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MARCH 2025
ISSN 1030-2662
The VERY BEST DIY Projects!
9 771030 266001
00* NZ $1390
Modern robotic and
electronic prosthetics
serve as replacements
for lost limbs
Power LCR Tester
Measures inductance from 50μH to 1H at up to 30A
to determine the saturation point, capacitance
from 50nF to 1F and resistance from 1mΩ to 300Ω
Waveform Generator
Handy for audio equipment analysis, circuit
development/demos and as a pulse source
The Future of the Grid
What will our energy grid be powered by in the future? What benefits
& downsides do the current types of energy generation have?
RPi Pico 2 Audio Analyser
Including a built-in signal generator, oscilloscope and spectrum
display in a handheld format
...and much more in this issue!
It’s Back—Digitally!
The 596-page Engineering and Scientific Catalogue is back!
Updated with the latest products and ready for you to browse online.
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Vol.38, No.03
March 2025
14 Prosthetic Limbs
Page 28
Electronic replacement limbs can allow users to perform many of the same
tasks as they could before, leading to a big increase in their quality of life.
By Dr David Maddison, VK3DSM
Medical technology
40 The Power Grid’s Future, Part 1
Australia generates the majority of its power from coal and gas but that
could change. What is the future electricity grid likely to look like?
By Brandon Speedie
Electricity generation
48 Antenna Analysis, Part 2
Learn how antennas work and design matching circuits for them. We show
you how to use Smith V4.1 software to tune antennas using Smith charts.
By Roderick Wall, VK3YC
Radio antennas
Versatile Waveform
76 Precision Electronics, Part 5
One major source of circuit errors to consider is from noise. So let’s look at
what we can do to minimise the effects of noise on our circuits.
By Andrew Levido
Electronic design
88 Transitioning to the RPi Pico 2
We explain what you need to do to convert software for the Raspberry Pi
Pico over to the Pico 2, and our progress on porting projects over.
By Tim Blythman
28 Power LCR Tester, Part 1
Our new and robust Tester can measure inductors from 50μH to over 1H,
capacitors from 50nF to over 1F and resistors from 1mΩ to 300Ω. It can
also measure inductance saturation from 10μH to 1H at up to 30A.
By Phil Prosser
Test equipment project
46 Audio Mixing & Shed Alarm
your own audio mixing cables to add an extra input to an audio
72 Build
amplifier, starting on page 46. And make your own workshop/shed alarm
with a keyfob remote control; see page 72.
By Julian Edgar
Simple electronic projects
64 Versatile Waveform Generator
This Waveform (function) Generator uses just three op amps to produce
square, pulse, triangle, ramp and sine waves from 1Hz to 30kHz.
By Randy Keenan
Test equipment project
82 Pico 2 Audio Analyser
Our Pico Audio Analyser from November 2023 has now been updated to
use a Raspberry Pi Pico 2, improving its THD measurement floor to 0.2%.
By Tim Blythman
Audio project
Page 64
transitioning to the
page 88
Raspberry Pi Pico 2
Editorial Viewpoint
Mini Projects
Circuit Notebook
Serviceman’s Log
Silicon Chip Kits
Vintage Radio
Online Shop
Ask Silicon Chip
Market Centre
Advertising Index
1. RF Remote Receiver
2. Continuity Tester
1. YouTube jukebox using a RPi Zero
National R-70 Panapet by Ian Batty
Nicholas Vinen
Technical Editor
John Clarke – B.E.(Elec.)
Technical Staff
Bao Smith – B.Sc.
Tim Blythman – B.E., B.Sc.
Advertising Enquiries
(02) 9939 3295
Regular Contributors
Allan Linton-Smith
Dave Thompson
David Maddison – B.App.Sc. (Hons 1),
PhD, Grad.Dip.Entr.Innov.
Geoff Graham
Associate Professor Graham Parslow
Dr Hugo Holden – B.H.B, MB.ChB.,
Ian Batty – M.Ed.
Phil Prosser – B.Sc., B.E.(Elec.)
Louis Decrevel
Founding Editor (retired)
Leo Simpson – B.Bus., FAICD
Silicon Chip is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. ACN 626 922 870. ABN 20
880 526 923. All material is copyright ©. No part of this publication
may be reproduced without the written
consent of the publisher.
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ISSN: 1030-2662
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Editorial Viewpoint
Alipay & WeChat show us the way
I have been to China a few times and went again
late December last year. It’s quite a fascinating place
to visit, especially megacities like Beijing. Beijing has
basically as many people as live in all of Australia
within its metropolitan area (and an incredible subway
system that I am envious of).
Something I’ve noticed before but haven’t really
commented on is how good their payment and
ordering systems are.
This relates to one of the problems we have here, which is that every
different business you deal with seems to want you to use their app these
days. I don’t know about you but I already have a huge number of apps on
my phone and I don’t want to install any more! Especially when so many of
them are just glorified web browsers.
In China, two apps that basically everyone has on their phone are Alipay
(their equivalent to PayPal) and WeChat (their equivalent to, say, WhatsApp
and Facetime). However, in many ways, they are far superior to what we have.
Let’s start by looking at Alipay. This allows you to pay just about anyone,
from your friend or family member to a street vendor or a large company,
in seconds by scanning a QR code or via the phone interface. It’s fee-free for
payments under ¥200 (about $44).
PayPal lets you do something similar but, excluding the ‘friends and family’
option, they charge relatively high fees (around 3%). Visa or Mastercard
transactions usually involve fees closer to 1–1.5%.
Alipay also supports NFC, similar to ‘tap and go’. So imagine the
convenience of ‘tap and go’ but without any of those pesky tacked-on fees.
But it gets better. Just about any large vendor you will deal with in China
(coffee shops, restaurants etc) will let you scan another QR code to quickly
and easily install an add-on (or ‘mini app’) within Alipay that includes their
menu. This mini app will let you browse the menu, choose what to order
and pay.
Importantly, the UI (user interface) for most of these mini apps is pretty
consistent, so once you’ve used one, all the others are quick and easy to
figure out. Plus, it’s all within Alipay, so you don’t ‘pollute’ your phone with
dozens of specific apps.
For example, from my hotel room, I could go into the Luckin Coffee app.
It would automatically find the nearest store, just around the corner. I could
order coffee in the morning, pay, go out of the hotel and walk into the shop,
then pick up the coffee and walk out (after they scanned the code showing
it was my order). It was super convenient.
Sure, you can do that with some shops here, but it’s generally much more
of a hassle. I tried using the McDonalds app once. I spent quite a bit of time
putting together an order, then it wouldn’t let me pay, and I had to order in
the restaurant. By contrast, Alipay just works.
WeChat is similar; it provides communications facilities (text, video chat
etc) and is widely used by Chinese people, including those living in Australia.
It also has payment features similar to Alipay, and its own set of mini apps.
In many cases, you can choose which one you prefer to use at a given shop
(Alipay or WeChat/Weixin); they mostly work interchangeably.
I hope we get something similar here one day. Perhaps these apps will
eventually become popular in Australia and provide an alternative to the
Visa & Mastercard duopoly. They will also provide a lot of convenience and
keep our phones free of extraneous icons.
by Nicholas Vinen
9 Kendall Street, Granville NSW 2142
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
your feedback
Letters and emails should contain complete name, address and daytime phone number. Letters to the Editor are submitted on the condition that
Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd has the right to edit, reproduce in electronic form, and communicate these letters. This also applies to submissions to “Ask Silicon Chip”, “Circuit Notebook” and “Serviceman’s Log”.
3G network should not have been shut down
I have just finished reading the January 2025 issue of
Silicon Chip. It was very enjoyable – thank you. I noticed
an error in the drawing on page 70. CON2 is marked as
a “3.5mm JACK PLUG” but it should be a “2.5mm JACK
Regarding your editorial, I am regularly appalled by the
technical decisions made by our governments. Why shut
down the 3G network and consign millions of perfectly
good phones mostly to landfill? I think 3G should have
been kept going as an alternative to 4G. Then there is the
question of what are the total emissions to make replacement phones?
Another point is that all these replacement phones will
have to be paid for in foreign currency – not good when we
are already in debt. I was not impressed when the domestic
shortwave service was shut down. Guess what, the shortwave service would be the last method of communication
available to the public in times of emergency, when everything else had failed.
David Williams, Hornsby, NSW.
Request for more information on authors
It’s great to see work from new authors in Silicon Chip.
New names that have appeared in recent times include
Andrew Levido, Charles Kosina, and Brandon Speedie.
Some of them seem to have become regular contributors.
I, for one, am curious about their backgrounds. Have
you considered adding an “About the Author” paragraph
at the end of their contributions, or even introducing them
in an editorial?
Paul Howson, Warwick, Qld.
Comment: we have put this to the authors with a mixed
response. Some like the idea, while others prefer to let
their articles speak for them. You may see some “About
the Author” panels in upcoming articles, but it will depend
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on the particular author being willing to provide information on themselves.
Watch out for asbestos in old radios
The article in the September 2024 issue on Mains Earthing systems by Brandon Speedie concerns land-based power
networks ( was interesting. It
almost demands a follow-up on Earthing systems for marine
vessels with on-board mains supplies. Perhaps he could
be persuaded to write a follow-on article.
On a separate issue, the Vintage Radio articles are always
intriguing. Because of the typical period from which they
originate, many use Bakelite cabinets and insulating componentry. I thought readers will find this video on manufacturing Bakelite parts in 1936 compelling: https://youtu.
In fact, for keen old-tech collectors, it may prove to be a
bit more than just interesting because it contains an embedded warning. It explains how some Bakelite mouldings
incorporated asbestos reinforcing fillers. This is no exaggeration of the potential danger.
I currently have a friend, an avid vintage radio gear collector, slowly dying from cancer (Mesothelioma). There is
no way to know for sure exactly where he became exposed
to the asbestos that is killing him, but you’d have to put
his hobby high on the list of potential candidates. Restorers be warned!
Andre Rousseau, Auckland South, New Zealand.
Beware fake power tool batteries!
A friend recently asked me to look at a Makita power tool
battery, purchased online, to see if it could be fixed. It was
only a few months old, but the charger wouldn’t charge
it, and the battery would not run the tool. I measured the
terminal voltage, which was 5V, and tried it in my Makita
charger. It immediately indicated a fault.
I opened it up to see if it had a faulty cell or some other
problem. The accompanying photo shows what I found.
The case is identical to a genuine Makita one, and is
labelled 18V 8Ah. It carries a Makita part number. The
purple cells are connected in series and are wired directly
to the charger and the output terminals, with no battery
management system or BMS (a red flag!). The IC on the
small board appears to tell the charger to operate as if it
were a genuine battery.
There was also no temperature sensor fitted to monitor
the temperature when charging – that’s dangerous!
The blue cells sat in the bottom of the case and have
no connections at all. I measured these and they were all
open-circuit. Opening up one of these revealed why: it was
filled with sand! While the battery is labelled 8Ah, it only
contains 2Ah of cells, so even when it was working it was
a terrible product. Beware what you buy online.
Bruce Boardman, VK4MQ, Highfields, Qld.
Analysis of crystal resonator reliability
On pages 8 & 9 of the January 2025 issue, there is a letter from Vincent Stok regarding an unexpected failure of a
20MHz crystal in an automotive ignition system.
When referring to the electronic equipment reliability
handbook MIL-HDBK-217F, in Section 19.1 it lists the baseline reliability of a 20MHz crystal as 26 FIT (26 failures in
1,000,000,000 operating hours). It also lists a quality factor weighting of 2.1 if it is not of military grade, and a further weighting of 10 if it is operating in a Ground-Mobile
With these weighting factors applied, the expected reliability becomes 546 FIT.
Ground-Mobile means it is in an enclosure which is
moving about (and hence subject to physical shock and
vibration), and is not environmentally controlled (hence
subject to high temperature and humidity extremes). This
is a good summary description of the engine bay compartment of a car.
From a very quick Google search, I found the typical temperature range of an engine compartment (when the engine
has been running for some time) is 87-104°C, whereas the
Ground-Mobile model only goes up to 65°C.
After doing a bit of digging on crystal reliability versus temperature, the data appeared to suggest that the FIT
value of crystals does not change significantly as temperature increases, so I decided not to examine any Arrhenius
equation calculation to scale up from 65°C to 95°C.
I then made an estimate of 25,000km travelled per year,
and based on my own experience driving around Sydney,
this equates to roughly 22 vehicle operating hours per
week, or 1144 hours per year. So, (546 FIT x 1144 hours)
÷ 1,000,000,000 indicates an expected failure probability
of 0.0624% per year, or 0.5% failure probability over eight
years of service.
Given the environment it is operating in, the crystal failure is not so amazingly unexpected.
David Neville, Kogarah, NSW.
More on extracting ROM data from 68705s
I found the article in the January 2025 issue on Extracting ROM data from old microcontrollers very interesting
( When I started my career
developing products in the mid 1980s, I used the 68705P3
devices in my products.
These are very similar to the G2s mentioned in the article
and used a very similar programming process: we would
program the software into an EPROM, then use a programmer board to transfer the data into the device.
The P3 devices themselves were pretty simple, but they
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
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were a big step up from previous CPUs that required separate RAM, ROM, peripheral ports and all the glue logic to
make them work. We already had an EPROM programmer;
the programming board I made was based on a schematic
in the data sheet.
Software development was a fairly long process – write
some software, burn it to an EPROM, use the programming
board to transfer to the EPROM to the device, put the device
in your product and try it out. Repeat. Since there was no
support for on-chip debugging, you had to be creative with
output pins and have an oscilloscope.
All in all, they were very useful for us, and we used a great
many of them in multiple product lines, although mostly
we used the functionally equivalent but non-windowed P5
version because it was cheaper. I sometimes think back and
wonder if any of those products still exist, and if so, what
it’d take to get the software out of one and into another.
I think Dr Holden’s solution is quite a good one and could
probably be applied to the P3 as well.
During my time using them, I found the mask ROM that
contains the software that transfers the external EPROM
data into the device while during programming was fully
accessible at any time, not just while the device was in
programming mode.
Thinking this code might be useful to me, I wrote some
software for the P3 that read and displayed the mask software byte by byte on one of the peripheral ports, which I
then copied down and attempted to disassemble by hand.
In the end, something more important came along and I
gave up, but maybe Dr Holden may find it useful to know
what’s going on inside the device during programming, if
he wants to pursue his idea further.
D. T., Sylvania, NSW.
Running induction motors at reduced voltages
I am replying to the letter to the Editor published in the
January 2025 edition from Ian Thompson (on page 6), asking
about running a 3kW motor on a mains-powered variable-
frequency drive (VFD). The answer is that it can be done
with the following caveats.
The torque of a synchronous motor running at a constant excitation frequency is proportional to the applied
voltage squared.
In his case, the torque developed by his motor will be
(240 ÷ 440)2, which will give about 30% of its rated torque.
The motor will run near its nameplate speed, but will only
produce 1kW (torque × speed = power). One should not
exceed 30% of the motor nameplate current so as not to
overheat the motor.
An alternative strategy is to alter the applied volts per Hz
(V/Hz). A VFD alters the V/Hz to maintain a constant flux
in the motor under all speed conditions. By maintaining a
constant flux, it allows the motor to develop its nameplate
torque at all speeds.
From the 3kW motor nameplate, the rated V/Hz is 8.8. If
we are only able to apply 240V to the motor, the maximum
frequency required to maintain a constant flux is 27.27Hz.
After that, the flux starts to decrease as the VFD is unable
to provide more than 240V.
In this case, the motor speed is reduced to 54% of the
nameplate rating AND the power of the motor is reduced
to 1.63kW. In this manner, one can run the motor up to its
nameplate current.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Some advanced VFDs allow one to change the V/Hz setting or, if you have access to the software of custom designed
VFDs, you can change that parameter.
As a side note, I worked with Andrew Levido in two
different companies at both ends of our careers. I see he
has not lost any of his engineering skills, even though he
diverted to management many years ago.
Robert Budniak, Denistone, NSW.
Dealing with SSD degradation over time
The ‘One Identity’ Factor
A time machine would work on individual atoms, not on larger items like
living bodies. When those atoms travel back in time each of them can only
exist once; each atom with take up the identity it had before and proceed
to exist in its previous role.
This could have quite unexpected results for living bodies. The group of
atoms that you called your body five years ago is significantly different
from the group that you now own.
The Loop
You make a time machine and to test it out you set it to take you back
one second. You press ‘start’ and it takes you back to where you were a
second ago; you relive that second then the machine triggers again and you
spend the rest of your life living that one second loop over and over again.
Galactic Movement
Astronomers tell us that the Milky Way galaxy is moving in relation to other
galaxies at 580 kilometres per second. No-one knows where stationary
actually is. If you set your time machine for one second forward it will take
you to where your starting point will be in one second’s time. That could
be a few hundred kilometres into outer space or underground.
It is recommended that you time your first trial for when the constellation Virgo is just above the horizon, take a parachute and if there is water
anywhere near have an EPIRB in your pocket.
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Beware! The Loop is available as an EPUB, MOBI & PDF
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Silicon Chip
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You previously covered the problem of USB memory
sticks not having the claimed storage. This has been a
problem for a while and has been mentioned in several
podcasts I listen to. One of the better ones is Security Now
with Steve Gibson who has been doing it for 20 years. He
runs Gibson Research Corporation and has produced many
great utilities.
One, which is free, is Validrive (
htm). This software will “Quickly spot-check any USB mass
storage drive for fraudulent deliberately missing storage”. It
writes and reads the entire USB drive, so it knows exactly
how much is really there and should prevent anyone getting caught short (of storage).
His main product, though, which he charges for is SpinRite ( All storage media
degrades over time and this is probably even more of a
problem with SSDs. Storage that is read and rarely written
becomes more difficult and slower to read over time. So if
you think your computer is not as fast as it once was, this
could be a significant reason why.
SpinRite runs under FreeDOS, so you need to install it
on a CD/DVD or USB memory stick and boot your computer from it. The cost is US$89 but you can use it on any
machine you have as often as you like. Before you buy it,
you can download his freeware that will test whether you
will be able to boot up SpinRite.
Unfortunately, I am unable to get my Dell Inspiron to do
that, even though it will happily boot from Linux DVDs. I
just thought I would pass this on.
Michael Byrne, Woodford, Qld.
Review of 0patch desired
I am writing about your Editorial Viewpoint column titled
“Staying on Windows 10” (February 2025) and your comments that you will be doing this and using the “0patch
I have my own set of reasons for not wanting to upgrade
from Windows 10. I currently have it on my home desktop
(tower) PC and on my laptop which I use (via WiFi) when
I am in Sydney staying with family. I would not enjoy
upgrading to Windows 11 and then possibly having software that has served me well on several previous versions
of Windows not working on future releases.
As such, are you considering, or would you consider,
doing a review of this software package after you have been
using it for a suitable time? Presumably, you will be able
to provide readers with an objective review.
Paul Myers, Karabar, NSW.
Comment: thanks for your feedback. We will probably
post some sort of update on the software, possibly in the
Editorial Viewpoint of a future issue. We don’t know if we
will have a lot to say about it other than whether it seems
to be doing its job or not.
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By Dr David Maddison
Artificial limbs have been around since
ancient times, but were typically just timber
extensions attached to the stump of a
remaining limb. Modern prosthetics are much
better replacements for lost limbs and can even
provide functional hands, capable of many tasks
that a human hand can perform.
any people with ‘passive’
prosthetics (up to 44%)
decide not to use their artificial limbs because of problems relating to weight, discomfort and lack
of functionality, as described in the
paper at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Currently, no artificial limb can
come close to emulating a natural one.
Still, even a small increase of functionality for an amputee can lead to an
enormous quality of life improvement.
There have also been great advances in
wearable ‘powered exoskeletons’, particularly to assist those with paralysis,
muscle weakness or infirmity. They
are also used for rehabilitation.
New developments in materials
science, 3D printing, electronics, batteries and artificial intelligence (AI)
have made new, lighter-weight, more
comfortable and more functional artificial limbs or exoskeletons possible.
We will look at some of these, in particular those that involve the use of
electronics rather than purely mechanical devices.
A replacement limb should ideally
appear natural, although it seems some
users like the non-natural ‘cyborg’
look. The limbs should generally
Silicon Chip
mimic nature as closely as possible,
both for a natural appearance as well
as intuitive and expected operation
(degrees of freedom etc). Cost is also
an important consideration, as the cost
of a prosthetic limb can be significant.
Connection to the body
One of the most important concerns
affecting patient comfort is the way
the artificial limb is connected to the
body. Rather than cumbersome belts,
silicone rubber and gel materials are
a much more comfortable fit of the
prosthesis ‘socket’ to the limb stump.
Comfort can be further enhanced
with 3D scanning of the stump and
corresponding 3D printing of the
socket to get the best possible fit. Direct
skeletal attachment of the prosthesis
(‘osseointegration’) is another recent
development, but is not suitable for
all patients, as great care is needed for
the area where the skin is penetrated.
Control, sensing & feedback
When the prosthesis is active, ie,
it has some form of motor or motors
built into it, there obviously must be
a means to control it. This generally
has to be simple and easy to learn or
adapt to.
Australia's electronics magazine
Ideally, there should also be some
means of sensing the position of the
prosthesis in space and also to provide feedback to the user of limb
activity such as grip force for a hand
(proprioception). By having both control and sensing, an artificial limb can
approach the utility of a real one.
One of the most important aspects
of controlling an artificial limb is to
determine user intent. This is commonly done by attaching electrodes to
the skin in the vicinity of the remaining nerves that would have been used
to control the limb.
The body still sends electrical
impulses from the brain to those, as
if the limb still existed. These can be
interpreted to establish what the person wishes the limb to do. There are
also other possible control methods,
which we will discuss later.
Beyond that, the next step is to interface directly to the nerves or even the
brain, as in the case of Neuralink, a
brain-computer interface.
Proprioception is the ability of a
person to determine the location of
parts of their body without having to
look, as well as sensing the weight of
an object and forces exerted. While
we are taught in primary school that
there are five senses, we actually have
between 22 and 33; proprioception is
one of the more important ones, along
with balance (via the inner ear), pain
and temperature sensing.
For more realistic prosthetic limb
behaviour, it is important that proprioception is incorporated into the artificial limb. In the natural human body
muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs
and skin receptors are all responsible
for producing proprioception sensations. These allow us to sense changes
in length, tension and deformation, as
shown on the left in Fig.1.
These same senses can be measured electronically by (for example)
the number of revolutions of a rotary
encoder, the amount of current a motor
is drawing or the output of a strain
gauge, as shown on the right in Fig.1.
This information can then be fed back
to the patient via various means, such
as vibration (for example).
In an electronically controlled prosthetic limb (Fig.2), proprioception
information may be acquired as per
the following example.
1. The prosthesis is activated by
biological signals from the user, such
as through surface electrodes to pick
up nerve activity on the stump or
a brain-computer interface such as
2. Proprioception information is
acquired via sensors like strain gauges
to measure deformation, rotary encoders to determine joint angle, limit
switches and the amount of current
drawn by a DC motor, which is related
to its mechanical load.
3. This data is fed to a microprocessor and translated into information for
position, movement, force and load.
4. This information is translated
into a feedback signal for the user,
such as (for example) some sort of
amplitude or frequency modulated
waveform that might represent angular position or torque.
5. The waveforms representing
angular position and torque are sent
to a ‘stimulator’ in the socket of the
prosthetic device to create a sensation
on the user’s skin or nerves. Devices to
do this might cause skin stretch, vibration, electrical stimulation of nerves
or the creation of a tendon-vibration
illusion (TVI), which generates a perception of joint motion.
Sometimes, several proprioception
Fig.1: natural (left) and artificial (right) proprioception strategies. Source: www.
Fig.2: artificial proprioception. Source:
methods can be used simultaneously
to provide multi-channel feedback to
the user.
Prosthesis control
Proprioception information and
control of prosthetic devices may be
Australia's electronics magazine
achieved via the following means,
which are either in use, under development or proposed. They involve either
external sensors (such as capacitance
measurement of the external environment) or sensing of residual muscle
or nerve activity in a patient’s stump.
March 2025 15
prosthesis joint
Channel 3
Residual limb
Channel 1 Channel 2
Inductive powering
Wireless communication
with both servomotors
Channel 4
Fig.3: a proposed cineplastic procedure to sense forces on a muscle pair
(agonist and antagonist) to control a prosthesis. Source: Control Methods
for Transradial Prostheses Based on Remnant Muscle Activity and Its
Relationship with Proprioceptive Feedback;
Fig.4: a possible arrangement of EMG
electrodes on a healthy forearm. A
similar arrangement would be used in
the case of a missing hand.
Some of these methods are more
accurate than others, while some are
subject to noise. Both of these problems can be improved by a combination of approaches. Some may turn out
to be impractical.
Capacitance sensing is a method to
measure the distance to nearby conductive objects using a pair of electrodes, with the electrodes excited by a
sinewave at several hundred kilohertz
(kHz). As a conductive object is moved
closer to the electrodes, the amplitude
of the excitation signal is modulated,
indicating the distance. The closer the
object, the greater the amplitude.
Cineplasty (Fig.3) is an old surgical approach to altering residual limb
muscle to enable a mechanical connection to control a prosthesis. It has several disadvantages, but a modern proposed conceptual approach involves
connecting servomotors at ends of
muscle pairs with wireless communication to and from a prosthesis.
Electrical impedance tomography
(EIT) involves wrapping a series of
electrodes around a residual limb,
like a forearm, and measuring the
electrical impedance between electrodes. Information thus obtained
can be used to infer user intent and a
prosthetic device such as a hand can
be controlled.
Electromyography (EMG) is the
most common method in use today to
control prosthetic devices. It involves
interpreting nervous system signals
within residual muscles. An EMG signal has a voltage of around 1-10mV
and a frequency up to 500Hz. Typically, EMG signals are measured on
the skin surface, but electrodes can
also be implanted for this purpose.
Fig.4 shows a possible arrangement of multiple EMG electrodes on
intention to operate a prosthesis,
although this approach seems impractical for a variety of reasons.
Phonomyography is a method of
detecting muscle activity by its emission of low-frequency oscillations
(5-100Hz) during contraction. They
can be detected using acoustic means,
such as by microphones or accelerometers placed in contact with the skin.
Sonomyography uses ultrasound
to monitor muscle movement in a
stump. This can be used to interpret
patient intention to control a prosthetic device.
Silicon Chip
the skin surface of a healthy forearm.
Force myography consists of attaching an array of force sensors on a
residual stump to determine patient
intention to move a prosthetic device
by their activation of the remaining
Magnetomyography is a method
of measuring nerve system electrical signals in the stump by detecting
extremely small magnetic fields using
such devices as SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference devices).
Such methods are certainly impractical in a portable device at the moment.
Myokinetics is a proposed procedure in which magnets are implanted
in the residual muscles of a forearm.
A three-axis magnetic field sensor is
wrapped around the surface of the
limb to control a prosthetic hand as the
muscles are activated by the patient.
Near-infrared spectroscopy using
light at wavelengths of 760nm and
850nm can detect oxygenated and
deoxygenated haemoglobin in the
bloodstream. This can be used as a
proxy to monitor muscular contractions.
Human tissue is somewhat transparent to these wavelengths and so,
as the amount of oxygenated blood
changes in muscle as they relax or contract, it is possible to monitor muscle
movement. If the residual muscles of a
stump are monitored using a separate
near-infrared transmitter and receiver
in contact with the skin surface, it is
possible to infer patient intention to
control a prosthetic device.
Optical myography is an approach
whereby high-resolution imaging is
used to look for changes in the shape
of a stump due to skin deformation
caused by underlying muscle activity. This can indicate the patient’s
Australia's electronics magazine
Commercial prostheses
Some commercial electronically
controlled prosthetic limb devices are
as follows:
Blatchford Intelligent Prosthesis
The first commercially available
microprocessor-controlled artificial
limb was the Blatchford Intelligent
Prosthesis, released in 1993 by UK
company Blatchford Mobility. This
was a leg with an articulated knee
design, which was programmed to
suit individual users and enabled a
smooth, energy efficient gait pattern.
It did this by determining walking
speed and allowing the appropriate
amount of swing phase extension.
Unfortunately, we can’t find any good
photos of the device.
Bebionic Myoelectric Hand
Bebionic (
en-au/home) makes an artificial hand,
shown in Fig.5, which is myoelectrically controlled by nerve signals
picked up from skin electrodes on
the residual limb. It can be coupled
with arm components if the forearm
or upper arm is also missing.
It is controlled by electrodes contained within a forearm enclosure,
which pick up myoelectric signals
from the residual forearm. This prosthesis uses Myo Plus pattern recognition and machine learning to interpret
user intent.
Luke Arm
The Luke Arm (
luke-arm) is a prosthetic arm inspired
by the prosthetic hand attached to
Luke Skywalker from the movie Star
Wars: A New Hope (1977) – see Fig.6.
It is only available in the United States.
It is of modular construction and is
available in three lengths (transradial,
transhumeral and shoulder disarticulation), depending on the extent of the
arm or hand amputation.
In the longest version, it has ten
powered degrees of freedom, including a powered shoulder, humeral rotator and wrist flexor with ulnar/radial
deviation. In addition, the hand component has multiple preprogrammed
positions with grip force feedback.
The company states that it is the
only commercially available prosthesis with a powered shoulder. The transradial version weighs 1.4kg, transhumeral 3.4kg and shoulder disarticulation 4.7kg.
The prosthesis has multiple control options, such as with pressure
switches, rocker switches or myoelectric electrodes. It can also make use of
inertial measurement units worn on
the shoes to translate foot movement to
a specific hand/arm action controlled
by movement of the toe, heel, inside
or outside of the foot.
The forearm of the device has lights
that indicate to the wearer hand or arm
mode, current grip selection, battery
levels, low battery icons and faults.
There is also an optional feature called
Tactor, which provides alerts and sensory feedback such as for grip force,
via vibration.
Open Bionics
Open Bionics (https://openbionics.
com, not to be confused with https:// makes relatively
inexpensive 3D printed arms and other
prosthetics. The Hero Arm product,
designed for those missing a forearm
but who have a remaining elbow, has
a hand with a gripping capability with
six different grip types and is available
in a variety of sizes, including one to
suit children over eight years.
Fig.6: the
version of
the Luke
Arm, inspired
by Star Wars.
Source: https://
Fig.5: the Bebionic
EQD hand.
Each finger has
individual motors
and there are 14
different grips and
hand positions available.
Skin-coloured “gloves”
are available to cover
the hand. Source:
Fig.7: the Open Bionics
Hero Arm. Source:
Fig.9: the
Össur microprocessorcontrolled
Proprio Foot.
Source: www.
Fig.8: the Össur
i-Limb Quantum
myoelectric hand
prosthesis” hand.
This model has
titanium digits
for increased grip
force and strength.
Source: www.
It is operated by picking up nerve
signals from the stump. Interestingly,
it can be customised with various different covers with different designs,
including a Spider-Man design for
children – see Fig.7. Several videos
of it in action can be seen at https:// showing operation of the arm for
some common tasks.
Össur i-Limb Quantum Hand &
Proprio Foot
Össur (
makes various products including
prosthetics, such as partial and full
hands, feet and waterproof prosthetic
legs, as well as others. Two products
of note are a myoelectric controlled
hand prosthesis (see Fig.8) and a
microprocessor-controlled foot prosthesis (Fig.9).
PSYONIC Ability Hand
The PSYONIC Ability Hand (www. promotes
itself as the “world’s fastest, incredibly
Australia's electronics magazine
durable, and first ever touch-sensing
bionic hand” (see Fig.10).
It has sensors that detect grip pressure and provide user feedback via
vibration. It is also designed to be
strong and water resistant. Up to 32
different grip patterns are available.
It is charged via a USB-C and a
charge lasts about 6–8 hours of use.
It is operated by myoelectric sensing
of nerve system activity in the residual limb, as well as
force-sensitive resistors and linear transducers from third parties. The Ability Hand
can also be fitted to
robots – see Fig.11.
Utah Bionic Leg
Bionic Leg (www.
Fig.10: the PSYONIC
Ability Hand. Source:
PSYONIC user manual;
March 2025 17
Fig.11: a NASA humanoid robot and
a person both fitted with PSYONIC
Ability Hands. Source: www.psyonic.
Fig.12: the Utah Bionic Leg. Source: is
under development at the University
of Utah – see Fig.12. It is designed for
lower-leg amputees. It is lightweight,
using artificial intelligence and a variety of sensors for determining torque
and acceleration and the prosthesis’
position in space. It can adapt to a
variety of different walking activities.
It does not use significant power for
walking on level ground, so it can be
used almost indefinitely on such terrain. During such activity, the battery
is recharged upon limb deceleration,
similar to regenerative charging in an
electric vehicle (EV).
Open-source prostheses
There are several open source prosthetic limb projects as follows:
OpenBionics (https://openbionics.
org) describes itself as an open-source
initiative that develops “affordable,
light-weight, modular, adaptive
robotic and bionic devices that can be
easily reproduced using off-the-shelf
It derives its original inspiration
from the Yale Open Hand Project,
described below. One of OpenBionics’ developments is shown in Fig.13.
Open Source Leg
The Open Source Leg (www. project has a mission to develop standardised hardware
and software platforms for prosthetic
legs and to encourage worldwide cooperation from researchers in the field. In
particular, it is to help develop appropriate control strategies to operate the
legs (see Fig.14).
It is not specifically intended as a
user leg, but rather it is for researchers. The platform runs a Raspberry Pi
computer. The website contains all
the information necessary to enable
researchers (or even Silicon Chip
readers!) to build their own prosthetic
leg. The cost is estimated at US$900019000, which is much cheaper than
commercial devices.
You can see the detailed costings at
and a video on it at
The Yale OpenHand project
The purpose of the Yale OpenHand
Project (
openhand) is to make low-cost, opensource robotic hands (see Fig.15).
It is mentioned that a purpose of the
project is to “make prosthetic hands
more widely available through the
lowering of costs” (
We see no reason that these hands
could not be incorporated into prosthetic limbs.
Fig.13: the OpenBionics hand model. Source:
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
A powered exoskeleton is a wearable machine that covers all or part of
a wearer’s body and interprets their
intended motion and moves accordingly. They have a variety of uses in
the military and industry, to assist the
carrying of heavy loads or to relieve
users of possible repetitive strain
They can also be used to assist the
paralysed, or those with muscle weakness or infirmity, to walk. They have
uses in rehabilitation too. We will look
at some powered exoskeleton devices
that assist people who have trouble
Cyberdyne Hybrid Assistive Limb
The Hybrid Assistive Limb (www.
is a joint development between
Japan’s Tsukuba University and the
robotics company Cyberdyne. The
lower body version is shown in
Fig.16 and helps the partially paralysed (where some residual nerve
function still exists in the legs) or
infirm to walk.
The device has sensors that are
attached to a patient’s flexor and extensor muscles that detect and interpret
electrical signals from nerves. There
are four motorised joints, one for each
hip and knee. It is available as a single- or dual-leg model, weighing 9kg
or 14kg respectively, with an operating time of about one hour.
EksoNR by Esko Bionics
The EksoNR (Fig.17) is an exoskeleton device designed to assist in the
rehabilitation of patients in a clinical setting with physical therapists.
It is suitable for conditions such as
acquired brain injury, stroke, multiple
sclerosis (MS) and spinal cord injury,
and is designed to re-teach the brain
and muscles how to walk again.
Figs.16-18 (left-to-right): the Cyberdyne Hybrid Assistive Limb; EksoNR
exoskeleton; and the HANK lower limb exoskeleton. Sources: www.cyberdyne.
eu/en/products/medical-device/hal-limb & &
It can work with software called
GaitCoach, which alerts therapists to
any aspect of the patient’s gait that
needs correction and further training.
The device weighs about 27kg. See
HANK by Gogoa Mobility
H A N K ( w w w. g o g o a . e u / e n /
exoesqueletos-medicos-hank) is a
lower limb exoskeleton intended for
rehabilitation of patients with spinal
cord injuries, neurodegenerative disorders and who have had brain injuries (see Fig.18).
WalkON Suit F1 exoskeleton
Korea Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology (KAIST, www.kaist. of South Korea makes the WalkON Suit F1, developed jointly with
Angel Robotics (https://angel-robotics.
com/en). It is described as a wearable
robot for paraplegics. The F1 can walk
independently up to a user sitting in
a wheelchair, after which the user
attaches the device.
The F1 learns an optimal walking strategy for each user based on
weight and balance considerations
using a neural network. See Fig.19
and the video at
This suit and its research team won
a gold medal at the 2024 Cybathlon
(described later in text).
Fig.14: the Open Source Leg. It is
designed for researchers to develop
control software for prosthetic legs.
Fig.15: an open-source robotic hand
at the end of a robotic arm, from the
Yale OpenHand project, which could
be incorporated into a prosthesis.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 19
ReWalk exoskeleton
ReWalk is a “personal robotic
exoskeleton” from Israel (https:// that allows paralysed
patients to walk again (see Fig.20).
Patients strap themselves into the
device and it provides powered hip
and knee motion to walk, turn, negotiate curbs and climb stairs. It uses a
computer-based control system and
motion sensors to mimic walking.
Fig.19: the WalkON Suit F1 for
paraplegics. Source:
Walking Assist Device by Honda
Although it doesn’t appear to be
currently on the market, the Walking
Assist Device by Honda (the car company) was designed to help patients
with impaired walking function who
are unable to walk unassisted, for
example, stroke victims or those with
muscular weakness.
It consists of an exoskeleton-type
device with attachments via straps
at the hip and thighs and it weighs
only 2.7kg (see Fig.21). It is, or was,
an offshoot of Honda’s walking robot
Wandercraft (
makes the Atalante X exoskeleton
device to assist paraplegics to become
uprightly mobile again. Unlike most
other exoskeleton devices, it does
not need handheld poles, and is thus
hands-free – see Fig.22.
Brain interfaces
Fig.20: the ReWalk Personal
Exoskeleton allows paralysed patients
with spinal cord injuries to walk
again. Source: https://golifeward.
Fig.21: Honda’s Walking Assist
Device. Source: https://assets.
Silicon Chip
Fig.22: the Wandercraft Atalante X
hands-free exoskeleton for paraplegic
patients. This patient is being trained,
hence the overhead support strap.
An alternative strategy to sensing
myoelectric impulses on the skin
surface or other methods is to control prosthetic limbs via a direct
brain-computer interface.
A complete system (Fig.23) consists
of the electrode array, a neural signal processor and software. A video
of a patient using the device to move
robotic arm can be seen at https://
BrainGate’s by-line is “turning
thought into action” (www.braingate.
org). This research organisation has
developed an experimental brain-
computer interface implant to interpret electrical activity at specific brain
locations to assist patients with conditions such as amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS) or spinal cord injury.
This allows them to control artificial
limbs or operate computers.
It uses an electrode system known as
the Utah Array, also called the NeuroPort Electrode, which is commercially
available for experimental purposes
from Blackrock Neurotech (https://
Elon Musk’s company Neuralink
( is developing a brain-computer interface (BCI)
device to transform a person’s thoughts
into actions by a computer or other
device – see Fig.24.
Neuralink can potentially control
wheelchairs, robotic exoskeletons
and artificial limbs by thought alone.
The amazing potential for Neuralink
to control external devices is shown
in the following video, in which a
monkey with two Neuralink devices
installed plays “MindPong” using
its thoughts alone:
Neuralink is running a clinical trial
called “Precise Robotically Implanted
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.23: the Blackrock brain-computer interface system with the Utah Array
(Neuroport Electrode array) shown insert. Source: https://blackrockneurotech.
Fig.24: an exploded diagram
of Neuralink. Source: https://
Brain-Computer Interface (PRIME)
study”. It “aims to evaluate the safety
and effectiveness of its BCI implant,
the N1, along with the surgical robot
R1 and the N1 User App”. The implant
will have 1024 electrodes.
The first human with a Neuralink
chip installed has used it to move
a cursor to play chess. You can see
this in the video at
load-bearing prosthetic limbs is called
In both cases, the body interprets
them as foreign bodies and mounts
an aggressive immune system attack
to isolate or expel them. It is thus
vitally important to use the most biocompatible materials possible, such
as titanium, certain ceramics such as
zirconia, and silicone. Still, even these
materials are recognised as foreign by
the immune system.
When such penetrations are made,
they can be prone to infection and
sometimes have to be removed. Nevertheless, advances in these techniques
have been made.
Note that osseointegration of prosthetic components such as hip and
knee joints is already done routinely
and effectively. The difference with
prosthetic limbs is the externalisation of the implant through the skin,
which creates many additional challenges.
Tooth implants with the support
structure externalised through the gum
are generally successful, although the
mouth is more resistant to infection
than the skin.
Fig.26: a patient with a prosthetic leg
attached to their body using the OPRA
osseointegration system. Source:
Fig.27: a patient with an experimental
e-OPRA prosthetic limb who can
complete challenging tasks as a truck
driver. Source:
Transcutaneous penetrations
and skeletal attachments
Two of the most challenging and
related areas of prosthetic devices
are the transcutaneous (through-skin)
penetrations of tubes and wires, and
direct skeletal attachment of prosthetic
limbs. Direct skeletal attachment of
The OPRA implant system
Integrum ( is
a Swedish company that has developed the OPRA implant system for
osseointegration of prosthetic limbs.
There are two different versions of
OPRA: one is commercially available, while another, called e-OPRA,
is experimental.
Fig.25 shows the method by which
the OPRA implant is attached to
bone and externalised through the
skin. A patient with a prosthesis
attached via the OPRA system is
shown in Fig.26.
Abutment Screw
Fig.25: details of the OPRA implant
system. Source: https://integrum.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 21
The experimental e-OPRA system
is connected directly to the body’s
nervous system rather than sensing
electrodes on the skin, as shown in
Cybathlon (
en) is a competitive event for teams
from all over the world that develop
assistive technologies – see Fig.30.
There is a video of highlights from the
2024 Cybathlon viewable at https://
Such events encourage the development and use of new prosthetic
Limb regeneration or
Though not the main topic of discussion here, there are alternatives to
prosthetic limbs.
Rather than having an artificial limb,
the ultimate solution would be to
regrow an entire new body part. This
process already occurs with some animals like salamanders, so it is at least
possible in principle. If their leg is cut
off, they will regrow it.
It is believed that limb regrowth
is at least theoretically possible in
humans. It is a matter of activating the
right biological pathways to enable it
to happen, and many researchers are
investigating this.
An Australian scientist, Dr James
Godwin, discovered that in humans,
the scarring that occurs due to a significant wound actually prevents limb
regeneration. If scarring could be prevented, perhaps limb regeneration
would occur.
There is also a substance called
‘extracellular matrix’, one variety of
which has been called “pixie dust”,
that has been shown to produce tissue regeneration in humans with some
With advances in management of
tissue rejection and surgical techniques, limb transplants, such as
hands, arms and legs have been performed.
Another approach is the ‘biolimb’. A
biolimb is created when a donor limb
has its cells removed, leaving behind
just the collagen supporting matrix.
This is then repopulated with cells
from the intended recipient such as
nerves, muscles, blood vessels and
skin tissues. These are placed into the
appropriate areas.
Silicon Chip
This has been done for more simple
body parts, such as windpipes, with
varying levels of success. With a limb,
there are numerous tissue types to
populate, so the process is much more
complicated. As no tissue remains of
the donor that could be recognised
as foreign by the recipient, there are
no problems with rejection or having
to take lifelong immunosuppressive
Further reading
Enabling the Future (https:// is a global
network of citizen volunteers who
use their 3D printers to make opensource upper limb designs to assist
Fig.28: an e-OPRA osseointegration
system. The abutment is where the
prosthetic limb is attached, and there
are connections to nerves and muscle
tissue. Source:
children and adults in need. They
are mainly for those born without fingers or hands, or who have lost them
due to war, natural disasters, illness
or accidents.
Instructions on how to get involved
are at
Some companies are partnered
with a wide range of prosthetic manufacturers and also perform customisation to help formulate a solution
for most types of amputees. One US
company we saw was A Step Ahead
Prosthetics (www.weareastepahead.
com). You can watch a YouTube
video about them at: https://youtu.
Fig.29: with the e-OPRA system,
control and sensory information is
transmitted by nerves from (blue line)
and to (green line) the brain. Sensory
information from the prosthesis
provides a sense of feel. Source:
Fig.30: a competitor with a prosthetic leg completes a task at Cybathlon 2024.
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Part 1 by Phil Prosser
While we have published plenty of LC and LCR meters
over the years, this one is quite different. It can deliver
up to 30A to inductors to determine their properties at higher power levels. That makes
it particularly useful for determining when and how an inductor saturates. It can also
measure very low resistances and very high capacitances.
nductors are the easiest of the basic
components to make yourself. This is
typically done by winding enamelled
copper wire around a core or former.
For air-cored inductors, you’re generally only worried about the inductance
(which can be measured with an LC
meter) and DC resistance (measured
with a low-ohms meter).
It’s quite a bit more complicated for
inductors with a core, though. Cores
are typically made of ferrite, compressed powdered iron or mu metal,
and they all behave quite differently
at higher current levels. As the current through the inductor increases,
eventually the core saturates and the
inductance drops.
This meter will let you determine
at which current the inductance starts
to drop off and how fast it drops off.
It isn’t just handy for self-wound
inductors; any that you recover from
a piece of equipment will likely have
unknown properties – this device can
erase that mystery.
It can also measure very high capacitances and low DC resistances, which
is handy for characterising the series
resistance of any inductor, including
air-cored types.
As an example of when this device
might come in handy, if you use a ferrite or iron-cored inductor in a loudspeaker crossover, its inductance will
fall as the current through it increases
Power LCR Meter Features & Specifications
» Measures capacitance from 50nF to more than 1F
» Measures resistance from 1mΩ to 300Ω
» Measures inductance from 50μH to 1H+
» Measures inductance saturation from 10μH to 1H at up to 30A
(limited by internal resistance)
» Optional Kelvin probes for measuring low resistances
» Power supply: 12-20V DC at 1A
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
past its saturation point. The result of
this is non-linear behaviour that will
be heard as distortion.
High-quality speakers use air cored
inductors because they do not suffer
this problem. However, large inductors in speakers still often have ferrite or iron cores to manage cost, and
the bulk and high resistance of a large
coil of wire.
Another common application of
power inductors is in switch-mode
power supplies. At high currents,
saturation in the core can reduce the
inductance and degrade the performance of the power supply. While this
tester will not characterise inductors at
high frequencies, it is unusual in that
it allows characterisation of inductors
at very high currents, up to about 30A.
Our Power LCR Meter measures
inductance, resistance and capacitance for larger power devices. For
measuring low resistances, it will push
up to 1A through the resistor, although
only for a very short time.
This is not a general-purpose meter;
it is for those chunky passives you
are considering for your switch mode
power supply, Class-D amplifier
output or loudspeaker crossover. It
will give you insight into your parts
that you won’t find in many other
Operating principles
Rod Elliot describes a circuit that
can be used to manually measure
the saturation of power inductors on
his website at
project250.htm (we’ve seen it elsewhere but his description of how it
works is pretty thorough). The problem with that approach is that you
need an oscilloscope to make the measurements.
This circuit uses an interesting technique to make that measurement, and
in the deal we are forced to measure
capacitance and resistance as part of
the overall system, which makes for an
unusual and capable device.
The concept is to monitor the transient behaviour after we apply a voltage step across the inductor, analysing the current through and voltage
across the device under test (DUT)
over time. Pretty much all the similar
circuits on the internet that we found
use a variation of the simple circuit
shown in Fig.1.
We will avoid lots of maths here,
but the following principles are used
in this project. Most of us are familiar
with the resistance equation (Ohm’s
law): V = IR.
The capacitor equivalent to this is
C = q/v and its differential is C = (dq/
dt) ÷ (dv/dt). Realising that dq/dt is
simply current, we have C = I ÷ (dv/
dt). For inductors, the equivalent formula is L = V ÷ (di/dt).
This circuit uses the property that
if we turn that driving Mosfet on and
apply 1V across a 1H inductor, we can
expect to see the current increase at 1A
per second. Similarly, if the inductor
is 100μH and the rail voltage is a 10V
or so, then we get the formula 10-4H
= 10V ÷ (di/dt), so we can expect di/
dt to be 105A/s or 100mA/μs.
For a 10μH inductor with 10V
applied, we can expect a rather lively
1A/μs rate of increase in current. This
means that we will have to switch the
Mosfet off pretty quickly after it turns
on, or be ready to handle some very
high currents after a few millionths
of a second!
By measuring the rate of change of
current through the inductor, we can
measure its inductance. If we measure
that repeatedly at a series of points on
that current curve, we can monitor
how the inductor behaves at different
currents. Neat!
Rod Elliot makes a case that running this manually with a programmable pulse generator makes sense. We
found ourselves in a situation somewhat akin to the serviceman looking at
a broken widget that probably ought to
be thrown in the bin. The temptation
to ‘have a go’ at automating the measurements was irresistible.
Challenges this presents include:
1. Inductors have resistance, which
really messes up the measurements if
you ignore it.
2. The precise voltage across the
DUT is important; if it droops during
the measurement, you need to know
by how much, or your results will be
3. It has to work over a wide range
of inductor values and sizes.
4. We should ideally make sure that
if someone connects an unexpected
component, it won’t explode.
5. How do we make measurements
of a process that can be over in 50
millionths of a second, and even get
multiple results in that short a time?
6. If we have an inductor being
tested with 30A flowing through it, we
have the potential for a massive backEMF spike with significant energy
once the test finishes.
Those first three challenges mean
that this meter needs to be able to
Fig.1: the basic principle of measuring
inductance at various currents. A
brief pulse applied to the Mosfet gate
results in the voltage source being
applied across the DUT, resulting in a
current ramp through Rshunt that can
be measured. The inductance can be
calculated from its slope.
accurately measure the resistance
of the DUT and also the test voltage
applied, as this is essential to get a
good measurement of the inductance.
This meter needs to be able to tell
whether the DUT is a capacitor or not.
Only after determining these things
can the meter then run the saturation
current test.
To measure resistance and capacitance, we can use a current sink in
a fairly conventional way, which
involves driving a constant current
through the device under test, not a
constant voltage.
Dealing with the back-EMF that
will be created when we switch off
There are a few parts on the PCB but it isn’t overly complex. The second large
capacitor is optional and zener diode ZD13 is not required on the final board.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 29
the Mosfet drive after an inductance
test requires a reverse diode across the
DUT. As it turns out, our circuit needs
a Mosfet there to discharge capacitors
while testing them, so we can use a
P-channel Mosfet to deal with this.
With a bit of head scratching, we
arrived at an arrangement that allows
us to parallel the high-current saturation drive Mosfet with a constant current sink that’s used for resistance and
capacitance tests. Since we have a system to measure resistance and inductance, and also to sense whether the
DUT is a capacitor or not, we might
as well measure what the capacitor
value actually is.
In Fig.1, the Mosfet basically shorts
the DUT across the 10V supply rail.
If we leave it inactive, we can dial up
a current on a programmable current
sink to make those other measurements. This leads to the arrangement
shown in the block diagram, Fig.2.
The key system components are:
• A power supply capable of delivering 10V at up to 30A for brief periods
• The DUT
• A Mosfet that can connect the
DUT between the power supply rail
and the current sense circuitry. This
includes a hardware-based current
• A discharging Mosfet that can
apply a load across the DUT.
• A programmable current sink.
• Differential current and voltage
sensing circuits for the DUT.
• The PIC32MK0128MCA048
microcontroller to manage all this (in
a 48-pin TQFP package).
The PCB includes headers allowing
the trigger timing and DUT current to
be monitored on an oscilloscope so
you can look at those waveforms, but
the microcontroller samples all relevant signals and provides measured
results. To see the waveforms on an
oscilloscope, you need to set it on single shot and run a measurement, as we
describe later.
The power supply operates from
a DC plug pack. This is nominally
12-20V at 1A. The average current
draw is not great, but tests will demand
up to 1A from time to time.
The software implements four distinct algorithms, for measuring resistance, capacitance inductance and the
saturation of an inductor (plus low
Measuring resistance
In this mode, the Mosfets are left
off and the constant current sink is
switched on at ~10mA. We have two
channels that can monitor the voltage
across the DUT, one with a gain of 20
and one with unity gain.
We can measure up to 3.3V across
the DUT, which is a maximum of 330W
at 10mA. The software looks at the
value determined by the voltage, and
if the resistance is less than about 30W,
it increases the current to 100mA. If
the resistance is below about 15W, the
high gain channel is used with a current of 10mA, and so on through to
Fig.2: in addition to the Mosfet to switch voltage across the DUT, a second one
can be used to discharge it (in case it is a capacitor). The programmable current
sink allows for lower-current testing, with a DAC controlling the current level.
Two differential amplifiers are used to monitor the voltage across the DUT and
the current through it (via the voltage across the shunt).
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
the meter driving 1A with a high gain.
At 1A drive with high gain, the maximum value is 0.165W (165mW) and
with the 12 bits of analog-to-digital
converter (ADC) resolution, we should
be able to resolve under 1mW. You will
need to be using the Kelvin probes to
measure resistances down at this level.
The precision of these measurements is a result of the current sink
and its calibration, the differential
amplifier, the Kelvin probes and the
ADC itself. If you are reasonably careful with your current calibrations and
use 1% resistors, you will see accuracy
in the region of a few percent.
Measuring capacitance
The software can use the same constant current sink along with the discharging Mosfet to determine if there
is a capacitor on the DUT terminals. It
does this by discharging the DUT by
shorting the terminals, then feeding
current to the DUT for a short period,
then monitoring the voltage across
the DUT after this current is removed.
If the DUT is a resistor or inductor,
the voltage will rapidly fall to 0V. In
fact, for an inductor, the back-EMF will
generate a negative voltage across the
DUT. If the DUT is a capacitor, it will
hold charge and the software will see
this positive voltage.
We can control the magnitude and
duration of the current applied to the
DUT, and we have a pretty decent ADC
that can measure the voltage across
it. So the software can also read the
To achieve this, the positive terminal of the DUT is connected to the positive rail and the current sink draws
10mA from the negative terminal. At
the same time, the software switches
the Mosfet across the DUT switches
on. This discharges the capacitor we
are measuring and also provides a path
for the 10mA to flow.
After the current sink has stabilised,
the software clears its measurement
buffer and starts sampling at the maximum sampling rate of 3.75Msa/s. The
software then switches the DUT discharge FET Mosfet off, allowing the
DUT to start charging. If the capacitor exceeds a predefined voltage, the
software stops sampling, switches the
current off and discharges the DUT.
The data in the measurement buffer
is similar to an oscilloscope trace of the
capacitor (DUT) voltage. As shown in
Fig.3, the software looks for two points
on this charging trace, V1 & V2. It also
counts the number of samples between
them (T1 & T2). From this, we can calculate dv/dt = (V2 − V1) ÷ (T2 − T1)
and, knowing the current applied, we
can calculate the capacitance from C
= I ÷ (dv/dt).
This technique is a bit limited
because, with 10mA flowing, a capacitance of 50nF will have a dv/dt of
10-2A ÷ 5 × 10-8, which is 0.2V/μs. Our
ADC has a full-scale voltage of 3.3V,
which means that the total charging
time is about 16μs. Our dv is actually
2.2V if you dig into the software, which
means dt is 11μs. At 3.75Msa/s, this is
only 41 samples.
Further, the power devices in the
circuit have some pretty substantial
self-capacitances that we have to calibrate out in software. So we have
settled on 50nF as a practical lower
capacitance limit.
What happens if a big capacitor is
connected? Our software data buffer is
12,800 samples long, which means we
can measure a capacitance with dv =
2.2V and dt = 12,800sa ÷ 3,750,000sa/s
or 3.4ms. This gives a maximum capacitance of 15μF or so.
Luckily, our software can look at the
measurement buffer and see that we
have not achieved our preferred V2
threshold, then reduce the sampling
rate and rerun the test. Sampling rates
of 3.75Msa/s, 375ksa/s and 37.5ksa/s
are used. If a big capacitor is being
tested, we can then increase the test
current to 100mA and then 1A. This
gives us an upper measurement limit
of 1.5F.
Discharging a huge capacitor from
2.2V down to 0V requires a little caution. The software does this by pulsing on the Mosfet across the DUT,
starting with 1μs pulses and increasing them until the Mosfet is fully on.
This is intended to discharge large
capacitors without creating massive
current spikes.
Similar to the resistance measurement system, the resolutions of these
measurements are good. Parasitic
capacitance, slew rate limitations and
suchlike limit the precision below
about 100nF. From there up, the meter
will provide a measurement accuracy
of a few percent.
Measuring inductance
The meter has two approaches to
measuring inductance. Both use the
property of applying a voltage to the
Fig.3: measuring a capacitor
value involves first discharging it,
then applying a fixed current and
measuring the rate of voltage rise.
Fig.4: measuring inductance is
similar to capacitance, except that
we are applying a fixed voltage and
measuring the rate of current rise.
DUT and measuring the rate of change
of current.
The simple inductance measurement uses the constant current sink.
As shown in Fig.4, it is similar to how
we measure capacitance in that we
start by setting up the constant current sink with the DUT discharge FET
switched on. Then, when we are ready,
we switch it off and monitor the voltage across the inductor (DUT) and also
the current flowing through it.
Keep in mind that the “constant
current sink” is really a current-limited constant voltage. That means the
current sink is saturated and switched
on hard right until the end of the test.
We have chosen this approach for
initial inductance measurement as
we know that the current will be controlled to the limit set by the constant
current sink. If a user attempts to test
an extremely low inductance, or a
short circuit, the DUT will be subjected
to a brief current pulse that grows to
1A and runs for no more than 12,800
samples at 3.75Msa/s, or 3.4ms.
An inductor’s key property is that it
‘resists’ changes to the current flowing
through it, hence that di/dt = V/L property. So what happens if we switch
a constant current sink on across an
The current starts at zero, then
immediately after the shorting Mosfet is switched off, the current is still
zero. The constant current sink is on
hard, applying the full 10V across the
inductor, with no current (yet) flowing.
Remember that equation, di/dt = V/L?
Now V = 10V, and the current through
the inductor grows at a rate set by the
This increase in current continues
linearly. Once the current through the
inductor reaches the current sink’s set
point, it starts throttling back to maintain the current at a constant value. So
di/dt goes to zero, and the inductor
current is constant, with notionally
0V across the inductor.
Our software in this test captures
a series of readings of both the voltage across the inductor and the current being through it. The software
switches the current measurement
ADC to high-gain mode, which uses a
1W shunt. We start with the maximum
sampling rate, which allows us to measure the smallest inductors.
On this test, the minimum practical measurement is about 50μH,
which results from the 1A test current;
di/dt = 10V ÷ (50 × 10-6H), which is
0.2A/μs. Our cutoff current is 1A, so
we get 5μs of data before the current
limit is reached. The op amp takes
a while to respond and the current
overshoots quite a lot, so we actually get somewhat more than this to
work with.
If you have a smaller inductor, the
saturation test mode (see below) will
measure down to about 10μH.
We capture two sets of data: the voltage across the inductor and the current through it. Similar to the capacitance test, when the voltage across the
inductor transitions from close to 0V
to full-scale on our ADC, we know the
pulse has started. When this voltage
falls again, we know the maximum
current has been achieved.
If the software does not find the
voltage falling before the end of the
buffer, we know we need to reduce
the sampling rate. The minimum sampling rate is 37.5ksa/s, which allows
a minimum di/dt of 0.29A/s (0.1A ÷
[12800sa ÷ 37500sa/s]). This allows
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 31
the measurement of very high inductances, in the Henries range.
The software uses only the mid-
section of the current vs time curve
to calculate the inductance, between
25% and 75% of the buffer. This
means this inductance test result is
at about 0.5A.
The voltage across the inductor
might not fall right down to 0V once
the current through the inductor
reaches the limit because real inductors have resistance.
If there is a DC resistance of say 1W,
once we reach 1A, there is 1V across
the inductor. We can easily get around
this in software by changing our detection threshold voltages. However, the
voltage drop across that internal resistance affects the measured inductance.
We need to consider the internal
resistance of a component like an
inductor as a property of the device.
We can represent a real inductor as
several ideal components, as shown
in Fig.5.
We ignore R2 in our meter, as this is
the equivalent of a resistance ‘shorting’
your windings. In real-world circuits,
especially tuned LC filters, such a
resistance may be intentionally added
to dampen the circuit, but it is generally not significant in normal devices.
Fig.5: even ignoring core saturation,
a real inductor can be modelled as
four ideal components. It’s the selfcapacitance that is most troublesome.
Fig.6: the current can rise higher than
would be expected based on a lowcurrent test due to core saturation.
The software takes this into account.
Silicon Chip
C1 is a ‘lumped parallel capacitance’. This is most commonly the
result of capacitance between the
windings in a coil; an iron-cored
inductor can also have capacitance
between the windings and the core.
Our meter does not seek to correct for
this in the measurement, as the errors
resulting from it are not significant.
However, we see the impact of this
when we apply a voltage across large
coils, as the parallel combination of
C1 and L1 causes visible ringing in the
current in some cases. If you look at the
data sheet for a commercial inductor,
you will often see a ‘self resonant frequency’ figure; this capacitance plays
in that characteristic.
You can see some of this ringing in
Scope 1, right at the start. This plays
havoc with inductance estimation!
R1 in Fig.5 is significant. This is the
internal resistance we are concerned
about. Our equation for di/dt = V ÷ L
applies to only L1 in the figure; the
voltage dropped across R1 is excluded
from this. As the current flowing in the
coil creates a voltage drop across the
internal resistance, the effective voltage across L1 decreases.
For a real coil, di/dt reduces as the
current increases. This is clearly visible for a large air-cored inductor,
which has a DC resistance of 0.46W,
shown in Scope 2.
When measuring inductance, the
first thing our software does is to measure the DC resistance of the DUT.
When calculating the inductance of
the DUT, the software uses this as a
correction factor; with some inductors, this correction is very significant.
Measuring inductor saturation
The saturation test will give you
insight into the inductance’s behaviour
as a function of current.
This test uses the same principal as
above, but this time we are not using a
constant current sink. Instead, we will
be connecting the DUT directly across
the two 47,000μF capacitors using the
main switching Mosfet, with our hardware current detector switching the
Mosfet off when our pre-programmed
limit is reached.
Again, the first thing the software
does is to measure the DC resistance
of the DUT. This is crucial, as the DC
resistance tells us the maximum current that can flow through the DUT
with our 10V across it. The software
selects the current limit as 50% of
Australia's electronics magazine
the theoretical maximum, as for highvalue inductors, we expect the 47mF
capacitors to discharge significantly
during the test.
The software then measures the
inductance of the DUT using the constant current technique. This gives us
a pretty optimistic value of inductance
at high currents for all but air-cored
inductors. The software uses this to
calculate the time required for this
inductor to reach the peak test current, and the sampling rate is adjusted
to fit this into our sample buffer. Fig.6
shows what is happening here.
The software then checks to see if
the user has a capacitor on the DUT
terminals. While we never managed to
damage anything during development,
it isn’t a great idea to suddenly apply
10V to a potentially large capacitor.
The ADC inputs are set to monitor
the high-current (low gain) measurement, which can measure up to 33A,
while the second ADC channel monitors the 10V rail, which we know will
droop throughout the test.
From a first run, the software looks
to see if the sampling rate was OK.
If the DUT has saturated early, we
increase the sampling rate to get a
closer look at the saturation curve. So
a second set of samples is taken with
an optimised sampling rate, which fills
our buffer with usable data.
Once we have this data, the software
splits this into 10 sections and calculates the inductance for each of the 10
regions. This set of results is stored to
allow the user to scroll through.
Our ADC has 12 bits of resolution,
which gives a maximum of 4095 discrete current measurement values. If
we had more than about 10 time slices,
our current measurements would
introduce quantisation errors and any
noise on the measurements would
become more significant. On the other
hand, with fewer slices, we wouldn’t
get as good an idea of the inductor’s
behaviour. We decided that 10 readings is the best compromise.
We initially intended for the software to estimate the saturation current from this data. If you take a look
at some of the sample curves we provide later on, you might get a sense of
the challenge this presents. The shape,
rate of collapse of inductance and all
sorts of ‘interesting’ effects would need
to be considered.
We were concerned that if the software throws up a guess, it will take
on a credibility it does not deserve. A
human can scroll through the numbers
and easily see where the inductance
rolls off and how fast it falls. The software sets the second measurement to
“100%” as it is normally the cleanest
data point, and all others are relative
to this.
11.2A. This shows the inductance
starts somewhat above the rating and
falls relatively slowly. That glitch on
the initial application of the test voltage is from inter-winding capacitance,
and demonstrates why we do not try
to measure inductance from the start
of the sample set.
Real measurement examples
Circuit details
Let’s look at why saturation matters in inductors. We will include
some plots of the inductors we used in
testing this device, as the behaviours
illustrate not only why this parameter
is important, but also why it is hard
for the meter to give a simple answer
to this value.
In each of the following oscilloscope
plots, the blue/cyan curve is the current, which is at a scale of 100mV per
amp. So 3.3V is the full scale of the
ADC at 33A. The yellow trace is the
trigger signal. The duration of these
sweeps all vary, as that is a function of
the DC resistance of the coil, and thus
the inductance and the sampling rate
the software selects.
Scope 1 and Table 1 are for a Bourns
2200LL-470-V-RC rated for 20.9μH <at>
10.3A. It starts with an inductance
somewhat above its rating and falls
relatively slowly.
Scope 2 and Table 2 are for a 1.8μH
air-cored inductor. This shows current
curving downwards as a result of the
DC resistance of the inductor.
Scope 3 and Table 3 show the values
for a 550μH air-cored inductor. There
is some variation in the measured
inductance; given this is an air cored
inductor, this is due to measurement
errors in the meter.
Scope 4 and Table 4 are for the secondary of a Dick Smith M-2156 transformer. This is typical of the saturation
in a soft-iron-cored device. The measured values show the remarkable collapse in inductance past saturation.
Scope 5 and Table 5 are for an
Altronics L6630 470μH 5A inductor.
This shows that this device behaves
as specified at the rated current, but
the initial inductance is substantially
higher, and the inductance rolls off in
a reasonably controlled manner.
That step at the start of the curve
is the INA181 differential amplifier
slewing to ‘keep up’ with the rate of
change; this forms a real limitation on
the lower inductance we can measure.
Scope 6 and Table 6 are for a Bourns
2200HT-100-V-RC rated for 7.9μH <at>
Now that we know how the device
works, let’s look at the full circuit.
We have broken it up into three separate diagrams that perform logically
distinct functions: the test circuitry
(Fig.7), the control circuitry (Fig.8)
and the power supply (Fig.9). We’ll
start by examining the test circuitry,
which is where most of the complexity lies.
The DUT connects between CON5
and CON6, to the left of centre in Fig.7.
This places it between the +10V_FILT
high-current supply rail and Q4 & Q5.
Current Inductance
Scope 1: testing a Bourns 2200LL-470-V-RC inductor rated for 20.9μH <at> 10.3A.
Current Inductance
Scope 2: testing a 1.8μH air-cored inductor with a relatively high DC resistance
of 0.55W.
Current Inductance
Scope 3; testing a 550μH air-cored inductor with a 0.44W DC resistance.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 33
Fig.7: the blue text here refers to connections from this circuit to pins on
microcontroller IC1, shown in Fig.8. Q4 applies the full +10V_FILT across
the DUT when on; if the current gets too high, IC4b causes IC3b to reset,
switching Q4 off. Q5 sinks a fixed current determined by DAC IC2. The
voltage across the DUT is monitored by IC6 or IC7a and fed to the micro,
while IC8 monitors the current (the 1W shunt voltage is also fed directly to
microcontroller pin 12).
Q4 is the main switch that connects the
bottom end of the DUT to ground via
the low-value 5mW shunt, while Q5
is the constant current sink, in combination with an extra 1W shunt and
op amp IC7b.
Q4 is an Infineon IPP013N04NF2SAKMA1. These are relatively inexpensive but only have 1.3mW of on-
resistance and can carry up to 197A
continuously. We don’t suggest you
substitute this part, but if you must,
most Mosfets with under 10mW of
on-resistance and a continuous current rating of at least 50A should be
The gate drive for Q4 comes from
transistors Q9/Q10, which form a
totem pole drive. This buffers the
very high gate capacitance of the
Mosfet, speeding up the switch-on
and switch-off times. Q9 & Q10 are
controlled by a 4013 D-type flip-flop
Silicon Chip
This enables us to switch off the
Mosfet rapidly once the current
through it exceeds a programmed
threshold. To achieve this, we drive
the reset pin of our flip-flop from a
dedicated comparator (IC4b) which
compares the current reading to a
programmed threshold.
IC2 is an MCP4822 12-bit DAC. One
of its outputs (output A, pin 8) drives
the negative input of this LM393 comparator, while the current sense line
from IC8 (INA281) drives the positive
input. The INA281 has a 5% settling
time of 1μs, the LM393 has a response
time of 1μs, and the 4013 reset-to-Q
time is 130ns (0.13μs).
The Q output of IC3b controls the
Mosfet, so we have an overall delay
from sensing the current to switching
the Mosfet drive off in less than 5μs.
We can program the MCP4822 to produce voltages from 0 to 2V, allowing
us to set a current limit from 0 to 30A.
Australia's electronics magazine
The microcontroller sets flip-flop
IC3b using control signals from its
RC11 and RC10 pins that are level-
shifted by transistors Q6 & Q7 and
applied to the CLK and D inputs of
IC3b, respectively. This allows the
micro to set the flip-flop and enable
Mosfet Q4, but the reset signal from
the over-current detection circuitry
can always override this and switch
the Mosfet off.
Mosfet Q2 is used to discharge the
DUT. This is a Vishay SUP70101EL
P-channel Mosfet. It is included to
allow capacitors to be discharged
before testing. It also provides a reverse
current path for an inductive DUT at
the end of tests. If the voltage across
the DUT reverses, up to 30A can flow
through the body diode in Q2.
This device needs to be able to handle the maximum saturation current,
as at the end of a saturation test, Q2 is
switched on, and it will carry the full
Current Inductance
Scope 4: testing the secondary of a Dick Smith M-2156 transformer with a soft
iron core (DC resistance of 0.28W).
Current Inductance
Scope 5: testing an Altronics L6630 470μH 5A toroidal inductor with a
powdered iron core.
Current Inductance
current through its body diode until
it decays. This will result in energy
being dissipated in Q2.
The SUP70101EL is rated at 100A,
with an Rds(on) of 10mW. If substituting, we would stick to similar ratings,
but this is not an expensive part for
what it does.
As Q2 is a P-channel device, its
gate drive is relative to its positive
source terminal, which connects to
the +10V_FILT rail. Thus, there is a
level-shifter based around transistors
Q3 and Q8 that allows us to drive it
from a 0-3.3V microcontroller output
pin (RD8). Diode D8 speeds up its
The programmable current sink is
included to allow us to measure the
resistance of the DUT. We generally
want to run this at 10mA, 100mA or
1A. The actual current is programmed
by the other DAC channel, output B
(pin 6) of IC2.
11.8μH *
Scope 6: testing a Bourns 2200HT-100-V-RC inductor rated for 7.9μH <at> 11.2A
(with a DC resistance of 0.01W).
* this low measurement is likely due to inter-winding capacitance
The current sink is fairly conventional, with IC7 amplifying the difference between the voltage from IC2
on its positive input with the voltage
sensed across the 1W and 0.005W shunt
Running a wide-bandwidth current
sink with various inductances as a load
is a challenge with stability. The 33nF
Australia's electronics magazine
feedback capacitor across IC7b helps
to keep it stable.
The differential current and voltage
sense circuits are implemented with
INA281B1 instrumentation amplifiers
(when a higher gain is required) and
TLC072 op amp for low-gain (unity)
differential voltage measurements.
These differential amplifiers all have
March 2025 35
their ground references tied to the
VREF− pin used by the ADC.
The TLC072 was chosen in preference to the more common TL072 due
to its lower DC offset.
Using differential amplifiers allows
us to remove common-mode signals on
the +10V_FILT rail, which we know
will droop during measurements, and
also remove the DC offset on the DUT
voltage. This allows us to make best
use of the 0-3.3V input voltage range
of the ADC.
CON1 provides a way to improve
measurement accuracy by removing
the voltage drop in the connectors and
leads to the DUT from the equation. If
CON1 is not used, IC6 measures the
voltage across the DUT directly from
CON5 & CON6 via 10W resistors.
If instead separate wires connect
from pin 1 of CON1 to the DUT’s negative lead and pin 2 to the positive
lead, any voltage drop between the
PCB connectors to CON5/CON6 and
the DUT itself will not affect the measurements. The extra test leads will
effectively short out the 10W resistors,
providing a voltage measurement right
at the DUT terminals.
Schottky diodes D6, D7, D9 & D10,
in combination with 470W series
Fig.8: microcontroller IC1 dominates the control circuitry. Results are displayed
on an LCD screen connected to CON2, while pushbuttons S1-S4 allow the user
to select modes. EEPROM IC5 stores calibration data, while crystal X1 provides
accurate timing.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
resistors, protect the microcontroller’s
analog inputs from voltages outside
the range of 0-3.3V that it can handle. At the same time, zener diodes
ZD11 & ZD12 protect the Mosfets from
voltage spikes at their gates that could
damage them.
Half of IC3 (IC3a) and IC4 (IC4a) are
not used, so their inputs are terminated
to avoid them floating and possibly
causing extra noise.
Microcontroller circuitry
The control circuit is shown in
Fig.8. All the lower pins of microcontroller IC1 with arrows and blue
labels connect to points in Fig.7. Those
points in Fig.7 also have arrows and
blue writing showing which microcontroller pin they connect to.
In Fig.8, besides the 48-pin microcontroller, we have an alphanumeric
LCD screen connected via 16-pin
header CON2, four pushbuttons (S1S4) with associated pull-up resistors,
an EEPROM (IC5) that’s controlled by
IC1 over an SPI serial bus, an 8MHz
crystal for accurate timing, an in-
circuit programming header (CON3)
and numerous bypass capacitors.
We chose the PIC32MK0128
MCA048 because it incorporates two
3.75Msa/s, 12-bit ADCs that we can
operate synchronously. Well, it has
three, but we only use two. These can
sample voltages at various pins; we are
using five inputs in this project (AN0,
AN1, AN3, AN6 & AN13).
This microcontroller includes a
direct memory access (DMA) subsystem that allows the ADC data to be
moved into RAM quickly by hardware
inside the microcontroller. This means
the PIC32 is only interrupted after 128
samples are captured on each channel,
allowing the PIC32 to capture a large
buffer of samples at this full sampling
rate for us to analyse.
This PIC has 32kiB of RAM and
128kiB of flash program memory.
We use the majority of the RAM for
a large data buffer. In inductor tests,
this includes synchronised 10V rail
voltages and current measurements.
This processor runs at 120MHz and
includes an amazing array of peripherals for a chip that costs less than $7.
The only thing that is more amazing is
how complicated some of these modern processors can be to set up and
write software for!
The 25AA256 EEPROM is used to
store calibration data; just about any
Fig.9: the power supply generates five rails from the 12-20V DC input: +3.3VD, +3.3VA, -3.3V, +10V_FILT and +10V. The
+10V and -3.3V rails power devices like op amps, +3.3VD powers the micro, +3.3VA is the ADC reference voltage and
+10V_FILT supplies current to the DUT.
pin-compatible SPI EEPROM will do,
as we only use a handful of locations
at the bottom of the address range.
The three pushbuttons (ENTER/UP/
DOWN) are mounted on the rear of the
PCB so they project through the case,
near the standard 16×2 character LCD
screen. We have stuck to a text display
as these are commonly available, and
aside from the power and LED connections being inconsistent between
suppliers, they are interchangeable.
While a graphical display might
be nice, it is not essential and would
add cost and complexity. It would
also complicate sourcing, as there are
many similar but incompatible graphical displays available.
The support circuitry around the
PIC microcontroller is mostly per
application notes. There are separate 3.3V digital (+3.3VD) and analog
(+3.3VA) rails. The analog rail forms
the reference for the ADC, so keeping
it clean is important.
Power supply
Turning now to Fig.9, the 10V rail
is generated with an LM2576 switchmode buck regulator (REG5) for reasonable efficiency. Its switching output is filtered by inductor L1 and the
1000μF capacitor on its output to efficiently produce a smooth 10V rail.
The output current from the LM2576
is limited to about 1.5A by PNP transistor Q1 and the 0.39W resistor, which
together pull the feedback pin of REG5
high if the current limit is exceeded.
This is included to ensure that for
extended high current pulses, the
LM2576’s internal over-current protection is not activated.
There are two 10V rails. The one
labelled +10V drives the op amps. This
is isolated by diode D3 and a 100μF filter capacitor to minimise disturbances
on this rail during high-current pulses
on the +10V_FILT rail.
The +10V_FILT high-current rail is
filtered by a 330μH inductor which
feeds two 47,000μF 16V capacitors
(they are in Fig.7). This very substantial filter has been selected to ensure
that even when testing large inductors,
the +10V_FILT rail does not droop
too much.
Diodes D1 & D2 form a charge pump
with the two 10μF capacitors to generate a negative voltage from REG5’s
switching node, which is regulated
down to -3.3V by REG3 (LM337). This
allows our op amps to handle signals
right down to 0V.
The +3.3VA and +3.3VD rails are
generated from the 12-20V input by
identically configured linear regulators REG1 & REG2. We can get away
with this since there isn’t a huge
demand for current on those rails.
Australia's electronics magazine
During calibration, we measure the
3.3VA rail voltage. This is important
as any error in this voltage will translate to the measurement errors. The
LP2950 regulators have an inherent
accuracy of about ±1%. We recommended using the LP2950ACZ-3.3G
but the non-AC version is available
from local stores with only slightly
reduced specs. Calibration will take
care of that.
Bulk capacitance
Using two 47,000μF capacitors
seems pretty generous but if we want
to test a 10mH inductor at 20A, these
capacitors need to deliver ½LI2J of
energy, which is 2J (0.5 × 0.01H ×
202A). This energy can only come from
the capacitors, as the LM2576 can only
deliver an amp or so.
At 10V, our two capacitors store
½CV2J = 4.7J (0.5 × 0.047F × 2 × 102V).
If we take 2J from these capacitors and
put it in the inductor, the voltage rail
will drop from 10V down to 7.6V or so.
We can test much larger inductors
than 10mH, but our design assumes
that they will be tested at lower currents, which we think is reasonable as
such a large inductor will have a fairly
high DC resistance. This DC resistance
will limit the maximum current.
By the way, 2J is quite a lot of energy.
Do not touch the DUT during testing,
March 2025 37
and do not disconnect it while the test
is running, as the back-EMF from such
a large amount of energy will generate a very high voltage if it is disconnected while current is flowing. The
substantial P-channel Mosfet on the
board handles this back-EMF at the
end of each test.
If you disconnect the DUT from the
tester during operation, this current
path for back-EMF will be removed,
which will result in a very high voltage spike. This could deliver a serious shock if you are touching the DUT
terminals. An industrial electric fence
delivers 2-5J, which is sufficient to dissuade the most stubborn animals. You
really do not want to experience that!
So much software
The real functionality in this meter
is all in the software. While we’ll discuss it in broad strokes, you can download the complete source code from
our website. So if you are inclined,
you can take a deeper look, or perhaps could write your own functions
or display routines.
The code is written in the relatively
low-level C language, as the software
needs to run very quickly during testing. C is not too hard to learn, but it
does leave a lot of responsibility for
the user to get things right.
I am a hardware engineer, and the
code does kind of reflect this. Still, you
will find a structured state machine
controlling the meter, drivers for various hardware subsystems, and an
effort to implement code in functions
to improve its readability.
A brief look at the PIC32MK0128
data sheet is also enough to turn your
hair grey. It is 562 pages of joy, and a
lot of it directs you to sub-data-sheets
for specific functions. This project
uses multiple timers, ADC channels,
direct memory access, SPI modules
and general purpose I/Os. For different measurements and component values, the software changes the settings
on many of these.
Microchip provides a development
environment that integrates the compiler, code editor, programmer and
debugger. There is also a “Code Configurator tool”, which helps configure
the bewildering array of modules in
the microcontroller.
This is a mix of graphical representation of how parts of the microcontroller interconnect with text boxes that
allow you to, for example, program
Silicon Chip
Parts List – Power LCR Meter
1 double-sided PCB coded 04103251, 156 × 118mm
1 Ritec RP1285 186 × 146 × 75mm IP65 sealed ABS enclosure
[Altronics H0310]
1 12-20V DC 1A+ power supply
1 3D-printed LCD bezel (see text next month)
2 PCB-mount M205 fuse clips (F1)
1 1A fast-blow M205 fuse (F1)
1 16 × 22mm TO-220 PCB-mounting heatsink (HS1) [Altronics H0650]
2 330μH 3A toroidal inductors (L1, L2) [Altronics L6527]
3 vertical PCB-mount SPDT momentary pushbuttons plus small button caps
(S1-S3) [Altronics S1493 + S1481]
1 vertical PCB-mount SPDT mini toggle switch (S5) [Altronics S1315]
1 8MHz low-profile crystal resonator, HC-49S (X1)
1 20kW top-adjust single-turn trimpot (VR1)
1 16 × 2 wide blue LED-backlight alphanumeric LCD [Altronics Z7018]
2 200mm lengths of red/black heavy-duty hookup wire
2 200mm lengths of red/black medium-duty hookup wire
1 500mm length of light-duty figure-8 wire
1 200mm length of 16-way ribbon cable
1 100mm length of 3mm diameter black heatshrink tubing
1 TO-220 silicone insulating washer and bush
4 M3 × 10mm tapped spacers
1 M3 × 10mm panhead machine screw
8 M3 × 6mm panhead machine screws
1 M3 hex nut
9 M3 flat washers
3 2-pin vertical polarised headers, 2.54mm pitch, with matching plugs and
pins (CON1, CON7, CON11)
1 2×8-pin vertical header, 2.54mm pitch (CON2)
1 5-pin vertical header, 2.54mm pitch (CON3)
1 2-way mini terminal block, 5/5.08mm pitch (CON4)
2 6.3mm PCB-mount vertical spade lugs (CON5, CON6)
3 2-pin vertical headers, 2.54mm pitch (JP8-JP10)
3 jumper shunts
1 16-way IDC inline socket
2 panel-mount binding posts, red & black
2 panel-mount banana sockets, red & black
2 chassis-mount BNC sockets
1 panel-mount DC socket (to suit power supply)
Integrated circuits
1 PIC32MK0128MCA048 32-bit microcontroller programmed with
0410325A.HEX, TQFP-48 (IC1)
1 MCP4822-E/P 12-bit SPI DAC, DIP-8 (IC2)
1 4013B dual D-type flip-flop CMOS IC, DIP-14 (IC3)
1 LM393 dual single-supply comparator, DIP-8 (IC4)
1 25AA256-I/SN 32kiB EEPROM, SOIC-8 (IC5) [Mouser 579-25AA256-I/SN]
2 INA281B1 20V/V 1.3MHz current sense amplifiers, SOT-23-5 (IC6, IC8)
1 TLC072AIP dual low-noise JFET-input op amp, DIP-8 (IC7)
2 LP2950-3.3 3.3V 100mA low-dropout linear regulators, TO-92 (REG1, REG2)
1 LM337 1A adjustable negative linear regulator, TO-220 (REG3)
1 LM2576 3A integrated buck switch-mode DC/DC converter, TO-220-5 (REG5)
Other semiconductors
2 BC558 30V 100mA PNP transistors, TO-92 (Q1, Q10)
1 SUP70101EL 100V 120A P-channel Mosfet, TO-220 (Q2)
[Mouser 78-SUP70101EL-GE3]
5 BC548 30V 100mA NPN transistors, TO-92 (Q3, Q6-Q9)
Australia's electronics magazine
1 IPP013N04NF2SAKMA1 40V 197A N-channel Mosfets, TO-220 (Q4)
[Mouser 726-IPP013N04NF2SAKM]
1 TIP121 NPN Darlington transistor with integral diode, TO-220 (Q5)
2 12V 400mW/1W zener diodes, DO-35/DO-41 (ZD11, ZD12)
4 1N4148 75V 200mA signal diodes, DO-35 (D1-D3, D8)
1 1N5822 40V 3A schottky diode, DO-201AD (D4)
5 BAT85 30V 200mA schottky diodes, DO-34 (D5-D7, D9, D10)
Through-hole capacitors
2 47,000μF 16V snap-in electrolytic [Mouser 598-81LX473M016A452]
3 1000μF 25V low-ESR radial electrolytic
5 100μF 25V low-ESR radial electrolytic
6 10μF 50V low-ESR radial electrolytic
16 100nF 63/100V MKT
1 33nF 63/100V MKT
1 220pF 50V ceramic
SMD capacitors (all X7R ceramic SMD M2012/0805 unless noted)
2 10μF 10V
3 1μF 50V
8 100nF 50V SMD M2012/0805
2 18pF 50V NP0/C0G ceramic SMD M2012/0805
TH resistors (all ¼W 1% axial unless noted)
2 47kW
23 4.7kW
1 560W
1 330W
1 1W 1W 5%
1 33kW
1 2.7kW
4 470W
4 100W
1 0.39W 5W 5%
1 10kW
2 1kW
1 330W 1W 5% 1 100W 1W 5%
1 0.005W open-air [Welwyn OAR1-R005FI or similar]
SMD resistors (all ⅛W 1% SMD M2012/0805 unless noted)
1 10kW
1 1kW
1 470W
2 10W
timer periods. This code configurator
generates device driver code for each
subsystem that you can use in your
program. This forms the device driver
layer for the microcontroller, making
our life much easier.
For the external parts like the SPI
EEPROM, DAC and 16×2 LCD, we
don’t have the luxury of a code configurator, but we can use libraries that we
or other people have developed in the
past. For control of things like the Mosfets, we wrote simple ‘drivers’ to allow
the main program to perform common
functions without the complication of
directly interfacing to hardware.
A good example is the “CORETIMER_DelayMs(X)” function call,
which lets our program ask for a delay
of X milliseconds. The driver looks
after things like clock frequencies and
Similarly, HDByteWriteSPI() is
a function that allows us to write a
byte to the SPI EEPROM at a defined
location. We don’t care what specific
EEPROM it is, as long as we can save
data to it and read data from it.
By using these high-level drivers in
our program, the code is much easier
to read and also, once we have tested
them, we can treat them as ‘black
boxes’. Our top-level algorithm can
command the hardware to perform
functions such as “Pulse_Start()” without needing to bother with any of the
hardware details.
You will have noticed there are actually four fairly independent measurement modes. We won’t go into detail
here, but from a high level, the main
program file “Inductor_Tester.c” performs the main functions:
1. Configures the hardware
2. Loads and saves calibration data
3. Allow the operator to:
a. Calibrate the meter
b. Measure resistance,
inductance, capacitance and
inductor saturation
c. Display results.
These functions all live in a simple
state machine that allows the user to
select the measurement desired and
review the measurements.
Next month
The PCB mounts on the rear of the lid.
Except for the power input, the terminals on
the side are optional.
Australia's electronics magazine
This article has already become
quite long, and we haven’t gotten up
to the construction, calibration or testing steps yet. We’ll have all that next
month, along with some hints on using
the device effectively.
March 2025 39
The Future
of our
Power Grid
Humanity has used fossil fuels as our
dominant source of energy since the
Industrial Revolution. We are now in the
throes of change as we transition to other
energy sources. Electrification is increasing, but
how will we generate all this power?
ustralia generates the majority of its
electricity from coal, as explained
in my article in the August 2023
issue on the Australian electrical grid
and its generation mix (siliconchip.
au/Article/15900). Coal has been a
cheap and reliable source of power
for a century, but many coal-fired
power stations are approaching the
end of their designed life and will be
decommissioned in the coming years
(see the panel).
These coal-fired power stations
will need to be replaced with new
generators. Additional capacity will
also need to be built to meet increasing demand from population growth,
transport electrification, industry and
domestic consumption.
Fortunately, Australia can take a
pick of the best technologies, as we
have some of the world’s most plentiful fuels.
This article will consider ‘best’ to
be the cheapest generation that meets
the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) reliability standard:
99.998% or better uptime, or less than
11 minutes per year of blackout on
average per person.
These costs must include not just
the generator itself, but also any
required network augmentation, storage, waste disposal, etc. Deliberately
excluded are any discussions of indirect costs of generation, such as ecological impacts, population health issues,
noise pollution and so on as while they
are real, they are difficult to quantify.
Coal power stations
The most obvious solution to replacing our existing coal power stations
is simply to build new ones. In many
ways, this makes sense; Australia
has some of the world’s largest coal
reserves. We also have established
mines to extract it, transmission infrastructure already built to carry this
power to where it is needed, and an
experienced workforce well versed at
running this type of plant.
It is an approach that has served
us well thus far, so why change now?
The problem is that coal is an
increasingly uncompetitive way to
Part 1 by
Brandon Speedie
generate electricity, driven largely by
two factors.
Firstly, cheaper variable sources of
generation are entering the market. As
coal power stations are designed to run
all the time with only gradual changes
to their output power, it’s challenging to match them to an increasingly
dynamic grid.
Second, the price of coal is rising.
In a little over two years from August
2020 to September 2022, prices
increased from $50 per tonne to $430
a tonne (see Fig.1). Prices have since
fallen to around $150 per tonne, but
that is still high by historical standards. It is for these financial reasons
that many coal power stations are facing an early closure, despite still having usable life left.
Nuclear power stations
At first glance, nuclear fission looks
promising as a drop-in replacement for
coal. Nuclear power stations operate
similarly to coal plants, with large turbines spinning all the time and only
slow changes to output power. The
Fig.1: the Australian coal price in USD ($) per metric tonne over the last five years. Source:
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
power stations could be built nearby or
in place of the existing coal fleet, reusing the transmission infrastructure
and (with some training) redeploying
the skilled workforce. The grid would
hardly notice a difference.
Australia is also well-suited geologically to nuclear fission-based power.
This country has by far the biggest uranium reserves in the world, much of
which is served by established mines.
Also, the landmass sits in the centre
of a tectonic plate, mitigating the risk
of a meltdown from a natural disaster.
The main problem is inflexibility. Fission power stations typically
operate above 90% capacity factor,
meaning that they run close to the full
rated output power at all times. Much
like coal, they are slow to ramp their
power up and down, and very slow
to restart if stopped completely. This
makes them increasingly difficult to
match to the grid.
Nuclear power is also expensive;
assuming a high-capacity factor, it is
the most costly generation type of the
established technologies. If required to
run flexibly (that is, at a lower capacity
factor), costs increase further.
irradiance of any country, which
makes photovoltaics our cheapest
way to generate electricity. But solar is
highly variable, so it needs to be combined with more expensive technologies to provide stability to the grid.
Rooftop solar is being built rapidly,
with over 3.4 million homes, businesses and industrial facilities now
boasting a solar system. This represents over 20GW of capacity across
the eastern states.
Grid-scale solar is even cheaper than
rooftop due to economies of scale, and
also its more favourable yield and generation profile. Grid-scale farms are
designed to avoid shading between
panels and from nearby structures,
which is often not possible on rooftop systems.
Most grid-scale farms also have
motorised pivots to track the sun. This
results in superior energy production
per panel, but also a more favourable
generation profile (see Figs.2 & 3). The
grid is typically shorter on supply at
dawn and dusk than during the middle
of the day, so grid-scale solar earns better financial returns by tracking the sun
and maximising output at these times.
Natural gas
Wind power
Given the trends in fossil fuel prices,
natural gas is an increasingly expensive way to generate electricity. However, gas has an advantage over many
other generation types, which will
likely see it remain part of our energy
mix well into the future. That advantage is speed; gas ‘peakers’ can ramp
their output power up and down rapidly.
This makes them good for ‘firming’:
shoring up supply when there is a critical shortfall, or when other generation types can’t respond fast enough.
Australia has the world’s 13th largest
natural gas reserves, and is the world’s
largest exporter, so it is a well-supplied
While natural gas is currently the
dominant fuel in this segment, it is
possible other types will enter the
market. Waste methane from industrial processes, such as waste water
treatment and agricultural processing, is increasingly being captured and
combusted for generation. Alternative
fuels such as hydrogen may also have
a future role to play.
Australia’s southern states have
some of the best wind resources in
the world given their proximity to
the “Roaring Forties”. Onshore wind
has a higher capital cost than solar,
but due to its more favourable generation shape and capacity factor, it is
able to earn higher revenues. Thus, its
overall energy cost levels out to only
slightly higher than solar. It is our
second-cheapest source of electricity.
While wind is less variable than
solar, it will also need to be combined
with more expensive technologies to
ensure grid stability. The economics of offshore wind are much more
uncertain. Globally, there are some
offshore projects in construction or
operation, but they compare poorly
to onshore developments due to their
high capital cost and maintenance
Solar power
Australia has the highest solar
Hydroelectricity has a long history
in this country; projects like the Snowy
Mountains Hydroelectric Scheme are a
source of great national pride. Unfortunately, rain is one of the few natural
resources Australia doesn’t have much
of, being the driest inhabited continent
Australia's electronics magazine
Coal power plants in Aus.
A list of coal power plants
in Australia that are either
still operating or have been
decommissioned recently.
Hazelwood (1600MW): built in
1964, decommissioned in 2017
Yallourn W (1480MW): built in
1975, due for closure in 2028
Loy Yang A (2200MW): built in
1984, due for closure in 2035
Loy Yang B (1050MW): built in
1993, due for closure in 2047
New South Wales
Liddell (2051MW): built in 1971,
decommissioned in 2023
Eraring (2880MW): built in 1982,
due for closure in 2027
Vales Point B (1320MW): built in
1978, due for closure in 2029
Bayswater (2640MW): built in
1982, due for closure in 2033
Mt Piper (1400MW): built in 1993,
due for closure in 2040
Callide B (700MW): built in 1988,
due for closure in 2028
Gladstone (1680MW): built in
1976, due for closure in 2035
Tarong (1400MW): built in 1984,
due for closure in 2037
Stanwell (1445MW): built in 1993,
due for closure in 2046
Kogan Creek (744MW): built in
2007, no scheduled closure
Callide C (810MW): built in 2001,
no scheduled closure date but
hasn’t operated since 2021
Millmerran (852MW): built in
2002, no scheduled closure
South Australia
Northern (520MW):
decommissioned in 2016
Playford B (240MW):
decommissioned in 2016
Western Australia
Collie (340MW): built in 1999,
due for closure in 2027
Muja (854MW): built in 1981,
staged for decommissioning in
2022, 2024 & 2029
Bluewaters (416MW): built in
2009, no scheduled closure
March 2025 41
Fig.2: the power output (red) of a real-world solar farm with fixed tilt panels.
Irradiance is shown in pink.
Fig.3: similar to Fig.2 but the solar farm has panels that track the sun. Horizontal
irradiance is shown in purple, with panel irradiance shown in pink. Note the
increased output at the start and end of the day compared to the fixed system.
on Earth. Of the rain that we do get,
much is already captured in existing
hydro systems.
The opportunities that exist are not
cost-competitive from the perspective
of electricity generation. In fact, many
of Australia’s existing hydro projects
serve the main purpose of irrigation
for agriculture, with electricity as a
secondary benefit.
For this reason, Hydro is unlikely
to see any meaningful expansion
in this country. There are several
Pumped Hydro projects in construction and development and that sector
is expected to continue strong growth.
See the later section on storage.
The generation mix
Looking at generation types in isolation is useful to understand the relative
merits and drawbacks of each technology, but the optimum fleet will feature
a diverse mix. By combining different
fuels, the limitations of some types can
be compensated for by others.
A good example of this is our historical fossil fuel system, which used
coal as the workhorse and gas for load
matching. It would be difficult to run
Silicon Chip
a grid on just coal, and expensive on
just gas; a combination of the two gives
a more optimal solution.
Fig.4 shows a forecast of how the
eastern seaboard grid (the NEM) is
likely to change from now until 2050.
Three scenarios are modelled: “step
change”, which forecasts changes to
the industry at current rates; “progressive change”, which is a more conservative view of the speed of the energy
transition; and “green energy exports”,
which is a bullish view that considers Australia becoming an exporter
of energy to other nations (mainly
through derivatives such as hydrogen
or metals smelting).
This modelling has some interesting
takeaways. Most striking is the sheer
increase in capacity. The entire fleet
expands six-fold, from the current
level of 50GW to just under 300GW.
This is driven by increased electricity demand and a shift away from
high-capacity factor generation (coal,
mid-merit gas) towards low capacity
factor generators: wind, solar, flexible
gas and storage.
Unsurprisingly, rooftop solar is projected to continue its rapid expansion.
Australia's electronics magazine
From now until 2050, capacity is
expected to increase from 20GW to
a monumental 100GW. A similar but
slightly smaller growth is seen in gridscale solar and onshore wind.
Interestingly, this modelling shows
a small amount of offshore wind,
which is the direct result of a taxpayer
funded scheme to build a farm off the
Gippsland coast and/or in Bass Strait.
If the Victorian government changes
their policy in future, this capacity
will disappear in the modelling, as the
private sector deems it uneconomic.
The combination of wind and solar
makes up a mammoth 220GW of
capacity and will be the workhorse of
the future power grid. These two generation types work favourably together
because their supply is driven by
opposing weather patterns; high pressure is generally good for solar, while
low pressure accompanies increased
Despite this correlation, there are
times when both solar and wind output is low. During these periods, other
generation will need to be called
upon, so-called ‘dispatchable capacity’, which can be run on demand.
The black line in the modelling shows
the required dispatchable capacity
increasing from the current 40GW to
around 75GW by 2050.
While the amount of this capacity
only increases modestly, its composition changes quite dramatically. Currently, dispatchable capacity is predominantly coal, with smaller contributions from hydro and mid-merit gas
(otherwise known as load following
gas; not as versatile as flexible gas, but
faster than coal).
Hydro aside, this composition is
projected to entirely change by 2050.
Firstly, coal and mid-merit gas reach
their end of life and are not replaced
by new power stations. Instead, utility
storage takes its place, mostly made up
of pumped hydro and batteries. There
is also a modest increase in flexible gas
that can start up rapidly.
From around 2030 onwards, an
interesting trend emerges. The modelling shows a large increase in ‘coordinated CER storage’. CER stands for
consumer energy resources, which are
small-scale storage assets like home
batteries or electric vehicles with V2G
capability (see the July 2023 article for
a detailed look at EV charging, including Vehicle to Grid –
These assets would be directly controlled to respond to the needs of the
grid, typically as a member of a ‘virtual
power plant’ (VPP). Most remarkably,
AEMO is projecting CER storage will
overtake grid-scale storage in overall
capacity by around 2045.
A smaller amount of ‘passive CER’ is
also modelled. These are home batteries and EVs that aren’t directly orchestrated in a VPP, but are still incentivised to respond to grid demands
through indirect means like a price
signal. While the AEMO doesn’t consider this ‘dispatchable’ by their definitions, it will still support the grid in
the same way.
Remaining dispatchable capacity
is made up of a very small amount of
biomass (combustible organics), and
‘demand side participation’, which
will be covered in the later section on
Demand Response. I believe AEMO
is being conservative with their estimates of demand-side participation,
and actual dispatchable capacity will
be higher.
the Electric Grid from August 2023 –
They are increasingly also being
deployed in network support roles,
easing transmission constraints (Fig.5)
and deferring costly line upgrades.
Batteries are also used in voltage control applications, which will be discussed in the later section on reactive power.
Given their flexibility to perform
in multiple applications and their
freedom to be installed basically
anywhere, lithium-ion batteries are
currently being constructed at a rapid
rate. They have recently overtaken
pumped hydro as the largest storage in
the NEM. Fig.6 shows how one of the
major inputs for building lithium-ion
batteries has become a lot cheaper
over time.
There are also some less mature
technologies that are worth mentioning. Some early generation ‘flow batteries’ such as vanadium and zinc bromine types are currently operating in
the grid. They don’t degrade through
charge and discharge cycles like a
Energy storage
The largest change in dispatchable
capacity is a trend away from fossil
fuels towards utility and CER storage. While it could be argued that fossil fuels are a form of storage (chemical energy held in carbon bonds, and
released when burnt), the phrase ‘storage’ is reserved for technologies that
consume electricity and later release it.
Historically, this has mainly been
pumped hydro, but more recently
lithium-ion batteries have shown enormous growth. In the same way as the
generation mix, storage technologies
work best when used together.
The main advantage of Pumped
Hydro is its long duration. While this
capacity is often constrained by competing factors such as environmental
limits or water supply security, it is
cheaper than lithium-ion batteries in
this role. By contrast, lithium-ion batteries are cheaper than pumped hydro
for short duration storage, and also
offer a higher round trip efficiency
(90% batteries vs 75% for pumped
Lithium-ion batteries have other
benefits that are making them increasingly popular. As they are extremely
fast responding, they are being
employed in grid stability services
such as FCAS (Frequency Control
Ancillary Services; see my article on
Fig.4: generation mix changes from now until 2050. Three scenarios are modelled,
the most bullish being “green energy exports”, the most conservative “progressive
change” and the central scenario shown as “step change”. Dispatchable capacity
is indicated by the black line. Source: AEMO ISP 2024, p48
Fig.5: using a battery for ‘peak shaving’. As the transmission line reaches its
thermal limit, the battery discharges to prevent an overload. Overall throughput
is improved, as the line can be operated closer to its rating for longer periods.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 43
Fig.6: the mined lithium carbonate price in the last year. Lithium-ion batteries
have subsequently shown a sharp reduction in cost over the last few months.
lithium-ion battery does, but they have
much lower energy density and poor
round-trip efficiency.
Mechanical energy storage methods,
such as compressed air or gravity storage, are also used in very niche scenarios. One notable example is using
decommissioned mine shafts to suspend weights. It has poor economics
from an electricity storage perspective,
but there are other benefits in mine
shaft upkeep and rehabilitation.
See the April 2020 article on GridScale Energy Storage for a more
detailed look at grid storage, including gravity systems (
Demand Response
While dispatchable capacity is
largely thought of from a supply perspective, it can also be created from
demand side solutions. Demand
Response (DR) refers to deliberately
switching off a load to meet a generation shortfall, network constraint or
grid stability requirement. While this
is not technically storage, it helps the
grid in the same way.
At its crudest, this can be the deliberate load shedding network operators
employ in an emergency scenario. Historically, this has been during summer
heatwaves when the grid exceeds its
rated capacity, and substation feeders are deliberately switched off on a
scheduled rotation. This type of DR is
extremely unpopular in Australia, as
electricity customers have no control
over when the outage occurs.
Fortunately, there are less impactful ways to shed load that can have
the same positive outcomes. Any process that has some flexibility in when
it needs to run is a good target for DR.
An example might be a cool room
used for frozen food storage. Given the
vast size of the fridge, it might take
three days to defrost, but only needs
compressors to run eight hours a day to
maintain temperature. By automating
the pumps to turn on during periods
of high supply and turn off when the
grid is supply constrained, the thermal
mass of the refrigerator is effectively
used as storage.
Diesel backup generators are another
example gaining popularity. Many
commercial or industrial facilities
already have diesel backup for blackouts, or for operation/maintenance
reasons. While most of these generators are not allowed to export energy
into the grid, they do effectively work
as demand response by removing a
grid connected load.
It is common for these assets to run
for a minimum of 20 hours per year
for preventative maintenance reasons. Simply aligning those mandatory hours with periods of high electricity demand increases dispatchable
Cost comparisons
It is common in industry to compare
generators by their LCOE (Levelised
Cost Of Energy/Electricity), which
considers revenues and costs over the
Levelised Cost
of Electricity
estimates for
2023 marked
in cyan.
costs for 2050
are shown
in red and
are based
on current
trends. VRE is
a combination
of wind and
solar, with
storage and
2023/24, p72
& p75
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
entire life of the asset. Simply put, the
LCOE of a generator is how much revenue it would need to earn per MWh
of energy generated to pay for its construction and operating expenses.
While this metric isn’t without its
flaws, it does give a reasonable indication of how cheaply different generation types can be built. Still, there can
be large variation in returns over different timescales, regions, and economic
conditions, so we are listing an upper
and lower range for a given fuel type.
Fig.7 shows the current range of
prices for 2023 in cyan, while in red
shows a projection of the same costs
at 2050, using current trends. The
cheapest generator is solar, currently
being built for between $47 and $79
per MWh, followed by onshore wind
for $66 to $109 per MWh. This is the
price for the individual generators, but
given their variability, they will need to
be combined with other technologies.
This modelling considers a separate
generator, VRE (variable renewable
energy), which is a combination of
solar and wind along with firming via
storage and associated transmission
upgrades. The price for a 90% VRE
share is currently assumed at between
$100 and $143 per MWh, projected
to reduce to between $89 and $128 in
2030 (see Figs.8 & 9).
The next cheapest are the fossil
fuel generators; black coal at between
$107 and $211 per MWh, followed
by brown coal at $118 to $199. Midmerit gas is broadly similar at $124 to
$183 per MWh. Gas peakers are classified separately; they operate at a low
capacity factor, so are more expensive
per unit of energy. Depending on the
technology, they can currently be built
for between $204 and $296 per MWh.
Nuclear is estimated at between
$155 and $252 per MWh, reducing to
$133 to $221 by 2050. Without firming,
offshore wind is estimated at between
$146 to $190.
Figs.8 & 9: the VRE cost breakdown for 2023 (top) and 2030 (bottom). Spillage
is curtailed energy, a deliberate reduction in generation to ease an oversupply
problem. It is cheaper to overbuild wind and solar generation and spill energy,
rather than investing in additional storage. Source: Gencost 2023/24, p70
Grid stability
The operation of a grid is not just
about meeting supply with demand,
but also ensuring the system is robust.
Historically, this has been achieved
mainly through ‘spinning reserve’;
large rotating turbines. The energy
transition is seeing a trend away from
these alternators towards Inverter
Based Resources (IBR), which replace
these electromechanical systems with
Fig.10: global trends in LCOE from 2009 to 2023. Source:
IBRs have different strengths and
weaknesses to spinning reserve, and
will need to be operated differently to
achieve the same stability outcomes. In
the follow-up article next month, we
will look at how the different types of
Australia's electronics magazine
IBRs work, and how they are used to
provide grid stability.
That article will also include plenty
of detail on the electronics used in
modern electrical generators and the
electricity distribution grid.
March 2025 45
Audio Mixing Cables
Simple Electronic Projects with Julian Edgar
Add an extra input to an audio amplifier or mix the sounds from two sources with these easy do-ityourself mixing cables.
have installed two large subwoofers in my roof space, powered by
a dedicated two-channel amplifier,
that need to work with two different
audio systems. One is my home hifi
system, while the second is a home
theatre system.
I could use a line-level switch to
connect the subwoofer amplifier to
either the home theatre or hifi system, one at a time. However, since
the subwoofer amplifier is located in
the roof space, that would have made
things a bit difficult without adding
very long leads.
But why not permanently connect
both inputs to the amplifier via twointo-one Y cables? Well, I tried that
and found it won’t work! The hifi and
home theatre system outputs end up
‘fighting’ each other. John Clarke suggested a very simple solution: put
together a couple of Y mixing cables.
Here’s how I made them; it only takes
a short time and costs little.
To make a two-channel system for
stereo, you will need (see Photo 1):
• Some good-quality RCA leads
(don’t use cheap ones – the conductors aren’t thick enough to work with).
• Four 1kW ½W resistors.
• A small piece of plain punched
board (laminate).
• Two small plastic boxes.
Depending on how you mount the
boards and cables, you may also need
some PCB stakes, standoffs and grommets. Buy sufficient RCA cables to give
you the correct number of plugs and
sockets for your application. In my
case, I needed two mixing cables, each
with a male output and one male and
one female input. We will now look
at making one cable – each assembly
is identical.
Cut the leads so that you have three
connectors and their associated cables.
Once you have done this, carefully
strip the outer insulation sheath from
the end of each cable and then twist
the braid (the outer copper sheath)
strands together. With some cables,
you will need to use a thin pointer to
separate the strands of the braid first.
When you are twisting the braid
into a single wire, be very careful that
every tiny strand of copper is twisted
together, with no loose strands remaining that could cause short circuits.
This twisted conductor is the ground
Photo 1: these are all the parts
required to build the Audio Mixing
Cables for a two-channel amplifier
Photo 2: the RCA leads should
be cut as shown with the wires
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
connection. Strip a short length from
the other wire – the signal connection
– and then tin each conductor with
solder (Photo 2).
Next, solder the signal leads of each
input cable to the resistors that then
feed the single output. To give attachment points on the perforated board,
push short lengths of stiff copper wire
through the holes to form pins. You
could use PCB stakes instead.
Let’s now look at the board more
closely (Photos 3 & 5). All the connections are visible – there is no wiring
under the board. Solder the braided
ground connection of each cable to a
stake to physically secure it. The two
signal inputs each connect to one end
of a resistor, with the other ends of the
resistors joined to the output signal.
The ground connection between the
joined input grounds and the output
ground is made by the insulated black
wire visible in the photos.
Once the soldering is complete,
the board can be mounted in a box. I
already had these salvaged boxes; all I
needed to add were some cable grommets through the existing U-shaped
holes (Photo 4). You could use a lowcost Jiffy box or similar.
Before you close the box up, do
some testing with your multimeter.
Every plug’s outer (ground) connection should have continuity (near
zero resistance) to every other plug’s
ground connection.
The two input plugs should have
2kW resistance between their inner
(signal) connections, and there should
be 1kW resistance between each of the
input signal connections and the signal
connection of the output. Finally, there
should not be continuity between any
signal and ground connection.
In addition to allowing two different inputs to operate a two-channel
amplifier, as the name suggests, the
cables also allow the two signals to be
mixed (both input signals being heard
simultaneously) if that is desired. For
example, you could play music while
watching TV and hear both if you used
such a cable to merge the outputs of a
CD/DVD/Blu-ray player and television.
The signal level is reduced by half in
the mixing cable. The resulting disadvantage is that the signal-to-noise ratio
of the signal is a little poorer, but that is
not so important for my subwoofer use
case. And now, I don’t have to climb
into the roof space to swap the inputs
of the subwoofer amplifier!
Photo 3: the layout of the Audio Mixing Cables is
very simple, so you can either wire it up as shown or
choose your own way. Note that we don’t have any
connections on the underside of the laminate.
Photos 4 & 5: the
finished project mounts
neatly in a small plastic box.
These boxes are around 5 × 7.5cm.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 47
Antenna Analysis
and Optimisation
Last month, we introduced a range of concepts related to antennas, such as resonance,
reactance, complex impedance, Smith charts and dipoles. We will now look at using
software to tune antennas. It can save a lot of time compared to manual calculations
and experimentation.
Part 2 by Roderick Wall, VK3YC
fter reading the article last month,
you should understand how
the complex impedance of an
antenna can be plotted on a Smith
chart. You should also realise why it
is important to use an antenna at its
resonant point and with a VSWR as
close to 1:1.
The question then becomes, if you
have a real-world antenna and can
measure its complex impedance, how
do you know how to make it resonant? And how do you improve the
VSWR if it’s significantly worse than
1:1? Luckily, free computer software
makes doing all that relatively straightforward.
The “Smith V4.1” software I use
can be downloaded from www.fritz.
There is a free version and a paid
version that has extra features; the free
version is suitable for our purposes.
Fritz also has examples and a very
good introduction to the Smith chart
that can be downloaded.
Before using this software, it needs
to be set up correctly. After starting Smith, left-click on the “Tools”
menu and select “Settings”. Under
the “Smith chart” heading, make sure
“Z-plane (on/off)” is selected and
“Y-plane (on/off)” is not selected. This
displays the results on a Z-Smith chart.
Also make sure that under the “General” heading, the Default Zo = 50W,
then click “OK”.
Refer to Fig.8, an antenna impedance vs wavelength plot reproduced
from last month. If the driven element
length is increased from 0.25 of the
wavelength at point (b) to 0.2654 of
the wavelength at point (c), the real
resistance increases from 36W to 50W,
which is required to obtain a VSWR
Screen 1: using the Smith V4.1
software, click the Keyboard button
shown to be brought to Screen 2.
Fig.8: reproduced from last month, this plot of the complex impedance of
a Marconi antenna versus wavelength provides some useful examples for
designing matching networks.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Screen 2: for the first example, fill in
this menu with the values as shown.
Screen 3: this toolbar lets you insert different elements into the circuit you want to test. It is located at the upper right of
the main window as shown in Screen 4.
of 1:1 for a 50W system. However, the
antenna is no longer resonant; its reactance is +j65.65W (inductive).
A series capacitor can be added to
make the antenna resonate. Let’s use
the Smith software to plot a Smith chart
for the antenna at point (c) in Fig.8,
with a length of 0.2654λ and a complex
impedance of (50.1 + 65.65j)W.
Example #1
To enter the antenna’s complex
impedance, click the “Keyboard” button in the toolbar (see Screen 1).
Select Cartesian and enter real resistance (Re) and imaginary/reactance
(Im) values as shown in Screen 2. Also
change the frequency to 28.3972MHz
and click “OK”. On the Smith chart,
you will see that DP 1 is sitting on the
unity constant impedance (real resistance 50W) circle, between the +j50W
and +j100W lines, indicating an inductive reactance of +j65.65W.
In the “Schematic” window, the
antenna is shown as Zl. To show what
the VSWR would be if this antenna
were connected to the transmitter without a matching circuit, leftclick “Tools” and select “Circles”,
then select the VSWR Tab. Under the
“Defined” heading, select both “3” and
“5” then click OK. The Smith chart
shows that the antenna VSWR will be
between 3:1 and 5:1, then go back to
the VSWR tab.
Now click “Clear all” and type “3.5”
under the “Select other” heading,
then click “Insert” and click OK. This
shows the VSWR to be 3.5:1. We want
a VSWR of 1:1. To see where we want
to move to, add a constant VSWR circle at 1.05 and click OK. For the best
VSWR, we need to end up in the middle of the constant VSWR 1.05 circle.
Click the insert Series Inductor “L”
button, second from left in Screen 3.
The cursor moves in the wrong direction as it moves further away from
where the best VSWR is. The inductor is making it more inductive than
it already is.
To move the VSWR in the correct
direction, a capacitive reactance of
65.65W is required to cancel the inductive reactance, making the antenna
resonant at (50 + j0)W. Right click to
remove the inductor and click the
Insert Series Capacitor “C” button (on
the left in Screen 3). Move the cursor
and click in the middle of the VSWR
1.05 circle.
Using maths, we see that a capacitance of 85.4pF gives a capacitive
reactance of 65.65W at 28.4MHz. Xc =
1 ÷ (2πfC) and C = 1 ÷ (2πfƒXc). The
Smith chart should now look as shown
in Screen 4.
The “Datapoints” window shows
complex impedances for DP 1 and TP
2, while the Schematic window shows
the equivalent circuit. We have just
designed our first matching circuit by
adding a series capacitor between the
driven element and the antenna terminals. The capacitor cancels the inductive reactance, making the impedance
(50 + j0)W.
Screen 4: our initial example
circuit (incorporating just a
series capacitor) produces this
Smith chart.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 49
The antenna can now be connected
to any length of 50W coaxial cable to
the transmitter, and the VSWR will
be close to 1:1. The maximum possible power will be transferred to the
antenna. There will be some losses in
the transmission line and matching
components; they should be kept as
low as possible.
Another method to determine
capacitor value without using a Smith
chart is to adjust the driven element
length until the real resistance is 50W.
Then add a series-connected variable
capacitor and adjust it until a VSWR
of 1:1 is obtained. You can then use
a capacitance meter to measure the
capacitance, allowing you to replace
the variable capacitor with a fixed one
of a similar value.
You can also calculate the required
capacitance, use the formula C = 1
÷ (2πfƒXc). We know the necessary
capacitive reactance (Xc) is 65.65W
because the antenna inductive reactance is 65.65W, and the frequency
(ƒ) in this case is 28.3972MHz. You
can also use an online capacitor calculator.
Example #2 (5/8-wavelength antenna)
The next example is a 5/8-wavelength antenna, shown at point (e)
in Fig.8. A 5/8 antenna is often used
instead of a 1/4-wave Marconi antenna
because it has a lower radiation angle.
Select File → New, then enter the
complex impedance (49.95 – j232)W
and 28.3972MHz into the Smith chart
The real resistance of 50W is already
sitting on the unity resistance circle we
call the Z-matching circle, the road to
where VSWR is 1:1. This time, insert
a series inductor, move the cursor and
click on the middle of the Smith chart
where the VSWR is 1:1, ie, (50 + j0)W.
Screen 5 shows the results.
Using maths, we see that a 1.3μH
inductor gives an inductive reactance
of 232W at 28.4MHz (XL = 2πƒL and
L = XL ÷ 2πƒ). This time, an inductor is needed to cancel out the capacitive reactance to make the antenna
There is a method to adjust a 5/8
antenna without using a Smith chart.
Adjust the element length to obtain a
real resistance of 50W, then use a series
variable inductor to obtain a VSWR of
1:1. Mathematics can be used to calculate the required inductor value, L = XL
÷ 2πƒ. We know the required inductive reactance, XL, is 232W because
the antenna’s capacitance reactance
is 232W.
In the above two examples, the real
resistance part of the complex impedance was 50W, so it already sat on the
unity constant resistance circle. The
usual procedure to obtain a VSWR of
1:1 is to first get the point onto the
unity resistance circle and then move
it around to (50 + j0)W.
For the above two examples, the
matching capacitor or inductor was
connected in series with the driven
element at the antenna.
Example #3 (parallel components)
Another method of making an
antenna resonant is with hairpin
inductors. The hairpin matching component is connected in parallel with
the antenna terminals. When parallel
matching components are used, the
admittance Y-plane must be used. To
set this up, click File→ New and then
Screen 5: the Smith chart for our second example using the complex impedance of (49.95 − j232)W. Screens 4-6 are
measured with a fixed frequency of 28.3972MHz.
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Australia's electronics magazine
“Tools” menu and select “Settings”,
then enable the Y-plane. Make sure
the Z-plane is not selected. This will
display results on a Y-Smith chart.
Enter a complex impedance of
(32.15 – j24.55)W and a frequency of
28.3972MHz into the Smith software.
As the real resistive part is 32.15W and
not 50W this time, it sits on the blue
unity conductance circle at 20mS (millisiemens). This is what we also call
the Y matching circle, another road to
where the VSWR is 1:1.
Click the “Insert Parallel Inductor”
button and move the cursor to click in
the middle of the Smith chart at the
(50 + j0)W point. The parallel inductor value will be close to 374nH – see
Screen 6. The curved lines on this
chart are called constant susceptance
This example shows that a Marconi
antenna shorter than a 1/4-wavelength
can be made resonant with a parallel inductor. This may be suitable
for a short (160m) vertical Marconi
antenna if its capacitive reactance is
high enough to get onto the Y-matching
circle. If its capacitive reactance is not
Fig.12: hairpin inductors formed from simple metal rods are often
used to create a basic matching network for Yagi antennas, which are
typically on the capacitive end of resonance.
high enough, a capacitor can be added
to get it there. Other possible solutions
will be discussed overleaf.
This example can also be used
to show hairpin matching for a
1/2-wavelength centre feed dipole. The
374.6nH inductor is half of the hairpin matching inductor. Hairpin inductors are often used on Yagi antennas
where the driven element is a centre-
feed dipole.
When using two Marconi antennas to make a Hertz dipole antenna,
as described last month, the antenna
impedance is doubled: 50W × 2 = 100W.
The other side element of the dipole
also needs a parallel 374.6nH inductor,
as shown in Fig.12. A 2:1 balun transforms the 100W impedance to match
the transmitter’s 50W.
The driven dipole element length
is shorter than half the wavelength
(1/4-wavelength per side), giving the
complex impedance capacitive reactance and making it sit on the Ymatching circle.
Each side of the dipole is similar to
an LC matching circuit. The hairpin is
the inductor, while the antenna complex impedance supplies the capacitive reactance without using a discrete
Screen 6: the Smith chart for example #3 with a complex impedance of (32.15 − j24.55)W. This one requires an inductor to
be added in parallel with the antenna to achieve a VSWR of 1:1.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 51
Screens 7 & 8: two example solutions and Smith charts for example #4 with complex impedance (36.32 + j0)W.
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Australia's electronics magazine
Our example is a dipole antenna in
free space with no directors or reflector
elements. Suppose directors or reflector elements are added and placed
above ground.
In that case, the coupled complex
impedance for the driven dipole element before matching will be different than for a self-impedance naked
(uncoupled) element.
The balun impedance ratio may
also be different to this example. A
4:1 balun is used when the centre-feed
dipole antenna impedance is 200W
with the parallel inductors.
Example #4
Let’s consider a 1/4-wavelength 36W
resonant antenna. The VSWR is 1.4:1,
below what might be acceptable. Two
matching components can be used to
fix this.
The complex impedance is (36.32
+ j0)W and is not sitting on the blue
Y-matching circle or the red Zmatching circle. In this example, we
can use a 251pF series capacitor to get
it onto a matching circle. Then a parallel inductor brings us to the centre,
(50 + j0)W – see Screen 7.
Screen 8 shows another possible
solution, with a series inductor and
parallel capacitor forming a low-pass
filter as in Screen 8 rather than a highpass filter. It also achieves a VSWR
of 1:1.
Fig.13: we want to get the antenna’s complex impedance onto one of these
red circles, as we then only need to add one more component to achieve a
VSWR close to 1:1. This diagram provides guidance on what component to
add and how to add it to get the antenna onto one of those circles.
General rules for achieving
The following rules can be used
when designing matching circuits.
Fig.13 provides guidance on whether
to use a series or parallel capacitor or
inductor, depending on where your
antenna falls on the Smith chart.
Similarly, Fig.14 shows the ‘forbidden areas’ and suggests the first component to add to get onto a matching
circle. There may be two or more possible solutions to a matching requirement.
Fig.15 shows another way of determining what components to use. To
move from Capacitive (-j) to Inductive (+j), add an inductor in series
or parallel, as shown. To move from
Inductive (+j) to Capacitive (-j), add
a capacitor, either in series or parallel, as shown.
When selecting components for
matching circuits, ensure their voltage and current ratings are sufficient
for the power being transferred to the
Fig.14: most antennas can be brought to a VSWR of 1:1 using one of these
eight types of two-component matching networks.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 53
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Fig.15: here’s another way to visualise what type of component needs to be
added in which manner to achieve resonance in your antenna.
antenna. They must also be suitable for
radio-frequency use, at the frequency
they will be used at.
For inductors, that means either aircored inductors (which can operate at
virtually any frequency) or those with
core materials specifically designed for
use up to the radio frequency range you
will be using. For capacitors, you will
generally need to use low-inductance,
low-loss ceramic or plastic film types,
depending on how high a frequency
they will operate at.
Many large parts suppliers have specific RF inductor and capacitor categories or search tags. Check the data
sheets of the devices you plan to use
to verify that they can operate at the
required frequencies.
When designing matching circuits
for a band of frequencies:
1. Measure the complex impedance
of the antenna at the lowest frequency.
2. Measure the complex impedance
of the antenna at the highest frequency.
3. Measure the complex impedance
of the antenna at the centre frequency.
4. Design the matching circuit for
the centre frequency.
Australia's electronics magazine
5. Enter one of the antenna band
edge complex impedances and frequencies (lowest or highest) into
6. Insert the matching circuit components with the values determined
for the centre frequency.
7. Add constant VSWR circles to
determine the VSWR at the band edge.
8. Repeat for the other band edge
(lowest or highest).
Component values can be edited by
clicking on a component in the schematic window, altering their values in
the window that appears, then clicking “OK.”
We still need to address the bandwidth of the matching components;
that is the topic of the third and final
instalment of this series, which will
be published next month.
In the meantime, you can perform an
exercise to check that you have understood the information in this article.
There are four ways to achieve resonance for an antenna with a complex
impedance of (25 + j43)W in a 50W system. See if you can figure out all four
possible matching networks.
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Mini Projects #022 – by Tim Blythman
RF Remote
Jaycar’s MS6147 Remote Controlled
Mains Outlet lets you control mainspowered devices without having to deal with
mains wiring. It can be operated by the included RF
remote control or another device equipped with a 433MHz
transmitter (like we used in Mini Project #006, June 2024). That
handy RF remote control can be used to control other devices too!
he MS6147 Remote Controlled
Mains Outlet Controller bundle
includes three switched outlet receivers and a handheld remote radio frequency (RF) transmitter. The transmitter has four channels, so there is
an unused channel that could control
something else.
You can get extra mains outlet
receivers, such as MS6149, to use with
that extra channel. But that isn’t all you
can do with it. For example, imagine a
USB-powered lamp. While you could
control it from one of these outlets by
having a mains-powered USB power
supply plugged into it, that would be
unnecessarily complex.
You could switch USB power to
the lamp with a low-voltage relay
or even a transistor, as we did in the
Gesture-controlled Lamp Mini Project from January 2025 (
Article/17601). Or use this RF Remote
Receiver to control the relay or transistor instead.
It can receive signals from any of five
different RF transmitters and then control something attached to the Arduino
Uno board. Our project uses four LEDs
to show the status of the four channels,
making it easy to test the operation of
these systems. The basic operation can
be seen in our video at
We also wired up a relay module to
demonstrate how to switch just about
any low-voltage device.
The Arduino ecosystem makes it
very easy to customise the operation of the Receiver; you could add
the USB-switching circuitry from
the Gesture-controlled Lamp to add
a switched USB outlet, for example.
Alternatively, you could add some
logic to the Arduino sketch to control
some other low-voltage device. You
could even program it to send a command (using a different medium, such
as infrared) to another device, unifying
control to a single transmitter.
Circuit details
Our circuit is quite simple, and we
have laid it out on a prototyping shield
attached to the Uno as per Fig.1. We
expect many constructors will want to
add their own hardware, so you might
consider what else you want to control
before commencing assembly.
The 433MHz receiver module gets
its power from the Uno via the shield
to its Vcc and GND pins. A simple
wire antenna is connected to the ANT
pin of the receiver, while its DATA
output goes to digital pin 2 (D2) of
the Uno.
Fig.1: the circuit is simple
enough to wire up on a
breadboard, but we laid it
out on a prototyping board to
make it more robust. Ensure
that the necessary pads are
connected underneath the
board. To switch something
with the relay, connect the
C (centre, common) and NO
(normally open) contacts as
though they are a switch’s
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 59
We are using
this type of RF
transmitter for this
project. It can be
purchased as part
of a bundle (along
with one or more
Mains Outlets) from
Jaycar with catalog
codes MS6147 or
MS6148. Kits like
Jaycar MS6148
allow up to three
mains devices
to be controlled
by a handheld
remote, leaving a
channel free on the
transmitter for us
to use. The Mains
Outlets can be
paired with up to
three transmitters,
but our Receiver
can work with up
to five!
Four LEDs are driven by digital
pins 7, 9, 11 and 13 (designated A,
B, C and D, respectively). These have
been chosen to allow a bit of space
between them as they are laid out
on the shield. Their anodes connect
to the Uno’s pins via 470W resistors,
while their cathodes are all connected
to circuit ground.
A 5V relay module is driven from
digital pin 7 (connected directly to the
relay module’s S pin). The module’s
+ and – pins are also wired to 5V and
GND, respectively. About the only
thing that should not be changed is
the receiver’s DATA pin connecting to
D2. The library we are using depends
on the interrupt feature on this pin.
We are using the RF433any library
to decode the RF signals in this project. It can work with encodings from
various protocols, including that used
explore these a bit later, but each of the
four LEDs behaves much the same as
one of the four mains outlets would.
For example, the ‘A’ LED will light
up when either the A ON or ALL ON
button is pressed. It will go out when
either the A OFF or ALL OFF button
is pressed. This keeps the operation
straightforward and intuitive.
The button codes are decoded independently, so there is no reason they
can’t be allocated to ten independent
and distinct functions by changing
the way the software responds to the
codes. In other words, there’s no reason the ON button has to switch an
output on, or the OFF button switch
it off. They are just buttons, including
ALL ON and ALL OFF. This is left as
an exercise for the reader!
by the Remote Controlled Mains Outlet Controller. More information can be
found at
As noted, this library uses the
pin change interrupt feature of the
ATmega328, so this project will only
work with boards like the Uno or
Nano and can only receive data on
digital pins 2 or 3. It might work on
other boards, but that has not been
The library waits for a transmission
to be received and the 32-bit code is
extracted. In the code used by the Outlet Controller, 20 bits are assigned to
the address and four bits to the data
or command, with another eight bits
forming a checksum.
The software compares the address
to those stored and, if it matches, the
output state is changed. There are
mechanisms to learn an address and
save it in EEPROM for later use. We’ll
Have a look at our photos and Fig.1
to see how we assembled the parts
for our prototype. The circuit is simple enough to be laid out on a breadboard, but we figured many constructors would want something robust.
Fit the receiver module to the shield,
watching the orientation. Solder it in
place and then run insulated wires to
the necessary pins on the shield. Note
that some of the connections are made
between adjacent pads on the underside of the shield.
Next, fit the resistors and the LEDs.
Make sure the LED anodes (the longer leads) connect to the resistors.
Then connect all the LED cathodes
together and to circuit ground. The
relay module is wired up with plugsocket jumper wires; you could easily
allocate it to a different button by connecting its S pin to a different digital
pin on the shield.
We also added a short length (~17cm)
of coiled insulated wire to form the
antenna; naturally, it connects to
Parts List – RF Remote Receiver (JMP022)
1+ Transmitter from a Remote Controlled Mains Outlet Controller
[Jaycar MS6147 or MS6148]
1 Arduino Uno R3 [Jaycar XC4410]
1 Prototyping shield [Jaycar XC4482]
1 5V single relay module [Jaycar XC4419]
1 433MHz wireless receiver module [Jaycar ZW3102]
4 yellow 3mm LEDs [Jaycar ZD0110]
4 470W ½W axial resistors [Jaycar RR0564]
1 USB cable to suit the Uno
assorted hookup and jumper wires
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The 433MHz receiver module
(Jaycar ZW3102; above) and 5V
relay module (Jaycar XC4419, left).
the receiver module’s ANT pin. This
length makes it a quarter-wave antenna
at 433MHz, but we’ve generally found
that these receivers work fine with just
about any sort of antenna, or sometimes none at all!
Plug the shield into the Uno and
connect it to your computer for programming. If you don’t already have
the Arduino IDE installed, get it from
Now install the RF433any library.
Open the Library Manager in the IDE,
search for “RF433any” and install the
library with that name. We included
a ZIP file of the version we used in
the software download package (get
it from
Assuming you have built the hardware as presented, select the Uno
board and its serial port, then upload
the RF_RECEIVER sketch. Open the
serial monitor at 115,200 baud to interact with the Receiver. You should see
something like Screen 1 appear when
it starts up.
The serial port is used for programming new codes and testing but it is
not needed for normal operation (ie,
receiving and responding to codes).
The status report can also be triggered
by sending a ‘~’ character (tilde) to
the terminal. You will probably need
to press Enter after that in the Serial
Monitor, but other terminal programs
may not require that.
Pressing a button on a transmitter
should result in a 32-bit code (eight
hexadecimal nybbles) being printed
to the serial monitor, like at the top
of Screen 2. You can then enter “s” to
save the address; it will be saved to the
first free spot. The new code is seen in
the updated status report.
Subsequent presses of that button
will also report that the Receiver is
responding to that command, and you
should see the corresponding LED
switch on or off. Sending “0” on the
serial monitor will delete the code allocated to the first slot; 1-4 will delete
the others.
So if you have multiple transmitters,
you should press a button on each,
then save it to the Receiver. After that,
you can check the saved addresses
with the “s” command. Each change to
the address list is implemented immediately and also saved to EEPROM, so
it will be available when the processor is restarted.
Once it is all set up, it does not need
to be connected to a computer and can
be powered from a USB power supply
instead. If you are interested in adding
your own hardware to the Receiver,
you can change the output pins near
the start of the sketch with the likes
of the RF_A_OUTPUT #define. The
actions caused by each command can
be customised further in the code
Action() function.
The compact handheld transmitters of the Outlet Controller can now
be used to control things other than
mains outlets. With the Arduino IDE,
you can add your own hardware and
functions to our simple design.
This is the
finished RF Remote
Receiver. You can change
how the Arduino software responds
to different commands.
Australia's electronics magazine
0 CODE: 0x----1 CODE: 0x----2 CODE: 0x----3 CODE: 0x----4 CODE: 0x----Last code: 0x0
~ for debug data
s to save last code to a slot
0-4 to clear a slot
When first powered on, the Receiver
will deliver the status report shown
here to the serial port at 115,200
baud. You can also trigger the report
by sending a tilde character (“~”).
Added to slot 0
0 CODE: 0x903E0
1 CODE: 0x----2 CODE: 0x----3 CODE: 0x----4 CODE: 0x----Last code: 0x903E0
0: A ON
0: A ON
0: A ON
0: A ON
0: A ON
0: A ON
0: A ON
Slot 0 cleared.
0 CODE: 0x----1 CODE: 0x----2 CODE: 0x----3 CODE: 0x----4 CODE: 0x----Last code: 0x903E0
To add a code, press a button on your
transmitter and see that the Receiver
acknowledges it, then send “s” on
the serial port. After that, you should
see the Receiver respond to that
transmitter. If you get an error that
all the slots are full, free up a slot by
sending a digit from 0 to 4.
March 2025 61
Mini Projects #023 – by Tim Blythman
Continuity Tester
A Continuity Tester is one of the simplest
pieces of test gear out there. Still, it can
perform functional tests on numerous
devices such as fuses, globes, resistors and
even diodes. Its simplicity means it can be
assembled on a breadboard.
ontinuity Testers check for the
presence of a low-resistance circuit, as found in a functional fuse or
light globe. Most multimeters have
a continuity mode and will make
a sound when a circuit with a low
enough resistance is probed. A typical
threshold (based on the multimeter in
front of me) is 150W.
Many readers will have a multimeter, but for those who do not, you can
simply assemble a handful of components on a breadboard. Even if you
have a multimeter with a continuity
function, you might still be interested
in this circuit and how it works.
For example, you could create a
continuity tester that operates with
a different resistance threshold. You
can also use this circuit to trigger near
a particular current value. It uses a
Darlington transistor arrangement,
which is also a handy configuration
to know about.
Circuit details
Fig.1 shows a very basic continuity
tester circuit. The LED and its ballast
resistor are in a standard configuration. You can imagine that connecting
a 150W (or lower) resistance would
cause the LED to light up, which is
what we want.
However, the LED will still light up
if a 1kW resistor was connected, even
though the LED current is lower. It
would be hard to tell the difference in
brightness, and thus to tell if we truly
have continuity or not.
Fig.2 is an improved version. It still
has the LED and resistor, but the test
points are displaced by some other circuitry. The two PNP bipolar transistors
Silicon Chip
are arranged in what is called a
Darlington configuration (named
after Sidney Darlington). This is not
restricted to PNP transistors and will
work much the same with NPN types.
The two collectors are connected
together, while the base of one transistor (Q2) is connected to the emitter of Q1. This effectively gives a single device with three leads, similar
in function to a regular transistor.
Components are even manufactured
as such, with two transistors in one
package, still with three external leads.
This arrangement has the advantage
that the gain of the transistor pair is
much higher than the gain of the individual transistors. For most scenarios,
multiplying the individual gains is a
good approximation.
There are some downsides. For
example, the base current must pass
through two PN junctions, so the
effective base-emitter voltage drop is
doubled compared to a typical single
device. We’ll assume with a value of
1.2V (or about two 0.6V diode drops)
for our circuit.
The arrangement
also means that the
saturation voltage (between the
collector and emitter
when the transistor is on) must also
be higher, by one diode-drop. If this
were not the case, there would not be
enough voltage to keep both transistors biased on.
In the Continuity Tester, the benefit
of the high gain of the Darlington pair
is a sharper threshold transition. We
can set a threshold current by means
of the 470W resistor connected to
Q1’s base.
Consider a current flowing through
the device under test. It will flow
through the 1.5kW resistor and then
can either pass through the upper
470kW resistor or from the base of Q1
and through the Darlington pair.
Below about 2.5mA (1.2V ÷ 470W),
all the current flows through the resistor, since there is not enough voltage
developed to overcome the forward
voltage of the two PN junctions. But
soon, there is enough current to cause
Fig.1: you might
think that a
circuit like this
could do the job
of testing for
continuity, but
the LED will
light up even if
a relatively high
resistance is probed.
Fig.2: this improved circuit adds two
transistors in a Darlington configuration.
Note the cyan rectangle outlining the two
transistors; it has three wires crossing its
border. They can be treated as the base,
and electronics
collector of magazine
the pair.
Scope 1: the vertical axis is the LED current, while the horizontal axis is the
resistance between the test probes. The green trace shows the very soft response
offered by the circuit in Fig.1. The blue trace of the Fig.2 circuit has a much
sharper transition.
some to flow through the base of the
Darlington pair.
With a 5V supply and a red or yellow LED, about 6mA will flow through
the LED when the pair is switched on
fully. Parts like the BC557 have a gain
well above 100, meaning the Darlington pair has a gain of over 10,000.
For 6mA to flow through our LED,
we need no more than 0.6µA to flow
into the base of Q1. To turn this
threshold current into a resistance, we
choose the value of the second resistor to supply just over 2.5mA when a
150W resistance is placed across the
test points. The resistance between the
5V rail and the base of Q1 should be
about 1.5kW (3.8V ÷ 2.5mA).
Just like a regular diode or transistor,
the actual voltage across the PN junction is not always exactly the same,
so the actual transition will not be
perfectly sharp, but it will be much
sharper than for the circuit shown
in Fig.1.
Scope 1 shows the results of a simulation comparing these two circuits,
with the horizontal axis being the
resistance between the test points.
The Fig.1 circuit produces the green
trace, while the Fig.2 circuit is the blue
trace. Note that the Fig.2 circuit transitions much more sharply. It still is
not a ‘brick-wall’ cutoff, but it is good
enough for our purposes.
We have used two of the same type
of transistor in our Darlington pair,
which works out neatly since they
have the same pinout and we can use
the layout shown in Fig.3. Note that a
Darlington pair will often use a smaller
transistor for Q1 and a power transistor for Q2, so that will not always be
the case.
The purple wires are the test leads,
while the power rails on the breadboard should be connected to a suitable power supply. We’ve used a regulated 5V supply from an Arduino
board, which is necessary because the
supply voltage figures into the threshold calculations.
A 9V supply should work just as
well, although the value of the 1.5kW
resistor will need to change. The
threshold current (2.5mA) does not
depend on the supply voltage, but the
LED current does (due to the 470W
Using it
The first test you can do (once you
have connected power) is to touch the
two probes together. The LED should
light up when they touch and stay off
when they are not touching. If this is
not the case, check your wiring before
You can test out the Continuity Tester on some resistors, fuses or globes.
Be sure to only use it on parts that are
out of circuit, since it will interact with
and possibly cause damage to other
powered circuits.
Touch one probe to each terminal
or lead of the device. The LED will
light if the fuse or globe has a
low resistance. If the LED
Parts List – Continuity Tester (JMP023)
1 small breadboard [Jaycar PB8820]
2 BC557 45V 100mA PNP transistors [Jaycar ZT2164]
1 yellow or red 3mm LED [Jaycar ZD0110]
2 470W ¼W axial resistors [Jaycar RR0564]
1 1.5kW ¼W axial resistor [Jaycar RR0576]
1 5V DC power supply
Hookup wire or jumper wires
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.3: we laid out our circuit on a
breadboard like this, since it is easy to
do and you might want to assemble it
in a hurry (eg, if your multimeter has
a flat battery).
is off or dim, then the resistance is
higher and the fuse or globe is probably faulty.
It is not foolproof, since it only
applies a very small current. It’s not
uncommon for a fuse to test OK with
a continuity tester but then fail in circuit where it has to handle a higher
current. On the other hand, a continuity test failure is usually definitive.
Other applications
A transistor circuit like this is wellsuited to driving heavier loads than
just LEDs. The BC557 can handle up
to 100mA through its collector, so is
well-suited to driving small globes,
buzzers and relays if you need a different sort of indication. The relay simply replaces the LED and its resistor.
You can use such a circuit to detect a
current or voltage.
Keep in mind that the relay should
be equipped with a diode to catch
the inductive spike when it switches
off. Also remember that the Darlington configuration will drop almost a
volt, even when fully switched on,
so your supply should have enough
headroom to drive the relay with the
reduced voltage.
You can imagine that our original
Fig.1 circuit would be quite hopeless
at driving a relay and that the Darlington transistor is handy at providing
the extra current needed. SC
This simple circuit
can be used to test
if things like fuses
and globes have
continuity, ie, they
have a low resistance
and are probably
March 2025 63
Project by Randy Keenan
This versatile waveform generator (also known
as a function generator) is handy for a variety of uses, including audio
equipment analysis, circuit development, displays and demonstrations and as a pulse source for
developing switching and motor controls. It uses three op amps to deliver square, pulse, triangle,
ramp and sine waves from 1Hz to 30kHz.
aveform generators are often
built around specialised ICs,
such as the Exar XR2206, Intersil 8038
or the Maxim MAX038. However, I
wanted to make a waveform generator
using only generic components, like
op amps, with these features:
∎ Output frequencies covering the
audio range and more, from 1Hz to
∎ Waveform outputs of:
a. square/pulse, variable from 5%
to 95% duty cycle, or wider
b. triangle/ramp/sawtooth, variable from positive to negative
c. sinewave with a total harmonic
distortion (THD) of around 1%
∎ Duty cycle/symmetry adjustments do not alter the frequency or
amplitude appreciably
∎ Output amplitudes of the three
waveforms can be matched, peak or
RMS, from 0V to 6V peak-to-peak.
∎ An output impedance less than
∎ Battery-powered for portability
and isolation.
∎ Compact size.
The design presented here is the
result. It uses three op amps, two voltage regulators, six diodes, plus passive components. If any of the specified ICs become scarce, others of the
same or better specifications could be
Operating principle
The circuit needs to generate
the three basic types of waveform:
square/pulse, triangle/ramp and sine.
Since producing triangle/ramps and
sinewaves from a pulse is complicated,
the design begins with an op amp integrator producing a repeating triangle/
ramp waveform.
Referring to the block diagram,
Fig.1, the integrator at left produces
the triangle/ramp waveform, with its
frequency range set by switching in
one of nine different integrator capacitor values. The triangle/ramp waveform is fed to a comparator that turns it
into a square/pulse waveform, which
is then fed back via the frequency
adjustment pot to ensure oscillation.
This gives us the triangle and ramp
The two diodes and symmetry
adjustment pot allow the positive and
negative ramp rates to be varied to give
square/pulse output waveforms.
Modifying (shaping) the triangular
waveform by a separate circuit section
converts it into a sine shape. While
the result is not a perfect sinewave,
it’s pretty close, as demonstrated by
its relatively low distortion/THD figure of about 1%.
The waveforms are selected by the
middle switch, buffered and level-
adjusted by IC3, and then fed to the
Circuit details
Fig.1: the Waveform Generator is designed around three op amps. IC1 is
configured as an integrator and its output feeds into IC2, acting as a comparator,
which feeds back into IC1. This feedback loop causes both to oscillate, with IC1
generating a triangular or sawtooth waveform and IC2 producing a square or
pulse wave. A triangle-to-sinewave shaper produces the third waveform option.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The full circuit is shown in Fig.2.
The heart of the circuit is the integrator composed of op amp IC1. It uses
capacitors as the timing element and
switched frequency range switch S1.
Fig.2: the complete Waveform Generator circuit. S1 selects
between nine possible frequency ranges by switching a different
amount of capacitance across the integrator (IC1). Switch S2 is
used to choose the desired waveform; its level is adjusted using
VR5, then it is buffered by IC3 and fed to two pairs of outputs,
one set DC-coupled and the other AC-coupled.
The capacitor is charged and discharged via pot VR8, trimpots VR9 &
VR10 and diodes D5 and D6. It works
as follows.
Assume that initially the timing
capacitor is discharged, and it is
being charged by a current to pin 4
of IC1 through D6. IC1’s output will
be a linear negative-going ramp to
counteract the increasing charge of
the capacitor. The integration needs
to be stopped at some point, so the
op amp output is fed to a second op
amp, IC2, configured as a comparator
with hysteresis.
When IC1’s output reaches the lower
hysteresis voltage, set by trimpot VR7
and associated components, the comparator is triggered and its output goes
negative, which is fed back to IC1’s
input via potentiometers VR10, VR9,
VR8 and D5, which is now forward-
biased. This causes the timing capacitor to start discharging, resulting in
a positive-going linear output ramp
from IC1.
This continues until IC1’s output
reaches the upper hysteresis voltage
of the comparator, and the output of
IC2 switches again, producing a negative-going ramp from IC1. Thus, the
process of charging and discharging
of the timing capacitor and switching
of IC2’s output continues indefinitely
to produce an upward and downward
ramp, plus a coincident square wave
from the output of IC2.
Varying the duty cycle/
The upward and downward slopes
of the triangle or ramp are determined
by the charging and discharging currents through the two arms of VR8.
If VR8 is at its midpoint, the slopes
are equal and a triangular wave is
produced. If VR8 is off-centre, the
currents through D5 and D6 are
Australia's electronics magazine
unequal, and a sawtooth waveform
is produced.
Since the sum of the resistances to
D5 and D6 and to IC1 is the same at
any setting of VR8—equal to the total
resistance of VR8—the period of the
ramp, or triangle, will be constant
regardless of its shape. (This is not
quite true because of the non-ideal
schottky diode characteristics and
non-ideal characteristics of VR8, but
it’s pretty close.)
The setting of VR8 also determines
the duty-cycle of the square wave/
pulse from IC2, since it depends on
the periods of the upward and downward triangle wave ramps.
To vary the frequency, the square/
pulse output voltages from IC2 are
adjusted by VR10 over a range of
approximately 3:1. I chose this range
to allow for precise setting of the frequency and to reduce non-ideal effects
of the components.
March 2025 65
To cover a wide range of frequencies,
a series of nine charging/timing capacitors can be selected by rotary switch
S1, as shown in Table 1.
Note that there is a 330pF capacitor always connected between pins
1 & 4 of IC1, and this is the only timing capacitor that is used on the highest (10-30kHz) range. It also adds to
the switched-in capacitances on the
3-10kHz and 1-3kHz ranges, but for
lower frequency ranges, its value is too
small to have any real effect.
To obtain a precisely symmetric triangle or 50% duty-cycle square wave,
the potentiometer’s centre detent has
to be pretty close to the point where the
resistance from the wiper to each end
of the track is identical. I have found
that for a typical pot, the resistances
of the two arms are not equal when set
at the detent; furthermore, the detent
generally has some ‘wobble’.
Also, PCB-mounting potentiometers with a centre detent are not readily available. So, to ensure a symmetric waveform, the S3 “Symmetry”
switch can be switched to its “50%”
position, engaging VR11 and its 43kW
series resistor for equal charging and
discharging currents, and thus a fixed
50% symmetry. In the other position,
S3 enables variable symmetry, as
described earlier.
Table 1 – Timing capacitors
S1 Freq. range
300Hz-1kHz 10nF
3nF or 3.3nF *
2 × 330pF
* 3.3nF might make the 1-3kHz band too low in frequency
Table 2 – Li-ion battery options
Type & size
6F22, “9V”
(use two)
350(use four) 1000mAh
(use four)
800(use four) 2500mAh
Silicon Chip
The final task is to produce a sinewave, and the method must work
over the entire frequency range of the
generator. In other words, it must be
frequency-independent from 1Hz to
30kHz. This requires some non-linear
circuit elements. There are various
methods, but I chose a simple one.
Feeding the triangle wave to four
diodes—two for positive and two for
negative, plus a couple resistors—
can reasonably approximate a sinewave. These diodes (D1-D4) should
be closely matched, ideally from a single order and adjacent on a tape. This
technique will never achieve a perfect sinewave, but it can come close
(see Scope 3).
The waveforms square/pulse, triangle/ramp, and sine are selected by S2
and then buffered by op amp IC3 before
being sent to the output terminals.
Both direct and capacitor-isolated outputs are provided.
S2 is arranged with a pattern of
square, off, triangle, off, sine for two
reasons. Firstly, it provides some isolation among the waveforms, and secondly, having an off position or positions can be handy during use.
Because the sinewave from the
shaper has the lowest amplitude of the
three waves, the output op amp gain
is adjusted, via trimpot VR2 (“Sine”),
to accommodate the sinewave. Then
the square/pulse and triangle/ramp
amplitudes can then be adjusted via
trimpots VR3 (“Tri”) and VR6 (“Sq”).
The wave amplitudes may be
adjusted to either have equal peak
amplitudes or equal RMS amplitudes,
as desired. One reason for choosing
equal RMS (root-mean-square) voltages is that each of the waveforms
would deliver the same power to the
load at the same setting.
difficult to fit those into the specified
Compared to 78L05 & 79L05 voltage regulators, the ADP3300-5.0s
have a much lower dropout voltage
and lower quiescent current use for
lower battery drain. They also have
the ability to drive dropout LED indicators (LED1 and LED2 in this circuit)
and provide a more accurate regulated
The specified LEDs are high-
brightness types for operation at low
current and thus lower battery drain.
The more accurate voltages, coupled
with low-input-offset voltage op amps,
reduces the need for compensation-
adjustment circuitry. The ADP33005.0 is used for both the positive (IC4)
and negative (IC5) voltage regulation.
Thus, the batteries do not have a common connection.
If you use USB-rechargeable batteries with a double charging cable, be
sure to remove the USB cables from
the batteries before switching on the
Waveform Generator as the circuit does
not have a common battery connection,
whereas the USB charging cables do
have a common battery connection.
The current drawn from each battery
is about 18mA each polarity, depending slightly on the frequency and waveform. Thus, the “9V” 600mAh batteries should provide about 20 hours (or
more) of operation per charge, as confirmed by my trials, or twice as long
for 1200mAh batteries.
A 220W load increases the current
up to 26mA for a square wave output
at 6V peak-to-peak, or several milliamperes lower for the other waveforms.
Part choices/variations
Two different parts are specified
in the parts list for VR8, the SymmePower supply
try adjustment potentiometer. The
I wanted the waveform generator to P0915N version is better as it results
be battery-powered for easy portability in smaller frequency shifts at the
as well as electrical isolation.
extremes of symmetry/duty cycle, on
The two batteries need sufficient the order of about 1-2%. Using the
voltage for the 5V voltage regulators PTV09 version will probably result in
(REG1 and REG2), meaning about larger frequency shifts.
5.5V minimum, and preferably 7-8V.
However, if using the (better)
The specified batteries are “9V” (actu- P0915N version, its terminals will
ally about 8V) lithium-ion recharge- need to be reformed or trimmed and
able types.
the two projections on the bottom—
Alternative rechargeable lithium- not the mounting tabs—will need to
ion batteries are listed in Table 2, but be removed so the pot will sit directly
check the capacity. I don’t recommend on the PCB. Since its shaft is smooth,
using 14500 (AA-size) cells, as four you can drill out a knurled knob for
are required, in two holders, and it’s a clean fit.
Australia's electronics magazine
Photos 1 & 2: this PCB was assembled with the five SMDs on adaptor boards. Note how the miniature banana sockets
on the right are soldered to the pads on the top of the PCB. I glued the 9V rechargeable batteries to the bottom of the
enclosure and connected them to the PCB using standard battery snaps.
Unfortunately, potentiometers typically have a resistance tolerance of
±20%. Consequently, the values of
some resistors may need to change
depending on the actual resistance of
the pots you get.
1. VR8’s nominal value is 100kW. If
yours measures above 100kW or below
92kW, you should ideally change the
value of the 43kW resistor. Halve the
measured value of VR8 and subtract
5kW, then pick the closest available
value to use in place of the 43kW
2. VR10’s nominal value is 1kW. If its
value is below 935W or above 1.03kW,
you should ideally change the value
of the 390W resistor. Multiply VR10’s
actual resistance by 0.4 and then pick
the closest available value to use in
place of the 390W resistor.
A good alternative combination of
op amps is AD8065 for IC1, either
AD8051 or AD8091 for IC2, and
AD8033 or AD8065 for IC3 (the
AD8033 comes in a smaller package
than the others, so will be more tricky
to solder).
For the five surface-mount ICs,
there are two mounting techniques: (a)
directly on the PCB as surface mount,
or (b) using adaptor boards with pins
and receptacles. The main advantage
of using adaptor boards is that you can
unplug the ICs for testing and it’s easy
to replace them later (eg, for experimentation).
If you decide to use the adaptor
boards, you can prepare them by first
inserting five pins, long end down,
in the appropriate pattern into a stably mounted DIL socket – see Photo
3. Then place an adaptor board, with
the surface-mount pads upward, onto
the pins and solder each pin (Photo 4).
With the pins attached, solder the IC
to the pads using your preferred technique. There are a few ways to do it,
either with a regular iron or hot air;
the construction procedure below goes
over our preferred method. Make sure
that the orientation of the IC is correct
(see Photo 5).
For the op amp ICs, finding the correct orientation is straightforward—
they only have five leads. For the regulators, it’s a bit more tricky as they
are rotationally symmetrical; refer to
the construction procedure below for
Inspect with a magnifying glass to
verify that all leads have been soldered correctly. Pin sockets need to
be inserted into the PCB to receive the
adaptor board pins. It’s best to temporarily attach the adaptor board, solder
those socket pins to the main board,
Photo 3: using a DIP socket as a jig to
hold the PCB pins.
Photo 4: soldering the PCB pins to the
SMD adaptor board.
Photo 5: soldering the SMD IC to the
adaptor board.
IC mounting
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 67
then unplug it before you power it up.
The Waveform Generator is built on
a double-sided PCB coded 04104251
that measures 101.5 × 73.5mm. The
following instructions assume you
will be soldering the three op amp
and two regulator ICs directly to the
PCB pads.
If you want to use adaptors instead,
the procedure is not terribly different except that you will be soldering
those parts to the adaptors, then fitting
the adaptors with pins and soldering
matching sockets to the sets of five
through-hole pads arranged around
each chip location.
Start by soldering the five SMDs.
In each case, spread a thin layer of
flux paste over the PCB pads first.
The op amps, IC1-IC3, each have five
pins with two on one side and three
on the other, so the correct orientation of each should be obvious. Place
the part on the board, tack-solder one
pin and check that the device is flat
on the board and each lead is centred
over its pad.
If not, remelt the initial solder joint
and gently nudge the part into place.
Repeat if necessary until it is nicely
aligned, then solder the remaining
pins. Add a small amount of flux paste
to the first pin and touch it with a clean
soldering iron tip to reflow the joint.
Given that these leads are quite close
together, you may have accidentally
bridged two or more pins. Use a magnifier to check.
If you have, it’s quite easy to correct: simply add a small amount of
flux paste to those pins, put the end
of some solder-wicking braid on top
and press it down onto the board and
pins with your soldering iron. Wait for
a few seconds until the solder melts,
then drag the wick away from the pins
and lift it and the iron off the board.
That should leave behind just the right
amount of solder.
REG1 and REG2 are similar to
IC1-IC3, but they’re a bit more tricky
because they have three pins on each
side. That means you’ll have to figure
out which of the two possible orientations is correct. The PCB is missing a
pad on one side because pin 2 of these
devices is not used.
Examine the chip under magnification and find the pin 1 indicator in
one corner. Rotate it so that corner is
next to the missing central pad, then
tack-solder one pin. Proceed with soldering as for IC1-IC3 but of course you
can skip the pin which has no corresponding pad. You should still check
for bridges to pin 2 (however unlikely
they are) and fix them if present.
If you manage to solder them in the
wrong orientation, simply remove the
middle pin and resolder it on the other
side of the adaptor.
Now move on to fit the throughhole resistors and diodes. The orientations of the resistors do not matter
but the diodes do, so make sure their
cathode stripes face as shown in the
overlay diagram (Fig.3). Also, don’t get
the similar-looking 1N4148 (standard
silicon, D1-D4) and BAT41 (schottky,
D5 & D6) diodes mixed up.
Note that the resistors used are
smaller than the standard 1/4W or 1/2W
types generally used in our projects. As
1/4W resistors won’t fit in the specified
case, we recommend you use 1/6W or
1/8W miniature body resistors.
There are many resistor values used,
so refer to the colour code table in the
parts list or use a DMM set to measure
ohms to ensure they go in the right
Follow with the capacitors, none of
which are polarised except for the two
larger electrolytics. Their longer (positive) leads face each other, as shown
by the + marks on Fig.3. While many of
the ceramic capacitors are 1μF types,
there are quite a few different values,
so don’t get them mixed up.
The two larger 1μF 250V caps go
near the output terminals as shown,
laid over as otherwise they will be too
tall to fit in the enclosure later.
Next, fit the trimpots. There are eight
in four different values, so again, make
sure the right ones go in the right locations. Note that the footprints for the
trimpots on the PCB have four pads,
while the trimpots have three pins.
This is to allow you to use either the
common 3362P types or the less-
common 3362R reversed version.
Fig.3 shows the correct orientations
for 3362P trimpots, and the PCB also
has “P” and “R” labels on the two
possible locations for the central pin.
If using 3362R trimpots, rotate them
180° compared to what’s shown in
Fig.3, so the central pin goes into the
pads marked “R” on the PCB.
If you are using adaptors for the op
amps, you can test the board before
connecting any of the expensive op
amps to the circuit. Connect the batteries, plug in the two regulators
Fig.3: the three ICs and two regulators are shown
soldered directly to the PCB here, but they can
also be attached via SMD-to-DIL adaptors, using
the rows of holes above and below each of those
devices. Watch the orientations of the ICs, diodes,
electrolytic capacitors, trimpots and rotary
switches. The two LEDs
indicate both when it
is switched on and also
whether the 9V batteries
are still OK. Also note
the way the batteries
are wired – there is
no reverse polarity
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
and switch the power on; both LEDs
should light up. When connecting the
batteries, it is best to have the power
switch off; otherwise, accidentally
touching a connector with the wrong
polarity could damage a voltage regulator.
Using the output ground (“COM.”)
as a reference, measure the voltages
at pins 2 & 5 of IC1 (you can use the
larger through-hole pads or sockets
rather than trying to probe the SMD
pads). Pin 2 is at top centre and should
measure -4.98V to -5.02V, while pin 5
is at lower-right and should measure
+4.98V to +5.02V. If not, switch off
and check for faults.
If you’ve soldered these ICs directly
to the board, you can still perform this
test, but there is a risk of damaging
the ICs if something is wrong with the
regulators. So check the orientation of
REG1 & REG2 carefully before switching on, as well as the polarity of the
batteries and their wiring (you can do
this by probing the battery terminals
on the PCB with a multimeter).
If everything checks out, and you
have socketed the ICs, switch the
power off and plug in IC1, IC2 and
IC3. Make sure they’re all orientated
correctly, with the sides with two pins
facing towards the bottom of the PCB.
Set the Amplitude control (VR5) to
maximum and the Waveform switch
(S2) to square wave. Set Symmetry (S3)
to the 50% position, and all trimpots
to around midrange. When power is
switched back on, there should be a
square waveform—or nearly so—at
the output, centred at 0V.
Are both LEDs on? If not, the batteries, voltage regulators and associated
circuitry need attention. If they’re on
but there’s no output, check that the
Waveform switch (S2) is not at one of
the off positions and that the Amplitude control (VR5) is not at or near
minimum. Try adjusting trimpot VR7
As usual, if you run into any problems, check that the ICs and diodes are
all in the correct orientations. Remove
the ICs, if using adaptor boards, and
verify the supply voltages again. Check
that the resistors and capacitors are all
the correct values. Look for unsoldered
pins or wires, and for solder bridges
on both sides of the PCB.
If you’re still stuck, check the output of IC1 at pin 1 (upper right). If
Parts List – Waveform Generator
1 double-sided PCB coded 04104251, 101.5 × 73.5mm
1 Serpac 131,BK plastic enclosure [Mouser 635-131-B]
1 panel label, 104 × 74mm
2 9-position vertical rotary switches, 18t split shafts (S1, S2)
[Taiwan Alpha SR1712F-0109-15K0A-N9-N-027]
2 miniature PCB-mount vertical DPDT toggle switches (S3, S4)
[Nidec ATE2D-2M3-10-Z]
4 miniature 2mm banana sockets [Amazon B096DD21SP]
5 SOT-23-6 to DIL breakout boards (optional) [SparkFun BOB-00717]
25 0.51mm diameter PCB pins (optional)
[DigiKey ED90325-ND, Mouser 575-90810001508]
25 0.51mm diameter PCB pin sockets (optional)
[Mouser 575-3016015152127]
2 9V rechargeable batteries [eg, 600mAh EBL6F22] (BAT1, BAT2)
2 9V battery snaps with flying leads (BAT1, BAT2)
5 knobs to suit the 18t spline shafts of S1, S2, VR5, VR8 & VR10
4 3mm inner diameter, 1mm-thick plastic or fibre flat washers
4 No.4 × 8mm self-tapping screws
4 stick-on rubber feet
2 AD8065ART op amps, SOT-23-5 (IC1, IC3; see text for other options)
1 AD8091ART op amp, SOT-23-5 (IC2; see text for other options)
2 ADP3300ARTZ-5 low-dropout 5V linear regulators, SOT-23-6 (REG1, REG2)
1 high-brightness 3mm red LED (LED1) [Kingbright WP710A10SRD/J4]
1 high-brightness 3mm green LED (LED2) [Kingbright WP710A10ZGDK]
4 1N4148 or equivalent 75V 200mA signal diodes (D1-D4)
2 BAT41 or equivalent 70V 15mA schottky diodes (D5, D6)
Capacitors (all 50V radial multi-layer ceramic, 2.5mm pitch unless noted)
2 330μF 6.3V low-profile (5mm tall) radial electrolytic
[Panasonic ECE-A0JKS331]
1 3.3μF 25/50V X7R ±10% [Murata RCER71E335K2DBH03A]
2 1μF 250V X7R ±10% [Murata RDER72E105K5B1H03B]
12 1μF 25/50V X7R ±10% [Murata RDER71H105K2M1H03A]
1 330nF 25/50V X7R ±5% [Kemet C333C334J5R5TA]
1 100nF 25/50V NP0/C0G ±5% [Murata RCE5C1H104J2A2H03B]
1 33nF 25/50V NP0/C0G ±5% [TDK FA14C0G1H333JNU00]
1 10nF 25/50V NP0/C0G ±5% [Kemet C315C103J3G5TA]
1 3.3nF NP0/C0G ±5% [Murata RCER5C1H332J0DBH03A]
1 1nF NP0/C0G ±5%
3 330pF NP0/C0G ±5% [Kemet C315C331J3G5TA]
1 100pF NP0/C0G ±5% [Vishay K101J15C0GH53L2]
1 47pF ±5% [TDK FG18C0G1H470JNT00]
1 33pF NP0/C0G ±5% [Vishay K330J15C0GF53L2]
Potentiometers (all 9mm vertical plastic pcb-mount 18t spline shaft types)
1 5kW linear B-type (VR5) [Bourns PTV09A-4030U-B502-ND]
1 100kW linear B-type (VR8) [DigiKey 987-1708-ND – see text]
1 1kW linear B-type (VR10) [DigiKey PTV09A-4020U-B102-ND]
Trimpots (all 3362P-style miniature top-adjust)
3 2kW (VR1, VR2, VR6)
3 5kW (VR3, VR7, VR9)
1 1kW (VR4)
1 10kW (VR11)
Resistors (all ⅛W miniature axial 1%)
2 470kW
1 3.3kW
1 100kW
2 2.2kW
1 43kW
1 1kW
1 27kW
1 470W
2 22kW
1 390W
1 3.9kW
1 330W
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 69
Fig.4: a pure sinewave shaped like
this will have a low distortion figure,
well under 1% THD. Try to get the
output of your unit to match this as
closely as possible.
there is a triangle waveform, then IC1
& IC2 are working and IC3 may need
If you’re getting strange waveforms,
verify that the schottky and regular
diodes have the correct orientations.
Check the values of the following components: the filter capacitors across
VR3 and series diode pair D1 & D3,
IC3’s feedback capacitor, and compensation capacitor across the 2.2kW resistor from IC1’s output to VR7.
Set-up and calibration
Calibration requires the following
steps in sequence.
1. Set the Frequency Band switch
(S1) to the 1-3kHz position. Set the
Frequency pot (VR10) and all trimpots
at approximately midrange.
2. Connect an oscilloscope to the
lowest lead of a capacitor below S1,
using the output common terminal as
the reference.
3. Set the S3 Symmetry switch to
the 50% position and apply power. A
triangle wave should be displayed on
the oscilloscope. Adjust trimpot VR7
(Hyst) so you get exactly 4V peak-topeak. The triangle may be slightly
asymmetrical; that will be fixed in
step 5.
4. Connect the oscilloscope to the
direct output terminal, set the Waveform switch (S2) to square wave mode
and adjust VR5 for maximum amplitude. A square wave should be displayed on the oscilloscope.
5. Adjust trimpot VR4 (Balance) for
an exactly symmetrical square wave.
A multimeter with a duty-cycle measurement option would be useful here,
or use a similar oscilloscope measurement. Adjust VR10 (Frequency)
if necessary.
6. Set S3 to its alternative Vary position. Adjust trimpot VR9 (“Sym”) so
you get slightly less than 5% duty
cycle with VR8 fully anti-clockwise
and slightly more than 95% duty cycle
with VR8 fully clockwise. The duty
cycle can be pushed from 2% to 98%,
but frequency shift may increase.
7. With S3 still in the Vary position, adjust VR9 (Sym) for an exactly
symmetrical waveform. Note the frequency. Set S3 back to the 50% position and achieve exactly the same frequency by adjusting VR11 (50% Freq).
8. Set S3 back to the 50% position
and S2 to sinewave. An approximate
sinewave should be displayed.
Sinewave adjustment
9. Adjust trimpot VR1 (THD) to
achieve the cleanest possible sinewave. You can trace Fig.4 onto tracing
paper, baking paper or clear plastic and
place it over the oscilloscope screen as
a guide. Alternatively, if your ‘scope
has a spectrum analyser mode (or you
have a spectrum analyser) adjust VR1
for minimum harmonics.
If you are not fussy, forming an
approximation to a sinewave on a
‘scope screen may be good enough.
If using a spectrum analyser, I suggest setting the Wave Generator frequency to 1kHz and the analyser frequency span to cover the audio range.
Momentarily switch to triangle wave
mode and adjust trimpot VR4 (“Bal”)
to minimise the second (2kHz) and
all other even harmonics. This should
only require a slight readjustment.
Switch back to sinewave mode and
adjust VR1 (“THD”) to minimise the
odd harmonics.
Then adjust trimpot VR1 (THD) to
minimise the odd harmonics. VR7
(Hyst) may also be adjusted a slight
amount, but this will also alter the
frequency bands.
When you’ve finished, all even
harmonics should be approximately
60dB lower than the fundamental and
all odd harmonics (starting at 3kHz)
should be at least 45dB lower than the
fundamental. Adjust the amplitude
setting as necessary to avoid overloading the spectrum analyser. A sinewave
THD close to 1% should be achievable.
Wave amplitudes
10. Leaving the ‘scope connected to
the direct output and S2 in the sinewave position, set VR5 (Amplitude)
to maximum. Now you have a choice
of equal peak voltages or equal RMS
voltages for the three waveforms. For
equal peak voltages, decide on what
maximum you want and adjust VR2
(Sine) to that maximum. I do not recommend greater than 6V peak-topeak.
Next, set S2 to square wave mode
and adjust VR6 to achieve the chosen maximum output level. Switch
S2 to triangle wave mode and adjust
trimpot VR3 (Tri) to achieve the same
maximum level. Alternatively, to set
the waveforms to equal RMS voltages,
use Table 3 or an RMS-reading device
(multimeter or oscilloscope).
11. Check that VR10 (Frequency)
varies the frequency over a range of
at least 3:1 and check the minimum
Fig.5: the controls are quite complicated so you’ll
need this panel label to understand what they
all do. It will also help you locate the holes for
the switch and potentiometer shafts, LEDs and
banana sockets. You can download it as a PDF
from our website and print it at actual size (1:1).
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
and maximum frequency for each
band. The bands should overlap. If
the minimums are not low enough,
decrease the value of the 390W resistor.
If the maximums are not high enough,
adjust VR7 (Hyst) slightly and return
to step 8.
The frequency bands will likely not
track by exact factors because of the
typical variations in capacitance of
the timing capacitors. That’s why these
capacitors (all the ones that connect
to pin 1 of IC1) should have a ±5%
or better tolerance, if possible. In the
worst case, you may need to replace
one or two caps or parallel them with
lower-value capacitors.
12. With S2 (Waveform) set to triangle wave and S3 (Symmetry) at the
Vary setting, rotate VR8 (Symmetry) to
both extremes to check that the triangle
wave becomes a clean downward or
upward ramp/sawtooth, and recheck
that, on the square wave setting, the
output becomes a pulse that varies in
duty cycle between 5% and 95%.
Enclosure preparation
Fig.5 is a front panel label that can
also be used as a drilling guide. You
can download it from
We have instructions on preparing
and attaching panel labels online, see:
With the panel label attached, the
holes can then be drilled through carefully. The final hole sizes are 3mm for
the LEDs, 8mm for the potentiometers,
10mm for the rotary switches, 4mm for
the toggle switches and 2.5mm for the
banana sockets.
If possible, I suggest punching the
small holes. I also suggest countersinking the small holes on the inside
of the enclosure for easier insertion of
the LEDs, switches and banana receptacles. The mounting post on the top
part of the enclosure that is near rotary
switch S2 needs to be trimmed back a
bit to allow room for the switch. The
anti-rotation tabs on the tops of the
rotary switches and pots need to be
Insert the LEDs and banana sockets into the PCB with the LEDs in the
correct orientations, but do not solder
them yet. Temporarily fit the PCB into
the enclosure using a 1mm-thick non-
conductive (eg, plastic or fibre) spacer
or washer on each mounting post.
Top tip: use super glue to stick the
washers in place temporarily (either
to the enclosure or top of the PCB) so
they don’t slide out as you’re trying to
assemble everything.
Adjust the LEDs and banana receptacles as desired, then solder the LEDs,
and tack-solder the sockets quickly
to avoid melting the plastic. Remove
the PCB and solder the sockets to the
upper surface of the PCB, being careful to maintain their position. You
can now screw the PCB into place in
the enclosure on the 1mm spacers. Do
not use panel-mount hardware on the
rotary switches or VR8.
After considering several mounting methods for the batteries, I simply
used a little epoxy to attach them to
the lower part of the enclosure, with a
piece of thick paper in between should
I ever want to remove them. You could
also consider foam-cored double-sided
tape, although it may not be strong
enough to hold them long-term.
Usage notes
The square wave or pulse rise and
fall times are approximately 90ns (see
Scopes 1 & 2). There is a barely noticeable non-linearity in the triangle waves
at the three lowest frequency bands. I
attribute this to the capacitors, which
are X7R for these bands.
The higher-frequency bands use
C0G/NP0 capacitors and look perfectly
linear to my eye. Using C0G or film
capacitors for the higher-value timing
capacitors would eliminate the slight
non-linearity, but they are too large to
realistically fit. For an explanation of
capacitor types, see our detailed March
2021 article on capacitors (siliconchip.
Scope 3 compares the Waveform
Generator’s quasi-sinewave (mauve)
to a pure sinewave (yellow) at 1kHz;
the pure sinewave was generated
by sending the Waveform Generator
quasi-sinewave through a three-stage
RC filter.
Table 3 – peak vs RMS voltages
RMS formula
Peak for 1V RMS
Peak for 2V RMS
Vrms = Vpeak
Vrms = Vpeak ÷ √3
Vrms = Vpeak ÷ √2
Australia's electronics magazine
Scope 1: a 30kHz pulse with a duty
cycle of 2%, from setting “Waveform”
to square/pulse and the “Symmetry”
control fully anti-clockwise.
Scope 2: a 30kHz ramp, from setting
Waveform to triangle/ramp and
Symmetry control fully anti-clockwise.
Scope 3: a pure sinewave (yellow)
with the generator’s output overlaid
(mauve) at 1kHz. The total harmonic
distortion (THD) is around 1% if
it’s properly adjusted. There is a
slight phase shift between the two
There is a frequency shift, up to
1-2%, as the symmetry/duty cycle is
varied between 5% and 95%. This
appears to be a peculiarity of the
potentiometers; in particular, carbon-
element potentiometers. Cermet pots
have much less shift, but they are considerably more expensive. A likely
additional contributor is the nonideal characteristics of the schottky
March 2025 71
Simple Electronic Projects
with Julian Edgar
This remote-control alarm uses a two-stage siren
and can optionally switch on inside and outside lights
when triggered. The design uses commonly available
prebuilt modules and relays.
Photo 1: I built my alarm
into a plastic utility box. Two
terminal strips provide the external
y new home workshop was
recently completed. It’s built on
the block of land next to where we
currently live (one day, we will build
a house on the new block as well) and
is a few hundred metres away from our
existing house. I decided to install an
alarm in the workshop – but then the
fun started. Or didn’t, actually.
I thought what I wanted was very
simple. I wanted an alarm that could
be armed/disarmed by a keyfob remote
control that I’d carry on my workshop
keys. When the alarm was armed, I
wanted LEDs flashing at each door.
If the alarm was triggered by unauthorised entry through the opening of
any door, I wanted a siren to sound,
quietly at first (in case I forget to deactivate the alarm), then subsequently
at full volume for a set period. When
the alarm was triggered, I also wanted
interior and exterior LED floodlights
to switch on.
Finally, I wanted the LED lights,
system controller and siren to run
off 12V provided by a rechargeable
I couldn’t find anything even close
to these specifications! Instead, I
found very complex systems that
would send me emails or text messages, ones that used single motion
sensors that could never cover the
interior area of the workshop, or
others that were so expensive I just
couldn’t believe it.
Cheap car alarms came closest, but
they tended to have very poor instructions that would take hours to sort
out (I know, I bought one) – and that’s
before adapting the system to these
unique requirements.
So I decided to build my own alarm.
If you break the above requirements
down, all that is needed to achieve
the above list is:
• An off-the-shelf remote control
module and fob.
• Door switches.
• A latching system so that the
alarm continues to sound even if a
door is shut again.
• Two timers – one for giving the
‘quiet siren’ period and the other the
‘total siren’ period.
• Flashing door LEDs.
• Switched power for the floodlights.
• A siren, battery etc.
Photo 2: note how I extended the curly
antenna of the remote-control module.
Behind the remote-control module
is the latching relay that keeps the
alarm sounding even if an opened
door is later closed.
Photo 3: the two red boards are the
timers. One switches off the siren after
a pre-set time and the other causes
the siren to switch to full loudness
after a short period. The relay at the
back switches on 12V floodlights if the
alarm is triggered.
Photo 4: any 12V-powered siren can
be used. This one was originally
supplied in a car alarm kit and cycles
between different sounds – very
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Rather than taking an Arduino or
similar approach, I decided that the
controller would primarily consist
of relays – yes, old-fashioned relays!
One relay could drive the 12V lighting, while another could provide the
latching function. The timers could be
provided by some low-cost eBay modules, again with relay outputs.
The system could be activated when
the remote control module’s output
relay closed, feeding power to the
rest of the system. That left only the
flashing LEDs – easily sourced, complete with dropping resistors for the
12V supply – and a battery and plugpack charger.
Fig.1: when the alarm is armed via the remote control, power is fed to the flashing
door LEDs and a latching relay. The latter stays dormant until a door is opened.
Opening a door sends power to Timer 1, which feeds Timer 2, resulting in a quiet
sound from the siren, followed by a loud one if the unit is not quickly disarmed.
Fig.1 shows a block diagram of the
system, while Photo 1 shows the completed unit. When the alarm is armed
via the remote control, power is fed to
the flashing door LEDs. Power is also
then available to the latching relay, but
it stays dormant until a door is opened.
Door opening causes the relay’s coil
to be powered, its contacts to close and
then stay latched via one of its two sets
of contacts. This feeds power to Timer
1, which starts counting. The timer
output that is used is the Normally
Closed one – so when this timer’s relay
activates after about a minute, the output is switched off, silencing the siren.
Timer 1 feeds Timer 2, which supplies only a low voltage to the siren for
the first seven seconds before switching to full voltage.
The latching relay also switches
on the lighting relay, activating interior and exterior LED floodlights. 12V
floodlights (eg, those sold for ancillary
car lighting) are suitable and, these
days, are quite cheap. These lights stay
on until the system is reset by the keyfob (or by removing battery power).
Alternatively, you could feed the
LED floodlight relay following Timer
1, so the lights would go off when the
siren stops. If you use high-power
lights, taking this latter approach will
help to stop the battery from going flat.
Fig.2 shows the circuit. There are a
few things to note:
1. Both external relays are double-
pole, single-throw designs (DPST).
Only an SPST relay is needed for the
lights, but for the sake of convenience,
I used the same type of relay for both
latching and lighting functions.
2. The door switches carry only the
current needed to operate the latching
Fig.2: each of the five main parts – the remote-control module, latching relay,
lighting relay and two timers – can be wired and then tested before proceeding
to the next stage. Timer 1 switches its output off when the timed period is
activated, while Timer 2 bypasses the series resistor feeding the siren when the
timed period has elapsed.
relay’s coil, which is very little. The
switches, in the circuit configuration
shown here, need to close when the
door is opened.
3. I used 6-core cable to connect
the door switches and also to power
the flashing LED at each door. Only
4-core cable is needed, but I had
a large roll of 6-core cable that I’d
acquired cheaply. The workshop has
six doors (five roller doors and one
personal access door) and the cable
runs are long. However, there are no
problems with voltage drops as the
currents are so low.
Here’s what you will need to build
this alarm (also see the Parts List).
• A 12V remote control module
with relay output. Almost any 12V
relay output remote module that has
a latching function will be suitable.
Australia's electronics magazine
Latching means that the output relay
stays engaged after you have taken
your finger off the fob’s button. Some
remotes require you the press the button again to unlatch, and others have
separate ‘on’ and ‘off’ buttons – either
approach is suitable.
• A DPST (or DPDT) 12V-coil relay
with 5A-rated contacts. This relay acts
as the latch and also supplies all current to the rest of the circuit.
• An SPST 12V-coil relay rated to
drive the LED floodlights. This relay
drives the lighting circuit. You could
also use a DPST or DPDT relay.
• Two variable delay modules
(Photo 3). Almost any cheap delay
module that has a relay output will
work. However, the modules must
operate from 12V, and they also need
to have at least a single pole, double
throw (SPDT) relay output. This means
they will have Common, Normally
March 2025 73
Open and Normally Closed relay connections.
• A 12V siren (Photo 4). I used
the one from the car alarm I bought.
It draws about 800mA at 12.5V and
is quite loud. It also cycles through
different sounds, which is attention-
getting. A variety of 12V sirens is available from about $12.
• A resistor to reduce the siren’s
output for the quiet period. I found
an appropriate value resistor through
some quick testing. In my case, with
the siren being fed 12V, 180W gave the
required reduction in siren volume,
and the ½W resistor did not get warm.
Different sirens will require different
values. Start with values around 200W
Photo 5: the alarm is triggered by door
switches that must close when the door
is opened. Here, an industrial roller
switch has been used, activated by the
folded aluminium bracket screwed to
the door frame. Smaller, less expensive
door switches are available.
and increase it if the siren is still too
loud. Ensure the resistor does not get
warm – if it does, increase its wattage. Going too high in wattage is no
• Flashing LEDs, pre-wired for 12V
use. These are cheap and commonly
available. Choose whatever colour you
want! (See Photo 7.)
• A 12V battery. See the discussion
below on options.
• A means of charging the battery
(eg, a solar panel or plugpack charger).
• 12V LED floodlights. Using car
accessory lights is cheapest, but ensure
you do not select very powerful lights.
Otherwise, you’ll need to upgrade the
relay and battery.
Photo 6: the opening of roller doors
can be tricky to detect, but this
is achieved here using another
industrial roller switch, with this
one equipped with a long lever. The
switch has been protected by being
mounted inside galvanised brackets.
• Door switches. A wide variety of
switches is suitable, including microswitches and reed switches. I used
industrial roller switches (Photos 5 &
6). These are normally quite expensive, but I found a supplier that had
them on sale for about $5 each. They
are splashproof and durable over many
cycles. Their large rollers are also easy
to trigger from door movement. You
can use as many switches as you like
– just wire them in parallel. Remember, the switch needs to close when
the door is opened.
• A box to house the alarm, terminal blocks, standoffs, screws and nuts,
cable etc.
Battery choice
Literally any 12V rechargeable battery can be used. If you charge the battery from a float charger, the battery
needs to supply power to the system
only during a mains power failure.
Thus, the battery doesn’t need to do
a lot, and it’s likely a salvaged ex-car
lead acid battery will be fine. Your
local car mechanic is likely to have half
a dozen waiting to go to the recycler.
They’ll be free or only at nominal cost.
If you are using a solar panel to
charge the battery, the battery will
need to power the system for perhaps
up to a week in rainy weather. Current consumption will depend on the
specific remote module, relays and
LEDs you use.
As a guide, my system had a current consumption of 12mA (unarmed)
and 41mA (armed), plus an average
consumption of each flashing LED
of 13mA. When activated (relays
engaged, siren running) the current
consumption was about 1A.
Building it
Photo 7: the flashing LED (circled in green) is inconspicuous in the daytime
but very obvious at night. It is bright and flashes at 1Hz. It is mounted in an
aluminium bezel and sealed with silicone.
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I built my alarm into a plastic box
that measured 190 × 110 × 80mm.
This is a little bigger than required,
but it gives room for the remote module’s normally coiled antenna to be
stretched upwards – something that
gives noticeably better range (see
Photo 2).
I suggest you build the Alarm stepby-step on the bench, testing it at each
step. Start by connecting power to the
remote control module. Check that
the output relay clicks appropriately
when the remote fob button is pressed
(Photo 8). The relay should switch on
and stay pulled in, then with another
button press, switch off.
Next, add one of the flashing LEDs.
Check that the LED flashes when the
alarm is armed via the remote and
turns off when the alarm is disarmed.
As with the switches, you can use as
many LEDs as required, again wired
in parallel.
Wire in the latching relay next. Do
this in two steps. The first step is to
ensure that when the alarm is armed
via the remote and a door switch is
closed, this relay pulls in.
Then add the relay’s ‘latching’ wiring and repeat the test. This time,
the relay should stay pulled in, even
when the ‘door’ is again closed (ie,
the door switch is opened). Disarming via the remote should cause this
relay to unlatch and the flashing LED
to switch off.
Wire in the lighting relay next and
check it operates when the alarm is
The two delay modules are next.
Note that the Normally Closed relay
output connection is used for the main
timer – that is, the output is energised
until the timed period elapses, whereupon the output is switched off as the
relay contacts are pulled in. Wire in
this module and check its relay activates at the end of the period that you
want the siren to sound for.
These timers typically have an
onboard pot that allows the period to
be adjusted. In the case of the timers
shown here, the maximum period was
a bit short (10 seconds). I extended it
by soldering a 470μF 16V capacitor in
parallel with the main timing capacitor, giving a one-minute maximum
period. This sounds like a short time
for the siren to sound, but in the quiet
location where I live, it’s plenty.
The second timer, that allows the
siren to sound only quietly at first,
uses both relay outputs. The Normally
Closed output (that is energised when
the timed period has not yet elapsed)
feeds the siren through the resistor.
When the timed period has finished,
the relay switches and the Normally
Open contact is energised. This feeds
the siren directly, so bypassing the
resistor and causing the siren to sound
at full loudness. Wire this relay in next.
The complete system can now be
bench-tested, with the siren suitably muffled with a towel or similar.
Check that:
1. The alarm can be armed and disarmed by the remote, with the flashing
LED indicating the status.
Parts List – USB Solar Charging System
1 12V remote control module with relay output and latching function
[eBay 155694654180]
2 DPST (or DPDT) 12V DC coil relays [Jaycar SY4065]
2 variable delay modules [eBay 235710400707]
1 12V siren [Jaycar LA8908]
1 12V rechargeable battery [Jaycar SB2484]
1 12V battery charger [Jaycar MB3619]
flashing LEDs, pre-wired for 12V use [Jaycar LA5082]
door switches [Jaycar LE8777]
12V LED floodlights [eBay 235086391538]
1 plastic case, large enough to house the parts (I used 190 × 110 × 80mm)
1 chassis-mount fuse holder & fuse rated to suit maximum total draw
cabling and wire to suit installation
various machine screws, nuts, standoffs and terminal strips as required
2. When the alarm is armed, closing
a door switch (opening a door) causes
the lighting relay to pull in and the
siren to start operating, quietly at first
before then switching to full volume.
3. The quiet siren period is as you
have set it (eg, seven seconds) and
the full siren period is also as set (eg,
one minute).
4. You can switch the operating
siren and lights off by deactivating the
system via the remote.
How you install the system is largely
up to your individual requirements. As
my main workshop wiring was being
done simultaneously with the alarm
installation, I used the same approach
for the alarm wiring as for the normal
mains wiring – that is, placing the
cables in plastic conduit. This protects
and conceals the alarm wiring.
I placed the siren high in the workshop (out of reach!). The door switches
are triggered by small aluminium
brackets that I bent to the required
The alarm controller and the sealed
lead-acid (SLA) battery are concealed
in a timber enclosure within shelves –
it’s not obvious where they are. In my
application, the battery is charged by
a solar panel working through a small
solar charge regulator.
There’s something to be said for
working with electronics where you
can see components (like relays and
switches) actually working. Also, apart
from the door switches and siren,
every other component was already
in my parts drawers!
Photo 8: the alarm is
activated and deactivated
with this remote control.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 75
Part 5: Noise
So far, this series has mostly been concerned with errors arising from component
matching and unwanted currents and fixed voltages. There is another type of unwanted
signal that can cause all sorts of problems that we refer to as noise. So, how can we
quantify its effects on our circuits and reduce the resulting errors? By Andrew Levido
n electronics, the term “noise” can refer
to any form of unwanted signal that
masks a signal of interest. This
includes noise that is imposed upon
a circuit from external sources such as
radio-frequency interference or mains
hum, which can be reduced or eliminated by filtering, shielding or other
design techniques.
However, there are sources of noise
that are intrinsic to the components
themselves. They come from within
the circuit, not outside, so they cannot be reduced by shielding.
In this article, we will look at this
type of truly random noise that is
caused by various physical phenomena within the components we use.
As we have discussed in earlier articles, precision electronics design is all
about understanding and quantifying
the sources of uncertainty, and noise
is another error source that we cannot
always ignore.
To understand noise, we will have
to start with a bit of theory, but I will
try to keep it to a minimum. We will
then get into the practical side with a
full noise analysis of a simple audio
amplifier. Let’s begin by looking at the
main types of noise of concern to electronics designers.
Johnson noise
Johnson noise, sometimes also
called Nyquist or thermal noise, is
essentially the electrical signal produced in lossy components by the
random movement of charge carriers
(usually electrons) due to temperature. Remember that temperature
relates to the motion of atoms and
other elements of a material; they
are only still when the material is at
absolute zero.
For example, a 10kW resistor at
room temperature will develop a
noise voltage across its terminals of
Silicon Chip
around 1.3µV RMS if measured with
a high-impedance AC voltmeter with
a 10kHz bandwidth. If we were to
short-circuit the resistor, we would
measure a noise current of about
130pA (1.3µV ÷ 10kW) over the same
This phenomenon was first
described by John Bertrand Johnson
in 1927 and characterised by Harry
Nyquist in 1928. Nyquist showed that
the noise voltage density in a resistor is
given by the equation Vrms = √4kTRfb,
where k is Boltzmann’s constant (1.38
× 10-23), T is the absolute temperature
in Kelvin, R is the resistance and fb is
the bandwidth in hertz (Hz).
This highlights the first important
thing to keep in mind when discussing noise: we can only quantify a noise
voltage or current if we also specify a
bandwidth over which to measure it.
If we don’t know the bandwidth of
concern, we can only describe noise
in terms of a voltage or current per
unit frequency, called the voltage or
current noise density.
The units of voltage noise density
are V/√Hz and those for current noise
density are A/√Hz.
You have to be careful to distinguish
between an absolute value of noise
(an RMS [root-mean-squared] voltage
or current) and its density. The relationship between them is analogous
to the relationship between the mass
and density of a material. Density is
a property intrinsic to the material,
but the mass of an object made of the
material depends on the amount of it
we are dealing with in a specific case.
The noise voltage density of a resistor, for example, is a property of the
resistor at a given temperature, but
the noise voltage developed across
it depends on the bandwidth we use
to measure it (or over which it has an
effect). In the case of Johnson noise
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(and any white noise, as we will see
below), the relationship between noise
density and voltage is the square root
of the bandwidth.
Johnson noise is an inescapable
result of the thermal agitation of
electrons that occurs anywhere that
charges are free to move. Fortunately,
you can normally ignore the Johnson
noise generated in conductors like
wires, since their resistance is so low
that any noise that they may contribute is negligible.
In fact, mostly lossless devices like
capacitors and inductors (up to a
point) do not contribute to the overall
noise in a circuit. They can, however,
impact bandwidth and therefore can
influence the noise voltage or current.
Shot noise
Johnson noise occurs even when no
current is flowing. On the other hand,
shot noise occurs because a flowing
current is made up of discrete ‘chunks’
of charge (electrons or holes). If the
moving charges act independently of
each other, the resulting randomness
of the current flow causes noise.
This phenomenon does not occur in
metallic conductors, where the moving electrons influence each other and
therefore don’t act randomly. It does
occur in semiconductors, though;
for example, when charge carriers
are diffusing across a semiconductor
The shot noise density is given
by the formula in = √2qIdc and is
expressed in units of A/√Hz. Here,
q is the charge on an electron (1.6 ×
10-19C) and Idc is the average current.
The RMS value of shot noise is therefore irms = √2qIdcfb .
This means that a steady 1A current passing through a semiconductor
junction will see a random variation
of 57nA RMS when measured over a
10kHz bandwidth. That corresponds
to about 0.057ppm (parts per million)
– small enough to be immaterial in
most situations.
Shot noise gets relatively larger
as the current reduces because there
are fewer moving charge carriers. For
example, a 1µA current will have a
superimposed shot noise of 57pA
RMS, which corresponds with 57ppm;
it is becoming more significant.
∕f noise
Shot and Johnson noise are both
types of ‘white noise’, ie, they carry
equal power per unit of frequency
(hertz) across the spectrum. This is
why we can simply multiply the noise
density by the square root of the bandwidth to calculate the noise voltage
or current.
1∕ noise (sometimes called flicker
noise) differs from Johnson or shot
noise, which are the result of atomic-
level physical phenomena. 1∕f noise is
created by a variety of mechanisms
(not all well understood) relating to
materials and construction techniques.
1∕ noise has the defining characf
teristic of having an equal energy per
decade of spectrum. In other words,
it has the same power in the 1-10Hz
range as it does in the 10-100Hz and
1-10kHz ranges. This means the power
per hertz is inversely proportional to
frequency – hence the 1∕f name.
Noise with this power spectrum is
known as ‘pink noise’ and it occurs
in a wide variety of places, including
the flow of traffic, ocean currents and
the loudness profile of classical music!
From an electronics perspective,
1∕ noise does occur in some resistors
depending on their construction (carbon composition resistors were notoriously bad for this) but it can usually
be safely ignored in modern resistors.
It can become significant in op amp
circuits, which is why we need to
know about it.
Burst and avalanche noise
There are two other sources of noise
in electronics that are worth mentioning: burst noise and avalanche noise.
Burst noise, also known as popcorn
noise, is a low frequency (<100Hz)
‘popping’ phenomenon caused by
manufacturing imperfections in semiconductor materials. It used to be a
problem in the early days of integrated
circuits, but improved manufacturing
processes have all but eliminated it.
Avalanche noise is similar to shot
noise but occurs during the reverse
breakdown of semiconductor junctions. Its amplitude can be very high,
so it is often used when we want to
deliberately to create an analog white
noise source. We don’t usually operate our circuits with semiconductor
junctions in reverse breakdown, so
we can ignore avalanche noise most
of the time.
There is one major exception: zener
diodes with voltage ratings above
about 5.5V operate in a controlled avalanche breakdown mode. Those rated
below 5.5V use the Zener effect, which
is a different phenomenon altogether
(interestingly, a 5.6V zener diode uses
a mixture of both!). If you have these
in your circuits, you may have to take
avalanche noise into account.
Now we have covered the sources of
noise, we have to consider one more
important point that will allow us to
analyse noise in practical circuits.
Gaussian distributions
Johnson, shot and 1∕f noise are all
considered Gaussian, which means the
amplitude of instantaneous voltage is
distributed according to a Gaussian,
sometimes called ‘normal’, curve as
shown on the left of Fig.1. The average amplitude of noise is zero, but the
peak value at any given instant will be
a matter of probability.
Higher-amplitude excursions are
less likely than those close to the mean
due to the ‘bell’ shape of the Gaussian
distribution. The probability that the
instantaneous voltage will be between
any two values is given by the area
under the curve between those values.
Statisticians love these curves, but I
don’t find them a particularly intuitive
way to look at amplitude. I prefer the
relative occurrence chart on the righthand side of Fig.1. The vertical scale is
the fraction of time the instantaneous
voltage will exceed some multiple of
the RMS voltage.
For example, the instantaneous
amplitude will exceed twice the RMS
voltage approximately 4.6% of the
time, but will exceed four times the
RMS voltage only 0.006% of the time.
You can also see from the occurrence
chart that the instantaneous noise
voltage will be below the RMS value
approximately 2/3 of the time. This,
plus the fact that the different sources
of noise in a given circuit will be
uncorrelated (they behave completely
Fig.1: the probability of a given instantaneous voltage occurring in white noise is distributed according to a Gaussian
curve (left). The relative occurrence curve on the right instead shows the fraction of time that the peak voltage will exceed
a specific amplitude, which I find easier to understand.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 77
Fig.3: the noise
equivalent circuit
for a parallel RC
circuit. The resistor
and capacitor form a
low-pass filter for the
resistor’s Johnson noise
source. The resulting noise
voltage depends only on
the temperature and the
capacitor value.
Fig.2: the noise equivalent circuit of a
resistor is a noiseless resistor in series
with a voltage source with a value
given by the Johnson noise equation.
independently), means that adding the
RMS values of different noise sources
will over-estimate the resulting noise.
So, instead of adding noise in
the normal arithmetic way, we add
noise as the root sum of squares. This
means we square the values, add them
together, then take the square root to
arrive at a value that is statistically
equivalent to the sum. If we are adding more than two noise sources, we
just extend the sum by adding more
squared values before taking the
square root.
The root sum of squares method
leads to a shortcut that can help simplify noise calculations significantly.
If one of the quantities being added is
smaller than another by a factor of 10
or more, you can ignore it altogether
with very little resulting error. For
example, a 10µV and 1µV source sum
to 10.05µV using root-sum-of-squares,
so we could simply ignore the 1µV
source in that case.
A simple example
Noise calculations in circuits can get
quite complex since almost every component contributes to or shapes noise.
For this reason, it is important to take
a step-by-step approach, breaking the
circuit down into manageable chunks.
For each ‘chunk’ of circuit, we need to
analyse the ‘noise equivalent circuit’
to calculate the total noise.
We must understand the noise
equivalent circuits of the components
to accomplish this.
The noise equivalent circuit of a
resistor (Fig.2) is a good place to start.
We have already seen that a resistor
will exhibit Johnson noise with a voltage of √4kTRfb so it can be modelled
by a noiseless resistor in series with a
voltage source of that value. Resistors
in parallel or series can be reduced to
a single equivalent resistor, then converted to the noise equivalent circuit.
We mentioned above the capacitors
Silicon Chip
don’t themselves contribute noise, but
Fig.3 shows the noise equivalent circuit of a capacitor in parallel with a
resistor. If we replace the resistor with
its noise equivalent circuit from Fig.2,
we have a noise source feeding a simple single-pole RC low-pass filter. This
filter will reduce the noise bandwidth
and thus the noise voltage seen at the
terminals of the RC pair.
The -3dB bandwidth of the RC filter
will be 1 ÷ (2πRC), but we can’t just use
this in noise calculations since such a
filter lets through frequencies higher
than the corner frequency, albeit in
an attenuated form. We therefore need
to convert the -3dB bandwidth to an
‘equivalent noise bandwidth’ (ENBW),
which is the bandwidth of a perfect
‘brick wall’ filter that lets through the
same amount of noise.
The scale factor for a single-pole filter turns out to be π ÷ 2, so the ENBW
for a single-pole RC filter is 1 ÷ (4RC).
Substituting this into the equation
for Johnson noise gives an expression
for the resulting noise voltage: Vrms =
√kT ÷ C. A parallel RC circuit therefore
has the noise equivalent circuit shown
on the right in Fig.3. Notice that the
noise voltage is dependent only on the
temperature and the capacitor value –
the resistor value is irrelevant! Noise
can be weird sometimes.
Op amp noise equivalent
A typical op amp exhibits Johnson
and shot noise with a flat power spectrum, as well as 1∕f noise, which has a
power spectrum biased towards lower
frequencies as shown in Fig.4. At low
frequencies, the 1∕f noise dominates,
while at high frequencies, the Johnson
and shot noise dominate.
At some frequency, fc, the amplitudes of these two noise components
will cross over. When specifying op
amp noise, manufacturers condense
everything down to three things: a
figure or graph for fc, an input noise
voltage density (en) referred to the non-
inverting input, and an input noise
current density (in) at each input.
Fig.5 shows the noise equivalent
circuit of an op amp. It consists of a
noiseless op amp with noise sources
at its inputs. These current sources
Fig.4: op amps exhibit both pink (1∕f ) noise, which dominates at low frequencies,
and white (Johnson and shot) noise, which dominates at high frequencies. The
frequency at which they cross over is the noise corner frequency, fc. This figure
is usually specified in the data sheet.
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Fig.5: the noise equivalent circuit of an op amp includes noise current sources
associated with each input of a noiseless op amp, plus a noise voltage source in
series with its non-inverting input.
Fig.6: a simple audio
amplifier stage circuit we will
analyse for noise performance.
produce noise voltages across the
source resistances at the op amp’s
inputs. The noise crossover frequency
is used together with these sources to
calculate the overall op amp noise.
shown in row 1 of the noise budget
table (Table 1).
Next, we have the op amp’s noise
voltage, shown in Fig.7(c), which is
given by the voltage noise density
(11nV/√Hz) and the bandwidth. We
have seen that for white noise, we simply multiply the noise density by the
square root of the circuit bandwidth
to get the voltage. However, we know
that the op amp produces pink 1∕f noise
up to 150Hz – well within our 1Hz to
25kHz bandwidth.
We take this into account by applying a modification factor to the bandwidth, a bit like we did to determine
the ENBW from the -3dB bandwidth.
When the bandwidth of interest
straddles fc, we have to use the formula fb + fcloge(fh ÷ fl) to calculate an
equivalent bandwidth. In this equation, fb is the nominal bandwidth, fc
is the noise corner frequency, fh is the
upper bandwidth limit and fl is the
lower limit of bandwidth.
So the op amp noise bandwidth
evaluates to 26.5kHz instead of 25kHz.
Plugging this into the op amp’s input
noise density gives us a noise voltage
at 1.79µV.
We can now consider the noise
voltage generated by the op amp’s
current noise. This is a bit trickier.
Fig.7(d) shows the superposition circuit for this source. We have a current source in parallel with a resistor
A practical example
Let’s apply this to a real-world example. Consider a simple op-amp based
audio amplifier circuit, as per Fig.6.
The input signal is AC-coupled to the
op amp via C1. This forms a high-pass
filter with R1, which has a -3dB cutoff
frequency of about 1.6Hz. The op amp
is configured as a non-inverting amplifier with a signal gain of 11.
C2 rolls off the amplifier’s frequency
response at around 16kHz. The example circuit uses a TLV2460 general-
purpose rail-to-rail input/output
(RRIO) op amp with en = 11nV/√Hz, in
= 0.13pA/√Hz and fc = 150Hz.
We will analyse the noise in this
amplifier in a step-by-step manner,
using the principle of superposition.
This analysis technique allows us to
analyse linear circuits with multiple
sources by calculating the effect of
each one in isolation and adding the
We replace any voltage sources we
are ignoring with short circuits, and
any current sources we are ignoring
with open circuits. We will build up a
noise budget table (Table 1) as we go.
Before we start, we need to define
the nominal bandwidth over which
we will calculate the noise. Since our
circuit has a single-pole 1.6Hz highpass filter at the input and a single-pole
16kHz low-pass filter around the op
amp, our overall bandwidth is well
defined. However, just like the parallel RC case above, we have to calculate the equivalent noise bandwidth,
since the roll-offs are far from abrupt.
Recalling that the ENBW scale factor for a single pole filter is π ÷ 2, the
lower ENBW limit becomes 1Hz and
the upper one becomes 25kHz. So, the
overall noise bandwidth of the circuit
is 25kHz – 1Hz ≈ 25kHz.
We start our analysis at the non-
inverting input of the op amp. Since
the source voltage is short-circuited,
R1 and C1 are in parallel as far as noise
is concerned.
Fig.7(a) shows the noise equivalent circuit of this part of the circuit.
There are three noise sources: the R1/
C1 parallel noise voltage, the op amp’s
voltage noise source and the current
noise source, both at the non-inverting
input of the op amp. We will look at
each in turn and use the superposition principle.
Fig.7(b) shows the R1/C1 source. We
have already seen that the noise voltage in this case is √kT ÷ C. Plugging
in a temperature of 300K (26.85°C)
and the 1µF value of C1 gives a noise
voltage of 64.3nV. This calculation is
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Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 79
Fig.7: the process of analysing
the input stage noise equivalent
circuit for Fig.6(a) shows all the
noise sources together and the
subsequent circuits show how the
noise contribution of the individual
sources are evaluated.
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Fig.8: the process for analysing the
noise sources at the op amp’s output
is similar to that for the input. This
time, there are four noise sources,
including the input noise multiplied
by the op amp’s noise gain.
Australia's electronics magazine
(and a capacitor, but let’s park that for
a moment), so we can replace these
with the Thévenin equivalent voltage
source in series with the resistor, as
shown in Fig.7(e).
In case you are not aware of
Thévenin’s theorem, it states, “Any
linear electrical network containing
only voltage sources, current sources
and resistances can be replaced by a
voltage source in series with a resistance.” It is a powerful tool for simplifying circuits and well worth reading
about if you don’t understand it (see
The current noise density is
0.13pA/√Hz and the resistance is
100kW, so the Thévenin noise voltage
density is 13nV/√Hz.
Now let’s bring the capacitor back
into the picture. This forms a low-pass
filter with R1, which will impact the
bandwidth we should use to calculate the RMS voltage at the op amp’s
input. The filter’s ENBW is given by
1 ÷ (4RC), as we saw above, so we use
this figure (2.5Hz) in the calculation.
The resulting voltage will be 20.6nV
(line 3 of the Table 1).
To complete the superposition process, we just have to add all three
voltages together using root-sum-ofsquares to get a single equivalent noise
voltage at the non-inverting input of
the op amp.
Since the op amp’s input noise voltage is more than an order of magnitude
higher than either of the other two, we
can safely ignore the others. This leaves
us with a total voltage noise voltage at
the op amp input of 1.79µV RMS.
Now we turn to the op amp output.
Fig.8(a) shows the equivalent circuit.
This time, there are four sources of
noise voltage: the output noise of the
op amp due to the amplified input
noise we just calculated, two resistor
noise voltages (R2 and R3) and the
current noise at the op amp’s inverting input. We use superposition again
to calculate each contributing part of
the noise voltage individually.
Fig.8(b) shows that the first of these
is easy; it is just the 1.79µV input noise
voltage multiplied by a gain of 11, giving 19.7µV. For a non-inverting amplifier, the noise gain is the same as the
signal gain, since the noise source is on
the same input as the signal. This isn’t
necessarily true for all op amp configurations, so you will need to scrutinise
each circuit for noise sources.
For example, for a standard inverting
amplifier configuration, the noise
gain equals the signal gain plus one.
Remember that the op amp’s voltage
noise equivalent is always referred to
the non-inverting input.
The noise due to R2/C2, as shown in
Fig.8(c), is also easy to calculate since
this is just another RC parallel circuit
that we are already familiar with. The
noise voltage here is 2.03µV.
The noise due to resistor R3, shown
in Fig.8(d), is also easy using the formula for Johnson noise on page 76.
This works out to be about 643nV.
The noise voltage due to the op
amp’s current noise can be calculated
using the Thévenin equivalent circuit shown in Figs.8(e) & 8(f). In this
case, the noise voltage works out to be
20.6nV. The only trick here is to use
the 26.5kHz augmented bandwidth to
account for the 1∕f noise.
The total noise at the output of the
circuit is calculated by root-sum-ofsquares of the voltages. It turns out
to be 19.8µV RMS. Since the circuit
was designed to deliver signals at 1V
RMS, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is
20log10(1V ÷ 19.8µV) ≈ 94dB.
Power supply noise
This analysis so far ignores power
supply noise. Power supply noise will
be coupled into the op amp’s output to
some degree, although op amp designers try hard to maximise the rejection
of such noise. The op amp’s power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) defines the
degree to which a disturbance on the
power supply rail reaches the output.
The TLV2460 has a power supply
rejection ratio (at 25°C) of >80dB up
to 20kHz. This means any power supply noise will be attenuated by a factor of 10,000 over the frequencies we
care about.
To calculate the power supply noise
contribution, you reduce the RMS
noise present on the power supply
by the PSRR and add the result as
you would for any other noise voltage
source on the op amp’s output.
Put another way, if we can keep the
power supply noise in our example circuit under 20mV RMS, the op amp’s
PSRR will reduce this to 2µV at the op
amp output. This is one tenth of the
~20µV of noise we just calculated, so
will make no meaningful contribution
to the overall circuit noise.
Minimising noise
We have seen that noise is an inescapable phenomenon, with causes
linked to the fundamentals of physics.
There is nothing we can do to eliminate it, short of cooling our circuit
down to absolute zero. However, you
can minimise the noise in any circuit
using a few techniques.
They may not all be possible or relevant in your application, but the following ideas are worth considering.
1. Reduce bandwidth: we have seen
that noise voltage depends highly on
bandwidth and that reducing bandwidth reduces noise amplitude. You
may not be able to reduce the overall
bandwidth of the circuit, but even limiting bandwidth in parts of the circuit
may help.
2. Use oversampling: this is a kind
of bandwidth reduction. If you are
measuring a noisy quantity with an
ADC, you can take multiple samples
and average the results. Since noise is
Gaussian with zero mean, the average
of several samples tends toward zero
as the number of samples increases.
3. Minimise gain: the gain elements
in your circuit amplify input-side
noise voltages. Use the minimum gain
necessary to amplify your signal.
4. Use lower value resistors
where possible. A 1kW resistor has
a noise voltage density of ~4nV/√Hz,
compared to ~40nV/√Hz for a 100kW
resistor. A 100W resistor is even better
at ~1.3nV/√Hz.
5. Choose the right op amps. There
is a huge range of ‘low noise’ op amps
and their headline specifications don’t
always tell the full story. Low voltage
noise density does not always mean
low 1∕f noise and vice versa. Depending
on your bandwidth, you might need to
balance one parameter with another.
6. Pay attention to power supplies.
Power supply noise can be coupled
into your signal path in all sorts of
ways. Linear regulators are generally
quieter than switch-mode ones (or you
could use a switch-mode regulator
with a linear post-regulator).
7. Pay attention to power supply
and ground routing, especially where
high current circuits are present on the
same board. Use decoupling capacitors thoughtfully and consider using
LC filters or capacitance multipliers to
create a low noise supply to particularly sensitive portions of the circuit.
Keep high-current ground networks
separate from signal grounds.
As a concrete example, refer to our
circuit shown in Fig.6. We calculated
its SNR as being close to 94dB. If we
intended to use it to process an audio
signal, we probably want to reduce
the noise a bit, for an SNR of at least
That could most effectively be
achieved by using a lower noise op
amp. An op amp like the NE5534, for
example, with a voltage noise density
of 3.5nV√Hz, a current noise density
of 1.5pA√Hz and an fc of about 1kHz
might be a better choice.
A quick estimate using these figures
gives an op amp voltage noise (line 2
of the table) of 0.66µV compared to
1.79µV, and the overall circuit noise
figure reduces to about 7.5µV giving
an SNR of just over 102dB.
Table 1 – a noise budget for our example audio amplifier circuit
Noise Source
Result (RMS)
R1/C1 (100kW, 1μF)
Parallel RC: Vn = √kT ÷ C
Op amp voltage noise (11nV/√Hz, 150Hz) 7(c)
Op amp current noise (0.13pA/√Hz)
7(d)(e)(f) Thévenin equivalent and LPF: en = inR1, fb = 1 ÷ (4RC)
Total input noise (Lines 1-3)
Root sum of squares, Line 2 dominates
Output noise due to input noise
Line 4 times noise gain of 11
R2/C2 (10kW, 1nF)
Parallel RC: Vn = √kT ÷ C
R3 (1kW)
Resistor: Vn = √4kTRfb
Op amp current noise (0.13pA/√Hz)
Thévenin equivalent: Vn = inR3√fb + fc loge(fh ÷ fl)
Total output noise (Lines 5-8)
Root sum of squares, Line 5 & 6 dominate
Bandwidth straddles fc so use Vn = en√fb + fc loge(fh ÷ fl) 1.79µV
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 81
Project by Tim Blythman
We have updated the Pico Audio Analyser
design from November 2023 to use
the Pico 2, which has improved its
performance in some areas. A followup article also examines how the Pico
2 would work in some of our other Pico
projects and some other hints for using
the Pico 2.
PICO Audio Analyser
he Pico Analyser project from
November 2023 (siliconchip.
au/Article/16011) is a compact
handheld device that offers many useful features for analysing audio frequency signals.
It includes a signal generator, oscilloscope and spectrum displays and
can perform harmonic and sweep frequency response analyses. The Pico
Analyser is by no means a high-end
device, but it was let down somewhat
by a defect in the RP2040 chip used
on the original Pico.
We discussed this in detail in a
panel in that earlier article. To sum it
up, the 12-bit ADC (analog-to-digital
converter) on the RP2040 chip has
errors in the tiny capacitors used to
perform the conversion. This means
that the ENOB (effective number of
bits) of the ADC is only eight; less than
the nine or so that would be expected.
This affects the accuracy of measurements and in particular limits the
THD (total harmonic distortion) measurements to no better than around
0.4%. We were able to apply some
Features & Specifications
> Audio signal generator (up to 3V peak-to-peak/1.06V RMS) with selectable
> Sine, square, triangle, sawtooth and white noise waveforms
> Audio signal input with switchable 3.6V and 34V peak-to-peak ranges
(1.27/12V RMS)
> Oscilloscope and spectrum displays
> Harmonic analysis with THD measured down to 0.2% (1.2V RMS, 1.2kHz)
> Can measure and monitor mains distortion with a suitable plugpack
> Sweep analysis with frequency response display
> RCA sockets for input and output
> Runs from USB power or an internal rechargeable battery
> Uses 128×64 OLED display and pushbutton controls
> Compact and portable
> Controllable from a virtual USB serial port
> Typical current draw around 50mA
> Operates for around 12 hours with a fully charged 600mAh battery
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
compensation to the ADC readings,
improving it to 0.3%.
The Pico 2 uses an RP2350 microcontroller instead of the RP2040, and
the RP2350 data sheet notes that the
spikes in differential nonlinearity
should not be present in the newer
part. It claims an ENOB of 9.2, which
should theoretically allow total harmonic distortion (THD) to be measured
below 0.2%.
So it’s clearly worthwhile to update
the Pico Audio Analyser with the Pico
2. We’ll also look at whether the Pico
2’s increased flash memory, increased
RAM or faster processor clock will
provide any other opportunities for
A straightforward update
The Pico Analyser was intended
to be simple and inexpensive, so we
have not made any radical changes to
the circuit.
In fact, the only change in the Pico
2 Audio Analyser hardware is substituting a Pico 2 for the Pico. Fig.1 is the
circuit for the Pico Analyser with this
small change.
To briefly recap, the Pico 2 generates a PWM (pulse-width modulated)
audio signal on GP16 that has its
higher frequency components attenuated by a pair of 2.2kW/1nF low-pass
filters. The signal is then buffered by
the op amp, AC-coupled and biased
to circuit ground before being delivered to CON2.
Fig.1: the circuit for the Pico 2 Analyser has not changed much from the original Analyser, with the exception of a
Pico 2 now being used for MOD1.
The other half of the op amp is
arranged to provide a mid-rail 1.65V
reference. The audio input at CON1
is filtered to remove ultrasonic components before being AC-coupled and
biased to the 1.65V rail to centre it
within the ADC’s input range.
The processed input voltage is sampled at the Pico 2’s GP26 pin. The
510W resistor switched in by S6 can
be used to attenuate the incoming
signal, allowing for input voltages up
to 34V peak-to-peak. That’s ideal for
using something like an isolated 9V
AC (RMS) mains transformer to check
mains power distortion.
IC2 and its associated components
form a charging circuit for a rechargeable lithium battery, with LED1 providing a status display. The Pico 2 is
powered either from its USB socket or
the battery if S5 is closed.
The Pico 2 connects to four tactile
switches (S1-S4) for user input and
MOD2, an I2C OLED display. The
22kW/22kW voltage divider allows
the Pico 2 to also monitor the battery’s
voltage at its GP28 analog input.
Software features
The software has numerous modes
and means to set some calibration
parameters. Much of the calibration is
done automatically once a multimeter
is connected externally to set the output level correctly.
A WAVE OUTPUT screen allows
the frequency, amplitude and waveform (eg sine, square, triangle, sawtooth or white noise) to be
set. Most of the remaining
screens provide analysis
of the input signal.
screens provide displays
of the input waveform. A
screen determines the fundamental
frequency of the input and the amplitude of the fundamental and its harmonics, as well as reporting a THD
Finally, a SWEEP page drives the
output with a sinewave at varying frequencies and measures the received
response back at the input. These last
three screens make use of a fast Fourier
transform (FFT) to extract frequency
information about the waveform at the
input connector.
There was no need to
update the Analyser PCB,
so it looks the same as the
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 83
The fully assembled PCB
of the Pico 2 Analyser looks much
the same as its predecessor, with the Pico 2
silkscreen on MOD1 being the only visible difference. Note the
unusual mounting arrangements for the LED and OLED.
If you’d like to read about the circuit and software operation in greater
depth, we recommend reading the
original Pico Analyser article from
November 2023. That article also contains the detailed construction notes
for the Pico Analyser.
The construction of the Pico 2 Analyser is the same, with the proviso that
a new binary file (0410723B.UF2) is
needed to program the RP2350 processor on the Pico 2. In any case, the
Pico 2 should ignore a binary file for
a different processor (such as one prepared for the Pico), so there is little
chance of damage, even if the wrong
file is inadvertently used.
If you’re more interested in simply
building the Pico 2 Analyser, you can
follow the instructions in the older
article with those two minor amendments to the build process.
Hardware differences
The Pico 2 offers slightly different hardware features to the Pico,
so we have investigated what can be
improved by using these. The ADC is
the first of these to address. While the
Pico 2’s RP2350 corrects the erratum
present in the Pico’s RP2040, there
is otherwise not much difference in
the peripherals that are used in the
Both parts are capable of 500kS/s
ADC operation at 12 bits of sampling
depth and can use the DMA (direct
memory access) peripheral to capture
samples without bogging down the
processor. In the Pico Analyser, the
ADC is run at 490kS/s, taking 12-bit
samples using DMA, and we have done
the same for the Pico 2 Analyser.
So both parts are run very close to
their respective limits in that regard;
we cannot do much to improve the
effective sampling rate. The software
binary for the Pico Analyser required
less than 10% of the Pico’s flash memory, so the extra flash memory doesn’t
help here.
The ARM Cortex M33 processor on
the Pico 2 can run at up to 150MHz,
about 10% faster than the 133MHz of
the Pico’s ARM Cortex M0+. While the
Pico Analyser was not constrained by
processing speed, this provides one
advantage in that the processor on the
Pico 2 can generate the audio samples
at a higher rate.
The PWM outputs now run at
around 73kHz instead of 64kHz, so
there is an improvement in the attenuation of higher-frequency PWM
artefacts by the low-pass filters. This
shaves about 0.05% from the final THD
reading when the signal is looped back
into the Analyser. It’s a small but tangible improvement.
To test the impact of the different
ADC, we fed in a sinewave from an
Audio Precision System One Audio
Analyser. It typically deals with THD
levels below 0.001%, so its output can
be considered close enough to pure
for the purposes of testing the Pico 2
Under the same conditions as our
tests on the Pico Analyser (a 1.2V sinewave at 1.2kHz), the Pico 2 Analyser
reported a THD of 0.20%, better than
the 0.30% that we saw with the Pico
Here are the internals from the Pico 2 Analyser, just
before the case is closed up. Note the mounting of the LED and
OLED. You should apply some glue or sealant wherever the wires meet the PCB; this
will help to prevent them from coming loose if a solder joint breaks.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Analyser. Note that this is almost, but
not quite, what we expected based on
the figures provided in the data sheet
and is a definite improvement.
Of course, our tests on the Pico 2
Analyser required disabling the code
we added that corrects the Pico’s ADC
readings for the error in the RP2040
silicon. We’ve also changed the initial
splash screen to help tell the two apart.
Porting the code
Our Pico 2 Review in the December
issue (
noted that much of our existing code
for projects based on the Pico required
little more than recompiling to work
with the Pico 2. The RP2350 in the
Pico 2 is from a different family of
ARM processors, so the two are not
‘binary compatible’.
We found that the same was true
for the Pico Analyser code. We used
the Arduino IDE and the arduino-pico
board profile (
earlephilhower/arduino-pico) to compile the code for the Analyser.
Since the Pico and Pico 2 are easy
to program using their USB flash drive
bootloader, if you just want to use the
compiled UF2 binary file, then you
don’t need to worry about the steps
involved in compiling the software,
and you can jump to the next section.
The first step in porting the code is to
update the board profile. We are using
version 4.1.1 of the arduino-pico board
profile, which is the latest at the time
of writing. v4.1.0 version was the first
to provide the option to compile the
code to use the RISC-V processor cores.
If you have not installed the board
profile previously, the process is
to add the appropriate Additional
Boards Manager URL (noted in the
We have changed the splash screen
for the Pico Audio Analyser Mk2,
so that you can tell it apart from the
older version.
GitHub repository above) to the Preferences menu of the Arduino IDE and
use the Boards Manager to install the
The external libraries can be installed
from the versions we included with the
software download or via the Library
Manager. We found that the existing
code compiled without changes, but as
we noted above, we needed to disable
the ADC corrections needed for the
RP2040, and we also took the opportunity to increase the PWM frequency
for audio generation.
Since writing the original Pico Analyser article, it has become clear that
the RP2040 chip used in the Pico is
capable of being overclocked, that is,
operated at a frequency above its specified maximum.
There are reports that the Pico 2
is similarly overclockable. We tried
compiling the code at higher processor speeds to see if this could improve
the output audio further, but the gains
were negligible. So we opted to run
the Pico 2 Analyser at its maximum
design speed of 150MHz for the sake
of stability; it is much newer and so
has not been as thoroughly tested as
its predecessor.
Some parameters were tied to the
133MHz processor clock, so they
needed adjusting to work at 150MHz.
However, running the Pico 2 at
133MHz was sufficient to get the same
code working without changes.
We also tracked down a minor bug
that was giving odd readings when
no signal was applied to the Pico 2
Analyser. It was present in the Pico
Analyser, but for reasons we could not
determine, did not result in spurious
readings. We suspect it is due to differences in the underlying library code.
We’ve also updated the splash
screen graphic shown when the Pico
2 Analyser starts up. While it might
appear purely decorative, it also gives
time for the internal biases to settle.
Construction of the Pico 2 Analyser is much the same as for the Pico
Analyser. While we won’t give the full
details here for brevity, experienced
constructors should be able to work
from the overlay diagram reproduced
here as Fig.2.
As well as using a Pico 2 instead of
a Pico, the firmware image is different.
Otherwise, assembly and operation are
much the same.
First, fit the surface-mounting parts
(excluding the six switches) to the PCB
in the usual fashion. Before fitting the
switches, clean off any excess flux.
Note that the reverse-mount tactile
switches can benefit from having their
leads splayed slightly before soldering.
The Pico 2 (MOD1) and OLED
(MOD2) modules are each fitted in a
non-standard way. MOD2 is attached
first, with its front side visible through
the large hole in the front of the PCB.
Don’t forget to remove the screen’s
protective film! Four wires are used to
connect the GND, VCC, SDA and SCL
Fig.2: this overlay diagram shows the locations of the parts on the Pico 2 Analyser PCB. If you need detailed assembly
instructions, refer to the original Pico Analyser article.
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March 2025 85
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Parts List – Pico 2 Audio Analyser
1 double-sided PCB coded 04107231, 83 × 50mm, with black solder mask
1 UB5 Jiffy box (83 × 53 × 30mm)
2 chassis-mount RCA sockets (CON1, CON2) [Altronics P0161]
1 single AA cell holder with flying leads
1 14500 (AA-sized) Li-ion rechargeable cell with nipple
1 Raspberry Pi Pico 2 board, programmed with 0410723B.UF2 (MOD1)
1 1.3-inch (33mm) OLED module (MOD2) [Silicon Chip SC5026]
4 reverse-mount SMD tactile switches (S1-S4) [Adafruit 5410]
2 SPDT SMD slide switches (S5-S6)
4 M3 washers, 1.5mm thick
2 20cm lengths of hookup wire (eg, white and black)
1 4cm length of fine bare wire (eg, lead offcuts from LED1)
1 small tube of neutral-cure silicone sealant
1 short RCA-RCA cable (for testing & calibration)
1 MCP6002 or MCP6L2 rail-to-rail dual op amp, SOIC-8 (IC1)
1 MCP73831-2ACI/OT Li-ion charge regulator, SOT-23-5 (IC2)
1 bi-colour red/green 3mm LED (LED1)
1 SS34 40V 3A schottky diode, DO-214 (D1)
Capacitors (all M3216/1206 size, X7R ceramic)
6 10μF 16V+ 3 1nF 50V
Resistors (all M3216/1206 size, 1% 1/8W)
4 100kW
2 2.2kW
2 22kW
2 1kW
Use this photo as a
3 10kW
1 510W
guide to fitting the
3 4.7kW
smaller components.
This stage of assembly
is a good point to
clean off any excess
flux in preparation
for adding the final
components like the
switches, LED, Pico 2
and OLED.
Pico 2 Audio Analyser Kit
SC6772 ($50): includes the PCB and
everything that mounts directly on
it. The Pico 2 is supplied blank and
will need to be programmed using a
computer and USB cable.
A loopback cable like this can be
used to test and calibrate the Pico 2
Silicon Chip
Fig.3: the UB5 case needs holes for the USB socket and RCA sockets, as well as
notches for the slide switches.
Australia's electronics magazine
pads, with two extra wires providing
mechanical support.
Fig.3 shows the case cutting diagram. We recommend you prepare the
case before fitting the Pico 2, since it
will allow you to check the switch slots
and also that the Pico 2 is aligned correctly with the hole for its USB socket.
MOD1 is mounted on its edge,
using only pins 21-40. At this stage,
you can program the Pico 2 using the
0410723B.UF2 file, and you should
see a display on the OLED screen if
all is working well. You can refer to
the earlier photo to see the state of the
board after these steps.
The LED has its leads bent 180° to
allow it to point downwards at the hole
in the PCB solder mask, while the battery holder and RCA sockets are soldered to the PCB via flying leads. Use
glue to help secure the battery wires
to the PCB and affix the battery holder
to the case.
Once the glue has cured, the cell can
be fitted to the holder. The Analyser
should start up when S5 is closed. If
all is well, close up the case using the
Nylon washers to space the lid off the
pillars slightly.
Ideal Bridge Rectifiers
Choose from six Ideal Diode Bridge
Rectifier kits to build: siliconchip.
28mm spade (SC6850, $30)
Screen 1: pressing OK on the WAVE
OUTPUT screen cycles between the
parameters, while UP and DOWN
modifies them. The USB serial port
can also control the output waveform.
21mm square pin (SC6851, $30)
Screen 2: the SPECTRUM display
uses UP and DOWN to change the
horizontal scaling, while OK toggles
the vertical scale between peak and
total energy.
5mm pitch SIL (SC6852, $30)
mini SOT-23 (SC6853, $25)
Screen 3: the SCOPE display also
uses UP and DOWN to change the
horizontal scaling. The OK button
changes between dot and line
Width of W02/W04
2A continuous, 40V
Connectors: solder
pins 5mm apart
at either end
IC1 package: MSOP-12
Mosfets: SI2318DS-GE3 (SOT-23)
D2PAK standalone (SC6854, $35)
provides information about the
harmonic content of a waveform.
Connecting the input to the output is a
good way to check this feature.
The Audio Analyser wasn’t the
only Pico-based project we had a
go at updating. In fact, we tested all
our Pico code on the Pico 2 and also
decided to look into taking advantage
of some of the Pico 2’s new features,
like the RISC-V cores. The following
article explains what we found and
gives a few hints to those keen to use
the Pico 2.
Compatible with PB1004
10A continuous (20A peak),
Connectors: solder pins on
a 14mm grid (can be bent
to a 13mm grid)
IC1 package: MSOP-12
Mosfets: TK6R9P08QM,RQ
Compatible with KBL604
10A continuous (20A peak), 72V
Connectors: solder pins at
5mm pitch
IC1 package: MSOP-12
Mosfets: TK6R9P08QM,RQ
Calibration and use
Cycle through the screens using the
MODE button and press OK to enter
calibration mode. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the
calibration. For the OUTPUT LEVEL,
you will need a true RMS voltmeter to
trim the output from CON2.
You will also need an RCA-RCA
cable (connected between CON1 and
CON2) to complete the INPUT LEVEL
calibrations, since the Analyser reads
back its own output to establish that
its input is correct.
Ensure that the calibration values
are saved before using the Analyser.
You can check its operation by running
a SWEEP with the RCA-RCA cable connected; it should be flat at 0dB with
slight dips at each end.
Compatible with KBPC3504
10A continuous (20A peak),
Connectors: 6.3mm spade
lugs, 18mm tall
IC1 package: MSOP-12
Mosfets: TK6R9P08QM,RQ (DPAK)
Screen 5: in this display, the UP and
DOWN buttons change the vertical
scaling; the unlabelled horizontal line
is the -3dB point compared to the set
level at the output.
Australia's electronics magazine
20A continuous, 72V
Connectors: 5mm screw
terminals at each end
IC1 package:
TO-220 standalone (SC6855, $45)
40A continuous,
6.3mm spade lugs,
18mm tall
IC1 package: DIP-8
See our article
in the December
2023 issue for more details:
March 2025 87
transitioning to the
by tim blythman
Raspberry Pi Pico 2
This article explains what you need to do to convert software written for the Raspberry Pi Pico over
to the Pico 2. We also take a look at how to use some of its new features.
hile the Pico 2 contains two ARM
cores, like the original Pico, they
are not the same types (Cortex-M33
rather than Cortex M0), so a UF2 file
for the Pico will not work on the Pico
2. However, generally, code written
for the Pico can be recompiled to a
new UF2 file that will usually work
on the Pico 2 without needing further changes.
Still, there are a few things to look
out for that might trip you up in the
process. Generally, the software and
tools you use will need to be updated
to gain support for the Pico 2. Once
you do that, the transition is pretty
Pico 2 challenges
Our review of the Pico 2 also highlighted one serious erratum in the
RP2350. According to the data sheet,
erratum RP2350-E9 applies to the A2
stepping of that processor. As far as we
know, this includes the vast majority
of RP2350 chips in circulation.
It is a fault with the internal pulldown on the GPIO pins, and it can
manifest as excessive current being
sourced when the pin’s voltage level
is between valid high and low levels.
The sourced current will oppose the
pull-down and can cause the pin to
get stuck in the invalid state.
The recommended workarounds
include not using the pull-downs or
to use an external pull-down resistor.
We are fortunate in this regard that we
have not used this feature in any of our
Pico projects, so the RP2350-E9 erratum does not affect our ability to port
any of our Pico projects to the Pico 2.
If you are using PicoMite BASIC, it
provides the option to set the pull-ups
and pull-downs from the BASIC interface. So MMBasic projects on the Pico
could run afoul of this error if they use
the pull-down feature.
Table 1 provides a brief overview of
our experience in porting our projects
to the Pico 2. Note that this doesn’t
include contributed projects or those
using the Pico W. At the time of writing, the Pico 2 W is not yet available,
although we expect it will be shortly.
As you can see, most projects simply need recompiling to work with
the new processor. So we’ll focus on
the changes that have occurred to the
individual platforms. Some of these
platforms are still under development
and might change; we also expect to
see more changes when the Pico 2 W
is released.
C SDK update
The C SDK (software development
kit) has been updated to version 2.0.0
to coincide with the release of the
Pico 2. We have also seen substantial changes to the various tools that
accompany the C SDK and these are
worth noting.
We’ve written about this in more
detail in a separate panel, which will
be of interest to those readers who wish
to set up and use the bare C SDK for
programming both the Pico and Pico 2.
Table 1 – notes on porting projects to the Pico 2
Besides the
label, there
aren’t many
from the
original Pico.
Silicon Chip
Project Issue
PicoMite Jan 2022
PicoMite 2 firmware available.
Pico BackPack Mar 2022
PicoMite 2 firmware
available. Arduino, C SDK and
MicroPython code working
without any code changes.
VGA PicoMite Jul 2022
PicoMite 2 firmware available.
Pico Analyser Nov 2023
Minor code changes as noted.
Digital Video Mar and Apr
Terminal 2024
MOD1: no code changes, set
processor speed to 250MHz.
MOD2: no code changes, set
processor speed to 120MHz.
MOD3: no code changes, set
processor speed to 120MHz.
Pico Gamer Apr 2024
PicoMite 2 firmware available.
Pico Computer Dec 2024
PicoMite 2 firmware available.
Arduino working without any
code changes, although some
libraries needed updating.
Australia's electronics magazine
Arduino support
Not long after the original Pico was
released, there was an ‘official’ Arduino board profile for the Pico. This also
supported the Arduino Nano RP2040
Connect, a WiFi-equipped RP2040
board, although that board profile is
now deprecated.
A separate project known as
‘arduino-pico’ was produced not long
after. The arduino-pico board profile
now appears to be the preferred option
for many people, and we have used
it for all our Arduino IDE-based Pico
The release notes (https://github.
releases) indicate that version 4.0.0
was the first to support the RP2350 and
thus the Pico 2. At the time of writing,
version 4.1.1 is current and is what we
have been using for testing.
So porting an existing arduino-pico
project to use the Pico 2 should involve
little more than updating the board
profile to the most recent version,
which can be done from the Boards
The profile defaults to a processor
speed of 150MHz for the Pico 2. You
might need to try 133MHz, as we have
done, in case anything in your code
depends on the CPU speed. You’ll see
from our notes in Table 1 that some of
our projects require other specific processor speeds to work. These and other
options are accessible from the Tools
menu of the Arduino IDE (see Screen 1).
That screen grab shows the option
to choose the Board (Pico 2) and the
CPU architecture (currently selected
as ARM), as well as the greater flash
memory capacity (4MB) and CPU
speed (150MHz). We have not come
across any ‘breaking changes’ so far.
We also found that some libraries
required an update to work with the
Pico 2. Like the arduino-pico board
profile, these typically note that the
version change is to align with the
Pico C SDK versions that support the
RP2350 and Pico 2.
For many of our Arduino-based projects, we have provided compiled versions (UF2 files) of the projects so you
can easily try them out yourself and
see that everything still works much
the same.
At the time of writing, we would say
that there is little benefit to switching
to the Pico 2 for our existing projects,
apart from the Pico 2 Analyser, for the
reasons we’ve mentioned. It is more
Screen 1: the arduino-pico
board profile provides all these
options under the Tools menu.
The latest versions add the
option to compile using the
RISC-V architecture, under the
CPU Architecture option.
expensive and, currently, less
widely available.
Pico BackPack users would
likely benefit from better performance if they use the BackPack
for their own custom projects.
We may consider updating some
projects to add more features or
to see if we can improve their
For example, MOD1 of the
Digital Video Terminal (which
produces the video signal) might
be able to support higher display
resolutions and colour depths.
This would potentially use the
RP2350’s new HSTX peripheral
and would definitely rely on
its larger RAM (almost double
the size).
With the Raspberry Pi Foundation
directly involved in MicroPython
development for the Pico 2, it is not
surprising that a very complete MicroPython port was available at around
the time of the Pico 2’s release.
We haven’t made much use of
MicroPython, but had no trouble getting the original Python code from
the Pico BackPack to run on a Pico
2 fitted to a BackPack instead of a
Pico. Of course, we needed the new
Pico 2 MicroPython firmware image
to do this.
For the software downloads, we
have created a firmware image (UF2
file) containing a working copy of
MicroPython and the BackPack demo.
It can be loaded onto a Pico 2 fitted to
a Pico BackPack. More information
on MicroPython for the Pico 2 can
be found at:
PicoMite BASIC
We previously noted that development of PicoMite firmware for RP2350based boards (such as the Pico 2) was
being documented on The Back Shed
Forum (
This has seen the PicoMite firmware stepping up to version 6.0.0
and includes features like support for
Australia's electronics magazine
HDMI-compatible video and USB host
support for devices like game pads and
keyboards, as well as versions supporting VGA.
Our February 2025 issue saw the
release of the PicoMite 2 firmware
( and a
jump to version 6.00.01 of the Picomite firmware. All these features are
now available on the Pico 2, as well
as many other boards which use the
RP2350 chip.
There are six Picomite firmware
variants for the Pico 2 as well as four
updated variants for the Pico. There
are also two WebMite variants, one
for the Pico W and one for the Pico 2
W. The firmware can be downloaded
Other changes
Another interesting feature to note
is the update of the “flash_nuke.uf2”
file, which completely erases the flash
memory of a Pico or Pico 2. There is
now a ‘unified’ file which works on
both boards, and presumably, other
RP2040- and RP2350-based boards.
This works because the blocks in
a UF2 file format can each contain a
processor identification code and the
processor can choose to ignore blocks
that are not intended for it.
In practical terms, the new “flash_
nuke.uf2” consists of individual UF2
March 2025 89
Using the latest C SDK (software development kit)
The C SDK consists of headers, libraries
and a build (code compilation) system,
although other software is needed for
a complete development environment.
The GitHub repository for the C SDK
can be found at
In our original review of the Pico
(December 2021 issue; siliconchip.
au/Article/15125), we noted that
the instructions for the C SDK were
firmly focused on those using a Raspberry Pi computer as their development
machine. We tried it out using a Raspberry Pi and found it very easy to use.
For setting up a development environment on Windows computers, we also
tried the Pico Setup for Windows project at
Since then, this project has been
taken over by the Raspberry Pi Foundation and further development has
appeared to cease. Pico Setup for Windows, as the name suggests, was only
intended for use with Windows operating systems.
It included the cross-platform Visual
Studio Code IDE (integrated development environment), also known as VS
Code, as well as compilers and other
tools. The C SDK has now been made
available as an extension for VS Code
and now works on Windows, Linux and
macOS, so it provides broad, uniform
This means that setting up the C SDK
on just about any computer now involves
installing VS Code and then installing
the extension for the Pico C SDK. Once
installed, the extension can create projects, then compile and upload them to
the Pico or Pico 2.
It is much more configurable,
although we wouldn’t be surprised if our
readers found the number of menus and
options excessive! It also seems that
the files associated with the extension
(and their dependencies) add up to several gigabytes.
Screen 2: the Pi Pico
extension can be installed
from this menu within
VS Code. The extension
requires downloading
many files, so it could
take a while.
Screen 3: the extension adds a new
Raspberry Pi Pico Project item to VS Code;
it can be found on the sidebar. The options
to build & run the project are found there.
Screen 4: creating a new project is much
the same as in previous versions of the
C SDK, except that it can be done from
within VS Code. Clicking the Example
button creates a new project based on
one of the included examples.
Setting it up
VS Code can be downloaded from
Interestingly, there are installer
options for ARM64 processors running Windows. Run the installer and
open VS Code.
Screen 2 shows how to install the
Extensions; the Ctrl-Shift-X shortcut
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
will also open this panel. Search for
“pico” and install the Raspberry Pi Pico
This will also install dependencies
such as C/C++, Python language support and a serial port monitor.
After this, you will see a new “Raspberry Pi Pico Project” item down the left
side of the VS Code window. Screen 3
shows this along with the options that
are now available. You’ll see that there
are options for both C/C++ and Python
Clicking the “New C/C++ Project” option opens the panel shown in
Screen 4. This interface is similar to
Project Generator, which was present
in older versions of the C SDK. There
is also the option to use one of the
Example programs as a template for
a new project.
There is an option to choose either
a Pico, Pico W or Pico 2 board and the
Pico 2 option allows the code to be
compiled to use the RISC-V processor.
If you haven’t worked with the C
SDK before, we suggest creating a
project from one of the examples,
such as blink. This simply flashes the
Pico 2’s onboard LED; you can modify
the delay (LED_DELAY_MS) to check
that the changes in the code are having an effect.
We also recommend that you use the
File → Save Workspace As… option. That
will allow you to easily reopen the project’s workspace for later use.
Screen 5 shows the workspace for
a blink-derived project. At left are the
files, including “Cmakelists.txt”. We
found that in some of our projects, we
have had to manually add references
here to hardware libraries (eg, hardware_pwm) in the “target_link_libraries” section for the project to compile
Running the code
The Compile Project item in the Pico
Project Extension creates a binary file
if it succeeds. These files (including the
UF2 file for uploading) can be found in
the project’s “build” subfolder.
The Run Project button will compile and upload the binary file to a Pico
device in bootloader mode. The Terminal
in the lower half of the screen reports
the results of running these commands.
You will also find the likes of a Serial
Monitor here too.
Using VS Code presents a different
environment to what we have used for
previous versions of the C SDK. Nevertheless, it was easy to set up and use
once we became familiar with it.
files for the RP2040 and RP2350 that
are simply concatenated (joined)
together. Theoretically, this system
can be used to create UF2 binary files
that can be used with numerous processor and board types.
To tell them apart, the newer file is
around 96kB in size, while the older
file is around 25kB. The new file can be
downloaded from https://datasheets.
We have made good use of the
picotool utility for working with Pico
boards. It is a command-line program that can interact with a Pico (or
other RP2xxx boards) during debugging and development. Its repository
is at:
In particular, it has the ability to
extract the flash memory contents
and write it to a UF2 file for distribution. This is handy for platforms
using PicoMite BASIC, allowing a
snapshot of the flash memory including saved BASIC programs, libraries
and options.
Like much of the other software,
these tools have been updated to allow
them to work with the RP2350 as well
as the RP2040. Extra commands have
been added to version 2.0.0 of picotool,
allowing access to the OTP (one-time
programming) and security features of
the newer part.
While there are instructions for
compiling picotool (and some other
software tools), this can require extra
tools to be installed. We have found
and used a separate project that provides compiled binaries at https://
Screen 5: a new project should be saved as a workspace to assist navigation. All the
important files are found in the left-hand pane.
Australia's electronics magazine
The Pico 2 appears to be better than
the Pico in almost every way and is
only slightly more expensive. As it
also corrects the ADC erratum in the
Pico, it is satisfying to be able to update
the Pico Analyser to make use of this
new part, although we don’t have any
plans to update any other projects
We have found the transition to the
new board to be just about seamless,
and look forward to using it in future
projects. In recent news, the Pico 2 W
has been released and we expect that
using it should be similarly straightforward.
March 2025 91
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions will be paid for at
standard rates. All submissions should include full name, address & phone number.
YouTube jukebox using a Raspberry Pi Zero
A couple of years back, I purchased
an Amazon Alexa, but I wasn’t happy
that I had to continue paying for an
Amazon Music membership to keep
using it. I decided that I would rather
pay for YouTube Music, so I created
this device to allow me to use it similarly to Alexa, with voice prompts.
If you have seen any of my other circuits involving a Raspberry Pi Zero,
you will see that this circuit is similar. LED1 blinks to indicate that the Pi
Zero is currently processing a request.
The LCD screen (which can be either a
240×320 pixel or 128×128 pixel type)
can show text notifications like “Processing…”, “Playing…”, or “Error” to
keep you informed about the status.
Silicon Chip
I am powering a PAM8403 stereo
amplifier from the 5V pin of the Pi Zero,
although it’s better to power it directly
from the main 5V supply if possible.
In addition to pushbutton S1 to start
or stop the program, you can use voice
commands. Pressing S1 is equivalent
to the “daisy on” command. The commands are:
• daisy on: start the device and wait
for a video/audio description
• daisy off: if playing or paused,
this will terminate the program and
go to standby mode
• daisy pause: if playing, this will
pause the program and wait
• daisy resume: if paused, it will
resume playing
Australia's electronics magazine
• daisy stop: stop everything and
power off.
• daisy set alarm: sets an audio
alarm at a given time today/tomorrow/
next Monday/some date
You can see videos of the Jukebox
in operation at:
Playing a song: https://youtu.
Setting an alarm:
There is no sound output on the Pi
Zero board. To avoid having to connect an HDMI device for audio output, we are using two of the PWM-
capable GPIOs (GP13 & GP19) to produce audio. To do this, we need to add
just one line to the /boot/config.txt file:
The finished
in use. The
to run this
can be
To add this, access the Pi’s console
and type “sudo nano /boot/config.txt”.
Use the nano editor to add that line,
save the file and reboot. The PAM8403
is available as an inexpensive module;
there’s also the PAM8406, which has a
better Class-D amplifier with 5W+5W
output from a 12V supply.
For the voice input, I settled for a
cheap USB microphone; the beautiful thing is that it just works out-ofthe-box. Once inserted into the only
USB port of Pi-zero, run the “lsusb”
command to determine the hardware
device number. You may need an OTG
cable to interface between the micro
USB socket on the Pi Zero and the USB
To verify that the microphone is
working, run the command “arecord
-f S16_LE -r 33100 -d 10 -c 1 output.
wav” in a terminal. It will record audio
at a sampling rate of 33.1kHz for 10
seconds and save it to the output.wav
file in the current directory. Adjust the
options (-d for duration, output file
name etc) to your requirements.
To play the audio file, run “aplay
output.wav”. Adjust the microphone
to get clear audio recordings and keep
the speakers away from it to avoid
For speech synthesis, since our
device needs to be online to work,
we will tap Google speech-to-text
and text-to-speech to interpret our
voice commands and provide updates,
The software is written in Python, so
you will need to install several Python
modules for it to work. To achieve that,
check the import sections at the start
of the code, then use the “pip install
modulename” command in a terminal to install each one. “pip list” will
provide you with a detailed list of pip
modules installed on the system.
Another thing you must do before
you can run the code is to create a YouTube API key and add it into the code
(explained in the section below). The
file named “” is
for use with a 128×128 pixel display,
while “” is for the
240×320 pixel TFT display.
Ensure that the Pi Zero board logs
automatically into your network. To
start the program on every boot, we
have to include it in the “.profile”
file of the user login. To suppress the
program displaying any non-critical
error messages, we also need to redirect errors to /dev/null. To do this, we
run “nano .profile” from a terminal (in
your home directory) and add the following single line at the end:
python 2 >
/dev/null &
Change the file name to if you are using the
larger screen.
After boot-up, the program will wait
for the “wake” command, and it will
indicate this on the screen. On hearing “daisy on”, it will ask you for a
follow-up command.
It will ask you or repeat for confirmation. In case of a problem, it will go
back to the previous command mode.
Besides playing music for you, it can
read news/podcasts, tune to live TV
and more.
“Daisy” stands out and avoids
Australia's electronics magazine
misinterpretation with similar sounding words, making it a reliable choice
as a wake word, but you can change it
in the software if you want.
YouTube API key
For text-to-speech & speech-to-text,
we use the Google GTTS & speech_recognition module for Python. Google
speech recognition is pretty fast and
can understand the nuances of human
voice. It is also free for use. You need
to get a YouTube API key for your Google account from
Log in there, go to security and generate your YouTube API key. Copy the
key and paste it into the Python code.
That’s all! If you need help, here’s a
YouTube video on the subject: https://
Bera Somnath,
Kolkata, India. ($100)
March 2025 93
The dishwasher that wouldn’t
Dave Thompson
It’s that time of year again when everyone seems to go a little mad. I
know I do! Unfortunately, our dishwasher decided to go a little mad as
well, leading to me calling in the big guns.
It has been playing up for a while and we’ve been doing
the usual things, running commercial cleaners through it
and putting in bowls of vinegar, the sort of fixes suggested
by the internet. The filters are always a good place to start;
this stainless-steel German-branded model we have now
has quite a good system for ease of access and cleaning
the filters.
They were all clean, but I could hear a faint grumbling
sometimes while the machine was doing its thing. Suggestions were made that something had gotten through to the
pump and it was causing problems, but I just couldn’t see
how that was possible given the filter system.
It is, of course, possible we lost an impellor blade or
something else had come loose beyond the filters and was
fouling the pump. Still, I couldn’t see anything in it, and
surely it would be making a much more noticeable noise
if that were the case.
We put up with still having dirty dishes in the morning on the odd wash cycle, but it got progressively worse
over time. This unit is around five years old, and it isn’t
the original dishwasher we put in when we renovated
this house.
That was a Samsung model, using a different type of
technology to the rest of the pack (I’m a sucker for trying
Silicon Chip
new things!), yet it really never worked properly. It would
fault often, and I wrote about it at the time, because at
under two years old, it should have performed way better than it did.
I sold that appliance cheaply to a local repair guy who
said he knew what was likely wrong with it and waved
goodbye as he drove away with it on his trailer.
Of course, we took quite a financial hit, but we simply
wanted a machine that worked and cleaned the dishes
without faulting or stopping half-way through a cycle.
This new fancy German one was far better in every respect,
from the clever folding dish-retaining system to the almost
silent operation.
Stealthy silverware scouring
The latter isn’t a huge selling point for me, as we put it
on downstairs overnight, but it is amazing how quiet it is.
The only noise from it usually is the odd water-draining
gurgle – which is, of course, not the dishwasher per se,
but our drainage system, and the beeping when it finishes
a cycle. We’ve been very happy with it, and it does a fantastic job of washing dishes. Until recently.
As I mentioned, I’d heard the odd grumble from it, which
was all the more obvious as it is usually so quiet. It didn’t
seem to make much difference to the operation, though,
and there were no error codes thrown up or any other sign
that something was amiss. The dishes still washed OK, and
everything seemed tickety-boo. But then it wasn’t.
We started noticing that the cutlery, which sits in a sliding tray at the top of the machine, was often not washed
properly. There is no dedicated rotating arm for this tray;
instead, the one under the middle glasses tray must spray
this cutlery tray as well, and it just wasn’t doing it.
We would often also find the pellet undissolved sitting in
the middle tray. It is designed to pop out of the dispenser
and sit in a soap-dish-type tray that doubles as the handle
for pulling the basket out of the machine.
Those rotating arms come off relatively easily, so I
disassembled them and washed them in the sink with
detergent, ensuring all the water holes were clear, and
they were. They seemed very clean and unimpeded, so
if it isn’t them, it must be the pump not delivering the
water properly.
I checked the input water line to make sure it was clear
and flowing properly, which it was. And that’s about the
extent of what I could do. I visited the product’s web page
and downloaded the usual manuals and documentation.
The suggestions for this sort of concern were mostly what
I’d already done.
Australia's electronics magazine
Items Covered This Month
• Dishwasher repair
• Closing the case on a roller shutter
• Repairing an off-grid water heater
• A faulty leaf blower charger
Dave Thompson runs PC Anytime in Christchurch, NZ.
Email: dave<at>
Cartoonist – Louis Decrevel
I wasn’t about to drag it out and take the sides off – that
is beyond my pay grade. I’ve done it before on an older
model dishwasher, but this one is much more intimidating. There was nothing for it but to book one of their techs
to come out and have a look, something we could do easily through the web page.
This is a great feature as it would be a serviceman very
familiar with the brand. I gave a detailed description of the
problem in the web form and all our other details and hit
the ‘send message’ button.
Time to call in the experts
Within a day, a guy called, and we made an appointment
for him to visit just a few days later. I initially thought I
might have to wait for several weeks, so this was a pleasant surprise. He said he knew what the problem likely
was and would bring some parts. Excellent service so far!
As is usual for this type of serviceman, he could only
give us an approximate time between 1pm and 5pm. This
is fine for us because we work from home, but it would be
pretty annoying if I had to take half a day off work just to
wait around for him. I guess that’s just the way it works;
many of the jobs they do, they don’t really know how long
it will take.
This reminds me of that Soviet man who decided he
wanted to buy a Lada. He was told that the waiting list for
the car was long and he would get it exactly three years
from today. He asks, “will it be ready in the morning or the
afternoon?” The salesman is shocked and responds, “It’s in
three years. What difference will it make?” He responds,
“well, the plumber is coming that morning”.
Anyway, to be fair, I get asked this all the time when
someone drops a machine in to me to troubleshoot: how
long will it take? I always ask them, how long is a piece of
string? Unless I know exactly what the problem is (often
I do), I can’t give an accurate time-frame until I get well
into it.
If I don’t know what I’m dealing with, I don’t know how
long it will take. All I can do is call the customer and tell
them once I find the problem, which I usually do anyway,
especially if it is going to cost more. I’ve always operated
with a ‘no surprises’ policy. I don’t just spend hundreds,
then present them with a bill, giving them the option of
what to do and which way to go.
That is, unless I can fix it quickly and inexpensively, in
which case I call them and tell them it is ready. I suppose
people are worried about mounting costs if it is going to
take a while.
As it turned out, he arrived at around 1:30pm after calling
ahead 30 minutes before to let us know he’d be there then.
Again, good service.
Operating on the patient
When he arrived, he put down some protective blankets on the floor and tried a few cycles on the washer,
which he could cancel at any time, and he confirmed
the pump was the likely culprit. Of course, he did what
I’d done, checking the inflow and outflow and filters. He
then pulled the washer out from under the bench and
onto the groundsheet, and whipped the covers off with
well-practised ease.
It was obvious he knew exactly what he was doing, and
all the while, he kept up informational patter as he went
through it. Just looking at the insides, I was glad I didn’t
try this. It looked hugely complex compared to the one I
pulled apart years ago, with tubes and wires and valves
It was also stuffed with sound-deadening material, with
wires and tubes buried in it, so I really wouldn’t be comfortable tackling a job like that. I guess now we know why
it’s so quiet!
He sat on the floor on the side away from where I was
standing so I couldn’t really see what he was doing, but
he passed me the pump assembly he’d just removed like a
surgeon handing a nurse a freshly removed organ.
The manufacturing quality of this component was
unlike anything I’ve seen in a long time. It looked like a
turbocharger from a car and boasted a hard plastic body
and water connections, but the quality of the plastic and
the moulding was amazing, and I marvelled at the compactness of it.
The guy said it was quite rare for a pump on this particular model to fail after such a relatively short time, so the
company would be replacing all the parts he used on this
repair under warranty, even though technically it was out
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 95
access some such fasteners, so I completely understood
this guy making his own custom tools.
Anyway, he finally finished installing the bits and bobs
he’d brought with him and plugged the washer back into
the power socket. Everything else was still connected, so
he ran a quick cycle through it and seemed satisfied it was
all working properly. It certainly was much quieter, even
with the sides off; we must have gotten gradually used to
the noisy pump.
He soon had the sides back on and, after a quick clean over
with a rag, had it all looking perfect. He slid it back into the
gap under the sink, ensuring all the hoses and cables were
in the right place and not crimped or kinked. We had some
dishes in the sink, so I loaded it up and put a pellet in it and
set it to do a 60-minute cycle, the usual setting we use it on.
It worked perfectly and I couldn’t hear it at all now! I
guess when something starts grumbling we don’t hear it after
a while and until the problem is resolved, we just consider
it ‘normal’. But of course, it isn’t normal. It’s like a loudly
ticking clock – after a while, we don’t hear it because our
brains just negate the sensory input.
Manufacturer support is worth paying for
the other side of our warranty period. We would only be
liable for this guy’s fee. He also replaced a couple of sensors and valves while he had it apart.
The pump assembly retails for about $500, so I’m glad
they were covering it! I’m not sure what the sensors and
valves would cost, but he said it would be a good idea to
replace them while he had it apart, and they were paying
anyway! Another big tick in the good service box.
It seemed like a relatively tricky job putting it all back
together, if the time taken was anything to go by. As I wrote,
I couldn’t see what he was doing, but he was elbow-deep
in the guts of this machine for quite a while.
Our galley-style kitchen is quite narrow and, with the
machine in the middle of the floor, there was no getting
past it. I could have gone around and come up from the
other way, but I really don’t like people hovering over
me while I work, so I extend the same courtesy to other
I was interested in his tools, though, and had a discussion with him about that while he worked. He was quite
happy to chat. He had what looked like a pretty comprehensive toolkit, and I could see a few special tools he’d accumulated over the years, likely for all the different models
he’d encountered.
While some were supplied by the various manufacturers, others he’d made himself from existing tools. Dad and
I did this for various cars I’ve owned and ended up doing
my own repairs on.
British cars especially had some bolts and nuts in crazy
places, as if they suddenly thought, where is this Fitzer
valve going to fit? I know, we’ll put it behind and under
the engine next to the firewall and make the nuts and bolts
impossible to get to!
We fabricated many special spanners and wrenches to
Silicon Chip
We are lucky in that we bought a known, branded appliance, and we did so because the last one had let us down so
thoroughly. The old adage that you get what you pay for is
especially true these days. That said, some of the cheaper
appliances work just as well, but it is always a risk to buy
them given they often have no official after-sales technical support. Instead, you have to rely on some random
service guy who might be able to fix it when it breaks. Or
perhaps not.
I imagine some of the parts for those cheap, big-box store
models would be nigh on impossible to get, unless of course
they use the same parts as some other brand, like some TVs
sold here under other names. Many use the same PCBs as
big-name overseas brands, but finding out which parts are
compatible can take a lot of time and research.
I’ve found online forums very handy for this, as many
service people post in them and I’ve had many questions
answered by the people who frequent those forums. They
tend to share their knowledge freely.
At the end of the day, buying the best we can afford is
usually a good practice, and this appliance illustrates that,
with the company standing behind their gear and supplying parts for them because they know they will wear out
one day. The pump went pretty early, I suppose, but we
run it every night and it has done a lot of work in the time
we’ve had it.
Servicing Stories Wanted
Do you have any good servicing stories that you would like
to share in The Serviceman column in SILICON CHIP? If so,
why not send those stories in to us? It doesn’t matter what
the story is about as long as it’s in some way related to the
electronics or electrical industries, to computers or even to
cars and similar.
We pay for all contributions published but please note that
your material must be original. Send your contribution by
email to: editor<at>
Please be sure to include your full name and address details.
Australia's electronics magazine
Nothing lasts forever, and with built-in obsolescence
increasing, it is only going to get worse for consumers.
That’s even before you factor in totally unexpected events
like the pandemic, which shut factories down all over the
world and created a huge parts vacuum that has still not
been filled.
It is increasingly difficult for me to get computer parts,
for example, with my traditional suppliers only stocking a
fraction of what I could get from them pre-pandemic. This
has a knock-on effect on customers who might be looking
for a new machine.
While it appears that some stores seem to have an abundance of parts, they could have either bought a container-
load before the pandemic, or have some pretty good contacts in Taiwan and China where they can snap them up
before any of the more traditional suppliers can get their
hands on them. Either way, it makes my business difficult.
Thank goodness for the guy who fixed our dishwasher,
though. He was prompt, professional and claimed that all
parts were available for it. For a 5-year-old appliance, that’s
not bad these days.
It has been going flawlessly since he swapped the pump
out, so that was obviously the problem. He took the old one
away, but I wished I’d taken a photo; it really is a beautifully made item – classic German engineering!
I guess it could be a different story if something goes
wrong with the electronics or the touch-activated control
panel, but I guess we’ll cross that bridge if we come to it.
dropped on the bench top with a noticeable ‘clunk’ noise.
Looking at the top of the PCB, the remote had obviously
been dropped from a fair height, producing enough force
to separate the inductor body from its mounting pins.
This is another example of poor design, with the inductor’s ferrite body being much too heavy for the support provided around its mounting pins, which just disintegrated
when it was dropped.
Could I fix the inductor, would I need to rewind it, or
bite the bullet and source a replacement? Luckily, it was
at least labelled, so at least I knew its value was 470µH.
After a careful (magnified) look, I saw that, luckily, there
were two enamelled copper wire pigtails sticking slightly
out of the bottom of the inductor. So it looked like repairing it was at least theoretically possible.
The repair turned out to be relatively easy. I tinned both
pigtail ends, then carefully positioned the longest pigtail
over its PCB pin and soldered it in place. To minimise the
chance of future separation, I used superglue to hold the
inductor body in place.
I considered using silicone sealant, but it takes a several
hours to provide sufficient mechanical support, whereas
superglue (aided by Zip Kicker for instantaneous hardening) dries immediately, with high mechanical strength. I
then soldered the other pigtail in place and added enough
superglue to provide a really strong mount.
Thinking about what else I could do to stop the inductor
separating from the PCB again, I temporarily reassembled
the case and realised there was no mechanical support on
top of this heavy inductor, so I also glued some high density sponge rubber to the case, which provides the necessary extra mechanical support.
Apart from the unfortunate synergy of poor inductor
design combined with the lack of any support above the
inductor, this remote appears well made. However, these
two design flaws would have been sufficient to have consigned this expensive remote control to being ewaste; just
another example of an expensive item ($140) ruined by the
manufacturer saving 50¢.
I was also surprised at the large capacity of the batteries in
this remote control. They are much larger than usual, with
a four-cell pack of 14500 AA-size lithium-ion rechargeable
cells. That’s quite a massive increase over the single tiny
Repairing a roller shutter remote control
My daughter runs a local primary school canteen. Yesterday, she dropped a largish remote control in my hot little
hand and said that the battery won’t charge and it doesn’t
work. I decided, as I usually do, to remove the four Pozi
driv self-tappers and have a look inside.
Fault diagnosis turned out to be super easy because, as I
prised the two plastic covers apart, a small ferrite inductor
The opened-up remote control for the school canteen roller
shutter door.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 97
coin cell used in car and garage door RF remote controls,
or the two AAA cells in IR remotes.
Happily, my daughter reported the next day that, after
charging the battery, everything was working again, with
no problems feeding her ravenous horde of school kids.
G. C., Cameron Park, NSW.
Joolca HOTTAP V2 repair
My daughter rang and asked if I would help her partner
fix their portable off-grid water heater, which had stopped
working. It connects to a water source and an LPG gas
bottle. There was a digital temperature gauge and controls to set the water and gas flow to adjust the temperature of the hot water outlet. It is powered by two D cells
in a battery box.
We decided to check the batteries and battery box to make
sure the heater had power. The battery box simply unscrews
from the unit, providing access to two terminals that feed
the heater. I measured the voltage at 3.2V, which is fine.
Next, we took off the cover to check for any obvious damage. The heater has an ignition coil, a solenoid to control
the gas flow, a Klixon thermal switch connected to the outlet pipe, a microswitch that looked like it operated when
water flowed through the system and various other components. Nothing seemed to be damaged or loose.
We decided to connect the heater to the garden tap and
see if anything happened. The display did not show any
indication, and nothing else seemed to be working.
Overnight, I visited the Joolca website and found that the
most common fault was flat batteries. I also discovered that
if the Joolca logo on the temperature gauge was pressed, a
fault indication should be displayed.
The next morning, I had another look at the battery box.
I pressed the Joolca logo and there was no indication on
the display, so maybe no power was reaching it. I then
removed the battery holder and measured the voltage as I
had on the previous evening; I got a reading of 1.6V. Obviously, something was wrong with the power. I checked
both batteries, which were about 1.5V each.
The batteries are connected in series by a metal strip
in the battery box lid. When I examined the holder under
my magnifying light, the spring on which the negative of
one cell sat seemed to be loose. I found that if I wriggled
the battery, I could get a voltage reading. So it looked like
the fault was a high resistance in the battery caused by the
loose spring.
I had to cut two plastic tabs to remove the metal strip
from the plastic lid, then clean and re-attach the spring.
When I put it all back together, with the metal strip glued
in place, I measured 3.2V at the terminals and get the display to show a fault code, indicating no flame. So my initial
measurement of the voltage the night before was obviously
a fluke, with momentary good spring contact.
I reinstalled the cover and connected the system to the
garden tap and my LPG bottle. When I allowed water to
flow, I heard the ignition sparking and the gas solenoid operating. The temperature gauge showed water temperature
The top three photos show the Joolca HOTTAP V2 unit and
its faulty battery connector.
The bottom-most photo shows the charger used in the leaf
blower, which had the wires shorting each other due to
damaged insulation.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
increasing, so the heater was working. My daughter was
happy to have hot water when next they go camping.
J. W., Hillarys, WA.
Leaf blower charger repair
I bought a Black Eagle leaf blower many years ago on eBay.
Over time, I have repacked both batteries with new 18650
cells, as documented in the Serviceman column of the June
2024 issue (p92; I also
repaired the charger after the wire broke at the plug end.
I later had to re-solder a wire on the leaf blower’s power
switch, as one of the wires had come off.
The leaf blower is still working well but this morning,
my wife told me that the original charger was not working and the LED was not lighting. First, I plugged it in to
a different outlet to verify that it didn’t work, which was
confirmed by the fact that the LED did not light up.
On closer inspection, I found that the insulation on the
wires next to the cable strain relief was broken and the bare
wires were touching each other. I wondered if the charger
would still work after the output had been short-circuited.
I removed the charging cable, separated the remaining bits
of wire and plugged it in again. The LED lit up green, indicating that it probably still worked.
The next problem was to separate the two case halves;
they were glued together, rather than being screwed. This
is very annoying and makes repair difficult.
I took the charger out to my workshop and got a wood
chisel and hammer. I carefully went along the seam with
light blows, working my way around the entire charger.
This worked without breaking the charger case, and the
two halves separated.
Next, I pulled the remaining cable out of the cable strain
relief and fortunately, it came out without too much trouble. I turned my attention to the circuit board, which had
something that looked like contact adhesive over the wires
where they entered it. Scraping this off with the point of
a knife was successful, so I could desolder the wires from
the board.
I shortened the cable and tried to get it back through the
strain relief, but this proved to be quite difficult. In the end,
I bared around 30mm of the cable end and tinned it. I was
still having problems getting the cable through, but found
that I could do it by separating the wires and feeding them
through one at a time.
I have used superglue to secure the cable to the strain
relief in the past, but I decided not to use it for this repair
in case I needed to fix it again later. So I tied a knot in the
cable to prevent it from pulling out. This might not be ideal,
but I have found quite a few devices with this done from
new, so I did the same.
The circuit board had terminals labelled B+ and B−,
which made it easy to know which was positive and which
was negative. I knew that the plug was wired centre positive, but I double-checked the output of the new charger
just to verify this. Then I used my multimeter on the ohms
range to verify that both wires of the cable were intact and
to identify which was which.
I soldered the wires to the PCB and tested the charger
before gluing the case back together with superglue and
clamping it in the vise until the glue dried. Another successful repair and another item saved from the scrap pile.
B. P., Dundathu, Qld.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 99
ilicon Chip
Kits, parts and much more
Compact OLED Clock
& Timer
September 2024
Short-Form Kit
SC6979: $45
This kit includes everything needed to build
the OLED clock, except the UB5 Jiffy box and
Li-ion cell.
Dual Mini LED Dice
August 2024
Micromite-Explore 40
October 2024
Complete Kit
SC6991: $35
SMD LED Complete Kit
SC6961: $17.50
TH LED Complete Kit
SC6849: $17.50
Includes either 3mm through-hole or 1206sized SMD LEDs. Choice of either white or
black PCB. CR2032 coin cell not included.
Includes the PCB and all onboard parts. Audio
Breakout board and Pico BackPack are sold
Compact HiFi Headphone Amplifier
Complete Kit
SC6885: $70
Capacitor Discharger
December 2024
December 2024
& January 2025
This kit includes everything required to build the Compact HiFi Headphone Amplifier. The case is
included, but you will need your own power supply.
Programmable Frequency Divider
Complete Kit
SC6959: $60
Includes all onboard components, except for a power supply and the optional programming header.
Short-Form Kit
SC7404: $30
Includes the PCB, resistors, semis, mounting
hardware and banana sockets. Case, heatsink,
thermal switch and wiring are not supplied.
→ Subscribers receive a 10% discount on all purchases, except for subscriptions (postage is not discounted).
→ Prices listed do not include postage. Postage rates within Australia start at $12, rates are calculated at the checkout.
Vintage Radio
The National R-70 Panapet
AM Radio
By Ian Batty
That’s no moon... The National (Panasonic) R-70 Panapet is a sixtransistor superhet shaped into a unique spherical case (pictured
at the centre). We even have a “blue moon” immediately to its
reckon I know how not to sell a
radio: “This offering is a boring
old six-transistor superhet with an
autodyne converter, two intermediate frequency amplifiers which are
necessitated by the limited stage gain
of around 30dB per stage, blah, blah,
By the time the Panapet was
released, anything apart from the ‘standard six’ was unusual and would need
extra investment to make it work. So
Panasonic used the combination of a
highly unusual design and a special
occasion to sell the Panapet.
It looks remarkable – maybe
nobody trusted the chain well enough
to snap the key ring over a belt loop
and let the radio swing about on the
end of the chain, but it must have
been tempting! The recessed tuning
dial, added to the two silvered control knobs, really do make it look like
some kind of weird ‘pet’ just begging
to be given a home.
It was released in the early 1970s;
if they had only waited a few years,
they could have called it the Death
Star and the shelves would have been
emptied pronto!
It was released in bold colours: red,
blue, green, yellow and white. There
Australia's electronics magazine
was also an elusive purple version,
which is pretty rare.
So why not maximise its impact by
showing it off at an international occasion? How about the 1970 World Expo
($K) in Osaka, Japan?
With visitors from across the world
coming to a six-month-long festival
promising “Progress and Harmony for
Mankind”, what better time and place
to present this cheeky offering, and
showcase Japanese design?
A review from Future Forms states,
“First exhibited at the World Expo in
Osaka, the Panapet perfectly captured
the playful pop spirit of the early
March 2025 101
1970s. With its boldly futuristic spherical design and space age styling, it
was an instant hit with the young and
youthful-at-heart when it burst onto
the scene” (
Circuit description
This radio follows the design that
had stabilised by the mid-1960s. As
shown in Fig.1, it’s the familiar six
transistor superhet. Although the
R-70 uses PNP transistors throughout, ground connects to battery negative. While this does not affect the
set’s operation, all emitters go to the
supply and all collectors go to ground.
Where we’d usually find emitter
voltages of up to 2V and collector voltages close to supply, the R-70 upends
that idea.
Converter TR1, a 2SA102, is a drift
type developed from the successful
alloyed-junction design (as detailed
in my article on transistors in the
April 2022 issue –
Article/15272). Drift transistors used
graded doping across the base area,
giving improved high-frequency performance. The 2SA102 offers a minimum transition frequency of 20MHz,
compared to the OC44’s 7.5MHz.
This circuit uses collector-to-base
feedback. It’s pretty much a signature
non-European design. I’m making that
distinction as most Australian, European and US designs continue the plan
used in the first transistor radio, the
Regency TR-1, which used feedback
to the emitter.
Silicon Chip
Operating the local oscillator (LO)
in grounded-base ensured that the
grown-junction converter, with its
limited high-frequency specification,
would operate reliably over the broadcast band.
Base-injected circuits have stopped
working in the past when I’ve dropped
my signal injector onto the converter
base, so I’ve developed a workaround.
This set’s LO tuning capacitor section uses the cut-plate design. As
this naturally forces the LO to track
455kHz above the incoming signal frequency, no padder capacitor is needed.
Transistor TR1 appears to work with
almost zero bias, but that implies
that it’s working close to Class B, as
we’d expect with an autodyne (self-
oscillating) converter stage.
The component side
of the R-70; note
the two output
the two
transformers at
the bottom of the
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.1: the R-70
Panapet circuit
diagram with
suggested test points
and expected voltages.
It’s ‘upside-down’
with ground at the
top and the positive
supply at the bottom,
because that’s how the
original was drawn.
Colour Function
Yellow First IF
White Second IF
TR1 feeds the tuned, tapped primary of first intermediate frequency
(IF) transformer T1, in the familiar
‘silver can’. It is permeability tuned
by an adjustable ferrite slug.
T1’s secondary feeds the base of first
IF amplifier transistor TR2. As this has
automatic gain control (AGC) applied,
its base resistor (R4) has a relatively
high value of 100kW. This allows the
AGC control voltage to significantly
reduce TR2’s bias on strong signals,
thus reducing the stage gain and helping to keep the audio output constant
across a range of station strengths, from
weak to strong.
TR2 feeds the tuned, tapped primary
of second IF transformer T2. Like T1,
it’s the familiar silver can type. T2’s
untuned, untapped secondary feeds
The R-70 uses a
simple design for
the dial.
Australia's electronics magazine
(final) IF
the base of second IF amplifier transistor TR3.
TR3 gets its bias from the same
source as TR2. This is unusual, as most
designs only apply automatic gain
control to the first IF amplifier. We’ll
soon find out whether this improves
the AGC performance over other, more
conventional designs.
TR3 feeds the primary of the tuned,
tapped third IF transformer, T3. Its
secondary feeds demodulator diode
D1, and the demodulated audio goes
to IF filter M1. This is an integrated
device, comprising two capacitors and
a series resistor. It’s a simplified version of the Couplate used in the Emerson 838 hybrid radio (described in the
October 2018 issue –
The audio signal from M1 goes to
the volume control potentiometer, R8.
This also develops the positive-going
AGC voltage that is fed back to TR2/
TR3 after being low-pass filtered by
10kW resistor R6 and 33μF capacitor
C7. Audio from the volume control
goes to the base circuit of audio driver
transistor TR4, which uses combination bias. TR4 feeds the primary of
phase-splitter transformer T4.
The output transistor pair, TR5/TR6,
operates in the usual Class-B mode.
Bias is derived from resistive divider
R13/R14, with temperature compensation by thermistor RRT. Its notation of
“251” is probably a type number rather
than its resistance at 25°C. Top-cut is
applied by 1.5nF feedback capacitors
March 2025 103
testament to this set, it can just pick
up 774 ABC Melbourne inside my
screened room – no easy feat.
The converter’s 455kHz sensitivity
of 9μV for 50mW output backs up the
air interface figures. As this converter
uses base injection, it wasn’t possible
to inject test signals to the base, so I
used my standard workaround of coupling to the ferrite rod’s tuned primary
via a 10pF capacitor.
This has the advantage of minimal
detuning of the circuit and giving a
repeatable indication for testing. The
injected signal levels were 2.5mV at
600kHz and 550μV at 1400kHz.
The IF bandwidth is ±1.7kHz for
-3dB and ±26kHz for -60dB. The AGC
allows some 6dB rise for a 40dB signal increase.
The audio response from antenna
to speaker is 600Hz to 2700Hz for
-3dB. From the volume control to the
speaker, it’s around 700Hz to a bit
over 5kHz.
At 50mW, total harmonic distortion
(THD) was around 5.5% with clipping
at 120mW for a total harmonic distortion (THD) of 10%. At 10mW output,
THD was 7%. The low battery performance was good; with a 4.7V supply,
it managed a useful 35mW at clipping,
albeit with visible crossover distortion
due to the voltage-divider bias circuit.
Audio response
The tuning gang trimmer and volume control pot are mounted on the plastic
chassis. The earphone jack can also be seen in the lower half of the case.
C14/C15, while some local feedback
is provided by common 12W emitter
resistor R15.
TR5/TR6 drive the output transformer, T5, and its secondary drives
the internal speaker, or an earphone
plugged in to the earphone socket.
The circuit and service notes are
available online. As the Panapet uses
PNP transistors with a positive supply, their circuit voltages are shown as
negative with respect to the positive
supply. I have used the conventional
method and taken all voltage measurements with reference to ground.
The review set was in good cosmetic condition, so a light clean had
it looking just fine. Initially, it seemed
deaf, only giving a signal in the low
Silicon Chip
milliwatts with a strong input signal.
The problem was light oxidation on
the earphone socket. With that fixed,
it responded well to my radiating ferrite rod test setup.
How good is it?
It’s better than its specifications
state. National quote 150μV/m for
5mW output, but I was able to
get 50mW output from a signal of
120μV/m at 600kHz, some four times
the specification. At the upper end
of the broadcast band, 1400kHz, it
needed 190μV/m for 50mW output.
The signal+noise to noise (S+N/N) figures were 13dB at 600kHz and 15dB
at 1400kHz.
For the more standard 20dB S+N/N,
300μV/m is required at both 600kHz
and 1400kHz for 50mW output. In
Australia's electronics magazine
So, the audio frequency response is
not very good, as shown in Fig.2, but
why? Could my test set have a driedout electrolytic capacitor? Usually,
a dried-out cap affects gain across
the audio spectrum, but it was worth
On the basis that ‘if it’s worth doing,
it’s worth over-doing’, I replaced emitter bypass C12 (10μF) with a 100μF
type, and coupling capacitor C11
(330nF) with a 4.7μF type. However,
there was virtually no improvement.
Then I performed a frequency sweep
and recorded the signal voltage at the
collector of TR4. If there was some
weird low-frequency deficiency, it
should have been evident at the primary of driver transformer T4.
Despite the constant input signal of
8mV, the voltage developed at the primary of T4 ranged from only 280mV
at 200Hz (where the audio output was
only 1.1mW, 17dB down) to a substantially constant 1.3V (giving 50-60mW)
from 1kHz to 5kHz.
T4’s primary inductance is clearly
inadequate, as shown by the falloff in
developed voltage below 1kHz. The
problem is worsened by TR4 having
a high output impedance of around
I connected the low-impedance
output of my audio generator to T4’s
primary and drove it directly with a
1.3V signal across the audio band. This
improved the 200Hz output to 22mW,
just a little worse than 3dB down. My
audio oscillator’s low impedance (as a
voltage source) partly overcame T4’s
low impedance at low frequencies,
giving a much better bass response.
It may seem counterintuitive that
the driver transformer should need a
higher primary inductance than the
output transformer. However, this
is needed to give a sufficiently high
impedance to get a useful signal current through the transformer at lower
audio frequencies.
While the driver and output transformers are roughly the same size,
it’s mainly the driver transformer
that causes the poor low-frequency
response observed here.
Yes, it’s a charming, must-have gadget, but considering that the human
voice’s fundamental frequencies lie
between 95Hz and 230Hz, don’t expect
the dulcet tones of your favourite actor
to come through at all well. And the
bass fiddles in the Choral Symphony?
Transistor coding
The Japanese Industrial Standard
(JIS) semiconductor coding is a little more helpful than the chaotic
RETMA system. We can at least distinguish polarities, technologies and
Fig.2: the
audio response
peaks at 2kHz
and is down
by over 20dB
in the critical
voice range of
80-250Hz. As
a result, voices
tend to sound
rather tinny.
applications based on part codes,
although chemistry (germanium/silicon) and power ratings are not coded
for. The prefixes are:
2SA: high-frequency PNP bipolar
junction transistors (BJTs)
2SB: audio-frequency PNP BJTs
2SC: high-frequency NPN BJTs
2SD: audio-frequency NPN BJTs
2SJ: P-channel FETs (both JFETs
and Mosfets)
2SK: N-channel FETs (both JFETs
and Mosfets)
Special handling
The Panapet is easily dismantled for
servicing. Be aware that, depending
on the serial number, the circuit board
may be secured by one or two screws.
My white one (serial #40322) used
two, while the blue (serial #50593)
used just one.
It uses a dial cord mechanism. Both
of mine were still OK, but you would
need the service notes for re-stringing.
Would I buy another?
Having two now, it’s tempting to collect the entire set. That would mean
finding the very rare purple version,
as well as the French Radiola RA010,
which tunes the long-wave band of
150~250kHz. It’s an oddity, given
that long-wave would have been in
its final years of broadcast usage by
the mid-1960s.
Further Reading
• R-70 service manual: siliconchip.
• Radiomuseum Panasonic R-70:
• Radiomuseum Radiola RA010:
The R-70 has a striking
appearance and was
available in a variety
of colours (red,
blue, green,
yellow, white
and purple).
should also
look at the
as it has a
very good
quality drawing
of the circuit
and PCB wiring
March 2025 105
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For a complete list, go to
110dB RF Attenuator (Jul22), Basic RF Signal Generator (Jun23)
High-Current Battery Balancer (Mar21)
2m VHF CW/FM Test Generator (Oct23)
Digital Capacitance Meter (Jan25)
Range Extender IR-to-UHF (Jan22)
USB Cable Tester (Nov21)
Active Mains Soft Starter (Feb23), Model Railway Uncoupler (Jul23)
Dual-Channel Breadboard PSU Display Adaptor (Dec22)
Battery-Powered Model Railway Transmitter (Jan25)
Wideband Fuel Mixture Display (WFMD; Apr23)
Model Railway Carriage Lights (Nov21)
Battery Charge Controller (Jun22), Railway Semaphore (Apr22)
Train Chuff Sound Generator (Oct22)
Ohmmeter (Aug22), Advanced SMD Test Tweezers (Feb23)
ESR Test Tweezers (Jun24)
Auto Train Controller (Oct22), GPS Disciplined Oscillator (May23)
Railway Points Controller Transmitter / Receiver (2 versions; Feb24)
PIC32MX170F256D-501P/T 44-pin Micromite Mk2 (Aug14), 4DoF Simulation Seat (Sep19)
Battery-Powered Model Railway TH Receiver (Jan25)
PIC32MX170F256B-50I/SP Micromite LCD BackPack V1-V3 (Feb16 / May17 / Aug19)
PIC16F1455-I/SL Battery Multi Logger (Feb21), USB-C Serial Adaptor (Jun24)
Advanced GPS Computer (Jun21), Touchscreen Digital Preamp (Sep21)
Battery-Powered Model Railway SMD Receiver (Jan25)
Battery Multi Logger (Feb21), Battery Manager BackPack (Aug21)
USB Programmable Frequency Divider (Feb25)
PIC32MX270F256B-50I/SP ASCII Video Terminal (Jul14), USB M&K Adaptor (Feb19)
PIC16LF1455-I/P New GPS-Synchronised Analog Clock (Sep22)
K-Type Thermostat (Nov23), Secure Remote Switch (RX, Dec23)
Wii Nunchuk RGB Light Driver (Mar24)
Mains Power-Up Sequencer (Feb24 | repurposed firmware Jul24)
AM-FM DDS Signal Generator (May22)
8-Channel Learning IR Remote (Oct24)
Power LCR Meter (Mar25)
PIC16F1459-I/SO Multimeter Calibrator (Jul22), Buck/Boost Charger Adaptor (Oct22)
PIC16F15214-I/SN Digital Volume Control Pot (SMD; Mar23), Silicon Chirp Cricket (Apr23)
PIC16F15214-I/P Digital Volume Control Pot (TH; Mar23), Filament Dryer (Oct24)
PIC32MX170F256B-50I/SO + PIC16F1455-I/SL
Micromite Explore-40 (SC5157, Oct24)
PIC16F15224-I/SL Multi-Channel Volume Control (OLED Module; Dec23)
PIC32MX470F512H-120/PT Micromite Explore 64 (Aug 16), Micromite Plus (Nov16)
NFC IR Keyfob Transmitter (Feb25)
PIC32MX470F512L-120/PT Micromite Explore 100 (Sep16)
PIC16F18146-I/SO Volume Control (Control Module, Dec23), Coin Cell Emulator (Dec23)
Compact OLED Clock & Timer (Sep24), Flexidice (Nov24)
PIC16LF15323-I/SL Remote Mains Switch (TX, Jul22), Secure Remote Switch (TX, Dec23) PIC32MX695F512H-80I/PT Touchscreen Audio Recorder (Jun14)
PIC32MZ2048EFH064-I/PT DSP Crossover/Equaliser (May19), Low-Distortion DDS (Feb20)
STM32G030K6T6 Variable Speed Drive Mk2 (Nov24)
DIY Reflow Oven Controller (Apr20), Dual Hybrid Supply (Feb22)
Noughts & Crosses Computer (Jan23)
(MAR 25)
(FEB 25)
(FEB 25)
(DEC 24)
(DEC 24)
The Pico Audio Analyser kit from Nov23, but with an unprogrammed Pico 2
Complete kit: includes all components (see p85, Feb25)
Complete kit: includes all required items, except the cell (see p67, Feb25)
Complete kit: includes everything except the power supply (see p47, Dec24)
Includes the PCB and all components that mount on it, the mounting hardware
(without heatsink) and banana sockets (see p36, Dec24)
(DEC 24)
For full functionality both the Pico Computer Board and Digital Video Terminal kits are
required, see page 71 in the December 2024 issue for more details.
- Pico Computer Board kit (SC7374)
- Pico Digital Video Terminal kit (SC6917)
Separate/Optional Components:
- PWM Audio Module kit (SC7376)
- ESP-PSRAM64H 64Mb SPI PSRAM chip (SC7377)
- DS3231 real-time clock SOIC-16 IC (SC5103)
- DS3231MZ real-time clock SOIC-8 IC (SC5779)
(NOV 24)
(OCT 24)
(OCT 24)
PicoMSA PARTS (SC7323)
(SEP 24)
Includes all required parts except the coin cell (see p71, Nov24)
Includes all required parts (see p83, Oct24)
Hard-to-get parts: includes the PCB and all semiconductors except the
optional/variable diodes (see p73, Oct24)
Hard-to-get parts: includes the PCB, Raspberry Pi Pico (unprogrammed),
plus all semiconductors, capacitors and resistors (see p63, Sep24)
(SEP 24)
(SEP 24)
(AUG 24)
(JUL 24)
(JUN 24)
(JUN 24)
Includes everything except the case & Li-ion cell (see p34, Sep24)
Both kits include the PCB and everything that mounts to it (see page 83, Sep24)
- All through-hole (TH) kit (SC6987)
- SMD kit (SC6988)
Complete kit: choice of white or black PCB solder mask (see page 50, August 2024)
- Through-hole LEDs kit (SC6849)
- SMD LEDs kit (SC6961)
Includes everything except the case & debugging interface (see p33, July24)
- Rotary encoder with integral pushbutton (available separately, SC5601)
Includes all parts and OLED, except the coin cell and optional header
- 0.96in white OLED with SSD1306 controller (also sold separately, SC6936)
All kits come with the PCB and all onboard components (see page 81, June24)
- Adjustable SMD kit (SC6948)
- Adjustable TH kit (SC6949)
- Fixed TH kit – ZD3 & R1-R7 vary so are not included (SC6950)
(JUN 24)
(MAY 24)
Includes the PCB, programmed micro and all other required parts
Short-form kit: includes everything except the case, USB cable, power supply,
labels and optional stand. The included Pico W is not programmed (SC6942)
- Optional laser-cut acrylic stand pieces (SC6932)
- 3.5in LCD touchscreen: also available separately (SC5062)
10MHz to 1MHz / 1Hz FREQUENCY DIVIDER (SC6881)
Complete kit: Includes the PCB and everything that mounts to it,
including the 49.9Ω and 75Ω resistors (see page 38, May24)
*Prices valid for month of magazine issue only. All prices in Australian dollars and include GST where applicable. # Overseas? Place an order on our website for a quote.
(MAY 24)
↳ TQFP-44
↳ TQFP-48
↳ TQFP-64
For a complete list, go to
We also sell the Silicon Chip PDFs on USB, RTV&H USB, Vintage Radio USB and more at
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Send your email to silicon<at>
Increasing Headphone
Amp output power
I’m wondering if it’s possible and
easy to increase the output of the
Compact HiFi Headphone Amplifier
to 2W or 5W into 4W or 8W (December 2024 & January 2025; siliconchip.
As a coincidence, the bar speaker I
use for my PC failed about the same
time as the December 2024 issue of Silicon Chip was published. I attempted
a repair, but am unable to identify the
amplifier chips installed. So, in order
to still use the bar speaker arrangement
due to its low profile I’m after a small
external amp to drive it.
I do have a fallback option being the
Mini-D Stereo 10W Class-D Amplifier from the September 2014 issue
( I’ve
also built and use the Compact High-
Performance 12V Stereo Amp from
the May 2010 issue, but it’s overkill,
power-wise and physically. (R. L.,
Gumdale, Qld)
● The September 2014 project you
mentioned would be a good choice,
or the Tiny Tim amplifier published
in the October 2013, December 2013
& January 2014 issues (based on the
headphone amplifier in the September & October 2011 issues).
It isn’t really possible to increase the
power output of the more recent design
to the level you want. It was purposefully ‘cut down’ compared to the
2011 Headphone Amplifier to make
it smaller, simpler and less expensive
to build. Consequently, the maximum
power it can achieve safely is lower.
Using Headphone Amp
for mixer monitoring
I am enquiring about the Compact
HiFi Headphone Amplifier project. I
want to build this into a larger circuit.
Basically, I want to use this specific
unit’s whole stereo setup as an in-ear
duo band monitoring system utilising
two separate units (in one case). The
combined vocal/musical instrument
Silicon Chip
signal source output would be coming
from the main desk (channel 1) with a
separate, personal musical instrument
signal (channel 2).
This would enable volume control
for each channel. I would also like to
run the two units from the same plugpack power supply if possible.
Would this design be suitable for
my requirements, or am I aiming too
high? Would the level of desk, line signal, outputs be too high for its inputs?
I would like to use it with both analog
and digital mixers. (D. W., Alexandra
Hills, Qld)
● If we understand correctly, you
want to feed one headphone amplifier with a signal from a sound mixer
that has the whole music band sound
(similar to front of house sound), and
the second with the individual musical instrument sound (keyboard, guitar etc).
We think that would work. The
headphone amplifier can cope with
typical mixer sends signal levels at
around 1V RMS. The headphone
amplifiers can cope with higher-level
inputs, as long as the volume controls
are reduced accordingly.
You could power two from the same
plugpack as long as it can supply the
power demands. A 1A plugpack would
be fine to drive two units to reasonable
levels, as headphones are typically
pretty efficient. The supply must be
wired identically to both boards.
In fact, such a supply would probably drive several headphone amps as
long as the output volume levels were
kept modest.
Alternatively, you could use a single Compact Hifi Headphone Amp and
connect its two inputs separately to the
main and personal foldback signals,
then use the separate volume controls
to select between them.
Using the VSD with a
120V AC 60Hz supply
I live in the United States where
220V AC is available but inconvenient, and most motors are only rated
Australia's electronics magazine
for 120V AC. Will your 1.5kW Variable Speed Drive (November & December 2024;
work at 120V AC <at> 60Hz, with the
understanding that I won’t get the
full 1.5kW?
I only need to about half a horsepower from a single-phase supply for
applications like a drill press and belt
sander. Thanks for your consideration.
(S. G., Boise, Idaho, USA)
● The 1.5kW Speed Controller
should work OK at 120V AC with a
couple of caveats. First, as you observe,
the power output will be reduced by
about half since the output current will
still be limited to 9A for single-phase
operation. On top of this, the published firmware limits the output frequency to 50Hz and provides the full
motor voltage at this frequency.
This will have two effects on a 120V
60Hz motor: the top speed will be limited to 83% of the rated speed, and
the motor may experience magnetic
saturation since a 120V 60Hz motor
expects around 100V at 50Hz.
You could fix the latter problem
by modifying the firmware. The only
change needed is to alter the PWM_
FMAX #define in the “pwm.h” header
file. Changing the value (currently
50.0) to 60.0 should allow it to work
as expected. We have not tested the
Speed Controller at 120V or 60Hz, so
we suggest you proceed carefully in
case something unexpected occurs.
Query and feedback on
Silicon Chip kits
Do you have any plans to offer a
parts set for the Digital Capacitance
Meter (January 2025;
Article/17595)? Or should I just buy
the preprogrammed PIC, an OLED
screen and a PCB from your shop and
start hunting around for the other components? The convenience of a kit from
one source is very great.
The most recent Silicon Chip project I built was the Compact OLED
Clock & Timer (September 2024 issue; To my
intense surprise, after assembling it, it
fired up right away and has kept accurate time ever since. The surprise was
because my ageing eyes and fingers
struggle with handling tiny SMD parts.
However, a bright workbench light,
a good soldering iron, fine solder, liquid flux and good tweezers of several
kinds go a long way towards success.
I thought that using a single sided PCB
as the front panel with the copper and
components on the back was a brilliant
idea. (P. H., Slade Point, Qld)
● While we would like to, we don’t
have the resources to create a kit for
every project. In this case, there aren’t
too many parts and they are mostly
standard and easy enough to get. All
our kits are listed on our website at and they are
usually mentioned in the article and
shop page in the magazine, so if you
don’t find a project there, we haven’t
created a kit for it.
In this case, as you suggest, you
can get the PCB, programmed microcontroller and OLED from us and you
should be able to get the rest from
Altronics and/or Jaycar.
We’re glad to hear the Clock build
went well for you. As you say, if you
have a magnifier and a little patience,
most SMDs are not too hard to solder.
Pico Computer case is
I’m building the Pico Computer
(December 2024 issue;
Article/17317) from your kit and the
recommended case, Altronics H0192,
does not appear to be available any
more. Can you suggest a suitable alternative, or another source for this case?
(J. H., Nathan, Qld)
● It is frustrating that it was discontinued so soon after publishing
the article (it was in stock at the time
of publication). The article gives two
alternatives to the Altronics Ritec case:
Hammond RM2005LTBK and Multicomp MP004809. A Google search
reveals that the Hammond case is
available from DigiKey and Mouser:
Mouser 546-RM2005LTBK
DigiKey 23063056
While the photo on the Mouser website shows it as beige, the TBK suffix
indicates it is actually the translucent
black version.
The Multicomp case is not currently
in stock, but here is the link to order
it from element14: 3497848
Why does Compact Headphone Amp use air cored inductors?
I bought the kit for the Compact HiFi Headphone Amplifier (December 2024 &
January 2025; I’m in the process of building it and
have a query. Is there any reason why I can’t solder in a 4.7μH choke like Altronics
L7018 instead of winding copper wire around the 10W resistors? (C. P., Lyndoch, SA)
● We have not tested the effect on audio quality that an inductor with a core
would have. Cored inductors can be very non-linear and so are generally not used
in hifi audio devices. That is why air-cored inductors are preferred instead.
It may be that you can get away with using such a device when driving headphones
but we haven’t tested it. We suggest you take a few minutes to wind the inductor
that guarantees a good result, rather than spending more money and gambling on
the resulting sound quality being good.
We definitely don’t recommend using cored inductors in high-power hifi audio
amplifiers. Air-cored inductors are used in that application almost exclusively, at
least for linear amplifiers. Class-D amplifiers often used cored inductors in their
output filters, but those have more stringent filtering requirements and the resulting
sound quality is usually nowhere near as good.
Further research reveals that RS
Pro sells a version of the Ritec case,
Cat 1981379
It is currently in stock, cheaper than
the one at element14 and looks pretty
good. It is semi-translucent, so it could
be good for other projects where internal LEDs need to be visible.
Making a photo
slideshow on a TV
I require a device to display slideshows on a television. I want to display a series of JPEG images from a
USB stick onto a normal TV screen
with a suitable delay between each,
looping around on auto-repeat endlessly. Could the Pico Computer from
December 2024 do that, or do you
have a more practical solution? (I. M.,
Scoresby, Vic)
● The Pico Computer could probably do this using the HDMI output on
the Pico Terminal PCB. However, you
would have to write custom code to do
it. The easiest way would be to use the
Arduino IDE, due to the large number
of available libraries. PicoMite BASIC
does not (as far as we know) support
the USB host port for USB sticks.
If you were happy to use the
microSD card slot instead of a USB
drive, PicoMite BASIC should be able
to do this as well. However, a Raspberry Pi computer would be a simpler choice.
Once set up, one of the Pi Zero
models would need little more than a
power supply, an OTG adaptor (since
they only have micro-USB ports),
HDMI cable and power supply. You
would probably need a keyboard and
mouse for the initial setup.
Australia's electronics magazine
We have seen the Pi Zero models
selling for around $30, and an online
search for “raspberry pi slideshow”
finds several solutions using simple scripts or installable programs.
Software called FEH (https://feh. was mentioned in
several of those solutions.
Many TVs have a USB socket and
can display a slideshow too. Check
yours, as that would be a much simpler
option if your TV supports it.
Piezo transducer
I have a question relating to the
piezo buzzer supplied with the Compact OLED Clock & Timer kit (SC6979).
Your diagram on page 36 of the September 2024 issue implies this buzzer
has positive and negative pins.
The piezo buzzer supplied with
the kit does not appear to have any
polarity indication. There is a circular indentation near one of the leads
– is this anything to do with polarity?
The DigiKey website has a data sheet
for this device, but I cannot find any
reference to polarity markings.
I also have a question about the software. I’m having difficulty in making
the display show the time for Brisbane.
No matter what I do, I seem to be stuck
with Sydney DST. I changed the CUST
TZ screen to show:
If I then press MODE and go to the
EXIT screen, then press OK to exit settings, I am returned to the home screen,
which still shows Sydney time and not
Brisbane time.
March 2025 109
If I return to the CUST TZ screen,
which is still showing Brisbane as
the home timezone, then press OK
TO SELECT, I get to the screen to
change the STD OFFSET. Pressing
OK advances to the USE DST screen
and continuing to press OK takes me
through screens to set DST times,
finally ending up back at the HOME
TIMEZONE screen, which still shows
So again I press MODE to get to
the EXIT screen. Upon exiting, I am
returned to the clock showing Sydney time and not Brisbane. What am
I missing here? How do I get my clock
to show Brisbane time? (J. H., Nathan,
● Passive piezo buzzers are not normally polarised since they are mostly
driven by an AC signal. The circuitry
in active buzzers is polarised, and
many electromagnetic buzzers are
polarised too.
The wiring shows polarity in case
someone wishes to use a polarised
device. The piezo supplied in the kit
is not polarised, so you can solder it
in either of the possible orientations.
You can cycle between the time
zones by using the UP and DOWN
buttons on the CLOCK screen (see
Screen 9 caption on p36 of the article).
The Brisbane time zone is included,
so you can use the custom time zone
Silicon Chip
for another location. The CUST TZ
page sets the time zone that is used
to check the alarms, so leave it set
for Brisbane.
Origin of Silicon Chip
capacitor symbols
I noticed the symbol you use for
electrolytic capacitors differs from the
US standard (IEEE/ANSI 315, straight
line with + symbol for the positive terminal and a curved line for the negative) and the UK/European standard
(solid rectangle for the positive terminal, hollow rectangle/outline for
the negative).
Do you know where your symbol
comes from and why it doesn’t match
the two kinds of symbols that are used
widely today? (J. R., Wales, UK)
● We searched back through our
archives and found our electrolytic
symbol (two solid rectangles with +
and – markings) being used for electrolytic capacitors as far back as Wireless
Weekly, 3rd of January 1936 – see the
accompanying scan of that magazine.
It may have been used earlier than
that as Wireless Weekly started in 1922,
but electrolytic capacitors were not as
commonly used back then and manually searching the old magazines is
time consuming.
It’s even possible that our symbol
Australia's electronics magazine
predates 1922; the electrolytic capacitor was invented in 1896, so they
may have been commercially available before 1922. However, it would
be hard to verify that without access
to very early circuit diagrams.
We believe it was a local style that
developed before the European or
American standards, and it has stuck
with us for the last century or so. It
certainly predates the IEC 60617, IEEE
315, DIN EN 60617, BS EN 60617, JIS
C 0617 and ISO 14617 standards that
define the circuit symbols used elsewhere.
This style was also very common in
the AORSM (Australian Official Radio
Service Manual) series of books.
How does GPS Clock
know the hand position?
The GPS Clock I made from the Silicon Chip kit has been running like a
champion since 2017. I have never
really understood how it starts; do the
GPS satellites send a starting pulse
every 30 minutes? The electronics
have no idea where the hands are on
the clock face. (G. S., Eaton, WA)
● You set the hands to a known time
(like 12 o’clock, or the next hour or
half hour). When it has satellite lock,
the GPS module continually sends the
current UTC time. The clock applies
your time zone offset to determine
local time and compares that to the
position of the hands.
If the hands are pointing to the
wrong time (ie, different from the
GPS module), it either advances them
quickly until they catch up to the current time or pauses them until the time
catches up with the hand position. The
microcontroller keeps track of where
they’re pointing by their initial position and how many pulses it has sent
to the motor.
Once the hands are pointing at the
correct time, it sends pulses to the
motor at an appropriate rate to keep
time. If the hands fall behind or ahead,
it either sends extra pulses or skips
pulses to keep the time correct.
The trick is setting the hands to
a position the microcontroller can
expect them to be in initially. Once
it knows the initial position and the
number of pulses sent, it knows where
the hands are pointing. That’s assuming the motor doesn’t skip any pulses,
but if it does, the clock would rapidly
continued on page 112
Advertise your product or services here in Silicon Chip
Retired Silicon Chip staff member Jim
Rowe is trying to find good homes for
the following items:
1. A Sony VPL-CSI LCD data and
SVGA video projector ($100).
2. A Teac PC-10 portable stereo
cassette recorder with ‘Dolby System’
and AC power pack ($75).
3. A Chinon 506-SM-XL Super-8
sound camera ($50).
4. A Pioneer VSX-D506 5-channel
amplifier with a Dolby Digital decoder,
and 100W output from each channel
5. An AKG D19C dynamic wideband
cardioid microphone ($50).
6. An LG BP125 Blu-Ray player ($75).
7. A Toshiba SD-2500 DVD player
8. A Hantek DSO-2250 USB PC
oscilloscope, with two 100MHz
channels, plus an operating manual
and a small software CD ($50).
All of the above are available to be
picked up from my home in Arncliffe,
Also available are quite a few mini
file drawers with electronic components
such as capacitors, resistors, transistors,
ICs, LEDs and diodes, etc. These I’d be
happy to give away if someone would
be prepared to call and take them away.
Please contact me by email to
jimrowe<at> if any of
the above is of interest.
LEDs, filament LEDs, LED drivers,
heatsinks, power supplies, kits and
modules, components, breadboards,
hardware, magnets.
Please visit
(the Serviceman from
Silicon Chip) is available to help you with
kit assembly, project
troubleshooting, general electronics and
custom design work.
No job too small. Based in Christchurch,
New Zealand, but service available Australia/NZ wide.
Email dave<at>
PMD WAY offers (almost) everything
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Lazer Security
WE OFFER KITS, LEDs, LED assemblies
and all sorts of quality electronic
components, through-hole and SMD,
at very competitive prices. Check out
the latest deals at
PCB MANUFACTURE: single to multilayer. Bare board tested. One-offs to
any quantity. 48 hour service. Artwork
design. Excellent prices. Check out our
Fluke 760 Meter Calibrator (not tested)
– $130
Military Analog Computer made by
Sperry ca. 1955 (no info available) – $130
Email: Dieter Dauner, VK2EDD
Advertising in Market Centre
Classified Ad Rates: $32.00 for up to 20 words plus
$1.20 for each additional word. Display ads in Market
Centre start at $82.50 per column centimetre per
insertion. All prices include GST.
Booking: email silicon<at> and
include your text, name, address & credit card details,
or phone (02) 9939 3295.
Silicon Chip magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects
should be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried
out according to the instructions in the articles.
When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with mains AC
voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high voltages,
you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone
be killed or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of Silicon Chip magazine.
Devices or circuits described in Silicon Chip may be covered by patents. Silicon Chip disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing or selling of any such equipment. Silicon Chip also disclaims any liability for projects
which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant government regulations and by-laws.
Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Competition & Consumer Act 2010 or as subsequently amended and to any governmental regulations which are applicable.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 111
lose time with a regular quartz movement.
SemTest not generating
a high enough voltage
I built the SemTest Semiconductor
Tester (February, March & May 2012; but it does
not reach the maximum test voltage of
600V. I followed the instruction in the
magazine to build it, but it only reaches
350V. Thank you. (Anon., Philippines)
● We suspect there is nothing wrong
with the flyback transformer. It will
Advertising Index
Beware! The Loop....................... 12
Blackmagic Design....................... 9
Dave Thompson........................ 111
DigiKey Electronics....................... 3
Electronex................................... 13
Emona Instruments.................. IBC
Hare & Forbes............................ 6-7
Jaycar............................. IFC, 55-58
Keith Rippon Kit Assembly....... 111
Lazer Security........................... 111
LD Electronics........................... 111
LEDsales................................... 111
Microchip Technology.............OBC
Mouser Electronics....................... 4
OurPCB Australia.......................... 5
PCBWay....................................... 11
PMD Way................................... 111
SC Pi Pico W BackPack.............. 79
Silicon Chip Binders.................. 54
Silicon Chip Bridge Rectifiers... 87
Silicon Chip PDFs on USB......... 86
Silicon Chip Shop.... 100, 106-107
Silicon Chip Subscriptions........ 27
The Loudspeaker 10
Used Gear - Dieter Dauner........ 111
Used Gear - Jim Rowe.............. 111
Wagner Electronics..................... 99
Next Issue: the April 2025 issue
is due on sale in newsagents by
Thursday, March 27th. Expect postal
delivery of subscription copies in
Australia between March 26th and
April 11th.
Silicon Chip
only develop 600V if relay 2a is operating, and that is when its coil is being
driven via the pin 12 output of IC6.
There could be a dry solder joint at
one of the connections or an incorrect
680W resistor value at the normally-
open contact of relay 2a.
Check the PCB for correct placement of components and correct resistor values.
Change in Jaycar LCD
shield supplier
I have run into a problem with the
“Arduino RFID Keypad” project on
the Jaycar website (
au/rfid-keypad). The current version
of the LCD shield that Jaycar is selling
(XC4630) is no longer compatible with
the code for that project.
Since the Jaycar website is undergoing some changes, the full details of
this project are at
Over time, the LCD shield suppliers to Jaycar have changed and consequently the code has three different
configuration defines in the XC4630d.c
file to cater for the different LCD
shields. Unfortunately, none of these
define options bring the current version of the LCD shield to life. A white
screen is always the result.
After doing some research and
installing the MCUFRIEND_kbv-
master library, I found that running
the “diagnose_TFT_support” sketch
with the included “MCUFRIEND_kbv.
cpp” file having the “#define SUPPORT_8347D” line brought the LCD
shield to life.
The tft.readID() function returns
a value of 0x7575, indicating that
the LCD shield is using a HX8347G
chipset. While I am comfortable
turning on or off existing, pre-coded
#defines, I don’t have the knowledge required to change the code to
bring the LCD shield to life, hence
my request for help. (T. G., Smiths
Lake, NSW)
● We came across this same problem while designing our Symbol Keyboard project that was published in
the May 2024 issue (
Article/16250). You have followed
the same path as us, using the MCUFRIEND library to identify the LCD
controller chip.
For that project, we updated the
XC4630d.c file to add support for the
Australia's electronics magazine
HX8347 controller. You can download the updated software files from:
Use our newer version of the
XC4630d.c file and make sure that
XC4630_v4 is uncommented. Since
you have already identified the controller, we see no reason why this
should not work.
We also recommend powering off
the Arduino board after changing
these configurations and uploading
the sketch. This will ensure that it
forgets any incorrect commands that
were previously sent to the LCD controller when the Arduino board tries
to configure it.
That shouldn’t be necessary in theory, since a reset signal is sent, but we
have needed to power cycle the board
on occasion.
Component values for
Cartridge Preamp
I have a query regarding the Magnetic Cartridge Preamp project (August
2006; I
am wondering about Table 4 on page
51, especially the values for R1. R1 for
the Westrex curve is listed as an 18nF
capacitor. I am guessing this should be
a 220kW resistor.
Related to that, should the 220kW
value for R1 for ffrr78 response curve
be some other value? If 220kW gives
a flat response, it will not suit a treble turnover frequency of 6.36kHz. Is
it supposed to be an 18nF capacitor?
Finally, what value of R1 will give
me a treble turnover freq of 5.5kHz?
(D. M., Hughesdale, Vic)
● R1 = 18nF for the Westrex curve
is correct. This sets a stepped response
at approximately 200Hz with the 33nF
capacitor for C1 in parallel with 18nF
(R1) that is then in series with resistor
R2 (18kW). Note also that a capacitor
is also used in the R1 position for the
NARTB curve in Table 2.
For the ffrr78 curve, the 220kW resistance seems correct. For a 5.5kHz turnover, change C2 to 1.8nF.
We have created LTspice simulation
files for the Westrex and ffrr curves that
you can download from siliconchip.
You can change the values and run
the frequency response for these to see
the response to changes.
If you don’t have LTspice, it is a
free download from
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