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Programmable Frequency M
This small PCB doesn’t cost a lot to build but provides
several useful features. It can reduce the frequency
of an incoming signal or pulse train by a factor of
between 3 and 21,327,000 that’s easily configured
over a USB serial port. It can also provide basic
frequency measurements.
By Nicholas Vinen
● Input frequency range: 300Hz to 77MHz (typical)
● Over 85,000 possible division ratios:
— 3–21,327 (with short output pulses)
— 30–213,270 in steps of 10 (50% duty cycle output)
— 213,300–2,132,700 in steps of 100 (50% duty cycle output)
— 2,133,000–21,327,000 in steps of 1000 (50% duty cycle output)
● Configuration: via USB serial interface; default power-up ratio can be selected
● Can measure the input signal frequency to ±0.25%
(prototype was within ±0.02% <at> 20MHz)
● Output duty cycle: 10%/50% (if division ratio is multiple of 10; otherwise < 34%)
● Input signal level: 20mV to 3.2V RMS (100mV+ or more at low frequencies)
● Output jitter: estimated at 0.1ns
● Propagation delay: approximately 110ns
● Input/output impedances: 50Ω or 75Ω
● High noise immunity with 23.5mV hysteresis
● Outputs are in phase with inputs
● No output signal toggling in the absence of an input signal
● Power supply: 5-12V DC <at> 20mA
● Power connectors: USB Type-C, 2.1mm/2.5mm ID barrel socket
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
y Compact Frequency Divider
design, published in the May
2024 issue, was a purposefully simple design (
Article/16244). However, the hardware used was capable of doing a lot
more than just dividing a signal frequency by a fixed ratio.
I could have added jumpers to allow
the ratio to be changed, but at least 19
jumpers would be required and figuring out how to set them would be very
I instead decided to add a low-cost
microcontroller with a USB interface that would allow you to type
any desired division ratio. It could
quickly reconfigure the divider chips
to achieve the desired ratio. The cost
and size of the extra parts are minimal,
so the result is still quite compact and
It can easily be configured with a
wide range of possible division ratios;
the USB cable used to configure it can
also power it. For maximum flexibility,
you can also save the ratio you set into
flash memory and then power it from
just about any low-voltage DC source
away from a computer.
I also realised it was pretty easy to
add an onboard frequency counter
that would be reasonably accurate,
so I did that as well. You just type ‘m’
(for “measure”) and press Enter and
within a second or so, it measures and
reports the input frequency. So it’s a
fairly useful little device that’s small
and not too expensive to build.
The signal chain is very similar to
the May 2024 design mentioned earlier, with four digital logic ICs doing
most of the work. There are three
74HC4017s, each dividing their inputs
by a factor of 10, plus a 74HC4059 programmable divider chip. Cascading
those four stages gives many possible
division ratios.
Like that earlier design, a highspeed push/pull comparator is used
to boost and square up the input signal, while a hex buffer IC provides the
drive strength for 50W or 75W termination. Besides the new parts to control
the division ratio (a microcontroller
and three more digital logic chips),
the remainder of the circuit is a linear
power supply with reverse polarity
protection and a power indicator LED.
The unusual 74HC4059
While updating this design, I pondered why the way the 74HC4059
divider works is so strange, and I think
I have the answer.
The 4059 was designed in a time
before microcontrollers. If you wanted
to build a digitally controlled, PLLbased (phase-locked loop) radio tuner,
you would need to have some sort of
‘register’ chip or chips to store the currently selected frequency.
There would be a way to increase or
decrease the value stored in that register (using buttons, or a knob, or something like that) and its output would
be a binary number that would be fed
to the PLL to control the tuning.
You would also need a frequency
divider as part of that PLL. A PLL
essentially works by using negative
feedback via a divider to multiply a
frequency. So it appears that the 4059
was designed to be that part of the circuit, with its 16-bit digital inputs fed
from the register.
That explains why it has a programmable prescaler that effectively multiplies the 16-bit (‘J’) value by a figure
of 2, 4, 5, 8 or 10. That is the way that
you would select the size of the steps
caused by each increment or decrement of the J-value.
For our purposes, we can use a fixed
prescaler value of 8 since we don’t
need configurable steps; that value
gives us the widest possible range of
division ratio (3 to 21,327) and the
microcontroller can figure out what
values to feed to the 16 J inputs to
achieve the desired ratio.
To make the circuit more flexible,
rather than just controlling the configuration of the 74HC4059, I have also
added the ability to bypass one, two,
or all three of the 74HC4017 divideby-ten stages. That is done using a
single 74HC4052 dual 1-to-4 analog
multiplexer chip, as described in more
detail later. So we can divide by a factor of 1, 10, 100 or 1000 in addition
to the configurable ratio of the ‘4059.
Ideally, we want the final
divide-by-10 stage in the circuit for
two reasons. One is that the output pulses from the 74HC4059 are
very narrow (only the length of the
period of its input signal) and that
last divide-by-10 stage acts as a clock
stretcher. The other is that it also gives
us the 10% or 50% duty cycle choice.
So while ratios that are not multiples of 10 can be set (up to 21,327), the
output pulses will have a duty cycle
of 1/r, where r is the ratio. For example, a ratio of 321 will result in output
Converting a division ratio into an appropriate configuration
As mentioned in the text, we only use a prescaler mode of 8 for the 74HC4059
chip because it gives the largest possible range of division ratios and has no
disadvantages in this configuration. As the prescaler can be preset, that doesn’t
restrict us to division ratios that are multiples of eight.
Given a desired ratio, first we check if it is within the possible range of
3-21,327,000. If it is below 3, we make it 3, and if it is above 21,327,000, we
clamp it to that value. We then check whether we need one, two, or three
divide-by-ten stages based on the value. If the ratio is a multiple of ten and at
least 30, we force it to have at least one divide-by-ten stage so we can get a
50% duty cycle output.
We can then divide the desired ratio by either 1, 10, 100 or 1000 to determine
the division factor necessary for the 74HC4059, which will be a value between
3 and 21,327. The final step is to figure out the 16-bit J value that produces
that ratio and load it into the shift registers.
J1-J3 are the prescaler preset value, between 0 and 7, calculated simply as
the desired ratio modulus eight (ie, what is the remainder after dividing the
ratio by 8).
We then divide the ratio by eight and, if the result is 1000 or more, bit J4
must be 1. If J4 = 1, we subtract 1000 from the remainder. We can then determine the value for bits J13-J16 by dividing the remainder by 100 again. We
take the remainder from that and divide it by 10 to get the J9-J12 value, then
the remainder is the value for J5-J8.
There’s just one remaining trick, which is that when we do the divisions by
100 and 10, we might get a value of more than 15, which is not possible to fit
into four bits. In that case, we simply use the value of 15 but add the excess
back to the remainder so that it flows into the later calculations.
That’s necessary because of the odd ‘extended range’ trick needed to use
the full set of possible division values of the 74HC4059. It’s a result of it being
a BCD device but having 4-bit registers that can be programmed to any value
between 0 and 15, not just 0 to 9 like a regular BCD device.
pulses with a duty cycle of 1/321 or
0.31%. That’s fine for feeding to most
frequency counters, using as a trigger
pulse for an oscilloscope and so on.
But there may be applications that
such short pulses are not suited to.
Since we have a microcontroller in
the circuit, we can feed the output of
the divider to it and have it count the
pulses over a fixed time to give us an
onboard frequency counter capability.
The micro has no crystal but it synchronises its clock to the USB host,
which likely does, so it should be reasonably accurate.
So that you can use this device
without it being tied to a computer,
once the ratio is set, it can be stored
in internal flash memory. In that case,
it will be automatically restored each
time it is powered up after that until
it’s changed again. So you can plug it
into a computer, set the ratio, unplug
it and take it somewhere else to use
it. It just needs a 5-12V DC supply to
operate away from a computer.
Circuit details
The full circuit of the new
Australia's electronics magazine
Programmable Frequency Divider is
shown in Fig.1. If you compare it to
the one from May 2024, you will see
that the power supply and circuitry
around IC6, the comparator that acts as
an input signal amplifier, is identical.
The one difference in the power supply is that I didn’t have room to easily
fit a 2-pin header as an alternative to
the barrel socket (CON5) on this PCB.
The arrangement of IC1-IC5 is also
essentially the same, except that IC3’s
configuration inputs are now driven
by microcontroller IC10 and two
74HC595 serial-to-parallel shift registers (IC8 & IC9).
Also, rather than a fixed signal chain
of CON1 → IC6 → IC1 → IC2 → IC3 →
IC4 → IC5 → CON3, we now have IC7b
selecting whether IC3’s input clock
comes from IC6, IC1 or IC2. The other
half of that device, IC7a, also selects
whether the output signal fed to IC5d/
e/f comes from the output of IC3 or
IC4. IC7 itself is controlled by microcontroller IC10 via its S0 & S1 inputs.
With S0 & S1 both low, Ya0 and Yb0
are selected, so all three 74HC4017s
are bypassed and only the 74HC4059
February 2025 81
provides frequency division. This is
for division ratios from 3 to 21,327
but not multiples of 10 (except for 10
and 20) because, as explained earlier,
we ideally want IC4 to be involved so
the 10% and 50% duty cycle outputs
have the expected duty cycles.
For the ratios 3-29 or 31-21,327
that are not multiples of 10, IC4 must
remain out of the circuit. JP1 must be
in the 50% position but the output
duty cycle will actually be much lower
(1/r, as mentioned earlier). If you put
JP1 in the 10% position, you will get
an output but its frequency will be
divided by 10 compared to the other
With S0 high but S1 low, Ya1 and
Yb1 are selected. IC1 and IC2 are still
bypassed (ie, the signal goes straight
from IC6 to IC3) but now the output
comes from IC4 instead of IC3. This is
for ratios from 30 to 213,270 that are
Silicon Chip
multiples of 10. Above 21,327, only
multiples of 10 are available.
With S0 low and S1 high, Ya2 and
Yb2 are selected. Now only IC2 is
bypassed and the range of available
ratios is 300 to 2,132,700. With both S0
and S1 high, the signal passes through
all four divider chips and the range of
available ratios is 3000 to 21,327,000.
Microcontroller IC10
The firmware running on IC10 does
a few things:
● USB serial communications. It
receives and echoes characters typed
by the user. When enter is pressed, it
parses the command and, if it’s valid,
changes the division ratio, saves it to
flash or performs a frequency measurement via its RC5 (pin 5) digital input.
● Configuring IC3. When a new
division ratio is sent to IC10, it calculates the closest possible ratio that
Australia's electronics magazine
is actually achievable and figures out
what values of J (16 bits) and K (3 bits)
are required to achieve it. It then spits
out the 16 bits of J one at a time via
the SPI-like bus formed by the following digital outputs: RA5 (pin 2, serial
data); RA4 (pin 3, serial clock) and RC4
(pin 6, latch enable). The latch-enable
function is shared with the S0 control
for IC7 to save a pin, since the S0 state
doesn’t matter while the ratio is being
● Performing frequency measurements. Pin 5 is also the 8-bit Timer
0 clock input (T0CKI), allowing IC10
to easily measure the output pulses.
16-bit Timer 1 counts IC10’s internal
12MHz clock pulses simultaneously.
The currently set division ratio (which
IC10 steps through to find the best one)
along with the ratio of the two counts
allows it to calculate the input frequency. For more on how it does this,
Fig.1: the signal from CON1 is amplified/squared up by IC6, then is divided by 10 by IC1, and again by IC2. IC7b
determines which of the original or divided signals arrives at the CP input of IC3. Its division ratio is set using serial-toparallel registers IC8 & IC9 along with signal direct from micro IC10. The output is optionally divided by 10 again by IC4
and then fed to the output buffers.
see the panel at the end of the article.
In-circuit serial programming
header CON6 allows IC10 to be reprogrammed while on the board. This was
very useful during development and
you may need it if you plan to program
the chip yourself. If you purchase a
programmed chip from the Silicon
Chip Online Shop (possibly as part of
a kit), you could leave CON6 off.
Input signal conditioning
We skipped over this in the description above, partly because it was
already covered in the May 2024 article. Here’s a quick rundown.
The incoming signal is terminated
by a 75W resistor (it could be 50W
depending on your preference) and
then AC-coupled to the non-inverting
input of high-speed comparator IC6 via
a 220W resistor. This resistor limits the
current in case the input signal level
is too high, in which case the voltage
at the non-inverting input of IC6 is
clamped to the +5V/0V rails by dual
schottky diode D1.
The inverting input of IC6 is held at
2.5V, ie, half of the 5V supply due to
a pair of 10kW resistors across the 5V
supply and a 100nF capacitor to stabilise it and keep the source impedance low. Because both inputs are DC
biased to close to the same voltage,
only a small signal is required at the
CON1 input to cause IC6’s output to
toggle and swing between +5V and 0V.
Without hysteresis, this would have
a tendency to oscillate, as even a bit of
noise would be enough to cause that
toggling. However, the 10MW resistor from IC6’s pin 6 output to its pin
3 non-inverting input means that the
input signal needs to exceed 23.5mV
peak-to-peak before the output level
will switch. It also means there is no
Australia's electronics magazine
output from IC6 if CON1 is left disconnected.
There will be a small voltage across
the 47kW resistor due to IC6’s input
bias current, which places an upper
limit on the practical value of that
resistor. It will form a divider with the
220W resistor but it only reduces the
incoming signal level by about 0.5%
so it doesn’t really affect the operation.
The two outputs are each driven
by three parallel stages of IC5, the
MC74VHCT50A hex buffer. This
is similar to a 74HC04 hex inverter
except that the outputs follow the
inputs rather than being inverted, so
there is no phase inversion.
We need three in parallel for each
output in case the constructor chooses
50W termination, in which case the
buffers could be driving a load as low
February 2025 83
‘74HCT50A 10%
100nF 75W
1 100nF
220W 10MW
Freq. Div.
The firmware is based on a CDC
USB/serial implementation that
‘74HCT50A 10%
If a USB-C cable is connected via
CON4, it powers the circuit directly.
5.1kW pull-down resistors are provided on the A5 and B5 pins to ask the
host to supply 5V. If a plug is inserted
in barrel socket CON5, USB power is
disconnected from the circuit to avoid
it feeding back into the computer.
With 5-12V applied to CON5 (ideally
at least 6V), power is fed to low-dropout 5V regulator REG1, which supplies
the rest of the circuit. Regardless of the
source of 5V, LED1 lights up.
Mosfet Q1 is provided in case a
power supply is connected to CON5
with reversed polarity. With the correct polarity, Q1’s gate is pulled positive via one or both of the 10kW resistors. Q1 is switched on and it connects the barrel socket ground to circuit ground (its body diode conducts
before it switches on fully).
Alternatively, if CON5 has the
wrong polarity, Q1’s gate is pulled
negative, holding it off, and its body
diode is reverse-biased, so no current
can flow between circuit ground and
CON5’s outer barrel contact. Thus, no
damage can occur. Zener diode ZD1
protects Q1’s gate from high applied
voltages; it is safe up to -30V, at which
point Q1’s channel could begin to
break down.
Power supply
related power supply components
on the underside. That makes assembly a bit easier overall. As before, top
and bottom ground planes have been
used with plenty of vias, and signal
tracks have been kept short to avoid
too much distortion of high-frequency
The device is built on a double-
sided PCB coded 04108241 that measures 84 × 35.5mm. Fig.2 shows the
components on the top side, while
Fig.3 shows those on the underside.
We suggest fitting all the SMD parts
to one side of the board, followed by
the other, then the through-hole parts.
It’s best to start with the top, as more
parts are on that side.
The passives are all M3216/1206
size at 3.2 × 1.6mm and all the ICs
are SOIC/SOP types with a relatively
large 1.27mm lead spacing. The only
slightly tricky party is the USB socket,
as it has a row of fairly closely spaced
pins. It has two mounting pins that go
into through-holes, so insert it first and
push it down fully, then tack-solder
one of the small end pins.
Check that all the pins are lined up
over their pads; if not, remelt that solder and gently nudge it one way or the
other until they are all lined up. Then
spread a thin layer of good-quality flux
paste over all the pins, clean the soldering iron tip, add some fresh solder
and drag it over the row of pins. You
may need to add more solder if you
Assembly of the device is 1similar
run out partway.
Freq. Div.
to the May 2024 version,
except 1that
If a few joints get too 7much
solCON1 In
there are a few extra chips onboard.
1nFsimilar, D1 pins,
The layout of the PCB is also
1using a bit
20W 1and
75W CON2
although last time, comparator
1 1more
its associated components
it away
underside and most of the other5.1parts
were on the top.
up the solder.
This time, IC6 has been moved
off the flux residue
CON4 Sto
04108241 using a
the top, keeping all the signal com- solvent
D a magnifier and good
ponents in a row from left to right, light to check that the solder joints
with just the regulator and a few on all the pins look good and there
provides the serial console used to
configure the device. Added to that is
code to set up the inputs and outputs
and program the dividers in response
to commands sent from a computer via
USB. It also incorporates a frequency
measurement routine that lets the
board act as a basic frequency counter
from 300Hz up to about 70MHz.
The software code is converted to a
HEX file using Microchip’s XC8 compiler. There is a free version of that
compiler that lacks size optimisation
(-Os). There is also a free 60-day trial
of the Pro version that includes that
feature. Because the PIC16F1455 only
has 8k words of flash, we had to use
the -Os option to fit all the features
we wanted.
Since we supply a compiled HEX
file, you don’t need the compiler. You
can either purchase a pre-programmed
PIC or load the HEX file yourself. But
if you want to modify the code with
the full feature set, you will need the
Pro version of the compiler.
Another option is to remove the
line “#define XC8_PRO” near the top
of the file “main.c”. That will remove
the L, H and P commands (see below)
but the code will then compile with
the free version of XC8 v2.5.0 (using
-O2 optimisation) and still fit in the
available flash. Those commands are
not critical to the device’s operation.
as 100W. In that case, the output current requirement at 5V is 50mA, right
at the limit of two stages <at> 25mA each.
The output load will be higher at
higher frequencies due to the characteristic impedance of the output cable,
approaching 150W (50W source + 50W
cable + 50W termination). Still, at low
frequencies, we have to assume that
the cable impedance is close to 0W.
1m F
Figs.2 & 3: most of the components are SMDs (on the large side) and virtually all mount on the top of the PCB. Those on
the underside are basically just the power supply. You could use vertical SMA connectors if you wanted to; CON2 is not
strictly required, as CON3 is the main output. CON2 usually provides a squared-up version of the input signal.
Silicon Chip
electronics magazine
are no more bridges. If so, solder the
mounting posts into their holes to give
it mechanical strengths.
Now move onto the ICs, soldering them similarly. But first, a word
of warning. I was very proud of how
neatly I soldered the ICs onto the
board, until I realised that I had put
them all in with pin 1 at upper left –
that’s not how the board is designed!
Many of the ICs have their pin 1
towards the bottom of the board, so I
had to use a hot air station to remove
and then resolder them. Don’t make
that mistake!
In each case, place the IC, check its
orientation (!), tack-solder one pin,
check the alignment of all the pins
and adjust if necessary. Then add flux
paste, solder the remaining pins and
remove any bridges. Once all the ICs
are in place, clean off the flux residue,
as it’s much easier to do it in stages.
Chemtools’ Kleanium Deflux-It G2
Flux Remover is our preferred solvent
but pure alcohol will also work.
With all the ICs in place, solder
diode D1 next, then all the passives
on the top side of the board, referring
to Fig.2. There is just one 1nF capacitor on the top of the board, next to
CON1; all the other capacitors on this
side are 100nF types. The resistors
will be printed with codes indicating
their values; see the parts list if you
are unsure about that.
Next, use a DMM on diode test mode
to carefully probe the ends of the SMD
LED until it lights up. The red probe
will be on the anode (A) and black on
the cathode (K), so use that information and Fig.2 to orientate it correctly
before soldering it in place. Give the
PCB another clean to remove flux residue, then flip it over.
Parts List – Programmable Frequency Divider
1 double-sided PCB coded 04108241, 84 × 35.5mm
3 right-angle or vertical through-hole SMA connectors (CON1-CON3)
1 SMD USB Type-C power plus USB 2.0 data socket (CON4) [GCT USB4105]
1 PCB-mount DC barrel socket (CON5; optional)
1 5-pin header, 2.54mm pitch (CON6; optional, programming IC10 in-circuit)
1 3-pin header, 2.54mm pitch (JP1)
1 jumper shunt (JP1)
1 6-pin stackable header (only needed for programming IC10 in-circuit)
3 (CD)74HC4017(M96) CMOS Johnson decade counters, SOIC-16
(IC1, IC2, IC4)
1 (CD)74HC4059 high-speed CMOS programmable divide-by-N counter,
SOIC-24 (IC3)
1 MC74VHCT50A hex CMOS non-inverting buffer, SOIC-14 (IC5)
1 TLV3501AID rail-to-rail high-speed comparator, SOIC-8 (IC6)
1 74HC4052 dual CMOS 4-to-1 analog multiplexer, SOIC-16 (IC7)
2 74HC595 8-bit serial-to-parallel shift registers, SOIC-16 (IC8, IC9)
1 PIC16F1455-I/SL 8-bit microcontroller programmed with 0410824A.HEX,
SOIC-14 (IC10)
1 AMS1117-5.0 or compatible 5V 1A low-dropout regulator, SOT-223 (REG1)
1 AO3400 30V 5.8A N-channel logic-level Mosfet or equivalent, SOT-23
(code XORB) (Q1)
1 SMD LED, SMA/M3216/1206 size, any colour (LED1)
1 BZX84C5V6 5.6V 1% tolerance zener diode, SOT-23 (code YX) (ZD1)
1 BAT54S dual series schottky diode, SOT-23 (code KL4 or L44) (D1)
Capacitors (all SMD M3216/1206 size 50V X7R unless noted)
1 1μF
13 100nF
1 1nF
Resistors (all SMD M3216/1206 size 1%)
Complete Kit (SC6959, $60):
1 10MW (code 106 or 1005)
includes all components
1 47kW (code 473 or 4702)
listed in the parts list except
4 10kW (code 103 or 1002)
the programming header.
2 5.1kW (code 512 or 5101)
1 1kW (code 102 or 1001)
1 220W (code 220 or 220R)
3 49.9W (code 49R9) or 75W (code 75R or 75R0) (to suit impedances)
Underside parts
Solder REG1 as shown in Fig.3, then
ZD1 and Q1, being careful not to get
them mixed up as they will look similar (if you do, check the markings
and compare them to the codes in the
parts list). There is one 1μF capacitor
on this side; the rest are 100nF. Both
resistors are 10kW types.
Clean off the flux residue on the
underside, then finally move on to the
through-hole parts. Those are CON1CON3, CON5 and JP1. You may also
want to fit pin header CON6 if you
need to program IC10 in-circuit. Note
that you could leave SMA connector
CON2 off if you don’t need or want
You can get away with just fitting the USB socket
to power the Programmable Frequency Divider. If you
choose to do so, make sure to fit a wire link as shown in Fig.2.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 85
the extra output that usually provides
a buffered, squared-up version of the
input signal (or with its frequency
divided by 10 or 100 for higher programmed division ratios).
If you only want to power it using
the USB socket and you will leave
CON5 off, you need to solder a wire
link as shown in red on Fig.2 or there
will be no ground connection for the
USB socket. If fitting CON5, do not fit
that wire link.
The underside of the
PCB is primarily occupied by the power
supply components.
Assuming IC10 is already programmed, the easiest way to test the
board is to connect it to your computer
using a USB-C cable. If your computer
detects a new USB serial port and
LED1 lights, things are looking good.
If not, unplug it quickly and check for
faults like bad solder joins, especially
on the USB socket and IC10.
If the board isn’t behaving, common
problems to look for are solder bridges,
pins where the solder hasn’t adhered
to the PCB pad below, or incorrectly
orientated ICs (we did warn you!).
If the serial port does appear, use a
program like Tera Term pro to connect
to it (the baud rate is unimportant).
Type “s” and press Enter/Return and
you should get a similar status report:
J=292 K=4 P=10 ratio=1000
Scope 2: the CON2 (green) and CON3 ‘50% duty cycle’ (yellow) outputs for a
15.5MHz 100mV sinewave input and with a 155:1 division ratio. Because it
isn’t a multiple of 10, the output pulses from CON3 are not 50% duty cycle but
instead are short (1/155 or 0.65% duty). Despite that, the ‘scope has no trouble
measuring the frequency.
The default division ratio is 1000
but you can change it with the ‘r’ and
‘w’ commands.
If you have an oscilloscope with a
built-in waveform generator (or separate signal generator), or a signal generator and frequency counter, hook
them up to CON1 & CON3 and verify
that the output frequency from CON3
is 1/1000th that of the input at CON1.
If there’s no output signal, carefully
check all the parts on the board for
correctness and good soldering.
If there’s an output but the frequency
is wrong, that suggests a problem with
the soldering of either IC3, IC8, IC9 or
possibly IC7/IC10. If the ratio is correct, hook it up to a computer via USB
and try changing the ratio to values
like 3, 30, 30,000 and 300,000 by typing “r”, then the ratio, then pressing
enter. The new ratio should be applied
Scope 1 shows both outputs for a
20MHz input and 1000:1 division
ratio. You can see that the 50% duty
cycle output is nice and square and
very accurate, while the CON2 output
Australia's electronics magazine
Scope 1: the CON2 (green) and CON3 50% duty cycle (yellow) outputs for a
20MHz 100mV sinewave input and with the default 1000:1 division ratio.
Silicon Chip
has frequency matching the input signal.
Scope 2 shows the ‘50% duty cycle’
output for a 15.5MHz input and division ratio of 155:1. Each positive pulse
is the length of one input cycle. So
in this mode, the higher the division
ratio, the lower the duty cycle.
You can get help on the available
commands by typing “h” and then
pressing enter (see below). Besides the
ratio-setting command “r” mentioned
immediately above, the most useful
commands are “w” <Enter> (which
saves the current ratio as the default
at power-up) and “m” <Enter> which
measures and then displays the input
frequency. Low-frequency measurements may take a second or so.
Listed just below are 16 measurements we made in a row of a 20MHz
– 19996544
– 19999168
– 19999472
– 19997136
– 19999040
– 19997824
– 20005056
– 20001968
– 19998656
– 19998048
– 19997424
– 19999568
– 20001184
– 19998960
– 19996192
– 19999360
You will see that they vary a little
above and below the exact frequency
but they are surprisingly close given
that the board has no crystal and the
measurement method is fairly basic.
The mean of those measurements is
19,999,100Hz (-0.011%), while the
standard deviation is 2137 (0.015%).
The “p” command lets you set the J,
K & prescaler (1/10/100/1000) values
directly but you generally shouldn’t
need to use that. There are some
combinations that you can set with
that but not the “r” command but
we don’t think they are that useful;
we just included it for completeness.
More details on these (and other) comSC
mands follows.
Typing ‘h’ (or ‘H’ or ‘?’) and pressing ◀
Enter should display a help message
only that’s an abbreviation of this
list. We have also added a short
description for each command.
How IC10 measures the input signal frequency accurately
To measure the input frequency, we use the programmable divider to divide
it by a factor r, then measure the ratio of the result (Fout) to the 48MHz USB-
derived clock (Fusb). We do that by counting the number of Fout pulses and
Fusb pulses over an identical period. The actual period is not relevant, except
that it determines the precision of the measurement.
Let’s say the pulse counts are Pout and Pusb. We can then calculate the input
frequency as Fin = Pout x r ÷ Pusb. However, as the PIC16F1455 is a low-end
device with relatively little flash and RAM, we don’t have space for floating-
point calculations, so it’s a bit trickier than just performing a multiplication
and division.
8-bit Timer 0 counts pulses from the divider, while 16-bit Timer 1 counts the
48MHz USB clock pulses. Timer 0 is initiated at 255 and Timer 1 is initialised
at 0 but is inactive. When the first pulse comes from the divider, Timer 0 rolls
over to zero and triggers an interrupt that enables Timer 1. Both timers then
count until Timer 0 rolls over again, at which point they are both paused.
There is a slight delay between the positive edge of the divider output being
received and Timer 1 starting/stopping, but the code is designed for the delay
to be the same in both cases, so it cancels out.
The number of times Timer 1 rolls over while the timer is active are counted,
effectively extending Timer 1 from 16 bits to 24 bits, required to get an accurate result. The resulting 24-bit value is the number of 48MHz clock pulses
that occurred between the 1st and 257th pulse from the divider.
We can then calculate the division ratio times 48 million (the number of USB
clock pulses per second), divide it by the number of actual USB clock pulses
counted, then multiply by 256.
Just before starting the counting, the division ratio is set to 80 as that is the
highest multiple of ten that avoids a 32-bit integer overflow in these calculations.
If we find the 24-bit Timer 1 counter overflows during this measurement
(after about 350ms), that means the frequency is below 58.6kHz. In that case,
we drop the divider ratio to 3 and restart the measurement. That allows us to
measure down to 2.2kHz.
If it still overflows, we change the number of Timer 0 clock pulses to measure over to one and try again. That would theoretically let us measure down
to 9Hz, although measurements get pretty inaccurate below 300Hz due to
hardware limitations.
We perform 16 measurements and average them to get a more stable reading, although the number of measurements is reduced to four or one if the frequency is determined to be on the low side (eg, close to one second per measurement). Otherwise, making that many measurements would take too long.
L load ratio from flash memory
this is automatically done at power-up, but if you have changed the
ratio and wish to reset to the default, you can run this command
M measure frequency
it’s most accurate over the range of about 1kHz to 50MHz but will work
from 300Hz up to the upper limit, which is typically around 77-80MHz at
room temperature
P Jx Ky Pz
set J/K/P to x/y/z
valid ranges for values are: J[0-65535] K[0-7] P[1,10,100,1000]
the J and K numbers are fed directly to IC3, while the P (pre/
postscaler) value determines the configuration of the 74HC4052 and thus
which 74HC4017s (if any) are bypassed
set ratio to x
valid range for values is: R[3-21327000]
if the exact ratio given is not available, the closest possible ratio
is used. Remember that ratios that are not multiples of 10, or ratios
of 10 or 20, will give shorter output pulses and the 10% duty cycle
output ratio will not be correct
S show status
this reports the J, K, P values and ratio. These are also reported
after changing or loading the ratio
W write ratio to flash memory
the current ratio is stored and will be used at power-up in the future
(the initial default is 1000). High-endurance flash is used, so it
should not wear out after even 100,000 writes
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 87