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Vintage Radio
The TRF-One AM Radio based on
a vintage IC
By Dr Hugo Holden
In April 1969, Electronics Australia published a radio design using the
then-new LM372 AM radio integrated circuit (IC). 55 years later, the
design is still valid, although the chip can be somewhat difficult to obtain.
Despite that, intrigued by the design, I decided to build a modern version.
he single IC radio has always
been a source of excitement and
intrigue for radio constructions. The
notion that nearly all the work can be
done inside a single chip package is
very appealing.
This did not escape the attention of
Jim Rowe in 1969, when RF-capable
ICs were making their debut. The
result was his “Micro-Plus” radio
receiver design, published in the April
issue of EA that year.
The idea of a TRF (tuned radio frequency) radio is as old as the notion
of radio itself. It involves a tuned
resonant circuit consisting of an
inductor and a capacitor; in a radio
application, it is typically tuned by
Australia's electronics magazine
a variable capacitor. The tuned frequency range is usually the medium
wave (MW) band, typically from
530kHz to 1600kHz, sometimes to
The most basic form of a TRF radio
was the crystal set. In that case, the
tuned circuit’s output was simply
rectified by a diode to recover the
February 2025 95
Fig.1: the LM372 IC from the late 1960s contains 14 NPN transistors, nine
diodes and 17 resistors. It was intended to be the IF gain stage, detector
and AGC circuit of an AM radio, but someone realised an antenna could
be coupled directly to the input for MW reception. EA’s Micro-Plus radio
used just eight components besides the LM372, battery and earphones
(most of them capacitors).
transmitted radio carrier’s amplitude
modulation (AM). That audio signal
could be sufficient to drive a high-
sensitivity earphone or a crystal earpiece without any active amplification, so no power supply was needed!
If a power supply was available,
amplification could be added to the
circuit to get a higher volume level,
eg, to drive a loudspeaker.
Later, multi-stage TRF radios were
designed with high selectivity; then
superhet radios came along with excellent selectivity and from that point on,
TRF sets fell out of favour.
I wanted to revisit the design of a
single-gang variable-capacitor tuned
The LM372 was not designed as
the crux of an AM medium-wave
TRF radio, but was pressed into service for that application. Rather, it
was intended as an IF (intermediate frequency) amplifier with AGC
(automatic gain control) – see Fig.1.
However, it turned out that little
needed to be added to the chip to make
it function as a complete radio.
Other MW band-single IC radios
have been designed based on the
ZN414 IC. Also, single-chip FM
radios came along using the Phillips
TDA7000, including popular radio
kits sold by Dick Smith Electronics
in the 1990s.
The LM372 came in a TO-99 metal
can package and has three internal
functional blocks (see Fig.1). The gain
stage typically amplifies the signal by
2360 times (67dB), while the precision
detector stage has a gain of three times
Photo 1: I made the radio’s case from phenolic material (left) and white Bramite
(right). The latter was an Australian product that was no longer manufactured.
Here the panels have already been cut to size, with the holes drilled and
Photo 2: the phenolic base with the
rubber feet, spacers & other hardware.
The two wires emerging from the base
go to the AA cell holders underneath.
Silicon Chip
TRF circuit, perhaps because I built
these as a boy and had good success
with them. I made several superhet
radios as an adult, including those
based on PLLs (phase-locked loops),
and some FM (frequency modulation)
radios too. Still, I retain a fondness for
those early TRF sets.
National Semiconductor’s
LM372 IC
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.2: like EA’s 1969 Micro-Plus design, I have coupled a ferrite rod winding to the pin 2 input of IC1 with a series
capacitor. The 1969 design was pretty minimalist, using just one active device (an NPN transistor) besides the LM372
IC, while mine adds a vintage op amp and two transistors for more overall gain and more power delivered to the
speaker with less battery drain.
or 10dB. So, a 50μV signal input modulated by 80% will produce an audio
output signal of around 280mV RMS,
or 800mV peak-to-peak.
The AGC stage has an enormous
control range of 60dB, with a threshold of 50μV. Therefore, using this IC
as the basis of a TRF AM radio, the
output level could be expected to be
reasonably constant even if the signal
level from the antenna increased from
50μV to 50mV. That means, tuning
across the MW band, weak and strong
signals would come in at a fairly uniform volume, more so than your typical AM radio.
The LM372 has long been discontinued, but I found some for sale on eBay,
so I snapped them up. They are presently hard to find, but a few are still
for sale on eBay. At the time of writing,
this listing offers two units (see Screen
This IC has an input impedance
of around 3kW, much lower than the
ZN414. So when used in this application, unlike the ZN414, it requires
a tap on the main resonant circuit, or
a small coupling coil, to avoid damping the main tuned circuit.
Designing a new circuit
The circuit I designed around the
LM372 IC is shown in Fig.2. As it is
based on the same chip, it bears some
similarities to the Micro-Plus from
EA, April 1969, but it is my own original design.
The main difference is that the
Micro-Plus used a single-
Class-A amplifier whereas I have
incorporated a preamplifier stage
based on an op amp (IC2) plus a more
powerful and efficient push-pull
Class-AB amplifier based on NPN transistor Q1 and PNP transistor Q2.
For a small battery-operated radio,
it is always important to consider the
power consumption. The LM372 can’t
drive a speaker directly, so I decided
to use a vintage Fairchild 741H op
amp, also in a TO-99 metal can package, to provide a further voltage gain
of 10 times. It drives a complimentary
f ollower transistor output
stage with simple diode biasing.
Also, I decided to settle for a modest
power output of 150-180mW (depending on whether I used the 32W or 40W
speaker) so the output transistors
would not require heatsinks. A 470μF
capacitor stops DC being applied to the
speaker. The 741H IC, 2N3053 NPN
and 2N4036 PNP transistors are also
available from eBay sellers.
The physical bodies of the metal
TO-5 cased 2N3053 and 2N4036 transistors act as heatsinks for the transistors inside them. They are better
Photos 3 & 4: at this stage, I had soldered all the passives and sockets to the PCB, and then by mounting these high-quality
metal AA cell holders on the underside of the base, the battery can easily be replaced when it goes flat. Once the cells are
installed, a metal bar goes across them so they can’t fall out.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 97
Screen 1: it is
challenging to find
LM372s for sale these
days, but there are
a few around. This
listing on eBay is
probably your best bet
abtp), but only two are
available. The price is
not bad, considering the
original price and how
long these have been
than epoxy-cased transistors in this
respect. The temperature rise of each
transistor body at full continuous sine
wave output power is 10-13°C above
ambient. In normal use listening to
the radio, they never get noticeably
The manufacturer did not recommend the two 47W resistors in series
with the LM372 input pins 2 (RF input)
and 3 (gain stage input). Still, reading
the Electronics Australia article, they
had some difficulty with HF stability.
So I decided to add them as a precaution. I also paid attention to the design
of the PCB tracks around the input pins
of the LM372.
I provided double RF bypassing
on the supply rail with high-quality
100nF axial ceramic capacitors.
1N5819 schottky diode D1 is
included in case somebody installed
the battery cells backward, so the
LM372 and LM741 ICs would not be
destroyed. I had vintage 40W and 32W
speakers to test to see if they were suitable, along with a vintage National tuning dial that was made in 1943.
I made the PCB with iron-on film,
etched with ferric chloride. I added
eyelet tags to connect wires to it and
0.9mm gold-plated pins and single
connectors to couple in the signal
from the ferrite rod’s coupling coil.
Ultimately, I removed the tags and
just used the eyelet part for the PCB
I stuck with all axial-leaded parts to
give it a vintage theme. It pays to be
mindful of the quality and appearance
of the components. For example, the
green 100nF 100V ceramic capacitors
I used are high-quality vintage parts
made by Corning Glass Works. I also
used some ‘tropical fish’ capacitors to
throw in a splash of colour.
The IC and transistor sockets are
high-quality types with gold-plated
pins. It is a shame to have to solder
to the pins of a very rare part like
the LM372, or a vintage 741, for that
I found that grounding the body of
the LM372 helps improve the stability,
because it is such a high-gain arrangement in a very small package. I made a
springy earth clamp out of brass that I
screwed to one of the variable capacitor mounts with a collar – see Photos
7 & 8. I silver-plated the brass with an
interesting product from the UK that
is used to restore tea pots with a silvered finish.
Mechanical construction
In making an original or unique
radio, ideally, you want it to look good
and be long-lasting. So I never scrimp
on materials and spend plenty of time
to ensure that cut edges are smooth
and polished. I also ensure that all the
holes are in the correct positions, with
perfect countersinking, so the screw
heads sit flush where necessary.
I had quite a lot of 10mm-thick
brown phenolic material left over
from other projects, some perforated
aluminium mesh, and some white
insulating material called Bramite –
see Photo 1.
Bramite is a uniquely Australian
insulating panel material once used on
household fuse boxes. It is practically
unobtainable now. It is fantastically
heat resistant, incredibly strong and
machines well. I buy the 10mm-thick
brown phenolic insulating panels from
the markets at Akihabara in Tokyo.
A local plastics company helped by
planing the Bramite panel down to
5.5mm thick.
All the hardware in this set is made
from either stainless steel or nickel-
plated brass. The hookup wire is Teflon covered. To keep the holes neat, I
marked them with a micrometer edge,
then a hand-held spike and started
them with a 1mm drill bit in a hand
pin chuck. I then drilled 1.5mm pilot
holes and checked that everything fit
together correctly.
To ensure the CS screws that attach
the front panel to the base and sides
were all in the correct positions, I
Photos 5 & 6: the completed radio chassis. The dial visible in the righthand photo is a vintage unit from 1943, while I
made the speaker grille on the right from a scrap of perforated aluminium.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
initially glued it together with some
small dots of weak glue and used the
holes in the panels used as a template to start the drill holes into the
10mm-thick phenolic material, so they
all were in perfect registration.
I used a metal strap to prevent the
batteries from falling out of their holders. These Keystone cell holders (visible in Photo 4) are far superior to the
usual Nylon AA holders that often
stretch, harden or crack over time.
The holders are retained by 4-40 UNC
machine screws, with threads tapped
the entire thickness of the 10mm thick
phenolic base.
The rubber feet are door stoppers.
I machined spacers from ¼in brass
tube that fit inside them, and they are
attached to the base with 6-32 UNC
screws passing into threaded holes in
the baseplate.
The variable capacitor is mounted
on two nickel-plated brass spacers
that attach it directly to the PCB. The
vintage 40W loudspeaker was rusty
and required rubbing down, treatment
with Fertan and re-painting with Holts
Auto Spray Paint.
When the 365pF variable capacitor
is fully meshed and the coil on the
rod positioned to tune 530kHz, at the
high end, the radio tunes to 2MHz.
This Japanese-made variable capacitor
does not have an additional trimmer
capacitor on it, and there is nothing
directly loading that point to add any
capacitance there.
It was made for the American market, with a ¼in shaft, and its body
holes are pre-threaded with 6-32 UNC,
rather than the usual metric threads
found on Japanese parts. The finished radio is 200mm wide and about
150mm tall, including the rubber feet.
At the upper end, by 18kHz, the first
change in the amplifier’s output waveform, rather than amplitude loss, is
slew-rate limiting by the 741 op amp.
The sinewave simply becomes trianThe main problem that a radio with gular, and the amplitude drops as the
just one tuned circuit has is reduced frequency rises further.
selectivity compared with a superhet
This radio could almost be regarded
or a TRF type, as they both have more as a hifi AM receiver. A tone correctuned stages. In other words, isolating tion capacitor is required to roll off the
a station is harder if it’s close in fre- higher audio frequencies a little for a
quency to another station.
balanced sound. After some listening
In this radio, this concern is some- tests, I found that an 820pF capacitor
what offset by the very high-Q ferrite across the 100kW feedback resistor
rod coil (shown in Photo 5) and the gave the best result.
low loading on this by the coupling
While there are better modern op
coil, which I spaced away a little from amps than the 741, with output stages
the Earthy end of the primary tuned that can swing closer to the supply
circuit. Note that the input resistance rails (to gain more power output before
of the LM372 is around 3kW.
clipping), the internally frequency-
Also, unlike most TRF radios, this compensated 741 is totally deaf to
radio has a very high gain and a phe- radio frequencies and very stable, too,
nomenally effective AGC. Weak and so it suits the application well.
local stations appear with a similar
Using the radio in an outdoor patio
volume. Therefore, the performance is area, the 150mW of audio power is
super lively, with many stations com- plenty, and it easily receives many AM
ing in at a similar volume.
stations with loud, crystal-clear outThe rod antenna is also deaf to elec- put with the volume control at about
tric field noise. I used 30 AWG wire half or less. The radio exceeded my
(0.254mm diameter) for the rod coil. expectations for an AM radio based
I tried Litz wire but could not detect on a single tuned circuit. It is a very
any difference in the Q compared to pleasant radio to listen to, and I find
the 30 AWG wire. The large, high- myself using it most days. It was also
permeability rod means there are fewer
a fun exercise to design and build it!
turns on the coil (just 46) than most
If you want to build a similar set, you
MW transistor radio coils.
can download the PCB pattern from
Due to the absence of transformer
coupling in the audio stages, the freI also have dimensional drawings
quency response of the audio circuit for the case, the PCB component layis flat, being about 3dB down at 50Hz out and some other details in the PDF
(not that the small speaker could repro- at
duce such low frequencies very well). THE_TRF-ONE.pdf
Photos 7 & 8: here you can see the spring-loaded grounding clamp I made to ground the TO-99 metal package of the
LM372 radio IC. It attaches to the grounded metal post of the tuning gang.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 99