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5MHz 40A
A current probe is an incredibly useful tool for
development, testing and debugging but is usually
quite expensive. This DIY version performs well
compared to many commercial offerings but at a
fraction of the price!
Project by Andrew Levido
sing an oscilloscope to monitor
the current in a circuit can be challenging. Oscilloscopes are made to
measure voltages, so if you can find or
add a suitable shunt resistor in the current path, you can measure the current
indirectly. However, this is usually
only practical at relatively low current levels and only if you can safely
connect your ‘scope probe ground to
one side of the shunt (which is often
not the case).
Say there is no suitable shunt resistor, the current runs to several amps
or the circuit is not conducive to the
safe connection of a grounded probe.
You will probably have to use an isolated current probe in those cases. If
your circuit operates at mains potential, an isolated probe is mandatory.
You can certainly buy such current
probes. The problem is getting good
performance at a reasonable price. You
can opt to spend thousands of dollars
on a high-end 50-100MHz probe from
one of the big names in test equipment,
or you can spend $100 or less on AliExpress for a no-name probe with a
bandwidth of just a few hundred hertz.
I wanted an inexpensive, high-
performance current probe, so I
built my own. The resulting probe,
described here, can measure current
up to ±40A, with a bandwidth from
DC to 5MHz. Its output is fully isolated from the measurement terminals,
so you can safely measure the current
of mains-powered devices.
The output, available on a BNC connector, is scaled to 100mV per amp,
so it is in the range ±4V. The device
is powered by an internal rechargeable lithium-ion cell. Charging is via
a power-only USB-C socket.
Current Probe Features & Specifications
Current measurement: bi-directional
Output scaling: 0.1V/A (±40A translates to ±4V)
Input/output isolation: 420V RMS (600V peak) ‘reinforced’
Maximum current: 40A peak (35A continuous)
Bandwidth: DC-5MHz
Power supply: onboard Li-ion cell
Battery life: approximately 30 hours
Charging: USB Type-C socket (5V DC)
Charging time: approximately 3 hours from flat
Charging current: 300mA (optionally 100mA)
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Scope 1 shows a typical ‘scope capture made using the probe. This is the
mains inrush current of a variable-
frequency motor drive unit, which has
a large capacitor bank charged via a
bridge rectifier from the mains. A softstart circuit limits the inrush current
at power-on. The vertical scale of the
scope capture is 2V per division, corresponding to 20A per division.
You can see that the peak charging
current is about 34A in the first half-
cycle, with a reduction in the current
each cycle after that as the capacitors
Another example capture is shown
in Scope 2. Here, a short is applied
across a bench power supply set to
a 6A current limit. The peak current spikes to almost 50A (showing
some headroom in the current probe’s
design) but rapidly drops as the power
supply current regulation circuit
begins to operate. Within a millisecond, the current is brought under control and limited to 6A.
The heart of the current probe is
the ACS37030 chip from Allegro
Microsystems. Like many similar
devices, this uses a Hall effect sensor to measure a current indirectly by
measuring the magnitude of the magnetic field it produces. See the separate panel for some background on
how the Hall effect works and how it
is used in this application.
Hall sensors are useful in these
applications since they work with DC;
however, their frequency response is
typically limited to a few hundred
The ACS37030 family of sensors
is particularly interesting because it
pairs a Hall effect sensor for DC and
low-frequency signals with inductive
sense coils for high-frequency signals.
They are available with full-scale current ratings of ±20A, ±40A or ±65A and
come in a 6-pin SOIC (small-outline
integrated circuit) package with 3500V
RMS isolation. All for less than $8 in
low quantities.
The block diagram of the ACS37030
is shown in Fig.1. You can see the Hall
current sensor at lower left (“Dynamic
Offset Cancellation”), with the inductive sensor just above it. The output
from the transducers is conditioned
by two separate signal chains, which
come together at a summing junction.
The resulting signal is buffered and
offset to produce the output signal.
An advanced digital subsystem uses
calibration data stored in non-volatile
memory to manage the gain of the two
signal paths, providing an accurate
output over the whole frequency and
operating temperature range.
Since the sensor uses a single 3.3V
supply, the output signal swings
around a zero-current level of 1.65V,
provided by an internal bandgap reference. For the 40A device used here,
this output voltage is 1.65V±33.3mV/A
for a maximum output swing of just
under 0.3V to 3.0V.
Notably, the 1.65V reference is available on one of the pins. Some chips
lack such a facility, and it is very difficult to zero them. Even if you have an
external trimmable reference voltage
that you adjust to get 0V output at 0A
current, any differential drift between
the two reference voltages will cause
the output accuracy to deteriorate significantly.
To display the output voltage conveniently on an oscilloscope, we must
remove the offset and amplify the signal to get a ±100mV/A signal based
around zero volts. The most straightforward way to achieve this is to use
an instrumentation amplifier. An
instrumentation amplifier is a high-
precision differential amplifier based
on op amps that usually uses a single
resistor to set its overall gain.
Fig.1: the ACS37030 current sensor features a Hall sensor for DC and lowfrequency measurements, plus an inductive sensor for higher frequencies. These
are combined by some clever circuity to provide a flat response from DC to 5MHz.
Scope 1: the inrush current for a variable-frequency motor drive as measured by
the current probe. The scale is 20A per division.
Scope 2: This scope grab, made using the current probe, shows the current
supplied by a short-circuited bench power supply, at 10A per division. The
current peaks at almost 50A before being rapidly brought under control and
limited to 6A.
Australia's electronics magazine
January 2025 61
precision that would be difficult (read
expensive) to emulate with discrete
Fig.2: the INA849
instrumentation amplifier
uses the classic three-opamp topology with six lasertrimmed matched resistors.
One external resistor, Rg, sets
the overall gain.
The instrumentation amplifier used
in this project is the INA849. It is a
classic three-op-amp configuration, as
shown in Fig.2. The input stage consists of two non-inverting amplifiers
with internal 3kW feedback resistors.
A single external resistor, Rg, sets the
gain of this stage according to the formula G = 1 + 6kW ÷ Rg.
The second stage is a differential
amplifier. As the name suggests, it
amplifies the difference between two
voltages but strongly attenuates any
common-mode signal. In the case of
the INA849, the differential gain is
Circuit details
unity. Therefore, the output voltage
is given by the formula Vout = Vref +
(Vin+ – Vin-) × (1 + 6kW ÷ Rg).
The REF terminal is often connected
directly to ground, as per the figure,
but you can use it to add an offset to
the output if required.
We could build our own instrumentation amplifier from discrete op
amps, but it’s convenient to use an
integrated package like this because
the common-mode rejection depends
on the close matching of the resistors. Packages like this use internal
laser-trimmed resistors matched to a
Now we can turn to the complete
circuit diagram (Fig.3) to see how it all
works. The ACS37030 (IC1) is powered
by a 3.3V rail supplied by low-dropout
(LDO) 3.3V linear regulator REG2. The
sensor output voltage and the 1.65V
reference are applied to the instrumentation amplifier’s non-inverting &
inverting inputs, respectively.
Achieving a differential gain of three
requires a nominal Rg value of 3kW.
While 3kW resistors are available (it’s
a common E24 value for 1% resistors),
I used a combination of fixed resistors
plus a trimpot to allow an adjustment
range of about ±3% around this figure.
This allows the user to trim out any
gain error in the sensor, which could
be as much as ±2%.
The trimmer has the added advantage of obviating the need for high-
precision resistors here.
Fig.3: the current probe circuit reveals that the signal path is very simple, consisting of just the instrumentation amplifier
with its associated gain and offset trimming. The balance of the circuit is the power supply and battery charger.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The ACS37030 data suggests that
along with the ±2% gain error, there
could also be a potential offset error
of up to ±10mV. That would translate
to ±30mV at the output after amplification. This is why I am driving the
instrumentation amplifier’s REF pin
with an adjustable offset trim voltage
of ±50mV derived from the divider
that includes trimpot VR2.
The offset trim voltage is buffered by
op amp IC4a since the input impedance of the REF pin is relatively low.
The instrumentation amplifier's output goes to the output BNC connector
(CON3) via a 100W resistor to protect
the amplifier IC from short circuits at
the output.
The rest of the circuit is the power
supply. We require a ±6V split supply for the amplifiers. This was chosen because the common-mode input
voltage of the instrumentation amplifier can’t be any closer than 2.5V from
either supply rail. Since our maximum
input voltage extends to 3V, we need
supply rails of at least ±5.5V. I chose
±6V to provide a bit of headroom.
These rails are derived from a single
Li-ion cell via REG6, which contains a
boost converter to create the positive
rail and an inverting converter to provide the negative rail. The switching
Mosfets are internal to the package,
but the inductors and rectifier diodes
are external: L1/D2 for the positive rail
and L2/D3 for the negative.
The output is regulated by providing voltage feedback via two
100kW/20kW resistive voltage dividers, which reduce the ±6V outputs to
±1V, matching REG6’s internal feedback target voltages. The R1283K regulator can operate with an input voltage of 2.5-5.5V, which is ideal for a
single Li-ion cell.
When power switch S1 is on, the
cell is connected to the DC-to-DC converter. If it is off, the cell is instead
connected to IC5, a MAX1555 dual-
input Li-ion battery charger. This linear device charges the cell at 100mA if
powered via the USB input or 300mA
if powered from the DC input.
The USB input is useful for charging
from legacy USB hubs, which may
not be able to supply more than
100mA. However, this current probe
is designed for a USB type-C power
source that can supply at least 500mA,
so the higher charge current is used to
minimise the changing time.
The PCB has provision for either
configuration. LED1 will be on while
the battery is charging and will switch
off once full charge is reached.
The USB-C connector is a power-
only type with just a subset of the normal 24 pins. These include the power
pins and the control channel (CC) pins,
which are terminated with 5.1kW resistors to ground. This tells the source
that it should supply 5V. The power
input is protected from overvoltage by
a TVS diode (TVS1) and a series PTC
resettable fuse, PTC1.
All components are mounted on a
double-sided PCB coded 9049-01 that
measures 56.5 × 76.5mm. The component overlay diagram (Fig.4) shows
where everything goes.
To keep it compact, this project
uses almost entirely surface-mounted
parts. I managed to mostly avoid any
difficult-to-handle parts; all passives
are M2012/0805 size (2.0 × 1.2mm) or
larger and all but one of the semiconductors are in easy-to-solder SOIC-8,
SOT-223 or SOT-23 packages.
Unfortunately, the DC-DC converter
(REG6) is not available in anything
other than a DFN (dual flat no-lead)
package, so that is where I suggest you
start the assembly process.
It really helps if you have a hot
air reflow station. These stations are
useful for soldering chips like this
one and also make desoldering many
SMDs straightforward. They are not
terribly expensive if purchased online.
The easiest way to get REG6 soldered down is to use a soldering iron
to lightly tin the pads, including the
thermal pad in the centre. The solder
should just cover the pads and not be
too lumpy. If you put down too much,
you can use solder wick to remove
the excess.
Next, apply a generous amount of
flux paste, position the chip carefully
(making sure its pin 1 mark is oriented
correctly) and hold it in place with
tweezers while you use hot air to gently reflow the solder. Once the solder
melts, surface tension should pull the
chip neatly into place.
Any visible solder balls or bridges
can be removed with solder wicking
braid and a hot iron. After cleaning the
area with isopropyl alcohol or similar,
you have completed the hardest part.
Mount the rest of the surface mount
parts using your preferred method. I
apply a dab of solder to one pad first,
then position the component with
tweezers and reflow that pin with the
soldering iron. With just one pin soldered, I can tweak the location if necessary to get the other pin(s) into a place
I am happy with. Finally, I solder the
remaining pin(s).
Fig.4: all components are easy-tosolder surface mount or through-hole
types, with the exception of REG6. It
requires a little more care but is easily
achievable for the hobbyist.
January 2025 63
Parts List – 5MHz 40A Current Probe
1 ABS handheld instrument case, 92 × 66 × 28mm [Hammond 1593LBK]
1 double-sided PCB coded 9049-01, 56.5 × 76.5mm
1 14500 (AA-size) Li-ion battery with PCB pins (BAT1) [Altronics S4981]
2 6.8μH 1A SMD inductors, M3225/1210 size (L1, L2)
[Murata 1276AS-H-6R8M=P2]
1 0.75A 24V PTC fuse, SMD M3225 size (PTC1) [Littelfuse 1210L075/24PR]
1 100W 4.9 × 3.9mm SMD trimpot (VR1) [SM-42TW101]
1 1kW 4.9 × 3.9mm SMD trimpot (VR2) [SM-42TW102]
1 PCB-mounting sub-miniature DPDT toggle switch (S1)
[E-Switch 200MDP1T2B2M6RE]
1 red panel-mounting binding post (CON1) [Cal Test Electronics CT2232-2]
1 black panel-mounting binding post (CON2) [Cal Test Electronics CT2232-0]
1 right-angle PCB-mount 50W BNC socket (CON3) [Molex 0731000105]
1 USB type-C power-only socket with through-hole mounting pins (CON4)
[Molex 217175-0001 or equivalent]
2 panel-mount 3mm light pipes, 15mm long (for LED1 & LED2)
[Dialight 51513020600F]
2 Koa RCUCTE SMD test points (TP0, TP1; optional)
4 No.4 × 6mm self-tapping screws
1 100mm length of 1.0-1.5mm diameter tinned copper wire
1 ACS37030LLZATR-040B3 5MHz 40A current sensor, SOIC-6 (IC1)
1 LD1117S33 or equivalent 3.3V 800mA LDO regulator, SOT-223 (REG2)
1 INA849DR 28MHz instrumentation amplifier, SOIC-8 (IC3)
1 LM358 dual single-supply op amp, SOIC-8 (IC4)
1 MAX1555EZK-T Li-ion battery charger, SOT-23-5 (IC5)
1 R1283K001B-TR buck/boost switching regulator, UFDFN-14 (REG6)
1 yellow SMD LED, M2012/0805 size (LED1)
1 green SMD LED, M2012/0805 size (LED2)
1 SMBJ5.0CA 5.0V TVS diode, DO-214AA (TVS1)
2 30V 1A schottky diodes, DO-214AC/SMA (D2, D3) [MBRA130LT3G, SS14]
Capacitors (all SMD M2012/0805 50V X7R unless noted)
1 100μF 25V tantalum, SME case [Kyocera TAJE107K025RNJ]
7 10μF 16V
3 100nF
1 220pF C0G
Resistors (all SMD M2012/0805 ⅛W 1% unless noted)
2 100kW
2 20kW
1 2.7kW
1 510W
1 240W
2 56kW
2 5.1kW
1 1.8kW
1 100W
1 0W
I find this works for two-pin devices
like resistors and capacitors, as well
as for the ICs.
The current sensor chip, IC1, straddles an unplated slot cut into the
board. This slot is to provide plenty
of creepage distance between the current being measured and the rest of the
circuit. However, it makes the board
quite flexible in this area, so handle
it carefully after soldering IC2. If the
board is flexed too much, it is possible
to overstress the IC’s pins and break
them – as I unfortunately discovered!
Solder the USB connector’s throughhole tabs first to locate it, then the six
smaller surface-mounting pins.
Case preparation
Before you fit the BNC connector,
binding posts or battery (well, cell), it’s
a good idea to prepare the case. That
will allow you to align those larger
connectors properly. The cell should
be left off until the testing described
below is completed.
Drill the enclosure's cover and end
plates as shown in Fig.5. The USB slot
can be made by drilling two 2.8-3.0mm
holes at either end and then filing out
the plastic between them.
Now drop the PCB into the case,
resting on its mounting bosses, insert
the BNC connector through the hole
in the end plate and drop it into its
mounting holes on the PCB. If everything lines up, you can tack-solder the
BNC connector in place from the top,
then remove the whole assembly from
the case and solder it properly, taking
care that it doesn’t bend as you do so.
If it doesn’t fit perfectly, you will
need to enlarge the panel hole slightly
and try again.
Now attach the input terminals
(binding posts) to the appropriate end
plate and tighten the nuts. Connect
the input terminals to the PCB using
a few lengths of tinned copper wire
bent over the terminal studs, through
the PCB slots, and soldered in place.
Remember that this connection could
carry up to 40A, so ensure it is solid.
Remove the assembly from the case
and trim off any excess wire. Make
sure that there cannot be any shorts
between the terminals!
With the switch to the right, the probe is
powered; to the left, it can be charged via USB.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
If you have a current-limited bench
supply, it’s a good idea to test the circuit before soldering the battery to the
board. Set the onboard switch to the
on position, towards the BNC connector. Set the bench supply to 4V with
a limit of around 100mA. Then, taking care to connect it with the correct
polarity, hold its output leads to the
two battery pads and monitor the current draw.
The power supply should not go
into current limiting; the circuit
should only draw about 20-30mA.
LED2 (green) should light. If all seems
well, you can disconnect the power
supply, switch off the onboard power
switch and solder the battery in place.
If something is wrong, check all your
soldering carefully and verify that all
components are installed correctly.
Before soldering the battery to the
PCB, make sure the power switch is
in the off (charging) position, with
the toggle switch away from the
BNC connector. Once the battery is
installed, treat the board with care.
Inadvertently shorting things now
could be catastrophic, as Li-ion batteries can source a lot of current.
Next, check that the battery voltage
is between 3.0V and 4.2V. Switch the
unit on, and LED2 should light again.
Check for 6V across the 10μF capacitor
immediately to the left of L2 and the
similar capacitor immediately to the
left of D3. That will verify that both
supply rails are correct.
If the readings are wrong, switch
it off immediately; you most likely
have a problem with the power supply section. Check REG6 and its surrounding components, especially L1,
L2, D2 and D3.
Once the power supply is working
correctly, you can check the battery
charging circuit by switching the unit
off and connecting a suitable USB supply. The yellow charge LED (LED1)
should light, and the voltage across
the battery should begin to slowly rise.
When the battery voltage reaches
about 4.2V, the charge LED should go
out, indicating that the battery is fully
charged. Depending on the battery’s
initial state of charge, that could take
a few hours.
Final assembly
You can now apply the front panel
label, shown in Fig.6 (download from
Once it is in place, carefully cut out
the LED holes and insert the light pipes
from the outside. They can be secured
with a drop of cyanoacrylate (super)
glue on the inside of the case.
Fig.5: drilling the case is straightforward. The USB slot is best
made by drilling two 2.8-3.0mm holes at the ends and joining them
with a file. You can see how the finished case looks at left, and
how the PCB slots into the case shown enlarged above.
Slip the end plate over the
BNC connector, switch and
USB socket and screw the
whole assembly into the base
of the enclosure with 6mm self-
tapping screws.
To calibrate the Probe, you
will need a current-limited
bench power supply capable of
sourcing a few amps and a multimeter. If you have two meters,
so much the better. First, set the
offset trim.
Connect the meter, switched
Fig.6: the label artwork for the
front of the enclosure. Print it
on sticky-backed paper, cut
out the outline and apply it
(or laminate it, or use your
preferred label-making method).
Use the case as a template to cut
the holes for the light pipes.
The Hall Effect
Edwin Hall first described the Hall effect in 1879, just a decade after Maxwell published
his seminal work on the interaction of electric and magnetic fields. The lower left diagram shows how it works.
A current (green arrow) flows through the long axis of a conductor that is subject to
a magnetic field perpendicular to the direction of current flow (lavender arrow).
Hall discovered that under these circumstances, the electrons making up this current
– which flow in the opposite direction to the current – would experience a Lorentz force
pushing them towards one side of the conductor, as shown by the curved blue arrow.
As a reminder, Lorentz’s law states that a charged particle, such as an electron, moving
in a magnetic field will experience a force at right angles to both the direction of the field
and its velocity. This is the basic principle by which electric motors and generators work.
The build-up of negative charge on one side of the conductor (and the corresponding
positive charge on the other side, where there will be a dearth of electrons) produces
an electric potential across the conductor. This Hall voltage is proportional to both the
conductor current and the strength of the magnetic field.
The Hall effect also works in semiconductors, although the polarity of the Hall voltage may be different in some semiconductors where ‘holes’, rather than electrons, are
responsible for current flow.
In practical Hall effect sensors, the current to be measured passes through a conductor surrounded by a magnetically permeable core. The Hall sensor is positioned in a
narrow gap in this core, so the magnetic field produced by the current in the conductor
passes through the element perpendicular to both the excitation current and the Hall
voltage measurement terminals. Since the excitation current is fixed, the Hall voltage
is proportional to the magnetic field strength, which is, in turn, proportional to the conductor current.
Magnetic Core
Hall Voltage
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
to a low voltage range, between the
probe output test point (TP1) and
ground (TP0). With the unit switched
on and nothing connected to the input
terminals, adjust the offset pot (VR2)
for a meter reading close to 0V. You
should be able to get it to less than
To trim the gain, configure the power
supply to deliver a few volts and set
the current limit to 3A or whatever
maximum your power supply will
deliver. Switch your meter to read
current (remember to swap the probes
to the correct jacks), select the appropriate range, and connect it across the
power supply.
The supply should go into current
limiting and regulate the current somewhere near the setpoint. Record the
current value displayed on the meter.
Now switch the meter back to volts
and connect it back to TP0 and TP1
as before. Connect the current probe
inputs across the power supply without changing any of the settings. The
output voltage should read close to
one-tenth of the current reading you
noted earlier.
For example, if you measured the
current to be 3.02A, you should see
something like 0.302V on the meter. If
the reading is a bit off, adjust the gain
pot VR1 to get it as close as possible.
If you have two meters, you can
measure the input current and output
voltage at the same time (the current
meter goes in series with the probe
across the power supply). That will be
a bit more accurate (and easier) than
switching the meter around.
Using it
Due to the high currents that the
probe can handle, probes (alligator clip
wires etc) should not be used unless
both the voltage and current are low
(under 50V DC/AC & 5A).
For higher voltages/currents, you
can cover the exposed wires that are
attached to the binding posts with
As there is exposed metal on the
binding posts, if any voltage above
50V is applied to the Probe, that end
of the device must be considered live.
Position the Probe so that nobody can
come in contact with that end, and also
to keep the isolated measurement end
away from any high-voltage wiring.
The Probe itself has a high isolation,
but you must ensure that isn’t degraded
by any external shorting hazards. SC