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The Future
of our
Power Grid
Humanity has used fossil fuels as our
dominant source of energy since the
Industrial Revolution. We are now in the
throes of change as we transition to other
energy sources. Electrification is increasing, but
how will we generate all this power?
ustralia generates the majority of its
electricity from coal, as explained
in my article in the August 2023
issue on the Australian electrical grid
and its generation mix (siliconchip.
au/Article/15900). Coal has been a
cheap and reliable source of power
for a century, but many coal-fired
power stations are approaching the
end of their designed life and will be
decommissioned in the coming years
(see the panel).
These coal-fired power stations
will need to be replaced with new
generators. Additional capacity will
also need to be built to meet increasing demand from population growth,
transport electrification, industry and
domestic consumption.
Fortunately, Australia can take a
pick of the best technologies, as we
have some of the world’s most plentiful fuels.
This article will consider ‘best’ to
be the cheapest generation that meets
the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) reliability standard:
99.998% or better uptime, or less than
11 minutes per year of blackout on
average per person.
These costs must include not just
the generator itself, but also any
required network augmentation, storage, waste disposal, etc. Deliberately
excluded are any discussions of indirect costs of generation, such as ecological impacts, population health issues,
noise pollution and so on as while they
are real, they are difficult to quantify.
Coal power stations
The most obvious solution to replacing our existing coal power stations
is simply to build new ones. In many
ways, this makes sense; Australia
has some of the world’s largest coal
reserves. We also have established
mines to extract it, transmission infrastructure already built to carry this
power to where it is needed, and an
experienced workforce well versed at
running this type of plant.
It is an approach that has served
us well thus far, so why change now?
The problem is that coal is an
increasingly uncompetitive way to
Part 1 by
Brandon Speedie
generate electricity, driven largely by
two factors.
Firstly, cheaper variable sources of
generation are entering the market. As
coal power stations are designed to run
all the time with only gradual changes
to their output power, it’s challenging to match them to an increasingly
dynamic grid.
Second, the price of coal is rising.
In a little over two years from August
2020 to September 2022, prices
increased from $50 per tonne to $430
a tonne (see Fig.1). Prices have since
fallen to around $150 per tonne, but
that is still high by historical standards. It is for these financial reasons
that many coal power stations are facing an early closure, despite still having usable life left.
Nuclear power stations
At first glance, nuclear fission looks
promising as a drop-in replacement for
coal. Nuclear power stations operate
similarly to coal plants, with large turbines spinning all the time and only
slow changes to output power. The
Fig.1: the Australian coal price in USD ($) per metric tonne over the last five years. Source:
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
power stations could be built nearby or
in place of the existing coal fleet, reusing the transmission infrastructure
and (with some training) redeploying
the skilled workforce. The grid would
hardly notice a difference.
Australia is also well-suited geologically to nuclear fission-based power.
This country has by far the biggest uranium reserves in the world, much of
which is served by established mines.
Also, the landmass sits in the centre
of a tectonic plate, mitigating the risk
of a meltdown from a natural disaster.
The main problem is inflexibility. Fission power stations typically
operate above 90% capacity factor,
meaning that they run close to the full
rated output power at all times. Much
like coal, they are slow to ramp their
power up and down, and very slow
to restart if stopped completely. This
makes them increasingly difficult to
match to the grid.
Nuclear power is also expensive;
assuming a high-capacity factor, it is
the most costly generation type of the
established technologies. If required to
run flexibly (that is, at a lower capacity
factor), costs increase further.
irradiance of any country, which
makes photovoltaics our cheapest
way to generate electricity. But solar is
highly variable, so it needs to be combined with more expensive technologies to provide stability to the grid.
Rooftop solar is being built rapidly,
with over 3.4 million homes, businesses and industrial facilities now
boasting a solar system. This represents over 20GW of capacity across
the eastern states.
Grid-scale solar is even cheaper than
rooftop due to economies of scale, and
also its more favourable yield and generation profile. Grid-scale farms are
designed to avoid shading between
panels and from nearby structures,
which is often not possible on rooftop systems.
Most grid-scale farms also have
motorised pivots to track the sun. This
results in superior energy production
per panel, but also a more favourable
generation profile (see Figs.2 & 3). The
grid is typically shorter on supply at
dawn and dusk than during the middle
of the day, so grid-scale solar earns better financial returns by tracking the sun
and maximising output at these times.
Natural gas
Wind power
Given the trends in fossil fuel prices,
natural gas is an increasingly expensive way to generate electricity. However, gas has an advantage over many
other generation types, which will
likely see it remain part of our energy
mix well into the future. That advantage is speed; gas ‘peakers’ can ramp
their output power up and down rapidly.
This makes them good for ‘firming’:
shoring up supply when there is a critical shortfall, or when other generation types can’t respond fast enough.
Australia has the world’s 13th largest
natural gas reserves, and is the world’s
largest exporter, so it is a well-supplied
While natural gas is currently the
dominant fuel in this segment, it is
possible other types will enter the
market. Waste methane from industrial processes, such as waste water
treatment and agricultural processing, is increasingly being captured and
combusted for generation. Alternative
fuels such as hydrogen may also have
a future role to play.
Australia’s southern states have
some of the best wind resources in
the world given their proximity to
the “Roaring Forties”. Onshore wind
has a higher capital cost than solar,
but due to its more favourable generation shape and capacity factor, it is
able to earn higher revenues. Thus, its
overall energy cost levels out to only
slightly higher than solar. It is our
second-cheapest source of electricity.
While wind is less variable than
solar, it will also need to be combined
with more expensive technologies to
ensure grid stability. The economics of offshore wind are much more
uncertain. Globally, there are some
offshore projects in construction or
operation, but they compare poorly
to onshore developments due to their
high capital cost and maintenance
Solar power
Australia has the highest solar
Hydroelectricity has a long history
in this country; projects like the Snowy
Mountains Hydroelectric Scheme are a
source of great national pride. Unfortunately, rain is one of the few natural
resources Australia doesn’t have much
of, being the driest inhabited continent
Australia's electronics magazine
Coal power plants in Aus.
A list of coal power plants
in Australia that are either
still operating or have been
decommissioned recently.
Hazelwood (1600MW): built in
1964, decommissioned in 2017
Yallourn W (1480MW): built in
1975, due for closure in 2028
Loy Yang A (2200MW): built in
1984, due for closure in 2035
Loy Yang B (1050MW): built in
1993, due for closure in 2047
New South Wales
Liddell (2051MW): built in 1971,
decommissioned in 2023
Eraring (2880MW): built in 1982,
due for closure in 2027
Vales Point B (1320MW): built in
1978, due for closure in 2029
Bayswater (2640MW): built in
1982, due for closure in 2033
Mt Piper (1400MW): built in 1993,
due for closure in 2040
Callide B (700MW): built in 1988,
due for closure in 2028
Gladstone (1680MW): built in
1976, due for closure in 2035
Tarong (1400MW): built in 1984,
due for closure in 2037
Stanwell (1445MW): built in 1993,
due for closure in 2046
Kogan Creek (744MW): built in
2007, no scheduled closure
Callide C (810MW): built in 2001,
no scheduled closure date but
hasn’t operated since 2021
Millmerran (852MW): built in
2002, no scheduled closure
South Australia
Northern (520MW):
decommissioned in 2016
Playford B (240MW):
decommissioned in 2016
Western Australia
Collie (340MW): built in 1999,
due for closure in 2027
Muja (854MW): built in 1981,
staged for decommissioning in
2022, 2024 & 2029
Bluewaters (416MW): built in
2009, no scheduled closure
March 2025 41
Fig.2: the power output (red) of a real-world solar farm with fixed tilt panels.
Irradiance is shown in pink.
Fig.3: similar to Fig.2 but the solar farm has panels that track the sun. Horizontal
irradiance is shown in purple, with panel irradiance shown in pink. Note the
increased output at the start and end of the day compared to the fixed system.
on Earth. Of the rain that we do get,
much is already captured in existing
hydro systems.
The opportunities that exist are not
cost-competitive from the perspective
of electricity generation. In fact, many
of Australia’s existing hydro projects
serve the main purpose of irrigation
for agriculture, with electricity as a
secondary benefit.
For this reason, Hydro is unlikely
to see any meaningful expansion
in this country. There are several
Pumped Hydro projects in construction and development and that sector
is expected to continue strong growth.
See the later section on storage.
The generation mix
Looking at generation types in isolation is useful to understand the relative
merits and drawbacks of each technology, but the optimum fleet will feature
a diverse mix. By combining different
fuels, the limitations of some types can
be compensated for by others.
A good example of this is our historical fossil fuel system, which used
coal as the workhorse and gas for load
matching. It would be difficult to run
Silicon Chip
a grid on just coal, and expensive on
just gas; a combination of the two gives
a more optimal solution.
Fig.4 shows a forecast of how the
eastern seaboard grid (the NEM) is
likely to change from now until 2050.
Three scenarios are modelled: “step
change”, which forecasts changes to
the industry at current rates; “progressive change”, which is a more conservative view of the speed of the energy
transition; and “green energy exports”,
which is a bullish view that considers Australia becoming an exporter
of energy to other nations (mainly
through derivatives such as hydrogen
or metals smelting).
This modelling has some interesting
takeaways. Most striking is the sheer
increase in capacity. The entire fleet
expands six-fold, from the current
level of 50GW to just under 300GW.
This is driven by increased electricity demand and a shift away from
high-capacity factor generation (coal,
mid-merit gas) towards low capacity
factor generators: wind, solar, flexible
gas and storage.
Unsurprisingly, rooftop solar is projected to continue its rapid expansion.
Australia's electronics magazine
From now until 2050, capacity is
expected to increase from 20GW to
a monumental 100GW. A similar but
slightly smaller growth is seen in gridscale solar and onshore wind.
Interestingly, this modelling shows
a small amount of offshore wind,
which is the direct result of a taxpayer
funded scheme to build a farm off the
Gippsland coast and/or in Bass Strait.
If the Victorian government changes
their policy in future, this capacity
will disappear in the modelling, as the
private sector deems it uneconomic.
The combination of wind and solar
makes up a mammoth 220GW of
capacity and will be the workhorse of
the future power grid. These two generation types work favourably together
because their supply is driven by
opposing weather patterns; high pressure is generally good for solar, while
low pressure accompanies increased
Despite this correlation, there are
times when both solar and wind output is low. During these periods, other
generation will need to be called
upon, so-called ‘dispatchable capacity’, which can be run on demand.
The black line in the modelling shows
the required dispatchable capacity
increasing from the current 40GW to
around 75GW by 2050.
While the amount of this capacity
only increases modestly, its composition changes quite dramatically. Currently, dispatchable capacity is predominantly coal, with smaller contributions from hydro and mid-merit gas
(otherwise known as load following
gas; not as versatile as flexible gas, but
faster than coal).
Hydro aside, this composition is
projected to entirely change by 2050.
Firstly, coal and mid-merit gas reach
their end of life and are not replaced
by new power stations. Instead, utility
storage takes its place, mostly made up
of pumped hydro and batteries. There
is also a modest increase in flexible gas
that can start up rapidly.
From around 2030 onwards, an
interesting trend emerges. The modelling shows a large increase in ‘coordinated CER storage’. CER stands for
consumer energy resources, which are
small-scale storage assets like home
batteries or electric vehicles with V2G
capability (see the July 2023 article for
a detailed look at EV charging, including Vehicle to Grid –
These assets would be directly controlled to respond to the needs of the
grid, typically as a member of a ‘virtual
power plant’ (VPP). Most remarkably,
AEMO is projecting CER storage will
overtake grid-scale storage in overall
capacity by around 2045.
A smaller amount of ‘passive CER’ is
also modelled. These are home batteries and EVs that aren’t directly orchestrated in a VPP, but are still incentivised to respond to grid demands
through indirect means like a price
signal. While the AEMO doesn’t consider this ‘dispatchable’ by their definitions, it will still support the grid in
the same way.
Remaining dispatchable capacity
is made up of a very small amount of
biomass (combustible organics), and
‘demand side participation’, which
will be covered in the later section on
Demand Response. I believe AEMO
is being conservative with their estimates of demand-side participation,
and actual dispatchable capacity will
be higher.
the Electric Grid from August 2023 –
They are increasingly also being
deployed in network support roles,
easing transmission constraints (Fig.5)
and deferring costly line upgrades.
Batteries are also used in voltage control applications, which will be discussed in the later section on reactive power.
Given their flexibility to perform
in multiple applications and their
freedom to be installed basically
anywhere, lithium-ion batteries are
currently being constructed at a rapid
rate. They have recently overtaken
pumped hydro as the largest storage in
the NEM. Fig.6 shows how one of the
major inputs for building lithium-ion
batteries has become a lot cheaper
over time.
There are also some less mature
technologies that are worth mentioning. Some early generation ‘flow batteries’ such as vanadium and zinc bromine types are currently operating in
the grid. They don’t degrade through
charge and discharge cycles like a
Energy storage
The largest change in dispatchable
capacity is a trend away from fossil
fuels towards utility and CER storage. While it could be argued that fossil fuels are a form of storage (chemical energy held in carbon bonds, and
released when burnt), the phrase ‘storage’ is reserved for technologies that
consume electricity and later release it.
Historically, this has mainly been
pumped hydro, but more recently
lithium-ion batteries have shown enormous growth. In the same way as the
generation mix, storage technologies
work best when used together.
The main advantage of Pumped
Hydro is its long duration. While this
capacity is often constrained by competing factors such as environmental
limits or water supply security, it is
cheaper than lithium-ion batteries in
this role. By contrast, lithium-ion batteries are cheaper than pumped hydro
for short duration storage, and also
offer a higher round trip efficiency
(90% batteries vs 75% for pumped
Lithium-ion batteries have other
benefits that are making them increasingly popular. As they are extremely
fast responding, they are being
employed in grid stability services
such as FCAS (Frequency Control
Ancillary Services; see my article on
Fig.4: generation mix changes from now until 2050. Three scenarios are modelled,
the most bullish being “green energy exports”, the most conservative “progressive
change” and the central scenario shown as “step change”. Dispatchable capacity
is indicated by the black line. Source: AEMO ISP 2024, p48
Fig.5: using a battery for ‘peak shaving’. As the transmission line reaches its
thermal limit, the battery discharges to prevent an overload. Overall throughput
is improved, as the line can be operated closer to its rating for longer periods.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 43
Fig.6: the mined lithium carbonate price in the last year. Lithium-ion batteries
have subsequently shown a sharp reduction in cost over the last few months.
lithium-ion battery does, but they have
much lower energy density and poor
round-trip efficiency.
Mechanical energy storage methods,
such as compressed air or gravity storage, are also used in very niche scenarios. One notable example is using
decommissioned mine shafts to suspend weights. It has poor economics
from an electricity storage perspective,
but there are other benefits in mine
shaft upkeep and rehabilitation.
See the April 2020 article on GridScale Energy Storage for a more
detailed look at grid storage, including gravity systems (
Demand Response
While dispatchable capacity is
largely thought of from a supply perspective, it can also be created from
demand side solutions. Demand
Response (DR) refers to deliberately
switching off a load to meet a generation shortfall, network constraint or
grid stability requirement. While this
is not technically storage, it helps the
grid in the same way.
At its crudest, this can be the deliberate load shedding network operators
employ in an emergency scenario. Historically, this has been during summer
heatwaves when the grid exceeds its
rated capacity, and substation feeders are deliberately switched off on a
scheduled rotation. This type of DR is
extremely unpopular in Australia, as
electricity customers have no control
over when the outage occurs.
Fortunately, there are less impactful ways to shed load that can have
the same positive outcomes. Any process that has some flexibility in when
it needs to run is a good target for DR.
An example might be a cool room
used for frozen food storage. Given the
vast size of the fridge, it might take
three days to defrost, but only needs
compressors to run eight hours a day to
maintain temperature. By automating
the pumps to turn on during periods
of high supply and turn off when the
grid is supply constrained, the thermal
mass of the refrigerator is effectively
used as storage.
Diesel backup generators are another
example gaining popularity. Many
commercial or industrial facilities
already have diesel backup for blackouts, or for operation/maintenance
reasons. While most of these generators are not allowed to export energy
into the grid, they do effectively work
as demand response by removing a
grid connected load.
It is common for these assets to run
for a minimum of 20 hours per year
for preventative maintenance reasons. Simply aligning those mandatory hours with periods of high electricity demand increases dispatchable
Cost comparisons
It is common in industry to compare
generators by their LCOE (Levelised
Cost Of Energy/Electricity), which
considers revenues and costs over the
Levelised Cost
of Electricity
estimates for
2023 marked
in cyan.
costs for 2050
are shown
in red and
are based
on current
trends. VRE is
a combination
of wind and
solar, with
storage and
2023/24, p72
& p75
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
entire life of the asset. Simply put, the
LCOE of a generator is how much revenue it would need to earn per MWh
of energy generated to pay for its construction and operating expenses.
While this metric isn’t without its
flaws, it does give a reasonable indication of how cheaply different generation types can be built. Still, there can
be large variation in returns over different timescales, regions, and economic
conditions, so we are listing an upper
and lower range for a given fuel type.
Fig.7 shows the current range of
prices for 2023 in cyan, while in red
shows a projection of the same costs
at 2050, using current trends. The
cheapest generator is solar, currently
being built for between $47 and $79
per MWh, followed by onshore wind
for $66 to $109 per MWh. This is the
price for the individual generators, but
given their variability, they will need to
be combined with other technologies.
This modelling considers a separate
generator, VRE (variable renewable
energy), which is a combination of
solar and wind along with firming via
storage and associated transmission
upgrades. The price for a 90% VRE
share is currently assumed at between
$100 and $143 per MWh, projected
to reduce to between $89 and $128 in
2030 (see Figs.8 & 9).
The next cheapest are the fossil
fuel generators; black coal at between
$107 and $211 per MWh, followed
by brown coal at $118 to $199. Midmerit gas is broadly similar at $124 to
$183 per MWh. Gas peakers are classified separately; they operate at a low
capacity factor, so are more expensive
per unit of energy. Depending on the
technology, they can currently be built
for between $204 and $296 per MWh.
Nuclear is estimated at between
$155 and $252 per MWh, reducing to
$133 to $221 by 2050. Without firming,
offshore wind is estimated at between
$146 to $190.
Figs.8 & 9: the VRE cost breakdown for 2023 (top) and 2030 (bottom). Spillage
is curtailed energy, a deliberate reduction in generation to ease an oversupply
problem. It is cheaper to overbuild wind and solar generation and spill energy,
rather than investing in additional storage. Source: Gencost 2023/24, p70
Grid stability
The operation of a grid is not just
about meeting supply with demand,
but also ensuring the system is robust.
Historically, this has been achieved
mainly through ‘spinning reserve’;
large rotating turbines. The energy
transition is seeing a trend away from
these alternators towards Inverter
Based Resources (IBR), which replace
these electromechanical systems with
Fig.10: global trends in LCOE from 2009 to 2023. Source:
IBRs have different strengths and
weaknesses to spinning reserve, and
will need to be operated differently to
achieve the same stability outcomes. In
the follow-up article next month, we
will look at how the different types of
Australia's electronics magazine
IBRs work, and how they are used to
provide grid stability.
That article will also include plenty
of detail on the electronics used in
modern electrical generators and the
electricity distribution grid.
March 2025 45