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By Dr David Maddison
Artificial limbs have been around since
ancient times, but were typically just timber
extensions attached to the stump of a
remaining limb. Modern prosthetics are much
better replacements for lost limbs and can even
provide functional hands, capable of many tasks
that a human hand can perform.
any people with ‘passive’
prosthetics (up to 44%)
decide not to use their artificial limbs because of problems relating to weight, discomfort and lack
of functionality, as described in the
paper at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Currently, no artificial limb can
come close to emulating a natural one.
Still, even a small increase of functionality for an amputee can lead to an
enormous quality of life improvement.
There have also been great advances in
wearable ‘powered exoskeletons’, particularly to assist those with paralysis,
muscle weakness or infirmity. They
are also used for rehabilitation.
New developments in materials
science, 3D printing, electronics, batteries and artificial intelligence (AI)
have made new, lighter-weight, more
comfortable and more functional artificial limbs or exoskeletons possible.
We will look at some of these, in particular those that involve the use of
electronics rather than purely mechanical devices.
A replacement limb should ideally
appear natural, although it seems some
users like the non-natural ‘cyborg’
look. The limbs should generally
Silicon Chip
mimic nature as closely as possible,
both for a natural appearance as well
as intuitive and expected operation
(degrees of freedom etc). Cost is also
an important consideration, as the cost
of a prosthetic limb can be significant.
Connection to the body
One of the most important concerns
affecting patient comfort is the way
the artificial limb is connected to the
body. Rather than cumbersome belts,
silicone rubber and gel materials are
a much more comfortable fit of the
prosthesis ‘socket’ to the limb stump.
Comfort can be further enhanced
with 3D scanning of the stump and
corresponding 3D printing of the
socket to get the best possible fit. Direct
skeletal attachment of the prosthesis
(‘osseointegration’) is another recent
development, but is not suitable for
all patients, as great care is needed for
the area where the skin is penetrated.
Control, sensing & feedback
When the prosthesis is active, ie,
it has some form of motor or motors
built into it, there obviously must be
a means to control it. This generally
has to be simple and easy to learn or
adapt to.
Australia's electronics magazine
Ideally, there should also be some
means of sensing the position of the
prosthesis in space and also to provide feedback to the user of limb
activity such as grip force for a hand
(proprioception). By having both control and sensing, an artificial limb can
approach the utility of a real one.
One of the most important aspects
of controlling an artificial limb is to
determine user intent. This is commonly done by attaching electrodes to
the skin in the vicinity of the remaining nerves that would have been used
to control the limb.
The body still sends electrical
impulses from the brain to those, as
if the limb still existed. These can be
interpreted to establish what the person wishes the limb to do. There are
also other possible control methods,
which we will discuss later.
Beyond that, the next step is to interface directly to the nerves or even the
brain, as in the case of Neuralink, a
brain-computer interface.
Proprioception is the ability of a
person to determine the location of
parts of their body without having to
look, as well as sensing the weight of
an object and forces exerted. While
we are taught in primary school that
there are five senses, we actually have
between 22 and 33; proprioception is
one of the more important ones, along
with balance (via the inner ear), pain
and temperature sensing.
For more realistic prosthetic limb
behaviour, it is important that proprioception is incorporated into the artificial limb. In the natural human body
muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs
and skin receptors are all responsible
for producing proprioception sensations. These allow us to sense changes
in length, tension and deformation, as
shown on the left in Fig.1.
These same senses can be measured electronically by (for example)
the number of revolutions of a rotary
encoder, the amount of current a motor
is drawing or the output of a strain
gauge, as shown on the right in Fig.1.
This information can then be fed back
to the patient via various means, such
as vibration (for example).
In an electronically controlled prosthetic limb (Fig.2), proprioception
information may be acquired as per
the following example.
1. The prosthesis is activated by
biological signals from the user, such
as through surface electrodes to pick
up nerve activity on the stump or
a brain-computer interface such as
2. Proprioception information is
acquired via sensors like strain gauges
to measure deformation, rotary encoders to determine joint angle, limit
switches and the amount of current
drawn by a DC motor, which is related
to its mechanical load.
3. This data is fed to a microprocessor and translated into information for
position, movement, force and load.
4. This information is translated
into a feedback signal for the user,
such as (for example) some sort of
amplitude or frequency modulated
waveform that might represent angular position or torque.
5. The waveforms representing
angular position and torque are sent
to a ‘stimulator’ in the socket of the
prosthetic device to create a sensation
on the user’s skin or nerves. Devices to
do this might cause skin stretch, vibration, electrical stimulation of nerves
or the creation of a tendon-vibration
illusion (TVI), which generates a perception of joint motion.
Sometimes, several proprioception
Fig.1: natural (left) and artificial (right) proprioception strategies. Source: www.
Fig.2: artificial proprioception. Source:
methods can be used simultaneously
to provide multi-channel feedback to
the user.
Prosthesis control
Proprioception information and
control of prosthetic devices may be
Australia's electronics magazine
achieved via the following means,
which are either in use, under development or proposed. They involve either
external sensors (such as capacitance
measurement of the external environment) or sensing of residual muscle
or nerve activity in a patient’s stump.
March 2025 15
prosthesis joint
Channel 3
Residual limb
Channel 1 Channel 2
Inductive powering
Wireless communication
with both servomotors
Channel 4
Fig.3: a proposed cineplastic procedure to sense forces on a muscle pair
(agonist and antagonist) to control a prosthesis. Source: Control Methods
for Transradial Prostheses Based on Remnant Muscle Activity and Its
Relationship with Proprioceptive Feedback;
Fig.4: a possible arrangement of EMG
electrodes on a healthy forearm. A
similar arrangement would be used in
the case of a missing hand.
Some of these methods are more
accurate than others, while some are
subject to noise. Both of these problems can be improved by a combination of approaches. Some may turn out
to be impractical.
Capacitance sensing is a method to
measure the distance to nearby conductive objects using a pair of electrodes, with the electrodes excited by a
sinewave at several hundred kilohertz
(kHz). As a conductive object is moved
closer to the electrodes, the amplitude
of the excitation signal is modulated,
indicating the distance. The closer the
object, the greater the amplitude.
Cineplasty (Fig.3) is an old surgical approach to altering residual limb
muscle to enable a mechanical connection to control a prosthesis. It has several disadvantages, but a modern proposed conceptual approach involves
connecting servomotors at ends of
muscle pairs with wireless communication to and from a prosthesis.
Electrical impedance tomography
(EIT) involves wrapping a series of
electrodes around a residual limb,
like a forearm, and measuring the
electrical impedance between electrodes. Information thus obtained
can be used to infer user intent and a
prosthetic device such as a hand can
be controlled.
Electromyography (EMG) is the
most common method in use today to
control prosthetic devices. It involves
interpreting nervous system signals
within residual muscles. An EMG signal has a voltage of around 1-10mV
and a frequency up to 500Hz. Typically, EMG signals are measured on
the skin surface, but electrodes can
also be implanted for this purpose.
Fig.4 shows a possible arrangement of multiple EMG electrodes on
intention to operate a prosthesis,
although this approach seems impractical for a variety of reasons.
Phonomyography is a method of
detecting muscle activity by its emission of low-frequency oscillations
(5-100Hz) during contraction. They
can be detected using acoustic means,
such as by microphones or accelerometers placed in contact with the skin.
Sonomyography uses ultrasound
to monitor muscle movement in a
stump. This can be used to interpret
patient intention to control a prosthetic device.
Silicon Chip
the skin surface of a healthy forearm.
Force myography consists of attaching an array of force sensors on a
residual stump to determine patient
intention to move a prosthetic device
by their activation of the remaining
Magnetomyography is a method
of measuring nerve system electrical signals in the stump by detecting
extremely small magnetic fields using
such devices as SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference devices).
Such methods are certainly impractical in a portable device at the moment.
Myokinetics is a proposed procedure in which magnets are implanted
in the residual muscles of a forearm.
A three-axis magnetic field sensor is
wrapped around the surface of the
limb to control a prosthetic hand as the
muscles are activated by the patient.
Near-infrared spectroscopy using
light at wavelengths of 760nm and
850nm can detect oxygenated and
deoxygenated haemoglobin in the
bloodstream. This can be used as a
proxy to monitor muscular contractions.
Human tissue is somewhat transparent to these wavelengths and so,
as the amount of oxygenated blood
changes in muscle as they relax or contract, it is possible to monitor muscle
movement. If the residual muscles of a
stump are monitored using a separate
near-infrared transmitter and receiver
in contact with the skin surface, it is
possible to infer patient intention to
control a prosthetic device.
Optical myography is an approach
whereby high-resolution imaging is
used to look for changes in the shape
of a stump due to skin deformation
caused by underlying muscle activity. This can indicate the patient’s
Australia's electronics magazine
Commercial prostheses
Some commercial electronically
controlled prosthetic limb devices are
as follows:
Blatchford Intelligent Prosthesis
The first commercially available
microprocessor-controlled artificial
limb was the Blatchford Intelligent
Prosthesis, released in 1993 by UK
company Blatchford Mobility. This
was a leg with an articulated knee
design, which was programmed to
suit individual users and enabled a
smooth, energy efficient gait pattern.
It did this by determining walking
speed and allowing the appropriate
amount of swing phase extension.
Unfortunately, we can’t find any good
photos of the device.
Bebionic Myoelectric Hand
Bebionic (
en-au/home) makes an artificial hand,
shown in Fig.5, which is myoelectrically controlled by nerve signals
picked up from skin electrodes on
the residual limb. It can be coupled
with arm components if the forearm
or upper arm is also missing.
It is controlled by electrodes contained within a forearm enclosure,
which pick up myoelectric signals
from the residual forearm. This prosthesis uses Myo Plus pattern recognition and machine learning to interpret
user intent.
Luke Arm
The Luke Arm (
luke-arm) is a prosthetic arm inspired
by the prosthetic hand attached to
Luke Skywalker from the movie Star
Wars: A New Hope (1977) – see Fig.6.
It is only available in the United States.
It is of modular construction and is
available in three lengths (transradial,
transhumeral and shoulder disarticulation), depending on the extent of the
arm or hand amputation.
In the longest version, it has ten
powered degrees of freedom, including a powered shoulder, humeral rotator and wrist flexor with ulnar/radial
deviation. In addition, the hand component has multiple preprogrammed
positions with grip force feedback.
The company states that it is the
only commercially available prosthesis with a powered shoulder. The transradial version weighs 1.4kg, transhumeral 3.4kg and shoulder disarticulation 4.7kg.
The prosthesis has multiple control options, such as with pressure
switches, rocker switches or myoelectric electrodes. It can also make use of
inertial measurement units worn on
the shoes to translate foot movement to
a specific hand/arm action controlled
by movement of the toe, heel, inside
or outside of the foot.
The forearm of the device has lights
that indicate to the wearer hand or arm
mode, current grip selection, battery
levels, low battery icons and faults.
There is also an optional feature called
Tactor, which provides alerts and sensory feedback such as for grip force,
via vibration.
Open Bionics
Open Bionics (https://openbionics.
com, not to be confused with https:// makes relatively
inexpensive 3D printed arms and other
prosthetics. The Hero Arm product,
designed for those missing a forearm
but who have a remaining elbow, has
a hand with a gripping capability with
six different grip types and is available
in a variety of sizes, including one to
suit children over eight years.
Fig.6: the
version of
the Luke
Arm, inspired
by Star Wars.
Source: https://
Fig.5: the Bebionic
EQD hand.
Each finger has
individual motors
and there are 14
different grips and
hand positions available.
Skin-coloured “gloves”
are available to cover
the hand. Source:
Fig.7: the Open Bionics
Hero Arm. Source:
Fig.9: the
Össur microprocessorcontrolled
Proprio Foot.
Source: www.
Fig.8: the Össur
i-Limb Quantum
myoelectric hand
prosthesis” hand.
This model has
titanium digits
for increased grip
force and strength.
Source: www.
It is operated by picking up nerve
signals from the stump. Interestingly,
it can be customised with various different covers with different designs,
including a Spider-Man design for
children – see Fig.7. Several videos
of it in action can be seen at https:// showing operation of the arm for
some common tasks.
Össur i-Limb Quantum Hand &
Proprio Foot
Össur (
makes various products including
prosthetics, such as partial and full
hands, feet and waterproof prosthetic
legs, as well as others. Two products
of note are a myoelectric controlled
hand prosthesis (see Fig.8) and a
microprocessor-controlled foot prosthesis (Fig.9).
PSYONIC Ability Hand
The PSYONIC Ability Hand (www. promotes
itself as the “world’s fastest, incredibly
Australia's electronics magazine
durable, and first ever touch-sensing
bionic hand” (see Fig.10).
It has sensors that detect grip pressure and provide user feedback via
vibration. It is also designed to be
strong and water resistant. Up to 32
different grip patterns are available.
It is charged via a USB-C and a
charge lasts about 6–8 hours of use.
It is operated by myoelectric sensing
of nerve system activity in the residual limb, as well as
force-sensitive resistors and linear transducers from third parties. The Ability Hand
can also be fitted to
robots – see Fig.11.
Utah Bionic Leg
Bionic Leg (www.
Fig.10: the PSYONIC
Ability Hand. Source:
PSYONIC user manual;
March 2025 17
Fig.11: a NASA humanoid robot and
a person both fitted with PSYONIC
Ability Hands. Source: www.psyonic.
Fig.12: the Utah Bionic Leg. Source: is
under development at the University
of Utah – see Fig.12. It is designed for
lower-leg amputees. It is lightweight,
using artificial intelligence and a variety of sensors for determining torque
and acceleration and the prosthesis’
position in space. It can adapt to a
variety of different walking activities.
It does not use significant power for
walking on level ground, so it can be
used almost indefinitely on such terrain. During such activity, the battery
is recharged upon limb deceleration,
similar to regenerative charging in an
electric vehicle (EV).
Open-source prostheses
There are several open source prosthetic limb projects as follows:
OpenBionics (https://openbionics.
org) describes itself as an open-source
initiative that develops “affordable,
light-weight, modular, adaptive
robotic and bionic devices that can be
easily reproduced using off-the-shelf
It derives its original inspiration
from the Yale Open Hand Project,
described below. One of OpenBionics’ developments is shown in Fig.13.
Open Source Leg
The Open Source Leg (www. project has a mission to develop standardised hardware
and software platforms for prosthetic
legs and to encourage worldwide cooperation from researchers in the field. In
particular, it is to help develop appropriate control strategies to operate the
legs (see Fig.14).
It is not specifically intended as a
user leg, but rather it is for researchers. The platform runs a Raspberry Pi
computer. The website contains all
the information necessary to enable
researchers (or even Silicon Chip
readers!) to build their own prosthetic
leg. The cost is estimated at US$900019000, which is much cheaper than
commercial devices.
You can see the detailed costings at
and a video on it at
The Yale OpenHand project
The purpose of the Yale OpenHand
Project (
openhand) is to make low-cost, opensource robotic hands (see Fig.15).
It is mentioned that a purpose of the
project is to “make prosthetic hands
more widely available through the
lowering of costs” (
We see no reason that these hands
could not be incorporated into prosthetic limbs.
Fig.13: the OpenBionics hand model. Source:
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
A powered exoskeleton is a wearable machine that covers all or part of
a wearer’s body and interprets their
intended motion and moves accordingly. They have a variety of uses in
the military and industry, to assist the
carrying of heavy loads or to relieve
users of possible repetitive strain
They can also be used to assist the
paralysed, or those with muscle weakness or infirmity, to walk. They have
uses in rehabilitation too. We will look
at some powered exoskeleton devices
that assist people who have trouble
Cyberdyne Hybrid Assistive Limb
The Hybrid Assistive Limb (www.
is a joint development between
Japan’s Tsukuba University and the
robotics company Cyberdyne. The
lower body version is shown in
Fig.16 and helps the partially paralysed (where some residual nerve
function still exists in the legs) or
infirm to walk.
The device has sensors that are
attached to a patient’s flexor and extensor muscles that detect and interpret
electrical signals from nerves. There
are four motorised joints, one for each
hip and knee. It is available as a single- or dual-leg model, weighing 9kg
or 14kg respectively, with an operating time of about one hour.
EksoNR by Esko Bionics
The EksoNR (Fig.17) is an exoskeleton device designed to assist in the
rehabilitation of patients in a clinical setting with physical therapists.
It is suitable for conditions such as
acquired brain injury, stroke, multiple
sclerosis (MS) and spinal cord injury,
and is designed to re-teach the brain
and muscles how to walk again.
Figs.16-18 (left-to-right): the Cyberdyne Hybrid Assistive Limb; EksoNR
exoskeleton; and the HANK lower limb exoskeleton. Sources: www.cyberdyne.
eu/en/products/medical-device/hal-limb & &
It can work with software called
GaitCoach, which alerts therapists to
any aspect of the patient’s gait that
needs correction and further training.
The device weighs about 27kg. See
HANK by Gogoa Mobility
H A N K ( w w w. g o g o a . e u / e n /
exoesqueletos-medicos-hank) is a
lower limb exoskeleton intended for
rehabilitation of patients with spinal
cord injuries, neurodegenerative disorders and who have had brain injuries (see Fig.18).
WalkON Suit F1 exoskeleton
Korea Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology (KAIST, www.kaist. of South Korea makes the WalkON Suit F1, developed jointly with
Angel Robotics (https://angel-robotics.
com/en). It is described as a wearable
robot for paraplegics. The F1 can walk
independently up to a user sitting in
a wheelchair, after which the user
attaches the device.
The F1 learns an optimal walking strategy for each user based on
weight and balance considerations
using a neural network. See Fig.19
and the video at
This suit and its research team won
a gold medal at the 2024 Cybathlon
(described later in text).
Fig.14: the Open Source Leg. It is
designed for researchers to develop
control software for prosthetic legs.
Fig.15: an open-source robotic hand
at the end of a robotic arm, from the
Yale OpenHand project, which could
be incorporated into a prosthesis.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 19
ReWalk exoskeleton
ReWalk is a “personal robotic
exoskeleton” from Israel (https:// that allows paralysed
patients to walk again (see Fig.20).
Patients strap themselves into the
device and it provides powered hip
and knee motion to walk, turn, negotiate curbs and climb stairs. It uses a
computer-based control system and
motion sensors to mimic walking.
Fig.19: the WalkON Suit F1 for
paraplegics. Source:
Walking Assist Device by Honda
Although it doesn’t appear to be
currently on the market, the Walking
Assist Device by Honda (the car company) was designed to help patients
with impaired walking function who
are unable to walk unassisted, for
example, stroke victims or those with
muscular weakness.
It consists of an exoskeleton-type
device with attachments via straps
at the hip and thighs and it weighs
only 2.7kg (see Fig.21). It is, or was,
an offshoot of Honda’s walking robot
Wandercraft (
makes the Atalante X exoskeleton
device to assist paraplegics to become
uprightly mobile again. Unlike most
other exoskeleton devices, it does
not need handheld poles, and is thus
hands-free – see Fig.22.
Brain interfaces
Fig.20: the ReWalk Personal
Exoskeleton allows paralysed patients
with spinal cord injuries to walk
again. Source: https://golifeward.
Fig.21: Honda’s Walking Assist
Device. Source: https://assets.
Silicon Chip
Fig.22: the Wandercraft Atalante X
hands-free exoskeleton for paraplegic
patients. This patient is being trained,
hence the overhead support strap.
An alternative strategy to sensing
myoelectric impulses on the skin
surface or other methods is to control prosthetic limbs via a direct
brain-computer interface.
A complete system (Fig.23) consists
of the electrode array, a neural signal processor and software. A video
of a patient using the device to move
robotic arm can be seen at https://
BrainGate’s by-line is “turning
thought into action” (www.braingate.
org). This research organisation has
developed an experimental brain-
computer interface implant to interpret electrical activity at specific brain
locations to assist patients with conditions such as amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS) or spinal cord injury.
This allows them to control artificial
limbs or operate computers.
It uses an electrode system known as
the Utah Array, also called the NeuroPort Electrode, which is commercially
available for experimental purposes
from Blackrock Neurotech (https://
Elon Musk’s company Neuralink
( is developing a brain-computer interface (BCI)
device to transform a person’s thoughts
into actions by a computer or other
device – see Fig.24.
Neuralink can potentially control
wheelchairs, robotic exoskeletons
and artificial limbs by thought alone.
The amazing potential for Neuralink
to control external devices is shown
in the following video, in which a
monkey with two Neuralink devices
installed plays “MindPong” using
its thoughts alone:
Neuralink is running a clinical trial
called “Precise Robotically Implanted
Australia's electronics magazine
Fig.23: the Blackrock brain-computer interface system with the Utah Array
(Neuroport Electrode array) shown insert. Source: https://blackrockneurotech.
Fig.24: an exploded diagram
of Neuralink. Source: https://
Brain-Computer Interface (PRIME)
study”. It “aims to evaluate the safety
and effectiveness of its BCI implant,
the N1, along with the surgical robot
R1 and the N1 User App”. The implant
will have 1024 electrodes.
The first human with a Neuralink
chip installed has used it to move
a cursor to play chess. You can see
this in the video at
load-bearing prosthetic limbs is called
In both cases, the body interprets
them as foreign bodies and mounts
an aggressive immune system attack
to isolate or expel them. It is thus
vitally important to use the most biocompatible materials possible, such
as titanium, certain ceramics such as
zirconia, and silicone. Still, even these
materials are recognised as foreign by
the immune system.
When such penetrations are made,
they can be prone to infection and
sometimes have to be removed. Nevertheless, advances in these techniques
have been made.
Note that osseointegration of prosthetic components such as hip and
knee joints is already done routinely
and effectively. The difference with
prosthetic limbs is the externalisation of the implant through the skin,
which creates many additional challenges.
Tooth implants with the support
structure externalised through the gum
are generally successful, although the
mouth is more resistant to infection
than the skin.
Fig.26: a patient with a prosthetic leg
attached to their body using the OPRA
osseointegration system. Source:
Fig.27: a patient with an experimental
e-OPRA prosthetic limb who can
complete challenging tasks as a truck
driver. Source:
Transcutaneous penetrations
and skeletal attachments
Two of the most challenging and
related areas of prosthetic devices
are the transcutaneous (through-skin)
penetrations of tubes and wires, and
direct skeletal attachment of prosthetic
limbs. Direct skeletal attachment of
The OPRA implant system
Integrum ( is
a Swedish company that has developed the OPRA implant system for
osseointegration of prosthetic limbs.
There are two different versions of
OPRA: one is commercially available, while another, called e-OPRA,
is experimental.
Fig.25 shows the method by which
the OPRA implant is attached to
bone and externalised through the
skin. A patient with a prosthesis
attached via the OPRA system is
shown in Fig.26.
Abutment Screw
Fig.25: details of the OPRA implant
system. Source: https://integrum.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 21
The experimental e-OPRA system
is connected directly to the body’s
nervous system rather than sensing
electrodes on the skin, as shown in
Cybathlon (
en) is a competitive event for teams
from all over the world that develop
assistive technologies – see Fig.30.
There is a video of highlights from the
2024 Cybathlon viewable at https://
Such events encourage the development and use of new prosthetic
Limb regeneration or
Though not the main topic of discussion here, there are alternatives to
prosthetic limbs.
Rather than having an artificial limb,
the ultimate solution would be to
regrow an entire new body part. This
process already occurs with some animals like salamanders, so it is at least
possible in principle. If their leg is cut
off, they will regrow it.
It is believed that limb regrowth
is at least theoretically possible in
humans. It is a matter of activating the
right biological pathways to enable it
to happen, and many researchers are
investigating this.
An Australian scientist, Dr James
Godwin, discovered that in humans,
the scarring that occurs due to a significant wound actually prevents limb
regeneration. If scarring could be prevented, perhaps limb regeneration
would occur.
There is also a substance called
‘extracellular matrix’, one variety of
which has been called “pixie dust”,
that has been shown to produce tissue regeneration in humans with some
With advances in management of
tissue rejection and surgical techniques, limb transplants, such as
hands, arms and legs have been performed.
Another approach is the ‘biolimb’. A
biolimb is created when a donor limb
has its cells removed, leaving behind
just the collagen supporting matrix.
This is then repopulated with cells
from the intended recipient such as
nerves, muscles, blood vessels and
skin tissues. These are placed into the
appropriate areas.
Silicon Chip
This has been done for more simple
body parts, such as windpipes, with
varying levels of success. With a limb,
there are numerous tissue types to
populate, so the process is much more
complicated. As no tissue remains of
the donor that could be recognised
as foreign by the recipient, there are
no problems with rejection or having
to take lifelong immunosuppressive
Further reading
Enabling the Future (https:// is a global
network of citizen volunteers who
use their 3D printers to make opensource upper limb designs to assist
Fig.28: an e-OPRA osseointegration
system. The abutment is where the
prosthetic limb is attached, and there
are connections to nerves and muscle
tissue. Source:
children and adults in need. They
are mainly for those born without fingers or hands, or who have lost them
due to war, natural disasters, illness
or accidents.
Instructions on how to get involved
are at
Some companies are partnered
with a wide range of prosthetic manufacturers and also perform customisation to help formulate a solution
for most types of amputees. One US
company we saw was A Step Ahead
Prosthetics (www.weareastepahead.
com). You can watch a YouTube
video about them at: https://youtu.
Fig.29: with the e-OPRA system,
control and sensory information is
transmitted by nerves from (blue line)
and to (green line) the brain. Sensory
information from the prosthesis
provides a sense of feel. Source:
Fig.30: a competitor with a prosthetic leg completes a task at Cybathlon 2024.
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