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~ Tim Blythman’s NFC Programmable ~
IR Remote Control Keyfob
Sometimes you need a small infrared (IR) remote control for just a handful of functions.
This remote is about the smallest we’ve seen, it can hang on your keychain and you
can make it yourself. It has three buttons that can trigger separate functions that are
programmable wirelessly via NFC.
e’ve used the Jaycar XC3718 IR
Remote Control for Arduino in
several projects, most recently in the
Multi-Channel Volume Control from
December 2023 and January 2024
( Its small
size is a perfect match for the handful of functions that are needed in
that project.
Another project that supported that
remote is the Eight Channel Learning
IR Remote Receiver from October 2024
Unfortunately, the XC3718 remote
has been discontinued, so we were
keen to find a replacement. Rather
than having buttons that send fixed IR
codes, and rely on the receiver to be
able to adapt to that, we felt we could
improve it. It would be handy for such
a device to be programmable.
The difficulty lies in adding a way
to allow codes to be added or changed
easily. We don’t want to massively
complicate the device with a screen,
more buttons etc! Nor would it be ideal
to build external hardware to plug into
a socket on the keyfob. Luckily, there
is a neat solution.
You might recall our Dynamic NFC/
RFID Tag from July 2023 (siliconchip.
au/Article/15860). It combined a small
chip with a PCB trace antenna to create a programmable NFC/RFID tag that
can be used to hold and transfer small
amounts of information.
NFC (near-field communications) is
a protocol based on RFID (radio frequency identification) technology. It
allows communication with devices
over short distances, typically up to
5cm. It’s the technology that’s used
in things like contactless credit cards
and transit passes.
Here, we have used NFC to add
Silicon Chip
a programming interface to the IR
Remote Control. An external device
such as a mobile phone becomes the
programmer, and the setting can be
transferred wirelessly to the Remote
Control, without needing a socket or
opening the case!
The Remote Control is simply
placed against the NFC reader on a
device (eg, on the back of a mobile
phone) and an app is used to control
the transfer of data. The NFC chip we
are using doesn’t even need external
power, so the data can be transferred
without a battery fitted to the Remote
Other features
Since we are using the same chip
as the earlier Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag,
you can use this device similarly if you
wish. The ST25DV04 has 512 bytes of
EEPROM that can be used to store all
manner of information, as well as the
configuration for the Remote Control.
Compatible chips with more storage
are also available (up to at least 8kiB).
The NFC protocol allows up to four
different NDEF (NFC Data Exchange
Format) records to be stored. Programming the Remote Control only
requires a single text format NDEF
record to hold the programming data;
the remaining space can be used to
store any other information you want.
For example, an NDEF record can
contain a URI to link to a webpage, or
a WiFi record that contains the information needed to connect to a WiFi
network. It could even contain a virtual business card, embedding data
relating to contact details and phone
The MIME record type could contain a complete file, such as an image,
Australia's electronics magazine
although its utility is somewhat limited by the small amount of memory
on the chip.
So you could also use the RFID Programmable IR Fob Remote as a portable NFC tag which can be used to pass
around information such as webpage
links or virtual business cards. The
data is transferred by simply tapping
the fob against an NFC reader.
Circuit details
Fig.1 is the complete circuit diagram. Power comes from coin cell
BAT1 in a holder, which has a 22μF
capacitor across it. This relatively
large capacitance helps to even out
the demands on the coin cell. Its life
span can be adversely affected by
high loads.
A further 100nF capacitor provides
local bypassing for IC2, a PIC16F15224
microcontroller. This is a fairly basic
8-bit 14-pin part, but it has PWM and
timer features to allow the modulation
and timing needed to implement an
IR transmitter.
This chip also has a very low-power
sleep mode, which is handy for a
device powered by a small cell. IC2
connects to the CON1 header for in-
circuit serial programming (ICSP) at its
pins 1, 4, 12, 13 and 14. A 10kW pullup on pin 4 sets the microcontroller
to run normally unless a programmer
overrides this signal.
IC1 is the ST25DV04 dynamic NFC
tag chip. Pins 2 and 3 connect to a
PCB trace inductor which has a nominal inductance around 4.7μH. When
combined with the chip’s internal
28.5pF capacitance, it is resonant at
NFC’s 13.56MHz frequency. The trace
inductor consists of eight loops on the
back of the PCB.
● Compact keyfob case: 61 × 36.5 × 15.8mm
● Can attach to a keyring
● Three buttons to trigger the IR emitter
● Power supply: CR2032 lithium coin cell
● Standby current: <1μA
● Active current: 3mA
● Status indicator: red/green LED
● IR protocols supported: NEC, Sony SIRC and Philips
RC5 & RC6
● Low battery indicator
● Integrated NFC tag
● Programmable with ST25 NFC Tap mobile app
● Can work with our Multi-channel Volume Control, Eight
Channel Learning IR Remote Receiver and other projects
IC1’s pin 4 is ground, while power
on pin 8 is supplied by IC2’s pin 8,
along with a 100nF bypass capacitor.
This means that IC2 can completely
power off IC1 by setting that pin low
(although IC1 can still get power from
its antenna in that case). Pins 6 and 7
of IC2 connect to pins 5 and 6 of IC1
for the I2C interface; each also has the
requisite 4.7kW pullup to the switched
power line.
Tactile pushbuttons S1, S2 and S3
connect to pins 5, 3 and 2 of IC2 respectively, with the other sides connected
to ground. The microcontroller applies
an internal pullup to those pins so that
the switch state can be detected; these
pins are in a high state until the button
is pressed, then it goes low.
The remaining circuitry drives the
infrared (IR) transmitter LED2, and a
bicolour indicator LED1. LED1’s red
and green junctions are in inverse
parallel with other, with both in
series with a 2.2kW resistor connected
between pins 9 and 10 of IC2. By driving one pin high and the other low,
either the red or green LED can be lit.
The section around IR LED LED2 has
been designed to provide high bursts
of current to drive the transmitter,
while at the same time enforcing a low
average current draw on the coin cell.
The 470W resistor and 22μF capacitor
provide a local buffer, while the 100W
resistor limits the peak current.
With the values used, the average
current draw of LED2 during transmission is 2mA, while the IR LED sees
peaks of 15mA, which gives a good
compromise between transmission
power and the draw on the coin cell.
LED1 and IC2 will also draw current
while the transmitter is active, adding
to the load on the cell.
This simple circuitry only switches
the IR LED to be on when IC2’s pin 11
takes Mosfet Q1’s gate high, and off
when pin 11 is low. The microcontroller must modulate the signal to suit the
receiver detection frequency and the
expected protocol.
The microcontroller runs with a
2MHz instruction clock, much lower
than its 8MHz maximum. That reduces
its current draw when it is active by
about 2mA. If the clock was much
slower, the micro would struggle to
generate the necessary waveforms for
IR transmission.
The micro is normally in sleep mode
and it draws less than 1μA. Our Coin
Cell Emulator from December 2023
( gives
a reading of 0.0μA in this state! Thus,
the cell life will be dominated by how
much the Remote Control is used and
the cell’s shelf life.
When a button is pressed, the micro
‘wakes up’ from sleep mode and acts
upon the button presses. When the buttons are released and transmission has
ceased, the micro checks the supply
voltage. If it is 2.6V or higher, the green
LED in LED1 is flashed briefly; otherwise, it flashes red. This is a simple
but effective battery status indicator.
The IR transmitter combines a timer
and PWM peripheral to generate the IR
modulation, which can vary between
36kHz and 40kHz, depending on the
Fig.1: the Remote Control circuit is straightforward. IC1 is powered from one
of IC2’s I/O pins, allowing it to be fully powered off to minimise battery drain.
The circuit around Q1 and LED2 allows LED2 to be driven at 15mA peak while
limiting the draw on the coin cell to only 3mA.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 65
NFC programming
That IC1 can be programmed via its
RF interface is completely transparent
to the rest of the circuit. Its electrical
interface is much the same as many
I2C EEPROM devices, although its contents also include a header identifying
the size and nature of the data, which
needs to be read and validated before
the data is processed.
In the event that all three buttons
are pressed at the same time, the micro
quickly alternates the green and red
LEDs to alert the user. When the buttons are released, it powers on IC1 and
attempts to read an NDEF text record
from its internal memory, then powers down IC1 immediately.
If the read is successful and correctly formatted data is found, the
codes are loaded into memory and are
available for use the next time any of
the buttons are pressed. During this
sequence, LED1 blinks in various patterns to report on the status of the programming.
We’ll discuss the text format, programming and LED colour codes in
more detail later, as well as the use of
the ST25 NFC Tap mobile app.
The PP43 fob enclosure that we are
using for this project comes equipped
with buttons (to actuate the switches)
and a 3mm hole that suits LED1. However, since these cases are designed to
house RF transmitters, they lack a hole
for the IR LED.
We recommend adding this hole as
the first step, since it will be easier
and neater to tweak the location of the
IR LED than to modify the hole in the
case. You can use the PCB to mark it
out, or use the measurements in the
Fig.2 drilling diagram.
Firmly tape the two case halves
together. The hole is centred on the
division between the two
halves. We found it worked
well enough to drill both
2.2kW LED1
Figs.3 & 4: most of the components on
the front of the PCB are M3216/1206
passives or SOIC chips, so they should
be easy enough to solder, even for
those inexperienced with surfacemount work. Don’t forget to fit the
two components on the back of the
PCB. The 22μF capacitor helps protect
the coin cell from brief high-current
demands that could shorten its life.
This diagram is shown at 175% scale.
Silicon Chip
22m F
PCB assembly
The remaining parts can now be fitted to the PCB. They are mostly SOIC
or M3216/1206-sized SMD devices,
along with some through-hole parts.
So it is easy enough to construct even
if you have had minimal experience
working with SMD parts.
At a minimum, you will need a
syringe of flux paste and tweezers if
you are accustomed to working with
through-hole parts. Your flux will
likely recommend a cleaning solvent;
if not, isopropyl alcohol works well for
most fluxes (you can use methylated
spirits in a pinch).
We also recommend you keep on
hand some solder-wicking braid, a
magnifier and a fume extraction fan. If
you don’t have such a fan, work near
an open window or outdoors. Working on a uniform light-coloured background will help you find any parts
that you drop, and a magnifying lamp
can also be helpful.
4.7kW 10kW
Fig.2: you can use the dimensions
here to locate the hole for the 5mm IR
LED, or simply slot the PCB into place
and use it to place marks on the case.
There is a locating pin on the case to
ensure that the PCB is aligned.
halves at the same time as long as they
were securely held together. Check our
photos to confirm the placement of the
hole and start with a smaller pilot hole
to locate it accurately.
You can see that the hole sits underneath the black button. It is a 5mm
diameter hole and, of course, it goes
in the opposite end of the case from
where a keyring would attach. The
metal battery tabs included with the
case are not needed since we are using
a cell holder fitted to the PCB.
protocol. The processor encodes the IR
signal as a series of active and inactive
phases at the carrier frequency.
The Remote Control supports the
NEC, Sony (SIRC) and Philips (RC5
and RC6) protocols. John Clarke
explained all of these in detail in the
article on the Eight Channel Learning
IR Remote Receiver.
An interrupt is triggered on each
PWM cycle, providing the timing to
step through the active and inactive
phases of the encoded signal. LED1 is
driven in time with the active phases of
the IR signal, to give confirmation that
transmission is occurring. The colour
reflects the battery state; it flashes
green if the battery is fine or red if its
voltage is low.
When the transmission cycle ends,
the buttons are checked and the IR
transmission continues if the button
is held down. For most protocols, that
means simply repeating the previously
sent sequence, but the NEC protocol
uses a special repeat packet instead.
Australia's electronics magazine
Proceed to fit the parts in the locations shown in the Fig.3 and Fig.4
overlay diagrams. Start with Q1, the
only SOT-23 device. Smear a tiny bit of
flux paste on its pads (that will make
soldering much easier) and rest it in
place according to the silkscreen marking, with its leads flat against the PCB.
Tack one lead, then check the positioning of the remaining pins over
their pads and adjust as needed by
remelting the solder. With it correctly
located, solder the remaining leads
and refresh the first lead by adding a
tiny amount of extra flux paste before
touching the iron to it.
The same process can be used to
solder IC1 & IC2. Before soldering
any pins, it’s most important that you
identify pin 1 on the IC, which is usually indicated by a dot or divot in one
corner. Failing that, look for a chamfered edge along one side. With that
side on the left and the writing facing
you, pin 1 will be at upper left. Match
each chip’s pin 1 with the markings on
the PCB and Figs.3 & 4.
Solder these parts in place, just like
Q1. If you get a solder bridge between
two pins, leave it in until all the leads
are soldered. To remove a bridge, add
more flux, then gently push the braid
against the solder with the iron. When
it draws in the excess solder, gently
slide both away from the part.
Now you can fit the four capacitors
using the same technique. There are
two 100nF parts, one adjacent to each
IC. These will be thinner than the 22μF
parts. One 22μF part is near the top of
the PCB, while the other is on the back.
The resistors will be marked with
value codes (see the parts list). Make
sure that the values match the silkscreen and overlay in Fig.3. There are
seven resistors to be fitted.
Next, solder the cell holder in place.
Align it with the markings on the PCB,
being sure that the cell entry faces
the corner of the PCB near the BAT1
marker on the silkscreen. You can also
compare its orientation to the photos.
Take care to line it up correctly, since
it may prevent the screw being fitted if
it is too close to the edge of the board.
Apply a little solder to one pad, then
check its position. If you’re happy with
that, apply a generous amount of solder to both pads to give mechanical
That completes the surface-mounting parts, so clean off any excess flux
using your solvent and allow the board
Parts List – IR Remote Control Keyfob
Australia's electronics magazine
1 double-sided PCB coded 15109231, 30.5 × 52mm
1 Supertronic PP43 keyfob enclosure
1 2032-size SMD coin cell holder (BAT1) [eg, Linx BAT-HLD-001]
1 CR2032 or CR2025 3V lithium coin cell (BAT1) ♦
1 5-way pin header, 2.54mm pitch (CON1; optional, for ICSP) ♦
3 4.3mm-high 6×6mm through-hole tactile switches (S1-S3)
1 M2×6mm Nylon machine screw and hex nut
1 lid label sticker
1 ST25DV04K-IER6S3 (or equivalent) dynamic RFID tag chip, SOIC-8 (IC1)
1 PIC16F15224-I/SL 8-bit microcontroller programmed with 1510923A.HEX,
SOIC-14 (IC2)
1 3mm bicolour (red/green) LED (LED1)
1 5mm IR emitter LED (LED2) [TSAL6200 recommended]
1 2N7002 N-channel Mosfet, SOT-23 (Q1)
Capacitors (all SMD M3216/1206, X7R ceramic)
2 22μF 10V
2 100nF 50V
Resistors (all SMD M3216/1206, 1%, ⅛W)
2 10kW (code 1002 or 103)
2 4.7kW (code 4701 or 472)
1 2.2kW (code 2201 or 222)
1 470W (code 470R or 471)
1 100W (code 100R or 101)
This Remote Control will easily fit in your pocket and can trigger up to three
different functions. It makes the perfect compact companion for devices like
the Eight Channel Learning IR Remote Receiver. The PCB slots into the case and
aligns with a pin moulded into its base. The ICSP (in-circuit serial programming)
header can be left in place. Note the screw to prevent the coin cell being
removed by children. Both images are shown enlarged for clarity.
SC7421 Kit ($25 + P&P): includes all parts listed except the two marked
with ♦. The microcontroller is pre-programmed, but the NFC chip will be blank.
February 2025 67
to dry thoroughly. Take the time to
inspect it under magnification for
bridges or bad solder joints, since they
will be easier to correct now than later.
Through-hole parts
Bend IR LED2’s leads at right angles
directly behind the body. Make sure
they are bent in the right direction,
such that the shorter cathode lead
will go into the hole marked K on the
PCB. Push it into the holes and solder
one of the leads so that the lens points
out parallel to the PCB, then trim both
leads (leave the unsoldered one long
enough to solder later).
You can now place the PCB in the
bottom of the case and confirm that
LED2 lines up with the hole. Having
only one lead soldered will make it
easier to adjust the position. Once it
is aligned with the hole, solder the
other lead.
Next, fit the three tactile switches.
These must be no more than 4.3mm
high; any taller and they would be permanently depressed by the case buttons. They must also be mounted flat
against the PCB for the same reason.
You can now use the PCB along with
the top half of the case to check the
position of the bicolour LED, LED1. Its
top lip should sit no more than 7mm
above the PCB. The K cathode marking
on the PCB corresponds to the cathode
of the red LED in the package.
Test this with a multimeter set to
diode mode. When the LED lights up
red, the pin connected to the multimeter’s black lead is the one that should
be placed in the hole marked K.
If you have a pre-programmed chip
for IC2, you can fit a coin cell and
test the LED’s operation. Pressing and
holding one of the buttons should
cause the LED to flicker and flash
green, assuming a fresh cell has been
fitted. If it’s red instead, you should
swap its leads.
Programming IC2
The hole shown in Fig.2 allows the IR
emitter LED to poke out through the
end of the case, as seen here. Note the
location relative to the
Silicon Chip
The ICSP header is only needed if
you have to program a blank chip for
IC2. A standard height (11mm total)
header strip will not foul the case
when fitted, so we recommend that
you solder this in place and leave it;
it will not affect the operation at all.
The software we use for programming PICs is Microchip’s IPE (integrated programming interface), which
can be downloaded as part of the
MPLAB X IDE from www.microchip.
A Snap, PICkit 4 or PICkit 5 programmer can be used for programming. A coin cell should be fitted to
provide power if needed; for example, the Snap cannot provide power.
Connect the programmer to the CON1
header, aligning the pin 1 arrows on
the programmer and PCB.
Choose the PIC16F15224 as the part,
click connect and confirm that communication is established. If powering
IC2 from the programmer (PICkit), you
will need to enable that before clicking
the connect button. Load the HEX file,
program it into the chip and check that
Australia's electronics magazine
it verifies correctly. The LED should
briefly flash green as programming
finishes or when you disconnect the
Final assembly
Fit the cell (+ side up) and secure
it with the machine screw and nut
through the adjacent hole, feeding
the screw from the bottom of the PCB.
The case should neatly snap together
around the PCB. Check that the buttons
actuate correctly and the LED lights up
as described earlier.
If the LED lights when no button is
pressed, one of the switches may be
stuck. Check the solder joints on the
back of the PCB and trim down any
that are too tall. The PCB should slot
neatly into the case and sit flat.
The default programming is to suit
the Multi-channel Volume Control,
with the red and blue buttons increasing and decreasing the volume, respectively (think hotter and colder!). The
black button controls the mute function. The default codes are for an NEC
device at address 0, with command
codes 21 (red), 7 (blue) and 67 (black).
You might see these values reported
differently on some systems. An example is the Micromite or PicoMite IR
decoder, which will report codes 168,
224 and 194 respectively because it
uses a reversed bit order. The device
code is still reported as 0 as the bits
are the same when reversed.
Simple hardware, such as the IR
Keyboard we created in August 2018
(Turn any PC into a media centre;, can
also be used to interact with this and
other IR transmitters. The excellent
irremote Arduino library makes it easy
to receive all sorts of IR signals.
Programming the NFC chip
To use the Remote Control with
other hardware, you will need to program it to use new codes. First, you
need to determine the protocols and
codes to use. If you do not have a manual or other reference for these, hardware similar to the IR Keyboard can
be used to read codes from an existing remote.
The Arduino irremote library comes
with a sample sketch called “ReceiveDump”, which reports the protocol
and details of received IR signals. We
used this extensively during our testing of the Remote Control to check that
it was delivering the correct codes.
The NDEF text record required to
program the Remote is much the same
as a CSV (comma separated variable)
file. The first field in each row is a
code that identifies the protocol; the
codes and protocols are listed in Table
1. The next field is the address code in
decimal, followed by the command or
data field, also in decimal.
You will need the ST25 NFC Tap
mobile app and a device that has NFC
capabilities. We used an Android
phone and downloaded the app from
the Play Store (
ac38). We haven’t tested it, but the app
also appears on the Apple App Store
There may be other apps that will
work; we previously tried the NXP
TagInfo and TagWriter apps. Any app
that can read and write NFC NDEF
records should work.
Screen 1 shows the welcome screen
Table 1 – protocol codes for RFID
Programmable IR Fob Remote
for the ST25 NFC Tap. Hold the back
of the Remote Control against the back
of the phone (or other device). Screen
2 shows what you will see when the
NFC tag in the Remote Control is read.
Tap the NDEF tab to see Screen 3,
then the blue button at bottom right
and select the option to add a plain
NDEF text record to the tag. Screen 4
shows the text field; you simply enter
the codes and values as shown, pressing the Enter key between each line.
The red button is on the first line,
blue on the second and black on the
third. When you have finished making changes, save the new text to the
tag using the save button at top tight.
The ST25 app uses a line feed (LF,
ASCII 0xA) as the line separator, so
if you use a different app, make sure
that this is the same.
The values shown in Screen 4 are
equivalent to the default settings provided by the Remote Control. You can
also add an extra column with notes
or comments about each line. Just be
sure to separate it from the other values with a comma and be aware of the
limited memory available.
There are many other things that
you can do with the app. For example, Screen 3 has a copy button at top
right that can be used to clone tags.
Screen 1: the ST25 NFC Tap comes
from STMicroelectronics, who
produce the ST25 range of chips. It’s
a good idea to open the app before
scanning a tag. Otherwise, your
device might open a different app
when the tag is brought near.
Screen 2: when a tag is first scanned,
some basic information is provided,
including the serial number. The tabs
along the top provide more options.
Screen 3: a blank tag will have no
NDEF records yet. The blue button at
the bottom right of this page allows
records to be added.
Protocol Code bits
Philips RC5 5
Philips RC6 6
Sony 12-bit S
Sony 15-bit T
Sony 20-bit U
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 69
The Memory tab can be used to read,
write or erase the tag’s EEPROM. If a
tag is not working correctly, you can
try erasing the EEPROM and rewriting
the settings.
The Memory tab also allows the
tag contents to be read from or written to a file. The DEFAULT.BIN file
in the downloads for this project can
be written to the tag to similarly reset
it to containing the default IR codes.
You can add other NDEF records to
the tag. In our experience, a device will
typically act on the first valid record
that it recognises. So if you wish to
add an alternative record for people to
scan (such as a WiFi handover record
or URI record), we suggest adding it
before the text record for the Remote
Control. Non-text records are simply
ignored by the microcontroller.
Remote Control use
While the above process writes
a set of codes to IC1, these are not
automatically loaded. Instead, the
buttons are used to do this under
user control. Pressing all three buttons at the same time will trigger the
read sequence. While the buttons are
held down, the LED will alternate red
and green.
Releasing the buttons starts the
reading process. Firstly, IC2 checks if
IC1 is present and if it is not, the LED
flashes red once for about a second. If
IC1 is present but no NDEF text record
is found, then nothing is shown on the
LED. This can be expected with a blank
NFC chip, such as if construction has
just been completed.
If a valid NDEF text record is found,
the LED will flash once for each of the
three button codes, in order from left
to right, green if it is valid or red if it
is not. If it is valid, the code will be
updated; otherwise, the current code
is kept. After this, normal operation
resumes and you should see a brief
flash indicating the battery status.
In general, the code requires a
valid protocol code as per Table 1.
The address and command values
provided must fit within the number of bits prescribed. For example, a
value of 256 for either the address or
command of an NEC code would be
invalid, since these are eight-bit values
and 256 requires nine bits to encode.
After programming, the Remote
Control operates with the new codes.
Simply push each button and the corresponding IR code will be sent for as
long as the button is held down. If a
second button is pressed, while the first
is still down, the first code will continue until the first button is released,
then the second code will start.
If you start to see the LED flashing
red instead of green during operation, then the battery is getting low;
down around 2.6V. The circuit itself
will function down to near 2.0V, but
IR range will suffer due to the lower
current provided to LED2.
We’ve created a label for the keyfob
shown below. There’s space for
functions to be added in permanent
marker below each button on the
sticker. The kit for this project will
include a sticker with this artwork
– attach it to the front of the fob
As we noted, the files in
downloads include a DEFAULT.
BIN file (containing the values
seen in Screen 4) that can be
written directly to the EEPROM,
if you wish to experiment with it.
The downloads also include the
HEX file for programming the
microcontroller and the MPLAB X
project files.
Screen 4: the text shown here matches
the default settings of the remote
control. The text can be stored to the
tag with the SAVE button (floppy disk
icon) at upper right.
Silicon Chip
Screen 5: the Memory tab provides
access to low-level read and write
functions. You can also store the tag
contents to a file.
Australia's electronics magazine
There are spaces on this label to add
a legend for each button so you know
what it does. This will be provided as
a sticker in kits purchased from the
Silicon Chip Shop, and will also be
available to download.