This is only a preview of the July 1997 issue of Silicon Chip. You can view 30 of the 96 pages in the full issue, including the advertisments. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. Items relevant to "A Flexible Interface Card For PCs":
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Items relevant to "Simple Waveform Generator":
Items relevant to "Colour TV Pattern Generator; Pt.2":
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Electric Cars: Is The Future Here Now?
NZ $6.50
Remote Volume
Control for
Your Hi-Fi
Your Computer
to the Real World
The Inside Story on Philips’
Huge New Rear-Projection TV
PLUS: l Points controller for model trains
ISSN 1030-2662
9 771030 266001
l Low-cost waveform generator
l Building the TV pattern generator
July 1997 1
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Vol.10, No.7; July 1997
4 Electric Vehicles: Where Are They Now?
Electric vehicles are making it to market in the USA. We take a look
at the latest offerings from GM, Ford and Toyota – by Sammy Isreb
7 Review: Philips 48-Inch Rear Projection TV
No, it’s not like the projection TVs you’ve seen in clubs. This unit has a
big, bright, beautiful picture & it won’t break the bank – by Leo Simpson
66 How Holden’s Electronic Control Unit Works; Pt.1
Electric Vehicles: Where Are
They Now? – Page 4
We unravel some of the mysteries hidden in this very clever engine
management system – by Julian Edgar
14 Infrared Remote Volume Control
Simple unit controls a dual-ganged pot & two relays. Build it for your stereo
system or model railway – by Leo Simpson
23 A Flexible Interface Card For PCs
Addressable I/O card plugs into the parallel port & has eight opto-isolated
inputs & eight relay outputs – by Rick Walters
29 Points Controller For Model Railways
Infrared Remote Volume Control
– Page 14
Build this $10 circuit & prevent solenoid coil burnouts in your points
switching machines – by Rick Walters
42 Simple Waveform Generator
Compact unit generates square & triangle waves from 100Hz to 20kHz. Use it
to test amplifiers, filters, tone decoders & digital circuits – by John Clarke
54 Colour TV Pattern Generator; Pt.2
The operation may be complicated but it’s easy to build – by John Clarke
Flexible Interface Card For
PCs – Page 23
38 Serviceman’s Log
The neighbour who made things worse – by the TV Serviceman
63 Computer Bits
Removing programs from Windows 95 – by Jason Cole
78 Radio Control
An in-line mixer for radio control receivers – by Bob Young
82 Vintage Radio
Revamping an old Radiola – by John Hill
2 Publisher’s Letter
22 Order Form
32 Circuit Notebook
71 Bookshelf
75 Product Showcase
91 Ask Silicon Chip
93 Notes & Errata
94 Market Centre
96 Advertising Index
Simple Square/Triangle
Waveform Generator – Page 42
July 1997 1
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Leo Simpson, B.Bus., FAICD
Greg Swain, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Technical Staff
John Clarke, B.E.(Elec.)
Robert Flynn
Rick Walters
Reader Services
Ann Jenkinson
Advertising Manager
Brendon Sheridan
Phone (03) 9720 9198
Mobile 0416 009 217
Regular Contributors
Brendan Akhurst
Garry Cratt, VK2YBX
Julian Edgar, Dip.T.(Sec.), B.Ed
John Hill
Mike Sheriff, B.Sc, VK2YFK
Ross Tester
Philip Watson, MIREE, VK2ZPW
Bob Young
Glenn A. Keep
SILICON CHIP is published 12 times
a year by Silicon Chip Publications
Pty Ltd. A.C.N. 003 205 490. All
material copyright ©. No part of
this publication may be reproduced
without the written consent of the
Printing: Macquarie Print, Dubbo,
Distribution: Network Distribution
Subscription rates: $54 per year
in Australia. For overseas rates, see
the subscription page in this issue.
Editorial & advertising offices:
Unit 34, 1-3 Jubilee Avenue, Warrie
wood, NSW 2102. Postal address:
PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW
2097. Phone (02) 9979 5644. Fax
(02) 9979 6503.
Backing up is not
hard to do
These days most of us have a computer or
have access to a computer and so most people
are familiar with the concept of backing up
their work. The reasons for doing so are plain
commonsense. If you do have a computer failure and you have religiously backed up your
files, then you won’t have lost a lot of work.
I’m not just thinking about people in business in raising this topic. Many people with
computers in their homes use them for quite crucial aspects of their lives.
Students use them for writing essay assignments, for keeping track of research
work and for writing theses. For an undergraduate to lose most or all of a thesis
would be traumatic indeed.
Similarly, people might use their computer for club records, for their medical
records, financial records, share dealings, hobbies and so on. In every case, the
loss of all this information can happen so quickly, in the blink of an eye so to
speak, that the event can be emotionally shattering. And financially shattering
as well. And since hard discs are becoming larger all the time, the size of the
potential data loss is also growing, at an exponential rate.
Just recently, one of the machines in the SILICON CHIP office had such an
event. One moment the machine was working perfectly normally, as it always
had since the day it was purchased. The next moment, there was a screen
message to say that one of the 1.6GB discs was unreadable. Just like that!
As it happened, we were just about to replace that particular disc drive
with one of 3.2 gigabytes so the physical loss of the drive was of no particular concern. It turned out not be damaged anyway. But what about the files?
Well, running CHKDSK produced many hundreds of files which all had to be
renamed and then imported to be checked. Many were OK but some were not.
The upshot was that we lost several days of work on this machine.
All of this was in spite of the fact that we have backup procedures in place,
whereby all working files are copied to the server every day and all those
files are then backed up onto a DAT drive. Its capacity is 8GB. In theory, all
we should ever lose, even if the server and all our computers were stolen or
destroyed in a fire, would be one day’s work. But in practice, who knows?
In fact, this one machine and the server’s drives were so full that the backup
procedure had become a little loose. We could have lost a lot more work.
We often hear of much worse cases, where people have not backed up anything for weeks, months or maybe never. Sooner or later, those people will
suffer the consequences.
Leo Simpson
ISSN 1030-2662
SILICON CHIP magazine regularly describes projects which employ a mains power supply or produce high voltage. All such projects should
be considered dangerous or even lethal if not used safely. Readers are warned that high voltage wiring should be carried out according to the
instructions in the articles. When working on these projects use extreme care to ensure that you do not accidentally come into contact with
mains AC voltages or high voltage DC. If you are not confident about working with projects employing mains voltages or other high voltages,
you are advised not to attempt work on them. Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for damages should anyone be killed
or injured while working on a project or circuit described in any issue of SILICON CHIP magazine. Devices or circuits described in SILICON
CHIP may be covered by patents. SILICON CHIP disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the manufacturing or selling of
any such equipment. SILICON CHIP also disclaims any liability for projects which are used in such a way as to infringe relevant government
regulations and by-laws.
Advertisers are warned that they are responsible for the content of all advertisements and that they must conform to the Trade Practices Act
1974 or as subsequently amended and to any governmental regulations which are applicable.
2 Silicon Chip
Used US-made night vision tubes with blemishes. Have
25/40mm diameter, fibre-optically coupled input and
output windows. The 25mm tube has an overall diameter
of 57mm and is 60mm long; the 40mm tube has an overall
diameter of 80mm and is 92mm long. Produces a good
image in approximately 1/2 moon illumination, when used
with a suitable lens, but can also be IR assisted to see in
total darkness: 880nm illuminator is suitable. Excellent
resolution, suitable for low-light video preamplifiers, etc.
Each of the tubes is supplied with an EHT power supply
kit that operates from 9V DC: $60 for a slightly blemished
25mm intensifier tube-supply kit, $80 for a slightly blemished 40mm intensifier tube-supply kit. We also have
some tubes with more blemishes and are suitable for very
sensitive IR testers: $35 for a slightly blemished 25mm
intensifier tube-supply kit, $55 for a slightly blemished
40mm intensifier tube-supply kit.
Used 240-110V transformers, about 100VA: $15.
Large 2-3mW HeNe laser head plus a compact potted USmade laser power supply. The head plugs into the supply,
and two wires are connected to 240V mains. Needs 3-6V
5mA DC to enable. Bargain: $100.
A slightly modified design to the one published in the June
97 issue of SC. PCB plus all on-board components (with two
power MOSFETs!), plus the flyback diode and the capacitor
needed across the motor: $18.
New tested PCB assembly. Xtal locked on 26.995MHz,
designed for transmitting digital information. Circuit features 5 transistors and 8 inductors – circuit provided. Power
varies from 100mW to a few watts; 3-12V DC operation. Sold
for parts/experimentation, should not be connected to an
antenna as licensing may be required: $7 each or 4 for $20.
Make your own mini TV station with this metal-cased,
commercial transmitter with telescopic antenna. Dimensions 123 x 70 x 20mm, 12V operation. Includes power
switch, indicator LED, RCA audio and video connectors, twin
RCA-RCA lead. Our 32mm AUDIO PREAMPLIFIER kit ($8)
comes (with an electret microphone) and a CCD camera
will complete the station. Transmitter $30 or $20 when
purchased with a CCD camera. REGULATED 10.4V-500mA
PLUGPACK to power the whole system: $10.
Compact high resolution 5-inch screen B/W audio and video
monitor. Has two-way audio, built-in microphone, audio
amplifier, speaker and pushbutton “talk” switch. Needs a
preamplifier and microphone for remote audio monitoring
(our 32mm audio preamplifier is ideal). Has two camera
inputs to allow manual or auto switching (adjustable speed)
between each camera. Needs 12V DC 1A (our switched
mode supply is ideal), size 160 x 190 x 150mm, has audio
and video outputs for connecting to a VCR etc. Monitor
and 6-way mini input connector only: $125.
Kit includes a large used 1.8° (200 step/rev) motor and used
SAA1042A IC. Can be driven by an external or on-board
clock; has a variable frequency clock generator. External
switches (not provided) or logic levels from a computer
etc determine CW or CCW rotation, half or full-step operation, operation enable/disable, clock speed. PCB and all
on-board components: $18 for kit with 1 motor, $28 for
kit with 2 motors.
Test if they’re real! PCB, on-board components and meter
movement: Available late this month: $15.
New, Australian-made (Preslite) 12V DC motor used to
power golf buggies. Low speed, very high torque. 75mm
dia, 150mm long, 7mm dia 30mm long shaft, weight 2kg.
Has three 5mm tapped holes for mounting. No load current
4A, loaded current 10A. Great for experimenting with battery-powered vehicles, wind generators etc. Limited supply
at a small fraction of their real value: $36. A suitable speed
controller is the 20A DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER
mentioned elsewhere in this advertisement.
Works on dogs and most animals, ref SC Feb 96. PCB and
all on-board components, transformer, electret mic & horn
piezo tweeter: (K77) $43. Extra tweeters (drives 4): $7 each.
Approved 12V plugpack (PP6) $14. UHF REMOTE TRIGGER
single channel Rx and Tx: (K77T) $40.
Our famous MAR-6 based masthead amplifier. Two-section PCB (so power supply section can be indoors) and
components kit (KO3) $15. Suitable plugpack (PP2): $6.
Weatherproof box: (HB4) $2.50. Box for power supply:
(HB1) $2.50. Rabbit-ears antenna (RF2) $7. (MAR-6
available separately).
Guaranteed, previously socketed ICs, never soldered to.
Data not supplied.
♦146818P: real time clock: $4
♦R65C21P2: 6821 PIA: $2
♦P8031: 8-bit CPU: $2
♦6803: 8-bit CPU: $4
♦HD680G: 8-bit CPU: $4
♦R6545: CRT controller: $2
♦HD6845: CRT controller: $2
♦HD6821: interface adaptor: $1
♦AY3-1015: 8-bit UART: $4
♦27C64: EPROMS: $2
♦27C256: EPROMS: $3
Commercial quality 10-15m range, used but tested and
guaranteed, have open collector transistor (BD139) output
and a tamper switch, 12V operation, circuit provided: $10.
YES, NEW 650nm kit!!! Very bright! Complete laser pointer
that works from 3-4V DC. Includes 650nm/5mW laser diode,
new handheld case 125 x 39 x 25mm, adjustable collimator
lens, PCB battery holder: $35.
Compact (50 x 360 x 380mm), in a perforated metal case,
240V AC in, 12V DC/2A and 5VDC/5A out: $17.
The above 5mW/650nm kit plus our AUTOMATIC LASER
Tiny (32 x 32 x 27mm) CCD camera, 0.1 lux, IR responsive
(works in total dark with IR illumination), connects to any
standard video input (eg VCR) or via a modulator to aerial
input: $120.
Light weight (2 x AAA) pen-sized pointer with 650nm laser
diode!! Very bright!: $55.
has relay contact outputs! Can be directly connected to a
VCR or via a learning remote control: $25 for PCB and all
on-board components, used PIR to suit: $12.
32mm 10-LED IR ILLUMINATOR: new IR (880nm) LEDs
have an output about equal to our old 42 LED IR illuminator: $18.
32mm AUDIO PREAMPLIFIER: an $8 kit that produces a
“line level” signal from an electret microphone, connect
the output to our
UHF VIDEO TRANSMITTER: ($30) or $20 when bought with
the camera for a complete audio-video link.
32mm AUDIO AMPLIFIER: an LM380-based $9 audio power
amplifier which can directly drive a speaker – needs the
32mm preamplifier. WHAT IS 32mm? All boards are 32mm,
so you can house these kits in a plastic 32mm joiner: cheap
plumbing part.
IR remote controlled 12V operated VCR with record and
playback function (no tuner): $299.
Our new module is fitted with a 650nm laser diode!! Very
small: $50.
US amorphous glass solar panels with backing glass: (S12)
$22 each, 4 for $70.
Converts the output of any IR remote control to UHF.
Self-contained transmitter attaches to IR remote. Kit includes two PCBs, all components, 2 plastic boxes, Velcro
strap: (K89) $39. (9V battery not included). Plugpack for
Rx (PP10): $11.
at 400mCd: $1.50 each or 10 for $10.
1Cd red: 10 for $4.
300mCd green: $1.10 each or 10 for $7 (make white light
by mixing the outputs of red, green and blue).
3Cd red: $1.10 each or 10 for $7.
3Cd yellow (small torch!) also available in 3mm: 10 for $9.
Super bright flashing LEDs: $1.50 each or 10 for $10.
BATTERY BONUS Twin AAA battery holder and two AAA
batteries for 60c with any LED purchase: flash a high intensity LED for a month! Limit of 3 per customer.
PCB and components kit plus information and PC software:
(K21) $35. Kit plus 2 stepper motors (small M17 or large
M35) (K21M): $48.
This kit can armed/disarmed by a hidden switch, or by
a UHF REMOTE CONTROL which also has provision for
includes a PCB, all on-board components and ultrasonic
transducers. It features ultrasonic movement detection,
provision for bonnet-boot protection (pin switches not supplied), vibration detector and a flashing high intensity LED.
Four LEDs make for easy diagnostics and setting up: $35.
This four-door central locking kit is a commercial product
that includes 2 master and 2 slave actuators, wiring loom,
control unit, necessary hardware and instructions: $60.
The UHF REMOTE CONTROL KIT has a switched relay
output for operating an alarm etc, an indicator output for
driving a buzzer etc, and logic level outputs for operating
the CENTRAL LOCKING KIT. Comes with a ready-made
transmitter with two pushbuttons (lock, relay on - unlock,
relay off), and a receiver PCB and all on-board components.
5 LEDs make for easy tuning and diagnostics: $35. SIREN
KIT includes speaker $12.
Professional, fully assembled and tested fast NICAD battery
charger and discharger PCB assembly. Switchmode circuit,
surfaced mounted on a double-sided PCB with gold-plated
through holes and pads. Has 6 ICs, 3 indicator LEDs,
3 power MOSFETs, a toroidal inductor and many other
components: over 100 in total. Nominal unregulated input
13.7V DC, 900mA charge current. Appears to use voltage
slope detection for charge terminating, also has a timer
(4060) to terminate the charge. We supply a thermistor
for temperature sensing. Probably for fast-charging 7.2V
AA nicads. Three trimpots allow some adjustment. Basic
information provided, plugpack not included. Incredible
pricing: $9 each or 3 for $21.
Used, complete PCB assembly with bright dot matrix
red LED displays and driver. Circuitry includes twenty
74HC164 ICs. Has 20 displays each with 35 LEDs (700
LEDs!). Displays are in a single line to form a continuous
display. Display size is 280 x 18mm, PCB 330 x 75mm.
Needs external 5V supply. Includes a simple program on
disk and instructions to make the display scroll number “1”
through all displays, via a computer parallel port. Limited
quantity: $40.
New, compact plastic pump with a 240V AC 50Hz 0.8A 91W
2650 RPM induction motor attached. Probably a washing
machine part. Very quiet operation, made in Japan, overall
dimensions 160 x 90 x 90mm, weight 1.2kg, inlet 25mm
diameter, outlet 20mm diameter. Other end of motor has
20mm long 4mm diameter shaft. Motor can be rewound
for lower AC voltage and/or reduced power operation
without disassembling the unit. We calculated 5.5 turns
per volt: $19.
Ref: EA Nov/Dec 94 (intelligent battery charger). Designed
to efficiently charge 12-24V batteries from solar panels,
but can also be used with simple car battery chargers (like
Arlec 4A chargers) to prevent overcharging. Regulates by
sensing battery voltage. Has voltage reference IC. Suitable
for currents up to 16A, and can be easily modified for higher
currents (by paralleling MOSFETs and Shottky diodes).
Extremely high efficiency due to the very efficient MOSFET
switch and Shottky isolation diode. Has negligible standby
current consumption. The PCB is now smaller and we offer
a 7.5A or 15A kit. The 7.5A kit has one Shottky diode and
the 15A kit has two: $26/$29 (K09).
PO Box 89, Oatley NSW 2223
Phone (02) 9584 3563
Fax (02) 9584 3561
orders by e-mail: oatley<at>
major cards with phone and fax orders, P&P typically $6.
July 1997 3
The GM EV1 electric vehicle – on sale
this year in the United States.
Electric Vehi
Where are they now?
During the early 1990s there was great
media publicity concerning electric cars.
They were to be the solution to the world’s
pollution problems, with some of the more
optimistic industry experts predicting that
we would be driving them before the turn of
the century. So where are they now?
4 Silicon Chip
Several of the world’s leading car
manufacturers have been developing
electric vehicle technology during the
past few decades, with Ford and General Motors leading the way. Ford’s
latest electric vehicle, the 1998 Ford
Ranger EV, is due for release in the
near future, GM has the EV1 passenger
car and Toyota has an electric version
of the RAV4.
The Ford Ranger EV was designed
using data obtained from the Ford
Ecostar test program, which began
in 1993 and involved 103 Ecostar
two-passenger EV delivery vans, operating throughout the US, Canada
and some of Europe.
Powered by a sodium-sulphur battery, the Ecostar fleet has covered over
1,000,000 kilometres, the greatest of
any EV fleet so far. Much of the new
technology to be incorporated in future electric vehicles has been tested
in the Ecostar. This includes:
(1). Traction Battery: An advanced
sodium sulphur battery operates at a
temperature of over 200°C and features an energy density three times
greater than conventional lead acid
(2). PEC (Power Electronics
Centre): The Ford Ecostar
contains an advanced power
control system, incorporating
an inverter to produce AC
power for the motor.
(3). DDLM (Diagnostic
Data Logger Module):
Records every aspect of
the vehicle’s performance,
allowing for later engineering analysis.
(4). Solar Energy: Using
solar panels mounted above
the wind
shield, accessories
such as fans can be powered
from the sun, saving on air-conditioning and thus the battery.
(5). Multiplexing: Because of the
complexity of the different electronics
modules in the Ecostar, conventional
wiring would require 200 separate
circuits. Multiplexing allows the eight
different modules to communicate
over a single pair of wires.
To be released in the United States
next year, the 1998 Ford EV Ranger
shares the body of the petrol-driven
Ranger but that is where the similarities end. This pickup truck features
4-wheel ABS brakes, dual airbags,
climate control, power steering and
regenerative braking. The Ranger uses
a 90 horsepower 3-phase AC induction motor with no gearbox and it is
rear-wheel driven. An inverter works
with the 312V, 23kW sealed lead-acid
battery system to convert the high
voltage DC to 3-phase AC.
Low rolling resistance tyres and
lightweight aluminium wheels, together with the regenerative braking,
give the Ford Ranger a range of about
90 kilometres, with an electronically-governed top speed of 120km/h.
Both the Ecostar and the Ranger
use a conductive charging system.
This system automatically checks
for a proper electrical connection to
the vehicle, checks that the charging
station is ready to charge the battery,
confirms the battery type and charge
station capacity, and ensures that all
safety systems are working before
proceeding to charge the vehicle. A
full charge is achieved in 4-6 hours,
depending on the state of battery dis
GM’s EV1 electric vehicle
Set to challenge Ford in the EV
market place is General Motors, with
their new electric vehicle, inventively
named the EV1. It has recently gone
on sale in America and sells for about
The EV1 is a front wheel driven
aluminium-bodied 2-door passenger
coupe. The designers of the EV1 have
tried to boost the range of the vehicle,
not by using special batteries but by
taking other measures, such as lowering body weight and drag.
In fact, the EV1 has a drag coefficient of 0.19, compared to between
0.30 and 0.40 for a standard production car. This was achieved by taking
extraordinary steps such as closing
off the underside of the car, covering
the rear wheels with skirts, using
low rolling resistance tyres, and even
building the radio antenna into the
roof rather than having a standard
extendable antenna.
A 137-horsepower 3-phase AC-motor drives the EV1. This motor is water
cooled and revs from 0 - 13,500 rpm.
This wide rpm range, coupled with
a broad torque curve, eliminates the
need for a transmission.
Acceleration is quite good, with
the motor propelling the EV1 from 0
to 100km/h in around nine seconds.
Powering the EV1 is a 312V battery
pack, made up of 26 maintenance-free,
valve-regulated, lead-acid modules.
Environmentalists will be able to drive
the EV1 knowing that the batteries are
98% recyclable. Because safety is a
crucial factor in any electric vehicle,
the batteries are of sealed construction in which all the liquid acid is
encapsulated in a diaper-like material
between the individual lead plates.
This results in a battery so safe that
a hole could be made in the case and
no liquid would flow out.
Clever electronics
At the heart of the vehicle’s electronics system is the inverter. This
uses six Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) which perform the high
power switching needed to convert
the 312V DC from the battery system
to AC for the motor. These IGBTs can
July 1997 5
passes it through the car in order to
heat it. Cooling is achieved through
a CFC-free energy efficient air-conditioning system.
Inductive charging
A 137 horsepower 3-phase AC motor drives the EV1. It is powered by 312V battery pack, made up of 26 maintenance-free lead-acid modules. The motor
is water-cooled and revs from 0 - 13,500 rpm which eliminates the need for a
handle up to 600V at 750A, making
them very rugged indeed.
An inventive electronic circuit
controls the drive and braking system.
Known as the Galileo Braking System,
it uses software to constantly monitor
the driving conditions and selects
ABS braking or traction control when
This electronic system also monitors tyre pressure and inflates the
tyres when necessary. In addition, a
regenerative braking system is used
to charge the battery during braking
and this significantly boosts the range
of the vehicle.
Another major design feature of the
EV1 is the inclusion of a heat pump.
This works as a heat exchanger to
move hot or cool air inside and outside
the car. The pump takes coolant from
the motor and inverter electronics and
Toyota plans to release an electric version of its RAV4 to fleet buyers in the
United States in early 1998. The EV RAV4 is basically a reworked petrol RAV4
featuring a nickel metal hydride battery.
6 Silicon Chip
The EV1 features an inductive
charging system that is far superior
to the chargers used by many other
electric vehicles. Instead of using a
conventional electrical connector, it
uses a fairly bulky paddle, encapsulated in an insulating material, that
is plugged into the car. The great
plus of this system is that there are
no exposed conductive parts, as the
electrical energy is transferred inductively; a great safety feature.
The paddle can be immersed in
water, run over by a car and so on,
without any risk. If the cable to the
charging paddle is severed, this will
be detected and the power shut off
within a few microseconds. Whilst
the complexity of this charging system
will boost its price, inductive charging
seems the way of the future.
Toyota’s RAV4
Set to rival both Ford and GM,
Toyota plans to release an electric
version of its RAV4 to fleet buyers in
the United States in early 1998. The
EV RAV4 will basically be a reworked
petrol RAV4 featuring a nickel metal
hydride battery.
With a top speed of 125km/h and
a range of 190km, the RAV4 is competitive. However, the RAV4 will not
become economically viable for the
mass market in the near future, due
to the high price of the nickel metal
hydride batteries and the fact that (unlike the EV1) large scale production is
not envisaged for the moment. Over
the next few years, only 320 EV RAV4s
will be produced for fleet trials.
Although this article has described
the market-leading electric vehicles
that have emerged in the past few
years, there are quite a few others from
smaller car manufacturers that have
not been mentioned. And although
the EV1, Ecostar and Ranger are set
for large-scale production, their sales
are likely to be limited to the US and
parts of Europe.
As yet, no electric vehicle is widely available in Austra
lia and none
is likely to be for some time. It will
probably be the better part of a decade before we see serious EV trials
in Australia.
Get that home theatre
experience. . .
Philips 48-inch
rear projection TV
Up till now, large projection TV sets have been
far beyond the reach of all but the most wellheeled buyers and even then, the picture quality
has been pretty ordinary at best. But now the
scene has changed with the introduction of the
Philips 48P977 rear projection TV set. We
recently had a chance to review one of these sets
in the home.
July 1997 7
This rear view of the set has been taken after the sloping mirror has been
removed. The aspheric Fresnel lens at the back of the screen can be clearly seen.
HESE DAYS, there is enormous
interest in home cinema. People
are spending big dollars on Dolby
Surround sound systems so that they
can experience the “big sound” of the
cinema in their own home. Trouble is,
they usually don’t experience the “big
picture” as well so the total effect is
somewhat lacking.
Now Philips have released their 48inch rear projection TV and this is set
to change the way people think about
TV in the home. While most people
think that a 68cm TV is a large set,
this rear projection TV has a screen
diagonal measurement of 122cm,
giving it a viewable screen area more
than three times the size of the 68cm
set. The difference in image size, with
the projection TV set in a typical room,
8 Silicon Chip
is little short of staggering. This is TV
with real “big picture” impact.
Not only is the screen large but the
overall set is really dominating – it is
visually as big as the largest 2-door
refrigerator. Measurements will give
some idea of its size but they don’t
prepare you for its impact. It stands
1407mm high, 1041mm wide and
573mm deep. And it weighs all of
86kg, so it is fortunate that it rolls
easily on its castors.
Actually, it is not all that deep at
573mm. That is not as deep as some
conventional 68cm or 63cm sets so it
really does not take up a lot of floor
space. But even in a large room, it is
hard to ignore its presence, even if no
picture is showing.
Where the Philips rear projection
TV differs radically from conventional
TV sets is that its screen image is projected on to the rear of a flexible plastic
screen by three 7-inch cathode ray
tubes. Each CRT produces one colour
– red, blue and green – and the three
beams are projected onto the screen to
produce the colour image.
Before going into the details of the
Philips rear projection TV, we must
emphasise the critical viewing angle
of the set. Horizontally, it is 160°
which means that it is at least as good
as a conventional direct-view set
(ie, with a single large picture tube)
when viewing from the side. But the
vertical viewing angle is only 16°
which means that optimum viewing
is obtained when you are sitting in
front of the set.
If you are tall and your eyes are
above the top of the cabinet and you
are, say, less than three metres away
from the set, the picture is very dim.
In brief, if you sit down the picture
is brilliant; if you stand up and you
are tall, it’s a non-event. It will be
interesting to see how these sets are
demonstrated in large department
stores. If the sales-people don’t make
the potential buyers sit down to watch,
they won’t sell many sets!
Another point which must be
emphasised is that this new Philips
projection set is a lot better than the
average rear projection TV set you
can see in many clubs and hotels.
These generally give a poor picture
and their only virtue is a large, albeit
anaemic-looking, screen image.
Now let’s have look at the technology of the Philips 48P977 set. It
is made in the USA where it is sold
under the Magnavox brand name. The
small signal processing circuitry copes
with NTSC, SECAM and PAL standard
signals so it is fully compatible with
As with most modern large sets
these days, the list of control features
seems to go on forever so we’ll just
cover the main points. All the features
are accessible via the large remote control and pressing every button seems
to bring up an on-screen message or
menu. The on-screen messages can be
in English, Chinese or Malay.
Naturally, it has picture-in-picture
(PIP) which involves two VHF/UHF
tuners and two sets of video processing
circuitry. Teletext is a standard feature
This view shows the chassis in the bottom of the cabinet. As well as an antenna connection, the set can be
connected to two VCRs or a variety of video sources such as a laser disc player or video game machine.
too, as is multi-standard reception (ie,
PAL, NTSC & SECAM), as mentioned
above. You can have as many as 100
preset channels, although no-one is
ever likely to approach that limit in
Stereo sound is incorporated but
not Dolby Surround decoding. There
is a feature called “Incredible Sound”
but it is essentially an enhanced stereo
mode with apparently wider channel
dispersion. Interestingly, on sports
programs it brought up the audience
noises to the point where they were
quite intrusive.
Other features are Dynamic Noise
Reduction (DNR), Child Lock, Timer,
Message, Smart Picture and Incredible Picture. DNR is supposed to
reduce noise (snow) in the picture
but its effect was never readily apparent. Child Lock does nothing of the
sort (sadly) but does prevent certain
channels from being selected from
the buttons on the front of the set.
However, if the said child has access
to the remote control (and they always
do, don’t they?), then anything can
be watched.
Timer is a facility to switch the TV
to another channel at a specific time.
You can set it to switch to two separate
programs at different times. It could
be handy if you are prone to forget to
watch a particular program.
Message is a facility to display a
message on the screen. You use the
remote control to create and store
the message which can then be run
continuously while the set is on. One
message which comes to mind is “Do
your homework”!
Incredible Picture is anything but.
Pressing the relevant button brings
about a minor change to the contrast,
to the point where it is probably closer
to the optimum setting. I was under
whelmed, just as I was with “Incredible Sound”.
Smart Picture is accessed by one
button on the remote con
trol and
repeated pressings brings up settings
called Rich, Natural, Soft, Personal
and Game. In practice, unless you
carefully tweak your Personal settings
(brightness, contrast, colour and white
point), all will be wrong. “Rich” is too
dark with too much colour, “Soft” is
just that and “Natural” is fairly close
to the mark but the contrast setting
means that the dark greys are pushed
into the black. “Game” turns up the
contrast so that you get a very bright
picture and the sound is modified too,
with bass boost.
Projection system
Most readers would be aware of
the general principle of projection TV
whereby separate red, green and blue
cathode ray tubes are used to project a
colour image onto a screen. The CRTs
are typically 7-inch diagonal units and
they are driven quite hard to obtain
sufficient brightness.
For rear projection sets there is an
additional problem in that because the
CRT beams are projected at an oblique
July 1997 9
Three 7-inch CRTs are liquid coupled to complex plastic lenses to provide the
red, green and blue beams. The blue lens has a slightly shorter focal length
(77cm instead of 78cm) than the red and green lenses and has a slightly larger
angle, a lot of the light bounces off the
rear of the screen and what does pass
through is cut down by the opacity
of the screen. That is why many rear
projection sets have dim picture. In
this Philips set, by contrast, the screen
is actually a large lens system and it
results in a picture which is claimed
to be three times brighter than conventional rear projection sets.
Fig.1 shows the general arrangement
of the CRTs and screen in the Philips
set. The beams are bounced off a mirror
and then onto the rear of the screen.
The light beams are bent through an
angle of 72° which enables the cabinet
to be quite shallow.
The CRTs each have a curved faceplate which leads to better corner
illumination than is possible with a
flat faceplate. The curved faceplate is
coupled to a complex multi-element
plastic lens system by a fluid consisting of an ethylene glycol mixture
which has a refractive index very
similar to that of the CRT glass and
that of the lens system.
The fluid serves two purposes. First,
it acts as a coolant, allowing the CRTs
to be driven much harder for a brighter
picture. Second, by occupying the
space between the tube faceplate and
lens system, the fluid virtually eliminates any reflective surfaces which
could reduce image contrast. It also
eliminates the possibility of dust being
deposited on the tube faceplate which
would otherwise be certain to occur.
The CRTs, by the way, are operated
10 Silicon Chip
with an EHT of 30kV.
Because, the CRTs produce different colours, they have different lens
systems, to cope with the different
refractive index of the lens material
for each of the colours. Hence, while
the lens system for red and green is
same, the lens for the blue beam has
a slightly shorter focal length and a
slightly larger aperture.
The three beams from the CRTs
are aimed at an angled mirror which
folds the light path and throws it onto
the screen. This is where it becomes
quite complex because the screen is
not simply a sheet of semi-transparent
material which is what it looks like at
a casual glance.
Instead, the rear surface of the
screen is actually a large fresnel lens.
This gathers the light emitted from the
CRTs and focuses it on the front screen
or “lenticular lens” as it is referred to
in the Philips technical literature. The
lenticular lens provides a light dispersion pattern of 160° on the horizontal
axis and 16° on the vertical axis.
To accomplish this, the Fresnel lens
is optically ground in an aspherical
pattern to project the light out in a
horizontal beam, more or less. But first
the light must pass through the lenticular lens at the front of the screen.
This consists of fine vertical grooves
with a pitch of 0.78mm. The surface
between the grooves has a parabolic
convex cross-section to spread the
light out in the horizontal axis.
The combination of the Fresnel lens
at the back of the screen and the lenticular lens at the front is responsible
for a very much brighter screen image
than was possible in the past with rear
projection sets.
TV circuitry
Apart from the fact that this is a
multi-standard projec
tion set, the
electronics is not much different from
a normal TV set. Of course, there are
three CRTs and each has its own deflec
tion yoke, video neck board and EHT
connection. But there are no purity
magnets. Convergence is much more
complex than on conven
tional sets
but the adjustment process is more
straightforward because of the inclusion of digital convergence circuitry.
The set also generates its own white
cross symbol on the screen which
can be used (by the consumer or a
technician) to adjust the convergence
at any time.
Fig.1: the CRTs in the Philips
rear projection set are angled
towards the back of the cabinet
and the mirror deflects the light
beams through an angle of 72°.
Watching the set
We talked about viewing angle towards the start of this article and how
the large image has a lot of impact
but that does not really tell the whole
story. With this set, images of people
This view shows the neck boards on the three CRTs. They operate with an EHT of 30kV and a focus voltage of 15kV.
are often so much larger than life-size,
just as they are in your local cinema
(although not quite that large). You
become very aware of blemishes on
the faces of TV personalities where
viously, watching a normal TV
set, you were blissfully unaware of
these defects.
By the same token, signal quality becomes critical. Where you might have
tolerated a noisy, “ghosty” signal on a
small conventional set it becomes unwatchable on the projection set. Even
quite good signals on normal sets are
mercilessly revealed to have defects.
Perhaps there might be low-level
herringbone inter
ference, the faint
vertical lines due to sync pulse ghosts,
rapid flutter due to aircraft passing
overhead or the often very poor quality
picture from a VCR running a rental
On our review sample, we also had
an interference band down the left
hand side of the screen on the UHF
SBS channel which was completely
invisible on a 63cm set fed from the
same outlet and we were unable to
track where it was coming from.
On the other hand, if you have a
first class TV signal, a video signal
from an S-video or digital camcorder
or laser disc player, the picture is very
Picture brightness is still not quite
as good as from the latest 68cm high
contrast picture tubes but is still quite
satisfactory, even in a brightly lit room.
Most people who saw the review set
were impressed with the overall picture brightness.
Critical viewers will note that the
picture is not as sharp as on a 68cm
set and that must be expected. After
all, the same program information is
being blown up to produce an image
more than three times larger than on
a normal set. If you view from about
four metres or further away, the picture
sharpness is entirely satisfactory. You
need a big room for a big set; it’s that
All programs have greater impact
and visual interest and this applies
particularly to sporting events. You
find yourself looking at particular
points of interest on the screen rather
than the screen as a whole.
And while movies shown in “letter
box” format have always tended to be
less satisfying on conventional TVs,
because of the black bands at top and
bottom of the screen, this does not
apply to this Philips set. Because the
screen size is so large to begin with,
the “letter box” picture is satisfying.
In conclusion, if you want a big
picture in your home cinema setup, it
would be hard to go past the Philips
48-inch rear projection set.
How much is it?
Well, what does it cost? In the
overall scheme of things, not a lot.
When you consider how much money
many people are already spending on
surround sound setups, the cost of
this set is not huge. Its recommended
retail price is $5999.00. It comes with
a one-year parts and labour warranty.
It is available from Myer/Grace Bros,
David Jones, Brashs, Chandlers, Harvey Norman, Vox, selected Retravision
and Betta stores and selected special
ists Australia-wide.
As part of the deal, Philips is offering free delivery and installation into
consumers’ homes in most areas. A
trained Philips technician will connect the projection TV to all existing
equipment, provide a product demonstration and remove the packag
material for recycling.
For more information, contact
Philips Customer Information centre
by phoning 131 391.
July 1997 11
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IR Remote
Build this general purpose unit for your
stereo system or model railway
Want an IR remote control setup for your
stereo amplifier, lighting system, model
railway or any other system? This cheap
set-up offers a motor-driven dual-ganged
20kΩ potentiometer and two relays.
Based on the 8-channel infrared
remote control featured in our February 1996 issue, this setup could be
expanded to control up to six relays,
in addition to the dual-ganged 20kΩ
potentiometer. This could be useful for
mode and source selection in an audio
system, for controlling a lighting system or possibly for selecting various
functions in a model railway layout.
As presented in the February 1996
issue, the 8-channel remote control
was just a bare-bones transmitter and
receiver board. Of the eight decoded
outputs on the receiver board, six
14 Silicon Chip
were momentary outputs and two
were toggle or latching outputs. The
momentary outputs were high only
while the respective buttons on the
remote control were pushed, while the
latched or toggle outputs would latch
high for one press of their respective
buttons and then latch low for the
next press; ie, they provided “toggle”
Now while this system was attractive for many users, quite a few readers wanted more functions, which is
why we are presenting this enhanced
system. The enhanced system has
a modified transmitter board and
adds a PC board which controls the
ised potentiometer and two
relays. The board can be split so that
the relay section is separate from the
potentiometer section.
The motorised potentiometer is similar to those used for the volume control of millions of remote controlled
home sound systems. It consists of
the dual ganged potentiometer itself,
a 4.5V DC motor and a gear and clutch
system. The clutch lets the motor keep
running even when the potentiometer
has reach the end of its travel and so
no cutout switches are required.
Note that you could run more than
one motorised pot from the infrared
receiver if you wanted to. We’ll briefly
mention the details later. But first, as
they say on TV news programs, let’s
have a look at the transmitter and
receiver sections.
The transmitter handpiece measures 155 x 35 x 16mm and is branded
navox. The seven buttons are
labelled Tuner, CD, Track, Standby,
Stop, Play and Volume. The last button is elongated and can be pressed at
either end to make the Volume setting
go up or down. When the Tuner or CD
button is pressed, it operates one of the
latched outputs on the receiver board.
To unlatch the respective output, you
need to press the same button. We use
both latched outputs to drive relays
so to operate a relay, you press the
Tuner or CD button and to de-energise
the relay you press the same button
The remaining buttons control momentary outputs on the receiver board;
they each go high, for as long as the
respective button is pressed.
The transmitter circuit is shown in
Fig.1 and consists simply of an SM
5021B encoder (IC1) together with two
transistors which drive the infrared
light emitting diode, IRLED1. IC1 uses
a 455kHz ceramic resonator as the oscillator and this is divided internally
to give a 38kHz carrier frequency
which is gated on and off by the data,
according to which button is pressed.
The 38kHz data pulse train appears
at pin 15 and is amplified by the
Darlington-connected transistors Q1
& Q2 to drive IRLED1. When buttons
are not being pressed, pin 15 is low so
no current passes through the transistors and the chip itself has negligible
current drain.
There are two links marked on the
circuit: LK1 & LK2. These are coding
links and should normally be left open
circuit. The only reason for installing
these links would be if you were using
Fig.1: the 8-channel infrared transmitter. We suggest that the
coding links LK1 & LK2 be omitted unless you are going to use two
remotes in the one area.
more than one of these remotes in the
same location. In that case, you might,
for example, install LK1 in one transmitter and LK2, in another transmitter.
If you do this, you must ensure that
the respective receiver boards have
the same links installed.
Speaking of the infrared receiver
board, the circuit is shown below
in Fig.2. It is almost as simple as
the transmitter. As can be seen, it
consists of an infrared receiver diode and preamplifier (IC2) feeding
an SM5032B decoder, IC1. This has
eight outputs, six of which are high
while the relevant transmitter button
Fig.2: the 8-channel
receiver circuit.
Outputs G & H are
latching while the
other six are high
only while the
relevant transmitter
button is pressed.
July 1997 15
Fig.3: the relay/potentiometer board circuit. The motor drive circuit is inherently fail-safe since even if both the UP and DOWN inputs are high, no damage can result.
16 Silicon Chip
is pressed and two of which are latching, as already
mentioned above.
Actually, IC2 is a three-lead device and it is more than
just a preamplifier. It contains the IR photodiode, an amplifier tuned to 38kHz, an AGC circuit and a detector. Its
output is a digital pulse train identical to that generated
at pin 15 of the transmitter IC but inverted in polarity.
Transistor Q1 changes the signal polarity before feeding
it to pin 2 of IC1.
Transistor Q2 and zener diode ZD1 act as a simple
regulator circuit to provide a 5.6V supply to IC1 & IC2.
The eight outputs of IC1 can only provide a drive current
of about a milliamp or so, so any circuit driven by these
pins must be designed accordingly.
This brings us to the add-on board which drives two
relays and the stereo potentiometer.
Relay & potentiometer board
Fig.3 shows the circuit of this board and, as you can
see, it is split into two parts. One part takes care of the
relays and the other section controls the motor-driven
potentiometer. Let’s discuss the latter part first.
Transistors Q1 & Q2, together with 150Ω resistors R4
& R7, form a bridge circuit to drive the motor. Normally,
only one transistor can be turned on at any time. If Q1
turns on, current flows via R4 which has almost the full
12V across it but current also flows via R7 and the motor,
causing it to turn in one direction.
Similarly, if Q1 is off and Q2 is on, the full 12V is ap
plied to R7 but current also flows via R4 and the motor,
causing it to rotate in the opposite direction. Diodes D1D4 protect the transistors from damage which could be
caused by voltage spikes from the motor.
LEDs 1 & 2 light to indicate the motor direction. As la
belled on the circuit, the input for Q1 is UP, corresponding
to clockwise rotation of the motor. When Q1 is on, LED1
will be on. Similarly, the input for Q2 is labelled DOWN,
corresponding to anticlockwise rotation of the motor.
When Q2 is on, LED2 will be on.
Note that this circuit has a built-in safety feature in that
even if Q1 and Q2 were both turned on simultaneously,
no damage would result. In that circumstance, both R4
and R7 would have the 12V applied but no voltage would
appear across the motor.
Relay circuit
Now let’s have a look at the relay circuit, comprising
Q3 & Q4. These transistors would normally be driven
from the latched outputs of the receiver board (ie, G &
H). There’s nothing magic about the circuit. When the
input to Q3 goes high, it turns on and operates relay 1.
Similarly, when the input to Q4 goes high, relay 2 operates. LEDs 3 and 4 come on when the associated relay is
operated. Diodes D4 & D5 protect Q3 & Q4 against any
voltage spikes generated by the relays when they are
switched off.
Building a remote control system
In presenting this system, we are not proposing a cut
and dried solution, so we are just featuring the three PC
boards and not giving full details on how they should
be hooked up to control an audio system, lighting system or whatever. We’ll leave the details up to you and
The IR transmitter board should only take a few minutes to assemble. Note
that this photo shows an early version. The final version shown in Fig.4 differs
slightly in a few respects.
LED and a few of the other passive
components. Do not lose the rubber
keyboard mat because it mates with
the new PC board.
You now have to assemble the new
transmitter board which uses the
SM5021B encoder chip. Just assemble
it as shown in Fig.4.
The next step is to assemble the
receiver board, with the details shown
in Fig.5. Unless you intend operating
more than one of these remote control
systems, leave the coding links off the
transmitter and receiver boards.
Next, assemble the motor drive
and relay board. This board will be
supplied as one unit but it can be split
into two boards, as shown in the lead
photo. Mount all the small components first before installing the motor
driven potentiometer. If you mount
the potentiometer first, you will be
unable to fit all the components which
lie underneath it.
Once the two relays have been
mounted you will need to wire the
two protection diodes, D5 and D6,
underneath the board, across the relay
coils. One of the photos shows these
diodes in place.
When all the boards are complete,
you are ready to test each one in turn
and this should be done before the receiver board and relay/potentiometer
Fig.4: the component overlay
for the transmitter PC board.
just indicate how the boards should
be connected to provide the control
functions you want.
Now let’s describe the transmitter
assembly. As supplied, the transmitter
is fully assembled and operational but
it won’t work with the corresponding decoder chip. You have to pull
the transmitter apart by unclipping
the case halves. You can do this by
inserting a screwdriver into the case
join down the side and levering it
apart. Don’t apply too much force
when doing this otherwise you will
damage the case.
Now lever out the existing PC board
with its surface mount encoder chip.
You will need to salvage the battery
clips, the ceramic resonator, infrared
Fig.5: the component overlay for the
receiver PC board.
Fig.6: the parts layout for the relay/potentiometer board. Mount all the small
components before the motor-driven potentiometer is installed. You will need
to run two wires from the motor itself to the “motor” pins on the PC board.
July 1997 17
8-channel IR transmitter
1 Magnavox handpiece (includes
455kHz resonator & IR LED)
1 PC board
2 AAA 1.5V cells
1 SM5021B encoder (IC1)
1 BC548 NPN transistor (Q1)
1 C8050 NPN transistor (Q2)
1 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
2 100pF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
2 1kΩ
1 4.7Ω
8-channel IR receiver
1 PC board
10 PC stakes
1 SM5032B decoder (IC1)
1 PIC12043 IR receiver (IC2)
2 BC548 NPN transistors (Q1,
1 6.2V zener diode (ZD1)
1 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 0.47µF monolithic ceramic
1 .001µF ceramic
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 39kΩ
1 10kΩ
1 4.7kΩ
1 1kΩ
Relay/potentiometer board
1 PC board
20 PC stakes
1 motor-driven dual-ganged
20kΩ potentiometer
2 12V relays with SPDT contacts
4 C8050 NPN transistors
4 GIG silicon diodes
2 1N4004 silicon diodes (D5,D6)
4 red LEDs (LEDs1-4)
2 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
4 .015µF ceramic capacitors
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
4 120kΩ
7 3.3kΩ
2 150Ω
18 Silicon Chip
The relay/potentiometer PC board can be split into two parts, each of which can
operate independently of the other. This is the potentiometer section.
board are wired together.
We suggest you test the relay/
iometer board first. You will
need a 12V power supply and a short
lead with alligator clips at each end.
The relay and potentiometer sections
of the board have their own supply
pins so each section can be tested
Apply 12V DC to the potentiometer board and observe that nothing
happens (ie, no LEDs light, pot shaft
does not rotate). Now take your clip
lead and connect the UP input pin to
the +12V pin on the board. The potentiometer shaft should rotate fully
clockwise and then the motor should
keep running, with the gearbox clutch
slipping. LED1 should also light.
Now take the clip lead and connect
the DOWN input pin to the +12V pin
on the board. The potentiometer shaft
should rotate fully anticlockwise and
then the motor should keep running,
Don’t forget to add the two diodes on
the back of the relay PC board.
as before. LED2 should also light.
Now test the relay board. Apply 12V
DC and note that nothing happens,
then use your clip lead to connect pin
1 on the board to +12V. You should
hear relay 1 click and LED3 should
light. Similarly, use your clip lead to
connect pin 2 on the board to +12V.
These remote control boards are available from Oatley Electronics, who own
the design copyright. Their address is PO Box 89, Oatley, NSW 2223. Phone
(02) 9584 3561; fax (02) 9584 3563. The prices are as follows:
8-channel IR transmitter...............................................................................$20
8-channel IR receiver....................................................................................$20
Relay/potentiometer board plus parts for motor drive section......................$16
Complete kit with suitable plugpack & RCA leads (includes all of above
but does not include parts for relay section).................................................$55
Parts for relay section.....................................................................................$8
Please add $5 to all prices for postage and packing.
You should hear relay 2 click and
LED2 should light.
Testing the transmitter
Now available: the complete index to all
SILICON CHIP articles since the first issue
in November 1987. The Floppy Index
comes with a handy file viewer that lets
you look at the index line by line or page
by page for quick browsing, or you can
use the search function. All commands
are listed on the screen, so you’ll always
know what to do next.
Notes & Errata also now available:
this file lets you quickly check out the
Notes & Errata (if any) for all articles published in SILICON CHIP. Not an index
but a complete copy of all Notes & Errata text (diagrams not included). The file
viewer is included in the price, so that you can quickly locate the item of interest.
The Floppy Index and Notes & Errata files are supplied in ASCII format on a
3.5-inch or 5.25-inch floppy disc to suit PC-compatible computers. Note: the File
Viewer requires MSDOS 3.3 or above.
CD pin H
Tuner pin G
Track pin E
pin B
Stop pin F
Play pin A
Volume -
pin D
Volume + pin C
Floppy Index (incl. file viewer): $A7
Notes & Errata (incl. file viewer): $A7
Alphanumeric LCD Demo Board Software (May 1993): $A7
Note that pins G & H are the latching
pins and these drive the relays.
Stepper Motor Controller Software (January 1994): $A7
Gamesbvm.bas /obj /exe (Nicad Battery Monitor, June 1994): $A7
Diskinfo.exe (Identifies IDE Hard Disc Parameters, August 1995): $A7
Computer Controlled Power Supply Software (Jan/Feb. 1997): $A7
Spacewri.exe & Spacewri.bas (for Spacewriter, May 1997): $A7
I/O Card (July 1997) + Stepper Motor Software (1997 series): $A7
Connecting up
If you’ve got this far, making the
board-to-board connections won’t be
a problem. Pin C on the receiver board
is connected to the UP input on the
potentiometer board while pin D is
connected to the DOWN input. Pins
H & G are connected to input pins 1
& 2 respectively on the relay board.
If you wanted to connect a second
potentiometer board, you could use
any of pins A, B, E and F for the UP
and DOWN functions. Alternatively,
you could use any of the same pins
to operate additional relay boards,
although they would only be energised
while the relevant transmitter button
was pressed.
Finally, if you have previously purchased the 8-channel IR transmitter
and receiver boards, the transmitter
buttons will not provide the correct
functions. On the previous transmitter
board (February 1996), the Volume
button controlled latching outputs
which is not appro
priate for controlling the potentiometer board. SC
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Testing the transmitter on its own is
not practical unless you have a cam
corder or some sort of video camera.
If you do, you can use the camera’s
viewfinder to see if light is emitted
when any of the transmitter buttons
are pressed. However, while that tests
the infrared side of things, it does not
indicate that the buttons control the
right receiver outputs. The way around
this is to first connect 12V DC to the
receiver board, then check that around
+5.6V is present at the emitter of Q2,
at pin 14 of IC1 and at pin 3 of IC2.
Now aim the transmitter LED at the
receiver’s detector window and use
your multimeter to check that each
output pin on the board goes high
when the relevant button is pressed.
The outputs should be as follows:
July 1997 19
Silicon Chip
Back Issues
January 1991: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.1; Have Fun
With The Fruit Machine; Two-Tone Alarm Module; LCD Readout
For The Capacitance Meter; How Quartz Crystals Work; The
Dangers of Servicing Microwave Ovens.
February 1991: Synthesised Stereo AM Tuner, Pt.1; Three
Low-Cost Inverters For Fluorescent Lights; Low-Cost Sinewave
Oscillator; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries, Pt.2; How To Design
Amplifier Output Stages.
September 1988: Hands-Free Speakerphone; Electronic Fish
Bite Detector; High Performance AC Millivoltmeter, Pt.2; Build
The Vader Voice.
March 1990: Delay Unit For Automatic Antennas; Workout Timer
For Aerobics Classes; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.2; Using The
UC3906 SLA Battery Charger IC; The Australian VFT Project.
April 1989: Auxiliary Brake Light Flasher; What You Need to Know
About Capacitors; 32-Band Graphic Equaliser, Pt.2; The Story Of
Amtrak Passenger Services.
April 1990: Dual Tracking ±50V Power Supply; Voice-Operated
Switch (VOX) With Delayed Audio; 16-Channel Mixing Desk, Pt.3;
Active CW Filter; Servicing Your Microwave Oven.
May 1989: Build A Synthesised Tom-Tom; Biofeedback Monitor
For Your PC; Simple Stub Filter For Suppressing TV Interference;
The Burlington Northern Railroad.
June 1990: Multi-Sector Home Burglar Alarm; Low-Noise Universal Stereo Preamplifier; Load Protector For Power Supplies;
Speed Alarm For Your Car; Fitting A Fax Card To A Computer.
July 1989: Exhaust Gas Monitor; Experimental Mains Hum Sniffers; Compact Ultrasonic Car Alarm; The NSW 86 Class Electrics.
July 1990: Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.1 (Covers 0-500kHz);
Burglar Alarm Keypad & Combination Lock; Simple Electronic
Die; Low-Cost Dual Power Supply; Inside A Coal Burning Power
September 1989: 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio (Uses
MC13024 and TX7376P) Pt.1; High Or Low Fluid Level Detector;
Studio Series 20-Band Stereo Equaliser, Pt.2.
October 1989: FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes Pt.1; GaAsFet
Preamplifier For Amateur TV; 2-Chip Portable AM Stereo Radio,
Pt.2; A Look At Australian Monorails.
November 1989: Radfax Decoder For Your PC (Displays Fax, RTTY
& Morse); FM Radio Intercom For Motorbikes, Pt.2; 2-Chip Portable
AM Stereo Radio, Pt.3; Floppy Disc Drive Formats & Options; The
Pilbara Iron Ore Railways.
December 1989: Digital Voice Board; UHF Remote Switch;
Balanced Input & Output Stages; Operating an R/C Transmitter;
Index to Vol. 2.
January 1990: High Quality Sine/Square Oscillator; Service Tips
For Your VCR; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs; Active Antenna
Kit; Designing UHF Transmitter Stages; A Look At Very Fast Trains.
February 1990: A 16-Channel Mixing Desk; Build A High Quality
Audio Oscillator, Pt.2; The Incredible Hot Canaries; Random Wire
Antenna Tuner For 6 Metres; Phone Patch For Radio Amateurs, Pt.2.
August 1990: High Stability UHF Remote Transmitter; Universal
Safety Timer For Mains Appliances (9 Minutes); Horace The
Electronic Cricket; Digital Sine/Square Generator, Pt.2.
September 1990: Low-Cost 3-Digit Counter Module; Simple
Shortwave Converter For The 2-Metre Band; the Bose Lifestyle
Music System; The Care & Feeding Of Battery Packs; How To
Make Dynamark Labels.
October 1990: The Dangers of PCBs; Low-Cost Siren For Burglar
Alarms; Dimming Controls For The Discolight; Surfsound Simulator; DC Offset For DMMs; NE602 Converter Circuits.
November 1990: How To Connect Two TV Sets To One VCR; Build
An Egg Timer; Low-Cost Model Train Controller; 1.5V To 9V DC
Converter; Introduction To Digital Electronics; Build A Simple
6-Metre Amateur Band Transmitter.
December 1990: The CD Green Pen Controversy; 100W DC-DC
Converter For Car Amplifiers; Wiper Pulser For Rear Windows;
4-Digit Combination Lock; 5W Power Amplifier For The 6-Metre
Amateur Transmitter; Index To Volume 3.
March 1991: Remote Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.1;
Transistor Beta Tester Mk.2; A Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner,
Pt.2; Multi-Purpose I/O Board For PC-Compatibles; Universal
Wideband RF Preamplifier For Amateur Radio & TV.
April 1991: Steam Sound Simulator For Model Railroads; Remote
Controller For Garage Doors, Pt.2; Simple 12/24V Light Chaser;
Synthesised AM Stereo Tuner, Pt.3; A Practical Approach To
Amplifier Design, Pt.2.
May 1991: 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers; Stereo
Audio Expander; Fluorescent Light Simulator For Model Railways;
How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.1.
June 1991: A Corner Reflector Antenna For UHF TV; 4-Channel
Lighting Desk, Pt.1; 13.5V 25A Power Supply For Transceivers,
Pt.2; Active Filter For CW Reception; Tuning In To Satellite TV.
July 1991: Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers;
4-Channel Lighting Desk, Pt.2; How To Install Multiple TV Outlets, Pt.2; Tuning In To Satellite TV, Pt.2; The Snowy Mountains
Hydro Scheme.
September 1991: Digital Altimeter For Gliders & Ultralights;
Ultrasonic Switch For Mains Appliances; The Basics Of A/D & D/A
Conversion; Plotting The Course Of Thunderstorms.
October 1991: Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your PC, Pt.1; SteamSound Simulator Mk.II; Magnetic Field Strength Meter; Digital
Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.2; Military Applications Of R/C Aircraft.
November 1991: Build A Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1; A
Junkbox 2-Valve Receiver; Flashing Alarm Light For Cars; Digital
Altimeter For Gliders, Pt.3; Build A Talking Voltmeter For Your
PC, Pt.2; Turn-stile Antenna For Weather Satellite Reception.
December 1991: TV Transmitter For VCRs With UHF Modulators;
Infrared Light Beam Relay; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.2;
Index To Volume 4.
January 1992: 4-Channel Guitar Mixer; Adjustable 0-45V 8A
Power Supply, Pt.1; Baby Room Monitor/FM Transmitter; Experiments For Your Games Card.
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March 1992: TV Transmitter For VHF VCRs; Thermostatic Switch
For Car Radiator Fans; Telephone Call Timer; Coping With Damaged
Computer Directories; Guide Valve Substitution In Vintage Radios.
April 1992: IR Remote Control For Model Railroads; Differential
Input Buffer For CROs; Understanding Computer Memory; Aligning
Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.1.
May 1992: Build A Telephone Intercom; Electronic Doorbell; Battery
Eliminator For Personal Players; Infrared Remote Control For Model
Railroads, Pt.2; Aligning Vintage Radio Receivers, Pt.2.
June 1992: Multi-Station Headset Intercom, Pt.1; Video Switcher For
Camcorders & VCRs; IR Remote Control For Model Railroads, Pt.3;
15-Watt 12-240V Inverter; A Look At Hard Disc Drives.
July 1992: Build A Nicad Battery Discharger; 8-Station Automatic
Sprinkler Timer; Portable 12V SLA Battery Charger; Multi-Station
Headset Intercom, Pt.2.
August 1992: An Automatic SLA Battery Charger; Miniature 1.5V
To 9V DC Converter; 1kW Dummy Load Box For Audio Amplifiers;
Troubleshooting Vintage Radio Receivers; MIDI Explained.
October 1992: 2kW 24VDC - 240VAC Sinewave Inverter; Multi-Sector
Home Burglar Alarm, Pt.2; Mini Amplifier For Personal Stereos; A
Regulated Lead-Acid Battery Charger.
January 1993: Flea-Power AM Radio Transmitter; High Intensity
LED Flasher For Bicycles; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter,
Pt.4; Speed Controller For Electric Models, Pt.3.
February 1993: Three Projects For Model Railroads; Low Fuel
Indicator For Cars; Audio Level/VU Meter (LED Readout); An Electronic Cockroach; 2kW 24VDC To 240VAC Sinewave Inverter, Pt.5.
March 1993: Solar Charger For 12V Batteries; Alarm-Triggered
Security Camera; Reaction Trainer; Audio Mixer for Camcorders; A
24-Hour Sidereal Clock For Astronomers.
April 1993: Solar-Powered Electric Fence; Audio Power Meter;
Three-Function Home Weather Station; 12VDC To 70VDC Converter;
Digital Clock With Battery Back-Up.
May 1993: Nicad Cell Discharger; Build The Woofer Stopper;
Alphanumeric LCD Demonstration Board; The Microsoft Windows
Sound System; The Story of Aluminium.
June 1993: AM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; Remote Control For The
Woofer Stopper; Digital Voltmeter For Cars; A Windows-Based
Logic Analyser.
July 1993: Single Chip Message Recorder; Light Beam Relay Extender; AM Radio Trainer, Pt.2; Quiz Game Adjudicator; Windows-based
Logic Analyser, Pt.2; Antenna Tuners – Why They Are Useful.
August 1993: Low-Cost Colour Video Fader; 60-LED Brake Light
Array; Microprocessor-Based Sidereal Clock; Southern Cross Z80Based Computer; A Look At Satellites & Their Orbits.
September 1993: Automatic Nicad Battery Charger/Discharger; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control, Pt.1; In-Circuit Transistor
Tester; A +5V to ±15V DC Converter; Remote-Controlled Cockroach.
October 1993: Courtesy Light Switch-Off Timer For Cars; Wireless
Microphone For Musicians; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote
Control, Pt.2; Electronic Engine Management, Pt.1.
November 1993: Jumbo Digital Clock; High Efficiency Inverter For
Fluorescent Tubes; Stereo Preamplifier With IR Remote Control,
Pt.3; Siren Sound Generator; Engine Management, Pt.2; Experiments
For Games Cards.
December 1993: Remote Controller For Garage Doors; LED Stroboscope; 25W Amplifier Module; 1-Chip Melody Generator; Engine
Management, Pt.3; Index To Volume 6.
January 1994: 3A 40V Adjustable Power Supply; Switching Regulator For Solar Panels; Printer Status Indicator; Mini Drill Speed
Controller; Stepper Motor Controller; Active Filter Design; Engine
Management, Pt.4.
February 1994: Build A 90-Second Message Recorder; 12-240VAC
200W Inverter; 0.5W Audio Amplifier; 3A 40V Adjustable Power
Supply; Engine Management, Pt.5; Airbags - How They Work.
March 1994: Intelligent IR Remote Controller; 50W (LM3876) Audio
Amplifier Module; Level Crossing Detector For Model Railways;
Voice Activated Switch For FM Microphones; Simple LED Chaser;
Engine Management, Pt.6.
June 1994: 200W/350W Mosfet Amplifier Module; A Coolant Level
Alarm For Your Car; 80-Metre AM/CW Transmitter For Amateurs;
Converting Phono Inputs To Line Inputs; PC-Based Nicad Battery
Monitor; Engine Management, Pt.9.
February 1996: Three Remote Controls To Build; Woofer Stopper
Mk.2; 10-Minute Kill Switch For Smoke Detectors; Basic Logic
Trainer; Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.2; Use your PC As
A Reaction Timer.
July 1994: Build A 4-Bay Bow-Tie UHF Antenna; PreChamp
2-Transistor Preamplifier; Steam Train Whistle & Diesel Horn
Simulator; Portable 6V SLA Battery Charger; Electronic Engine
Management, Pt.10.
March 1996: Programmable Electronic Ignition System; Zener
Tester For DMMs; Automatic Level Control For PA Systems; 20ms
Delay For Surround Sound Decoders; Multi-Channel Radio Control
Transmitter; Pt.2; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.1.
August 1994: High-Power Dimmer For Incandescent Lights;
Microprocessor-Controlled Morse Keyer; Dual Diversity Tuner For
FM Microphones, Pt.1; Nicad Zapper; Engine Management, Pt.11.
April 1996: Cheap Battery Refills For Mobile Telephones; 125W
Power Amplifier Module; Knock Indicator For Leaded Petrol
Engines; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter; Pt.3; Cathode
Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.2.
September 1994: Automatic Discharger For Nicad Battery Packs;
MiniVox Voice Operated Relay; Image Intensified Night Viewer;
AM Radio For Weather Beacons; Dual Diversity Tuner For FM
Microphones, Pt.2; Engine Management, Pt.12.
October 1994: Dolby Surround Sound - How It Works; Dual Rail
Variable Power Supply; Talking Headlight Reminder; Electronic
Ballast For Fluorescent Lights; Temperature Controlled Soldering
Station; Engine Management, Pt.13.
May 1996: Upgrading The CPU In Your PC; Build A High Voltage
Insulation Tester; Knightrider Bi-Directional LED Chaser; Simple
Duplex Intercom Using Fibre Optic Cable; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.3.
June 1996: BassBox CAD Loudspeaker Software Reviewed; Stereo
Simulator (uses delay chip); Rope Light Chaser; Low Ohms Tester
For Your DMM; Automatic 10A Battery Charger.
November 1994: Dry Cell Battery Rejuvenator; Novel Alphanumeric Clock; 80-Metre DSB Amateur Transmitter; Twin-Cell Nicad
Discharger (See May 1993); Anti-Lock Braking Systems; How To
Plot Patterns Direct To PC Boards.
July 1996: Installing a Dual Boot Windows System On Your PC;
Build A VGA Digital Oscilloscope, Pt.1; Remote Control Extender
For VCRs; 2A SLA Battery Charger; 3-Band Parametric Equaliser;
Single Channel 8-bit Data Logger.
December 1994: Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder,
Pt.1; Easy-To-Build Car Burglar Alarm; Three-Spot Low Distortion
Sinewave Oscillator; Clifford - A Pesky Electronic Cricket; Cruise
Control - How It Works; Remote Control System for Models, Pt.1;
Index to Vol.7.
August 1996: Electronics on the Internet; Customising the Windows
Desktop; Introduction to IGBTs; Electronic Starter For Fluorescent
Lamps; VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.2; 350W Amplifier Module; Masthead
Amplifier For TV & FM; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.4.
January 1995: Sun Tracker For Solar Panels; Battery Saver For
Torches; Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound Decoder, Pt.2; Dual
Channel UHF Remote Control; Stereo Microphone Preamplifier;The
Latest Trends In Car Sound; Pt.1.
February 1995: 50-Watt/Channel Stereo Amplifier Module; Digital
Effects Unit For Musicians; 6-Channel Thermometer With LCD
Readout; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.1; Oil Change
Timer For Cars; The Latest Trends In Car Sound; Pt.2; Remote Control
System For Models, Pt.2.
March 1995: 50 Watt Per Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.1; Subcarrier
Decoder For FM Receivers; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers,
Pt.2; IR Illuminator For CCD Cameras; Remote Control System For
Models, Pt.3; Simple CW Filter.
April 1995: Build An FM Radio Trainer, Pt.1; A Photographic Timer For
Darkrooms; Balanced Microphone Preamplifier & Line Filter; 50-Watt
Per Channel Stereo Amplifier, Pt.2; Wide Range Electrostatic Loudspeakers, Pt.3; An 8-Channel Decoder For Radio Remote Control.
May 1995: What To Do When the Battery On Your PC’s Motherboard
Goes Flat; Build A Guitar Headphone Amplifier; FM Radio Trainer,
Pt.2; Transistor/Mosfet Tester For DMMs; A 16-Channel Decoder
For Radio Remote Control; Introduction to Satellite TV.
June 1995: Build A Satellite TV Receiver; Train Detector For Model
Railways; 1W Audio Amplifier Trainer; Low-Cost Video Security
System; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter For Models, Pt.1;
Build A $30 Digital Multimeter.
July 1995: Electric Fence Controller; How To Run Two Trains On A
Single Track (Incl. Lights & Sound); Setting Up A Satellite TV Ground
Station; Door Minder; Adding RAM To A Computer.
August 1995: Fuel Injector Monitor For Cars; Gain Controlled
Microphone Preamp; Audio Lab PC Controlled Test Instrument,
Pt.1; Mighty-Mite Powered Loudspeaker; How To Identify IDE Hard
Disc Drive Parameters.
September 1995: Keypad Combination Lock; The Incredible Vader
Voice; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model Railways,
Pt.1; Jacob’s Ladder Display; The Audio Lab PC Controlled Test
Instrument, Pt.2.
October 1995: Geiger Counter; 3-Way Bass Reflex Loudspeaker
System; Railpower Mk.2 Walkaround Throttle For Model Railways,
Pt.2; Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Digital Speedometer & Fuel
Gauge For Cars, Pt.1.
November 1995: Mixture Display For Fuel Injected Cars; CB Trans
verter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.1; PIR Movement Detector;
Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.1; Digital
Speedometer & Fuel Gauge For Cars, Pt.2.
April 1994: Sound & Lights For Model Railway Level Crossings; Discrete Dual Supply Voltage Regulator; Universal Stereo Preamplifier;
Digital Water Tank Gauge; Engine Management, Pt.7.
December 1995: Engine Immobiliser; 5-Band Equaliser; CB Transverter For The 80M Amateur Band, Pt.2; Subwoofer Controller; Dolby
Pro Logic Surround Sound Decoder Mk.2, Pt.2; Knock Sensing In
Cars; Index To Volume 8.
May 1994: Fast Charger For Nicad Batteries; Induction Balance
Metal Locator; Multi-Channel Infrared Remote Control; Dual Electronic Dice; Simple Servo Driver Circuits; Engine Management, Pt.8;
Passive Rebroadcasting For TV Signals.
January 1996: Surround Sound Mixer & Decoder, Pt.1; Magnetic
Card Reader; Build An Automatic Sprinkler Controller; IR Remote
Control For The Railpower Mk.2; Recharging Nicad Batteries For
Long Life.
September 1996: VGA Oscilloscope, Pt.3; Infrared Stereo Headphone Link, Pt.1; High Quality PA Loudspeaker; 3-Band HF Amateur
Radio Receiver; Feedback On Programmable Ignition (see March
1996); Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.5.
October 1996: Send Video Signals Over Twisted Pair Cable; Power
Control With A Light Dimmer; 600W DC-DC Converter For Car Hifi
Systems, Pt.1; Infrared Stereo Headphone Link, Pt.2; Multi-Media
Sound System, Pt.1; Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter, Pt.8.
November 1996: Adding An Extra Parallel Port To Your Computer;
8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.1; Low-Cost Fluorescent Light Inverter;
How To Repair Domestic Light Dimmers; Build A Multi-Media Sound
System, Pt.2; 600W DC-DC Converter For Car Hifi Systems, Pt.2.
December 1996: CD Recorders – The Next Add-On For Your PC;
Active Filter Cleans Up CW Reception; Fast Clock For Railway
Modellers; Laser Pistol & Electronic Target; Build A Sound Level
Meter; 8-Channel Stereo Mixer, Pt.2; Index To Volume 9.
January 1997: How To Network Your PC; Using An Autotransformer
To Save Light Bulbs; Control Panel For Multiple Smoke Alarms,
Pt.1; Build A Pink Noise Source (for Sound Level Meter calibration);
Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply, Pt.1; Digi-Temp Monitors
Eight Temperatures.
February 1997: Computer Problems: Sorting Out What’s At
Fault; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.6; PC-Controlled Moving
Message Display; Computer Controlled Dual Power Supply, Pt.2;
Alert-A-Phone Loud Sounding Alarm; Control Panel For Multiple
Smoke Alarms, Pt.2.
March 1997: Driving A Computer By Remote Control; Plastic Power
PA Amplifier (175W); Signalling & Lighting For Madel Railways;
Build A Jumbo LED Clock; Audible Continuity Tester; Cathode Ray
Oscilloscopes, Pt.7.
April 1997: Avoiding Windows 95 Hassles With Motherboard
Upgrades; A Low-Tech Timer With No ICs; Digital Voltmeter For
Cars; Loudspeaker Protector For Stereo Amplifiers; Model Train
Controller; Installing A PC-Compatible Floppy Drive In An Amiga
500; A Look At Signal Tracing; Pt.1; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.8.
May 1997: Windows 95 – The Hardware Required; Teletext Decoder
For PCs; Build An NTSC-PAL Converter; Neon Tube Modulator
For Light Systems; Traffic Lights For A Model Intersection; The
Spacewriter – It Writes Messages In Thin Air; A Look At Signal
Tracing; Pt.2; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.9.
June 1997: Tuning Up Your Hard Disc Drive; PC-Controlled Thermometer/Thermostat; Colour TV Pattern Generator, Pt.1; Build An
Audio/RF Signal Tracer; High-Current Speed Controller For 12V/24V
Motors; Manual Control Circuit For A Stepper Motor; Fail-Safe
Module For The Throttle Servo; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Pt.10.
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This addressable interface card provides eight
opto-isolated inputs and eight relay outputs.
A flexible interface
card for PCs
This addressable interface card provides
eight opto-isolated inputs and eight relay
outputs. It is addressed from the parallel
port of your computer and you can have
more than one card, each with a different
address, hooked to the same port.
Got a control application for your
computer that can’t be done with your
existing hardware? Perhaps you want
to design a security system around an
older computer. Whatever the reason,
there are a host of applications for
this input/output card which can be
connected to any PC with a standard
parallel port. That means it can be
used with old PC XTs, 286 or 386
machines which might otherwise
be gathering dust. And of course, it
can be used with 486 and Pentium
machines as well.
You could have up to eight of these
cards daisy chained and connected to
one parallel printer port on a PC. The
cards can be set up with an address
from 1 to 8, making them individually
addressable, or if the need arises, two
or more can be coded with the same
address in a master-slave setup.
This interface card is capable of
monitoring eight opto-isolated input
lines. The inputs to the PC port are
normally high and are taken low (via
the opto-isolator) when the card input
line is grounded. These eight input
lines and ground are accessible via a
9-pin “D” female connector.
The card can also switch eight
relays. Each relay has changeover
July 1997 23
1 PC board, code 07107971, 177
x 125mm
8 PC-mount relays (RLY1-RLY8)
(Altronics S-4160; Jaycar SY4066)
1 D25 PC-mount male connector
1 D25 PC-mount female connector
1 D25 male connector (solder cup
or IDC)
1 D9 PC-mount female connector
1 D9 male connector (solder cup
or IDC)
1 8 x 2-pin strip
1 shunt for above
1 3-pin terminal block (5.08mm
1 74HC137 decoder (IC1)
2 74HC573 8-bit latch
1 74HC02 quad NOR gate
1 ULN2803 octal buffer (IC5)
8 4N28 opto-isolators (O1-O8)
9 1N914 small signal diodes
2 100µF 25VW PC electrolytic
3 0.1µF monolithic ceramic
1 .01µF MKT polyester
2 .001µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
2 47kΩ
1 10kΩ
8 4.7kΩ
1 47kΩ SIP (8 resistor 9 pin)
Fig.1 (right): the circuit uses a BCD
decoder (IC1) and an 8-bit latch (IC2)
to control the eight relays. Eight optoisolators are coupled to 8-bit latch IC3
to drive PortB and PortC of the
parallel connector CON1.
confuse you by calling it card 0 we
have labelled them cards 1 to 8. If the
output which goes low is jumpered
to pin 2 of IC4a, and remembering
that pin 4 is high, we then have both
inputs of IC4a low, which means that
its output will be high. This will latch
the data present on PortA (pins 2-9
of CON1) into IC2 and output it on
pins 12-19.
Pins 12 to 19 of IC2 connect directly to IC5, an octal (eight) buffer.
This chip accepts 5V logic levels
at its input and has open-collector
outputs which can switch up to 50V
0.5A loads.
Operating the relays
(SPDT) contacts and depending on the
type used, the contacts may be rated
6A at 240VAC and 12A at 28VDC (Altronics S-4160) or 3A at 12V (Jaycar
SY-4066). All relays are accessed via
a 25-pin “D” female connector. Note
that the PC board tracks and the connector are not rated for 240VAC and
they would not carry this current but
if high currents were to be switched,
connections could be made straight
to the relay pins.
These features make the card
suitable for a wide range of interface
capacitor. Thus if pin 4 of IC4b goes
high, the latch pin will immediately
go high then return to a low level
as the 10kΩ resistor discharges the
capacitor. This is how we select the
card from the parallel port.
The three input lines can only
address outputs 0 - 7 so rather than
Circuit description
The full circuit is shown in Fig.1.
IC1 is a 74HC137 latched one-of-eight
active-low decoder. This means that
any BCD (binary coded decimal) code
which is present on the three input
lines (A,B,C) will cause the output
corresponding to this code to change
from its normal level of +5V (high) to
0V (low). The eight outputs are pins
7 and 9 to 15.
While the latch enable, pin 4, is
high, the outputs will change in sympathy with the input code but once
the latch pin is low, the input code
is stored or latched. This allows us
to select one of the outputs, latch it,
then alter the code on the input lines
while that output stays selected.
To this end, the latch enable pin
is AC-coupled through the .001µF
24 Silicon Chip
The I/O Card is addressed from the
parallel port of your computer and
you can have more than one card,
each with a different address, hooked
to the same port. Note that this is the
prototype card and some changes
have been made, as can be seen from
the component overlay diagram of
Fig.4. The current artwork uses a 16pin chip for IC1.
OK, so how do we operate the
relays? The procedure is to apply
the code for the particular relays
(see Table 1) to PortA then apply the
card select code to PortC, taking pin
1 (which is normally high) low, then
back high again.
Reading the eight inputs is not quite
so straightforward. In the newer PCs,
the PortA lines are bidirectional; ie,
they can be used for inputs as well as
outputs. With the older-style machines
they can only be used as output lines.
Fortunately, the PortB and PortC lines
can be used as inputs but we have to
use them both to get our eight lines.
Now you will realise why it was necessary to latch the PortC data in IC1.
The eight inputs (pins 2-9) of IC3
are pulled high with 47kΩ resistors
and each resistor has an opto-isolator output connected between it and
ground. If the LED in the opto is lit the
transistor will pull the pin low. This
will be the case if the corresponding
diode is grounded.
Unfortunately, computer boffins
count from zero, unlike normal human beings who were taught to start
from one. This means that diode D1
controls input port D0 and so on. We
could label the IC pins D1-D8, but we
prefer to draw ICs the way you will
find them in the data book, otherwise
there could be even more confusion.
With the I/O card de-selected, pin 1
of IC4a will be low and therefore pin
July 1997 25
Fig.2: the top trace shows the strobe pulse at pin 4 of IC4.
The middle trace is the differentiated pulse which is
present at pin 4 of IC1. This latches the card address
when it is high. The bottom trace is the integrated pulse
at pins 8 & 9 of IC4. You can see that the capacitor has not
charged up to the 2.5V necessary to change the output.
Fig.3: these scope waveforms show how the card
opto-isolator inputs are read. The strobe goes high and
stays high long enough for the input of IC4c to pass
through the logic switching threshold. Note that the
time constant here is 10 times longer than the latch
enable time constant for IC2.
The LED test jig is used to verify the operation of the eight relays.
Table 1: Port A Code To Energise Relays 1, 5 & 8
BCD Value
Data Line
Relay 1
Relay 2
Relay 3
Relay 4
Relay 5
Relay 6
Relay 7
Relay 8
The value to apply to PORTA is 10010001 binary or 145 decimal.
26 Silicon Chip
= 145
10 of IC4c and pin 1 (the output enable) of IC3 will be high. This means
that pins 12-19 of IC3 will be floating
and therefore at the logic levels on the
PortB & PortC pins. When pin 1 of IC3
is taken low the logic levels present
on the D (data) inputs are transferred
to the Q pins.
To read the inputs the first step is to
select the card as described previously. Under normal conditions, when we
select the card and toggle the relays,
the time constant of the integrator at
the input of IC4c prevents any change
in its output (see the scope waveforms
of Fig.2).
This time, after selecting the card,
we set all the lines of PortB and PortC
high, except PortC pin 1, which is
held low as we now want to charge
the capacitor on pins 8 & 9 of IC4c
and take its output low (see the
scope waveforms of Fig.3). The 47kΩ
resistor and this capacitor form an
integrator, at the input of IC4c, which
will take 10 times longer to reach the
logic switching level than the latch
enable network on IC2.
Once IC4c changes state, the
logic levels at IC3’s inputs will be
transferred to its outputs which are
connected to PortB and PortC and
this binary value can be read by the
computer software. D9 ensures that
the outputs of IC3 are quickly disabled
when PortC pin 1 goes high.
In practice, the computer software
drives the card and you don’t really
Fig.4: the component overlay for the PC board. The card selection jumper is to
the right of IC1. For convenience, all the input-output connections to the card
are made with D connectors.
have to think about the circuit machinations in order to be able to use it.
Building the card
The component overlay of the PC
board is shown on Fig.4.
You can begin by checking the etch
pattern on the PC board with the full
size artwork of Fig.6. Fix any faults
that might be present before you start
installing the parts.
Fit and solder the 23 links, followed
by the resistors and diodes. Next,
insert the ICs along with the resistor
network (black dot adjacent to pin 1)
noting that IC1, IC2, IC4 and IC5 face
one edge of the board and the rest
face the other edge. The last group is
the capacitors, connectors and relays.
Check all the soldering again once
you have finished as it is quite easy to
miss a row of IC pins or one resistor
network pin.
Testing it
For the big test you will need a 25way D cable to connect your computer
printer port to the card and a power
supply which can deliver 5V and 12V.
Connect the power supply to CON4,
checking that the +5V on the supply
goes to the correct connector terminal.
Set the jumper to C1. Connect the
male end of the cable to the computer
printer socket, the female end to the
card and turn on the power supply.
Relay test
It is possible that several relays will
click in, depending on the logic levels on the output of IC2. If nothing is
heard don’t despair. Load BASIC into
your computer and type in lines 10100 of the program shown in Listing
1. You need not type the comments
(lower case); they are only there to
explain what each line does.
When you run it, each relay should
energise in turn, with a 1-second delay between steps. If your relays don’t
step at all, first check that you have
selected card one.
Next, check the voltage at pin 2 of
IC4. It should be 0V. If you remove
Fig.5: use this circuit to make up
a jig for checking relay operation
on the board.
OUT PORTC,10 from line 50 and
run the program again, both pin 2
and pin 3 of IC4 should be low and
consequently pin 1 should be high.
Fig.5 shows the circuit of a LED
array which can be connected to a
July 1997 27
Fig.6: actual size artwork for the PC board. Check your PC board’s copper tracks for defects before you start assembly.
‘define A, B, C as integers
20 PORTA = &H378: REM &H378 is for LPT1. use &H278 for LPT2
30 PORTB = PORTA + 1: PORTC = PORTB + 1 ‘define port addresses
‘turn all relays off, take C0 high
‘select card one, C0 low then high
60 FOR A = 0 TO 7
‘relays are coded 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
‘select relay 1 to 8 in turn
‘select card one, strobe high then low
90 B$ = RIGHT$(TIME$,2): WHILE RIGHT$(TIME$,2) = B$: WEND ‘wait one second
100 NEXT A
‘turn all relays off
‘take input lines high
130 FOR A = 1 to 200: NEXT
‘delay for IC4c increase value if necessary
140 LIN = 0: B = INP(PORTB): C = INP(PORTC)
‘read port input values
150 IF (B AND 128) THEN BIN = B - 135 ELSE BIN = B + 121 ‘complement bit 8
160 CIN = C AND 14
‘mask high bits and C0
170 IF (C AND 2) = 0 THEN CIN = CIN + 2 ELSE CIN = CIN - 2 ‘complement bit 2
180 IF (C AND 8) = 0 THEN CIN = CIN + 8 ELSE CIN = CIN - 8 ‘complement bit 8
190 CIN = INT (CIN/2): TIN = 255 - (BIN + CIN)
200 FOR A = 0 TO 7: IF TIN/2^A = 1 THEN LIN = A + 1 ‘find low line
210 NEXT
220 LOCATE 24,20: PRINT “Line”;LIN;
‘print it
230 GOTO 140 ‘loop
28 Silicon Chip
25-way D-connector to check relay
operation. This is much more effective than trying to listen for relays
Input test
Now add the remaining lines (110230) of Listing 1 and run the program
again. After the relays stop sequencing, the number 0 should appear at
the bottom of the screen. Ground the
cathodes of D1-D8 in turn and the
corresponding line number should
show on the screen.
Pressing the Ctrl and C or Ctrl and
Break keys together will get you out
of the loop. The fun and games in
lines 150-190 compensate for the logic
inversion of B7, C1 and C3 on CON1.
If you have problems with this section you will have to ground the diode
and check that the corresponding data
input on IC3 goes low. With pin 1 of
IC3 low, the Q output should mimic
the D input. If this is working, then
check for open circuit tracks between
IC3’s Q outputs and the corresponding
pin on CON1.
This Points Controller board uses a
capacitor discharge circuit to energise
the coils on a twin-solenoid switch
machine. One Points Controller board
can be used to operate all the points on
a model railway layout.
Most model railway enthusiasts operate their
points with a twin solenoid connected to a 15V
supply. However, if you keep your finger on the
button for just a moment too long, you can easily
burn out the solenoid coil. This points controller
avoids that problem.
As any keen model railway enthusiast can confirm, even the simplest
of model layouts include a few sets
of points and most feature quite a few,
for sidings, shunting yards and spur
lines. While you can operate points by
hand (the “big hand in the sky”) or by
Bowden cables, that rapidly becomes
unwieldy and unrealistic for all but
the smallest layouts.
Hence most enthusiasts operate
their sets of points by twin solenoid
assemblies which are usually referred
to as switch machines. The most commonly available type is made by Peco
and can be used for O, HO and N scale
layouts. They are available from model
railway retailers for about $7.
As can be seen from one of the
photos accompanying this article,
these twin solenoid assemblies consist
of two coils which drive a common
solenoid shaft and a rightangle pin
which protrudes from both sides of
the assembly. The switch machine is
mounted under the baseboard of the
model railway layout and the solenoid
operated pin fits into a hole in the
sleeper of the moveable rail section
of the points.
To operate the points in one direction, one of the solenoids is briefly
energised, after which the points lock
into their new position. To move the
points back again, the other solenoid
is briefly energised.
In normal practice, the solenoid
coils are energised from a 16V AC or
DC power supply, with each coil connected via a pushbutton switch. The
idea is that you briefly push the switch
to operate the points for the new train
direction. The operative word here is
“briefly”. If you lean on the switch for
more than a few seconds, the energised
coil will burn out.
The reason for burn out is pretty
easy to understand. Each solenoid
coil is wound with lots of turns of
very fine enamelled copper wire and
the total coil resistance is typically
around 4.5Ω. With 15V across the coil,
the internal dissipation will be V2/R =
(16)2/4.5 = 50W. No wonder they can
expire in a brief puff of smoke!
The solution to this problem is
to energise the solenoid coils with
July 1997 29
14 Model
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30 Silicon Chip
Fig.1: the 2200µF capacitors are charged via D1, Q1 and the 47Ω
resistor. The capacitors’ charge can then be dumped into the
solenoid coils via pushbutton switches S1 or S2.
a capacitor discharge circuit. This
charges up a capacitor to around 15V
or so and then the capacitor’s charge is
dumped via the respective pushbutton
into the solenoid coil to be energised.
This operates the points, discharges
the capacitor and even if the push
button remains depressed, no harm
can be done to the solenoid coil since
the capacitor cannot supply any more
Fig.1 shows the circuit. The power
supply can be any 12V to 15V DC or
AC source, with a 12V plugpack being
a safe and convenient approach. This
is fed via diode D1 and transistor Q1
to one or two 2200µF capacitors. From
there, diode D2 couples the capacitors’
voltage to pushbutton switches S1 and
S2. These switches then discharge the
2 x 2200µF capacitors via one or other
of the twin solenoids in the switch
When power is first applied, the
470Ω resistor between collector and
base of Q1 ensures that it is fully
turned on and so it charges the 2200µF
capacitors. The charge current is limit
ed to a safe level (250mA maximum)
for Q1 by the series 47Ω resistor at its
emitter. The capacitors only take a few
seconds to fully charge, by which time
LED1 will be fully alight.
The 1.2kΩ and 470Ω resistors form
a voltage divider which prevents LED1
turning on until the voltage across the
capacitor reaches 10V. This means that
LED1 acts as a “ready” indicator.
When either S1 or S2 is pressed,
not only does it discharge the 2200µF
capacitors, it also pulls the base of Q1
below its emitter, so it is completely
turned off. Thus, once the capacitor
is fully discharged, the only current
which flows into the coil is from the
470Ω base pull-up resistor. As this current is around 20-30mA, depending on
the supply voltage, there is no chance
of damaging the solenoid coil. Q1 stays
turned off, until the pushbutton is released, whereby the 2200µF capacitors
begin to charge again.
You might wonder about the functions of the three diodes in the circuit.
Are they really necessary? Well, yes.
Otherwise we would not have included them.
Diode D1, provides reverse polar-
1 PC board, code 09107971, 51
x 38mm
2 momentary contact pushbutton
switches (S1, S2)
1 BC639 NPN transistor (Q1)
3 1N4001 or 1N4004 silicon
diodes (D1-D3)
1 red LED (LED1)
1 or 2 2200µF 25VW PC
electrolytic capacitors (see
1 1.2kΩ 0.25W, 1% resistor
2 470Ω 0.25W, 1% resistor
1 47Ω 0.25W, 1% resistor
ity protection for the circuit if a DC
supply is used and acts as a rectifier
if AC is used. Diode D3 is include
to prevent damage to the base of Q1
from voltage spikes which can be
produced by the solenoids if there
is contact bounce in the pushbutton
switches (virtually all switches have
some contact bounce).
Finally D2 is included to allow
Q1 to turn on and turn off correctly.
Without D2, the base of Q1 would
be connected directly to the 2200µF
capacitors and so the transistor would
be biased off.
Assembling the board
With such a small PC board, it will
not take long to assemble all the components onto it. Make sure the diodes
and transistor are installed correctly,
otherwise the circuit won’t work.
Our circuit and photos show the PC
board fitted with two 2200µF capacitors but only one may be necessary.
How do you know? Well, you could
try the circuit with only one 2200µF
capacitor fitted and see if it works
satisfactorily. If so, then that’s all you
need. However, if your input voltage
to the circuit is 12V or less, you may
need to fit two 2200µF capacitors to
ensure that you have enough energy
storage to fire the solenoids every time.
We envisage that the points controller board will be installed under the
control panel for your layout. LED1
will be mounted on the control panel,
adjacent to the pushbuttons S1 & S2.
By the way, we suggest you try connecting the board to a switch motor
and operating it before it is installed
in your layout.
Multiple points operation
Note that while the circuit of Fig.1
and the PC overlay diagram of Fig.2
show provision for only two push
This close-up view shows how the twin-solenoid switch machine fits under the
points. A pin is fitted at rightangles to the solenoid shaft to drive the moveable
rail section of the points.
Points or Turnouts?
If you are a model railway
enthusiast you will find that
American, Australian and European modelling magazines have
ferent terminology for items
such as points. Australian and
English magazines refer to them
as “points” while American maga
zines refer to them as “turnouts”
or “switches”.
In fact, operations in railway
marshalling yards are referred to
as “switching” in American parlance and “shunting” in Australian
or English magazines.
buttons, S1 & S2, you only need to
build one of these point controller
boards to drive all the points switch
motors on your layout.
All you need to run extra points is
an extra pair of pushbuttons for each
set. So in theory, you could have 50
sets of points and 50 pairs of push
buttons all run from the one points
controller board.
In practice though, it might be prudent to run no more than a dozen sets
of points from each board. This would
simplify the wiring and make troubleshooting easier if you ever have a short
or an open circuit in your wiring.
If you do decide to run multiple
points controller boards, you can
power them all from the same 12-15V
Fig.2 (left): the component overlay for the PC board. Note that you can fit one or both of the 2200µF capacitors,
depending on your input supply voltage (see text). Fig.3 at right shows the actual size artwork for the PC board.
July 1997 31
Interesting circuit ideas which we have checked but not built and tested. Contributions from
readers are welcome and will be paid for at standard rates.
JFET tester adaptor
for DMMs
Many designers avoid using junction FETs (JFETs) even though many
circuits would benefit, such as those
requiring very high input resistance,
high upper frequency and (relatively)
low noise. But it is much harder to
design with JFETs because even devices from the same batch will have
widely varying pinch-off voltage (Vp)
and drain saturation current (Idss).
These parameters are paramount in
establishing proper DC biasing.
The tester described here enables
one to quickly measure these vital
parameters of an N-channel JFET to
approximate for
ward conductance
and to match transistors (eg, for use in
a differential long-tailed amplifier
With switch S1 open, op amp IC1
functions as a current regulator to
the JFET under test. The voltage drop
across resistor RD, due to the JFET’s
drain current, is compared with a
portion of the reference voltage de-
rived from diode D1. Both the voltages
being compared will be close to the
positive supply rail and the TL071
op amp specified can cope with this
condition. As a result of the voltage
comparison at its inputs, the op amp
adjusts the JFET’s source voltage
accordingly. The gate of the JFET is
tied to 0V.
The resulting current through the
JFET is about 2.8µA and the voltage
between gate and source, as measured
by the DVM, is the pinch voltage.
With switch S1 closed, the gate
and source of the JFET under test
are at equal potential. Under these
conditions, the DVM measures the
voltage across the source resistor RS
and when the measurement value is
divided by 10, the result is the drain
saturation current (Idss).
Resistors R4 and RG must be included. These will limit the current
flowing through the gate-channel
junction if the JFET is inserted incorrectly. Note that interchanging drain
and source is normally not dangerous
to the device tested. In most instances
Cheap heatsink
temperature sensor
While there are many accurate
temperature sensing ICs available,
they are not readily available in
packages such as TO-220 which
ensure reliable thermal contact for
monitoring heatsinks.
This circuit was used as an
over-temperature cutout for an intermittently operated inverter that
had to be encapsulated.
Q1 is a BD140 connected as a
diode and its forward voltage is
monitored by the LM393 comparator. The temperature coefficient
of the forward voltage is roughly
-2.1mV/°C. Q1’s forward voltage is
compared with a voltage at pin 2,
set by trimpot VR1. For reasonable
stability of this voltage, the supply
32 Silicon Chip
voltage should be regulated.
C1 may be necessary if the BD140
has long wires or the environment
is electrically noisy as in a switch
mode power supply. R1 adjusts
the comparator’s hysteresis and for
most applications doesn’t have to
be reduced.
G. LaRooy,
Christchurch, NZ. $35)
the FET will function normally. Ceramic capacitor CF prevents op amp
instability or oscillation.
The tester was designed to operate
from a 12V DC plugpack to ensure
sufficient drain-source voltage but it
could be operated from a 9V battery.
Comparison tests were carried out
with supplies of 12V, 9V and 6V (the
end-of-life voltage of a 9V battery)
using a random-selected 2N5486 FET.
With this range of supply voltage the
indicated pinch-off voltage dropped
from 3.19 to 3.16V (insignificant) and
drain saturation current dropped from
9.7mA to 9.3mA.
Battery operation has one serious
disadvantage – from theory of JFET
operation, Idss should be tested with
the FET’s drain-source voltage being
at least equal to its pinch-off voltage.
For battery operation R3 should be
reduced to 470Ω. Minimum supply
voltage for the TL071 is specified as
±3.5V but the device used in the prototype did function with a 6V supply.
M. Frankowski,
Warszawa, Poland. ($40)
RF Products
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FMTX5 Kit $98
Both a FMTX2A & FMTX2B on 1
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Broadcast specs. PLL 0.5 to 1
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220 Linear Amp Kit $499
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As featured in ‘Silicon Chip’ Jan. ’96
This REFLEX® charger charges single cells
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Single gate oscillator
Normally, at least two gates are
needed for an RC oscillator if a
Schmitt trigger gate isn’t available.
This circuit was employed to switch
a DC buzzer on and off.
In effect, the circuit runs as a conventional phase shift oscillator with
the three time constants providing
a 180° phase shift at the operating
G. LaRooy,
Christchurch, NZ. ($20)
This saves time and also extends the life of
the batteries.
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rejuvenate many 0V worn-out Nicads
Recharge them up to 3000 times.
12V-24V Converters, P. supplies and
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industrial applications are also available.
This simple circuit operates as a
conventional phase shift oscillator.
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Ph 0414 323099 Fax 088 270 3175
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July 1997 33
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The neighbour who made things worse
Why do some people allow friends or
neighbours to “have a go” at their VCR or TV
when it fails? If their motive is to save
money, the ploy usually backfires. More often
than not, an amateur serviceman only makes
things worse and the job ends up costing more.
My first customer of the morning
was Mr Davis who brought in a Sharp
VCA34X mid-drive video. He cheerfully admitted he knew nothing about
it and informed me that he “was only
delivering it for his wife”.
When I turned it on, I noticed that
it was patterning severely in playback mode and when the test switch
was on. In addition, I was unable to
receive any channel in the E-E mode.
The patterning was very similar to
the symptoms displayed when an
electrolytic capacitor has failed in the
power supply and the effect actually
seemed to change when I hit some of
the small electros in this part of the
circuit with the freezer.
It seemed initially that one or possibly two electros were susceptible
and as I felt sure that I was on the
right track, I decided to change them
without further ado. In fact, I changed
all the electros because if one was
faulty, it was possible that the others
wouldn’t be far behind it.
As it turned out, I was just guessing
because changing them made no difference at all. The CRO and multimeter showed that all voltages were clean
and correct and so my suspicions now
turned to the RF modulator.
To check this, I decided to feed
the audio/video outputs from the
VCR directly into a monitor. When
I played a tape the picture was now
clear but there was still no TV channel reception (just snow). It was then
that I noticed that when the VCR was
switched off, a TV channel appeared
quite clearly.
This meant that the TV was tuned
into a TV station and that the VCR was
transmitting right on top of it. As the
output of this VCR is on UHF and can
be adjusted easily, I retuned it to approximately Ch.37 and the patterning
disappeared completely. It is difficult
to comprehend the misleading effects
I had in the power supply. Perhaps
they were due to the proximity of my
hands and arms to the antenna but it’s
hard to tell sometimes.
The real complaint
At this stage, I thought that it would
be a good idea to talk to Mrs Davis (the
VCR’s owner), to find out what was
really meant to be wrong with the unit.
As it turned out, her only complaint
was that it was unable to record TV
stations. I asked about the patterning
on playback but she said she really
hadn’t noticed it as their reception
was pretty poor any way.
Well, at least I now knew what the
complaint was. The only thing that
couldn’t be explained was why the
RF output was so far off the factory
set Ch.37. Perhaps someone had had
a fiddle?
So I now had to address the real
38 Silicon Chip
knowledge being a dangerous thing.
By the way, out of curiosity, I
checked the faulty transistor on my
multimeter – it still read perfectly,
with no leakage indicated. I then held
it up to the light and looked at the
legs with a magnifying glass. At last a
clue – I could just detect some signs of
corrosion where the legs entered the
transistor case. My conclusion was
that this may have been enough to at
least make it intermittent.
Play it again Sam
problem – no TV tuning. To reach
the tuner, the top board has to be removed and the bottom board extracted
from its well in the plastic case. After
gingerly laying out the boards on the
bench, I switched it on and measured
the voltages to the tuner. All were
correct except for the tuning voltage
which was permanently stuck on
33V, even when I invoked the tuning
mode and sent it searching from band
I to band IV. The only changes that
occurred were on the band switching
Because I didn’t have the correct
service manual, I worked from a
VCH83/85X manual. This model is a
hifi mid-drive unit which is similar to
the VCA34X and I found that I could
follow the relevant part of the circuit
quite easily, the main difference here
being circuit reference numbers.
Tracing back the circuit from the
tuner, I arrived at the top board and
eventually came to Q1401 (2SC1740
SQR) which also had an unchanging
33V on its collector. However, its base
voltage was changing as the tuning
was adjusted. It was at this stage that
I noticed fresh soldering all around
the area. Someone had definitely been
there before me.
I measured the transistor in circuit
and it was fine. I then put the CRO on
the base and could see the mark-space
ratio of the pulses change in response
to the tuning but there was still no
change in the collector. The transistor
must be lying – there just had to be
something wrong with it!
I decided to replace it with a BC547
as I didn’t have the original 2SC1740SQR. It worked – all the stations could
now be tuned properly and locked
into memory. When Mrs Davis picked
it up I asked her if someone had looked
at it before. She wasn’t nearly as fierce
as I had imagined her to be and she
graciously admitted that the culprit
was her next door neighbour who had
also mistuned the RF output.
I put it down to a case of a little
I was grateful to the Jones family
when they decided to bring their Samsung into the workshop because it is a
large 68cm stereo TV. Their two sons
carried it in from the station wagon
and put it on the bench.
I gave it immediate priority so that I
could get it out of my cramped workshop, the only problem being that one
of the two symptoms described was
intermittent. The set was a CB7230WT
using an S60MT chassis and apparently it didn’t always want to start
unless they hit it! And now it had a
white line across the screen.
Serves them right for assaulting the
poor monster!
Removing the back revealed a flat
horizontal chassis divided into two
boards. Access was poor due to the
usual short connecting leads to the
front and because the large reflex cabinets for the speakers got in the way.
The lefthand board had the power
deflection functions, while the righthand board carried the small signal
On switch on, it displayed the
classic vertical deflection collapse
symptom; ie, a white line across the
screen, just as described. It didn’t
take a mental giant to work out that
the 9-pin flat-pack TDA3654 (IC301)
attached to a heatsink was the vertical
output IC (IC301), especially as it got
very hot.
Access to the underside of the board
was difficult but manageable once
it was unscrewed from its support
frame. I fitted a new IC and this cured
this fault. Unfortunately, having just
fitted the last screw in the back, I
found that it wouldn’t switch on – not
even after I had assaulted it, as well!
There was just the momentary
sound of EHT static and then nothing, so out it all came again. With the
power board delicately balanced on
its side and meter probes at the ready,
July 1997 39
Serviceman’s Log – continued
I could determine that all three motors could be made to rotate but only
intermittently and not necessarily
in the correct sequence. This erratic
behaviour lead me to suspect that it
was either a noisy mode select switch
or a crook microprocessor.
I took the line of least resistance
and went for the former. I removed the
front escutcheon, then the top board,
and gingerly unscrewed the loading
motor assembly, being careful not to
let the loading arms spring out. I then
unsoldered the old white mode select
switch, installed the new blue type
(part no. 79TD3895) and carefully
aligned the pointer as before.
When I got it all back together again,
I switched it on with a cover over the
ejector and pressed the off/eject button. Just like a trained dog, it immediately stopped sulking and proffered
me my tape. I tested it thoroughly with
all sorts of tapes before phoning Mr
Bryant. My only fear was his statement
about it “chewing tapes” –surely he
meant swallowing them whole?
My pal the Palsonic
I switched it on again and it came on
Well, to cut a long story short, I
jiggled and poked, bent and hit the
boards until finally I established the
fault was associated with relay RL801,
which switches the 21V and 16V rails.
So was it the relay that was at fault or
the relay driver circuit?
I traced the line from the relay
back towards the driver circuit and
eventually came to pin 2 of connector
CNP801. It was then that I noticed that
the orange 5V lead that goes to pin
1 was not quite properly in its plug
receptacle. It didn’t take long to fix
this and confirm that this was indeed
the culprit for the intermittent start-up
problem. I tested it frequently until
the Jones’s gratefully picked their set
up later that evening.
The greedy VCR
I had asked Mr Bryant to also bring
his remote control and instruction
40 Silicon Chip
booklet when he brought in his Daewoo-made NEC VN22 VCR and he was
as good as his word.
Although he complained that it was
“just chewing tapes”, it simply swallowed my dummy test tape and alarmingly wouldn’t regurgitate it when the
eject button was pressed. The only
display was a cyclical presentation of
all modes. The instruction booklet describes this function indicator as the
emergency mode and advises the user
to push the reset button. However,
pushing this and/or any other button
was an exercise in futility.
This sucker wasn’t going to give me
back my tape whatever I did!
I attacked it with my electric screwdriver and soon had the covers off
and then tried to persuade it to give
it back. It took me a little while to
realise that, with no covers, the end
sors were exposed to incandescent light and this was adding to my
woes. Having overcome this problem,
So far the day was going well. With
any luck, I would be able to knock
over two more jobs before the end of
the day.
The next in line was a Palsonic 3428
TV set which uses a Goldstar PC04X
chassis. The guy who brought this in
claimed that he was a technician and
that the “electros from the picture
tube had caused the fault to occur”. I
remained unconvinced and I suspected that he had had a go himself and
so I was very reluctant to proceed.
However, the bank keeps telling me
I need money and so I can’t turn
everything away.
When I switched it on, the set displayed a bright uncontrollable raster
which is quite a common symptom
for this model. Unfortunately, it has
many causes, the most usual being
IC501, a Telefunken TDA35622A. For
this reason, I have saved the chroma
module and also the CRT board from
a wrecked set so that I can quickly test
these components.
The chroma module comes in two
different interchangeable sizes. It is
also worth remembering that the heat
sink around the power supply will
often retain its high voltage for some
time after the set has been turned off.
A shock from this certainly won’t im
prove your temper as you struggle to
remove this chroma card.
After substitution, the screen
control on the tripler often needs
realigning to obtain the correct operating point for the tube and it doesn’t
behave like any other I know. The
darkest picture is somewhere in the
centre of its range with each end of the
control giving a bright raster! What’s
more, the effect on the picture can
vary, with some colours disappearing
completely at certain settings.
In this case, the substitute chroma
module made no difference, so next I
swapped the CRT board. This fixed the
problem once the screen control had
been adjusted for the darkest picture.
OK, so what was wrong with the CRT
board from the customer’s set.
The circuit (see Fig.1) consists of
seven transistors (two for each gun
plus a common one), plus three diodes
and various resistors and capacitors.
Because the overall tint of the white
raster was correct, the greyscale was
also correct which surely meant that
the three amplifiers were working OK,
giving even quantities of red, green
and blue.
Anyway, I checked the voltages all
over the board but could find nothing wrong. Next, I changed the five
components that are common to all
three driver stages (D901, Q907, C1,
R922 and R923) but they made no
difference. I disregarded the screen
and heater components (C907, C908,
R924 and R925) as being too fanciful
and there were no cracks in the board
or dry joints.
So if it wasn’t something common,
then perhaps there was some other
component failure that was upsetting
the whole circuit. What I did discover
was that hitting the components with
freezer produced a positive result –the
raster immediately began to darken
and a picture began to emerge. And
this could be fur
ther improved by
finding the correct point with the
screen control.
Eventually, after repeated freezing
and heating, especially on or around
D902, D903 and D904, the picture was
completely restored to normal.
At this stage, I put all the old parts
back in (except for C1) and carefully
checked the diodes and their associated parallel capacitors (C904, C902
& C906) after first removing them
from circuit. I couldn’t find anything
wrong with these parts, so I replaced
them and put the set aside to soak
Fig.1: the CRT board circuit for the Palsonic 3428 TV set. It uses seven
transistors (two for each gun plus a common one), plus three diodes and
various resistors and capacitors
test. As it subsequently turned out,
it was still behaving normally some
two weeks later.
So what caused the problem? My
only theory (and I admit that it’s rather
a lame one) is that one or more of the
diodes was internally intermittent and
this was affecting the beam current.
And this in turn was being shifted
well beyond the operating point of the
tube so that normal operation was no
longer possible.
Or is the explanation much simpler? In all the swapping around of
components, have I merely fixed a
poor solder joint on the PC board. It
is an unsatisfactory result and I invite
readers to speculate.
A dead Philips
The last set of the day was a Philips
KR66875 2B-S chassis stereo TV
which was dead. There was voltage
going to the chopper transistor but no
B+. I couldn’t find any shorts on this
rail or to the line output transistor and
felt pretty sure that the line output
transformer was faulty. To test this,
I shorted the base of the line output
transistor to its emitter and connected
a voltmeter to the collector. On switch
on, the collector voltage rose to the
full B+ line.
Fortunately, I had a flyback trans-
former in stock but removing the old
one is fairly hairy in that it is hard
to remove the solder between the
pins and the rivets in the chassis. A
combination of solder sucker, solder
wick and bad language does the trick
and I finally managed to edge the old
one out.
The next challenge is to remove the
EHT and focus leads which clip into
receptacles. These were eased out using side cutters and pushed into their
new homes. The new transformer was
then installed and, as a precaution, I
also replaced the 68µF electro feeding
the vertical output IC and soldered a
few suspicious looking joints on the
main board. I also checked out the
memory backup battery.
By the way, access to this set is rather difficult and I find it easier to work
with the entire cabinet upside down
on a towel rather than trying to find a
service position for the chassis. Fortunately, the new flyback transformer
did the trick so that was another one
knocked over.
Why can’t they make TV sets easier
to service? Still, I mustn’t grumble too
much – apart from the Palsonic, the
day had gone fairly well. And even
then, I managed to get the set fixed,
or so it appears.
Only time will tell.
July 1997 41
This compact unit produces both
square and triangle waves over
the frequency range from 100Hz
to 20kHz. Build it and use it to
test audio amplifiers, filters, tone
decoders and digital circuits.
is always useful to have on your
workbench. It can be used as a
signal source for all sorts of circuits, to
test that they are operating correctly.
A waveform generator, even a simple
unit such as that described here, is
particularly useful for troubleshooting or when building circuits from
This unit lets you select between
triangle and square waves and you
can vary the frequency output from
about 100Hz to 20kHz using a single
potentiometer. A second potentiome
ter lets you vary the output level from
0-10.5V p-p for square waves, or from
0-4V p-p for triangle waves.
All the parts, including the two pots,
are mounted on a compact PC board,
so that the assembly is really easy. But
first, let’s find out how it works.
Circuit details
Fig.1 shows the circuit details. As
can be seen, it’s based on the common
42 Silicon Chip
555 timer IC which is wired as an
astable oscillator. The timing components are connected to pins 6 & 2 of
the IC, with the .01µF capacitor being
alternately charged and discharged
via VR1 (the frequency control) and
its series 2.2kΩ resistor.
The circuit works like this. Initially,
when power is first applied, the .01µF
timing capacitor is discharged and
IC1’s pin 3 output is high. The .01µF
capacitor now charges via the 2.2kΩ
resistor and VR1 until it reaches twothirds the supply voltage (ie, 2/3Vcc).
At this point, an internal comparator
connected to pin 6 (the threshold
input) of IC1 trips and this switches
pin 3 low.
The capacitor now discharges via
VR1 and the series 2.2kΩ resistor
until it reaches 1/3Vcc (the lower
threshold). This point is detected
by the trigger input (pin 2), which
switches pin 3 high again. Thus, the
cycle repeats indefinitely and pin 3 of
IC1 alternately switches high and low
while ever power is applied.
Because it controls the charge/discharge times for the timing capacitor,
VR1 effectively sets the frequency of
oscillation. The nominal frequency
(f) is given by the formula:
f = 0.7/R1.C1
where R1 is timing resistance and C1
is the timing capacitance. In this case,
R1 = VR1 + 2.2kΩ and C1 = .01µF.
These values give a calculated
frequency range of 200Hz to 45kHz.
However, these figures don’t apply
in practice because the output of
IC1 does not go fully high. An 820Ω
pullup resistor is used to pull pin 3
higher than it would otherwise go to
give a more symmetrical waveform.
However, the resulting frequency
range of 100Hz to 20kHz is still less
than calculated.
The waveform at pin 3 is a nominal
square wave, as shown in Figs.2 & 3.
These show the square wave output at
19.7kHz and 122Hz, respectively. The
duty cycle is not exactly 1:1 because of
Fig.1: the circuit uses a 555 timer IC which is wired as an astable oscillator. Transistor Q1 buffers the triangle output.
pin 3 not going fully high but is near
enough for our purposes.
The waveform on pins 2 & 6 is triangle shaped since it represents the
charging cycles of the timing capacitor. This output has a fairly high impedance, particularly at low frequen
cies when VR1 is above 100kΩ.
Transistor Q1 is used to buffer the
triangle waveform. This transistor is
wired as an emitter follower, which
means that the signal on the emitter
follows the signal applied to the base.
Fig.4 shows the appearance of the triangle waveform when the frequency
is about 5.4kHz.
Switch S2 selects between the
square wave at pin 3 of IC1 and the
triangle waveform at the emitter of
Q1. From there, the signal is fed to
level control VR2 and then AC-coupled to the output termi
nals via a
10µF capacitor. This capacitor ensures that the output signal has no
DC component, while the associated
10kΩ resistor ensures that the output
is always loaded.
Power for the circuit can be derived
from virtually any supply capable of
providing between 5V and 15V DC
at about 20mA. The most convenient
source for this would be a plugpack
supply. Diode D1 provides reverse
polarity connection protection, while
LED1 is the power indicator. A 100µF
capacitor decouples the supply to the
All the parts for the Waveform
Generator are installed on a PC board
coded 01307971. Fig.5 shows the
wiring details.
Begin the assembly by installing
PC stakes at all external wiring points
and at the connection points for the
Output waveform ................................................... Triangle or square wave
Frequency range ..................................................100Hz to 20kHz nominal
Square wave amplitude ....................................... 0-10.5V p-p (12V supply)
Triangle wave output ................................................ 0-4V p-p (12V supply)
Power supply ............................................................................... 5-15V DC
Protection .......................................................... Reverse polarity protected
Output impedance .............................................................................. <1kΩ
Fig.2: this is the waveform that appears at pin 3 of IC1
when the output frequency is 19.69kHz.
Fig.3: the waveform at pin 3 of IC1 when the output
frequency is 122Hz. The duty cycle is not exactly 1:1.
July 1997 43
Fig.4: this scope
shot shows the
triangle waveform
at a frequency of
about 5.4kHz. Note
that this waveform
was captured at
the emitter of
buffer transistor
1 PC board, code 01307971, 60
x 105mm
1 500kΩ linear pot (VR1)
1 1kΩ linear pot (VR2)
2 knobs
2 DPDT slider switches (S1,S2)
10 PC stakes
1 20mm length of 0.8mm tinned
copper wire
1 555 timer (IC1)
1 BC548 NPN transistor (Q1)
1 1N4004 1A diode (D1)
1 5mm red LED (LED1)
1 100µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
1 .01µF MKT polyester
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
2 10kΩ
1 820Ω
2 2.2kΩ
Fig.5: install the parts on the PC board as shown in this diagram. Make
sure that all polarised parts are correctly orientated.
rectly on the PC board, while the two
pots are mounted by soldering them
to their PC stakes. Cut the pot shafts
to length before installing them and
note that VR1 is a 500kΩ pot, while
VR2 is a 1kΩ pot.
Finally, complete the assembly by
fitting rubber feet to the corners of
the PC board.
Fig.6: this is the full-size etching pattern for the PC board.
pots. Once this has been done, you can
install D1, the resistors and the wire
link. The IC and the transistor can go
in next, followed by the capacitors
and the LED.
Take care to ensure that all polarised parts are correctly orientated. It’s
44 Silicon Chip
quite easy to identify the LED leads,
as the anode lead is the longer of the
two. In addition, you will find a small
flat area on the flange that runs around
the bottom of the LED. This flange is
always adjacent to the cathode lead.
The two switches are mounted di-
To test the unit, connect the output
terminals to an audio amplifier, set the
level control fully anticlockwise and
apply power. If everything is working
correctly, you should hear a tone in
the amplifier’s loudspeaker when the
level control is advanced. Check that
the frequency of this tone can be varied using the frequency control –this
should range from 200Hz to beyond
the limit of audibility.
Alternatively, you can check that
the unit is working properly by using
an oscilloscope to monitor the output
If it doesn’t work correctly, check
the board for solder bridges and
missing solder joints. You should also
check the supply rail to IC1 and to
Q1’s collector. If the unit gives square
waves but there is no output when
triangle waves are selected, check the
circuit around Q1.
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July 1997 53
Colour TV pattern
generator; Pt.2
While the Colour Television Pattern
Generator is rather complex in its operation,
the circuitry is straightforward. This is
because all the patterns are stored in the
ROM. This month, we present the circuit and
give the construction and testing details.
54 Silicon Chip
connection. With LK1a in position
(run mode), counter IC2 is clocked by
a 3.2768MHz oscillator based on IC6a,
with IC6b serving as a buffer stage.
Note that pin 13 of IC6a is tied high
while its pin 12 input is connected to
its pin 11 output via a 4.7MΩ resistor.
This biases the gate in the linear mode
so that it operates as an inverting amp
lifier. The 33pF capacitors to ground
on either side of crystal X1 provide
the correct loading.
Fig.9 (right): the complete circuit
diagram of the pattern generator. All
the patterns are stored in the EPROM
(IC1) and this is programmed via the
parallel port of a PC.
The circuit for the Colour Television
Pattern Generator is shown in Fig.9
and comprises 11 ICs in total. Central
to the circuit is IC1 which is the 64K
EPROM or OTP memory (note: this
device was incorrectly referred to in
Pt.1 as an EEPROM). This IC has its
address lines connected to counters
IC2, IC3, IC4 & IC5.
Counter IC2 is driven by a clock
signal from either IC6b or IC6c, depending on the link (LK1a or LK1b)
LK1b is substituted for the program
mode, in which case IC2 is clocked via
inverter stage IC6c from the D2 line
on Port C of the computer. The 100kΩ
pullup resistor connected to IC6c’s
inputs prevents them from floating
when Port C is disconnected, while the
associated 680pF capacitor provides
transient suppression. This prevents
false clocking which could otherwise
occur whenever there are level changes in the data lines on Port A.
IC2 is an up/down pressettable
synchronous 4-bit counter with a
carry out (CO) output at pin 12. This
output is fed to the clock input of the
following counter (IC3), which is
connected in cascade with IC2. IC4 &
July 1997 55
1 PC board, code 02305971, 173
x 142mm
1 plastic instrument case, 200 x
155 x 65mm, with aluminium
front panel
1 front panel label, 195 x 63mm
1 rear panel label, 31 x 25mm
1 video modulator, Astec
UM1285AUS 0/1 (DSE Cat
K-6043 or equivalent)
1 12VAC 500mA plugpack
1 DC power socket
3 SPDT toggle switches (S1,S3,S4)
1 2-pole 6-way rotary switch (S2)
1 3.2768MHz parallel resonant
crystal (X1)
1 4.433619MHz parallel resonant
crystal (X2)
2 panel-mount RCA sockets
1 25-pin D socket, PC board
mounting (not right angle)
1 mini TO-220 heatsink, 19 x 19
x 9mm
1 4-way pin header
1 20-way pin header
5 jumper shunts
1 28-pin DIL IC socket
1 8mm ID solder lug
17 PC stakes
1 15mm diameter knob with
position indicator
3 3mm x 6mm long screws plus
2 3mm x 12mm long screws plus
2 6mm untapped standoffs
4 self-tapping screws to mount PC
1 200mm length twin shielded
1 350mm length black hookup
1 200mm length blue hookup wire
1 50mm length yellow hookup
1 50mm length green hookup wire
1 60mm length of 4-way rainbow
1 650mm length of 0.71mm tinned
copper wire
IC5 are also cascaded to provide a total
of 16 address lines for IC1.
The clear (CLR) input of each counter is normally tied low via a 100kΩ
resistor. When these inputs go high,
the counter outputs are reset low. LK5b
56 Silicon Chip
1 programmed NM27C512N120
OTP or 27C512-10, 27C512-12
EPROM (IC1) – see text
4 74HC193 4-bit presettable
up/down counters (IC2-IC5)
1 74HC00 quad dual input NAND
gate (IC6)
1 555 timer (IC7)
1 4053 3-pole 2-way analog
switch (IC8)
1 74HC04 hex inverter (IC9)
encoder (IC10)
1 74HC27 triple 3-input NOR
gate (IC11)
4 1N4004 1A rectifier diodes
1 1N914 signal diode (D5)
1 3mm green or red LED (LED1)
1 1000µF 25VW PC electrolytic
2 470µF 16VW PC electrolytic
8 10µF 16VW PC electrolytic
8 0.1µF MKT polyester
2 0.01µF MKT polyseter
2 680pF MKT polyester or ceramic
1 100pF ceramic (see text)
2 33pF ceramic
1 4-40 3-pin trimmer capacitor
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
1 4.7MΩ
1 1kΩ
1 330kΩ
1 680Ω
8 100kΩ
3 330Ω
3 10kΩ
1 180Ω
1 2.2kΩ
1 120Ω
3 2kΩ
1 75Ω
1 Software disc (optional) –
available for $10 (incl. p&p)
from Silicon Chip Publications
Medium-duty hookup wire, rainbow
cable, 25-pin D-plug lead (optional
for programming), solder.
is installed for programming mode,
which means that the CLR inputs of
IC2-IC5 are all momen
tarily pulled
high via a 10µF capacitor when power
is applied. This resets the counters so
that all output lines are low.
Conversely, in the run (pattern
producing) mode, LK5a is installed
and the counters are now reset via
IC11c’s output. The D4, D5 & D7 data
lines of IC1, corresponding to the blue,
green and composite sync outputs,
are NORed in IC11a. All these lines
go low after the 312th line of data has
been produced and IC11a’s output goes
high. This is inverted by IC11b and so
the .01µF capacitor on IC11c’s inputs
quickly discharges via D1. IC11c’s
output thus goes high and resets the
This reset signal stays high while
the .01µF capacitor at IC11c’s input
charges via the 2.2kΩ resistor. This
ensures that all the counters reset correctly. The delay circuit is necessary
because data lines D4, D5 & D7 are no
longer all low once the memory has
returned to the start of line 1.
Programming pulse
IC1’s E-bar input at pin 20 determines whether the device is in program or read mode. When link LK2a
is in position, pin 20 is tied low and
the data lines becomes outputs. This
is for the run mode.
Conversely, when LK2b is in position, a programming pulse circuit consisting of 555 timer IC7 and inverter
IC6d is connected to the E-bar input of
IC1. This circuit is in turn controlled
by the -D1 line of computer Port C.
Initially, pin 2 of IC7 is held high
via a 10kΩ resistor which connects to
the +5V supply rail. However, when
-D1 of Port C goes low, it pulls pin 2
of IC7 low via a .01µF series capacitor.
This triggers IC7 so that pin 3 goes
high for the time set by the 330kΩ
resistor and 0.1µF capacitor tied to
pins 6 & 7.
Pin 6 is the threshold input and
this switches the pin 3 output low
again once its voltage reaches 66% of
the supply voltage. This is nominally
after 33ms. IC6d inverts the signal
to provide the correct programming
pulse level to the E-bar input of IC1.
Note that the E-bar input of IC1 is
monitored via the D4 input of computer Port B. This allows the software to
detect when the programming pulse
has finished.
The Vcc input to IC1 at pin 28 needs
to be 5V when the unit is operated in
run mode and 6V when operated in
program mode. Links LK3a and LK3b
provide this by selecting either the
output from REG1 or the output from
The 25-pin D socket is mounted on the PC board and is connected to the parallel
port of the computer to program the EPROM. Once programming has been
completed, the unit operates independently of the computer.
REG2 respectively. Similarly, the G/
Vpp input at pin 22 requires 12.5V for
programming but 0V when outputting
the data. This is achieved using links
LK4a and LK4b. LK4b selects the
12.5V output from regulator REG3,
while LK4b connects the G/Vpp pin
to ground.
The circuit is powered from a
12VAC plugpack via switch S1. Diodes
D1-D4 rectify this and the resulting DC
is filtered using a 1000µF capacitor.
REG1, REG2 and REG3 regulate the
voltage down to 5V, 6V and 12.5V
REG1 and REG2 are standard 3-terminal regula
tors which provide 5V
and 6V rails, respectively. The 10µF
capacitors at their outputs are there
to prevent instability and provide
improved transient response. LED1
is connected across the 5V supply
via a 680Ω resistor to give power-on
REG3 is an adjustable regulator
which produces a nominal 1.25V
between its adjust and output terminals. The 120Ω resistor across these
terminals sets up a current of around
10mA which flows through the 1kΩ
resistor and 200Ω variable resistor
VR1. VR1 is adjusted to set the output
voltage to 12.5V.
Rotary switch S2a selects between
the checkerboard, dot, crosshatch/circle and raster patterns available at the
D0-D3 outputs of IC1. The selection is
applied to the ax input (pin 12) of IC8,
a 4053 CMOS analog switch.
Input ax is the red signal for the
selected pattern, while the bx and cx
inputs (pins 2 & 5) are for the green and
blue signals. The latter are normally
connected to the ax input via switch
S2b, except for position 2 when the
red raster is selected. In that case, the
green and blue inputs are tied high via
a common 100kΩ resistor.
IC8 basically behaves as a 3-pole
2-position switch. The a, b & c outputs
at pins 14, 15 & 4 respectively are the
three poles. The ax, bx and cx connections are switched through when the
A, B and C control lines at pins 11,
10 & 9 are low and this occurs when
switch S3 is in position 1. Depending
on the position of S2, this provides
the signals for either the white raster,
the red raster, crosshatch/circle, dot
or checkerboard pattern.
Conversely, when S3 is open, the
A, B and C inputs are pulled high via
a 100kΩ resistor and the alternative
ay, by & cy inputs (pins 13, 1 & 3) are
switched through instead. This pro
vides the colour bar pattern from the
D6, D5 & D4 data lines of IC1.
RGB-to-PAL encoding
The a, b and c outputs of IC8 are
July 1997 57
Table 1: Resistor Colour Codes
buffered using inverters IC9a-IC9f
which are connected as three parallel
pairs. This is necessary to allow the
signals to be fed to the following atten
uator stages, each of which only has
a nominal 2.33kΩ impedance. These
attenuators reduce the 5V signal outputs from IC9 to 700mV, as required
to produce a full white signal from the
following RGB-to-video encoder stage
based on IC10.
As shown in Fig.9, the signals from
the attenuators are applied to the RGB
inputs (pins 6, 7 & 8) of IC10. In addition, the composite sync signal from
D7 of IC1 is applied to IC10’s pin 16
input. The 4.43MHz crystal on pin 3
provides the colour burst frequency,
while the internal phase lock loop
multiplies the crystal frequency by
four to produce the timing signals for
the PAL encoder. Trimmer capacitor
VC1 allows the colour burst frequency
to be set to 4.43619MHz.
IC10 produces composite video,
luminance and chrominance signals at
pins 10, 11 and 9 respectively. Switch
S4 selects the composite video signal
for colour patterns and the luminance
output for black and white or grey
scale. The only difference between the
composite video and the luminance
signal is that the latter does not include the chrominance (or colour)
The luminance and chrominance
outputs can be used to provide S-video
signals if required. To add this facility, you would have to install a 75Ω
resistor and 470µF capacitor in series
with the luminance output and a 75Ω
58 Silicon Chip
4-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet green brown
orange orange yellow brown
brown black yellow brown
brown black orange brown
red red red brown
red black red brown
brown black red brown
blue grey brown brown
orange orange brown brown
brown grey brown brown
brown red brown brown
violet green black brown
resistor and 0.1µF capacitor in series
with the chrominance output.
The video signal on S4’s wiper is
fed to the video output socket via a
470µF capacitor and 75Ω resistor. It
is also fed to a video modulator via
VR2 and a 470µF capacitor. VR2 sets
the signal level into the modulator,
while the associated 10kΩ resistor biases the modulator input to its correct
black level.
The modulator also has an audio
input and this is fed via a 10µF capacitor. The maximum level that can
be applied here is 5V p-p. Power for
the modulator is derived from the
+12.5V supply from REG3 and is fed
via a 180Ω resistor to limit the current
through an internal zener diode.
The RF output from the modulator
is on either channel 0 or 1, as set by
link LK6.
Despite the complicated way in
which it works, this unit is really easy
to build. Virtually all the parts are
mounted on a single PC board coded
02305971 (173 x 142mm) and this is
housed in a standard plastic instrument case with an aluminium front
Table 2: Capacitor Codes
Value IEC Code EIA Code
0.1µF 100n 104
0.01µF 10n 103
680pF 680p 681
33pF 33p 33
5-Band Code (1%)
yellow violet black yellow brown
orange orange black orange brown
brown black black orange brown
brown black black red brown
red red black brown brown
red black black brown brown
brown black black brown brown
blue grey black black brown
orange orange black black brown
brown grey black black brown
brown red black black brown
violet green black gold brown
panel. Adhesive dress labels were
fitted to the front and rear panels of
the prototype to provide a professional
Begin the construction by carefully
checking the PC board for shorts between tracks and breaks in the copper
pattern. Usually, there will be no problems here but it’s best to check before
installing any of the parts.
In some cases, it may be necessary
to enlarge the mounting holes for the
25-pin D-socket and for the regulator
tabs (these holes should all be 3mm).
You should also check the hole sizes
for the modulator earth mounting lugs,
as well as the four corner mounting
holes for the PC board.
Fig.10 shows the wiring diagram.
Begin the board assembly by installing the links and the resistors. Table
1 shows the resistor colour codes but
you should also check each value on a
digital multimeter, as the colour bands
can sometimes be difficult to read. The
diodes can then be installed, taking
care to ensure that they are correctly
Note that two different diode types
are used on the PC board, so be sure to
use the correct type at each location.
The 1A 1N4004s have a black body,
while the smaller 1N914s are usually
orange in colour.
Seventeen PC stakes are specified
in the parts list and these are installed
on the PC board at the external wiring
points. The exceptions here are points
1-4 adjacent to IC1, where a 4-way pin
header is installed to terminate four of
the leads from switch S2.
Note: The patterns produced by the TV Pattern Generator are slightly off-centre due to a
slight displacement in the line sync signal. In most cases, the normal over-scanning of each
line on the TV screen will mask out this small shift. It can be corrected by adding an RC
network to delay the line sync by the requisite 1.5µs. This involves adding a 4.7kΩ resistor
between the D7 output of IC1 at pin 11 and the sync input of IC10 at pin 16. The pin 16 input
of IC10 is bypassed to ground with a 270pF capacitor. The resistor is best placed instead
of the link on the PC board above the three 330Ω resistors near IC10. The capacitor can
connect from pin 16 to pin 1 of IC10 on the underside of the PC board.
Fig.10: take care to ensure that all parts are correctly orientated when assembling the PC board.
Next, install the ICs in the locations
indicated, taking care to ensure that
the notched end of each device agrees
with the wiring diagram. Use a socket
for IC1 and leave this IC out until the
testing stage described later on.
IC10 is a surface mount device and
is installed on the underside of the PC
board as shown in one of the photos.
To do this, first pre-tin the copper pad
areas where the IC pins will be located, then solder the IC in place using
a fine-tipped soldering iron. When
you have finished, inspect your work
carefully to ensure that there are no
July 1997 59
4 terminal.
The 25-pin D-socket is mounted on
5mm spacers and secured using 3mm
screws and nuts. It’s 25-pin connections are then soldered to the copper
pads of the board.
Link pairs LK1a/LK1b through to
LK5a/LK5b are based on 2-pin headers. A jumper shunt is fitted to each
pair and, in each case, is normally
placed in the “a” position for run
mode. Alternatively, the links are all
moved to the “b” positions for the
programming mode.
Either a single-in-line 20-way pin
header or a dual-in-line 10-way pin
header will be supplied for the link
pins. In either case, you simply cut
the header into 10 2-way pin headers
using side cutters.
Final assembly
Once the EPROM has been programmed, move the LK1-5 jumpers to the rear (ie,
to the “a” position) of their pin header pairs. Programming is unnecessary if you
purchase a pre-programmed EPROM.
solder bridges between adjacent pins
of the device.
The three regulators are mounted
with their leads bent at right angles,
so that their metal tabs sit flat against
the PC board. The metal tabs are then
secured to the board using 3mm screws
and nuts. Note that REG1 (7805) is
fitted with a small U-shaped heatsink
but no heatsink is required for the
other two regulators.
Take great care when mounting the
regulators. They are all different, so
don’t get them mixed up. REG1 is a
7805 5V regula
tor, REG2 is a 7806
6V regulator and REG3 is an LM317
adjustable regulator.
The capacitors can be installed next,
making sure that the electrolytic types
are correctly orientated. Table 2 shows
the codes used on the MKT polyester
and ceramic types. This done, install
the two trimpots, trimmer capacitor
VC1, crystals X1 (3.2768MHz) and
X2 (4.43MHz), and LED1. The latter
should be mounted at full lead length,
so that it can later be bent over and
pushed into its mounting bezel on the
front panel.
It’s easy to identify the LED leads
60 Silicon Chip
–the anode lead will be the longer of
the two.
The video modulator is mounted by
soldering its earth tags to the PC board
and inserting its four leads into the
holes provided. By default, link LK6
is open circuit and the modulator is
set to channel 1. If you want channel
0 instead, bridge the two copper pads
that sit adjacent to the modulator’s pin
The AD722 RGB-to-PAL encoder
(IC10) is a surface mount device and
is installed on the underside of the PC
board as shown here.
Before installing the board in the
case, it will be necessary to drill a
number of holes in the front and rear
panels. The first step is to fit the adhesive label to the aluminium front
panel. This label can then be used as
a template for drilling out the holes for
the three toggle switches, the rotary
switch and the bezel for the power
indicator LED.
You also have to drill holes in the
rear panel for the RCA sockets, the DC
power socket and the RF OUT socket.
The various switches and sockets can
then all be mounted in position. Note
that switch S4 is fitted with a solder
lug, to allow the front panel to be
Before mounting the rotary switch,
lift up the locking tab located under
the mounting nut and move it to
position 5 (rotate the switch fully
anticlockwise first). This ensures that
the switch only has the required five
Next, use an oversize drill to remove
all the integral standoffs in the base of
the case, except for those in the four
corners. This done, fit the PC board
and the rear panel to the base and secure the board to the corner standoffs
using self-tapping screws.
All that remains now is to complete
the wiring. Use medium-duty hookup
wire for the DC socket, switches S1
and S3, and for terminals 5 & 6 on S2.
The connections to terminals 1-4 of
S2 are run using rainbow cable, while
the connection to the bottom terminal
of S4 is run using hookup wire. The
remaining connections to S4 and to
Fig.11: check your board for defects by comparing it with this full-size etching pattern, before installing any of the parts.
the RCA sockets must be run using
screened cable.
Finally, complete the construction
by pushing the power indicator LED
into its bezel and attaching the knob
to the rotary switch.
Before applying power, check to
ensure that IC1 has not yet been
installed and that the jumpers are
in the LK1a, LK2a, LK3a, LK4a and
LK5a positions (ie, run mode). This
done, you can proceed with the following tests:
(1) Connect the plugpack, apply power
and check for 5V between pins 7 & 14
of IC6, IC9 & IC11. Similarly, there
should be 5V between pins 8 & 16 of
IC2-IC5 & IC8 and between pins 14 &
28 of the socket for IC1.
(2) Monitor the output of REG3 and
adjust VR1 for a reading of 12.5V.
This done, check for 6V at the output
of REG2 and for 0V at pins 20 & 22
of IC1.
(3) If you have a preprogrammed ROM
for IC1, switch off the power and plug
it into its socket. You can now jump
to the section headed “Trying it out”.
(4) If your ROM is not preprogrammed,
switch off and move the jumpers to
LK1b, LK2b, LK3b, LK4b & LK5b. Now
reapply power and check that pin 28
of IC1 is at 6V. Pin 20 should be at 5V
and pin 22 should be at 12.5V.
If you have access to an oscilloscope, you can check the pulse into
pin 20 of IC1 when the -D1 Port C
input is pulled low. You can do this
by momentarily connecting a jumper
lead between the -D1 line and ground.
The resulting pulse at pin 20 of IC1
should be low for about 33ms. If all
is correct, insert IC1 into its socket
and proceed with the programming
(not necessary if you have a pre-programmed ROM).
The ROM is programmed using
either Quick Basic files or executable
files. The procedure for programming
the ROM using the executable files is
as follows:
(1) Check that the jumpers are in the
LK1b, LK2b, LK3b, LK4b & LK5b
(2) Connect a 25-pin D-plug to 25-pin
D-plug lead between the on-board
socket and LPT1 of a PC.
(3) Apply power to the pattern generator.
(4) Insert the program floppy disc into
drive A: (or B:), go to the A: prompt,
type TVINSTAL and press Enter.
This will automatically decompress
and install the files contained within
TVPATT.EXE into a directory called
July 1997 61
(POWER 12VAC 500mA)
Fig.12: these
are the fullsize artworks
for the front
and rear
panel labels.
Basic on the C drive.
To start the programming, simply
type TVPGRM at the C:\Basic prompt.
This automatically runs all the rele62 Silicon Chip
vant .exe files to program the ROM.
Note that the program first prompts
you to apply power to the unit after
ensuring that all the links are in the
program position – see Fig.13. Once
programming has started, the screen
indicates the number of bytes programmed and which programs are to
still to run – see Fig.14.
The entire programming process
will take about 45 minutes.
Alternatively, if you want to program the ROM using the Basic files
instead (eg, if you want to customise
a pattern or you are not using parallel
port LPT1 or the default address for
this port), then follow this procedure:
(1) Carry out steps 1 & 2 listed immediately above.
(2) Copy the Basic software supplied
on the floppy disc to a separate directory on your hard disc drive called “Basic”. There are seven files stored in this
directory: TVPATT1.BAS – TVPATT7.
BAS. All these files are necessary because a QBASIC program is limited in
size to 64Kb.
The first six programs are each
about 56Kb, while the seventh is only
about 16Kb. The first six programs are
large mainly because of the 312- line
DATA statements which each have 210
separate DATA items. Each program
needs to run before the ROM is fully
programmed but this happens automatically after TVPATT1.BAS is run.
Note that the programs run in QUICK
BASIC, so you will need to have this
installed on your computer. The
address of the port used is 378(HEX)
to 37A(HEX). If you want to use a different port, then the address in each
program will have to be altered to suit.
The address used is the standard LPT1
port found in virtually all PCs.
(3) Start by opening TVPATT1.BAS in
QUICK BASIC and then running it by
clicking on the RUN command. The
screen shown in Fig.13 appears.
(4) Wait a few seconds after switch
on to give time for the power-on reset
to take place, then press Enter on the
keyboard to start the programming.
When TVPATT1.BAS has finished, the
next program (TVPATT2.BAS) will automatically run and so on in sequence
until programming is complete.
As before, the entire process takes
about 45 minutes. Note that each location in memory takes at least 33ms to
program because of the programming
pulse length and that repre
sents a
total of 36 minutes programming time
Fig.13: this is the opening screen
when you run the programming
soft-ware. It prompts you to check
that links LK1-LK5 are each in the
program (“b”) position.
Fig.14: during programming, the
software indicates the number of bytes
that have been programmed and tells
you which programs are to yet to run.
alone (since there are 65,536 locations
to program).
Trying it out
To test the unit, move the jumpers
to LK1a, LK2a, LK3a, LK4a & LK5a.
This done, connect the video output
from the unit to the video input of a
VCR and tune a TV set to the video
channel. Alternatively, if the TV has
a direct video input, you can connect
the pattern generator to this instead.
Apply power and check that all the
patterns can be selected via the front
panel switches. If the TV does not
show colour for the colour bar selection, adjust VC1 until colour appears.
Note that, with some EPROMs, the
display may rapidly switch between
colour and b&w. This can be cured by
connecting a 100pF ceramic capacitor
between pins 11 & 14 of IC1 (on the
underside of the PC board).
Finally, connect the RF output from
the pattern generator to the antenna
input of the TV set and tune the set to
the appropriate channel (0 or 1). Adjust
VR2 for best colour bar reception. If
the signal level from VR2 is too low,
the colours will not be saturated. Conversely, if the signal level is too high,
there will be no colour at all.
Removing programs from Win95
Windows 95 has changed the way
that PC users install and uninstall
software. No longer are you left
to your own resources. Instead, a
wizard takes over and guides you
through the process.
A “wizard” is a function that guides the Windows
95 user through various steps and options by means of
a series of dialog boxes, often with a quick sentence or
two about what it is doing.
Sometimes, the use of a wizard is optional but when
installing hardware and software, they appear automatically. A wizard makes the process of installing and
removing hardware and software a truly “user friendly”
operation. Once upon a time, before Windows 95, you
were presented with a list of options when installing a
program in DOS or Windows 3.x. Typically, there could
be messages concerning the sound card, the program
location, the monitor resolution and so on.
Those people with experience in computers knew
that these were questions, not statements; that the
computer was asking you what sound card you had,
where the program was to be copied to and what screen
resolution you wanted to run. By contrast, in Windows
95, the installation’s wizard will ask something like:
“Please select the location your program should be
installed to”.
Of course, the wizard will usually show a default
location. You can either use this default location or you
can easily select another location. The wizard steps you
through your selections, prompts you for information,
and gathers other details which are already known to
Windows 95; eg, your name and organisation.
When it has all the necessary information, the wizard
works with Windows 95 to correctly install the software
and will report on the success of your task.
Uninstalling programs
Fig.1: the Add/Remove Programs icon is in the Windows
95 Control Panel (click Start, Settings, Control Panel).
Windows 3.x did not come with an uninstall utility,
so deleting programs could be tricky unless you used a
third party uninstall utility or the program came with an
uninstall option. That situation changed with Windows
95. Once again, a wizard is used to uninstall programs.
There are a number of ways to remove programs from
Windows 95. The most common method is to use the
Add-Remove Programs Icon in the Control Panel. You
access the Control Panel by clicking Start, Settings,
Control Panel.
A window similar to that shown Fig.1 will appear.
You then double-click the Add-Remove Programs icon
to start the wizard – see Fig.2.
To uninstall a program, simply highlight its name and
click the Add/Remove button. Another dialog box will
appear asking for confirmation. If there are multiple versions installed or if companion products were installed,
a further dialog box will appear to make your uninstall
requests more specific. The wizard will delete all components of the program, with the exception of custom
documents or images.
A comprehensive uninstall removes all relevant files
and folders belonging to the program, as well as any
July 1997 63
Fig.2: double-clicking the Add/Remove Programs icon in
the Win95 Control Panel starts the Install/Uninstall wizard.
information that may have been added to the Win.ini
and System.ini files when the program was originally
installed. When the uninstall process is complete, the
wizard returns you to the original Add-Remove Programs dialog box.
Occasionally, the uninstall option for a program may
also appear in the Start menu or it may only be found
there. For example, you uninstall Adobe PageMaker
6.5, by clicking Start, Programs, Adobe, PageMaker 6.5,
Uninstall PageMaker 6.5.
The wizard will report any problems that it encounters during the unistall process and you can refer to
Windows Help (F1) if you don’t understand the message. This should help you overcome any problems. For
example, files that cannot be located by the wizard can
be removed manually.
If the uninstall wizard asks for the installation disks,
then provide them. If you cannot do this, make a note
of the message and select “Ignore” to continue. In some
cases, you may need to reinstall a program to enable
correct uninstallation. If the wizard does not give you
the ignore option or stops working, end the task by
pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete at the same time and then
choosing close. In this case, manual deletion may be the
only option left.
If another program stops working after an uninstall, a
quick reinstallation of the affected program will fix the
A common problem with uninstall occurs when multiple versions of Microsoft Office have been installed.
This may happen, for example, where Office 97 has
been installed but the previous version has been kept to
give the user time to adjust to the latest offering. If the
user subsequently decides to delete the old version, he
quickly discovers that the wizard can only delete the
new Office 97 version. The previous version isn’t an
option any more.
Microsoft overcame this problem by including a
program called OFFCLN97.EXE (Office Clean 97) on the
new CD. This program goes through the hard disc drive
and removes any remnants of Office 95 or Office Ver.
4.X, so keep this in mind if you are ever in this situation.
Occasionally a program may require an uninstallation
Problems with uninstall
As is the way with computers, an uninstall procedure
doesn’t always go smoothly and the wizard may encounter a few problems. A few typical examples are as
(1). The uninstall wizard may not be able to find
all the program files. This is because some files have
already been removed or relocated.
(2). When removing some programs, you may be
asked if you want to remove a file that’s shared by
another program. Unless you know for certain that the
file is not used by another program, do not remove it.
Removing shared files can stop other programs from
working correctly.
For example, a spelling dictionary may be shared by
Microsoft Word and Microsoft Access. Remove it for
one and it is no longer available for the other. Of course,
this is just one example; other file types, including DLLs
(dynamic link libraries), may also be also shared.
(3). Sometimes, the original installation CD or disc
must be in the drive in order for the wizard to work.
64 Silicon Chip
Fig.3: to locate a DOS program, right click its shortcut
icon, then click Properties and select the Programs tab.
The program’s location is indicated by the Cmd line entry.
is located? Simple – just highlight the program’s icon,
then click File, Properties (or press ALT-Enter). The program’s location is indicated by the Command Line entry.
The working directory will often be in the same location
but this is not always the case.
Once the relevant directory has been located, it can
be erased using File Manager. To remove the program’s
icon, simply select it and press the Delete key. A program group is removed in the same way.
DOS programs & Windows 95
Fig.4: unwanted shortcuts and/or folders are deleted from
the Start menu using the Taskbar Properties options.
procedure that the standard uninstall wizard does not
handle. In that case, the Setup utility that came with the
program will usually do the job. A typical example is
Microsoft Plus! (the add-on enhancement pack for Windows 95). Its setup program gives you three options: (1)
Add/Remove; (2) Reinstall; and (3) Remove All. These
first option is quite powerful because it lets you selectively delete (or add) certain elements of Plus!
Windows 3.x
As mentioned above, Windows 3.x did not come with
an uninstall wizard. And although some Windows 3.x
programs came with an uninstall option, most did not.
Apparently, the programmers thought that once you
started using a program, you wouldn’t want to delete it!
Those programs that did provide an uninstall option
worked in a similar way to those that ran under Window 95. However, they were often harder to understand
and occasionally failed, either not working at all or only
deleting part of a program. Sometimes, the uninstall
utility of one program removed files that were also used
by other programs.
Always check the manual for a program when removing it from Windows 3.x. Often, it will give step-by-step
instructions for removing the program and will list the
entries that were added to System.ini and Win.ini.
DOS programs & Windows 3.x
DOS programs that run inside Windows 3.x are usually easy to unistall. Typically, this involves deleting: (1)
program files and folders; and (2) Windows icons and
The question is, how do we know where the program
The manual removal of DOS programs in Windows
95 is similar to the above procedure. The location of the
program can be found by right clicking its shortcut icon
and then clicking Properties and selecting the Program
tab to bring up the dialog box shown in Fig.3.
You also have to remove the shortcut, either from the
desktop or from the Start menu (or both). If the shortcut is on the desktop, simply highlight the icon and hit
the Delete key. If the shortcut is in the Start menu, you
delete it using the Taskbar Properties option.
To do that, click Start, Settings, Taskbar, then select the Start Menu Programs tab to get the dialog box
shown in Fig.4. You then click the Remove button to get
a list of directories and files similar to those shown by
Explorer (only smaller in size).
Now find the shortcut you don’t want, highlight it
and press Remove. The shortcut will be sent to the
Recycle Bin. You can delete unwanted folders from the
Start menu in exactly the same fashion.
Windows 3.x programs & Windows 95
What about Windows 3.x programs that have been
installed under Windows 95? Those that don’t have an
uninstall option are removed in the same manner as for
Windows 3.x, except that files and folders are deleted
using Explorer rather than File Manager.
Another approach is to purchase an uninstaller program. An uninstaller program tracks the installation and
keeps a record of it, so that it can uninstall the application later on. A popular choice is Uninstaller 4 which is
designed for Window 95 and Windows NT but there’s
also a version for Windows 3.x.
Registry & ini files
Windows 3.x used “ini” files to store program settings, the two most important being System.ini and
Win.ini which are stored in the Windows directory.
Any programs installed in Window 3.x added entries to
these and to other ini files. That’s because, during the
Windows boot sequence, these files tell Windows what’s
installed and where to find it.
With Windows 95, however, most of the information
is stored in the registry. It still stores some information
in Win.ini and System.ini but this is for compatibility
with older programs. By the way, Windows 3.x also
stored some information in a registry but it was not used
Do not go into the registry unless you have a backup
and know exactly what you are doing. The registry is an
important part of Windows 95 and should not be treated
lightly. Remove the wrong bit of information and you
may have to reinstall Windows 95.
July 1997 65
How Holden’s
electronic control
unit works; Pt.1
The latest engine management control
systems are very clever in their operation.
We unravel some of the mysteries hidden
in the Holden system.
many articles published on elec
tronic engine management systems, a detailed analysis of how the
program in an Electronic Control Unit
(ECU) works has been lacking. This
The Holden system uses a
MemCal – a plug-in module
containing both the EPROM and
limp-home data memory. This
approach allows the same ECU to be
used in a wide variety of cars.
is because the manufacturers do not
publish such studies and usually no
other sources have sufficient depth.
However, the way in which one ECU
calculates its outputs can now be re
Ken Young, an Australian computer
programmer, has developed a sophisticated software package that allows
the AC-Delco engine management
system to be reprogrammed. This is
the engine management system used
on the Holden Commodore.
In order to develop an effective,
user-friendly software package (plain
English is used on the screen), he
needed to com
pletely lay bare the
programming of the ECU. This he has
done and much of what follows is
drawn with his permission from the
manuals for his KAL Software Dyno
Cal package.
The story reveals the almost unbelievable sophistication of the modern
engine management ECU. Indeed, the
GM-Delco ECU is far more complex in
its operation than most aftermarket
programmable systems.
Note that while all the variables
can be altered using the DynoCal
software, the values used as examples here are from a standard Holden
VR V6 automatic program. Note also
that what follows relates mainly to
engines which use a MAP (manifold
absolute pressure) sensor, as opposed
to engines using an airflow meter (as
in the EcoTec engine fitted to the VS
Basic ECU layout
As with all engine management
systems, the GM-Delco ECU accepts
66 Silicon Chip
This Holden Commodore VR station wagon has an engine management system
that was once undreamt of.
inputs from a variety of sensors,
makes appropriate decisions, and then
outputs various signals. The various
sensors provide either analog voltage
inputs (throttle position sensor, oxygen sensor); pulse inputs (distributor
reference, speed); or simple on/off
logic inputs (airconditioner compressor clutch, gear lever neutral/drive
The various outputs consist of pulse
width modulated pulses (for the trip
computer), simple on/off outputs (engine check light & radiator fan), timed
spark pulses and injector pulses (to
control the fuel injectors).
In the GM-Delco system, both the
program and the data are stored on
a single EPROM. In GM-talk, this
EPROM is called the “MemCal” and
by using different MemCals, GM has
been able to use the same basic ECU on
a variety of engines, including fours,
sixes and eights. The program tells the
controller what to do and consists of
machine code, while the data is made
up of an incred
ible 300+ variables
which tailor the program to the specific
drivetrain application.
Over the years, Holden has used
three different ROM sizes in the
GM-Delco systems. The first systems
used a 16Kb EPROM but this was later
doubled in size to 32Kb. Of this, about
30Kb was used for the program and
the remaining 2Kb for the calibration
data. Holden subsequently added
automatic transmission control to the
ECU. This new ECU is now called a
PCM (Powertrain Control Module)
and its EPROM has again doubled in
size to 64Kb.
There are four different types of
variables used by the program:
(1). So-called zero dimension variables – these are used to specify the
number of engine cylinders, whether
there is an automatic or manual gearbox installed, etc.
(2). One dimensional variables –
these are used to represent counters,
delays, air/fuel ratios, etc.
(3). Two dimensional variables –
these are look-up tables comprising
such factors as idle air motor steps
versus rpm, air/fuel ratios versus
time, etc.
(4). Three dimensional variables –
these are the 3D maps; eg, air/fuel ratio
versus rpm versus MAP (manifold
absolute pressure).
The program logic can be divided
into six main areas of operation: fuel,
spark, idle air control, diagnostics,
output logic and variables. In addition,
the program determines a number of
internal modes, such as whether the
engine is cranking or running and
whether or not the oxygen sensor is
operational. These modes are saved
and used in various calculations.
Only two of the program areas are
examined here: fuel and spark. Let’s
see how the program actually calculates the various outputs?
Calculating fuel injection
The step-by-step process followed
to calculate the required amount of
fuel is:
(1). Estimate of the mass of air entering the engine;
(2). Look-up the desired air/fuel
ratio for the engine speed and MAP;
(3). Multiply the air mass by the
fuel/air ratio to give the fuel mass
(4). Use the fuel mass to calculate
the injector pulse width.
The air mass per cylinder is calculated from the manifold pressure,
intake air temperature and engine
speed. This figure is then multiplied
by the volumetric efficiency of the
engine. A 3-dimensional table is used
to specify low rpm volumetric efficien
cy, which is calculated as a function
of engine speed and MAP. Another
similar look-up table is used for high
rpm volumetric efficiency.
If the coolant temperature is below
44°C, a correction is applied to the air/
fuel ratio to enrich the mixture. Two
July 1997 67
Volumetric Efficiency
Fig.1: the volumetric efficiency (VE) of the engine is held as a 3-dimensional
map. Here, the VE is shown as a function of engine speed and manifold
pressure. Note that for some combinations of manifold vacuum and engine
speed, the charging efficiency is markedly improved – probably as a result of
the tuned-length intake system.
Air/Fuel Ratio
Fig.2: this map shows the desired air/fuel ratio for each combination of engine
speed and manifold vacuum. For general running, the engine management
system is programmed so that it maintains these ratios as closely as possible.
ther single-dimension variables
control the decay rate of this enrichment and the minimum to which it
68 Silicon Chip
can fall. The main air/fuel ratio lookup table uses three dimensions, with
air/fuel ratio expressed as a function
of MAP and engine speed – see Fig.2.
Injector opening delays due to
variations in battery voltage are compensated for by adding a bias to the
injector pulse width. For example, at a
battery voltage of 11.2V the bias is 1.16
milliseconds. A 2-dimensional table is
used to apply further corrections for
very brief injector openings, to achieve
the non-linear biases required at this
end of the scale.
In operation, the mechanical fuel
pressure regulator maintains the fuel
pressure at a fixed headroom above
the manifold pressure. Despite this,
battery voltage changes apparently
cause sufficient variation in fuel pump
pressure to require another correction
factor. This works as a function of the
battery voltage.
Another correction factor can be
introduced to delay the injector operation. This is used only when the
ECU is used to control a single point
injection system to give better air/fuel
mixing. It is not used in the Commodore, since the V6 employs multi-point
fuel injection.
Lean cruise mode
One of the factors giving the Commodore such good open-road fuel
consumption is the lean cruise mode.
Lean cruise is enacted when the coolant temperature is above 80°C and
the road speed higher than 68km/h.
After 150 seconds, the air/fuel ratio
is increased in 0.1 steps at 0.2 second
intervals. This increase is ultimately
limited to a value derived from a 3-dimensional look-up table and depends
on the engine speed and MAP.
As you might expect, the way in
which the fuel injectors are controlled
during engine starting is rather complicated. There are preset variables
for cranking pulse width and also for
the decay rate of this base crank pulse
width. The steps at which the pulse
width decays are also specified. The
clear flooding throttle position is set
at 98% opening or more and the injector pulse width is reduced to 7.895
milliseconds during cranking with the
throttle in this position.
No less than 22 different variables
are used to control the mixture during
acceleration and deceleration! These
variables include coolant temperature
which is used to control the rate at
which the mixture is leaned off during
A large number of variables are
also used for closed loop running,
whereby the oxygen sensor controls
the mixture. The minimum coolant
temperature at which closed loop
running will start is 44°C at idle and
31.25°C for running conditions. The
program takes six seconds before it
switches from open loop to closed
loop after acceleration and it will do
this only with a manifold vacuum of
more than 5kPa.
Main Spark Advance
Fuel trim
The Short Term Fuel Trim is a
fast-acting air/fuel ratio correction
system which relies on the output of
the oxygen sensor. In operation, the
oxygen sensor outputs a voltage signal
which is categorised as either rich or
lean. The longer the ECU receives a
rich (or lean) signal, the greater the
correction that is applied.
This results in an air/fuel ratio under
closed loop conditions that oscillates
around the stoichiometric point (this
characteristic cycling of mixtures can
be seen on the SILICON CHIP mixture
meter – see November 1995).
Further corrections are applied by
the Long Term Fuel Trim (LTFT) which
uses an array of 24 block memory cells.
Each cell corresponds to an rpm and
MAP range, with the array covering
the engine’s operating range.
When the engine is operating in
closed loop mode, the fuel term is
calculated and then multiplied by
the cell which corre
sponds to the
rpm and MAP conditions present.
If the engine has operated with that
manifold vacuum and engine speed
for a number of seconds, a learning
process takes place. The data in one
block can affect the data in neighbouring blocks, thereby allowing smooth
interpolation to take place between
them. Disconnecting the battery clears
these memory cells, which means that
a car may operate below its optimum
performance level for a short period of
time when it is driven again.
The LTFT RAM data can be accessed
after the event, meaning that the ECU
has continuous on-board data logging
of the air/fuel ratio at 24 different
load/rpm sites. For the LTFT to become active, the oxygen sensor must
be working correctly and the engine
speed must be constant.
Over-revving is prevented by cutting
off the fuel at 5800 rpm and restoring
it again when the engine speed falls
below 5700 rpm (ie, there is 100 rpm
Fig.3: the main spark advance chart is just one of a number of maps used to
calculate the spark advance. If the engine is at idle, the timing is taken from a
2-dimensional look-up table as a function of MAP. At other engine speeds, the
initial spark value is derived from this 3-dimensional table which shows spark
advance as a function of engine speed and MAP.
Long Term Fuel Trim
Fig.4: the Long Term Fuel Trim (LTFT) is an inbuilt form of data logging. It
stores the corrections made to the injector pulse widths so that the air/fuel ratios
depicted in Fig.3 are maintained. A count of 128 indicates that no correction has
been required, while a count that’s less than 128 means that the engine has been
running lean. Conversely, a count greater than 128 indicates that the engine has
been running rich. It can be seen that this particular engine has required only
minor on-going corrections.
July 1997 69
Table 1: Rewriting The Program
Spark High Advance Rate (degrees/1000 rpm)
Spark Maximum Retard (degrees)
Fuel Max Pulse Width (milliseconds)
Fuel Cut Low RPM
Fuel Cut High RPM
Fuel Cut Time Delay (seconds)
Idle Air Control Max Position (steps)
Idle Air Control Closed Loop Threshold (kPa)
Idle Air Control Warm Up Delay (seconds)
Idle Air Control Deadband (rpm)
Idle Air Control Sag (rpm)
Spark Idle Air Control Advance (degrees)
(kPa MAP)
Spark Attack Rate (degrees/count)
Fuel Volumetric Efficiency (%)
(kPa at 400 rpm)
(kPa at 1600 rpm)
(kPa at 3200 rpm)
(kPa at 6400 rpm)
of hysteresis to prevent osc
around the cutoff point). The same
technique is also used to limit the
road speed, with the VR V6 automatic
70 Silicon Chip
Holden V6
Holden V6
model limited to 210km/h.
During manufacturing, the program
is configured to recognise a stoichiometric air/fuel ratio whose value
corresponds to the switching voltage
of the oxygen sensor being used. An
injector constant is also programmed,
allowing larger or smaller injectors to
be used in place of the standard units.
Spark timing
The initial timing information for
the ECU is derived from a crankshaft
position sensor at 60° or 70° before
top dead centre (TDC). The ECU then
calculates the required spark timing,
counts forward and delivers the spark.
If the engine is at idle, the timing is
taken from a 2-dimensional look-up
table as a function of MAP. At other
engine speeds, the initial spark value
is derived from a 3-dimensional table which shows spark advance as a
function of engine speed and MAP. At
low MAP pressures (ie, high vacuum),
the table has increased resolution. In
addition, for engine speeds above 4800
rpm, a high-rpm correction figure is
added to the main advance rate.
The output of the 3-dimensional
coolant correction chart is then used
to modify the timing. This chart
shows the correction as a function of
coolant temperature and MAP. Negative coolant corrections are made by
subtracting another variable (coolant
offset) from the positive value coolant
correction chart.
If exhaust gas recirculation were
to occur, the spark would be further
advanced as a function of MAP and
engine speed. However, this function
is not currently employed. Another
correction not currently used (but
available) is for barometric pressure.
Timing refinements
While the timing procedure so far is
fairly straightforward, there are a num
ber of refinements. For example, when
the automatic transmission is shifted
from Park or Neutral into Drive, the
timing is retarded by 5.98° if the engine
speed is above 3600 rpm. This is done
to cushion shift-shock (the lurch that
occurs when shifting into gear).
The spark advance is also increased
by an amount proportional to the rate
of acceleration. However, the maximum rate of change in spark timing
is limited to 0.01°/milliseconds on the
VR V6 engine.
Depending on the coolant temperature, the rate of change for the throttle
position can also be used to retard
the spark timing. However, the spark
retard logic is bypassed if the vehicle
speed is less than a preset variable
or if the engine speed is higher or
lower than other preset values. When
deceleration fuel cutoff is employed,
the spark timing is decayed until a
minimum value is reached before the
actual fuel cutoff starts.
During starting, an initial timing
value is selected and this is then modified according to the cranking speed
by a 2-dimensional chart. However,
if the cranking speed falls below 400
rpm, the crankshaft position sensor
output becomes inaccurate. When
this happens, the spark is generated
by the ignition module using a backup
mode. The ECU switches the spark
timing back to its normal mode when
the engine speed rises above 400 rpm.
Once the engine is idling, a 2-dimensional table stores the timing values
as a function of MAP. Interpolation is
used if the MAP value falls between
two points.
At the end of the timing calculations, the calculated advance angle is
checked against a 1-dimensional variable which set the maximum and minimum values. These are at 60.2° and
-17.8°, respectively.
Another spark timing variable set
during manufacture estab
lishes the
engine position at which the distributor reference pulse occurs. There
is also a crankshaft position sensor
lag correction factor. This correction
compensates for the electronic delays
in the sensor and pick-up and is set to
200 microseconds for the V6.
In fact, more than 70 variables (ranging from 1-dimensional to 3-dimensional) are used in the calculation of
the final spark advance! As a comparison, some aftermarket programmable
engine management systems rely on
just five or six variables.
Rewriting the program
One way to examine the capabilities
of the ECU is to examine a rewritten
program. Table 1 shows a small extract which compares new software
for a modified V6 Holden against a
standard program. The modified engine featured a new camshaft, higher
compression ratio and bigger valves.
The program revisions were carried out by Awesome Automotive in
Adelaide using the DynoCal software
package. Awesome Automotive can
be contacted on (08) 8277 3927, while
KAL Software (Brad Host) is on 0412
266 758.
Video scrambling & descrambling
for satellite & cable TV
Video Scrambling & Descram
bling for Satellite & Cable TV,
by Rudolf F. Graf and William
Sheets. Published 1987 by
Butterworth-Heinemann. Soft
covers, 215 x 278mm, 246
pages. ISBN 0 7506 9945 0.
Price $34.95.
Even though Pay TV is now a
(loss-making) reality in Australia,
there is still considerable interest
in satellite TV reception by virtue
of the greater variety of programs
and the fact that no monthly
rental fees are payable. However,
quite a few satellite broadcasts are
scrambled and naturally there is
dearth of information about the
techniques involved. This book
sets out to answer many of the
questions although the authors
stress that they in no way condone
the misuse of the information. And
while it was first published in 1987,
the techniques of scrambling and
encryption have not changed much
since then.
I should say at the outset, that
while reading this book may give
you a good understanding of the
various techniques used in video
scrambling, it probably won’t be of
much help if you wish to do some
unauthorised descrambling on an
encrypted satellite signal. On the
other hand, if you wish to be able
to scramble and unscramble video
for your own use, then this book
could be very useful.
It has 12 chapters devoted to
scrambling methods. The first two
chapters start with the basic methods such as video inversion, sine
wave addition and sync alteration
and proceeds to digital techniques
which even involve pixel scrambling. Chapters 3 & 4 become more
specific, with circuit examples.
Chapter 5 covers the SSAVI
system which stands for Sync
Suppression and Active Video
Inversion. Chapter 6 discusses the
VideoCypher system. Chapter 7
is devoted to political, legal and
consumer aspects of scrambling
which will be of little interest to
technical readers.
Chapter 8 continues with digitising of audio and video signals.
Chapter 9 is of particular interest
with cable and satellite decoders,
and working circuits are included.
Chapter 10 covers the VCII and
BMAC (used in Australia) systems.
Chapter 11 is of general interest, talking about satellite TV
signal strength and interference
and finally, chapter 12 covers the
DES (Data Encryption Standard)
algorithm. Chapter 13 is devoted
to semiconductor data sheets and
chapter 14 covers three relevant
US patents on the subject of
In short, a very interesting and
useful text. It will be available to
order from the SILICON CHIP office.
Phone (02) 9979 5644. (L.D.S.)
July 1997 71
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A handheld LCD oscilloscope
There have been a number of handheld
multimeter/oscilloscope instruments
produced in the last few years but most
of them have been priced well above
what the average technician or hobby
ist could afford. This new unit made by
Velleman is much more affordable.
All told, this new instrument has a
surprising number of features packed
into its compact 600 gram (excluding
batteries) package. The case dimensions of 230 x 130 x 43mm allow it
to be comfortably held in the average hand. When fitted with six AA
rechargeable batteries it will operate
for up to five hours or it can be powered from an external 9V DC 300mA
plugpack. Its full specifications are
listed in Table 1.
The unit boasts a full auto setup
function which means that any signal
can be connected and immediately
a stable waveform is displayed. Not
only this but the period and frequency of the input can be read from the
righthand side of the LCD panel. As
well, the meter function button can
select one additional readout, either
of the waveform’s peak-to-peak voltage, RMS voltage, signal level in dB
or DC voltage.
While the waveform display area
itself is rather tiny (50 x 40mm) it
gives a good portrayal of most waveforms. All functions are controlled
by membrane switches on the front
panel and these are more or less
self-explanatory for anyone who has
used an oscilloscope previously.
A red pushbutton labelled Markers
switches four different backgrounds
on the display. The first is a plain
background, the second provides a
dot grid with 5mm spacing which, on
the display, is 9 dots across by 8 dots
high. The third provides centrally lo-
cated X and Y axes and
the last has two pairs of
cursors which can be
moved to make peakto-peak voltage and
period measurements.
The Y position buttons move one of the
P/P cursors while the
trigger level buttons
move the other. By
positioning them at the
maximum and minimum of any waveform
the peak- to-peak value
can be read. Similarly,
by using the Time/div
and Trigger mode buttons, the period
between any two points on the waveform can be measured.
Getting back to the oscilloscope
functions, the BNC input has an
impedance of 1MΩ and 25pF which
is similar to many oscilloscopes. A
small slide switch below the BNC
connector lets you select AC or DC
coupling for the input signal and the
input sensitivity is controlled by the
adjacent Volt/div pushbuttons. To
increase the sensitivity of the input
amplifier you push the button with
the big sinewave on it, while pushing
the button with the small sinewave
reduces the sensitivity.
Below the input buttons is the normal on/off pushbutton. If this is used
to turn the unit on it will turn itself
off about eight minutes after the last
keypress. If this is not convenient, the
unit can be turned on permanently by
using the Markers key.
If the scope is to be operated manually (as distinct from the auto setup
mode) then the Time/div buttons
operate like a normal scope, with the
Trigger mode buttons allowing normal, auto or single sweep operation.
Another button toggles the trigger
from positive edge to negative edge,
with the two buttons above it letting
you move the trigger point amplitude
up and down.
The only controls we still have to
mention are the Y position, Dot/Join
and Hold buttons. The Y position
controls only operate in manual mode
because, as we explained previously,
in Auto mode they move the cursor.
The Dot/join button does just that. It
allows the display to show the digitised values as dots, or in the join mode
it connects all the points, displaying
July 1997 75
Table 1. Technical Data
Maximum sample rate ������������������������ 5MHz for repetitive signals; 0.5 MHz for
single shot signals
Input amplifier bandwidth ������������������� 750kHz (-3dB at 0.4V/div setting)
Input impedance ��������������������������������� 1MW // 20pF
Maximum input voltage ���������������������� 100V peak (AC+DC) 600V with 10x probe
Input coupling ������������������������������������� DC, AC or ground
Vertical resolution ������������������������������� 8 bit (6 bit on LCD)
Linearity ���������������������������������������������� ±1 bit
A/D converter accuracy ���������������������� ±2 bit
LCD graphics ������������������������������������� 64 x 128 pixels, 64 x 96 for signals
dB measurement (0dB = 0.775V) �������� from -73 to +40 ±0.5%
True RMS range (AC only) ������������������ 0.1mV to 80V, 2.5% accuracy
Peak-to-peak and DC range ����������������� 0.1mV to 180V, 2% accuracy
Timebase range ����������������������������������� 20s, 10s, 5s, 2s, 1s – 10ms, 4ms, 2ms/div
Input sensitivity ����������������������������������� 5mV, 10mV, 20mV, 50mV, 100mV – 2V, 4V,
8V, 20V
Sinewave generator ����������������������������� 400Hz 1V RMS max (adjustable)
Square-wave output ���������������������������� 400Hz 3.5V p-p
Plugpack voltage ��������������������������������� 9V DC 300mA
Rechargeable batteries (opt.) �������������� 6 AA, 750 or 900mAh
Charge time ����������������������������������������� 14 hours
Battery operation �������������������������������� 5 hours (900mAh)
Operating temperature ������������������������ 0-50°C
Dimensions ����������������������������������������� 230 x 130 x 43mm
Weight ������������������������������������������������ 600 grams (excludes batteries)
This series of screen shots show
a number of operating features
of the Velleman HHS5 handheld
scope. The top screen shows a
waveform bracketed by vertical
and horizontal cursors for peak to
peak & frequency measurements.
The second screen shows a
sinewave with a true RMS
readout. The trigger level is
indicated by a break in the
lefthand vertical axis line. A dot
grid is also displayed. The third
screen shows a square wave with
peak-to-peak readout and
centrally located horizontal &
vertical axes. The fourth screen
shows a sinewave in “dot join”
mode while the fifth screen shows
the same waveform in “dot”
76 Silicon Chip
the conventional continuous trace we
are more familiar with.
The Hold control freezes the display, allowing you to examine any
particular aspect of the waveform.
As well, it lets you send a digitised
data stream of the displayed signal to
the RS232 port on a computer. The
information is sent as a table of 96
samples, each having a value between
0 and 255 as well as the Y sensitivity
and the zero reference value.
This information could be used
by a spreadsheet or Basic program to
process the details of the display in
any required manner.
One unusual but welcome feature
of this instrument is the inclusion of
a circuit diagram and PC board parts
overlay in the back of the manual.
Our only complaint was that the
righthand edge of the LCD display
was covered by the front panel mask
and we could not read the last digit
of the readout. We could also see
the lefthand silver edge of the LCD
surround but not the righthand one.
When we opened the case we found
that the perspex mask was held in by
two pieces of sticky tape. Removing
this mask, rotating it 180° and replacing it cured the problem completely.
Perhaps the only real drawback of
this scope is the limited bandwidth
of 750kHz. Having said that, it is true
that the major
ity of measurements
that need to be made in most situations are normally well below this
On the positive side, the advantages
of true RMS measurements and auto
setup along with all the other features
make this unit an attractive purchase
for the technician or hobbyist.
The recommended retail price of
the unit is $449 and it is available
from all Jaycar Electronics stores.
Fast slewing
operational amplifier
Analog Devices has introduced
the industry’s fastest slewing monolithic operational amplifier. The
current feedback AD8009 features
a 5500V/µs slew rate, more than
twice that of its nearest equivalent,
with 10% faster rise and fall times
at 725ps for a 4V step.
As a simple gain stage or buffer
amplifier in high frequency instrumentation or in high speed test
gear (as a pulse amplifier where a
combination of high slew rate and
low distortion is needed to inject
signals of high integrity), the AD
8009 outperforms all other devices.
Small signal (-3dB) bandwidth is
1GHz at unity gain and 700MHz
with a gain of +2.
Dynamic performance is excellent: spurious free dynamic range
is 74dBc at 5MHz, 53dBc at 70MHz,
and 44dBc at 150MHz. For mul-
broadcast quality
ti-tone signals, such as RF/IF signals,
the 3rd order intercept is specified
at 26dBm at 70MHz and 18dBm at
150MHz. Settling time to within
0.1% of full scale signals is 10ns.
For further information, contact
Hartec, 205A Middleborough Rd,
Box Hill, Vic 3128. Phone 1 800
335 623.
25W external
power supply
Today’s electronic equipment can
encounter a myriad of approvals and
assessment before it can be put on the
market. Usually the two main hurdles
are safety and EMI. Amtex Electron
ics have attempted to overcome the
majority of these by introducing the
SCL25 series of external switching
power supplies.
The SCL25 series are fully approved, carrying local office of energy
and Austel approvals, and soon to
carry the new C-Tick mark. As well,
they carry international approval, such
as UL, CSA and VDE for safety, as well
as FCC and CE for EMI noise.
The SCL25 series come in a sturdy
moulded plastic case. The input is 90264VAC via an IEC input socket and
single output voltages ranging from
5VDC to 48VDC are available, as well
as dual and triple output units of 5V
and ±12V or ±15VDC. Output is via an
8-pin mini-DIN or 2.5mm jack plug.
The units also feature an output LED
indicator, regulation of ±4% and up to
60ms hold up time.
For further information, contact
Amtex Electronics, Power Supply
Manufactured in Australia
Harbuch Electronics Pty Ltd
9/40 Leighton Pl. HORNSBY 2077
Ph (02) 9476-5854 Fx (02) 9476-3231
The two diodes may also be connected to operate in parallel due to
their matched on-state voltage drops.
The modules have an isolation voltage
rating of 3000V (RMS) and are UL
Major applications for these diode
modules include rectify
ing the AC
output from high-frequency inverters.
For further information, contact
GEC Electronics Division, Unit 1,
38 South St, Rydalmere, NSW 2116.
Phone (02) 9638 1888; fax (02) 9638
Rugged 600V
Division, 2A Angas St, Meadowbank,
NSW 2114. Phone (02) 9809 5022; fax
(02) 9809 5077.
1200V fast recovery
diode modules
IXYS Corporation has announced
the availability of the MEK 75-12DA
fast recovery diode module in the industrial standard TO-240 package. It
consists of two matched, 1200V rated,
75A(avg), fast diodes with common
cathode connection.
The two epitaxial diodes have low
reverse recovery current and short
reverse recovery time (trr = 450ns
maximum at TJ = 100°C) and they
exhibit soft reverse voltage recovery
to minimise EMI.
BBS Electronics has released rugged versions of Harris Semiconductors’ ultrafast switching IGBTs rated
at 600V and 20A at 110°C. These new
devices allow motor-controller de
signers to replace power transistors
with IGBTs to maximise efficiency
(due to IGBTs’ lower conduction
losses), without rede
signing their
present short-circuit protection
This series of devices has a short-circuit withstand time of 10µs, the maximum for any IGBT, at 440V and 150°C.
Because Harris rates SCWT at 150°C
instead of 125°C, designers can use
smaller heatsinks.
For further information, contact BBS
Electronics Australia Pty Ltd, Unit
24, 5-7 Anella Ave, Castle Hill, NSW
2154. Phone (02) 9894 5244; fax (02)
9894 5266.
July 1997 77
An in-line mixer for radio
control receivers
This month, we will look at a simple 2-channel
in-line mixer for use with R/C systems that are
not equipped with mixers in the transmitters.
This can be used to control two servos together
when complex models are involved.
This mixer was to have been
the ultimate “simple job” – take a
through-hole design that has been in
production for 20 years and convert it
to surface mount components, greatly
reducing the size in the process. No
electronic redesign, no black magic
RF or other issues to get underfoot,
just relay the PC board. Pretty simple,
right? . . . WRONG!
The original unit was designed for
Silvertone in the golden years before
tariff reductions cut the heart out of
the business. This mixer was developed by Bob Lawrence, a very clever
engineer and the man who designed
the last television set pro
duced in
Bob consulted on many jobs for
me in those days, even though the
concepts and challenges I presented
him with used to drive him to his
limits. The only thing that kept Bob
Lawrence coming back for more was
the fact that the jobs we gave him were
so interesting.
Now I look back and shudder
and wonder what possessed me to
undertake some of the jobs I became
involved with. There were 32-channel
robotic puppets, radio-controlled fullsize motor vehicles, R/C machines six
stories high, 80-tonne R/C shot blast
trolleys and RPVs, to name just a few.
Years later, I lost touch with Bob
and have not seen him to this day.
By now you are all asking what on
earth has all this to do with this column? The fact is that when the first
prototype SMD mixer refused to work
I found myself wishing that Bob La
wrence was still around. It is a very
clever little circuit and quite tricky
to service.
That night I went home and who
should be on the TV (Good Medicine)
telling the story about the great new
breath test for Heliobacta Bacillus (the
bug often associated with ulcers)? . . .
none other than Bob Lawrence (Bob,
if you read this I would like to hear
from you).
Reversed inputs
Fig.1(a): mixed elevators/flaps are used for aerobatics or as
compensation for trim shift. Fig.1(b) shows elevator trim
compensation for the pitch changes that takes place when the
takeoff or landing flaps are selected.
78 Silicon Chip
As it turned out, I did not need
Bob’s help for I discov
e red after
hours of hair-tearing effort that the
Protel schematic library component
for the 3900 op amp has the input
pins reversed. This meant that the
PC board was wrong and that I had
no hope of making that mixer work.
I also checked the new Protel for
Windows (Advanced PCB) and found
that the error was in that library as
well. I have enormous confidence in
the Protel Autotrax system and never
Fig.2: the circuit takes in separate input channels and converts them into two
separate composite signals, Common out and Complementary out. Mixing is
set by trimpot RV2.
once questioned the schematic or PC
board. It was only after I had exhausted all other avenues that I had to look
further. I might add that this is the first
time that Protel has ever let me down.
The second prototype worked perfectly once I had corrected the schematic library and located the solder
bridge I had created across two of the
pot pins (even the experts do it). So
much for the so-called “simple job”.
Mixing concepts
For those not familiar with the concept of mixing as applied to R/C transmitters, see the article entitled “The
mysteries Of Mixing” in the December
1995 issue and the October 1996 issue
which featured the “Multi-Channel Radio Control Transmitter; Pt.8”. These
articles give a full and detailed explanation of the intricacies of electronic
mixing of flight controls. Whilst these
articles deal mainly with mixing in
transmitters, the principles still apply
to add-on mixers for receivers.
Briefly, mixing is the coupling of
controls so that moving one control
results in one or more servos operating simultaneous
ly in ratios and
directions preset by the operator.
Common applications include elevons for tailless aircraft, collective and
tail-rotor pitch for helicopters, and
coupled aileron/rudder and flaps with
elevator compensation on fixed wing
aircraft. Less common are twin screw
boats and tracked vehicles which incorporate speed and steering by the
common/differential use of throttle.
As you can see, mixing is a very
important feature, making models
simpler to operate and the modern
R/C transmitter reflects this with
all sorts of mixing features built in.
Unfortunately, such features usually
come with a built-in high price tag
as well.
However, owners of older transmitters without mixing may fit an in-line
mixer in the model itself and this
will work almost as well. I say almost
because usually two functions are
the maximum available in an in-line
mixer. Transmitters with electronic
mixing usually allow multiple point
mixing but as most applications use
2-point mixing this is not a serious
Setting up an in-line mixer can
be a tricky business, especially with
transmitters without servo reversing
so I should repeat some of the October
1996 article dealing with setting up
for delta mix.
Before proceeding any further,
there is a very important point to
bear in mind when setting up mixing
functions. Each mixer input has an
additive effect on servo throw and
this must be taken into account when
setting mix ratios. Failure to observe
this may result in the servo being
driven into its internal mechanical
end stops with attendant gear damage.
Therefore, be sure to check the final
servo travel with the full extremes of
mixing applied, as servo travel varies
with the brand of servos used and the
transmitters used.
An illustration
To illustrate the point being made
in the above warning, let us examine
the mixing process for a delta aircraft
featuring elevons (delta mix). Such
an aircraft uses two control surfaces,
one on each wing and each control
surface performs two functions, aileron and elevator control; hence the
name elevon.
The diagram of Fig.1 shows the
control sequence in detail.
To bank such an aircraft, one control surface goes up and the other
goes down, thereby imparting a rollJuly 1997 79
Fig.3: these diagrams show the component layout on the top
and bottom of the PC board. Install all the surface mount
components first then mount the trimpots and other
component on the top of the board.
Fig.4: the full size etching patterns for the PC board.
ing motion to the aircraft. For pitch
control, both control surfaces go up
to raise the nose and down to lower
the nose.
Complications arise when one
wants to bank and climb simul
taneously. If full throw on the aileron
servo gives the desired rate of roll
what happens when we then apply
full up elevator to impart a climbing
motion to the aircraft?
If we are turning left then some UP
mixed into the right elevon (which
is DOWN in a left roll) is easily accommodated. However, there is no
more travel available in the left servo
which is already full UP. To apply an
additional pulse width variation will
only drive the servo hard into the end
stops and possibly strip the gears.
Therefore, the controls must be
mechanically arranged so that 50%
differential servo travel (one UP, one
DOWN) gives the maximum rate of roll
and 50% common servo travel (Both
UP or DOWN) gives the maximum
pitch angle.
Then we may apply full pitch
and roll commands simultaneously.
Oddly enough, at this point only one
servo actually moves and it goes to full
travel. The two commands on the opposing servo cancel each other out and
80 Silicon Chip
the servo remains in neutral. Elevon
controls are very complex controls to
set up correctly, especially when you
start to consider the reflex and unequal differential angles which must
be taken into account for the correct
aerodynamic conditions required by
tailless aircraft.
Circuit description
The full circuit is shown in Fig.2.
Briefly, the circuit takes in two separate input channels and converts them
into two separate composite signals.
The primary input is defined as the
common input and it must come first
in the input channel trans
order. For example, if we are mixing
for elevons (aileron/elevator) and the
transmitter channel order is Aileron,
Channel 1 and Elevator, Channel 2,
then the common input is plugged
into the Aileron Channel.
It is for this reason that the common
input lead must be clearly identified
on the finished mixer. A short piece
of heatshrink tubing shrunk onto the
lead just behind the servo plug does
the trick nicely. It is a good idea to
similarly mark the common output
as an aid to testing.
The operation of the common input
is fairly straightforward. IC1c is the
input buffer/inverter and it drives,
IC2b, another buffer inverter which
feeds the mix ratio trimpot RV2. Following RV2, the two resistors R5 &
R6 form a splitter network and feed
the two pulse converter op amps IC3a
& IC3b.
The two identical op amp pulse
converters consist of IC3a, IC3c &
IC1a for the Complementary section
and IC3b, IC3d & IC1b for the Common section. IC1a & IC1b are used as
buffer/inverters to provide the desired
positive-going output pulse.
Differential input channel
The operation of the differential
input channel input is a little more
tricky. The buffer/inverter IC2a drives
a monostable oscillator consisting of
NAND gates IC2c & IC2d. The mon
ostable pulse width at pin 4 of IC2c
is set to twice the neutral pulse width
used by the R/C system the mixer is
fitted to.
As most modern R/C systems use a
1.5ms neutral pulse, RV1 is therefore
set for a monostable pulse of 3ms.
This 3ms pulse is used to generate
the complement of the differential
channel in IC2d using the gating
action of the 4011. Thus if the differential channel moves to 2ms then
the complement is 1ms. Likewise, if
the differential channel moves to 1ms
then the complement is 2ms. At neutral both input pulses are set to 1.5ms,
therefore the complement is 1.5ms.
The common control pulse and
the 3ms pulse are added in RV2 to
produce a composite with a variable
ratio but constant sum. Diode D3
gates out the control pulse part of
the 3ms pulse so that the sum of the
common pulse plus the complement
of the differential pulse is applied to
the pulse converters to produce the
complementary output pairs.
The final composite outputs are
a true mix of both input channels.
Thus the differential channel adds
to the common output channel and
subtracts from the complementary
output channel in a ratio again set by
the mix ratio pot RV2. As a corollary,
the common input adds or subtracts
from both outputs in equal amounts,
again in a ratio set by RV2.
The range of the mix is set by R8
& R12. As the operation of the mixer
becomes non-linear beyond 80-20%,
I suggest using 75-25%. This is more
than adequate for the real world.
Where To Buy A Kit Of Parts
The inline mixer module is available as follows:
Comprehensive s/design software
available distributed by WAR AUDIO
Fully assembled module complete with servo leads ........................$69.50
Complete kit with PC board and servo leads....................................$49.50
PC board only ..................................................................................$11.50
When ordering, purchasers should nominate the R/C system they are using.
Postage & packing for the above kits is $3.00. Payment may be made by
Bankcard, cheque or money order to Silvertone Electronics. Send orders
to Silvertone Electronics, PO Box 580, Riverwood, NSW 2210. Phone/fax
(02) 9533 3517.
Inside the suggested range the mixer holds neutral to within 5% over a
temperature range of 10°C to 50°C and
a voltage range from +4V to +5.2V.
RV3 is a balance control to set the
neutral on the second servo. The neutral on the first servo may be set by
the complementary pot RV1.
Diode D1 performs a dual function. Firstly, it protects against re
verse polarity. Secondly and more
importantly, it drops the rail voltage
to +4.2V. This is an important point
for compatibility with imported sets,
particularly with some of the newer
sets that have output pulse voltages
under 3V. CMOS chips need the input
to exceed one half rail voltage for
reliable switching.
Resistor R4 and capacitor C6 provide a supply decoupling network for
IC1 and IC2. IC1f in the 40106 hex
inverter is unused.
Board construction
Construction is very straightforward, with surface mount components used for maximum reliability
and minimum size. If you have not
worked with surface mount before
then once again I would suggest reading “Working With Surface Mount
Components” in the January 1995
issue of SILICON CHIP.
Install the surface mount components first and the through-hole
components next. Fit the servo leads,
remembering to slip the short piece of
heatshrink tubing over the common
input and output leads before soldering them into the PC board.
First, set up the transmitter trims
to neutral and plug two servos into
the channels to be mixed to ensure
that both servos are on neutral. Set
all mixer control pots to mid range
and plug the input leads into the receiver and the servos into the mixer
servo sockets. Adjust trimpot RV1 to
neutralise the servo in the common
output. Set the neutral on the servo in
the complementary output using RV3.
Now move the transmitter sticks
first in one axis and then the other,
checking to ensure that both servos travel in approx
imately equal
amounts on each axis. Moving the
common axis stick will result in both
servos moving in the same direction.
Moving the differential axis stick
will result in the servos moving in
opposite directions.
This of course assumes that both
servos rotate in the same direction
without the mixer. It may be necessary
to reverse one servo to get the correct
direction of rotation on both outputs.
Now wind the mix ratio pot RV2
fully anticlockwise. One stick axis
should barely move the servos, whilst
the other should give almost full
travel in both servos. If this checks
out, wind RV2 fully clockwise and
ascertain that the opposite is true.
The full travel axis should now be
reduced to almost zero travel whilst
the reduced travel axis should now
deliver almost full range.
One small warning here. If the trims
are not on exact neutral the servos will
appear to move off neutral as the ratio
of mix is increased. This is deceiving
for what is actually happening is that
the servo movement is increasing and
moving the servo away from its original position. This is most noticeable if
the ratio of mix is changed when the
throttle channel is one of the mixed
channels and the throttle stick is at
one end of its range.
That’s it – you are now in business.
Add the case and go and fly.
Windows interface.SVGA.
Box modelling , 7 type enclosures,
10 alignments for box optimizer,
Box time response, Room placement,
Import Clio, Lms, Imp, Mlissa etc,
Crossover modelling , Optimizing ,
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BOX CAD includes complex impedence
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$350.00 upgrades from $60.00.
Clio Professional electro-acoustic
measurement system $1650.00
Frequency Response •
Electrical & Acoustical
Phase • FFT Analysis •
THD • Anechoic
Transfer Function •
MLS Analysis • Impulse
Response • ETC •
Waterfall • Impedance
THD+Noise 0.015%
• T/S Parameters • 1/3
Octave RTA • Signal
Generator / Level Meter
• Oscilloscope • SPL •
dBV • Volt Amplitude •
LC Meter • 16-Bit D/A
• Freq. Range 1Hz22kHz ±1dB
• Freq.
Accuracy > 0.01% •
U203/396 Scarb Bch Rd Osborne Park
W.A. 6017 Ph 09-2425538 F 09-4452579
Next Month*
600 watt power amplifier
So you haven’t been impressed by
amplifier modules delivering 350
watts into 4Ω loads? Well, you’re not
alone because we have had many
requests for bigger amplifiers. Now,
after a lot of R&D work, we have come
up with the goods. This new design
will deliver 600 watts into a 4Ω load.
It’s a big brute, it won’t be cheap but
it’s got the power.
TENS unit for pain relief
TENS stands for Transcutaneous
Electrical Neural Stimulation and is
widely used by physiotherapists for
relief of chronic pain. This compact
design offers variable pulse width,
pulse rate (frequency) and variable
voltage output. It is battery operated
for safety.
On sale 30th July Australia-wide
*Note: the preparation of these articles
is well advanced but circumstances may
change the final content.
July 1997 81
Revamping an old Radiola
Take one Radiola cabinet, add an Airzone
circuit, make a few other alterations and what
have you got? A real “bitzer”, that’s what! This
Radiola that has been completely reworked but,
despite that, it still looks the part.
In the November 1992 issue, I described how an old 1935 battery-powered Radiola was converted to 240V
operation. It was a big job as far as I
was concerned, for the simple reason
that I had never tackled such a project
before. What’s more, I didn’t know
how successful the conversion would
be until the job was completed.
The set was originally built from
parts salvaged from two wrecked
receivers, both of which were battery
models. Some time later, a better cabinet was found and so the old Radiola
ended up being rebuilt from three
separate receivers.
The conversion to AC required
the almost complete stripping of the
chassis – not even the valve sockets
could be used in the rebuild! The
only original components that were
retained were the dial, the tuning
capacitor and its associated coils, the
two 175kHz IF transformers, and the
permanent magnet loudspeaker.
Retaining the permag speaker may
seem an odd approach to an AC conversion since mains-powered receivers used electrodynamic types in those
days. However, there were good reasons for keeping it. The cabinet could
use only a particular type and size
of speaker. Because the heads of the
speaker mounting bolts are exposed
at the front of the cabinet, moving the
bolts to accommodate another speaker
All the original coils and IF transformers were discarded when the old Radiola
was rebuilt. They were replaced with more modern components.
82 Silicon Chip
was out of the question.
As it turned out, the 60-year-old permag speaker worked amazingly well
and kept up with anything the single
type 42 output valve could throw at it.
While there was some apprehension
about using the speaker during the
construction stage, it soon proved
itself once the set was operational. As
an added bonus, the speaker actually
looks like an electrodynamic type and
it requires a close examination to see
the difference.
Dial drive problems
Restoring any vintage radio receiver
to working order is often fraught with
problems. One particular headache
with the Radiola was the friction
drive dial mechanism, a common fault
with many old receivers. Having two
to choose from didn’t help much as
each one was as worn and useless as
the other.
The only practical solution was to
completely modify the tuning mechanism and the friction drive was replaced with a more conventional cord
drive setup. This amounted to adding
a drum and a suitable control spindle,
specially made to do the job.
Converting a battery receiver to AC
operation and altering a useless friction drive to a cord type seemed to be
a logical approach to the problems at
hand. But not everyone agreed with
my line of thought.
Apparently, some vintage radio
collectors were horrified at such desecration and I received a few critical
letters as a result. The debate about the
set’s originality continued off and on
for about two years before the matter
was finally laid to rest. Apparently,
vintage radios should be restored
exactly as they were originally made,
without alterations to circuits or de-
vious modifications. Well, so I’m told!
Unfortunately, that’s not always
possible. Beside, I like to restore an old
receiver in a manner that suits me and
I base my decisions on such things as
cost, the availability of parts and other
practical aspects of getting a derelict
old radio working again.
It is interesting to note that during
the war years thousands of 1930s vintage battery receivers were converted
to AC operation. As new receivers
were unavailable at the time, converting battery sets to AC operation became a booming business. It’s strange
that such a conversion was OK then
but not the done thing today.
Major rework
Since then, the Radiola AC conversion has undergone a major rework.
No doubt it will please my critics to
know that I haven’t chosen another set
to convert, so hopefully I won’t draw
any further flak from those opposed
to such things. It’s just an extension
of the previous modification.
The incentive for the rework came
about because the old Radiola developed an odd intermittent fault. Sometimes it would work normally, while at
other times it would not. And when it
played up, part of the broadcast band
would move off the low-frequency end
of the dial.
While the fault was obviously
caused by a considerable shift in oscillator frequency, the problem could not
be corrected by tapping components
or waggling connections. Whether or
not it worked properly was a decision
that only the receiver made, depending
on its mood.
After several unsuccessful attempts
at locating the elusive intermittent
fault, a big decision was made. The
whole chassis was stripped with the
exception of the tuning capacitor, dial
mechanism, and power transformer.
It was then rebuilt using fresh components.
The last time this was done, an
Airzone 517 circuit was used to build
the detector and audio stages. This
time the whole circuit was used. The
Airzone 517 is nothing special; just a
fairly standard late 1930s broadcast
band 5-valver with simple AGC and
octal valves. My version, however,
used pre-octal valves with similar
There were also a few alterations
to the circuit. For starters, the local/
The “new” IF transformers are from a late 1940s Radiola and were mounted on
the top of the chassis (the originals were mounted below). These transformers
were chosen mainly because their large size seemed appropriate to the generous
dimensions of the chassis.
The original tuning capacitor now operates on only two of its three gangs, as
the preselector bandpass stage has been removed. Note the large diameter cord
drum that has been fitted to the tuner spindle so as to incorporate a cord drive.
distance and tone switches were eliminated, with a potentiometer being substituted for the latter. A high-tension
choke was also incorporated to substitute for the nonexistent field coil.
Previously, a 20W resistor had been
used in the HT line but this resulted
in a low-level hum in the speaker.
While this hum was not intrusive, it
has been virtually eliminated by the
addition of the choke.
A pair of large postwar IF transformers were selected to replace the old
175kHz originals. These were chosen
mainly for their size as everything
about the old Radiola is big, the chas
sis being about 125mm high. The IF
transformers were mounted on top
of the chassis, as opposed to the under-chassis mounting arrangement of
the originals.
When these transformers were
taken from their derelict receiver,
the various connections were noted
before disconnecting the wiring. They
were also marked IF1 and IF2 because
they bore different part numbers and
so should not to be treated as inter
changeable units.
The air-cored aerial and oscillator
July 1997 83
of this nature somewhat difficult.
While the IF transformers tuned OK to
455kHz, I encountered difficulties in
getting the dial to track when aligning
the aerial and oscillator circuits. Most
of the broadcast band was there but the
frequencies did not line up correctly
with the dial.
This problem was eventually solved
by adding more ca
pacitance to the
padder capacitor and attaching a 7pF
capacitor to the oscillator tuning gang.
After some juggling with the padder
adjustment and the oscillator trimmer,
the dial tracked quite well, being less
than 10kHz out at its worst point of
error. In the circumstances, that was
better than anticipated.
The dial used on the old Radiola is typical of AWA units from the mid 1930s. It
is marked with station call signs around the outside, wavelengths in metres on
the left, and frequencies in kHz (KC) on the right. The original batteryoperated set had no dial lighting but this was added during the conversion to
mains power.
coils were taken from an old Astor
chassis. Again, as the coil connections
were unmarked, notes were made as
to which tag went where.
It would have been nice to have
taken all these components from the
one chassis but it turned out that they
were all compatible when the rebuild
was completed.
Another major change to the circuit
was the removal of the preselector
bandpass filter. A bandpass filter, or
an RF stage, was employed on early
superhets using 175kHz IFs and was
essential to avoid double spotting, a
natural characteristic of receivers with
low intermediate frequencies. Receivers with higher IFs around 455kHz do
not require the bandpass filter.
As a result, the new circuit uses
only two of the three sections of the
tuning capacitor.
There were no great problems
putting all the parts together and the
work progressed without incident.
Having all the necessary components
laid out ready for use prevented any
A few additional tag strips were
used to advantage with the under
chassis wiring, the end result being a
better layout than my previous effort.
Using odd components from various
makes and models can make a project
This 60-year old AWA permanent magnet loudspeaker
looks identical to the electrodynamic version. It is not
the one from the receiver but is kept as a spare. It is also
handy for on-the-bench testing when the chassis is out of
the cabinet.
84 Silicon Chip
A good performer
It was only after the alignment had
been completed and the chassis fitted
into its cabinet that I realised that this
was a really good receiver. Its ability to
pull in distant stations was excellent
and a number of Tasmanian stations
came in loud and clear. The rebuilt Radiola-cum-Airzone receiver performed
very well indeed.
It is probable that the original aerial,
oscillator and preselector bandpass
coils, plus the 175kHz IF transformers,
left something to be desired with the
initial conversion. Using early 1930s
coils and IF transformers is not the
best way to go about building a radio
receiver. The components from that
era are nowhere near as efficient as
those from the late 1930s and 1940s.
By replacing these parts, the general performance has been greatly
improved, particularly at the high
frequency end of the dial.
This photo shows the tuning shaft modification that was
used to convert the slipping friction drive mechanism to
a less troublesome cord drive. Why such a modification
should be criticised by some collectors is beyond the
author’s comprehension.
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While far from original inside, the old Radiola receiver still retains its vintage
appearance. Its current performance is far in excess of that delivered by the
original design, thanks to a complete circuit revamp. The three controls (from
left to right) are: volume, tuning and tone.
So once again the old Radiola has
gone through a major transformation
and the IF transformers on top of the
chassis betray the extent of the modifications. But that’s not a problem
as far as I’m concerned because the
alterations have been for the better.
Upgrading to more modern coils and
IF transformers has made a really big
difference to the set’s performance.
Little cost
In money terms, the initial outlay
of $20 for the two battered receivers
was not great and they have provided
me with many hours of constructional pleasure. The cost of converting
junk to an operational radio has been
almost zero because all the necessary
components were on hand.
Despite the various modifications
and the replacement Airzone circuit,
the reworked Radiola still looks an
acceptable valve radio. Only vintage
radio collectors familiar with that
particular make and model would
notice that the chassis is not what it
really should be.
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July 1997 85
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Got a technical problem? Can’t understand a piece of jargon or some technical principle? Drop us a line
and we’ll answer your question. Write to: Ask Silicon Chip, PO Box 139, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
NTSC-to-PAL converter
I have an 8mm NTSC camcorder
and I would like to use it to record on
a PAL-standard VCR. Can I use the
NTSC-to-PAL converter published in
the May 1997 issue to do it? I note that
there was a comment about this converter not being suitable for recording
from the NTSC format to PAL but I am
hoping you can tell me how it might
be done. (A. K., Yass, NSW).
Well, we hate to give negative
answers but you can’t use the NTSCto-PAL converter for recording. The
problem is that the converter does not
change the field frequency of 60Hz to
suit the PAL standard of 50Hz. While
most video monitors and TV sets can
quite happily cope with the difference,
a PAL VCR cannot. It must have a TV
signal with a field frequency of 50Hz.
No vibrato in
Digital Effects Unit
I have a Digital Effects Unit, as
described in the February 1995 issue,
in for repair. The fault is no vibrato.
On basic checking I note that there is
no output at pin 7 of IC1d when the
More queries on
shunting meters
I see you answered an enquiry
about shunting meters last month.
I have a similar problem. I have a
1mA 200Ω meter movement that
I want to measure currents up to
10mA. I can see the general method
but I am uncertain about the result
I get.
Is a shunt resistor of 20Ω correct
for my application? (B. B., St Andrews, NSW).
You have followed the procedure outlined last month but you
have neglected the 1mA current
drawn by the meter itself. Perhaps
we did not make that point quite
Effects switch is in and Echo off. Further tracing of audio via headphones
revealed a 1kHz tone at pin 24 with
Vibrato off and a switching noise with
Vibrato on. Any comments? (A. B.,
Wollongong, NSW).
The 1kHz tone and noise at pin 24
of IC1 is correct. The fault is probably
in the signal path of the delay unit
IC3. Check the switching to IC3 at
S3a and S3b. Also there could be a
short or open circuit connection to
S3a from IC3.
published in the June 1997 issue will
drive your 12V air horn, assuming that
it has a motor driven pump. And as
far as your CD player and 12V alarm
are concerned, the best way to power
them would be to use the 24V-12V
converter published in the December
1987 issue. While no longer available
as a kit, all the parts and the PC board
are obtainable.
24V to 12V conversion
for truck accessories
I would like to relate a recent experience I had concerning the 40W Inverter published in the February 1992
issue of SILICON CHIP. At switch on, it
clattered into life, then promptly died!
The 5A fuse was open, so I replaced
it with an 8A type. As I had used the
larger 60VA transformer, I simply put
the fuse failure down to that.
I say “failure” as the fuse had not
blown violently. When I measured
the no-load output I had 210VAC;
nothing like 279VAC as stated in the
article. With a 40W load, this dropped
to a crazy 185VAC. The output was
terrible, virtually useless. The lamp
was flickering at a rapid rate, almost
going completely off, then on again.
This effect lasted about five minutes,
after which the inverter “died” again.
Instead of using a flat metal plate as
the heatsink, I used a proper finned
type. It was incredibly hot, much more
so that it should have been. I suspected
a circuit fault, a not so uncommon
failing these days. But it was not that
at all, I’m pleased to relate. When I
bought the necessary components, I
purchased more than needed to make
up a spare parts kit. The inverter is for
a friend of mine in Goulburn and the
parts could be very difficult to find in
that town.
I was aware that MTP3055A power
FETs were unsuitable for this circuit,
so I made sure that the ones I had were
the right type (the “E” version). However, I suspect they were substandard.
They were made in Mexico. The pair
in the spare parts kit, ironically, had a
I have a 24V truck. It has a 12V
air horn set, a 12V CD player and a
12V alarm system. The current drain
ranges up to 3.5A. The horn doesn’t
get used much at all. Neither does
the CD player now but the alarm is
armed for a considerable portion of
the day, draining one battery. I swap
the batteries around every month but
what I require is a 24V-12V regulated
supply to suit. Can you help? (C. S.,
Napier, NZ).
Unfortunately, there is no one project
which will satisfy all your requirements. The 24V/12V speed control
clear, although it was alluded to.
In essence, you want 10mA to be
read by the meter and so the total
meter and shunt resistance should
carry that current at full scale deflection. If you allow for the 1mA
current drawn by the meter itself,
that means that the shunt must
carry 9mA.
Now we know that the meter is
200Ω so that must mean that the
voltage across it (the “burden”
voltage) is 200mV for 1mA FSD.
Therefore we want a shunt resistor
which will carry 9mA with 200mV
across it. Using Ohm’s Law, R = V/I
= 200mV/9mA, we get an answer of
22Ω which is convenient because it
is a preferred value.
40W inverter must use
name-brand semis
July 1997 91
Multimedia &
dual diversity
I have questions on two separate
topics. Recently my son completed
construction of the Multimedia
Amplifier described in the October
& November 1996 issue of SILICON
CHIP. However, before inserting the
power link, the voltage on pins 1, 3,
4, 6 & 9 of all three power ICs was
0V not 6V as stated in the article.
We have thoroughly checked the
board for solder bridges, incorrect
insertion of polarised components,
etc and cannot deter
mine what
the problem is if there is one at
all. Currently we are stalled with
speakers assembled and the board
constructed awaiting connection of
the “power links” but unsure if it
is safe to do so. Any ideas as to the
likely cause of the missing voltage
or if it is safe (for the computer
especially) to connect the power
links as is.
Second, in August & September
1994 you published articles describing a diversity tuner for FM microphones. It comprised a single tuner
with an antenna switching circuit
to select the better reception from
one of two antennas rather than use
different brand stamped on them. They
were made in Malaysia and carried an
ST brand name. (Silicon Technology?)
The other discovery was the LM339
quad comparator IC. It was a DBL339!
Now it could have been the same thing
but I replaced it with a proper LM339,
fitted the new ST brand FETs and gingerly switched on. The inverter now
works like a bought one!
With a 40W load, there is 230VAC
on the output and with a 60W load,
200VAC precisely. After several hours
use, the heatsink barely gets warm. I
am very pleased with the circuit.
There is, however, a valuable lesson
in this. I bought the components from
a small Melbourne firm. They used to
be cheap but not any more! In fact,
I no longer deal with them. (N. B.,
Canterbury, NSW).
Component substitutions are always
a concern to us, as they can lead to
disappointment for the constructor.
In this respect you are almost always
92 Silicon Chip
two receivers. Is it possible to adapt
the antenna switching circuit to
an existing non-diversity VHF
(200MHz) FM microphone receiver
to reduce drop out etc? (G. C., Hazelwood Park, SA.
We’re afraid that there is an error
with the test procedure. You were
the first to let us know. Without the
link installed, pins 1 and 9 measure about 0.5V and pin 7 measures
12V. No voltage is present on the
other pins. With the link in, pins
1 and 9 measure 2.2V, pins 3, 4 &
6 measure 5.6V and pin 7 measures 12V.
While it is possible to adapt the
Dual Diversity antenna switching
circuitry to an existing 200MHz
receiver, some circuit modifications
may be required. The AGC voltage
for the dual diversity receiver is
applied to IC4a via a 3.3kΩ resistor
and requires a voltage that rises
with the strength of the signal. No
signal is represented by 0V.
In your receiver, the AGC voltage
may be inverted and offset from 0V.
If so, it would have to be level shifted and inverted by op amp level
circuitry. Adjustment of the gain is
done by changing the 220kΩ resistor
between pins 5 and 7 of IC4a.
better off buying a kit if it is available,
rather than obtaining parts from other
Upgrading the 45V 8A
power supply
I am considering building the 0-45V
8A power supply featured in the January 1992 issue but I have the following
(1) Can the optical link (IC1/LED1)
be replaced with an optocoupler, with
a suitable buffer transistor to provide
some gain on the output to drive Q2,
if necessary? The optical link arrangement seems to be a slight overkill and
is not readily available here whereas
optocouplers are. If this is practical,
what type of opto would you recommend and how would you configure it?
I realise that this modification would
need to be mounted on a sub-board off
the main PC board.
(2) The transformer I intend to use
has a lower output at 25V AC but has
a higher current capability at 450VA.
What I would like to do is raise the
overall specs by two amps; ie, full
current at 10A with foldback occurring at 11A. The switchmode part
of the circuit appears able to sustain
this increase, so it would only seem
necessary to alter the point at which
foldback occurs. This could be done
by altering the voltage divider network consisting of the 22kΩ, 27kΩ,
820Ω and 1.1kΩ resistors so that it
now senses 0.55V across R1/R2, corresponding to 11A. Assuming this is
practical, which resistors would you
change and to what values?
To enable the current limiting to
pass 10A before it limits, my calculations indicate that the 270kΩ resistor
above VR1 needs to be changed to
243kΩ. This will allow the voltage
at the non-inverting input of IC5b to
reach approximately 0.52V, which for
the same voltage developed across R1/
R2 would mean a current through the
latter of just over 10A.
Your comments and suggestions
would be much appreciated. (S. W.,
Hamilton, NZ).
The reason we have used the optical
link was to obtain sufficient speed to
drive the switching Mosfet. If you can
obtain a really fast optocoupler (most
are relatively slow), you could probably substitute it without too many
problems. If we were to redesign the
power supply today, we would probably use a high-side switching IC.
We would be wary about increasing
the output of the power supply, even
only marginally. The main switching
inductor has proved to be critical in
this design and we would not like to
prejudice its reliability.
Float switch
for a jet ski
I am interested in building an electronic float switch for a bilge pump
in a jet ski. I cannot fit a normal float
switch as I’m limited for room. Would
you be able to supply me with a circuit diagram of one or advise me of
where I could get one, please? (F. D.,
Innisfail, Qld).
We have published three circuits for
bilge pump controllers, in December
1989, February 1990 and March 1990.
In each case they employed the National Semiconductor 1830 fluid sensor IC.
The most appropriate circuit for your
application would be the March 1990
design which featured a 15-second
sloshing delay. All the circuits referred
to were published in the Circuit Notebook pages and so no PC board designs
are available.
Query on variable
ignition timing
My query is related to John Clarke’s
Knock Indicator for leaded-petrol
engines, as featured in the April 1996
issue. I own a 1980 Volvo 264 GLE
with the Bosch K-Jetronic mechanical
fuel injection system and the Bosch
contactless electronic ignition. This
is the V6 engine used in Volvo, Renault & Peugeot cars and in some of
the later Volvos in an EFI version. As
was usual in those days, the engine
was designed to run on 97RON leaded petrol and had a reasonably high
compression ratio.
I had to do a recent valve regrind
and decoke on the engine and having
restored it to full compression again,
it now “pings” at a specific rev range
on a very light throttle, exactly as
John Clarke has described. I define
a “ping” as more a “breaking glass”
type sound as opposed to a “knock” or
heavy “pinking”. Fortunately, it does
not knock or ping at any other point
except at about 3000 revs with a high
manifold vacuum, which equates to
just over 80km/h.
If the vacuum advance is disconnected, there is no ping at all, confirming that somewhere along the extra 10
degrees of advance provided by the
vacuum unit, it is too advanced for
the lower lead petrols available today.
However, the vacuum unit is necessary
for good performance throughout the
rev range. This engine/ignition has a
very aggressive advance curve with
very high advance figures in the mid
to higher rev range.
I have just purchased the Knock
Sensor kit from Jaycar electronics after seeing just such a kit in operation
on another car and am impressed by
its performance. Before I put this kit
together, may I ask for the possibility
of an extension to the design?
The circuit provides 10 points of
reference when pinging occurs, to
trigger the LED displays. Could one or
all of these points be utilised to trigger
a time-delay circuit inserted between
the distributor and the electronic
ignition amplifier unit to effectively
Multimedia power
I am interested in making the
Multimedia Amplifier featured
in the October & November 1996
issues of SILICON CHIP. However, I am concerned because the
circuit has been described to me
as a most irresponsible design as
it takes absolutely no account of
the limitations imposed by most
computer power supplies.
Is this a reasonable comment?
What would be the maximum
additional load that the power
supply would be expected to
deliver during normal use of the
amplifier? (L. S., Kenthurst, NSW).
As far as power supply capacity
is concerned, we would not have
published the project if there was
any risk of running computer
power supplies into overload. The
typical computer power supply
these days is rated at 250 watts
and this usually includes 5V 20A
(100W) and 12V 12A (144W) supply rails. A typical 1.6GB drive
consumes 0.4A at 5V and 0.27A
at 12V DC. A typical CD-ROM
retard the spark timing by a specific
factor when pinging occurs? Once the
pinging ceases, the delay unit would
pass the distributor impulse straight
through the amplifier as normal.
This would have the effect of dynamically modulating the impulse
signal only if and when required
and would alleviate the need to start
tampering with the advance weight
springs in the distributor. Please
believe me when I tell you (through
experience) that tampering with the
advance curve in this manner on an
engine like this is a horrendous task,
even with access to the appropriate
distributor timing machine levels.
Besides, I only have the problem at a
specific rev range.
I appreciate that I could fit the entire
electronic kit described in a previous
edition of SILICON CHIP and do away
with the existing ignition control unit
but arriving at the desired advance
curve with this new unit is a very
daunting task. Bosch Australia is a
very helpful organisation but they just
drive might pull 1.8A at 5V and
1.5A at 12V.
Unless your computer is loaded
up with lots of accessory cards and
has perhaps two or three hard disc
drives, CD-ROM, etc your computer’s power supply will have
lots of current capacity to spare.
By way of comparison, we would
expect the total current drain of
the multimedia amplifier card to
be less than 250mA for virtually
all of the time.
Even if all amplifiers were
driven into serious clipping simultaneously, which should never
happen, the total current drain
would be no more than about 2A at
the maximum. If you did manage
to drive the multimedia amplifiers
into serious overload, their own
protection circuitry would quickly
shut them down.
In any case, your computer’s
power supply has overload protection and in the event of a serious
overload, which is very unlikely to
be due to the multimedia amplifier
card, the worst that might happen
is that your hard disc might slow
down momentarily.
do not have all this data for the older
cars (I have tried). (G. D., Berowra
Heights, NSW).
Your suggested concept of using
the Knock Indicator to modulate the
ignition advance curve is certainly
feasible and is the same principle as
used in cars with full engine management systems.
However, designing such a system with hardware would be quite
complex. Nor could we necessarily
produce a circuit which would be
compatible with the many ignition
systems available.
Notes & Errata
Multimedia Amplifier, October 1996:
There is an error with the test procedure for the PC board. Without the
power link installed, pins 1 and 9 of
IC3, IC4 and IC5 are at about +0.5V
and pin 7 is at +12V. No voltage is
present on the other pins. With the
link in, pins 1 and 9 are at about +2.2V;
pins 3, 4 & 6 are at +5.6V; and pin 7
measures +12V.
July 1997 93
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C COMPILERS: Ever ything you
need to develop C and ASM software for 68HC08, 6809, 68HC11,
68HC12, 68HC16, 8051/52, 8080/85,
8086 or 8096: $140.00 each. Macro
Cross Assemblers for these CPUs
+ 6800/01/03/05 and 6502: $140.00
for the set. Debug monitors: $70 for
6 CPUs. All compilers inc ‘HC12,
XASMs and monitors: $480. 8051/52
or 80C320 Simulator (fast): $70. Disassemblers for 12 CPUs only $75.
Try the new C-FLEA Virtual Machine
for small CPUs, build a “C-Stamp”.
Demo disk: FREE. All prices + $5
p&p. GRAN
PO Box 275, Wentworthville 2145.
Ph/Fax (02) 9631 1236 or Internet:
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94 Silicon Chip
Dunfield (DDS) products are now
available ex-stock at a new low price;
please ask for our catalogue. Micro C,
the affordable “C” compiler for embedded applications. Versions for 8051/52,
8086, 8096, 68HC08, 6809, 68HC11
or 68HC16 $139.95 each + $3 p&h
• EMILY52 is a PC based 8051/52
high speed simulator $69.95 + $3
p&h • DDS demo disks $7 + $3 p&h •
X-Y-Z using car alternators” (uses car
alternators as cheap power stepper
motors!) $49.95 + $6 p&h (includes
diagrams) • Fixed price electronic
design and PCB layout • Credit cards
accepted • All goods sent registered
mail • Call Bob for more de
t ails.
MICROCRAFT, PO Box 514, Concord
NSW 2137. Phone (02) 9744 5440 or
fax (02) 9744 9280.
email sales<at>
MAGNETIC CARD READER/WRITER. Program your own (swipe) cards.
Reads/writes to all three tracks alpha/
numeric to 1.5.0 standards 7811/2
P.O.A. (03) 9729 8448. Mobile 015
with Board or Pinhole Lens - Only:
KITS Complete Lamp 240 vac Auto
on/off $149. 52mm Round Lamp Tubular/Hooded Style Enclosure 50 LED
12 Watt $50. Rectangular 88 LED 22
Watt $72, 180 LED 845nm 45 Watt
$113, 210 LED 52 Watt 845nm $135.
Options: 820, 845, 880, 940nm, 22,
24, 50, 60 Degree Radiation Angles.
PCB Modules 420 Line 0.05 lux $144.
PCB PINHOLE 460 Line 0.05 lux
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TINIEST! Robust Mini Cube Cameras
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C Mount Cameras - Only! $99. JAPANESE CS MOUNT LENSES! 8mm
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Baluns 100/75 Ohm - Use UTP or
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$373. Plus Ancillary & Specialised
items: 11 Board, 5 Pinhole, 15 C/CS
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CCTV Technical, Design, Reference
Manuals & CD ROM. Prices include
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08 9344 5905.
prices, hobbyists welcome. Sesame
Electronics (02) 9554 9760. Fax: 9718
4762. Email: skybus<at>
Microprocessor For
Digital Effects Unit
This is the 68HC705-C8P pro
grammed microprocessor IC for
the Digital Effects Unit (see Feb.
Price: $45 + $6 p+p
Payment by cheque, money order
or credit card to: Silicon Chip Pub
tions, PO Box 139 Collaroy
2097. Phone (02) 9979 5644; Fax
(02) 9979 6503.
MicroZed Computers
& PIC Tools
With third party supporting products,
all in stock.
Easy to learn, easy to use sophisticated
CPU based controllers.
PO Box 634, ARMIDALE 2350 (296 Cook’s Rd)
Ph (067) 72 2777 – may time out to Mobile 014 036775
Fax (067) 72 8987
Credit cards OK. Send two 45c stamps for info
8-station controller and 8-chan
n el,
RS232 digital thermometer uses the
incredible DS1820 sensor. Call Mantis
Micro Products, 38 Garnet St, Niddrie,
3042. P/F/A (03) 9337 1917.
MicroZed have S3 RAMPack, serial
port access to 64K bit RAM, board will
take NVRAM.
instructions. Eight pages free text and
colour photos on the Internet at:
Assembly and Troubleshooting Service.
Ph Geoff (07) 5570 7435.
MicroZed have 12Cxx Microchip CPU
8 pins with 6/I-O from as little as $3.50
small qty (+ st).
4Mb 30-pin 60ns $42 $38
4Mb 72-pin 60ns $47 $32
8Mb 72-pin 60ns $94 $66
16Mb 72-pin 60ns $144 $117
32Mb 72-pin 60ns $272 $232
EDO SIMMS 72pin 60ns
4Mb / 8Mb $36 / $60
16Mb / 32Mb $116 / $233
64Mb / 128Mb $984 / $1,920
DIMMS 168-pin 60ns
8Mb / 16Mb
$70 / $126
32Mb / 64Mb
$243 / $473
SDRAM 168-pin 12ns
8Mb / 16Mb
$84 / $132
32Mb / 64Mb
$278 / $660
16Mb Tecra 500/650 Sat. $201
16Mb Tecra 700 > 740
16Mb Solo 2100/2200
16Mb P5 166XL/G6-200 $169
16Mb Thinkpad 760, 365
32Mb Aptiva S P200
16Mb Latitude 4100 MX,
32Mb Dimension M -SDRAM $422
16Mb Optiplex GS
8Mb Laserjet 4,5,6P/MP
8Mb Laserjet 5L, 6L
16Mb Omnibook 800
8Mb Compact Flash
12Mb Compact Flash
8Mb ATA Flash
12Mb ATA Flash
We carry over 600 different
modules for all makes, including ACER, AST, CANON, APPLE,
Pricing as at 04/06/97. PHONE FOR LATEST
Pty Suite 6, 2 Hillcrest Rd, Ph: (02) 9980 6988
Pennant Hills, 2120.
Fax: (02) 9980 6991
Email: pelham1<at>
LED model 6 lights $70, LCD model 16
x 1 char. $80, pp $5. Others available.
EST Electronics (02) 9789 3616. Fax
(02) 9718 4762.
MicroZed have 16C84/10P $6 ea + st
in small qty.
MicroZed have S3 pocket watch.
MicroZed have S3 SV UPS, uses 2 x
AA cells.
Now available: the complete index to all SILICON CHIP articles
since the first issue in November 1987. The Floppy Index comes
with a handy file viewer that lets you look at the index line by
line or page by page for quick browsing, or you can use the search function. All
commands are listed on the screen, so you’ll always know what to do next.
Notes & Errata also now available: this file lets you quickly check out the Notes
& Errata (if any) for all articles published in SILICON CHIP. Not an index but a
complete copy of all Notes & Errata text (diagrams not included). The file viewer
is included in the price, so that you can quickly locate the item of interest.
The Floppy Index and Notes & Errata files are supplied in ASCII format on a
3.5-inch or 5.25-inch floppy disc to suit PC-compatible computers. Note: the File
Viewer requires MSDOS 3.3 or above.
Price $7.00 each + $3 p&p. Send your order to: Silicon Chip Publications, PO Box
139, Collaroy 2097; or phone (02) 9979 5644 & quote your credit card number; or
fax the details to (02) 9979 6503. Please specify 3.5-inch or 5.25-inch disc.
July 1997 95
MicroZed say why buy a tube of ICs
just to try an idea. We have small qtys
available, tube qtys too!
STEPPER MOTORS for automation,
coil winding, experiments, models,
robots, 4 assorted $49 inc freight. Also
EPROMs 2708-27256 $4. Many other
electronic/computer parts available.
Peter, 9 Morton Ave, Carnegie 3163. Ph
(03) 9569 1388. Fax 9569 1540.
WANTED URGENT: Picture tube
suit Philips CTV Model KR5987 type
A59EAK 10 x 03. Ph/Fax (03) 6247
Circuit Ideas
Do you have a good circuit
idea. If so, why not sketch it
out, write a brief description
of its operation & send it to us.
Provided your idea is workable
& original, we’ll publish it in
Circuit Notebook & you’ll make
some money. We’ll pay up to
$60 for a really good circuit but
don’t make them too big please.
Send your idea to: Silicon Chip
Publications, PO Box 139, Collaroy, NSW 2097.
14 Model Railway Projects
Shop soiled but
Advertising Index
Altronics................................. 72-74
Dick Smith Elect........... 12,13,34-37
Harbuch Electronics....................77
Instant PCBs................................95
Jaycar ............................IFC, 45-52
MicroZed Computers...................95
Model Railways Book..................96
Oatley Electronics..........................3
Resurrection Radio......................85
Rod Irving Electronics .......... 82-86
Silicon Chip Back Issues....... 20-21
Our stocks of this book are now limited.
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Sunshine Electronics...................85
WAR Audio..................................81
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PC Boards
Printed circuit boards for SILICON
CHIP projects are made by:
Suburb/town_________________________________ Postcode_________
• RCS Radio Pty Ltd, 651 Forest
Rd, Bexley, NSW 2207. Phone (02)
9587 3491.
Send your order to: SILICON CHIP, PO Box 139, Collaroy, NSW 2097; or fax your
order to (02) 9979 6503; or ring (02) 9979 5644 and quote your credit card number
(Bankcard, Visa Card or MasterCard).
• Marday Services, PO Box 19-189,
Avondale, Auckland, NZ. Phone (09)
828 5730.
96 Silicon Chip