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Mini Projects #021 – by Tim Blythman
Wireless Flashing LEDs
Wireless power transmission has been researched for over 100 years ago and is currently
used for charging things like toothbrushes, smartphones and even electric cars. Here we
show you how to build wireless LEDs that can be programmed to flash in sequence.
t’s difficult to transmit a lot of power
wirelessly, so we decided to see what
was possible on a smaller scale. Most
of these technologies depend on the
transformer principle: an alternating
current in a coil will induce a current
in a second nearby coil. Since the
inverse square law applies, the closer
the coils, the much more effective the
energy transmission.
We first saw the concept of wireless
LEDs on YouTube (Big Clive – youtu.
be/UQ3K0suY1Dc). In the video, he
demonstrates a kit purchased online.
It consists of a small circuit board
attached to a coil about 8cm across
and some small LED modules.
When the circuit is powered, it
drives the coil at around 200kHz and
LED modules that are nearby light up.
He goes on to explain the circuit and
show some waveforms.
We wanted to see if this was something we could replicate, or possibly
improve on. By adding some smarts
in the form of an Arduino Uno, we’ve
made it possible to control the LEDs
better and make them flash in a pattern.
You might have seen the Circuit
Notebook entry on Wireless power
transfer from our December 2023 issue
( The
principle here is similar, although our
circuitry is simpler and much more
compact. However, it does require a
Circuit details
Fig.1 shows the fairly simple circuit. It depends on using the values
shown, particularly the capacitors and
inductors, for proper operation. In the
Transmitter on the right, the Uno generates a PWM waveform at its D3 pin,
which drives the coil/capacitor pair
via a transistor. The 100μF capacitor
provides a steady power supply for
this part of the circuit.
When pin D3 goes high and the transistor switches on, the current builds
in the inductor until D3 goes low, and
Parts List – Wireless LEDs (JMP021)
Transmitter (one required)
1 Arduino Uno compatible main board [Jaycar XC4410]
1 TIP31 3A NPN transistor, TO-220 [Jaycar ZT2285]
1 100μF electrolytic capacitor [Jaycar RE6130]
1 100nF MKT capacitor [Jaycar RM7125]
1 1kW resistor [Jaycar RR0572]
1 2m length of 0.5mm solid-core insulated wire
(enamelled or with plastic insulation)
1 2-pin header [cut from Jaycar HM3211]
1 length of electrical tape to secure coil
Receiver (per unit, multiple can be used)
1 100μH unshielded SMD inductor [Jaycar LF1400, pack of 10]
1 6.8–10nF ceramic capacitor
[Jaycar RC5346, RC5347 or RC5348; see text]
1 high-brightness 5mm LED
[Jaycar ZD0290, ZD0291, ZD0292, ZD0293 or ZD0295]
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
A screenshot from the YouTube
video by Big Clive (https://youtu.
be/UQ3K0suY1Dc). It shows the
inspiration for this project.
Fig.1: a parallel tuned LC network
is driven by a PWM signal from a
microcontroller. Energy is radiated
from the coil that’s part of that LC
network; the Receiver picks up the
energy and uses it to power the LED.
the transistor switches off. The current
continues to flow through the inductor to charge up the capacitor. The
energy in the capacitor is released on
the next cycle.
By using a capacitor here instead of a
diode to catch the inductive spike, the
energy in the inductor is saved instead
of being dissipated. The well-known
formula for the resonant frequency of
an LC (inductor-capacitor) circuit is:
f = 1÷(2π√LC)
For the components we have chosen and the coil’s dimensions, this
works out to around 250kHz. As we
will see later, the circuit will operate
mostly below that frequency, from
about 160kHz to 200kHz.
The components in the Receiver on
the left have a resonant frequency of
193kHz for a 6.8nF capacitor, down
to 159kHz for a 10nF capacitor. An
8.2nF capacitor would be resonant at
176kHz. The presence of a so-called
non-linear device (the LED) will
change this somewhat. It is not a sharp
resonance (like a radio tuner), so the
circuit will also respond to close frequencies as well.
In this case, resonance means that
the circuit will tend to reinforce signals that occur at a specific frequency.
An analogy would be pushing a
Similarly, our coil
has a diameter
of 8cm, with five
windings. We
used a bottle as
a former, then
taped up the
wires to help it
keep its shape.
Twisting the two
wires together
also helps to keep
the coil from
Australia's electronics magazine
playground swing; when the pushes
occur at the correct frequency, it will
swing higher than if they are not.
The operation of the two parts of the
circuit depends on the two inductors
being ‘coupled’; their magnetic fields
must interact. This will also change
the behaviour of the two circuits. They
can be considered to form an air-cored
In practice, the frequency of the
Transmitter coil is determined by the
PWM frequency. As it is operating near
resonance, the waveform is amplified
somewhat. The Receiver will also
resonate around its characteristic frequency, allowing it to develop enough
voltage to light the LED.
We wrote an Arduino sketch that
allows the frequency to be manually adjusted. Broadly speaking, the
closer the Receiver is to resonance, the
brighter the LED will light.
You might also see a neat trick in
our design. By having Receivers with
different resonant frequencies, we can
change the Transmitter frequency and
have different Receivers light up at different times. By cycling through different frequencies, the different LEDs
will flash in a sequence.
We wound a five-turn coil on a bottle; you can use a similar cylindrical
object, making sure to leave 10cm or
so of wire to connect at each end. You
could use enamelled wire, but we had
some solid-core cable (from an old network cable). You might prefer this as it
is easier to strip than enamelled wire.
Use tape to secure the windings
neatly and twist the ends to keep them
Each Receiver
consists of an
inductor, capacitor
and LED soldered
in parallel. Using
different capacitor
values allows the
Receiver to be tuned
to react to different
frequencies. The
Receivers are small
and cheap enough
that you can easily
build a dozen using
different coloured
February 2025 49
Just a handful of parts are needed to experiment with wireless power. We built our
Transmitter circuit on a small pair of header pins, and it too only needs a handful of
Fig.2: this is how we laid out our prototype; only three connections are needed to the
Uno. Check with the circuit diagram as you go to ensure you wire things up correctly.
together, as you can see in our photos.
Place the two-pin header in the
5V-GND position on the Uno and solder the 100μF capacitor across it, making sure that the negative stripe on the
capacitor goes to ground. Follow with
the transistor; its pin 3 emitter should
go to ground, too. Note from the photos how it is mounted upside-down.
Solder the 1kW resistor to the base
pin (pin 1) of the transistor and push
the other lead into the socket for pin
D3. The coil and 100nF capacitor are
both connected between the collector
(pin 2) of the transistor and 5V. Look
closely at our photos to check that this
is all correct.
Each Receiver simply has the LED,
an inductor and a capacitor wired in
parallel. We soldered the capacitor to
the inductor first after trimming its
leads down to a few millimetres. The
LEDs leads are similarly trimmed to
sit over the capacitor and also soldered in place.
Check out our photos; you can see
that the solder pads on the inductor
are quite large. You should be able
to straighten the leads so that the
Receiver sits flat on the top of the
inductor. This will help with testing.
Place the Receivers inside the Transmitter coil.
Silicon Chip
The software uses direct register writes to achieve a higher PWM
frequency than plain Arduino code
would allow. Thus, it only works on
the Uno or ATmega328-based boards,
such as the Nano. The code in setup
and the setF() function could be
used in your own sketches. You can
download the Arduino sketches from
Load the sketch file WIRELESS_
Uno and open the Serial Monitor
at 115,200 baud. You should see a
report that the Uno is delivering a
222kHz waveform. Change the frequency by entering a value in kHz (eg,
220<Enter>). The Uno will find the
nearest achievable match (between
100kHz and 250kHz) and display it.
We found that the Receivers with
6.8nF capacitors were brightest at
around 195kHz, 8.2nF worked best at
185kHz and 10nF at 165kHz, although
the 10nF Receivers were much less
bright than the others. This is due to
the Transmitter coil being further from
its 250kHz resonance.
The red and yellow LEDs also
tended to be less sensitive to frequency; their lower forward voltage
allows operation over a wider range.
You might find that the transistor is getting warm at this stage. The
Australia's electronics magazine
cycles through three different frequencies in turn and flashes the Receivers
briefly, so the transistor is not working all the time.
You can tweak the frequencies and
delays with the arrays and defines near
the start of the sketch. Using frequencies between the peaks noted above
will allow multiple LEDs to light at
the same time. The Receivers work
best in the plane of the coil (and parallel to it), but will still work if a thin
piece of paper or plastic is between.
Thus, you can hide the Transmitter if
you want to.
Of course, the Receivers are very
simple and well-suited to experimentation. It appears that around 200kHz
is the sweet spot and you could try different value capacitors. You can also
try different inductors, but we found
that this style and value worked best.
You can also use the Receivers to
test other wireless power devices. A
mobile phone charging pad causes
the Receivers to flash briefly; many of
these use a coded protocol to avoid
running continuously and wasting
Wireless power transmission is still
only practical over short distances, but
this project shows how to easily experiment with the concept and create an
entertaining display.