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Antenna Analysis
and Optimisation
Last month, we introduced a range of concepts related to antennas, such as resonance,
reactance, complex impedance, Smith charts and dipoles. We will now look at using
software to tune antennas. It can save a lot of time compared to manual calculations
and experimentation.
Part 2 by Roderick Wall, VK3YC
fter reading the article last month,
you should understand how
the complex impedance of an
antenna can be plotted on a Smith
chart. You should also realise why it
is important to use an antenna at its
resonant point and with a VSWR as
close to 1:1.
The question then becomes, if you
have a real-world antenna and can
measure its complex impedance, how
do you know how to make it resonant? And how do you improve the
VSWR if it’s significantly worse than
1:1? Luckily, free computer software
makes doing all that relatively straightforward.
The “Smith V4.1” software I use
can be downloaded from www.fritz.
There is a free version and a paid
version that has extra features; the free
version is suitable for our purposes.
Fritz also has examples and a very
good introduction to the Smith chart
that can be downloaded.
Before using this software, it needs
to be set up correctly. After starting Smith, left-click on the “Tools”
menu and select “Settings”. Under
the “Smith chart” heading, make sure
“Z-plane (on/off)” is selected and
“Y-plane (on/off)” is not selected. This
displays the results on a Z-Smith chart.
Also make sure that under the “General” heading, the Default Zo = 50W,
then click “OK”.
Refer to Fig.8, an antenna impedance vs wavelength plot reproduced
from last month. If the driven element
length is increased from 0.25 of the
wavelength at point (b) to 0.2654 of
the wavelength at point (c), the real
resistance increases from 36W to 50W,
which is required to obtain a VSWR
Screen 1: using the Smith V4.1
software, click the Keyboard button
shown to be brought to Screen 2.
Fig.8: reproduced from last month, this plot of the complex impedance of
a Marconi antenna versus wavelength provides some useful examples for
designing matching networks.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Screen 2: for the first example, fill in
this menu with the values as shown.
Screen 3: this toolbar lets you insert different elements into the circuit you want to test. It is located at the upper right of
the main window as shown in Screen 4.
of 1:1 for a 50W system. However, the
antenna is no longer resonant; its reactance is +j65.65W (inductive).
A series capacitor can be added to
make the antenna resonate. Let’s use
the Smith software to plot a Smith chart
for the antenna at point (c) in Fig.8,
with a length of 0.2654λ and a complex
impedance of (50.1 + 65.65j)W.
Example #1
To enter the antenna’s complex
impedance, click the “Keyboard” button in the toolbar (see Screen 1).
Select Cartesian and enter real resistance (Re) and imaginary/reactance
(Im) values as shown in Screen 2. Also
change the frequency to 28.3972MHz
and click “OK”. On the Smith chart,
you will see that DP 1 is sitting on the
unity constant impedance (real resistance 50W) circle, between the +j50W
and +j100W lines, indicating an inductive reactance of +j65.65W.
In the “Schematic” window, the
antenna is shown as Zl. To show what
the VSWR would be if this antenna
were connected to the transmitter without a matching circuit, leftclick “Tools” and select “Circles”,
then select the VSWR Tab. Under the
“Defined” heading, select both “3” and
“5” then click OK. The Smith chart
shows that the antenna VSWR will be
between 3:1 and 5:1, then go back to
the VSWR tab.
Now click “Clear all” and type “3.5”
under the “Select other” heading,
then click “Insert” and click OK. This
shows the VSWR to be 3.5:1. We want
a VSWR of 1:1. To see where we want
to move to, add a constant VSWR circle at 1.05 and click OK. For the best
VSWR, we need to end up in the middle of the constant VSWR 1.05 circle.
Click the insert Series Inductor “L”
button, second from left in Screen 3.
The cursor moves in the wrong direction as it moves further away from
where the best VSWR is. The inductor is making it more inductive than
it already is.
To move the VSWR in the correct
direction, a capacitive reactance of
65.65W is required to cancel the inductive reactance, making the antenna
resonant at (50 + j0)W. Right click to
remove the inductor and click the
Insert Series Capacitor “C” button (on
the left in Screen 3). Move the cursor
and click in the middle of the VSWR
1.05 circle.
Using maths, we see that a capacitance of 85.4pF gives a capacitive
reactance of 65.65W at 28.4MHz. Xc =
1 ÷ (2πfC) and C = 1 ÷ (2πfƒXc). The
Smith chart should now look as shown
in Screen 4.
The “Datapoints” window shows
complex impedances for DP 1 and TP
2, while the Schematic window shows
the equivalent circuit. We have just
designed our first matching circuit by
adding a series capacitor between the
driven element and the antenna terminals. The capacitor cancels the inductive reactance, making the impedance
(50 + j0)W.
Screen 4: our initial example
circuit (incorporating just a
series capacitor) produces this
Smith chart.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 49
The antenna can now be connected
to any length of 50W coaxial cable to
the transmitter, and the VSWR will
be close to 1:1. The maximum possible power will be transferred to the
antenna. There will be some losses in
the transmission line and matching
components; they should be kept as
low as possible.
Another method to determine
capacitor value without using a Smith
chart is to adjust the driven element
length until the real resistance is 50W.
Then add a series-connected variable
capacitor and adjust it until a VSWR
of 1:1 is obtained. You can then use
a capacitance meter to measure the
capacitance, allowing you to replace
the variable capacitor with a fixed one
of a similar value.
You can also calculate the required
capacitance, use the formula C = 1
÷ (2πfƒXc). We know the necessary
capacitive reactance (Xc) is 65.65W
because the antenna inductive reactance is 65.65W, and the frequency
(ƒ) in this case is 28.3972MHz. You
can also use an online capacitor calculator.
Example #2 (5/8-wavelength antenna)
The next example is a 5/8-wavelength antenna, shown at point (e)
in Fig.8. A 5/8 antenna is often used
instead of a 1/4-wave Marconi antenna
because it has a lower radiation angle.
Select File → New, then enter the
complex impedance (49.95 – j232)W
and 28.3972MHz into the Smith chart
The real resistance of 50W is already
sitting on the unity resistance circle we
call the Z-matching circle, the road to
where VSWR is 1:1. This time, insert
a series inductor, move the cursor and
click on the middle of the Smith chart
where the VSWR is 1:1, ie, (50 + j0)W.
Screen 5 shows the results.
Using maths, we see that a 1.3μH
inductor gives an inductive reactance
of 232W at 28.4MHz (XL = 2πƒL and
L = XL ÷ 2πƒ). This time, an inductor is needed to cancel out the capacitive reactance to make the antenna
There is a method to adjust a 5/8
antenna without using a Smith chart.
Adjust the element length to obtain a
real resistance of 50W, then use a series
variable inductor to obtain a VSWR of
1:1. Mathematics can be used to calculate the required inductor value, L = XL
÷ 2πƒ. We know the required inductive reactance, XL, is 232W because
the antenna’s capacitance reactance
is 232W.
In the above two examples, the real
resistance part of the complex impedance was 50W, so it already sat on the
unity constant resistance circle. The
usual procedure to obtain a VSWR of
1:1 is to first get the point onto the
unity resistance circle and then move
it around to (50 + j0)W.
For the above two examples, the
matching capacitor or inductor was
connected in series with the driven
element at the antenna.
Example #3 (parallel components)
Another method of making an
antenna resonant is with hairpin
inductors. The hairpin matching component is connected in parallel with
the antenna terminals. When parallel
matching components are used, the
admittance Y-plane must be used. To
set this up, click File→ New and then
Screen 5: the Smith chart for our second example using the complex impedance of (49.95 − j232)W. Screens 4-6 are
measured with a fixed frequency of 28.3972MHz.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
“Tools” menu and select “Settings”,
then enable the Y-plane. Make sure
the Z-plane is not selected. This will
display results on a Y-Smith chart.
Enter a complex impedance of
(32.15 – j24.55)W and a frequency of
28.3972MHz into the Smith software.
As the real resistive part is 32.15W and
not 50W this time, it sits on the blue
unity conductance circle at 20mS (millisiemens). This is what we also call
the Y matching circle, another road to
where the VSWR is 1:1.
Click the “Insert Parallel Inductor”
button and move the cursor to click in
the middle of the Smith chart at the
(50 + j0)W point. The parallel inductor value will be close to 374nH – see
Screen 6. The curved lines on this
chart are called constant susceptance
This example shows that a Marconi
antenna shorter than a 1/4-wavelength
can be made resonant with a parallel inductor. This may be suitable
for a short (160m) vertical Marconi
antenna if its capacitive reactance is
high enough to get onto the Y-matching
circle. If its capacitive reactance is not
Fig.12: hairpin inductors formed from simple metal rods are often
used to create a basic matching network for Yagi antennas, which are
typically on the capacitive end of resonance.
high enough, a capacitor can be added
to get it there. Other possible solutions
will be discussed overleaf.
This example can also be used
to show hairpin matching for a
1/2-wavelength centre feed dipole. The
374.6nH inductor is half of the hairpin matching inductor. Hairpin inductors are often used on Yagi antennas
where the driven element is a centre-
feed dipole.
When using two Marconi antennas to make a Hertz dipole antenna,
as described last month, the antenna
impedance is doubled: 50W × 2 = 100W.
The other side element of the dipole
also needs a parallel 374.6nH inductor,
as shown in Fig.12. A 2:1 balun transforms the 100W impedance to match
the transmitter’s 50W.
The driven dipole element length
is shorter than half the wavelength
(1/4-wavelength per side), giving the
complex impedance capacitive reactance and making it sit on the Ymatching circle.
Each side of the dipole is similar to
an LC matching circuit. The hairpin is
the inductor, while the antenna complex impedance supplies the capacitive reactance without using a discrete
Screen 6: the Smith chart for example #3 with a complex impedance of (32.15 − j24.55)W. This one requires an inductor to
be added in parallel with the antenna to achieve a VSWR of 1:1.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 51
Screens 7 & 8: two example solutions and Smith charts for example #4 with complex impedance (36.32 + j0)W.
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Australia's electronics magazine
Our example is a dipole antenna in
free space with no directors or reflector
elements. Suppose directors or reflector elements are added and placed
above ground.
In that case, the coupled complex
impedance for the driven dipole element before matching will be different than for a self-impedance naked
(uncoupled) element.
The balun impedance ratio may
also be different to this example. A
4:1 balun is used when the centre-feed
dipole antenna impedance is 200W
with the parallel inductors.
Example #4
Let’s consider a 1/4-wavelength 36W
resonant antenna. The VSWR is 1.4:1,
below what might be acceptable. Two
matching components can be used to
fix this.
The complex impedance is (36.32
+ j0)W and is not sitting on the blue
Y-matching circle or the red Zmatching circle. In this example, we
can use a 251pF series capacitor to get
it onto a matching circle. Then a parallel inductor brings us to the centre,
(50 + j0)W – see Screen 7.
Screen 8 shows another possible
solution, with a series inductor and
parallel capacitor forming a low-pass
filter as in Screen 8 rather than a highpass filter. It also achieves a VSWR
of 1:1.
Fig.13: we want to get the antenna’s complex impedance onto one of these
red circles, as we then only need to add one more component to achieve a
VSWR close to 1:1. This diagram provides guidance on what component to
add and how to add it to get the antenna onto one of those circles.
General rules for achieving
The following rules can be used
when designing matching circuits.
Fig.13 provides guidance on whether
to use a series or parallel capacitor or
inductor, depending on where your
antenna falls on the Smith chart.
Similarly, Fig.14 shows the ‘forbidden areas’ and suggests the first component to add to get onto a matching
circle. There may be two or more possible solutions to a matching requirement.
Fig.15 shows another way of determining what components to use. To
move from Capacitive (-j) to Inductive (+j), add an inductor in series
or parallel, as shown. To move from
Inductive (+j) to Capacitive (-j), add
a capacitor, either in series or parallel, as shown.
When selecting components for
matching circuits, ensure their voltage and current ratings are sufficient
for the power being transferred to the
Fig.14: most antennas can be brought to a VSWR of 1:1 using one of these
eight types of two-component matching networks.
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March 2025 53
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Fig.15: here’s another way to visualise what type of component needs to be
added in which manner to achieve resonance in your antenna.
antenna. They must also be suitable for
radio-frequency use, at the frequency
they will be used at.
For inductors, that means either aircored inductors (which can operate at
virtually any frequency) or those with
core materials specifically designed for
use up to the radio frequency range you
will be using. For capacitors, you will
generally need to use low-inductance,
low-loss ceramic or plastic film types,
depending on how high a frequency
they will operate at.
Many large parts suppliers have specific RF inductor and capacitor categories or search tags. Check the data
sheets of the devices you plan to use
to verify that they can operate at the
required frequencies.
When designing matching circuits
for a band of frequencies:
1. Measure the complex impedance
of the antenna at the lowest frequency.
2. Measure the complex impedance
of the antenna at the highest frequency.
3. Measure the complex impedance
of the antenna at the centre frequency.
4. Design the matching circuit for
the centre frequency.
Australia's electronics magazine
5. Enter one of the antenna band
edge complex impedances and frequencies (lowest or highest) into
6. Insert the matching circuit components with the values determined
for the centre frequency.
7. Add constant VSWR circles to
determine the VSWR at the band edge.
8. Repeat for the other band edge
(lowest or highest).
Component values can be edited by
clicking on a component in the schematic window, altering their values in
the window that appears, then clicking “OK.”
We still need to address the bandwidth of the matching components;
that is the topic of the third and final
instalment of this series, which will
be published next month.
In the meantime, you can perform an
exercise to check that you have understood the information in this article.
There are four ways to achieve resonance for an antenna with a complex
impedance of (25 + j43)W in a 50W system. See if you can figure out all four
possible matching networks.