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Project by Randy Keenan
This versatile waveform generator (also known
as a function generator) is handy for a variety of uses, including audio
equipment analysis, circuit development, displays and demonstrations and as a pulse source for
developing switching and motor controls. It uses three op amps to deliver square, pulse, triangle,
ramp and sine waves from 1Hz to 30kHz.
aveform generators are often
built around specialised ICs,
such as the Exar XR2206, Intersil 8038
or the Maxim MAX038. However, I
wanted to make a waveform generator
using only generic components, like
op amps, with these features:
∎ Output frequencies covering the
audio range and more, from 1Hz to
∎ Waveform outputs of:
a. square/pulse, variable from 5%
to 95% duty cycle, or wider
b. triangle/ramp/sawtooth, variable from positive to negative
c. sinewave with a total harmonic
distortion (THD) of around 1%
∎ Duty cycle/symmetry adjustments do not alter the frequency or
amplitude appreciably
∎ Output amplitudes of the three
waveforms can be matched, peak or
RMS, from 0V to 6V peak-to-peak.
∎ An output impedance less than
∎ Battery-powered for portability
and isolation.
∎ Compact size.
The design presented here is the
result. It uses three op amps, two voltage regulators, six diodes, plus passive components. If any of the specified ICs become scarce, others of the
same or better specifications could be
Operating principle
The circuit needs to generate
the three basic types of waveform:
square/pulse, triangle/ramp and sine.
Since producing triangle/ramps and
sinewaves from a pulse is complicated,
the design begins with an op amp integrator producing a repeating triangle/
ramp waveform.
Referring to the block diagram,
Fig.1, the integrator at left produces
the triangle/ramp waveform, with its
frequency range set by switching in
one of nine different integrator capacitor values. The triangle/ramp waveform is fed to a comparator that turns it
into a square/pulse waveform, which
is then fed back via the frequency
adjustment pot to ensure oscillation.
This gives us the triangle and ramp
The two diodes and symmetry
adjustment pot allow the positive and
negative ramp rates to be varied to give
square/pulse output waveforms.
Modifying (shaping) the triangular
waveform by a separate circuit section
converts it into a sine shape. While
the result is not a perfect sinewave,
it’s pretty close, as demonstrated by
its relatively low distortion/THD figure of about 1%.
The waveforms are selected by the
middle switch, buffered and level-
adjusted by IC3, and then fed to the
Circuit details
Fig.1: the Waveform Generator is designed around three op amps. IC1 is
configured as an integrator and its output feeds into IC2, acting as a comparator,
which feeds back into IC1. This feedback loop causes both to oscillate, with IC1
generating a triangular or sawtooth waveform and IC2 producing a square or
pulse wave. A triangle-to-sinewave shaper produces the third waveform option.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The full circuit is shown in Fig.2.
The heart of the circuit is the integrator composed of op amp IC1. It uses
capacitors as the timing element and
switched frequency range switch S1.
Fig.2: the complete Waveform Generator circuit. S1 selects
between nine possible frequency ranges by switching a different
amount of capacitance across the integrator (IC1). Switch S2 is
used to choose the desired waveform; its level is adjusted using
VR5, then it is buffered by IC3 and fed to two pairs of outputs,
one set DC-coupled and the other AC-coupled.
The capacitor is charged and discharged via pot VR8, trimpots VR9 &
VR10 and diodes D5 and D6. It works
as follows.
Assume that initially the timing
capacitor is discharged, and it is
being charged by a current to pin 4
of IC1 through D6. IC1’s output will
be a linear negative-going ramp to
counteract the increasing charge of
the capacitor. The integration needs
to be stopped at some point, so the
op amp output is fed to a second op
amp, IC2, configured as a comparator
with hysteresis.
When IC1’s output reaches the lower
hysteresis voltage, set by trimpot VR7
and associated components, the comparator is triggered and its output goes
negative, which is fed back to IC1’s
input via potentiometers VR10, VR9,
VR8 and D5, which is now forward-
biased. This causes the timing capacitor to start discharging, resulting in
a positive-going linear output ramp
from IC1.
This continues until IC1’s output
reaches the upper hysteresis voltage
of the comparator, and the output of
IC2 switches again, producing a negative-going ramp from IC1. Thus, the
process of charging and discharging
of the timing capacitor and switching
of IC2’s output continues indefinitely
to produce an upward and downward
ramp, plus a coincident square wave
from the output of IC2.
Varying the duty cycle/
The upward and downward slopes
of the triangle or ramp are determined
by the charging and discharging currents through the two arms of VR8.
If VR8 is at its midpoint, the slopes
are equal and a triangular wave is
produced. If VR8 is off-centre, the
currents through D5 and D6 are
Australia's electronics magazine
unequal, and a sawtooth waveform
is produced.
Since the sum of the resistances to
D5 and D6 and to IC1 is the same at
any setting of VR8—equal to the total
resistance of VR8—the period of the
ramp, or triangle, will be constant
regardless of its shape. (This is not
quite true because of the non-ideal
schottky diode characteristics and
non-ideal characteristics of VR8, but
it’s pretty close.)
The setting of VR8 also determines
the duty-cycle of the square wave/
pulse from IC2, since it depends on
the periods of the upward and downward triangle wave ramps.
To vary the frequency, the square/
pulse output voltages from IC2 are
adjusted by VR10 over a range of
approximately 3:1. I chose this range
to allow for precise setting of the frequency and to reduce non-ideal effects
of the components.
March 2025 65
To cover a wide range of frequencies,
a series of nine charging/timing capacitors can be selected by rotary switch
S1, as shown in Table 1.
Note that there is a 330pF capacitor always connected between pins
1 & 4 of IC1, and this is the only timing capacitor that is used on the highest (10-30kHz) range. It also adds to
the switched-in capacitances on the
3-10kHz and 1-3kHz ranges, but for
lower frequency ranges, its value is too
small to have any real effect.
To obtain a precisely symmetric triangle or 50% duty-cycle square wave,
the potentiometer’s centre detent has
to be pretty close to the point where the
resistance from the wiper to each end
of the track is identical. I have found
that for a typical pot, the resistances
of the two arms are not equal when set
at the detent; furthermore, the detent
generally has some ‘wobble’.
Also, PCB-mounting potentiometers with a centre detent are not readily available. So, to ensure a symmetric waveform, the S3 “Symmetry”
switch can be switched to its “50%”
position, engaging VR11 and its 43kW
series resistor for equal charging and
discharging currents, and thus a fixed
50% symmetry. In the other position,
S3 enables variable symmetry, as
described earlier.
Table 1 – Timing capacitors
S1 Freq. range
300Hz-1kHz 10nF
3nF or 3.3nF *
2 × 330pF
* 3.3nF might make the 1-3kHz band too low in frequency
Table 2 – Li-ion battery options
Type & size
6F22, “9V”
(use two)
350(use four) 1000mAh
(use four)
800(use four) 2500mAh
Silicon Chip
The final task is to produce a sinewave, and the method must work
over the entire frequency range of the
generator. In other words, it must be
frequency-independent from 1Hz to
30kHz. This requires some non-linear
circuit elements. There are various
methods, but I chose a simple one.
Feeding the triangle wave to four
diodes—two for positive and two for
negative, plus a couple resistors—
can reasonably approximate a sinewave. These diodes (D1-D4) should
be closely matched, ideally from a single order and adjacent on a tape. This
technique will never achieve a perfect sinewave, but it can come close
(see Scope 3).
The waveforms square/pulse, triangle/ramp, and sine are selected by S2
and then buffered by op amp IC3 before
being sent to the output terminals.
Both direct and capacitor-isolated outputs are provided.
S2 is arranged with a pattern of
square, off, triangle, off, sine for two
reasons. Firstly, it provides some isolation among the waveforms, and secondly, having an off position or positions can be handy during use.
Because the sinewave from the
shaper has the lowest amplitude of the
three waves, the output op amp gain
is adjusted, via trimpot VR2 (“Sine”),
to accommodate the sinewave. Then
the square/pulse and triangle/ramp
amplitudes can then be adjusted via
trimpots VR3 (“Tri”) and VR6 (“Sq”).
The wave amplitudes may be
adjusted to either have equal peak
amplitudes or equal RMS amplitudes,
as desired. One reason for choosing
equal RMS (root-mean-square) voltages is that each of the waveforms
would deliver the same power to the
load at the same setting.
difficult to fit those into the specified
Compared to 78L05 & 79L05 voltage regulators, the ADP3300-5.0s
have a much lower dropout voltage
and lower quiescent current use for
lower battery drain. They also have
the ability to drive dropout LED indicators (LED1 and LED2 in this circuit)
and provide a more accurate regulated
The specified LEDs are high-
brightness types for operation at low
current and thus lower battery drain.
The more accurate voltages, coupled
with low-input-offset voltage op amps,
reduces the need for compensation-
adjustment circuitry. The ADP33005.0 is used for both the positive (IC4)
and negative (IC5) voltage regulation.
Thus, the batteries do not have a common connection.
If you use USB-rechargeable batteries with a double charging cable, be
sure to remove the USB cables from
the batteries before switching on the
Waveform Generator as the circuit does
not have a common battery connection,
whereas the USB charging cables do
have a common battery connection.
The current drawn from each battery
is about 18mA each polarity, depending slightly on the frequency and waveform. Thus, the “9V” 600mAh batteries should provide about 20 hours (or
more) of operation per charge, as confirmed by my trials, or twice as long
for 1200mAh batteries.
A 220W load increases the current
up to 26mA for a square wave output
at 6V peak-to-peak, or several milliamperes lower for the other waveforms.
Part choices/variations
Two different parts are specified
in the parts list for VR8, the SymmePower supply
try adjustment potentiometer. The
I wanted the waveform generator to P0915N version is better as it results
be battery-powered for easy portability in smaller frequency shifts at the
as well as electrical isolation.
extremes of symmetry/duty cycle, on
The two batteries need sufficient the order of about 1-2%. Using the
voltage for the 5V voltage regulators PTV09 version will probably result in
(REG1 and REG2), meaning about larger frequency shifts.
5.5V minimum, and preferably 7-8V.
However, if using the (better)
The specified batteries are “9V” (actu- P0915N version, its terminals will
ally about 8V) lithium-ion recharge- need to be reformed or trimmed and
able types.
the two projections on the bottom—
Alternative rechargeable lithium- not the mounting tabs—will need to
ion batteries are listed in Table 2, but be removed so the pot will sit directly
check the capacity. I don’t recommend on the PCB. Since its shaft is smooth,
using 14500 (AA-size) cells, as four you can drill out a knurled knob for
are required, in two holders, and it’s a clean fit.
Australia's electronics magazine
Photos 1 & 2: this PCB was assembled with the five SMDs on adaptor boards. Note how the miniature banana sockets
on the right are soldered to the pads on the top of the PCB. I glued the 9V rechargeable batteries to the bottom of the
enclosure and connected them to the PCB using standard battery snaps.
Unfortunately, potentiometers typically have a resistance tolerance of
±20%. Consequently, the values of
some resistors may need to change
depending on the actual resistance of
the pots you get.
1. VR8’s nominal value is 100kW. If
yours measures above 100kW or below
92kW, you should ideally change the
value of the 43kW resistor. Halve the
measured value of VR8 and subtract
5kW, then pick the closest available
value to use in place of the 43kW
2. VR10’s nominal value is 1kW. If its
value is below 935W or above 1.03kW,
you should ideally change the value
of the 390W resistor. Multiply VR10’s
actual resistance by 0.4 and then pick
the closest available value to use in
place of the 390W resistor.
A good alternative combination of
op amps is AD8065 for IC1, either
AD8051 or AD8091 for IC2, and
AD8033 or AD8065 for IC3 (the
AD8033 comes in a smaller package
than the others, so will be more tricky
to solder).
For the five surface-mount ICs,
there are two mounting techniques: (a)
directly on the PCB as surface mount,
or (b) using adaptor boards with pins
and receptacles. The main advantage
of using adaptor boards is that you can
unplug the ICs for testing and it’s easy
to replace them later (eg, for experimentation).
If you decide to use the adaptor
boards, you can prepare them by first
inserting five pins, long end down,
in the appropriate pattern into a stably mounted DIL socket – see Photo
3. Then place an adaptor board, with
the surface-mount pads upward, onto
the pins and solder each pin (Photo 4).
With the pins attached, solder the IC
to the pads using your preferred technique. There are a few ways to do it,
either with a regular iron or hot air;
the construction procedure below goes
over our preferred method. Make sure
that the orientation of the IC is correct
(see Photo 5).
For the op amp ICs, finding the correct orientation is straightforward—
they only have five leads. For the regulators, it’s a bit more tricky as they
are rotationally symmetrical; refer to
the construction procedure below for
Inspect with a magnifying glass to
verify that all leads have been soldered correctly. Pin sockets need to
be inserted into the PCB to receive the
adaptor board pins. It’s best to temporarily attach the adaptor board, solder
those socket pins to the main board,
Photo 3: using a DIP socket as a jig to
hold the PCB pins.
Photo 4: soldering the PCB pins to the
SMD adaptor board.
Photo 5: soldering the SMD IC to the
adaptor board.
IC mounting
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 67
then unplug it before you power it up.
The Waveform Generator is built on
a double-sided PCB coded 04104251
that measures 101.5 × 73.5mm. The
following instructions assume you
will be soldering the three op amp
and two regulator ICs directly to the
PCB pads.
If you want to use adaptors instead,
the procedure is not terribly different except that you will be soldering
those parts to the adaptors, then fitting
the adaptors with pins and soldering
matching sockets to the sets of five
through-hole pads arranged around
each chip location.
Start by soldering the five SMDs.
In each case, spread a thin layer of
flux paste over the PCB pads first.
The op amps, IC1-IC3, each have five
pins with two on one side and three
on the other, so the correct orientation of each should be obvious. Place
the part on the board, tack-solder one
pin and check that the device is flat
on the board and each lead is centred
over its pad.
If not, remelt the initial solder joint
and gently nudge the part into place.
Repeat if necessary until it is nicely
aligned, then solder the remaining
pins. Add a small amount of flux paste
to the first pin and touch it with a clean
soldering iron tip to reflow the joint.
Given that these leads are quite close
together, you may have accidentally
bridged two or more pins. Use a magnifier to check.
If you have, it’s quite easy to correct: simply add a small amount of
flux paste to those pins, put the end
of some solder-wicking braid on top
and press it down onto the board and
pins with your soldering iron. Wait for
a few seconds until the solder melts,
then drag the wick away from the pins
and lift it and the iron off the board.
That should leave behind just the right
amount of solder.
REG1 and REG2 are similar to
IC1-IC3, but they’re a bit more tricky
because they have three pins on each
side. That means you’ll have to figure
out which of the two possible orientations is correct. The PCB is missing a
pad on one side because pin 2 of these
devices is not used.
Examine the chip under magnification and find the pin 1 indicator in
one corner. Rotate it so that corner is
next to the missing central pad, then
tack-solder one pin. Proceed with soldering as for IC1-IC3 but of course you
can skip the pin which has no corresponding pad. You should still check
for bridges to pin 2 (however unlikely
they are) and fix them if present.
If you manage to solder them in the
wrong orientation, simply remove the
middle pin and resolder it on the other
side of the adaptor.
Now move on to fit the throughhole resistors and diodes. The orientations of the resistors do not matter
but the diodes do, so make sure their
cathode stripes face as shown in the
overlay diagram (Fig.3). Also, don’t get
the similar-looking 1N4148 (standard
silicon, D1-D4) and BAT41 (schottky,
D5 & D6) diodes mixed up.
Note that the resistors used are
smaller than the standard 1/4W or 1/2W
types generally used in our projects. As
1/4W resistors won’t fit in the specified
case, we recommend you use 1/6W or
1/8W miniature body resistors.
There are many resistor values used,
so refer to the colour code table in the
parts list or use a DMM set to measure
ohms to ensure they go in the right
Follow with the capacitors, none of
which are polarised except for the two
larger electrolytics. Their longer (positive) leads face each other, as shown
by the + marks on Fig.3. While many of
the ceramic capacitors are 1μF types,
there are quite a few different values,
so don’t get them mixed up.
The two larger 1μF 250V caps go
near the output terminals as shown,
laid over as otherwise they will be too
tall to fit in the enclosure later.
Next, fit the trimpots. There are eight
in four different values, so again, make
sure the right ones go in the right locations. Note that the footprints for the
trimpots on the PCB have four pads,
while the trimpots have three pins.
This is to allow you to use either the
common 3362P types or the less-
common 3362R reversed version.
Fig.3 shows the correct orientations
for 3362P trimpots, and the PCB also
has “P” and “R” labels on the two
possible locations for the central pin.
If using 3362R trimpots, rotate them
180° compared to what’s shown in
Fig.3, so the central pin goes into the
pads marked “R” on the PCB.
If you are using adaptors for the op
amps, you can test the board before
connecting any of the expensive op
amps to the circuit. Connect the batteries, plug in the two regulators
Fig.3: the three ICs and two regulators are shown
soldered directly to the PCB here, but they can
also be attached via SMD-to-DIL adaptors, using
the rows of holes above and below each of those
devices. Watch the orientations of the ICs, diodes,
electrolytic capacitors, trimpots and rotary
switches. The two LEDs
indicate both when it
is switched on and also
whether the 9V batteries
are still OK. Also note
the way the batteries
are wired – there is
no reverse polarity
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
and switch the power on; both LEDs
should light up. When connecting the
batteries, it is best to have the power
switch off; otherwise, accidentally
touching a connector with the wrong
polarity could damage a voltage regulator.
Using the output ground (“COM.”)
as a reference, measure the voltages
at pins 2 & 5 of IC1 (you can use the
larger through-hole pads or sockets
rather than trying to probe the SMD
pads). Pin 2 is at top centre and should
measure -4.98V to -5.02V, while pin 5
is at lower-right and should measure
+4.98V to +5.02V. If not, switch off
and check for faults.
If you’ve soldered these ICs directly
to the board, you can still perform this
test, but there is a risk of damaging
the ICs if something is wrong with the
regulators. So check the orientation of
REG1 & REG2 carefully before switching on, as well as the polarity of the
batteries and their wiring (you can do
this by probing the battery terminals
on the PCB with a multimeter).
If everything checks out, and you
have socketed the ICs, switch the
power off and plug in IC1, IC2 and
IC3. Make sure they’re all orientated
correctly, with the sides with two pins
facing towards the bottom of the PCB.
Set the Amplitude control (VR5) to
maximum and the Waveform switch
(S2) to square wave. Set Symmetry (S3)
to the 50% position, and all trimpots
to around midrange. When power is
switched back on, there should be a
square waveform—or nearly so—at
the output, centred at 0V.
Are both LEDs on? If not, the batteries, voltage regulators and associated
circuitry need attention. If they’re on
but there’s no output, check that the
Waveform switch (S2) is not at one of
the off positions and that the Amplitude control (VR5) is not at or near
minimum. Try adjusting trimpot VR7
As usual, if you run into any problems, check that the ICs and diodes are
all in the correct orientations. Remove
the ICs, if using adaptor boards, and
verify the supply voltages again. Check
that the resistors and capacitors are all
the correct values. Look for unsoldered
pins or wires, and for solder bridges
on both sides of the PCB.
If you’re still stuck, check the output of IC1 at pin 1 (upper right). If
Parts List – Waveform Generator
1 double-sided PCB coded 04104251, 101.5 × 73.5mm
1 Serpac 131,BK plastic enclosure [Mouser 635-131-B]
1 panel label, 104 × 74mm
2 9-position vertical rotary switches, 18t split shafts (S1, S2)
[Taiwan Alpha SR1712F-0109-15K0A-N9-N-027]
2 miniature PCB-mount vertical DPDT toggle switches (S3, S4)
[Nidec ATE2D-2M3-10-Z]
4 miniature 2mm banana sockets [Amazon B096DD21SP]
5 SOT-23-6 to DIL breakout boards (optional) [SparkFun BOB-00717]
25 0.51mm diameter PCB pins (optional)
[DigiKey ED90325-ND, Mouser 575-90810001508]
25 0.51mm diameter PCB pin sockets (optional)
[Mouser 575-3016015152127]
2 9V rechargeable batteries [eg, 600mAh EBL6F22] (BAT1, BAT2)
2 9V battery snaps with flying leads (BAT1, BAT2)
5 knobs to suit the 18t spline shafts of S1, S2, VR5, VR8 & VR10
4 3mm inner diameter, 1mm-thick plastic or fibre flat washers
4 No.4 × 8mm self-tapping screws
4 stick-on rubber feet
2 AD8065ART op amps, SOT-23-5 (IC1, IC3; see text for other options)
1 AD8091ART op amp, SOT-23-5 (IC2; see text for other options)
2 ADP3300ARTZ-5 low-dropout 5V linear regulators, SOT-23-6 (REG1, REG2)
1 high-brightness 3mm red LED (LED1) [Kingbright WP710A10SRD/J4]
1 high-brightness 3mm green LED (LED2) [Kingbright WP710A10ZGDK]
4 1N4148 or equivalent 75V 200mA signal diodes (D1-D4)
2 BAT41 or equivalent 70V 15mA schottky diodes (D5, D6)
Capacitors (all 50V radial multi-layer ceramic, 2.5mm pitch unless noted)
2 330μF 6.3V low-profile (5mm tall) radial electrolytic
[Panasonic ECE-A0JKS331]
1 3.3μF 25/50V X7R ±10% [Murata RCER71E335K2DBH03A]
2 1μF 250V X7R ±10% [Murata RDER72E105K5B1H03B]
12 1μF 25/50V X7R ±10% [Murata RDER71H105K2M1H03A]
1 330nF 25/50V X7R ±5% [Kemet C333C334J5R5TA]
1 100nF 25/50V NP0/C0G ±5% [Murata RCE5C1H104J2A2H03B]
1 33nF 25/50V NP0/C0G ±5% [TDK FA14C0G1H333JNU00]
1 10nF 25/50V NP0/C0G ±5% [Kemet C315C103J3G5TA]
1 3.3nF NP0/C0G ±5% [Murata RCER5C1H332J0DBH03A]
1 1nF NP0/C0G ±5%
3 330pF NP0/C0G ±5% [Kemet C315C331J3G5TA]
1 100pF NP0/C0G ±5% [Vishay K101J15C0GH53L2]
1 47pF ±5% [TDK FG18C0G1H470JNT00]
1 33pF NP0/C0G ±5% [Vishay K330J15C0GF53L2]
Potentiometers (all 9mm vertical plastic pcb-mount 18t spline shaft types)
1 5kW linear B-type (VR5) [Bourns PTV09A-4030U-B502-ND]
1 100kW linear B-type (VR8) [DigiKey 987-1708-ND – see text]
1 1kW linear B-type (VR10) [DigiKey PTV09A-4020U-B102-ND]
Trimpots (all 3362P-style miniature top-adjust)
3 2kW (VR1, VR2, VR6)
3 5kW (VR3, VR7, VR9)
1 1kW (VR4)
1 10kW (VR11)
Resistors (all ⅛W miniature axial 1%)
2 470kW
1 3.3kW
1 100kW
2 2.2kW
1 43kW
1 1kW
1 27kW
1 470W
2 22kW
1 390W
1 3.9kW
1 330W
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2025 69
Fig.4: a pure sinewave shaped like
this will have a low distortion figure,
well under 1% THD. Try to get the
output of your unit to match this as
closely as possible.
there is a triangle waveform, then IC1
& IC2 are working and IC3 may need
If you’re getting strange waveforms,
verify that the schottky and regular
diodes have the correct orientations.
Check the values of the following components: the filter capacitors across
VR3 and series diode pair D1 & D3,
IC3’s feedback capacitor, and compensation capacitor across the 2.2kW resistor from IC1’s output to VR7.
Set-up and calibration
Calibration requires the following
steps in sequence.
1. Set the Frequency Band switch
(S1) to the 1-3kHz position. Set the
Frequency pot (VR10) and all trimpots
at approximately midrange.
2. Connect an oscilloscope to the
lowest lead of a capacitor below S1,
using the output common terminal as
the reference.
3. Set the S3 Symmetry switch to
the 50% position and apply power. A
triangle wave should be displayed on
the oscilloscope. Adjust trimpot VR7
(Hyst) so you get exactly 4V peak-topeak. The triangle may be slightly
asymmetrical; that will be fixed in
step 5.
4. Connect the oscilloscope to the
direct output terminal, set the Waveform switch (S2) to square wave mode
and adjust VR5 for maximum amplitude. A square wave should be displayed on the oscilloscope.
5. Adjust trimpot VR4 (Balance) for
an exactly symmetrical square wave.
A multimeter with a duty-cycle measurement option would be useful here,
or use a similar oscilloscope measurement. Adjust VR10 (Frequency)
if necessary.
6. Set S3 to its alternative Vary position. Adjust trimpot VR9 (“Sym”) so
you get slightly less than 5% duty
cycle with VR8 fully anti-clockwise
and slightly more than 95% duty cycle
with VR8 fully clockwise. The duty
cycle can be pushed from 2% to 98%,
but frequency shift may increase.
7. With S3 still in the Vary position, adjust VR9 (Sym) for an exactly
symmetrical waveform. Note the frequency. Set S3 back to the 50% position and achieve exactly the same frequency by adjusting VR11 (50% Freq).
8. Set S3 back to the 50% position
and S2 to sinewave. An approximate
sinewave should be displayed.
Sinewave adjustment
9. Adjust trimpot VR1 (THD) to
achieve the cleanest possible sinewave. You can trace Fig.4 onto tracing
paper, baking paper or clear plastic and
place it over the oscilloscope screen as
a guide. Alternatively, if your ‘scope
has a spectrum analyser mode (or you
have a spectrum analyser) adjust VR1
for minimum harmonics.
If you are not fussy, forming an
approximation to a sinewave on a
‘scope screen may be good enough.
If using a spectrum analyser, I suggest setting the Wave Generator frequency to 1kHz and the analyser frequency span to cover the audio range.
Momentarily switch to triangle wave
mode and adjust trimpot VR4 (“Bal”)
to minimise the second (2kHz) and
all other even harmonics. This should
only require a slight readjustment.
Switch back to sinewave mode and
adjust VR1 (“THD”) to minimise the
odd harmonics.
Then adjust trimpot VR1 (THD) to
minimise the odd harmonics. VR7
(Hyst) may also be adjusted a slight
amount, but this will also alter the
frequency bands.
When you’ve finished, all even
harmonics should be approximately
60dB lower than the fundamental and
all odd harmonics (starting at 3kHz)
should be at least 45dB lower than the
fundamental. Adjust the amplitude
setting as necessary to avoid overloading the spectrum analyser. A sinewave
THD close to 1% should be achievable.
Wave amplitudes
10. Leaving the ‘scope connected to
the direct output and S2 in the sinewave position, set VR5 (Amplitude)
to maximum. Now you have a choice
of equal peak voltages or equal RMS
voltages for the three waveforms. For
equal peak voltages, decide on what
maximum you want and adjust VR2
(Sine) to that maximum. I do not recommend greater than 6V peak-topeak.
Next, set S2 to square wave mode
and adjust VR6 to achieve the chosen maximum output level. Switch
S2 to triangle wave mode and adjust
trimpot VR3 (Tri) to achieve the same
maximum level. Alternatively, to set
the waveforms to equal RMS voltages,
use Table 3 or an RMS-reading device
(multimeter or oscilloscope).
11. Check that VR10 (Frequency)
varies the frequency over a range of
at least 3:1 and check the minimum
Fig.5: the controls are quite complicated so you’ll
need this panel label to understand what they
all do. It will also help you locate the holes for
the switch and potentiometer shafts, LEDs and
banana sockets. You can download it as a PDF
from our website and print it at actual size (1:1).
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
and maximum frequency for each
band. The bands should overlap. If
the minimums are not low enough,
decrease the value of the 390W resistor.
If the maximums are not high enough,
adjust VR7 (Hyst) slightly and return
to step 8.
The frequency bands will likely not
track by exact factors because of the
typical variations in capacitance of
the timing capacitors. That’s why these
capacitors (all the ones that connect
to pin 1 of IC1) should have a ±5%
or better tolerance, if possible. In the
worst case, you may need to replace
one or two caps or parallel them with
lower-value capacitors.
12. With S2 (Waveform) set to triangle wave and S3 (Symmetry) at the
Vary setting, rotate VR8 (Symmetry) to
both extremes to check that the triangle
wave becomes a clean downward or
upward ramp/sawtooth, and recheck
that, on the square wave setting, the
output becomes a pulse that varies in
duty cycle between 5% and 95%.
Enclosure preparation
Fig.5 is a front panel label that can
also be used as a drilling guide. You
can download it from
We have instructions on preparing
and attaching panel labels online, see:
With the panel label attached, the
holes can then be drilled through carefully. The final hole sizes are 3mm for
the LEDs, 8mm for the potentiometers,
10mm for the rotary switches, 4mm for
the toggle switches and 2.5mm for the
banana sockets.
If possible, I suggest punching the
small holes. I also suggest countersinking the small holes on the inside
of the enclosure for easier insertion of
the LEDs, switches and banana receptacles. The mounting post on the top
part of the enclosure that is near rotary
switch S2 needs to be trimmed back a
bit to allow room for the switch. The
anti-rotation tabs on the tops of the
rotary switches and pots need to be
Insert the LEDs and banana sockets into the PCB with the LEDs in the
correct orientations, but do not solder
them yet. Temporarily fit the PCB into
the enclosure using a 1mm-thick non-
conductive (eg, plastic or fibre) spacer
or washer on each mounting post.
Top tip: use super glue to stick the
washers in place temporarily (either
to the enclosure or top of the PCB) so
they don’t slide out as you’re trying to
assemble everything.
Adjust the LEDs and banana receptacles as desired, then solder the LEDs,
and tack-solder the sockets quickly
to avoid melting the plastic. Remove
the PCB and solder the sockets to the
upper surface of the PCB, being careful to maintain their position. You
can now screw the PCB into place in
the enclosure on the 1mm spacers. Do
not use panel-mount hardware on the
rotary switches or VR8.
After considering several mounting methods for the batteries, I simply
used a little epoxy to attach them to
the lower part of the enclosure, with a
piece of thick paper in between should
I ever want to remove them. You could
also consider foam-cored double-sided
tape, although it may not be strong
enough to hold them long-term.
Usage notes
The square wave or pulse rise and
fall times are approximately 90ns (see
Scopes 1 & 2). There is a barely noticeable non-linearity in the triangle waves
at the three lowest frequency bands. I
attribute this to the capacitors, which
are X7R for these bands.
The higher-frequency bands use
C0G/NP0 capacitors and look perfectly
linear to my eye. Using C0G or film
capacitors for the higher-value timing
capacitors would eliminate the slight
non-linearity, but they are too large to
realistically fit. For an explanation of
capacitor types, see our detailed March
2021 article on capacitors (siliconchip.
Scope 3 compares the Waveform
Generator’s quasi-sinewave (mauve)
to a pure sinewave (yellow) at 1kHz;
the pure sinewave was generated
by sending the Waveform Generator
quasi-sinewave through a three-stage
RC filter.
Table 3 – peak vs RMS voltages
RMS formula
Peak for 1V RMS
Peak for 2V RMS
Vrms = Vpeak
Vrms = Vpeak ÷ √3
Vrms = Vpeak ÷ √2
Australia's electronics magazine
Scope 1: a 30kHz pulse with a duty
cycle of 2%, from setting “Waveform”
to square/pulse and the “Symmetry”
control fully anti-clockwise.
Scope 2: a 30kHz ramp, from setting
Waveform to triangle/ramp and
Symmetry control fully anti-clockwise.
Scope 3: a pure sinewave (yellow)
with the generator’s output overlaid
(mauve) at 1kHz. The total harmonic
distortion (THD) is around 1% if
it’s properly adjusted. There is a
slight phase shift between the two
There is a frequency shift, up to
1-2%, as the symmetry/duty cycle is
varied between 5% and 95%. This
appears to be a peculiarity of the
potentiometers; in particular, carbon-
element potentiometers. Cermet pots
have much less shift, but they are considerably more expensive. A likely
additional contributor is the nonideal characteristics of the schottky
March 2025 71