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Differential Probe
This high-bandwidth, high-voltage differential probe is ideal for use with oscilloscopes,
although it could have other uses. It has an internal rechargeable battery and fits in
the same case as the Isolated Current Probe we published last month. It will be an
invaluable addition to your test equipment arsenal!
By Andrew Levido
f you ever work with high-voltage circuits, a differential probe is an indispensable piece of test equipment.
In fact, they’re also useful with many
low-voltage circuits; any time you
want to monitor a differential voltage
between two points in a circuit. This
one can be built for a fraction the cost
of a commercial device with similar
performance and functions.
The ground sides of most oscilloscope inputs are connected directly
to mains Earth. This means you can
only measure Earth-referenced signals – either those already referenced to Earth, or those that you can
safely connect to Earth on one side
for the purposes of the measurement.
That generally includes truly floating circuits, such as battery-powered
Unfortunately, many signals in
circuits such as switch-mode power
supplies or motor controllers are referenced to voltages well above Earth
potential. Connecting a scope to these
using a standard probe would create
a short from the circuit reference to
mains Earth, via the probe ground lead
and the ‘scope itself. This will potentially be catastrophic for your scope,
the probe and your circuit.
Even if your circuit is floating and
you can safely Earth one point for
testing, if you want to measure another
voltage at the same time that’s referenced to a different point, you’re out
of luck. That’s because if you Earth
two different points in your circuit,
you are adding a short circuit; usually
not a great idea! A differential probe
(or multiple probes) totally solves that
As an interesting and slightly terrifying aside, my very first oscilloscope,
an Australian made BWD830 purchased in the early 1980s, actually has
a “ground isolate” switch on the back
panel that allows the user to open the
mains Earth connection, allowing the
scope common to float.
Fig.1: a high-voltage
differential probe is
essential if you want to
see signals that cannot be
Earth referenced on your
oscilloscope. In this example, three probes help to
measure the phase-to-phase voltages of a variable
speed drive. The scope display is a real capture
made with the prototypes.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
● Maximum common-mode voltage: ±400V DC (280V RMS)
● Maximum differential-mode voltage: ±400V DC (280V RMS)
● Common-mode input impedance: 2MΩ || 2.5pF
● Differential-mode input impedance: 4MΩ || 2.5pF
● Attenuation ranges: 100:1, 10:1
● Basic DC accuracy: better than 1%
● Bandwidth: >30MHz (x100), >25MHz (x10)
● CMRR: >100dB (DC-100Hz)
● Battery Life: >4 hours
● Charging time: <3 hours
● Charging socket: USB-C
● Input sockets: 4mm banana sockets, 20mm spacing
● Output socket: BNC
This avoids the risk of blowing up
the scope, but can allow the scope
case and front panel terminals to rise
to lethal voltage levels! Thankfully,
this dangerous practice is a thing of
the past. (And it still doesn’t help for
monitoring multiple points referenced
to different voltages anyway...)
Fig.1 shows an example of where
a differential probe is indispensable.
Here, the three phase-to-phase PWM
output waveforms from a variable
speed drive (suspiciously similar to
the one we published in the November
& December 2024 issues) are displayed
on three channels of an oscilloscope.
None of the U, V or W phases can
be safely Earthed, and the voltages
involved are in the order of 400V peakto-peak. The differential probes provide 100:1 attenuation of the differential voltage and over 10,000:1 (100dB)
attenuation of the common-mode voltage, allowing the phase-to-phase voltages to be measured safely.
The waveforms shown on the scope
are from a real screen capture made
using three of these devices.
A high-voltage differential probe
translates the difference in voltage
between its two high-impedance
inputs into a voltage that you can safely
connect to your oscilloscope’s Earthed
input. The output is proportional to
the difference in voltage between the
positive and negative inputs. Any
common-mode signal present on both
inputs is almost entirely rejected.
The differential probe is housed in
a small plastic case measuring 82 × 65
× 28mm. The inputs are two shrouded
4mm banana jacks at one end, with a
20mm spacing. That is close enough
to the 3/4-inch (19.05mm) standard for
dual-banana-plug accessories to fit.
The BNC output, range switch and
USB-C connector are at the other end
of the case. The power and charge
LEDs are visible through the top of the
case via two light pipes.
Design goals
When I set out on this project, I set
myself a few design goals. I wanted
a probe that could safely be used
in mains-voltage projects like that
described above. This means the
device should be able to measure differential-mode signals of ±400V magnitude and withstand a similar level
of common-mode voltage. This corresponds to an AC voltage of 280Vrms.
We want to show these on a standard scope, so an attenuation of 100:1
(-40dB) would be appropriate to give
a ±4V full-scale output signal.
Sometimes, we will want to measure a low-voltage signal riding on a
high common-mode voltage; for example, to examine the gate signals of the
IGBTs in Fig.1. These signals would
normally be within a ±40V range, so
a 10:1 (-20dB) attenuation range was
also one of my requirements.
The common-mode rejection ratio
(CMRR) at DC to mains frequency
should be at least 100dB. This means
a 400V common mode voltage would
contribute less than 4mV at the output.
The input impedance should be in the
megohm range with fairly low parallel
capacitance (say <10pF).
I wanted an upper bandwidth limit
as high as I could reasonably get, at
least 25MHz, to get good representation of high-speed switching signals
with fast rise-times. Bandwidth and
rise time are related according to the
Australia's electronics magazine
approximation trise ≈ 0.35/BW, so a
25MHz bandwidth means the fastest
rise time we will see is about 14ns,
which should be short enough.
I also wanted the unit to have the
smallest form factor possible and
include an internal rechargeable battery. My bench gets cluttered enough
as it is without having bulky probes
and their power cables added to the
mix. More than three hours’ battery life
and USB-C recharging was mandatory.
Operating principles
In principle, the concept of a differential probe is pretty straightforward: a
matched pair of input attenuators followed by a classic three op-amp differential instrumentation amplifier will
do the job. Fig.2 shows the bare bones
of the circuit, along with differential
and common-mode voltage sources we
will discuss later.
You can think of this circuit has
having three sections: a dual input
attenuator, a buffer stage and a difference amplifier stage. The overall
differential-mode gain of the circuit
is given by multiplying the gains of
each of these stages, which are given
in the figure.
We have to set the gains of each
stage such that we respect the input
common-mode voltage range of each
op amp (voltages A+/A- and C+/C- in
the figure) and their maximum output
swings (voltages B+/B- and Vout). With
±5V power rails, it seemed fairly safe
February 2025 33
Fig.2: the differential probe consists of two matched attenuators followed by a
classic three-op-amp instrumentation amplifier. The latter has a buffer stage
with a gain programmable via a single resistor (RG) and a difference amp stage
with a fixed gain.
to assume an input common-mode
voltage of ±2V and an output swing
of ±4V as a starting point.
A division ration of 200:1 would
give 2V at point A with a 400V input,
leaving the rest of the circuit to provide
a gain of 2 or 20 to achieve the overall
target of 100:1 or 10:1 attenuation. As
you can see from Fig.2, the voltage at
any one of the inputs will actually be
a combination of some common-mode
voltage, Vcm, plus one half of the differential-mode voltage, Vdm.
The maximum voltage of 400V at
the inputs will therefore be made up
of a combination of common-mode
and differential-mode voltages. We can
construct a graph (the yellow area in
Fig.3) showing the allowable ranges
of input voltage that keep the op amp
voltage within the ±2V band.
This input range is more than
enough to measure signals likely to
be encountered in a circuit powered
by 230-240V AC.
The area shown in pink is the combination of inputs that can be measured
on the 10:1 attenuation range. In this
case, the range is limited by the ±4V
output swing of the op amps, rather
than the input common-mode voltage.
It is important to keep in mind that
all of these are limits relate to the faithful reproduction of the input signal.
The maximum voltage that the inputs
can safely withstand is considerably
higher, as we shall see.
With the attenuator gain determined
to be 1/200th, we can consider the gains
for the other two stages. The buffer
stage gain can be set by selecting a single resistor RG, so this is the obvious
candidate for switchable part of the
gain. We can’t put all the remaining
gain in this stage, or we run the risk
of exceeding the difference amplifier’s
Silicon Chip
common-mode input voltage range.
Thus, I chose to make the buffer
stage gain switchable between 1 and 10
and set the difference amp stage gain
to a fixed value of two times.
That’s about it for the high-level
design – a pair of matched 200:1
attenuators, a ×1/×10 switchable buffer stage and a ×2 difference amplifier. Now we just have to make it all
work – and the devil is in the details,
as they say.
The attenuator
The circuit diagram (Fig.4) shows
the complete design. The attenuators
have to withstand high voltages, have
reasonably high input impedance and
be very closely matched to maximise
CMRR. The attenuators are identical,
so I will focus this description on the
positive side for simplicity.
The resistors I have chosen for the
Fig.3: the range of common-mode
voltage and differential-mode voltages
the probe can faithfully reproduce at
the output. The yellow area is for the
×100 range and the pink area is for the
×10 range. It can safely tolerate much
higher voltages without damage.
Australia's electronics magazine
upper leg of this divider are 1MW
±0.1% ¼W devices with a voltage rating of 700V. The maximum continuous voltage we can apply across each
of these resistors is limited to 500V by
power dissipation. With two resistors
in series, the inputs can withstand a
sustained voltage of 1kV (DC or AC
RMS), giving a comfortable safety
The resistance value required in
the bottom leg of the divider for 200:1
attenuation is 10,050W. In each half,
this is made up of a 10kW resistor, a
10W resistor and half of 100W trimpot
VR1. This trimpot is shared with the
negative attenuator, allowing us to
tweak the divisor ratios so that they
are precisely equal, as necessary for
maximum rejection of common-mode
With VR1 centred, the total resistance of each resistor string is 10,060W,
not 10,050W as calculated. The extra
10W is necessary to compensate for the
10MW resistors, which are effectively
in parallel with the lower leg of each
divider. You can ignore trimpot VR2
in this calculation, since its value is
much smaller than the error due to
the 1% tolerance in the value of the
10MW resistors.
The overall resistance of the lower
leg of each divider is therefore 10,060W
|| 10MW = 10,050W.
The purpose of VR2 is to allow us
to inject up to ±5mV into one input
to compensate for any op amp offset
errors. We will discuss this further
below. Diode pairs D1 & D2 protect
the op amp inputs from overvoltage
by limiting the voltage swing at the
divider output to ±5.6V or thereabouts.
That covers the DC performance of
the attenuator, but we want the divider
to operate properly up to 25MHz or
more. We know that there will inevitably be some capacitance at the output
of the divider. The protection diodes,
for example, will contribute about
1.5pF each; the op amp input capacitance will be about the same. There
will also be 3pF or 4pF of stray capacitance inherent in the layout.
At 25MHz, this ~10pF of total
capacitance will have an impedance
of around 630W, reducing the divider
ratio to something in the order of 1/3500.
The incidental capacitance is moreor-less unavoidable, so we potentially
have a real problem.
The solution is to deliberately add
some capacitance across the upper leg
of each divider to reduce its impedance by the same ratio and maintain
the attenuation. With a 200:1 divider,
we would need an upper leg capacitance 199 times lower than the ~10pF
in the lower leg. Clearly, this is impractical.
Instead, we put a small known value
of capacitance across the upper leg and
add more capacitance across the lower
leg to compensate for it.
I selected series pairs of 4.7±0.1pF
1kV NP0 capacitors for the upper legs,
to match the high-voltage tolerance
of the input resistors. Together, they
amount to 2.35pF of capacitance in
the upper leg of each divider, requiring 467pF of capacitance in the lower
leg to compensate.
This latter capacitance is made up
of the ~10pF of incidental and stray
capacitance we have already mentioned, plus the parallel combination
of 390pF and 27pF fixed capacitors,
plus VC1 (12-60pF).
This combination gives us a range of
capacitance adjustable from nominally
440pF to 490pF. It is useful to have a
range to account for capacitor tolerances and other uncertainties. Moreover, the overall bandwidth we can
ultimately achieve will be quite sensitive to perfect frequency compensation.
The buffer stage
The op amp we use for the buffer
stage is critical. It must have high
input impedances so as not to load
the attenuator, and low bias currents
since the input impedance is ~10kW.
Thus, a FET input op amp is required.
It must also have a high large-signal
bandwidth, and a common-mode
input range of ±2V with ±5V supplies.
I chose the ADA4817, which is
expensive at around $15 each, but
it fits the bill nicely. It has an input
impedance of 500GW in parallel with
1.3pF and the input bias current is
±20pA. The large signal bandwidth
extends to 200MHz, with 0.1dB gain
flatness to 60MHz.
The worst-case offset voltage is
±4mV (which is good for a FET input
op amp), and the input common mode
voltage range is -4.2V to +2.2V with
±5V rails.
If I only required a gain of one for
this stage, I could have simply wired
IC1 and IC2 as non-inverting buffers.
But since we need the option of a gain
of 10, I had to close the feedback loop
around each op amp with resistors.
It is a good idea to choose a fairly
low value for this resistor as it will
form an RC low-pass filter with the
op-amp’s input capacitance, the effect
of which will be to increase the gain
of the buffer as the frequency rises,
causing unwanted ‘peaking’ in the frequency response.
When the ×10 range is selected via
S1, the parallel combination of the
110W and 220W resistors is switched
in between the two buffer amplifiers’
inverting inputs. The resistance values
were chosen to give this stage a gain
of 10 in this configuration. Consistent
with the attenuator, I used 0.1% tolerance resistors for gain-setting.
Fig.4: the complete probe circuit. Power is provided by an 800mA Li-ion cell via a dual-rail DC-to-DC converter (REG5).
The battery is charged via a USB Type-C connector (CON4) and IC4.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 35
You can see the input attenuator
components arranged vertically
outside the banana sockets near the
The 510W resistors in series with
the non-inverting inputs of IC1 and
IC2 are critical to the stability of the
circuit. High-speed op amps like the
ADA4817 love to oscillate. One of the
(many) things that can bring this on is
extraneous capacitance on the inputs,
and we have plenty given the compensation network we just discussed.
The 510W resistors are ‘stopper’
resistors that isolate the op amp inputs
from this capacitance. The 500GW
input impedance and 1.5pF input
capacitance mean that these resistors
don’t otherwise affect the operation
of the probe.
Just as for the input divider, we add
10pF & 47pF frequency compensation
capacitors to this gain stage. I did not
bother with a variable capacitor here
because the low impedance of the surrounding circuit makes it less sensitive to an error of a few picofarads one
way or the other.
Difference amplifier
The requirements for the difference
amplifier (IC3) are not quite as stringent as for the buffers, but we do need a
high large-signal bandwidth and good
output characteristics. The LMH6611
fits the bill. It has a large signal bandwidth of 85MHz and a gain-bandwidth
product of 115MHz. The output swing
with ±5V rails is ±4.5V into a 150W
load and the output drive current is
Silicon Chip
The LMH6611’s input common-
mode voltage range is -5.2V to
+3.8V, giving plenty of headroom.
As a bonus, it is considerably
cheaper than the ADA4817s.
IC3 is set up as a difference
amplifier with a fixed gain of two
using low-value 0.1% tolerance
resistors. The 10W resistor helps
overall stability by providing a
little bit of isolation between
the LMH6611’s output and
any load capacitance. This
stage does not need frequency
compensation due to the low
gain and low impedances
My design calculations
indicate that the end-to-end
gain error of this circuit should be
comfortably under 1% over the temperature range of 0-40°C, and nearer
to half this at 25°C. However, the
untrimmed offset error could be in
the order of ±5mV on the ×100 range
and ±45mV on the ×10 range. The big
difference is due to the buffer stage
amplifying the ADA4817’s offset when
on the ×10 range.
This is why it is necessary to add
the offset trim. If we added the offset
to the difference amplifier (where we
would in ideal world), we would need
a different offset trimpot for each range
and an extra gang on the range switch
to select the right one.
The compromise I selected was to
add the offset before the gain stage,
meaning we can trim out most of IC1’s
and IC2’s offset but may not be able to
fully eliminate that from IC3. Since
this is ±4mV at the output (0.1% error)
in the worst case, I decided I could
live with it.
Power supply
The ±5V power supply is derived
from a single Li-ion 14500 (AA-sized)
800mAh cell via a TPS65133 dual-rail
switching power supply (REG5). This
chip accepts a 2.9-5V input and can
source up to 250mA on each rail. It is
Fig.5: use this overlay diagram to
place the components. We recommend
mounting the LCC-packaged DC-DC
converter (REG5) and supporting
components first. Once you have
confirmed they are working, you can
move on to the rest of the parts.
Australia's electronics magazine
92% efficient at 100mA and requires
only a couple of inductors and three
capacitors to operate.
The chip has an undervoltage lockout to protect the Li-ion cell from
The TPS65133 generates very little
noise as far as switching converters
go, but to be safe, I added an LC filter
(10μH/220μF) between each output of
the switcher and the analog circuitry.
A green LED (LED2) across the power
rails provides user indication that the
power is on.
The cell is charged from a USB-C
power-only connector via a MAX1555
charger chip (IC4). This charges the
cell at around 280mA, which is enough
to charge an empty cell in under three
hours. A yellow LED (LED1) lights
when the MAX1555 is charging the
Li-ion cell and extinguishes when it
is fully charged.
The charging voltage comes from
USB-C connector CON4. Resettable
PTC fuse PTC1 and transient voltage
suppressor diode TVS3 protect against
reverse-polarity circuits and overvoltage conditions. The two 5.1kW resistors pull the USB power delivery control channel lines down to passively
signal to the source to supply 5V.
The power is switched via a second
set of contacts on range switch S1. In
the Off/Charge position, the cell is
connected to the charger and isolated
from the rest of the circuit. In either
the 100:1 or 10:1 position, the battery
is connected to the switcher and isolated from the charger.
PCB design
High voltages can be present at the
banana sockets’ exposed conductors
and either end of the first resistor and
capacitor of each attenuator. Those
components are on the PCB outside
the banana sockets.
The track clearances PCB follow
IPC2221-B standard B4 for boards with
solder masks below 3050m altitude. So
you must build this on a commercially-
made PCB with a solder mask.
During assembly, you should apply
a conformal coating over the top half
of the board once all components other
than trimpots/trimcaps have been fitted. That will allow it to resist arcing
even under extreme conditions (eg,
very high humidity).
These coatings are available in spray
cans (see the parts list), are easy to
apply and can be soldered through,
although they should be reapplied
later if you do that.
All the components mount on a
small double-sided PCB coded 9015-D
that measures 56.5 × 82.5mm. Most are
through-hole or hand-solder-friendly
surface-mount types. The only really
tricky device is REG5, the TPS65133
switch-mode regulator. Unfortunately,
all the useful power chips like it seem
to only be available in tiny ‘leadless’
During construction, refer to the
PCB overlay diagram (Fig.5) to see
which components mount where and
with what orientations.
Because of REG5’s package, we recommend assembling and testing the
power supply first. REG5 has a thermal pad underneath the chip, so reflow
(either hot air or IR) is the only realistic option to mount it. The best way I
have found to do this is to use solder
paste. Apply a small smear of it to all
the pads. Don’t worry if a little gets
between pads as it will ball up under
surface tension when reflowed.
Place the chip carefully, using the
screen-printed lines as a guide. Make
sure the orientation is correct. Heat the
chip and the surrounding board with
hot air until the solder melts, including that on the thermal pad. I use tweezers to hold the chip in place until I
feel the surface tension of the solder
‘pull’ it into place.
You can tell the thermal pad solder
has melted if the chip re-aligns itself
if you nudge it very slightly out of
Parts List – High-Bandwidth Differential Probe
1 double-sided PCB coded 9015-D, with solder mask, 56.5 × 82.5mm
1 Hammond 1593LBK 92 × 66mm case [element14 4437858]
1 adhesive panel label, 55 × 80mm
1 14500-size 800mAh Li-ion cell with PCB pins (BAT1) [Altronics S4981]
1 red PCB-mount banana socket (CON1) [Cal Test CT3151SP-2]
1 black PCB-mount banana socket (CON2) [Cal Test CT3151SP-0]
1 PCB-mount BNC socket (CON3) [Molex 73100-0105]
1 USB-C power only socket (CON4) [Molex 217175-0001]
2 4.7μH 1.1A M2520/1008 shielded ferrite inductors (L1, L2)
[Würth 74404024047]
2 10μH 350mA M2012/0805 shielded ferrite inductors (L3, L4)
[TDK MLZ2012M100WT000]
1 0.75A 24V M3226/1210 PTC polyfuse (PTC1) [Littelfuse 1210L075/24PR]
1 right-angle DP3T PCB-mount slide switch (S1) [E-Switch EG2310]
1 top-adjust 100W 3296-style multi-turn trimpot (VR1) [Altronics R2370A]
1 top-adjust 10kW 3296-style multi-turn trimpot (VR2) [Altronics R2382A]
2 0.6in (15.24mm) convex light pipes [Dialight 51513020600F]
2 No.4 × 6mm self-tapping screws
4 small self-adhesive rubber feet
1 can of conformal coating [Jaycar NA1610, Altronics T3175]
2 ADA4817-1ARDZ-R7 410MHz precision op amp, SOIC-8-EP (IC1, IC2)
1 LMH6611MK/NOPB 135MHz precision op amp, TSOT-23-6 (IC3)
1 MAX1555EZK-T Li-ion battery charger, TSOT-23-5 (IC4)
1 TPS65133DPDR dual DC-DC converter, WSON-12 (REG5)
1 SMBJ5.0C 5V transient voltage suppressor, DO-214AA (TVS3)
1 SMD M2012/0805 yellow LED (LED1)
1 SMD M2012/0805 green LED (LED2)
2 BAV99 dual series signal diodes, SOT-23 (D1, D2)
Capacitors (all SMD M2012/0805 size 50V NP0/C0G ceramic unless noted)
2 220μF 10V solid tantalum, SMC case
5 10μF 16V X7R
8 100nF X7R
2 390pF
1 47pF
2 27pF
2 10pF
4 4.7pF 1kV
2 6mm diameter 12-60pF variable capacitors (VC1, VC2) [EW GKG60015]
Resistors (all SMD M2012/0805 size ±1% ⅛W unless noted)
2 10MW
4 1MW ±0.1% M3216/1206 size ¼W 700V [Vishay TNPV12061M00BEEN]
2 10kW ±0.1% 10ppm [element14 1140912]
2 5.1kW
1 1.8kW
3 510W
2 360W ±0.1% 25ppm [Panasonic ERA-6AEB361V]
2 330W ±0.1% 25ppm [Panasonic ERA-6AEB331V]
1 220W ±0.1% 25ppm [Panasonic ERA-6AEB221V]
2 180W ±0.1% 25ppm [Panasonic ERA-6AEB181V]
1 110W ±0.1% 25ppm [Panasonic ERA-6AEB111V]
3 10W
position. Once it cools down, you can
remove any excess solder or obvious
shorts with solder wick around the
edges (adding a bit of flux paste [not
solder paste] makes the wick work
better). Then clean up the flux residue
with isopropyl alcohol.
Australia's electronics magazine
Next, fit the four inductors, L1–
L4, the four capacitors around REG5
and the two large tantalum capacitors
in the upper-left corner of the PCB
according to the overlay. You are then
ready to test the power supply.
Solder a couple of lengths of fine
February 2025 37
Fig.6: drill the enclosure end panels and top according to this diagram. The slots can be formed by drilling a pair of holes
inside the perimeter and using a craft knife and files to open them up to the required dimensions.
hookup wire to the board to power
it externally. The easiest place to
connect the negative supply is the
through-hole for the battery negative
terminal (the single hole on the righthand side of the board). The best place
to connect the positive supply is the
bottom right-hand through-hole in the
group of six where the switch will later
be mounted.
These locations are marked by small
triangles on the PCB silk screen overlay.
Connect an external power supply
set to deliver 4V with a current limit of
100mA and switch it on. The current
draw should be negligible, and you
should be able to measure 5V across
both of the large tantalum capacitors.
If there is a problem, switch off, check
your work and, if necessary, reflow
REG5 again.
If all is well, you can remove the
wires and proceed with mounting all
the other parts, leaving the battery till
the very last. IC1 and IC2 also have
thermal pads on the bottom, so these
will have to be reflowed too. However,
they are SOIC-8 packages so are much
easier to solder than REG5.
Remember to apply the conformal
coating we mentioned earlier on both
sides of the board above the battery
location before soldering the trimpots
and trimcaps. Reapply it on the underside after soldering those components
so their joints are covered.
Immediately after you mount the
battery, screw the board into the case
bottom. This will help prevent accidental shorts under the board. The
Silicon Chip
energy density of the Li-ion cell is
such that accidental shorts can easily
burn out tracks or cause other damage.
Case preparation
Drill the enclosure end plates and
top case according to Fig.6. The slots
can be most easily made by drilling
a couple of holes inside the outline
and finishing with a craft knife and
small files. You will need to remove
the two plastic bosses on the inside of
the top case where the banana jacks
are located – you can just snip them
out with a pair of side cutters.
The label (Fig.7) is simply glued to
the front panel with some adhesive. I
printed mine on glossy photo paper
and covered it in transparent adhesive
film for protection.
Consistent with oscilloscope probes
and commercial probes of this kind,
the label describes the 100:1 and 10:1
attenuation ranges as ×100 and ×10,
respectively. This refers to the multiplication factor you need to apply
to the ‘scope’s vertical scale. For
example, a 1V/division on the
scope represents 100V/division
on the ×100 range and 10V/
division on the ×10 range.
Once it has been applied,
punch out the holes for
the light pipes and push
them in from the front.
They can be secured
with a drop or two of
The assembled
PCB before it was
installed in the case.
Australia's electronics magazine
cyanoacrylate adhesive (superglue) on
the back side. Assemble everything
except the top case and you are ready
for calibration.
Testing and calibration
Start the calibration process by
fully charging the battery. Connect
a USB-C power supply to the probe
and make sure the switch is in the
off/charge position. The yellow LED
should light, indicating the battery is
charging. When full charge is reached,
the LED will go out. This may take two
or three hours if the battery is nearly
Once charged, remove the USB
cable and power the unit on by
selecting either the ×100 or ×10 range
and recheck that the power supplies
are at ±5V as before. The green LED
should be lit.
The first step in calibration is to zero
out the offset correction. We need to do
this to make sure it does not impact the
setting of the CMRR trim in the next
step. Switch the probe to the 100:1
range and adjust VR2 until the voltage at its wiper is as close to zero as
you can get it.
You can clip your voltmeter’s negative lead to the GND test point and read
the wiper voltage on the bottom end
of the vertically orientated capacitor
immediately below VR1, marked by a
small square on the PCB overlay. You
should be able to adjust the voltage to
within a few millivolts either side of
zero. Anything under ±10mV is fine.
Now we need to adjust the CMRR
trim. Set your bench power supply
to the highest (safe) voltage you can
get. For example, connect two channels of a dual 30V supply in series
for 60V. Connect the positive lead of
the power supply to both of the probe
inputs (shorted together) and the negative lead to the GND test point. Switch
the probe to the 100:1 range.
Use your meter to measure the
voltage between the mid-points of
the voltage dividers while you adjust
VR1. The suggested probe points are
marked by small circles on the PCB
overlay, immediately to the left of D1
and the right of D2. Adjust VR1 for a
reading as close to zero as you can get
at these points. You should be able to
get a reading below ±20µV.
With a 60V input, a reading below
±20µV implies a CMRR of 130dB. But
you can probably do better than that
with a good meter and some patience.
Now you can set the offset voltage
trim. Remove the power supply but
keep the two inputs shorted. Measure the output voltage at the BNC
connector with respect to the ground
test point. Trim VR2 to get the output close to zero on both ranges. This
may require a little backwards and forwards between ranges and the acceptance of some compromise (for reasons
described above).
For example, the best I could do was
-1.1mV on the 100:1 range and +1.5mV
on the 10:1 range. You should be able
to get to within ±10mV of zero on both
ranges simultaneously.
The final step is to trim the frequency compensation. You will need
a function generator and an oscilloscope. The function generator should
be set to deliver a 1kHz square wave
at the highest amplitude you can manage. Connect the differential probe to
the scope using a BNC-to-BNC cable
and make sure the scope’s bandwidth
limit is disabled.
To set up the positive divider, connect the function generator’s output
to the positive input of the probe and
its common to the ground test point.
Also connect the probe’s negative terminal to the ground test point. Switch
the probe to the 100:1 range.
Set up your scope to get a stable
display of the square wave output of
the differential probe and adjust compensation trimmer VC1 for optimum
compensation, just as you would for
an oscilloscope probe. The correct
compensation is achieved when the
rising edge of the square wave shows
no overshoot or undershoot, as shown
in Fig.8.
Use a non-metallic tool to make
this adjustment. It’s better to err very
slightly on the side of over-compensation (a small amount of overshoot) if
you are unsure, as this will maximise
the probe’s bandwidth.
Repeat the whole process for the
negative divider, connecting the function generator output to the negative
input of the differential probe and the
probe’s positive terminal to the ground
test point. This time, tweak VC2 for
optimum compensation.
Using it
Screw the lid on and your probe is
ready to use. I added four small self-
adhesive rubber feet to the bottom
of the case to prevent it from sliding
around too much on the bench.
Always take special care when you
are using the probe with high voltage circuits. Make all connections –
including that from the probe to the
scope – before powering up any circuit under test. Never disconnect any
high-voltage differential probe from
the scope while the test circuit is powered on. If you do, the BNC connector
on the probe can float to high voltages.
There is no isolation barrier in these
devices. Not much current can flow
due to the high impedance of the probe,
but you can still get a shock. Always
use quality test leads with shrouded
banana plugs for high-
voltage connections, and check everything twice
before powering it up.
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.7: this label artwork can be
downloaded from the Silicon Chip
website as a PDF. For details on how
we make front panels see siliconchip.
Correct Compensation
Fig.8: correct compensation is
achieved when the square wave’s
leading edge shows no undercompensation droop or overcompensation overshoot.
February 2025 39