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Using Electronic Modules with Jim Rowe
Mini Uninterruptible
Power Supply (UPS)
If there’s a blackout when using your computer, it might keep running (eg, off its
internal battery or a UPS) but what about your WiFi router? It will likely drop out
and not come back until power is restored. This low-cost UPS module can keep
it going as well.
ost consumer-grade uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs)
have similar configurations, with a
storage battery that’s charged when
mains power is available and switched
to running an inverter to replace mains
power when it fails. Many use a sealed
lead-acid (SLA) battery to store the
In most cases, the switchover takes
only 10-25ms, which usually doesn’t
cause problems with loads like PCs or
LCD monitors. When delivering power
from the battery via the inverter, most
UPSs can do so for at least 20 minutes,
even when the load requires its full
rated output power. That is generally
enough to allow you to save your work
and shut down the computer safely.
The mini UPS module we’re looking
at here is a bit different from that. It
is intended to provide continuous 9V
or 12V DC power to small electronic
devices like WiFi routers while being
powered from 5-12V DC. It can supply
up to 12W of output power continuously, making it suitable for powering most WiFi routers and many other
small devices.
Instead of a sealed lead-acid (SLA)
battery, it uses a small lithium-ion battery like a single 18650 cell, which is
much smaller than just about any leadacid battery.
All of the mini UPS module’s circuitry is on a PCB measuring 50 ×
20mm. It doesn’t have an onboard battery holder; the Li-ion battery (which
is not supplied) is intended to be connected alongside it.
We obtained the module pictured
from an AliExpress supplier called
ACELEX, which had it available for
only $2.01 plus shipping. Another
supplier on AliExpress called MOKCUM seemed to have an identical module for $4.02 plus shipping – twice the
price, but still surprisingly low.
From the supplier’s photos, the
MOKCUM module is set to produce a
Fig.1: the block diagram for the mini uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
module. It is a straightforward design with only two main sections.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
9V DC output, whereas the ACELEX
module produced an output of 12V
DC as received. However, as we’ll
explain shortly, the modules can be
easily changed to produce either output voltage.
How it works
After examining the module’s PCB,
I was able to glean enough information to produce the basic block diagram shown in Fig.1. There are two
main circuit sections; on the left is
the lithium-ion charging circuit, while
on the right, there is a DC/DC step-up
(‘boost’) converter. The offboard Li-ion
cell connects to the lines between the
two sections.
The charging circuit accepts the
incoming 5-12V DC input power and
produces a regulated 4.2V DC output
to charge the Li-ion cell while also
driving the step-up converter to provide either 12V or 9V to the load on
the right.
Link JP1 lets you switch the step-up
converter’s output between 12V and
9V. When a solder bridge links its pads,
the module delivers 12V to the load;
when they are not linked, it delivers
9V instead.
Link JP2 changes the maximum
charging current for the Li-Ion battery.
If the pads are not joined by a solder
bridge, the maximum charging current
is limited to 500mA (0.5A); if they are
linked, the maximum charging current is 1A. Most 18650 cells can happily charge at 1A (well under 1C for
their typical capacity), but if you are
unsure, you can leave it at the safer
500mA setting.
For small LiPo cells like those used
Fig.2: the wiring diagram for the mini UPS module.
Multiple cells can be wired in parallel if required.
in mobile phones, it’s best to leave the
JP2 pads open. If you want to use a
large cell or several cells in parallel,
you will probably want to go for the
higher charging current.
The LEDs shown at upper left in
Fig.1 are not supplied with the module, but are regarded as an ‘optional
extra’. The sketchy data provided with
the modules suggests that you should
fit a common-anode dual red/blue LED
(even though the legends on the PCB
show R−, + and G−), but of course, you
can use a red/green LED or even two
separate 3mm LEDs.
The blue (or green) LED indicates
whether a load is connected to the
output of the module, while the red
LED indicates the charging state of the
Li-ion battery. If the red LED is flashing, no battery is connected; if it is
on continuously, the battery is being
charged; if it is off, it is fully charged.
Fig.1 shows no circuitry to perform
the switchover to battery power when
the mains-derived input power fails.
That’s because there is no switchover
as such. The Li-ion battery is already
connected to the input of the step-up
converter, so it will provide current
and power when needed. No switch
over time at all!
battery and a low-voltage load like a
WiFi router is quite straightforward, as
shown in Fig.2. The incoming DC supply connects to the IN+ and IN− pads
on the left, the output load to the OUT+
and OUT- pads on the right, and the
Li-ion battery to the B+ and B− pads
at bottom middle and bottom right.
If you want to add a couple of LEDs
(or a dual LED), these can be added at
centre left, as shown. Just make sure
you use high-efficiency LEDs because
the driving currents are low.
Link JP1 is just to the left of the
output pads, as indicated by the red
circle. It’s shown linked by a solder
bridge, so the boost converter provides a 12V DC output. If you want
9V instead, simply remove the solder
bridge with a soldering iron and some
solder-wicking braid.
However, note that diode D1 connects the input to the output, so if you
set the unit up for a 9V output, you
can’t use a 12V supply.
Link JP2 at lower left is indicated
by the second red circle. As shown in
Fig.2, it usually comes without a solder
bridge, limiting the battery charging
current to 500mA. It’s best to leave it
this way unless you know your battery
can handle charging at 1A.
By the way, the B−, OUT− & IN− terminals are not all connected together,
so make sure your supply, load and
battery have independent grounds or
else the circuit will not work.
Trying it out
To check out the module, I powered
it from a standard 5V DC, 1A plugpack
and connected its output to a programmable DC load. I then fired up my bench
DMMs and connected one to measure
the module’s output and the other to
measure the Li-ion battery voltage.
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Hooking up the module to a low-
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Australia's electronics magazine
Setting it up
February 2025 25
The mini UPS module is compact, measuring 50 × 20mm; the photos above are enlarged for clarity. The module is
typically supplied as shown with JP1 bridged, JP2 unbridged and no LED(s).
After making sure the sole Li-ion
18650 cell was fully charged, I
switched off the input voltage and
tested its performance at both output
voltages, with load currents of 100mA,
200mA and 300mA. These tests took
a few hours, and the results are summarised in Fig.3.
The red/mauve and cyan/blue lines
show the module’s output voltage at
either voltage setting and for the tested
load current levels for up to three
hours from the removal of input power.
For the lightest loads, 100mA in
both cases, the output voltage at either
setting remained essentially constant
for more than two hours after input
power removal.
That corresponds to a load power
of 1.2W at the 12V voltage setting and
0.9W at the 9V setting. There was no
significant voltage droop over this
time. In fact, the voltage on both settings remained within ±2mV for the
duration of the tests.
However, it did not last quite as
long with a load drawing more current. On the 9V setting, with the load
drawing 200mA, the cell voltage fell
to 3.2V and I terminated the test after
around 2.5 hours.
I repeated the test at 300mA, which
naturally gave a shorter runtime, and
also with the output set to 12V, which
also reduced the runtime.
With the UPS module fed with 12V
from a big bench supply (rated at 5A),
and two charged 18650 cells in parallel, the module delivered 600mA to
the load at 12V for about 10 minutes
before the battery voltage dropped to
With a third 18650 cell in parallel and the load current increased to
800mA, even with fully charged cells,
the unit could only supply 12V to the
load for about 5 minutes before the cell
voltage dropped to 2.97V and I turned
it off. The small inductor in the output boost converter became very hot
in that short time.
So the Mini UPS module is really
only really suitable for loads up to
600mA, even with three 18650 cells
in parallel. It may be rated to supply
1A, but it wouldn’t be able to do so for
a useful time.
That’s probably enough to power
the average WiFi router; many are supplied with a 1A plugpack, although I
doubt they draw anywhere near that
upper limit unless they are going ‘flat
This UPS should be able to power
your WiFi router in a blackout for long
enough to make it worthwhile with
sufficient battery capacity, although
that is the kind of thing you should
test if you are going to rely on it.
This module is nicely made, low in
cost, has no switchover time and performs reasonably well, with the ability
to power low power (<12W) DC loads
like WiFi routers for about 10-60 minutes, depending on how much current
they draw.
Fig.3: test runs to see how long it would take the module to discharge at 100mA, 200mA & 300mA loads. The unit can
deliver up to about 600mA (a little short of the 1A advertised) with reduced runtime unless larger/more cells are used.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine