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picomite for the
words and mmbasic : geoff graham
firmware : peter mather
Raspberry Pi Pico 2
This new MMBasic interpreter for the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 and Pico 2 W takes advantage of the new
features of the Raspberry Pi Pico 2. It is a comprehensive programming environment that converts
the Pico 2 into an easy-to-use and powerful platform for beginners and experts alike.
he Raspberry Pi Pico is a complete
package with its own power supply, USB interface and more. It is sold
at an extremely good price, making it
the perfect drop-in microcontroller for
many applications.
As described in the December 2024
issue, the new Raspberry Pi Pico 2 has
more memory, better performance and
more features. If you wish to delve into
the details, see the article (siliconchip.
au/Article/17316). The highlights of
the Pico 2 are:
• A faster base clock speed, up from
133MHz to 150MHz.
• More efficient CPU cores, up to
50% faster.
• More on-chip RAM, up from
264kiB to 520kiB.
• More flash memory for program
storage, up from 2MiB to 4MiB.
• New features, such as the HSTX
peripheral for HDMI output and support for external PSRAM.
We published the original PicoMite
in the January 2022 issue (siliconchip.
au/Article/15177). It is essentially a
port of MMBasic from the Micromite/
Maximite to the
RP2040 chip used
on the Pico modules.
Yo u c a n n o t
simply use that
firmware on this
new processor. The Pico 2
uses a different
type of CPU
core (the ARM
M33 rather
than M0),
so the firmware must be
The top
side of the
Pi Pico 2.
rebuilt to suit the new instruction set.
If you try to load the old firmware, the
new processor will simply ignore it.
With our new release (version
6.00.01) of the PicoMite firmware, we
now support both the Raspberry Pi
Pico 2 and the original Pico. However,
this firmware is much more than just a
recompiled version of the original. We
have changed it substantially to make
the most of the speed and additional
features of the new processor.
Headline features include HDMI
video output in various resolutions up
to a wide screen resolution of 1280 ×
720, and up to 32,768 colours in other
resolutions. The video interface has
extensive support for sprites, multiple
layers, BLIT and other features used in
creating detailed graphics for applications such as games.
A new feature in v6.00.01 is a USB
interface for connecting a USB keyboard, USB mouse and game controllers. This interface includes support
for a USB hub, so you can connect up
four devices simultaneously.
The new firmware also supports the
extra memory available on the Raspberry Pi Pico 2, which provides BASIC
programs with up to 256kiB of program
space and 228kiB of general-purpose
RAM. We exploit the extra speed of the
processor with a default CPU clock rate
of 150MHz. It can also be overclocked
to nearly 400MHz.
At the core of the PicoMite firmware
is the MMBasic interpreter. This is a
fully featured BASIC interpreter that
is mostly compatible with Microsoft
BASIC. It includes features such as
long variable names, multiple data
types (float, integer and string) and
modern structures, such as multi-line
IF and CASE statements.
New Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi Pico 2 uses a new
Australia's electronics magazine
microcontroller called the RP2350A,
developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. There are three other variations
of this chip. The first, the RP2350B, is
the same as the RP2350A except that
it has 20 more pins. This allows for a
total of 48 GPIO pins, with eight capable of operating as analog inputs.
The PicoMite firmware for the
RP2350 will work with either the A
or B variants and will automatically
recognise the extra I/O pins when it
is running on the RP2350B. They will
be available to the BASIC program as
GP30 to GP47.
Currently, only a few modules use
the RP2350B, primarily supplied by
Pimoroni ( However, it is likely that other suppliers will
soon follow with their own versions.
The RP2354 A and B chips are the
same as the RP2350 versions, but they
have 2MiB of flash memory integrated
in the package. The PicoMite firmware
may support these in the future, but
currently they are not readily available
for purchase.
The RP2350 includes some security
features intended to prevent third-
parties from accessing the program
and interfering with its operation.
These features are not supported in the
PicoMite firmware, as we doubt users
will be that concerned with security.
Upgrades for the original Picos
This release still supports the
RP2040 microcontroller used in the
original Raspberry Pi Pico and many
other third party modules. If you use
the new firmware on a board with an
RP2040 chip, you will gain many of
the extra features listed here, such as
USB keyboard support.
While the original Raspberry Pi Pico
is a little slower than the Pico 2 and
has a less memory, it is still more than
enough for most projects, so you don’t
need to throw away your old modules.
∎ More flash and RAM for user
∎ HDMI video output, up to 1280 ×
720 pixels and up to 32,768 colours
∎ VGA video output, up to 640 × 480
∎ USB keyboard, mouse, Wii
controller and hub support
∎ Improved TCP/IP stack for WiFi
∎ High-speed frequency counter
∎ Overclocking up to 400MHz
Load them with this firmware and they
will still be very useful.
The Raspberry Pi Pico 2 W
The Pico 2 W has also been recently
released, with the same RP2350A processor and the addition of a WiFi interface. This, and the RP2040 version of
the MMBasic firmware that we called
the WebMite (August 2023 issue;, are also
supported by this new firmware.
The WebMite firmware running on
the RP2040 suffered from a problem
that caused the processor to reboot
intermittently for no reason. The cause
of this was buried deep in the TCP/
IP protocol stack that is used to communicate with the wireless interface
and, despite a lot of effort, it proved
impossible to eliminate.
In this new firmware version, we
have completely rebuilt the networking features using a different protocol stack, eliminating the annoying
reboots. Thus, we strongly recommend
that any designs based on the previous
WebMite be upgraded to this version.
The Raspberry Pi Pico 2 W using the
RP2350A processor (also called the
WebMite) also uses this new protocol
stack, so we are confident it will not
suffer from the same problem.
The E9 erratum
As explained in our December 2024
article, the Raspberry Pi Foundation
issued an erratum called E9 for the
RP2350. This describes a hardware
fault that affects the GPIO and PIO pins
that interferes with the use of internal
pulldown currents when they are used
as digital inputs.
We have implemented some workarounds in the firmware, so you can
continue to use the pulldown option
for pins configured as digital inputs.
However, ideally, an external resistor
of 8.2kW or less should be used instead.
Beta testing of the PicoMite firmware revealed that this error also
affected the ability of MMBasic to
communicate using the 1-wire protocol that’s used to measure temperature
and humidity with DHT22 sensors.
However, workarounds added to the
firmware for the RP2350 mean these
functions are now unaffected.
HDMI support
The RP2350 includes an internal
peripheral called HSTX. This is a
high-speed serial transmission circuit
that streams data to up to eight output
pins in parallel. It balances the delay
between these outputs to within 0.3ns,
making it perfect for generating the
signals required for DVI/HDMI video.
To produce such a signal, the Pico
Mite firmware builds the video image
in a reserved portion of RAM (the
video buffer) and then configures a
DMA (direct memory access) channel
using the second CPU core to rapidly
push that data to the HSTX peripheral.
The firmware supports three screen
resolutions: 640 × 480, 1280 × 720
(wide-screen/720p) and 1024 × 768
pixels. Within each resolution, there
are several modes (set by the MODE
command) that can trade resolution
for more colours and features.
The MODE command can save
memory by doubling or quadrupling
the size of each pixel, both horizontally and vertically. The monitor will
still see the same resolution (ie, the
same pixel rate). However, since there
will be fewer pixels in the video buffer, the memory saved can be used for
more colours.
For example, the resolution can be
set to 1280 × 720 using the RESOLUTION command. Following this, the
MODE 1 command can be used to generate an image of 1280 × 720 pixels in
monochrome, or MODE 3 can be used
for a 640 × 360 image in 16 colours,
while MODE 4 will provide a 320 ×
180 pixel image in 256 colours.
The memory saved by doubling and
quadrupling each pixel can also be put
to other uses. For example, MODE 4
also releases enough memory for two
optional video layers that can be used
for an independent overlay. A typical
use of this would be to create an image
of a moving vehicle overlaid on a background image of a stationary road.
The TILE command
Another handy feature is the TILE
Australia's electronics magazine
command, which allows you to colour
individual characters in otherwise
monochrome text. So, using the 1280
× 720 HDMI resolution in MODE 1,
you can colour each character in one
of 16 colours.
This is used by the built-in editor
in MMBasic, which uses cyan for keywords, yellow for comments, green for
constant numbers and so on.
Screen 1 shows a screen grab of the
editor running in the 1280 × 720 resolution with colour coding turned on.
This gives you a productive development environment with a colourful
wide-screen program editor.
In Screen 1 (shown on page 60), the
editor was using the default font 3,
which gives 80 characters by 30 lines.
If you want more, you can switch to
font 1 and have an expansive editing
window of 160 characters by 60 lines,
still with colour coding.
HDMI overclocking
To generate the DVI/HDMI signal,
the firmware needs to overclock the
RP2350 to as high as 372MHz. Overclocking means running the CPU clock
at a higher frequency than the maximum stated in the data sheet. The
firmware automatically does this to
accommodate the requirements of the
video output.
All the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 modules
that we tested work perfectly at these
speeds. However, overclocking also
depends on other components that
accompany the processor, and manufacturers might decide to use components that are less tolerant.
For this reason, the HDMI capability won’t necessarily work
across all thirdparty modules
using the RP2350
Connecting an
HDMI monitor
Fig.1 illustrates
how to connect
the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2 to an
HDMI socket.
At the high frequencies used
it is important
The underside of
the Raspberry Pi
Pico 2.
Screen 1: using the HDMI output in wide-screen format, you have an excellent
editing experience with the built in MMBasic editor. The text is clear and the
colour coding identifies elements in the program with cyan for keywords,
yellow for comments, green for constant numbers etc.
to keep the signal lines short and of
the same length. To minimise reflections in the signal path, it is also recommended that surface-mount resistors be used.
We have seen poor quality cables
that exhibited significant crosstalk,
ruining the signal. So, if you get a poor
image on your monitor, check your
HDMI cable as well.
The signal generated by the Pico
Mite firmware is actually a DVI signal, but HDMI transparently supports
DVI and, because HDMI monitors are
more common, we recommend using
an HDMI connector. However, keep
in mind that the PicoMite 2 does not
support the transmission of audio in
the HDMI signal.
The tile feature described above also
works with the built-in editor using
the VGA video output. As a result,
you can still edit your program in a
reasonable resolution (640 × 480 pixels) while enjoying a colourful editing
experience, even though the output is
nominally monochrome.
USB keyboard support
The USB connector on the Raspberry Pi Pico (both the original and
Pico 2) is normally used to load the
firmware and to access the MMBasic
command prompt as a virtual serial
interface over USB.
However, the Pico’s USB connector and electronics are USB OTG (On
The Go) compliant, similar to the connector on many mobile phones. This
means that it is possible to switch the
connector from a USB client (when
loading firmware) to a USB host, which
is required for communicating with a
USB keyboard, mouse or similar.
When you load a PicoMite firmware
image with USB capability (available
for both the Pico and Pico 2), this
switch will be made automatically
when the upload is complete and
MMBasic starts running. Using an
adaptor cable, you can then plug in a
USB keyboard and it will be immediately recognised and start operating
normally with auto key repeat, function keys, etc.
The Raspberry Pi Pico even supplies the 5V necessary to power the
You need the adaptor cable because
keyboards usually have a Type-A
host plug, while the Pico has a micro
Type-B USB socket. These adaptors
are common (see Photo 1 for an example) and you can find them online or
in stores such as Jaycar (Cat WC7725).
Because the USB interface on the
Pico is now used for a keyboard/
VGA video output
If you do not want to use HDMI,
VGA video output is another option.
VGA-capable versions of the firmware
are available for both the Raspberry
Pi Pico 2 (RP2350 processor) and the
original Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040).
It is simpler to connect it to a VGA
connector compared to HDMI, and
that the processor does not need to be
overclocked (although it still can be).
VGA works the same as it did in
the previous versions of the PicoMite
firmware. It provides two video resolutions: 640 × 480 in monochrome and
320 × 240 with 16 colours. The RP2350
version supports a third mode, with a
resolution of 640 × 480 in 16 colours.
Refer to the VGA PicoMite article to see
how the VGA socket is wired up (July
Fig 1: this is how you connect a Pico 2 to an HDMI monitor. It is important
to keep the PCB traces short and the same length. The adjacent table shows
the function of each pin on the HDMI socket and how they are connected.
Australia's electronics magazine
Silicon Chip
mouse, you will not be able to power
the Pico via this connector, so the Pico
must be powered via 5V applied to
the VSYS pin. Another consequence
is that you won’t be able to use the
serial console over USB.
In a self-contained computer with
a keyboard and HDMI or VGA video,
this is not normally a problem, as the
MMBasic console output will be available on your monitor.
For users who wish to retain access
to the serial console, MMBasic automatically switches the console to pin
11 (GP8) for the serial transmit signal
and pin 12 (GP9) for receive. It will
also set the baud rate to 115,200.
To access this console, you will
need a USB to serial bridge that
provides a TTL serial interface on
one side and a USB interface on the
other. These are cheap and commonly
available on eBay and similar sites
(search for modules using the keyword CP2102). You can also get them
from the Silicon Chip Online Shop
(Cat SC3437).
Using a USB hub
The PicoMite USB capability supports a USB hub and, by using one of
these, you can connect up to four USB
devices, including keyboards, mouse
and Wii game controllers.
You can even plug in multiple
keyboards if you wish, and they will
all operate in parallel, although why
you would want to do that will remain
a mystery!
It is better to use an unpowered hub
(ie, one that is powered by the Pico’s
USB connector). This is because the
USB protocol stack running on the
Pico cannot reset the hub so, if the
power on the Pico is cycled without
powering down the hub, the hub will
keep its previous connections and
be confused when the Pico tries to
This phenomenon can also cause
the hub to be confused if devices are
swapped while the hub is powered. If
this causes trouble, the simple solution is to cycle the power on the Pico
followed by the hub, then plug in the
USB devices one by one.
USB mouse support
The USB interface also supports a
computer mouse. The main use for
this is within the MMBasic program
editor, but you can also use it within
a program.
If you use the editor with VGA/
HDMI video, colour coding turned on
and a mouse connected, the mouse
position will be indicated by a character in red on a white background.
When you move the mouse, this highlight will move accordingly.
Photo 1: you need this kind of
converter to connect a standard USB
keyboard, mouse, game controller
or hub to the Pico or Pico 2. This
example is Jaycar Cat WC7725.
Clicking on the left mouse button
will move the edit cursor to that position (like if you had used the arrow
keys on the keyboard), while clicking
the right button is the same as pressing F4 on the keyboard (ie, select and
cut to the clipboard). Finally, clicking
the scroll wheel is the same as using
F5 (copy and paste).
This means that, within the editor,
you can use the mouse to position
the edit cursor, cut or copy text to the
clipboard, then paste it in a different location, all without touching the
keyboard. This is similar to using an
editor in a desktop computer’s graphical interface (such as Windows) and
makes for a very productive environment.
The mouse position and button
states can also be read from within a
program by using the DEVICE(MOUSE)
function. Similarly, one or more USB
Wii Classic game controllers can
be used within a program using the
DEVICE(WII) function to determine
the position of the joysticks and buttons (you may need a USB adaptor to
connect them).
To Pico Pin
TMDS Data 2+ (Red)
GP16 (pin 21) via 220Ω resistor
TMDS Data 2− (Red)
GP17 (pin 22) via 220Ω resistor
TMDS Data 1+ (Green)
GP18 (pin 24) via 220Ω resistor
TMDS Data 1− (Green)
GP19 (pin 25) via 220Ω resistor
TMDS Data 0+ (Blue + Sync)
GP12 (pin 16) via 220Ω resistor
Support for external PSRAM
TMDS Data 0− (Blue + Sync)
GP13 (pin 17) via 220Ω resistor
TMDS Clock+
GP14 (pin 19) via 220Ω resistor
TMDS Clock−
GP15 (pin 20) via 220Ω resistor
CEC (Consumer Electronics Control)
NC (no connection)
ARC (Audio Return Channel)
DDS Clock (I2C Clock)
DDC Data (I2C Data)
+5V via schottky barrier diode
HPD (Hot Plug Detect)
New in the RP2350 is support for
PSRAM (pseudo-static RAM). This is
a type of RAM chip that sits on a quad
SPI bus (similar to flash memory) that
can be used to increase the amount of
RAM accessible by the RP2350.
For MMBasic, this feature has limited application, as the RP2350 already
has plenty of internal RAM (520kiB)
for BASIC programs. Because it is
accessed via a serial bus, PSRAM is
slower than the internal RAM. However, there are programs that might
need to create very large arrays and
would not mind the slower access.
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 61
An example of a module that
includes PSRAM is the Pimoroni Pico
Plus 2, which comes with 8MiB of
PSRAM, a dramatic increase on the
internal RAM of the RP2350.
The PicoMite firmware supports
command. When this is enabled,
MMBasic will simply add this extra
RAM to the general memory used for
I/O buffers, strings and arrays. This
is transparent to the BASIC programmer, who can then define truly enormous arrays.
Clock speed
We have mentioned before that
the Pico’s processor can run at various clock speeds. It turns out that
the RP2040 and RP2350 processors
are quite tolerant of overclocking to
above the stock frequency listed in
the data sheet.
The standard clock speed for the
RP2040 is 133MHz, while for the
RP2350, it is 150MHz. These are the
defaults used by MMBasic. Most chips
will run fine at speeds up to 400MHz,
and will only experience a temperature rise of 5-6°C, which is hardly significant, so additional heatsinking is
not required.
When the clock speed is increased,
it is also necessary for the CPU core
voltage (supplied by an internal voltage regulator) to be increased in a balanced manner.
The PicoMite firmware does this
automatically; the programmer only
needs to use the command CPU SPEED
to set the clock rate. For example, with
the RP2350 at its base clock speed
(150MHz), the CPU core voltage is set
to 1.1V, but above 300MHz, it is automatically increased to 1.4V.
At these higher clock speeds, programs run proportionally faster. However, it might not be as easy as that.
The main limitation on overclocking
is not so much the RP2040 and RP2350
CPUs, but the layout of the Pico’s board
and the memory (flash and PSRAM)
attached to the quad SPI bus.
All the official Raspberry Pi Pico and
Pico 2 modules we have tested ran at
high speeds without a problem (some
as high as 400MHz), but other manufacturers might decide to use components that are less tolerant.
For this reason, the degree of overclocking cannot be guaranteed and
there is no way of knowing beforehand
how a module may perform. The only
Silicon Chip
certain way of discovering this is to
test it yourself.
Versions of the PicoMite firmware
that support video output (VGA or
HDMI) need to run at a specific clock
frequency to generate the correct
video timing and this is enforced by
the firmware.
For example, the HDMI firmware
is fixed at 315MHz for a 640 × 480
pixel resolution and 372MHz for
1280 × 720. VGA defaults to a clock
speed of 126MHz and you can only
select integer multiples of this, such
as 252MHz or 378MHz, if you wish
to run it faster.
RP2350 or RP2040 that have 16MiB
of flash memory, the size of drive A:
is almost 10MiB.
That is a lot of storage (relatively
speaking) and allows you to store
many images, music tracks, configuration files, log files and more on the
Pico without needing to connect an
SD card. You can even store multiple
versions of your program as you edit
and experiment with it.
Once you get used to it, you will find
this feature invaluable. The amazing
thing is that it is all internal to the Pico
– nothing extra is required.
The internal drive A:
Another feature that was available
in the previous firmware version but is
worth mentioning is the library facility. This allows you to add your own
commands, functions and features to
MMBasic so that they are a permanent
part of the BASIC language.
To install components in the library,
you write them as normal MMBasic
subroutines and functions and use the
LIBRARY SAVE command to transfer
them to the library. They are then permanently added to MMBasic and will
be available to any BASIC program
running on the Pico.
For example, you might have written a series of subroutines and functions to retrieve data from a specialised sensor. You could also add them
to the library to perform similar functions to those that are already part of
the language.
This feature is very handy as, from
time to time, you can find yourself thinking that it would be nice if
MMBasic implemented some feature
that you often need. Now you can easily add that feature yourself.
One very useful feature in the firmware is drive “A:”, an internal filesystem created when the firmware is
loaded. This feature was released in
the previous version of the PicoMite
firmware, but it is so handy that it
deserves to be mentioned here.
Drive A: is a portion of the flash
memory on the Pico that is reserved
to create a pseudo drive that looks like
an SD card or hard disk. It has a normal file system with subdirectories
and long filenames, and acts much the
same as an SD card, except that you
cannot remove it.
Within MMBasic, you can open
files on drive A: for reading/writing,
rename files, create subdirectories,
search for a file, list files and so on. By
opening a file for random access, you
can even create and operate a miniature database, all within the Pico.
On the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 (with
4MiB flash), its size is just over 2MiB
and this will increase if more flash
memory is available. For example,
with third-party boards using the
Library support
We recommend using a
controller like this clone of a
SNES controller which has
a USB Type-A connector,
so you don’t need to worry
about adaptors.
More RP2350 features
Some additional features available
on the RP2350 versions include the
ability to play MP3 audio files, so you
can create your own MP3 player or
employ high-quality music as a background to your games. Other audio
formats that are supported are WAV,
For high-quality audio, you can
use a VS1053 CODEC module or a
MCP4822 DAC, so building your own
music player is a possibility.
MMBasic also includes support for
the extra features in the PIO (Programmable Input/Output) peripherals provided by the RP2350. There are three
in the RP2350, and each acts like a
miniature CPU controlling a set of
I/O pins. Within MMBasic, you can
load program routines into the PIOs,
set them running, and pass data to/
from them.
The VGA output in the PicoMite
firmware uses one PIO to generate the
video. This is a good example of what
you can achieve using this feature.
The ability to convert GP1 into a
high-speed frequency counter input is
another new feature introduced with
the RP2350 that MMBasic supports.
This allows you to accurately measure
frequencies up to half the CPU clock
Firmware files
When you unpack the Ver 6.00.01
firmware zip, file you might be surprised to find there are 12 firmware
images in it.
These are needed to cover the variations between the CPU (RP2040 or
RP2350), the keyboard support (PS/2
or USB), the video output (none, VGA
or HDMI) and whether it has WiFi
capability or not.
The features provided by the various
firmware images fall into one of three
categories. The first is a general embedded controller. This is where the Pico
might be the brains inside a heating
controller, burglar alarm etc. For this
application, you might, for example,
select a firmware image that supports
an attached LCD panel.
The second category is the self-
contained, boot-to-BASIC computer
reminiscent of the home computers in the 1970s and 80s, such as the
Apple II, Tandy TRS-80, Commodore
64 and so on.
This is where you turn the computer
on and it boots straight to the MMBasic
prompt, at which point you can enter
a program, edit it and run it (no operating system is required).
For this, you would select a firmware image that supports a PS/2 or
USB keyboard and VGA or HDMI
video output.
The third category is the web/internet capable controller (ie, the WebMite) and you have two choices, using
either the Raspberry Pi Pico W or the
Pico 2 W. These can have an attached
LCD panel for displaying data, but
their best feature is that they can connect to your WiFi network to serve
web pages, access the internet, send
emails etc.
This does not mean that you cannot
use firmware optimised for one job in
another role. The above categories are
simply to help make sense of the available options and ultimately the choice
will depend on what works best.
A typical filename for a firmware image is “PicoMiteRP2350
VGAUSBV6.00.01.uf2”, where:
• RP2350 is the processor that the
firmware is compiled for.
• VGAUSB is the feature set supported (VGA and USB).
• V6.00.01 is the version number.
This will be incremented in future
• .uf2 is the extension, indicating
a loadable Raspberry Pi Pico firmware image.
Table 2 makes it easy to identify the
feature set you need and the corresponding firmware image file.
The PicoMite firmware is a comprehensive BASIC programming environment for the Raspberry Pi Pico and
Pico 2 that converts the Pico hardware
into an easy-to-use platform for beginners and experts alike. It is completely
free to download and use.
In this introduction, we have covered many features of the firmware
but, in reality, we have just skimmed
the surface. There are many more features that are both useful and amazing.
For the full story, download the Pico
Mite User Manual and work your way
through that.
This manual runs to over 200 pages
and covers all the features of the
PicoMite firmware in detail. It even
includes a beginner’s tutorial in programming in BASIC, so it is easy to
get started.
Both the firmware and user manual
are available for download from:
Table 2 – firmware variations
Filename prefix
Default clock
Max. clock
Australia's electronics magazine
February 2025 63