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Simple Electronic Projects
with Julian Edgar
This remote-control alarm uses a two-stage siren
and can optionally switch on inside and outside lights
when triggered. The design uses commonly available
prebuilt modules and relays.
Photo 1: I built my alarm
into a plastic utility box. Two
terminal strips provide the external
y new home workshop was
recently completed. It’s built on
the block of land next to where we
currently live (one day, we will build
a house on the new block as well) and
is a few hundred metres away from our
existing house. I decided to install an
alarm in the workshop – but then the
fun started. Or didn’t, actually.
I thought what I wanted was very
simple. I wanted an alarm that could
be armed/disarmed by a keyfob remote
control that I’d carry on my workshop
keys. When the alarm was armed, I
wanted LEDs flashing at each door.
If the alarm was triggered by unauthorised entry through the opening of
any door, I wanted a siren to sound,
quietly at first (in case I forget to deactivate the alarm), then subsequently
at full volume for a set period. When
the alarm was triggered, I also wanted
interior and exterior LED floodlights
to switch on.
Finally, I wanted the LED lights,
system controller and siren to run
off 12V provided by a rechargeable
I couldn’t find anything even close
to these specifications! Instead, I
found very complex systems that
would send me emails or text messages, ones that used single motion
sensors that could never cover the
interior area of the workshop, or
others that were so expensive I just
couldn’t believe it.
Cheap car alarms came closest, but
they tended to have very poor instructions that would take hours to sort
out (I know, I bought one) – and that’s
before adapting the system to these
unique requirements.
So I decided to build my own alarm.
If you break the above requirements
down, all that is needed to achieve
the above list is:
• An off-the-shelf remote control
module and fob.
• Door switches.
• A latching system so that the
alarm continues to sound even if a
door is shut again.
• Two timers – one for giving the
‘quiet siren’ period and the other the
‘total siren’ period.
• Flashing door LEDs.
• Switched power for the floodlights.
• A siren, battery etc.
Photo 2: note how I extended the curly
antenna of the remote-control module.
Behind the remote-control module
is the latching relay that keeps the
alarm sounding even if an opened
door is later closed.
Photo 3: the two red boards are the
timers. One switches off the siren after
a pre-set time and the other causes
the siren to switch to full loudness
after a short period. The relay at the
back switches on 12V floodlights if the
alarm is triggered.
Photo 4: any 12V-powered siren can
be used. This one was originally
supplied in a car alarm kit and cycles
between different sounds – very
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Rather than taking an Arduino or
similar approach, I decided that the
controller would primarily consist
of relays – yes, old-fashioned relays!
One relay could drive the 12V lighting, while another could provide the
latching function. The timers could be
provided by some low-cost eBay modules, again with relay outputs.
The system could be activated when
the remote control module’s output
relay closed, feeding power to the
rest of the system. That left only the
flashing LEDs – easily sourced, complete with dropping resistors for the
12V supply – and a battery and plugpack charger.
Fig.1: when the alarm is armed via the remote control, power is fed to the flashing
door LEDs and a latching relay. The latter stays dormant until a door is opened.
Opening a door sends power to Timer 1, which feeds Timer 2, resulting in a quiet
sound from the siren, followed by a loud one if the unit is not quickly disarmed.
Fig.1 shows a block diagram of the
system, while Photo 1 shows the completed unit. When the alarm is armed
via the remote control, power is fed to
the flashing door LEDs. Power is also
then available to the latching relay, but
it stays dormant until a door is opened.
Door opening causes the relay’s coil
to be powered, its contacts to close and
then stay latched via one of its two sets
of contacts. This feeds power to Timer
1, which starts counting. The timer
output that is used is the Normally
Closed one – so when this timer’s relay
activates after about a minute, the output is switched off, silencing the siren.
Timer 1 feeds Timer 2, which supplies only a low voltage to the siren for
the first seven seconds before switching to full voltage.
The latching relay also switches
on the lighting relay, activating interior and exterior LED floodlights. 12V
floodlights (eg, those sold for ancillary
car lighting) are suitable and, these
days, are quite cheap. These lights stay
on until the system is reset by the keyfob (or by removing battery power).
Alternatively, you could feed the
LED floodlight relay following Timer
1, so the lights would go off when the
siren stops. If you use high-power
lights, taking this latter approach will
help to stop the battery from going flat.
Fig.2 shows the circuit. There are a
few things to note:
1. Both external relays are double-
pole, single-throw designs (DPST).
Only an SPST relay is needed for the
lights, but for the sake of convenience,
I used the same type of relay for both
latching and lighting functions.
2. The door switches carry only the
current needed to operate the latching
Fig.2: each of the five main parts – the remote-control module, latching relay,
lighting relay and two timers – can be wired and then tested before proceeding
to the next stage. Timer 1 switches its output off when the timed period is
activated, while Timer 2 bypasses the series resistor feeding the siren when the
timed period has elapsed.
relay’s coil, which is very little. The
switches, in the circuit configuration
shown here, need to close when the
door is opened.
3. I used 6-core cable to connect
the door switches and also to power
the flashing LED at each door. Only
4-core cable is needed, but I had
a large roll of 6-core cable that I’d
acquired cheaply. The workshop has
six doors (five roller doors and one
personal access door) and the cable
runs are long. However, there are no
problems with voltage drops as the
currents are so low.
Here’s what you will need to build
this alarm (also see the Parts List).
• A 12V remote control module
with relay output. Almost any 12V
relay output remote module that has
a latching function will be suitable.
Australia's electronics magazine
Latching means that the output relay
stays engaged after you have taken
your finger off the fob’s button. Some
remotes require you the press the button again to unlatch, and others have
separate ‘on’ and ‘off’ buttons – either
approach is suitable.
• A DPST (or DPDT) 12V-coil relay
with 5A-rated contacts. This relay acts
as the latch and also supplies all current to the rest of the circuit.
• An SPST 12V-coil relay rated to
drive the LED floodlights. This relay
drives the lighting circuit. You could
also use a DPST or DPDT relay.
• Two variable delay modules
(Photo 3). Almost any cheap delay
module that has a relay output will
work. However, the modules must
operate from 12V, and they also need
to have at least a single pole, double
throw (SPDT) relay output. This means
they will have Common, Normally
March 2025 73
Open and Normally Closed relay connections.
• A 12V siren (Photo 4). I used
the one from the car alarm I bought.
It draws about 800mA at 12.5V and
is quite loud. It also cycles through
different sounds, which is attention-
getting. A variety of 12V sirens is available from about $12.
• A resistor to reduce the siren’s
output for the quiet period. I found
an appropriate value resistor through
some quick testing. In my case, with
the siren being fed 12V, 180W gave the
required reduction in siren volume,
and the ½W resistor did not get warm.
Different sirens will require different
values. Start with values around 200W
Photo 5: the alarm is triggered by door
switches that must close when the door
is opened. Here, an industrial roller
switch has been used, activated by the
folded aluminium bracket screwed to
the door frame. Smaller, less expensive
door switches are available.
and increase it if the siren is still too
loud. Ensure the resistor does not get
warm – if it does, increase its wattage. Going too high in wattage is no
• Flashing LEDs, pre-wired for 12V
use. These are cheap and commonly
available. Choose whatever colour you
want! (See Photo 7.)
• A 12V battery. See the discussion
below on options.
• A means of charging the battery
(eg, a solar panel or plugpack charger).
• 12V LED floodlights. Using car
accessory lights is cheapest, but ensure
you do not select very powerful lights.
Otherwise, you’ll need to upgrade the
relay and battery.
Photo 6: the opening of roller doors
can be tricky to detect, but this
is achieved here using another
industrial roller switch, with this
one equipped with a long lever. The
switch has been protected by being
mounted inside galvanised brackets.
• Door switches. A wide variety of
switches is suitable, including microswitches and reed switches. I used
industrial roller switches (Photos 5 &
6). These are normally quite expensive, but I found a supplier that had
them on sale for about $5 each. They
are splashproof and durable over many
cycles. Their large rollers are also easy
to trigger from door movement. You
can use as many switches as you like
– just wire them in parallel. Remember, the switch needs to close when
the door is opened.
• A box to house the alarm, terminal blocks, standoffs, screws and nuts,
cable etc.
Battery choice
Literally any 12V rechargeable battery can be used. If you charge the battery from a float charger, the battery
needs to supply power to the system
only during a mains power failure.
Thus, the battery doesn’t need to do
a lot, and it’s likely a salvaged ex-car
lead acid battery will be fine. Your
local car mechanic is likely to have half
a dozen waiting to go to the recycler.
They’ll be free or only at nominal cost.
If you are using a solar panel to
charge the battery, the battery will
need to power the system for perhaps
up to a week in rainy weather. Current consumption will depend on the
specific remote module, relays and
LEDs you use.
As a guide, my system had a current consumption of 12mA (unarmed)
and 41mA (armed), plus an average
consumption of each flashing LED
of 13mA. When activated (relays
engaged, siren running) the current
consumption was about 1A.
Building it
Photo 7: the flashing LED (circled in green) is inconspicuous in the daytime
but very obvious at night. It is bright and flashes at 1Hz. It is mounted in an
aluminium bezel and sealed with silicone.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
I built my alarm into a plastic box
that measured 190 × 110 × 80mm.
This is a little bigger than required,
but it gives room for the remote module’s normally coiled antenna to be
stretched upwards – something that
gives noticeably better range (see
Photo 2).
I suggest you build the Alarm stepby-step on the bench, testing it at each
step. Start by connecting power to the
remote control module. Check that
the output relay clicks appropriately
when the remote fob button is pressed
(Photo 8). The relay should switch on
and stay pulled in, then with another
button press, switch off.
Next, add one of the flashing LEDs.
Check that the LED flashes when the
alarm is armed via the remote and
turns off when the alarm is disarmed.
As with the switches, you can use as
many LEDs as required, again wired
in parallel.
Wire in the latching relay next. Do
this in two steps. The first step is to
ensure that when the alarm is armed
via the remote and a door switch is
closed, this relay pulls in.
Then add the relay’s ‘latching’ wiring and repeat the test. This time,
the relay should stay pulled in, even
when the ‘door’ is again closed (ie,
the door switch is opened). Disarming via the remote should cause this
relay to unlatch and the flashing LED
to switch off.
Wire in the lighting relay next and
check it operates when the alarm is
The two delay modules are next.
Note that the Normally Closed relay
output connection is used for the main
timer – that is, the output is energised
until the timed period elapses, whereupon the output is switched off as the
relay contacts are pulled in. Wire in
this module and check its relay activates at the end of the period that you
want the siren to sound for.
These timers typically have an
onboard pot that allows the period to
be adjusted. In the case of the timers
shown here, the maximum period was
a bit short (10 seconds). I extended it
by soldering a 470μF 16V capacitor in
parallel with the main timing capacitor, giving a one-minute maximum
period. This sounds like a short time
for the siren to sound, but in the quiet
location where I live, it’s plenty.
The second timer, that allows the
siren to sound only quietly at first,
uses both relay outputs. The Normally
Closed output (that is energised when
the timed period has not yet elapsed)
feeds the siren through the resistor.
When the timed period has finished,
the relay switches and the Normally
Open contact is energised. This feeds
the siren directly, so bypassing the
resistor and causing the siren to sound
at full loudness. Wire this relay in next.
The complete system can now be
bench-tested, with the siren suitably muffled with a towel or similar.
Check that:
1. The alarm can be armed and disarmed by the remote, with the flashing
LED indicating the status.
Parts List – USB Solar Charging System
1 12V remote control module with relay output and latching function
[eBay 155694654180]
2 DPST (or DPDT) 12V DC coil relays [Jaycar SY4065]
2 variable delay modules [eBay 235710400707]
1 12V siren [Jaycar LA8908]
1 12V rechargeable battery [Jaycar SB2484]
1 12V battery charger [Jaycar MB3619]
flashing LEDs, pre-wired for 12V use [Jaycar LA5082]
door switches [Jaycar LE8777]
12V LED floodlights [eBay 235086391538]
1 plastic case, large enough to house the parts (I used 190 × 110 × 80mm)
1 chassis-mount fuse holder & fuse rated to suit maximum total draw
cabling and wire to suit installation
various machine screws, nuts, standoffs and terminal strips as required
2. When the alarm is armed, closing
a door switch (opening a door) causes
the lighting relay to pull in and the
siren to start operating, quietly at first
before then switching to full volume.
3. The quiet siren period is as you
have set it (eg, seven seconds) and
the full siren period is also as set (eg,
one minute).
4. You can switch the operating
siren and lights off by deactivating the
system via the remote.
How you install the system is largely
up to your individual requirements. As
my main workshop wiring was being
done simultaneously with the alarm
installation, I used the same approach
for the alarm wiring as for the normal
mains wiring – that is, placing the
cables in plastic conduit. This protects
and conceals the alarm wiring.
I placed the siren high in the workshop (out of reach!). The door switches
are triggered by small aluminium
brackets that I bent to the required
The alarm controller and the sealed
lead-acid (SLA) battery are concealed
in a timber enclosure within shelves –
it’s not obvious where they are. In my
application, the battery is charged by
a solar panel working through a small
solar charge regulator.
There’s something to be said for
working with electronics where you
can see components (like relays and
switches) actually working. Also, apart
from the door switches and siren,
every other component was already
in my parts drawers!
Photo 8: the alarm is
activated and deactivated
with this remote control.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 75