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Vintage Radio
The National R-70 Panapet
AM Radio
By Ian Batty
That’s no moon... The National (Panasonic) R-70 Panapet is a sixtransistor superhet shaped into a unique spherical case (pictured
at the centre). We even have a “blue moon” immediately to its
reckon I know how not to sell a
radio: “This offering is a boring
old six-transistor superhet with an
autodyne converter, two intermediate frequency amplifiers which are
necessitated by the limited stage gain
of around 30dB per stage, blah, blah,
By the time the Panapet was
released, anything apart from the ‘standard six’ was unusual and would need
extra investment to make it work. So
Panasonic used the combination of a
highly unusual design and a special
occasion to sell the Panapet.
It looks remarkable – maybe
nobody trusted the chain well enough
to snap the key ring over a belt loop
and let the radio swing about on the
end of the chain, but it must have
been tempting! The recessed tuning
dial, added to the two silvered control knobs, really do make it look like
some kind of weird ‘pet’ just begging
to be given a home.
It was released in the early 1970s;
if they had only waited a few years,
they could have called it the Death
Star and the shelves would have been
emptied pronto!
It was released in bold colours: red,
blue, green, yellow and white. There
Australia's electronics magazine
was also an elusive purple version,
which is pretty rare.
So why not maximise its impact by
showing it off at an international occasion? How about the 1970 World Expo
($K) in Osaka, Japan?
With visitors from across the world
coming to a six-month-long festival
promising “Progress and Harmony for
Mankind”, what better time and place
to present this cheeky offering, and
showcase Japanese design?
A review from Future Forms states,
“First exhibited at the World Expo in
Osaka, the Panapet perfectly captured
the playful pop spirit of the early
March 2025 101
1970s. With its boldly futuristic spherical design and space age styling, it
was an instant hit with the young and
youthful-at-heart when it burst onto
the scene” (
Circuit description
This radio follows the design that
had stabilised by the mid-1960s. As
shown in Fig.1, it’s the familiar six
transistor superhet. Although the
R-70 uses PNP transistors throughout, ground connects to battery negative. While this does not affect the
set’s operation, all emitters go to the
supply and all collectors go to ground.
Where we’d usually find emitter
voltages of up to 2V and collector voltages close to supply, the R-70 upends
that idea.
Converter TR1, a 2SA102, is a drift
type developed from the successful
alloyed-junction design (as detailed
in my article on transistors in the
April 2022 issue –
Article/15272). Drift transistors used
graded doping across the base area,
giving improved high-frequency performance. The 2SA102 offers a minimum transition frequency of 20MHz,
compared to the OC44’s 7.5MHz.
This circuit uses collector-to-base
feedback. It’s pretty much a signature
non-European design. I’m making that
distinction as most Australian, European and US designs continue the plan
used in the first transistor radio, the
Regency TR-1, which used feedback
to the emitter.
Silicon Chip
Operating the local oscillator (LO)
in grounded-base ensured that the
grown-junction converter, with its
limited high-frequency specification,
would operate reliably over the broadcast band.
Base-injected circuits have stopped
working in the past when I’ve dropped
my signal injector onto the converter
base, so I’ve developed a workaround.
This set’s LO tuning capacitor section uses the cut-plate design. As
this naturally forces the LO to track
455kHz above the incoming signal frequency, no padder capacitor is needed.
Transistor TR1 appears to work with
almost zero bias, but that implies
that it’s working close to Class B, as
we’d expect with an autodyne (self-
oscillating) converter stage.
The component side
of the R-70; note
the two output
the two
transformers at
the bottom of the
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.1: the R-70
Panapet circuit
diagram with
suggested test points
and expected voltages.
It’s ‘upside-down’
with ground at the
top and the positive
supply at the bottom,
because that’s how the
original was drawn.
Colour Function
Yellow First IF
White Second IF
TR1 feeds the tuned, tapped primary of first intermediate frequency
(IF) transformer T1, in the familiar
‘silver can’. It is permeability tuned
by an adjustable ferrite slug.
T1’s secondary feeds the base of first
IF amplifier transistor TR2. As this has
automatic gain control (AGC) applied,
its base resistor (R4) has a relatively
high value of 100kW. This allows the
AGC control voltage to significantly
reduce TR2’s bias on strong signals,
thus reducing the stage gain and helping to keep the audio output constant
across a range of station strengths, from
weak to strong.
TR2 feeds the tuned, tapped primary
of second IF transformer T2. Like T1,
it’s the familiar silver can type. T2’s
untuned, untapped secondary feeds
The R-70 uses a
simple design for
the dial.
Australia's electronics magazine
(final) IF
the base of second IF amplifier transistor TR3.
TR3 gets its bias from the same
source as TR2. This is unusual, as most
designs only apply automatic gain
control to the first IF amplifier. We’ll
soon find out whether this improves
the AGC performance over other, more
conventional designs.
TR3 feeds the primary of the tuned,
tapped third IF transformer, T3. Its
secondary feeds demodulator diode
D1, and the demodulated audio goes
to IF filter M1. This is an integrated
device, comprising two capacitors and
a series resistor. It’s a simplified version of the Couplate used in the Emerson 838 hybrid radio (described in the
October 2018 issue –
The audio signal from M1 goes to
the volume control potentiometer, R8.
This also develops the positive-going
AGC voltage that is fed back to TR2/
TR3 after being low-pass filtered by
10kW resistor R6 and 33μF capacitor
C7. Audio from the volume control
goes to the base circuit of audio driver
transistor TR4, which uses combination bias. TR4 feeds the primary of
phase-splitter transformer T4.
The output transistor pair, TR5/TR6,
operates in the usual Class-B mode.
Bias is derived from resistive divider
R13/R14, with temperature compensation by thermistor RRT. Its notation of
“251” is probably a type number rather
than its resistance at 25°C. Top-cut is
applied by 1.5nF feedback capacitors
March 2025 103
testament to this set, it can just pick
up 774 ABC Melbourne inside my
screened room – no easy feat.
The converter’s 455kHz sensitivity
of 9μV for 50mW output backs up the
air interface figures. As this converter
uses base injection, it wasn’t possible
to inject test signals to the base, so I
used my standard workaround of coupling to the ferrite rod’s tuned primary
via a 10pF capacitor.
This has the advantage of minimal
detuning of the circuit and giving a
repeatable indication for testing. The
injected signal levels were 2.5mV at
600kHz and 550μV at 1400kHz.
The IF bandwidth is ±1.7kHz for
-3dB and ±26kHz for -60dB. The AGC
allows some 6dB rise for a 40dB signal increase.
The audio response from antenna
to speaker is 600Hz to 2700Hz for
-3dB. From the volume control to the
speaker, it’s around 700Hz to a bit
over 5kHz.
At 50mW, total harmonic distortion
(THD) was around 5.5% with clipping
at 120mW for a total harmonic distortion (THD) of 10%. At 10mW output,
THD was 7%. The low battery performance was good; with a 4.7V supply,
it managed a useful 35mW at clipping,
albeit with visible crossover distortion
due to the voltage-divider bias circuit.
Audio response
The tuning gang trimmer and volume control pot are mounted on the plastic
chassis. The earphone jack can also be seen in the lower half of the case.
C14/C15, while some local feedback
is provided by common 12W emitter
resistor R15.
TR5/TR6 drive the output transformer, T5, and its secondary drives
the internal speaker, or an earphone
plugged in to the earphone socket.
The circuit and service notes are
available online. As the Panapet uses
PNP transistors with a positive supply, their circuit voltages are shown as
negative with respect to the positive
supply. I have used the conventional
method and taken all voltage measurements with reference to ground.
The review set was in good cosmetic condition, so a light clean had
it looking just fine. Initially, it seemed
deaf, only giving a signal in the low
Silicon Chip
milliwatts with a strong input signal.
The problem was light oxidation on
the earphone socket. With that fixed,
it responded well to my radiating ferrite rod test setup.
How good is it?
It’s better than its specifications
state. National quote 150μV/m for
5mW output, but I was able to
get 50mW output from a signal of
120μV/m at 600kHz, some four times
the specification. At the upper end
of the broadcast band, 1400kHz, it
needed 190μV/m for 50mW output.
The signal+noise to noise (S+N/N) figures were 13dB at 600kHz and 15dB
at 1400kHz.
For the more standard 20dB S+N/N,
300μV/m is required at both 600kHz
and 1400kHz for 50mW output. In
Australia's electronics magazine
So, the audio frequency response is
not very good, as shown in Fig.2, but
why? Could my test set have a driedout electrolytic capacitor? Usually,
a dried-out cap affects gain across
the audio spectrum, but it was worth
On the basis that ‘if it’s worth doing,
it’s worth over-doing’, I replaced emitter bypass C12 (10μF) with a 100μF
type, and coupling capacitor C11
(330nF) with a 4.7μF type. However,
there was virtually no improvement.
Then I performed a frequency sweep
and recorded the signal voltage at the
collector of TR4. If there was some
weird low-frequency deficiency, it
should have been evident at the primary of driver transformer T4.
Despite the constant input signal of
8mV, the voltage developed at the primary of T4 ranged from only 280mV
at 200Hz (where the audio output was
only 1.1mW, 17dB down) to a substantially constant 1.3V (giving 50-60mW)
from 1kHz to 5kHz.
T4’s primary inductance is clearly
inadequate, as shown by the falloff in
developed voltage below 1kHz. The
problem is worsened by TR4 having
a high output impedance of around
I connected the low-impedance
output of my audio generator to T4’s
primary and drove it directly with a
1.3V signal across the audio band. This
improved the 200Hz output to 22mW,
just a little worse than 3dB down. My
audio oscillator’s low impedance (as a
voltage source) partly overcame T4’s
low impedance at low frequencies,
giving a much better bass response.
It may seem counterintuitive that
the driver transformer should need a
higher primary inductance than the
output transformer. However, this
is needed to give a sufficiently high
impedance to get a useful signal current through the transformer at lower
audio frequencies.
While the driver and output transformers are roughly the same size,
it’s mainly the driver transformer
that causes the poor low-frequency
response observed here.
Yes, it’s a charming, must-have gadget, but considering that the human
voice’s fundamental frequencies lie
between 95Hz and 230Hz, don’t expect
the dulcet tones of your favourite actor
to come through at all well. And the
bass fiddles in the Choral Symphony?
Transistor coding
The Japanese Industrial Standard
(JIS) semiconductor coding is a little more helpful than the chaotic
RETMA system. We can at least distinguish polarities, technologies and
Fig.2: the
audio response
peaks at 2kHz
and is down
by over 20dB
in the critical
voice range of
80-250Hz. As
a result, voices
tend to sound
rather tinny.
applications based on part codes,
although chemistry (germanium/silicon) and power ratings are not coded
for. The prefixes are:
2SA: high-frequency PNP bipolar
junction transistors (BJTs)
2SB: audio-frequency PNP BJTs
2SC: high-frequency NPN BJTs
2SD: audio-frequency NPN BJTs
2SJ: P-channel FETs (both JFETs
and Mosfets)
2SK: N-channel FETs (both JFETs
and Mosfets)
Special handling
The Panapet is easily dismantled for
servicing. Be aware that, depending
on the serial number, the circuit board
may be secured by one or two screws.
My white one (serial #40322) used
two, while the blue (serial #50593)
used just one.
It uses a dial cord mechanism. Both
of mine were still OK, but you would
need the service notes for re-stringing.
Would I buy another?
Having two now, it’s tempting to collect the entire set. That would mean
finding the very rare purple version,
as well as the French Radiola RA010,
which tunes the long-wave band of
150~250kHz. It’s an oddity, given
that long-wave would have been in
its final years of broadcast usage by
the mid-1960s.
Further Reading
• R-70 service manual: siliconchip.
• Radiomuseum Panasonic R-70:
• Radiomuseum Radiola RA010:
The R-70 has a striking
appearance and was
available in a variety
of colours (red,
blue, green,
yellow, white
and purple).
should also
look at the
as it has a
very good
quality drawing
of the circuit
and PCB wiring
March 2025 105