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Vol.8, No.8; August 1995
4 Electronic Diesel Engine Management
Electronic technology is greatly improving the performance of
diesel engines. Here’s a look at the electronic control system
used by Detroit Diesel on truck engines – by Julian Edgar
14 133MHz Pentium Processor Now Available
The Pentium is about to become the mainstream processor in
PCs. We take a look at its main features & give some details on
Intel’s latest 133MHz Pentium processor
18 Vifa JV-60 2-Way Bass Reflex Loudspeaker System
These new 60-litre systems use two 170mm woofers & a tweeter
with a ferro-fluid voice coil – by Leo Simpson
24 A Fuel Injector Monitor For Cars
This circuit monitors the fuel injectors & displays a reading that’s
directly proportional to the injector opening time – by Rick Walters
30 A Gain-Controlled Microphone Preamp
Use it with PA systems to maintain a constant level – by John Clarke
54 Audio Lab: A PC-Controlled Audio Test Instrument
Monitors frequency, resistance, capacitance, and AC & DC voltage; and
performs frequency response plots – by Roger Kent
60 Build The Mighty-Mite Powered Loudspeaker
It uses a miniature IC & delivers an output of 1W – by John Clarke
75 Build A 6-12V Alarm Screamer Module
It comes as a kit & puts out 110dB of noise
40 Serviceman’s Log
It took a little longer than usual – by the TV Serviceman
72 Computer Bits
An easy way to identify IDE hard disc drive parameters – by Geoff Cohen
80 Vintage Radio
A couple of odd radio repairs – by John Hill
2 Publisher’s Letter
37 Mailbag
38 Circuit Notebook
53 Bookshelf
59 Order Form
86 Product Showcase
90 Ask Silicon Chip
94 Market Centre
96 Advertising Index
94 Notes & Errata
August 1995 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus.
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Rick Walters
Reader Services
Ann Jenkinson
Advertising Enquiries
Leo Simpson
Phone (02) 9979 5644
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Marque Crozman, VK2ZLZ
Julian Edgar, Dip.T.(Sec.), B.Ed
John Hill
Jim Lawler, MTETIA
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Jim Yalden, VK2YGY
Bob Young
Stuart Bryce
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 003 205 490. All
material copyright ©. No part of
this publication may be reproduced
without the written consent of the
Printing: Macquarie Print, Dubbo,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $49 per year
in Australia. For overseas rates, see
the subscription page in this issue.
Editorial & advertising offices:
Unit 34, 1-3 Jubilee Avenue, Warrie
wood, NSW 2102. Postal address:
PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW
2097. Phone (02) 9979 5644. Fax
(02) 9979 6503.
Keep those letters
In the routine of producing SILICON
CHIP every month it is easy to become
disenchanted with the workload and
sometimes we might wonder if all the
detail work is really worth it. This is
especially the case as we get close to
the final deadlines and everything has
to be delivered to the printer. These
thoughts were prompted by two items
of mail which arrived on my desk this
morning. One was a note from a reader which he included with his twoyear subscription renewal. It was just a few words of appreciation about the
magazine and how he enjoys it. The other item was a large postcard from
New Zealand from a reader who had just received one of our project books.
Again, he was very complimentary.
Now both of these items gave me a real buzz. They were timely because
they arrived at the peak pressure time and they were especially appreciated because they give the feeling that the close attention to detail by all the
magazine staff is really worthwhile. To those two readers and all of you who
pass on these remarks of appreciation from time to time, thanks very much.
All of which is a comment on the whole subject of correspondence with
which we have a love/hate relationship. The mail seems to come in waves.
Sometimes we are overwhelmed with the volume of it and wonder what has
moved so many people to suddenly write and order various items, to ask for
circuits and so on. We then have a battle to catch up with it, especially if it
has arrived at close to deadlines and editorial work has taken precedence.
That explains the “hate” part of the love/hate relationship – we hate trying
to catch up with it. At other times the mail might slow to a dribble and we
again wonder why everybody has gone quiet. At those times, we would
“love” to receive more mail.
Apart from giving us a feeling that we’re appreciated, your letters can
help make the magazine better and give you more of what you want. Many
articles and circuits that appear in SILICON CHIP are the result of suggestions
by readers. We can’t always help with your queries but we do manage to
respond positively in most cases.
So please feel free to write in, make comments on the magazine content
or on topics of current interest, contribute circuits for publication or request
information on circuits that have been published. We respond as quickly
as we can and most orders for back issues and other products are sent out
on the same day.
Leo Simpson
ISSN 1030-2662
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should
be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried out according to the
instructions in the articles. When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with
mains AC voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high voltages,
you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone be killed
or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of SILICON CHIP magazine. Devices or circuits described in SILICON
CHIP may be covered by patents. SILICON CHIP disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing or selling of
any such equipment. SILICON CHIP also disclaims any liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant government
regulations and by-laws.
Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Trade Practices Act
1974 or as subsequently amended and to any governmental regulations which are applicable.
2 Silicon Chip
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Electronic diesel
engine management
Just as electronics has brought great strides in
the performance & reliability of petrol engines,
the application of similar techniques to diesel
engines has led to improvements in fuel economy
& a reduction in pollution. Here we examine the
electronic control system used by Detroit Diesel
on some truck engines.
Diesel engines are widely used in
railway locomotives, ships, heavy
industry and trucks. Although of a
similar age to the spark internal combustion engine, the diesel engine has
not been widely adopted for use in
passenger cars. However, just as elec4 Silicon Chip
tronic engine management has been
widely adopted to improve the performance of cars, similar techniques
have been applied in diesel engines
for trucks, particularly those used for
long distance haulage. As a result,
typical electronically controlled diesel
engines are as much as 20% more fuel
efficient than their predecessors.
Although the basic design of petrol
and diesel engines is similar (both are
two or four-stroke designs which use
reciprocating pistons driving a crankshaft), a diesel engine does not ignite
its fuel charge by the use of a spark
plug. Instead, only air is compressed
on the compression stroke. The fuel
charge for the power stroke is accurately metered and pressurised by a fuel
injection pump, of which there is one
for each cylinder. It then passes to the
high pressure injector and is sprayed
into the combustion chamber, where
it mixes with the hot compressed air
and self-ignites.
In a petrol engine (even one using
fuel injection), the fuel and air are
mixed prior to entry to the combustion
chamber. The fuel/air mix is drawn
into the cylinder on the intake stroke
and so the injectors or carburettor need
only mix the fuel and air at close to
ambient air pressures. On the other
hand, diesel injectors must operate
at pressures of over 20MPa (3000 psi)
and inject minute quantities of fuel at
a rate of 2.5-25Hz.
In order that the air in the diesel’s
cylinders becomes hot enough for
combustion to occur, the compression
ratio is much higher than in a petrol
engine. Compression ratios of 14:1
to 24:1 are commonly used, giving
a cylinder pressure when the air is
compressed of up to 3800kPa (560
psi). At a compression ratio of 16:1,
the air temperature will theoretically
be at 525°C, with actual temperatures
being around 425-550°C in working
diesel engines.
Table 1 gives a summary of some
of the differences between petrol and
diesel engines.
Because no throttling of the intake
air occurs in a diesel engine (load
changes are catered for by changing
the mass of fuel introduced), a diesel
engine needs to be governed to limit
maximum engine speed. In comparison to petrol engines, the maximum
engine speed of a diesel is quite low,
typically 2500 to 5000 RPM.
This is because of the inertial loadings created by the heavy internal
components which are required to
absorb the very high cylinder pressures created during the power stroke.
In order that the correct amounts of
fuel are introduced to the combustion
chamber at the right time, a complex
mechanical system is usually employed.
Mechanical fuel delivery
The mechanical delivery of fuel to a
diesel engine is complicated because
of the high fuel pressures and short
delivery times available. In fact, the
processes occurring during injection
are more akin to acoustic principles
than geometric laws of displacement.
In a mechanical system, an engine-driven camshaft drives an injection pump’s plunger which feeds
a high-pressure gallery. The delivery
valve opens and a pressure wave
proceeds toward the injection nozzle
at the speed of sound (approximately
Fig.1: schematic of a mechanical diesel injection system: (1) Fuel tank; (2)
Governor; (3) Fuel-supply pump; (4) Injection pump; (5) Timing device; (6) Drive
from engine; (7) Fuel filter; (8) Vent; (9) Nozzle-and-holder assembly; (10) Fuel
return line; (11) Overflow line.
1400 metres per second under these
conditions). When the injection nozzle’s opening is reached, the needle
valve overcomes the force of the injection nozzle spring and lifts from its
seat so that fuel can be injected from
the spray orifices into the engine’s
combustion chamber.
Fig.1 shows a schematic diagram of
an in-line fuel injection pump system
with a mechanical governor.
The mechanical Detroit Diesel system differs slightly from this in that
a combined plunger-type injection
pump and hydrauli
injector is used for each cylinder. The
amount of fuel injected is governed
by the period of injector flow. This is
Table 1: Diesel vs. Petrol Engines
High Speed Diesel
Petrol Engine
Admission of fuel
Direct from fuel injector
From carburettor via the
manifold, or injected into the
inlet port
Compression ratio
14:1 to 24:1
7:1 to 10:1
Heat due to compression
Electric spark
Varies little throughout the
speed range
Varies greatly throughout the
speed range
Brake thermal efficiency
Compression pressure
Compression temperature
August 1995 5
Up to 230°C
Fig.2: the DDEC-II
system uses a large
range of sensors
to set the engine
operating conditions.
In addition, there is
an engine protection
system which is
activated when the
ECM receives an outof-specification signal
from the oil or coolant
temperature sensors,
the oil pressure or
coolant level sensors,
or two additional
sensors which can be
specified by the truck
to the cylinders by the electronic injectors which are cam-driven for pres
surisation of the fuel and controlled
by solenoid-operated valves to give
precise fuel delivery.
DDEC electronics
The electronic unit injector
incorporates a solenoid-operated
poppet valve which performs the
injection timing & metering functions.
Oil & fuel temperature sensors are
also used. The oil temperature is used
as part of the engine protection system
incorporated into DDEC-III, while fuel
temperature is monitored to aid in the
calculation of fuel economy.
dictated by the opening and closing
of ports within the injector body itself, which in turn are dependent on
mechanical linkages to the governor
mechanism and the throttle.
Electronic management
The air temperature sensor is used
to provide one of the ECM’s inputs.
White smoke suppression & improved
cold starting result from the use of
this sensor. Other sensors monitor the
intake manifold temperature & the oil
6 Silicon Chip
Detroit Diesel Electronic Control
(DDEC – pronounced ‘Dee-Deck’) was
introduced in September 1985. DDECII was released in 1986 and the system
currently in use is DDEC-III, released
in 1994. The major subsystems of
DDEC are the electronic injectors, the
electronic control module (ECM) and
the sensors. Fig.2 shows a schematic
diagram of DDEC-II. Fuel is delivered
The DDEC-II system uses a microprocessor designed by General Motors
(Detroit Diesel Allison is a subsidiary of General Motors Corporation).
Similar to the Motorola MC68HC11,
its features include 2Kb of EEPROM
and 256 bytes of static RAM. DDEC-III
has a much improved microprocessor
which runs eight times faster, has
seven times more memory and is 50%
Electronic injectors operate on a
similar principle to DDA mechanical
injectors but a solenoid-operated
control valve performs the injection
timing and metering functions. Unlike
a petrol EFI system, it is the closing
(rather than opening) of the solenoid
valve which initiates the beginning
of injection. A bypass for the fuel is
blocked when the valve closes, forcing
the fuel to pass through the injector
nozzle and into the combustion chamber. Conversely, opening the valve
causes pressure decay and the end of
A pulse width modulated (PWM)
driver pulses the current to the injector solenoids at about 10kHz during
the injection phase. Fig.3 shows the
sequence of events during injection.
DDEC III Features
Watertight connectors are used to connect the sensors to the ECM. In engine
management systems, connectors & the wiring loom are responsible for most
of the faults which occur.
When voltage is applied to the injector solenoid, current begins to flow
through the coil. The current increases
until the magnetic field creates enough
force to move the armature and valve
assembly against the return spring
force. Once a preset current flow is
reached, the driver circuitry regulates
the voltage and monitors the current.
A detection circuit is used to monitor
the time at which the valve closes and
injection actually starts; this is critical
in maintaining injection timing and
fuel quantity control.
After the detection circuit signals
that the valve is closed, the current
passing through the coil is set to a level
sufficient to keep the valve closed. At
the end of the command pulse, the
low inductance coil design promotes
rapid current decay and fast valve
opening. During the first portion of
the command pulse, the time needed
for the valve to close is dependent on
the rate at which energy is supplied
to the magnetic field. This is highly
dependent on battery voltage and the
feedback signal supplied by the detection circuitry is used to compensate
for this variable. Fuel injector timing
of better than ±0.25 crankshaft degrees
is obtained with this system.
Engine control module
Unlike the electronic engine management systems employed in cars, the
DDEC system uses an engine-mounted ECM and the circuit boards are
designed to withstand the rigours of
vibration, heat and dust. Large components are hot-melt glued to the boards
and the board supports are designed
to prevent low frequency resonances.
Elastomer mounts are used between
the ECM and the engine, reducing
vibration levels to less than 1G RMS
for the majority of the frequency
spectrum. Fig.4 shows the measured
vibration of the ECM with and without
the isolation mounts.
Under-bonnet temperatures can run
as high as 150°C but the module is
protected from these extremes by being
mounted on a fuel-cooled plate. Using
the fuel to keep the ECM cool might
seem odd but water cooling would
not be suitable since the temperature
is too high, at above 120°C (due to
pressurisation of the cooling system).
The diesel fuel, on the other hand, is
normally at ambient temperature and
so the ECM is kept considerably cooler
than engine block temperatures. In
addition, all electronic components
in the ECM are rated for operation at
up to 125°C.
Sensors & engine protection
As with cars, lots of sensors are
used in the DDEC-III system. Some
are used to adjust the engine operating conditions while others can bring
the engine protection system into
play. The engine protection system is
activated when the ECM receives an
out-of-specification signal from the oil
or coolant temperature sensors, the oil
pressure or coolant level sensors, or
two additional sensors (which can be
specified by the truck manufacturer).
Each of the above sensors can be
programmed to cause one of two
results. The first is complete engine
shutdown, 30 seconds after a dash
Excellent engine performance
Optimum fuel economy
Emission laws met without
exhaust gas after-treatment
Engine diagnostics
Simple programming
Engine protection system
Cruise control
Cooling fan control
Engine fan braking
Vehicle speed limiting
Vehicle over-speed diagnostics
Vehicle ID number
Idle speed adjustment
Idle timer shutdown
Warning lights for low DDEC
voltage, low coolant, low oil
pressure, high oil temperature,
high coolant temperature
Communication links – SAE
J1587, J1922, J1939
warning light comes on. This could
happen, for example, after loss of oil
pressure. The second possible result
is “Ramp Down” which illuminates
a yellow dash warning light and cuts
the engine power to 70%, then a red
dash light comes on and the power is
reduced to 40%. Alternatively, any of
the sensors can illuminate warning
lights on the dash.
Both the Ramp Down and Shut
Down modes can be overridden by the
driver if a switch is operated every 30
seconds, allowing a return to 70% of
operating power. This could allow a
driver to proceed safely to his destination, or at least to a safe position by
the roadside.
Engine fuel control
There are sensors for air temperature, intake mani
fold temperature,
and for oil temperature. Both are
used to adjust the idle speed and
fuel injection, to reduce white smoke
emissions and improve cold starting.
As well, there is a coolant temperature sensor which allows the ECM to
measure engine temperature and also
to trigger an over-temperature alarm.
The fuel temperature sensor does
not affect engine running but does
provide an input in the calculation of
fuel consumption. Similarly, the fuel
August 1995 7
The oil pressure sensor is used as an
input to the engine protection system.
This sensor is designed specifically
for fire truck operation & measures
fire pump water pressure. The engine
speed is then adjusted by the ECM to
give a constant water pressure.
pressure sensor provides an input for
consumption calculations.
Fire pump pressure sensor
As you might imagine, this facility
is only used on fire trucks, to monitor
water pressure for the Pressure Governor System. This signal causes the
ECM to set the engine speed to allow
the fire pump to maintain a constant
pumping pressure.
Perhaps the most crucial sensor is
that for throttle position and this is a
major area of difference to the control
of petrol engines. Whereas the accelerator pedal for a petrol engined car
directly controls the butterfly valve in
the throttle body, the accelerator pedal
for a DDEC-fitted diesel has no direct
connection to the engine. The driver
“demands” a certain amount of power
by depressing the accelerator pedal
but how much he gets is determined
by the ECM.
In effect, this is a “fly-by-wire”
system. One of its beneficial effects
is that it stops the emission of clouds
of smoke as a diesel truck accelerates
–because the fuel is always precisely
controlled, it can never be over-rich
and therefore, smoke is minimised.
Timing sensors
Two timing sensors are used to
control the fuel injection. The “SRS”
–synchronous reference sensor –
provides a ‘once per cam revolution’
signal, while the “TRS” – timing
reference sensor – provides 36 pulses
per crankshaft revolution. Both sense
the rotation of a toothed cog (called
a “pulse wheel”) on the crank shaft.
Working together, these sensors allow
the ECM to sense which cylinder is at
The Diagnostic Data Reader can be used to program factors such as the cruise
control settings, vehicle ID number, engine power rating & vehicle speed
limiting. It also can download engine faults logged in the ECM’s memory.
8 Silicon Chip
Fig.3: the relationship between the
electrical events & injection. BOI
indicates the Beginning of Injection.
Top Dead Centre. Precise monitoring
of piston position allows optimum
injection timing.
Other sensors include those for (1)
vehicle speed (for use with cruise control, vehicle speed limiting, and progressive engine braking); and (2) turbo
boost (for monitoring the compressor
discharge pressure, for smoke control
during engine acceleration).
Control functions
The fundamental variable controlled by the DDEC system is the engine fuel input. This is accomplished
by the fuel pulse width and timing
signals applied to the injectors. The
ECM calculates a desired torque level
based on the driver’s throttle position
and the engine RPM. The basic torque
request and injection timing are modified during transients to control smoke
and noise emissions.
Several governing modes which
modify the basic torque request are
available to control engine and vehicle
speeds. These are as follows:
(1) The idle governor – this provides
fixed speed control over the whole of
the torque capability of the engine. The
idle speed is set as a function of engine
temperature to provide optional cold
idle boost. This controls cold white
smoke suppression and provides
faster engine warm-up.
(2) The cruise control – this in-
Using the ‘ProDriver’ option, the DDEC system can also
be interrogated via its dash-mounted data link. Fuel
economy, trip distances & the number & status of logged
cludes set, resume and coast features,
as well as an acceleration mode which
provides a fixed speed increase for
each application.
(3) Road Speed Limiting – this enables the customer to determine the
maximum vehicle speed attainable,
independently from the engine-governed speed.
(4) Engine Speed Limiting – this
provides a programmable maximum
engine speed.
Once all of the modifications to
the base requested torque have been
calculated, a high precision torque to
injector pulse width output calibration
is performed to drive the injectors. The
sensing of the beginning of injection
interacts with the fuel rate algorithm to
control noise and exhaust emissions.
faults can all be sourced from the engine management
computer. The photo above shows the internal details of
the electronic control module of the DDEC-III system.
The fuel injection timing is carefully
controlled during starting to reduce
cranking times, allowing unaid
starting down to ambient temperatures
of -12°C.
User definable programming
Because the DDEC system is used on
a variety of engines and trucks, the system must be programmed to suit each
application. An EEPROM is located
within the ECM and is programmed
via the serial communication link.
During engine assembly, and just prior
to the final test, the ECM is interfaced
to the factory scheduling computer to
program the EEPROM to the specific
sales order for the engine. Data such as
the engine’s horsepower rating, torque
curve and maximum engine speed is
Unlike any car engine management
system, some aspects of the DDEC
system can be reprogrammed by the
customer, using a DDEC Diagnostic
Data Reader, via a connector on the
dashboard. This allows the following
features to be customised: engine
power ratings, variable speed governor, engine protection, cruise control,
vehicle ID number, idle speed, engine
braking and vehicle speed limiting.
Data logging
Fig.4: engine vibration spectrum,
before & after the installation of
elastomer vibration-suppressing
mounts. The DDEC system is unusual
in that the ECM is mounted on the
Part of the EEPROM is used for
logging accumulated operating hours,
fuel consumption, diagnostic codes
and other cumula
tive information.
By the use of an additional electronic
module (dubbed ‘ProDriver’) and
dedicated software, the SAE diagnostic data link can be used to extract
information such as total dis
travelled; average, shortest and longest
trips; total fuel use and fuel used during idling, driving and cruising; and
perhaps most importantly, the number
and status of engine alerts.
The self-diagnosis function of the
ECM can register intermittent and
continuous faults and then display
these via flashed codes on an in-cabin
‘check engine’ light. No less than 57
different fault codes can be registered,
including any of the sensors being either too high or low in output, engine
or vehicle overspeed, torque overload,
slow injector response time, data link
and EEPROM faults.
In short, while those large and imposing trucks and semi-trailers may
seem like ponderous beasts, as indeed
they are, underneath the bonnet they
are often every bit as advanced as the
best car engines. And, at least with
the DDEC system, electronic circuitry
plays an even greater role in providing
information and control.
(1). Asmus, A. & Wellington, B., Diesel
Engines and Fuel Systems, Longman
Cheshire, 1992.
(2). Bosch Automotive Handbook,
Third Edition, 1993.
(3). Detroit Diesel Series 60 – A Success Story, [pamphlet].
(4). Detroit Diesel Electronic Controls,
(5). Electronic Diesel Engine Controls,
SAE Collected Papers SP-819.
(6). Hames, R. (et al), DDEC II - Advanced Electronic Diesel Control, SAE
Technical Paper 861110, 1986.
August 1995 9
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Advances in computer technology
133MHz Pentium
processor now available
In June 1995, Intel introduced the 133MHz
version of the Pentium processor, the ninth
in the series and with more than twice the
performance of the original 60MHz Pentium
released in March 1993. In this article, we give a
technical background to the Pentium which will
shortly be the mainstream processor in PCs.
So fast has the Pentium become
accepted in the marketplace that it is
rapidly displacing 486 processors, to
the extent that they are likely to disappear some time after 1996. By the
end of this year, Intel expects that most
PCs, portables and notebook computers will be using the Pentium, in either
75MHz or 90MHz versions, with the
100MHz, 120MHz and 133MHz processors being employed in high-end
While incorporating new features
and improvements, the Pentium is ful-
ly software compatible with previous
members of the Intel microprocessor
family. The Pentium processor incorporates a superscalar architecture,
improved floating point unit, separate
on-chip code and write-back data
caches, 64-bit external data bus, and
other features designed to provide high
In its 75, 90, 100, 120 and 133MHz
versions, the Pentium has power
management (SL technology) and
multiprocessor support. The on-chip
multiprocessor interrupt controller
can support up to 16 processors.
Intel offers a 273-pin pin grid array
(PGA) package for the 60 and 66MHz
processors and a 296-pin staggered
pin grid array (SPGA) package for the
higher clock speed versions.
In recent years, developments in
semiconductor design and manufacturing have made it possible to produce increasingly higher performing
microprocessors in smaller sizes.
Foremost among these has been the
development of Bi CMOS (bipolar
complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) technology with track sizes of
less than a micron (one millionth of a
metre). This allows more transistors
to be fitted on a chip.
First generation Pentiums (60 and
66MHz) are implemented in 5V, 0.8
micron BiCMOS technology with 3.1
million transistors, while the 75MHz
and higher Pentiums use 3.3V, 0.6
micron BiCMOS technology with 3.3
million transistors each. The 133MHz
Pentium is implemented in 3.3V, 0.35
This photo shows the
296-pin staggered pin
grid array (SPGA)
package for the higher
clock speed (75MHz
and above) versions of
the Pentium. Note that
the chip is labelled with
the clock speed and the
iCOMP® benchmark
speed figure.
14 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: this graph shows the very fast market transition which has occurred with
the introduction of the Pentium processor. The changeover from 286 to 386
processors (with the 386 becoming predominant) took about four years and the
changeover from 386 to 486 took about three years. By contrast, the changeover
from 486 to the Pentium has been much faster at around 2½ years and the
numbers are growing at a staggering rate too.
micron BiCMOS technology with 3.3
million transistors. This has allowed
a 50% reduction in the die area
(compared to 0.6 micron chips) and
also allows the significant increase in
clock speed.
By the way, while the clock speed
is 133MHz, the external bus speed is
The increase in the number of transistors has made it possible to integrate
components that were previously external to the processor, such as maths
coprocessors, caches and multi
cessor interrupt controllers. Placing
these components on-board the chip
decreases the time required to access
them and increases performance dramatically.
Another way to decrease the distance between components and at
the same time increase the speed at
which they communicate is to provide
multiple layers of metal for interconnection. Intel’s 0.35 micron BiCMOS
technology uses four layers of metal
Intel’s microprocessor family
In 1985, Intel introduced the 80386,
a 32-bit microprocessor that handled
3-4 million instructions per second
(MIPS). Available in speeds ranging
from 16MHz to 33MHz, the 80386 ad
dresses up to 4 gigabytes of physical
memory and up to 64 Terabytes (1012)
of “virtual memory”, which allows
systems to work with programs and
data larger than their physical memory, by employing spare capacity on
hard disc drives.
The 80386 provided for multi
tasking and the ability to create “virtual 8086” systems, each running in
its own 1-megabyte address space.
Like its predecessors, the 386DX
microprocessor spawned a new generation of personal computers, which
had the ability to run 32-bit operating
systems and ever more complicated
applications, whilst maintaining compatibility with previous members of
the Intel family.
In 1989, Intel shipped the 486DX
microprocessor, which incorporated
an enhanced 386-compatible core,
a maths coprocessor, cache memory
and cache controller – a total of 1.2
million transistors – all on a single
chip. Operating at an initial speed of
25MHz, the 486DX processor provided
up to 20 MIPS. At its peak speed of
50MHz, the 486DX processor operated
at up to 41 MIPS. By incorporating
RISC principles, the 486DX was able
to execute most instructions in a single
clock cycle.
With the 1992 introduction of the
486DX2 microprocessor, Intel increased the speed of the 486 family
by as much as 100 percent. The DX2
used “clock doubling”, which allows
the processor to operate twice as fast
internally as externally. At its current
peak speed of 66MHz, the DX2 processor executes up to 54 MIPS.
With the introduction of the first
versions of the Pentium in March
1993, even higher levels of performance became available. Pentium now
offers seven performance levels and
has been designed into mobile computers, mainstream desktop systems,
workstations and servers. The newest
member of the family, the 133MHz
Pentium, executes up to 219 MIPS –
four times that of the 486DX2.
Superscalar design
For those familiar with the architecture of small microprocessors such as
the Z8, 8051 or PIC series, the technology in the Pentium is something else
again, and the terminology is pretty
foreign too. The heart of the Pentium
processor is its supersca
lar design,
built around two integer instruction
pipelines, each capable of performing
independently. The pipelines allow
August 1995 15
rounding and writing of the result to
the register file and Error Reporting.
The FPU incorporates new algorithms
that increase the speed of common
tions, such as ADD, MUL &
LOAD, by a factor of three.
Performance improvements
Fig.2: the new 133MHz Pentium has about double the performance of the
original 60MHz version, according to the iCOMP® index used by Intel for speed
the Pentium to execute two integer
instructions in a single clock cycle,
nearly doubling the chip’s performance relative to an Intel 486 chip at
the same clock speed.
The Pentium’s pipelines are similar
to the single pipeline of the 486 but
they have been optimised to provide
increased performance. Like the 486’s
pipeline, the pipelines in the Pentium
execute integer instructions in five
stages: Prefetch, Instruction Decode,
Address Generate, Execute and Write
Back. When an instruction passes from
Prefetch to Instruction Decode, the
pipeline is then free to begin another
In many instances, the Pentium can
issue two instructions at once, one
to each of the pipelines, in a process
known as “instruction pairing”. In this
case, the instructions must both be
“simple”; the v-pipe always receives
the next sequential instruction after
the one issued to the u-pipe. Each
pipeline has its own ALU (arithmetic
logic unit), address generation circuitry and interface to the data cache.
While the Intel 486 microprocessor
incorporated a single 8Kb cache, the
Pentium features two 8Kb caches, one
for instructions and one for data. These
caches act as temporary storage for
instructions and data obtained from
slower, main memory; when a system
uses data, it will likely use it again.
Fetching it from an on-chip cache is
much faster than fetching it from main
The Pentium’s caches are two-way
16 Silicon Chip
set-associative, an improvement over
simpler, direct-mapped designs. They
are organised with 32-byte lines,
which allows the cache circuitry to
search only two 32-byte lines rather
than the entire cache. The use of 32byte lines, up from 16-byte lines on
the Intel 486DX, is a good match of
the Pentium’s 64-bit bus width with
four-chunk burst lengths.
When the circuitry needs to store
instructions or data in a cache that
is already filled, it discards the least
recently used information (according
to an “LRU” algorithm) and replaces
it with the information at hand.
The combination of instruction
pairing and dynamic branch prediction can speed processor operations
considerably. For example, a single
iteration of the classic Sieve of Eratosthenes benchmark requires six clock
cycles to execute on a 486. The same
code executes in only two clock cycles
on the Pentium.
Improved floating point unit
The floating point unit in the Pentium has been completely redesigned
from the 486 FPU. It incorporates an
eight-stage pipeline, which can execute one floating point operation every
clock cycle. In some instances, it can
execute two floating point operations
per clock (when the second instruction
is an Exchange).
The first four stages of the FPU pipeline are the same as that of the integer
pipelines. The final four stages consist
of a two-stage Floating Point Execute,
The Pentium’s architectural features, superscalar design, separate instruction and data caches, write-back
data caching, branch prediction and
redesigned FPU, enable the development of new applications software, in
addition to improving the performance
of current applications in a manner
that is completely transparent to the
end user.
The external data bus to memory
is 64 bits wide, doubling the amount
of data that may be transferred in a
single bus cycle compared to a 486.
The Pentium supports several types
of bus cycles, including burst mode,
which loads large portions of data
into the data cache in a single bus
cycle. The 64-bit data bus allows the
Pentium to transfer data to and from
memory at least five times faster than
the Intel DX4.
Several instructions, such as MOV
and ALU operations, have been
hardwired into the Pentium, which
allows them to operate more quickly.
In addition, numerous microcode
instructions exec
ute more quickly
due to the Pentium’s dual pipelines.
Finally, the Pentium features an
increased page size, which results
in less page swapping in larger applications.
Due to the architectural improvements of the Pentium processor family,
the 133MHz Pentium’s performance is
more than three and a half times that
of the 66MHz DX2.
Error detection
Error detection is performed on
two levels, via parity checking at the
external pins and internally, on the
on-chip memory structures (cache,
buffers and microcode ROM). Where
data integrity is especially crucial, the
Pentium supports Functional Redundancy Checking (FRC).
FRC requires the use of two Pentium
chips, one acting as the master and
the other as the “checker”. The two
chips run in tandem and the checker
compares its output with that of the
master Pentium to assure that errors
have not occurred. FRC results in error
detection greater than 99%.
The Pentium also has a built-in
feature for testing the reliability of the
chip. This tests 70% of the Pentium’s
components upon resetting the chip
and is an implementation of the IEEE
1149.1 standard (Test Access Port and
Boundary Scan Architecture).
75, 90, 100, 120 and 133MHz Pentiums have fully static 3.3V BiCMOS
process technology. The static design
allows the clock frequency to be reduced to zero, where the processor
uses very little power. Typical power
consumption is 3-4 watts.
Power management
Notebook computers need to match
desktop performance while constrained by mechanical and electrical
design considerations. These considerations have driven the development
and implementation of Intel’s Voltage
Reduction Technology.
The external pins of the Pentium
processor with Voltage Reduction
Technology are powered at 3.3V,
which allows the processor to communicate with existing 3.3V components
in the system. The internal core of the
processor operates at 2.9V, resulting
in up to 30% power savings over its
desktop counterpart. Conse
system vendors can design with higher
performing Pentium processors without loss of battery life.
Pentium processors for notebooks
and subnotebooks are offered in two
encapsulations, a 320-lead tape carri-
The Pentium incorporates the same
power management capabilities as the
Intel 386SL, 486SL and SL Enhanced
486 processors. This operates at the
system level, controlling the way
power is used by the entire system,
including peripherals, and at the microprocessor level.
In the latter mode, the processor
is put into a low power state during
non-processor intensive tasks such as
word processing, or into a very low
power state when the computer is not
in use (“sleep” mode).
Intel’s SL technology centres around
SMM (system management mode) to
control power at the system level. This
allows the microprocessor to slow
down, suspend or completely shut
down various system components to
maximise energy savings.
Special notebook features
er package (TCP) for the 75MHz and
90MHz versions and a conventional
g ered pin grid array (SPGA)
Multiprocessor support
The Pentium’s Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC)
can support up to 16 processors. This
supports symmetric multiprocessing,
meaning that all processors appear
equal to the operating system. Multiprocessor operating systems such as
Windows NT, OS/2 and new UNIX
implementations use the symmetric
multiprocessor model.
Pentiums also include a dual processor mode which enables two processors to share a single second-level
cache in a low-cost multiprocessor
Pentiums include on-chip logic to
maintain cache consistency between
the two processors and to arbitrate for
the common bus to the second-level
cache. The on-chip APICs handle interrupts. A single processor desktop
or server system design can be made
multiprocessor ready by adding a second socket, an I/O APIC to the chipset
and a few BIOS changes.
100MHz Tektronix 465M Oscilloscope
2-Channel, Delayed Timebase
Bandwidth & Rise Time: DC to 100MHz (-3dB) and 3.5ns or
less for DC coupling and -15°C to +55°C.
Bandwidth Limit Mode: Bandwidth limited to 20MHz.
Deflection Factor: 5mV/div to 5V/div in 10 steps (1-2-5 sequence). DC accuracy: ±2% 0-40°C; ±3% -15-0°C, 40-55°C.
Uncalibrated, continuously variable between settings, and to
at least 12.5V/div.
Common-Mode Rejection Ratio: 25:1 to 10MHz; 10:1 from
10-50MHz, 6cm sinewave. (ADD Mode with Ch 2 inverted.)
Display Modes: Ch 1, Ch 2 (normal or inverted), alternate,
chopped (250kHz rate), added, X-Y.
Input R and C: 1MΩ ±2%; approx 20pF.
Max Input Voltage: DC or AC coupled ±250VDC + peak AC at
50kHz, derated above 50KHz.
Timebase A: 0.5s/div to 0.05µs/div in 22 steps (1-2-5
sequence). X10 mag extends fastest sweep rate to 5ns/div.
Timebase B: 50ms/div to 0.05µs/div in 19 steps (1-2-5 sequence). X10 mag extends maximum sweep rate to 5ns/div.
Horizontal Display Modes: A, A Intensified by B, B delayed
by A, and mixed.
Calibrated Delay Time: Continuous from 0.1µs to at least 5s
after the start of the delaying A sweep.
Differential Time Measurement Accuracy: for measurements
of two or more major dial divisions: +15°C to +35°C 1% + 0.1%
of full scale; 0°C to +55°C additional 1% allowed.
A Trigger Modes: Normal Sweep is triggered by an internal
vertical amplifier signal, external signal, or internal power line
signal. A bright baseline is provided only in presence of trigger
signal. Automatic: a bright baseline is displayed in the absence
of input signals. Triggering is the same as normal-mode above
40Hz. Single (main time base only). The sweep occurs once
with the same triggering as normal. The capability to re-arm
the sweep and illuminate the reset lamp is provided. The sweep
activates when the next trigger is applied for rearming.
A Trigger Holdoff: Increases A sweep holdoff time to at least
10X the TIME/DIV settings, except at 0.2s and 0.5s.
Trigger View: View external and internal trigger signals; Ext
X1, 100mV/div, Ext -: 10, 1V/div.
Level and Slope: Internal, permits triggering at any point on
the positive or negative slopes of the displayed waveform.
External, permits continuously variable triggering on any level
between +1.0V and -1.0V on either slope of the trigger signal.
A Sources: Ch 1, Ch 2, NORM (all display modes triggered by
the combined waveforms from Ch 1 and 2), LINE, EXT, EXT
:-10. B Sources: B starts after delay time; Ch 1, Ch 2, NORM,
EXT, EXT :-10.
Optional cover for
CRT screen – $35
through the vertical system. Continuously variable between
steps and to at least 12.5V/div.
X Axis Bandwidth: DC to at least 4MHz; Y Axis Bandwidth:
DC to 100MHz; X-Y Phase: Less than 3° from DC to 50kHz.
CRT: 5-inch, rectangular tube; 8 x 10cm display; P31 phosphor. Graticule: Internal, non-parallax; illuminated. 8 x 10cm
markings with horizontal and vertical centerlines further marked
in 0.2cm increments. 10% and 90%
for rise time measurements.
Australia’s Largest Remarketer of markings
Graticule Illumination: variable. Beam
Test & Measurement Equipment
Finder: Limits the display to within the
graticule area and provides a visible
9500; Fax: (03) 9562 9590
display when pushed.
Sensitivity: 5mV/div to 5V/div in 10 steps (1-2-5 sequence)
20 Fulton Street, Oakleigh Sth, Vic., 3167. Tel: (03) 9562
**Illustrations are representative only. Products listed are refurbished unless otherwise stated.
August 1995 17
Build the JV60
Here’s your chance to build a modern high
performance loudspeaker using high quality
drivers made by Vifa of Denmark. This is a
tower design producing lots of bass. It uses two
170mm woofers and a 25mm aluminium dome
tweeter with a ferrofluid cooled voice coil.
Handsome and well finished, the JV60
cabinets have a capacity of 50 litres
and only take up a modest amount of
space in your listening room.
HESE DAYS, you have two
main choices as to the type of
loudspeaker system to buy from
your hifi retailer.
The first is a compact bookshelf style
system and the second is a tall narrow cabinet generally referred to as a
“tower” style using two small woofers.
Now it might seem that the compact
bookshelf system is the one to go for if
you don’t have a lot of space or you are
on a budget. But you will always find
that the manufacturers recommend
that their compact systems be placed
in floor stands to give the best overall
Typical floor stands are about 400 to
500mm high and have a “foot print”
18 Silicon Chip
which is about 350mm square. So
while the loudspeaker cabinet might
be quite compact, its effective bulk and
the floor space it takes up are much
greater. If you can afford it, the tower
option is always the better choice.
You get a bigger cabinet and this almost always means better bass (cleaner
and more extended). And this is the
benefit provided by the tower speakers
presented here. By building the kits
you save money and thereby you can
afford a system that otherwise could
be out of reach. And if you can make
your own cabinets, you can save more
money into the bargain.
On the other hand, a big bonus of the
kit presented here is that the cabinets
themselves are supplied fully assembled. There is absolutely no carpentry
work to be done and the cabinets are
very professional in appearance. Virtually all you need to assemble these
fine loudspeakers is a Phillips head
screwdriver and a soldering iron. Nor
do you have to put the crossover network together since it is also supplied
fully assembled.
Dimensions of the JV60 system
are 895mm high, 260mm wide and
315mm deep, which includes the
thickness of the grille cloth frame.
Made of 16mm particle board and
internally braced, the cabinet has a
volume of close to 50 litres.
By the way, this design has been
produced exclusively for Jaycar Electronics by Australian Audio Consultants, PO Box 11, Southport, SA 5410.
The loudspeaker line-up is two
170mm woofers and a 25mm dome
tweeter but the system is not strictly
A glance at the circuit of Fig.1 shows
that the crossover is a modified twoway system with one of the woofers
(W2) effectively handling bass and
midrange frequencies while the other
(W1) handles bass frequencies below
200Hz. This has been done to achieve
a strong and extended bass, as we shall
see. This system is geared particularly
to those people who love plenty of
bass, without the need for any boost
from the amplifier.
Ferrofluid cooled tweeter
The Vifa tweeter featured in this
system is the D25AG-35-06. It has a
couple of unusual features, not the
least being the fact that it has an aluminium dome tweeter instead of the
more usual Mylar or synthetic fabric
The 25mm aluminium dome is protected from prying fingers by a plastic
shield which is de
signed to avoid
phasing and beaming effects which
can occur with any sort of obstruction
in the beam of a tweeter. Also unusual
is the ferrofluid cooling of the tweeter’s
voice coil. This has been a feature of
high-quality tweeters for quite a few
years now but it has seldom, if ever,
been featured in a kit-built system
such as this.
Ferrofluid is a patented synthetic oil
mixture with suspended iron powder.
Loudspeaker System
These are the Vifa drivers, crossover network and rear terminal panel provided
for each speaker system. Also included in the kit are Innerbond filling and
mounting screws.
The suspended iron means that the oil
has no effect on the magnetic circuit
of the tweeter. It has two benefits for a
tweeter. First, it helps cool the tweeter
voice coil which can otherwise become very hot when operating at high
powers. This can be easily understood
since a tweeter voice coil is a very light
assembly and it is suspended in the
magnetic gap where air flow is very
slight. With the ferrofluid, the heat in
voice coil is conducted away to the
magnet and frame of the speaker where
it can be dissipated harmlessly.
The other benefit of ferrofluid is that
it applies a degree of damping to the
suspension of the tweeter and thereby
can help smooth the overall response.
Other specifications of the tweeter
include a nominal impedance of 6Ω,
a free air resonance of 850Hz and a
nominal power handling (IEC268-5)
of 100 watts.
For the bass and midrange there
are two 170mm woofers, type
P17WJ-00-08. These units feature a
cast magnesium basket with a synthetic rubber surround. The cone material
is mineral filled polycarbonate. It has
a sensitivity of 88dB and a frequency
response usable to 4kHz.
One of the best aspects of using
Vifa drivers is their consistency. The
drivers were measured using the
Loudspeaker Measurement System
(LMS) and these measurements were
compared with the manufacturer’s
published data. To some extent,
driver parameters will vary on the
production line, even within a batch.
A manufacturer who is consistent
manages to maintain these variations
in such a way that the repercussions
August 1995 19
5. 6
5. 6
Fig.1: the JV60 is a modified two-way bass reflex system with
one of the woofers (W1) only handling bass frequencies below
are negligible. All driver parameters
are related and if one group are a little
high then another grouping should be
a little low, counteracting any change.
Vifa seem to manage this effortlessly.
The 50-litre enclosure has two
66mm ports 197mm long. The internal brace is an essential feature of the
cabinet and is placed underneath the
topmost woofer. A shelf brace should
never be placed in the centre of an
enclosure. This method of bracing
carries out several functions, the first
of which is to connect adjoining panels and help to dissipate vibrations.
A shelf brace also divides panels
into smaller segments, thus moving
resonances to higher frequencies and
Solder the wires to the rear terminal panel, before fitting it into place.
20 Silicon Chip
lowering vibrational energy.
Constructors who wish to build
their own cabinets may use the drawing of Fig.2 as a guide. Increasing wall
thickness to 18mm will have very
little effect, although increasing it to
25 or 32mm will be a considerable
advantage (but make it much heavi
er). Ensure that the internal volume
remains the same, even allowing for
the increased brace thickness.
The cabinet is tuned for a corner
frequency of about 35Hz (-3dB point)
and, as such, it produces copious
amounts of bass. Before we look at
the crossover network, let’s take a
quick look at contemporary design
techniques in this area.
In the past crossovers were designed
by placing textbook components into
the cir
cuit and assuming that they
would do the job. However, this does
not take into consideration several
factors, the two principal ones being
(a) the drivers’ natural roll off slopes
and (b) the interaction between the
drivers’ motor system (ie, magnet,
voice coil and suspension) and other
Nowadays, CAD packages such as
the Loudspeaker Enclosure Analysis
Program (LEAP) allow a designer to
check and recheck systems at every
stage of development. Computer optimization allows one to consider all
variables when designing crossovers.
Crossover design
The crossover design is unusual, as
can be seen from the diagram of Fig.1.
It is based on a second order (12dB
slope/octave) Linkwitz-Riley filter.
The tweeter section uses a 0.22mH inductor and a 6.8µF capacitor operating
at nominally 3.5kHz, well above the
free air resonance of 850Hz.
As noted above, the two woofers
have separate crossover networks.
Woofer W2 can be regarded as the
main woofer as it handles the mid
range frequencies as well. Its associated inductor L2, 0.39mH, provides a
roll-off of 12dB octave above 3kHz by
virtue of the inductor’s impedance and
the driver’s natural roll-off characteristics. R2 and C2 provide impedance
equalisation so that the woofer “looks”
like a resistor as far as the inductor is
L1 is a 4mH inductor and rolls off
the second bass driver W1 at 6dB per
octave above 200Hz. In effect, the
second woofer is there to provide a
Fig.2: use this diagram as
a guide if you are building
the cabinets yourself. The
dimensions may be varied
slightly but the capacity should
still be close to 50 litres and the
shelf brace must be included.
4 HOLES 80 x 80 SPACED 23
B AND D : 146 DIA.
C : 74 DIA.
296 *
August 1995 21
The crossover is mounted on the rear panel of the cabinet, beneath the terminal
panel. Identify all the wires first before installing the crossover.
3dB boost to frequencies below 200Hz.
R1 and C1 again provide impedance
equalisation for the woofer. The only
capacitors not mentioned so far, C6 &
C7, are included to improve the power
factor of the bipolar electrolytic cap
acitors and thereby improve the sound
Two levels of overdrive protection
are provided by Polyswitches. Poly
switches are special low resistance
thermistors with a positive temperature coefficient. Normally they have
a very low resistance and thus have
minimal effect on the signal fed to the
drivers. But when the signal current
exceeds a critical level, the Poly
switches suddenly switch to a high
resistance state which effectively removes the drive signal. After a period
which depends on the initial overload,
they revert to their low resistance state
and the signal can pass once more.
The important aspect of Poly
es is that they are in
as insurance against damage. The
speakers should not be repeatedly
overdriven otherwise the characteristics of the Polyswitches will alter
and thus their future performance can
be prejudiced.
Two polyswitches are included in
this design, one to protect the whole
system and the other to protect the
tweeter which is the driver most likely
to be damaged if an amplifier is driven
heavily into clipping.
This JV60 system can be used with
amplifiers capable of 20-100 watts.
As already noted, the JV60 cabinets
are supplied ready-built so there is
no carpentry required. The first task
is to fit the crossover network inside
the enclosure. As can be seen from
the photos this is hand-wired on a
piece of medium density fibre board.
It should be attached to the rear panel
Take care when fitting the drivers
not to damage the cones. They are
well made but if you are ham-fisted
you could damage them.
22 Silicon Chip
The UV People
● Bubble Etch ● Circulating
● Portuvee 4 ● Portuvee 6
● Dual Level
● Ideal
● Toyo HiSpeed
● PC Board: Riston, Dynachem
● 3M Label/Panel Stock
● Dynamark: Metal, Plastic
Fig.3: this is the impedance plot for the JV60 loudspeakers.
with a couple of screws, just above the
terminal panel. Before you do mount
the crossover network, you need to
identify all the wires on it so that you
can make the correct connections to
the various drivers.
First, identify the two input wires.
The red wire connected via the large
yellow Polyswitch is the hot (+) input
wire. All black wires go to the negative
terminals of the drivers.
The positive terminal of each
loudspeaker driver is marked with
an adjacent spot of red paint. The red
wire connected via the small yellow
Polyswitch goes to the tweeter and
the blue wire goes to the main woofer
(W2). The remaining red wire goes to
the second woofer (W1).
Having mounted the crossover on
the rear panel, connect and solder the
two input wires to the rear terminal
panel, then screw it into place. Install
the two plastic port tubes and screw
them into place. Connect and solder
the two wires to the tweeter and then
screw it into its central position on
the baffle.
Next, connect the two wires to each
of the two woofers. The main woofer
(W2) mounts at the top of the cabinet
while the second woofer is mounted at
the bottom. Before fixing the woofers
into place on the baffle, you need to
insert the Innerbond wadding into the
enclosure. For two cabinets you will
be supplied with a little over a metre
of 900mm wide Innerbond. Half this
should be placed in each enclosure.
You will need to place about a third
of it in the top section and the other
two thirds in the bottom section. Just
pack it in loosely and then place the
woofers in position on the baffle and
screw them down.
Note that it is important not to
over-tighten the screws otherwise they
will strip their holes. If this happens,
drill pilot holes in a slightly different
position and re-fasten the screws.
Listening tests
When you have finished one loudspeaker system, hook it up to your
amplifier and have a listen. If all
is well, go ahead and assemble the
other loudspeaker. If the sound is not
quite right, make sure that you have
connected all the speakers correctly.
If the phasing is wrong, the speakers
can sound quite strange. If the woofers
are out of phase with each other, the
bass will be practically nonexistent.
Kits for the JV60 loudspeakers are
available from all Jaycar Electronics
stores and their dealers. Prices are as
follows: (1) Speaker kit – includes four
woofers, two tweeters, two crossover
networks, two rear terminal panels,
Innerbond and mounting screws,
$579.00; (2) Cabinet kit – includes a
pair of cabinets finished in blackwood
veneer and two grille cloth frames with
grille cloth fitted, $299.00.
40 Wallis Ave, East Ivanhoe 3079.
Phone (03) 9497 3422, Fax (03) 9499 2381
APPROVED TO AS 3108-1990
15VA to 7.5kVA
Tortech Pty Ltd
24/31 Wentworth St, Greenacre 2190
Phone (02) 642 6003 Fax (02) 642 6127
August 1995 23
Have you ever wondered how much petrol
you use when you accelerate away from the
traffic lights? Perhaps you would like to know
how your fuel consumption increases as you
climb a hill. If you have a fuel injected car, this
project is for you.
Back before cars had engine management computers, they often had a
vacuum gauge which was supposed
to give an indication of fuel economy.
Low vacuum readings meant you were
using lots of juice while high vacuum
meant that you were driving with a
light throttle.
In practice, a vacuum gauge was
often a distraction as it fluctuated
wildly each time you depressed the
accelerator, as you moved up or down
through the gears. Some drivers even
24 Silicon Chip
went so far as to cover up the vacuum
gauge to avoid its distraction.
Now we’re in the 90s and vacuum
gauges are decidedly “old hat”. Most
modern cars have fuel injection and
the drive signal to the injectors can
be monitored to provide a very good
guide to fuel use. The amount of fuel
provided by the injectors is controlled
by the amount of time they are open.
When your car is at idle, the injectors
are open only about 5% of the time.
During normal driving, the injectors
are open between 10% and 20% of the
time. And when you are accelerating
absolutely flat out, with the engine
wound out to 5000 RPM or more and
the accelerator fully open – “pedal to
the metal” – the injectors will be open
for more than 90% of the time.
Since the injectors are fed from
the fuel rails at essentially constant
pressure, the fuel used by the motor
is directly proportional to the injector
opening time.
The Fuel Injector Monitor is housed
in a compact case, allowing it to be
conveniently placed on your car’s
dashboard at eye level. The straightline display consists of 20 light emit
ting diodes (LEDs), 18 green, one
orange and one red. The display is
semi-logarithmic, with the first 10
LEDs showing 10 steps of 1% from
0-9%, while the second group of LEDs
covers from 10% to 100%.
The LED display takes the form of
a bargraph which shows the average
LK2b CA3260E
2 bx
C 9
c 4
K 18
17 K 16
15 K 14
13 K 12
11 K 10
K 18
17 K 16
15 K 14
13 K 12
11 K 10
Fig.1: the 4053B multiplexer (IC2) enables the LM3914 LED drivers to give a
dot and bar display to indicate the average and peak injector duty cycles. The
555 timer (IC2) controls the switching of the 4053 and also steps up the battery
voltage to provide for a +15V regulated supply.
opening times, combined with a
brighter “peak” LED which shows
more rapid fluctuations of the injector
openings, as can happen, for example,
when you blip the throttle. The peak
LED is actually a “peak-hold” display
which captures the rapid transients
and “holds” them so that they can be
more easily seen.
Unlike some car circuits, installation of the Fuel Injector Monitor
is quite straightforward: one lead to
ground (chassis) and two leads to the
injector leads (one switched and the
other battery positive) – more about
that later.
Circuit details
The circuit of Fig.1 consists of five
ICs plus a regulator, the 20 LEDs and
a few other minor components.
In most modern cars, all the injector
solenoid coils are wired in parallel
with one side connected to the battery
positive, through the ignition switch.
The coils are switched to ground via a
transistor when fuel is to be injected.
This means that the pulse waveform
fed from the injectors to our monitor
is a +12V signal going to ground.
While most cars have negative-going
pulse injector wave
forms, we have
provided for vehicles with the opposite waveform polarity. This is done
via two links to allow the selection
of either system. The input circuit
consists of IC1, a dual opera
August 1995 25
amplifier. IC1b is used as a comparator
while IC1a is used as a peak detector.
The injector signal is applied via
a 10kΩ isolation resis
tor to diodes
D1 and D2. These diodes provide
transient protection for the following
op amp by clamping any input signal
between ground and +15V (more pre-
Fig.2: install the parts on the board as shown here. The electrolytic capacitors
must all lie flat on the board, otherwise it will not fit into the plastic case.
Fig.3: this is the full-size etching pattern for the PC board.
26 Silicon Chip
cisely, to between -0.6V and +15.6V).
IC1 can accept signals in this range
without damage.
Our circuit description will apply
to cars with a negative-going injector
signal (the most common situation)
and so links LK1a and LK2a will be
installed. Ignore the links LK1b and
LK2b which are shown dotted. Hence,
the injector signal is applied via a 10kΩ
resistor to pin 6 of IC1b. Pin 5 of IC1b
is held at approximately +5V via a
voltage divider consisting of 10kΩ
and 4.7kΩ resistors. Thus, whenever
the injector voltage falls below +5V,
the output (pin 7) of IC1b will go high.
The output of IC1b is fed to trimpot
VR1, a 10kΩ pot wired as a variable
resistor. VR1, in conjunction with the
4.7kΩ resis
tor to ground, provides
calibration for the circuit. The output
of IC1b is used to charge the 220µF
capacitor. This becomes the “average”
value of the pulse signal and is used to
drive the bargraph portion of the LED
display. The “average” signal from the
220µF capacitor is fed to pin 3 of IC1a
and to pins 5 & 12 of IC2.
IC1a and diode D3 function as a peak
detector to charge a 4.7µF capacitor
to the “peak” value of the voltage appearing at pin 3. The 4.7µF capacitor
is slowly discharged by the 2.2MΩ
resistor and so it provides the “peak
hold” value for the peak DOT on the
LED display.
So now we have two voltages, the
peak and average values of the injector
pulse widths which must be shown on
the same 20-LED bargraph. How do
we do this? It is done by a technique
known as multiplexing whereby two
values are alternately flashed onto
the LEDs, each value being shown for
part of the time. This switching of the
signals happens very rapidly so that
our eyes are not aware of it.
IC2, a 4053, does the multiplexing
and is described as a triple 2-channel
analog multiplexer. It alternately
switches the bar signal (pins 5 & 12)
and the dot signal (pins 3 & 13) to the
LED display drivers (IC3 & IC4).
IC5 controls the switching of IC2
and serves another purpose – to step
up the car’s battery voltage. The vol
tage step-up is necessary to enable
the display drivers to handle the full
range of signal voltage from IC1. We’ll
explain more about this later.
The 555 timer is arranged as an
astable oscillator, with a frequency of
about 1kHz. Its pulse output waveform
All the LEDs are arranged to sit flat along the edge
of the PC board but because of the pin layout of the
LM3914 drivers, the display reads from right to left.
Consequently, the board hangs upside down in the
case to make the display read from left to right.
is fed to a voltage doubler consisting
of diodes D4 & D5 together with two
100µF electrolytic capacitors. The
resulting voltage of about +19V is fed
to the 7815 regulator which delivers
a stable +15V.
Multiplex operation
We have already referred to multiplex operation so let’s now look at it in
more detail. As noted above, we need
to display two signals (the “average”
and “peak” values) and at the same
time we need to switch the display
drivers, IC3 & IC4, between dot and bar
modes. IC2, the multiplexer, has three
internal switches and while these are
not shown on the circuit, they can be
identified in the following way.
Switch A involves pins 11, 12, 13
& 14; switch B involves pins 1, 2, 10
& 15 and switch C involves pins 3, 4,
5 & 9. Pins 9, 10 and 11 control the
position of each associated switch; eg,
if pin 9 (the C switch control input)
is high, pin 4 (c) is connected to pin
3 (cy) while if pin 9 is low, pin 4 is
connected to pin 5 (cx).
Returning now to IC5, which provides the switching signal, when pin
3 is low, pins 9 & 11 of IC2 switch the
“average” signal to the pin 5 inputs
of the display drivers IC3 and IC4.
At the same time, pins 9 of IC3 & IC4
are pulled low to select the bar mode.
Conversely, when pin 3 of IC5 is high,
the “dot” signal at pins 3 & 13 of IC2 are
switched to pins 5 of IC3 & IC4 which
are then switched into the dot mode.
Just to reiterate, the bar mode displays the average signal while the
dot mode displays the peak which is
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 4
❏ 1
❏ 3
❏ 2
❏ 1
4-Band Code (1%)
red red green brown
brown black yellow brown
orange orange orange brown
red red orange brown
brown black orange brown
blue grey red brown
yellow violet red brown
grey red brown brown
blue grey brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
red red black yellow brown
brown black black orange brown
orange orange black red brown
red red black red brown
brown black black red brown
blue grey black brown brown
yellow violet black brown brown
grey red black black brown
blue grey black black brown
August 1995 27
Fig.4: this fuel injector waveform was taken from a Ford
Laser S with a 1.8 litre engine. The duty cycle is under
10% at around 2000 RPM with the car stationary. The
lower waveform is taken directly from the injector, while
the upper waveform is the output of IC1b at pin 7.
always equal to or higher than the average. To make the peak (dot) display
brighter than the average, it is turned
on for longer than the average and
this is arranged by giving the pulse
signal from IC5 a duty cycle of more
than 50%.
Part of the switching function controlled by IC5 is performed by transistor Q1 but because IC5 runs from
12V rather than 15V, its output cannot
swing to the +15V necessary to ensure
that Q1 is turned off. Therefore, zener
diode D4 is included to allow Q1 to
turn off when IC5’s output is high.
IC3 and IC4, the LM3914 dot/
bar display drivers, which accept
analog input signals from IC1, have
10 internal comparators which drive
10 external LEDs. The input range is
determined by one or two resistors.
IC3 is set by the 820Ω resistor between
Fig.5: taken from a VP Holden Statesman with a 5-litre V8
engine, these injector waveforms are again at around 2000
RPM and the duty cycle is under 20%. The lower waveform
is the fuel injector driving voltage, while the upper
waveform is the output of IC1b at pin 7.
pins 6 and 7 and ground, to accept
0.125-1.25V and dis
play 10 output
steps from 0-9%. IC4 with its extra
resistors accepts 1.265-12.65V for its
10 outputs, from 10% to 100%.
Actually, these display steps should
not be thought of as being absolutely
precise. For example, if the 10% LED
is lit, the injector pulse width can only
be regarded as being above 10% but
less than 20%. Similarly, if the 30%
LED is lit, the injector pulse width is
above 30% but below 40%.
All the components for this project,
including the 20 LEDs, are mounted on
a small PC board coded 05108951 and
measuring 120 x 102mm– see Fig.2.
The PC board is mounted in a small
plastic case measuring 141mm wide,
36mm high and 110mm deep. The case
Fig.6: this is
another injector
waveform, taken
with a Tektronix
TDS744A digital
oscilloscope from
a Ford Laser
S at idle. Note
the very narrow
pulse width.
28 Silicon Chip
splits into two sections, upper and
lower, with two removable pieces for
the front and back sections.
The lower section has four integral
pillars for the PC board but because
of a layout constraint caused by the
LM3914 display drivers, the PC board
has had to be designed so that the
LEDs run from right to left (to minimise the number of links required).
To make the display read from left
to right as it should, the PC board is
mounted on the base of the case and
then it is inverted, so that it “hangs
from the roof”.
Before you begin assembly, carefully check the PC board for broken
or shorted tracks, especially between
the pads on IC2 and IC4.
First, install the six links, diodes
and resistors. The capacitors are next.
Be sure to lie the electrolytics flat, as
the board will not fit into the case if
you stand them up. Be sure to bolt the
regulator down flat onto the PC board.
Lastly, fit the LEDs, ICs, trimpot and
The LEDs should be mounted so that
they are flush with the front edge of the
PC board. We could not obtain a 5mm
square orange LED for our prototype
so we fitted a 5mm round one in that
We used a thin piece of tinted
plastic for our front panel and made
an adhesive front-panel label with a
rectangular cutout for the LEDs. The
PC board is mounted to the integral
pillars using 6mm spacers and 12mm
long self-tapping screws.
After you have carefully checked
all your assembly work and soldering,
you are ready to do an initial power
check. If you don’t have a 12V power
supply, you could apply power from
a 12V car battery or from your car’s
cigarette lighter socket. Make sure
that you connect the 12V leads the
right way around otherwise you will
damage the circuit, with IC5 (the 555
timer) the most likely casualty.
Just connect the 12V supply at first,
without connecting the input lead
from the injectors. All the LEDs should
flash once and then the peak LED
moves slowly from right to left. Now
connect the injector input lead to 0V
and most, if not all, LEDs should come
on and stay on. If that checks out OK,
you can move to the next step which
is calibration.
be slightly less, at around 13.8V. This
latter lead is the one we’re looking for
and is the one which we will make the
permanent connection to.
Now remove the pin from the other
injector lead. To make a permanent
connection, again the easiest method
is to use a pin. This time, push the pin
right through the centre of the injector
lead and bend it over and twist the
ends together. This way, the integrity
of the injector lead itself is preserved.
Now solder a lead to the pin while
making sure that you don’t damage
the injector lead insulation. (Perhaps
you might like to practice soldering to
a sample pin before you do the actual
job on your car!)
Having made the connection, carefully wrap it with insula
tion tape.
Having done that, the most convenient
place to pick up +12V to power the
circuit is from the other injector lead,
so repeat the pin soldering to the other
injector lead.
Now anchor the two leads running
away from the injector harness with a
plastic cable tie to a convenient point
on the engine so that vibration is unlikely to dislodge them.
You will need to pass the two leads
through the firewall into the passenger
compartment. You will then need to
make a connection to chassis for the
0V lead. It would also be prudent to
install an in-line 1A fuse in the +12V
line from the injector harness.
Now make your connections to the
Fuel Injector Monitor and turn on the
ignition. With the engine stopped,
all LEDs should be alight. When the
engine is started, the LEDs will light
up to about 60% or higher and then
gradually drop back to the normal
idle value of around 5% or 6% as the
engine warms up.
This will be the easiest calibration
you have ever done. With the input
lead connected to the 0V terminal,
carefully adjust the trimpot until the
red LED just comes on. You will need
to wind the trimpot anticlockwise
initially and then clockwise until the
red LED just comes on. This calibrates
the unit to correctly display an injector
opening of 100%.
The trickiest part of the installation
is to identify which of the two injector
leads to make the connection to. Unless you have a wiring diagram for your
car, you will need to make a voltage
measurement on the two leads while
the engine is running.
In practice, the easiest way to make a
temporary connection to your injector
leads is to push a pin right through
the centre of each of the wires. Now
start the car and let it idle for a couple
of minutes to let the battery voltage
stabilise. Now measure the voltage
between each injector lead and chassis. One injector lead will be at the
same voltage as the battery (eg, 14.4V)
while the other injector lead will
Fault finding
If you have a problem, the first thing
to check is the +15V rail. There should
be about +19V into the 7815 regulator
and +15V at its output. If the input
voltage is 0V to the 7815, then IC5 is
9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fig.7: this is the full-size front panel artwork.
1 PC board, code 05108951, 120
x 102mm
1 plastic case, 141 x 36 x 110mm
1 front-panel label, 132 x 28mm
1 10kΩ horizontal trimpot (VR1)
1 3mm x 8mm roundhead screw
1 3mm nut
1 3mm SP washer
4 6mm spacers
4 12mm self-tapping screws
1 RCA CA 3620E dual op amp
1 4053B triple 2-channel analog
multiplexer (IC2)
2 LM3914 dot/bar display drivers
1 555 timer (IC5)
1 7815 15V regulator (REG1)
1 BC327 transistor (Q1)
5 1N914 diodes (D1-D3, D5, D6)
1 5.6V 400mW zener diode (ZD1)
18 LTL9234A 5mm square green
LEDs or equivalent (LED1-18)
1 5mm square or round orange
1 LTL4223A 5mm square LED or
equivalent (LED20)
2 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic
5 10µF 50VW PC electrolytic
1 4.7µF 50VW PC electrolytic
2 0.1µF MKT polyester
2 .01µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W 1%)
1 2.2MΩ
4 10kΩ
1 100kΩ
1 6.8kΩ
4 4.7kΩ
1 33kΩ
2 820Ω
1 22kΩ
1 680Ω
not oscillating. Check the component
values and soldering around this IC.
With the input connected to 0V (as
explained in the cali
bration procedure), pin 7 of IC1 should measure
around +14.5V. When the injector
input is not connected, pin
7 should be near 0V.
If your monitor reads
100% at idle and falls as
you accel
e rate, it means
your injector signal is the
wrong polarity. Remove
links LK1a and LK2a and
replace them in positions
LK1b and LK2b.
August 1995 29
A Gain
Designed for use with PA systems, this gain
controlled microphone preamplifier will
provide a constant output level for a wide range
of input levels. It ensures that the amplified
sound level is always the same, regardless as to
how loudly (or softly) a person speaks.
How often have you heard a public
address system where the sound level
varies all over the place? This problem
occurs because different people speak
at different sound levels.
For example, if the person using
the microphone speaks loudly, then
the gain control has to be reduced
to bring the amplified sound back
to the correct level (or to prevent
overload). Conversely, if the person
speaks quietly, then the gain control
has to be advanced to maintain good
Indeed, a very quiet talker may not
provide enough signal to ensure an
adequate sound level, even if the amplifier is set to maximum gain.
Level fluctuations can also be
30 Silicon Chip
caused by people who turn their
heads from side to side as they speak,
and by people who alternately move
closer to and further away from the
Main Features
Suitable for dynamic microphones
Balanced input
Constant output over 50dB
input range
Powered by 9VDC plugpack
Low input impedance
Low distortion
Fast response
A sound system operator can compensate for some of these problems by
riding the gain control on the amplifier.
However, there is always a delay in
the response because the operator first
has to hear the incorrect level before
making changes. Another approach is
to use a less directional microphone
to reduce level variations from people
who move around while speak
but this greatly increases the risk of
A gain controlled microphone preamplifier, such as the unit described
here, will help to solve these problems.
It automatically varies its gain in response to the microphone signal to
ensure that a constant level is fed to the
PA amplifier. As the output signal level
from the microphone goes down, the
gain of the microphone preamplifier
goes up, and vice versa.
As a result, the amplified audio level
is essentially constant for virtually all
people, regardless of their speaking
style or how they move about in front
of the microphone.
In effect, it’s just like having a person
constantly riding the gain control on
the amplifier, except that it’s all auto-
Fig.1: block
diagram of the
Plessey SL6270DP
voice operated
gain adjusting
device (VOGAD).
It contains two
amplifier stages &
an AGC detector
matic. And of course, an electronic circuit responds far quicker to any level
changes than a human operator, so that
the adjustments are imperceptible.
In technical terms the preamplifier
has a gain of around 50dB for low input signal levels (ie, 70µV) but limits
once the input signal reaches about
1mV. The output signal level remains
virtually constant at 100mV for input
signals ranging from 1mV to beyond
As can be seen from the accompanying photograph, the unit is housed in
a small low-cost plastic case. A 3-pin
XLR socket fitted to one end of the case
accepts a balanced microphone input,
while a 6.5mm phono socket on the
other end provides the single-ended
(or unbalanced) output signal. Power
for the circuit comes from a 9V DC
plugpack supply.
Block diagram
Refer now to Fig.1 – this shows
a block diagram of the Plessey SL
6270DP voice operated gain adjusting
device (VOGAD) which forms the
heart of the circuit. Let’s see how it
Inside the SL6270DP IC are two
amplifier stages and an AGC detector
block. The AGC detector monitors
the output level from amplifier 2 and
provides a DC control signal which
sets the gain of amplifier 1.
100 4
Fig.2: the final circuit of the Gain Controlled Microphone Preamplifier. Resistor
R1 allows the gain (& thus the AGC range) to be adjusted – see text & Table 1.
Power comes from a 9V DC plugpack & is regulated to 8V by REG1, while LED 1
provides power on/off indication.
In greater detail, amplifier 1 is a
DC-controlled balanced input amplifier which accepts signals from the
microphone. This stage in turn drives
amplifier 2 via a 680Ω resistor and
external capacitor C1 which rolls off
the low-frequency response.
Amplifier 2 has a gain of about 15,
as set by the 10kΩ feedback resistor
and the 680Ω input resistor. Its output
appears at pin 8 and is also fed to the
AGC (automatic gain control) detector
block which provides the DC control
signal. The 2kΩ resistor and external
capacitor CT set the AGC attack time,
while RT provides a discharge path
for CT.
Finally, the control voltage across
CT is applied to amplifier 1, which
adjusts its gain accordingly and thus
sets the output level on pin 8.
Circuit details
Refer now to Fig.2 for the final circuit. In addition to the SL6270 (IC1),
there’s just a 3-terminal regulator, a
power indicator LED and a few resistors and capacitors.
As shown, the balanced inputs from
the microphone are coupled to pins 4
& 5 of IC1 via 100µF capacitors. These
capacitors are necessary to prevent
DC current from flowing in the micro
phone. The 2.2µF capacitor between
pins 2 & 7 sets the low fre
roll-off to 300Hz, while the .0033µF
capacitor between pins 7 & 8 (ie, in
the feedback path of amplifier 2) sets
the high frequency roll-off to 5kHz (R1
open circuit).
Resistor R1 has been included to
tailor the AGC range. This resistor is in
parallel with the internal feedback resistor between pins 7 & 8 of IC1 and so
reduces the gain of amplifier 2. Table 1
shows the effect of different values of
R1 on the sensitivity and the resulting
affect on the signal-to-noise ratio.
Note that as R1 decreases (ie, the
gain goes down), progressively higher input signal levels are required to
maintain the -3dB output level. It is
this reduction in gain that gives the
improved signal-to-noise ratio.
The output at pin 8 is AC coupled
to the output socket via a 10µF capacitor. Note the associated 47kΩ resistor
to ground. This provides a charging
path for the 10µF capacitor when no
load is connected, to prevent large
thumps when the unit is subsequently
plugged in.
The 47µF capacitor and the parallel
August 1995 31
This view shows how the PC board & the various sockets fit inside the case.
Take care to ensure that the supply polarity is correct before soldering the leads
to the DC power socket.
1MΩ resistor on pin 1 of IC1 set the
time constant components for the automatic gain control. The 47µF capacitor
sets the attack time to 18ms, while the
1MΩ resistor sets the decay rate the
20dB per second.
Power for the circuit is derived from
a 9VDC plugpack. This feeds 3-terminal regulator REG1 which delivers
an 8V rail to power IC1. The 10µF
capacitors at the input and output
of REG1 are for stability and supply
ripple rejection. LED 1 provides power
indication and is driven from the 8V
rail via a 1kΩ limiting resistor.
The Gain Controlled Microphone
Preamplifier is built onto a PC board
coded 01207951 and measuring 49
x 48mm. Fig.3 shows the wiring
Begin the assembly by installing PC
stakes at the external wiring points.
The remaining parts can be installed
in any order but take care with the
orientation of the electrolytic capacitors and the IC. Resistor R1 can be left
off the board at this stage, as it may
not be necessary with your particular
The 3-terminal regulator is installed
with its leads bent at right angles to
mate with its mounting holes and
is bolted to the board using a screw
and nut.
Take care with the orientation of the
LED – its anode lead will be the longer
of the two. It should be mounted with
its top 25mm above the board surface,
so that it will later protrude through
a hole in the lid. Note that it may be
necessary to extend its leads in order
to obtain the correct height.
That completes the PC board assembly. It can now be installed inside a
plastic zippy case measuring 82 x 54
x 32mm.
First, drill and cut out the holes
for the XLR, phono and DC sockets
at either end of the case – see Fig.3.
You will also need to shave back the
ribs in the side of the case so that the
PC board can sit directly on the base.
Next, attach the front-panel label
to the lid and drill out the four corner
mounting holes and the hole for the
LED. This done, fit the PC board inside
the case and mount the XLR, phono
and DC sockets. Finally, complete the
wiring as shown in Fig.3. Note the link
between pin 1 of the XLR socket and
its earth terminal.
IC1 2.2uF
Fig.3: install the parts on the PC board & complete the wiring as shown here.
Note that the LED is mounted with its top 25mm above the board surface, so that
it will later just protrude through a hole in the lid.
Fig.4: check your board carefully
against this full-size pattern
before installing any of the parts.
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 1
32 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black green brown
yellow violet orange brown
brown black red brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black yellow brown
yellow violet black red brown
brown black black brown brown
1 PC board, code 01207951, 49
x 48mm
1 Dynamark front panel label, 50
x 79mm
1 plastic case, 82 x 54 x 32mm
1 XLR 3-pin panel socket
1 6.5mm mono phono socket
1 2.1mm DC panel socket
3 3mm dia x 6mm long screws
& nuts
7 PC stakes
1 9VDC 300mA plugpack
Input impedance .................................. 150Ω unbalanced; 300Ω balanced
Supply current ..................................... 20mA
Supply voltage ..................................... 9VDC plugpack
Output level ......................................... 100mV nominal
Voltage gain ........................................ 52dB for 72µV input
Distortion ............................................. 2% <at> 90mV input
Signal to noise ratio ............................. see Table 1
Attack time .......................................... 20ms
Decay time .......................................... 20dB/second
Frequency response ........................... -3dB at 100Hz & 5kHz
1 SL6270DP voice operated gain
adjusting device (VOGAD)
1 7808 8V 3-terminal regulator
1 3mm red LED (LED1)
Table 1: The Effect Of Changing R1
44dB unweighted
52dB unweighted
57dB unweighted
63dB unweighted
66dB unweighted
Adjusting R1
Depending on the microphone, that
may be all there is to it. However, if you
now find that the microphone is now
noisy or too sensitive, or that unwanted background noises are audible, it
will be necessary to add R1 to reduce
the AGC range and the gain.
This will have to be done on a trial
and error basis using the values list-
Carefully check the polarity of the
DC plugpack connector before plugging it into the power socket. When
you are satisfied that it is correct, apply power and check that the power
indicator LED lights. Check also that
the output pin of the 3-terminal regulator (REG1) is at 8V.
If you don’t get the correct voltage,
switch off immediately and check for
wiring faults. If the output voltage is
correct but the LED fails to light, then
it is probably incorrectly oriented.
Assuming that all is OK, you can
now test the unit with a microphone
and amplifier to verify that it is working correctly.
The wiring connections and the DC
sockets should be sufficient to secure
the PC board in position. However, if
necessary, you can further secure the
board to the bottom of the case using
machine screws and nuts.
2 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 47µF 16VW PC electrolytic
3 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 2.2µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 .0033µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 1MΩ
1 1kΩ
1 47kΩ1
R1 (see text)
ed in Table 1 (note that the feedback
capacitor in parallel with R1 must be
changed as well). For example, if R1
is 1kΩ, the gain and AGC range will
be reduced by 17dB, with a corresponding improvement of 19dB in the
signal-to-noise ratio.
There is a limit as to how far you
can reduce R1 though and this will
be determined by the sensitivity of the
microphone being used.
Signal-To-Noise Ratio
-3dB Input Voltage
Parallel C
Left: the XLR microphone socket is mounted on one end of
the case, while the output & DC power sockets are on the
opposite end. Above is the full-size front panel artwork.
August 1995 33
If you are seeing a blank page here, it is
more than likely that it contained advertising
which is now out of date and the advertiser
has requested that the page be removed to
prevent misunderstandings.
Please feel free to visit the advertiser’s website:
If you are seeing a blank page here, it is
more than likely that it contained advertising
which is now out of date and the advertiser
has requested that the page be removed to
prevent misunderstandings.
Please feel free to visit the advertiser’s website:
If you are seeing a blank page here, it is
more than likely that it contained advertising
which is now out of date and the advertiser
has requested that the page be removed to
prevent misunderstandings.
Please feel free to visit the advertiser’s website:
Pull the plug
for mains safety
As a licensed electrical contractor,
I must comment on the letter from
Mr Strawbridge and your reply in the
April 1995 issue.
Normally, the right thing to do is
remove the plug from the point for
safety but to leave the lead in for the
purposes described is quite safe if the
power point is turned off, as it should
have been when your technician got
his shock. Surely that is obvious but,
of course, even that depends on the
power point being switched in the
Active conductor as is normal.
M. Tremble,
Beacon Hill, NSW.
Comment: we take the view that the
only way to be absolutely sure that an
electric appliance is safe to work on is
to have the plug removed from the wall
socket. Our staff member who received
a shock did not do that.
OM350 not suitable
for masthead amplifiers
I am writing in response to a query
in the Ask Silicon Chip section of the
February magazine concerning poor
results when using the OM350 as a
masthead amplifier for TV reception.
After a new employee asked me to
look at a kit he had built which was
not working as he expected, and after
finding no problems with his assembly, I assured him that a commercial
masthead would solve his problem.
This it did and after previous experi
ence with these ICs I decided that they
were just not up to the job.
It was probably several years later
that I realised what the problem is and
anyone with commercial masthead
experience would do the same as they
read the specifications.
At a quoted 7dB noise figure, the
OM350 is just not clean enough.
Commercial amplifiers quote 2-3dB of
noise and even among these there are
discernible differences in the amount
of grain in the picture after boosting a
low- level UHF signal.
The average TV set needs 45-50dB
µV of raw signal to produce a clear
picture. Using some inexpensive
Australian masthead amplifiers, I have
consistently produced clear results
from as little as 30dB µV on Band IV
UHF. By comparison, you need about
35dB at the antenna on Band III (VHF
high) and about 45dB on the bottom
end of Band I (VHF low) to achieve a
clear picture after amplification.
In layman’s terms, using an inexpensive commercial masthead amplifier
will turn a very snowy UHF picture
with no colour into a clear picture. A
moderately snowy channel 6-11 picture will come clear, as will a slightly
snowy channel 0-2 picture, with commercial units.
Unfortunately, using an OM350
will tend to degrade what little signal
you have. It is only suitable as a line
amplifier, where you already have a
clear picture and want to overcome the
losses of a splitter in feeding several
sets, but I still would not guarantee
that it will perform adequately here.
No, far better to throw the OM350
unit away and spend just a few
dollars more on a proper masthead
amplifier or line ampli
fier. If you
must build a kit, do it using discrete
components such as BFR91s, but be
prepared for a lot of trouble in making
it stable.
T. Graetz, The Aerial Shop,
Culcairn, NSW.
Fire risks and
surge protectors
I was interested to see your Publisher’s Letter in the June 1995 issue
commenting on the fire risks associated with leaving computer equipment
on permanently (which is what I’ve
done for the last 3 months!)
I do this because I was told by a
technician that just as taking off and
landing is the most dangerous time
to be in an aeroplane, start-up time is
when most VDUs and HDDs go bung.
With the thought of fire in the back
of my mind, I installed a surge protector and earth leakage cutoff switch
but these have no sense of heat. I’m
wondering whether you could come
up with a cutoff switch connected to
a thermistor rated at say 45 degrees
(which is when HDDs are supposed
to melt down anyway) that could be
mains interconnected?
I guess the ability to add thermistors
would make it adaptable to the growth
of printers, faxes and scanners. (In my
dreams, it could shake a stubbie and
open it to douse the situation!)
P. Dudman,
Dulwich Hill, NSW.
Perhaps we have been lucky but in
eight years of operation we have not
experienced a hard disc failure. We
have had floppy discs and monitors
fail but not generally at switch-on. We
do not think that surge protectors or
thermistors will provide much protection against fire, particularly as far as
your computer monitor is concerned.
We stick to our original caution: turn
your computer off when you’re not
Red face
phase error
Just to point out an error in the May
1995 Headphone Ampli
fier project.
Maybe John Clarke has been using
his headphone amplifier for too long
and phase cancellation effects have
produced a black hole in the centre
of his head. Headphones connected
in series through the two tip contacts
cannot be in phase; this will only help
to give the budding Tommy Emmanuel
a headache instead of the neighbours!
Maybe this is the intention?
Seriously though, I have been an
avid reader of this maga
zine since
the outset and only wish there were
more than 12 months in a year, then I
wouldn’t have to wait so long between
J. Richardson,
Southport, Qld.
Glad you love the magazine. You’re
dead right about the phase error, we
must admit. Still, you can operate
32Ω Walkman-style headphones in
parallel to provide an in-phase 16Ω
load to obtain optimum performance
from the LM386.
To achieve this, you would need to
wire the headphone socket in a more
conventional way, with the ring and
tip connections joined together and the
sleeve connected to GND (0V).
August 1995 37
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
Relay driver board with
high voltage supply
The inputs of the flipflops are each
filtered with a 22kΩ resistor and a
.015µF capacitor. Each time the input
goes high, the flipflop changes state
and turns its respective transistor on
or off, to operate the relay.
Diodes D5-D8 are connected to the
collectors of transistors Q1-Q4 and
operate as a 4-input NOR gate. If any
one of the transistors is on (ie, low), the
base of Q5 is pulled low, turning it on.
This relay driver board uses four
cheap 48V relays driven by flipflops
and fed by a high voltage supply
generated by a 555 timer and a diode
Fig.1 shows the circuit. Two 4013
dual-D flipflops are used to provide
latching operation of the four relays.
1 4.7k
5 D R Q 1
3 4013 2
D11 10 D12
D13 10 D14
8 7
3 4.7k
5 D R Q 1
3 4013 2
10 14 TOUT
9 D R Q 13 4
4 4.7k
Fig.1: the circuit uses two 4013 dual-D flipflops to provide latching operation of the four relays.
38 Silicon Chip
1 .0015
10 14 TOUT
9 D R Q 13
2 4.7k
2N5551 C
8550 E
RL4 22k
10 D10
2N5551 C
RL3 22k
2N5551 C
RL2 22k
2N5551 C
RL1 22k
This applies power to the 555 which
oscillates and drives a Cockroft-Walton voltage multiplier consisting of
diodes D9-D14 and associated 10µF
capacitors. This generates a supply of
about +32V to feed the relays.
With none of the relays energised,
the circuit has a very low current drain
by virtue of the following conditions.
When power is first applied and no
relays are operated, all transistors are
8 7
0.47 0.47
Automatic antenna
controller for cars
This circuit converts
a semi-automatic antenna, normally controlled
by a switch, to fully
automatic operation. It
is triggered by an input
from the antenna control line of the radio or
by the accessories conANTENNA
nection to the ignition
UP +12V
The circuit operates
as follows. The antenna control input has a
turn-off delay of about
15 seconds using diode
D1 and the associated RC network.
This is to prevent the controller
becoming confused if the antenna
control line changes condition
while the antenna is being driven.
Transistor Q1 switches relay RLY1
to supply +12V to the antenna;
relay RLY2 is still off at this stage,
providing the 0V connection to the
motor and driving the antenna up.
At the same time, +12V is applied by relay RLY1 to a 33kΩ
resistor connected to pin 3 of IC1,
a 555 timer. This monostable timer
.015 TOUT
off and only the 4013s draw any current.
The +12V supply is applied to the four
high voltage transistors via diodes D9D14 and the associated relay coils. Since
these transistors are off, the base of Q5 is
held high by the four associated diodes
(D5-D8) and hence the 555 timer can draw
no current.
The circuit can also be configured for
momentary operation of the relays by
applying the inputs directly to the four
driver transistors, rather than via the
4013 latches.
A PC board has been designed for this
circuit and the parts layout is shown in
Fig.2. Take care to ensure that all polarised
parts are correctly oriented.
A complete kit of parts for this circuit is
available for $28 from Oatley Electronics,
PO Box 89, Oatley, NSW 2223. Phone (02)
570 7910.
Fig.2 (right): install the parts on the PC
board as shown in this layout diagram.
The board can be powered from any
suitable 12V DC supply (eg, a plugpack).
monitors the condition of RLY1 and
after a delay of about five seconds,
switches RLY2 on, resulting in the
antenna motor having +12V on
both sides of the motor, effectively
switching it off.
The system remains in this
condition until the antenna control signal is turned off. After the
100µF capacitor connected to D1
discharges (about 15 seconds), Q1
and hence RLY1 turns off. This
applies 0V to the opposite side of
the motor and drives the antenna
down. After a delay (of about 6
seconds), the 555 turns off RLY2,
bringing the other terminal of the
motor to 0V, turning it off.
LEDs 1 & 2 indicate the direction
of the motor while D2 & D3 protect
Q1 and the 555 from damage from
back-EMF generated when the
relays turn off.
The +12V supply to the circuit
must be connected to the battery of
the car (not switched by the ignition) so that the antenna can wind
down after the off delay.
D. O’Connor,
Aldgate, SA. ($35)
August 1995 39
It took a little longer than usual
At the risk of seeming to state “the bleedin’
obvious” – as our English colleagues would say –
my main story this month is an unusual one. But
then they usually are. OK; so this one is more
unusual than usual, if that makes sense.
The story really started over two
years ago but can only be told now
because that’s how long it took to
finalise the job. Well, as I said, it is an
unusual story.
The device involved was a Philips
colour TV set, fitted with a KT-3 chassis. The KT-3 chassis was fitted to a
whole range of Philips sets and this
one was a 48cm model about 14 years
old – the age being a matter of some
importance as it turned out.
And the complaint was simply
that the set would fail intermittently.
Sometimes it would fail at switch-on,
sometimes after it had been running
for some time. More importantly, from
the owner’s point of view, what had
begun as a very occasional problem
had become progressively worse. It
was now likely to be off more than
it was on.
On the bench it was just as the customer had said; it was only nominally
intermittent and faulty most of the
time. But when it was functioning, it
performed very well. But there was a
major symptom which he had not noticed; the power supply was hiccuping
away quite merrily.
This symptom normally indicates
an overload of some kind, such as a
failed horizontal output transistor, or
something in this part of the circuit. It
looked fairly straightforward, as over
loads are not usually all that hard to
track down. The trouble was, I didn’t
see Murphy lurking in the corner.
I pulled out the horizontal output
transistor and checked it. It checked
OK but I replaced it anyway. I doubted
that this was the culprit. I’ve never
known this component to fail inter
40 Silicon Chip
mittently; when they fail they don’t
muck about but there is always a first
time. I also checked the insulating
washer. It looked OK but I replaced
it also.
What about the horizontal output
transformer? Could be, except that I
would expect it would start overheating if allowed to run in fault condition
for even a short period. But no; no sign
of trouble there.
A puzzling aspect of the fault was
the effect on the HT rail. This was
down to around 35V but varying up
to about 50V at times. This seemed
to rule out a dead short and, in fact,
ance measurements failed to
find any evidence of short circuits
anywhere. This seemed to suggest
that it was either an AC fault of some
kind, or something breaking down at
operating voltage. But what?
Replacement boards
In a sense, I had come to something of a dead end. All the usual
approaches to a fault of this kind had
failed and I had to think of a new one.
Fortunately, over the years, scrapped
chassis had provided me with a useful collection of boards for this and
similar chassis. So this was my next
step; replace each suspect board until
I found the culprit.
In all, there are six plug-in boards,
plus a plug-in IF pack and the ELC2060
tuner which is permanently fitted. I
imagined swapping a couple of boards
would probably be enough to give me
a clue, unless I was very unlucky.
And the truth is, I was very unlucky.
I finished up changing every board and
was no closer to solving the problem.
The only thing that had changed was
that the fault was no longer intermittent but was now permanent. This was
a minor plus in terms of convenience
but no help otherwise.
At this point, I had really run out
of ideas. I needed time to think and
there were other more urgent jobs
waiting, so I put it to one side. I find
it is often a help to take a break like
this; one can dwell on a problem for
too long and frustration clouds one’s
judgement. It is surprising how often
an idea will suddenly pop up when
least expected.
It didn’t quite happen like that this
time but I’m sure that the break did
help. When I pulled the set out of the
corner of the bench a couple of weeks
later, I could take a broader look at the
problem. What had I missed; what
hadn’t I checked?
Well, I hadn’t checked the scan
coils. That idea was a long shot –
scan coil failures are extremely rare.
I doubt whether I have encountered
half a dozen in the last 20 years. More
particularly, I had never had one in
a Philips set. So, against that background, one tends to take them for
granted. But I couldn’t take this one
for granted; the scan coil assembly
had to come out.
It’s a simple enough operation – release the neck board and ring convergence magnets, then undo the clamp
holding the scan coil assembly and
slip it off the neck of the tube.
My idea was to hook it up to my
shorted turns tester, a shorted turn
being the most likely fault. And I was
right about that. But I didn’t need
the tester to tell me; one glance was
enough. There was a large blackened
patch on one of the horizontal windings, surrounded by spots of green
corrosion which had obviously caused
it all in the first place.
So that was it; the scan coils were a
write off. Well, at least I’d diagnosed
the problem, even if it had taken more
effort than I would have liked. And the
solution seemed simple enough – a
new set of coils.
But it wasn’t that easy. A new set of
coils would be in the $100 plus category which, with labour costs, might
be difficult to justify for a 14 year old
set. And, unfortunately, scan coils for
this set was one thing I didn’t have in
the junk pile.
So I rang the customer with a typical
good-news-bad-news report. The set
could be fixed but the cost might be
hard to justify. All I could suggest was
that I might be lucky enough to score
a set of coils if another customer’s set
was written off. But, of course, we had
no way of knowing when, or even if,
this would happen.
He thought about it briefly, then
decided that a new set of coils was not
a proposition. On the other hand, he
asked if he could leave it with me for
the present, in the hope that another
set of coils might turn up. He is a good
customer, so I readily agreed although
I wasn’t very optimistic.
And that is about the end of that part
of the story, which all happened over
two years ago. I relegated the set to
spot in the junk store and more or less
forgot about it except when another
such set came through the workshop.
Unfortunately for this customer, they
were all routine jobs.
Back to the present
Which brings us to the present
time. And to another character who
became part of this story. I’ll call him
Lance for convenience but that is not
his real name. He is a young married
bloke who, to put it mildly, has had a
pretty rough trot.
Lance’s main activity is repairing
or rebuilding discarded sets which he
donates to a local charity that has stood
by him and his family over the years.
His main source of scrapped sets is a
dealer/serviceman in a nearby suburb
but he also drops in on me – and some
of my colleagues – from time to time
for a word or two of advice and to
scrounge a few parts from stuff earmarked for the tip.
Soon after I first met Lance, I raised
the matter of a set of scan coils for the
KT-3, asking him to a look out for such
a set. That was over a year ago and he
had had no luck whatsoever.
Then, a couple of months ago,
Lance walked in with what looked
like a complete KT-3 set. In fact, it
wasn’t complete, consisting only of
the cabinet (in very good condition)
picture tube and scan coils. There was
no chassis.
A visit to my store room produced
a chassis plus a set of boards and so
we had the makings of a complete
set. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out
that way. When we fired it up, the set
went into a hiccup mode exactly like
the previous one.
I wasn’t sure it was the same fault,
of course, and I made a few routine
checks initially but I could find nothing else obviously wrong. So off came
the scan coils and, yes, that was it;
August 1995 41
exactly the same pattern of corrosion
and self-destruction.
Which put us back pretty well to
square one, except that we now had
two sets needing scan coils. The only
difference was that set number two
was something of an unknown quantity – we had no way of determining
the condition of the picture tube.
Nevertheless, we agreed that it was
now worthwhile looking for two sets
of coils.
That was being somewhat optimistic, I suppose, but he did eventually
find one set of coils, which he turned
up with a few days ago. They looked
to be in good condition, so I lost no
time in fitting it to my customer’s set.
And it worked. However, before
doing any setting up, I pulled the coils
off again and fitted them to Lance’s
set. Unfortunately, it wasn’t such a
good result this time. The tube was a
write-off, one gun being completely
dead. I even tried boosting it but to
no avail.
So the coil assembly was refitted to
my customer’s set and I went through
42 Silicon Chip
the setting up procedure, after which
the set delivered a first-class picture.
Finally, I rang the customer and advised him to come and collect the set.
He was happy that the repair bill had
been kept to a reasonable level and I
was happy to finally be reimbursed for
my time and effort.
Regrettably, Lance didn’t come out
of it quite as well, although he is still
looking and hoping. But he needs both
a picture tube and a scan coil assembly
now, so he will need to be extra lucky.
That said, he has scored a chassis
and learnt something about scan coil
failure and the symptoms it produces,
so it hasn’t been a completely wasted
effort on his part.
All of which just goes to show
what can be achieved if the customer is prepared to wait. But I must
concede that this has to be regarded
as a one-off; one that just happened
to work out.
The flasher
My next story is about a lady customer who was troubled by a flasher.
No, not one of the raincoat mob –
rather, a TV set. To be more precise,
it was a Samsung 51cm colour set – a
model CB-515F fitted with the P-50F
According to the lady, the problem
was random white flashes on the
screen. Initially, this happened only
occasionally and she put it down
to interference from some external
source. This theory was reinforced by
the fact that she lives in a gully which
is a relatively poor signal area.
More recently, the problem had
become more frequent and, at times,
much worse. Sometimes, it was so
bad as to make the picture virtually
unwatchable. Still thinking that it
might be interference, she took the
opportunity to operate the set while
staying with a friend in a much better signal area. And it did clarify the
point; the problem was just as bad in
this location.
And so the set finally landed on my
bench, along with the above explanation. I put the set on the air while
the lady was still in the shop but, of
course, Murphy was lurking in the
corner – it behaved perfectly.
All I could do was suggest that she
leave it with me, which she did. I set
it up in a corner of the bench and it
Fig.1: the front end of the Samsung CB-515 colour TV set. The tuner (TU001) is at top left, the IF IC (IC101)
at lower right, & the SAW filter & its associated components below the tuner.
ran for several days without any sign
of trouble. But then came the first hint;
a brief white flash, no more that a few
centimetres long on one line. Blink
and you’d miss it.
Nothing more happened for about
a week then, one day, it really turned
on an act with flashes all over the
screen. These became progressively
worse until it was quite unwatchable.
Well, at least I’d seen the problem and
that is always useful. And, in fact, I’d
already made a tentative diagnosis – I
was sure it was a front-end problem,
most likely the tuner (TU001).
Fortunately, this was a relatively
simple theory to prove – or disprove.
I had a spare tuner on hand and it was
easy enough to substitute it. And the
set ran perfectly after that – for about
a day and a half. Then it was back in
flashing mode.
OK, but I still felt sure that it had to
be somewhere in the front end. So the
next thing to try was the transistor in
the first IF stage (Q161, 2SC388), mainly because it was a simple operation.
But again, no joy.
Desperation measures
Things were looking somewhat
desperate now but there was one good
point; I had a good stock of spares
from previously junked sets, which
meant that I could replace almost
any component, at least in the front
end. This is a useful approach in
such circumstances but it can be time
So, in turn, I replaced the SAW filter
(Z101), it’s associated matching transformer (T101), the video detector coil
(T171), the AFT balance coil (T172)
and, in desperation, the IF IC (IC101,
As readers will appreciate, all this
took a lot longer than it does to write
about it. In fact, the entire process took
several days, taking into account the
time taken to monitor each change.
And in the end it was all to no avail;
I was back to square one.
So was it in the front end? Or could
it be a fault in the horizontal scanning
system; a breakdown or flashover
which was generating interference? I
rang the Samsung service department
and spoke to a contact there who has
always been very helpful. He wasn’t
able to offer any ideas based on actual
cases but he did agree that the idea
of interference from the scan system
was worth investigating. And he went
on to offer some ideas as to how the
front end could be operated with the
scanning systems shut down.
As a result, I finished up with the
rear end of the set shut down and the
front end operating on 12V and 33V
from a bench power supply. I then
hooked up the CRO to monitor the IF
envelope – it has enough bandwidth
to do this – and fired up the front end
Sure enough, in the fullness of
time, I could clearly see a succession
of glitches on this envelope. I had no
doubt now that I had been right the first
time; the fault was somewhere in the
front end. But where? I had checked
or changed all the likely components
in this section.
Or had I? No, there was one section
I hadn’t checked; the channel selector pushbutton assembly, shown as
PWB-SELECTOR. There are in fact two
versions of this unit, an 8-key assembly
and a 12-key assembly, the latter being
the one shown.
This assembly carries the push
buttons which are used to select
the preset channels, plus the preset
controls themselves. The pushbuttons are shown in the centre of Fig.2,
August 1995 43
designated as SW01, SW02, etc. They
have two sets of contacts, those on the
right performing the channel selection
function and those on the left selecting the appropriate band. These latter
contacts also activate the associated
indicator LED (DL01, DL02, etc) from
the 12V rail. These LEDs are connected
in series and all but the wanted one
are shorted out.
There are two preset controls for
each channel. On the extreme left are
the 3-position band selector switches,
marked VL (VHF low), VH (VHF high)
and U (UHF). These are preset for
the band appropriate to the channel
chosen for that position. They are
connected to the 12V rail when a
channel button is activated and apply
base voltage to one of three transistors – SQ101, SQ102 and SQ103. The
selected transistor then turns on and
connects the main 12V rail to the appropriate section of the tuner.
The chosen channel is selected by
the corresponding variable resistor on
the right (VR01, VR02, etc). These are
fed from the 33V rail and feed an appropriate voltage to the varicap diodes
in the tuner (terminal VT).
As an example, switch SW06 is
shown in the active position (with the
LED illuminated), VR06 is connected
to the 33V rail, and the 12V rail is
44 Silicon Chip
connected to the VH position of the
band selector switch.
All of which should give the reader
some idea of the complexity of these
assemblies. And to be truthful, they
have more than their fair share of troubles although, until now, these have all
involved channel selection problems.
These are easy enough to diagnose and
there is only one practical solution;
replace the entire assembly.
However, I have never experienced,
or heard of, these units causing the
kind of trouble evident in this set. But,
with all other likely culprits exonerated, this one had to be a suspect even
though it was something of a long shot.
Fortunately, I had a spare unit on hand
and this was duly fitted.
And that was the answer. The set
was run for several days with no sign
of the fault and I eventually returned it
to the customer. But I warned the lady
to contact me immediately if it should
reappear. That was many weeks ago
and all is quiet so far.
More flashers
That wasn’t the last of the flashers.
Within a few weeks, I had no less
than three more and all from the same
cause. The only difference was that it
involved different bands; one was on
low VHF, one on high VHF, and one
Fig.2: this diagram shows the
channel preset & channel selector
circuitry in the Samsung CB-515.
Note the active setting for switch
on UHF. And they were not all CB515s; one was a CB-349 and one an
Akai CT-K115, both of which use the
P-50F chassis.
Granted, these were the bands
favoured by each customer and my
checks confirmed that the fault occurred only on the particular band.
And there was a fourth set with an
even weirder fault in this section. The
set worked normally on UHF but suffered from very low gain on low VHF.
For some reason (probably due to
leakage), when it turned on the low
VHF transistor (SQ101), it also turned
on the high VHF transistor (SQ102)
at the same time. The effect was to
completely wreck the low band gain.
So be warned; any similar funnies
and you’ll know where to look. SC
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Surface Mount Technology
Surface Mount
Technology by
Rudolph Strauss.
Published in 1994
by ButterworthHeinemann, Oxford.
Hard covers, 361
pages, 240 x 160mm,
ISBN 0-7506-1862-0,
This book will provide informative reading for any person presently
involved with wave soldering equipment for through-hole mounting
components or anyone considering
the assembly of PC boards with surface
mounted devices (SMD's).
In the first chapter the Author asks
the same question we all ask. Why
SMD's? What is wrong with existing
components? But after a moment's
thought we realise that components
have always been getting smaller.
From valves to transistors to integrated
circuits, the package size has shrunk
Microprocessors have gone from
16 pin devices to 40 pins to 169
pins and so on. The trend to higher packaging density of IC's and to
higher frequency operation, requires
shorter IC interconnecting leads and
components with very short (low
inductance) leads. Thus SMD's have
come to the rescue.
In chapter 2 the Author discusses
SMD shapes including MELF's (Metal Electrode Faced Components),
chips, small outline devices (Transistors-SOT's, Integrated Circuits-SOIC's
etc) and discusses their solderability
and mechanical stability in wave
soldering machines. Chapter 3 covers soldering methods, fluxes, solder
composition, the effects of impurities
in solder baths and the properties of
soldered joints.
Chapter 4 describes wave soldering
in detail, including the relative simplicity before SMD's. Wave soldering is
a technique where the PC board, with
all components physically mounted or
glued, is passed over a wave of molten
solder. The solder is pumped through
a vertical nozzle, usually the width of
the machine and as it flows up and out
the PC board is moved through this
"wave". Other topics in this chapter
include fluxes, board preheating, the
solder wave, oxygen-free atmospheres
and the role of adhesives.
Chapter 5 covers reflow soldering.
What is the difference? In wave soldering, as in hand soldering the flux
comes first, the solder and heat come
at the same time. With reflow, the heat
comes last, the flux and solder or solder paste having already been placed
on the PC board and sometimes on the
component leads as well.
The Author points out reflow soldering is not new. Plumbers use reflow
when joining modern copper capillary
fittings. These are supplied with an
insert of flux and solder. The plumber
only needs to clean the copper pipe he
intends to use, push it into the fitting
and apply heat. The flux and solder
inside the fitting will now do their job
and make a waterproof joint.
Strauss then discusses one pass
and two pass soldering, where the
PC board is reflowed on one side
then turned over and the second side
soldered. You would think that the
components on the bottom would fall
off on the second pass and they will if
they are too heavy. Believe it or not,
the surface tension of the softened
solder holds the smaller components
in place.
One layout requirement for two
pass SMD's is to keep all the heavy
components on one side of the board.
The rest of the chapter covers various
methods of reflow, including vapour
phase, infrared, hot air or gas, laser
and impulse.
Chapter 6 details the requirements
for PC boards for SMD's. This covers
layout procedures, which should take
into account the direction of the board
through the solder machine as most
components will be more mechanically stable in one orientation.
Chapter 7 discusses the placing of
components on the PC board, from
manual methods to fully automatic
placement. Chapter 8 discusses the
methods used to clean the boards after
Historically CFC's have been used
but now they have been phased out
due to their environmental unfriendliness; new cleaning compounds and
methods have evolved.
The final chapters cover quality control, inspection and rework. These are
interrelated, for obviously, the better
the quality control the less rework.
Inspection before soldering and rectification of faults can be far easier and
cheaper than repairing the same fault
after the solder bath.
To sum up, this is a very interesting book, written by an Author who
knows his subject - a must for the
production manager of any electronics
manufacturing company not yet into
SMD. (R.J.W.)
August 1995 53
Design by ROGER KENT*
Audio Lab: a
PC-controlled audio
test instrument
Introducing Audio Lab, a PC controlled test
instrument capable of a range of DC and AC
measurements with particular emphasis on
audio applications. Audio Lab is connected to
the serial port on your computer and does not
require any internal cards.
These days, PC controlled instruments are becoming widely used,
whether it is equipment fitted with
the GPIB (HP’s General Purpose Instrument Bus) or simpler gear with a serial
communication link. Now, by special
54 Silicon Chip
arrangement with R.S.K. Electonics
Pty Ltd, of Perth, we are pleased to
present Audio Lab.
Anyone involved in the electronics
field whether as a hobby, as a design
engineer or as a technician, relies on
ment to measure and test the
project being worked on. For audio
applications, an ideal workshop setup
should include facilities to monitor
frequency, resistance, capacitance,
impedance, and DC and AC voltage,
along with the capability to perform
and print frequency response plots for
the unit under test. To achieve these
results using conventional methods,
a considerable amount of test gear
would be required.
Audio Lab has been developed to
incorporate all the above features into
one PC based measuring system. Data
transfer from Audio Lab to the PC is
via an RS232 link and no power is
taken from the PC. No test equipment,
apart from a multimeter, is required to
build Audio Lab and all calibrations
are performed by using the supplied
setup software on the PC.
The accuracy is a function of its
1.26V internal voltage reference which
is better than ±2%. The frequency
generator section is a calibrated crystal
controlled module with a drift tolerance of 50ppm (parts per million).
System features
Audio Lab can measure DC and AC
voltages in nine ranges from 50mV to
100V. AC measurements are true RMS
rather than the less precise RMS indication based on a form factor of 1.11, as
for a sinewave. It can also measure DC
resistance from 2Ω to 10MΩ in eight
ranges; capacitance from less than 5pF
to 5000µF in eight ranges; and impedance from 2Ω to 10MΩ in eight ranges,
for test frequencies between 10Hz and
20kHz and frequencies between 1Hz
and 30kHz.
As a generator, Audio Lab can
deliver a sinewave at any frequency
between 0.5Hz and 30kHz in 0.5Hz
steps at any amplitude between zero
and 2V RMS, with coarse and fine adjustments available. The sinewave has
a total harmonic distortion (distortion
plus noise) of -40dB; ie, 1%.
The generator mode can also produce a logarithmic frequency sweep
from 10Hz to 20kHz or a linear sweep
with selectable start and frequency
increments. The selected frequency is
entered from the PC with the output
voltage being simultaneously monitored and displayed.
Printouts of frequency plots and
full screen displays can be made at
any time.
Audio Lab is housed in a standard
plastic instrument case with three
knobs on the front panel, a couple of
toggle switches, three RCA sockets, a
6.5mm microphone jack, two binding
post terminals and a bunch of LEDs
which display (mimic) the function
and range being monitored.
Computer system requirements for
Audio Lab are an IBM PC 286 compatible or better, with a 386DX/40
recommended as the minimum to take
full advantage of the display graphics.
Also required are a minimum RAM of
1Mb, 2Mb free on the hard drive, EGA/
VGA graphics, DOS 3.3 or later and a
Microsoft-compatible mouse.
Fig.1: this is the opening screen of the Audio Lab. From here, you can switch to
measurements for AC & DC voltage, resistance, capacitance and impedance, and
you can generate linear and logarithmic frequency sweeps.
Fig.2: this screen shows a capacitor of 1.5pF being measured at a test frequency
of 10kHz.
Fig.3: this is an impedance plot for a bass reflex loudspeaker system. The double
peaks in the low frequency region demonstrate the reflex tuning.
Audio Lab is built on four doublesided PC boards with plated-through
holes. The four PC boards and the
signal flow around them are shown
on the diagram of Fig.4.
The four boards comprise the Boot
August 1995 55
The Boot PC board accommodates an 80C31 microprocessor, RAM and EPROM,
and an RS232 serial interface for the PC.
interface built in, along with the option to take either 8K or 32K of static
RAM. Access to the full micro bus has
been implemented to enable various
daughter boards to be plugged in for a
range of applications without having
to redesign the microprocessor part
of the project.
When the first byte of data is received from the PC, the code is written
into RAM which is configured as Data
memory, the EPROM being Program
data. After the last byte of code has
been transmitted, memory usage is
switched so that the RAM becomes
Program memory and the EPROM
becomes Data memory. The program
then runs from RAM, starting at address 0000H.
An ADM232 RS232 interface is
connected to bit P3.0 of the 80C31 as
RXD with bit P3.1 as TXD, with the
processor controlling the baud rate.
By using the ADM232, correct specifi
cations for the RS232 link are achieved
and no compatibility problems when
connected to the PC’s serial port will
Contained in the EPROM is the
boot code to enable the transfer of the
full program from the PC, along with
several diagnostic programs which,
when used with the diagnostic card
and software, aid in debugging the
motherboard. The EPROM also contains a 28.8K look-up table for the
generation of sine waves.
A-D board
This is the A-D board which stacks on top and interfaces with the micro bus
from the Boot board. It features an ADC0804 analog-to-digital converter and an
AD736 true RMS converter. The on-board module is used generate sinewaves.
PC board which accommo
dates the
system microprocessor and EPROM,
the analog to digital (A-D) converter
board, the front panel board and the
power supply. Let’s deal with the Boot
board first.
80C31 microprocessor
All of the functions in Audio Lab are
controlled by an 80C31 microprocessor. This device was chosen because
of its on-board I/O ports and ease of
56 Silicon Chip
use via a serial communication link.
It has separation of program and data
memory which makes it simple to
dump code for the processor from the
PC via the serial port.
What this implies is that any upgrades or changes to the code do not
involve changing the EPROM but
simply downloading new software
from the PC.
The Boot board has its own 5V
regulator and bidirectional RS232
This board stacks on top and interfaces with the micro bus from the Boot
board. An ADC0804 analog-to-digital
converter is used to convert the selected analog information into 8-bit digital
format at a sampling rate of about
15kHz. The 1.26V voltage reference
gives an input range of 2.52 volts for
the converter. A 74HC574 8-bit latch
is used to select the different inputs,
ranges and mode options; eg, RMS/
linear, component, frequency measure, etc.
Switching between RMS and linear
modes is achieved by a 4052 analog
switch using bit D7 from the 74HC574
8-bit latch. The RMS value of the selected Input voltage is computed using
an AD736 true RMS converter. This
converter does not rely on measur
ing peak-to-peak voltages and form
factors to perform an RMS conversion
but performs the correct algorithm;
ie, square, mean and square root, to
Mounted behind the front panel, this board accommodates most of the analog
circuitry in Audio Lab. Here is where the scaling, monitor switching, mimic
decoding and buffering functions are performed. Accurate calibration is
achieved by two multiturn trimpots, to set the divide by 100 & 1000 ranges. The
“Set-up” software makes calibration simple.
calculate the RMS of any waveform,
not just sine waves.
The linear signal from the front
board is amplified and converted to a
square wave by a 4093 Schmitt trigger.
Control bit D6 gates either the interrupt
from the A-D converter, when measuring RMS or linear voltages, or the
output of the Schmitt to the interrupt
on the 80C31 processor.
The micro then either converts the
analog signal into serial format and
dumps the data to the PC or when
measuring frequency, counts the
number of cycles in one second, then
dumps the frequency via the serial
port to the PC.
The calibrated sinewave module is
on this board and data is transferred
to it from the 80C31 via control bits
from port 3.
Three multi-turn trimpots calibrate
RMS gain, linear zero and linear
gain, calibration being done using
the “Set- up” program supplied with
the project.
Connection to the power supply
board is via a 3-way connector which
supplies ±5V. These rails are derived
from separate regulators to those for
the boot board’s supply, to minimise
any interference problems between
the digital and analog sections of the
system. To simplify inter-board wiring, connections from the A-D board
and the Front board are by a 16-way
ribbon cable.
Front board
The main analog section of the
system is on this board. Here is where
the scaling, monitor switching, mim
ic decoding and buffering functions
are performed. The overall scheme,
though simple in concept, is very complex in operation and would require
a complete article to fully describe
the philosophy used when designing
the system.
In brief, the switching data, sine
wave out and analog information from
the A-D board arrives via the 16-way
IDC (insulation displacement cable)
connector. A 4051 8-input analog
switch is used to choose which of the
various inputs is selected for processing by the A-D board. The required
input is gated through by control bits
D2, D3 & D4 from the 74HC574 8-bit
latch. To achieve the different ranges
when “INPUT” is selected, the voltage
first passes through a digitally controlled attenuator, giving attenuation
of 10, 100 and 1000 using control bits
D0 & D1.
Accurate calibration is achieved
by two multiturn trimpots, to set the
divide by 100 & 1000 ranges. Again,
the “Set-up” software makes calibration very simple. The output from
the attenuator feeds an op amp with a
fixed gain of 20 which feeds a digitally
controlled amplifier with gains of 1,
2 & 4 using control bits D2, D3 & D4.
This selects different input resistors
and sets the corresponding gain of the
output buffer amp.
Full scale on the analog to digital
Fig.4: this diagram shows
the four PC boards and the
signal flow around them.
August 1995 57
Communication with the controlling PC is via the inbuilt RS232 serial interface.
Power comes from a DC plugpack.
converter is set by the preset gain
controls on the A-D board to be 2V, so
by using combinations of attenuation
and amplification the full nine ranges
are obtained.
The digital range switching used
was the only configuration that
achieved the desired results with
adequate frequency response and accuracy, without the need for adjustable
compensation capacitors.
The Mike input is a conventional
amplifier with a variable gain of 10 to
about 100. A switch on the front panel
enables the use of either a normal or
electret microphone and the output
is selected for display by control bits
D2, D3 & D4.
Impedance plots
With the inputs described so far
and the ability to deliver known AC
voltages and frequencies, Audio Lab
can measure and plot the impedance
of any component. If a known voltage,
at a known frequency is applied across
a simple potential divider network,
with the impedance of one of the components known, then by measuring
the RMS voltage (Vx) at the junction
58 Silicon Chip
of the two components it is a simple
matter to calculate the impedance of
the unknown component. Once the
impedance is known the capacitance,
resistance or inductance can be easily
For example, to measure resistance,
if a fixed 1V RMS signal at 1kHz is
used as the reference and this signal is
applied to one end of the unknown resistance, the other end being grounded
through a known resistance of 10kΩ,
the value of the unknown resistance
can be calculated, as follows:
R = 10(1-Vx)/Vx kilohms
Similarly, for a capacitor:
C = Vx/2πF.R(Vx2 - 1)0.5
So by varying the frequency and
the known resistance, a wide range
of capacitance can be measured. Load
resistors of 1kΩ, 10kΩ & 100kΩ are
selected via control bits D0 & D1 and
the component measure output is selected by D2, D3 & D4. The 1kΩ and
10kΩ reference resistors are accurately
set using multiturn trimpots and 1%
calibration resistors.
In the result, the accuracy for impedances from 300Ω to 10MΩ was good
but below 300Ω was unacceptable.
To get round this problem, the potential divider was reversed. By using
the High/Low switch, the function is
inverted so that the test voltage feeds
the known resistance and the unknown impedance now is grounded.
Through various scaling routines, the
system is accurate for reading impedances to below 5Ω at frequencies
between 10Hz and 20kHz.
Impedance plots for loudspeakers
and crossover units can be done by
connecting the unit to be measured
across the “Component” terminals
and selecting Log sweep from 20Hz
to 20kHz with the range switch set
to low.
Further decoding of control bits
D0-D7 by analog switches is used
to provide signals to drive the 12
mimic LEDs. These provide visible
indication as to what input is being
monitored and what function is being
All the functions, ranges, etc are
selected from the PC using the graphical software which will be discussed
along with further details of the project
in next month’s issue.
*Roger Kent is the managing director of
R.S.K. Electronics Pty Ltd.
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August 1995 59
Powered Loudspeaker
Build the
Revitalise the
sound card in your
computer with the
Mighty-Mite Powered
Loudspeaker. It uses
a miniature surfacemount IC amplifier
which only requires a
5V supply to deliver
a 1W output.
Sound cards for computers and
multimedia are all the go at present.
But without suitable loudspeakers,
much of the impact of the sound can
be lost. By building the Mighty-Mite
Powered Loudspeaker, you can obtain
sound quality that’s far superior to that
available from low-cost multimedia
loudspeaker systems.
The system to be described is based
on an LM4860M integrat
ed circuit
(IC) audio amplifier and this drives
a 100mm dual-cone loudspeaker.
Both the amplifier circuitry and the
loudspeaker are housed in a compact
sealed plastic case. The only front
panel control is for volume while at
the rear are the signal input and DC
supply sockets.
The amplifier circuit is powered
from a 5V rail and this can come from
60 Silicon Chip
13 -IN
Vo1 10
14 +IN
Vo2 15
Av = -1
6 HP-IN1
7 HP-IN2
Fig.1: the internal arrangement of the LM4860M audio amplifier
IC. Amp1 is the main amplifier & is connected in inverting mode.
Its output appears at pin 10 & also drives inverting amplifier stage
Amp2 to derive an out-of-phase output at pin 15.
or sim.
1 LM4860M surface mount 1W
audio amplifier (IC1)
4 OR 8
Fig.2: this diagram shows the complete circuit details for the
Mighty-Mite Powered Loudspeaker. It operates with a gain of
nine & this provides an input sensitivity of about 320mV for
1W output into 8-ohms.
the computer itself – either from the
games port or from the sound card
input/output port (see Fig.4). Alternatively, the circuit may be powered from
a 9-12VAC plugpack via an optional
5V regulator circuit which is also
described here.
Of course, the Mighty-Mite is not
just suitable for multimedia applications. It can be used anywhere a powered loudspeaker system is required;
eg, as part of a low-cost audio system
or in a workshop. If you do use them
with a computer system though, be
sure to heed the accompanying warn-
1 PC board, code 01305951, 33
x 25mm
1 sealed ABS box, 171 x 121 x
55mm (Jaycar HB-6128 or
1 dual-cone 100mm
loudspeaker, 4Ω or 8Ω (DSE
Cat. A9651 or equivalent)
1 10kΩ 16mm log pot (VR1)
1 FX115 ferrite bead or
equivalent (L1)
3 self-adhesive labels
1 16mm dia. knob
1 DC panel socket
1 chassis mount RCA panel
2 25mm long x 3mm dia. screws
& nuts
2 9mm tapped spacers
2 6mm long x 3mm screws
4 black countersunk 4mm
diameter screws & nuts (to
attach loudspeaker)
9 PC stakes
1 25mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
ing panel. Unlike most multimedia
loudspeakers, these units are not
magnetically shielded, so don’t place
them too close to the monitor.
The audio amplifier IC
One of our first tasks in designing
this system was to choose a suitable
audio amplifier IC. There are many
such units available, most capable of
providing excellent results. We finally
settled on the LM4860M because of its
excellent specifications (considering
its small surface-mount package), its
1W (RMS) power output and its ability
1 47µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 1µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 6.8pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 100kΩ
1 22kΩ
Optional 5V Regulator
1 PC board, code 01305952, 59
x 35mm
1 heatsink, 26 x 29 x 13mm
1 7805T 3-terminal regulator
1 B104 bridge rectifier (BR1)
1 470µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
4 PC stakes
1 6mm long x 3mm dia. screw
& nut
to operate from a 5V supply.
At first glance, it might seem impossible to obtain a 1W output into
8-ohms from such a low supply rail.
August 1995 61
Fig.3: install the parts on the PC board & run the external wiring
as shown in this diagram. Note that IC1 is a surface mount device
& is mounted on the copper side of the board (see text).
This is because, to obtain 1W, the
amplifier would have to deliver 2.83V
RMS or 4V peak into the load. In other
words, it would have to deliver 8V
peak-to-peak, which is greater than
the supply voltage.
However, the LM3860M is a bridge
amplifier which drives both terminals
of the loudspeaker. Thus, when one
terminal of the loudspeaker is driven
high, the other terminal is driven low
with the opposite phase. As a result,
the effective power output from a
bridge amplifier is four times that
available from a standard amplifier
(P = V2/R).
Fig.1 shows the internal arrangement of the LM4860M and the typical
external connections. Amp1 is the
main amplifier and this is connected
in inverting mode. Its gain is set by the
ratio of the feedback resistor (Rf) to
62 Silicon Chip
the input resistor (Ri), and in this case
is set to -1. The non-inverting input
is set to half-supply by two internal
50kΩ voltage divider resistors and is
decoupled using capacitor CB.
The output of Amp1 appears at pin
Fig.4: a 5V rail
to power the
can be derived
from a games
or sound card
port of a PC.
This diagram
shows the
supply connections. You will
need to make up a suitable
power cable which is fitted at
one end with a matching DB15
10 of the IC and also drives the inverting input of a second internal amplifier. Designated Amp2, this amplifier is
also connected in inverting mode, with
its gain set to -1 by two internal 40kΩ
resistors. Its signal output appears at
pin 15 and is 180° out of phase with
the signal at pin 10.
This arrangement forms the bridge
amplifier configuration. Compared to
a single-ended amplifier, it effectively doubles the output voltage swing
applied to the loudspeaker and thus
quadruples the power. Note that the
overall gain of the amplifier is 2Rf/Ri,
due to the bridge configuration.
With no signal applied, the outputs of Amp1 and Amp2 will be
at the same voltage because both
amplifiers are biased at half supply.
Consequently, there is no need for an
output coupling capacitor to prevent
DC from flowing in the voice coil.
This not only reduces the component
count but also improves the low fre
quency response.
As well as the internal amplifiers,
the IC also contains a shutdown feature
which can be used to reduce the power
consumption when the amplifier is not
in use. It is activated by connecting
pin 2 to the positive supply rail (or
to some other point above 3V). This
reduces the no-signal supply current
from a nominal 7mA to 500µA.
Alternatively, the shutdown feature
can be activated via an internal OR
gate which has its pin 3 output connected to pin 2. The amplifier is then
shut down by feeding control signals
to the pin 6 and pin 7 OR gate inputs.
When either or both of these inputs
are at a logic high, the amplifier is
These control inputs are typically
used to shut down the amplifier in
situations where a set of headphones
is plugged into a preceding stage. In
this case, the control input is derived
by switching in a suitable voltage via
an internal switch in the headphone
Circuit details
Refer now to Fig.2 for the final
circuit details of the Mighty-Mite
Powered Loudspeaker. In this circuit,
the gain has been set to nine by the
100kΩ feedback and 22kΩ input resistors. This provides an input sensitivity of about 320mV for 1W output
into eight ohms. In addition, a 6.8pF
capacitor has been connected across
the feedback path and this rolls off
the high-frequency response above
230kHz to prevent instability.
The incoming audio signal is applied to IC1 via volume control VR1
and a 1µF coupling capacitor. This
coupling capacitor is necessary to
prevent DC current from flowing
through the 22kΩ input resistor and
VR1. It rolls off the response below
The 10µF capacitor decouples the
half-supply rail at pins 5 & 14 to improve supply rejection and reduce the
distortion below 100Hz. Note that pins
6 & 7 (the OR gate inputs) are tied low,
while the OR gate output at pin 3 is
tied to the shutdown input at pin 2.
Because the OR gate output is always
low in this design, the amplifier is
permanently enabled.
Finally, the power supply to IC1 is
isolated using a ferrite bead and decoupled by a 47µF capacitor. This measure
helps to reduce noise injection into the
amplifier if it is powered from a 5V
computer supply (a computer supply
rail usually has a fair degree of hash
and high frequency noise).
This view shows the completed amplifier module. Note that the volume control
potentiometer (VR1) is mounted by soldering its terminals to three PC stakes at
one end of the board.
The Mighty-Mite is built onto a PC
board coded 01305951 and measuring
33 x 25mm. Fig.3 shows the wiring
Begin construction by installing PC
stakes at the external wiring points;
ie, at the loudspeaker outputs, the
+5V and 0V supply inputs, and at
the signal inputs. In addition, install
PC stakes at the three wiring points
for VR1.
Once the PC stakes are in, IC1 can
be installed. Because this is a surface-mount component, it is mounted
on the copper side of the board.
Before soldering IC1, the copper
lands should be pretinned using a
fine-tipped soldering iron. This done,
place the IC on the board with the
notch in its plastic body towards the
1µF capacitor position, then carefully
tack solder a couple of pins to the pretinned lands by heating them gently
with the iron. The pins can then all be
carefully soldered.
Be sure to use only small amounts
of solder during this job, to prevent
unwanted shorts between adjacent
pins of the IC. In fact, it is a good idea
to carefully inspect the completed job
under a magnifying glass to ensure that
all is correct.
This close-up view shows the mounting details for the amplifier board. It sits
27mm above the floor of the case on two 9mm-long spacers which are screwed
onto 25mm long x 3mm dia. mounting screws.
Performance of Prototype
Output power ����������������������������� 1.3W into 4٠at onset of clipping; 1W into
8Ω at onset of clipping
Distortion ����������������������������������� <1% see graphs
Signal-to-noise ratio ������������������ 76dB with respect to 1W with 1k٠input
resistor & 20Hz to 20kHz bandwidth; 91dB
A weighted
Frequency response ������������������ -2dB at 10Hz & 100kHz
Sensitivity for 1W out ���������������� 320mV RMS
Supply voltage ��������������������������� 2.7-5.5V
Quiescent current ���������������������� <15mA; typically 7mA
Output offset voltage ����������������� <50mV
August 1995 63
Building The Optional 5V Regulator Board
Fig.5: you will need this simple regulator circuit
if you intend powering the unit from an AC or DC
plugpack supply.
The regulator board only takes a few minutes to
assemble. Make sure that all parts are correctly
oriented & use PC stakes at external wiring points.
Fig.6(a): here’s how to install the parts
on the regulator board. Note that REG1
is bolted to a small U-shaped heatsink.
If you wish to power the unit from
a 9-12VAC (or 9-12V DC) plugpack,
then you will need to add the 5V
regulator circuit shown in Fig.5. As
shown, the output from the plugpack
is fed to a bridge rectifier (BR1) and
this in turn drives 3-terminal regulator REG1 to derive a regulated 5V
rail. The 470µF and 10µF electrolytic
capacitors provide filtering for the IN
and OUT terminals of the regulator
The LM4860 IC (IC1) is mounted
on the copper side of the PC board
as shown here. Use a fine-tipped
soldering iron for this job & make sure
that the device is correctly oriented.
64 Silicon Chip
Fig.6(b): this is the full-size etching pattern
for the regulator PC board. Check the
board carefully before installing any parts.
A PC board (code 01305952) has
been designed to accommodate the
regulator components – see Fig.6(a).
Install the parts on this board exactly
as shown and note that REG1 is
bolted to a small finned heatsink to
ensure adequate heat dissipation.
Apply a thin smear of heatsink
compound to the metal tab of the
regulator before bolting it down.
The remaining components mount
on the top of the PC board. Take care
with the electrolytic capacitors - they
must be oriented with the correct polarity, as shown on Fig.3. The resistors
mount end on, while L1 simply consists a short length of tinned copper
wire fed through the ferrite bead.
Finally, the board assembly can be
completed by soldering VR1’s terminals to the top of the PC stakes.
The completed amplifier, along with
the loudspeaker, is housed in a sealed
ABS box measuring 171 x 121 x 55mm.
In no circumstances should you
power the amplifier from a voltage
greater than 5.5V. The audio amplifier chip could fail if you do.
The 5V regulator board can either be mounted inside the case of
the Mighty-Mite, or mounted in a
separate case and used externally.
Take care to ensure that the supply
connections to the amplifier board
are correct.
This box is fitted with three adhesive
labels – two on the front panel and
one on the rear. Fit these labels to the
locations shown in the photographs,
then drill mounting holes in the rear
panel for the DC power socket and the
RCA input socket.
Similarly, on the front panel, drill
a hole for the volume control shaft.
Note that it’s best to start with a small
pilot hole and then carefully enlarge
the hole to the correct size using a tapered reamer. Once this has been done,
mark out and drill the loudspeaker
Fig.7: this graph shows the distortion as a function of output power into an
8-ohm load. Note that the distortion is less than 1% for output powers up to 1W
& rises steeply beyond this level of output.
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Fig.8: distortion vs. output power into a 4-ohm load. The distortion is less than
for 8-ohm loads, while slightly more output power (1.3W) can also be obtained.
mounting holes plus a circular pattern
of holes in front of the cone position
to let the sound escape.
Next, carefully measure out, mark
and drill the mounting holes for the
PC board in the base of the case. The
PC board assembly is then installed
in the case as shown in one of the
To do this, first fit two 25mm long
x 3mm dia. screws to the mounting
holes and secure them with nuts.
A 9mm spacer is then fitted to each
screw. Screw these spacers down until
their top surfaces are 27mm above the
base of the case, then fit the PC board
and secure it to the spacers with 6mm
long screws.
YES GARRY, please send me more
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satellite systems.
Name: __________________________________
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August 1995 65
Below: the input & DC power
sockets are mounted on the
rear panel. At left is the view
inside the prototype.
All that remains now is to run the
small amount of internal wiring – see
Fig.3. This consists of: (1) connecting
the supply leads from the DC socket
to the PC board; (2) running a short
length of shielded cable from the RCA
socket to the input termi
nals; and
(3) running a length of figure-8 cable
from the board to the loudspeaker
Unlike most multimedia
loudspeakers, the MightyMite design does not include
magnetic shielding. As a result,
the strong magnetic field around
the loudspeaker can cause colour distortion if placed too close
to a monitor screen, due to magnetisation of the shadow mask.
Usually, this problem will be
cured by the internal degaussing
circuitry of the monitor each time
it is switched on. Severe cases,
however, will require the use of a
degaussing wand, which means
a trip a professional service organisation.
To avoid this problem, do not
place the Mighty-Mite Powered
Loudspeaker any closer than
about 300mm from a monitor or
TV set.
To test the unit, first connect a 5V
DC supply to the DC socket, taking care
to ensure that the polarity is correct.
This done, switch on and check that
the wire link through the ferrite bead
is at +5V with respect to ground. If this
is correct, check that the accessible
lead of the 22kΩ resistor is at 2.5V
(ie, half supply). The two loudspeaker
terminals should also each be at 2.5V,
give or take 50mV.
If all checks out, then you are ready
to try the Mighty-Mite out. This simply
involves completing the case assem-
Fig.9: here are full-size
artworks for the three labels
plus a full-size etching
pattern for the Mighty-Mite
amplifier board.
66 Silicon Chip
Power supply
As mentioned previously, the
Mighty-Mite can be powered directly from a games or sound card port.
Fig.4 shows the +5V and GND (0V)
connections for these ports. You will
need to make up a suitable power
cable which is fitted at one end with
a matching DB15 connector. Note that
the +5V rail can be derived from pin
1, pin 8 or pin 9.
Alternatively, you can assemble the
optional 5V regulator board & power
the unit from an AC or DC plugpack
bly, fitting the knob and feeding in a
suitable signal from your computer’s
sound card, or from some other suitable audio source (eg, a tuner or tape
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An easy way to identify IDE
hard disc parameters
Losing the CMOS setup in your computer is a
real nuisance if you don’t have a copy of the hard
disc drive parameters. Diskinfo.exe is a nifty little
utility program that will automatically retrieve
the required disc parameters for you.
This article was written in response
to an earlier article entitled “CMOS
Memory Settings – What To Do If
The Battery Goes Flat” (SILICON CHIP,
May 1995). In that article, the author
described how to re-enter a PC’s CMOS
setup values if they were lost.
One of the things emphasised in
the original article was that all PC
owners should keep a record of their
hard disc drive parameters for just
such an eventuality. Unfortunately,
not all owners do that and the relevant
information is not always attached to
the drive unit.
I have been designing electronic
hardware, writing software and repairing PC problems for many years
now, so having PCs crash on me is
no novelty.
As a full-time computer professional, there are two problems that have
given me considerable hassles with
PCs over the past few years. These
problems are: (1) what to do if the
CMOS crashes with a good battery;
Fig.1: this screen grab shows the information returned by the program. As well
as the number of cylinders, heads and sectors per track, it also includes the
drive capacity, its model and serial numbers, the buffer size and the number of
bytes per sector.
72 Silicon Chip
and (2) finding out the hard disc type
if you do not have easy physical access
to the drive itself (eg, in laptop PCs),
or if the details are not attached to the
drive in the first place.
Why does the CMOS crash?
Let’s take a look at the CMOS memory problem first. In my experience, it
is not always a flat battery that causes
the CMOS to crash. In fact, some
motherboards are prone to losing their
CMOS setup when combined with
certain power supplies.
As a rule of thumb, if this happens
with a good battery more often than
once every two months, then it’s quite
possible that there is a fault on the
motherboard, in the power supply or,
very occasionally, on a bus card.
If this is occurring with your PC and
it is still under warranty, you should
return it to your supplier as soon as
possible. Some intermittent faults can
take a long time to track down, since
there are usually a lot of possible causes that have to be eliminated.
However, if the fault is reported
to the supplier before the warranty
period expires, they have to fix the
problem, even if the warranty period expires before the fault is finally
I have also noticed that CMOS
memory problems are more likely to
occur in the “el cheapo” motherboard
upgrades, although this problem is not
as frequent as it once was. I usually
find out about it after my customer
has had their old “AT” or 386 PC upgraded to a 486 and then, after it fails,
can’t get it fixed under warranty, as
the “el cheapo” supplier is no longer
in business. Just another example of
Notes On The Operation Of DISKINFO.EXE
Diskinfo.exe is a C utility program written by Geoff Cohen and Alan Vidler.
It retrieves the IDE hard disc details from IBM (& compatible) AT, 386, 486
and Pentium PCs, independently of the state of the CMOS or BIOS. This is
useful when the CMOS is incorrect or has no hard disc details entered, as
happens with a new motherboard.
The Diskinfo.exe program uses the standard ATA (IDE) disc command
set, sending commands to and receiving status details and textual data from
the ATA disc drive. I found a lot of useful details in AT attachment interface
specifications ATA2-R3.DOC, which I downloaded from the Internet before
we started writing Diskinfo.exe. Alan Vidler looked at the Linux hard disk
I/O source code and did most of the initial design of the program.
While the complete list of commands is too long to go into, the basic
operation of Diskinfo.exe is:
(1). Check if the drive is an IDE type & exit if not;
(2). Send the Identify Drive command;
(3). Receive the details, format & display on screen;
(4). Repeat steps 1-3 for Drive 1
On a more detailed level, the program first checks if Drive 0 (ie, C:) is
an ATA (or IDE) drive, by sending the command HD_CURRENT (0x1f6) to
I/O port A0. It then waits 20ms, checks if the ready bit (0x40) is set, and
exits if it isn’t.
Next, it sends the identify drive (0x1f7) command to the I/O port, waits
20ms, then reads the information returned from the ATA disc drive and
displays it on the screen.
This complete procedure is then repeated for Drive 1 (ie, D:), the only
difference being that the commands are sent to I/O port B0 instead of A0.
In addition, the message “press any key for drive D Information” appears
on the screen.
It is also worth mentioning that this information can be sent to a file by
redirecting the output. This is done by typing (at the A:> prompt):
TANSTAAFL1, I guess (1there ain’t no
such thing as a free lunch).
Another less frequent cause of
CMOS problems is the 240V mains
power. In particular, mains spikes may
propagate through the power supply
to the CMOS while the computer is
running. This can cause an error the
next time the computer is switched on
but usually the PC just hangs when the
spike arrives.
I always recommend fitting a mains
spike suppressor for every PC installation. As far as I am concerned, mains
spike suppressors are like chicken
soup – they may help and they cer
tainly won’t hurt. For network and
small commercial systems, a UPS
(uninterruptable power supply) is a
must – at least for the server.
If you write programs, another
source of CMOS errors is the odd
program crashing when you try to run
it and then going haywire. Of course,
this has never happened to me; well,
would you believe hardly ever?
When a program runs haywire, there
is a low but finite probability that it
will write odd characters all through
your PCs memory and this can very
easily put rubbish into the CMOS
memory. C and Assembler are really
good at this and I have even managed
to get normally well-behaved compilers to crash the CMOS, but I really had
to work at it.
What hard disc is it?
Now we get to the difficult part –
finding out what type of hard disc is
lurking under your PC’s cover when
the CMOS thinks you don’t have a hard
disc at all. In the past, I have nearly
gone mad trying to find what the hard
disc parameters were on a PC (ie, the
number of heads, cylinders and sectors
per track). This is even more difficult if
my client is in another city, as I cannot
personally open the case and have a
look inside.
Physically checking for hard disc
information has become easier of late,
with most manufacturers now printing
the specifications on a label attached
to the top of the disc drive. Of course,
this is no help if you own a disc drive
that doesn’t have a specifications label.
And even if the information is there,
you still have to open your PC to inspect it. This can take a fair amount
of time on some PCs, especially if the
hard disc is buried in the drive bay
beneath one of the floppy disc drives
and has to temporarily be removed so
that the label can be seen.
When servicing older PCs, I have
sometimes had to completely remove
the hard disc from the computer, just
to discover the brand and model, and
then try to find the details in assorted
lists supplied (sometimes grudgingly) by the hard disc manufacturers.
Sometimes, even this didn’t provide
an answer and I was forced to enter
the most common hard disc values
into the CMOS on a trial and error
basis, sometimes spending hours on
the more obscure models.
Fortunately, these trials are no
longer necessary, as there are now
some really nifty utilities around
which will retrieve the hard disc
parameters from a PC, even when
the CMOS is com
p letely cleared
(non-computerese for trashed). I normally use one written by myself and
Alan Vidler (of AV Software), which
we have placed in the public domain.
Called DISKINFO.EXE, it provides
details on IDE drives. These form the
overwhelming majority of the small
to medium-capacity hard disc drives
sold over the last few years. In operation, the program bypasses the system
BIOS and accesses the drive (or drives)
directly. The disc drive parameters are
then displayed on the screen.
Fig.1 shows the information returned by the program. As well as the
number of cylinders, heads and sectors
per track, it also includes the drive
capacity, its model and serial numbers,
the buffer size and the number of bytes
per sector.
Note, however, that the software
will not work with SCSI drives or with
some types of caching controllers and
other non-standard controllers (even
if they are controlling an IDE drive). If
August 1995 73
How To Make A Bootable Diskinfo.Exe Floppy
When you receive your copy of DISKINFO.EXE, you will need to copy it
to a bootable floppy, so it can be used if your CMOS becomes corrupted as
some later date. First, go to the DOS prompt, then put the disc containing
DISKINFO.EXE in floppy disc drive A and copy it to drive C by typing:
When this has finished, remove the DISKINFO.EXE floppy disc and install
the floppy disc that is to become your boot disc in drive A. Now, from the C:>
prompt, type: FORMAT A:/S (or FORMAT A:/S/U for MS DOS 6).
When this is complete, type: COPY C:\DISKINFO.EXE A:
After this is completed, you can test that the boot disc functions correctly
by rebooting the PC with this disc still in drive A. When the PC has booted
up, you need to press <Enter> twice to get past the time & date questions.
If you now type DISKINFO at the A:> prompt, the screen should display data
similar to that shown in Fig.1.
It would, of course, be a good idea to write this information down now,
rather than after the CMOS information is lost. I always write the hard disc
parameters (number of heads, cylinders and sectors per track) on a self-adhesive label and stick it to the back of the PC.
a non-supported controller is found,
a reject message is displayed and the
program exits. Alternatively, with
some caching controllers, the program
will display nonsense results and fail
to show the Model Number, Firmware
Revision number or Serial Number.
In either case, this doesn’t cause any
problems since the program cannot
write to the disc or alter any of its
Assuming that your CMOS has
crashed, the procedure is to first restore all the CMOS settings (see the
May 1995 article), except for the hard
disc type. This should initially be left
at “None” (sometimes called “Type 0”
or “No Hard Disc”).
Now return to the Main Menu of
the CMOS Setup utility and carefully
check the menu items. Many late-mod-
el PCs have an option which will automatically fill in the hard disc numbers
for you. This menu item is usually
called “IDE HDD (Hard Disc Drive)
Auto Detect”, or someting similar.
If your PC has this option, then
select it and press the <Enter> key.
This will run a HDD auto detect utility
and will write the correct hard disc
details (number of heads, cylinders
and sectors per track) into the CMOS
memory. You then only need to return
to the Main Menu of the CMOS Setup
and save these corrected settings. The
PC will now reboot with the hard disc
running normally.
If your PC does not have this option,
you will need to boot the machine
from a floppy disc containing the
DISKINFO.EXE utility. When you
run the utility (ie, type DISKINFO at
the A:> prompt), it will
show a screen similar to
that shown in Fig.1. Note
the number of cylinders,
heads and sectors per
track, then remove the
floppy disc, reboot your
PC and again proceed to
the CMOS Setup screen.
This is usually accomplished by pressing the
<Del> key when prompted to do so, as described
in the earlier article. Now
go to the Standard CMOS
Setup, select Hard Disc C
Fig.2: most manufacturers now print the disc drive
(sometimes called Hard
parameters on an attached label.
74 Silicon Chip
Disc 0) and select Type 47 (may also
be called “User” or “User Defined”). As
indicated by the legends at the bottom
of the screen, you select the entries
using the arrow keys and modify the
entries using the Page Up and Page
down keys.
The hard disc parameters that you
obtained from DISKINFO.EXE (and
wrote down) are now entered. This
is done by selecting the relevant
heading and entering the appropriate
value directly via the keyboard. These
headings are:
Cyl = number of cylinders;
Head = number of heads; and
Sect = number of Sectors per track.
The other two hard disc entries are
not critical. I usually enter 65535 for
WPcomp (sometimes called Precomp)
and 1024 for Lzone (sometimes called
LandZone). The Setup screen should
now show the correct hard disc size
underneath the “Size” heading.
All you need to do now is to return
to the CMOS Setup’s Main Menu and
save these new settings. Your computer should now boot normally from the
hard disc drive, just as it used to before
the CMOS setup was lost.
As a final point, note that if you
have a SCSI hard disc, you must always choose “Type 0” for this type
of drive. I have received frantic calls
from customers with SCSI hard discs,
asking why their PC won’t boot up
after they have restored (or changed)
the CMOS Setup.
Despite what is in the hard disc
manual, they sometimes choose a
“Type 47”, often because of a helpful
friend who “knows all about computers” and thinks that a “Type 0” is incorrect. Of course, when they attempt
to boot up the PC, it either hangs or
gives a hard disc error message.
The remedy is simple – just reset
the hard disc to a Type 0.
The program DISKINFO.EXE is
available for $10 (incl. p&p) from Silicon Chip Publications (see software
advert), or directly from the Author at
PO Box 136, Kippax, ACT, 2615.
Alternatively, you can email me at
gcohen<at> for a copy via the
Internet. I log on to the Internet daily,
or via Compuserve at 100026,307 (but
I only check here once a week). I am
also available at any of these addresses
for anyone who has problems that they
can’t solve on their own.
Do you want to
know what 110dB
of noise sounds
like? Well now you
can easily find out.
This circuit puts
out between 108dB
and 111dB at a
distance of about
one metre.
Build a 6-12V alarm
screamer module
There are many applications where
a low-cost alarm siren is required. This
very effective unit from DIY Electronics certainly makes a racket and could
serve as the siren in a house alarm
system, in a car, or in many industrial
applications. For example, you could
12 R5
BC639 R6
B 1k
wire it to a door switch in your car via
an external on/off switch to serve as
an intruder alarm.
As shown in the photographs, the
unit is housed in a specially-designed
plastic case fitted with a mounting
bracket (which also forms the rear
panel). Its overall dimensions are 84
x 55 x 33m (L x W x D), not including
the mounting bracket.
What’s so special about the case?
Well, to make the unit as effective
as possible, it features two integral
resonant cavities for the two piezo
transducers that are used to
generate the noise. The unit is
supplied with these two piezo
transducers pre-glued to the
resonant cavities – all you have
to do is assem
ble a small PC
board, connect a few leads and
a power supply, and stand back
to avoid being deafened.
It is interesting to note that
without the resonant cavi
the sound generated by the
piezo transducers in open air is
barely audible. It’s a completely
different story with the resonant
cavities, though.
T1 AND T2: WINDING 1-2 1500T, 44SWG ENCU
Fig.1: the circuit employs two oscillator stages based on IC1a & IC1b. IC1a frequency
modulates IC1b which in turn drives two piezo elements via transistors Q1 & Q2 and
autotransformers T1 & T2.
How it works
Refer now to Fig.1 for the
circuit details. In addition to the
piezo transducers, it’s mainly
based on a dual 7556 timer IC,
two transistors and a couple of
IC1b is wired in astable
August 1995 75
For Cars
On sale now
at selected
Or order your copy from Silicon Chip. Price: $8.95 (plus $3
for postage). Order by phoning
(02) 9979 5644 & quoting your
credit card number; or fax the
details to (02) 9979 6503; or
mail your order with cheque
or credit card details to Silicon
Chip Publications, PO Box 139,
Collaroy, NSW 2097.
Use this handy form
Enclosed is my cheque/money order for
$________ or please debit my
❏ Bankcard ❏ Visa ❏ Mastercard
Card No:
Card Expiry Date ____/____
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76 Silicon Chip
The case is supplied with the two transducers glued to two internal resonant
cavities. All you have to do is assemble the PC board, connect a few leads and
apply power.
configuration and oscillates at about
the resonant frequency of the piezo
transducers. This frequency is set by
R4, R5, D2 & C4 and is about 2.7kHz.
In order to produce a realistic siren sound, IC1a is used to frequency
modulate IC1b at a low rate. It does
this by applying a triangular waveform voltage to IC1b’s control pin
(pin 11).
As with IC1b, IC1a functions as an
astable oscillator but in this case its
frequency of oscillation is only about
5Hz. Note that diodes D1 and D2 ensure that IC1a and IC1b both function
with a 50% duty cycle.
The output from IC1a appears at pin
5 and is a square wave. This is then
converted to a triangular wave by R3
& C3 before being applied to pin 11
of IC1b. As a result, IC1b produces a
modulated output at its pin 9 which
constantly sweeps back and forth
through the resonant frequency of the
piezo elements. As well as modulating the frequency to produce a siren
sound, this technique means that
no trimpot is required for frequency
The pin 9 output from IC1b drives
transistors Q1 and Q2 with the modulated 2.7kHz signal. Note that these
two transistors are driven in phase.
Q1 in turn drives piezo 1 via auto
transformer T1, while Q2 drives piezo
2 via autotransformer T2.
In greater detail, each time the
transistors turn on, current flows in
the 220-turn winding of each auto
transformer. Conversely, each time the
transistors turn off, the magnetic field
in these windings collapses and this
induces a much higher signal in the
1500-turn windings. As a result, the
autotransformers significantly step-up
the signal voltage that’s used to drive
the piezo transducers.
In fact, a potential of over 200V is
3 2 1
0V V+
1 2 3
Fig.2: follow this wiring diagram when installing the
parts on the PC board and take care to ensure that the
two autotransformers are correctly oriented (see text).
The photograph at right shows how the PC board is
installed in the case.
induced which can give you quite a
shock if you are careless enough to
touch the autotransformer leads or the
transducer terminals.
This also means that the piezo elements are overdriven and this has been
done deliberately to give maximum
noise output. This causes no harm to
the piezo elements and test circuits
have been run for several hours at a
time without component failure.
Power for the circuit can come from
any 5-12V DC source; eg, batteries
or a 9V DC plugpack supply. Do not
use a 12V DC plugpack as this could
deliver more than 16V when lightly
The parts for the Screamer Alarm
are all installed on a small PC board
measuring 78 x 48mm. This board
features screened lettering to show
where all the parts go and should
only take about 10 minutes to assemble.
Fig.2 shows the assembly details.
Install the resistors first, followed by
the two diodes and all the capacitors.
Take care to ensure that the diodes
and the 10µF electrolytic capacitor are
installed with the correct polarity. The
remaining capacitors can be installed
either way around.
Next, install the two transistors
and the IC socket. The IC can then be
plugged into the socket, taking care to
ensure that the notch in the IC body
goes towards the 0V & V+ supply
terminals (ie, pin 1 must be adjacent
to the two 1.5MΩ resistors). Pin 1
will also generally be indicated by an
adjacent dot in the IC body.
Now complete the board assembly
1 case with two piezo elements
plus 4 screws
1 PC board (DIY Kit 15)
1 16-pin IC socket
2 autotransformers
2 150mm-lengths of hook-up
wire (red, green)
1 GLC556, 7556 dual CMOS
timer (IC1)
2 BC639 NPN transistors
2 1N4148 diodes (D1,D2)
1 10µF 16VW electrolytic
2 0.1µF monolithic
2 .01µF greencap
Resistors (0.25W, 5%)
2 1.5MΩ
1 15kΩ
2 27kΩ
2 1kΩ
Where to buy the kit
A complete kit of parts for the 12V
Screamer Alarm (DIY Kit 15) is
available from: DIY Electronics,
22 MacGregor St, Numurkah, Vic
3636. Phone (058) 62 1915. The
price is $23.50 plus $3.50 p&p.
by installing the two autotransformers
(T1 & T2). These are oriented in opposite directions to each other and
must have their leads bent through 90
degrees so that they lie flat against the
PC board. Note that in each case, the
centre terminal must be towards the
top of the device (see photo).
Two “tie-down” pads have been
provided next to the body of each
autotransformer and you can loop
wire links over the autotransformers at
these locations. In practice, the leads
on the autotransformers will usually
be strong enough to stop them from
Finally, solder the six leads to the
PC board at the designated locations.
There are two each for the piezo
transducers (red to positive, black to
negative), plus two more for the power
supply connections. This done, the
board can be mounted upside down
inside the case, with the supply leads
exiting from the notch, and the cover
secured using the screws supplied.
Before applying power, wrap the
unit in a towel to muffle the sound
level (so that you won’t be deafened). After that, all you have to do
is connect the power supply and the
unit should immediately start. It’s
best to start with a supply of about
5V and then test the unit at higher
supply voltages – up to 12V. Exercise
caution, though – this unit puts out
ear-splitting sound, so keep it well
wrapped up.
If the unit doesn’t work, the most
likely reason is poor soldering. Check
all solder joints carefully under a good
light and reheat any that appear suspect (disconnect the power supply before starting work). Next, check that all
the parts are in their correct locations
and that the IC, electrolytic capacitor,
transistors and autotransformers are
all correctly oriented.
If only one piezo transducer works,
then check the transistor and auto
f ormer associated with the
non-functioning transducer.
August 1995 77
module is a four channel programmable
power relays. It can be used in
any application which requires algorithm control
9, Oat Fax (02) 5
for high power switching. This module can work
PO B 579 4985
as a programmable power on/off switch to limit
a rd ,
unauthorised access to equipment where the
access to use or change parameters is critical.
, M
This module can also be used as a universal
B a n k x accepte most mix 0. Orders
timer. The timer software application is ine
cluded with the module. Using this software
the operator can program the on/off status
s. P
of four independent devices in a period of
a week within an accuracy of 10 minutes.
The module can be controlled through
the Centronics or RS232 port. The computer is opto
by E
isolated from the unit, to ensure no damage can occur to
the computer. Although the relays included are designed for
240V operation, they have not been approved by the electrical
authorities for attachment to the mains. Power consumption
These Learning IR Remote Controls can be used to replace
is 7W. Main module: 146 x 53 x 40mm. Display panel: 146
up to eight dedicated IR Remote Controls: $45
x 15mm. We supply: two fully assembled and tested PCBs
(main plus control panel), four relays (each with 3 x 10A /
240V AC relay contacts), and software on 3.5" disk. We do
We have combined efforts with DIY ELECTRONICS (a Hong
not supply a casing or front panels.
Kong based company) in producing a WEB SITE on the
$92 (Cat G20)
INTERNET. At this site you can view and download a text
version of both of our latest catalogues and other up to date
information. Email orders can also be placed through here.
200mV full scale input sensitivity, “1999” count, 9 to 12V
The combined effort means that you get offered an extensive
<at> 1mA operation, decimal point selectable (with jumper
range of over 200 high quality, good value kits, and many
wire), 13mm figure height, auto polarity indicator, overrange
more interesting components and items. The range of kits
indication, 100Mohm input resistance, 0.5% accuracy, 2 to
offered includes simple to more advanced kits, and they cover
3 readings per second. With bezel and faceplate. Dimensions:
a very wide field of applications: educational, experimental,
68 x 44mm. Use in instrumentation projects.
EPROM, microprocessor, computer, remote control, high
$27 (Cat D01)
voltage, gas and diode lasers, night vision etc. We’ll leave it
to you to do the exploring at:
This kit plus ready made PIR detector module and “learning
You can also request us to send you a copy of our FREE
remote control” combination can trigger any domestic IR
catalogue with your next order.
remote controlled VCR to RECORD human activity within
a 6M range and with an 180 deg. angle of view!. Starts
VCR recording at first movement and ceases recording
Helium neon 633nM red laser heads (ie tubes sealed in
a few minutes after the last movement has stopped; just
a tubular metal case with an inbuilt ballast resistor) that
like commercial CCD-VIDEO RECORDING systems costing
were removed from equipment that is less than 5 years
thousands of dollars!! CCD camera not supplied. No conold. These are suitable for light shows. Output power is in
nection is required to your existing domestic VCR as the
the range of 2.5-7.5mW. Heads are grouped according to
system employs an “IR learning remote control”: $90 for
output power range. Dimensions of the head are 380mm
an PIR detector module, plus control kit, plus a suitable
long and 45mm diameter. Weight: 0.6kg. A special high
“lR learning remote” control and instructions: $65 when
voltage supply is required to operate these heads. With
purchased in conjunction with our CCD camera. Previous
each tube we will include our 12V universal laser power
CCD camera purchasers may claim the reduced price with
supply kit MkIV (our new transformers don’t fail). Warning:
proof of purchase.
involves high voltage operation at a very dangerous energy
$80 for a 2.5-4.0mW tube and supply. (Cat L01)
A 12V-350V DC-DC converter (with larger MOSFETS) plus a
$130 for a 4.0-6.5mW tube and supply. (Cat L02)
dimmable mains operated HF ballast. This pair will operate a
This combination will require a source of 12V <at> at least
32-40W fluorescent tube from a 12V battery: very efficient.
2.0A. A 12V gel battery or car battery is suitable, or if 240V
See June 95 EA: $36 for the kit plus the ballast.
operation is required our Wang computer power supply (cat
number P01) is ideal. Our SPECIAL PRICE for the Wang power
supply when purchased with matching laser head/inverter
A total of four speakers to suit the making of two 2-way
kit is an additional $10.
speakers (stereo). The bass-midrange speakers are of good
quality, European made, with cloth surround, as used in
upmarket stereo televisions, rectangular, 80 x 200mm. The
1. Do not stare into laser beams; eye damage will result.
tweeters are good quality cone types, square, 85 x 85mm.
2. Laser tubes use high voltage at dangerous energy levels;
Two woofers and two tweeters: $16.
be aware of the dangers.
3. Some lasers may require licensing.
SLAVE FLASH: very small, very simple, very effective.
Triggers remote flashes from camera’s own flash to fill in
Used Argon-Ion heads with 30-100mW output in the blueshadows. Does not false trigger and it is very sensitive. Can
green spectrum. Head only supplied. Needs 3Vac <at> 15A
even be used in large rooms. PCB and components kit: $7.
for the filament and approx 100Vdc <at> 10A into the driver
SOUND ACTIVATED FLASH: adapted from ETI Project
circuitry that is built into the head. We provide a circuit for a
514. Adjustable sensitivity & delay enable the creation
suitable power supply the main cost of which is for the large
of some fascinating photographs. Has LED indicator that
transformer required: $170 from the mentioned supplier.
makes setting up much easier. PCB, components, plus
Basic information on power supply provided. Dimensions:
microphone: $13.
35 x 16 x 16cm. Weight: 5.9kg. 1 year guarantee on head.
Price graded according to hours on the hour meter.
Argon heads only, 4-8 thousand hours: $350 (Cat L04)
Our single channel UHF receiver kit has been updated to
Argon heads only, 8-13 thousand hours: $250 (Cat L05)
provide provision for central locking!! Key chain Tx has
SAW resonator locked, see SC Dec 92. Compact receiver
has prebuilt UHF receiver module, and has provision for two
These ready made Geiger counters detect dangerous Beta and
extra relays for vehicle central locking function. Kit comes
Gamma rays, with energy levels between 30keV and 1.2MeV.
with two relays. $36. Additional relays for central locking $3
Audible counts output, also a red LED flashes. Geiger tube
ea. Single ch transmitter kit $18.
unplugs from main unit. To measure and record the value of
nuclear radiation level the operator may employ a PC which is
connected to the detector through the RS232 interface. This
High performance low noise masthead amplifier covers
gives a readout, after every 8 counts, of the time between each
VHF-FM UHF and is based on a MAR-6 IC. Includes two
count. Main unit is 70 x 52 x 35 mm. Geiger tube housing
PCBs, all on-board components. For a limited time we will
unit is 135mm long and is 20mm diameter. Power from 12
also include a suitable plugpack to power the amplifier from
to 14V AC or DC.
mains for a total price of:
$75 (Cat G17)
78 Silicon Chip
Very small PCB CCD Camera including auto iris lens: 0.1Lux,
320K pixels, IR responsive, has 6 IR LEDs on PCB. Slightly
bigger than a box of matches!:
A 5mW/670nM visible laser diode plus a collimating lens,
plus a housing, plus an APC driver kit (Sept 94 EA).
Suitable case and battery holder to make pointer as in EA
Nov 95 $5 extra.
These US made amorphous glass solar panels only need
terminating and weather proofing. We provide clips and
backing glass. Very easy to complete. Dimensions: 305 x
228mm, Vo-c: 18-20V, Is-c: 250mA. SPECIAL REDUCED
$20 ea. or 4 for $60
A very efficient switching regulator kit is available: Suits
12-24V batteries, 0.1-16A panels, $27. Also available is a
simple and efficient shunt regulator kit, $5.
We have reduced the price of our peltiers! These can be used
to make a solid state thermoelectric cooler/heater. Basic
information supplied:
12V-4.4A PELTIER: $25
We can also provide two thermal cut-out switches, and a
12V DC fan to suit either of the above, for an additional
price of $10.
Simple kit which is based on a commercial 12 hour mechanical timer switch which sets the battery charging period
from 0 to 12 hrs. Timer clock mechanism is wound-up and
started by turning the knob to the desired time setting. Linear
dial with 2 hrs timing per 45 degrees of rotation, eg, 270
deg. rotation for 12 hr. setting. The contacts on the timer
are used to switch on a simple constant current source.
Employs a power transistor and 5 additional components.
Can easily be “hard wired”.
We supply a circuit, a wiring diagram, and tables showing
how to select the charging current: changing one resistor
value. Ideal for most rechargeable batteries. As an example
most gel cells can be charged at a current which is equal
to the battery capacity rating divided by 5-10. Therefore if
you have a discharged gel cell that has 5Ah capacity and
are using a charge current of 0.5A, the timer should be set
for about 10 hours: Or 5hrs. <at> 500mA.
This circuit is suitable for up to approximately 5A, but
additional heatsinking would be required at currents greater
than 2A. Parts and instructions only are supplied in this
kit. Includes a T-03 mini fin heatsink, timer switch, power
transistor and a few other small components to give you
a limited selection of charge current. You will also need a
DC supply with an output voltage which is greater by about
2V than the highest battery voltage you need to charge. As
an example a cheap standard car battery charger could be
used as the power source to charge any chargeable battery
with a voltage range of 0-15V:
$12 (K72)
This kit will drive two 4, 5, 6 or 8 wire stepper motors
from an IBM computer parallel port. The motors require a
separate power supply (not included). A detailed manual on
the computer control of motors plus circuit diagrams and
descriptions are provided. Software is also supplied, on a
3.5" disk. PCB: 153 x 45mm. Great low cost educational
kit. We provide the PCB and all on-board components
kit, manual, disk with software, plus two stepper motors
of your choice for a special price. Choose motors from
$44 (K21)
Kit without motors is also available: $32
Simple circuit controls small DC powered motors which
take up to around 2 amps. Uses variable duty cycle
oscillator controlled by trimpot. Duty cycle is adjustable
from almost 0-100%. Oscillator switches P222 MOSFET.
PCB: 46 x 28mm.
$11 (K67)
For larger power motors use a BUZ11A MOSFET: $3.
This kit has the most range of our kits (to around 200m).
Uses a pre-wound RF coil. The design limits the deviation,
so the volume control on the receiver will have to be set
higher than normal. 6V operation only, at approx 20mA.
PCB: 46 x 33mm:
$18 (K33)
Illuminates night viewers or CCD cameras using 42 of our
880nm/30mW/12 degrees IR LEDs. Power output (and
power consumption) is variable, using a trimpotentiometer.
Operates from 10 to 15V and consumes from 5mA up to 0.6A
(at maximum power). The LEDs are arranged into 6 strings
of 7 series LEDs with each string controlled by an adjustable
constant current source. PCB: 83 x 52mm:
$40 (K36)
(To be published, EA) Simple modulator which can be
adjusted to operate between about channels 7 and 11 in
the VHF TV band. This is designed for use in conjunction
with monochrome CCD cameras to give adequate results
with a cheap TV. The incoming video simply directly
modulates the VHF oscillator. This allows operation with
a TV without the necessity of connecting up wires, if not
desired, by simply placing the modulator within about
50cm from the TV antenna. Suits PAL and NTSC systems.
PCB: 63 x 37mm:
$12 (K63)
(To be published, EA). Uses an LM386 audio amplifier IC
and a BC548 pre-amp. Signals picked up from an electret
microphone are amplified and drives a speaker. Intended for
use for listening to sound in the location of a CCD camera
installation, but this kit could be used as a simple utility
amplifier. Very high audio gain (adjustable) makes this unit
suitable for use with directional parabolic reflectors etc.
PCB: 63 x 37mm:
$10 (K64)
(To be published, SC) A single channel 304MHz UHF remote
control with over 1/2 million code combinations, which
also makes provision for a second channel expansion. The
low cost design has a 2A relay contact output. The 1ch
transmitter (K41) can be used to control one channel of
the receiver. To access the second channel when another
transmitter is purchased, the other transmitter is coded
differently. Alternatively, the 3ch transmitter kit (K40)
as used with the 4ch receiver kit is compatible with this
receiver and allows access to both channels from the one
transmitter. Note that the receiver uses two separate decoder
ICs. This receiver operates from 10 to 15Vdc. Range is up
to about 40m. 1ch Rx kit:
$22 (K26)
Expansion components (to convert the receiver to 2 channel
operation; extra decoder IC and relay): $6
AX5326 encoder. Transmit frequency adjustable by trimcap.
Centred around 304MHz. Powered from 12V lighter battery.
LED flashes when transmitting. Size of transmitter case: 67
x 30 x 13 mm. This kit is trickier to assemble than the 3ch
UHF transmitter:
$11 (K41)
The same basic circuit as the 1ch transmitter. Two buttons,
allows up to 3 channel operation. Easier to assemble than
the 1ch transmitter and has slightly greater range. Size of
transmitter case: 54 x 36 x 15mm:
$18 (K40)
Ref: EA Oct 94. This unit is designed to sound a buzzer
and/or operate a relay when there is an object at a preset
distance (or less) away. The distance is adjustable from
200mm to around 2.5 metres. Intended as a parking aid
in a car or truck, also may be used as an aid for the sight
impaired, warning device when someone approaches a
danger zone, door entry sensor. PCB: 92 x 52mm. PCB,
all on-board components kit plus ultrasonic transducers
(relay included):
$22 (K25)
Optional: buzzer $3, plastic box $4.
Uses the same siren driver circuit as in the “Protect anything alarm kit”, kit number K18. 4" cone/8 ohm speaker
is included. Generates a really irritating sound at a sound
pressure level of 95dB <at> 1m. Based around a 40106 hex
Schmitt trigger inverter IC. One oscillator modulates at
1Hz another oscillator, between 500Hz and 4KHz. Current
consumption is about 0.5A at 12V. PCB: 46 x 40mm. As a
bonus, we include all the extra PCBs as used in the “Protect
anything alarm kit”.
$12 (K71)
Ref: EA Jan 94. This kit will produce a fascinating colourful
changing high voltage discharge in a standard domestic light
bulb. The EHT circuit is powered from a 12V to 15V supply
and draws a low 0.7A. Output is about 10kV AC peak. PCB:
130 x 32mm. PCB and all the on-board components (flyback
transformer included), and the instructions:
$28 (K16)
We do not supply the standard light bulb or any casing. The
prototype supply was housed in a large coffee jar, with the
lamp mounted on the lid. Hint: connect the AC output to
one of the pins on a fluorescent tube or a non-functional
but gassed laser tube. Large non-functional laser tube or
tube head: $10
The software disk and a silk screened and solder masked
PCB (PCB size: 105 x 53mm) for the ECG kit published in
EA July 95. No further components supplied:
$10 (K47)
These 230mm (1:4.5) lens have never been used. They
contain six coated glass lenses, symmetric, housed in a
black aluminium case. Scale range is from 1:10 through to
1:1 to 10:1. Weight: 1.6kg. Applications include high quality
image projection at macro scales, and portrait photography
in large formats:
$45 (Cat O14)
Brand new, precision angled projection lens. Overall size is
210 x 136mm. Weight: 1.3kg. High-impact lexan housing
with focal length adjustment lever. When disassembled,
this lens assembly yields three 4" diameter lenses (concave,
convex-concave, convex-convex). Limited quantity:
$35 (Cat O15)
Reference article: Silicon Chip Sept 94. See in the dark!
Make your own 3 stage first generation night scope that
will produce good vision in starlight illumination! Uses
3 of the above fibre optic tubes bonded together. These
tubes have superior gain and resolution to Russian
viewers. 25mm size tube only weighs 390g. 40mm size
tube only weighs 1.1kg. We supply a three stage fibre
optically coupled image intensifier tube, EHT power supply
kit which operates from 6 to 12V, and sufficient plastics
to make a monocular scope. The three tubes are already
bonded together:
$270 for the 25mm version (Cat N04)
$300 for the 40mm version (Cat N05)
We can also supply a quality Peak brand 10x “plalupe” for
use as an eyepiece which suits all the above 25 and 40mm
windowed tubes well: $18
35mm camera lenses or either of the Russian objective
lenses detailed under “Optical” suit these tubes quite well.
These components can be the basis of a very responsive
infra red night viewer; the exact construction of which we
leave up to you. The new IR tube is as used in older style
military tank viewers. The tube employed is probably the most
sensitive IR responsive tube we have ever supplied. Responds
well even to 940nm LED illumination. The resultant viewer
requires IR illumination, as without this it will otherwise only
“see” a little bit better than the naked eye. Single tube, first
generation. Screen diameter: 18mm. Tube length 95mm.
Diameter: 55mm. Weight: 100g. Tube can be operated up
to about 15kV. Our miniature night viewer power supply (kit
number K52) is supplied with its instructions included. Only
very basic ideas for construction of viewer is provided. Tube
and the power supply kit only:
$80 (Cat N06)
Our hybrid Russian/Oatley kit design makes this the pick of
the Russian scopes in this price range! We supply a fully
assembled Russian compact scope housing containing the
intensifier tube, adjustable eyepiece and objective lens.
Housing is made from aluminium. The objective lens is
fixed in focus, but it is adjustable after loosening a grub
screw. We also include the night viewer power supply kit
(kit number K52) and a small (84 x 55 x 32mm) jiffy box to
house the supply in. The box must be attached by you to the
scope housing. Operates from a 9V battery. This scope has a
useful visible gain but is difficult to IR illuminate satisfactorily.
Length of scope is 155mm:
$290 (Cat N07)
A complete brand new 5mW/670nM pointer in a compact
plastic case (75 x 42 x 18mm) with a key chain. Features
an automatic power control circuit (APC) which is similar
to our kit number K35 & our laser diode module’s circuit.
Battery life: 10 hours of operation. Powered by two 1.5V N
type batteries (included). This item may require licensing:
$80 (Cat L08)
Commercial cased unit that will read some information
from most plastic cards, needs 8 to 12V DC supply such
as a plugpack. Draws about 400mA. Power input socket is
2.5mm DC power type. Weight: 850g. 220 x 160 x 45mm:
$70 (Cat G05)
These are silver grey Hitachi LM215 dot matrix displays.
They are installed in an attractive housing. Housing dimensions: 340 x 125 x 30mm. Weight: 1.3kg. Effective display
size is 65 x 235mm. Basic data for the display is provided.
Driver ICs are fitted but require an external controller. New,
unused units.
$25 ea. (Cat D02) 3 for $60
Industrial quality 5mW/670nM laser diode modules. Consists
of a visible laser diode, diode housing, driver circuit, and
collimation lens all factory assembled in one small module.
Features an automatic power control circuit (APC) driver,
so brightness varies little with changes in supply voltage
or temperature. Requires 3 to 5V to operate and consumes
approx 50mA. Note: 5V must not be exceeded and there
must be no ripple on the power supply, or the module may
be instantly destroyed. These items may require licensing.
We have two types:
1. Overall dimensions: 11mm diameter by 40mm long. Driver
board is heatshrinked onto the laser housing assembly. Collimating lens is the same as used in the above laser pointer,
and our visible laser diode kit: $55 (Cat L09)
2. Overall dimensions: 12mm diameter by 43mm long.
Assembled into an anodised aluminium casing. This module
has a superior collimating optic. Divergence angle is less than
1milliradian. Spot size is typically 20mm in diameter at 30
metres: $65 (Cat L10)
This unit may also be available with a 635nm Laser Diode
European made, new, “slim line” cased, high frequency
(HF) electronic ballasts. They feature flicker free starting,
extended tube life, improved efficiency, no visual flicker
during operation (as high frequency operation), reduced
chance of strobing with rotating machinery, generate no
audible noise and generate much reduced radio frequency
interference compared to conventional ballasts.
The design of these appears to be similar to the one published in the October 1994 issue of Silicon Chip magazine,
in that a high frequency sine wave is used, although these
are much more complex. Some models include a dimming
option which requires either an external 100K potentiometer
or a 0-10V DC source. Some models require the use of a
separate filter choke (with dimensions of 16 x 4 x 3.2cm);
this is supplied where required. We have a limited stock of
these and are offering them at fraction of the cost of the
parts used in them!
Type A: 1 x 16W tube, not dimmable, no filter,
44 x 4 x 3.5cm: $20
Type B: 1 x 16W tube, dimmable, filter used,
43 x 4 x 3cm: $26
Type C: 1 x 18W tube, not dimmable, no filter,
28 x 4 x 3cm: $20
Type D: 2 x 32W or 36W tubes, dimmable, no filter,
43 x 4 x 3cm: $26
Type E: 2 x 32W tubes, not dimmable, no filter,
44 x 4 x 3.5cm: $22
Type F: 1 x 32W or 36W tube, not dimmable, no filter, 34
x 4 x 3cm: $20
Type G: 1 x 36W tube, not dimmable, filter used,
28 x 4 x 3cm: $20
Type H: 1 x 32W or 36W tube, dimmable, filter used, 44
x 4 x 3.5cm: $20
(Cat G09, specify type).
bicycles, but with some ingenuity these could be adapted
to any moving vehicle that has a rotating wheel. Could
also be used with an old bicycle wheel to make a distance
measuring wheel. Top of the range model. Weather and
shock resistant. Functions: speedometer, average speed,
maximum speed, tripmeter, odometer, auto trip timer, scan,
freeze frame memory, clock.
Programmable to allow operation with almost any wheel
diameter. Uses a small spoke-mounted magnet, with a Hall
effect switch fixed to the forks which detects each time the
magnet passes. Hall effect switch is linked to the small main
unit mounted on the handlebars via a cable. Readout at main
unit is via an LCD display. Main unit can be unclipped from
the handlebar mounting to prevent it being stolen, and weighs
only 30g. Max speed reading: 160km/h. Max odometer
reading: 9999km. Maximum tripmeter reading: 999.9km.
Dimensions of main unit: 64 x 50 x 19mm:
$32 (Cat G16)
August 1995 79
A couple of odd repairs
I recently had two radio receivers to repair for
a collector &, in each case, there were unusual
problems. Both radios were small post-war
4-valve bakelite cabinet types – one a Kriesler &
the other a little Philips Philipsette.
Now some people make it difficult
for repairers in that they tinker with
things before they take it to someone
to fix. I know this to be a fact for I have
done so myself from time to time and
I'm sure that I'm not the only one to
do so. It is, therefore, only fair that
someone has now done it to me.
In the case of the Kriesler radio, the
owner had removed a component and
lost it. What's more, this component
was supposed to be a fairly mysterious one, being described as, "about so
long, as thick as a finger, hollow and
burnt black".
It was its blackened colour that
prompted the owner to remove it because it must have been the problem.
However, even when the charred part
was removed, it was still unidentifiable and what to replace it with was
a mystery. Whether it was a resistor,
a capacitor or some other component
neither he (nor I at that stage) had
any idea.
There was one consolation, however. The position from which the strange
component had been removed had
been marked.
When I finally started working on
the set, it was quite obvious what the
missing part was. It was positioned
between the two positive contacts
of a twin high-voltage electrolytic
capacitor and could only be a high
tension filter resistor. Yet it was not
the usual setup.
It would appear that the missing
resistor was a high wattage wirewound
type because all the current from
the rectifier flowed through it before
anything was connected to the high
tension supply.
By contrast, in most small 4-valve
receivers, the high tension for the output valve comes from the input side of
the filter and a one or two-watt carbon
resistor is used in conjunction with a
second electrolytic capacitor on the
output side to supply the other valves.
The value of the missing resistor
could only be guessed at. Something
around 5kW and 10W was used as a
starting point. It did little to bring the
set back to life.
Voltage checks
This photo shows the 4-valve Kriesler that had the missing component. It also
had other problems – mainly faulty paper capacitors.
80 Silicon Chip
As nothing seemed to be self-destructing, I did a few quick checks
with the voltmeter. There was around
240V on the input side of the filter
resistor but less than 100V on the
output side. A 1kW resistor was substituted with very little difference in
output voltage.
In this set, A 30kW resistor connected to the output side of the filter
applies high tension to the screen grid
of the IF amplifier valve. This screen
resistor had about 100V on one side
and zero volts the other. Based on this
evidence, it looked like the resistor
was open circuit.
Wrong! – when the resistor was
removed, it checked out well within tolerance and was replaced from
whence it came.
So where to from here? This particular screen connection on the
IF valve also applies voltage to the
6AN7 frequency converter valve via
a connecting lead. When this lead
was disconnected, the screen grid
on the IF valve suddenly had voltage
applied to it.
By this stage of the proceedings,
the fault was fairly obvious – a short
circuit at the point where the screen
voltage of the IF valve is applied to the
6AN7 frequency converter socket. As
the socket connection at that point had
a 0.05µF bypass capacitor to chassis,
it seemed likely that this component
could be faulty – and it was.
After disconnecting the suspect
capacitor (an original paper capacitor
I might add), it was found to have
a complete short circuit. Replacing
this faulty capacitor restored the set
to working order once again. But although the set was now working, the
high tension voltage was still only
150V at the output side of the filter.
This small Philips 4-valve receiver is a mighty performer for its size. It had
a number of problems, including a faulty valve, faulty capacitors & power
transformer faults.
Capacitor checks
So far only two components had
been replaced: the filter resistor and
the faulty screen bypass capacitor. All
the remaining paper capacitors were
originals and it seemed that they too
could be a little suspect.
Checking the capacitors with a
voltmeter revealed that three of them
had high tension voltages across them
and these were replaced with modern
polyester equivalents. This step saw
the high tension voltage rise to 210V.
The remaining paper capacitors
were all replaced with 100V greencaps.
Looking back, I don't suppose there
was anything really spectacular about
this particular repair. It was fairly
routine and systematic as it followed
the trail from the missing resistor to
the shorted paper capacitor, then onto
the other leaky capacitors.
It does show, however, that one
must look beyond the broken down
component and locate the real cause
of the problem. The real fault in the
old Kriesler was four ailing capacitors,
not the obvious overloaded resistor.
A short-circuited 0.5µF capacitor was one of the problems encountered with the
Kriesler repair. The routine replacement of paper capacitors can automatically
solve many obscure receiver faults.
The final touch to the Kriesler repair
was an alignment check. This was
most essential as the adjustment slugs
in the aerial and oscillator coils were
many turns out, thus displacing the
tuning to a considerable degree.
The Philips receiver
Next was the little Philips Philipsette and what a great receiver they
were for their size. This one looked
a bit of a wreck though; it was very
dirty and had no control knobs on
it. The missing knobs could be a
problem as they are special little red
ones that are unique to this particular
receiver. I was fairly sure that I had
no spares.
My concern about the knobs was unfounded. On withdrawing the chassis
August 1995 81
electrolytic. The latter looked particularly bad, as the seals at the positive
ends were ruptured and split. Despite
their appearance, they seemed to be
working all right but, of course, they
were all replaced.
Replacing the paper capacitors
cured the distortion problem. The
exact fault may have been a leaky
coupling capacitor to the grid of
the output valve. A leaky capacitor
in this position is bound to cause
distortion. The high tension voltage
rose 20V after the capacitor job was
By the way, the term "high tension"
is relative when referring to one of
these little Philips receivers. The
rectifier, a 6V6GT, operates with only
about 110V on the plate compared to
a typical plate voltage of 250V.
A completely dead ECH35 valve and a few sick capacitors were all that
prevented the Philipsette from working.
The power transformers used in many Philips & Mullard receivers share this
common fault – an exposed high tension winding. The winding protrudes
outside the paper insulation that separates the layers (probably caused by the
paper shrinking with age). This is not the transformer used in the Philipsette
in the story but a similar one in worse condition, to show the problem more
from the cabinet, two red knobs fell
to the floor.
They had been loose inside, rolling
around on top of the chassis. Why they
hadn't been lost is a miracle.
Valve problem
The little Philips had a valve problem – the ECH35 frequency converter
was very dead in the heater department and needed replacing. The remaining three valves tested OK.
82 Silicon Chip
Removing the dirt and grime from
the chassis was next, then the valves
were refitted for a quick try out. Within
15 seconds from switch on, the set
burst into life.
But working and working well are
two different things. The sound was
harsh and distorted and it became
worse as the volume was increased.
Like the previously mentioned
Kriesler, the Philipsette had all of its
original capacitors, both paper and
Alignment OK
These neat little radios are sods
of things to align because all of the
adjustments are made with those
rotten-to-work-with Philips trimmer
capacitors. You know the ones – those
with the external coil of fine wire. As
the alignment seemed to be very good,
I chickened out and left it alone, declaring the repair finished.
Now both of these receiver jobs
were done to a set price. If they had
been mine I would have fitted a new
dial cord, cleaned the back of the dial
glass and maybe installed a new output
transformer. But when working to a
fixed price, such niceties have to be
ignored. These extras take time and
money and if a customer will not pay
to have such things done, then he must
live with the consequences.
The Philipsette was working away
on the bench while I was cleaning the
dust out of the cabinet. Then, quite
suddenly, the clear reception went soft
and garbled. To make matters worse,
the power transformer was rapidly
Faults such as this are annoying to
say the least. One minute you have a
receiver working normally; the next,
there is something sadly amiss.
HFT short
When a transformer suddenly overheats, it usually has a short circuit in or
across one of its secondary windings.
In this case, the valves and dial lamp
were still lit, so it appeared as though
there was a high tension short.
A careful examination was made
of all valve socket connections. In
particular, I checked for loose wires,
blobs of solder and broken insulation
but everything checked out OK. Even
withdrawing all the valves did not
prevent the transformer from overheating.
It then occurred to me that if the
short was still there when the rectifier
was withdrawn, then the fault must be
on the transformer side of the rectifier
socket – perhaps in the transformer
A close inspection of the power
transformer revealed a blob of solder
wedged firmly between one side of
the high tension winding and the core
laminations. A molten drop of solder
could have only fallen in there when
the chassis was upside down. As I had
done my work with the chassis on its
end, I didn't put it there!
Removing the solder returned the
set to normal operation. The solder
was acting like a thermal switch and
only caused trouble when heat expansion of the windings caused the
solder to short the HT winding to the
In addition, it was noticed that
some of the high tension winding
was exposed and a couple of turns
were hanging out in the open. This
is a common fault with this make of
transformer because the windings
come quite close to the edge of the
paper that separates each layer. The
loose wires were coaxed back in place
and held with silicone sealant.
Floppy Index (incl. file viewer): $A7
Notes & Errata (incl. file viewer): $A7
Alphanumeric LCD Demo Board Software (May 1993): $A7
Stepper Motor Controller Software (January 1994): $A7
Gamesbvm.bas /obj /exe (Nicad Battery Monitor, June 1994): $A7
Diskinfo.exe (Identifies IDE Hard Disc Parameters, August 1995): $A7
Computer Controlled Power Supply Software (Jan/Feb. 1997): $A7
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This small blob of solder was shorting
out the high tension winding of the
Philip's power transformer. The
short-circuit only occurred when
the transformer became hot enough
for the expansion of the high tension
winding to sandwich the solder
against the core laminations. There's
always something different that can
cause trouble.
Now available: the complete index to all
SILICON CHIP articles since the first issue
in November 1987. The Floppy Index
comes with a handy file viewer that lets
you look at the index line by line or page
by page for quick browsing, or you can
use the search function. All commands
are listed on the screen, so you’ll always
know what to do next.
Notes & Errata also now available:
this file lets you quickly check out the
Notes & Errata (if any) for all articles published in SILICON CHIP. Not an index
but a complete copy of all Notes & Errata text (diagrams not included). The file
viewer is included in the price, so that you can quickly locate the item of interest.
The Floppy Index and Notes & Errata files are supplied in ASCII format on a
3.5-inch or 5.25-inch floppy disc to suit PC-compatible computers. Note: the File
Viewer requires MSDOS 3.3 or above.
August 1995 83
Silicon Chip
August 1990: High Stability UHF Remote Transmitter;
Universal Safety Timer For Mains Appliances (9 Minutes);
Horace The Electronic Cricket; Digital Sine/Square Wave
Generator, Pt.2.
September 1988: Hands-Free Speakerphone; Electronic Fish
Bite Detector; High Performance AC Millivoltmeter, Pt.2;
Build The Vader Voice.
April 1989: Auxiliary Brake Light Flasher; What You Need
to Know About Capacitors; 32-Band Graphic Equaliser, Pt.2;
LED Message Board, Pt.2.
May 1989: Build A Synthesised Tom-Tom; Biofeedback
Monitor For Your PC; Simple Stub Filter For Suppressing
TV Interference; LED Message Board, Pt.3; All About Electrolytic Capacitors.
June 1989: Touch-Lamp Dimmer (uses Siemens SLB0586);
Passive Loop Antenna For AM Radios; Universal Temperature Controller; Understanding CRO Probes; LED Message
Board, Pt.4.
July 1989: Exhaust Gas Monitor (Uses TGS812 Gas Sensor);
Extension For The Touch-Lamp Dimmer; Experimental Mains
Hum Sniffers; Compact Ultrasonic Car Alarm.
September 1990: Remote Control Extender For VCRs;
Power Supply For Burglar Alarms; Low-Cost 3-Digit Counter
Module; Simple Shortwave Converter For The 2-Metre Band.
October 1990: Low-Cost Siren For Burglar Alarms; Dimming
Controls For The Discolight; Surfsound Simulator; DC Offset
For DMMs; The Dangers of Polychlorinated Biphenyls; Using
The NE602 In Home-Brew Converter Circuits.
December 1989: Digital Voice Board (Records Up To
Four Separate Messages); UHF Remote Switch; Balanced
Input & Output Stages; Data For The LM831 Low Voltage
Amplifier IC; Installing A Clock Card In Your Computer;
Index to Volume 2.
November 1990: How To Connect Two TV Sets To One VCR;
A Really Snazzy Egg Timer; Low-Cost Model Train Controller;
Battery Powered Laser Pointer; 1.5V To 9V DC Converter;
Introduction To Digital Electronics; Simple 6-Metre Amateur
January 1990: High Quality Sine/Square Oscillator; Service
Tips For Your VCR; Speeding Up Your PC; Phone Patch For
Radio Amateurs; Active Antenna Kit; Speed Controller For
Ceiling Fans; Designing UHF Transmitter Stages.
December 1990: DC-DC Converter For Car Amplifiers;
The Big Escape – A Game Of Skill; Wiper Pulser For Rear
Windows; Versatile 4-Digit Combination Lock; 5W Power
Amplifier For The 6-Metre Amateur Transmitter; Index To
Volume 3.
February 1990: 16-Channel Mixing Desk; High Quality
Audio Oscillator, Pt.2; The Incredible Hot Canaries; Random
Wire Antenna Tuner For 6 Metres; Phone Patch For Radio
Amateurs, Pt.2.
March 1990: 6/12V Charger For Sealed Lead-Acid Batteries;
Delay Unit For Automatic Antennas; Workout Timer For
Aerobics Classes; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.2; Using The
UC3906 SLA Battery Charger IC.
September 1989: 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio (Uses
MC13024 and TX7376P) Pt.1; High Or Low Fluid Level Detector; Studio Series 20-Band Stereo Equaliser, Pt.2; Auto-Zero
Module for Audio Amplifiers (Uses LMC669).
April 1990: Dual Tracking ±50V Power Supply; Voice-Operated Switch (VOX) With Delayed Audio; Relative Field Strength
Meter; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.3; Active CW Filter For
Weak Signal Reception; How To Find Vintage Receivers
From The 1920s.
October 1989: FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes Pt.1;
GaAsFet Preamplifier For Amateur TV; 1Mb Printer Buffer;
2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio, Pt.2; Installing A Hard
Disc In The PC.
June 1990: Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm; Low-Noise
Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Load Protection Switch For
Power Supplies; A Speed Alarm For Your Car; Fitting A Fax
Card To A Computer.
November 1989: Radfax Decoder For Your PC (Displays Fax,
RTTY & Morse); FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes, Pt.2;
2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio, Pt.3; Floppy Disc Drive
Formats & Options; The Pilbara Iron Ore Railways.
July 1990: Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.1 (Covers
0-500kHz); Burglar Alarm Keypad & Combination Lock;
Simple Electronic Die; Low-Cost Dual Power Supply; Inside
A Coal Burning Power Station.
January 1991: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.1; Have
Fun With The Fruit Machine; Two-Tone Alarm Module; LCD
Readout For The Capacitance Meter; How Quartz Crystals
Work; The Dangers When Servicing Microwave Ovens.
February 1991: Synthesised Stereo AM Tuner, Pt.1; Three
Inverters For Fluorescent Lights; Low-Cost Sinewave
Oscillator; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.2; How To
Design Amplifier Output Stages; Tasmania's Hydroelectric
Power System.
March 1991: Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.1;
Transistor Beta Tester Mk.2; A Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner,
Pt.2; Multi-Purpose I/O Board For PC-Compatibles; Universal
Wideband RF Preamplifier For Amateur Radio & TV.
April 1991: Steam Sound Simulator For Model Railroads;
Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.2; Simple 12/24V
Light Chaser; Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner, Pt.3; A Practical
Approach To Amplifier Design, Pt.2.
May 1991: 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers; Stereo
Audio Expander; Fluorescent Light Simulator For Model
Railways; How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.1.
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June 1991: A Corner Reflector Antenna For UHF TV;
4-Channel Lighting Desk, Pt.1; 13.5V 25A Power Supply
For Transceivers; Active Filter For CW Reception; Tuning In
To Satellite TV, Pt.1.
A Low Fuel Indicator For Cars; Audio Level/VU Meter With
LED Readout; Build An Electronic Cockroach; MAL-4
Microcontroller Board, Pt.3; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sine
wave Inverter, Pt.5.
July 1991: Battery Discharge Pacer For Electric Vehicles;
Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers; 4-Channel
Lighting Desk, Pt.2; How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.2;
Tuning In To Satellite TV, Pt.2.
March 1993: Build A Solar Charger For 12V Batteries;
Alarm-Triggered Security Camera; Low-Cost Audio Mixer
for Camcorders;A 24-Hour Sidereal Clock For Astronomers.
August 1991: Build A Digital Tachometer; Masthead Amplifier
For TV & FM; PC Voice Recorder; Tuning In To Satellite TV,
Pt.3; Step-By-Step Vintage Radio Repairs.
April 1993: Solar-Powered Electric Fence; Build An Audio
Power Meter; Three-Function Home Weather Station; 12VDC
To 70VDC Step-Up Voltage Converter; Digital Clock With
Battery Back-Up.
September 1991: Studio 3-55L 3-Way Loudspeaker System;
Digital Altimeter For Gliders & Ultralights, Pt.1; The Basics
Of A/D & D/A Conversion; Windows 3 Swapfiles, Program
Groups & Icons.
May 1993: Nicad Cell Discharger; Build The Woofer Stopper;
Remote Volume Control For Hifi Systems, Pt.1; Alphanumeric LCD Demonstration Board; The Microsoft Windows
Sound System.
October 1991: Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.1;
SteamSound Simulator For Model Railways Mk.II; Magnetic Field Strength Meter; Digital Altimeter For Gliders &
Ultralights, Pt.2; Getting To Know The Windows PIF Editor.
June 1993: Windows-Based Digital Logic Analyser, Pt.1;
Build An AM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Remote Control For The
Woofer Stopper; Digital Voltmeter For Cars; Remote Volume
Control For Hifi Systems, Pt.2
November 1991: Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1; Battery
Charger For Solar Panels; Flashing Alarm Light For Cars;
Digital Altimeter For Gliders & Ultralights, Pt.3; Build A
Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.2.
July 1993: Build a Single Chip Message Recorder; Light
Beam Relay Extender; AM Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Windows
Based Digital Logic Analyser; Pt.2; Quiz Game Adjudicator;
Programming The Motorola 68HC705C8 Microcontroller –
Lesson 1; Antenna Tuners – Why They Are Useful.
December 1991: TV Transmitter For VCRs With UHF Modulators; Infrared Light Beam Relay; Solid-State Laser Pointer;
Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2; Index To Volume 4.
January 1992: 4-Channel Guitar Mixer; Adjustable 0-45V 8A
Power Supply, Pt.1; Baby Room Monitor/FM Transmitter;
Automatic Controller For Car Headlights; Experiments For
Your Games Card; Restoring An AWA Radiolette.
February 1992: Compact Digital Voice Recorder; 50-Watt/
Channel Stereo Power Amplifier; 12VDC/240VAC 40-Watt
Inverter; Adjustable 0-45V 8A Power Supply, Pt.2; Designing
A Speed Controller For Electric Models.
March 1992: TV Transmitter For VHF VCRs; Studio Twin Fifty
Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Thermostatic Switch For Car Radiator
Fans; Telephone Call Timer; Coping With Damaged Computer
Directories; Valve Substitution In Vintage Radios.
April 1992: IR Remote Control For Model Railroads; Differential Input Buffer For CROs; Studio Twin Fifty Stereo
Amplifier, Pt.2; Understanding Computer Memory; Aligning
Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.1.
May 1992: Build A Telephone Intercom; Low-Cost Electronic
Doorbell; Battery Eliminator For Personal Players; Infrared
Remote Control For Model Railroads, Pt.2; Aligning Vintage
Radio Receivers, Pt.2.
June 1992: Multi-Station Headset Intercom, Pt.1; Video
Switcher For Camcorders & VCRs; Infrared Remote Control
For Model Railroads, Pt.3; 15-Watt 12-240V Inverter; A Look
At Hard Disc Drives.
July 1992: Build A Nicad Battery Discharger; 8-Station Automatic Sprinkler Timer; Portable 12V SLA Battery Charger;
Multi-Station Headset Intercom, Pt.2; Electronics Workbench
For Home Or Laboratory.
August 1992: Build An Automatic SLA Battery Charger;
Miniature 1.5V To 9V DC Converter; Dummy Load Box For
Large Audio Amplifiers; Internal Combustion Engines For
Model Aircraft; Troubleshooting Vintage Radio Receivers.
September 1992: Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm;
Heavy-Duty 5A Drill speed Controller (see errata Nov. 1992);
General-Purpose 3½-Digit LCD Panel Meter; Track Tester
For Model Railroads; Build A Relative Field Strength Meter.
October 1992: 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter;
Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm, Pt.2; Mini Amplifier
For Personal Stereos; Electronically Regulated Lead-Acid
Battery Charger.
January 1993: Peerless PSK60/2 2-Way Hifi Loudspeakers;
Flea-Power AM Radio Transmitter; High Intensity LED Flasher
For Bicycles; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter, Pt.4;
Speed Controller For Electric Models, Pt.3.
February 1993: Three Simple Projects For Model Railroads;
August 1993: Low-Cost Colour Video Fader; 60-LED Brake
Light Array; A Microprocessor-Based Sidereal Clock; The
Southern Cross Z80-based Computer; A Look At Satellites
& Their Orbits.
September 1993: Automatic Nicad Battery Charger/
Discharger; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control,
Pt.1; In-Circuit Transistor Tester; A +5V to ±15V DC Converter; Remote-Controlled Cockroach; Servicing An R/C
Transmitter, Pt.1.
October 1993: Courtesy Light Switch-Off Timer For
Cars; Wireless Microphone For Musicians; Stereo
Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.2; Electronic
Engine Management, Pt.1; Programming The Motorola
68HC705C8 Microcontroller – Lesson 2; Servicing An
R/C Transmitter, Pt.2.
November 1993: Jumbo Digital Clock; High Efficiency
Inverter For Fluorescent Tubes; Stereo Preamplifier With
IR Remote Control, Pt.3; Siren Sound Generator; Electronic
Engine Management, Pt.2; More Experiments For Your
Games Card.
December 1993: Remote Controller For Garage Doors;
Low-Voltage LED Stroboscope; Low-Cost 25W Amplifier
Module; Build A 1-Chip Melody Generator; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.3; Index To Volume 6.
January 1994: 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Switching
Regulator For Solar Panels; Printer Status Indicator; Mini
Drill Speed Controller; Stepper Motor Controller; Active Filter
Design For Beginners; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.4.
A PC-Based Nicad Battery Monitor; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.9
July 1994: SmallTalk – a Tiny Voice Digitiser For The PC;
Build A 4-Bay Bow-Tie UHF Antenna; PreChamp 2-Transistor
Preamplifier; Steam Train Whistle & Diesel Horn Simulator;
Portable 6V SLA Battery Charger; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.10.
August 1994: High-Power Dimmer For Incandescent
Lights; Microprocessor-Controlled Morse Keyer; Dual
Diversity Tuner For FM Microphones, Pt.1; Build a Nicad
Zapper; Simple Crystal Checker; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.11.
September 1994: Automatic Discharger For Nicad Battery
Packs; MiniVox Voice Operated Relay; Image Intensified
Night Viewer; AM Radio For Aircraft Weather Beacons; Dual
Diversity Tuner For FM Microphones, Pt.2; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.12.
October 1994: Dolby Surround Sound – How It Works;
Dual Rail Variable Power Supply (±1.25V to ±15V); Talking
Headlight Reminder; Electronic Ballast For Fluorescent
Lights; Temperature Controlled Soldering Station; Electronic
Engine Management, Pt.13.
November 1994: Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; A Novel
Alphanumeric Clock; 80-Metre DSB Amateur Transmitter;
Twin-Cell Nicad Discharger (See May 1993); Anti-Lock
Braking Systems; How To Plot Patterns Direct To PC Boards.
December 1994: Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder,
Pt.1; Easy-To-Build Car Burglar Alarm; Three-Spot Low
Distortion Sinewave Oscillator; Clifford – A Pesky Electronic
Cricket; Cruise Control – How It Works; Remote Control
System for Models, Pt.1; Index to Vol.7.
January 1995: Build A Sun Tracker For Solar Panels;
Battery Saver For Torches; Dolby Pro-Logic Surround
Sound Decoder, Pt.2; Dual Channel UHF Remote Control;
Stereo Microphone Preamplifier; The Latest Trends In Car
Sound; Pt1.
February 1995: 50-Watt/Channel Stereo Amplifier Module;
Digital Effects Unit For Musicians; 6-Channel Thermometer
With LCD Readout; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers
, Pt.1; Oil Change Timer For Cars; The Latest Trends In Car
Sound; Pt2; Remote Control System For Models, Pt.2.
March 1995: 50W/Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Subcarrier Decoder For FM Receivers; Wide Range Electrostatic
Loudspeakers, Pt.2; IR Illuminator For CCD Cameras &
Night Viewers; Remote Control System For Models, Pt.3;
Simple CW Filter.
April 1995: Build An FM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Photographic
Timer For Darkrooms; Balanced Microphone Preamplifier &
Line Filter; 50W/Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2; Wide Range
Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.3; 8-Channel Decoder For
Radio Remote Control.
February 1994: 90-Second Message Recorder; Compact
& Efficient 12-240VAC 200W Inverter; Single Chip 0.5W
Audio Amplifier; 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Electronic
Engine Management, Pt.5; Airbags – How They Work.
May 1995: Introduction To Satellite TV; CMOS Memory
Settings – What To Do When the Battery On Your Mother
board Goes Flat; Mains Music Transmitter & Receiver; Guitar
Headphone Amplifier For Practice Sessions; Build An FM
Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Low Cost Transistor & Mosfet Tester
For DMMs; 16-Channel Decoder For Radio Remote Control.
March 1994: Intelligent IR Remote Controller; Build A 50W
Audio Amplifier Module; Level Crossing Detector For Model
Railways; Voice Activated Switch For FM Microphones;
Simple LED Chaser; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.6.
June 1995: Build A Satellite TV Receiver; Train Detector For
Model Railways; A 1W Audio Amplifier Trainer; Low-Cost
Video Security System; A Multi-Channel Radio Control
Transmitter For Models, Pt.1; Build A $30 Digital Multimeter.
April 1994: Remote Control Extender For VCRs; Sound &
Lights For Model Railway Level Crossings; Discrete Dual
Supply Voltage Regulator; Low-Noise Universal Stereo
Preamplifier; Build A Digital Water Tank Gauge; Electronic
Engine Management, Pt.7.
July 1996: Low-Power Electric Fence Controller; How To
Run Two Trains On A Single Track (Plus Level Crossing
Lights & Sound Effects); Setting Up A Satellite TV Ground
Station; Build A Reliable Door Minder; Adding RAM To Your
Computer; Philips’ CDI-210 Interactive CD Player.
May 1994: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Induction
Balance Metal Locator; Multi-Channel Infrared Remote
Control; Dual Electronic Dice; Two Simple Servo Driver
Circuits; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.8; Passive
Rebroadcasting For TV Signals.
PLEASE NOTE: all issues from November 1987 to August
1988, plus October 1988, November 1988, December 1988,
January, February, March and August 1989, May 1990, and
November and December 1992 are now sold out. All other
issues are presently in stock. For readers wanting articles
from sold-out issues, we can supply photostat copies (or
tearsheets) at $7.00 per article (includes. p&p). When supplying photostat articles or back copies, we automatically
supply any relevant notes & errata at no extra charge.
June 1994: 200W/350W Mosfet Amplifier Module; A Coolant
Level Alarm For Your Car; An 80-Metre AM/CW Transmitter
For Amateurs; Converting Phono Inputs To Line Inputs;
August 1995 85
Car power amplifiers
from Kenwood
Kenwood has just released three
new car stereo amplifiers with balanced inputs and power FET technology. Designated the KAC-PS200
(100 watts/channel), KAC-PS150 (75
watts/channel) and the KAC-PS100
(50 watts/channel) they all feature
Kenwood's TRI-Mode operation.
This allows them to be configured
for three modes of operation: standard two channel stereo mode, mono
bridged mode or using a passive network such as Kenwood's KPX-T120
for stereo operation plus a subwoofer
This series is designed to operate
with Kenwood cassette/CD/receivers
or control units and can be mounted
either horizontally or vertically in the
boot. Cooling fans are incorporated in
the 100W and 75W units.
Audio Lab
The two higher power units incorporate a variable low pass filter,
the 50 watt unit a fixed 80Hz filter,
for use with the subwoofer configuration.
The use of balanced inputs allows
the units to be placed in the boot without the signal degradation and noise
problems which can be experienced
with long, unbalanced inputs.
All models are covered by 12
months warranty and are available at
selected Kenwood car audio dealers.
For further information on these or
any other Kenwood products contact
Kenwood by phoning (02) 764 1888.
The Schaffner range of PC mounting
filters has been extended with the introduction of the FN402 and FN402B
family. The latter series has extremely
Complete Audio Lab kit with PCBs, 1% resistors, PTH screened PCBs, IC sockets,
boot Eprom, screen printed case, 8K RAM, 8031 processor and all ICs.
Includes calibration and Audio Lab V5.1 software
$330 inc. tax.
Processor test kit $15.
Freight $9.
Fully assembled & calibrated complete with plugpack (1-year warranty) $450
5 Ludwig Place, Duncraig, Perth WA 6023
86 Silicon Chip
Electrolytic capacitor
mounts for PC boards
PC mount
mains filters
R.S.K. Electronics Pty. Ltd.
10 VAC 1A plugpack plus socket $18.
2-Metre serial cable $9.
low leakage and is mainly intended for
medical applications.
These units can be used for nominal
voltages up to 250VAC, 50Hz or 60Hz,
and come in current ratings of 0.5, 1.0,
1.6, 2.5, 4.0 and 6.5A. All filters are
suitable for installation in business
machines where IEC950 requirements
must be met.
For further information, contact
John Thompson, Westinghouse Industrial Products, 175-189 Normanby Rd, South Melbourne, Vic 3205.
Phone (03) 9676-8888 or fax (03)
Phone (09) 448 3787
These plastic mounts provide support for PC mount electrolytic capacitors and come in five standard sizes.
Each mount features a slotted cup
which supports and insulates the capacitor from surrounding components
while allowing venting and proper
drainage of fluids or contaminants
experienced during board assembly
and washing. Each mount raises the
capacitor 1.3mm above the board
For further information, contact
M. Rutty & Co, 1/38 Leighton Place,
Hornsby, NSW 2077. Phone (02) 476
FM radio trainer
now available
We have recently reviewed
sample versions of the kit from
Dick Smith Electronics for the
FM Radio Trainer project featured in the April & May 1995
issues of Silicon Chip.
The DSE kit has a well finished screen-printed PC board
and comprehensive assembly
and alignment instructions.
The lab staff at Dick Smith Electronics have made a number of
minor changes to the design,
to optimise performance with
some slightly different components that have been substituted because of availability
Having compared their kit
versions with our prototype,
we are happy to report they
perform equally as well.
The FM Radio Trainer kit is
available from all Dick Smith
Electronics stores at $69.95.
(Cat K-5026).
Surface mount
240V Mosfet
Zetex has released surface
mount 240V Mosfet for telecommunications equipment.
Offering a low threshold voltage and low on-resistance, the
ZVP4424G is supplied in an
SOT223 package.
With a gate-source voltage of
3.5 volts and a drain current of
100mA the device features an
on-resistance of 12W. It also
exhibits typical rise times of
8ns and fall times of 20ns at
currents of 250mA, making it
an efficient solution in telephone recall, hook and dialling
applications. The ZVP4424G also
features a typical input capacitance
of 100pF and a gate to source voltage
rating of ±40V.
The surface mounting version is
capable of handling a continuous
drain current of 480mA and up to
1A pulsed. Its maximum power
dissipation is 2.5W at 25 degrees
C. A comprehensive data sheet is
available, outlining full Spice model
parameters, for computer simulation
and testing.
For more information, contact GEC
Electronics Division,Unit 1, 38 South
St, Rydalmere, NSW 2116. Phone (02)
638 1888 or fax (02) 638 1798.
High voltage transistor
for electronic ballasts
Philips Semiconductors have released the BU1706A, a silicon diffused
NPN power transistor which they
claim is a practical low cost alternative
to power Mosfets in electronic lighting
A peak collector emitter voltage
of 1750V and low switching losses
allow this new transistor to be used
in applications where power Mosfets
are prone to failure, for example, in
mains voltage switching.
Fall times as low as 0.2µs with inductive loads and a Vce(sat) of 1.0V
at 1.5A allow the BU1706A to operate
with little or no heatsinking in high
frequency switching circuits. The
transistor is available in the standard
TO220 package or the fully isolated
SOT186A pack.
For more information, contact Karen
August 1995 87
1VA to 25VA
Programmable laser
scanning system
Rack mounting work
station has touchscreen
For concert and live music applications, the model XYP-1000 Beamscan
system is a complete, self-contained,
microprocessor controlled laser scanning system.
It is capable of producing a very
wide variety of patterns, automatic
pattern sequences and beam effects.
The system consists of a digital controller, scanner head and connecting
The controller uses a 20-key membrane keypad for programming and
recalling patterns and sequences. A
backlit two line by 16 character display
is used for verification. Its 8K EEPROM
will store 100 user created patterns and
up to 360 sequence frames. The system
comes programmed with 80 patterns
and 20 beam effect sequences.
The scanner head contains an open
loop X/Y scanner pair, a high speed
beam shutter, a diffraction grating with
actuator and a connector for the control cable. The head has IN and OUT
beam ports 90 degrees apart.
Programmed sequences are played
back much like a slide show, displaying each frame at a programmed position, for a preset time. Frames can also
be advanced by a music trigger using
an external sound source to one of the
three line level inputs.
For further information, contact
Spectrum Laser Systems, PO Box 384,
Bentleigh, Vic 3204. Phone (03) 9532
1981 or fax (03) 9555 7449.
Click Electronics have recently
released a rack mounting workstation with a built-in touchscreen. The
touchscreen is supplied with drivers
for DOS or Windows 3. For use with
software that does not have a touch
screen interface, it can emulate a
The workstation has a sealed front
panel, with an integral 83 key membrane keypad which includes 24 function keys. The unit can accommodate
one 3.5" floppy drive, as well as two
3.5" half height, hard disc drives. The
built-in 14" 0.26mm dot pitch VGA
colour monitor offers a screen resolution of 1024 X 768.
A seven slot AT-ISA passive backplane is mounted, along with the disc
drives, in a drawer, which slides out
from the rear of the work station, for
easy access. The card bay is fitted
with an anti-vibration clamp. The
station offers a range of single board
computers, from the low cost 486DLC
to the high performance 486DX4-100.
A 250W power supply is provided to
support any configuration.
For more information, contact Click
Electronics, PO Box 25, Bangor, NSW
2234. Phone (02) 649 6011 or fax (02)
649 6887.
ised data collection system.
Each Aspnet terminal has a keypad, liquid crystal data display and
an inbuilt battery (in case of external power failure.) Operators can be
prompted to enter information
or can be given instructions on
what to do. Information collected by the system is stored
with time and date stamp.
Data can easily be transferred
to a spreadsheet, database or
customised analysis software
as required.
For larger operations, the system can be extended by the use
of a "workblock" which allows
the program to collect data from
a larger number of sources.
For more information, contact
Carli Barnes, ASP Microcomputers,
456 North Road, Ormond, Vic 3204.
Phone (03) 9578 7600 or fax (03)
9578 7727.
Manufactured in Australia
Harbuch Electronics Pty Ltd
9/40 Leighton Pl. HORNSBY 2077
Ph (02) 476-5854 Fx (02) 476-3231
Hillerman, Philips Components, 34
Waterloo Rd, North Ryde, NSW 2113.
Phone (02) 805 4479 or fax (02) 805
Low-cost production
tracking system
A new low cost system has been
released by ASP Microcomputers,
to allow business to gain the advantages of real time production
tracking and time costing.
The Aspnet hardware consists
of miniature readers which accept
information from barcodes or
magnetic stripes. These readers
are connected via a network to
a host computer which analyses
incoming data as it is received. In
addition, the system incorporates
an easy to use computer language,
Aspnet Basic, which allows users
to create their own fully custom88 Silicon Chip
Interface boards for connecting
Windows PCs to serial devices
National Instruments has
announced two new interface
boards that connect windows
PCs to serial devices. The AT485 and AT-232 connect the
PC to RS-485 and RS-232 instruments respectively, giving
the PC additional serial ports
with data transfer rates up to
115.2KB/s. Both boards are
available in two and four port
configurations. These are the
first National boards to use the
jumperless "Plug and Play" ISA
architecture. For users of Windows 3.1, which does not
offer this facility, a board configuration utility is supplied.
The AT-485 can connect up to 31 multi-dropped devices
to a single PC port. It also includes a special automatic
transceiver mode that can communicate with two wire
serial devices.
The AT-232 can connect laboratory or electronic test
instruments, such as oscilloscopes and multimeters, to
a PC. Users can communicate with the boards using National Instruments' LAB software or any other industry
standard programming languages.
For more information, contact Tony O'Donnell, National
Instruments Australia, PO Box 466, Ringwood, Vic 3134.
Phone (03) 9879 9422 or fax (03) 9879 9179.
PO Box 314 Blackwood SA 5051 Ph 018 806794
$49: a simple to build 2.5 watt free running CD level input, FM band runs from 12-24VDC.
•• FMTX1
FMTX2B $49: the best transmitter on the market, FM-Band XTAL locked on 100MHz. CD level input 3
stage design, very stable up to 30mW RF output.
$49: a universal digital stereo encoder for use on either of our transmitters. XTAL locked.
FMTX5 $99: both FMTX2A & FMTX2B on one PCB.
FMTX10 $599: a complete FMTX5 built and tested, enclosed in a quality case with plugpack, DIN input
for audio and a 1/2mtr internal antenna, also available in 1U rack mount with balanced cannon
input sockets, dual VU meter and BNC RF $1299. Ideal for cable FM or broadcast transmission over
distances of up to 300 mtrs, i.e. drive-in theatres, sports arenas, football grounds up to 50mW RF out.
FMTX10B $2599: same as rack mount version but also includes dual SCA coder with 67 & 92KHz
Audio Power Amp: this has been the most popular kit of all time with some 24,000 PCBs being
since 1987. Easy to build, small in size, high power, clever design, uses KISS principle. Manufacturing
rights available with full technical support and PCB CAD artwork available to companies for a small royalty.
200 Watt Kit $29, PCB only $4.95.
AEM 35 Watt Single Chip Audio Power Amp $19.95: this is an ideal amp for the beginner to construct;
uses an LM1875 chip and a few parts on a 1 inch square PCB.
Low Distortion Balanced Line Audio Oscillator Kit $69: designed to pump out line up tone around studio
complexes at 400Hz or any other audio frequency you wish to us. Maximum output +21dBm.
MONO Audio DA Amp Kit, 15 splits: $69.
Universal BALUN Balanced Line Converter Kit $69: converts what you have to what you want, unbalanced
to balanced or vice versa. Adjustable gain. Stereo.
I/O Card for PCs Kit $169: originally published in Silicon Chip, this is a real low cost way to interface
•to Max
the outside world from your PC, 7 relays, 8 TTL inputs, ADC & DAC, stepper motor drive/open collector
1 amp outputs. Sample software in basic supplied on disk.
PC 8255 24 Line I/O Card Kit $69, PCB $39: described in ETI, this board is easy to construct with
•onlyIBM3 chips
and a double sided plated through hole PCB. Any of the 24 lines can be used as an input or
output. Good value.
19" Rack Mount PC Case: $999.
•• Professional
All-In-One 486SLC-33 CPU Board $799: includes dual serial, games, printer floppy & IDE hard disk drive
interface, up to 4mb RAM 1/2 size card.
PC104 486SLC CPU Board with 2Mb RAM included: 2 serial, printer, floppy & IDE hard disk $999; VGA
card $399.
If your kit does not work, provided good workmanship has been applied in assembly and all original parts
have been correctly assembled, we will repair your kit FREE if returned within 14 days of purchase. Your
only cost is postage both ways. Now, that’s a WARRANTY!
KITS-R-US sell the entire range of designs by Graham Dicker. The designer has not extended his agreement
with the previous distributor, PC Computers, in Adelaide. All products can be purchased with Visa/Bankcard
by phone and shipped overnight via Australia EXPRESS POST for $6.80 per order. You can speak to the
designer Mon-Fri direct from 6-7pm or place orders 24 hours a day on: PH 018 80 6794; FAX 08 270 3175.
August 1995 89
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Charge indicator for
SLA battery charger
I’ve recently purchased a portable
12 Volt SLA Battery Charger kit as
described in the July 1992 issue of SILICON CHIP. Is there any way of adding a
small LED to indicate when the battery
is being charged or is fully-charged
without impacting on the charging
and monitoring process itself? (G. P.,
Vale Park, SA).
• While you can connect a LED (in
series with a 1kΩ resistor) across
the output of the charger to indicate
charging, it will not indicate the state
of battery charge. This function would
require extra circuitry.
Solid state
vibrator wanted
I’m restoring an AWA Cruiser
6-valve car radio, model 931-A, and
am having trouble locating a vibrator
for the same type: a V5123, non-synchronous 12V. I’ve heard that a solid
state device can be purchased in the
USA to replace the vibrator unit or one
can be made up. I’m hoping you may
know of a suitable circuit or maybe
a reader does. Hoping you can be of
help. (E. Phillis, PO Box 124, Dareton,
NSW 2717).
Timer with date
stamping wanted
I wish to construct a low draw,
battery operated circuit, centred
around a simple event counter,
to count up to 10 or more events
and auto reset. It needs to have an
inbuilt clock circuit that can be
used to time stamp each event in
a memory and display each time
in reverse order of entry when
required. When memory capacity
is reached (10 or more events), the
oldest entry would be erased in
order to accommodate latest entry.
I would welcome any assistance on
90 Silicon Chip
While such devices were available
many years ago, we doubt whether
they are still obtainable. Nor do we
have a suitable circuit on our files.
Perhaps one of our readers can give
ripple ratings
I have built a large Mosfet power
amplifier which I am hoping will
deliver more than 500 watts into an
8Ω load. The big hurdle though has
been the electrolytic filter capacitors
which are 10,000µF 100VW can units.
While the amplifier has tested OK on
the bench, there have now been several
instances where it has blown up the
filter capacitors.
Actually, the capacitors have not
been blown up – their inside have been
disgorged from the can in a steaming
stinking mess. Now the interesting part
is that the amplifier was not delivering
any power at the time. I know that
I am sailing close to the wind with
these capacitors because the supply
rails normally sit at ±98V but I would
have thought this was acceptable. I
have someone who really wants to
buy this amplifier so I am getting
desperate! Can you please help? (B.
S., Subiaco, WA).
the best method of putting together
a circuit to achieve this. (N. H.,
Loganholme, Qld).
• While an event counter might be
quite simple, your requirement for
date stamping and memory means
that it is quite a bit more complicated and probably requires the
use of a microprocessor, possibly
one of the PIC models or the Stamp
system advertised in the “Market
Centre” pages of this magazine.
We cannot help you with a design
right at this moment but if other
readers indicate that they would
like a similar design, we will have
a look at it.
Merely running electrolytic capacitors close to their voltage ratings is
not normally a cause for their failure,
provided, of course, that they were
not faulty when they were installed.
A more likely reason for failure is
excessive ripple current. To explain,
when an electrolytic capacitor is used
as a power supply filter capacitor,
following the rectifier, it must pass an
AC ripple current in order to smooth
out the DC voltage.
As a rule of thumb, the amount
of ripple current is roughly equal to
the DC current being drawn from the
DC supply. So if the DC supply has
to provide 5A, for example, then the
ripple current is around 5A too. The
frequency of the ripple current will be
twice the mains frequency; ie, 100Hz
with a 50Hz mains supply and 120Hz
with a 60Hz mains supply.
Large filter capacitors generally
have a quoted ripple current and just
taking an example, a 10,000µF 100V
electrolytic capacitor sold by Altronics
has a ripple current rating of 8.3 amps.
That sounds like a lot but when the
power supply is feeding an audio amplifier the story becomes rather more
The problem is that an audio amplifier does not draw smooth current
from its power supply. Rather, it draws
a current waveform which looks like a
half-wave rectified version of the signal it is delivering. That makes sense
because a typical class-B output stage
has two transistors which each turn
on for half the waveform. Ergo, the
amplifier draws heavy ripple current
from the electrolytic filter capacitors at
the signal frequency. So if the amplifier is delivering full power at 1kHz it
will be dragging huge ripple currents
at that frequency. These currents are
in addition to the 100Hz ripple current that the capacitor has to carry to
smooth the DC.
The rub is that while the capacitor
may be rated for a certain current at
100Hz, it may not be able to withstand
the same current at high frequencies
because it may have considerable
internal impedance as the frequency
rises. Hence it is good practice to be
conservative and for an amplifier with
the sort of power that you are aiming
for, we would suggest that two or three
of these 10,000µF 100VW capacitors
should be used for the power supply
filtering on the positive and negative
Even so, you have given a clue that
something else might be amiss with
the amplifier – you said it was not
delivering any power at the time the
capacitors had their unhappy event.
That suggests that the amplifier is
oscillating at a very high frequency.
When this happens the amplifier will
draw heavy current and the frequency
may be very high, way up in the Megahertz region. Electrolytic capacitors
hate really high frequencies so this
is probably why they disgorged their
Interestingly, if you have monitored
the output of your amplifier with an oscilloscope, you may not have seen any
signs of instability at all. Some time
ago we had a Mosfet amplifier design
under development (not published)
which oscillated at 90MHz, right up
in the FM broadcast band! There was
no sign at all of any instability on a
20MHz scope but it was as clear as
day on a 100MHz scope.
Automatic switching
of petrol or LPG
In my opinion it is vital that a fuel
injection engine on a vehicle that
is modified to run on LPG is driven
more frequently on petrol, particularly
when undergoing long journeys, in
order to avoid injection blockage and
Most fuel injection engines either
start on petrol then switch over to gas
after reaching 2000 RPM or else by a
timing device which locks on to gas
until the engine is stopped. Where
frequent stops and starts occur, as in
metropolitan driving, the problem
does not exist.
LPG is more often adapted to country vehicles or vehicles used for distance travelling where LPG is utilised
for long periods without using petrol.
This then means that the petrol in
a fuel injection engine is circulated
continuously through the engine fuel
rails and returned to the petrol tank
without being used. Therefore, some of
the fuel in the injectors could boil off
Solar powered
computer system
Regarding T. N.’s request for advice on a UPS (Ask SILICON CHIP,
June 1995), I would like to offer
my own observations on operating
a computer (386SX/mono screen)
from an Altronics 300W inverter.
I live in a house powered by photovoltaic cells and the system has
grown in size since its inception
eight years ago.
I like to know what goes on (or
should that be what goes in and
out?), so my distribution board has
meters for volts, solar current in,
load current and a separate amp
meter for the inverter.
The 386 with 3Mb of memory
draws about 7.5A. The floppy
drive adds almost 0.5A to this but
you don’t use a floppy drive for
more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time
generally. This figure includes the
monitor – a colour monitor may
well draw more power, but I cannot
confirm this without testing.
My Epson LQ100 24 pin printer uses between 1A and 3A de
pending on what it is doing but I
would allow 2.5A as its average.
All of the above adds up to 11
amps. If you allow for a float
and form scale or oxidise into fine mud
and eventually block the injectors.
Fuel in the petrol tank can reach
temperatures beyond 70°C where
oxidisation can cause severe damage,
necessitating the replacement of the
entire fuel system. Fuel filters should
be replaced more frequently than
recommended in the service manual
because they cannot remove all the
oxidised fuel (mud). Turning off the
fuel pump is not an option because
the fuel would boil more easily in the
engine fuel rails.
Vehicles converted to LPG must
only refuel to half the capacity of the
petrol tank and this quantity used up
monthly. To avoid damaging the fuel
pump, located in the tank, it should
never run to empty.
All LPG vehicles have a manual
switch to operate the engine on either
petrol or LPG. Therefore, would it be
possible to adapt a timer circuit to
automatically alternate the engine
charge of 12.8V in your battery
you come up with 140.8W. This
should be within the capacity of
a 200W inverter – my old 300W
unit just gets warm.
I think that if it was me I would
use a good battery charg
er that
would supply 10A on a continuous basis and leave the battery on
charge constantly – I do mean a
good battery charger, one that won’t
boil the battery dry.
The next thing is sinewave
inverters. Some of them generate
so much electrical “noise” it isn’t
funny. AM radios within 20 yards
are useless and the interference
even gets into the telephone line!
Anything connected to the DC supply is going to get so much “hash”
that filtering will be required, and
lots of it!
Re the back-up cards, if they
have nicad batteries on them,
watch out for leaks – I had to ditch
a perfectly good motherboard because the battery leaked (a 3.6V
nicad). The clock still worked, but
the “goo” migrated under three
ICs and dissolved quite a few PCB
tracks. From now on, batteries are
mounted well away from anything
that may corrode. (D. H., Beech
wood, NSW).
operation from petrol to LPG on a
continuing basis?
The engine petrol timer would be
needed to start the engine and run
for 2-5 minutes (adjustable) before
switching over to the LPG timer for
10-20 minutes (adjustable) and then
back to petrol or gas, alternately.
The timing device could be easily
connected across the terminals of the
manual switch without affecting the
gas conversion. However, it is vital
that manual switching of either petrol
or gas be retained. (R. R., Dawesville,
• Designing a timer for this purpose
should be relatively straightforward
and indeed, a 555 timer would probably do the job.
However, as you say, you would
still need to be able to switch manually between petrol and LPG and the
original system control could not be
overridden by the timer otherwise the
results might be undesirable. It is these
August 1995 91
250VAC capacitors
for LED circuits
We had some correspondence
last year on the danger of using
DC-rated capacitors as the voltage-dropping elements in 240VAC
circuits (Ask SILICON CHIP, November 1994) with particular reference
on my part to driving LEDs from the
mains. However, I notice that since
that time, mains-rated capacitors of
suitable size have become readily
available; eg, from DSE and Jaycar.
Using these, would you now
regard such applications as “safe”
(I suppose nothing connected to
the mains can be completely safe)
two requirements which make the
design somewhat more complicated.
If you have the timer on and then
you decide to overrule it by manually
switching to LPG or gas, then that
setting will be maintained until you
remember to switch over to the timer
– which rather defeats the purpose of
the exercise. We are also concerned
about the possibility of the engine
faltering if the timed changeover
takes place at a critical time, such as
when pulling out to pass another car
at high speed.
With these thoughts in mind, we are
reluctant to publish a circuit without
more information on the subject.
Uninterruptible power
supplies for PCs
I would like to comment on the
matter of making up an uninterruptible
power supply for computers as raised
in the “Ask SILICON CHIP” pages of
the June 1995 issue. I have had a
UPS running for over one year. It was
interrupted once when Featherfoots
the cat jumped on a charging lead!
It consists of a home made battery
charger, a 10A Variac to adjust the
charging voltage via the battery charger
primary, a 1kW 24V modified square
wave inverter and a 24V 80A/hr deep
draw battery set.
The battery charger consists of a
300 watt toroidal power transformer
driving a 40A bridge rectifier with
suitable heatsink and transformer
cooling is by small computer fan. A
steel case was used as a plastic one
92 Silicon Chip
or would there still be some reservations about it? (J. K., Kenmore,
• Provided these capacitors do
have the correct 250VAC rating
and also a suitably rated limiting
resistor is placed in the circuit,
such circuits should be safe. The
resistor should be designed to fuse
in the event that the capacitor becomes a short circuit and thereby
However, we are still not really
happy with LEDs running directly from the mains and prefer the
old-fashioned and reliable neon
indicator lamp with inbuilt current-limiting resistor.
may melt if the components overheat.
A small value high wattage resistor is
used in series with the charging lead
to limit the possible current draw to
that rated for the transformer; in my
case, 8A.
Don’t be an idiot like me and use
a number of power resistors in paral
lel; the whole lot will fail in cascade!
The batteries were specified with bolt
type connections and were strapped
together with aluminium bar, 3mm x
25mm. Plenty of petroleum jelly was
used over the terminals and lead ends
at the batteries. Charging and inverter
wiring was heavy duty electrical earth
In practice, the battery is charged
to its rated maximum voltage and
the Variac is adjusted, over a day or
so, until with the computer load, the
batteries stay fully charged. My rather
extensive 386 system, less monitor,
draws just on 3.4A at around 27V. I
can plug the monitor in when I need
to; the supply stops my Unix system
crashing and on test kept it running
for 19 hours continuously. After that,
it does take a day or so for the setup
to drop right back to 3.4A.
I aimed at a charging capacity about
double the load draw. The 1kW inverter means that I can run everything
except the laser printer for reasonable
periods, about six hours if the 20-inch
monitor uses about 200 watts.
The batteries have needed no maintenance whatsoever since installation
thirteen months ago. They have an
expected life of five years, limited by
internal terminal corrosion.
The cost to me of this setup was
about $1000 plus an afternoon or so
of work and a bit of experimentation.
Nothing has had to be done to the unit
for many months. It is deliberately
made simple for high reliability, hence
the Variac rather than automatic voltage control. I have had a big regulated
power supply fail to regulate. The
device it was driving caught alight
when the power Mosfets blew! (R. H.,
Tranmere, SA).
• While we understand your desire
for simplicity, using a Variac to adjust
the charging current and hence, the
final charging voltage, is a little crude.
There is a risk that the mains voltage
could run at a high level for several
days and you could be seriously overcharging without knowing it.
Variable rejection
filter wanted
I was interested to see your simple
2-transistor CW filter in the March
1995 issue of SILICON CHIP and wondered if this could be easily modified
to act as a variable frequency rejection filter. I want one which could be
used to reject the 9kHz whistles on
the broadcast AM band and also the
various whistles on the international
wave bands. (A. S., Denmark,
• The CW filter in the March 1995
issue is not suitable as a variable
rejection filter. To effectively reject
9kHz whistles without removing too
much of the wanted audio signal,
you need a filter with a very deep
and sharp null, exactly at 9kHz. If
the filter is just 10Hz or more off
the exact frequency, the rejection is
greatly reduced. For that reason, a
variable rejection filter is unlikely to
be effective as it is too difficult to set
it to the exact frequency.
We did publish a 9kHz whistle
filter as part of the circuit for the
wideband stereo AM tuner described
in the February, March & April 1991
Notes & Errata
Walkaround Throttle, Ask Silicon
Chip, page 93, May 1995: the suggested
wiring diagram for a centre-tap transformer shows the 10µF capacitor near
the 7812 reverse biased. The capacitor’s negative connection should go to
the centre pin of the 7812.
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August 1995 95
Microprocessor For
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$150. C band LNB 23 deg from $140.
Receivers; eg, Pace 919 low threshold
is $420. We stock Gardiner, Drake,
Pace, Chaparrel, KTI, plus many more.
A catalogue is available. Contact Satellite Professionals on phone or fax (03)
803 0215
WANTED: AR2002 Communications Receiver 25-550MHz and 8001300MHz. Melbourne (03) 9707 2326.
Oatley Electronics.................. 78-79
Railway Projects Book.............OBC
RCS Radio ..................................94
Rod Irving Electronics .......... 67-71
R.S.K. Electronics........................86
Silicon Chip Back Issues....... 84-85
Silicon Chip Binders....................96
Silicon Chip Bookshop.................93
Silicon Chip Software..................83
Silicon Chip Walchart................IBC
PC Boards
Printed circuit boards for SILICON
CHIP projects are made by:
These binders will protect your copies of SILICON
★ Heavy board covers with 2-tone green vinyl
covering ★ Each binder holds up to 14 issues
★ SILICON CHIP logo printed in gold-coloured
lettering on spine & cover
• RCS Radio Pty Ltd, 651 Forest
Rd, Bexley, NSW 2207. Phone (02)
587 3491.
• Marday Services, PO Box 19-189,
Avondale, Auckland, NZ. Phone (09)
828 5730.
Price: $A14.95 each (incl. postage in Aust). NZ & PNG orders please add
$A5 each for p&p. To order, just fill in & mail the order form in this issue to:
Silicon Chip Publications, PO Box 139, Collaroy 2097; Or phone (02) 9979
5644 & quote your credit card details or fax (02) 9979 6503.
• HT Electronics, Shop 4, 8 Roberts
Rd, Hackham West, SA 5163. Phone
(08) 326 5567.
96 Silicon Chip