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lose time with a regular quartz movement.
SemTest not generating
a high enough voltage
I built the SemTest Semiconductor
Tester (February, March & May 2012; but it does
not reach the maximum test voltage of
600V. I followed the instruction in the
magazine to build it, but it only reaches
350V. Thank you. (Anon., Philippines)
● We suspect there is nothing wrong
with the flyback transformer. It will
Advertising Index
Beware! The Loop....................... 12
Blackmagic Design....................... 9
Dave Thompson........................ 111
DigiKey Electronics....................... 3
Electronex................................... 13
Emona Instruments.................. IBC
Hare & Forbes............................ 6-7
Jaycar............................. IFC, 55-58
Keith Rippon Kit Assembly....... 111
Lazer Security........................... 111
LD Electronics........................... 111
LEDsales................................... 111
Microchip Technology.............OBC
Mouser Electronics....................... 4
OurPCB Australia.......................... 5
PCBWay....................................... 11
PMD Way................................... 111
SC Pi Pico W BackPack.............. 79
Silicon Chip Binders.................. 54
Silicon Chip Bridge Rectifiers... 87
Silicon Chip PDFs on USB......... 86
Silicon Chip Shop.... 100, 106-107
Silicon Chip Subscriptions........ 27
The Loudspeaker 10
Used Gear - Dieter Dauner........ 111
Used Gear - Jim Rowe.............. 111
Wagner Electronics..................... 99
Next Issue: the April 2025 issue
is due on sale in newsagents by
Thursday, March 27th. Expect postal
delivery of subscription copies in
Australia between March 26th and
April 11th.
Silicon Chip
only develop 600V if relay 2a is operating, and that is when its coil is being
driven via the pin 12 output of IC6.
There could be a dry solder joint at
one of the connections or an incorrect
680W resistor value at the normally-
open contact of relay 2a.
Check the PCB for correct placement of components and correct resistor values.
Change in Jaycar LCD
shield supplier
I have run into a problem with the
“Arduino RFID Keypad” project on
the Jaycar website (
au/rfid-keypad). The current version
of the LCD shield that Jaycar is selling
(XC4630) is no longer compatible with
the code for that project.
Since the Jaycar website is undergoing some changes, the full details of
this project are at
Over time, the LCD shield suppliers to Jaycar have changed and consequently the code has three different
configuration defines in the XC4630d.c
file to cater for the different LCD
shields. Unfortunately, none of these
define options bring the current version of the LCD shield to life. A white
screen is always the result.
After doing some research and
installing the MCUFRIEND_kbv-
master library, I found that running
the “diagnose_TFT_support” sketch
with the included “MCUFRIEND_kbv.
cpp” file having the “#define SUPPORT_8347D” line brought the LCD
shield to life.
The tft.readID() function returns
a value of 0x7575, indicating that
the LCD shield is using a HX8347G
chipset. While I am comfortable
turning on or off existing, pre-coded
#defines, I don’t have the knowledge required to change the code to
bring the LCD shield to life, hence
my request for help. (T. G., Smiths
Lake, NSW)
● We came across this same problem while designing our Symbol Keyboard project that was published in
the May 2024 issue (
Article/16250). You have followed
the same path as us, using the MCUFRIEND library to identify the LCD
controller chip.
For that project, we updated the
XC4630d.c file to add support for the
Australia's electronics magazine
HX8347 controller. You can download the updated software files from:
Use our newer version of the
XC4630d.c file and make sure that
XC4630_v4 is uncommented. Since
you have already identified the controller, we see no reason why this
should not work.
We also recommend powering off
the Arduino board after changing
these configurations and uploading
the sketch. This will ensure that it
forgets any incorrect commands that
were previously sent to the LCD controller when the Arduino board tries
to configure it.
That shouldn’t be necessary in theory, since a reset signal is sent, but we
have needed to power cycle the board
on occasion.
Component values for
Cartridge Preamp
I have a query regarding the Magnetic Cartridge Preamp project (August
2006; I
am wondering about Table 4 on page
51, especially the values for R1. R1 for
the Westrex curve is listed as an 18nF
capacitor. I am guessing this should be
a 220kW resistor.
Related to that, should the 220kW
value for R1 for ffrr78 response curve
be some other value? If 220kW gives
a flat response, it will not suit a treble turnover frequency of 6.36kHz. Is
it supposed to be an 18nF capacitor?
Finally, what value of R1 will give
me a treble turnover freq of 5.5kHz?
(D. M., Hughesdale, Vic)
● R1 = 18nF for the Westrex curve
is correct. This sets a stepped response
at approximately 200Hz with the 33nF
capacitor for C1 in parallel with 18nF
(R1) that is then in series with resistor
R2 (18kW). Note also that a capacitor
is also used in the R1 position for the
NARTB curve in Table 2.
For the ffrr78 curve, the 220kW resistance seems correct. For a 5.5kHz turnover, change C2 to 1.8nF.
We have created LTspice simulation
files for the Westrex and ffrr curves that
you can download from siliconchip.
You can change the values and run
the frequency response for these to see
the response to changes.
If you don’t have LTspice, it is a
free download from