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Build A TENs Unit For Pain Relief
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ISSN 1030-2662
A low-cost, easy-to-build subwoofer
August 1997 1
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Vol.10, No.8; August 1997
3 How Holden’s Electronic Control Unit Works; Pt.2
Learn how the Commodore’s automatic transmission is electronically
controlled – by Julian Edgar
22 Computer Bits: The Ins & Outs Of Sound Cards
A brief look at sound card basics and what to do when the sound isn’t forthcoming – by Jason Cole
12 The Bass Barrel Subwoofer
At last – a high-performance subwoofer that’s compact, cheap and easy to
build. You can use it at home or in the car – by Julian Edgar
The Bass Barrel Subwoofer –
Page 12
24 A 500 Watt Audio Power Amplifier Module
This rugged power amplifier module delivers 500W RMS into a 4-ohm load
and 278W RMS into an 8-ohm load – by Leo Simpson & Bob Flynn
36 Build A TENs Unit For Pain Relief
TENS stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation. Our unit has
all the necessary features and is easy to build – by John Clarke
54 PC Card For Stepper Motor Control
This addressable card plugs into your PC’s parallel port and lets you drive a
stepper motor under software control – by Rick Walters
500 Watt Audio Power Amplifier
Module – Page 24
66 Remote Controlled Gates For Your Home
It’s based on windscreen wiper motors and a pair of scissor jacks. We show
you how to build the drive mechanism and the control circuit – by Phung Mai
53 Satellite Watch
Changes to BMAC services from Optus B3 – by Garry Cratt
60 Serviceman’s Log
Just give it a flamin’ good thump – by the TV Serviceman
76 Radio Control
Easy-To-Build TENs Unit For
Pain Relief – Page 36
The philosophy of R/C transmitter programming – by Bob Young
84 Vintage Radio
New life for an old Kriesler – by John Hill
2 Publisher’s Letter
20 Circuit Notebook
33 Order Form
72 Product Showcase
90 Ask Silicon Chip
92 Notes & Errata
94 Market Centre
96 Advertising Index
Addressable PC Card For
Stepper Motor Control – Page 54
August 1997 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Rick Walters
Reader Services
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Advertising Manager
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Phone (03) 9720 9198
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Regular Contributors
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Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
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John Hill
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Ross Tester
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Bob Young
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
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ISSN 1030-2662
Australia can make those
greenhouse reductions
Hands up all those people who have not been
impressed by Prime Minister John Howard’s
attempt to get different targets for Australia’s
greenhouse emissions. Mr Howard maintains
that Australia should be a special case, essentially because of our mining and metal refining
industries. This didn’t cut much ice with most
other countries because they all reckon that
Australia is part of the same planet – an argument that’s difficult to disagree with.
In fact, Australia does not have an unusually
energy-intensive economy in comparison with other OECD countries. We might
be mining-intensive but we are not exactly overloaded with heavy industry. The
OECD as a whole has reduced energy use per unit of economic output by more
than 20% over the last 20 years while Australia has improved by only about 5%.
By not agreeing to a 15% reduction in greenhouse emissions (below 1992 levels)
by the year 2010, we are ensuring that there will be little or no change to our
wasteful ways. It would be better to aim for the target, even if we failed trying.
In fact, our government is taking a completely wrong approach. Rather than
thinking in terms of reductions in greenhouse emissions and how much it might
cost, the correct approach is to see how much money might be saved. Just recently,
a Sydney fast food chain has shown it can reduce its energy bill by 22%, while
making a 33% return on the investment in energy efficiency. That is a very good
return on investment in anybody’s language.
Other fast food chains are following suit and taking measures to reduce the
cost of lighting, air conditioning and cooking. This is all pretty easy stuff which
leads to the question: why weren’t they making these savings years ago? The
same questions should be asked of virtually every company and public body in
Australia. At present, the answers are pathetic.
In truth, Australian companies and public organisations are poor performers
by comparison with the world’s best, not only in terms of energy efficiency but
in terms of return on sales, return on investment, return on equity and virtually
any other measure you might care to think of.
Consider how good greenhouse reductions (read energy savings) can be from
a typical company point of view. They make an investment which is subject to
the normal depreciation allowances (ie, they get tax deductions) and then any
savings they make are straight profit. Many companies then go on to claim the
good publicity by claiming that they are “environmentally green and clean” and
all that rot. But the real reason to make the investment is to make (or save) money.
They don’t have to “care” about the environment at all.
Let’s face it, a reduction of say 20% over a period of 12 years is only 1.5% per
annum which is pretty tiny really. Many companies could make the 20% reduction
in just one year. Can’t we as a country manage the target? Australia is supposed
to be the “clever country”, isn’t it?
Leo Simpson
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should
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2 Silicon Chip
How Holden’s
electronic control
unit works; Pt.2
In last month’s issue
we showed how the
software controlling
the Holden engine
management system
works. This time we
examine how the
automatic transmission
is electronically
N BOTH THE VR and VS model
Commodores, an electronic con trol unit dubbed a Powertrain Control Module (PCM) is used to control
both the engine management and the
transmission. The PCM is a physically larger package than the Electronic
Control Module used in previous
Holdens but it is closely related, with
similar software and hardware used in
both packages.
As with last issue’s story, this
article draws heavily on computer
programmer Ken Young’s DynoCal
(now known as Kalmaker) software
program. The program allows the
ipulation of all the variables
within the Holden PCM program. It
also allows the down-loading of the
PCM’s EPROM program, meaning
that actual data maps can be seen.
The VR V6 Commodore of Awesome
Automotive in Ade
laide was used
in conjunction with the Kalmaker
Late-model Holdens use a Powertrain Control Module which integrates
automatic transmission control with engine management.
software package to gain much of the
information shown here.
The automatic transmission used
in both the VR and VS Commodores
is the GM Hydra-Matic 4L60-E trans-
mission. It is basically a hydraulically-controlled transmission with some
added electronic control, as signified
by the ‘E’ suffix.
The items electronically controlled
August 1997 3
Transmission Controls
Fig.1: this diagram shows the parameters sensed (left) & the systems controlled
Fig.2: all the automatic transmission components under the electronic control
system are shown here
in the transmission are:
• line pressure control solenoid;
• 1-2 and 2-3 shift solenoids
• 3-2 control solenoid;
• torque converter clutch on/off
• torque converter clutch pulse
width modulated solenoid.
The operating conditions sensed by
4 Silicon Chip
the Powertrain Control Module are:
• battery voltage;
• engine coolant temperature;
• engine speed (rpm);
• throttle position;
• transmission fluid temperature;
• transmission gear position;
• vehicle speed.
A further input comes from the
driver-controlled Power/Economy
switch mounted on the centre console.
Fig.1 shows the operating conditions sensed, the PCM and the items
controlled. The physical shape and
location of the transmission components relating to the electronic control
system are shown in Fig.2.
Functions of
controlled systems
The line pressure control solenoid
(PCS) takes the place of the throttle
valve used in the hydraulically-controlled version of this transmission.
The PCM varies line pressure via this
solenoid, which is controlled by the
current flow through it. Line pressure
is increased during times of high engine load which is sensed from various input sensors, including throttle
position, speed and engine intake air
temperature. Controlling line pressure
with the PCM means that the pressure
can be better correlated with the engine’s torque curve, as shown by Fig.3.
The 1-2 and 2-3 shift solenoids
control the movements of the 1-2
and 2-3 hydraulic shift valves. These
solenoids are normally-open exhaust
valves that work in four combinations
to shift the transmission into different
gears. However, only in ‘D’ can these
solenoids control shifts; in the manual
positions ‘3’, ‘2’ and ‘1’ the transmission shifts under hydraulic control.
The shift solenoids are either fully
open or fully closed.
The 3-2 control solenoid is a pulse
width modulated sole
noid used to
improve the 3-2 downshift. It controls
hydraulic pressure so that the release
of the 3-4 clutch and the application
of the 2-4 band are smooth. The duty
cycle of this valve is determined by
the throttle position, vehicle speed
and the gear demanded.
The torque converter clutch solen
oids are used to lock up the torque
converter, giving very low slippage.
The torque converter on/off solenoid
has priority in applying and releasing the clutch. It is a normally-open
exhaust valve which when earthed,
causes converter feed pressure to increase and shift the torque converter
clutch valve into the ‘apply’ position.
The pulse width modulated torque
converter solenoid is used to provide
smooth engagement of the clutch.
The apply rate of the torque converter
clutch is determined by the duty cycle
fed to the PWM solenoid.
Matching Line Pressure with
Engine Torque
Adaptive Controls
Engine Torque
Hydraulically-controlled line pressure
Electronically-controlled line pressure
Fig.3: electronically controlling the line pressure
in the transmission means that the pressure can be
better correlated with engine torque output than in
a conventional automatic transmission.
Critical to transmission control
is the sensing of input and output
speeds. While engine rpm gives the
input speed to the torque converter,
it does not give the input speed of the
transmission, because of slippage in
the torque converter. The input shaft
speed of the transmission is calculated
from the vehicle speed sensor data and
the gear ratio that the transmission is
currently in.
The torque converter slip is calculated by subtracting the transmission
input speed from the engine rpm.
Note that the transmission slip can be
either positive or negative. The torque
converter slip is used in the pressure
control logic, shift logic and torque
converter clutch diagnostics.
As an example of the latter, the PCM
can determine whether or not the
torque converter clutch is stuck in the
engaged position due to a mechanical
fault. It does this by monitoring slip
when the clutch is commanded to be
off. No slip means that the clutch is
still engaged.
The control of the torque converter
lock-up clutch is dependent on a number of variables. The clutch will not
lock up if a downshift or upshift is in
progress, there is a change occurring
Fig.4: self-learning controls the shift times.
Line pressure can be varied over a range so
that shift times remain consistent, even as the
transmission wears.
Fig.5: several maps are used to control the operation of the torque converter
lock-up clutch. This map is for fourth gear when in Power mode. The
highlighted bar shows that the clutch will lock-up at 75 mph (121km/h) when
the car is being driven with a 50% throttle opening.
in the throttle position or the gear
selector is in a manual range.
Furthermore, the temperature of
the engine coolant must be above
50°C (examples are from the VR Commodore V6), the transmission fluid
temperature must be over 0°C and
the transmission slip must be below
August 1997 5
Fig.6: the transmission constantly monitors the 1-2 shift time, counting over-long
shifts as errors. This chart shows the error count at different throttle openings.
At 25% throttle, 253 errors have occurred – a substantial number!
Fig.7: in response to the shift errors in Fig.6, the line pressure has been
increased by 4.3 psi to shorten the shift. The transmission constantly chases
optimal shift times in this manner.
25 rpm.
There is also a delay period before
the clutch will engage, even when all
the required conditions are being met.
When the clutch is (finally!) being
engaged, the duty cycle applied to
the PWM torque converter solenoid
is a calculated value. Should the
6 Silicon Chip
transmission fluid temperature rise
excessively, the torque converter
clutch is applied in gears 2, 3 and 4.
This reduces transmission slip and so
also reduces the likelihood of further
temperature increases.
Fig.5 shows one of the two-dimensional charts controlling the torque
converter lock-up clutch operation.
This chart is for fourth gear, Power
mode. The cursor is pointing to the
bar showing that at a 50% throttle
opening lock-up occurs at 75 mph (all
units within the American derived
program are Imperial).
The change to a higher gear is
termed an upshift. Upshift logic is
performed if the current gear is 1, 2 or
3. Three tests are performed in quick
succession for an upshift. If the result
of any test is positive the remaining
tests are skipped. The three tests are:
• A fixed upshift where the speed is
greater than a preset threshold, which
depends on the gear lever range and
the set mode (power or economy).
• A full throttle upshift where there
is a wide throttle opening (normally
over 90%), speed is greater than the
specified upshift speed and engine
speed is greater than the specified
upshift engine speed. These variables are dependent on gear, coolant
temperature and barometric pressure.
• A part throttle upshift where there
is less than full throttle, the upshift
speed and/or rpm is greater than that
shown by two 2-dimensional maps
based on speed, throttle position and
the position of the power/economy
If none of the upshift tests command
an upshift or if the car is already in
fourth, downshift logic is performed.
The downshift logic again comprises the fixed downshift, full throttle
downshift and part throttle downshift
The level of the hydraulic line
pressure helps to determine clamping
pressures of clutches and bands and
the harshness of the changes. The
program calculates a desired pressure based on the temperature of the
transmission fluid, throttle position
and road speed. This is converted
to solenoid current. The PCM then
measures the amount of current flowing through the line pressure control
solenoid and compares this with the
calculated current. If the difference
is greater than a calibrated value, a
trouble code is set.
The PCM controls the time taken
for each gear change, with the desired
shift times for the 1-2 and 2-3 gear
changes included in the program. The
times taken for the shifts are measured
and compared with the desired or reference times. If the times are incorrect,
the shift time is altered by changing
the line pressure via its control solenoid. Fig.4 shows the approach taken.
Incorrect shift times can be caused
by transmission wear (although there
is compensation for wear) and fluid
temperature variations. In practice,
the transmission seems to spend a
lot of time chasing its programmed
shift times.
Corrections to the shift time are
held in an adaptive memory. Dubbed
the Pressure Adapt Modifier (PAM),
the values are arranged in an array of
17 learning cells, which are referred
to according to throttle position. The
values in this table are modified on the
basis of the correction factor needed
to cause shifts to occur within the
desired times but only when certain
conditions of throttle position and
change in road speed are being met.
The PAM is very similar to the Long
Term Fuel Trim memory used to correct engine air/fuel mixtures and is
held in non-volatile memory.
Fig.6 shows an actual logged PAM
chart. At a throttle position of 25%
(horizontal axis), 253 shift errors have
been counted, indicating that the 1-2
change at 25% throttle openings is
frequently taking too long. To correct
this, hydrau
lic pressure has been
increased, as Fig.7 shows. At a 25%
throttle opening, line pressure has
been increased by 4.3 psi. At other
throttle positions, the opposite is occurring – the shifts are too quick and
so pressure is being dropped (at 50%
throttle, for example). These charts are
constantly changing as the program
chases optimal shift times.
When regulating a 3-2 downshift,
the duty cycle for the 3-2 downshift
valve is a function of throttle position
and road speed. However, its duty
cycle is also corrected if the air conditioning is on, if the range selector
is in D1 or D2 and for transmission
fluid temperature. The final figure is
then checked against the programmed
maximum and minimum duty cycles
permitted for this solenoid.
In the same way in which the Holden V6 and V8 engines are relatively
simple mechanical designs made
competitive by very advanced engine
management, the old-fashioned hydraulically controlled Hydra-Matic
has been effectively updated by the
addition of sophisticated electronics.
It’s possible to sit in a moving car
Transmission Data Log Record
The Kalmaker software allows the
logging of transmission factors in
real time. While the system logs at
10Hz, the accompanying graph has
been simplified, with data shown at
0.5s intervals. The graph shows the
behaviour of engine rpm, torque
converter slip, throttle opening,
vehicle speed and Pressure Control
Solenoid current for a 16.5s period.
During this time the Awesome
Automotive Commodore V6 was accelerated from a standstill to a speed
of 108km/h. The throttle was then
closed and the car gradually slowed
to a speed of 54km/h. The car was
left in ‘Drive’ during this manoeuvre.
The pink line shows the car’s
speed and the black line shows throttle position, both being referenced
against the right-hand axis. Engine
revs are shown by the yellow line,
while torque converter slip is shown
by the aqua line. It can be seen that
when the car is stationary, engine
speed and torque converter slip are
of a similar magnitude. This is because at an idle speed of 700 rpm,
the slip must be 700 rpm if the car
is not moving!
With a throttle opening of 100%
the car accelerates rapidly with
the amount of slip decreasing. The
first-second gear change occurs at
and see on a plugged-in laptop PC the
continual monitoring of shift-times,
the resulting changes in PCS current
and the locking and unlocking of the
torque converter clutch. Watching
the live screen really brings home
the complexity of the calculations
13 on the Y-axis and with the newly-applied load, the slip within the
torque converter rises. It slips by up
to 1700 rpm before the value drops
back to about 300 rpm after about
1.5 seconds.
In second gear, Leon Vincenzi has
kept his foot flat to the floor until the
engine speed reaches 4750 rpm,
upon which he has lifted his foot entirely (23 on the horizontal axis). The
transmission immediately changes
from second to third to fourth, with
this transition taking only 0.2 seconds. Again there is a major increase
in slip through the torque converter,
which then goes into negative numbers as the engine brakes the car.
During these processes the Pressure Control Solenoid is being varied
in its duty cycle, controlled by the
current flow through it (shown by the
blue line). A high current flow results
in a low fluid pressure, while a low
current flow increases fluid pressure
and thus clamping forces. With the
application of full throttle the current
rapidly reduces, staying at 156mA
for the 1-2 full throttle gear change.
It rises to 1074mA as the throttle
is lifted, responding to the reduced
torque load on the transmis
Even when engine braking, the PCS
keeps pressures low.
continually occurring in the silver box
behind the kick-panel!
(1) KAL Software (Brad Host) 0412
266 758; (2) Awesome Automotive
(08) 8277 3927
August 1997 7
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A high-performance subwoofer
that’s compact, cheap & easy to build
The 300mm stormwater pipe which forms the main body of the subwoofer
enclosure can be cut with an electric jigsaw.
12 Silicon Chip
F YOU’RE TIRED of subwoofer
designs that have internal volumes
the size of a road tanker or stand
as tall as a refrigerator, this one’s for
you. The Bass Barrel has an effective
volume of only 20 litres and uses two
6.5-inch woofers. But it can still produce room-shaking bass, especially
in smaller houses. In fact, the Bass
Barrel would be ideal for use in a flat
or unit in company with two small
satellite speakers.
The design is also well-suited to
in-car duties where the small air volume inside the car’s cabin improves
the bass response even further. It can
easily be accommodated in the boot or
the rear hatch area of a compact car.
While we aren’t going to claim that
the Bass Barrel will transport you to
an actual rock concert, it delivers impressive performance for such a small
package. The enclosure was designed
using the brilliant Bass Box computer program, with literally hundreds
of designs modelled on the screen
before this one was selected. This
approach bears no comparison with
past design methods which relied
on tables, graphs, rule-of-thumb and
build-it-and-listen techniques.
Now you can adopt an intelligent
approach to subwoofer design and to
designing other types of loudspeaker
systems as well.
The subwoofer was designed with
several aims in mind. It had to: (1) use
a compact, easy-to-build enclosure;
(2) have reasonably high efficiency;
Fig.1: the internal layout of the Bass Barrel. It is built inside a short length
of 300mm plastic stormwater pipe. Note that the 63mm ID vent exits
through one end panel, while the 55mm ID vent exits through the other.
and (3) have a good bass response.
The design is based on two Altronics C3086 6.5-inch Redback woofers.
These are mounted face-to-face in
what is called a compound isobaric
configuration – see Fig.1. Mounting
the drivers in this manner reduces
non-linear distortion and, more im
portantly, reduces the required enclosure volume to just half that required
for a single driver! The downside is
that the sensitivity of the compound
The three internal baffles (left) are cut from 20mm Medium Density Fibreboard.
This is the central baffle, which has holes for the two vent tubes and the speakers.
The tuned-length ports (above) are made from 55mm ID and 63mm ID plastic pipe.
Both ports are 270mm long.
August 1997 13
The baffles, ports and speakers are arranged inside the main 300mm tube as
shown here. The smaller 55mm ID vent tube is in the foreground.
The three baffles are glued one-by-one inside
such as Liquid Nails.
pair is reduced by 3dB compared to
a single speaker design (with a 1W
input) but this can be compensated
for by careful box design. Note that
the two 8Ω drivers are mounted in
parallel, which means that the design
has a nominal impedance of 4Ω.
So what sort of box design have
we used? It’s called a 6th Order (A)
Bandpass Double Vent design or more
precisely, with the speakers mounted
tune the chambers. While there are numerous types of bandpass boxes, the
6th order (A) design described here
vents both chambers to the outside
but has no connecting port between
the chambers.
So why use a bandpass design rather than a conventional bass reflex or
sealed enclosure? The answer is that a
bandpass design is especially suited to
subwoofer applications because both
as in Fig.1, a Compound Isobaric 6th
Order (A) Bandpass Double Vent design. Now even if you never make it,
you can still impress others with your
new-found knowledge!
A bandpass enclosure basically has
two separate chambers, so that each
side of the driver works into a separate air volume. The bass frequencies
produced result from air movement
in the vent or vents that are used to
Fig.2 (left): the central
baffle requires holes
for the paired drivers,
the small vent and the
large vent. The exact
positions of the holes is
not critical; just arrange
them as shown here.
Fig.3: the drivers are wired out
of phase so that their cones
travel in the same direction.
When one cone move forwards,
the other moves backwards
and vice versa.
14 Silicon Chip
the main cylinder using a building adhesive
the upper and lower frequency rolloff points can be controlled, meaning
that it can be used without a crossover
(although we don’t recommend this).
The enclosure can also be designed
to give a very good low frequency
response and the distortion is low. On
the list of negatives, a bandpass design
has a narrow bandwidth and is generally more complex to build than a
conventional enclosure but we reckon
we’ve solved that last problem. What’s
more, a subwoofer should only have a
narrow response, so lack of bandwidth
is not really a problem at all.
Fig.1 shows the layout of the Bass
Barrel enclosure. A 15-litre volume is
used on one side of the drivers and a
5-litre volume on the other side. The
larger of the two volumes is tuned
to 38Hz via a 55mm-diameter vent
which is 270mm long, while the
smaller volume is tuned to 75Hz by
a 63mm diameter vent, also 270mm
The ports are cunningly arranged
so that they are entirely within the
enclosure. This is harder to arrange
than it sounds, given that each port
is longer than the longest dimension
of the volume it is venting! The trick
is to vent the front chamber through
the rear panel and the rear chamber
through the front panel.
Comparing the predicted performance with both bass reflex and
sealed enclosure designs shows the
This photo shows the partially completed unit with the first end baffle and the
smaller vent tube in place. Quilt wadding is used on all exposed surfaces.
The middle baffle must be positioned exactly 250mm down from the end of the
main tube.
advantage of using a bandpass approach. The predicted -3dB point is
36Hz for the Bass Barrel design, 60Hz
for the best ported box design, and
100Hz for the best sealed box. And
importantly, that’s with the same input signal level – a point sometimes
overlooked when comparing different
box designs that vary in sensitivity.
Incidentally, in a car the Bass Barrel
has a predicted -3dB point of 29Hz.
Fig.4 shows the normal and in-car predicted response curves. Subsequent
testing has shown that the completed
subwoofer lives up to its modelling
Gathering the parts
The main body of the enclosure is
made from 300mm plastic stormwater
pipe, while the baffle and end pieces
are cut from 20mm medium density
August 1997 15
specified according to its inside dia
meter (ID), because that’s what’s im
portant to the design. The 63mm ID
pipe is used for wastewater plumbing
under sinks, etc, while the 55mm ID
variety is pressure water pipe.
The 20mm-thick medium-density
fibreboard (MDF) is also commonly
available from hardware stores, while
the quilt wadding is available from
cloth supply shops like Spotlight. We
covered the Bass Barrel in a stretch
automotive carpet called Meltrim®
which is available from auto trimmers.
Cutting the materials
Seal around the edge of the speaker connector before turning over the last baffle
and pushing it into place.
fibreboard. The vents are made from
PVC pipe. Plastic stormwater pipe was
chosen for the main housing instead of
an all-MDF design because of the difficulty that many home constructors
have cutting straight lines through
sheets of fibreboard. However, if you
would prefer to build an all-MDF
enclosure, see the breakout box. The
enclosure was lined with acoustic
material in the form of quilt wadding.
The 300mm PVC stormwater pipe
used is a thick-walled design. It is
available from major plumbing supply
businesses but although less than half
a metre is needed for the enclosure,
the minimum that will be available
is almost certain to be a metre. Be
warned though that some businesses
will ask that you buy a full length of
six metres and that’s not really a viable
If you do find it impossible to buy
the pipe in short lengths, talk to
plumbers at major industrial building
sites and see if you can scrounge an
The plastic pipe used for the two
vents is commonly avail
able from
hardware stores. Note that it has been
Begin the construction by cutting
the main 300mm-diameter tube to a
length of 370mm, making sure that the
ends are square. This done, carefully
measure the inside diameter of the
tube and use this measurement to
mark out the three MDF discs. The
three MDF discs can then be cut out
using an electric jigsaw.
The next step is to cut a hole for the
speakers plus holes for each of the two
vents in one of the discs – see Fig.2.
This disc becomes the central baffle.
You will also have to drill a small hole
for the speaker leads to pass through.
Next, using the centre disc as a
template, mark the loca
tion of the
large port on one of the end discs and
the location of the small port on the
other (ie, each end disc should have
only one hole). Cut these holes using
a jigsaw and carefully sand them so
that the port tubes are a good fit. The
two port tubes can then each be cut
to a length of 270mm.
Final assembly
Eight countersunk MDF screws are used to hold each of the internal baffles
securely in place. These should be evenly spaced around the circumference of
the main tube.
16 Silicon Chip
The first step in the assembly is
to fit the end baffle with the small
hole to one end of the main cylinder.
Use Liquid Nails® (or some other
similar building adhesive) to bond
the disc into place, then fit eight
evenly-spaced MDF screws around
the outside of the cylinder to further
secure the baffle. Countersink the
holes so that the screw heads sit flush
with the surface of the tube.
Next, fit the 55mm ID vent tube into
place and seal the gap between the
tube and the baffle using Silastic® or
a similar sealant material. Note that
this sealant should also be applied
when ever a vent tube goes through
a baffle. You should also glue quilt
wadding (or Innerbond material) to
all exposed interior surfaces as you
The Bass Barrel takes up almost no space at all. A CD is
resting on top of the unit to give an idea of the scale.
assemble each stage of the Bass Barrel.
The next step is to mount the speakers on the centre disc. Unlike conventional speakers which are slipped
through the mounting hole from the
front, the Bass Barrel speakers are
mounted face against the baffle. Mark
out the mounting holes on one side
of the baffle, then drill the holes and
bolt the speakers together from either
side of the baffle.
Wire the speakers together as
shown in Fig.3. Note that the positive
terminal on each speaker joins to the
negative terminal of the other speaker.
When you have finished the wiring,
connect a 1.5V battery across the
main speaker lead and check that the
Fig.4: the predicated free-air and in-car response curves for the Bass Barrel.
The blue line shows the in-car response. The design was produced using the
Bass Box loudspeaker program.
August 1997 17
2 Altronics Redback 6.5-inch
woofers, Cat. C3086
1 370mm length of 30mm-dia.
plastic stormwater pipe
1 600 x 700mm piece of 20mmthick Medium Density
Fibreboard (MDF)
1 270mm length of 55mm ID
plastic pipe
1 270mm length of 63mm ID
plastic pipe
1 930 x 300mm piece of thin
quilt wadding
1 1-metre length of heavy-duty
figure-8 hook-up wire
32 MDF screws, 20mm long
4 3mm x 40mm-long bolts plus
nuts and washers
1 loudspeaker terminal block
Liquid Nails® or similar building
adhesive; Silastic® or similar silicone sealant; Meltrim® automotive
carpet; mesh grilles.
speaker cones both move in the same
direction. If they head in opposite
directions, reverse the connections
to one of the speakers. Don’t forget
to seal the speaker wire hole through
the baffle with Silastic®.
Once the speakers are in position,
slide the centre baffle down the main
We used a cutdown speaker grille and a shortened plastic stormwater fitting to
form a grille for each of the ports. However, there is some port noise with this
arrangement, so you may care to leave the grilles off.
cylinder and over the small vent tube.
Position it so that its upper surface is
exactly 250mm down from the top of
the tube, then use Liquid Nails® and
screws to hold the baffle in place.
The large vent can now be installed.
Push it down into the central baffle
until its end is flush with the end of
the main cylinder, then seal the baffle
holes. This done, cover the inside
of the cylinder with quilt wadding
and do the same to the inside of the
remaining end baffle.
Finally, mount the terminal block
on the end baffle, wire it to the speakers and then glue and screw the baffle
Special Offer On Subwoofers
The Redback 6.5-inch woofers used in this project are available only from Altronics.
We have negotiated a special deal with Altronics, so that instead of paying $90 for
the two speakers you’ll pay only $69 plus $5.50 freight. Phone 1800 999 007 to place
your order, or fill in and post or fax the coupon below.
Please send me two Redback 6.5-inch woofers (Cat. C3086) at the special price of
$69.00 + $5.50 p&p. Enclosed is my cheque/money order for $74.50 or please debit
my: ❏ Bankcard ❏ Visa Card ❏ MasterCard
Card No.
Signature_______________________________ Card expiry date______/______
Suburb/town_____________________________________ Postcode_________
Send coupon to Altronics, PO Box 8350, Perth Business Centre, WA 6849; or fax (08) 9328 3487
18 Silicon Chip
into place. The end of the large vent
should sit flush with the outer surface
of the end baffle when it is in place.
As before, seal the gap between the
vent and the baffle.
Let the glues and sealants dry properly before trying it out – preferably
overnight! To test it, connect the Bass
Barrel to an amplifier and a music
source but don’t connect any other
speakers to the system at this stage.
You should not be able to hear very
high frequencies (treble), while the
bass should be a tight thump, thump.
If there are any loud buzzes or whistles, you’ve got air leakage problems
and the gaps will have to be tracked
down and sealed.
As with all subwoofers, the best
sound will come if the Bass Barrel
is driven by a dedicated amplifier
working with a crossover circuit. A
suitable “Subwoofer Controller” was
described in the December 1995 issue
of SILICON CHIP and is available from
Altronics as a kit of parts. This design
features adjustable cutoff frequency
and level controls and even includes
automatic power switching for the
subwoofer power amplifier.
We don’t recommend connecting
the Bass Barrel across one of your
existing speakers without a crossover
network, as this could unduly load
the output circuit of the amplifier.
Our Bass Barrel was covered in
Meltrim®, a stretch automotive carpet. To tidy the ends of the cylinder,
Building An All-MDF Enclosure
Fig.5: if you don’t want to use 300mm plastic stormwater pipe (or can’t get hold of it), the same basic design can be
made entirely from MDF, with 10mm-thick material recommended. This diagram gives the dimensions. Make sure
that all the joints are well sealed.
we covered the carpet joins with a
rubber moulding which is readily
available from specialist rubber
shops. Alternatively, the countersunk
screw holes can be suitably filled, the
enclosure sanded smooth (use only
very fine sandpaper on the plastic
of the main cylinder) and the unit
Mesh grilles
We used mesh grilles (cut down
from a larger grille) over the ports,
with the surrounds made from suitably shortened plastic stormwater fittings which were painted black. Note,
however, that the mesh grilles cause
some port noise to occur, so leave
these out if very clean bass is required
(the noise is only very minor).
So there you have it – a compact
subwoofer that delivers superb bass,
costs very little and is easy to build. It
sure changes perceptions that bigger
is always better when it comes to a
Fig.6: the impedance curve for the Bass Barrel subwoofer. The
minimum impedance is just under 4Ω which means that the
Bass Barrel represents a safe load at all frequencies of interest.
August 1997 19
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
Timer with
240VAC switching
This circuit is 240VAC mains powered without using a transformer so
the critical 0.47µF 250VAC X-class
capacitor must not be substituted
for a capacitor with inferior ratings.
X-class ca
pacitors are designed to
go open-circuit in case of malfunction. The momentary pushbutton
switch S1 and the relay must also be
mains-rated and the circuit must be
built so that it is fully isolated.
The timer is started by pushing the
momentary pushbutton to feed power
to the bridge rectifier via the 0.47µF
capacitor. This capacitor’s reactance
limits the voltage to the bridge rectifier and the remainder of the power
supply while the zener diode limits
the resulting DC supply to 15V.
The 15V supply powers a 555 timer
connected as a monostable multi
vibrator. As soon as power is applied
via switch S1, pin 3 of IC1 goes high
to turn on relay RLY1. One pair of
the relay’s contacts (RLY1a) then
close to continue feeding power to
the bridge rectifier after switch S1 is
released. Pin 3 stays high for the time
period 1.1RC, with R and C being the
components at pins 6 & 7. With the
10MΩ resistor and 330µF capacitor
specified the time will be about one
hour although the actual period will
depend largely on the tolerance and
leakage current of the capacitor.
The second pair of relay of contacts (RLY1b) will connect the load
to the 240VAC mains supply. After
the monostable times out, pin 3 of
IC1 will go low, the relay will be
de-energised and both relay contacts
will open to disconnect the mains
supply from the circuit and the load.
The suggested relay has 10A contacts
and a 500Ω coil.
M. Frankowski,
Warszawa, Poland. ($35)
WARNING! This entire circuit floats at 240VAC
and is potentially lethal. Do not build it unless you
know exactly what you are doing.
Pistol target
frame timer
This target frame controller has been
designed to make the target turn away
for seven seconds then face the shooter
for three seconds; this cycle repeating
five times. The target then faces away
until the circuit is reset manually.
IC9 is used as a start latch, such that
when the start button is pressed, pin
1 of IC9 goes from low to high and
stays high (unless reset), enabling pin
1 of AND gate IC2a. Transistor Q1 is
biased on when power is applied to
the circuit (target facing) by virtue of
20 Silicon Chip
exclusive-OR gate IC10a and inverter
IC11a. Q1 turns off when the start
button is pressed, starting the first
7-second off period.
At the same time as the start button
is pressed, the high on pin 1 of AND
gate IC2a allows 1-second pulses from
IC3 to clock divide-by-10 counter
IC7. IC7 counts to seven and is then
stopped by AND gates IC8b & IC8c.
The high at pin 4 of IC8b does several
things: it clocks IC12 to its first cycle
count of five; it causes Q1 and relay
RLY1 to turn on; and it enables pin
11 of IC2d to send clock pulses to
divide-by-3 counter IC5.
Pin 4 of IC2c goes high at the count
of 3 and causes pin 3 of IC8a to go
high. This has several outcomes: IC5
is reset via pin 4 of IC11c; Q3 & Q2
turn on to reset IC7 back to zero; and
pin 5 of IC7 goes low, which turns off
Q1 and relay RLY1, thus turning the
target away. This cycle repeats five
times; ie, six off periods each seven
seconds long and five on periods each
three seconds long.
IC12 counts the number of off periods such that when it counts to 6, pin 5
goes high. This takes the clock inhibit
input (pin 13) high which inhibits
further counting and disables pin 8 of
IC2b, preventing pulses from IC3 from
clocking the rest of the timer.
IC6 & IC4 convert the BCD outputs
of counters IC5 & IC7 to drive the com-
mon cathode displays (LTS5303AR,
etc). These indicate the progress of the
counters. The relay switches +12V to
the target solenoid which controls an
air valve to rotate the target frame to
the shooter.
P. Howarth,
Gunnedah, NSW. ($50)
August 1997 21
The ins & outs of sound cards
Sound cards have been around for quite
some time and have improved from the
mono 8-bit sound card up to the stereo 64bit sound card with 3D enhancement. Sound
cards can also handle MIDI (Musical Instrument Direct Input).
With the increased use of sound
on the Web and better quality sound
effects in games, sound cards have
become more important than before
and, at the same time, more complex.
A sound card also lets you listen to
CDs and audio files and allows you
to record sound signals fed in via the
line input socket or via a microphone
connected to the microphone input.
Most sound cards come with five
The Line Out socket delivers audio
signals at line output voltages. Any
sound produced by the sound card
is made available at this connector
and is in the order of 1V, which is
generally the standard for line outputs. I say generally because some
units provide signal outputs of 1.5V
or even 2V. The Line Out connector
can be connected to a set of amplified
speakers or to your home stereo for
It is important that the resources allocated to
the sound card do not conflict with other
devices. If conflicts do occur, there are a
number of ways of changing the current setup,
depending on the type of card you have.
sockets on their backplane bracket.
These sockets are: Mic In, Line In,
Line Out, Speaker Out and Midi/
The Mic In socket accepts low level
input signals from the microphone
and these are typically only a few
volts. The Line In is for line
voltage signals and these are typically
around 1V. These voltages are generally found on the line level outputs
of VCRs and most audio equipment.
22 Silicon Chip
even greater volume output.
The Speaker Out socket (stereo)
delivers an amplified Line Out signal
and is connected directly to a pair of
speakers. People sometimes mistakenly connect amplified speakers to
this socket, which results in massive
distortion due to signal overload. If
you find that you get massive distortion and a lot of sound output at low
volume settings, check your connections to the sound card. Amplified
speakers must be connected to the
Line Out socket.
The Midi/Joystick connector is
a dual-purpose connector that can
either be used for Midi input or to
accept a joystick, the latter being the
most popular. Midi is used primarily
by musicians and only rarely for home
use, which is why this socket doubles
as a joystick connector. Joysticks are
great to use in some games but be
warned: a cheap joystick is just that
. . . cheap. If you want a joystick that
really works, you will have to pay a bit
more than $30. Owners of cheap joysticks will understand this statement.
Sound card hassles
Sound cards, although great to
have and often a necessity, have traditionally been a common source of
problems. Fortunately, most modern
sound cards are exceptionally well
made and with the advent of Plug
and Play are now also easy to set up.
It is imperative that the sound
card be set up correctly, whether
it be for Windows 3.x or Win95 or
DOS. You need to know the sound
card’s IRQ (interrupt request) number,
port setting and the DMA channel.
Stereo cards often require two DMA
channels, while the Midi section also
requires a port setting.
In Windows 95, this information
is usually found automatically during the Plug and Play installation
routine. Conversely, in Windows 3.x
you have to feed in all the necessary
information yourself. You glean this
information when you install the card
(most sound cards now come with
software that tells you the current
It is important that the resources
You can check the
resources assigned
to the sound card
via the System
Properties dialog
box (Windows 95).
This is brought up
by double-clicking
the System icon
in Control Panel,
clicking the Device
Manager tab,
selecting the
device, clicking
Properties and
then selecting the
Resources tab.
the data could be transmitted, thereby
allowing stereo sound to be produced.
Sound card technology has since
advanced even further, giving higher sampling rates and better quality
The 32-bit sound card is now the
card of choice for sound enthusiasts
and music professionals. Of course,
a 32-bit card costs more than its 16bit cousin. A 16-bit card such as the
Sound Blaster Vibra16, for example,
costs $150-200, whereas the 32-bit
Sound Blaster AWE32 costs around
$500. But wait – the 64-bit sound card
has now made its appearance which
means that prices for 32-bit sound
cards are on the way down.
Sound cards & network
allocated to the sound card do not
conflict with other devices. If conflicts do occur, there are a number of
ways of changing the current setup,
depending on the type of card you
(1) Pre Plug and Play cards – in
the old days, hardware jumpers on
the board determined the setup. To
change these jumpers, you had to
open the computer, remove the sound
card and reposition the jumpers in
accordance with the instructions in
the manual. The card then had to be
replaced and tested again.
(2) Almost Plug and Play cards –
Plug and Play may be new but there
have been Plug and Play “wannabes”.
These were the cards that used software to alter the settings for you. This
meant that you did not need to open
the case when there were problems;
instead, you could quickly reconfigure the card using software.
However, you still had to select
the settings yourself and the software
could not detect possible conflicts.
This meant that settings were generally chosen on a trial and error basis.
(3) Plug and Play – with Plug and
Play, the cards became smarter and we
moved into a new era of computing
that allowed almost anyone to add
hardware. Plug and Play does what
we have been asking for, for a long
time: it asks the card what resources
it wants and checks whether they conflict with those used by other devices.
If they don’t, those resources are
allocated to the new device. If they
do, the system automatically makes
changes to avoid such conflicts. All
this is done by the system BIOS
during the boot-up sequence. When
you want to change the settings, you
can quite often do it on the fly; ie,
you can change the settings without
resetting the computer or restarting
Windows 95.
The important thing about Plug and
Play is that it works without asking
us any questions.
Port conflicts
Although IRQ conflicts are generally the cause of sound card problems,
port conflicts can be a problem too.
When you have a conflict, always
check the port settings as well. DMA
settings can also cause problems, so
make sure these are correctly allo
cated. As a general rule, you can
allocate DMA channels 1 and 5 to a
sound card.
Early sound cards were 8-bit
designs that gave reasonably good
sound, although a relatively low
sampling rate meant mono sound
output only. The later 16-bit cards
effectively doubled the rate at which
Network cards and sound cards
sometimes do not work well together.
If you use a network card in a business
environment and are experiencing
troubles, try removing the sound card.
Quite often that fixes the problem. If
so, try changing the settings for the
network card and try again.
Of course, it is not necessarily the
sound card that is at fault in these
circumstances but it can get in the
way by competing with the network
card for resources. If necessary, leave
the sound card out altogether. After
all, sound is not that important on
a business computer when you’re
trying to make money.
If you must have both types of card,
try changing the sound card. The
better sound cards have more options
when it comes to configuring them,
which means that you should be able
to avoid potential conflicts. Cheaper
sound cards can also conflict with
the BIOS settings of some SCSI cards.
Personal preferences
From a personal standpoint, I’ve
always found that Creative’s Sound
Blaster range works extremely well.
These sound cards come with excellent manuals and they are now all
Plug and Play which makes them very
easy to install. Best of all, the Plug and
Play feature actually works, provided
of course that you have a Plug and
Play BIOS and are using Windows 95.
Another reason for choosing the
Sound Blaster range is that Creative
continually upgrades the software
and makes it readily available via
the Internet.
August 1997 23
This amplifier is capable of delivering over 500 watts into 4Ω or around 280
watts into an 8Ω load. The large heatsink is mandatory and needs to be fancooled if it is to withstand the rigours of operating under maximum dissipation
conditions. We envisage it as being used in high-end stereo systems and for
musical instrument and PA work.
of audio power
24 Silicon Chip
look at it, this is a big power
amplifier. It’s physically big,
it needs a big power supply and a
big fan-cooled heatsink and it delivers lots of power. A pair of these
amplifiers would be the basis of a
magnificent stereo system for the
home, especially if you have a large
listening room.
Perhaps you might think that a
500 watt per channel stereo system
would be too much. The answer to
that depends on what sort of music
you like listening to and how efficient
your loudspeakers are. If you like rock
music with its fairly limited dynamic
range (ie, loud all the time), then a
1000 watt system would be going
over the top. But if you listen to a
lot of classical piano music and your
speakers are of only average efficiency, then 500 watts per channel might
not be enough!
One of the authors of this article
has a large piano in his (large) loungeroom and often has the opportunity
(every day) to compare the real piano
with CDs played through the Studio
200 power amplifier published in the
February 1988 issue of SILICON CHIP.
That amplifier has a music power
output of 120 watts per channel into
8Ω and 190 watts per channel into
4Ω. In a straight comparison for absolute loudness and dynamic range,
the real live piano, played by an accomplished pianist, wins every time.
We’re not talking about ridiculously loud music here – just a
piano competently played. What is
not commonly realised is that the
piano is probably the most difficult
musical instrument to accurately
Do you want a big power amplifier for musical instrument
or PA use? Something with real grunt? Well here it is, the
biggest power amplifier ever described in an Australian
magazine and probably the biggest published anywhere in
recent years. It delivers 500 watts RMS into a 4Ω load and
278 watts into an 8Ω load.
August 1997 25
26 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: the circuit uses 12 output
transistors in a complementary
symmetry arrangement, driven by
an MJL21193/4 pair; ie, the same as
the output transistors. Short circuit
current limiting is provided by Q24
& Q25. The supply rails are ±80V so
we have had to specify high voltage
transistors for the input differential
pair, Q1 & Q2.
record and reproduce because of its
huge dynamic range – even when it’s
not being played particularly loudly,
most amplifiers and loudspeakers are
not up to the task. But a pair of these
new power amplifiers and large loudspeakers to match would certainly
cope with any CD of classical piano!
Without getting too much ahead of
ourselves, this new amplifier design
produces only about 5dB more power
than the 1988 design so the difference
in absolute loudness won’t be huge.
On the other hand, it will be noticeably louder and will be far less likely to
be over-driven than the older design.
Background to the design
It’s been a long time coming, this
amplifier. It was first mooted more
than 12 months ago in 1996 and we
have made several false starts since,
only to come to a stop as component
availability or suitability stopped us
from proceeding further.
Also along the way we produced
a full bridge design, effectively two
power amplifiers on the one PC board
which drive the single loudspeaker
in anti-phase. The driving voltages
from the two amplifiers add and so
the power delivered is the sum of
the power outputs from the two amplifiers. The advantage of the bridge
design is that the amplifier supply
voltages can be substantially less than
the equivalent large single-ended
The lower supply voltages mean
that the electrolytic capacitors in the
power supply are less expensive and
the transistors used throughout the
amplifier can have a lower voltage
rating. In practice, it was the rarity
of suitable high voltage high current
driver transistors that pushed us
along this line of development.
However, the resulting bridge amplifier proved to be not as efficient as
a single-ended design and with the
heatsink available to us at the time,
Fig.2: these are the load lines for 4Ω and 8Ω operation. The straight lines are for
resistive loads while the arched lines are for reactive 4Ω (2.83Ω + j2.83Ω) and
8Ω (5.6Ω + j5.6Ω) loads. The concave lines show the 1200W power hyperbola
(dotted) and the one-second SOAR curve for six MJL21193/4 power transistors.
As you can see, the reactive 4Ω load comes quite close to the one-second SOAR
curve. That is why a total of 12 output power transistors is required.
it proved impossible to cool it effec
tively, even with two fans!
After running up that blind alley,
we went back to the drawing board.
This time we were successful, with
a bigger heatsink, fan cooling and a
thermal cutout. And instead of using
conventional driver transistors, we
used power output transistors in the
driver stages. The power transistors
specified have the advantage of being much more rugged and with a
minimum gain-bandwidth product
of 4MHz, their high frequency performance is just as good as many driver
transistors such as the commonly
used Motorola MJE340/350 pairs.
The result of all the development
Output power....................................278 watts into 8Ω; 500 watts into 4Ω
Music power.....................................315 watts into 8Ω; 590 watts into 4Ω
Frequency response ........................-0.3dB at 20Hz and 20kHz (see Fig.8)
Input sensitivity.................................1.43V RMS (for full power into 8Ω)
Harmonic distortion..........................typically less than .01%
Signal-to-noise ratio............................... 117dB unweighted (20Hz - 20kHz);
122dB A-weighted
Damping factor.................................>170 at 100Hz & 1kHz; >75 at 10kHz
August 1997 27
19 JUN 97 22:07:52
Fig.3: THD (total harmonic distortion plus residual noise) versus power at 1kHz
into a 4Ω load.
19 JUN 97 22:09:02
Fig.4: THD (total harmonic distortion plus residual noise) versus power at 1kHz
into an 8Ω load.
work is an amplifier capable of delivering 500 watts into a 4Ω load at
.04% harmonic distortion and 278
watts into an 8Ω load at less than
.009% harmonic distortion. Using
the IF Music Power test conditions,
the power output is 590 watts into
4Ω and 314 watts into 8Ω.
Big power like this does not come
in small packages. The amplifier uses
28 Silicon Chip
14 power transistors in all, from the
Motorola MEL21193/94 series. These
plastic power transistors are rated at
250 volts, 16 amps (30 amps peak)
and 200 watts and have been featured
in previous amplifier designs in the
April 1996 and March 1997 issues of
As indicated above, two of the
power transistors are used as drivers
while the other twelve are used in
the output stage. All are mounted on
a large single sided heatsink. The PC
board measures 362 x 99mm.
This month we are presenting
just the PC board module itself but
because of its sheer size and power
output we strongly recommend that
readers do not “do their own thing”
and install the module with just any
old power supply components and in
just any old chassis. So next month
we will present the full details of
mounting the PC module in a chassis
with a big power supply, fan cooling,
the overload protection module presented in April 1997 and so on. By
the way, we will be presenting it as a
rack mounting mono amplifier only;
if you want that magnificent stereo
setup mentioned above, you would
need two of these mono amplifiers.
The main performance parameters
are summarised in the accompanying
specifications panel and also demonstrated in a number of graphs. These
indicate that just because a power amplifier delivers a lot of power it does
not mean that it cannot deliver high
performance as well. This amplifier is
very quiet (-122dB A-weighted with
respect to full power into 8Ω) and has
low distortion, typically around .01%
or less. In fact, the amplifier is quieter
than any CD player on the market.
Note that there is not a lot of difference between the music power output
and the continuous power output of
this amplifier; ie, 500W continuous
versus 590W music power. This
amounts to a “dynamic headroom”
figure of 0.7dB for 4Ω loads. This
is a reflection of the fact that the
power supply is very well regulated
– a consequence of using an 800VA
transformer and a filter capacitor
bank of 80,000µF in total. While this
may seem extravagant, cutting back
on the power supply parameters does
prejudice the performance.
Note also that our power figures are
quoted for a mains supply voltage of
240VAC. Typically, the mains supply
is higher than this and so the maximum “unclipped” power output will
be somewhat higher again.
Bipolars vs. Mosfets
In line with our philosophy of
generally not using Mosfets in audio
amplifiers, we have used bipolar tran-
sistors in the output stages. Bipolar
transistors have the advantage of
requiring a lower quiescent current
(to avoid crossover distortion) and for
a given supply voltage they deliver
more power than an equivalent design using Mosfets. Bipolars are also
generally cheaper than equivalent
complementary Mosfets (ie, N-channel and P-channel pairs).
Furthermore, as a result of our
recent testing of this amplifier under conditions of maximum power
dissipation, we are convinced that
a Mosfet amplifier of this power
rating would require considerably
larger fan-cooled heatsinks if it was
to be able to deliver its rated power on a continuous basis. Mosfet
amplifiers are reputed to be almost
“unburstable” because if they become
overheated, they tend to shut down.
While this is an advantage under
overload conditions, this characteristic is a drawback when you want
the amplifier to deliver lots of power
on a continuous basis. As a Mosfet
amplifier gets hotter, it delivers less
power. If it gets very hot, it throttles
right back.
By contrast, if a bipolar design becomes very hot, it still keeps on delivering the goods and the heatsink must
prevent the output transistors from
becoming overheated otherwise they
will be destroyed. Overall though, a
bipolar design is more efficient and
requires less heatsinking.
19 JUN 97 22:46:21
Fig.5: THD versus frequency at 250W RMS into a 4Ω load.
19 JUN 97 22:44:35
Circuit details
The full circuit diagram is shown
in Fig.1. Aside from the large number
of output transistors, the circuit is
almost identical in configuration to
the lower power designs featured in
April 1996 and March 1997. It also
incorporates the same short-circuit
overload protection circuit as in the
March 1997 design.
For the benefit of those readers who
have not seen the previous articles
and for the sake of completeness we
shall go through the circuit description in detail.
Note that the supply rails are ±80V
or a nominal 160V in total, under
no signal conditions. This very high
voltage has required us to specify
more rugged transistors than have
been required in the past. This is particularly the case for the driver transistors, as already mentioned, and for
the input transistor pair, Q1 & Q2. In
Fig.6: THD versus frequency at 150W RMS into an 8Ω load.
the latter case, we have specified two
2N5401s rather than the BC556s we
have used in the past. The 2N5401s
have a collector voltage rating of 150
volts versus 80 volts for the BC556.
The input signal is coupled via a
2.2µF capacitor and 1.2kΩ resistor to
the differential pair of transistors Q1
& Q2. Q3 is a constant current source
which sets the current though the
differential pair. The current through
Q3 is set by diodes D1 & D2 and this
sets the voltage across Q3’s 120Ω
emitter resistor to 0.85V. This sets the
current though Q3 to 7mA and so this
is shared by Q1 & Q2 at 3.5mA each.
Q3 is included instead of a common
emitter “tail” for Q1 & Q2 because it
renders the amplifier less sensitive to
variations in the power supply rails.
This is known as PSRR (power supply
rejection ratio) and all good amplifier
August 1997 29
19 JUN 97 22:40:55
Fig.7. frequency response at 20W into a 4Ω load.
19 JUN 97 22:42:24
Fig.8: frequency response at 10W into an 8Ω load.
designs, including op amps, feature
a very high PSRR.
Current mirror
The collector loads of Q1 & Q2 are
provided by Q4 & Q5 which operate
as a “current mirror”. While it is a
little hard to visualise just how a
“current mirror” works, it is easier
if you think of Q5 acting as a sharp
30 Silicon Chip
cutoff diode, providing a voltage at
the base of Q4 which is equal to the
base-emitter voltage drop of Q5 (about
0.6V) plus the voltage drop across its
220Ω emitter resistor.
What happens is that if Q2 tends to
draw more than its share of emitter
current from Q3, the voltage at the
base of Q4 tends to increase and so
Q4’s collector current tends to rise
also. This forces Q1 to pull a bit
more current and stop Q2 from taking
more that its fair share. We say that
Q4 “mirrors” Q5 and so Q1 “sees”
a collector load which is a higher
impedance than would otherwise
be the case. The result is increased
gain and improved linearity from the
differential input stage.
As a matter of interest, current mirror stages are very commonly used in
op amp ICs, partly because they are
easy to design in and partly because
of their enhanced performance.
The signal from the collector of Q1
drives a cascode stage comprising
transistors Q7 & Q8, together with
the constant current load transistor
Q6 (top of the circuit). The cascode
stage is another circuit which is a
little hard to visualise but if you break
it into sections, it is easier.
Note that Q8 has a 3.3V zener diode
ZD1 to hold its base voltage constant
and so Q8 acts like an emitter follower
to provide a constant collector voltage
to Q7. This eliminates any gain variations (non-linearities) which would
otherwise occur if Q7’s collector
voltage was free to vary.
The varying current drawn by
Q7 becomes the input signal to the
emitter of Q8 which is effectively
operating as a “grounded base”
stage. Q8 converts the varying signal
current at its emitter into a varying
signal voltage at its collector. The
combined effect of operating such a
cascode stage is improved linearity
and bandwidth compared with a
single common emitter stage.
A 100pF capacitor from the collector of Q8 to the base of Q7 rolls off
the open loop gain of the amplifier
to ensure a good margin of stability;
ie, to eliminate the possibility of the
amplifier oscillating supersonically.
The output from the cascode stage
is coupled to the driver transistors,
Q10 & Q11. As mentioned previously,
these are MJL21193/94 power transistors, the same as in the output stage.
Note that the signals to the bases of
Q10 & Q11 are identical, apart from
the DC offset provided by Q9.
Vbe multiplier
In setting the DC offset between
Q10 & Q11, Q9 is actually setting the
quiescent current in the output stages.
It provides a forward bias of about
2.3V or so between the bases of Q10
& Q11 so that they are always slight-
ly turned on, regardless of whether
signal is present or not; that is why it
is referred to as “quiescent” current.
Q9 acts as a “Vbe multiplier”,
multiplying the voltage between its
base and emitter by the ratio of total
resistance between its collector and
emitter to the resistance between its
base and emitter.
In practice, trimpot VR2 is adjusted not to give a particular voltage
between the collector and emitter of
Q9 but to set the quiescent current
through the output transistors. We’ll
discuss how this is done in the setting
up procedure.
It is important that the bias voltage
produced by Q9 tracks the temperature of the output stage transistors. As
the output transistors become hotter,
Q9’s collector-emitter voltage should
drop, so that the quiescent current is
reduced and the danger of thermal
runaway is averted. Our prototype
photo this month shows Q9 directly
on top of Q12 but next month it will
be shown above Q12.
Output stage
The output stage of the amplifier is
effectively a complementary symme-
try emitter follower, comprising six
NPN transistors and six PNP transistors. We need this many transistors to
safely deliver the high peak currents
involved (up to 17 amps peak) at high
voltages. The load line curves of Fig.2
demonstrate that while 12 output
transistors are adequate to cope with
reactive 4Ω loads (typified by the
2.83Ω + j2.83Ω curve), there is not a lot
of power capacity to spare when you
look at the 1200W and SOAR hyperbola curves. In other words, while 12
big power transistors might look like
a lot, every one of them is needed to
safely deliver full power into typical
4Ω loudspeaker loads.
Each output power transistor has a
0.47Ω emitter resistor and this more
or less forces the output transistors to
roughly share the load currents. If one
of the power transistors tends to take
more than its share of load current, the
corresponding voltage drop across its
emitter resistor will be proportionately higher and this tends to throttle the
transistor back until its current comes
back into line with the others.
The emitter resistors also help to
stabilise the quiescent current to a
small degree and they slightly im-
prove the frequency response of the
output stage by providing current
Gain setting
Negative feedback is applied from
the output stage back to the base of
Q2 via an 18kΩ resistor. The amount
of feedback is set by the 18kΩ resistor
and the 560Ω resistor at the base Q2.
These set the gain of the amplifier to
33. The low frequency rolloff is set
mainly by the ratio of the 560Ω resistor
to the impedance of the 100µF capacitor. This gives a -3dB point of about
2.8Hz. The 2.2µF input capacitor and
18kΩ bias resistor to Q1 have similar
effect and give a -3dB point of 4Hz.
The two time-constants combined
give an overall rolloff of about 7Hz.
At the high frequency end, the
820pF capacitor and 1.2kΩ resistor
feeding the base of Q2 form a low pass
filter which rolls off frequencies above
160kHz (-3dB). The overall amplifier
frequency response is demonstrated
in the curves of Fig.7 and Fig.8.
An output RLC filter comprising
a 5.7µH choke, a 6Ω resistor and a
0.15µF capacitor couples the signal
to the loudspeaker. It isolates the am-
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August 1997 31
Parts List For 500W Amplifier Module
500 amplifier PC board
1 PC board, code 01208971,
362mm x 99mm
4 20mm fuse clips
2 5A or 7.5A 20mm fuses (see
1 coil former, 24mm OD x
13.7mm ID x 12.8mm long,
(Philips 4322 021 30362)
1 2-metre length 1mm
enamelled copper wire
1 200Ω trimpot (Bourns 3296W
or similar) (VR2)
1 100Ω multi-turn horizontal
mount trimpot (VR1)
7 PC stakes
2 TO126 heatsinks, Jaycar Cat.
HH8504 or similar
1 single-sided heatsink, 400mm
wide x 118mm high x 48mm
deep, or two 200mm x 118mm
x 48mm
14 TO-3P insulating washers
2 TO-126 insulating washers
17 3mm x 10mm screws
3 3mm nuts
2 2N5401 PNP transistors (Q1,Q2)
2 BC556 PNP transistors (Q3,Q25)
4 BC546 NPN transistors
1 MJE350 PNP transistor (Q6)
2 MJE340 NPN transistors
7 MJL21194 NPN power
transistors (Q10,Q12-Q17)
plifier from any large capacitive react
ances in the load and thus ensures
stability. Perhaps more importantly,
the filter attenuates any RF signals
picked up by the speaker leads and
stops them being fed back to the amplifier’s input stage where they could
cause audible breakthrough – no-one
likes listening to radio stations when
they are supposed to be hearing CDs.
Overload protection
& offset adjustment
Two other circuit features need to be
mentioned: DC offset adjustment and
overload protection. Strictly speaking,
the DC offset adjustment is not really
necessary if the amplifier is not to be
used with an output transformer, as
32 Silicon Chip
7 MJL21193 PNP power
transistors (Q11,Q18-Q23)
4 1N914 small signal diodes
2 1N4936 fast recovery diodes
(D5, D6)
1 BZX55C3V3 3.3V 0.5W zener
diode (ZD1)
4 100µF 100VW electrolytic
1 100µF 16VW electrolytic
1 2.2µF 16VW electrolytic
1 0.15µF 275VAC (Philips MKP
2222 336 10154)
5 0.1µF 100VW MKT polyester
1 820pF MKT polyester or
1 100pF 500V ceramic (Philips
2222 655 03101)
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
4 22kΩ 1W
2 18kΩ
1 6.8kΩ 1W
1 1.2kΩ
1 560Ω
1 470Ω
2 390Ω 5W 10%
4 270Ω
2 220Ω
1 180Ω
1 120Ω
5 100Ω
2 30Ω
3 18Ω 1W
12 0.47Ω 5W 10%
it would be if it was driving a 100V
line transformer for PA work. However, because we envisage that some
readers will want to use the amplifier
for public address, we have included
DC offset adjustment.
This is provided by the 100Ω trim
pot (VR1) between the emitters of the
input pair, Q1 & Q2. VR1 is used to
adjust the current balance between the
input pair and this, because it is a DC
feedback circuit, causes the DC offset
at the output to vary. The trimpot is
adjusted to make the DC offset as close
to 0V as possible; it should be possible
to keep to less than ±5mV.
Transistors Q24 & Q25 and diodes
D3 & D4 provide the overload protection feature. Q24 monitors the current
flow through the emitter resistor of
Q12, via a voltage divider consisting
of a 300Ω resistor and a 270Ω resistor.
Normally, Q24 & Q25 are off and
play no part in the amplifier’s operation. However, if the current through
the 0.47Ω resistor of Q12 exceeds
about 3 amps, Q24 begins to turn on
and shunts the base current from Q10,
the associated driver transistor. This
means that not only is Q12 throttled
back, but so are the other five NPN
output transistors, Q13-Q17, because
they all must operate in an identical
way. Hence the peak output current
is prevented from exceeding about
18 amps. This means the amplifier
can deliver full power into a 4Ω load
but if a 2Ω load, for example, was
connected, the power output would
be heavily limited.
The same process happens for Q25
which monitors the emitter current of
Q18 (and thus Q19-Q23). The diodes
D3 & D4 are included to prevent Q24
& Q25 from shunting the drive signal
when they are reverse-biased; this
happens for every half cycle of the
signal to the driver transistors.
Diodes D5 & D6 are included as
part of the protection circuitry and
they absorb any large spikes which
may be generated by the inductance
of the loudspeaker when the current
limiting circuit cuts the drive to the
output transistors. D5 & D6 are fast
recovery diodes, included to ensure
their operation at high frequencies
and high power.
Thermal cutout
Because the overload protection
simply limits the current to the load,
the output transistors and the fuses
are protected from sudden death in
the case of a momentary short circuit
but if the overload (or short circuit) is
maintained and the drive continues,
the amplifier will very rapidly overheat and may still expire unless the
fault condition is correctly quickly.
To prevent failure of the output transistors, the circuit includes an 80°C
thermal cutout. This is not shown on
the circuit of Fig.1 but is a vital part
nevertheless. It is part of the relay
protection circuit to be presented
next month.
Next month, we’ll present the circuit of the power supply and for the
relay protection circuit and give the
construction details of the complete
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Main Features
• Adjustable voltage
• Adjustable pulse width
• Adjustable pulse rate
• Intermittent (pulsed) or
continuous output
• Battery operation for
Kill pain with:
Neural Stimulation
Do away with analgesics and alleviate pain electronically with a TENS
Unit. This device produces pulses of current into electrodes placed on
the skin adjacent the painful area and has a surprising success rate on
most sufferers. The SILICON CHIP TENS unit provides all the necessary
features and is considerably cheaper than commercially available units.
36 Silicon Chip
O BE IN CONSTANT and prolonged pain is a dreadful condition and while analgesics can
help, they cannot be used long-term
without the risk of kidney and liver
damage plus other side effects. The
alternative method to pain relief is
with the use of a TENS Unit. These
are now regularly used to help pain
victims with a good success rate.
TENS is an acronym for Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation.
This description can be simplified to
a method which passes pulses of electrical current through the skin via elec
trodes to stimulate the nerves below.
This stimulation tends to prevent
transmission across the nerve junctions and so the brain does not receive
the pain signal. An alternative suggestion of why the TENS unit works in
relieving pain is that the stimulation
produces endorphins which are a
natural pain killing substance.
The effectiveness of TENS is to some
extent dependent upon the willingness of the patient to believe that the
treatment will work. It is widely used
by physiotherapists and certainly has
a high success rate on people who approach it as a “high technology” pain
relief method.
Fig.1: this scope waveform shows the continuous pulse train across the
electrodes. The frequency is 221Hz.
How it’s used
The SILICON CHIP TENS Unit comprises a medium sized plastic case
with several controls on the front
panel. The controls adjust the output
voltage, the pulse width and the pulse
rate (frequency). Two electrodes connect the TENS Unit via a lead and these
are placed on the skin adjacent to the
painful area. The electrodes are readily
available from most pharmacies.
The TENS Unit produces high
voltage pulses which pass the current
between the electrodes via the skin
and stimulate the underlying nerves.
The controls are generally adjusted
until the tingling is just a little too
much for comfort. The sensation
tends to decrease as time goes on and
so the output voltage may need to be
gradually increased over the period
of one treatment, usually lasting 20
minutes or so.
An intermittent control sets the
TENS Unit to produce short bursts
of voltage once every second rather
than a continuously pulsed signal.
This mode is useful for long treatment
sessions and when the patient has
become accustomed to the effect from
Fig.2: this is the same pulse train as in Fig.1 but at a faster timebase setting, in
this case 500µs/div. As you can see, the pulse amplitude is 80V peak and the
width is 190µs. You can adjust the peak voltage down to 12V and the frequency
to as low as 2Hz. The pulse width can be altered from 40-200µs.
the continuous mode.
The accompanying oscilloscope
waveforms show the signals that are
produced by the TENS Unit. Fig.1
shows the continuous pulse train
across the electrodes. The frequency
is 221Hz. Fig.2 shows the same wave-
form at a faster timebase setting, in this
case 500µs/div. As you can see, the
pulse amplitude is 80V peak and the
width is 190µs. You can adjust the peak
voltage down to 12V and the frequency
to as low as 2Hz. Pulse width can be
altered from 40-200µs.
August 1997 37
and the load current between Vout and
the ground supply. We can maintain
a constant Vout for a variety of loads
by controlling the amount of time Q1
is switched on.
Fig.6 shows the circuit configuration of the switching oscillator which
modulates the output voltage of the
step-up converter. Heart of the circuit
is an IR2155 made by International
Rectifier Corporation in the USA. It is
described as a “high side self-oscillating power Mosfet/IGBT gate driver”.
It is the ideal device where Mosfets or
IGBTs need to be driven in a variety of
Resistor R1 and capacitor C1 at pins
2 and 3 set the oscillator frequency and
the result is that Mosfets Q1 and Q2
are turned on and off alternately, with
a typical “dead time” of 1.2µs between
one Mosfet turning off and the other
turning on.
Fig.3: this scope waveform shows the intermittent pulse output. In this case,
the waveform consists of bursts of nine pulses every second.
Fig.3 shows the intermittent mode.
In this example, the waveform consists
of bursts of nine pulses every second
but this can be varied.
Block diagram
The block diagram for the TENS
Unit is shown in Fig.4. The 6V supply
from the battery is stepped up in the
converter comprising IC1 and T1. This
provides a DC output adjustable from
below 9V up to 80V, using VR1. The
resulting DC voltage is converted to a
pulsed signal using the switchmode
oscillator. VR3 and VR4 set the fre-
quency and pulse width respectively.
An intermittent oscillator comprising
IC4 is switched into circuit with S2
to gate the switching oscillator. This
gives short bursts of the pulsed signal.
Fig.5 shows how the basic step-up
converter circuit oper
ates. It comprises inductor L1 which is charged
via transistor Q1 from the V+ supply.
The charging current is shown as i1.
When the transistor is switched off,
the stored energy in L1 is dumped
through diode D1 into capacitor C1.
The actual voltage across C1 is dependent upon the amount of charge in L1
Diode pump
Note that the voltage at the drain
(D) of Q1 is greater than the supply
voltage for the IR2155. For Q1 to fully
turn on, its gate (G) must be raised
above the source by several volts. This
is achieved using a diode pump consisting of diode D2 and capacitor C2.
Initially, the Vcc supply to the IC is
set at about 15.6V due to an internal
regulator and the current via R2 from
Vsupply. In addition, Mosfet Q2 is
switched on via a 15.6V signal at pin
5 driving its gate.
Capacitor C2 now charges to the
15.6V supply via D2 and the switchedon Q2. When pin 5 goes low, Q2 is
turned off and pin 7 is connected internally to pin 8 to switch on Q1. Q1
pulls pin 6 up to Vsupply and pin 8 is
shifted to Vsupply plus the 15.6V across
C2. So the circuit bootstraps itself up
to whatever the Mosfet driving voltage
needs to be.
Pins 6, 7 and 8 of the IR2155 are
floating outputs which can be shifted
to 600 volts above the pin 4 ground. In
our case we are only using the circuit
to switch up to 80V.
Circuit details
Fig.4: this is the block diagram of the TENS circuit. The 6V supply
from the battery is stepped up in the converter comprising IC1 and
T1 to provide a DC output of up to 80V. The resulting DC voltage is
converted to a pulsed signal using the switchmode oscillator.
38 Silicon Chip
The full circuit for the TENS unit
is shown in Fig.7. Power from the 6V
battery is switched to the circuit via
S1 and the 100µF capacitor decouples
the supply. IC1 is the switchmode
controller. It has a switching transistor
at pin 1 and a feedback input at pin 5.
The frequency of oscillation rate is
Fig.5: this shows how the basic
step-up converter circuit works.
Inductor L1 is charged via
transistor Q1 from the V+ supply.
When the transistor is switched
off, the stored energy in L1 is
dumped through diode D1 into
capacitor C1.
set by the .001µF capacitor at pin 3 and
the current flow through the primary
of T1 is limited by the 0.22Ω resistor
between pins 6 and 7. Current through
T1’s primary is switched off when the
voltage across this resistor exceeds
about 300mV.
Fig.6: this is switching oscillator which modulates
the output voltage of the step-up converter. D2 and
C2 constitute a diode pump to boost the supply
voltage to correctly switch Q1.
The voltage induced into T1’s secondary when the primary field collapses charges two 0.47µF capacitors via
diode D1. Voltage feedback from VR1
and the 10kΩ resistor into pin 5 and
trimpot VR2 sets the output voltage.
VR2 is adjusted to give 80V when VR1
is at its maximum resistance.
Transformer T1 is used instead of a
single inductor, as depicted in Fig.5,
for two reasons. Firstly, the maximum
voltage allowed at pin 1 (the collector
of the switching transistor within
IC1) is 40V. Since we want 80V, the
Fig.7: the TENS circuit uses IC1, T1 and diode D1 to step up the battery voltage to a maximum of 80V. This
is modulated by the switchmode oscillator IC2 and Mosfets Q1 & Q2 to drive the skin electrodes.
August 1997 39
Fig.8: the wiring details for the case and PC board. Take care to ensure that all polarised parts are correctly installed.
2.59:1 ratio between the primary and
secondary of T1 will ensure that the
pin 1 voltage will be only 30.9V. The
second reason is so that the primary
can provide a supply for the self-oscillating Mosfet gate driver, IC2.
40 Silicon Chip
Diode D3 charges the associated
4.7µF capacitor and the voltage across
it is limited to +39V by zener diode
ZD1. This mechanism also limits the
maximum voltage at pin 1 of IC1 to a
diode drop above 39V due to D3; ie,
+39.6V plus or minus the zener diode
IC2’s power is supplied via an
LM334Z constant current source,
IC3. The 68Ω resistor between the R
and V- pins of IC3 sets the constant
Capacitor Codes
IEC Code EIA Code
0.47µF 470n 474
0.33µF 330n 334
0.1µF 100n 104
.001µF 1n0 102
current to 1mA.
IC3 has a maximum voltage rating of
30V so it might seem that a voltage of
39V from ZD1 could present a problem
for this current source chip. However,
an internal zener diode in IC2 regulates
the supply voltage at its pin 1 to +15.6V
and so the maximum voltage across IC3
will be 39V - 15.6V = 23.4V.
Q1 and Q2 are 200V Mosfets which
switch the voltage from the two 0.47µF
capacitors to produce the requisite
output pulses on the electrodes. Q1 &
Q2 constitute a “totem pole” output
stage with Q1 turning on to charge the
0.47µF output capacitor via the series
150Ω resistor and the load resistance
(which in this case is the patient). Each
time Q1 turns off, Q2 turn turns on to
discharge the capacitor via the series
150Ω resistor.
Putting it another way, Q1 can be
regarded as controlling the pulse width
of the output waveform while Q2 controls the pulse rate (ie, the frequency).
In more detail, Q2 is switched on for
the time set by the 0.33µF capacitor at
pin 3 and the resistance between pins 3
and 2 (of IC2). VR3 adjusts this on-time
between about 0.5s and 5ms, giving a
pulse rate between 2Hz and 200Hz.
Q1 is switched on for the time duration set by potentiometer VR4, the
Inside the TENS unit is a battery-powered circuit which produces up to 80V DC.
This is pulsed by a pair of Mosfets to drive the electrodes. Note the three screws
which are used as pillars to keep the battery holder in place.
series 12Ω resistor and diode D4. The
pulse width ranges between 40µs and
Intermittent mode
IC4 is a 7555 CMOS timer which
provides the intermittent mode. It
operates as a free running oscillator
but in a rather unusual configuration.
The normal output at pin 3 is used to
charge the 10µF capacitor at pins 2 &
6 via the 47kΩ resistor and diode D5
and discharge it via the parallel 100kΩ
resistor. This gives a pulse waveform
at pin 3 with an uneven duty cycle;
the pulses are high for 0.22s and low
for 0.7 seconds.
However, we don’t use the normal
output at pin 3 to modulate IC2. Instead, we use the capacitor discharge
pin (pin 7). The pin 7 output is a Mosfet
which is open circuit when pin 3 is
Resistor Colour Codes
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black yellow brown
yellow violet orange brown
brown grey orange brown
brown black orange brown
red red red brown
brown black red brown
brown grey brown brown
brown green brown brown
blue grey black brown
black red black brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black orange brown
yellow violet black red brown
brown grey black red brown
brown black black red brown
red red black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
brown grey black black brown
brown green black black brown
blue grey black gold brown
black red black gold brown
August 1997 41
1 PC board, code 04307971, 157
x 87mm
1 plastic case, 188 x 98 x 37mm
1 adhesive label, 95 x 185mm
1 TENS electrode set with lead
(available from chemists)
1 EF25 ferrite transformer
assembly with N27 (Siemens)
or 3C80 (Philips) ungapped
cores and horizontal mounting
bobbin plus clasp and spring
(Philips 2 x 4312 020 3402 4,
1 x 4312 021 2626 1 and 1 x
4312 021 2612 1 and 1 x 4312
021 2619 1 or equivalent) (T1)
1 4 AA cell holder (rectangular)
1 battery clip for holder
4 AA cells
1 3.5mm phono panel socket
1 100kΩ linear pot. (VR1)
1 2MΩ linear pot. (VR3)
1 500Ω linear pot. (VR4)
3 16mm OD knobs with pointer
2 SPDT toggle switches (S1,S2)
1 3mm green LED (LED1)
1 3mm LED bezel
15 PC stakes
3 small cable ties
4 self-tapping screws to secure
PC board
3 3mm x 20mm screws and nuts
1 60mm length of 3mm ID tubing
1 200mm length yellow hookup
1 200mm length blue hookup wire
1 300mm length black hookup
1 200mm length green hookup
1 300mm length red hookup wire
1 150mm length of twin wire
rainbow cable
1 3.5-metre length of 0.5mm
diameter enamelled copper
1 MC34063 DC-DC converter
1 IR2155 Mosfet driver (IC2)
1 LM334Z current source (IC3)
1 ICM7555CN, LMC555CN,
TLC555CP CMOS 555 timer
2 IRF610 N-channel Mosfets (or
equiv 200V <at>>1A, TO-220)
1 39V 1W zener diode (ZD1)
2 1N4936 500V fast recovery
diodes (D1,D2)
3 1N914, 1N4148 diodes (D3-D5)
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 25VW PC electrolytic
2 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 4.7µF 63VW PC electrolytic
3 0.47µF 100VW MKT polyester
1 0.33µF 63VW MKT polyester
1 0.1µF 63VW MKT polyester
1 .001µF 63VW MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 100kΩ
1 180Ω
1 47kΩ
1 150Ω
1 18kΩ
1 68Ω
1 10kΩ
1 12Ω
1 2.2kΩ
1 0.22Ω 5W
3 1kΩ
Fig.9: winding details
for the transformer.
Both the primary and
secondary are wound
using 0.5mm-diameter
enamelled copper wire.
42 Silicon Chip
high and conducting when pin 3 is low.
Each time pin 7 of IC4 pulls low,
it discharges the 0.33µF capacitor at
pin 3 of IC2 and this stops IC2 from
oscillating. This prevents any output
to the electrodes and is an effective
method of modulation.
built onto a PC board which is coded
04307971 and measures 157 x 87mm.
It is housed in a plastic case measuring
188 x 98 x 37mm. An adhesive plastic
label measuring 95 x 185mm is fitted
to the lid of the case.
Begin construction by checking
the PC board for any defects such as
shorted tracks or hairline breaks in the
copper pattern. Repair these before
assembly. The full wiring details are
shown in the diagram of Fig.8.
Insert the 15 PC stakes first. These
are positioned at all the wiring points.
Next, insert and solder in all the resistors. You can use the accompanying
resistor colour code table when selecting the resistors although it is also a
good idea to check each value with a
digital multimeter before it is installed.
Next, install the five diodes, making
sure that the 1N4936s are used for D1
and D2. Three of the ICs are 8-pin DIP
devices so don’t mix them up when
installing them. Make sure that the ICs
and Mosfets are correctly orientated
when they are installed.
The capacitors come next and the
accompanying table shows the codes
which may be on the MKT style devices to indicate their values. The
electrolytic types must be oriented as
shown and with the correct voltage
rating. Higher voltage rated capacitors
can be used.
The winding details for the transformer are shown in Fig.9. Start by
stripping the end of the 0.5mm enam
elled copper wire and solder it to pin
1 on the bobbin. Wind on 44 turns in
the direction shown and terminate the
end to pin 4. The secondary is wound
by soldering a 0.5mm wire to pin 8 and
winding on 17 turns in the direction
shown. Finish on pin 5. You can then
wrap the windings in a few layers of
insulation tape.
The transformer is assembled by
sliding the cores into place in the
bobbin and securing them with the
supplied clips. If no clips are supplied
then you can secure the cores togeth-er
with a cable tie around the core’s
An effective
alternative to
analgesics can be
provided by TENS
in many situations.
TENS stands for
Electrical Neural
Stimulation and
is widely used by
for treatment of
sports injuries and
back pain. The skin
electrodes can be
readily purchased
from your local
former is wound correctly. If the primary and secondary are out of phase,
the correct voltage cannot be obtained.
Check that the voltage at pin 1 of
IC2 is around +15V DC. With the pulse
width pot (VR4) set fully clockwise
and continuous mode selected, you
should measure about +40V DC at pin
6, indicating that switching is taking
If you have access to an oscilloscope, the output pulses can be observed to verify that the pulse width
and frequency are to specification.
The output can also be tested with
a multimeter set to read AC volts.
Connect your multimeter leads to the
output socket and measure the voltage.
You should obtain about 7VAC with
all pots set to maximum when the
continuous mode is selected. Note
that this is only an indication of the
Insert the transformer into the PC
board with the orientation shown in
Fig.8. Pin 1 of the bobbin is adjacent
to the 0.47µF capacitor furthest from
diode D1.
To secure the battery holder, we
used three 25mm-long 3mm screws
and nuts in the positions shown near
the transformer. These locate the 4-AA
cell holder at the end of the case. We
used some plastic sleeving over the
screw threads to prevent scratching
the holder.
The front panel label can be affixed
to the lid of the case (the half with the
brass thread inserts in each corner) and
the holes drilled for the two switches,
the 3mm LED bezel and the three pots.
Attach all these components to the lid.
Note that some pots with long shafts
may need to be cut to length before
assembly. Drill a hole in one of the end
panels for the output socket.
Follow the diagram of Fig.8 to connect all the components on the lid to
the PC board. The battery clip is se
cured to the PC board with a cable tie
to prevent the wires from breaking at
the PC stakes. Cable ties are also used
to secure the wiring into a neat loom.
Fit the batteries and connect a
multimeter (set to the 200V DC range)
• This TENS Unit (or any other similar device) must not be used on a
person with a Heart Pacemaker.
• Do not connect the electrodes to the body so that there can be a flow
of current through the heart.
• Electrodes must not be placed on the neck, since this can stimulate
nerves which control breathing and blood pressure.
• Do not use the TENS Unit for headaches or attach the electrodes to
the head.
• Do not be tempted to use the TENS Unit from a mains adaptor, plugpack
or power supply. This could be dangerous if a breakdown occurs in the
isolating transformer. If you want to reduce the cost of battery replacement, we suggest using rechargeable nicad cells.
between the (-) terminal of the battery
and the metal tab (drain) of Q1. Switch
on and check that LED1 lights and that
there is voltage on Q1’s drain. Set the
voltage pot VR1 fully clockwise and
adjust trimpot VR2 for a reading of
+80V. If you are not able to obtain the
correct voltage, check that the trans
output; some multimeters may give
different readings
With intermittent mode selected,
you should see the voltage changing
from 0V to a higher reading.
Using TENS
Connect the electrodes to the TENS
Output level .........................................................................................2-80V
Output pulse width ........................................................................ 40-200µs
Frequency ......................................................................................2-220Hz
Intermittent rate ........................................................... 700ms off; 220ms on
Supply Voltage ......................................................................................... 6V
Current Consumption ...................................30mA <at> 80V out and 6V input
(frequency and pulse width at mid setting)
August 1997 43
Fig.10 (above): this is the actual size artwork for the
PC board. Check your board carefully against this
pattern before installing any of the parts.
Fig.11 (right): actual the size artwork for the front
unit using the 2.5mm plug to 2 x
2mm probe lead as supplied with
the electrodes. If you wish to make
your own leads, the 2mm probes are
available from Dick Smith Electronics
(Cat. P-1750). The electrodes should
be smeared with K-Y* jelly (*trade
mark of Johnson & Johnson Pacific)
or salt water solution to provide a
reliable skin contact. They can be
attached to the skin using any of the
variety of tapes used to secure wound
dressings. Attach the electrodes in
44 Silicon Chip
(Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation)
position on either side of the pain
Before switching on the TENS Unit
be sure that the voltage is turned
down to the minimum. Wind the
voltage up until sensation can be felt
and adjust the pulse rate and width
for the desired effect. The voltage will
need to be wound up during treatment to compensate for the body’s
adaptation to the stimulation. The
intermittent selection is used where
the treatment period is long (normal
treatment sessions are typically for
20 minutes) or where the user finds
the continuous effect to be waning.
Further details on the TENS treatment techniques can be obtained
from your General Practitioner.
NOTE: Electrodes may be difficult
to locate. Two sources are as follows:
Water Fuel, 18 Springfield Road,
Springvale, Vic 3172, phone (03) 9574
0002; or, Masters Medical, 8 Palmer
Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150, phone
(02) 9890 1711.
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Compiled by GARRY CRATT*
Changes to BMAC services from Optus B3
Optus B3:
10 saw several changes to
BMAC services on this satellite, affecting viewers in the Northern Territory and South Australia. ABC South
Australia, ABC Northern Territory and
Imparja have all moved in frequency
and viewers using non-frequency agile
Plessey receivers will need to upgrade
their channel allocation chip, in order
to tune the new frequencies. Details of
all changes are carried on the ABC’s
Internet web site at:
Asiasat 2:
Recent additions to this satellite include the American government broadcaster “Worldnet” at IF 1270MHz,
horizontal polarity, 6.6MHz audio.
This service previously operated on
Intelsat 511 at 180°E. That service has
now been discontinued.
Another new broad
caster on this
satellite is “Baztab” TV, an Iranian program, broadcast Monday to Thursday
from 2.45-4am AEST. Previously located on Arabsat 2B, this service operates
at IF 1470MHz, horizontal polarity.
Also sharing the same frequency is “
Mahuga Hadeen TV”, another Iranian
broadcaster, which operates Monday
to Thursday from 4-5am AEST.
Recent changes to the Star TV digital
service on this satellite saw the un
encrypted Sky News UK and Star Plus
movie channel disappear, presumably
now operating with conditional access. These services were operating at
1250MHz IF. The ESPN digital feeder
channel at 1450MHz is still operating
“open key”.
Panamsat 2:
Several new stations
appeared during June on
this satellite. WCETV at IF
1250MHz, vertical polarity, 6.2/6.8 audio, appears
to be a Chinese gambling
channel operating daily
from 11pm-6am AEST.
AB Asia, a similar channel operates at 1335MHz
IF, vertical polarity.
Broadcaster TVSN has
added Chinese and Japanese audio chan
n els
to their transponder, on The test pattern from Space TV Systems in Taiwan.
5.55MHz and 5.75MHz respectively. five Chinese channels and two hardThe broadcaster has added similar ad- core XX rated “Exxxstacy” channels.
ditional audio subcarriers to their sig- By July 1, the two XX rated channels
had been dropped but the others con
nals on both Asiasat 2 and Palapa C2.
tinue testing.
One strange appearance on Pas 2
Space TV systems say their subK-band late in June was a 4-channel
mence in
digital bouquet that included Northern scription service will com
Territory broadcaster Imparja and ABC September. Although details of the
type of digital receiver required are
Central. Signals appeared at 1000MHz
unknown at present, the signal is
IF, horizontal polarity.
viewable during the test phase using
Nokia, Panasat 630 and Hyundai digi
Intelsat 802:
Intelsat 802 was successfully tal receivers.
launched by Ariane V96 on June 25.
The satellite will be deployed at 174°E, Gorizont 30:
Papua New Guinea broadcaster
replacing Intel
sat 701, which will
EMTV has added a new radio broadreplace Intelsat 511 at 180°E. I701 is
scheduled to commence operations at caster to its analog transponder. Loer frequency
180°E in September. These changes cated at audio subcarri
will effectively eliminate the inclined 7.4MHz, the radio station is called
93FM and broad
casts a mixture of
orbit tracking now required to receive
English and local languages.
Intelsat 702 (177°E):
Space TV Systems (Taiwan) commenced trials of their digital service in
late June. Early test channels included
* Garry Cratt is Managing Director of AvComm Pty Ltd, suppliers of satellite TV
reception systems. Phone (02) 9949 7417.
August 1997 53
Addressable card for
driving a stepper motor
This interface card allows you to drive
a stepper motor using software control.
It plugs into your PC’s parallel port
and you can connect up to eight units
in daisy-chain fashion.
The interface card featured here is
the first of two new cards that allow
you to control stepper motors via the
parallel port of a PC. It is capable of
driving one stepper motor, while the
second unit (to be described next
54 Silicon Chip
month) is capable of driving two
stepper motors.
In practice, you can connect up to
eight cards (in daisy-chain fashion) to
the printer port, so that you can control eight different motors. Each card
is set with a unique address from 1-8,
so that it can be individually selected.
In addition, two or more cards can
be coded with the same address in a
master-slave setup, so that even more
motors can be controlled.
Of course, those cards that have the
same address will identically control
their motors.
In operation, an address from 0-7
is placed on three pins of the PC
port connector, then the strobe line
is toggled. This latches the address
in a decoder. If this address matches
that selected by a jumper on the card,
the logic levels present on the port’s
normal data lines are latched (stored)
and fed to the motor drivers.
Fig.1 (right): the circuit is
based on address decoder
IC1 and 8-bit data latch
IC1. When the correct
address is fed to IC1, the
data on the Port A lines
is latched into IC1 and
transferred to the Q
outputs. These outputs
then drive transistors Q1Q12 to control the stepper
August 1997 55
Note that the card is capable of
driving the stepper motor in both the
forward and reverse directions. When
the motor is not stepping, the driver
transistors are turned off to prevent
the motor from overheating.
Circuit details
The circuit of the card is shown in
Fig.1. It uses IC1, a one-of-eight active
low decoder, as the address latch.
Basically, this IC looks at the binary
coded decimal (BCD) data on its A, B &
C inputs and pulls the corresponding
decimal output (Y0-Y7) low.
In greater detail, this only occurs
when the strobe line from inverter
stage IC3b goes to a logic high (+5V).
This momen
tarily pulls the latch
enable input (pin 4) of IC1 high via a
.001µF capacitor. The decoded output
then goes low (0V) to give a unique
If this is the output selected by the
address link, the decoded logic low is
fed to pin 2 of IC3a. IC3d inverts the
strobe signal and so pin 3 of IC3a will
also be low. As a result, pin 1 of IC3a
goes high and momentarily pulls the
latch enable input (pin 11) of IC2 high
via a second .001µF capacitor.
IC2 is a 74HC573 8-bit data latch.
When its LE input is taken high, the
data present on its Data inputs (D0D7), as fed in from Port A of the parallel port, is latched and transferred to
the Q outputs. The latch enable signal
then goes low 47ms later (as set by the
associated 47kΩ pull-down resistor),
so that the data remains latched until
the next strobe signal.
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 10MΩ
4 2.2kΩ
1 47kΩ
1 470Ω
9 10kΩ
from the positive supply rail through
Q1, coil MA and Q4 to ground.
Conversely, when outputs Q1 & Q2
are high and Q0 & Q3 are low, transistors Q6, Q2 and Q3 are tuned on and
the current flows through the coil in
the opposite direction.
Therefore, depending on the logic
levels at the Q0-Q7 outputs of IC2,
we can control the direction of the
current through the two coils and thus
the stepping direction of the motor. If
all outputs are low, all the transistors
are off and no current flows through
either coil (ie, the motor is stopped).
To actually step the motor it is necessary to switch the current through
the coils in a logical sequence. Table
3 lists the different modes for driving
a stepper motor, along with the binary
code required at IC2’s output which,
of course, is identical to that at CON1.
The decimal value can be used in a
Basic program to apply the correct bit
pattern to the parallel port.
Almost all motors can be powered
from the 12V supply, including centre-tapped 5V motors (because we
don’t use the CT). If you want more
torque and a faster stepping speed,
you can run the motor from a higher voltage, in which case a resistor
must be added in series with each
coil to keep the motor current within
specification. It is the inductance of
the motor windings which limits the
current and hence the torque, so by
applying a higher voltage we get a
higher initial current.
Tinned copper wire for links
Card selected indicator
Parts List
1 PC board, code 07108971,
120 x 112mm
1 DB25 PC-mount male rightangle connector
1 stepper motor, Oatley
Electronics M35 or equivalent
1 8-way x 2-pin header strip
(2.54mm pitch)
1 jumper for header strip
1 3-way terminal block (5.08mm
1 4-way terminal block (5.08mm
1 74HC137 decoder (IC1)
1 74HC573 8-bit latch (IC2)
1 74HC02 quad nor gate (IC3)
4 BD682 PNP Darlington
transistors (Q1,Q2,Q7,Q8)
4 BD679, BD681 NPN Darlington
transistors (Q3,Q4,Q9,Q10)
4 BC548 NPN transistors
1 1N914 small signal diode (D1)
1 5mm red LED (LED1)
2 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic
2 0.1µF monolithic ceramic
1 0.1µF MKT polycarbonate
2 .001µF MKT polycarbonate
The only circuit function yet to be
described is the card selected indicator. This is based on D1 and IC3c and
lights LED1 whenever a valid address
is received. This feature provides a
convenient way of checking which
card has been selected at any given
time in a multi-card system.
The way in which this works is
quite straightforward. As shown, pins
Motor drivers
Transistors Q1-Q6 and Q7-Q12
form two bridge circuits which drive
the stepper motor coils. One circuit
is controlled by the Q0-Q3 outputs
of IC2, while the other is controlled
by the Q4-Q7 outputs. Because these
two bridge circuits are identical, we
shall only describe the circuit based
on transistors Q1-Q6.
We’ll begin by considering what
happens when outputs Q0 & Q3 of
IC2 are high and Q1 & Q2 are low. In
this case, transistors Q5, Q1 & Q4 will
all be turned on and so current flows
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
❏ 1
❏ 1
❏ 9
❏ 4
❏ 1
56 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
brown black blue brown
yellow violet orange brown
brown black orange brown
red red red brown
yellow violet brown brown
5-Band Code (1%)
brown black black green brown
yellow violet black red brown
brown black black red brown
red red black brown brown
yellow violet black black brown
APPROVED TO AS 3108-1994
15VA to 7.5kVA
Tortech Pty Ltd
24/31 Wentworth St, Greenacre 2190
Phone (02) 642 6003 Fax (02) 642 6127
Fig.2: install the parts on the PC board as shown here. Don’t forget to fit a
jumper to the pin header to select the address of the card and take care when
mounting the power transistors as they don't all face in the same direction.
8 & 9 of IC3c are normally pulled high
via a 10MΩ resistor and so pin 10 is
low and LED1 is off. However, when a
valid address is received, the decoded
output from IC1 goes low and so pins
8 & 9 of IC3c are pulled low via D1.
This in turn switches pin 10 of IC3c
high and so LED1 lights to indicate
that the card has been selected.
Because a card can be selected
and deselected very quickly, a 0.1µF
timing capacitor is included between
the inputs of IC3c and ground. This
ensures that the LED stays lit for one
second after the card has been de
Building the card
The circuit is easy to build, with
all the parts mounted on a PC board
coded 07108971 (120 x 112mm). Fig.2
shows the parts layout on the board,
while Fig.3 shows the full-size etching
Begin by checking your etched
board for defects by compar
ing it
with Fig.3. In particular, check for
undrilled holes and shorts between
tracks, especially around the IC pads.
This done, install the wire links (11),
followed by the resistors and diodes.
Table 1 shows the resistor colour codes
but it is also a good idea to check the
values using a digital multimeter, just
to make sure.
The capacitors can be installed next,
followed by LED1 and the transistors.
Be careful when fitting the transistors
as two different TO-220 types are
used. Note also that the metal faces
of Q3, Q4, Q9 & Q10 (all BD679) face
towards CON1 (the DB25 connector),
while the metal faces of Q1, Q2, Q7
& Q8 (all BD682) face towards CON3.
Take care to ensure that the LED is
correctly oriented. Its anode lead will
be the longer of the two, while the
cathode lead will be adjacent to a flat
section on the bevel at the bottom of
the plastic body.
Finally, complete the assembly by
fitting the 8-way pin header and the
P.C.B. Makers !
If you need:
• P.C.B. High Speed Drill
• P.C.B. Guillotine
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August 1997 57
Listing 1
10 REM Step motor clockwise
20 PORTA = &H378 ‘This is for LPT1 Enter &H278 for LPT2
30 PORTC = PORTA + 2 ‘and card 1 selected
40 DATA 153, 150, 102, 105, 102, 150, 153, 105
50 FOR A = 1 TO 4: READ ROTCW(A): NEXT ‘Read data for clockwise steps
60 FOR A = 1 TO 4: READ ROTCCW(A): NEXT ‘Read data for anti-clock steps
70 OUT PORTA,105: OUT PORTC,11 ‘Set motor to known position
80 FOR A = 1 TO 12 ‘Go forward 12 steps of 30 degrees
90 FOR B = 1 TO 4: OUT PORTA,ROTCW(B) ‘Four steps of 7.5 degrees
100 OUT PORTC,11: OUT PORTC,10 ‘Select card one, then take strobe low
110 FOR C = 1 TO 350: NEXT ‘Delay to allow motor to step
130 OUT PORTA,0: OUT PORTC,11: OUT PORTC,10 ‘De-energise motor coils
140 FOR A = 1 TO 20000: NEXT ‘Pause for a while
150 REM Now step motor anti-clockwise
160 FOR A = 1 TO 12 ‘Go backwards 12 steps of 30 degrees
170 FOR B = 1 TO 4: OUT PORTA,ROTCCW(B) ‘Four steps of 7.5 degrees
180 OUT PORTC,11: OUT PORTC,10 ‘Select card one, then take strobe low
190 FOR C = 1 TO 350: NEXT ‘Delay to allow motor to step
210 OUT PORTA,0: OUT PORTC,11: OUT PORTC,10 ‘De-energise motor coils
three connectors. Make sure that the
DB25 connector is sitting flat against
the board before soldering its pins.
To test the board you will need a
25-way “D” male-to-female cable (ie,
a printer cable) and a power supply
capable of supplying 5V at a few
milliamps and 12V at up to 1A. If
you are careful, you can pick up the
5V supply from the games port on
the computer. The connec
tions on
the 9-pin “D” connector are pin 5 for
the 5V line and pins 4, 5 and 12 for
ground. The 12V rail can come from
a suitable plugpack supply.
Alternatively, you can wait and
build the power supply to be described in next month’s issue.
Before applying power, connect
the card to your computer’s parallel
(printer) port LPT1 using the extender
cable. You will also have to install a
jumper on the pin header to set the
address of the card. If you only have
one controller card, you can choose
any address you like although it’s
probably best to fit the jumper to the
C1 position. That way, you won’t have
to alter the program shown in Listing
1 in order to address the card.
Now load Basic and enter the program shown in Listing 1. You can omit
the line numbers if you use Q-Basic.
You can also omit the remarks (after
the ‘) as they are only there to give you
an idea of what the software is doing.
When you run this program, the
motor should rotate clock
wise one
revolution, stop and then step anticlockwise to its original position. A
pencil mark on the gear will let you see
what is happening. Check that LED1
on the card lights to confirm that the
card has been addressed.
If you use LP2 as the parallel port,
you will have to change line 20 (ie,
Table 2
Fig.3: check your board against this full-size artwork before installing the parts.
58 Silicon Chip
Card No.
Card 1
Card 2 9
Card 3
Card 4
Card 5 3
Card 6 1
Card 7 7
Card 8 5
change &H378 to &H278). The address
value for each card from 1-8 is given
in Table 2. The illogical sequence of
the numbers is due to the fact that
both C1 and C3 on PortC are inverted
logic; ie, if they are programmed high
in Basic (or any other language), they
will actually go low.
If the stepper motor you use is
different to that specified in the parts
list, your results may not be the same
as ours. If the motor runs in the wrong
direction, just swap the wires to pins
1 and 2 of CON3. The motor we used
has 7.5° steps and if the one you use is
different (eg, if it has 1.8° steps), you
will have to change the number 12 in
lines 80 & 160 to some other value to
get a complete revolution.
For example, you would have to
change 12 to 50 for a motor with 1.8°
A close examination of the program
shown in Listing 1 will reveal how
it all works and you can experiment
with your own values. The values we
have used are for a single full step
with both windings energised. You
Up to eight cards can be
connected to the printer
port, so that you can
control eight different
motors. Each card is
given a unique address
by fitting a jumper to an
8-way pin header.
may wish to load the “one winding
energised” values into the program
and compare the torque difference.
Fault finding
If it doesn’t work, the first thing
to do is to check that you have the
jumper or link set for card 1. If this is
OK, check that LED1 lights when you
run the program.
If LED1 doesn’t light, connect pins
4 & 16 of IC1 together and run the
program again. If the LED now lights,
then the problem probably involves
IC3b or the components connected to
pin 4 (LE) of IC1.
The same technique can be used
to test the circuitry that drives the
latch enable input (pin 11) of IC2 (ie,
connect pin 11 to pin 20).
August 1997 59
Just give it a flamin’ good thump
Most jobs are fairly routine but these three
jobs hardly fall into that category. Of course,
the customer doesn’t always help and the one
job that should have been straightforward
was complicated by the customer’s rudeness
and uncooperative attitude.
A month ago, I was asked by Mrs
Johnston to attend to her Sanyo TV.
The problem didn’t sound like much
in that most of the time the set worked
perfectly. It was just that, every three
days or so, it wouldn’t start although
Mr Johnston could “fix” that by
thumping the back. But it was an-
60 Silicon Chip
noying and now it did it all the time.
The set was a Sanyo CPP2601SV-00
employing an 84P-B26 chassis and
is a large 63cm stereo remote control
model. It all sounded so easy – just
whip the back off, fix the obvious dry
joint or loose plug, replace the back
and Bob’s your uncle. A piece of cake
really and what’s more, it should take
no more than half an hour. I should
have known better.
I arrived at the appointed time full
of optimism and had the back off, the
soldering iron switched on and the
meter ready before the tea arrived. The
TV switched on perfectly and did so
for the next 20 subsequent efforts. Mrs
Johnston assured me that it always
played up almost straight away but
I know all about the contrariness of
inanimate objects.
I left it on while I finished my tea
and then tried again. It still worked
perfectly. I felt like Homer Simpson –
TV goes on, TV goes off, TV goes on,
etc. The time was slipping by, with
no sign of a problem at the end of 30
minutes. It was time for a different
Using a strong flashlight, I examined every board very carefully but, as
usual, access to the chassis was rather
difficult. The leads to the front panel
are far too short and the chassis could
only be moved about 80mm out of the
cabinet. Not only that, but there is a
plastic support frame which obscures
the main PC board.
I decided to gently tap each board
in turn but that made no difference.
That was it – I couldn’t afford to waste
any more time. I refitted the back,
pushed the set back into its corner
and switched it on for the last time.
The set came on, to our mutual frustration. Mrs Johnston then had a go
herself with the remote. She switched
the set off and it wouldn’t come back
on. How did she do that? I tried the
remote and the main on/off switch –
the set was completely dead.
I was now too far committed to
back away, so off came the back and
we both tried switching the set on
and off again. And would you believe
it? – it now worked perfectly. I then
replaced the back, carefully noting
where it made contact with the chassis in case it was dislodging a plug or
socket. This time, with the back on,
Fig.1: the power supply circuit in the Sanyo CPP2601SV-00 63cm colour TV set.
the set worked perfectly, no matter
what either of us did.
Three quarters of a hour had gone
by now and we both had other things
to do. Obviously, this was a job for the
workshop and I advised the Johnstons
accordingly. As it turned out, they
were going on a fortnight’s holiday a
few days later and so we organised for
the set to be delivered to the workshop
before they left.
The fault appears
Finally, the set was on the bench
and the back came off yet again. Actually, the back wasn’t in very good
condition. It is made of a very brittle
hard plastic and had cracked in a few
places where Mr Johnston had been
hitting it. He must have been giving it
a frightful whack on occasions!
It took three days of continuous
running before the fault finally appeared. And when it did, it didn’t
take too much of a tap to make it work
again for another three days.
After about two weeks, I finally
deduced that the problem was somewhere in the power supply although
I still didn’t know the exact nature
of the fault. The standby light could
always be made to come on with the
remote control, which meant that the
+5V and +12V rails were fine from the
Power Sub unit. And during one of the
short periods while the set was not
working, I measured approximately
+325V on the collector of Q311 but
found that there was no output at all
on the five secondary power rails.
Because it took so little vibration to
make the set work again, all measurements had to be made with extreme
delicacy. Eventually, I had precious
multimeters and a CRO permanently
hooked up all over the set, waiting
for it to play up. This was a real nuis
ance as it left me with only a limited
amount of test equipment for fixing
other things.
My next step was to establish that
the optocoupler (D311/TLP632) was
working correctly. I found that there
was +1V applied to pin 1 (on the LED
side) when the set was off and 0V
when the set was on. And there was
0V across the transistor on the secondary (hot side) of the optocoupler
when the set was off and -20V across
pins 4 & 5 when it was on.
This implied that the optocoupler
was working correctly. What’s more,
leaving the meter connected between
pins 4 & 5 of this device seemed to
“correct” the fault because the set
always started reliably while ever it
remained connected. Obviously, the
extra drain of the meter was having
an effect on some part of the circuit.
My two weeks were nearly up and
something had to be done. I placed
the set on its side for better access
and shone a bright lamp onto the PC
board. Freezing the various plug and
socket contacts didn’t seem to make
any difference and they all looked
perfect. The components that did
have a reaction to the freezer were the
optocoupler (D311), chopper transistor Q331 and electrolytic capacitors
C327, C328 and C330. I changed them
all and reworked the soldering on the
entire board but, after three days, it
played up again.
Next, I replaced A301 (a JUO168
thick film IC which functioned as an
error amplifier), along with resistors
R306 and R307, the latter used to bias
Q311. It made no difference and I was
now only left with a few components
that hadn’t been changed.
I was fairly satisfied that it wasn’t a
dry joint or a hairline fracture in the
board and I was also fairly sure that
the secondary (cold side) of the chopper transformer (T301) was OK. Of
August 1997 61
Serviceman’s Log – continued
course, I hadn’t checked the chopper
transformer itself, mainly because I
had regarded it as an unlikely culprit.
However, as I was now running out
of ideas, I removed it and carefully
examined it, especially where the
leads are wrapped around the posts.
I could find nothing untoward, so
I resoldered all the wire wraps and
replaced the transformer. And that
appears to have fixed the problem.
Despite a further week of intensive
testing, there was no sign of the fault
and I can only conclude that one of
the solder joints associated with the
transformer must have been at fault,
this despite the fact that they all appeared to be OK.
The only other possible culprits
are D332, D333 and C335 but none
of these ever responded to tapping or
freezing. I admit that it’s rather an unsatisfactory conclusion but I believe
that the problem has either been permanently fixed or, at least, postponed
for quite a while. Why can’t they make
TV sets easier to service?
Of course, the Johnstons will never
62 Silicon Chip
appreciate how much effort I put in to
overcome this obscure problem. But
as Sanyo put it, that’s life!
The crook VCR
Mr Nasty brought his Samsung VCR
in just after Christmas, complaining
that it wouldn’t play. This was a
VB-306 Winner mid-drive unit and
when I removed the covers and inserted a cassette, it was pretty obvious
where the fault lay. The loading arms
wouldn’t move at all and it could only
fast forward or rewind.
Unfortunately, there is no access
underneath the deck and the only way
to get to the mechanism is to remove
it, which is what I proceeded to do.
This involves removing countless
screws from the top and bottom, along
with the front escutcheon, before the
deck can be unplugged from the main
PC board.
Removing the loading motor assembly on the underside of the deck
reveals a large rack gear which engages a master cam. And you didn’t need
to be a genius to figure out what was
wrong. The first tooth of the rack was
missing and the teeth on the cam gear
were all damaged. Obviously some
force had been applied here to cause
this. The gears were relatively cheap
but, after adding in the freight and my
labour to remove and replace them,
the customer was looking at a bill of
about $100.
I may have thought that this was
good value but not so Mr Nasty. Instead, he flatly contradicted me when
I called him with the news and almost
implied that I was being dishonest and
attempting to overcharge him.
I left the machine disassembled
so that he could see the problem for
himself when he called to pick it up.
He was even more displeased with
this and I received neither thanks for
my diagnosis nor any payment for
the time I had spent on the machine.
I was quite surprised at his rather
disagreeable attitude and thought
that that would be the end of it. I
had more or less forgotten about
the incident when suddenly, after
about six months, his wife brought
the machine in and asked for it to be
repaired for the figure I had quoted.
(Don’t you just love some of these
guys? They back themselves into a
corner by being obnoxious and then
hide behind their wives after they’ve
thought better of it).
Taken aback by this sudden about
face, I carefully examined the parts
to see if anyone else had had a go at
the machine after it had left my shop.
However, everything appeared to be
as I’d left it and so I reluctantly agreed
to take the job on. I don’t like dealing
with customers who have been unreasonable in the past but I reasoned
that it would be a straightforward
job and I would be able to recoup my
previous losses.
Removing the old rack (or “slide
main” as they call it) isn’t difficult but,
when installing the new one, one has
to align eight points simultaneously
to ensure the correct timing. The two
difficult ones are underneath near
where it engages the gear cam drive
(not shown in the service manual).
The next point to watch for is the
“Gear E/J Eject” drive which is loose
and must be aligned so that slot #1
matches tooth #1 on the ejector rack
at the top of the deck and tooth #1 on
the gear master cam underneath. After
that, it’s plain sailing and you simply
reassemble the parts in the reverse
order that they were removed.
Anyway, it all worked perfectly
once it was all back together again.
Obviously, the original gears had been
damaged by someone forcing a tape
in or out, though Mrs Nasty subsequently denied this when she called
to pick up the unit. Instead, she was
more interested in finding out what
sort of guarantee I gave. I told her that
I guaranteed the parts supplied and
the work done for 90 days but only for
the same fault and provided that the
equipment was not abused, as was so
obvious in this case.
I don’t think that this advice sank
in (or, more likely, she chose to ignore
it) because she brought the machine
back two weeks later, complaining
that it didn’t work again. I stopped
work, connected it up in front of her,
inserted a tape and pressed play.
There was sound but no picture; just
snow. I ran a tape cleaner but it made
no difference, so I removed the covers
and gently wiped the heads using a
lint-free cloth dipped in oil-free acetone. It left black marks on the cloth!
I replayed the tape and the picture
was now perfect. I reassembled it in
front of Mrs Nasty and explained what
had happened but, like her husband
before her, she declined to pay for the
work done to rectify their abuse of
the machine and disappeared with it
without so much as a word of thanks.
I don’t need customers like that and
I certainly won’t be doing any more
work for them.
A pig in a poke
Steve runs a secondhand furniture
shop not far away and one day he
brought in this large Samsung stereo
TV he’d bought at auction for $300.
Of course, it wasn’t working and he
wanted me to fix it for him. I know
him well enough to tell him that he
was mad to buy such a pig in a poke
and gave him a quick rundown on
some of the costs involved if certain
parts like the picture tube were cactus
(eg, anything up to $1000 for a large
screen – and this was large). He didn’t
turn a hair, being the eternal optimist
he is, and agreed to pay to have it
diagnosed and costed.
When I removed the back and found
a large plastic bag full of parts, I liked
his chances even less. As I quickly
discovered, this bag contained a
number of parts that were missing
from the deflection board. The flyback
transformer had also been unsoldered
and was lying free inside the cabinet.
Where was I to start? I removed
the parts from the bag, sorted them
out and found out where they had
come from before performing some
basic resistive checks with a multimeter. Most of the parts were either
completely short or open circuit and
had either come from the line output
stage or the power supply. The line
output transistor (2SC1880) was short
circuit, as was chop
per transistor
Q801 (BUV48).
Because the flyback transformer
had been removed, I initially suspected that it was also faulty. However, a
few basic checks revealed that it was
probably OK, so I replaced it. I also replaced the chopper transistor (Q801),
the line output transistor (Q401) and
any other parts that were faulty.
Restoring the power supply was
obviously the next objective. A few
checks revealed that fuse F801 and
resistors R807 and R817 were all open
circuit. The latter are designated on
the circuit as 0.27W types but had
been replaced with 0.22W 5W wire
wound resistors. I quickly fixed that
by fitting the correct fusible types.
The power supply is a conventional
switchmode type and is somewhat
similar to the ones used in Akai and
Nokia TVs. The difference is that it
has two regulator circuits, with VR801
controlling the primary oscillator
for +130V in the standby condition
and VR802 controlling a secondary
oscillator and feedback circuit which
ensures that the 130V rail remains
constant in the power on condition.
Both ICs in the power supply (IC801
and IC802) had previously been replaced, along with a few other components. To be on the safe side, I replaced all the small capacitors (C817,
C813, C814, C838 & C803) and then
checked all the remaining diodes and
transistors using a multimeter. I then
removed both the deflection board
and the small signal board from the
August 1997 63
set to protect them from any further
damage should something be badly
amiss with the power supply voltages.
Before applying power, I decided to
take a few more precautions. First, I
connected a dummy load consisting
of a 100W 240V globe and a parallel
voltmeter to the cathode of D814 (the
+130V rail). Second, I shorted the base
and emitter leads of the line output
transistor to prevent the line output
stage from firing up. And third, I
connected the AC input via a Variac,
with a 200W globe in series to limit
the maximum current to a safe value.
Now for the big test. I applied power
and slowly advanced the Variac, all
the time keeping my finger near the
on/off switch. And at 130V AC, the
oscillator fired up, the 100W dummy
load began to glow and the meter on
D814 read +130V.
Delighted at this progress, I slowly wound the Variac up to the full
240V. Everything remained intact
and so I switched off and removed
the base-emitter short from the line
output transistor after first confirming
that there was 130V on its collector.
Now for the acid test – would the
line output stage fire up properly?
I switched out the 200W globe and
64 Silicon Chip
wound the Variac up again but nothing happened. The CRO revealed
nothing on either the base or the collector of Q402 (the horizontal driver
transistor), so I traced the circuit back
from the collector through T401, R402
and D406, towards the +14V rail.
According to the circuit I had,
D406’s anode is connected directly
to the +14V rail at the anode of D816.
There is even a link position on the
board, marked J109, to allow for this
connection but there was no link in
position. And, what’s more, this link
had apparently never been fitted, so
what was going on?
In fact, it appears that the circuit
is in error. In practice, D406’s anode
is linked via J430 and J813 to the
emitter of Q805. And this transistor is
controlled by Q803 which, in turn, is
controlled by Q804. When Q804 turns
on, Q803 also turns on and this does
two things: first, it switches the +14V
rail through to IC802 and second, it
turns on Q805 which switches the
+14V rail through to D406 and subsequently to the collector of Q402.
So why wasn’t the +14V rail being
switched through by transistors Q803
and Q805. Answer – because unplugging the small-signal board had
removed the base drive to Q804. This
drive signal is normally supplied from
the main board via pin 2 of connector
As a quick test, I switched my
multimeter on the x1 ohms range and
connected the red lead to the chassis
and the black lead to the anode of
D835 (in series with Q804’s base).
The 2.4V across the test leads from
the multimeter’s internal battery was
more that enough to bias Q804 fully
on and the EHT section burst into life.
The meter on the 130V rail now
showed that it was too high but readjusting VR802 soon corrected this. By
now, I was optimistic that the set was
a “goer” so I removed all the safety
gear I had connected, reinstalled all
the boards and switched on. Eureka!
– up came the sound and we had a
perfect picture.
I rechecked and adjusted the two B+
pots before leaving the set to soak test.
It was still going strong after about a
week and I felt confident enough to
ring Steve and tell him to collect it.
So, in the end, Steve’s confidence
was well founded and he had certainly got himself a bargain – this time!
But I don’t generally advise people to
acquire TV sets in this manner. SC
Soon we should be fully set up with this new company which
is a subsidiary to OATLEY ELECTRONICS, for the purpose of
giving TAX EXEMPT PRICES to entitled organisations. The
product range that will be included on this list will increase
rapidly. For enquiries call BOSSMAN ELECTRONICS on:
02 9584 3562.
Ready made, coming soon, Email or Fax for more information: $49
These can be used to make a solid state thermoelectric cooler/
heater. 12V/4.4A 40 x 40 x 4mm. Basic information to suit: $27,
12V DC fan to suit for $8.
Approx 1kg of semiconductors recovered from working equipment.
All devices are in the TO-3 package. Approx 80 devices per kg wide variety of type numbers, some of which are common types
of transistors, voltage regulators & Schottky diodes. These devices
have been poorly stored & have bent pins, etc. $6.
Light weight (2XAAA) pen sized pointer with 5mW/650nM laser
diode, 140mm long, 18mm diameter: $55.
Our new module is fitted with a 650nm laser diode! Very small,
35mm long, 10mm diameter, 3 to 4.5V operation: $50.
The above 5mW/650nm kit plus our AUTOMATIC LASER LIGHT
SHOW: $99.
Coming soon. This kit functions similarly to our previous stepper
motor kit but has improvements to the driver electronics that can
allow larger motors to be driven more efficiently, with much reduced
loading on the computers parallel port, together with 2.5kV opto
isolation between the stepper driving circuit and the computer.
Previous purchasers may contact us for a simple modification to
greatly reduce the loading on the computer’s parallel port. PCB and
all on board components kit plus software and information: $39,
or $49 with two M35 motors included!
New USA made wands fitted with 2.5m long curly cord terminated in a 5-pin 240 degree DIN plug, with optical sensor, visible
red LED, a photo IC detector, & precision aspheric optics.
Converts barcodes into a digital pulse train as it is manually
swept across the barcode. Employs a sapphire tip, pot size is
0.19mm. Output is open collector TTL/CMOS compatible & the
wand needs to be powered from 5V. $45.
Used high resolution US-made night vision tubes with some
blemishes together with a high-voltage generator kit. Have either
25 or 40mm diameter, fibre-optically coupled input and output
windows. Use to test infrared remote controls without lensing or
as a cheap IR viewer with lensing. Produce a good image in low
light, need IR illumination in dark places: $40.
Jewellers eyepiece: $3, Twin lens loupes: 50mm $8, 75mm $12,
110mm $15. The set of 4: $30.
400mCd: $1.50 each or 10 for $10.
1Cd red: 10 for $4. 300mCd green: $1.10 ea or 10 for $7 (make
white light by mixing output of red green & blue). 3Cd red: $1.10
ea or 10 for $7. 3Cd yellow (small torch!) also available in 3mm:
10 for $9. Super bright flashing LEDs: $1.50 ea or 10 for $10.
This four-door central locking kit is a commercial product that
includes 2 master and 2 slave actuators, wiring loom, control unit,
necessary hardware and instructions: $60.
The UHF REMOTE CONTROL KIT has a switched relay output for
operating an alarm etc, an indicator output for driving a buzzer etc,
and logic level outputs for operating the CENTRAL LOCKING KIT.
Comes with a ready-made transmitter with two pushbuttons (lock,
relay on - unlock, relay off), and a receiver PCB and all on-board
components. 5 LEDs make for easy tuning and diagnostics: $35.
SIREN KIT, includes speaker $12.
New 12V/2.3Ah Panasonic sealed lead-acid rechargeable video
batteries at a fraction of their real value. 180(L) x 60(H) x 22(W)mm,
0.67kg, made in Japan. The contacts (which are easily solderable)
are at one end of the battery. $10 each. Now that’s a bargain but what
about two of these batteries plus one intelligent GEL/LEAD-ACID
BATTERY CHARGER for a total of $25!!
Fresh stock 7Ah battery (150 x 95 x 65mm, 2.7kg) plus one GEL/
One 20A motor speed controller kit (similar to SC June 97) $18,
plus two small new 12VDC motors (40mm dia. 40mm length)
plus one used car windscreen wiper motor (which has internal
gear reduction) for: $32.
A professional mostly SM PCB that contains a 5W amplifier based
on a TDA1905 IC, and a separate audio preamplifier section. We
also provide a prewired high quality unidirectional electret microphone that has a wind filter and a mounting clip. A small speaker
and basic hook-up information is also included. Appears to have
been designed for a communications system. Great for many
applications including a two-way intercom (2 required) that does
not require switching! Available at less than the cost of the electret
microphone: $15 each, 2 for $24.
Large 2-3mW HeNe laser head plus a compact potted US made
laser power supply. The head plugs into the supply, and two wires
are connected to 240V mains. Needs 3-6V/5mA DC to enable.
Bargain: $100.
Brand new complete laser engine as used in laser printers.
Includes a Polygon scanner motor with Xtal controlled driver
PCB, 5mW/780nm laser diode in collimated housing mirrors/
mirrors lenses etc. Information on how to make the motor and
laser operational included. Bargain at $35.
Modern design compact (145 x 80 x 50mm), totally enclosed in a
perforated metal case, 12VDC/2A & 5VDC/5A out: $17. The same
power supply installed within a flat PC type white powder-coated
metal box, 380(L) x 365(W) x 55(H)mm, is also available: $20.
The cheapest way to get a BLUE-GREEN LASER beam! These used
Argons have around 30mW output (may require licensing!!) and
are guaranteed for 6 months. A power supply for these is based
on a transformer with 80V<at>2A and 3V<at>20A secondaries. Ring
or email for more information. Head only: $250.
Make your own mini TV station with this metal-cased, commercial
transmitter with telescopic antenna. Dimensions 123 x 70 x 20mm,
12V operation. Includes power switch, indicator LED, RCA audio
and video connectors, twin RCA-RCA lead. Our 32mm AUDIO
PREAMPLIFIER kit ($8) (comes with an electret microphone), and
a CCD camera will complete the station. Transmitter $30 or $20
when purchased with a CCD camera. REGULATED 10.4V-500mA
PLUGPACK to power the whole system: $10.
Compact high resolution 5" screen B/W audio and video monitor.
Has two-way audio, built in microphone, audio amplifier, speaker
and pushbutton “talk” switch. Needs a preamplifier and microphone
for remote audio monitoring (our 32mm audio preamplifier is
ideal). Has two camera inputs to allow manual or auto switching
(adjustable speed) between each camera. Needs 12V DC 1A (our
switched mode supply is ideal), size 160 x 190 x 150mm, has audio
and video outputs for connecting to a VCR etc. Monitor and 6-way
mini input connector only: $125.
YES, NEW 650nm kit!!!: Very bright! Complete laser pointer
that works from 3-4V DC. Includes 650nm/5mW laser diode,
new handheld case 125 x 39 x 25mm, adjustable collimator
lens, PCB battery holder: $35.
learning remote control: $25 for PCB and all on-board components,
used PIR to suit: $12.
New IR (880nm) LEDs have an output about equal to our old 42
LED IR illuminator: $14.
An $8 kit that produces a “line level” signal from an electret microphone, connect the output to our:
UHF VIDEO TRANSMITTER ($30) or $20 when bought with the
camera for a complete Audio-Video link.
An LM386 based $9 audio power amplifier which can directly drive
a speaker – needs the 32mm preamplifier. WHAT IS 32mm? All
boards are 32mm, so you can house these kits in a plastic 32mm
joiner: cheap plumbing part.
This kit has the same circuit as our “visible laser diode kit”
but has a smaller circuit board allowing it to be fitted into a
piece of tubing. Dimensions of the board are less than 25mm
wide/50mm long. 650nm/5mW laser diode. 3V operation. $29.
Back by popular demand! POLL: 02 95707910 and 02 95794985.
Ref EA Aug. 96. Data logger/sampler, connects to PC parallel port,
samples over a 0-2V or 0-20V range at intervals of one/hour to
one/100µs. Monitor battery charging, make a 5kHz scope, etc!
Kit includes on-board components, PCB, plastic box and software
(3.5" disk): (K90) $30.
Works on dogs and most animals, ref SC Feb 96. PCB and all onboard components, transformer, electret mic & horn piezo tweeter:
(K77) $43, extra tweeters (drives 4): $7 each. Approved 13.8V/1A
DC plugpack (PP6) $10. UHF REMOTE TRIGGER Single channel
Rx and Tx: (K77T) $40.
Our famous MAR-6 based masthead amplifier. 2-section PCB (so
power supply section can be indoors) and components kit (KO3)
$15. Suitable plugpack (PP2): $6. Weatherproof box: (HB4) $2.50.
Box for power supply: (HB1) $2.50. Rabbit-ears antenna (RF2) $7.
(MAR-6 available separately.)
Commercial quality 10-15m range, used but tested and guaranteed,
have open collector transistor (BD139) output and a tamper switch,
12V operation, circuit provided: $10.
US amorphous glass solar panels with backing glass terminating
clips, etc – a solar panel kit. On SPECIAL: $20 each or 4 for $60.
Converts the output of any IR remote control to UHF. Self-contained
transmitter attaches to IR remote. Kit includes two PCBs, all components, 2 plastic boxes, Velcro strap: (K89) $39. (9V battery not
included). Plugpack for Rx (PP10): $11.
Back in stock late this month! Standard 32 x 4 character displays
using Hitachi ICs. ON SPECIAL: $18.
Professional, fully assembled and tested fast NICAD battery charger
and discharger PCB assembly. Switchmode circuit, surfaced mounted on a double-sided PCB. Nominal unregulated input 13.7V DC,
900mA charge current. Appears to use voltage slope detection for
charge terminating, also has a timer (4060) to terminate the charge.
We supply a thermistor for temperature sensing. For fast-charging
7.2V AA nicads. Basic information provided. Incredible pricing:
$9 each or 3 for $21.
New, compact plastic pump with a 240V AC 50Hz 0.8A 91W 2650
RPM induction motor attached. Probably a washing machine part.
Very quiet operation, made in Japan, overall dimensions 160 x 90 x
90mm, weight 1.2kg, inlet 25mm diameter, outlet 20mm diameter.
Other end of motor has 20mm-long 4mm dia. shaft. Motor can be
rewound for lower AC voltage and or reduced power operation without disassembling the unit. We calculated 5.5 turns per volt: $19.
High quality “Thomson” brand, 576 x 550 pixels with antiblooming, with full data but no circuit suggestions available,
usable response from 400-1100nm, 30dB S/N at 40 millilux,
2/3" optics compatible format: $35.
The best “value for money” CCD camera on the market! Come and
see us for a comparison to any cheaper models advertised! Tiny
CCD camera, 0.1 lux, IR responsive, high resolution. This camera
has a metal lens housing (not plastic) and performs better than
many cheaper models. The pinhole lensed version of this camera is
also available for the same price: $120. SALES TAX EXEMPT PRICE
FOR EITHER OF THE ABOVE IS: $99. If you need different lenses,
ring and ask!! COMING: A lower priced high-quality Standard or
Pinhole CCD camera Quality product for under $100. Fax/ring or
email for more info.
Ref: EA Nov/Dec 94 (intelligent battery charger). Efficiently charge
12-24V batteries from solar panels but can also be used with
simple car battery chargers to prevent overcharging. Extremely
high efficiency due to the very efficient MOSFET switch & Schottky
isolation diode. We now offer a 7.5A or 15A kit: $26/$29 (K09).
CA3140 MOSFET input op amp: 5 for $5. TL494 switchmode power
supply IC: 5 for $5. NE555 timer IC: 10 for $5. ICL7106 LCD display
driver: $5. ICL7107 LED display driver: $5. IRFZ44 MOSFETS: 60V,
0.028 ohm on resistance, 50A: 10 for $30.
This high-quality CCD camera is built over 3 boards which are joined
with a flexible cable that can be folded into a very compact camera.
Head board: 42 x 20.5mm, lens height: 24mm. Main board: 42 x
42 x 9mm. Power board 42 x 20.5 x 8.8mm. SPECIAL introductory
price: $350 (less with ST exemption).
PO Box 89, Oatley NSW 2223
Phone (02) 9584 3563
Fax (02) 9584 3561
480 x 128 LCDs
Hitachi LM215 dot matrix LCD displays. Clearance: $15 each,
3 for $35.
relay contact outputs! Can be directly connected to a VCR or via a
orders by e-mail: oatley<at>
major cards with phone and fax orders, P&P typically $6.
August 1997 65
Remote controlled
gates for your home
Don’t you just love the idea of remotecontrolled gates? There is your stately
mansion, secure behind heavy wrought iron
gates. You roll up in your Lexus ES400 and
the gates slowly swing open as if by magic. As
you pass through, the gates swing shut again
and you are secure inside your domain.
Well, OK you might not have a
stately mansion nor a Lexus ES400 for
that matter but the idea of remote controlled gates is still pretty attractive,
isn’t it? Even if you just have ordinary
gates, someone, probably you, has to
open and close them each time you
pass through. That’s not too pleasant
on a cold, wet winter’s night. Now
66 Silicon Chip
you can add remote control.
Just think of the extra prestige automatic gates will add to your home.
It’s quite common for people to have
automatic garage doors but you can
go one better with automatic gates.
Of course, anyone can have automatic gates fitted to their home but
surprise, surprise, they cost big dol-
lars. The system presented here can
be obtained at a fraction of the cost
and you will end up with the added
satisfaction of building it yourself.
Mechanical concept
The basic mechanical parts required to motorise your gates are a
pair of 12V DC wiper motors from a
car and a pair of scissor jacks, again
from cars. You can pick these up very
cheaply from car wreckers. You can
buy them more cheaply at trash and
treasure sales because these people
think they’re selling junk! But you
know better. The wiper motors and
scissor jacks for the gates shown in
the accompanying photos cost just
$12.00. Cheap, huh?
Fig.1 shows the concept. The wiper
motor is attached to the moving gate
while one section of the scissor jack
is attached to the gate post. The wiper
Fig.1: this diagram shows the general concept for the motorised gates. The wiper
motor is attached to the moving gate while one section of the scissor jack is
attached to the gate post. The wiper motor drives the threaded shaft of the jack
to pull the gate open or shut. You need one wiper motor and one scissor jack
mechanism for each gate.
motor drives the threaded shaft of the
jack to pull the gate open or shut. You
need one wiper motor and one scissor
jack mechanism for each gate.
The photos illustrate the concept.
The prototype gates are in front of a
carport but the idea can be used anywhere, in inner-Sydney Paddington
or on a country property out the back
of Bourke.
Since DC motors are used to motorise the gates, it is a simple matter to
open or close them by changing the
current direction through the motors.
Beside the scissor jacks and automotive wiper motors alrea
dy mentioned, you will need a couple of
universal joints as found in standard
1/2-inch drive socket spanner sets and
a few pieces of steel and bolts to clamp
the jack sections to the gate posts. The
scissor jacks should ideally have a
1/ -inch shank to match the universal
joint – it will make your job a little
easier later.
Making the drive system
OK; you’ve got the wiper motors,
universal joints, jacks and some
steel. Despite the fact that the job
is involved with metals, it is not a
massive task. You will be impressed
when you see your little toy pushing
and pulling the gates. Fig.2 shows the
drive system in cross-section. The
steps you must follow are:
(1) Disassemble the universal joint.
(2) Centre punch into the universal
joint at the male end.
(3) Drill and tap the square shank
of the universal to fit the threaded
section of the motor shaft. These
steps will align the motor shaft to the
universal joint before they are welded
(4) Disassemble the scissor jacks to
obtain the wanted parts. Use a hacksaw or an angle grinder to cut away
the unwanted sections.
(5) After you have removed the
threaded shafts from the jacks, you
need to make one end of the shaft
square to fit to the female end of the
universal joints.
As noted above, some jacks come
with a square drive so they are the
type to go for. Also make sure that
the screwed shaft has good “square
section” threads. Some jacks are very
flimsy and have a very shallow thread
ed portion; they should be avoided.
(6) Measure the depth of the female
end. Mark one side of the universal
joint at about half of the depth. Drill
at the marked point into the female
end through the shaft to fit a suitable
split pin.
(7) Reassemble the universal joint.
Drive system assembly
The next task is to assemble the various parts to make a workable drive.
One section of the jack is used to hold
the threaded bearing for the shaft to
wind through. This section is welded
August 1997 67
Fig.2: the drive system depends on universal joint to couple the wiper
motor to the threaded drive shaft.
to a clamp attached to the gate post.
The method of attachment is up to
you. You can either weld or drill holes
and fit bolts, depending on whether
you have wooden or metal gates.
The distance between the pole to
the threaded bearing is approximately
two-thirds the length of the threaded
shaft. You will have to allow for movement of the threaded bearing in the
supporter slot, to allow for the change
in the angle of the threaded shaft. The
steps are as follows:
(1) Thread the shaft into the tapped
hole in the universal drive shank and
then weld them together.
(2) Bolt the base of the motor to
the gate, as shown in the photos. The
distance between the position of the
motor on the gate to the hitch should
be approximately half the threaded
shaft length.
(3) Wind the shaft through the
threaded bearing about half of the
length, then open the gate toward the
shaft, place the shaft into the female
end of the universal joint and then fit
the split pin to connect them together.
1 single channel UHF
transmitter kit; available from
Oatley Electronics.
1 single channel UHF receiver
module (Oatley Electronics)
1 PC board, code 15108971,
122 x 99mm
4 SPDT 12V PC-mount relays
2 12V DC wiper motors
2 10A fuses
2 scissor jacks
1 universal joint and split pin
(see text)
1 AX5328 decoder (IC5) (Oatley
2 74HC00 quad 2-input NAND
gates (IC1,IC2)
1 74HC20 dual 4-input NAND
gate (IC3)
1 74HC107 dual JK flipflop (IC4)
68 Silicon Chip
1 7805 5V regulator (IC6)
4 BC337 NPN transistors
5 1N4004 diodes
1 1N914, 1N4148 small signal
diode (D6)
1 1000µF 16VW electrolytic
4 2.2µF 25VW electrolytic
1 1µF 25VW electrolytic
1 0.47µF metallised polyester
5 0.1µF monolithic
Resistors (0.25W, 5%)
4 2.2kΩ
2 1kΩ 5-pin resistor arrays (RN1,
1 1kΩ
1 100Ω
Besides making the connection,
the split pin is a vital feature of the
system. If it ever jams or fails due to
loss of power or other cause, you will
always be able to open the gates by
removing the split pins.
(4) To test the gate, connect the
motor to a 12V car battery. Make the
motor run forward and reverse a few
times by changing the polarity, making sure that it is not jammed.
Normally a wiper motor requires
about 5A or so and you will have
two motors drawing this current. To
power them, you will need a 12V car
battery on permanent trickle charge,
say at around 100mA or so. By using
a car battery you will not be shut out
of your home if there is a blackout
and there is little chance of the circuit
ever locking up in the case of voltage
spikes on the mains supply.
Note that most wiper motors these
days have two-speed operation.
Choose the speed to give the smoothest operation of your gates.
Circuit details
The circuitry to control your gates
is built around the single channel
UHF remote control featured in the
February 1996 issue of SILICON CHIP.
This used an AX5326 encoder chip in
a keyring transmitter and an AX5328
decoder on a small PC board populated with surface mount components.
Both these items can be obtained from
Oatley Electronics – phone (02) 9584
3563 or fax (02) 9584 3561.
The AX5328 receiver board is
mounted on a large PC board with
a few logic chips and four relays to
control the two wiper motors. The
circuit of this board is shown in Fig.3.
While we show the circuit powered from a transformer with two
windings, the whole circuit can be
powered from a 12V car battery, as
noted above. To do this, delete the
transformer and the bridge rectifiers
and connect the battery to the points
marked +12V and VM+.
Note that the whole circuit could
also be operated without the UHF
remote control by pushbutton SW3.
You will need to refer to the February 1996 article for the details of the
UHF transmitter and receiver circuits.
When the transmitter button is press
ed, the output of IC5, the AX5328,
will go high.
In essence, the circuit consists of
two JK flipflops in IC4 and four RS
Fig.3: the circuit depends on a UHF receiver and decoder which drive several
RS flipflops based on IC1 and IC2. These in turn control four relays which
switch power to the motors to operate them in either one direction or the other.
flipflops based on NAND gate packages IC1 & IC2. All these flipflops are
reset when power is first applied.
IC4b is used to debounce push
button switch SW3. Assuming the cir
cuit has been power reset, all flipflops
will be cleared (ie, all Q outputs low)
with SW1 and SW2 opened (gates
If a valid signal is detected by decoder IC5, pin 17 will go high and this
is inverted by IC3a to trigger flipflop
IC4b. This makes flipflop IC4a toggle;
August 1997 69
from high to low and the RS flipflops
based on IC1c/1d and IC2b/2c will
be toggled via C11. Relays RLY2 and
RLY4 will operate and the gate motors
will be driven in the opposite direction until the flipflops are again reset
by the limit switches SW1 & SW2.
PC board assembly
Fig.4: the parts layout for the PC board. Take care to ensure all polarised
parts are installed correctly.
ie, its outputs change state, with Q
(pin 3) going high and pin 2 going low.
This causes the two RS flipflops
based on IC1a/1b & IC2a/2d to change
state after being toggled by IC4a’s
Q-bar signal via capacitor C12. As
a result relays RLY1 and RLY3 will
operate. Both motors now run until
the above RS flipflops are reset by the
limit switches SW1 and SW2. These
switches are installed on the gates
so they can reset the flipflops when
the gates are completely opened (or
With the flipflops reset, relays RLY1
and RLY3 are opened to stop the
motors. The output of 4-input NAND
IC3b gate also resets flipflop IC4b so
that it can accept another input signal
for closing the gates.
When the transmit button is pressed
again, pin 3 of IC4a will change state
You will need a wiper motor, a universal
joint and a threaded shaft from a scissor
jack to make each drive system.
70 Silicon Chip
In describing this project, we will
assume that you have the February
1996 issue and therefore will have
the construction information for the
UHF transmitter and receiver module.
The motor control part of the circuit,
as shown on Fig.3, is accommodated
on a PC board coded 15108971 and
measuring 122 x 99mm.
The component layout for the PC
board is shown in Fig.4. This has the
UHF receiver module mounted at one
end and the four relays at the other.
Check the board for any open
circuit tracks or undrilled holes and
fix any defects before inserting components. This done, fit all the wire
links and the PC stakes for external
connections. Next, fit the resistors,
the two resistor arrays and the diodes.
The next step is to fit the capacitors,
noting that the electrolytics must have
the correct polarity. The four transistors, the ICs and the relays can now
be installed.
Note that the UHF receiver module
should be left out until after the PC
board has been fully tested.
To test the unit, first connect a
20cm test wire to the edge GND pin
on the board. This wire will be used
to trigger or reset the flipflops being
tested. This done, connect 12V DC to
the AC input connector, then check
to see that +5V is present at pin 14 of
IC1, 2, 3 & 4 and pin 18 of IC5.
If all is OK so far then try grounding
the SW3 pin with the test wire. This
simulates a valid input signal being
received. Two of the relays should
operate. Assuming relays RLY1 and
RLY3 did, then reset them by grounding the SW1A and SW2A terminals.
This simulates the operation of the
limit switches.
Now ground the SW3 pin again
and relays RLY2 and RLY4 should
operate. Again, you can reset them by
grounding the SW1B and SW2B pins.
If the above steps didn’t work, then
you have to check the individual flipflops and you can check to see that the
The motor attaches to the gate and drives the shaft to pull
the gate open or closed. Note the split pin which enables
the universal joint to be uncoupled. We suggest that a
metal guard be fitted over each drive shaft to prevent the
possibility of accidental injury.
The wiper motors are weatherproofed by metal boxes
which give a tidy presentation (see photo on page 66). The
drive shafts will need to be kept well greased. A sliding
rubber boot inside a metal guard would provide good
protection for the shafts.
flipflop outputs are high or low with
your multimeter.
If the flipflops are all working correctly, you may have to check that
the transistors are all switching on
when they should and finally, that
there are no open circuits in the relay
Assuming that all checks are OK,
you can now install the UHF receiver
module on the PC board. Finally, test
the whole circuit once again with your
remote control.
Electrical installation
The control box should be located
near the battery and indoors or under
cover, to keep it out of the weather.
It is suggested that all cables be run
through plastic conduits and fuses
must be included, as shown on the
circuit. You will need flexible conduit
at the gates themselves. The cables
should be 4mm auto wire or thicker, to
avoid unwanted voltage drops when
the motors are running.
You have a number of choices when
it comes installing the limit switches
SW1 and SW2. Perhaps the easiest is
to use a pair of microswitches each
for SW1 and SW2 and have them
operated by the gates when they are
fully opened and fully closed.
When the whole circuit is wired
up, check the gate operation carefully
using the manual switch SW3 and
then the UHF remote control. Finally,
fit metal guards over each drive shaft
to prevent accidental injury.
Fig.5: this is the full size etching pattern for the PC board.
PLEASE NOTE: although we have produced a PC board pattern for this
contributed design, the circuit has not actually been built or tested by Silicon
Chip Publications.
August 1997 71
Onkyo AC-3 home theatre receiver
Amber Technology has
announced the Onkyo
Integra TX-DS838 Home
Theatre Receiver, with
Dolby Digital (AC-3)
Surround decoding,
dual DSP processors
and 12 surround modes.
The discrete output circuitry of
the TX-DS838 delivers 100W RMS
per channel in stereo mode or 90W
RMS to the front left, centre and right
channels and 50W RMS to each of
the rear channels in surround mode.
The non-NFB (negative feedback)
power amplifiers feature dual inverted Darling
ton circuitry. Heavy-duty
power supplies feature an automatic
cooling fan which switches on under
heavy loads to prevent overheating.
The TX-DS838 is equipped with
dual 24-bit Motorola 56009 and
56004 DSP chips working in unison
to provide improved DSP processing
capability. There are twelve digital
surround modes: Dolby Digital Surround AC-3, AC-3 Action, AC-3 Drama, AC-3 Musical, Dolby Pro Logic,
Pro Logic Action, Pro Logic Drama,
Pro Logic Musical, Hall, Live, Arena
and Stadium.
The receiver features comprehensive video signal routing and switching, with four video and eight audio
inputs. A front-panel input (Video
4) is provided for easy connection
Laptop computer
Premier Batteries has introduced
laptop computer batteries to their
range of products. This new range
is compatible with Toshiba, Com
paq, IBM, NEC and Macintosh
The new batteries are fitted with
the latest Nickel Metal Hydride
cells, giving performance and run
times said to be equal to or better
than provided by the original
batteries. All batteries are direct
replacements for the original product and carry the comprehensive
Premier warranty.
For further information, contact
72 Silicon Chip
and playback from a Camcorder. A
3-page on-screen display offers easyto-follow adjustment of all operating
ameters. Intelligent Power Management automatically activates the
entire AV system when the connected
television is switched on.
The Onkyo TX-DS838 measures
435 x 175 x 428mm, weighs 15kg, is
finished in black brushed or burnished
gold aluminium, and has a recommended retail price of $2999.00.
For further information, contact
Amber Technology, Unit B, 5 Skyline
Place, Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086.
Phone (02) 9975 1211; fax (02) 9975
Visio Technical for
schematic diagrams
Premier Batteries Pty Ltd, 9/15
Childs Rd, Chipping Norton, NSW
2170. Phone (02) 9755 1845; fax
(02) 9755 1354.
Based on drag and drop technology, Visio Technical 4.5 allows users
to quickly create 2-D drawings and
technical sche
matics, without the
long learning curve normally associated with CAD software. The package
comes with more than 2000 “Smart
Shapes” (including electrical and
electronic symbols), organised into
78 task-specific stencils. Drawings
are created by dragging and dropping
the symbols you want from the stencil
library along the lefthand edge of the
screen and onto the drawing area to
the right.
According to Visio, the SmartShape
symbols resize without distorting. The
technology also ensures that sections
of shapes appear or remain hidden
as needed and that text goes where it
belongs. Naturally, you can also create your own SmartShapes using the
inbuilt SmartShape Wizard.
A powerful set of drawing tools is
included for creating custom shapes
and the program features automatic
layout and intelligent line routing.
This means that the program can
automatically reposition shapes and
connecting lines as required.
AutoCAD compatibility is another
feature and the program can both import and export AutoCAD file formats.
In addition, there are import filters for
files created in CorelDRAW, Corel
FLOW, Micrografx Designer and ABC
Flowcharter. Files can be imported
and exported in a variety of formats,
including BMP/DIB, CGM, EPS/AI,
and WMF.
As might be expected these days,
Visio Technical 4.5 supports Internet
publishing and you can save drawings as HTML files with linked image
maps, or as GIF, JPEG or PNG graphics.
There’s also support for TrueType
and other Windows fonts, an inbuilt
spelling checker and improved colour
formatting with new gradient fills.
Visio Technical 4.5 runs under Windows 95 and Windows NT. A 16-bit
version of the program (Visio Technical 4.1) is also included in the package
on a separate CD ROM for Windows
3.1x users. The recommended retail
price is $499 or users can upgrade from
previous versions for $249.
For further information, contact
Visio International Inc., Level 17, 275
Alfred St, North Sydney 2060. Phone
1800 551 976.
Mitsubishi’s video
A new projector from Mitsubishi
Electric is now available. With a screen
projection diagonal of up to 762cm
(300 inches), the projector can create
an image which is over 10 times larger
Manufactured in Australia
Comprehensive data available
Harbuch Electronics Pty Ltd
9/40 Leighton Pl. HORNSBY 2077
Ph (02) 9476-5854 Fx (02) 9476-3231
than current 68cm TV sets.
Mitsubishi’s Liquid Crystal Polymer
Composite (LCPC) projector has an extremely bright image because, unlike
conventional projectors, it does not
require a polariser and thus uses light
more efficiently.
The Mitsubishi projector can be
connected to a TV, VCR, video camera, laser disc player, PC or (when it
is released in the future) to a Digital
Video Disc player.
The projector is multi-system compatible (NTSC, PAL and SECAM) and
can connect to a variety of computer
platforms (eg VGA, Mac 13", NEC 98).
Other features include a manual zoom,
focus adjustment and volume control.
The Mitsubishi LCPC Projector has
Model KSN 1141
The new Powerline series of Motorola’s
2kHz Horn speakers incorporate protection
circuitry which allows them to be used safely
with amplifiers rated as high as 400 watts.
This results in a product that is practically
blowout proof. Based upon extensive testing,
Motorola is offering a 36 month money back
guarantee on this product should it
burn out.
Frequency Response: 1.8kHz - 30kHz
Av. Sens: 92dB <at> 1m/2.83v (1 watt <at> 8Ω)
Max. Power Handling Capacity: 400W
Max. Temperature: 80°C
Typ. Imp: appears as a 0.3µF capacitor
Typical Frequency Response
Freedman Electronics Pty Ltd, PO Box 3, Rydalmere NSW 2116. Phone: (02) 9638 6666.
August 1997 73
a recommended retail price of $10,999
and is available from selected electrical re
tailers. For more information,
contact Mitsubishi Electric on 1 800
811 212.
CAN interfaces
for PCs
National Instruments has announced the first available PCI-based
and ISA-based Windows 95 Plug and
Play-compatible interfaces to connect PCs to Controller Area Network
(CAN) devices. The PCI-Can (for
Windows NT/95 PCs) and AT-CAN
(for Windows 95 PCs) meet the physical and electrical requirements for
in-vehicle networks based on CAN.
The AT-CAN includes full Windows 95 Plug and Play compatibility,
giving users the benefits of automatic
configuration for easier installation
and maintenance. The PCI-CAN and
AT-CAN include NI-CAN driver software, which provides a high-level
application programming interface
(API) for reading and writing data
frames on the CAN bus. Both are
compatible with LabVIEW and
LabWindows/CVI, as well as other
RF Products
FMTX1 Kit $49
Single transistor 2.5 Watt Tx free
running 12v-24V DC. FM band
88-108MHz. 500mV RMS audio
FMTX2A Kit $49
A digital stereo coder using
discrete components. XTAL
locked subcarrier. Compatible
with all our transmitters.
FMTX2B Kit $49
3 stage XTAL locked 100MHz
FM band 30mW output. Aust
pre-emphasis. Quality specs.
Optional 50mW upgrade $5.
FMTX5 Kit $98
Both a FMTX2A & FMTX2B on 1
PCB. Pwt & audio routed.
FME500 Kit $499
Broadcast specs. PLL 0.5 to 1
watt output narrowcast TX kit.
Frequency set with Dip Switch.
220 Linear Amp Kit $499
2-15 watt output linear amp
for FM band 50mW input.
Simple design uses hybrid.
SG1 Kit $399
Broadcast quality FM stereo
coder. Uses op amps with
selectable pre-emphasis.
Other linear amps and kits
available for broadcasters.
74 Silicon Chip
industry-standard programming
These products give users PCbased connectivity to communi
cations networks that are becoming
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August 1997 75
The philosophy of R/C
transmitter programming
This month we will look at some of the
principles involved in the programming of
the modern R/C transmitter. We discuss the
use of memories and initial R/C model setup
for best flying response.
In the course of my radio service
work I spend a lot of time listening to
tales of woe from concerned or frustrated customers, so much so that, like
doctors, you begin to feel that the only
people (or R/C systems) in the world
are those who are unwell.
This can be depressing at times and
it must be a real problem for doctors.
However, in my work as an R/C system
designer, I find these tales very important because I can do something to
help and I have used the information
gathered to great effect in recent years.
The work we did on third-order intermodulation came out of the endless
murmurings and hand wringing that
surfaced in the lead-up to the MAAA
Frequency Subcommittee conference
in Sunbury, Vic. The very popular AM
versus FM articles, which are now being picked up by overseas magazines,
arose from a South Australian reader’s
letter. This poor fellow was under intense pressure from the technocrats in
his club who were telling him to get rid
of his “inferior” AM equipment and
buy the new all-singing, all-dancing
FM gear.
The transmitter intermodulation
articles came to light as a result of
the uncertainties that triggered the
reluctance of the clubs to accept the
earlier issue Keyboards and my subsequent investigations to arrive at the
76 Silicon Chip
truth of the matter. As a result, the
new highly modified Issue 4 Keyboard
has gained wide acceptance amongst
those previously reluctant clubs and
is thus alleviating the worries about
transmitter intermodulation for clubs
across Australia.
Because I was prepared to listen to
the worries, investigate and report on
what I saw as the truth, those SILICON
CHIP articles have completely transformed the way things are being done
in clubs all around Australia. There is
renewed interest in 29MHz operation;
AM no longer carries the stigma imposed by the FM sales hype; 3rd order
intermodulation interference (3OI) is
a thing of the past in most clubs and
transmitter intermodulation is now
well understood.
However, in the words of one
member of the trade, the transmitter
intermodulation articles “created a
storm” and there are now opposing
points of view circulating in the R/C
Some members of the trade are
not too happy about those articles
because they have shifted the emphasis to dual-conversion receivers for
operation on 36MHz and those in the
trade not supplying dual-conversion
36MHz receivers are walking around
with noses severely out of joint. At the
top of the list of these trade members
is Bob Young of Silvertone Electronics,
who does not yet have a dual-conversion Rx in his range.
This is interesting because it is
being whispered in certain quarters
that Bob Young of SILICON CHIP fame
is pushing the Tx intermodulation
line to help Silvertone sales. Wearing
two hats is a trying process at times.
Now let’s get onto the main theme of
programming transmitters. There are a
wide range of people engaged in R/C
activities. Some just need a toy to play
with for a few hours to take their mind
off work or home pressures. Others,
like the dedicated international level
contest modeller, need the very best
that technology can provide for that
competitive edge. In the middle is a
vast array of wants and needs.
Sadly, modern mass-production
and marketing techniques tend to
constrain development so that the
needs of the many tend to be forced
along lines dictated by the needs of
the few. Such is the case in modern
transmitter development and now the
beginner and sports flier is faced with
a choice of the computerised monster
more suited for the international competitor or nothing.
It was to bridge this gap that I designed the Mk.22 transmitter which
we have covered in past columns.
Unfortunately, whilst that transmitter
fulfilled the necessary technical role,
the high cost of manufacture in this
country has lifted it out of the beginners’ price bracket.
Having listened and established
that there is much unhappi
n ess
regarding the programming of the
Fig.1: servo error should be minimised by transmitting the
maximum number of steps available and using the mechanical
linkages to reduce the control surface travel. This also stiffens the
linkage in regards to control flutter.
Fig.2: An off-centre servo will give unequal throw about neutral
and will call for less than ideal settings in the transmitter.
modern computer radio, let us see
what can be done to ease some of the
burden. This month we will look at
the fundamental principles of programming transmitters and some of
the common complaints associated
with this programming.
As programming begins with the
model design, we will start from the
very beginning.
Crook manuals
The single most common complaint
that I receive is that the instruction
manuals are almost incomprehensible. Add this to the fact that the
programs are now so complex and it’s
not hard to understand why so many
people are completely overwhelmed
by the whole business. One customer told me that he had flattened the
Tx battery three times just trying to
program exponential control into his
elevators. Another told me that she
had locked out all functions except
basic 4-channel operation.
The poor quality of the factory
manuals has driven several people
to completely rewrite the manuals
for some systems, so have a look at
what is available in the model shops
for your system. There is an excellent
manual written in good English by
Don Edberg for the Futaba Super-7
system, for example. Not only does it
show how to program in easy logical
steps but also gives the theoretical and
practical reasons for using each of the
programming functions.
There is no doubt that the computerised encoder is by far the best method
of encoding and a virtual must for the
serious competitive modeller. However, in trying to make the transmitter
all things for all people, the manufacturers have completely lost the plot
in regard to a simple transmitter for
the beginner and sports flier. So let
us look at some of the fundamentals
in order to simplify programming for
these two groups.
Model memory
One of the very interesting developments in the computer encoder is
that of model memory. This allows
each program to be stored in a separate
memory so that the program may be
recalled when needed.
This has opened new avenues
for the contest flier in that multiple
configurations of a single model may
be stored in separate memories and
changed in flight. Thus, an F3B model
may be configured for towline launch,
cruise, endurance, speed or landing
(crow), all at the touch of a button or
flick of a switch.
This is pretty powerful stuff considering that six to eight servos may be
involved with multiple point mixing
on most of these servos. Programming
such a model takes years of experience
and requires an excellent knowledge
of aerodynamics combined with a very
sound grasp of the ramifications of
swapping between programs.
At the club level, a more mundane
use of model memory is to be found.
This is the process of storing the flight
trims for each model so that when
each model is flown that program is
called up ready for use. This program
may also store such information as
direction of rotation of the servos,
channel allocation, servo travel length
and mixing ratios.
Now it is immediately apparent
that there is great danger here for the
absent-minded or the modeller who
is less than fully aware of the value
of preflight checking.
What if the model is flown with
the wrong program loaded? Controls
may be reversed, mixed incorrectly or
worse still, allocated to different channels. Anyone who has ever taken off
with the ailerons reversed can attest
to what happens next. I have done it
in my early days but God alone would
know how you would cope with a
channel wrongly allocated. Horror
stories abound in all clubs of models
flown with the wrong programs in
place and there is absolutely no excuse, for if the correct preflight checks
had been carried out the error would
have been found on the ground.
I am not a great fan of model memory for this type of application. At
the height of my contest flying career,
long before model memories were
invented, I flew aerobatic, helicopter
and pylon models all from the one
transmitter and on the same day. I
even refused to use “dual rate” because I believed that flying was pure
instinct and to learn to use two sets
of control responses only complicated
the learning process and diminished
the final performance.
I could also have used as many
transmitters as I needed (after all I
did manufacture the things) but again
I wanted that one transmitter to be a
part of me. I wanted no variations in
stick angles, stick movement, spring
pressures, switch placement or
transmitter weight or feel. I wanted
August 1997 77
Radio Control – continued
every hour of practice to reinforce my
familiarity with that one transmitter.
And it worked. I won many a contest
against some of Australia’s best fliers
of those days.
Setting up the model
The secret of my success was all
in the setting up of the model. Now
there are certain fundamentals which
are currently being ignored at club
level due to the fact that computer
transmitters permit sloppy practices
which are not in the best interest of
peak performance of any model.
The techno-junkie will revel in the
flexibility of the computer encoders.
Rudder too sensitive? No problem;
just dial in a 50% reduction in servo
travel. Elevator operating in the re
verse direction? No worries; just flip
it with servo reverse. And that is how
the program stays for the rest of the life
of the model. The next model is set up
just as casually with travel directions
flipped, etc and the stage is set for a
possible calamity.
The astute modeller will look at the
setting-up process from the design of
the model onwards, with a view to
maximising performance, reliability
and safety from the very outset. This
astute modeller will realise that dialling out 50% of the servo travel at
the transmitter end will immediately
double the amplifier minimum impulse and servo gear slop errors at the
servo end, reducing control accuracy
in flight and possibly exposing the
model to control flutter.
Our diligent modeller will instead
aim at minimising servo error by employing the maximum number of steps
available in the transmitter and using
the mechanical linkages to reduce the
control surface travel (see Fig.1). This
also stiffens the linkage in regards to
control flutter.
What our thinking modeller will
do is use the transmitter to quickly
establish the correct control throws
on the field by using the electronic
adjustments and then, when he arrives home, transfer these adjustments
into the mechanical linkages, paying
particular attention to setting all transmitter trim controls to neutral, setting
servo arms to 90° and resetting the
transmitter for maximum data transfer.
78 Silicon Chip
If your model flies with control surfaces and/or servos off centre, badly
balanced controls and more control
throw than is necessary, then it is
not correctly trimmed and you will
never be able to execute manoeuvres
properly. An off-centre servo will
give unequal throw about neutral (see
Fig.2) and again call for less than ideal
settings in the transmitter.
Of course, this can be very useful
for maintaining maximum resolution
in the transmitter under certain conditions but to leave it because of laziness
is wrong. Certainly small variations
can be accommodated without loss
of system integrity but the operative
word is “small”, if you care about top
Our thinking modeller will also realise that one day he or she is bound to
make a mistake. Thus, he will always
attempt to design each model so that
servo reversing is not necessary, at
least on all flying controls.
Suddenly, our astute modeller
realises that, in the event of the
wrong program being loaded, he has
sidestepped a potential accident as
a result of attention to good practice
and that perhaps he does not need
model memory anyway. Thus, we
have now greatly reduced the number
of programming steps required to set
up any one model.
Certainly this is the case for most
sports fliers and great care should be
exercised in not allowing yourself
to fall into the trap of the quick and
dirty fix. Programming makes it very
easy to slip into sloppy habits. Yes,
it is more tedious and yes it appears
to negate the major advantage of the
computer radio but long term success
is measured largely in the degree of
finesse that one applies to his trade.
Allied to the foregoing is the problem of using dual rate to cut down
on excessive control throw. Again,
the end result is to increase the servo
inaccuracy. The most impressive fliers that I have seen are those that let
the aircraft fly itself, interfering with
the controls only when necessary. Dr
Ralph Godkin showed me this back
in the early 1960s with the most
stunningly impressive display of low
flying I have ever witnessed – and on
reeds (not proportional) to boot.
Most modellers tend to use far too
much control throw with the result
that the flight looks jerky and out of
control. This particularly applies to
beginners and makes learning just
that much more difficult. Instead, the
controls should be adjusted so that
maximum throw is set to give the
desired result. For example, we were
required to complete three rolls in five
seconds in our aerobatic schedule.
In fact I found that I could get away
with three rolls in six seconds without
loss of points, so my maximum aileron
throw was set to give this result. Likewise, full elevator gave the minimum
loop diameter called for and so on.
Sure, square corners in the manoeuvres complicated things a little but
there are aerodynamic ways around
this. As a result of this philosophy
I extracted the maximum accuracy
from the R/C system combined with
the maximum rigidity of the control
Smooth flying
Consequently people always remarked on how smooth my flying
was and how crisp the exits from the
manoeuvre were. The problem arose
when other people wanted to fly my
models. On several occasions, very
experienced aerobatic pilots nearly
crashed my models because the controls were so soft that they did not have
enough control throw to complete the
manoeuvre they had started. I refused
to permit people to fly my models from
that point on.
Beginners need a little more control throw than this be
cause very
soft controls call for the pilot to be
in absolute control of all situations.
Too much control throw will make
the aircraft twitchy and difficult to
control and greatly increase learning
times. Striking the correct balance is
the important point and it is here that
a good instructor is crucial.
Thus the golden rule in programming your transmitter is to always
look well ahead and plan every step
with that one ultimate result fixed
firmly in your mind – that is, to maximise every aspect of the model’s
performance in order to make you
the most competent, impressive to
watch and safety conscious pilot in
your club.
Next month we will look at
the step-by-step details of proSC
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New life for an old Kriesler
A vintage radio receiver must be correctly
aligned if it is to function correctly. However,
many vintage radio enthusiasts neglect this
important procedure.
There are two types of vintage radio
collectors - those who do not do their
own repairs and those who do. Alf
started out being one of the former
but over a period of time has become
one of the latter. He has read up on
the subject, asked lots of questions
and is now doing reasonable repairs.
But Alf had a problem. He had
restored a 5-valve Kriesler mantel
receiver but it didn’t work very well
at the high frequency end of the dial,
although it functioned reasonably
well at the low frequency end.
Receiver alignment was a particular
problem for Alf. Despite the fact that
he had a very good signal generator
and various alignment instructions
to follow, he was unable to get on
with the job because he didn’t really
understand the instructions he had.
I can sympathise with anyone in this
situation because I have been there
My first receiver alignments were
total disasters due to not having the
right equipment on one hand and not
knowing what to do on the other.
The vague instructions I had at the
time summed up alignment by saying:
“adjust the iron cores or slugs at the
low frequency end of the dial and the
trimmers at the high frequency end.”
As the set being aligned didn’t have
iron cores in the aerial or oscillator
coils, that presented a problem. But
there were slugs in the intermediate
frequency (IF) transformers – and
one slug is as good as another when
an overconfident mug like me has
absolutely no idea of what he is doing.
So the IF transformer slugs were
twiddled at one end of the dial and
the trimmers twiddled the other. To
make matters worse, these adjustments were made at the wrong ends
of the dial.
This dial error was possibly caused
by my father who dabbled in radio in
his younger days. Dad always referred
to the low frequency end as the “top”
end of the dial – which it is if you
happen to be thinking wavelengths
in metres and not frequency in kHz.
Whatever the cause, my early attempts
at receiver alignment were not what
could be described as good and I was
guilty of totally misaligning a number
of receivers; that is, until I learned
how to do it correctly.
My turn to instruct
The Kriesler’s IF transformers were out of adjustment, to the extent that they
were double peaking. IF alignment is an important aspect of any receiver tune
up to ensure that the set performs correctly.
84 Silicon Chip
It’s all very well for those who have
been properly trained to be critical
but when it comes to alignment, it
is difficult for novices to find understandable instructions for receivers
that became obsolete half a century
ago. I blindly blundered on until a
kindly old bloke took pity on me and
showed me how it was done. Being
shown and being told are two different
things and the former is much easier
to comprehend.
So it looked as though it was my
turn to pass on the favour and show
Alf how to align his Kriesler mantel
One problem with receiver align-
This Kriesler mantel model from the mid-1960s is a commonly encountered
valve radio. Although this unit was fully restored, it lacked performance until
it was correctly aligned. It also required a valve replacement.
ment is that it varies from set to set
because the components themselves
changed as radio developed over the
years. Early superhets have air-cored
aerial and oscillator coils and may
also have a bandpass filter or a radio
frequency stage. In addition, the IF
transformers are tuned by adjusting
the variable capacitors that are placed
across each of the two transformer
If we go forward a little in time we
find that receivers no longer have
bandpass filters, while the IF transformers are adjusted with iron cores
and tuned to higher frequencies.
er, the aerial and oscillator
coils may still be air-cored.
Other varieties have iron cores in
the aerial and oscillator coils or, in
some instances, the oscillator coil
only. There are also dual-wave receivers of various types to worry about.
Confused? I know I was! Learning
vintage radio repairs from scratch
isn’t easy.
primary and secondary windings and,
instead of using a slug, the coil is
tuned by sliding the winding along the
rod. The oscillator coil is slug-tuned
with an iron core, as are the two IF
With the 5-valve Kriesler on the
workbench, an aerial was connected
to the set so that the problem could
be assessed. It was as Alf claimed and
performed poorly at the high frequency end of the tuning range.
A few preliminaries had to be taken
care of before commencing the alignment. First, some frequency checks
were made on Alf’s signal generator
using a modern receiver with a digital
readout. These checks indicated that
the little “Palace” transistorised signal
generator was quite accurate and that
it was well within the usual 2-3%
Alf’s Kriesler
Alf’s Kriesler was from the mid1960s and it had a built-in ferrite rod
aerial. The coil consists of the usual
The oscillator coil was adjusted at the low frequency end of the tuning range. In
this instance, it needed little alteration.
August 1997 85
This photo shows the ferrite rod antenna fitted to the old Kriesler. Moving the
coil position can sometimes improve the reception but, in this case, it worked
best in its original location.
The 6N8 valve was extremely sick and was one of the reasons for the set’s poor
tolerance these instruments have.
Next, an output meter was improvised by connecting a .047µF 630V
capacitor in series with a multimeter
lead. The meter was then set to AC
volts and connected between chassis
and the output valve plate. The capacitor blocks the DC plate voltage and
passes only the audio signal, which is
shown on the meter. An output meter
has much greater sensitivity to level
changes than the human ear.
While reasonable alignments can
be done without instruments (a
signal generator and output meter),
these accessories make the job so
much easier. So if you are thinking
of taking the plunge and doing your
86 Silicon Chip
own alignments, now may be a good
time to consider buying the necessary
With everything in place, a modulated signal of 455kHz (the receiver’s
IF) was fed into the control grid of the
converter valve. If the IF transformers
are correctly aligned, there will be
a single peak which will be heard
through the receiver’s loudspeaker
and seen on the output meter when
the signal generator is swept slowly
through 455kHz. In this case, there
were two peaks which were quite
some distance apart – not the ideal
When adjusting the first IF transformer, it was noted that the iron
slugs had been screwed well in and
were touching each other. IF slugs
will usually peak in two places: either
screwed in or screwed out. The outer
position is correct. The second IF
transformer also had its slugs badly
(Editorial comment: many IF transformers, fitted with iron cores, could
produce a false peak. When the cores
were screwed in too far, the false peak
resulted from unwanted coupling between the windings, rather than peaks
in the winding inductance. It was a
well known trap in the early days of
iron-cored IFs.)
After the transformers were correctly tuned, there was only a single peak
when the generator was swept across
the IF. So far so good! It was now time
to align the aerial and oscillator cir
cuits and so the signal generator leads
were moved to the receiver’s aerial
and earth connections.
Most Melbourne radio stations line
up very well on old dials, as their frequencies have changed little over the
years. As the worst one is only 4kHz
out, it is possible to do a reasonable
alignment to station callsigns rather
than to the frequency scale on the
dial, if it has one. The Kriesler has
no frequency scale to align to but the
stations lined up quite well with their
dial markings, even before the alignment was commenced. Apparently,
that part of the receiver had not been
tampered with as had the IF transformers.
There was a line on the dial marked
PS (pointer start). With the tuning
gang closed, the pointer came to rest
on the mark. With the signal generator
set to 621kHz (3AR) and the receiver
tuned to that frequency, the oscillator
coil slug was adjusted until the output
meter indicated maximum deflection.
Strictly speaking, both the oscillator and aerial coils should be peaked
at this stage but the coil assembly on
the ferrite rod was securely taped in
place, indicating that it had never been
moved. As a result, it seemed logical
to leave it where it was and to simply adjust the oscillator circuit. This
was done by rocking the dial setting
across the generator signal and simultaneously adjusting the oscillator coil
until maximum signal (on the output
meter) was achieved. Actually, the
original setting was not far out and
these adjust
ments put the pointer
right on 3AR.
Silicon Chip
★ Heavy board covers with 2-tone
green vinyl covering
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This “Palace” brand signal generator is a compact transistorised unit and is
powered by a standard 9V battery. Frequency checks proved the generator to be
quite accurate.
A frequency of 1422kHz (3XY) was
then selected for the high frequency
adjustments. Once again the dial
pointer was spot on. If the pointer
had not been accurately positioned it
could have been corrected by adjusting the oscillator trimmer (this trimmer controls the dial pointer position
at the high frequency end of the dial).
All that remained to do at this stage
was to adjust the aerial trimmer for
maximum output meter deflection
while tuned to 1422kHz. We found
that the aerial coil trimmer was out
of adjustment but not badly so.
It’s still crook
After disconnecting the generator
leads and attaching an aerial, we
found that the receiver still performed
poorly at the high frequency end.
There had been an improvement but
not as much as had been hoped for.
So in spite of all the previous adjustments and the observation that the
aerial coil had never been adjusted,
it was felt that this was now worth
checking, just to make sure. Unfor
tunately, removing the tape and sliding the former back and forth around
did nothing to boost the performance
and so it was eventually returned to
its original position.
It was time to check a few valves.
Alf’s valve tester cannot test 9-pin
valves because of a broken socket. On
my tester, all the valves except one
checked out OK, the exception being
the 6N8 IF amplifier. This valve was
very weak and the meter needle struggled to rise to the halfway position on
the “bad” scale.
Replacing the 6N8 made a noticeable difference to the set’s performance
at the high frequency end of the dial.
However, it still seemed to be lacking somewhat and the final solution
was to connect an earth lead to the
receiver. This increased the volume
noticeably and considerably reduced
interference hash from a 22,000V
power line in the street outside.
It should be noted that most valve
receivers work better with an earth.
It not only helps regarding reception
but also eliminates or reduces a lot of
interference. Most valve radios have
an earth connection for good reason
–they work better with one!
Receiver alignment is an important aspect of restoring an old radio.
There is not much point in replacing
all those age-damaged components
if the alignment is not restored as
well. Only then will it perform as it
Price: $A11.95 plus $3 p&p each
(NZ $6 p&p).
Just fill in & mail the handy order form
in this issue; or fax (02) 9979 6503;
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Next Month*
Capacitor Discharge
Ignition System
Capacitor Discharge Ignition systems are particularly suitable for use
with 2-stroke engines, older 4-stroke
engines and some high-performance
engines. This design operates from
reluctor, points or Hall effect signals
and features multiple spark output to
improve fuel burning in the cylinders.
Addressable Card For
Driving Two Stepper Motors
Continuing our series on stepper
motor controllers, this latest card is
similar to this month's design but is
capable of controlling two stepper
motors. We give the full circuit and
construction details.
On sale 27th August Australia-wide
*Note: the preparation of these articles is well
advanced but circumstances may change the
final content.
August 1997 87
Silicon Chip
Back Issues
September 1988: Hands-Free Speakerphone; Electronic Fish
Bite Detector; High Performance AC Millivoltmeter, Pt.2; Build
The Vader Voice.
April 1989: Auxiliary Brake Light Flasher; What You Need to Know
About Capacitors; 32-Band Graphic Equaliser, Pt.2; The Story Of
Amtrak Passenger Services.
May 1989: Build A Synthesised Tom-Tom; Biofeedback Monitor
For Your PC; Simple Stub Filter For Suppressing TV Interference;
The Burlington Northern Railroad.
July 1989: Exhaust Gas Monitor; Experimental Mains Hum Sniffers;
Compact Ultrasonic Car Alarm; The NSW 86 Class Electrics.
September 1989: 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio (Uses
MC13024 and TX7376P) Pt.1; High Or Low Fluid Level Detector;
Studio Series 20-Band Stereo Equaliser, Pt.2.
June 1991: A Corner Reflector Antenna For UHF TV; 4-Channel
Lighting Desk, Pt.1; 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers,
Pt.2; Active Filter For CW Reception; Tuning In To Satellite TV.
July 1991: Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers;
4-Channel Lighting Desk, Pt.2; How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.2; Tuning In To Satellite TV, Pt.2; The Snowy Mountains
Hydro Scheme.
September 1991: Digital Altimeter For Gliders & Ultralights;
Ultrasonic Switch For Mains Appliances; The Basics Of A/D
& D/A Conversion; Plotting The Course Of Thunderstorms.
July 1990: Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.1 (Covers
0-500kHz); Burglar Alarm Keypad & Combination Lock; Simple
Electronic Die; Low-Cost Dual Power Supply; Inside A Coal
Burning Power Station.
August 1990: High Stability UHF Remote Transmitter; Universal
Safety Timer For Mains Appliances (9 Minutes); Horace The
Electronic Cricket; Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.2.
September 1990: Low-Cost 3-Digit Counter Module; Simple
Shortwave Converter For The 2-Metre Band; the Bose Lifestyle
Music System; The Care & Feeding Of Battery Packs; How To
Make Dynamark Labels.
October 1990: The Dangers of PCBs; Low-Cost Siren For Burglar Alarms; Dimming Controls For The Discolight; Surfsound
Simulator; DC Offset For DMMs; NE602 Converter Circuits.
October 1989: FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes Pt.1; GaAsFet
Preamplifier For Amateur TV; 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio,
Pt.2; A Look At Australian Monorails.
November 1990: How To Connect Two TV Sets To One VCR;
Build An Egg Timer; Low-Cost Model Train Controller; 1.5V To
9V DC Converter; Introduction To Digital Electronics; Build A
Simple 6-Metre Amateur Band Transmitter.
November 1989: Radfax Decoder For Your PC (Displays Fax, RTTY
& Morse); FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes, Pt.2; 2-Chip Portable
AM Stereo Radio, Pt.3; Floppy Disc Drive Formats & Options; The
Pilbara Iron Ore Railways.
December 1990: The CD Green Pen Controversy; 100W DC-DC
Converter For Car Amplifiers; Wiper Pulser For Rear Windows;
4-Digit Combination Lock; 5W Power Amplifier For The 6-Metre
Amateur Transmitter; Index To Volume 3.
December 1989: Digital Voice Board; UHF Remote Switch;
Balanced Input & Output Stages; Operating an R/C Transmitter;
Index to Vol. 2.
January 1991: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.1; Have Fun
With The Fruit Machine; Two-Tone Alarm Module; LCD Readout
For The Capacitance Meter; How Quartz Crystals Work; The
Dangers of Servicing Microwave Ovens.
January 1990: High Quality Sine/Square Oscillator; Service Tips
For Your VCR; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs; Active Antenna
Kit; Designing UHF Transmitter Stages.
February 1990: A 16-Channel Mixing Desk; Build A High Quality
Audio Oscillator, Pt.2; The Incredible Hot Canaries; Random Wire
Antenna Tuner For 6 Metres; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs, Pt.2.
March 1990: Delay Unit For Automatic Antennas; Workout Timer
For Aerobics Classes; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.2; Using The
UC3906 SLA Battery Charger IC; The Australian VFT Project.
February 1991: Synthesised Stereo AM Tuner, Pt.1; Three
Low-Cost Inverters For Fluorescent Lights; Low-Cost Sinewave
Oscillator; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.2; How To Design
Amplifier Output Stages.
March 1991: Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.1;
Transistor Beta Tester Mk.2; A Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner,
Pt.2; Multi-Purpose I/O Board For PC-Compatibles; Universal
Wideband RF Preamplifier For Amateur Radio & TV.
April 1990: Dual Tracking ±50V Power Supply; Voice-Operated
Switch (VOX) With Delayed Audio; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.3;
Active CW Filter; Servicing Your Microwave Oven.
April 1991: Steam Sound Simulator For Model Railroads;
Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.2; Simple 12/24V
Light Chaser; Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner, Pt.3; A Practical
Approach To Amplifier Design, Pt.2.
June 1990: Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm; Build A Low-Noise
Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Load Protector For Power Supplies;
Speed Alarm For Your Car; Fitting A Fax Card To A Computer.
May 1991: 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers; Stereo
Audio Expander; Fluorescent Light Simulator For Model Railways; How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.1.
October 1991: Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.1;
SteamSound Simulator Mk.II; Magnetic Field Strength Meter;
Digital Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.2; Military Applications Of
R/C Aircraft.
November 1991: Build A Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1; A
Junkbox 2-Valve Receiver; Flashing Alarm Light For Cars; Digital
Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.3; Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC,
Pt.2; Build a Turnstile Antenna For Weather Satellite Reception.
December 1991: TV Transmitter For VCRs With UHF Modulators;
Infrared Light Beam Relay; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2;
Index To Volume 4.
January 1992: 4-Channel Guitar Mixer; Adjustable 0-45V 8A
Power Supply, Pt.1; Baby Room Monitor/FM Transmitter;
Experiments For Your Games Card.
March 1992: TV Transmitter For VHF VCRs; Thermostatic
Switch For Car Radiator Fans; Telephone Call Timer; Coping
With Damaged Computer Directories; Guide Valve Substitution
In Vintage Radios.
April 1992: IR Remote Control For Model Railroads; Differential
Input Buffer For CROs; Understanding Computer Memory;
Aligning Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.1.
May 1992: Build A Telephone Intercom; Electronic Doorbell; Battery Eliminator For Personal Players; Infrared Remote Control For
Model Railroads, Pt.2; Aligning Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.2.
June 1992: Multi-Station Headset Intercom, Pt.1; Video
Switcher For Camcorders & VCRs; IR Remote Control For
Model Railroads, Pt.3; 15-Watt 12-240V Inverter; A Look At
Hard Disc Drives.
August 1992: An Automatic SLA Battery Charger; Miniature 1.5V
To 9V DC Converter; 1kW Dummy Load Box For Audio Amplifiers;
Troubleshooting Vintage Radio Receivers; MIDI Explained.
October 1992: 2kW 24VDC - 240VAC Sinewave Inverter; Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm, Pt.2; Mini Amplifier For Personal
Stereos; A Regulated Lead-Acid Battery Charger.
January 1993: Flea-Power AM Radio Transmitter; High Intensity
LED Flasher For Bicycles; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave
Inverter, Pt.4; Speed Controller For Electric Models, Pt.3.
February 1993: Three Projects For Model Railroads; Low
Fuel Indicator For Cars; Audio Level/VU Meter (LED Readout);
An Electronic Cockroach; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave
Inverter, Pt.5.
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March 1993: Solar Charger For 12V Batteries; Alarm-Triggered Security Camera; Reaction Trainer; Audio Mixer for
Camcorders; A 24-Hour Sidereal Clock For Astronomers.
April 1993: Solar-Powered Electric Fence; Audio Power
Meter; Three-Function Home Weather Station; 12VDC To
70VDC Converter; Digital Clock With Battery Back-Up.
May 1993: Nicad Cell Discharger; Build The Woofer Stopper;
Alphanumeric LCD Demonstration Board; The Microsoft
Windows Sound System; The Story of Aluminium.
June 1993: AM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Remote Control For
The Woofer Stopper; Digital Voltmeter For Cars; A Windows-Based Logic Analyser.
July 1993: Single Chip Message Recorder; Light Beam Relay
Extender; AM Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Quiz Game Adjudicator;
Windows-based Logic Analyser, Pt.2; Antenna Tuners – Why
They Are Useful.
August 1993: Low-Cost Colour Video Fader; 60-LED
Brake Light Array; Microprocessor-Based Sidereal Clock;
Southern Cross Z80-Based Computer; A Look At Satellites
& Their Orbits.
September 1993: Automatic Nicad Battery Charger/Discharger; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.1;
In-Circuit Transistor Tester; A +5V to ±15V DC Converter;
Remote-Controlled Cockroach.
October 1993: Courtesy Light Switch-Off Timer For Cars;
Wireless Microphone For Musicians; Stereo Preamplifier
With IR Remote Control, Pt.2; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.1.
November 1993: Jumbo Digital Clock; High Efficiency
Inverter For Fluorescent Tubes; Stereo Preamplifier With
IR Remote Control, Pt.3; Siren Sound Generator; Engine
Management, Pt.2; Experiments For Games Cards.
December 1993: Remote Controller For Garage Doors;
LED Stroboscope; 25W Amplifier Module; 1-Chip Melody
Generator; Engine Management, Pt.3; Index To Volume 6.
January 1994: 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Switching
Regulator For Solar Panels; Printer Status Indicator; Mini
Drill Speed Controller; Stepper Motor Controller; Active
Filter Design; Engine Management, Pt.4.
February 1994: Build A 90-Second Message Recorder;
12-240VAC 200W Inverter; 0.5W Audio Amplifier; 3A
40V Adjustable Power Supply; Engine Management, Pt.5;
Airbags - How They Work.
March 1994: Intelligent IR Remote Controller; 50W
(LM3876) Audio Amplifier Module; Level Crossing Detector
For Model Railways; Voice Activated Switch For FM Microphones; Simple LED Chaser; Engine Management, Pt.6.
April 1994: Sound & Lights For Model Railway Level Crossings; Discrete Dual Supply Voltage Regulator; Universal
Stereo Preamplifier; Digital Water Tank Gauge; Engine
Management, Pt.7.
May 1994: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Induction Balance Metal Locator; Multi-Channel Infrared Remote Control;
Dual Electronic Dice; Simple Servo Driver Circuits; Engine
Management, Pt.8; Passive Rebroadcasting For TV Signals.
June 1994: 200W/350W Mosfet Amplifier Module; A Coolant
Level Alarm For Your Car; 80-Metre AM/CW Transmitter
For Amateurs; Converting Phono Inputs To Line Inputs;
PC-Based Nicad Battery Monitor; Engine Management, Pt.9.
July 1994: Build A 4-Bay Bow-Tie UHF Antenna; PreChamp
2-Transistor Preamplifier; Steam Train Whistle & Diesel Horn
Simulator; Portable 6V SLA Battery Charger; Electronic
Engine Management, Pt.10.
August 1994: High-Power Dimmer For Incandescent Lights;
Microprocessor-Controlled Morse Keyer; Dual Diversity
Tuner For FM Microphones, Pt.1; Nicad Zapper; Engine
Management, Pt.11.
September 1994: Automatic Discharger For Nicad Battery
Packs; MiniVox Voice Operated Relay; Image Intensified
Night Viewer; AM Radio For Weather Beacons; Dual Diversity
Tuner For FM Microphones, Pt.2; Engine Management, Pt.12.
October 1994: Dolby Surround Sound – How It Works;
Dual Rail Variable Power Supply; Build A Talking Headlight
Reminder; Electronic Ballast For Fluorescent Lights; Build
A Temperature Controlled Soldering Station; Electronic
Engine Management, Pt.13.
November 1994: Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; Novel Alphanumeric Clock; 80-Metre DSB Amateur Transmitter; Twin-Cell
Nicad Discharger (See May 1993); Anti-Lock Braking Systems;
How To Plot Patterns Direct To PC Boards.
December 1994: Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder,
Pt.1; Easy-To-Build Car Burglar Alarm; Three-Spot Low Distortion Sinewave Oscillator; Clifford – A Pesky Electronic Cricket;
Cruise Control – How It Works; Remote Control System for
Models, Pt.1; Index to Vol.7.
January 1995: Sun Tracker For Solar Panels; Battery Saver
For Torches; Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder, Pt.2;
Dual Channel UHF Remote Control; Stereo Microphone Pre
amplifier;The Latest Trends In Car Sound; Pt.1.
February 1995: 50-Watt/Channel Stereo Amplifier Module;
Digital Effects Unit For Musicians; 6-Channel Thermometer With
LCD Readout; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.1; Oil
Change Timer For Cars; The Latest Trends In Car Sound; Pt.2;
Remote Control System For Models, Pt.2.
March 1995: 50 Watt Per Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Subcarrier Decoder For FM Receivers; Wide Range Electrostatic
Loudspeakers, Pt.2; IR Illuminator For CCD Cameras; Remote
Control System For Models, Pt.3; Simple CW Filter.
April 1995: FM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Photographic Timer For
Darkrooms; Balanced Microphone Preamp. & Line Filter; 50W/
Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.3; 8-Channel Decoder For Radio Remote Control.
May 1995: What To Do When the Battery On Your PC’s Mother
board Goes Flat; Build A Guitar Headphone Amplifier; FM Radio
Trainer, Pt.2; Transistor/Mosfet Tester For DMMs; A 16-Channel
Decoder For Radio Remote Control; Introduction to Satellite TV.
June 1995: Build A Satellite TV Receiver; Train Detector For
Model Railways; 1W Audio Amplifier Trainer; Low-Cost Video
Security System; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter For
Models, Pt.1; Build A $30 Digital Multimeter.
July 1995: Electric Fence Controller; How To Run Two Trains
On A Single Track (Incl. Lights & Sound); Setting Up A Satellite
TV Ground Station; Door Minder; Adding RAM To A Computer.
August 1995: Fuel Injector Monitor For Cars; Gain Controlled
Microphone Preamp; Audio Lab PC Controlled Test Instrument,
Pt.1; Mighty-Mite Powered Loudspeaker; How To Identify IDE
Hard Disc Drive Parameters.
September 1995: Keypad Combination Lock; The Incredible
Vader Voice; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model
Railways, Pt.1; Jacob’s Ladder Display; The Audio Lab PC
Controlled Test Instrument, Pt.2.
October 1995: Geiger Counter; 3-Way Bass Reflex Loudspeaker
System; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model Railways, Pt.2; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Digital Speedometer
& Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.1.
November 1995: Mixture Display For Fuel Injected Cars; CB
Transverter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.1; PIR Movement
Detector; Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.1;
Digital Speedometer & Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.2.
December 1995: Engine Immobiliser; 5-Band Equaliser; CB
Transverter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.2; Subwoofer
Controller; Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2,
Pt.2; Knock Sensing In Cars; Index To Volume 8.
January 1996: Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.1; Magnetic Card Reader; Build An Automatic Sprinkler Controller; IR
Remote Control For The Railpower Mk.2; Recharging Nicad
Batteries For Long Life.
February 1996: Three Remote Controls To Build; Woofer Stopper
Mk.2; 10-Minute Kill Switch For Smoke Detectors; Basic Logic
Trainer; Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.2; Use your PC
As A Reaction Timer.
March 1996: Programmable Electronic Ignition System; Zener
Tester For DMMs; Automatic Level Control For PA Systems;
20ms Delay For Surround Sound Decoders; Multi-Channel Radio
Control Transmitter; Pt.2; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.1.
April 1996: Cheap Battery Refills For Mobile Telephones; 125W
Power Amplifier Module; Knock Indicator For Leaded Petrol
Engines; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter; Pt.3; Cathode
Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.2.
May 1996: Upgrading The CPU In Your PC; Build A High Voltage Insulation Tester; Knightrider Bi-Directional LED Chaser;
Simple Duplex Intercom Using Fibre Optic Cable; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.3.
June 1996: BassBox CAD Loudspeaker Software Reviewed;
Stereo Simulator (uses delay chip); Rope Light Chaser; Low
Ohms Tester For Your DMM; Automatic 10A Battery Charger.
July 1996: Installing a Dual Boot Windows System On
Your PC; Build A VGA Digital Oscilloscope, Pt.1; Remote
Control Extender For VCRs; 2A SLA Battery Charger; 3-Band
Parametric Equaliser; Single Channel 8-bit Data Logger.
August 1996: Electronics on the Internet; Customising
the Windows Desktop; Introduction to IGBTs; Electronic
Starter For Fluoresc ent Lamps; VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.2;
350W Amplifier Module; Masthead Amplifier For TV & FM;
Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.4.
September 1996: VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.3; Infrared Stereo
Headphone Link, Pt.1; High Quality PA Loudspeaker; 3-Band
HF Amateur Radio Receiver; Feedback On Prog rammable Ignition (see March 1996); Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.5.
October 1996: Send Video Signals Over Twisted Pair
Cable; Power Control With A Light Dimmer; 600W DC-DC
Converter For Car Hifi Systems, Pt.1; Infrared Stereo
Headphone Link, Pt.2; Multi-Media Sound System, Pt.1;
Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter, Pt.8.
November 1996: Adding An Extra Parallel Port To Your
Computer; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.1; Low-Cost Fluorescent Light Inverter; How To Repair Domestic Light
Dimmers; Build A Multi-Media Sound System, Pt.2; 600W
DC-DC Converter For Car Hifi Systems, Pt.2.
December 1996: CD Recorders – The Next Add-On For
Your PC; Active Filter Cleans Up CW Reception; Fast Clock
For Railway Modellers; Laser Pistol & Electronic Target;
Build A Sound Level Meter; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.2;
Index To Volume 9.
January 1997: How To Network Your PC; Using An Autotransformer To Save Light Bulbs; Control Panel For Multiple
Smoke Alarms, Pt.1; Build A Pink Noise Source (for Sound
Level Meter calibration); Computer Controlled Dual Power
Supply, Pt.1; Digi-Temp Monitors Eight Temperatures.
February 1997: Computer Problems: Sorting Out What’s
At Fault; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.6; PC-Controlled
Moving Message Display; Computer Controlled Dual Power
Supply, Pt.2; Alert-A-Phone Loud Sounding Alarm; Control
Panel For Multiple Smoke Alarms, Pt.2.
March 1997: Driving A Computer By Remote Control;
Plastic Power PA Amplifier (175W); Signalling & Lighting
For Madel Railways; Build A Jumbo LED Clock; Audible
Continuity Tester; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.7.
April 1997: Avoiding Windows 95 Hassles With Motherboard Upgrades; A Low-Tech Timer With No ICs; Digital
Voltmeter For Cars; Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers; Model Train Controller; Installing A PC-Compatible
Floppy Drive In An Amiga 500; A Look At Signal Tracing;
Pt.1; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.8.
May 1997: Windows 95 – The Hardware Required; Teletext
Decoder For PCs; Build An NTSC-PAL Converter; Neon
Tube Modulator For Light Systems; Traffic Lights For A
Model Intersection; The Spacewriter – It Writes Messages
In Thin Air; A Look At Signal Tracing; Pt.2; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.9.
June 1997: Tuning Up Your Hard Disc Drive; PC-Controlled
Thermometer/Thermostat; Colour TV Pattern Generator,
Pt.1; Build An Audio/RF Signal Tracer; High-Current Speed
Controller For 12V/24V Motors; Manual Control Circuit For
A Stepper Motor; Fail-Safe Module For The Throttle Servo;
Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.10.
July 1997: Infrared Remote Volume Control; A Flexible
Interface Card For PCs; Points Controller For Model
Railways; Simple Square/Triangle Waveform Generator;
Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2; An In-Line Mixer For
Radio Control Receivers; How Holden’s Electronic Control
Unit works, Pt.1.
PLEASE NOTE: November 1987 to August 1988, October
1988 to March 1989, June 1989, August 1989, May 1990,
August 1991, February 1992, July 1992, September 1992,
November 1992 and December 1992 are now sold out. All
other issues are presently in stock. For readers wanting
articles from sold-out issues, we can supply photostat
copies (or tear sheets) at $7.00 per article (includes
p&p). When supplying photostat articles or back copies,
we automatically supply any relevant notes & errata at no
extra charge. A complete index to all articles published to
date is available on floppy disc at $10 including packing
& postage.
August 1997 89
Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
High frequency
track cleaner
I have a real problem with dirt
build-up on the wheels of my locos
and rolling stock. All my rolling stock
has metal wheels because I am using
a carriage lighting system, similar
to that described in the March 1997
issue of SILICON CHIP. I have been
told that my dirt problems would be
solved if I used a high frequency track
cleaner. Apparently this senses the
presence of dirt between the wheels
and track and then zaps it off. Have
you described such a system? (G. R.,
South Tacoma, NSW).
• We have not described such a
system. Nor are we sure that a high
frequency high voltage system would
do much to remove dirt and in fact,
it might even lead to dirt build-up,
in much the same way as dirt builds
up on high voltage equipment due to
static attraction. Nor are we confident
that a high frequency track cleaning
system could be used in conjunction
Signal tracer appears
to be unstable
After completing the Signal
Tracer featured in the June 1997
issue of SILICON CHIP, I found that
the circuit just screeched, with
no audio or RF sounds. I checked
the circuit diagram against the PC
board and found an error on the PC
board. The input from switch S2b
middle left (marked 2 on overlay)
was going through a 0.1µF capacitor, then going to pin 2 of IC2 in
stead of pin 3, while pin 3 of IC2
was tied to earth.
After making modifications to
the PC board the circuit seems to be
working correctly with audio and
RF sound but I have a fair amount of
oscillation noise when the tracer is
set on RF HIGH and not connected
90 Silicon Chip
with you constant voltage lighting system – the two systems may interact.
We’ll put it to our readers. Does
anyone have experience with a high
frequency track cleaning system and
does it work?
Electronic speedo
is not the answer
Like many other motor enthusiasts,
I have changed my differential, which
causes the speedo to be incorrect.
How about a project to construct an
electronic speedo? I have plenty of
ideas on how this could be done but
you guys should be able to sort out
the mechanics. (L. Z., Ungarie, NSW).
• We described an electronic speedo
in the October & November 1995
issues but this would not solve the
problem of your odometer and you
could not use your existing speedometer either. If your speedo uses a
Hall Effect pickup it may be possible
to design a pulse multiplier to correct
for the ratio of your new differential
to a test circuit.
I connected a shielded cable to
the probe and tied the shield to
earth only at the PC board end and
this has improved it a little. Could
you advise if there is anything
else that can be done to reduce
the noise further? I live close to
a major Sydney radio station and
this may be the cause. (G. Moore,
Seven Hills, Vic).
• As indicated in the Notes &
Errata on page 92, there is a discrepancy between the circuit and
the PC board layout for this project
although the unit would work
either way. The reason it appears
to take off is that it is so sensitive
and it is mounted in an unshielded
case. However, when the Signal
Tracer is connected to a circuit it
behaves normally.
but we are unable to provide such a
circuit from our files.
However most speedos are still
driven by a cable and so the only
effective way is to change the gears
in the speedo itself or possibly add a
gear adapter at the back of the speedo.
If the differential was a manufacturer’s option for your car, it should be
possible to obtain the correct speedo
or speedo gearbox.
The people to approach in this field
are any of the large auto instrument
service companies.
Soldering iron
I want to regulate the temperature
of a 230 watt soldering iron – approximately 10 amps AC. In September
1992 you published a 5A drill speed
controller, however it will not handle
the current.
Do you have any other suggestions
to assist in this problem? (P. B., Villawood, NSW).
• Unless your soldering iron employs
a step-down transformer, there is no
way it could draw 10 amps and if it is
rated at 230 watts then it is unlikely
to be driven at 23V. Therefore, we
assume that your iron actually runs
at 240VAC and only draws 0.95A to
give it a rating of 230W. In this case,
it can be comfortably run by the 5A
drill speed controller.
However, we should point out that
without some means of temperature
feedback, no circuit can regulate the
temperature of a soldering iron. The
drill speed controller will certainly
enable you to reduce the power fed
to your iron but it will not provide
any temperature regulation.
Running a 16V pump
in a 32V system
I have a friend living on a property
with a home electricity supply. He has
had the system in operation for about
17 years, mostly before commercial
systems were available and his is
decidedly home-made. Amongst other
voltages available in his system, he
has a 32V DC supply from 16 lead
acid accumulators and from this he
runs an electric air pump to supply
air to his tropical fish.
He could not find a commercial
pump to suit, so he has a home-made
pump run by an aircraft electric motor which he runs from half the 32V
battery supply; ie, at 16V. He then alternates the half bank manually until
both halves need charging, as near as
he can estimate. This pump runs 24
hours each day and 365 days each
year and has done so for a few years
now. It only stops when the rubber
diaphragm tears and he switches to an
identical standby pump until repairs
are made.
Would the Motor Speed Controller featured in the June 1997 issue
work on the 32V supply and be able
to provide the approximate 16V to
the motor? It should be well able to
supply the current because he thinks
it only draws a few amperes but the
higher voltage is the concern. (R. B.,
Seymour, Vic).
• There should be no problem operating the Motor Speed Controller
from 32V. There is no need to alter
any components, although you should
check the temperature of the voltage
regulator tab (REG1), as it may possibly need a small heatsink at this
higher voltage. If the motor only draws
a couple of amperes then you will only
need one Mosfet.
Splitting the 4-channel
lighting desk
I constructed the 4-Channel Lighting Desk for one of our rock bands
about two years ago and it has been
working fine ever since. The band
has asked if there is any possibility of
rebuilding the unit to make the setup
easier and reduce the number and
length of the 240VAC extension leads.
The possible solutions include
ing all high-voltage components in separate housing as a Stage
Box with a multi-core cable between
the Lighting Desk and Stage Box.
The multi-core cable would run the
collector outputs of Q1, Q2, Q3 and
Q4 to pin 1 of IC9, IC10, IC11 and
IC12 respectively. There would be
one earth cable for the 680Ω resistors
and two cables from the AC output
Needs a bigger smoke
alarm panel
I have purchased two kits of the
Smoke Alarm Panel and 20 kits of
the Smoke Detector interface published in the January & February
1997 issues of SILICON CHIP.
My wife and I are hearing impaired and we have two young
daughters with normal hearing.
We live in a big two storey house
which requires 10 smoke detectors and one control panel for the
downstairs living area and another
10 smoke detectors and one control
panel for upstairs.
At some stage I will be connecting the wire from the siren output
from the downstairs panel to the
sound siren, a flashing light alarm
and to a 9V relay. This will connect
an alarm/lighting system for the
deaf control panel in our house.
This control panel will flash the
of the power transformer to the main
PC board.
Could you please check my proposed alterations, as I’m not sure if
the AC voltage will interfere with the
signals controlling the optocouplers.
(J. K., St Marys, NSW).
• Your method of splitting the unit at
the optocoupler is valid but we would
suggest that the Stage Box section of
the circuit be separately powered
with its own 12VAC transformer
rather than feeding the AC down the
multi-way cable. This will minimise
any chance of interference.
Replacing perished
foam speaker surrounds
I recently purchased a pair of secondhand “AR” brand speakers. The
foam surround on the woofers has
deteriorated. To have them professionally repaired would cost a lot of
money and besides, I would like the
satisfaction of repairing them myself.
I found a couple of places in the USA
that sell repair kits, however they
don’t seem interested in responding
to overseas customers. Do you know
of any company in Australia that sells
these kits? If so, perhaps you could
do an article on speaker repairs. (G.
lights in most rooms of the house
to warn us of the following events:
front/back doorbell, telephones,
baby cries, security and smoke
I would need to link between the
two smoke alarm control panels to
make all 20 smoke detector sirens
sound when any one of the 20 detectors senses smoke in the house.
What do I need to do to achieve
this? (A. S., Glen Iris, Vic).
• You will require two wires to
interconnect the two Smoke Alarm
Panels. One connection is run
between the ground (GND) of one
panel and the GND of the other.
The second connection is to tie the
pin 7 outputs of IC3 in both panels
This will enable the alarm in
both panels if the detectors sense
smoke. You can remove the 10kΩ
pullup resistor at pin 7 of IC3 from
one of the panels.
E., Armidale, NSW).
• We do not know of any company
that imports the repair kits you refer
to. We would be wary of any repair
job that simply replaced the foam
surround on loudspeakers. Often, you
will find that when the foam surround
perishes, the cone is flexed in unusual
modes and this causes creases and
other signs of fatigue in the cone itself.
In severe cases, where the foam is far
gone, the cone itself may sag. In other
words, if the surround is perished, the
cone may have deteriorated as well.
Even if you do manage to repair the
foam surround it is most important
that the cone is properly aligned, with
the voice coil centred in the gap. To
do that you must cut away the dust
cap to gain access. You may also find
that if the foam surround has perished
you may have problems with corrosion as well.
In practice, we believe that, depending on the age of the speakers, it
may be more practical to refurbish the
cabinets with new drivers where necessary and even with new crossover
networks, although this is not a job for
the amateur. One firm that does this
work is Audiosound Laboratories,
148 Pitt Road, North Curl Curl, NSW
2099. Phone (02) 9938 2068.
August 1997 91
How about a “valvesound” amplifier?
I would like to suggest a singleended Mosfet transformer coupled
amplifier as a project, with a power
output of about 25 watts RMS. I’m
sure the output transformers could
be bifilar wound with a 1:1 ratio. In
my opinion, solid state amplifiers
that are capacitor coupled are a
little clinical. I’m sure the above
requested amplifiers will have a
smooth warm sound, sound
sweet and open like that of a valve,
single-ended amplifier, but not
requiring a massive un-affordable
power supply as valve amplifiers
do. (R. L., Somerville, Vic).
• While such a project is feasible,
we do not think that it would result
in valve-like sound.
There are several reasons why
valve amplifiers sound the way
they do and the first is their moreor-less gradual overload characteristic. The second is that their
harmonic distortion is often more
or less second harmonic which
means that the distortion is musically related to the fundamental.
This often leads people to state
that such-and-such valve ampli-
Big brother is definitely
watching you
With all the current media interest at
present in hidden surveillance cameras, spy cameras, hidden audio devices,
thermal cameras, infrared cameras and
any other device that can be used for
surveillance, I am wondering just what
is out there and who are they keeping
an eye on. I am hoping you would do a
series of articles in your great magazine
on what there is at present, what the
future holds, how do we recognise it
and if possible some projects on their
Another possible project I would
like to see is a Digital Command Control for model railway locomotives that
is very small in size and suitable for
“N” scale. (S. F., Strathgordon, Tas).
• An article on surveillance cameras
would merely illustrate the fact that
these devices are now very widespread. In many cases, they are quite
92 Silicon Chip
fiers are “more musical”. Indeed,
they are more musical but this is
not the best high fidelity approach
since amplifiers that produce significant harmonic distortion which
may be masked also produce inter
modulation which is definitely not
The third reason why valve amplifiers sound “less clinical” is that
they usually have far less negative
feedback. The high negative feedback in solid state amplifiers has
two results. First, it greatly lowers
the inherent distortion of the circuit, leading to a much cleaner (or
clinical) sound. Second, it leads to
a much lower output impedance
and this results in more electrical
damping on the loudspeaker. This
leads to a tighter, less boomy bass.
Most solid state amplifiers these
days are direct coupled instead
of capacitor coupled and this improves the loudspeaker damping
factor even further.
In effect, while a solid state amplifier can be designed to drive a
transformer, it is still likely to have
a very clean, high quality sound.
The most recent example of this
is the 175W transformer coupled
design in the March 1997 issue.
apparent; you only have to look for
Most shopping malls have cameras
for the main concourses, many large
buildings have cameras throughout
(including in the elevators), as do factories, petrol service stations, parking
stations, toll booths on expressways,
shops, banks and clubs.
In banks, hotels and clubs the
cameras are generally quite obvious
while in shops they are usually concealed but there are notices to say that
cameras are in use. Believe them. In
most cases, the cameras may not be
directly monitored but will feed video
recorders which run 24 hours a day.
In the event of a crime, the tapes are
examined by the police and often lead
to a conviction. There are also a number of TV programs which run along
this theme, with “Real TV” being the
main one.
In the major cities, video cameras
have been used to control traffic flow
for more than 20 years. Cameras are
also often used in apartment complexes and even homeowners are
now using them. We published a doit-yourself article on the subject in the
June 1995 issue.
The other point to recognise is that
all these cameras are watching you, not
just somebody else. If you are virtually
anywhere in a public place, you could
be on camera.
On a more cheerful note, one of
our contributors is working on a DCC
design for model trains.
Notes & Errata
Audio/RF Signal Tracer, June 1997:
users of this project will find that
the unit produces a lot of noise and
what may sound like “motor-boating”
when it is switched to high gain and
RF modes and with no connections to
the input probe and earth clip. This
is normal and is a function of its high
gain. As soon as the unit is connected
to a circuit the noise drops and the
wanted signal will be heard.
There is a discrepancy between the
circuit on page 40 and the wiring diagram on page 43. The circuit shows the
signal from switch S2b coupled to pin
3 of IC2 via a 0.1µF capacitor and pin
2 grounded. The PC board has this reversed, with pin 3 grounded and signal
going to pin 2 via the 0.1µF capacitor.
The PC board is correct.
If the unit is to be used on valve
amplifiers, there is the possibility that
connecting the unit to a voltage above
100V may blow the LM318 IC’s input
protection diodes. To prevent this, we
suggest soldering two 1N914 diodes
in inverse parallel across the 100kΩ
bias resistor to pin 3. These diodes
can be installed on the copper side of
the PC board.
12V/24V Motor Speed Controller, June
1997: there is a mistake in the text on
page 30, third paragraph down. The
text states “Make sure that they (the
diodes) are connected in the right direction across the motor; ie, anodes to
the positive supply line.” The diode(s)
should be connected with cathode to
the positive supply line, as shown in
the circuit and wiring diagrams.
Flexible Interface Card for PCs, July
1997: the circuit on page 25 shows
4.7kΩ resistors to the LEDs of the 4N28
optocouplers but 1.5kΩ resistors on
the wiring diagram on page 27. Either
value will work.
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Silicon Chip Back Issues....... 88-89
Silicon Chip Bookshop.................93
Silicon Chip Binders................OBC
Suburb/town_________________________________ Postcode_________
Silicon Chip Software..................75
Send your order to: SILICON CHIP, PO Box 139, Collaroy, NSW 2097; or fax your
order to (02) 9979 6503; or ring (02) 9979 5644 and quote your credit card number
(Bankcard, Visa Card or MasterCard).
Silicon Chip Wallchart..............OBC
RCS Radio...................................95
Microprocessor For
Digital Effects Unit
This is the 68HC705-C8P pro
grammed microprocessor IC for
the Digital Effects Unit (see Feb.
Price: $45 + $6 p+p
Payment by cheque, money order
or credit card to: Silicon Chip Pub
tions, PO Box 139 Collaroy
2097. Phone (02) 9979 5644; Fax
(02) 9979 6503.
96 Silicon Chip
Circuit Ideas Wanted
Do you have a good circuit idea.
If so, why not sketch it out, write
a brief description of its operation
& send it to us. Provided your
idea is workable & original, we’ll
publish it in Circuit Notebook &
you’ll make some money. We
pay up to $60 for a good circuit
but don’t make it too big please.
Send your idea to: Silicon Chip
Publications, PO Box 139, Collaroy, 2097.
Zoom Magazine.........................IBC
PC Boards
Printed circuit boards for SILICON
CHIP projects are made by:
• RCS Radio Pty Ltd, 651 Forest
Rd, Bexley, NSW 2207. Phone (02)
9587 3491.
• Marday Services, PO Box 19-189,
Avondale, Auckland, NZ. Phone (09)
828 5730.