0–50°C, this error rose to just
under ±0.2%.
That was the analog error only;
it did not include any errors introduced by the analog-to-digital converter (ADC), which we will go into
in a future article.
To achieve this level of precision,
we were planning to apply a fixed gain
calibration and a dynamic zero offset
calibration in software, using the two
switches shown in Fig.1. This level of
precision would allow us to meaningfully measure current from 1A down
to a few tens of milliamps, since our
resolution is limited to ±2mA.
To achieve the microamp or better
current sensitivity that we desire, we
determined that we needed to switch
in different shunt resistors to provide
a series of current ranges.
So far, we have been using a 0.1W
shunt resistor for the 1A range, which
develops 100mV across it at full scale.
This requires a differential-mode gain
of about 25 to get our signal to a nominal 2.5V level for the ADC.
Assuming our power supply has
some voltage headroom, there is
nothing stopping us from increasing the shunt resistance by an order
of magnitude, so it drops 1V at full
scale. We can then decrease the gain
to a nominal value of 2.5.
The power dissipation in the shunt
resistor will increase accordingly, but
any offset errors we see on the input
side, including those that change with
temperature, will be smaller in relation to the full-scale signal. That will
improve the overall precision of the
circuit. This will be important as the
complexity – and therefore sources of
uncertainty – of the circuit increases.
Table 1 (below) shows the ranges we
could potentially implement, the current resolution we could expect, and
the shunt resistors we would need for
each one.
This table assumes we can maintain
the ±0.2% error we have achieved so
far. It suggests we should be able to
realise our sub-microamp resolution
ambitions if we can maintain a similar level of precision as we did with
our previous efforts.
Before we get into the details of how
we will switch the shunt resistors in
and out, and the impact that will have
on precision, we should look at the
options available for signal switching.
There are basically only two options:
1. We can use a mechanical switch
such as a signal relay if we want to
control it with a microcontroller.
2. Alternatively, we can use some
form of electronic analog switch,
which will most likely be based on
field-effect transistors (FETs).
Signal relays
Signal relays are similar to power
relays, but their design is optimised
for low on-resistance and high linearity instead of power handling. They are
usually rated for currents of 2A or less
and for switching voltages under 50V.
These aren’t hard and fast definitions;
there is plenty of grey area between the
top end of signal relays and the bottom
end of power relays.
Relays have the advantage of excellent on-resistance linearity with
applied voltage and temperature. They
have a very high off-resistance (essentially infinite) and virtually zero leakage since the switching path is electrically isolated.
Typical initial on-resistances for signal relays range from about 10mW to
200mW. The word “initial” is important here – the on-resistance of signal relays generally increases with
the number of operations, as shown
on the right side of Fig.2. This is an
extract from a data sheet for Panasonic
TQ-series relays, although all brands
behave in more or less the same way.
It’s also worth noting that the operating and release voltages, shown on
the left, also worsen slightly with time
Table 1 – current ranges using a fixed 0.2% error
Fig.1: this is
the circuit we
designed last
time. It is capable
of a measurement
resolution of
a couple of
milliamps; to
measure lower
currents, we need
to switch ranges
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Current range
Resolution (±0.2%)
RS (gain ≈ 2.5)
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.2: relays make great signal switches, but we should be aware that their contact
resistance and operating voltages deteriorate with the number of operations.
as the relay’s mechanical parts wear.
The failure rate data for the TQ
relays suggests that 1% will have
failed after 3.5 million operations and
10% after about 10 million operations
when switching 5V at 1mA into a resistive load. That is a lot of operations,
so it probably will not be of concern
to the designer, but relays do have a
limited life.
Panasonic deserves a lot of credit for
publishing very comprehensive data
for their relays. Not all manufacturers
are this up-front in their data sheets.
Relays are not always good for very
high-frequency applications, since
their stray inductance and capacitance
can be relatively high. Specialised
high-frequency relays are available if
you need them.
For precision circuits, we often
use reed relays, which can have very
low stray capacitance (0.5pF) and are
available with internal electromagnetic screens which can help minimise
induced noise or be used as a “guard”
electrode when measuring minuscule
currents. A reed relay is essentially a
reed switch that’s actuated by an electromagnet.
On the downside, relays are usually somewhat bulky and expensive,
so designers tend to use them only
when their unique characteristics
are absolutely necessary. Instead,
they generally use more compact and
cheaper analog switches where they
can (which offer the added benefit of
an almost indefinite lifespan).
Analog switches
Analog switches are typically built
from Mosfets since their drain-source
resistance is controllable via gate voltage and the channel can conduct current in either direction. Because a Mosfet’s channel resistance is non-linear
with applied voltage, most analog
switches use back-to-back N-channel
and P-channel Mosfets.
The parallel on-resistance of the two
devices is more linear than either one
alone, as illustrated in Fig.3. The Mosfet substrates are connected to the analog power rails to maximise linearity.
By the way, if you are familiar with
using discrete Mosfets as high-power
switches, you may be puzzled by
the comment that they can conduct
current in either direction. That’s
Fig.3: most analog switches use
parallel N-channel and P-channel
Mosfets to minimise the effect
of the non-linear channel onresistance of Mosfets.
because power Mosfets usually have
an unavoidable ‘body diode’ in parallel with the channel in one direction,
meaning they can only really switch
current in one direction by themselves.
When fabricating multiple Mosfets
on a single substrate as in a CMOS
integrated circuit, the body diode is
still there, but it is possible to choose
where one end of that diode connects.
Depending on what potential it is connected to, that body diode may never
conduct under normal conditions, so
it can effectively be ignored.
Thus, Mosfets in ICs (as well as the
fairly unusual four-terminal discrete
signal types that expose the bulk connection separately) can operate bi-
directionally, similarly to JFETs.
The NMOS+PMOS architecture is
used in switches such as those in the
industry-standard DG41x series. Fig.4
shows the simplified circuit of one
channel, extracted from the data sheet.
As well as the back-to-back switching
Mosfets, you can see a level shifter,
which allows the control voltage (VIN)
and logic supply (VL and GND) to be
anywhere within the V+ to V– analog
supply range.
Fig.4: this simplified
diagram of one
switch from a
DG41x series analog
switch shows the
parallel N-Channel
and P-channel
Mosfets. The level
shifter allows the
control signal and
logic supply to be
anywhere within the
analog voltage range.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 73
Fig.5: the onresistance
characteristic of
this DG41x series
analog switch shows
the non-linearity
and temperature
dependence of the
The DG41x series switch on-
resistance characteristic with ±5V rails
is shown in Fig.5. The nominal on-
resistance is anywhere between 10W
and 20W, depending on temperature,
and varies about 30% as the signal
voltage changes.
The imprecision associated with
analog switches can best be understood by looking at the on- and offstate equivalent circuits in Fig.6. In
the on state (left), the on-resistance
Ron appears in series with the source
resistance Rsource to produce a voltage
divider with the load resistance Rload.
As we have seen, Ron is non-linear
and temperature-dependant, so the
voltage error due to this divider will be
uncertain. For this reason, we usually
try to keep the load resistance as high
as possible with respect to the sum of
Rsource + Ron.
In the on state, a leakage current
Id(on) will produce a DC error voltage
proportional to Rload in parallel with
Rsource + Ron. This can be minimised
by keeping the source impedance as
low as possible.
The channel capacitance Cd(on) will
appear in parallel with Cload and form
an RC low-pass filter with Rsource +
Ron – another reason to keep Rsource
low if you can.
In the case of the DG41x family of
switches, Ron can be up to 35W, Id(on)
can be up to ±15nA and Cd(on) is typically 35pF.
In the off state (shown in Fig.6),
the leakage current Is(off) will produce a DC voltage across Rsource, and
ID(off) will produce a voltage across
the load impedance, Rload. The latter can be more difficult to manage,
since we generally want to use a high
load impedance for reasons described
above. The DG41x switches have
Fig.6: these equivalent circuits show the leakage currents and internal
capacitances present in analog switches in the on and off states.
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Australia's electronics magazine
off-state leakage currents (ID(off) and
Is(off)) of up to ±15nA, and CD(off) can
be up to 9pF.
Charge injection is another concern with analog switches, especially
those with a low Ron value. Achieving low Ron requires physically large
Mosfets, which have higher levels of
gate capacitance. Whenever the gate of
the Mosfet switches, this gate capacitance is charged or discharged via the
drain and source. This means a charge
is injected into the signal path when
the devices switch.
The resulting voltage disturbance is
a factor of the switch output and load
capacitance, as shown in Fig.7. The
charge is injected via Cq and appears
as a voltage spike or dip at the output,
as CD(ON) in parallel with Cload charge
or discharge.
Each DG41x switch has a charge
injection of 5pC. If the external load
capacitance were 50pF, this would
result in a voltage spike or dip of 59mV
every time the switch changes state.
This could very well create a significant ‘pop’ when switching audio signals – something to be aware of.
Of course, the input signal to this
type of analog switch must stay within
the power rails. For switches with
back-to-back complimentary Mosfets,
the signal voltage can extend all the
way to both rails.
There are some newer analog
switches with very good Ron linearity. These appear to use a single N-
Channel Mosfet with a very flat Ron
Fig.8 shows the on-
r esistance
characteristic for one channel of the
TMUX821x series of analog switches
from Texas Instruments (TI). The
on-resistance is very flat all the way
Fig.7: charge injection can cause
voltage transients in the signal path
when an analog switch is opened or
closed. The effect is usually worse in
low-Rds(on) switches, where the gate
capacitance (Cq) is higher.
Fig.9: this interesting
class of optically coupled
analog switches may
be suitable for some
applications. They can
switch a few hundred
milliamps and provide
good isolation between the
control signal & switch.
Fig.10: this circuit ensures the current-carrying
switches (S1a, S2b and S3c) are not in the
measurement path. That’s helpful since the voltage drop across them is unpredictable. The shunt voltage sensing
switches (S1b, S2b and S3b) carry no appreciable current, so the voltage drop across them will be minimal.
from the negative supply up to a few
volts short of the positive supply.
With the ±15V supplies shown
here, the upper limit on signal voltage is around 10V to 12V, depending
on how much non-linearity you can
put up with.
Before we leave this discussion of
analog switches altogether, I want to
mention one more type that I have
found useful in certain applications:
optically coupled Mosfet switches,
such as that shown in Fig.9.
These are a bit of a hybrid between
relays, analog switches and opto-
couplers. They use inverse series
Mosfets (for polarity independence),
which are switched optically via an
internal LED. A typical example, the
AQY282GS, is rated for switching up
to 60V (AC or DC) at 0.8A. It has a maximum on-resistance of 0.8W at 25°C,
rising to twice that at 85°C.
The manufacturer does not provide
any linearity data, but we can assume
it will not be great.
They do have good input–output
isolation (1000MW and 1.5pF), but up
to 1µA of leakage between the output
terminals when off. These devices are
Fig.11: this circuit configuration was used to obtain the results described. Not
shown are the DIP switches used to control the analog switches & relay coils.
not super-fast – the switch-on time
can be up to 5ms and switch-off up to
0.5ms. They are driven exactly like you
would drive an optocoupler.
Updating our design
So, armed with all this knowledge,
how do we go about designing our
multi-range current sensing circuit?
Whatever type of switch we use to
select the shunt resistors, it will add
a material and unpredictable voltage
We therefore can’t just put the
Fig.8: the onresistance
characteristic of
the TMUX821x is
remarkably flat
for signal voltages
from the negative
rail up to a couple
of volts short of the
positive rail. This
suggests a single
Mosfet is being
used. Note how
the Rds(on) is still
highly temperaturedependent.
Australia's electronics magazine
switching element in series with the
shunt and measure the voltage across
them both. Instead, we need to use the
topology shown in Fig.10.
One of the “a” switches (S1a, S2a or
S3a) is closed to select one of the shunt
resistors, depending on the chosen
current range. The corresponding “b”
switch is also closed, connecting the
relevant shunt resistor to the instrumentation amplifier’s inverting input.
Since this input has a very high
impedance, very little current flows
through the “b” switch, so its on-
resistance and non-linearity are largely
irrelevant. The voltage drop across the
active “a” switch, where appreciable
current does flow, is not in the measurement path, so it does not impact
the reading.
As a bonus, we get the zero-
calibration state for free. If we close
any “b” switch that does not have its
corresponding “a” switch closed, we
effectively short the inamp’s inputs
together via that shunt resistor, which
will have close to zero voltage across
I decided to build a version of this
circuit with 1A, 10mA and 100μA
full-scale ranges. In a real application, you would probably implement
February 2025 75
Fig.12: this graph,
copied from the
data sheet, shows
the various
leakage currents
in the TMUX821x
series of analog
switches. As you
would expect, they
increase rapidly
with temperature.
a range for each decade, but I wanted
to keep things manageable for my
experiments. I chose to use relays
for S1a and S2a (the 1A and 10mA
range respectively), although an analog switch could certainly be used for
the latter range.
The 100µA range (S3a) and the three
“b” switches used analog switches.
This meant I could get away with just
one quad analog switch package.
The key parts on the test board are
shown in Fig.11. A 3.3V logic power
supply and the dip switches driving
the relays and analog switch control lines are not shown. I used a 1%
tolerance 3W resistor for R1, since
high-precision power resistors are
super expensive.
I did, however, select a resistor with
the best tempco (±20ppm/°C) that I
could afford, since we can’t trim out
the temperature drift as easily as we
can trim out the absolute resistance
error. It is easier (and cheaper) to get
high-precision 100W and 10kW resistors, so I chose devices with 0.1% tolerance and 10ppm/°C tempcos.
The relays I used were 3.3V coil 1A
relays from Fujitsu’s SY series that I
happened to have on hand. The primary concern with selecting the analog switch was to get a unit with a
sufficient voltage rating, since the
supply voltages would be +24V and
-5V, giving a total supply span of 29V.
DG41x-series switches are limited to a
supply voltage span of 12V.
Figs.13 & 14: the voltage error due to analog switch leakage is calculated by
substituting the on and off equivalent circuits. As discussed in the text, the
600pA source can be
ignored but the other
two will cause an error.
This diagram shows the
100µA range where the
error is worse than the
others. The simplified
version is shown at
right; it summarises the
sources of error.
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Australia's electronics magazine
The TMUX821x range is good to
±50V, which is more than enough. The
TMUX8212 includes four independent normally open switches, which
is perfect.
From Fig.8, we can see that the analog switch on-resistance is under 5W
at room temperature, with about ±1W
change over the 0°C to 50°C range we
are designing for. Fig.12 shows the
leakage currents. At 50°C, the worst
case for our design, Id(on) is ±10pA or
less, while Id(off) and IS(off) are each
less than ±300pA.
Those figures are for ±36V supplies,
so with our lower supply voltages,
the values we experience are likely
to be lower. However, in the absence
of more detailed data, we have little
choice other than to use those figures.
I used the cheaper of the two instrumentation amplifiers that we tested
last time, the INA821, but this time
with the gain set to about 2.5. Like
last time, the op amp is powered from
+24V and -5V rails.
Error budget
The easiest way to manage the error
budget for a circuit with several configurations like this one is to calculate a separate budget for each range.
The process is exactly the same as for
the examples we created in previous
instalments, except for the errors introduced by the analog switches.
We can distil the impact of the analog switches down to a single voltage
error by substituting them with their
equivalent circuits, as shown at the
top of Fig.13.
Here, the circuit is shown with the
100µA range active (with the two analog switches closed and both relays
Fig.14 shows the same configuration
with the leakage current sources consolidated. The 1W and 100W resistors
disappear, since they are in series with
current sources, which themselves
have very high (theoretically infinite)
source resistances. This simplification
leaves us with three potential sources
of leakage-induced voltage error.
The 600pA current feeding into the
power rail on the source side of the
shunt resistor can be ignored, since
this current must flow either back into
the regulator (where it does not matter), or through the shunt to the load
(where it will be measured as part of
the load current).
The 10pA source on the load side
Table 2: 100μA range
At Nominal 25°C
Abs. Error
Rel. Error
0-50°C (Nominal ±25°C)
Nominal Value
Shunt Resistor: ERA-6ARB103V (±0.1%, 100ppm/˚C)
Abs. Error
Input voltage error due to shunt
Input voltage error due to switch leakage
Input voltage error due to bias (Ios ±0.5nA, ±20pA/˚C)
InAmp: INA821 (Vos ±35µv, 5µV/˚C)
InAmp Input Voltage error total (Sum of Lines 2-5)
InAmp Gain Resistor Rg: ERA-6ARB333V (±0.1%, 10ppm/˚C)
InAmp Gain Error (0.015% ±35ppm/˚C)
Rel. Error
InAmp Gain (Line 7 × Line 8)
Vout DM (Line 6 × Line 9)
Vout CM (20V, 100db, ±1.5db over 0-50˚C)
Vout (Line 10 + Line 11)
Table 3: 10mA range
At Nominal 25°C
Abs. Error
Rel. Error
0-50°C (Nominal ±25°C)
Nominal Value
Abs. Error
Shunt Resistor: ERA-6ARB101V (±0.1%, 10ppm/˚C)
Input voltage error due to shunt
Input voltage error due to switch leakage
Input voltage error due to bias (Ios ±0.5nA, ±20pA/˚C)
InAmp: INA821 (Vos ±35µv, 5µV/˚C)
InAmp Input Voltage error total (Sum of Lines 2-5)
InAmp Gain Resistor Rg: ERA-6ARB333V (±0.1%, 10ppm/˚C)
InAmp Gain Error (0.015% ±35ppm/˚C)
Rel. Error
InAmp Gain (Line 7 × Line 8)
Vout DM (Line 6 × Line 9)
Vout CM (20V, 100db, ±1.5db over 0-50˚C)
Vout (Line 10 + Line 11)
Table 4: 1A range
At Nominal 25°C
Abs. Error
Rel. Error
0-50°C (Nominal ±25°C)
Nominal Value
Abs. Error
Shunt Resistor: VMP-1R00-1.0-U (±0.1%, 20ppm/˚C)
Input voltage error due to shunt
Input voltage error due to switch leakage
Input voltage error due to bias (Ios ±0.5nA, ±20pA/˚C)
InAmp: INA821 (Vos ±35µv, 5µV/˚C)
InAmp Input Voltage error total (Sum of Lines 2-5)
InAmp Gain Resistor Rg: ERA-6ARB333V (±0.1%, 10ppm/˚C)
InAmp Gain Error (0.015% ±35ppm/˚C)
Rel. Error
InAmp Gain (Line 7 × Line 8)
Vout DM (Line 6 × Line 9)
Vout CM (20V, 100db, ±1.5db over 0-50˚C)
Vout (Line 10 + Line 11)
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 77
of the shunt will cause an error since
this current can flow into the load
without being measured. This is the
equivalent of under-reading the load
current by 10pA, so it will result in a
voltage error of up to 100nV (10pA ×
10kW) at the op amp input.
The 610pA leakage will similarly
cause a voltage error, but this time
the error will be seen across the series
combination of the shunt resistance
and the switch on-resistance. This
error will be 6.1µV (610pA × [10kW
+ 6W]). The total voltage error introduced by the switches will therefore be ±6.2µV, which you can see in
line 3 of the error budget table for the
100µA range.
This is a meaningful amount compared with the instrumentation amplifier’s ±35µV input offset voltage.
Given the relatively high shunt
resistance, we also have to account
for the impact of the instrumentation amp’s input bias currents. The
difference between these currents
(the input offset current) will cause
an additional voltage error across
the source resistance. The INA821’s
data shows the maximum input offset current is ±0.5nA at 25°C, with a
tempco (estimated from the graphs)
of ±20pA/°C.
This will result in a voltage error
of ±5.0uV at 25°C with an additional
±5.0µV over the 0°C to 50°C operating range. This error, shown on line 4
of the error budget, is also similar in
magnitude to the input offset voltage.
Other ranges
As you might expect from the above
calculations, the error voltages will be
lower for the other ranges where the
shunt resistances are lower. I went
through the same exercise for these
ranges and came up with error voltages
due to switch leakage of 4.6nV for
the 1A range and 95nV for the 10mA
range, plus input offset current errors
of 500pV and 50nV, respectively.
These are included in the relevant
error budget tables (Tables 2-4), but
are frankly so small as to be irrelevant
given the instrumentation amplifier’s
±35µV offset voltage.
The rest of the error budget tables
are calculated as we did the last time.
The upshot is a worst-case untrimmed
25°C error of ±1.13% for the 1A range
and ±0.23% for the 10mA and 100µA
ranges. The big difference is due to
the 1% tolerance of the 1W shunt
compared to the 0.1% tolerance of
the other two.
Over the operating temperature
range, the 1A range has an additional
±0.18% error, with an extra ±0.15% for
the 10mA and 100µA ranges.
Recall that the circuit in the
previous article had a worst-case
untrimmed 25°C error of 0.65% with
±0.28% additional error over temperature. This circuit is better (except on
the 1A range, where the shunt tolerance range has doubled) because we
have used better-tolerance resistors
and have reduced the instrumentation
amp gain by a factor of 10.
As usual, I built the circuit and carefully measured its performance. The
results are shown in the tables opposite (Tables 5-7). Again, we achieved
much better performance than the
worst-case calculations would suggest. The measured untrimmed errors
were ±0.5%, ±0.06% and ±0.18%
for the 1A, 10mA and 100µA ranges,
To calculate the trimmed error
results, I used a gain correction based
on the line of best fit, but just used the
measured zero-current output value
as the offset, mimicking the dynamic
offset correction process. The trimmed
errors were ±0.036%, ±0.054% and
±0.031% for the three ranges – very
similar to the values we achieved previously.
The errors over the operating temperature range are around ±0.11%,
assuming the offset calibration eliminates the offset component of the
input-side temperature drift error. It
would be around ±0.18% otherwise.
We can probably say that, across
all ranges, our circuit achieves better
than ±0.06% error at 25°C and ±0.25%
over the operating temperature range.
This is on par with the performance
we saw last time, and means we have
more-or-less met the expectations we
set in Table 1 for these ranges.
As a paper exercise, I calculated
the error budget for a possible 1µA
full-scale range, assuming a 1MW
0.1% ±10ppm shunt. The worst-case
untrimmed error at 25°C is ±0.35%,
and the total error over the temperature range would be within ±0.6%,
which is pretty good. With trimming,
we could probably assume a current
resolution in the order of ±5nA. This
is about as low as I would go with
this circuit.
Once we get down to measuring
such small currents, things become
very challenging.
A next obvious step will be to look
into the analog-to-digital conversion
process, to complete our theoretical
PSU current-sensing design.
However, in all of our work so far,
we have entirely ignored one important source of uncertainty and error:
noise. This is an interesting but complex topic that we need to know about
before moving on. So we will cover it
next time.
Raspberry Pi Pico W BackPack
The new Raspberry Pi Pico W provides WiFi functionality, adding
to the long list of features. This easy-to-build device includes a
3.5-inch touchscreen LCD and is programmable in BASIC, C or
MicroPython, making it a good general-purpose controller.
This kit comes with everything needed to build a Pico W BackPack module, including
components for the optional microSD card, IR receiver and stereo audio output.
$85 + Postage ∎ Complete Kit (SC6625)
The circuit and assembly instructions were published in the January 2023 issue:
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Measured Data
Untrimmed Error
Trimmed Error
I (mA)
Vout (mV)
Absolute (mV)
Relative Absolute (mV)
Silicon Chip
Table 5 – 100μA range (Vcm = 20V).
Measured Data
I (mA)
Untrimmed Error
Trimmed Error
Vout (mV)
Absolute (mV)
Relative Absolute (mV)
Table 6 – 10mA range (Vcm = 20V).
Measured Data
I (mA)
Untrimmed Error
Vout (mV)
Absolute (mV)
Trimmed Error
Relative Absolute (mV)
Table 7 – 1A range (Vcm = 20V).
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February 2025 79
Programmable Frequency M
This small PCB doesn’t cost a lot to build but provides
several useful features. It can reduce the frequency
of an incoming signal or pulse train by a factor of
between 3 and 21,327,000 that’s easily configured
over a USB serial port. It can also provide basic
frequency measurements.
By Nicholas Vinen
● Input frequency range: 300Hz to 77MHz (typical)
● Over 85,000 possible division ratios:
— 3–21,327 (with short output pulses)
— 30–213,270 in steps of 10 (50% duty cycle output)
— 213,300–2,132,700 in steps of 100 (50% duty cycle output)
— 2,133,000–21,327,000 in steps of 1000 (50% duty cycle output)
● Configuration: via USB serial interface; default power-up ratio can be selected
● Can measure the input signal frequency to ±0.25%
(prototype was within ±0.02% <at> 20MHz)
● Output duty cycle: 10%/50% (if division ratio is multiple of 10; otherwise < 34%)
● Input signal level: 20mV to 3.2V RMS (100mV+ or more at low frequencies)
● Output jitter: estimated at 0.1ns
● Propagation delay: approximately 110ns
● Input/output impedances: 50Ω or 75Ω
● High noise immunity with 23.5mV hysteresis
● Outputs are in phase with inputs
● No output signal toggling in the absence of an input signal
● Power supply: 5-12V DC <at> 20mA
● Power connectors: USB Type-C, 2.1mm/2.5mm ID barrel socket
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
y Compact Frequency Divider
design, published in the May
2024 issue, was a purposefully simple design (
Article/16244). However, the hardware used was capable of doing a lot
more than just dividing a signal frequency by a fixed ratio.
I could have added jumpers to allow
the ratio to be changed, but at least 19
jumpers would be required and figuring out how to set them would be very
I instead decided to add a low-cost
microcontroller with a USB interface that would allow you to type
any desired division ratio. It could
quickly reconfigure the divider chips
to achieve the desired ratio. The cost
and size of the extra parts are minimal,
so the result is still quite compact and
It can easily be configured with a
wide range of possible division ratios;
the USB cable used to configure it can
also power it. For maximum flexibility,
you can also save the ratio you set into
flash memory and then power it from
just about any low-voltage DC source
away from a computer.
I also realised it was pretty easy to
add an onboard frequency counter
that would be reasonably accurate,
so I did that as well. You just type ‘m’
(for “measure”) and press Enter and
within a second or so, it measures and
reports the input frequency. So it’s a
fairly useful little device that’s small
and not too expensive to build.
The signal chain is very similar to
the May 2024 design mentioned earlier, with four digital logic ICs doing
most of the work. There are three
74HC4017s, each dividing their inputs
by a factor of 10, plus a 74HC4059 programmable divider chip. Cascading
those four stages gives many possible
division ratios.
Like that earlier design, a highspeed push/pull comparator is used
to boost and square up the input signal, while a hex buffer IC provides the
drive strength for 50W or 75W termination. Besides the new parts to control
the division ratio (a microcontroller
and three more digital logic chips),
the remainder of the circuit is a linear
power supply with reverse polarity
protection and a power indicator LED.
The unusual 74HC4059
While updating this design, I pondered why the way the 74HC4059
divider works is so strange, and I think
I have the answer.
The 4059 was designed in a time
before microcontrollers. If you wanted
to build a digitally controlled, PLLbased (phase-locked loop) radio tuner,
you would need to have some sort of
‘register’ chip or chips to store the currently selected frequency.
There would be a way to increase or
decrease the value stored in that register (using buttons, or a knob, or something like that) and its output would
be a binary number that would be fed
to the PLL to control the tuning.
You would also need a frequency
divider as part of that PLL. A PLL
essentially works by using negative
feedback via a divider to multiply a
frequency. So it appears that the 4059
was designed to be that part of the circuit, with its 16-bit digital inputs fed
from the register.
That explains why it has a programmable prescaler that effectively multiplies the 16-bit (‘J’) value by a figure
of 2, 4, 5, 8 or 10. That is the way that
you would select the size of the steps
caused by each increment or decrement of the J-value.
For our purposes, we can use a fixed
prescaler value of 8 since we don’t
need configurable steps; that value
gives us the widest possible range of
division ratio (3 to 21,327) and the
microcontroller can figure out what
values to feed to the 16 J inputs to
achieve the desired ratio.
To make the circuit more flexible,
rather than just controlling the configuration of the 74HC4059, I have also
added the ability to bypass one, two,
or all three of the 74HC4017 divideby-ten stages. That is done using a
single 74HC4052 dual 1-to-4 analog
multiplexer chip, as described in more
detail later. So we can divide by a factor of 1, 10, 100 or 1000 in addition
to the configurable ratio of the ‘4059.
Ideally, we want the final
divide-by-10 stage in the circuit for
two reasons. One is that the output pulses from the 74HC4059 are
very narrow (only the length of the
period of its input signal) and that
last divide-by-10 stage acts as a clock
stretcher. The other is that it also gives
us the 10% or 50% duty cycle choice.
So while ratios that are not multiples of 10 can be set (up to 21,327), the
output pulses will have a duty cycle
of 1/r, where r is the ratio. For example, a ratio of 321 will result in output
Converting a division ratio into an appropriate configuration
As mentioned in the text, we only use a prescaler mode of 8 for the 74HC4059
chip because it gives the largest possible range of division ratios and has no
disadvantages in this configuration. As the prescaler can be preset, that doesn’t
restrict us to division ratios that are multiples of eight.
Given a desired ratio, first we check if it is within the possible range of
3-21,327,000. If it is below 3, we make it 3, and if it is above 21,327,000, we
clamp it to that value. We then check whether we need one, two, or three
divide-by-ten stages based on the value. If the ratio is a multiple of ten and at
least 30, we force it to have at least one divide-by-ten stage so we can get a
50% duty cycle output.
We can then divide the desired ratio by either 1, 10, 100 or 1000 to determine
the division factor necessary for the 74HC4059, which will be a value between
3 and 21,327. The final step is to figure out the 16-bit J value that produces
that ratio and load it into the shift registers.
J1-J3 are the prescaler preset value, between 0 and 7, calculated simply as
the desired ratio modulus eight (ie, what is the remainder after dividing the
ratio by 8).
We then divide the ratio by eight and, if the result is 1000 or more, bit J4
must be 1. If J4 = 1, we subtract 1000 from the remainder. We can then determine the value for bits J13-J16 by dividing the remainder by 100 again. We
take the remainder from that and divide it by 10 to get the J9-J12 value, then
the remainder is the value for J5-J8.
There’s just one remaining trick, which is that when we do the divisions by
100 and 10, we might get a value of more than 15, which is not possible to fit
into four bits. In that case, we simply use the value of 15 but add the excess
back to the remainder so that it flows into the later calculations.
That’s necessary because of the odd ‘extended range’ trick needed to use
the full set of possible division values of the 74HC4059. It’s a result of it being
a BCD device but having 4-bit registers that can be programmed to any value
between 0 and 15, not just 0 to 9 like a regular BCD device.
pulses with a duty cycle of 1/321 or
0.31%. That’s fine for feeding to most
frequency counters, using as a trigger
pulse for an oscilloscope and so on.
But there may be applications that
such short pulses are not suited to.
Since we have a microcontroller in
the circuit, we can feed the output of
the divider to it and have it count the
pulses over a fixed time to give us an
onboard frequency counter capability.
The micro has no crystal but it synchronises its clock to the USB host,
which likely does, so it should be reasonably accurate.
So that you can use this device
without it being tied to a computer,
once the ratio is set, it can be stored
in internal flash memory. In that case,
it will be automatically restored each
time it is powered up after that until
it’s changed again. So you can plug it
into a computer, set the ratio, unplug
it and take it somewhere else to use
it. It just needs a 5-12V DC supply to
operate away from a computer.
Circuit details
The full circuit of the new
Australia's electronics magazine
Programmable Frequency Divider is
shown in Fig.1. If you compare it to
the one from May 2024, you will see
that the power supply and circuitry
around IC6, the comparator that acts as
an input signal amplifier, is identical.
The one difference in the power supply is that I didn’t have room to easily
fit a 2-pin header as an alternative to
the barrel socket (CON5) on this PCB.
The arrangement of IC1-IC5 is also
essentially the same, except that IC3’s
configuration inputs are now driven
by microcontroller IC10 and two
74HC595 serial-to-parallel shift registers (IC8 & IC9).
Also, rather than a fixed signal chain
of CON1 → IC6 → IC1 → IC2 → IC3 →
IC4 → IC5 → CON3, we now have IC7b
selecting whether IC3’s input clock
comes from IC6, IC1 or IC2. The other
half of that device, IC7a, also selects
whether the output signal fed to IC5d/
e/f comes from the output of IC3 or
IC4. IC7 itself is controlled by microcontroller IC10 via its S0 & S1 inputs.
With S0 & S1 both low, Ya0 and Yb0
are selected, so all three 74HC4017s
are bypassed and only the 74HC4059
February 2025 81
provides frequency division. This is
for division ratios from 3 to 21,327
but not multiples of 10 (except for 10
and 20) because, as explained earlier,
we ideally want IC4 to be involved so
the 10% and 50% duty cycle outputs
have the expected duty cycles.
For the ratios 3-29 or 31-21,327
that are not multiples of 10, IC4 must
remain out of the circuit. JP1 must be
in the 50% position but the output
duty cycle will actually be much lower
(1/r, as mentioned earlier). If you put
JP1 in the 10% position, you will get
an output but its frequency will be
divided by 10 compared to the other
With S0 high but S1 low, Ya1 and
Yb1 are selected. IC1 and IC2 are still
bypassed (ie, the signal goes straight
from IC6 to IC3) but now the output
comes from IC4 instead of IC3. This is
for ratios from 30 to 213,270 that are
Silicon Chip
multiples of 10. Above 21,327, only
multiples of 10 are available.
With S0 low and S1 high, Ya2 and
Yb2 are selected. Now only IC2 is
bypassed and the range of available
ratios is 300 to 2,132,700. With both S0
and S1 high, the signal passes through
all four divider chips and the range of
available ratios is 3000 to 21,327,000.
Microcontroller IC10
The firmware running on IC10 does
a few things:
● USB serial communications. It
receives and echoes characters typed
by the user. When enter is pressed, it
parses the command and, if it’s valid,
changes the division ratio, saves it to
flash or performs a frequency measurement via its RC5 (pin 5) digital input.
● Configuring IC3. When a new
division ratio is sent to IC10, it calculates the closest possible ratio that
Australia's electronics magazine
is actually achievable and figures out
what values of J (16 bits) and K (3 bits)
are required to achieve it. It then spits
out the 16 bits of J one at a time via
the SPI-like bus formed by the following digital outputs: RA5 (pin 2, serial
data); RA4 (pin 3, serial clock) and RC4
(pin 6, latch enable). The latch-enable
function is shared with the S0 control
for IC7 to save a pin, since the S0 state
doesn’t matter while the ratio is being
● Performing frequency measurements. Pin 5 is also the 8-bit Timer
0 clock input (T0CKI), allowing IC10
to easily measure the output pulses.
16-bit Timer 1 counts IC10’s internal
12MHz clock pulses simultaneously.
The currently set division ratio (which
IC10 steps through to find the best one)
along with the ratio of the two counts
allows it to calculate the input frequency. For more on how it does this,
Fig.1: the signal from CON1 is amplified/squared up by IC6, then is divided by 10 by IC1, and again by IC2. IC7b
determines which of the original or divided signals arrives at the CP input of IC3. Its division ratio is set using serial-toparallel registers IC8 & IC9 along with signal direct from micro IC10. The output is optionally divided by 10 again by IC4
and then fed to the output buffers.
see the panel at the end of the article.
In-circuit serial programming
header CON6 allows IC10 to be reprogrammed while on the board. This was
very useful during development and
you may need it if you plan to program
the chip yourself. If you purchase a
programmed chip from the Silicon
Chip Online Shop (possibly as part of
a kit), you could leave CON6 off.
Input signal conditioning
We skipped over this in the description above, partly because it was
already covered in the May 2024 article. Here’s a quick rundown.
The incoming signal is terminated
by a 75W resistor (it could be 50W
depending on your preference) and
then AC-coupled to the non-inverting
input of high-speed comparator IC6 via
a 220W resistor. This resistor limits the
current in case the input signal level
is too high, in which case the voltage
at the non-inverting input of IC6 is
clamped to the +5V/0V rails by dual
schottky diode D1.
The inverting input of IC6 is held at
2.5V, ie, half of the 5V supply due to
a pair of 10kW resistors across the 5V
supply and a 100nF capacitor to stabilise it and keep the source impedance low. Because both inputs are DC
biased to close to the same voltage,
only a small signal is required at the
CON1 input to cause IC6’s output to
toggle and swing between +5V and 0V.
Without hysteresis, this would have
a tendency to oscillate, as even a bit of
noise would be enough to cause that
toggling. However, the 10MW resistor from IC6’s pin 6 output to its pin
3 non-inverting input means that the
input signal needs to exceed 23.5mV
peak-to-peak before the output level
will switch. It also means there is no
Australia's electronics magazine
output from IC6 if CON1 is left disconnected.
There will be a small voltage across
the 47kW resistor due to IC6’s input
bias current, which places an upper
limit on the practical value of that
resistor. It will form a divider with the
220W resistor but it only reduces the
incoming signal level by about 0.5%
so it doesn’t really affect the operation.
The two outputs are each driven
by three parallel stages of IC5, the
MC74VHCT50A hex buffer. This
is similar to a 74HC04 hex inverter
except that the outputs follow the
inputs rather than being inverted, so
there is no phase inversion.
We need three in parallel for each
output in case the constructor chooses
50W termination, in which case the
buffers could be driving a load as low
February 2025 83
‘74HCT50A 10%
100nF 75W
1 100nF
220W 10MW
Freq. Div.
The firmware is based on a CDC
USB/serial implementation that
‘74HCT50A 10%
If a USB-C cable is connected via
CON4, it powers the circuit directly.
5.1kW pull-down resistors are provided on the A5 and B5 pins to ask the
host to supply 5V. If a plug is inserted
in barrel socket CON5, USB power is
disconnected from the circuit to avoid
it feeding back into the computer.
With 5-12V applied to CON5 (ideally
at least 6V), power is fed to low-dropout 5V regulator REG1, which supplies
the rest of the circuit. Regardless of the
source of 5V, LED1 lights up.
Mosfet Q1 is provided in case a
power supply is connected to CON5
with reversed polarity. With the correct polarity, Q1’s gate is pulled positive via one or both of the 10kW resistors. Q1 is switched on and it connects the barrel socket ground to circuit ground (its body diode conducts
before it switches on fully).
Alternatively, if CON5 has the
wrong polarity, Q1’s gate is pulled
negative, holding it off, and its body
diode is reverse-biased, so no current
can flow between circuit ground and
CON5’s outer barrel contact. Thus, no
damage can occur. Zener diode ZD1
protects Q1’s gate from high applied
voltages; it is safe up to -30V, at which
point Q1’s channel could begin to
break down.
Power supply
related power supply components
on the underside. That makes assembly a bit easier overall. As before, top
and bottom ground planes have been
used with plenty of vias, and signal
tracks have been kept short to avoid
too much distortion of high-frequency
The device is built on a double-
sided PCB coded 04108241 that measures 84 × 35.5mm. Fig.2 shows the
components on the top side, while
Fig.3 shows those on the underside.
We suggest fitting all the SMD parts
to one side of the board, followed by
the other, then the through-hole parts.
It’s best to start with the top, as more
parts are on that side.
The passives are all M3216/1206
size at 3.2 × 1.6mm and all the ICs
are SOIC/SOP types with a relatively
large 1.27mm lead spacing. The only
slightly tricky party is the USB socket,
as it has a row of fairly closely spaced
pins. It has two mounting pins that go
into through-holes, so insert it first and
push it down fully, then tack-solder
one of the small end pins.
Check that all the pins are lined up
over their pads; if not, remelt that solder and gently nudge it one way or the
other until they are all lined up. Then
spread a thin layer of good-quality flux
paste over all the pins, clean the soldering iron tip, add some fresh solder
and drag it over the row of pins. You
may need to add more solder if you
Assembly of the device is 1similar
run out partway.
Freq. Div.
to the May 2024 version,
except 1that
If a few joints get too 7much
solCON1 In
there are a few extra chips onboard.
1nFsimilar, D1 pins,
The layout of the PCB is also
1using a bit
20W 1and
75W CON2
although last time, comparator
1 1more
its associated components
it away
underside and most of the other5.1parts
were on the top.
up the solder.
This time, IC6 has been moved
off the flux residue
CON4 Sto
04108241 using a
the top, keeping all the signal com- solvent
D a magnifier and good
ponents in a row from left to right, light to check that the solder joints
with just the regulator and a few on all the pins look good and there
provides the serial console used to
configure the device. Added to that is
code to set up the inputs and outputs
and program the dividers in response
to commands sent from a computer via
USB. It also incorporates a frequency
measurement routine that lets the
board act as a basic frequency counter
from 300Hz up to about 70MHz.
The software code is converted to a
HEX file using Microchip’s XC8 compiler. There is a free version of that
compiler that lacks size optimisation
(-Os). There is also a free 60-day trial
of the Pro version that includes that
feature. Because the PIC16F1455 only
has 8k words of flash, we had to use
the -Os option to fit all the features
we wanted.
Since we supply a compiled HEX
file, you don’t need the compiler. You
can either purchase a pre-programmed
PIC or load the HEX file yourself. But
if you want to modify the code with
the full feature set, you will need the
Pro version of the compiler.
Another option is to remove the
line “#define XC8_PRO” near the top
of the file “main.c”. That will remove
the L, H and P commands (see below)
but the code will then compile with
the free version of XC8 v2.5.0 (using
-O2 optimisation) and still fit in the
available flash. Those commands are
not critical to the device’s operation.
as 100W. In that case, the output current requirement at 5V is 50mA, right
at the limit of two stages <at> 25mA each.
The output load will be higher at
higher frequencies due to the characteristic impedance of the output cable,
approaching 150W (50W source + 50W
cable + 50W termination). Still, at low
frequencies, we have to assume that
the cable impedance is close to 0W.
1m F
Figs.2 & 3: most of the components are SMDs (on the large side) and virtually all mount on the top of the PCB. Those on
the underside are basically just the power supply. You could use vertical SMA connectors if you wanted to; CON2 is not
strictly required, as CON3 is the main output. CON2 usually provides a squared-up version of the input signal.
Silicon Chip
electronics magazine
are no more bridges. If so, solder the
mounting posts into their holes to give
it mechanical strengths.
Now move onto the ICs, soldering them similarly. But first, a word
of warning. I was very proud of how
neatly I soldered the ICs onto the
board, until I realised that I had put
them all in with pin 1 at upper left –
that’s not how the board is designed!
Many of the ICs have their pin 1
towards the bottom of the board, so I
had to use a hot air station to remove
and then resolder them. Don’t make
that mistake!
In each case, place the IC, check its
orientation (!), tack-solder one pin,
check the alignment of all the pins
and adjust if necessary. Then add flux
paste, solder the remaining pins and
remove any bridges. Once all the ICs
are in place, clean off the flux residue,
as it’s much easier to do it in stages.
Chemtools’ Kleanium Deflux-It G2
Flux Remover is our preferred solvent
but pure alcohol will also work.
With all the ICs in place, solder
diode D1 next, then all the passives
on the top side of the board, referring
to Fig.2. There is just one 1nF capacitor on the top of the board, next to
CON1; all the other capacitors on this
side are 100nF types. The resistors
will be printed with codes indicating
their values; see the parts list if you
are unsure about that.
Next, use a DMM on diode test mode
to carefully probe the ends of the SMD
LED until it lights up. The red probe
will be on the anode (A) and black on
the cathode (K), so use that information and Fig.2 to orientate it correctly
before soldering it in place. Give the
PCB another clean to remove flux residue, then flip it over.
Parts List – Programmable Frequency Divider
1 double-sided PCB coded 04108241, 84 × 35.5mm
3 right-angle or vertical through-hole SMA connectors (CON1-CON3)
1 SMD USB Type-C power plus USB 2.0 data socket (CON4) [GCT USB4105]
1 PCB-mount DC barrel socket (CON5; optional)
1 5-pin header, 2.54mm pitch (CON6; optional, programming IC10 in-circuit)
1 3-pin header, 2.54mm pitch (JP1)
1 jumper shunt (JP1)
1 6-pin stackable header (only needed for programming IC10 in-circuit)
3 (CD)74HC4017(M96) CMOS Johnson decade counters, SOIC-16
(IC1, IC2, IC4)
1 (CD)74HC4059 high-speed CMOS programmable divide-by-N counter,
SOIC-24 (IC3)
1 MC74VHCT50A hex CMOS non-inverting buffer, SOIC-14 (IC5)
1 TLV3501AID rail-to-rail high-speed comparator, SOIC-8 (IC6)
1 74HC4052 dual CMOS 4-to-1 analog multiplexer, SOIC-16 (IC7)
2 74HC595 8-bit serial-to-parallel shift registers, SOIC-16 (IC8, IC9)
1 PIC16F1455-I/SL 8-bit microcontroller programmed with 0410824A.HEX,
SOIC-14 (IC10)
1 AMS1117-5.0 or compatible 5V 1A low-dropout regulator, SOT-223 (REG1)
1 AO3400 30V 5.8A N-channel logic-level Mosfet or equivalent, SOT-23
(code XORB) (Q1)
1 SMD LED, SMA/M3216/1206 size, any colour (LED1)
1 BZX84C5V6 5.6V 1% tolerance zener diode, SOT-23 (code YX) (ZD1)
1 BAT54S dual series schottky diode, SOT-23 (code KL4 or L44) (D1)
Capacitors (all SMD M3216/1206 size 50V X7R unless noted)
1 1μF
13 100nF
1 1nF
Resistors (all SMD M3216/1206 size 1%)
Complete Kit (SC6959, $60):
1 10MW (code 106 or 1005)
includes all components
1 47kW (code 473 or 4702)
listed in the parts list except
4 10kW (code 103 or 1002)
the programming header.
2 5.1kW (code 512 or 5101)
1 1kW (code 102 or 1001)
1 220W (code 220 or 220R)
3 49.9W (code 49R9) or 75W (code 75R or 75R0) (to suit impedances)
Underside parts
Solder REG1 as shown in Fig.3, then
ZD1 and Q1, being careful not to get
them mixed up as they will look similar (if you do, check the markings
and compare them to the codes in the
parts list). There is one 1μF capacitor
on this side; the rest are 100nF. Both
resistors are 10kW types.
Clean off the flux residue on the
underside, then finally move on to the
through-hole parts. Those are CON1CON3, CON5 and JP1. You may also
want to fit pin header CON6 if you
need to program IC10 in-circuit. Note
that you could leave SMA connector
CON2 off if you don’t need or want
You can get away with just fitting the USB socket
to power the Programmable Frequency Divider. If you
choose to do so, make sure to fit a wire link as shown in Fig.2.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 85
the extra output that usually provides
a buffered, squared-up version of the
input signal (or with its frequency
divided by 10 or 100 for higher programmed division ratios).
If you only want to power it using
the USB socket and you will leave
CON5 off, you need to solder a wire
link as shown in red on Fig.2 or there
will be no ground connection for the
USB socket. If fitting CON5, do not fit
that wire link.
The underside of the
PCB is primarily occupied by the power
supply components.
Assuming IC10 is already programmed, the easiest way to test the
board is to connect it to your computer
using a USB-C cable. If your computer
detects a new USB serial port and
LED1 lights, things are looking good.
If not, unplug it quickly and check for
faults like bad solder joins, especially
on the USB socket and IC10.
If the board isn’t behaving, common
problems to look for are solder bridges,
pins where the solder hasn’t adhered
to the PCB pad below, or incorrectly
orientated ICs (we did warn you!).
If the serial port does appear, use a
program like Tera Term pro to connect
to it (the baud rate is unimportant).
Type “s” and press Enter/Return and
you should get a similar status report:
J=292 K=4 P=10 ratio=1000
Scope 2: the CON2 (green) and CON3 ‘50% duty cycle’ (yellow) outputs for a
15.5MHz 100mV sinewave input and with a 155:1 division ratio. Because it
isn’t a multiple of 10, the output pulses from CON3 are not 50% duty cycle but
instead are short (1/155 or 0.65% duty). Despite that, the ‘scope has no trouble
measuring the frequency.
The default division ratio is 1000
but you can change it with the ‘r’ and
‘w’ commands.
If you have an oscilloscope with a
built-in waveform generator (or separate signal generator), or a signal generator and frequency counter, hook
them up to CON1 & CON3 and verify
that the output frequency from CON3
is 1/1000th that of the input at CON1.
If there’s no output signal, carefully
check all the parts on the board for
correctness and good soldering.
If there’s an output but the frequency
is wrong, that suggests a problem with
the soldering of either IC3, IC8, IC9 or
possibly IC7/IC10. If the ratio is correct, hook it up to a computer via USB
and try changing the ratio to values
like 3, 30, 30,000 and 300,000 by typing “r”, then the ratio, then pressing
enter. The new ratio should be applied
Scope 1 shows both outputs for a
20MHz input and 1000:1 division
ratio. You can see that the 50% duty
cycle output is nice and square and
very accurate, while the CON2 output
Australia's electronics magazine
Scope 1: the CON2 (green) and CON3 50% duty cycle (yellow) outputs for a
20MHz 100mV sinewave input and with the default 1000:1 division ratio.
Silicon Chip
has frequency matching the input signal.
Scope 2 shows the ‘50% duty cycle’
output for a 15.5MHz input and division ratio of 155:1. Each positive pulse
is the length of one input cycle. So
in this mode, the higher the division
ratio, the lower the duty cycle.
You can get help on the available
commands by typing “h” and then
pressing enter (see below). Besides the
ratio-setting command “r” mentioned
immediately above, the most useful
commands are “w” <Enter> (which
saves the current ratio as the default
at power-up) and “m” <Enter> which
measures and then displays the input
frequency. Low-frequency measurements may take a second or so.
Listed just below are 16 measurements we made in a row of a 20MHz
– 19996544
– 19999168
– 19999472
– 19997136
– 19999040
– 19997824
– 20005056
– 20001968
– 19998656
– 19998048
– 19997424
– 19999568
– 20001184
– 19998960
– 19996192
– 19999360
You will see that they vary a little
above and below the exact frequency
but they are surprisingly close given
that the board has no crystal and the
measurement method is fairly basic.
The mean of those measurements is
19,999,100Hz (-0.011%), while the
standard deviation is 2137 (0.015%).
The “p” command lets you set the J,
K & prescaler (1/10/100/1000) values
directly but you generally shouldn’t
need to use that. There are some
combinations that you can set with
that but not the “r” command but
we don’t think they are that useful;
we just included it for completeness.
More details on these (and other) comSC
mands follows.
Typing ‘h’ (or ‘H’ or ‘?’) and pressing ◀
Enter should display a help message
only that’s an abbreviation of this
list. We have also added a short
description for each command.
How IC10 measures the input signal frequency accurately
To measure the input frequency, we use the programmable divider to divide
it by a factor r, then measure the ratio of the result (Fout) to the 48MHz USB-
derived clock (Fusb). We do that by counting the number of Fout pulses and
Fusb pulses over an identical period. The actual period is not relevant, except
that it determines the precision of the measurement.
Let’s say the pulse counts are Pout and Pusb. We can then calculate the input
frequency as Fin = Pout x r ÷ Pusb. However, as the PIC16F1455 is a low-end
device with relatively little flash and RAM, we don’t have space for floating-
point calculations, so it’s a bit trickier than just performing a multiplication
and division.
8-bit Timer 0 counts pulses from the divider, while 16-bit Timer 1 counts the
48MHz USB clock pulses. Timer 0 is initiated at 255 and Timer 1 is initialised
at 0 but is inactive. When the first pulse comes from the divider, Timer 0 rolls
over to zero and triggers an interrupt that enables Timer 1. Both timers then
count until Timer 0 rolls over again, at which point they are both paused.
There is a slight delay between the positive edge of the divider output being
received and Timer 1 starting/stopping, but the code is designed for the delay
to be the same in both cases, so it cancels out.
The number of times Timer 1 rolls over while the timer is active are counted,
effectively extending Timer 1 from 16 bits to 24 bits, required to get an accurate result. The resulting 24-bit value is the number of 48MHz clock pulses
that occurred between the 1st and 257th pulse from the divider.
We can then calculate the division ratio times 48 million (the number of USB
clock pulses per second), divide it by the number of actual USB clock pulses
counted, then multiply by 256.
Just before starting the counting, the division ratio is set to 80 as that is the
highest multiple of ten that avoids a 32-bit integer overflow in these calculations.
If we find the 24-bit Timer 1 counter overflows during this measurement
(after about 350ms), that means the frequency is below 58.6kHz. In that case,
we drop the divider ratio to 3 and restart the measurement. That allows us to
measure down to 2.2kHz.
If it still overflows, we change the number of Timer 0 clock pulses to measure over to one and try again. That would theoretically let us measure down
to 9Hz, although measurements get pretty inaccurate below 300Hz due to
hardware limitations.
We perform 16 measurements and average them to get a more stable reading, although the number of measurements is reduced to four or one if the frequency is determined to be on the low side (eg, close to one second per measurement). Otherwise, making that many measurements would take too long.
L load ratio from flash memory
this is automatically done at power-up, but if you have changed the
ratio and wish to reset to the default, you can run this command
M measure frequency
it’s most accurate over the range of about 1kHz to 50MHz but will work
from 300Hz up to the upper limit, which is typically around 77-80MHz at
room temperature
P Jx Ky Pz
set J/K/P to x/y/z
valid ranges for values are: J[0-65535] K[0-7] P[1,10,100,1000]
the J and K numbers are fed directly to IC3, while the P (pre/
postscaler) value determines the configuration of the 74HC4052 and thus
which 74HC4017s (if any) are bypassed
set ratio to x
valid range for values is: R[3-21327000]
if the exact ratio given is not available, the closest possible ratio
is used. Remember that ratios that are not multiples of 10, or ratios
of 10 or 20, will give shorter output pulses and the 10% duty cycle
output ratio will not be correct
S show status
this reports the J, K, P values and ratio. These are also reported
after changing or loading the ratio
W write ratio to flash memory
the current ratio is stored and will be used at power-up in the future
(the initial default is 1000). High-endurance flash is used, so it
should not wear out after even 100,000 writes
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 87
Another busman’s holiday
Dave Thompson
I recently travelled to Australia, the spiritual and physical home of
Silicon Chip magazine. Sadly, I did not get to stop in and meet the
people I have been working with for many years because my wife and I
were headed to Western Australia, which is literally on the other side of
the continent!
One day, I’ll make it there but for now, we had a pressing need to get to Fremantle and visit some of my wife’s
relatives, many of whom emigrated there after World War
2. They are all very elderly now and that was one of the
reasons to get there and touch base with them. Fortunately,
we made it in time, and all was well.
Although Australia and New Zealand share a lot of history and have many things in common, visiting Australia is
always like stepping into an alternate reality for me. Many
things there are just done differently, and the philosophy
among the people is somehow very different.
This is more obvious when going to the many states
across the vast space that is Australia – for example, the
people in Darwin are typically different from the people in
Melbourne or Sydney. Likely this is because many of the
original immigrants brought their own cultures and customs to their new homes, wherever they decided to settle
in this vast country.
Fremantle has a large population of ex-pat Croats, and
my wife has four aunts and many other relatives still living
there. We were going to visit one aunt in particular who
is ailing, which made it a very pressing and poignant trip.
Where we live in Christchurch, New Zealand, there are
hardly any people from Croatia. So for her to walk into a
deli or a market in Freo, or in one case, get into a taxi, and
speak Croatian to the driver, is a real plus for her.
Silicon Chip
That cultural balance aside, there are many other subtle
differences between our two countries, or at least things
that I noticed. In parts of Europe, for example, most people who build a house use a standard type of shutter/door
arrangement for all their windows and doors. They likely
come in a few specific sizes, and homes are constructed
to suit those sizes.
A case of shutter envy
I have often wondered why we don’t have those shutters
and doors here in New Zealand. They are brilliant, with
many features that enable opening them in many different
ways and even shutting them to complete blackout level.
Not only are these shutters and doors very secure, and
almost impossible to open from the outside, they are versatile enough to let the outside world in without compromising security.
Anyway, you are likely wondering what all this has to do
with the Serviceman’s Curse – which I am sure you knew
was going to make an appearance sooner or later. I can run
to another country, but I can’t hide! It seems I cannot travel
anywhere in the world without having to fix something, or
even think about fixing something.
All this talk of shutters and doors and what-have-you
brings me to the point. A lot of homes – many of which are
so-called spaghetti mansions (built in the style of Mediterranean houses) – in Freo have the same hardware installed
as I saw in Europe. No doubt the people who emigrated
here brought this stuff with them.
This hardware just doesn’t exist in New Zealand,
more’s the pity because I would have this installed
in my house in a heartbeat. I suppose I could import
it, but the cost would be prohibitive. These things
weigh a tonne, and as I’d need a house-sized lot, it
was not really an option for us to import them here.
They are obviously available in Western Aussie,
though, because many of the houses I saw there
had them. Usually, these shutters are manually
operated, with a canvas-type ribbon on a spindle
that can be pulled either way to raise or lower the
shutters. It’s a simple system that has likely worked
for a hundred years.
Australia's electronics magazine
Items Covered This Month
• A trip over the Tasman
• Repairing a bulging iPhone 7+
• A shocking experience
• The dangers of lightning
Dave Thompson runs PC Anytime in Christchurch, NZ.
Email: dave<at>
Cartoonist – Louis Decrevel
Now, though, we have this electricity thing to make life
easier. No more pulling on ropes, ribbons or strings; now
we can just hit a switch and the shutters open or close.
Obviously, this requires motors and actuators to make it
all happen, and over time these have been introduced and
have replaced the manual methods of yesteryear.
A fault rears its ugly head
So, one of the places we visited has these electrically
operated shutters. There was a switch on the wall inside
the lounge, which looked like a light switch, that operated the shutters, up or down, depending on the position
of the switch.
Except the switch didn’t work properly, and the owner
complained that it often didn’t open or close the blinds
properly. He commented that often, he would have to toggle the switch several times to actuate the shutters, and that
it was becoming more and more of a problem.
To my serviceman’s mind, I immediately thought that
either the switch or the actuator was the problem. I know
what you’re thinking, is it the switch or the motor? I’m way
ahead of you; it could be either!
So here I am, seemingly now on a busman’s holiday, trying to figure out what’s going on with this shutter system.
Of course, the owner is telling me not to worry about it,
that I’m a guest, and only here for dinner, but what would
any self-respecting serviceman do?
Looking the other way isn’t really an option. I can’t sit
at this guy’s dinner table and eat his very well-cooked
food knowing that there is something not working properly. I mean, it is the Serviceman’s Curse, not the Serviceman’s Gift!
The first thing after dinner was to check out the other
shutters and see how they worked. All operated normally;
it was just this one in the main dining room that didn’t.
As it was the most used, it likely wore out quicker than
the rest.
Each shutter has a covered part at the top where the
motor/actuator and the rest of the gubbins live. These covers were easy enough to get off as they were just screwed
on and have a weatherproof seal to keep the worst of the
rain out.
As most of the shutters were installed under the eaves
of the house and were well out of the way of the weather,
it was kind of moot, but of course the seals had to be there.
So, during dinner, all I could think about was this problem. I thought the problem must surely lie with the switch.
When it worked, it worked well, and the shutter descended
and opened up once it was going. I went around the house
and tried all of them – this one in the dining room did feel
a little spongy. Just less precise in its operation.
Since they’d been installed 25 years ago, it is normal to
assume that something may have worn out. My guess was
the switch, rather than the motor because it didn’t feel
‘right’. All the others around the house were crisp in their
actions and just felt right.
I offered my professional opinion that the switch was
the problem and that we should change it for a new one.
This was not going to be a problem, as these switches are a
standard item and available from the various window and
shutter retailers dotted around the landscape.
Our host said he would take me to one of these places
the following day, so at least we could enjoy a nice meal
that night without the Curse intervening!
Time to switch the switch
He was good to his word, and we soon sourced a new
switch. Now it was just a matter of putting it in without
killing myself. Fortunately, the electrical systems are very
well-thought-out and simple. We also have fuse boxes and
breaker panels in New Zealand, but they seem far less standardised than the ones in Australia.
The house is an older-style brick place, I’m guessing
built in the 1960s, and the power breaker panel is easily
accessible and well-labelled. In New Zealand, we just guess
which breaker goes where and hope we don’t get zapped!
One of the good things about renovating this house I
own now before we moved in was that I could map the
entire electrical system and produce a diagram showing
what breaker controls what circuit and how everything is
connected. I’m not sure why sparkies don’t do that here –
or maybe they do, and I just haven’t seen it.
I mean, I have seen breaker panels with those old black
and gold stickers on them showing hot water or outside
lights or whatever. Still, it seems to me that many homes
– at least the ones I’ve lived in – have had bits added or
removed over time and many times the stickers no longer
refer to the correct circuits.
It must be a real headache for electricians to walk into
a place and have to work out what goes where. This could
be down to the cowboy culture here, but I didn’t see that
in Western Australia, at least, not in the house I was
visiting. Everything was labelled and sectioned off in a
proper and easily accessible cupboard, and I was pleasantly surprised.
Most breaker panels in the homes I’ve lived in are set high
up near the roofline and required a stepladder or at least
a chair to gain access. Perhaps the theory was that putting
Servicing Stories Wanted
Do you have any good servicing stories that you would like
to share in The Serviceman column in SILICON CHIP? If so,
why not send those stories in to us? It doesn’t matter what
the story is about as long as it’s in some way related to the
electronics or electrical industries, to computers or even to
cars and similar.
We pay for all contributions published but please note that
your material must be original. Send your contribution by
email to: editor<at>
Please be sure to include your full name and address details.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 89
it out of reach was the safest method to ensure idiots like
me don’t mess with it! This one in WA was right in front
of me and I could just open it. Luxury!
So, we had the switch and now we had to disable the
active circuit that the shutter was on. Despite the labelling
and easy access, we still had to do some trial and error to
ensure we killed the right one. It would be embarrassing
in the extreme to end up frying myself at our host’s house!
What would the neighbours think?
The next problem was that all my tools are thousands
of miles away across the continent and the Tasman Sea –
as if that little bit makes a difference. My host said he had
some tools in the garage, and I was free to use any of them.
Tools for fools
Great! Until I checked the tools. These were the kind of
things I would find at a $2 shop or maybe a car boot sale
at one of the markets Australians love so much. I have
to admit, I too was seduced by the markets. The Fremantle Market is huge and a joy to walk through. If the thousands of other tourists are anything to go by, they all love
it as well!
But, and here’s a big but, the tools I see on sale there are
the single-use type. I’m sure you know this level of excellence – you buy a Phillips screwdriver, then try to undo a
screw with it and it strips like it was made of Plasticine.
Have these manufacturers never heard of hardening? These
were the kind of tools my host had in his garage.
I guess if I was very careful I might be able to use them
to change a switch plate, but, well, you never know with
these things. The guy who installed it likely used a proper
screwdriver and smoked those screws so tightly that I’d
never get it undone using a waxworks screwdriver like
this one.
Like any serviceman, I need tools, so the day after we
got the switch we went back to the same place and bought
two screwdrivers, a flat head and a Phillips head driver.
Silicon Chip
You used to be able to service an entire car with just these
two tools (OK, maybe also a shifter, or Crescent as we call
it here), so changing a switch plate shouldn’t be an issue.
I also bought a mains power detector, one of those things
that looks like a pen but beeps and flashes its LED when
near a mains circuit. It always makes me feel happier working on wiring when I don’t hear those things beeping. I
have owned a few over the years, but the early ones are a
bit dodgy now, and I don’t really trust them anymore, so
this will be a nice addition to my tool set.
I will leave the drivers with the owner of the house – I
already have several decent drivers, and in the future he
can make use of them.
So, with the assurance that the circuit was dead and
there was no chance of me being cooked along with dinner, I removed the dodgy switch and simply replaced the
old one with the new. That just involved pulling the power
leads from the faulty one (which, as I assumed, were really
tightly fixed) and putting them into the new switch.
I powered up the circuit with the switch hanging off
the wall – yes, I know, a dangerous practice, but in my
defence, I am a cowboy from New Zealand after all, so I
tried it before buttoning it all back up. It worked perfectly.
That was good news. I didn’t really want to be disassembling an electric shutter mechanism in the break between
the main meal and dessert!
I replaced the switch assembly, which of course fits
perfectly because people do things properly in Australia,
rather than sometimes multiple different types of switches
in New Zealand that use different mounts and standards.
I guess we really are the wild west out here.
In some ways, that can be a good thing, but standards
are what make the world go around, so it was nice to see
them being used in Australia. I am, of course, talking
about Western Australia. Perhaps things are different in
the other states. I don’t know, so I will rely on others to
put me right on this.
Anyway, the shutter now works well (and without lots
of cursing), and the host was
generous in offering me a
nice dessert with some
beautiful wine to finish
with, so it all worked out
in the end.
Australia's electronics magazine
I love Australia and have visited there
many times all my life. Admittedly, there
have been long periods between my visits, but I have family there and a love for
the country.
I wish I could visit more, but really, fixing everything there would be a real challenge for me. So perhaps it is better I let
all the amazing servicemen already there
do it, and then I can retire, and maybe pop
over to see how things are going!
iPhone 7+ repair
My youngest son’s iPhone 7+ was bulging badly due to the failing battery swelling. This same thing happened to my Samsung Galaxy tablet; that repair was featured
in the October 2020 Serviceman’s log (on
page 65;
This iPhone was originally bought by
my younger daughter in 2016, so it was
now eight years old. Until now, it had not
required any repairs.
The other problem with the phone was
that it was saying that it did not have
a SIM, even though one was present. I
thought this might be related to the bulging. I first looked on YouTube to see if
there were videos on replacing the battery.
Finding a few, I selected the one that had
the best tutorial.
Then I ordered a new battery, tools and a The bulging iPhone battery (left) and a photo showing how it was removed
new screen protector from eBay (the exist- from the case (right).
ing screen protector was badly cracked).
The parts arrived, but there was no screen seal, so I had to the screen seal, which wasn’t quite wide enough for the
order that separately. With everything on hand, I set about phone, but I managed to get it in place successfully. So it
dismantling the phone.
was finally time for reassembly.
I first removed the two pentalobe screws at the bottom
I reconnected the screen, then the battery and replaced
of the phone and then carefully prised up the screen. This the two shields. One particular trilobe screw caused an
job was made easier by the fact that the battery had lifted enormous amount of trouble; it refused to screw in and
it on both sides, but had not broken it, which would have kept flicking out and vanishing. I lost it six times in the
added considerable cost to the repair.
process, with it landing outside the phone the first few
With the screen free, I opened it up on the right-hand times, then inside the phone.
side like a book and used a box to hold it while I worked
I decided to try a different screw in that location and I
on removing it. I removed the two shields with a trilobe had success with it, so I moved the troublesome screw to
screwdriver, then flicked out the connectors for the battery where I had removed the replacement screw and this time
and screen. I could then put the screen aside and work on it screwed in successfully. It is unclear why this screw was
removing the battery.
giving me so much trouble, as it was the same size as the
The battery is removed by first prising up the adhesive at other one. [It may have been slightly bent by the bulging
its end and then pulling the adhesive out carefully while battery – Editor]
not breaking it. There are three adhesive strips that have
With the screen and battery connected, I switched the
to be removed in this manner (see the photo).
phone on before assembling it, to make sure that it worked,
With the adhesive removed, the battery can be lifted which it did. It was now searching for the network but not
free of the phone and preparations made to install the finding it.
new battery. The new battery did not come with adheEither the phone had a fault, which I thought unlikely,
sive strips, so I cut two lengths of double-sided tape to or the SIM was faulty. I turned the phone off, removed
secure it in place.
the SIM, cleaned it and put it back in, but it still did the
It is very important to connect the battery before adhering same thing.
it to the phone, to make sure that it is lined up correctly.
I put the SIM from another phone into the iPhone 7+
If it were secured first and the connector does not line up and it immediately found the network, so the phone was
with the logic board connector, that would be a big problem. in working order. Putting the SIM from the iPhone 7+ into
Once the battery is secured, it is disconnected again for the other phone caused it to come up with the message
installing the screen seal. I ran into some difficulties with “Invalid SIM”. So the SIM was definitely faulty.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 91
I fully fitted the screen, pressed it down firmly and carefully around the edges and put the two Pentalobe screws
back in the bottom of the phone. I then removed the old
cracked screen protector, cleaned the screen and installed
the new screen protector.
The phone had a case which was not in very good condition, but as it happened, my wife had found a new case
at an op shop for $1, so with that, the repair was complete.
We just needed a replacement SIM, which my wife picked
up at Officeworks when she was nearby.
With the new SIM now on hand, I rang the carrier to
go through the process of changing the number over to
the new SIM. After the process was completed, the consultant said it would take 1-4 hours for the new SIM
to become active. However, as soon as I inserted it and
switched the phone on, it was active. My son was very
happy to have his phone back and now working well
with its new battery.
B. P., Dundathu, Qld.
A shocking experience!
This shows the basic capacitor discharger I made, which I
should have used right at the beginning of the repair! Also
see the Capacitor Discharger project in the December 2024
issue (
Silicon Chip
I had a bad electric shock the other day. I hadn’t suffered one for years, so complacency had obviously set in.
A friend had brought in his electric motorbike charger
and battery. The bike can be used on motorways, so the battery is huge, along with its associated switch-mode power
supply unit/charger. The switch-mode power supply unit
(SMPSU) was giving no output, so I took it apart. My friend
assured me he hadn’t plugged it in for a week.
Looking inside, I found that it was a common SMPSU
problem: bad lead-free soldered joints around the enamelled wire from the ferrite transformer. This usually happens when the enamel hasn’t been fully removed before
soldering. Also, lead-free solder has inferior wetting properties and its brittleness results in cracking from the high-
frequency vibration due to magnetostriction in operation.
I soon set to work, scraping off the burnt flux with a
scalpel around the joints to get a good look. BANG! I got
a massive DC belt from one arm to the other, very nasty,
like an old Fender valve amp HT rail but worse. The scalpel was nowhere to be seen; luckily it wasn’t embedded
in my friend’s head!
I shouted, “that felt like 350 volts!”. I got my meter out
and shakily measured between the pin I was scraping and
the chassis.
I thought (belatedly) that I had better discharge the main
smoothing capacitors, of which there were three in parallel. So, stupidly, I got my nice insulated Bahco Ergo pliers
out and shorted the pins. BANG! It blew one of the tips off.
4500µF of capacitance charged to 350V is a lot of energy
(E=½CV2 so 275J)! Still shaking a bit, I continued and
fixed the joints. I wasn’t going to be beaten by this modern ‘disposable’ electronics. Having fixed the bad joints,
I soldered a bleeder resistor of 39kW 5W across the caps
and switched it on.
The LEDs lit up and it gave the correct 80V DC output at
10A; perfect. My friend thought the whole thing was most
entertaining! It’s a good job it worked. He’s now enjoying
his bike, and I found the scalpel stuck in the skirting board
a week later.
Morals of the story include:
• Don’t assume something is discharged, even if the client says it hasn’t been switched on for a week!
Australia's electronics magazine
• Don’t use a metal Swann Morton scalpel for repair
work; use a plastic-handled one instead.
• Don’t assume all SMPSUs have bleeder resistors wired
across the main smoothing capacitor bank. Even if it has,
the resistor may have become open circuit. This circuit
didn’t have one because the continuous dissipation would
be high and reduce its efficiency.
• Measure the voltage across big capacitors as soon as
you open the case and before you start working on the PCB.
If they are charged, discharge them slowly with a bleeder
resistor attached to insulated test probes.
• Remember the ‘left hand in pocket’ rule; don’t make
an easy current route through your heart. If you must hold
the metal enclosure or chassis while working on it, physically clamp it or insulate your hand. Even relatively mild
shocks involving the heart can lead to cardiac arrhythmias.
• There’s nothing more embarrassing than getting a
small shock and wetting yourself, then getting a massive
one because you are standing in a pool. I know because I
once did it in front of a load of students! It became a standing joke; I defused it by having a spare pair of underpants
in the first aid box.
J. R., Llandrindod Wells, Wales, UK.
What lightning can do
Mention was made a while back about the damage lightning can do. Here is my experience.
Back in 1960 during my apprenticeship, I was called to a
TV fault in a country home. On arrival, the owner told me
what had happened. Lightning struck a power line down
the road, it got into the house and blew all the fuses in
the switchboard (they were actually fuses in those days).
It also got to the TV antenna, and he showed me how the
300W ribbon had sprayed the fibro wall with molten copper. I went to the TV set and saw the ribbon had melted off
the input terminals and was dangling in midair. I took the
back off the set and saw that the on/off switch on the back
of the volume control had been vaporised, and the mains
wires were also dangling in midair.
After replacing the volume control and 300W ribbon,
the set was functional but the picture was snowy. Further
investigation showed the input balun in the tuner was burnt
out. After ordering another one and putting it in, the set
was back to normal.
I doubt if a modern TV would be as repairable as this
one was after a lightning strike.
T. V., Morayfield, Qld.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 93
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(FEB 25)
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Complete Kit: includes all required items, except the cell (see p67, Feb25)
Complete Kit: includes everything except the power supply (see p47, Dec24)
Includes the PCB and all components that mount on it, the mounting hardware
(without heatsink) and banana sockets (see p36, Dec24)
(DEC 24)
For full functionality both the Pico Computer Board and Digital Video Terminal kits are
required, see page 71 in the December 2024 issue for more details.
- Pico Computer Board kit (SC7374)
- Pico Digital Video Terminal kit (SC6917)
Separate/Optional Components:
- PWM Audio Module kit (SC7376)
- ESP-PSRAM64H 64Mb SPI PSRAM chip (SC7377)
- DS3231 real-time clock SOIC-16 IC (SC5103)
- DS3231MZ real-time clock SOIC-8 IC (SC5779)
(NOV 24)
(OCT 24)
(OCT 24)
PicoMSA PARTS (SC7323)
(SEP 24)
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Includes all required parts (see p83, Oct24)
Hard-to-get parts: includes the PCB and all semiconductors except the
optional/variable diodes (see p73, Oct24)
Hard-to-get parts: includes the PCB, Raspberry Pi Pico (unprogrammed),
plus all semiconductors, capacitors and resistors (see p63, Sep24)
Includes everything except the case & Li-ion cell (see p34, Sep24)
(SEP 24)
(SEP 24)
(AUG 24)
(JUL 24)
(JUN 24)
(JUN 24)
Both kits include the PCB and everything that mounts to it (see page 83, Sep24)
- All through-hole (TH) kit (SC6987)
- SMD kit (SC6988)
Complete kit: choice of white or black PCB solder mask (see page 50, August 2024)
- Through-hole LEDs kit (SC6849)
- SMD LEDs kit (SC6961)
Includes everything except the case & debugging interface (see p33, July24)
- Rotary encoder with integral pushbutton (available separately, SC5601)
Includes all parts and OLED, except the coin cell and optional header
- 0.96in white OLED with SSD1306 controller (also sold separately, SC6936)
All kits come with the PCB and all onboard components (see page 81, June24)
- Adjustable SMD kit (SC6948)
- Adjustable TH kit (SC6949)
- Fixed TH kit – ZD3 & R1-R7 vary so are not included (SC6950)
(JUN 24)
(MAY 24)
Includes the PCB, programmed micro and all other required parts
Short-form kit: includes everything except the case, USB cable, power supply,
labels and optional stand. The included Pico W is not programmed (SC6942)
- Optional laser-cut acrylic stand pieces (SC6932)
- 3.5in LCD touchscreen: also available separately (SC5062)
10MHz to 1MHz / 1Hz FREQUENCY DIVIDER (SC6881)
(MAY 24)
(APR 24)
Complete kit: Includes the PCB and everything that mounts to it,
including the 49.9Ω and 75Ω resistors (see page 38, May24)
Includes everything to build the BackPack, except the ESP32-CAM module
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Vintage Radio
The TRF-One AM Radio based on
a vintage IC
By Dr Hugo Holden
In April 1969, Electronics Australia published a radio design using the
then-new LM372 AM radio integrated circuit (IC). 55 years later, the
design is still valid, although the chip can be somewhat difficult to obtain.
Despite that, intrigued by the design, I decided to build a modern version.
he single IC radio has always
been a source of excitement and
intrigue for radio constructions. The
notion that nearly all the work can be
done inside a single chip package is
very appealing.
This did not escape the attention of
Jim Rowe in 1969, when RF-capable
ICs were making their debut. The
result was his “Micro-Plus” radio
receiver design, published in the April
issue of EA that year.
The idea of a TRF (tuned radio frequency) radio is as old as the notion
of radio itself. It involves a tuned
resonant circuit consisting of an
inductor and a capacitor; in a radio
application, it is typically tuned by
Australia's electronics magazine
a variable capacitor. The tuned frequency range is usually the medium
wave (MW) band, typically from
530kHz to 1600kHz, sometimes to
The most basic form of a TRF radio
was the crystal set. In that case, the
tuned circuit’s output was simply
rectified by a diode to recover the
February 2025 95
Fig.1: the LM372 IC from the late 1960s contains 14 NPN transistors, nine
diodes and 17 resistors. It was intended to be the IF gain stage, detector
and AGC circuit of an AM radio, but someone realised an antenna could
be coupled directly to the input for MW reception. EA’s Micro-Plus radio
used just eight components besides the LM372, battery and earphones
(most of them capacitors).
transmitted radio carrier’s amplitude
modulation (AM). That audio signal
could be sufficient to drive a high-
sensitivity earphone or a crystal earpiece without any active amplification, so no power supply was needed!
If a power supply was available,
amplification could be added to the
circuit to get a higher volume level,
eg, to drive a loudspeaker.
Later, multi-stage TRF radios were
designed with high selectivity; then
superhet radios came along with excellent selectivity and from that point on,
TRF sets fell out of favour.
I wanted to revisit the design of a
single-gang variable-capacitor tuned
The LM372 was not designed as
the crux of an AM medium-wave
TRF radio, but was pressed into service for that application. Rather, it
was intended as an IF (intermediate frequency) amplifier with AGC
(automatic gain control) – see Fig.1.
However, it turned out that little
needed to be added to the chip to make
it function as a complete radio.
Other MW band-single IC radios
have been designed based on the
ZN414 IC. Also, single-chip FM
radios came along using the Phillips
TDA7000, including popular radio
kits sold by Dick Smith Electronics
in the 1990s.
The LM372 came in a TO-99 metal
can package and has three internal
functional blocks (see Fig.1). The gain
stage typically amplifies the signal by
2360 times (67dB), while the precision
detector stage has a gain of three times
Photo 1: I made the radio’s case from phenolic material (left) and white Bramite
(right). The latter was an Australian product that was no longer manufactured.
Here the panels have already been cut to size, with the holes drilled and
Photo 2: the phenolic base with the
rubber feet, spacers & other hardware.
The two wires emerging from the base
go to the AA cell holders underneath.
Silicon Chip
TRF circuit, perhaps because I built
these as a boy and had good success
with them. I made several superhet
radios as an adult, including those
based on PLLs (phase-locked loops),
and some FM (frequency modulation)
radios too. Still, I retain a fondness for
those early TRF sets.
National Semiconductor’s
LM372 IC
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.2: like EA’s 1969 Micro-Plus design, I have coupled a ferrite rod winding to the pin 2 input of IC1 with a series
capacitor. The 1969 design was pretty minimalist, using just one active device (an NPN transistor) besides the LM372
IC, while mine adds a vintage op amp and two transistors for more overall gain and more power delivered to the
speaker with less battery drain.
or 10dB. So, a 50μV signal input modulated by 80% will produce an audio
output signal of around 280mV RMS,
or 800mV peak-to-peak.
The AGC stage has an enormous
control range of 60dB, with a threshold of 50μV. Therefore, using this IC
as the basis of a TRF AM radio, the
output level could be expected to be
reasonably constant even if the signal
level from the antenna increased from
50μV to 50mV. That means, tuning
across the MW band, weak and strong
signals would come in at a fairly uniform volume, more so than your typical AM radio.
The LM372 has long been discontinued, but I found some for sale on eBay,
so I snapped them up. They are presently hard to find, but a few are still
for sale on eBay. At the time of writing,
this listing offers two units (see Screen
This IC has an input impedance
of around 3kW, much lower than the
ZN414. So when used in this application, unlike the ZN414, it requires
a tap on the main resonant circuit, or
a small coupling coil, to avoid damping the main tuned circuit.
Designing a new circuit
The circuit I designed around the
LM372 IC is shown in Fig.2. As it is
based on the same chip, it bears some
similarities to the Micro-Plus from
EA, April 1969, but it is my own original design.
The main difference is that the
Micro-Plus used a single-
Class-A amplifier whereas I have
incorporated a preamplifier stage
based on an op amp (IC2) plus a more
powerful and efficient push-pull
Class-AB amplifier based on NPN transistor Q1 and PNP transistor Q2.
For a small battery-operated radio,
it is always important to consider the
power consumption. The LM372 can’t
drive a speaker directly, so I decided
to use a vintage Fairchild 741H op
amp, also in a TO-99 metal can package, to provide a further voltage gain
of 10 times. It drives a complimentary
f ollower transistor output
stage with simple diode biasing.
Also, I decided to settle for a modest
power output of 150-180mW (depending on whether I used the 32W or 40W
speaker) so the output transistors
would not require heatsinks. A 470μF
capacitor stops DC being applied to the
speaker. The 741H IC, 2N3053 NPN
and 2N4036 PNP transistors are also
available from eBay sellers.
The physical bodies of the metal
TO-5 cased 2N3053 and 2N4036 transistors act as heatsinks for the transistors inside them. They are better
Photos 3 & 4: at this stage, I had soldered all the passives and sockets to the PCB, and then by mounting these high-quality
metal AA cell holders on the underside of the base, the battery can easily be replaced when it goes flat. Once the cells are
installed, a metal bar goes across them so they can’t fall out.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 97
Screen 1: it is
challenging to find
LM372s for sale these
days, but there are
a few around. This
listing on eBay is
probably your best bet
abtp), but only two are
available. The price is
not bad, considering the
original price and how
long these have been
than epoxy-cased transistors in this
respect. The temperature rise of each
transistor body at full continuous sine
wave output power is 10-13°C above
ambient. In normal use listening to
the radio, they never get noticeably
The manufacturer did not recommend the two 47W resistors in series
with the LM372 input pins 2 (RF input)
and 3 (gain stage input). Still, reading
the Electronics Australia article, they
had some difficulty with HF stability.
So I decided to add them as a precaution. I also paid attention to the design
of the PCB tracks around the input pins
of the LM372.
I provided double RF bypassing
on the supply rail with high-quality
100nF axial ceramic capacitors.
1N5819 schottky diode D1 is
included in case somebody installed
the battery cells backward, so the
LM372 and LM741 ICs would not be
destroyed. I had vintage 40W and 32W
speakers to test to see if they were suitable, along with a vintage National tuning dial that was made in 1943.
I made the PCB with iron-on film,
etched with ferric chloride. I added
eyelet tags to connect wires to it and
0.9mm gold-plated pins and single
connectors to couple in the signal
from the ferrite rod’s coupling coil.
Ultimately, I removed the tags and
just used the eyelet part for the PCB
I stuck with all axial-leaded parts to
give it a vintage theme. It pays to be
mindful of the quality and appearance
of the components. For example, the
green 100nF 100V ceramic capacitors
I used are high-quality vintage parts
made by Corning Glass Works. I also
used some ‘tropical fish’ capacitors to
throw in a splash of colour.
The IC and transistor sockets are
high-quality types with gold-plated
pins. It is a shame to have to solder
to the pins of a very rare part like
the LM372, or a vintage 741, for that
I found that grounding the body of
the LM372 helps improve the stability,
because it is such a high-gain arrangement in a very small package. I made a
springy earth clamp out of brass that I
screwed to one of the variable capacitor mounts with a collar – see Photos
7 & 8. I silver-plated the brass with an
interesting product from the UK that
is used to restore tea pots with a silvered finish.
Mechanical construction
In making an original or unique
radio, ideally, you want it to look good
and be long-lasting. So I never scrimp
on materials and spend plenty of time
to ensure that cut edges are smooth
and polished. I also ensure that all the
holes are in the correct positions, with
perfect countersinking, so the screw
heads sit flush where necessary.
I had quite a lot of 10mm-thick
brown phenolic material left over
from other projects, some perforated
aluminium mesh, and some white
insulating material called Bramite –
see Photo 1.
Bramite is a uniquely Australian
insulating panel material once used on
household fuse boxes. It is practically
unobtainable now. It is fantastically
heat resistant, incredibly strong and
machines well. I buy the 10mm-thick
brown phenolic insulating panels from
the markets at Akihabara in Tokyo.
A local plastics company helped by
planing the Bramite panel down to
5.5mm thick.
All the hardware in this set is made
from either stainless steel or nickel-
plated brass. The hookup wire is Teflon covered. To keep the holes neat, I
marked them with a micrometer edge,
then a hand-held spike and started
them with a 1mm drill bit in a hand
pin chuck. I then drilled 1.5mm pilot
holes and checked that everything fit
together correctly.
To ensure the CS screws that attach
the front panel to the base and sides
were all in the correct positions, I
Photos 5 & 6: the completed radio chassis. The dial visible in the righthand photo is a vintage unit from 1943, while I
made the speaker grille on the right from a scrap of perforated aluminium.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
initially glued it together with some
small dots of weak glue and used the
holes in the panels used as a template to start the drill holes into the
10mm-thick phenolic material, so they
all were in perfect registration.
I used a metal strap to prevent the
batteries from falling out of their holders. These Keystone cell holders (visible in Photo 4) are far superior to the
usual Nylon AA holders that often
stretch, harden or crack over time.
The holders are retained by 4-40 UNC
machine screws, with threads tapped
the entire thickness of the 10mm thick
phenolic base.
The rubber feet are door stoppers.
I machined spacers from ¼in brass
tube that fit inside them, and they are
attached to the base with 6-32 UNC
screws passing into threaded holes in
the baseplate.
The variable capacitor is mounted
on two nickel-plated brass spacers
that attach it directly to the PCB. The
vintage 40W loudspeaker was rusty
and required rubbing down, treatment
with Fertan and re-painting with Holts
Auto Spray Paint.
When the 365pF variable capacitor
is fully meshed and the coil on the
rod positioned to tune 530kHz, at the
high end, the radio tunes to 2MHz.
This Japanese-made variable capacitor
does not have an additional trimmer
capacitor on it, and there is nothing
directly loading that point to add any
capacitance there.
It was made for the American market, with a ¼in shaft, and its body
holes are pre-threaded with 6-32 UNC,
rather than the usual metric threads
found on Japanese parts. The finished radio is 200mm wide and about
150mm tall, including the rubber feet.
At the upper end, by 18kHz, the first
change in the amplifier’s output waveform, rather than amplitude loss, is
slew-rate limiting by the 741 op amp.
The sinewave simply becomes trianThe main problem that a radio with gular, and the amplitude drops as the
just one tuned circuit has is reduced frequency rises further.
selectivity compared with a superhet
This radio could almost be regarded
or a TRF type, as they both have more as a hifi AM receiver. A tone correctuned stages. In other words, isolating tion capacitor is required to roll off the
a station is harder if it’s close in fre- higher audio frequencies a little for a
quency to another station.
balanced sound. After some listening
In this radio, this concern is some- tests, I found that an 820pF capacitor
what offset by the very high-Q ferrite across the 100kW feedback resistor
rod coil (shown in Photo 5) and the gave the best result.
low loading on this by the coupling
While there are better modern op
coil, which I spaced away a little from amps than the 741, with output stages
the Earthy end of the primary tuned that can swing closer to the supply
circuit. Note that the input resistance rails (to gain more power output before
of the LM372 is around 3kW.
clipping), the internally frequency-
Also, unlike most TRF radios, this compensated 741 is totally deaf to
radio has a very high gain and a phe- radio frequencies and very stable, too,
nomenally effective AGC. Weak and so it suits the application well.
local stations appear with a similar
Using the radio in an outdoor patio
volume. Therefore, the performance is area, the 150mW of audio power is
super lively, with many stations com- plenty, and it easily receives many AM
ing in at a similar volume.
stations with loud, crystal-clear outThe rod antenna is also deaf to elec- put with the volume control at about
tric field noise. I used 30 AWG wire half or less. The radio exceeded my
(0.254mm diameter) for the rod coil. expectations for an AM radio based
I tried Litz wire but could not detect on a single tuned circuit. It is a very
any difference in the Q compared to pleasant radio to listen to, and I find
the 30 AWG wire. The large, high- myself using it most days. It was also
permeability rod means there are fewer
a fun exercise to design and build it!
turns on the coil (just 46) than most
If you want to build a similar set, you
MW transistor radio coils.
can download the PCB pattern from
Due to the absence of transformer
coupling in the audio stages, the freI also have dimensional drawings
quency response of the audio circuit for the case, the PCB component layis flat, being about 3dB down at 50Hz out and some other details in the PDF
(not that the small speaker could repro- at
duce such low frequencies very well). THE_TRF-ONE.pdf
Photos 7 & 8: here you can see the spring-loaded grounding clamp I made to ground the TO-99 metal package of the
LM372 radio IC. It attaches to the grounded metal post of the tuning gang.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 99
↳ TQFP-44
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↳ TQFP-64
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How does the VSD work
without speed sensing?
Reading through the recent VSD
article (Variable Speed Drive; November & December 2024;
Series/430), I was wondering about
speed sensing. How will this work
with heavy starting or large variable
loads? If the slip gets too large, an
induction motor won’t be doing much.
Shouldn’t you measure the slip to control the torque?
How does your controller deal with
dynamic loads where a large slip
would stall the motor? Or does it only
work in load bands where the slip stays
in range? (A. H., via email)
● Variable speed drives for induction motors do not generally use shaft
speed sensing to measure slip (except
for some high-precision servo types).
If the software is intended to control
torque rather than speed like the Silicon Chip VSD, a complex algorithm
is used to estimate torque/slip based
on an internal model of the induction motor to be controlled. You can
read more about this by searching for
“induction motor vector control”.
The VSD described in the magazine
operates in an open loop manner and
does not sense motor torque or slip.
At moderate to high speed, the VSD
will most likely trip on overcurrent
if the motor is overloaded. At very
low speeds, you may be able to stall
the motor if the stall current does not
exceed the VSD’s maximum ratings.
This VSD does not impart any special capabilities to the motor as far as
load is concerned – it will only work
within its normal load ratings.
During construction I “blew” the
thermal fuse, and had to replace
it (with the necessary heatsinks
attached). This was a challenge due to
the proximity of the surrounding components. I decided to replace it on the
opposite side of the PCB, where there
is plenty of space, and used a wine bottle cap of water as a heatsink, giving
me plenty of time to solder it securely.
(J. A., Townsville, Qld)
● The vent fan can be as simple as
the specified small fan mounted to the
enclosure with appropriate cutout, or
if you want, you can 3D print the housing we designed.
The location we used was close to
the main heater controller. We admit
that we did not provide detailed drawings for this.
As you will note from the plastic
box, there are no right-angles anywhere, making an accurate drawing
rather difficult. Even if we made one,
constructors would have no solid reference to measure from.
We mounted the controller, then
‘eyeballed’ the location of the vent
with the following aims:
• avoiding the mounting holes for
the controller;
• keeping it reasonably low, though
this is not super critical;
• choosing a flat spot on the box.
We used long bolts to fix it, although
glue would also work.
Those fuses are very sensitive to
soldering. I blew one too. The original
draft of the article described my equivalent to your wine cap full of water:
a rather less hygienic pair of fingers,
which I licked first.
If that fuse ever blows again, it will
be for your safety, but I don’t think
it will.
3D Printer Filament
Dryer fan & vent queries Where to find test clips
I am constructing the Dryer project
in the Bunnings container and would for tiny ICs
like some advice on the location and
construction of the vent and associated fan, details of which are scarce in
both articles (October-November 2024;
In the “USB Mixed Signal Logic
Analyser” article, on page 63 of the
September 2024 issue (PicoMSA;, there
is a photo of a set of “female DuPont
Australia's electronics magazine
style mini probe clips” that appear to
be smaller than the ones I have. My
clips work OK with SOIC chips like
the 74LV74, but they seem a bit risky
for chips that have a finer pin spacing.
Would the clips in the photo be
capable of safely attaching to chips
such as the fine pitch TSSOP-28
CS4398CZZ as used in the CLASSiC
DAC (February-May 2013; siliconchip.
au/Series/63)? If so, where can I obtain
some? (D. J., Umina Beach, NSW)
● Richard Palmer, the author of that
article, responds: The only significant
factor for the test clips used for the
PicoMSA is that they will mount onto
the 2.54mm spaced male headers on
the logic analysers. Beyond that, the
choice is up to the constructor.
The clips I included as an example
will work OK with SOIC chips (with
a 1.27mm pin pitch), but not really
with SSOP/TSSOP packages that have
much smaller 0.65mm or 0.5mm pin
Test clips are available from eBay
that will apparently work with finepitch chips, eg, eBay 322087457819
A DIY alternative I have heard suggested, but never used, is a blob of BluTack with needles poked through it!
When I’m debugging fine-pinned
chips, I usually look for test points
away from the chip. If a convenient
test point isn’t available, I clear off
some of the protective coating from
a connected trace and solder a short
length of wire-wrap wire (Kynar) or
other fine wire. It’s straightforward to
attach clips to the ‘hedgehog’ created.
DC motor control for a
milling machine
I have a few technical questions
relating to the 180-230V DC Motor
Speed Controller from your July &
August 2024 issues (
I operate a Sieg X3 milling machine,
but it has not run since a lightning
strike near my workshop a fortnight
ago. It uses a 600W 3.2A 240V DC
motor that is running OK on a test
February 2025 101
supply. The mains input supply is
present, but there is no DC output from
the control board, which I have sent
away for repair.
I have begun building your 180230V DC Motor Speed Controller as
backup or a possible upgrade.
My first question relates to the
“Emergency Stop” (terminals 7 & 8
of CON1). The Sieg had a stop button
wired in a similar part of the circuit.
Is there an advantage in placing the
Emergency Stop in this part of the circuit rather than in the mains supply to
the whole circuit and machine?
I guess it’s handy in a motor overload situation where the circuit can
remain live while the problem is
quickly rectified, but an emergency
stop on the main supply would be better in case of electrical failure, smoke,
fire or pump malfunction.
I tend to operate the machine using
the Fwd/Stop/Reverse switch and
eventually discovered the main power
indicator light had broken, thus there
was no green light to remind me to turn
off the main switch when I locked up
in the evening. As I now know, part
of the circuit was still live and susceptible to damage from the lightning
strike (I had the same problem with
the workshop radio!).
So I’ve installed a big red button
and green light on the main supply
to the machine. I’m unsure if I need
the other stop button in the circuit for
any situation.
My second question relates to the
“Restart” function. If I’m doing a production job, milling 25 brass trunnions, or drilling 50 similar holes on
x-y coordinates in a large part, I want
to find the optimum setting for the
speed and operate the machine using
the Fwd/Stop/Rev switch.
Can I do this, as I could on the Sieg,
without having to go back and reset
the speed each time, which would add
time, cost to the job and an opportunity for errors?
My third question relates to relay
RLY3. I would like to add an extra
pole to the relay to operate the mains-
powered coolant pump simultaneously with the motor. I guess I could
add another relay. Do you have any
suggestions on the neatest way to do
A friend just introduced me to the
magazine. I was an old Electronics
Australia subscriber; I love it and your
work. (D. T., Castle Hill, NSW)
Silicon Chip
● The emergency stop connection
requires only low-current switching,
enabling it to be used as a safety cutout should, for example, shields not
being in place before starting. A high-
current emergency stop switch could
be used in series with the mains supply
instead, but it must be rated to handle
the full motor current.
The restart function requiring
the speed pot to be brought fully
anti-clockwise before the motor can
start is a safety function so the motor
does not suddenly restart, possibly
at full speed, if a current overload
clears or the emergency stop button
is released. We do not recommend
bypassing this feature.
Instead, you could consider using a
sticker and pen to add a mark near the
speed pot to indicate the ideal speed
setting for a specific job. That should
allow you to bring it back up to the
required speed pretty quickly each
time you start it.
Adding an extra relay to effectively
provide another contact for RLY3
would be easy enough. Just connect the
extra relay coil across the CON3 terminals. It needs to have a 12V DC coil.
Changing Roadies’ Test
Oscillator output
The Roadies’ Test Oscillator project article (June 2020;
Article/14466) shows how to wire an
XLR to TRS cable to give an XLR output connector. I need to make a TRS
to RCA cable instead. I have looked on
the internet but the results I find are
confusing. What is your recommended
wiring? (R. M., Melville, WA)
● For that project, the two leads
that are shown connected to the XLR
connector at pins 2 and 3 can instead
connect to each terminal of the RCA
connector. It doesn’t matter which way
around they go.
Various motor speed
control options
I built one of the original Induction
Motor Speed Controllers (April & May
2012; and
have used it with a few small tools in
the workshop, like a scroll saw and a
miniature table saw. Lately, I’ve been
considering adding variable speed to
the wood lathe.
The motor I picked for my lathe
some 40-odd years ago was a scrap
Australia's electronics magazine
washing machine motor and it has
served me well.
Unfortunately, it’s a capacitor
start type, as confirmed by the label:
230VAC, 3.5A, 1/3 HP, 1425RPM,
The Mk1 (and new Mk2) VSD articles say capacitor start is not an option
for speed control, so I thought no more
of it. However, it would be possible
to isolate the centrifugal switch and
use an external switch (eg, a PIC and
a relay) with some extra logic. I have
the motor apart at the moment for servicing, which got me thinking.
The centrifugal switch opens at
some particular RPM; the article mentions 70% of full speed. I don’t know
how critical that RPM is. The external
switch could be opened at a certain
speed and, via another relay, it could
also switch the motor power source
from the mains socket to the speed controller. The external switch would not
close until the motor stopped.
Do you have any idea of the minimum RPM at which the centrifugal
switch (internal or external) can be
opened? Would anything undesirable
happen if/when the controller takes
over? The speed setting of the controller will not likely be the same as the
motor’s speed when the power source
is switched.
I also took note of the DC Motor
Speed Controller from July 2024
( As it happens, I’ve dismantled a couple of treadmills recently and have their motors.
The large one at the back of the photo
(shown above) is from a well-built
treadmill and is stated to be 1.75HP.
Curiously, the noticeably smaller one
in front, from an obviously cheaply
made treadmill, is stated to be 2HP.
Yeah, right.
The electronics of both stopped
working but the motors seem OK. I
could make one of your DC speed
continued on page 104
Advertise your product or services here in Silicon Chip
Retired Silicon Chip staff member Jim
Rowe is trying to find good homes for
the following items:
1. A Sony VPL-CSI LCD data and
SVGA video projector ($100).
2. A Teac PC-10 portable stereo
cassette recorder with ‘Dolby System’
and AC power pack ($75).
3. A Chinon 506-SM-XL Super-8
sound camera ($50).
4. A Pioneer VSX-D506 5-channel
amplifier with a Dolby Digital decoder,
and 100W output from each channel
5. An AKG D19C dynamic wideband
cardioid microphone ($50).
6. An LG BP125 Blu-Ray player ($75).
7. A Toshiba SD-2500 DVD player
8. A Hantek DSO-2250 USB PC
oscilloscope, with two 100MHz
channels, plus an operating manual
and a small software CD ($50).
All of the above are available to be
picked up from my home in Arncliffe,
Also available are quite a few mini
file drawers with electronic components
such as capacitors, resistors, transistors,
ICs, LEDs and diodes, etc. These I’d be
happy to give away if someone would
be prepared to call and take them away.
Please contact me by email to
jimrowe<at> if any of
the above is of interest.
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Silicon Chip magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects
should be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried
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When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with mains AC
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Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 103
Advertising Index
Blackmagic Design....................... 7
Dave Thompson........................ 103
DigiKey Electronics....................... 3
Emona Instruments.................. IBC
Jaycar............................. IFC, 51-54
Keith Rippon Kit Assembly....... 103
LD Electronics........................... 103
LEDsales................................... 103
Microchip Technology.............OBC
Mouser Electronics....................... 4
OurPCB Australia.......................... 5
PCBWay......................................... 9
PMD Way................................... 103
Radio Valves - Dieter Dauner.... 103
Silicon Chip Back Issues........... 25
Silicon Chip Binders.................. 79
Silicon Chip Pico BackPack...... 78
Silicon Chip Shop........ 71, 94, 100
Silicon Chip Subscriptions........ 31
The Loudspeaker 8
Used Gear - Jim Rowe.............. 103
Wagner Electronics..................... 93
Notes and Errata
Maxwell’s Equations, November
2024: on p91, Gauss’ full name is
incorrectly given as Henrich Gauss
instead of Carl Friedrich Gauss.
Watering System Controller,
August 2023: a bug in the WiFi
stack used in the original WebMite
firmware can cause spurious
reboots of the Controller. We
recommend you update to the
latest firmware version (released
January 2025) which fixes this
Next Issue: the March 2024 issue
is due on sale in newsagents by
Thursday, February 27th. Expect
postal delivery of subscription
copies in Australia between February
26th and March 14th.
Silicon Chip
controllers for the larger motor,
although that would be more expensive than modifying a capacitor start
motor (which might not work anyway).
Any thoughts? (J. C., Auckland, New
● Andrew Levido responds: You
have a couple of good options. It seems
like you have pretty good understanding of motors and understand the risks
in the following advice.
You probably can use an unmodified capacitor start motor with a VSD
as long as you ramp up past the centrifugal switch opening speed and
remain above the closing speed thereafter. I believe there is a fair bit of
hysteresis built into the centrifugal
switch to prevent it from chattering.
You would have to measure the two
speeds (closed and open) for each
motor; I suspect they are pretty variable between models.
Alternatively, you could switch
the start winding and capacitor out
externally with a suitable switch or
contactor once the motor has started.
A manual switch or a simple timer
would probably be enough to control
it. Then you could reduce the speed
as far as you like without any risk of
burning out the start winding (but you
would still need to monitor it to make
sure it doesn’t stall).
The downside I see here is reduced
torque at low speeds. I have no idea
how much of a problem this would
be for a lathe. Still, I suspect once the
work is spinning, the torque required
to keep it going is much lower than that
required to get it up to speed. However,
the speed regulation may be poor at
low speed – I honestly don’t know. I
think you would have to try it and see.
I don’t suggest you switch the motor
between mains power and the speed
controller, as the instantaneous current
demand at switch-over could trip the
over-current protection. It’d be better
to let the motor be spun up gradually
by the speed controller with the start
winding in-circuit, then switch it out.
Also see the letter in the Mailbag
section last month from Ian Thompson (p6, January 2025), who has an
alternative method for controlling the
speed of induction motors with centrifugal switches.
Eliminating hum in 12V
20W Stereo Amplifier
I got around to building the Compact
Australia's electronics magazine
12V 20W Stereo Amplifier kit (May
2010; from
the Altronics K5136 kit. Overall, I’m
surprised how good the sound is, and
it can drive the two Klipsch speakers
I have quite well.
The only thing I’m not sure about is
that it seems to have a bit of a ‘hum’ at
the loudspeakers when switched on,
even with the volume low, if there is
no input signal. Where does the hum
come from and can I eliminate it? I
used heavy duty shielding on input
I attached the wire across the three
potentiometers, they are grounded
together and it’s in a metal box. The
potentiometers and wire are grounded
to the negative 12V DC input as per the
instructions. I notice that when I put
my finger on the volume potentiometer, the hum almost goes away. Could
it be some sorting of grounding problem? (E. M., Hawthorn, Vic)
● If the design had an inherent
hum problem, it would have shown
up in the performance measurements/graphs published in the article as a poor signal-to-noise ratio or
high distortion. So we’re pretty sure
it isn’t a circuit problem. Also, it’s
DC-powered, so there’s no reason for
mains hum to be present unless the
DC supply is poorly regulated.
Based on your description, it sounds
like it may be being picked up by the
potentiometer bodies or the case.
First, did you scrape off the passivation from the pot bodies before soldering the wire to them? Please be careful doing this as the dust can be toxic
(eg, do that outside and make sure
it doesn’t blow towards you). If you
didn’t, it’s possible there is no electrical connection to the grounding wire.
If the bodies are definitely grounded,
it’s likely the hum is coming into circuit ground from the power supply.
Do you have a different power supply
you can try? Do you have an Earthed
metal object (like a desktop computer
case) that you can connect to circuit
ground via a clip lead, to see whether
Earthing it helps?
We also suggest checking if the hum
is present without any input signal
connected, to verify that it isn’t being
injected via the signal ground connection from the signal source.
Note: E. M. replied to say that Earthing the negative output terminal of the
switch-mode power supply eliminated
the hum.
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